Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CreateNameInfoSource(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, ...) types.NameInfoSource
- func CurrentUID(g *globals.Context) (keybase1.UID, error)
- func FindConversations(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, debugger utils.DebugLabeler, ...) (res []chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func GetInboxQueryNameInfo(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, lquery *chat1.GetInboxLocalQuery) (res types.NameInfo, err error)
- func GetTopicNameState(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, debugger utils.DebugLabeler, ...) (res chat1.TopicNameState, err error)
- func IsRekeyError(err error) (typ chat1.ConversationErrorType, ok bool)
- func JoinConversation(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, debugger utils.DebugLabeler, ...) (err error)
- func JoinConversationByName(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, debugger utils.DebugLabeler, ...) (err error)
- func LeaveConversation(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, debugger utils.DebugLabeler, ...) (err error)
- func LocalOnlyReplyFill(enabled bool) func(*ReplyFiller)
- func NewConversation(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, uid gregor1.UID, tlfName string, ...) (chat1.ConversationLocal, bool, error)
- func NewConversationSource(g *globals.Context, typ string, boxer *Boxer, storage *storage.Storage, ...) types.ConversationSource
- func NewConversationWithMemberSourceConv(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, uid gregor1.UID, tlfName string, ...) (chat1.ConversationLocal, bool, error)
- func NewCtxFactory(g *globals.Context) types.ContextFactory
- func NewDevStorageAdminOnlyError(msg string) error
- func NewDevStoragePermissionDeniedError(role keybase1.TeamRole) error
- func NewFTLError(s string) error
- func NewInboxSource(g *globals.Context, typ string, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface) types.InboxSource
- func NewKeyFinder(g *globals.Context) types.KeyFinder
- func NewKeyFinderMock(cryptKeys []keybase1.CryptKey) types.KeyFinder
- func NewPermanentUnboxingError(inner error) types.UnboxingError
- func NewTransientUnboxingError(inner error) types.UnboxingError
- func PresentConversationLocalWithFetchRetry(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (pc *chat1.InboxUIItem)
- func PreviewConversation(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, debugger utils.DebugLabeler, ...) (res chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func RecentConversationParticipants(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, myUID gregor1.UID) ([]gregor1.UID, error)
- func RemoveFromConversation(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, debugger utils.DebugLabeler, ...) (err error)
- func TLFIDToTeamID(tlfID chat1.TLFID) (keybase1.TeamID, error)
- type AttachmentHTTPSrv
- func (r *AttachmentHTTPSrv) GetAttachmentFetcher() types.AttachmentFetcher
- func (r *AttachmentHTTPSrv) GetGiphyGalleryURL(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, tlfName string, ...) string
- func (r *AttachmentHTTPSrv) GetGiphyURL(ctx context.Context, giphyURL string) string
- func (r *AttachmentHTTPSrv) GetPendingPreviewURL(ctx context.Context, outboxID chat1.OutboxID) string
- func (r *AttachmentHTTPSrv) GetURL(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, msgID chat1.MessageID, ...) string
- func (r *AttachmentHTTPSrv) GetUnfurlAssetURL(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, asset chat1.Asset) string
- func (r *AttachmentHTTPSrv) OnDbNuke(mctx libkb.MetaContext) error
- func (r *AttachmentHTTPSrv) Sign(payload []byte) ([]byte, error)
- type AttachmentUploadError
- type BackgroundConvLoader
- func (b *BackgroundConvLoader) IsBackgroundActive() bool
- func (b *BackgroundConvLoader) Queue(ctx context.Context, job types.ConvLoaderJob) error
- func (b *BackgroundConvLoader) Resume(ctx context.Context) bool
- func (b *BackgroundConvLoader) Start(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
- func (b *BackgroundConvLoader) Stop(ctx context.Context) chan struct{}
- func (b *BackgroundConvLoader) Suspend(ctx context.Context) (canceled bool)
- type BackgroundEphemeralPurger
- func (b *BackgroundEphemeralPurger) Len() int
- func (b *BackgroundEphemeralPurger) Queue(ctx context.Context, purgeInfo chat1.EphemeralPurgeInfo) error
- func (b *BackgroundEphemeralPurger) SetClock(clock clockwork.Clock)
- func (b *BackgroundEphemeralPurger) Start(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
- func (b *BackgroundEphemeralPurger) Stop(ctx context.Context) (ch chan struct{})
- type BlockingSender
- func (s *BlockingSender) Prepare(ctx context.Context, plaintext chat1.MessagePlaintext, ...) (res types.SenderPrepareResult, err error)
- func (s *BlockingSender) Send(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, msg chat1.MessagePlaintext, ...) (obid chat1.OutboxID, boxed *chat1.MessageBoxed, err error)
- func (s *BlockingSender) SetClock(clock clockwork.Clock)
- func (s *BlockingSender) Sign(payload []byte) ([]byte, error)
- type BodyHashInvalid
- type Boxer
- func (b *Boxer) BoxMessage(ctx context.Context, msg chat1.MessagePlaintext, ...) (res chat1.MessageBoxed, err error)
- func (b *Boxer) CompareTlfNames(ctx context.Context, tlfName1, tlfName2 string, ...) (bool, error)
- func (b *Boxer) GetBoxedVersion(msg chat1.MessagePlaintext) (chat1.MessageBoxedVersion, error)
- func (b *Boxer) GetEncryptionInfo(ctx context.Context, msg *chat1.MessagePlaintext, ...) (res types.BoxerEncryptionInfo, err error)
- func (b *Boxer) ResolveSkippedUnboxed(ctx context.Context, msg chat1.MessageUnboxed) (res chat1.MessageUnboxed, modified bool, err types.UnboxingError)
- func (b *Boxer) ResolveSkippedUnboxeds(ctx context.Context, msgs []chat1.MessageUnboxed) (res []chat1.MessageUnboxed, modifiedMap map[chat1.MessageID]bool, ...)
- func (b *Boxer) SetClock(clock clockwork.Clock)
- func (b *Boxer) UnboxMessage(ctx context.Context, boxed chat1.MessageBoxed, ...) (m chat1.MessageUnboxed, uberr types.UnboxingError)
- func (b *Boxer) UnboxMessages(ctx context.Context, boxed []chat1.MessageBoxed, ...) (unboxed []chat1.MessageUnboxed, err error)
- func (b *Boxer) UnboxThread(ctx context.Context, boxed chat1.ThreadViewBoxed, ...) (thread chat1.ThreadView, err error)
- func (b *Boxer) ValidSenderKey(ctx context.Context, sender gregor1.UID, key []byte, ctime gregor1.Time) (revoked *gregor1.Time, unboxErr types.UnboxingError)
- type BoxingCryptKeysError
- type BoxingError
- type CachingAttachmentFetcher
- func (c *CachingAttachmentFetcher) DeleteAssets(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, assets []chat1.Asset, ...) (err error)
- func (c *CachingAttachmentFetcher) FetchAttachment(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (err error)
- func (c *CachingAttachmentFetcher) IsAssetLocal(ctx context.Context, asset chat1.Asset) (found bool, err error)
- func (c *CachingAttachmentFetcher) OnDbNuke(mctx libkb.MetaContext) error
- func (c *CachingAttachmentFetcher) OnStart(mctx libkb.MetaContext)
- func (c *CachingAttachmentFetcher) PutUploadedAsset(ctx context.Context, filename string, asset chat1.Asset) (err error)
- func (c *CachingAttachmentFetcher) StreamAttachment(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, asset chat1.Asset, ...) (res io.ReadSeeker, err error)
- type CachingIdentifyNotifier
- type CachingParticipantSource
- func (s *CachingParticipantSource) Get(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (res []gregor1.UID, err error)
- func (s *CachingParticipantSource) GetNonblock(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (resCh chan types.ParticipantResult)
- func (s *CachingParticipantSource) GetParticipantsFromUids(ctx context.Context, uids []gregor1.UID) (participants []chat1.ConversationLocalParticipant, err error)
- func (s *CachingParticipantSource) GetWithNotifyNonblock(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...)
- type CachingUPAKFinder
- func (u *CachingUPAKFinder) CheckKIDForUID(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, kid keybase1.KID) (found bool, revokedAt *keybase1.KeybaseTime, deleted bool, err error)
- func (u *CachingUPAKFinder) LookupUsernameAndDevice(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID) (username libkb.NormalizedUsername, deviceName string, ...)
- type ChatThreadConsistencyError
- type ConsistencyErrorCode
- type ConvDevConversationBackedStorage
- func (s *ConvDevConversationBackedStorage) Get(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, name string, ...) (found bool, conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func (s *ConvDevConversationBackedStorage) GetFromKnownConv(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, conv chat1.ConversationLocal, ...) (found bool, err error)
- func (s *ConvDevConversationBackedStorage) Put(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, name string, ...) (err error)
- func (s *ConvDevConversationBackedStorage) PutToKnownConv(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, conv chat1.ConversationLocal, ...) (err error)
- type ConvTranscript
- type ConvTranscriptMsg
- type ConversationRetry
- type CtxFactory
- type DecryptionKeyNotFoundError
- type Deliverer
- func (s *Deliverer) ActiveDeliveries(ctx context.Context) (res []chat1.OutboxRecord, err error)
- func (s *Deliverer) Connected(ctx context.Context)
- func (s *Deliverer) Disconnected(ctx context.Context)
- func (s *Deliverer) ForceDeliverLoop(ctx context.Context)
- func (s *Deliverer) IsDelivering() bool
- func (s *Deliverer) IsOffline(ctx context.Context) bool
- func (s *Deliverer) NextFailure() (chan []chat1.OutboxRecord, func())
- func (s *Deliverer) Queue(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, msg chat1.MessagePlaintext, ...) (obr chat1.OutboxRecord, err error)
- func (s *Deliverer) SetClock(clock clockwork.Clock)
- func (s *Deliverer) SetSender(sender types.Sender)
- func (s *Deliverer) Start(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
- func (s *Deliverer) Stop(ctx context.Context) chan struct{}
- type DelivererInfoError
- type DevConvEmojiSource
- func (s *DevConvEmojiSource) Add(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (res chat1.EmojiRemoteSource, err error)
- func (s *DevConvEmojiSource) AddAlias(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (res chat1.EmojiRemoteSource, err error)
- func (s *DevConvEmojiSource) Decorate(ctx context.Context, body string, uid gregor1.UID, ...) string
- func (s *DevConvEmojiSource) Get(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID *chat1.ConversationID, ...) (res chat1.UserEmojis, err error)
- func (s *DevConvEmojiSource) Harvest(ctx context.Context, body string, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (res []chat1.HarvestedEmoji, err error)
- func (s *DevConvEmojiSource) IsStockEmoji(alias string) bool
- func (s *DevConvEmojiSource) IsValidSize(size int64) bool
- func (s *DevConvEmojiSource) RemoteToLocalSource(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, remote chat1.EmojiRemoteSource) (source chat1.EmojiLoadSource, noAnimSource chat1.EmojiLoadSource, err error)
- func (s *DevConvEmojiSource) Remove(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (err error)
- func (s *DevConvEmojiSource) ToggleAnimations(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, enabled bool) (err error)
- type DevConversationBackedStorage
- type DevStorageAdminOnlyError
- type DevStoragePermissionDeniedError
- type DummyIdentifyNotifier
- type DuplicateTopicNameError
- type EmojiValidationError
- type EphemeralAlreadyExpiredError
- type EphemeralTracker
- func (t *EphemeralTracker) Clear(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID) (err error)
- func (t *EphemeralTracker) Flush(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID) error
- func (t *EphemeralTracker) GetAllPurgeInfo(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID) ([]chat1.EphemeralPurgeInfo, error)
- func (t *EphemeralTracker) GetPurgeInfo(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) (chat1.EphemeralPurgeInfo, error)
- func (t *EphemeralTracker) InactivatePurgeInfo(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID) (err error)
- func (t *EphemeralTracker) MaybeUpdatePurgeInfo(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (err error)
- func (t *EphemeralTracker) OnDbNuke(mctx libkb.MetaContext) error
- func (t *EphemeralTracker) OnLogout(mctx libkb.MetaContext) error
- func (t *EphemeralTracker) SetPurgeInfo(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (err error)
- func (t *EphemeralTracker) Start(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
- func (t *EphemeralTracker) Stop(ctx context.Context) chan struct{}
- type EphemeralUnboxingError
- type FTLError
- type FetchRetrier
- func (f *FetchRetrier) Connected(ctx context.Context)
- func (f *FetchRetrier) Disconnected(ctx context.Context)
- func (f *FetchRetrier) Failure(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, desc types.RetryDescription)
- func (f *FetchRetrier) Force(ctx context.Context)
- func (f *FetchRetrier) IsOffline(ctx context.Context) bool
- func (f *FetchRetrier) Rekey(ctx context.Context, name string, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, ...)
- func (f *FetchRetrier) SetClock(clock clockwork.Clock)
- func (f *FetchRetrier) Start(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
- func (f *FetchRetrier) Stop(ctx context.Context) chan struct{}
- func (f *FetchRetrier) Success(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, desc types.RetryDescription)
- type FetchType
- type FlipManager
- func (m *FlipManager) CLogf(ctx context.Context, fmt string, args ...interface{})
- func (m *FlipManager) Clock() clockwork.Clock
- func (m *FlipManager) DescribeFlipText(ctx context.Context, text string) string
- func (m *FlipManager) HasActiveGames(ctx context.Context) bool
- func (m *FlipManager) IsFlipConversationCreated(ctx context.Context, outboxID chat1.OutboxID) (convID chat1.ConversationID, status types.FlipSendStatus)
- func (m *FlipManager) LoadFlip(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, hostConvID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (res chan chat1.UICoinFlipStatus, err chan error)
- func (m *FlipManager) MaybeInjectFlipMessage(ctx context.Context, boxedMsg chat1.MessageBoxed, inboxVers chat1.InboxVers, ...) bool
- func (m *FlipManager) Me() flip.UserDevice
- func (m *FlipManager) SendChat(ctx context.Context, initatorUID gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (err error)
- func (m *FlipManager) ServerTime(ctx context.Context) (res time.Time, err error)
- func (m *FlipManager) ShouldCommit(ctx context.Context) bool
- func (m *FlipManager) Start(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
- func (m *FlipManager) StartFlip(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, hostConvID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (err error)
- func (m *FlipManager) Stop(ctx context.Context) (ch chan struct{})
- type FlipVisualizer
- type FullInboxRetry
- type HeaderMismatchError
- type Helper
- func (h *Helper) BulkAddToConv(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) error
- func (h *Helper) DeleteMsg(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, tlfName string, ...) error
- func (h *Helper) DeleteMsgNonblock(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, tlfName string, ...) error
- func (h *Helper) FindConversations(ctx context.Context, name string, topicName *string, topicType chat1.TopicType, ...) ([]chat1.ConversationLocal, error)
- func (h *Helper) FindConversationsByID(ctx context.Context, convIDs []chat1.ConversationID) ([]chat1.ConversationLocal, error)
- func (h *Helper) GetChannelTopicName(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, topicType chat1.TopicType, ...) (topicName string, err error)
- func (h *Helper) GetMessage(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (chat1.MessageUnboxed, error)
- func (h *Helper) GetMessages(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) ([]chat1.MessageUnboxed, error)
- func (h *Helper) InTeam(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, teamID keybase1.TeamID) (bool, error)
- func (h *Helper) JoinConversationByID(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) (err error)
- func (h *Helper) JoinConversationByName(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, tlfName, topicName string, ...) (err error)
- func (h *Helper) JourneycardDebugState(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, teamID keybase1.TeamID) (string, error)
- func (h *Helper) JourneycardResetAllConvs(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID) error
- func (h *Helper) JourneycardTimeTravel(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, duration time.Duration) (int, int, error)
- func (h *Helper) LeaveConversation(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) (err error)
- func (h *Helper) NewConversation(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, tlfName string, topicName *string, ...) (chat1.ConversationLocal, bool, error)
- func (h *Helper) NewConversationSkipFindExisting(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, tlfName string, topicName *string, ...) (chat1.ConversationLocal, bool, error)
- func (h *Helper) NewConversationWithMemberSourceConv(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, tlfName string, topicName *string, ...) (chat1.ConversationLocal, bool, error)
- func (h *Helper) SendMsgByID(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, tlfName string, ...) error
- func (h *Helper) SendMsgByIDNonblock(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, tlfName string, ...) (chat1.OutboxID, error)
- func (h *Helper) SendMsgByName(ctx context.Context, name string, topicName *string, ...) error
- func (h *Helper) SendMsgByNameNonblock(ctx context.Context, name string, topicName *string, ...) (chat1.OutboxID, error)
- func (h *Helper) SendTextByID(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, tlfName string, text string, ...) error
- func (h *Helper) SendTextByIDNonblock(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, tlfName string, text string, ...) (chat1.OutboxID, error)
- func (h *Helper) SendTextByName(ctx context.Context, name string, topicName *string, ...) error
- func (h *Helper) SendTextByNameNonblock(ctx context.Context, name string, topicName *string, ...) (chat1.OutboxID, error)
- func (h *Helper) UpgradeKBFSToImpteam(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, public bool) (err error)
- func (h *Helper) UserReacjis(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID) keybase1.UserReacjis
- type HybridConversationSource
- func (s *HybridConversationSource) AcquireConversationLock(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) error
- func (s *HybridConversationSource) Clear(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (err error)
- func (s HybridConversationSource) DeleteAssets(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...)
- func (s *HybridConversationSource) EphemeralPurge(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (newPurgeInfo *chat1.EphemeralPurgeInfo, explodedMsgs []chat1.MessageUnboxed, ...)
