Config lib is a library to handle configuration in your program.
It handles config file and environments variables.
It uses viper and koanf to handle, respectively, env variables and configuration.
This library handle json in a case sensitive mode.
go get -u
Example usage
Load file service json configuration - with json schema validation
type Config struct {}
func loadServiceConfiguration(path, fileName string) (Config, error) {
jsonSchema, err := configlib.ReadFile(configSchemaPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var config ServiceConfig
if err := configlib.GetConfigFromFile(fileName, path, jsonSchema, &config); err != nil {
return nil, err
return config, err
// Load service configuration
config, err := loadServiceConfiguration("my/path", "file")
if err != nil {
Load file service json configuration - without json schema validation
type Config struct {}
func loadServiceConfiguration(path, fileName string) (Config, error) {
var config ServiceConfig
if err := configlib.GetConfigFromFile(fileName, path, nil, &config); err != nil {
return nil, err
return config, err
// Load service configuration
config, err := loadServiceConfiguration("my/path", "file")
if err != nil {
Get env variables
This feature is deprecated. Please use another lib, like this.
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see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE
file for details