A gosu port which will load secrets from various secrets backends into the environment before exec'ing your baby. Vault and / or Sops
Enable providers by setting VEST_PROVIDERS
in the environment before running vest
Available providers:
Usage: vest user-spec command [args]
eg: vest myuser bash
vest nobody:root bash -c 'whoami && id'
vest 1000:1 id
Environment Variables:
Comma separated list of enabled providers. By default only vault is enabled.
If SOPS_FILES is set, will iterate over each file (colon separated), attempting to decrypt with Sops.
The decrypted cleartext file can be optionally written out to a separate location (with optional filemode)
or will be parsed into a map[string]string and injected into Environ
If VAULT_KEYS is set, will iterate over each key (colon separated), attempting to get the secret from Vault.
Secrets are pulled at the optional version or latest, then injected into Environ. If running in Kubernetes,
the Pod's ServiceAccount token will automatically be looked up and used for Vault authentication.
All vault client configuration environment variables are respected.
More information at
If EJSON_FILES is set, will iterate over each file (colon separated), attempting to decrypt using keys
from EJSON_KEYS. If EJSON_FILES is not set, will look for any .ejson files in CWD. Cleartext decrypted
json will be parsed into a map[string]string and injected into Environ.
if DOTENV_FILES is set, will iterate over each file, parse and inject into Environ. If DOTENV_FILES is
not set, will look for any .env files in CWD.
vest version: 0.0.1 (go1.11.4 on linux/amd64; gc)
vest license: GPL-3 (full text at