- func (s *HybridConversationSource) Expunge(ctx context.Context, conv types.UnboxConversationInfo, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (err error)
- func (s HybridConversationSource) GetMessage(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (chat1.MessageUnboxed, error)
- func (s *HybridConversationSource) GetMessages(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (res []chat1.MessageUnboxed, err error)
- func (s *HybridConversationSource) GetMessagesWithRemotes(ctx context.Context, conv chat1.Conversation, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (res []chat1.MessageUnboxed, err error)
- func (s *HybridConversationSource) GetUnreadline(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (unreadlineID *chat1.MessageID, err error)
- func (s *HybridConversationSource) Pull(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (thread chat1.ThreadView, err error)
- func (s HybridConversationSource) PullFull(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (res chat1.ThreadView, err error)
- func (s *HybridConversationSource) PullLocalOnly(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (tv chat1.ThreadView, err error)
- func (s *HybridConversationSource) Push(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (decmsg chat1.MessageUnboxed, continuousUpdate bool, err error)
- func (s *HybridConversationSource) PushUnboxed(ctx context.Context, conv types.UnboxConversationInfo, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (err error)
- func (s *HybridConversationSource) ReleaseConversationLock(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID)
- func (s HybridConversationSource) SetRemoteInterface(ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface)
- func (s HybridConversationSource) Sign(payload []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (s HybridConversationSource) TransformSupersedes(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (res []chat1.MessageUnboxed, err error)
- type HybridInboxSource
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) ApplyLocalChatState(ctx context.Context, infos []keybase1.BadgeConversationInfo) (res []keybase1.BadgeConversationInfo, ...)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) Clear(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, opts *types.ClearOpts) (err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) Connected(ctx context.Context)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) ConversationsUpdate(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (err error)
- func (b HybridInboxSource) Disconnected(ctx context.Context)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) Draft(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) Expunge(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (*chat1.ConversationLocal, error)
- func (b HybridInboxSource) GetInboxQueryLocalToRemote(ctx context.Context, lquery *chat1.GetInboxLocalQuery) (rquery *chat1.GetInboxQuery, info types.NameInfo, err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) IncrementLocalConvVersion(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) (conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func (b HybridInboxSource) IsMember(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) (bool, error)
- func (b HybridInboxSource) IsOffline(ctx context.Context) bool
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) IsTeam(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, item string) (res bool, err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) Localize(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convs []types.RemoteConversation, ...) (res []chat1.ConversationLocal, localizeCb chan types.AsyncInboxResult, ...)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) MarkAsRead(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) MembershipUpdate(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (res types.MembershipUpdateRes, err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) MergeLocalMetadata(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convs []chat1.ConversationLocal) (err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) NewConversation(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) NewMessage(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) NotifyUpdate(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) Read(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (inbox types.Inbox, localizeCb chan types.AsyncInboxResult, err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) ReadMessage(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) ReadUnverified(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (res types.Inbox, err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) RemoteDeleteConversation(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) (err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) RemoteSetConversationStatus(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (err error)
- func (b HybridInboxSource) Resume(ctx context.Context) bool
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) Search(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, query string, limit int, ...) (res []types.RemoteConversation, err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) SetAppNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) SetConvRetention(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (res *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) SetConvSettings(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (res *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func (b HybridInboxSource) SetRemoteInterface(ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) SetStatus(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) SetTeamRetention(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (convs []chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) Start(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) Stop(ctx context.Context) chan struct{}
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) SubteamRename(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (convs []chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func (b HybridInboxSource) Suspend(ctx context.Context) bool
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) Sync(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (res types.InboxSyncRes, err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) TeamBotSettingsForConv(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) (teambotSettings map[keybase1.UID]keybase1.TeamBotSettings, err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) TeamTypeChanged(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) TlfFinalize(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (convs []chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) UpdateInboxVersion(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers) (err error)
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) UpdateLocalMtime(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, updates []chat1.LocalMtimeUpdate) error
- func (s *HybridInboxSource) UpgradeKBFSToImpteam(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- type IdentifyChangedHandler
- type ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource
- func (t *ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) AllCryptKeys(ctx context.Context, name string, public bool) (res types.AllCryptKeys, err error)
- func (t *ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) DecryptionKey(ctx context.Context, name string, teamID chat1.TLFID, ...) (res types.CryptKey, err error)
- func (t *ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) EncryptionKey(ctx context.Context, name string, teamID chat1.TLFID, ...) (res types.CryptKey, ni types.NameInfo, err error)
- func (t *ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) EphemeralDecryptionKey(mctx libkb.MetaContext, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (teamEK types.EphemeralCryptKey, err error)
- func (t *ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) EphemeralEncryptionKey(mctx libkb.MetaContext, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (ek types.EphemeralCryptKey, err error)
- func (t *ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) LookupID(ctx context.Context, name string, public bool) (res types.NameInfo, err error)
- func (t *ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) LookupName(ctx context.Context, tlfID chat1.TLFID, public bool, unverifiedTLFName string) (res types.NameInfo, err error)
- func (t *ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) ShouldPairwiseMAC(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (bool, []keybase1.KID, error)
- func (t *ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) TeamBotSettings(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (map[keybase1.UserVersion]keybase1.TeamBotSettings, error)
- type ImpteamBadteamError
- type InvalidMACError
- type JourneyCardManager
- func (j *JourneyCardManager) DebugState(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, teamID keybase1.TeamID) (summary string, err error)
- func (j *JourneyCardManager) Dismiss(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, teamID keybase1.TeamID, ...)
- func (j *JourneyCardManager) OnDbNuke(mctx libkb.MetaContext) error
- func (j *JourneyCardManager) PickCard(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (*chat1.MessageUnboxedJourneycard, error)
- func (j *JourneyCardManager) ResetAllConvs(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID) (err error)
- func (j *JourneyCardManager) SentMessage(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, teamID keybase1.TeamID, ...)
- func (j *JourneyCardManager) Start(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
- func (j *JourneyCardManager) Stop(ctx context.Context) chan struct{}
- func (j *JourneyCardManager) TimeTravel(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, duration time.Duration) (int, int, error)
- type JourneyCardManagerSingleUser
- func (cc *JourneyCardManagerSingleUser) DebugState(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID) (summary string, err error)
- func (cc *JourneyCardManagerSingleUser) Dismiss(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...)
- func (cc *JourneyCardManagerSingleUser) PickCard(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (*chat1.MessageUnboxedJourneycard, error)
- func (cc *JourneyCardManagerSingleUser) ResetAllConvs(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (cc *JourneyCardManagerSingleUser) SentMessage(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, convID chat1.ConversationID)
- func (cc *JourneyCardManagerSingleUser) TimeTravel(ctx context.Context, duration time.Duration) (nTeams, nConvs int, err error)
- type KBFSNameInfoSource
- func (t *KBFSNameInfoSource) AllCryptKeys(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, public bool) (res types.AllCryptKeys, err error)
- func (t *KBFSNameInfoSource) CompleteAndCanonicalizePrivateTlfName(ctx context.Context, tlfName string) (res keybase1.CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks, err error)
- func (t *KBFSNameInfoSource) CryptKeys(ctx context.Context, tlfName string) (res keybase1.GetTLFCryptKeysRes, err error)
- func (t *KBFSNameInfoSource) DecryptionKey(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (res types.CryptKey, err error)
- func (t *KBFSNameInfoSource) EncryptionKey(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (res types.CryptKey, ni types.NameInfo, err error)
- func (t *KBFSNameInfoSource) EphemeralDecryptionKey(mctx libkb.MetaContext, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (teamEK types.EphemeralCryptKey, err error)
- func (t *KBFSNameInfoSource) EphemeralEncryptionKey(mctx libkb.MetaContext, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (teamEK types.EphemeralCryptKey, err error)
- func (t *KBFSNameInfoSource) LookupID(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, public bool) (res types.NameInfo, err error)
- func (t *KBFSNameInfoSource) LookupName(ctx context.Context, tlfID chat1.TLFID, public bool, unverifiedTLFName string) (res types.NameInfo, err error)
- func (t *KBFSNameInfoSource) PublicCanonicalTLFNameAndID(ctx context.Context, tlfName string) (res keybase1.CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks, err error)
- func (t *KBFSNameInfoSource) ShouldPairwiseMAC(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (bool, []keybase1.KID, error)
- func (t *KBFSNameInfoSource) TeamBotSettings(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (map[keybase1.UserVersion]keybase1.TeamBotSettings, error)
- type KeyFinderImpl
- func (k *KeyFinderImpl) EphemeralKeyForDecryption(mctx libkb.MetaContext, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (types.EphemeralCryptKey, error)
- func (k *KeyFinderImpl) EphemeralKeyForEncryption(mctx libkb.MetaContext, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (ek types.EphemeralCryptKey, err error)
- func (k *KeyFinderImpl) FindForDecryption(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (res types.CryptKey, err error)
- func (k *KeyFinderImpl) FindForEncryption(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (res types.CryptKey, ni types.NameInfo, err error)
- func (k *KeyFinderImpl) Reset()
- func (k *KeyFinderImpl) ShouldPairwiseMAC(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (bool, []keybase1.KID, error)
- type KeyFinderMock
- func (k *KeyFinderMock) EphemeralKeyForDecryption(mctx libkb.MetaContext, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (types.EphemeralCryptKey, error)
- func (k *KeyFinderMock) EphemeralKeyForEncryption(mctx libkb.MetaContext, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (types.EphemeralCryptKey, error)
- func (k *KeyFinderMock) FindForDecryption(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, teamID chat1.TLFID, ...) (res types.CryptKey, err error)
- func (k *KeyFinderMock) FindForEncryption(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, teamID chat1.TLFID, ...) (res types.CryptKey, ni types.NameInfo, err error)
- func (k *KeyFinderMock) Reset()
- func (k *KeyFinderMock) SetNameInfoSourceOverride(ni types.NameInfoSource)
- func (k *KeyFinderMock) ShouldPairwiseMAC(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (bool, []keybase1.KID, error)
- type MobilePush
- type NameIdentifier
- type NewConvFindExistingMode
- type NonblockingSender
- func (s *NonblockingSender) Prepare(ctx context.Context, msg chat1.MessagePlaintext, ...) (types.SenderPrepareResult, error)
- func (s *NonblockingSender) Send(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, msg chat1.MessagePlaintext, ...) (chat1.OutboxID, *chat1.MessageBoxed, error)
- func (s *NonblockingSender) SendUnfurlNonblock(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, msg chat1.MessagePlaintext, ...) (chat1.OutboxID, error)
- type NotAuthenticatedForThisDeviceError
- type NotifyRouterActivityRouter
- func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) Activity(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, topicType chat1.TopicType, ...)
- func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) AttachmentUploadProgress(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...)
- func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) AttachmentUploadStart(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...)
- func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) ConvUpdate(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...)
- func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) InboxStale(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
- func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) InboxSyncStarted(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
- func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) InboxSynced(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, topicType chat1.TopicType, ...)
- func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) JoinedConversation(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...)
- func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) KBFSToImpteamUpgrade(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...)
- func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) LeftConversation(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...)
- func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) PromptUnfurl(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...)
- func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) ResetConversation(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...)
- func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) SetConvRetention(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...)
- func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) SetConvSettings(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...)
- func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) SetTeamRetention(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, teamID keybase1.TeamID, ...)
- func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) SubteamRename(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convIDs []chat1.ConversationID, ...)
- func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) TLFFinalize(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...)
- func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) TLFResolve(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...)
- func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) ThreadsStale(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, updates []chat1.ConversationStaleUpdate)
- func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) TypingUpdate(ctx context.Context, updates []chat1.ConvTypingUpdate)
- type OfflineClient
- func (e OfflineClient) Call(ctx context.Context, method string, arg interface{}, res interface{}, ...) error
- func (e OfflineClient) CallCompressed(ctx context.Context, method string, arg interface{}, res interface{}, ...) error
- func (e OfflineClient) Notify(ctx context.Context, method string, arg interface{}, timeout time.Duration) error
- type OfflineError
- type OfflineErrorKind
- type PermanentUnboxingError
- func (e PermanentUnboxingError) Error() string
- func (e PermanentUnboxingError) ExportType() chat1.MessageUnboxedErrorType
- func (e PermanentUnboxingError) Inner() error
- func (e PermanentUnboxingError) InternalError() string
- func (e PermanentUnboxingError) IsCritical() bool
- func (e PermanentUnboxingError) IsPermanent() bool
- func (e PermanentUnboxingError) ToStatus() (status keybase1.Status)
- func (e PermanentUnboxingError) VersionKind() chat1.VersionKind
- func (e PermanentUnboxingError) VersionNumber() int
- type PublicTeamEphemeralKeyError
- type PullTranscriptConfig
- type PushHandler
- func (g *PushHandler) Activity(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
- func (g *PushHandler) ConversationsUpdate(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
- func (g *PushHandler) HandleOobm(ctx context.Context, obm gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (bool, error)
- func (g *PushHandler) MembershipUpdate(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
- func (g *PushHandler) SetClock(clock clockwork.Clock)
- func (g *PushHandler) SetConvRetention(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
- func (g *PushHandler) SetConvSettings(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
- func (g *PushHandler) SetTeamRetention(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
- func (g *PushHandler) Start(ctx context.Context, _ gregor1.UID)
- func (g *PushHandler) Stop(ctx context.Context) chan struct{}
- func (g *PushHandler) SubteamRename(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
- func (g *PushHandler) TlfFinalize(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
- func (g *PushHandler) TlfResolve(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
- func (g *PushHandler) Typing(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
- func (g *PushHandler) UpgradeKBFSToImpteam(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
- type RemoteAttachmentFetcher
- func (r *RemoteAttachmentFetcher) DeleteAssets(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, assets []chat1.Asset, ...) (err error)
- func (r *RemoteAttachmentFetcher) FetchAttachment(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (err error)
- func (r *RemoteAttachmentFetcher) IsAssetLocal(ctx context.Context, asset chat1.Asset) (bool, error)
- func (r *RemoteAttachmentFetcher) OnDbNuke(mctx libkb.MetaContext) error
- func (r *RemoteAttachmentFetcher) OnStart(mctx libkb.MetaContext)
- func (r *RemoteAttachmentFetcher) PutUploadedAsset(ctx context.Context, filename string, asset chat1.Asset) error
- func (r *RemoteAttachmentFetcher) StreamAttachment(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, asset chat1.Asset, ...) (res io.ReadSeeker, err error)
- type RemoteClient
- func (c *RemoteClient) Call(ctx context.Context, method string, arg interface{}, res interface{}, ...) (err error)
- func (c *RemoteClient) CallCompressed(ctx context.Context, method string, arg interface{}, res interface{}, ...) (err error)
- func (c *RemoteClient) Notify(ctx context.Context, method string, arg interface{}, timeout time.Duration) (err error)
- type RemoteConversationSource
- func (s *RemoteConversationSource) AcquireConversationLock(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) error
- func (s *RemoteConversationSource) Clear(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) error
- func (s RemoteConversationSource) DeleteAssets(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...)
- func (s *RemoteConversationSource) EphemeralPurge(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (*chat1.EphemeralPurgeInfo, []chat1.MessageUnboxed, error)
- func (s *RemoteConversationSource) Expunge(ctx context.Context, conv types.UnboxConversationInfo, uid gregor1.UID, ...) error
- func (s RemoteConversationSource) GetMessage(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (chat1.MessageUnboxed, error)
- func (s *RemoteConversationSource) GetMessages(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (res []chat1.MessageUnboxed, err error)
- func (s *RemoteConversationSource) GetMessagesWithRemotes(ctx context.Context, conv chat1.Conversation, uid gregor1.UID, ...) ([]chat1.MessageUnboxed, error)
- func (s *RemoteConversationSource) GetUnreadline(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (*chat1.MessageID, error)
- func (s *RemoteConversationSource) Pull(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (chat1.ThreadView, error)
- func (s RemoteConversationSource) PullFull(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (res chat1.ThreadView, err error)
- func (s *RemoteConversationSource) PullLocalOnly(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (chat1.ThreadView, error)
- func (s *RemoteConversationSource) Push(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (chat1.MessageUnboxed, bool, error)
- func (s *RemoteConversationSource) PushUnboxed(ctx context.Context, conv types.UnboxConversationInfo, uid gregor1.UID, ...) error
- func (s *RemoteConversationSource) ReleaseConversationLock(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID)
- func (s RemoteConversationSource) SetRemoteInterface(ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface)
- func (s RemoteConversationSource) Sign(payload []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (s RemoteConversationSource) TransformSupersedes(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (res []chat1.MessageUnboxed, err error)
- type RemoteExternalAPIKeySource
- type RemoteInboxSource
- func (b RemoteInboxSource) ApplyLocalChatState(ctx context.Context, i []keybase1.BadgeConversationInfo) ([]keybase1.BadgeConversationInfo, int, int)
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) Clear(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, opts *types.ClearOpts) error
- func (b RemoteInboxSource) Connected(ctx context.Context)
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) ConversationsUpdate(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) error
- func (b RemoteInboxSource) Disconnected(ctx context.Context)
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) Draft(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) error
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) Expunge(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (res *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func (b RemoteInboxSource) GetInboxQueryLocalToRemote(ctx context.Context, lquery *chat1.GetInboxLocalQuery) (rquery *chat1.GetInboxQuery, info types.NameInfo, err error)
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) IncrementLocalConvVersion(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) (conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func (b RemoteInboxSource) IsMember(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) (bool, error)
- func (b RemoteInboxSource) IsOffline(ctx context.Context) bool
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) IsTeam(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, item string) (bool, error)
- func (b RemoteInboxSource) Localize(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convs []types.RemoteConversation, ...) ([]chat1.ConversationLocal, chan types.AsyncInboxResult, error)
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) MarkAsRead(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (err error)
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) MembershipUpdate(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (res types.MembershipUpdateRes, err error)
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) MergeLocalMetadata(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convs []chat1.ConversationLocal) error
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) NewConversation(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) error
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) NewMessage(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (*chat1.ConversationLocal, error)
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) NotifyUpdate(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID)
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) Read(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (types.Inbox, chan types.AsyncInboxResult, error)
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) ReadMessage(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (*chat1.ConversationLocal, error)
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) ReadUnverified(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (types.Inbox, error)
- func (b RemoteInboxSource) RemoteDeleteConversation(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) (err error)
- func (b RemoteInboxSource) RemoteSetConversationStatus(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (err error)
- func (b RemoteInboxSource) Resume(ctx context.Context) bool
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) Search(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, query string, limit int, ...) (res []types.RemoteConversation, err error)
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) SetAppNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (*chat1.ConversationLocal, error)
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) SetConvRetention(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (res *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) SetConvSettings(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (res *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func (b RemoteInboxSource) SetRemoteInterface(ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface)
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) SetStatus(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (*chat1.ConversationLocal, error)
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) SetTeamRetention(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (res []chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func (b RemoteInboxSource) Start(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
- func (b RemoteInboxSource) Stop(ctx context.Context) chan struct{}
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) SubteamRename(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (convs []chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func (b RemoteInboxSource) Suspend(ctx context.Context) bool
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) Sync(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (res types.InboxSyncRes, err error)
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) TeamBotSettingsForConv(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) (map[keybase1.UID]keybase1.TeamBotSettings, error)
