Decred Multi Signature tool - dcrms.
The dcrms
tool aids in dealing with multi signature adresses and balances on
the decred blockchain. Managing multisig contracts is extremely painful and
error prone and this tool aims at simplifying the steps.
This tool can only offer so many checks and balances. The author does not assume any responsibility for lost or locked funds. Use at your own risk.
Do note that this tool does NOT use new addresses for deposits and change. It uses the most basic escrow type mechanism.
The typical workflow for 2:3 keys is as follows:
- Alice collects public keys addresses from Bob and Charlie
- Alice creates a multisig address
- Someone, or someones, fund the multisig address
- Diana provides Bob an address to receive funds
- Bob creates a partially signed transaction
- Bob asks Alice and Charlie to sign transaction
- Either Alice or Charlie sign the transaction
- Someone broadcasts the signed transaction to the network
This tool helps simplifying the process quite a bit but in order for this to be better infrastructure is required to perform simpler key exchanges, backup information etc.
Required commands:
- createmultisigaddress - Create a multisg address
- getmultisigbalance - Retrieve current multisig address balance
- getwalletbalance - Retrieve wallet total spendable amount
- getnewkey - Get a new public key address from the wallet
- sendtomultisig - Send funds to any address
- createmultisigtx - Create an unsigned multisig transaction
- signmultisigtx - Sign multisig transaction
- broadcastmultisigtx - Broadcast signed multisig transaction to network
Extra commands, for convenience:
- sweepmultisig - Create an unsigned multisig transaction that sweeps the entire multisig address balance.
- multisiginfo - Print multisig address information
$ dcrms getnewkey
$ dcrms createmultisigaddress n=2 keys="xx,yy,zz"
$ dcrms getmultisigbalance address="publickey"
$ dcrms getwalletbalance
$ dcrms sendtomultisig address="addr" amount="1.0"
$ dcrms createmultisigtx address="publickey" to="toaddr" amount="1.0" confirmations="6"
$ dcrms signmultisigtx tx="hextx"
$ dcrms broadcastmultisigtx signedtx="hextx"
$ dcrms sweepmultisig address="publickey"
$ dcrms multisiginfo address="publickey"
Example workflow
Alice obtains a public key:
$ dcrms --net=testnet3 getnewkey
Bob obtains a public key:
$ dcrms --net=testnet3 getnewkey
Charlie obtains a public key:
$ dcrms --net=testnet3 getnewkey
Create a multisig address:
$ dcrms --net=testnet3 createmultisigaddress n=2 keys=TkKmCGq5rjhgecymkseKC7SoAeUjynXL3naxrzGzbnUurvrXpWwU1,TkKmwJxm5axvRekvQR82HHr7BPiUz7pGmUqBP7ez28CVw9cv8y9mB,TkQ4bvLP1uKTwHUuNtrTxrwLBsNaQmfRFGFgHiftv1k16C1Jvcgpy
Fund multisig address with 100 DCR (must unlock wallet):
$ dcrms --net=testnet3 sendtomultisig address=TcerhCZvVVzjYKQoKUybohE75ZxPgPqManG amount=100.0
Verify balance:
dcrms --net=testnet3 getmultisigbalance address=TcerhCZvVVzjYKQoKUybohE75ZxPgPqManG
Send 5 DCR to Diane (TsoD8TRGwJdQ3DrxFaV537ffDHnoW3bfD5B)
$ dcrms --net=testnet3 createmultisigtx address=TcerhCZvVVzjYKQoKUybohE75ZxPgPqManG to=TsoD8TRGwJdQ3DrxFaV537ffDHnoW3bfD5B amount=5 confirmations=6
Alice signs transaction (wallet figures out privkey):
$ dcrms --net=testnet3 signmultisigtx tx=010000000167fba05ceb00821c6612a18e4411c1f41b19d6c073d15f9dd88a8aa5e05d36ce0000000000ffffffff020065cd1d0000000000001976a914f367538f6c8748c0ddb3f7709070d1b4a977528688ac9c6a3e3602000000000017a914508b7c7fd8e2a2fd49bacf6483b14ebce49fbc238700000000000000000100e40b540200000000000000ffffffff6952210254cf9dc4798eabd6dd1e34a6ea2a4d387bc6b766b1c73609a27d12da3ab9d9772102b687ff58749bd90dd50b37776312d73e91549dccdf81327bda9cb42df855f2652103a2d4d194f1369e147dc88bbc5d7c280ca323da1b660cc7e7782db59db491fd2e53ae
Bob signs transaction (wallet figures out privkey):
$ dcrms --net=testnet3 signmultisigtx tx=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
Broadcast signed transaction to network:
$ dcrms --net=testnet3 broadcastmultisigtx signedtx=hextxsigned
- Make a better utxo picker
- implement sweep