Example CT Mapper
This is an example of a process which maps from a verifiable Log to a
verifiable Map.
It scans an RFC6962 CT Log server for certificate and precertificates,
and adds entries to a Verifiable Map whose keys are SHA256(domainName), and
whose values are a protobuf of indicies in the log where precerts/certs exist
which have that domain in their subject/SAN fields.
Running the example
# Ensure you have your MySQL DB set up correctly, with tables created by the
# contents of storage/mysql/storage.sql
yes | scripts/resetdb.sh
go build ./server/trillian_map_server
go build ./examples/ct/ctmapper/mapper
go build ./examples/ct/ctmapper/lookup
# in one terminal:
./trillian_map_server --logtostderr
# in another (leaving the trillian_map_server running):
go build ./cmd/createtree/
tree_id=$(./createtree \
--admin_server=localhost:8090 \
./mapper \
-source http://ct.googleapis.com/pilot \
-map_id=${tree_id} \
-map_server=localhost:8091 \
You should then be able to look up domains in the map like so:
./lookup \
-map_id=1 \
-map_server=localhost:8091 \
--logtostderr \
mail.google.com www.langeoog.de # etc. etc.