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) TeamTypeChanged(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) TlfFinalize(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) ([]chat1.ConversationLocal, error)
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) UpdateInboxVersion(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers) error
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) UpdateLocalMtime(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, updates []chat1.LocalMtimeUpdate) error
- func (s *RemoteInboxSource) UpgradeKBFSToImpteam(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, ...) (conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- type ReplyFiller
- func (f *ReplyFiller) Fill(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (res []chat1.MessageUnboxed, err error)
- func (f *ReplyFiller) FillSingle(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (res chat1.MessageUnboxed, err error)
- func (f *ReplyFiller) SetLocalOnlyReplyFill(enabled bool)
- type RestrictedBotChannelError
- type SenderTestImmediateFailError
- type Server
- func (h *Server) AddBotConvSearch(ctx context.Context, term string) (res []chat1.ConvSearchHit, err error)
- func (h *Server) AddBotMember(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.AddBotMemberArg) (err error)
- func (h *Server) AddEmoji(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.AddEmojiArg) (res chat1.AddEmojiRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) AddEmojiAlias(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.AddEmojiAliasArg) (res chat1.AddEmojiAliasRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) AddEmojis(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.AddEmojisArg) (res chat1.AddEmojisRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) AddTeamMemberAfterReset(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.AddTeamMemberAfterResetArg) (err error)
- func (h *Server) AdvertiseBotCommandsLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.AdvertiseBotCommandsLocalArg) (res chat1.AdvertiseBotCommandsLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) BulkAddToConv(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.BulkAddToConvArg) (err error)
- func (h *Server) BulkAddToManyConvs(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.BulkAddToManyConvsArg) (err error)
- func (h *Server) CancelActiveInboxSearch(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (h *Server) CancelActiveSearch(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (h *Server) CancelPost(ctx context.Context, outboxID chat1.OutboxID) (err error)
- func (h *Server) CancelUploadTempFile(ctx context.Context, outboxID chat1.OutboxID) (err error)
- func (h *Server) ClearBotCommandsLocal(ctx context.Context, filter *chat1.ClearBotCommandsFilter) (res chat1.ClearBotCommandsLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) ConfigureFileAttachmentDownloadLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.ConfigureFileAttachmentDownloadLocalArg) (err error)
- func (h *Server) DeleteConversationLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.DeleteConversationLocalArg) (res chat1.DeleteConversationLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) DismissJourneycard(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.DismissJourneycardArg) (err error)
- func (h *Server) DownloadAttachmentLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.DownloadAttachmentLocalArg) (res chat1.DownloadAttachmentLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) DownloadFileAttachmentLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.DownloadFileAttachmentLocalArg) (res chat1.DownloadFileAttachmentLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) EditBotMember(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.EditBotMemberArg) (err error)
- func (h *Server) FindConversationsLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.FindConversationsLocalArg) (res chat1.FindConversationsLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) FindGeneralConvFromTeamID(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID) (res chat1.InboxUIItem, err error)
- func (h *Server) ForwardMessage(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.ForwardMessageArg) (res chat1.PostLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) ForwardMessageConvSearch(ctx context.Context, term string) (res []chat1.ConvSearchHit, err error)
- func (h *Server) ForwardMessageNonblock(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.ForwardMessageNonblockArg) (res chat1.PostLocalNonblockRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) GenerateOutboxID(ctx context.Context) (res chat1.OutboxID, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetAllResetConvMembers(ctx context.Context) (res chat1.GetAllResetConvMembersRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetBotMemberSettings(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetBotMemberSettingsArg) (res keybase1.TeamBotSettings, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetChannelMembershipsLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetChannelMembershipsLocalArg) (res chat1.GetChannelMembershipsLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetConversationForCLILocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetConversationForCLILocalQuery) (res chat1.GetConversationForCLILocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetDefaultTeamChannelsLocal(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID) (res chat1.GetDefaultTeamChannelsLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetGlobalAppNotificationSettingsLocal(ctx context.Context) (res chat1.GlobalAppNotificationSettings, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetInboxAndUnboxLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetInboxAndUnboxLocalArg) (res chat1.GetInboxAndUnboxLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetInboxAndUnboxUILocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetInboxAndUnboxUILocalArg) (res chat1.GetInboxAndUnboxUILocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetInboxNonblockLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetInboxNonblockLocalArg) (res chat1.NonblockFetchRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetInboxSummaryForCLILocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetInboxSummaryForCLILocalQuery) (res chat1.GetInboxSummaryForCLILocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetLastActiveAtLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetLastActiveAtLocalArg) (lastActiveAt gregor1.Time, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetLastActiveAtMultiLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetLastActiveAtMultiLocalArg) (res map[keybase1.TeamID]gregor1.Time, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetLastActiveForTLF(ctx context.Context, tlfIDStr chat1.TLFIDStr) (res chat1.LastActiveStatus, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetLastActiveForTeams(ctx context.Context) (res chat1.LastActiveStatusAll, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetMessagesLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetMessagesLocalArg) (res chat1.GetMessagesLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetMutualTeamsLocal(ctx context.Context, usernames []string) (res chat1.GetMutualTeamsLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetNextAttachmentMessageLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetNextAttachmentMessageLocalArg) (res chat1.GetNextAttachmentMessageLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetParticipants(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID) (participants []chat1.ConversationLocalParticipant, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetRecentJoinsLocal(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID) (numJoins int, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetStaticConfig(ctx context.Context) (res chat1.StaticConfig, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetTLFConversationsLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetTLFConversationsLocalArg) (res chat1.GetTLFConversationsLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetTeamRetentionLocal(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID) (res *chat1.RetentionPolicy, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetTeamRoleInConversation(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetTeamRoleInConversationArg) (res keybase1.TeamRole, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetThreadLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetThreadLocalArg) (res chat1.GetThreadLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetThreadNonblock(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetThreadNonblockArg) (res chat1.NonblockFetchRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetUnfurlSettings(ctx context.Context) (res chat1.UnfurlSettingsDisplay, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetUnreadline(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetUnreadlineArg) (res chat1.UnreadlineRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetUploadTempFile(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetUploadTempFileArg) (res string, err error)
- func (h *Server) GetWelcomeMessage(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID) (res chat1.WelcomeMessageDisplay, err error)
- func (h *Server) IgnorePinnedMessage(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID) (err error)
- func (h *Server) JoinConversationByIDLocal(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID) (res chat1.JoinLeaveConversationLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) JoinConversationLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.JoinConversationLocalArg) (res chat1.JoinLeaveConversationLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) LeaveConversationLocal(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID) (res chat1.JoinLeaveConversationLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) ListBotCommandsLocal(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID) (res chat1.ListBotCommandsLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) ListPublicBotCommandsLocal(ctx context.Context, username string) (res chat1.ListBotCommandsLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) LoadFlip(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.LoadFlipArg) (res chat1.LoadFlipRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) LoadGallery(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.LoadGalleryArg) (res chat1.LoadGalleryRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) LocationUpdate(ctx context.Context, coord chat1.Coordinate) (err error)
- func (h *Server) MakeAudioPreview(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.MakeAudioPreviewArg) (res chat1.MakePreviewRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) MakePreview(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.MakePreviewArg) (res chat1.MakePreviewRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) MakeUploadTempFile(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.MakeUploadTempFileArg) (res string, err error)
- func (h *Server) MarkAsReadLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.MarkAsReadLocalArg) (res chat1.MarkAsReadLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) MarkTLFAsReadLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.MarkTLFAsReadLocalArg) (res chat1.MarkTLFAsReadLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) NewConversationLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.NewConversationLocalArg) (res chat1.NewConversationLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) NewConversationsLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.NewConversationsLocalArg) (res chat1.NewConversationsLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) PinMessage(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PinMessageArg) (res chat1.PinMessageRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) PostDeleteHistoryByAge(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostDeleteHistoryByAgeArg) (res chat1.PostLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) PostDeleteHistoryThrough(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostDeleteHistoryThroughArg) (res chat1.PostLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) PostDeleteHistoryUpto(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostDeleteHistoryUptoArg) (res chat1.PostLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) PostDeleteNonblock(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostDeleteNonblockArg) (chat1.PostLocalNonblockRes, error)
- func (h *Server) PostEditNonblock(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostEditNonblockArg) (res chat1.PostLocalNonblockRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) PostFileAttachmentLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostFileAttachmentLocalArg) (res chat1.PostLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) PostFileAttachmentLocalNonblock(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostFileAttachmentLocalNonblockArg) (res chat1.PostLocalNonblockRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) PostHeadline(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostHeadlineArg) (chat1.PostLocalRes, error)
- func (h *Server) PostHeadlineNonblock(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostHeadlineNonblockArg) (chat1.PostLocalNonblockRes, error)
- func (h *Server) PostLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostLocalArg) (res chat1.PostLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) PostLocalNonblock(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostLocalNonblockArg) (res chat1.PostLocalNonblockRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) PostMetadata(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostMetadataArg) (chat1.PostLocalRes, error)
- func (h *Server) PostMetadataNonblock(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostMetadataNonblockArg) (chat1.PostLocalNonblockRes, error)
- func (h *Server) PostReactionNonblock(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostReactionNonblockArg) (res chat1.PostLocalNonblockRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) PostTextNonblock(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostTextNonblockArg) (res chat1.PostLocalNonblockRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) PreviewConversationByIDLocal(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID) (res chat1.PreviewConversationLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) ProfileChatSearch(ctx context.Context, identifyBehavior keybase1.TLFIdentifyBehavior) (res map[chat1.ConvIDStr]chat1.ProfileSearchConvStats, err error)
- func (h *Server) PutReacjiSkinTone(ctx context.Context, skinTone keybase1.ReacjiSkinTone) (res keybase1.UserReacjis, err error)
- func (h *Server) RefreshParticipants(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID) (err error)
- func (h *Server) RemoveBotMember(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.RemoveBotMemberArg) (err error)
- func (h *Server) RemoveEmoji(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.RemoveEmojiArg) (res chat1.RemoveEmojiRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) RemoveFromConversationLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.RemoveFromConversationLocalArg) (res chat1.RemoveFromConversationLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) RequestInboxLayout(ctx context.Context, reselectMode chat1.InboxLayoutReselectMode) (err error)
- func (h *Server) RequestInboxSmallIncrease(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (h *Server) RequestInboxSmallReset(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (h *Server) RequestInboxUnbox(ctx context.Context, convIDs []chat1.ConversationID) (err error)
- func (h *Server) ResolveMaybeMention(ctx context.Context, mention chat1.MaybeMention) (err error)
- func (h *Server) ResolveUnfurlPrompt(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.ResolveUnfurlPromptArg) (err error)
- func (h *Server) RetryPost(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.RetryPostArg) (err error)
- func (h *Server) SaveUnfurlSettings(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.SaveUnfurlSettingsArg) (err error)
- func (h *Server) SearchInbox(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.SearchInboxArg) (res chat1.SearchInboxRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) SearchRegexp(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.SearchRegexpArg) (res chat1.SearchRegexpRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) SetAppNotificationSettingsLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.SetAppNotificationSettingsLocalArg) (res chat1.SetAppNotificationSettingsLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) SetBotMemberSettings(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.SetBotMemberSettingsArg) (err error)
- func (h *Server) SetConvMinWriterRoleLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.SetConvMinWriterRoleLocalArg) (err error)
- func (h *Server) SetConvRetentionLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.SetConvRetentionLocalArg) (err error)
- func (h *Server) SetConversationStatusLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.SetConversationStatusLocalArg) (res chat1.SetConversationStatusLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) SetDefaultTeamChannelsLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.SetDefaultTeamChannelsLocalArg) (res chat1.SetDefaultTeamChannelsLocalRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) SetGlobalAppNotificationSettingsLocal(ctx context.Context, strSettings map[string]bool) (err error)
- func (h *Server) SetTeamRetentionLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.SetTeamRetentionLocalArg) (err error)
- func (h *Server) SetWelcomeMessage(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.SetWelcomeMessageArg) (err error)
- func (h *Server) SimpleSearchInboxConvNames(ctx context.Context, query string) (res []chat1.SimpleSearchInboxConvNamesHit, err error)
- func (h *Server) TeamIDFromTLFName(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.TeamIDFromTLFNameArg) (res keybase1.TeamID, err error)
- func (h *Server) ToggleEmojiAnimations(ctx context.Context, enabled bool) (err error)
- func (h *Server) ToggleMessageCollapse(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.ToggleMessageCollapseArg) (err error)
- func (h *Server) UnboxMobilePushNotification(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.UnboxMobilePushNotificationArg) (res string, err error)
- func (h *Server) UnpinMessage(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID) (res chat1.PinMessageRes, err error)
- func (h *Server) UpdateTyping(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.UpdateTypingArg) (err error)
- func (h *Server) UpdateUnsentText(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.UpdateUnsentTextArg) (err error)
- func (h *Server) UpgradeKBFSConversationToImpteam(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID) (err error)
- func (h *Server) UserEmojis(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.UserEmojisArg) (res chat1.UserEmojiRes, err error)
- type SimpleIdentifyNotifier
- type Syncer
- func (s *Syncer) Connected(ctx context.Context, cli chat1.RemoteInterface, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (err error)
- func (s *Syncer) Disconnected(ctx context.Context)
- func (s *Syncer) GetSelectedConversation() chat1.ConversationID
- func (s *Syncer) IsConnected(ctx context.Context) bool
- func (s *Syncer) IsSelectedConversation(convID chat1.ConversationID) bool
- func (s *Syncer) RegisterOfflinable(offlinable types.Offlinable)
- func (s *Syncer) SelectConversation(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID)
- func (s *Syncer) SendChatStaleNotifications(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, updates []chat1.ConversationStaleUpdate, ...)
- func (s *Syncer) SetClock(clock clockwork.Clock)
- func (s *Syncer) Shutdown()
- func (s *Syncer) Sync(ctx context.Context, cli chat1.RemoteInterface, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (err error)
- type TeamChannelSource
- func (c *TeamChannelSource) GetChannelTopicName(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (res string, err error)
- func (c *TeamChannelSource) GetChannelsFull(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (res []chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
- func (c *TeamChannelSource) GetChannelsTopicName(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (res []chat1.ChannelNameMention, err error)
- func (c *TeamChannelSource) GetLastActiveAt(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (res gregor1.Time, err error)
- func (c *TeamChannelSource) GetLastActiveForTLF(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (res gregor1.Time, err error)
- func (c *TeamChannelSource) GetLastActiveForTeams(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, topicType chat1.TopicType) (res chat1.LastActiveTimeAll, err error)
- func (c *TeamChannelSource) GetRecentJoins(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (res int, err error)
- func (c *TeamChannelSource) OnDbNuke(mctx libkb.MetaContext) error
- func (c *TeamChannelSource) OnLogout(mctx libkb.MetaContext) error
- type TeamLoader
- type TeamMentionLoader
- func (l *TeamMentionLoader) IsTeamMention(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, maybeMention chat1.MaybeMention, ...) bool
- func (l *TeamMentionLoader) LoadTeamMention(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, maybeMention chat1.MaybeMention, ...) (err error)
- func (l *TeamMentionLoader) Start(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
- func (l *TeamMentionLoader) Stop(ctx context.Context) chan struct{}
- type TeamsNameInfoSource
- func (t *TeamsNameInfoSource) AllCryptKeys(ctx context.Context, name string, public bool) (res types.AllCryptKeys, err error)
- func (t *TeamsNameInfoSource) DecryptionKey(ctx context.Context, name string, teamID chat1.TLFID, ...) (res types.CryptKey, err error)
- func (t *TeamsNameInfoSource) EncryptionKey(ctx context.Context, name string, teamID chat1.TLFID, ...) (res types.CryptKey, ni types.NameInfo, err error)
- func (t *TeamsNameInfoSource) EphemeralDecryptionKey(mctx libkb.MetaContext, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (ek types.EphemeralCryptKey, err error)
- func (t *TeamsNameInfoSource) EphemeralEncryptionKey(mctx libkb.MetaContext, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (ek types.EphemeralCryptKey, err error)
- func (t *TeamsNameInfoSource) LookupID(ctx context.Context, name string, public bool) (res types.NameInfo, err error)
- func (t *TeamsNameInfoSource) LookupName(ctx context.Context, tlfID chat1.TLFID, public bool, unverifiedTLFName string) (res types.NameInfo, err error)
- func (t *TeamsNameInfoSource) ShouldPairwiseMAC(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (bool, []keybase1.KID, error)
- func (t *TeamsNameInfoSource) TeamBotSettings(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, ...) (map[keybase1.UserVersion]keybase1.TeamBotSettings, error)
- type TransientUnboxingError
- func (e TransientUnboxingError) Error() string
- func (e TransientUnboxingError) ExportType() chat1.MessageUnboxedErrorType
- func (e TransientUnboxingError) Inner() error
- func (e TransientUnboxingError) InternalError() string
- func (e TransientUnboxingError) IsCritical() bool
- func (e TransientUnboxingError) IsPermanent() bool
- func (e TransientUnboxingError) ToStatus() (status keybase1.Status)
- func (e TransientUnboxingError) VersionKind() chat1.VersionKind
- func (e TransientUnboxingError) VersionNumber() int
- type TypingMonitor
- type UIInboxLoader
- func (h *UIInboxLoader) LoadNonblock(ctx context.Context, query *chat1.GetInboxLocalQuery, maxUnbox *int, ...) (err error)
- func (h *UIInboxLoader) Query() chat1.GetInboxLocalQuery
- func (h *UIInboxLoader) Start(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
- func (h *UIInboxLoader) Stop(ctx context.Context) chan struct{}
- func (h *UIInboxLoader) UpdateConvs(ctx context.Context, convIDs []chat1.ConversationID) (err error)
- func (h *UIInboxLoader) UpdateLayout(ctx context.Context, reselectMode chat1.InboxLayoutReselectMode, reason string)
- func (h *UIInboxLoader) UpdateLayoutFromNewMessage(ctx context.Context, conv types.RemoteConversation)
- func (h *UIInboxLoader) UpdateLayoutFromSmallIncrease(ctx context.Context)
- func (h *UIInboxLoader) UpdateLayoutFromSmallReset(ctx context.Context)
- func (h *UIInboxLoader) UpdateLayoutFromSubteamRename(ctx context.Context, convs []types.RemoteConversation)
- type UISource
- type UIThreadLoader
- func (t *UIThreadLoader) Connected(ctx context.Context)
- func (t *UIThreadLoader) Disconnected(ctx context.Context)
- func (t *UIThreadLoader) IsOffline(ctx context.Context) bool
- func (t *UIThreadLoader) Load(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, ...) (res chat1.ThreadView, err error)
- func (t *UIThreadLoader) LoadNonblock(ctx context.Context, chatUI libkb.ChatUI, uid gregor1.UID, ...) (err error)
- func (t *UIThreadLoader) SetRemoteInterface(ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface)
- type UnknownTLFNameError
- type VersionError
Constants ¶
const CurrentMessageBoxedVersion = chat1.MessageBoxedVersion_V2
Variables ¶
var ErrChatServerTimeout = errors.New("timeout calling chat server")
var ErrDuplicateConnection = errors.New("error calling chat server")
var ErrKeyServerTimeout = errors.New("timeout calling into key server")
Functions ¶
func CreateNameInfoSource ¶
func CreateNameInfoSource(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType) types.NameInfoSource
func FindConversations ¶
func FindConversations(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, debugger utils.DebugLabeler, dataSource types.InboxSourceDataSourceTyp, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface, uid gregor1.UID, tlfName string, topicType chat1.TopicType, membersTypeIn chat1.ConversationMembersType, vis keybase1.TLFVisibility, topicName string, oneChatPerTLF *bool) (res []chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func GetInboxQueryNameInfo ¶
func GetTopicNameState ¶
func GetTopicNameState(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, debugger utils.DebugLabeler, convs []chat1.ConversationLocal, uid gregor1.UID, tlfID chat1.TLFID, topicType chat1.TopicType, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType) (res chat1.TopicNameState, err error)
func IsRekeyError ¶
func IsRekeyError(err error) (typ chat1.ConversationErrorType, ok bool)
func JoinConversation ¶
func JoinConversation(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, debugger utils.DebugLabeler, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) (err error)
func JoinConversationByName ¶
func LeaveConversation ¶
func LeaveConversation(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, debugger utils.DebugLabeler, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) (err error)
func LocalOnlyReplyFill ¶
func LocalOnlyReplyFill(enabled bool) func(*ReplyFiller)
func NewConversation ¶
func NewConversation(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, uid gregor1.UID, tlfName string, topicName *string, topicType chat1.TopicType, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, vis keybase1.TLFVisibility, knownTopicID *chat1.TopicID, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface, findExistingMode NewConvFindExistingMode) (chat1.ConversationLocal, bool, error)
func NewConversationSource ¶
func NewConversationSource(g *globals.Context, typ string, boxer *Boxer, storage *storage.Storage, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface) types.ConversationSource
func NewConversationWithMemberSourceConv ¶
func NewConversationWithMemberSourceConv(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, uid gregor1.UID, tlfName string, topicName *string, topicType chat1.TopicType, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, vis keybase1.TLFVisibility, knownTopicID *chat1.TopicID, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface, findExistingMode NewConvFindExistingMode, retentionPolicy *chat1.RetentionPolicy, memberSourceConv *chat1.ConversationID) (chat1.ConversationLocal, bool, error)
func NewCtxFactory ¶
func NewCtxFactory(g *globals.Context) types.ContextFactory
func NewFTLError ¶
func NewInboxSource ¶
func NewInboxSource(g *globals.Context, typ string, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface) types.InboxSource
func NewKeyFinder ¶
NewKeyFinder creates a KeyFinder.
func NewPermanentUnboxingError ¶
func NewPermanentUnboxingError(inner error) types.UnboxingError
func NewTransientUnboxingError ¶
func NewTransientUnboxingError(inner error) types.UnboxingError
func PresentConversationLocalWithFetchRetry ¶
func PresentConversationLocalWithFetchRetry(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, uid gregor1.UID, conv chat1.ConversationLocal, partMode utils.PresentParticipantsMode) (pc *chat1.InboxUIItem)
func PreviewConversation ¶
func PreviewConversation(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, debugger utils.DebugLabeler, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) (res chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func RemoveFromConversation ¶
func RemoveFromConversation(ctx context.Context, g *globals.Context, debugger utils.DebugLabeler, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface, convID chat1.ConversationID, usernames []string) (err error)
Types ¶
type AttachmentHTTPSrv ¶
type AttachmentHTTPSrv struct { sync.Mutex globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAttachmentHTTPSrv ¶
func NewAttachmentHTTPSrv(g *globals.Context, httpSrv *manager.Srv, fetcher types.AttachmentFetcher, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface) *AttachmentHTTPSrv
func (*AttachmentHTTPSrv) GetAttachmentFetcher ¶
func (r *AttachmentHTTPSrv) GetAttachmentFetcher() types.AttachmentFetcher
func (*AttachmentHTTPSrv) GetGiphyGalleryURL ¶
func (r *AttachmentHTTPSrv) GetGiphyGalleryURL(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, tlfName string, results []chat1.GiphySearchResult) string
func (*AttachmentHTTPSrv) GetGiphyURL ¶
func (r *AttachmentHTTPSrv) GetGiphyURL(ctx context.Context, giphyURL string) string
func (*AttachmentHTTPSrv) GetPendingPreviewURL ¶
func (*AttachmentHTTPSrv) GetURL ¶
func (r *AttachmentHTTPSrv) GetURL(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, msgID chat1.MessageID, preview, noAnim, isEmoji bool) string
func (*AttachmentHTTPSrv) GetUnfurlAssetURL ¶
func (r *AttachmentHTTPSrv) GetUnfurlAssetURL(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, asset chat1.Asset) string
func (*AttachmentHTTPSrv) OnDbNuke ¶
func (r *AttachmentHTTPSrv) OnDbNuke(mctx libkb.MetaContext) error
type AttachmentUploadError ¶
func NewAttachmentUploadError ¶
func NewAttachmentUploadError(msg string, perm bool) AttachmentUploadError
func (AttachmentUploadError) Error ¶
func (e AttachmentUploadError) Error() string
func (AttachmentUploadError) IsImmediateFail ¶
func (e AttachmentUploadError) IsImmediateFail() (chat1.OutboxErrorType, bool)
type BackgroundConvLoader ¶
type BackgroundConvLoader struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler sync.Mutex // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewBackgroundConvLoader ¶
func NewBackgroundConvLoader(g *globals.Context) *BackgroundConvLoader
func (*BackgroundConvLoader) IsBackgroundActive ¶
func (b *BackgroundConvLoader) IsBackgroundActive() bool
func (*BackgroundConvLoader) Queue ¶
func (b *BackgroundConvLoader) Queue(ctx context.Context, job types.ConvLoaderJob) error
func (*BackgroundConvLoader) Resume ¶
func (b *BackgroundConvLoader) Resume(ctx context.Context) bool
func (*BackgroundConvLoader) Start ¶
func (b *BackgroundConvLoader) Start(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
func (*BackgroundConvLoader) Stop ¶
func (b *BackgroundConvLoader) Stop(ctx context.Context) chan struct{}
type BackgroundEphemeralPurger ¶
type BackgroundEphemeralPurger struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewBackgroundEphemeralPurger ¶
func NewBackgroundEphemeralPurger(g *globals.Context) *BackgroundEphemeralPurger
func (*BackgroundEphemeralPurger) Len ¶
func (b *BackgroundEphemeralPurger) Len() int
func (*BackgroundEphemeralPurger) Queue ¶
func (b *BackgroundEphemeralPurger) Queue(ctx context.Context, purgeInfo chat1.EphemeralPurgeInfo) error
func (*BackgroundEphemeralPurger) SetClock ¶
func (b *BackgroundEphemeralPurger) SetClock(clock clockwork.Clock)
func (*BackgroundEphemeralPurger) Start ¶
func (b *BackgroundEphemeralPurger) Start(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
func (*BackgroundEphemeralPurger) Stop ¶
func (b *BackgroundEphemeralPurger) Stop(ctx context.Context) (ch chan struct{})
type BlockingSender ¶
type BlockingSender struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewBlockingSender ¶
func NewBlockingSender(g *globals.Context, boxer *Boxer, getRi func() chat1.RemoteInterface) *BlockingSender
func (*BlockingSender) Prepare ¶
func (s *BlockingSender) Prepare(ctx context.Context, plaintext chat1.MessagePlaintext, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, inopts *chat1.SenderPrepareOptions) (res types.SenderPrepareResult, err error)
Prepare a message to be sent. Returns (boxedMessage, pendingAssetDeletes, error)
func (*BlockingSender) Send ¶
func (s *BlockingSender) Send(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, msg chat1.MessagePlaintext, clientPrev chat1.MessageID, outboxID *chat1.OutboxID, sendOpts *chat1.SenderSendOptions, prepareOpts *chat1.SenderPrepareOptions) (obid chat1.OutboxID, boxed *chat1.MessageBoxed, err error)
func (*BlockingSender) SetClock ¶
func (s *BlockingSender) SetClock(clock clockwork.Clock)
type BodyHashInvalid ¶
type BodyHashInvalid struct{}
func (BodyHashInvalid) Error ¶
func (e BodyHashInvalid) Error() string
type Boxer ¶
type Boxer struct { utils.DebugLabeler globals.Contextified // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Boxer) BoxMessage ¶
func (b *Boxer) BoxMessage(ctx context.Context, msg chat1.MessagePlaintext, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, signingKeyPair libkb.NaclSigningKeyPair, info *types.BoxerEncryptionInfo) (res chat1.MessageBoxed, err error)
BoxMessage encrypts a keybase1.MessagePlaintext into a chat1.MessageBoxed. It finds the most recent key for the TLF.
func (*Boxer) CompareTlfNames ¶
func (*Boxer) GetBoxedVersion ¶
func (b *Boxer) GetBoxedVersion(msg chat1.MessagePlaintext) (chat1.MessageBoxedVersion, error)
func (*Boxer) GetEncryptionInfo ¶
func (b *Boxer) GetEncryptionInfo(ctx context.Context, msg *chat1.MessagePlaintext, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, signingKeyPair libkb.NaclSigningKeyPair) (res types.BoxerEncryptionInfo, err error)
func (*Boxer) ResolveSkippedUnboxed ¶
func (b *Boxer) ResolveSkippedUnboxed(ctx context.Context, msg chat1.MessageUnboxed) (res chat1.MessageUnboxed, modified bool, err types.UnboxingError)
func (*Boxer) ResolveSkippedUnboxeds ¶
func (b *Boxer) ResolveSkippedUnboxeds(ctx context.Context, msgs []chat1.MessageUnboxed) (res []chat1.MessageUnboxed, modifiedMap map[chat1.MessageID]bool, err types.UnboxingError)
func (*Boxer) UnboxMessage ¶
func (b *Boxer) UnboxMessage(ctx context.Context, boxed chat1.MessageBoxed, conv types.UnboxConversationInfo, info *types.BoxerEncryptionInfo) (m chat1.MessageUnboxed, uberr types.UnboxingError)
UnboxMessage unboxes a chat1.MessageBoxed into a chat1.MessageUnboxed. It finds the appropriate keybase1.CryptKey, decrypts the message, and verifies several things:
- The message's signature is valid.
- (TODO) The signing KID was valid when the signature was made.
- (TODO) The signing KID belongs to the sending device.
- (TODO) The sending device belongs to the sender. [Note that we do currently check the KID -> UID relationship, independent of the device ID.]
- (TODO) The sender has write permission in the TLF.
- (TODO) The TLF name, public flag, and finalized info resolve to the TLF ID.
- The conversation ID derives from the ConversationIDTriple.
- The body hash is not a replay from another message we know about.
- The prev pointers are consistent with other messages we know about.
- (TODO) The prev pointers are not absurdly ancient.
- The ClientHeader provided with the BoxedMessage matches the one we decrypt.
The first return value is unusable if the err != nil. Returns (_, err) for non-permanent errors, and (MessageUnboxedError, nil) for permanent errors. Permanent errors can be cached and must be treated as a value to deal with, whereas temporary errors are transient failures.
func (*Boxer) UnboxMessages ¶
func (b *Boxer) UnboxMessages(ctx context.Context, boxed []chat1.MessageBoxed, conv types.UnboxConversationInfo) (unboxed []chat1.MessageUnboxed, err error)
func (*Boxer) UnboxThread ¶
func (b *Boxer) UnboxThread(ctx context.Context, boxed chat1.ThreadViewBoxed, conv types.UnboxConversationInfo) (thread chat1.ThreadView, err error)
unboxThread transforms a chat1.ThreadViewBoxed to a keybase1.ThreadView.
func (*Boxer) ValidSenderKey ¶
func (b *Boxer) ValidSenderKey(ctx context.Context, sender gregor1.UID, key []byte, ctime gregor1.Time) (revoked *gregor1.Time, unboxErr types.UnboxingError)
ValidSenderKey checks that the key was active for sender at ctime. This trusts the server for ctime, so a colluding server could use a revoked key and this check erroneously pass. But (revoked != nil) if the key was ever revoked, so that is irrespective of ctime. Returns (validAtCtime, revoked, err)
type BoxingCryptKeysError ¶
type BoxingCryptKeysError struct {
Err error
func NewBoxingCryptKeysError ¶
func NewBoxingCryptKeysError(err error) BoxingCryptKeysError
func (BoxingCryptKeysError) Cause ¶
func (e BoxingCryptKeysError) Cause() error
Cause implements the pkg/errors Cause() method, also cloned in libkb via HumanError, so that we know which error to show to the human being using keybase (rather than for our own internal uses).
func (BoxingCryptKeysError) Error ¶
func (e BoxingCryptKeysError) Error() string
func (BoxingCryptKeysError) Inner ¶
func (e BoxingCryptKeysError) Inner() error
func (BoxingCryptKeysError) IsImmediateFail ¶
func (e BoxingCryptKeysError) IsImmediateFail() (chat1.OutboxErrorType, bool)
type BoxingError ¶
func NewBoxingError ¶
func NewBoxingError(msg string, perm bool) BoxingError
func (BoxingError) Error ¶
func (e BoxingError) Error() string
func (BoxingError) IsImmediateFail ¶
func (e BoxingError) IsImmediateFail() (chat1.OutboxErrorType, bool)
type CachingAttachmentFetcher ¶
type CachingAttachmentFetcher struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCachingAttachmentFetcher ¶
func NewCachingAttachmentFetcher(g *globals.Context, store attachments.Store, size int) *CachingAttachmentFetcher
func (*CachingAttachmentFetcher) DeleteAssets ¶
func (c *CachingAttachmentFetcher) DeleteAssets(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, assets []chat1.Asset, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface, signer s3.Signer) (err error)
func (*CachingAttachmentFetcher) FetchAttachment ¶
func (c *CachingAttachmentFetcher) FetchAttachment(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer, convID chat1.ConversationID, asset chat1.Asset, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface, signer s3.Signer, progress types.ProgressReporter) (err error)
func (*CachingAttachmentFetcher) IsAssetLocal ¶
func (*CachingAttachmentFetcher) OnDbNuke ¶
func (c *CachingAttachmentFetcher) OnDbNuke(mctx libkb.MetaContext) error
func (*CachingAttachmentFetcher) OnStart ¶
func (c *CachingAttachmentFetcher) OnStart(mctx libkb.MetaContext)
func (*CachingAttachmentFetcher) PutUploadedAsset ¶
func (*CachingAttachmentFetcher) StreamAttachment ¶
func (c *CachingAttachmentFetcher) StreamAttachment(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, asset chat1.Asset, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface, signer s3.Signer) (res io.ReadSeeker, err error)
type CachingIdentifyNotifier ¶
type CachingIdentifyNotifier struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler sync.RWMutex // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCachingIdentifyNotifier ¶
func NewCachingIdentifyNotifier(g *globals.Context) *CachingIdentifyNotifier
func (*CachingIdentifyNotifier) Reset ¶
func (i *CachingIdentifyNotifier) Reset()
func (*CachingIdentifyNotifier) ResetOnGUIConnect ¶
func (i *CachingIdentifyNotifier) ResetOnGUIConnect()
func (*CachingIdentifyNotifier) Send ¶
func (i *CachingIdentifyNotifier) Send(ctx context.Context, update keybase1.CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks)
type CachingParticipantSource ¶
type CachingParticipantSource struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCachingParticipantSource ¶
func NewCachingParticipantSource(g *globals.Context, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface) *CachingParticipantSource
func (*CachingParticipantSource) Get ¶
func (s *CachingParticipantSource) Get(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, dataSource types.InboxSourceDataSourceTyp) (res []gregor1.UID, err error)
func (*CachingParticipantSource) GetNonblock ¶
func (s *CachingParticipantSource) GetNonblock(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, dataSource types.InboxSourceDataSourceTyp) (resCh chan types.ParticipantResult)
func (*CachingParticipantSource) GetParticipantsFromUids ¶
func (s *CachingParticipantSource) GetParticipantsFromUids( ctx context.Context, uids []gregor1.UID, ) (participants []chat1.ConversationLocalParticipant, err error)
func (*CachingParticipantSource) GetWithNotifyNonblock ¶
func (s *CachingParticipantSource) GetWithNotifyNonblock(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, dataSource types.InboxSourceDataSourceTyp)
type CachingUPAKFinder ¶
type CachingUPAKFinder struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCachingUPAKFinder ¶
func NewCachingUPAKFinder(g *globals.Context) *CachingUPAKFinder
func (*CachingUPAKFinder) CheckKIDForUID ¶
func (*CachingUPAKFinder) LookupUsernameAndDevice ¶
func (u *CachingUPAKFinder) LookupUsernameAndDevice(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID) (username libkb.NormalizedUsername, deviceName string, deviceType keybase1.DeviceTypeV2, err error)
type ChatThreadConsistencyError ¶
type ChatThreadConsistencyError interface { error Code() ConsistencyErrorCode }
func CheckPrevPointersAndGetUnpreved ¶
func CheckPrevPointersAndGetUnpreved(thread *chat1.ThreadView) (newPrevsForRegular, newPrevsForExploding []chat1.MessagePreviousPointer, err ChatThreadConsistencyError)
Ingest a ThreadView, check several invariants, and produce a list of prev pointers to not-yet-pointed-to messages. Check several invariants at the same time: 1. No two messages have the same ID. 2. All prev pointers point to messages with lesser IDs. 3. All prev pointers to a message agree on that message's header hash. 4. For all messages we have locally, the hashes pointing to them are actually correct. TODO: All of this should happen in the cache instead of here all at once.
func NewChatThreadConsistencyError ¶
func NewChatThreadConsistencyError(code ConsistencyErrorCode, msg string, formatArgs ...interface{}) ChatThreadConsistencyError
type ConsistencyErrorCode ¶
type ConsistencyErrorCode int
const ( DuplicateID ConsistencyErrorCode = iota OutOfOrderID InconsistentHash IncorrectHash )
type ConvDevConversationBackedStorage ¶
type ConvDevConversationBackedStorage struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewConvDevConversationBackedStorage ¶
func NewConvDevConversationBackedStorage(g *globals.Context, topicType chat1.TopicType, adminOnly bool, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface) *ConvDevConversationBackedStorage
func (*ConvDevConversationBackedStorage) Get ¶
func (s *ConvDevConversationBackedStorage) Get(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, name string, dest interface{}, createConvIfMissing bool) (found bool, conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func (*ConvDevConversationBackedStorage) GetFromKnownConv ¶
func (s *ConvDevConversationBackedStorage) GetFromKnownConv(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, conv chat1.ConversationLocal, dest interface{}) (found bool, err error)
func (*ConvDevConversationBackedStorage) Put ¶
func (s *ConvDevConversationBackedStorage) Put(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, name string, src interface{}) (err error)
func (*ConvDevConversationBackedStorage) PutToKnownConv ¶
func (s *ConvDevConversationBackedStorage) PutToKnownConv(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, conv chat1.ConversationLocal, src interface{}) (err error)
type ConvTranscript ¶
type ConvTranscript struct {
Messages []ConvTranscriptMsg `json:"messages"`
func PullTranscript ¶
func PullTranscript(mctx libkb.MetaContext, convSource types.ConversationSource, convID chat1.ConvIDStr, usernames []kbun.NormalizedUsername, config PullTranscriptConfig) (res ConvTranscript, err error)
type ConvTranscriptMsg ¶
type ConvTranscriptMsg struct { SenderUsername string `json:"senderUsername"` Body chat1.MessageBody `json:"body"` Ctime gregor1.Time `json:"ctime_ms"` }
type ConversationRetry ¶
type ConversationRetry struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewConversationRetry ¶
func NewConversationRetry(g *globals.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, tlfID *chat1.TLFID, kind FetchType) *ConversationRetry
func (*ConversationRetry) RekeyFixable ¶
func (*ConversationRetry) SendStale ¶
func (c *ConversationRetry) SendStale(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
func (*ConversationRetry) String ¶
func (c *ConversationRetry) String() string
type CtxFactory ¶
type CtxFactory struct {
func (*CtxFactory) NewKeyFinder ¶
func (c *CtxFactory) NewKeyFinder() types.KeyFinder
func (*CtxFactory) NewUPAKFinder ¶
func (c *CtxFactory) NewUPAKFinder() types.UPAKFinder
type DecryptionKeyNotFoundError ¶
type DecryptionKeyNotFoundError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDecryptionKeyNotFoundError ¶
func NewDecryptionKeyNotFoundError(generation int, public, kbfsEncrypted bool) DecryptionKeyNotFoundError
func (DecryptionKeyNotFoundError) Error ¶
func (e DecryptionKeyNotFoundError) Error() string
type Deliverer ¶
type Deliverer struct { globals.Contextified sync.Mutex utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDeliverer ¶
func (*Deliverer) ActiveDeliveries ¶
func (*Deliverer) Disconnected ¶
func (*Deliverer) ForceDeliverLoop ¶
func (*Deliverer) IsDelivering ¶
func (*Deliverer) NextFailure ¶
func (s *Deliverer) NextFailure() (chan []chat1.OutboxRecord, func())
func (*Deliverer) Queue ¶
func (s *Deliverer) Queue(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, msg chat1.MessagePlaintext, outboxID *chat1.OutboxID, sendOpts *chat1.SenderSendOptions, prepareOpts *chat1.SenderPrepareOptions, identifyBehavior keybase1.TLFIdentifyBehavior) (obr chat1.OutboxRecord, err error)
type DelivererInfoError ¶
type DelivererInfoError interface {
IsImmediateFail() (chat1.OutboxErrorType, bool)
type DevConvEmojiSource ¶
type DevConvEmojiSource struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDevConvEmojiSource ¶
func NewDevConvEmojiSource(g *globals.Context, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface) *DevConvEmojiSource
func (*DevConvEmojiSource) Add ¶
func (s *DevConvEmojiSource) Add(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, alias, filename string, allowOverwrite bool) (res chat1.EmojiRemoteSource, err error)
func (*DevConvEmojiSource) AddAlias ¶
func (s *DevConvEmojiSource) AddAlias(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, newAlias, existingAlias string) (res chat1.EmojiRemoteSource, err error)
func (*DevConvEmojiSource) Decorate ¶
func (s *DevConvEmojiSource) Decorate(ctx context.Context, body string, uid gregor1.UID, messageType chat1.MessageType, emojis []chat1.HarvestedEmoji) string
func (*DevConvEmojiSource) Get ¶
func (s *DevConvEmojiSource) Get(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID *chat1.ConversationID, opts chat1.EmojiFetchOpts) (res chat1.UserEmojis, err error)
func (*DevConvEmojiSource) Harvest ¶
func (s *DevConvEmojiSource) Harvest(ctx context.Context, body string, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, mode types.EmojiHarvestMode) (res []chat1.HarvestedEmoji, err error)
func (*DevConvEmojiSource) IsStockEmoji ¶
func (s *DevConvEmojiSource) IsStockEmoji(alias string) bool
func (*DevConvEmojiSource) IsValidSize ¶
func (s *DevConvEmojiSource) IsValidSize(size int64) bool
func (*DevConvEmojiSource) RemoteToLocalSource ¶
func (s *DevConvEmojiSource) RemoteToLocalSource(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, remote chat1.EmojiRemoteSource) (source chat1.EmojiLoadSource, noAnimSource chat1.EmojiLoadSource, err error)
func (*DevConvEmojiSource) Remove ¶
func (s *DevConvEmojiSource) Remove(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, alias string) (err error)
func (*DevConvEmojiSource) ToggleAnimations ¶
type DevConversationBackedStorage ¶
type DevConversationBackedStorage struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDevConversationBackedStorage ¶
func NewDevConversationBackedStorage(g *globals.Context, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface) *DevConversationBackedStorage
type DevStorageAdminOnlyError ¶
type DevStorageAdminOnlyError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DevStorageAdminOnlyError) Error ¶
func (e *DevStorageAdminOnlyError) Error() string
type DevStoragePermissionDeniedError ¶
type DevStoragePermissionDeniedError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DevStoragePermissionDeniedError) Error ¶
func (e *DevStoragePermissionDeniedError) Error() string
type DummyIdentifyNotifier ¶
type DummyIdentifyNotifier struct{}
func (DummyIdentifyNotifier) Reset ¶
func (d DummyIdentifyNotifier) Reset()
func (DummyIdentifyNotifier) ResetOnGUIConnect ¶
func (d DummyIdentifyNotifier) ResetOnGUIConnect()
func (DummyIdentifyNotifier) Send ¶
func (d DummyIdentifyNotifier) Send(ctx context.Context, update keybase1.CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks)
type DuplicateTopicNameError ¶
type DuplicateTopicNameError struct {
Conv chat1.ConversationLocal
func (DuplicateTopicNameError) Error ¶
func (e DuplicateTopicNameError) Error() string
type EmojiValidationError ¶
func NewEmojiValidationError ¶
func NewEmojiValidationError(err error, cliDisplay, uiDisplay string) *EmojiValidationError
func NewEmojiValidationErrorJustError ¶
func NewEmojiValidationErrorJustError(err error) *EmojiValidationError
func NewEmojiValidationErrorSimple ¶
func NewEmojiValidationErrorSimple(err error, display string) *EmojiValidationError
func (*EmojiValidationError) Error ¶
func (e *EmojiValidationError) Error() string
func (*EmojiValidationError) Export ¶
func (e *EmojiValidationError) Export() *chat1.EmojiError
type EphemeralAlreadyExpiredError ¶
type EphemeralAlreadyExpiredError struct{}
func NewEphemeralAlreadyExpiredError ¶
func NewEphemeralAlreadyExpiredError() EphemeralAlreadyExpiredError
func (EphemeralAlreadyExpiredError) Error ¶
func (e EphemeralAlreadyExpiredError) Error() string
func (EphemeralAlreadyExpiredError) InternalError ¶
func (e EphemeralAlreadyExpiredError) InternalError() string
type EphemeralTracker ¶
type EphemeralTracker struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler sync.Mutex // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEphemeralTracker ¶
func NewEphemeralTracker(g *globals.Context) *EphemeralTracker
func (*EphemeralTracker) Clear ¶
func (t *EphemeralTracker) Clear(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID) (err error)
func (*EphemeralTracker) GetAllPurgeInfo ¶
func (t *EphemeralTracker) GetAllPurgeInfo(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID) ([]chat1.EphemeralPurgeInfo, error)
func (*EphemeralTracker) GetPurgeInfo ¶
func (t *EphemeralTracker) GetPurgeInfo(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) (chat1.EphemeralPurgeInfo, error)
func (*EphemeralTracker) InactivatePurgeInfo ¶
func (t *EphemeralTracker) InactivatePurgeInfo(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID) (err error)
func (*EphemeralTracker) MaybeUpdatePurgeInfo ¶
func (t *EphemeralTracker) MaybeUpdatePurgeInfo(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, purgeInfo *chat1.EphemeralPurgeInfo) (err error)
When we are filtering new messages coming in/out of storage, we maybe update if they tell us about something older we should be purging.
func (*EphemeralTracker) OnDbNuke ¶
func (t *EphemeralTracker) OnDbNuke(mctx libkb.MetaContext) error
func (*EphemeralTracker) OnLogout ¶
func (t *EphemeralTracker) OnLogout(mctx libkb.MetaContext) error
func (*EphemeralTracker) SetPurgeInfo ¶
func (t *EphemeralTracker) SetPurgeInfo(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, purgeInfo *chat1.EphemeralPurgeInfo) (err error)
func (*EphemeralTracker) Start ¶
func (t *EphemeralTracker) Start(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
func (*EphemeralTracker) Stop ¶
func (t *EphemeralTracker) Stop(ctx context.Context) chan struct{}
type EphemeralUnboxingError ¶
type EphemeralUnboxingError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewEphemeralUnboxingError ¶
func NewEphemeralUnboxingError(inner ephemeral.EphemeralKeyError) EphemeralUnboxingError
func (EphemeralUnboxingError) Error ¶
func (e EphemeralUnboxingError) Error() string
func (EphemeralUnboxingError) InternalError ¶
func (e EphemeralUnboxingError) InternalError() string
type FetchRetrier ¶
type FetchRetrier struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler sync.Mutex // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FetchRetrier is responsible for tracking any nonblock fetch failures, and retrying them automatically.
func NewFetchRetrier ¶
func NewFetchRetrier(g *globals.Context) *FetchRetrier
func (*FetchRetrier) Connected ¶
func (f *FetchRetrier) Connected(ctx context.Context)
Connected is called when a connection to the chat server is established, and forces a pass over the retry queue
func (*FetchRetrier) Disconnected ¶
func (f *FetchRetrier) Disconnected(ctx context.Context)
Disconnected is called when we lose connection to the chat server, and pauses attempts on the retry queue.
func (*FetchRetrier) Failure ¶
func (f *FetchRetrier) Failure(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, desc types.RetryDescription)
Failure indicates a failure of type kind has happened when loading a conversation.
func (*FetchRetrier) Force ¶
func (f *FetchRetrier) Force(ctx context.Context)
Force forces a run of the retry loop.
func (*FetchRetrier) IsOffline ¶
func (f *FetchRetrier) IsOffline(ctx context.Context) bool
IsOffline returns if the module thinks we are connected to the chat server.
func (*FetchRetrier) Rekey ¶
func (f *FetchRetrier) Rekey(ctx context.Context, name string, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, public bool)
func (*FetchRetrier) SetClock ¶
func (f *FetchRetrier) SetClock(clock clockwork.Clock)
SetClock sets a custom clock for testing.
func (*FetchRetrier) Stop ¶
func (f *FetchRetrier) Stop(ctx context.Context) chan struct{}
func (*FetchRetrier) Success ¶
func (f *FetchRetrier) Success(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, desc types.RetryDescription)
Success indicates a success of type kind loading a conversation. This effectively removes that conversation from the retry queue.
type FlipManager ¶
type FlipManager struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewFlipManager ¶
func NewFlipManager(g *globals.Context, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface) *FlipManager
func (*FlipManager) CLogf ¶
func (m *FlipManager) CLogf(ctx context.Context, fmt string, args ...interface{})
CLogf implements the flip.DealersHelper interface
func (*FlipManager) Clock ¶
func (m *FlipManager) Clock() clockwork.Clock
Clock implements the flip.DealersHelper interface
func (*FlipManager) DescribeFlipText ¶
func (m *FlipManager) DescribeFlipText(ctx context.Context, text string) string
func (*FlipManager) HasActiveGames ¶
func (m *FlipManager) HasActiveGames(ctx context.Context) bool
func (*FlipManager) IsFlipConversationCreated ¶
func (m *FlipManager) IsFlipConversationCreated(ctx context.Context, outboxID chat1.OutboxID) (convID chat1.ConversationID, status types.FlipSendStatus)
func (*FlipManager) LoadFlip ¶
func (m *FlipManager) LoadFlip(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, hostConvID chat1.ConversationID, hostMsgID chat1.MessageID, flipConvID chat1.ConversationID, gameID chat1.FlipGameID) (res chan chat1.UICoinFlipStatus, err chan error)
LoadFlip implements the types.CoinFlipManager interface
func (*FlipManager) MaybeInjectFlipMessage ¶
func (m *FlipManager) MaybeInjectFlipMessage(ctx context.Context, boxedMsg chat1.MessageBoxed, inboxVers chat1.InboxVers, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, topicType chat1.TopicType) bool
MaybeInjectFlipMessage implements the types.CoinFlipManager interface
func (*FlipManager) Me ¶
func (m *FlipManager) Me() flip.UserDevice
Me implements the flip.DealersHelper interface
func (*FlipManager) SendChat ¶
func (m *FlipManager) SendChat(ctx context.Context, initatorUID gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, gameID chat1.FlipGameID, msg flip.GameMessageEncoded) (err error)
SendChat implements the flip.DealersHelper interface
func (*FlipManager) ServerTime ¶
ServerTime implements the flip.DealersHelper interface
func (*FlipManager) ShouldCommit ¶
func (m *FlipManager) ShouldCommit(ctx context.Context) bool
func (*FlipManager) StartFlip ¶
func (m *FlipManager) StartFlip(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, hostConvID chat1.ConversationID, tlfName, text string, inOutboxID *chat1.OutboxID) (err error)
StartFlip implements the types.CoinFlipManager interface
func (*FlipManager) Stop ¶
func (m *FlipManager) Stop(ctx context.Context) (ch chan struct{})
type FlipVisualizer ¶
type FlipVisualizer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewFlipVisualizer ¶
func NewFlipVisualizer(width, height int) *FlipVisualizer
func (*FlipVisualizer) Visualize ¶
func (v *FlipVisualizer) Visualize(status *chat1.UICoinFlipStatus)
type FullInboxRetry ¶
type FullInboxRetry struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewFullInboxRetry ¶
func NewFullInboxRetry(g *globals.Context, query *chat1.GetInboxLocalQuery) FullInboxRetry
func (FullInboxRetry) RekeyFixable ¶
func (FullInboxRetry) SendStale ¶
func (f FullInboxRetry) SendStale(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
func (FullInboxRetry) String ¶
func (f FullInboxRetry) String() string
type HeaderMismatchError ¶
type HeaderMismatchError struct {
Field string
func NewHeaderMismatchError ¶
func NewHeaderMismatchError(field string) HeaderMismatchError
func (HeaderMismatchError) Error ¶
func (e HeaderMismatchError) Error() string
type Helper ¶
type Helper struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Helper) BulkAddToConv ¶
func (*Helper) DeleteMsgNonblock ¶
func (*Helper) FindConversations ¶
func (h *Helper) FindConversations(ctx context.Context, name string, topicName *string, topicType chat1.TopicType, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, vis keybase1.TLFVisibility) ([]chat1.ConversationLocal, error)
func (*Helper) FindConversationsByID ¶
func (h *Helper) FindConversationsByID(ctx context.Context, convIDs []chat1.ConversationID) ([]chat1.ConversationLocal, error)
func (*Helper) GetChannelTopicName ¶
func (h *Helper) GetChannelTopicName(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, topicType chat1.TopicType, convID chat1.ConversationID) (topicName string, err error)
GetChannelTopicName gets the name of a team channel even if it's not in the inbox.
func (*Helper) GetMessage ¶
func (h *Helper) GetMessage(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, msgID chat1.MessageID, resolveSupersedes bool, reason *chat1.GetThreadReason) (chat1.MessageUnboxed, error)
func (*Helper) GetMessages ¶
func (h *Helper) GetMessages(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, msgIDs []chat1.MessageID, resolveSupersedes bool, reason *chat1.GetThreadReason) ([]chat1.MessageUnboxed, error)
func (*Helper) InTeam ¶
InTeam gives a best effort to answer team membership based on the current state of the inbox cache
func (*Helper) JoinConversationByID ¶
func (*Helper) JoinConversationByName ¶
func (*Helper) JourneycardDebugState ¶
func (*Helper) JourneycardResetAllConvs ¶
func (*Helper) JourneycardTimeTravel ¶
func (*Helper) LeaveConversation ¶
func (*Helper) NewConversation ¶
func (*Helper) NewConversationSkipFindExisting ¶
func (*Helper) NewConversationWithMemberSourceConv ¶
func (h *Helper) NewConversationWithMemberSourceConv(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, tlfName string, topicName *string, topicType chat1.TopicType, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, vis keybase1.TLFVisibility, retentionPolicy *chat1.RetentionPolicy, memberSourceConv *chat1.ConversationID) (chat1.ConversationLocal, bool, error)
func (*Helper) SendMsgByID ¶
func (h *Helper) SendMsgByID(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, tlfName string, body chat1.MessageBody, msgType chat1.MessageType, vis keybase1.TLFVisibility) error
func (*Helper) SendMsgByIDNonblock ¶
func (*Helper) SendMsgByName ¶
func (h *Helper) SendMsgByName(ctx context.Context, name string, topicName *string, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, ident keybase1.TLFIdentifyBehavior, body chat1.MessageBody, msgType chat1.MessageType) error
func (*Helper) SendMsgByNameNonblock ¶
func (h *Helper) SendMsgByNameNonblock(ctx context.Context, name string, topicName *string, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, ident keybase1.TLFIdentifyBehavior, body chat1.MessageBody, msgType chat1.MessageType, inOutboxID *chat1.OutboxID) (chat1.OutboxID, error)
func (*Helper) SendTextByID ¶
func (h *Helper) SendTextByID(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, tlfName string, text string, vis keybase1.TLFVisibility) error
func (*Helper) SendTextByIDNonblock ¶
func (*Helper) SendTextByName ¶
func (*Helper) SendTextByNameNonblock ¶
func (*Helper) UpgradeKBFSToImpteam ¶
func (*Helper) UserReacjis ¶
type HybridConversationSource ¶
type HybridConversationSource struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewHybridConversationSource ¶
func NewHybridConversationSource(g *globals.Context, b *Boxer, storage *storage.Storage, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface) *HybridConversationSource
func (*HybridConversationSource) AcquireConversationLock ¶
func (s *HybridConversationSource) AcquireConversationLock(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) error
func (*HybridConversationSource) Clear ¶
func (s *HybridConversationSource) Clear(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, opts *types.ClearOpts) (err error)
func (HybridConversationSource) DeleteAssets ¶
func (s HybridConversationSource) DeleteAssets(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, assets []chat1.Asset)
DeleteAssets implements interface.
func (*HybridConversationSource) EphemeralPurge ¶
func (s *HybridConversationSource) EphemeralPurge(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, purgeInfo *chat1.EphemeralPurgeInfo) (newPurgeInfo *chat1.EphemeralPurgeInfo, explodedMsgs []chat1.MessageUnboxed, err error)
func (*HybridConversationSource) Expunge ¶
func (s *HybridConversationSource) Expunge(ctx context.Context, conv types.UnboxConversationInfo, uid gregor1.UID, expunge chat1.Expunge) (err error)
Expunge from storage and maybe notify the gui of staleness
func (HybridConversationSource) GetMessage ¶
func (s HybridConversationSource) GetMessage(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, msgID chat1.MessageID, reason *chat1.GetThreadReason, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface, resolveSupersedes bool) (chat1.MessageUnboxed, error)
func (*HybridConversationSource) GetMessages ¶
func (s *HybridConversationSource) GetMessages(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, msgIDs []chat1.MessageID, threadReason *chat1.GetThreadReason, customRi func() chat1.RemoteInterface, resolveSupersedes bool) (res []chat1.MessageUnboxed, err error)
func (*HybridConversationSource) GetMessagesWithRemotes ¶
func (s *HybridConversationSource) GetMessagesWithRemotes(ctx context.Context, conv chat1.Conversation, uid gregor1.UID, msgs []chat1.MessageBoxed) (res []chat1.MessageUnboxed, err error)
func (*HybridConversationSource) GetUnreadline ¶
func (*HybridConversationSource) Pull ¶
func (s *HybridConversationSource) Pull(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, reason chat1.GetThreadReason, customRi func() chat1.RemoteInterface, query *chat1.GetThreadQuery, pagination *chat1.Pagination) (thread chat1.ThreadView, err error)
func (HybridConversationSource) PullFull ¶
func (s HybridConversationSource) PullFull(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, reason chat1.GetThreadReason, query *chat1.GetThreadQuery, maxPages *int) (res chat1.ThreadView, err error)
func (*HybridConversationSource) PullLocalOnly ¶
func (s *HybridConversationSource) PullLocalOnly(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, reason chat1.GetThreadReason, query *chat1.GetThreadQuery, pagination *chat1.Pagination, maxPlaceholders int) (tv chat1.ThreadView, err error)
func (*HybridConversationSource) Push ¶
func (s *HybridConversationSource) Push(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, msg chat1.MessageBoxed) (decmsg chat1.MessageUnboxed, continuousUpdate bool, err error)
func (*HybridConversationSource) PushUnboxed ¶
func (s *HybridConversationSource) PushUnboxed(ctx context.Context, conv types.UnboxConversationInfo, uid gregor1.UID, msgs []chat1.MessageUnboxed) (err error)
func (*HybridConversationSource) ReleaseConversationLock ¶
func (s *HybridConversationSource) ReleaseConversationLock(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID)
func (HybridConversationSource) SetRemoteInterface ¶
func (s HybridConversationSource) SetRemoteInterface(ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface)
func (HybridConversationSource) Sign ¶
Sign implements interface.
func (HybridConversationSource) TransformSupersedes ¶
func (s HybridConversationSource) TransformSupersedes(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, msgs []chat1.MessageUnboxed, q *chat1.GetThreadQuery, superXform types.SupersedesTransform, replyFiller types.ReplyFiller, maxDeletedUpTo *chat1.MessageID) (res []chat1.MessageUnboxed, err error)
type HybridInboxSource ¶
type HybridInboxSource struct { sync.Mutex globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewHybridInboxSource ¶
func NewHybridInboxSource(g *globals.Context, getChatInterface func() chat1.RemoteInterface) *HybridInboxSource
func (*HybridInboxSource) ApplyLocalChatState ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) ApplyLocalChatState(ctx context.Context, infos []keybase1.BadgeConversationInfo) (res []keybase1.BadgeConversationInfo, smallTeamBadgeCount, bigTeamBadgeCount int)
ApplyLocalChatState marks items locally as read and badges conversations that have failed outbox items.
func (*HybridInboxSource) Connected ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) Connected(ctx context.Context)
func (*HybridInboxSource) ConversationsUpdate ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) ConversationsUpdate(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convUpdates []chat1.ConversationUpdate) (err error)
func (HybridInboxSource) Disconnected ¶
func (*HybridInboxSource) Draft ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) Draft(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, text *string) (err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) Expunge ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) Expunge(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convID chat1.ConversationID, expunge chat1.Expunge, maxMsgs []chat1.MessageSummary) (*chat1.ConversationLocal, error)
func (HybridInboxSource) GetInboxQueryLocalToRemote ¶
func (b HybridInboxSource) GetInboxQueryLocalToRemote(ctx context.Context, lquery *chat1.GetInboxLocalQuery) (rquery *chat1.GetInboxQuery, info types.NameInfo, err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) IncrementLocalConvVersion ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) IncrementLocalConvVersion(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) (conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) Localize ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) Localize(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convs []types.RemoteConversation, localizerTyp types.ConversationLocalizerTyp) (res []chat1.ConversationLocal, localizeCb chan types.AsyncInboxResult, err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) MarkAsRead ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) MarkAsRead(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, msgID *chat1.MessageID) (err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) MembershipUpdate ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) MembershipUpdate(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, joined []chat1.ConversationMember, removed []chat1.ConversationMember, resets []chat1.ConversationMember, previews []chat1.ConversationID, teamMemberRoleUpdate *chat1.TeamMemberRoleUpdate) (res types.MembershipUpdateRes, err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) MergeLocalMetadata ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) MergeLocalMetadata(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convs []chat1.ConversationLocal) (err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) NewConversation ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) NewConversation(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, conv chat1.Conversation) (err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) NewMessage ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) NewMessage(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convID chat1.ConversationID, msg chat1.MessageBoxed, maxMsgs []chat1.MessageSummary) (conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) NotifyUpdate ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) NotifyUpdate(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID)
func (*HybridInboxSource) Read ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) Read(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, localizerTyp types.ConversationLocalizerTyp, dataSource types.InboxSourceDataSourceTyp, maxLocalize *int, query *chat1.GetInboxLocalQuery) (inbox types.Inbox, localizeCb chan types.AsyncInboxResult, err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) ReadMessage ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) ReadMessage(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convID chat1.ConversationID, msgID chat1.MessageID) (conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) ReadUnverified ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) ReadUnverified(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, dataSource types.InboxSourceDataSourceTyp, query *chat1.GetInboxQuery) (res types.Inbox, err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) RemoteDeleteConversation ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) RemoteDeleteConversation(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) (err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) RemoteSetConversationStatus ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) RemoteSetConversationStatus(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, status chat1.ConversationStatus) (err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) Search ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) Search(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, query string, limit int, emptyMode types.InboxSourceSearchEmptyMode) (res []types.RemoteConversation, err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) SetAppNotificationSettings ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) SetAppNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convID chat1.ConversationID, settings chat1.ConversationNotificationInfo) (conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) SetConvRetention ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) SetConvRetention(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convID chat1.ConversationID, policy chat1.RetentionPolicy) (res *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) SetConvSettings ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) SetConvSettings(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convID chat1.ConversationID, convSettings *chat1.ConversationSettings) (res *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func (HybridInboxSource) SetRemoteInterface ¶
func (b HybridInboxSource) SetRemoteInterface(ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface)
func (*HybridInboxSource) SetStatus ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) SetStatus(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convID chat1.ConversationID, status chat1.ConversationStatus) (conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) SetTeamRetention ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) SetTeamRetention(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, teamID keybase1.TeamID, policy chat1.RetentionPolicy) (convs []chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) Start ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) Start(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
func (*HybridInboxSource) Stop ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) Stop(ctx context.Context) chan struct{}
func (*HybridInboxSource) SubteamRename ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) SubteamRename(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convIDs []chat1.ConversationID) (convs []chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) Sync ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) Sync(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convs []chat1.Conversation) (res types.InboxSyncRes, err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) TeamBotSettingsForConv ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) TeamBotSettingsForConv(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) ( teambotSettings map[keybase1.UID]keybase1.TeamBotSettings, err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) TeamTypeChanged ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) TeamTypeChanged(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convID chat1.ConversationID, teamType chat1.TeamType) (conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) TlfFinalize ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) TlfFinalize(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convIDs []chat1.ConversationID, finalizeInfo chat1.ConversationFinalizeInfo) (convs []chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func (*HybridInboxSource) UpdateInboxVersion ¶
func (*HybridInboxSource) UpdateLocalMtime ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) UpdateLocalMtime(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, updates []chat1.LocalMtimeUpdate) error
func (*HybridInboxSource) UpgradeKBFSToImpteam ¶
func (s *HybridInboxSource) UpgradeKBFSToImpteam(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convID chat1.ConversationID) (conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
type IdentifyChangedHandler ¶
type IdentifyChangedHandler struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler }
func NewIdentifyChangedHandler ¶
func NewIdentifyChangedHandler(g *globals.Context) *IdentifyChangedHandler
func (*IdentifyChangedHandler) HandleUserChanged ¶
func (h *IdentifyChangedHandler) HandleUserChanged(uid keybase1.UID) (err error)
type ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource ¶
type ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler *NameIdentifier // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource ¶
func NewImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource(g *globals.Context, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType) *ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource
func (*ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) AllCryptKeys ¶
func (t *ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) AllCryptKeys(ctx context.Context, name string, public bool) (res types.AllCryptKeys, err error)
func (*ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) DecryptionKey ¶
func (*ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) EncryptionKey ¶
func (*ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) EphemeralDecryptionKey ¶
func (t *ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) EphemeralDecryptionKey(mctx libkb.MetaContext, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, public bool, botUID *gregor1.UID, generation keybase1.EkGeneration, contentCtime *gregor1.Time) (teamEK types.EphemeralCryptKey, err error)
func (*ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) EphemeralEncryptionKey ¶
func (t *ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) EphemeralEncryptionKey(mctx libkb.MetaContext, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, public bool, botUID *gregor1.UID) (ek types.EphemeralCryptKey, err error)
func (*ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) LookupName ¶
func (*ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) ShouldPairwiseMAC ¶
func (*ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) TeamBotSettings ¶
func (t *ImplicitTeamsNameInfoSource) TeamBotSettings(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, public bool) (map[keybase1.UserVersion]keybase1.TeamBotSettings, error)
type ImpteamBadteamError ¶
type ImpteamBadteamError struct {
Msg string
func (ImpteamBadteamError) Error ¶
func (e ImpteamBadteamError) Error() string
type InvalidMACError ¶
type InvalidMACError struct{}
func NewInvalidMACError ¶
func NewInvalidMACError() InvalidMACError
func (InvalidMACError) Error ¶
func (e InvalidMACError) Error() string
type JourneyCardManager ¶
type JourneyCardManager struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
JourneyCardManager handles user switching and proxies to the active JourneyCardManagerSingleUser.
func NewJourneyCardManager ¶
func NewJourneyCardManager(g *globals.Context, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface) *JourneyCardManager
func (*JourneyCardManager) DebugState ¶
func (*JourneyCardManager) Dismiss ¶
func (j *JourneyCardManager) Dismiss(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, teamID keybase1.TeamID, convID chat1.ConversationID, jcType chat1.JourneycardType)
func (*JourneyCardManager) OnDbNuke ¶
func (j *JourneyCardManager) OnDbNuke(mctx libkb.MetaContext) error
func (*JourneyCardManager) PickCard ¶
func (j *JourneyCardManager) PickCard(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, convLocalOptional *chat1.ConversationLocal, thread *chat1.ThreadView, ) (*chat1.MessageUnboxedJourneycard, error)
func (*JourneyCardManager) ResetAllConvs ¶
func (*JourneyCardManager) SentMessage ¶
func (j *JourneyCardManager) SentMessage(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, teamID keybase1.TeamID, convID chat1.ConversationID)
func (*JourneyCardManager) Start ¶
func (j *JourneyCardManager) Start(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
func (*JourneyCardManager) Stop ¶
func (j *JourneyCardManager) Stop(ctx context.Context) chan struct{}
type JourneyCardManagerSingleUser ¶
type JourneyCardManagerSingleUser struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewJourneyCardManagerSingleUser ¶
func NewJourneyCardManagerSingleUser(g *globals.Context, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface, uid gregor1.UID) *JourneyCardManagerSingleUser
func (*JourneyCardManagerSingleUser) DebugState ¶
func (*JourneyCardManagerSingleUser) Dismiss ¶
func (cc *JourneyCardManagerSingleUser) Dismiss(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, convID chat1.ConversationID, cardType chat1.JourneycardType)
func (*JourneyCardManagerSingleUser) PickCard ¶
func (cc *JourneyCardManagerSingleUser) PickCard(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, convLocalOptional *chat1.ConversationLocal, thread *chat1.ThreadView, ) (*chat1.MessageUnboxedJourneycard, error)
Choose a journey card to show in the conversation. Called by postProcessThread so keep it snappy.
func (*JourneyCardManagerSingleUser) ResetAllConvs ¶
func (cc *JourneyCardManagerSingleUser) ResetAllConvs(ctx context.Context) (err error)
ResetAllConvs deletes storage for all conversations. For use simulating a fresh user experience without the need to switch accounts.
func (*JourneyCardManagerSingleUser) SentMessage ¶
func (cc *JourneyCardManagerSingleUser) SentMessage(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, convID chat1.ConversationID)
The user has sent a message.
func (*JourneyCardManagerSingleUser) TimeTravel ¶
func (cc *JourneyCardManagerSingleUser) TimeTravel(ctx context.Context, duration time.Duration) (nTeams, nConvs int, err error)
TimeTravel simulates moving all known conversations forward in time. For use simulating a user experience without the need to wait hours for cards to appear. Returns the number of known teams and convs.
type KBFSNameInfoSource ¶
type KBFSNameInfoSource struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler *NameIdentifier }
func NewKBFSNameInfoSource ¶
func NewKBFSNameInfoSource(g *globals.Context) *KBFSNameInfoSource
func (*KBFSNameInfoSource) AllCryptKeys ¶
func (t *KBFSNameInfoSource) AllCryptKeys(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, public bool) (res types.AllCryptKeys, err error)
func (*KBFSNameInfoSource) CompleteAndCanonicalizePrivateTlfName ¶
func (t *KBFSNameInfoSource) CompleteAndCanonicalizePrivateTlfName(ctx context.Context, tlfName string) (res keybase1.CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks, err error)
func (*KBFSNameInfoSource) CryptKeys ¶
func (t *KBFSNameInfoSource) CryptKeys(ctx context.Context, tlfName string) (res keybase1.GetTLFCryptKeysRes, err error)
func (*KBFSNameInfoSource) DecryptionKey ¶
func (*KBFSNameInfoSource) EncryptionKey ¶
func (*KBFSNameInfoSource) EphemeralDecryptionKey ¶
func (t *KBFSNameInfoSource) EphemeralDecryptionKey(mctx libkb.MetaContext, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, public bool, botUID *gregor1.UID, generation keybase1.EkGeneration, contentCtime *gregor1.Time) (teamEK types.EphemeralCryptKey, err error)
func (*KBFSNameInfoSource) EphemeralEncryptionKey ¶
func (t *KBFSNameInfoSource) EphemeralEncryptionKey(mctx libkb.MetaContext, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, public bool, botUID *gregor1.UID) (teamEK types.EphemeralCryptKey, err error)
func (*KBFSNameInfoSource) LookupName ¶
func (*KBFSNameInfoSource) PublicCanonicalTLFNameAndID ¶
func (t *KBFSNameInfoSource) PublicCanonicalTLFNameAndID(ctx context.Context, tlfName string) (res keybase1.CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks, err error)
func (*KBFSNameInfoSource) ShouldPairwiseMAC ¶
func (*KBFSNameInfoSource) TeamBotSettings ¶
func (t *KBFSNameInfoSource) TeamBotSettings(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, public bool) (map[keybase1.UserVersion]keybase1.TeamBotSettings, error)
type KeyFinderImpl ¶
type KeyFinderImpl struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler sync.Mutex // contains filtered or unexported fields }
KeyFinder remembers results from previous calls to CryptKeys().
func (*KeyFinderImpl) EphemeralKeyForDecryption ¶
func (k *KeyFinderImpl) EphemeralKeyForDecryption(mctx libkb.MetaContext, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, public bool, botUID *gregor1.UID, generation keybase1.EkGeneration, contentCtime *gregor1.Time) (types.EphemeralCryptKey, error)
func (*KeyFinderImpl) EphemeralKeyForEncryption ¶
func (k *KeyFinderImpl) EphemeralKeyForEncryption(mctx libkb.MetaContext, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, public bool, botUID *gregor1.UID) (ek types.EphemeralCryptKey, err error)
func (*KeyFinderImpl) FindForDecryption ¶
func (k *KeyFinderImpl) FindForDecryption(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, public bool, keyGeneration int, kbfsEncrypted bool, botUID *gregor1.UID) (res types.CryptKey, err error)
FindForDecryption ignores tlfName or teamID based on membersType.
func (*KeyFinderImpl) FindForEncryption ¶
func (k *KeyFinderImpl) FindForEncryption(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, public bool, botUID *gregor1.UID) (res types.CryptKey, ni types.NameInfo, err error)
FindForEncryption finds keys up-to-date enough for encrypting. Ignores tlfName or teamID based on membersType.
func (*KeyFinderImpl) Reset ¶
func (k *KeyFinderImpl) Reset()
func (*KeyFinderImpl) ShouldPairwiseMAC ¶
type KeyFinderMock ¶
type KeyFinderMock struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*KeyFinderMock) EphemeralKeyForDecryption ¶
func (k *KeyFinderMock) EphemeralKeyForDecryption(mctx libkb.MetaContext, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, public bool, botUID *gregor1.UID, generation keybase1.EkGeneration, contentCtime *gregor1.Time) (types.EphemeralCryptKey, error)
func (*KeyFinderMock) EphemeralKeyForEncryption ¶
func (k *KeyFinderMock) EphemeralKeyForEncryption(mctx libkb.MetaContext, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, public bool, botUID *gregor1.UID) (types.EphemeralCryptKey, error)
func (*KeyFinderMock) FindForDecryption ¶
func (*KeyFinderMock) FindForEncryption ¶
func (*KeyFinderMock) Reset ¶
func (k *KeyFinderMock) Reset()
func (*KeyFinderMock) SetNameInfoSourceOverride ¶
func (k *KeyFinderMock) SetNameInfoSourceOverride(ni types.NameInfoSource)
func (*KeyFinderMock) ShouldPairwiseMAC ¶
type MobilePush ¶
type MobilePush struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler }
func NewMobilePush ¶
func NewMobilePush(g *globals.Context) *MobilePush
func (*MobilePush) AckNotificationSuccess ¶
func (h *MobilePush) AckNotificationSuccess(ctx context.Context, pushIDs []string)
func (*MobilePush) UnboxPushNotification ¶
func (h *MobilePush) UnboxPushNotification(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, payload string) (res chat1.MessageUnboxed, err error)
type NameIdentifier ¶
type NameIdentifier struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler }
func NewNameIdentifier ¶
func NewNameIdentifier(g *globals.Context) *NameIdentifier
func (*NameIdentifier) Identify ¶
func (t *NameIdentifier) Identify(ctx context.Context, names []string, private bool, getTLFID func() keybase1.TLFID, getCanonicalName func() keybase1.CanonicalTlfName) (res []keybase1.TLFIdentifyFailure, err error)
type NewConvFindExistingMode ¶
type NewConvFindExistingMode int
const ( NewConvFindExistingNormal NewConvFindExistingMode = iota NewConvFindExistingSkip )
type NonblockingSender ¶
type NonblockingSender struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewNonblockingSender ¶
func NewNonblockingSender(g *globals.Context, sender types.Sender) *NonblockingSender
func (*NonblockingSender) Prepare ¶
func (s *NonblockingSender) Prepare(ctx context.Context, msg chat1.MessagePlaintext, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, opts *chat1.SenderPrepareOptions) (types.SenderPrepareResult, error)
func (*NonblockingSender) Send ¶
func (s *NonblockingSender) Send(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, msg chat1.MessagePlaintext, clientPrev chat1.MessageID, outboxID *chat1.OutboxID, sendOpts *chat1.SenderSendOptions, prepareOpts *chat1.SenderPrepareOptions) (chat1.OutboxID, *chat1.MessageBoxed, error)
func (*NonblockingSender) SendUnfurlNonblock ¶
func (s *NonblockingSender) SendUnfurlNonblock(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, msg chat1.MessagePlaintext, clientPrev chat1.MessageID, outboxID chat1.OutboxID) (chat1.OutboxID, error)
type NotAuthenticatedForThisDeviceError ¶
type NotAuthenticatedForThisDeviceError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNotAuthenticatedForThisDeviceError ¶
func NewNotAuthenticatedForThisDeviceError(mctx libkb.MetaContext, memberCtime *keybase1.Time, contentCtime gregor1.Time) NotAuthenticatedForThisDeviceError
func (NotAuthenticatedForThisDeviceError) Error ¶
func (e NotAuthenticatedForThisDeviceError) Error() string
func (NotAuthenticatedForThisDeviceError) InternalError ¶
func (e NotAuthenticatedForThisDeviceError) InternalError() string
type NotifyRouterActivityRouter ¶
type NotifyRouterActivityRouter struct { utils.DebugLabeler globals.Contextified sync.Mutex // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewNotifyRouterActivityRouter ¶
func NewNotifyRouterActivityRouter(g *globals.Context) *NotifyRouterActivityRouter
func (*NotifyRouterActivityRouter) Activity ¶
func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) Activity(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, topicType chat1.TopicType, activity *chat1.ChatActivity, source chat1.ChatActivitySource)
func (*NotifyRouterActivityRouter) AttachmentUploadProgress ¶
func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) AttachmentUploadProgress(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, outboxID chat1.OutboxID, bytesComplete, bytesTotal int64)
func (*NotifyRouterActivityRouter) AttachmentUploadStart ¶
func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) AttachmentUploadStart(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, outboxID chat1.OutboxID)
func (*NotifyRouterActivityRouter) ConvUpdate ¶
func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) ConvUpdate(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, topicType chat1.TopicType, conv *chat1.InboxUIItem)
func (*NotifyRouterActivityRouter) InboxStale ¶
func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) InboxStale(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
func (*NotifyRouterActivityRouter) InboxSyncStarted ¶
func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) InboxSyncStarted(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
func (*NotifyRouterActivityRouter) InboxSynced ¶
func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) InboxSynced(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, topicType chat1.TopicType, syncRes chat1.ChatSyncResult)
func (*NotifyRouterActivityRouter) JoinedConversation ¶
func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) JoinedConversation(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, topicType chat1.TopicType, conv *chat1.InboxUIItem)
func (*NotifyRouterActivityRouter) KBFSToImpteamUpgrade ¶
func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) KBFSToImpteamUpgrade(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, topicType chat1.TopicType)
func (*NotifyRouterActivityRouter) LeftConversation ¶
func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) LeftConversation(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, topicType chat1.TopicType)
func (*NotifyRouterActivityRouter) PromptUnfurl ¶
func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) PromptUnfurl(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, msgID chat1.MessageID, domain string)
func (*NotifyRouterActivityRouter) ResetConversation ¶
func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) ResetConversation(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, topicType chat1.TopicType)
func (*NotifyRouterActivityRouter) SetConvRetention ¶
func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) SetConvRetention(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, topicType chat1.TopicType, conv *chat1.InboxUIItem)
func (*NotifyRouterActivityRouter) SetConvSettings ¶
func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) SetConvSettings(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, topicType chat1.TopicType, conv *chat1.InboxUIItem)
func (*NotifyRouterActivityRouter) SetTeamRetention ¶
func (*NotifyRouterActivityRouter) SubteamRename ¶
func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) SubteamRename(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convIDs []chat1.ConversationID, topicType chat1.TopicType, convs []chat1.InboxUIItem)
func (*NotifyRouterActivityRouter) TLFFinalize ¶
func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) TLFFinalize(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, topicType chat1.TopicType, finalizeInfo chat1.ConversationFinalizeInfo, conv *chat1.InboxUIItem)
func (*NotifyRouterActivityRouter) TLFResolve ¶
func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) TLFResolve(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, topicType chat1.TopicType, resolveInfo chat1.ConversationResolveInfo)
func (*NotifyRouterActivityRouter) ThreadsStale ¶
func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) ThreadsStale(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, updates []chat1.ConversationStaleUpdate)
func (*NotifyRouterActivityRouter) TypingUpdate ¶
func (n *NotifyRouterActivityRouter) TypingUpdate(ctx context.Context, updates []chat1.ConvTypingUpdate)
type OfflineClient ¶
type OfflineClient struct { }
func (OfflineClient) CallCompressed ¶
func (e OfflineClient) CallCompressed(ctx context.Context, method string, arg interface{}, res interface{}, ctype rpc.CompressionType, timeout time.Duration) error
type OfflineError ¶
type OfflineError struct { }
func (OfflineError) Error ¶
func (e OfflineError) Error() string
type OfflineErrorKind ¶
type OfflineErrorKind int
const ( OfflineErrorKindOnline OfflineErrorKind = iota OfflineErrorKindOfflineBasic OfflineErrorKindOfflineReconnect )
func IsOfflineError ¶
func IsOfflineError(err error) OfflineErrorKind
type PermanentUnboxingError ¶
type PermanentUnboxingError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (PermanentUnboxingError) Error ¶
func (e PermanentUnboxingError) Error() string
func (PermanentUnboxingError) ExportType ¶
func (e PermanentUnboxingError) ExportType() chat1.MessageUnboxedErrorType
func (PermanentUnboxingError) Inner ¶
func (e PermanentUnboxingError) Inner() error
func (PermanentUnboxingError) InternalError ¶
func (e PermanentUnboxingError) InternalError() string
func (PermanentUnboxingError) IsCritical ¶
func (e PermanentUnboxingError) IsCritical() bool
func (PermanentUnboxingError) IsPermanent ¶
func (e PermanentUnboxingError) IsPermanent() bool
func (PermanentUnboxingError) ToStatus ¶
func (e PermanentUnboxingError) ToStatus() (status keybase1.Status)
func (PermanentUnboxingError) VersionKind ¶
func (e PermanentUnboxingError) VersionKind() chat1.VersionKind
func (PermanentUnboxingError) VersionNumber ¶
func (e PermanentUnboxingError) VersionNumber() int
type PublicTeamEphemeralKeyError ¶
type PublicTeamEphemeralKeyError struct{}
func NewPublicTeamEphemeralKeyError ¶
func NewPublicTeamEphemeralKeyError() PublicTeamEphemeralKeyError
func (PublicTeamEphemeralKeyError) Error ¶
func (e PublicTeamEphemeralKeyError) Error() string
type PullTranscriptConfig ¶
type PullTranscriptConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func PullTranscriptConfigDefault ¶
func PullTranscriptConfigDefault() PullTranscriptConfig
type PushHandler ¶
type PushHandler struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler sync.Mutex // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewPushHandler ¶
func NewPushHandler(g *globals.Context) *PushHandler
func (*PushHandler) Activity ¶
func (g *PushHandler) Activity(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
func (*PushHandler) ConversationsUpdate ¶
func (g *PushHandler) ConversationsUpdate(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
func (*PushHandler) HandleOobm ¶
func (g *PushHandler) HandleOobm(ctx context.Context, obm gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (bool, error)
func (*PushHandler) MembershipUpdate ¶
func (g *PushHandler) MembershipUpdate(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
func (*PushHandler) SetClock ¶
func (g *PushHandler) SetClock(clock clockwork.Clock)
func (*PushHandler) SetConvRetention ¶
func (g *PushHandler) SetConvRetention(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
func (*PushHandler) SetConvSettings ¶
func (g *PushHandler) SetConvSettings(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
func (*PushHandler) SetTeamRetention ¶
func (g *PushHandler) SetTeamRetention(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
func (*PushHandler) Stop ¶
func (g *PushHandler) Stop(ctx context.Context) chan struct{}
func (*PushHandler) SubteamRename ¶
func (g *PushHandler) SubteamRename(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
func (*PushHandler) TlfFinalize ¶
func (g *PushHandler) TlfFinalize(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
func (*PushHandler) TlfResolve ¶
func (g *PushHandler) TlfResolve(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
func (*PushHandler) Typing ¶
func (g *PushHandler) Typing(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
func (*PushHandler) UpgradeKBFSToImpteam ¶
func (g *PushHandler) UpgradeKBFSToImpteam(ctx context.Context, m gregor.OutOfBandMessage) (err error)
type RemoteAttachmentFetcher ¶
type RemoteAttachmentFetcher struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewRemoteAttachmentFetcher ¶
func NewRemoteAttachmentFetcher(g *globals.Context, store attachments.Store) *RemoteAttachmentFetcher
func (*RemoteAttachmentFetcher) DeleteAssets ¶
func (r *RemoteAttachmentFetcher) DeleteAssets(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, assets []chat1.Asset, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface, signer s3.Signer) (err error)
func (*RemoteAttachmentFetcher) FetchAttachment ¶
func (r *RemoteAttachmentFetcher) FetchAttachment(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer, convID chat1.ConversationID, asset chat1.Asset, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface, signer s3.Signer, progress types.ProgressReporter) (err error)
func (*RemoteAttachmentFetcher) IsAssetLocal ¶
func (*RemoteAttachmentFetcher) OnDbNuke ¶
func (r *RemoteAttachmentFetcher) OnDbNuke(mctx libkb.MetaContext) error
func (*RemoteAttachmentFetcher) OnStart ¶
func (r *RemoteAttachmentFetcher) OnStart(mctx libkb.MetaContext)
func (*RemoteAttachmentFetcher) PutUploadedAsset ¶
func (*RemoteAttachmentFetcher) StreamAttachment ¶
func (r *RemoteAttachmentFetcher) StreamAttachment(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, asset chat1.Asset, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface, signer s3.Signer) (res io.ReadSeeker, err error)
type RemoteClient ¶
type RemoteClient struct { utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewRemoteClient ¶
func NewRemoteClient(g *globals.Context, cli rpc.GenericClient) *RemoteClient
func (*RemoteClient) CallCompressed ¶
func (c *RemoteClient) CallCompressed(ctx context.Context, method string, arg interface{}, res interface{}, ctype rpc.CompressionType, timeout time.Duration) (err error)
type RemoteConversationSource ¶
type RemoteConversationSource struct { globals.Contextified // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewRemoteConversationSource ¶
func NewRemoteConversationSource(g *globals.Context, b *Boxer, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface) *RemoteConversationSource
func (*RemoteConversationSource) AcquireConversationLock ¶
func (s *RemoteConversationSource) AcquireConversationLock(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) error
func (*RemoteConversationSource) Clear ¶
func (s *RemoteConversationSource) Clear(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, opts *types.ClearOpts) error
func (RemoteConversationSource) DeleteAssets ¶
func (s RemoteConversationSource) DeleteAssets(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, assets []chat1.Asset)
DeleteAssets implements interface.
func (*RemoteConversationSource) EphemeralPurge ¶
func (s *RemoteConversationSource) EphemeralPurge(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, purgeInfo *chat1.EphemeralPurgeInfo) (*chat1.EphemeralPurgeInfo, []chat1.MessageUnboxed, error)
func (*RemoteConversationSource) Expunge ¶
func (s *RemoteConversationSource) Expunge(ctx context.Context, conv types.UnboxConversationInfo, uid gregor1.UID, expunge chat1.Expunge) error
func (RemoteConversationSource) GetMessage ¶
func (s RemoteConversationSource) GetMessage(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, msgID chat1.MessageID, reason *chat1.GetThreadReason, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface, resolveSupersedes bool) (chat1.MessageUnboxed, error)
func (*RemoteConversationSource) GetMessages ¶
func (s *RemoteConversationSource) GetMessages(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, msgIDs []chat1.MessageID, threadReason *chat1.GetThreadReason, customRi func() chat1.RemoteInterface, resolveSupersedes bool) (res []chat1.MessageUnboxed, err error)
func (*RemoteConversationSource) GetMessagesWithRemotes ¶
func (s *RemoteConversationSource) GetMessagesWithRemotes(ctx context.Context, conv chat1.Conversation, uid gregor1.UID, msgs []chat1.MessageBoxed) ([]chat1.MessageUnboxed, error)
func (*RemoteConversationSource) GetUnreadline ¶
func (*RemoteConversationSource) Pull ¶
func (s *RemoteConversationSource) Pull(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, reason chat1.GetThreadReason, customRi func() chat1.RemoteInterface, query *chat1.GetThreadQuery, pagination *chat1.Pagination) (chat1.ThreadView, error)
func (RemoteConversationSource) PullFull ¶
func (s RemoteConversationSource) PullFull(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, reason chat1.GetThreadReason, query *chat1.GetThreadQuery, maxPages *int) (res chat1.ThreadView, err error)
func (*RemoteConversationSource) PullLocalOnly ¶
func (s *RemoteConversationSource) PullLocalOnly(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, reason chat1.GetThreadReason, query *chat1.GetThreadQuery, pagination *chat1.Pagination, maxPlaceholders int) (chat1.ThreadView, error)
func (*RemoteConversationSource) Push ¶
func (s *RemoteConversationSource) Push(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, msg chat1.MessageBoxed) (chat1.MessageUnboxed, bool, error)
func (*RemoteConversationSource) PushUnboxed ¶
func (s *RemoteConversationSource) PushUnboxed(ctx context.Context, conv types.UnboxConversationInfo, uid gregor1.UID, msg []chat1.MessageUnboxed) error
func (*RemoteConversationSource) ReleaseConversationLock ¶
func (s *RemoteConversationSource) ReleaseConversationLock(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID)
func (RemoteConversationSource) SetRemoteInterface ¶
func (s RemoteConversationSource) SetRemoteInterface(ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface)
func (RemoteConversationSource) Sign ¶
Sign implements interface.
func (RemoteConversationSource) TransformSupersedes ¶
func (s RemoteConversationSource) TransformSupersedes(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, msgs []chat1.MessageUnboxed, q *chat1.GetThreadQuery, superXform types.SupersedesTransform, replyFiller types.ReplyFiller, maxDeletedUpTo *chat1.MessageID) (res []chat1.MessageUnboxed, err error)
type RemoteExternalAPIKeySource ¶
type RemoteExternalAPIKeySource struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewRemoteExternalAPIKeySource ¶
func NewRemoteExternalAPIKeySource(g *globals.Context, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface) *RemoteExternalAPIKeySource
func (*RemoteExternalAPIKeySource) GetAllKeys ¶
func (r *RemoteExternalAPIKeySource) GetAllKeys(ctx context.Context) (res []chat1.ExternalAPIKey, err error)
func (*RemoteExternalAPIKeySource) GetKey ¶
func (r *RemoteExternalAPIKeySource) GetKey(ctx context.Context, typ chat1.ExternalAPIKeyTyp) (res chat1.ExternalAPIKey, err error)
type RemoteInboxSource ¶
type RemoteInboxSource struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewRemoteInboxSource ¶
func NewRemoteInboxSource(g *globals.Context, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface) *RemoteInboxSource
func (RemoteInboxSource) ApplyLocalChatState ¶
func (b RemoteInboxSource) ApplyLocalChatState(ctx context.Context, i []keybase1.BadgeConversationInfo) ([]keybase1.BadgeConversationInfo, int, int)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) ConversationsUpdate ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) ConversationsUpdate(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convUpdates []chat1.ConversationUpdate) error
func (RemoteInboxSource) Disconnected ¶
func (*RemoteInboxSource) Draft ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) Draft(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, text *string) error
func (*RemoteInboxSource) Expunge ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) Expunge(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convID chat1.ConversationID, expunge chat1.Expunge, maxMsgs []chat1.MessageSummary) (res *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func (RemoteInboxSource) GetInboxQueryLocalToRemote ¶
func (b RemoteInboxSource) GetInboxQueryLocalToRemote(ctx context.Context, lquery *chat1.GetInboxLocalQuery) (rquery *chat1.GetInboxQuery, info types.NameInfo, err error)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) IncrementLocalConvVersion ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) IncrementLocalConvVersion(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) (conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func (RemoteInboxSource) Localize ¶
func (b RemoteInboxSource) Localize(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convs []types.RemoteConversation, localizerTyp types.ConversationLocalizerTyp) ([]chat1.ConversationLocal, chan types.AsyncInboxResult, error)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) MarkAsRead ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) MarkAsRead(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, uid gregor1.UID, msgID *chat1.MessageID) (err error)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) MembershipUpdate ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) MembershipUpdate(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, joined []chat1.ConversationMember, removed []chat1.ConversationMember, resets []chat1.ConversationMember, previews []chat1.ConversationID, teamMemberRoleUpdate *chat1.TeamMemberRoleUpdate) (res types.MembershipUpdateRes, err error)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) MergeLocalMetadata ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) MergeLocalMetadata(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convs []chat1.ConversationLocal) error
func (*RemoteInboxSource) NewConversation ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) NewConversation(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, conv chat1.Conversation) error
func (*RemoteInboxSource) NewMessage ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) NewMessage(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convID chat1.ConversationID, msg chat1.MessageBoxed, maxMsgs []chat1.MessageSummary) (*chat1.ConversationLocal, error)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) NotifyUpdate ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) NotifyUpdate(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) Read ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) Read(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, localizerTyp types.ConversationLocalizerTyp, dataSource types.InboxSourceDataSourceTyp, maxLocalize *int, query *chat1.GetInboxLocalQuery) (types.Inbox, chan types.AsyncInboxResult, error)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) ReadMessage ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) ReadMessage(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convID chat1.ConversationID, msgID chat1.MessageID) (*chat1.ConversationLocal, error)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) ReadUnverified ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) ReadUnverified(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, dataSource types.InboxSourceDataSourceTyp, rquery *chat1.GetInboxQuery) (types.Inbox, error)
func (RemoteInboxSource) RemoteDeleteConversation ¶
func (RemoteInboxSource) RemoteSetConversationStatus ¶
func (b RemoteInboxSource) RemoteSetConversationStatus(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, status chat1.ConversationStatus) (err error)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) Search ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) Search(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, query string, limit int, emptyMode types.InboxSourceSearchEmptyMode) (res []types.RemoteConversation, err error)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) SetAppNotificationSettings ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) SetAppNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convID chat1.ConversationID, settings chat1.ConversationNotificationInfo) (*chat1.ConversationLocal, error)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) SetConvRetention ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) SetConvRetention(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convID chat1.ConversationID, policy chat1.RetentionPolicy) (res *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) SetConvSettings ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) SetConvSettings(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convID chat1.ConversationID, convSettings *chat1.ConversationSettings) (res *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func (RemoteInboxSource) SetRemoteInterface ¶
func (b RemoteInboxSource) SetRemoteInterface(ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) SetStatus ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) SetStatus(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convID chat1.ConversationID, status chat1.ConversationStatus) (*chat1.ConversationLocal, error)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) SetTeamRetention ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) SetTeamRetention(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, teamID keybase1.TeamID, policy chat1.RetentionPolicy) (res []chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) SubteamRename ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) SubteamRename(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convIDs []chat1.ConversationID) (convs []chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) Sync ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) Sync(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convs []chat1.Conversation) (res types.InboxSyncRes, err error)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) TeamBotSettingsForConv ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) TeamBotSettingsForConv(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID) ( map[keybase1.UID]keybase1.TeamBotSettings, error)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) TeamTypeChanged ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) TeamTypeChanged(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convID chat1.ConversationID, teamType chat1.TeamType) (conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) TlfFinalize ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) TlfFinalize(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convIDs []chat1.ConversationID, finalizeInfo chat1.ConversationFinalizeInfo) ([]chat1.ConversationLocal, error)
func (*RemoteInboxSource) UpdateInboxVersion ¶
func (*RemoteInboxSource) UpdateLocalMtime ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) UpdateLocalMtime(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, updates []chat1.LocalMtimeUpdate) error
func (*RemoteInboxSource) UpgradeKBFSToImpteam ¶
func (s *RemoteInboxSource) UpgradeKBFSToImpteam(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, vers chat1.InboxVers, convID chat1.ConversationID) (conv *chat1.ConversationLocal, err error)
type ReplyFiller ¶
type ReplyFiller struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewReplyFiller ¶
func NewReplyFiller(g *globals.Context, config ...func(*ReplyFiller)) *ReplyFiller
func (*ReplyFiller) Fill ¶
func (f *ReplyFiller) Fill(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, msgs []chat1.MessageUnboxed) (res []chat1.MessageUnboxed, err error)
func (*ReplyFiller) FillSingle ¶
func (f *ReplyFiller) FillSingle(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, msg chat1.MessageUnboxed) (res chat1.MessageUnboxed, err error)
func (*ReplyFiller) SetLocalOnlyReplyFill ¶
func (f *ReplyFiller) SetLocalOnlyReplyFill(enabled bool)
type RestrictedBotChannelError ¶
type RestrictedBotChannelError struct{}
func NewRestrictedBotChannelError ¶
func NewRestrictedBotChannelError() RestrictedBotChannelError
func (RestrictedBotChannelError) Error ¶
func (e RestrictedBotChannelError) Error() string
func (RestrictedBotChannelError) IsImmediateFail ¶
func (e RestrictedBotChannelError) IsImmediateFail() (chat1.OutboxErrorType, bool)
type SenderTestImmediateFailError ¶
type SenderTestImmediateFailError struct { }
func (SenderTestImmediateFailError) Error ¶
func (e SenderTestImmediateFailError) Error() string
func (SenderTestImmediateFailError) IsImmediateFail ¶
func (e SenderTestImmediateFailError) IsImmediateFail() (chat1.OutboxErrorType, bool)
type Server ¶
type Server struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Server) AddBotConvSearch ¶
func (*Server) AddBotMember ¶
func (*Server) AddEmoji ¶
func (h *Server) AddEmoji(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.AddEmojiArg) (res chat1.AddEmojiRes, err error)
func (*Server) AddEmojiAlias ¶
func (h *Server) AddEmojiAlias(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.AddEmojiAliasArg) (res chat1.AddEmojiAliasRes, err error)
func (*Server) AddEmojis ¶
func (h *Server) AddEmojis(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.AddEmojisArg) (res chat1.AddEmojisRes, err error)
func (*Server) AddTeamMemberAfterReset ¶
func (*Server) AdvertiseBotCommandsLocal ¶
func (h *Server) AdvertiseBotCommandsLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.AdvertiseBotCommandsLocalArg) (res chat1.AdvertiseBotCommandsLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) BulkAddToConv ¶
func (*Server) BulkAddToManyConvs ¶
func (*Server) CancelActiveInboxSearch ¶
func (*Server) CancelActiveSearch ¶
func (*Server) CancelPost ¶
func (*Server) CancelUploadTempFile ¶
func (*Server) ClearBotCommandsLocal ¶
func (h *Server) ClearBotCommandsLocal(ctx context.Context, filter *chat1.ClearBotCommandsFilter) (res chat1.ClearBotCommandsLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) ConfigureFileAttachmentDownloadLocal ¶
func (*Server) DeleteConversationLocal ¶
func (h *Server) DeleteConversationLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.DeleteConversationLocalArg) (res chat1.DeleteConversationLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) DismissJourneycard ¶
func (*Server) DownloadAttachmentLocal ¶
func (h *Server) DownloadAttachmentLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.DownloadAttachmentLocalArg) (res chat1.DownloadAttachmentLocalRes, err error)
DownloadAttachmentLocal implements chat1.LocalInterface.DownloadAttachmentLocal.
func (*Server) DownloadFileAttachmentLocal ¶
func (h *Server) DownloadFileAttachmentLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.DownloadFileAttachmentLocalArg) (res chat1.DownloadFileAttachmentLocalRes, err error)
DownloadFileAttachmentLocal implements chat1.LocalInterface.DownloadFileAttachmentLocal.
func (*Server) EditBotMember ¶
func (*Server) FindConversationsLocal ¶
func (h *Server) FindConversationsLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.FindConversationsLocalArg) (res chat1.FindConversationsLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) FindGeneralConvFromTeamID ¶
func (*Server) ForwardMessage ¶
func (h *Server) ForwardMessage(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.ForwardMessageArg) (res chat1.PostLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) ForwardMessageConvSearch ¶
func (*Server) ForwardMessageNonblock ¶
func (h *Server) ForwardMessageNonblock(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.ForwardMessageNonblockArg) (res chat1.PostLocalNonblockRes, err error)
func (*Server) GenerateOutboxID ¶
func (*Server) GetAllResetConvMembers ¶
func (*Server) GetBotMemberSettings ¶
func (h *Server) GetBotMemberSettings(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetBotMemberSettingsArg) (res keybase1.TeamBotSettings, err error)
func (*Server) GetChannelMembershipsLocal ¶
func (h *Server) GetChannelMembershipsLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetChannelMembershipsLocalArg) (res chat1.GetChannelMembershipsLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) GetConversationForCLILocal ¶
func (h *Server) GetConversationForCLILocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetConversationForCLILocalQuery) (res chat1.GetConversationForCLILocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) GetDefaultTeamChannelsLocal ¶
func (*Server) GetGlobalAppNotificationSettingsLocal ¶
func (*Server) GetInboxAndUnboxLocal ¶
func (h *Server) GetInboxAndUnboxLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetInboxAndUnboxLocalArg) (res chat1.GetInboxAndUnboxLocalRes, err error)
GetInboxAndUnboxLocal implements keybase.chatLocal.getInboxAndUnboxLocal protocol.
func (*Server) GetInboxAndUnboxUILocal ¶
func (h *Server) GetInboxAndUnboxUILocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetInboxAndUnboxUILocalArg) (res chat1.GetInboxAndUnboxUILocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) GetInboxNonblockLocal ¶
func (h *Server) GetInboxNonblockLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetInboxNonblockLocalArg) (res chat1.NonblockFetchRes, err error)
func (*Server) GetInboxSummaryForCLILocal ¶
func (h *Server) GetInboxSummaryForCLILocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetInboxSummaryForCLILocalQuery) (res chat1.GetInboxSummaryForCLILocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) GetLastActiveAtLocal ¶
func (*Server) GetLastActiveAtMultiLocal ¶
func (*Server) GetLastActiveForTLF ¶
func (*Server) GetLastActiveForTeams ¶
func (*Server) GetMessagesLocal ¶
func (h *Server) GetMessagesLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetMessagesLocalArg) (res chat1.GetMessagesLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) GetMutualTeamsLocal ¶
func (*Server) GetNextAttachmentMessageLocal ¶
func (h *Server) GetNextAttachmentMessageLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetNextAttachmentMessageLocalArg) (res chat1.GetNextAttachmentMessageLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) GetParticipants ¶
func (h *Server) GetParticipants(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID) (participants []chat1.ConversationLocalParticipant, err error)
func (*Server) GetRecentJoinsLocal ¶
func (*Server) GetStaticConfig ¶
func (*Server) GetTLFConversationsLocal ¶
func (h *Server) GetTLFConversationsLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetTLFConversationsLocalArg) (res chat1.GetTLFConversationsLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) GetTeamRetentionLocal ¶
func (*Server) GetTeamRoleInConversation ¶
func (*Server) GetThreadLocal ¶
func (h *Server) GetThreadLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetThreadLocalArg) (res chat1.GetThreadLocalRes, err error)
GetThreadLocal implements keybase.chatLocal.getThreadLocal protocol.
func (*Server) GetThreadNonblock ¶
func (h *Server) GetThreadNonblock(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetThreadNonblockArg) (res chat1.NonblockFetchRes, err error)
func (*Server) GetUnfurlSettings ¶
func (*Server) GetUnreadline ¶
func (h *Server) GetUnreadline(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.GetUnreadlineArg) (res chat1.UnreadlineRes, err error)
func (*Server) GetUploadTempFile ¶
func (*Server) GetWelcomeMessage ¶
func (*Server) IgnorePinnedMessage ¶
func (*Server) JoinConversationByIDLocal ¶
func (h *Server) JoinConversationByIDLocal(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID) (res chat1.JoinLeaveConversationLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) JoinConversationLocal ¶
func (h *Server) JoinConversationLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.JoinConversationLocalArg) (res chat1.JoinLeaveConversationLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) LeaveConversationLocal ¶
func (h *Server) LeaveConversationLocal(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID) (res chat1.JoinLeaveConversationLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) ListBotCommandsLocal ¶
func (h *Server) ListBotCommandsLocal(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID) (res chat1.ListBotCommandsLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) ListPublicBotCommandsLocal ¶
func (*Server) LoadFlip ¶
func (h *Server) LoadFlip(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.LoadFlipArg) (res chat1.LoadFlipRes, err error)
func (*Server) LoadGallery ¶
func (h *Server) LoadGallery(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.LoadGalleryArg) (res chat1.LoadGalleryRes, err error)
func (*Server) LocationUpdate ¶
func (*Server) MakeAudioPreview ¶
func (h *Server) MakeAudioPreview(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.MakeAudioPreviewArg) (res chat1.MakePreviewRes, err error)
func (*Server) MakePreview ¶
func (h *Server) MakePreview(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.MakePreviewArg) (res chat1.MakePreviewRes, err error)
MakePreview implements chat1.LocalInterface.MakePreview.
func (*Server) MakeUploadTempFile ¶
func (*Server) MarkAsReadLocal ¶
func (h *Server) MarkAsReadLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.MarkAsReadLocalArg) (res chat1.MarkAsReadLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) MarkTLFAsReadLocal ¶
func (h *Server) MarkTLFAsReadLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.MarkTLFAsReadLocalArg) (res chat1.MarkTLFAsReadLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) NewConversationLocal ¶
func (h *Server) NewConversationLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.NewConversationLocalArg) (res chat1.NewConversationLocalRes, err error)
NewConversationLocal implements keybase.chatLocal.newConversationLocal protocol. Create a new conversation. Or in the case of CHAT, create-or-get a conversation.
func (*Server) NewConversationsLocal ¶
func (h *Server) NewConversationsLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.NewConversationsLocalArg) (res chat1.NewConversationsLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) PinMessage ¶
func (h *Server) PinMessage(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PinMessageArg) (res chat1.PinMessageRes, err error)
func (*Server) PostDeleteHistoryByAge ¶
func (h *Server) PostDeleteHistoryByAge(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostDeleteHistoryByAgeArg) (res chat1.PostLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) PostDeleteHistoryThrough ¶
func (h *Server) PostDeleteHistoryThrough(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostDeleteHistoryThroughArg) (res chat1.PostLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) PostDeleteHistoryUpto ¶
func (h *Server) PostDeleteHistoryUpto(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostDeleteHistoryUptoArg) (res chat1.PostLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) PostDeleteNonblock ¶
func (h *Server) PostDeleteNonblock(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostDeleteNonblockArg) (chat1.PostLocalNonblockRes, error)
func (*Server) PostEditNonblock ¶
func (h *Server) PostEditNonblock(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostEditNonblockArg) (res chat1.PostLocalNonblockRes, err error)
func (*Server) PostFileAttachmentLocal ¶
func (h *Server) PostFileAttachmentLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostFileAttachmentLocalArg) (res chat1.PostLocalRes, err error)
PostFileAttachmentLocal implements chat1.LocalInterface.PostFileAttachmentLocal.
func (*Server) PostFileAttachmentLocalNonblock ¶
func (h *Server) PostFileAttachmentLocalNonblock(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostFileAttachmentLocalNonblockArg) (res chat1.PostLocalNonblockRes, err error)
func (*Server) PostHeadline ¶
func (h *Server) PostHeadline(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostHeadlineArg) (chat1.PostLocalRes, error)
func (*Server) PostHeadlineNonblock ¶
func (h *Server) PostHeadlineNonblock(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostHeadlineNonblockArg) (chat1.PostLocalNonblockRes, error)
func (*Server) PostLocal ¶
func (h *Server) PostLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostLocalArg) (res chat1.PostLocalRes, err error)
PostLocal implements keybase.chatLocal.postLocal protocol.
func (*Server) PostLocalNonblock ¶
func (h *Server) PostLocalNonblock(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostLocalNonblockArg) (res chat1.PostLocalNonblockRes, err error)
func (*Server) PostMetadata ¶
func (h *Server) PostMetadata(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostMetadataArg) (chat1.PostLocalRes, error)
func (*Server) PostMetadataNonblock ¶
func (h *Server) PostMetadataNonblock(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostMetadataNonblockArg) (chat1.PostLocalNonblockRes, error)
func (*Server) PostReactionNonblock ¶
func (h *Server) PostReactionNonblock(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostReactionNonblockArg) (res chat1.PostLocalNonblockRes, err error)
func (*Server) PostTextNonblock ¶
func (h *Server) PostTextNonblock(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.PostTextNonblockArg) (res chat1.PostLocalNonblockRes, err error)
func (*Server) PreviewConversationByIDLocal ¶
func (h *Server) PreviewConversationByIDLocal(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID) (res chat1.PreviewConversationLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) ProfileChatSearch ¶
func (h *Server) ProfileChatSearch(ctx context.Context, identifyBehavior keybase1.TLFIdentifyBehavior) ( res map[chat1.ConvIDStr]chat1.ProfileSearchConvStats, err error)
func (*Server) PutReacjiSkinTone ¶
func (h *Server) PutReacjiSkinTone(ctx context.Context, skinTone keybase1.ReacjiSkinTone) (res keybase1.UserReacjis, err error)
func (*Server) RefreshParticipants ¶
func (*Server) RemoveBotMember ¶
func (*Server) RemoveEmoji ¶
func (h *Server) RemoveEmoji(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.RemoveEmojiArg) (res chat1.RemoveEmojiRes, err error)
func (*Server) RemoveFromConversationLocal ¶
func (h *Server) RemoveFromConversationLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.RemoveFromConversationLocalArg) (res chat1.RemoveFromConversationLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) RequestInboxLayout ¶
func (*Server) RequestInboxSmallIncrease ¶
func (*Server) RequestInboxSmallReset ¶
func (*Server) RequestInboxUnbox ¶
func (*Server) ResolveMaybeMention ¶
func (*Server) ResolveUnfurlPrompt ¶
func (*Server) SaveUnfurlSettings ¶
func (*Server) SearchInbox ¶
func (h *Server) SearchInbox(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.SearchInboxArg) (res chat1.SearchInboxRes, err error)
func (*Server) SearchRegexp ¶
func (h *Server) SearchRegexp(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.SearchRegexpArg) (res chat1.SearchRegexpRes, err error)
func (*Server) SetAppNotificationSettingsLocal ¶
func (h *Server) SetAppNotificationSettingsLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.SetAppNotificationSettingsLocalArg) (res chat1.SetAppNotificationSettingsLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) SetBotMemberSettings ¶
func (*Server) SetConvMinWriterRoleLocal ¶
func (*Server) SetConvRetentionLocal ¶
func (*Server) SetConversationStatusLocal ¶
func (h *Server) SetConversationStatusLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.SetConversationStatusLocalArg) (res chat1.SetConversationStatusLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) SetDefaultTeamChannelsLocal ¶
func (h *Server) SetDefaultTeamChannelsLocal(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.SetDefaultTeamChannelsLocalArg) (res chat1.SetDefaultTeamChannelsLocalRes, err error)
func (*Server) SetGlobalAppNotificationSettingsLocal ¶
func (*Server) SetTeamRetentionLocal ¶
func (*Server) SetWelcomeMessage ¶
func (*Server) SimpleSearchInboxConvNames ¶
func (*Server) TeamIDFromTLFName ¶
func (*Server) ToggleEmojiAnimations ¶
func (*Server) ToggleMessageCollapse ¶
func (*Server) UnboxMobilePushNotification ¶
func (*Server) UnpinMessage ¶
func (h *Server) UnpinMessage(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID) (res chat1.PinMessageRes, err error)
func (*Server) UpdateTyping ¶
func (*Server) UpdateUnsentText ¶
func (*Server) UpgradeKBFSConversationToImpteam ¶
func (*Server) UserEmojis ¶
func (h *Server) UserEmojis(ctx context.Context, arg chat1.UserEmojisArg) (res chat1.UserEmojiRes, err error)
type SimpleIdentifyNotifier ¶
type SimpleIdentifyNotifier struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSimpleIdentifyNotifier ¶
func NewSimpleIdentifyNotifier(g *globals.Context) *SimpleIdentifyNotifier
func (*SimpleIdentifyNotifier) Reset ¶
func (d *SimpleIdentifyNotifier) Reset()
func (*SimpleIdentifyNotifier) ResetOnGUIConnect ¶
func (d *SimpleIdentifyNotifier) ResetOnGUIConnect()
func (*SimpleIdentifyNotifier) Send ¶
func (d *SimpleIdentifyNotifier) Send(ctx context.Context, update keybase1.CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks)
type Syncer ¶
type Syncer struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler sync.Mutex // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Syncer) Connected ¶
func (s *Syncer) Connected(ctx context.Context, cli chat1.RemoteInterface, uid gregor1.UID, syncRes *chat1.SyncChatRes) (err error)
func (*Syncer) Disconnected ¶
func (*Syncer) GetSelectedConversation ¶
func (s *Syncer) GetSelectedConversation() chat1.ConversationID
func (*Syncer) IsSelectedConversation ¶
func (s *Syncer) IsSelectedConversation(convID chat1.ConversationID) bool
func (*Syncer) RegisterOfflinable ¶
func (s *Syncer) RegisterOfflinable(offlinable types.Offlinable)
func (*Syncer) SelectConversation ¶
func (s *Syncer) SelectConversation(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID)
func (*Syncer) SendChatStaleNotifications ¶
type TeamChannelSource ¶
type TeamChannelSource struct { sync.Mutex globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTeamChannelSource ¶
func NewTeamChannelSource(g *globals.Context) *TeamChannelSource
func (*TeamChannelSource) GetChannelTopicName ¶
func (*TeamChannelSource) GetChannelsFull ¶
func (*TeamChannelSource) GetChannelsTopicName ¶
func (*TeamChannelSource) GetLastActiveAt ¶
func (*TeamChannelSource) GetLastActiveForTLF ¶
func (*TeamChannelSource) GetLastActiveForTeams ¶
func (c *TeamChannelSource) GetLastActiveForTeams(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, topicType chat1.TopicType) ( res chat1.LastActiveTimeAll, err error)
func (*TeamChannelSource) GetRecentJoins ¶
func (c *TeamChannelSource) GetRecentJoins(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID, remoteClient chat1.RemoteInterface) (res int, err error)
func (*TeamChannelSource) OnDbNuke ¶
func (c *TeamChannelSource) OnDbNuke(mctx libkb.MetaContext) error
func (*TeamChannelSource) OnLogout ¶
func (c *TeamChannelSource) OnLogout(mctx libkb.MetaContext) error
type TeamLoader ¶
type TeamLoader struct { libkb.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler }
func NewTeamLoader ¶
func NewTeamLoader(g *libkb.GlobalContext) *TeamLoader
type TeamMentionLoader ¶
type TeamMentionLoader struct { sync.Mutex globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTeamMentionLoader ¶
func NewTeamMentionLoader(g *globals.Context) *TeamMentionLoader
func (*TeamMentionLoader) IsTeamMention ¶
func (l *TeamMentionLoader) IsTeamMention(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, maybeMention chat1.MaybeMention, knownTeamMentions []chat1.KnownTeamMention) bool
func (*TeamMentionLoader) LoadTeamMention ¶
func (l *TeamMentionLoader) LoadTeamMention(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, maybeMention chat1.MaybeMention, knownTeamMentions []chat1.KnownTeamMention, forceRemote bool) (err error)
func (*TeamMentionLoader) Start ¶
func (l *TeamMentionLoader) Start(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID)
func (*TeamMentionLoader) Stop ¶
func (l *TeamMentionLoader) Stop(ctx context.Context) chan struct{}
type TeamsNameInfoSource ¶
type TeamsNameInfoSource struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTeamsNameInfoSource ¶
func NewTeamsNameInfoSource(g *globals.Context) *TeamsNameInfoSource
func (*TeamsNameInfoSource) AllCryptKeys ¶
func (t *TeamsNameInfoSource) AllCryptKeys(ctx context.Context, name string, public bool) (res types.AllCryptKeys, err error)
func (*TeamsNameInfoSource) DecryptionKey ¶
func (*TeamsNameInfoSource) EncryptionKey ¶
func (*TeamsNameInfoSource) EphemeralDecryptionKey ¶
func (t *TeamsNameInfoSource) EphemeralDecryptionKey(mctx libkb.MetaContext, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, public bool, botUID *gregor1.UID, generation keybase1.EkGeneration, contentCtime *gregor1.Time) (ek types.EphemeralCryptKey, err error)
func (*TeamsNameInfoSource) EphemeralEncryptionKey ¶
func (t *TeamsNameInfoSource) EphemeralEncryptionKey(mctx libkb.MetaContext, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, public bool, botUID *gregor1.UID) (ek types.EphemeralCryptKey, err error)
func (*TeamsNameInfoSource) LookupName ¶
func (*TeamsNameInfoSource) ShouldPairwiseMAC ¶
func (*TeamsNameInfoSource) TeamBotSettings ¶
func (t *TeamsNameInfoSource) TeamBotSettings(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, public bool) (map[keybase1.UserVersion]keybase1.TeamBotSettings, error)
type TransientUnboxingError ¶
type TransientUnboxingError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (TransientUnboxingError) Error ¶
func (e TransientUnboxingError) Error() string
func (TransientUnboxingError) ExportType ¶
func (e TransientUnboxingError) ExportType() chat1.MessageUnboxedErrorType
func (TransientUnboxingError) Inner ¶
func (e TransientUnboxingError) Inner() error
func (TransientUnboxingError) InternalError ¶
func (e TransientUnboxingError) InternalError() string
func (TransientUnboxingError) IsCritical ¶
func (e TransientUnboxingError) IsCritical() bool
func (TransientUnboxingError) IsPermanent ¶
func (e TransientUnboxingError) IsPermanent() bool
func (TransientUnboxingError) ToStatus ¶
func (e TransientUnboxingError) ToStatus() (status keybase1.Status)
func (TransientUnboxingError) VersionKind ¶
func (e TransientUnboxingError) VersionKind() chat1.VersionKind
func (TransientUnboxingError) VersionNumber ¶
func (e TransientUnboxingError) VersionNumber() int
type TypingMonitor ¶
type TypingMonitor struct { globals.Contextified sync.Mutex utils.DebugLabeler // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTypingMonitor ¶
func NewTypingMonitor(g *globals.Context) *TypingMonitor
func (*TypingMonitor) SetClock ¶
func (t *TypingMonitor) SetClock(clock clockwork.Clock)
func (*TypingMonitor) SetTimeout ¶
func (t *TypingMonitor) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
type UIInboxLoader ¶
type UIInboxLoader struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler sync.Mutex // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewUIInboxLoader ¶
func NewUIInboxLoader(g *globals.Context) *UIInboxLoader
func (*UIInboxLoader) LoadNonblock ¶
func (h *UIInboxLoader) LoadNonblock(ctx context.Context, query *chat1.GetInboxLocalQuery, maxUnbox *int, skipUnverified bool) (err error)
func (*UIInboxLoader) Query ¶
func (h *UIInboxLoader) Query() chat1.GetInboxLocalQuery
func (*UIInboxLoader) Stop ¶
func (h *UIInboxLoader) Stop(ctx context.Context) chan struct{}
func (*UIInboxLoader) UpdateConvs ¶
func (h *UIInboxLoader) UpdateConvs(ctx context.Context, convIDs []chat1.ConversationID) (err error)
func (*UIInboxLoader) UpdateLayout ¶
func (h *UIInboxLoader) UpdateLayout(ctx context.Context, reselectMode chat1.InboxLayoutReselectMode, reason string)
func (*UIInboxLoader) UpdateLayoutFromNewMessage ¶
func (h *UIInboxLoader) UpdateLayoutFromNewMessage(ctx context.Context, conv types.RemoteConversation)
func (*UIInboxLoader) UpdateLayoutFromSmallIncrease ¶
func (h *UIInboxLoader) UpdateLayoutFromSmallIncrease(ctx context.Context)
func (*UIInboxLoader) UpdateLayoutFromSmallReset ¶
func (h *UIInboxLoader) UpdateLayoutFromSmallReset(ctx context.Context)
func (*UIInboxLoader) UpdateLayoutFromSubteamRename ¶
func (h *UIInboxLoader) UpdateLayoutFromSubteamRename(ctx context.Context, convs []types.RemoteConversation)
type UISource ¶
type UISource interface { GetChatUI(sessionID int) libkb.ChatUI GetStreamUICli() *keybase1.StreamUiClient }
type UIThreadLoader ¶
type UIThreadLoader struct { globals.Contextified utils.DebugLabeler sync.Mutex // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewUIThreadLoader ¶
func NewUIThreadLoader(g *globals.Context, ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface) *UIThreadLoader
func (*UIThreadLoader) Connected ¶
func (t *UIThreadLoader) Connected(ctx context.Context)
func (*UIThreadLoader) Disconnected ¶
func (t *UIThreadLoader) Disconnected(ctx context.Context)
func (*UIThreadLoader) Load ¶
func (t *UIThreadLoader) Load(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, reason chat1.GetThreadReason, knownRemotes []string, query *chat1.GetThreadQuery, pagination *chat1.Pagination) (res chat1.ThreadView, err error)
func (*UIThreadLoader) LoadNonblock ¶
func (t *UIThreadLoader) LoadNonblock(ctx context.Context, chatUI libkb.ChatUI, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, reason chat1.GetThreadReason, pgmode chat1.GetThreadNonblockPgMode, cbmode chat1.GetThreadNonblockCbMode, knownRemotes []string, query *chat1.GetThreadQuery, uipagination *chat1.UIPagination) (err error)
func (*UIThreadLoader) SetRemoteInterface ¶
func (t *UIThreadLoader) SetRemoteInterface(ri func() chat1.RemoteInterface)
type UnknownTLFNameError ¶
type UnknownTLFNameError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewUnknownTLFNameError ¶
func NewUnknownTLFNameError(name string) UnknownTLFNameError
func (UnknownTLFNameError) Error ¶
func (e UnknownTLFNameError) Error() string
type VersionError ¶
func NewBodyVersionError ¶
func NewBodyVersionError(version chat1.BodyPlaintextVersion, defaultBody chat1.BodyPlaintextUnsupported) VersionError
func NewHeaderVersionError ¶
func NewHeaderVersionError(version chat1.HeaderPlaintextVersion, defaultHeader chat1.HeaderPlaintextUnsupported) VersionError
func NewMessageBoxedVersionError ¶
func NewMessageBoxedVersionError(version chat1.MessageBoxedVersion) VersionError
func (VersionError) Error ¶
func (e VersionError) Error() string
func (VersionError) ExportType ¶
func (e VersionError) ExportType() chat1.MessageUnboxedErrorType
func (VersionError) IsCritical ¶
func (e VersionError) IsCritical() bool
func (VersionError) VersionKind ¶
func (e VersionError) VersionKind() chat1.VersionKind
func (VersionError) VersionNumber ¶
func (e VersionError) VersionNumber() int
Source Files
- activitynotifier.go
- attachment_httpsrv.go
- boxer.go
- convdevstorage.go
- convloader.go
- convsource.go
- ctx_factory.go
- deliverer.go
- devstorage.go
- emojisource.go
- ephemeral_purge_tracker.go
- ephemeral_purger.go
- errors.go
- externalapikeys.go
- flipmanager.go
- helper.go
- identify.go
- identify_ui.go
- inboxsource.go
- journey_card_manager.go
- keyfinder.go
- localizer.go
- mobilepush.go
- msg_grouper.go
- notification_settings.go
- participantsource.go
- prev.go
- push.go
- remoteclient.go
- replyto.go
- retry.go
- sender.go
- server.go
- sourceofflinable.go
- supersedes.go
- sync.go
- teamchannelsource.go
- teammentionloader.go
- teams.go
- tlf.go
- transcripts.go
- typingmonitor.go
- uiinboxloader.go
- uithreadloader.go
- upakfinder.go