
package module
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Published: Jun 8, 2017 License: MIT Imports: 11 Imported by: 0


Zero Allocation JSON Logger

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The zerolog package provides a fast and simple logger dedicated to JSON output.

Zerolog's API is designed to provide both a great developer experience and stunning performance. Its unique chaining API allows zerolog to write JSON log events by avoiding allocations and reflection.

The uber's zap library pioneered this approach. Zerolog is taking this concept to the next level with simpler to use API and even better performance.

To keep the code base and the API simple, zerolog focuses on JSON logging only. As suggested on reddit, you may use tools like humanlog to pretty print JSON on the console during development.


  • Level logging
  • Sampling
  • Contextual fields
  • context.Context integration
  • net/http helpers


import ""
A global logger can be use for simple logging
log.Info().Msg("hello world")

// Output: {"level":"info","time":1494567715,"message":"hello world"}

NOTE: To import the global logger, import the log subpackage

    Str("service", service).
    Msgf("Cannot start %s", service)

// Output: {"level":"fatal","time":1494567715,"message":"Cannot start myservice","error":"some error","service":"myservice"}
// Exit 1

NOTE: Using Msgf generates one allocation even when the logger is disabled.

Fields can be added to log messages
    Str("foo", "bar").
    Int("n", 123).
    Msg("hello world")

// Output: {"level":"info","time":1494567715,"foo":"bar","n":123,"message":"hello world"}
Create logger instance to manage different outputs
logger := zerolog.New(os.Stderr).With().Timestamp().Logger()

logger.Info().Str("foo", "bar").Msg("hello world")

// Output: {"level":"info","time":1494567715,"message":"hello world","foo":"bar"}
Sub-loggers let you chain loggers with additional context
sublogger := log.With().
                 Str("component": "foo").
sublogger.Info().Msg("hello world")

// Output: {"level":"info","time":1494567715,"message":"hello world","component":"foo"}
Level logging

log.Debug().Msg("filtered out message")
log.Info().Msg("routed message")

if e := log.Debug(); e.Enabled() {
    // Compute log output only if enabled.
    value := compute()
    e.Str("foo": value).Msg("some debug message")

// Output: {"level":"info","time":1494567715,"message":"routed message"}
Sub dictionary
    Str("foo", "bar").
    Dict("dict", zerolog.Dict().
        Str("bar", "baz").
        Int("n", 1)
    ).Msg("hello world")

// Output: {"level":"info","time":1494567715,"foo":"bar","dict":{"bar":"baz","n":1},"message":"hello world"}
Customize automatic field names
zerolog.TimestampFieldName = "t"
zerolog.LevelFieldName = "l"
zerolog.MessageFieldName = "m"

log.Info().Msg("hello world")

// Output: {"l":"info","t":1494567715,"m":"hello world"}
Log with no level nor message

// Output: {"time":1494567715,"foo":"bar"}
Add contextual fields to the global logger
log.Logger = log.With().Str("foo", "bar").Logger()
Log Sampling
sampled := log.Sample(10)
sampled.Info().Msg("will be logged every 10 messages")

// Output: {"time":1494567715,"sample":10,"message":"will be logged every 10 messages"}
Pass a sub-logger by context
ctx := log.With("component", "module").Logger().WithContext(ctx)

log.Ctx(ctx).Info().Msg("hello world")

// Output: {"component":"module","level":"info","message":"hello world"}
Set as standard logger output
log := zerolog.New(os.Stdout).With().
    Str("foo", "bar").


stdlog.Print("hello world")

// Output: {"foo":"bar","message":"hello world"}
Integration with net/http

The package provides some helpers to integrate zerolog with http.Handler.

In this example we use alice to install logger for better readability.

log := zerolog.New(os.Stdout).With().
    Str("role", "my-service").
    Str("host", host).

c := alice.New()

// Install the logger handler with default output on the console
c = c.Append(hlog.NewHandler(log))

// Install some provided extra handler to set some request's context fields.
// Thanks to those handler, all our logs will come with some pre-populated fields.
c = c.Append(hlog.RemoteAddrHandler("ip"))
c = c.Append(hlog.UserAgentHandler("user_agent"))
c = c.Append(hlog.RefererHandler("referer"))
c = c.Append(hlog.RequestIDHandler("req_id", "Request-Id"))

// Here is your final handler
h := c.Then(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // Get the logger from the request's context. You can safely assume it
    // will be always there: if the handler is removed, hlog.FromRequest
    // will return a no-op logger.
        Str("user", "current user").
        Str("status", "ok").
        Msg("Something happened")

    // Output: {"level":"info","time":"2001-02-03T04:05:06Z","role":"my-service","host":"local-hostname","req_id":"b4g0l5t6tfid6dtrapu0","user":"current user","status":"ok","message":"Something happened"}
http.Handle("/", h)

if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil); err != nil {
    log.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("Startup failed")

Global Settings

Some settings can be changed and will by applied to all loggers:

  • log.Logger: You can set this value to customize the global logger (the one used by package level methods).
  • zerolog.SetGlobalLevel: Can raise the minimum level of all loggers. Set this to zerolog.Disable to disable logging altogether (quiet mode).
  • zerolog.DisableSampling: If argument is true, all sampled loggers will stop sampling and issue 100% of their log events.
  • zerolog.TimestampFieldName: Can be set to customize Timestamp field name.
  • zerolog.LevelFieldName: Can be set to customize level field name.
  • zerolog.MessageFieldName: Can be set to customize message field name.
  • zerolog.ErrorFieldName: Can be set to customize Err field name.
  • zerolog.SampleFieldName: Can be set to customize the field name added when sampling is enabled.
  • zerolog.TimeFieldFormat: Can be set to customize Time field value formatting. If set with an empty string, times are formated as UNIX timestamp. // DurationFieldUnit defines the unit for time.Duration type fields added // using the Dur method.
  • DurationFieldUnit: Sets the unit of the fields added by Dur (default: time.Millisecond).
  • DurationFieldInteger: If set to true, Dur fields are formatted as integers instead of floats.

Field Types

Standard Types
  • Str
  • Bool
  • Int, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64
  • Uint, Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64
  • Float32, Float64
Advanced Fields
  • Err: Takes an error and render it as a string using the zerolog.ErrorFieldName field name.
  • Timestamp: Insert a timestamp field with zerolog.TimestampFieldName field name and formatted using zerolog.TimeFieldFormat.
  • Time: Adds a field with the time formated with the zerolog.TimeFieldFormat.
  • Dur: Adds a field with a time.Duration.
  • Dict: Adds a sub-key/value as a field of the event.
  • Interface: Uses reflection to marshal the type.


All operations are allocation free (those numbers include JSON encoding):

BenchmarkLogEmpty-8            50000000      19.8 ns/op     0 B/op      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkDisabled-8           100000000       4.73 ns/op    0 B/op      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkInfo-8                10000000      85.1 ns/op     0 B/op      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkContextFields-8       10000000      81.9 ns/op     0 B/op      0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLogFields-8            5000000     247 ns/op       0 B/op      0 allocs/op

Using Uber's zap comparison benchmark:

Log a message and 10 fields:

Library Time Bytes Allocated Objects Allocated
zerolog 787 ns/op 80 B/op 6 allocs/op
⚡ zap 848 ns/op 704 B/op 2 allocs/op
⚡ zap (sugared) 1363 ns/op 1610 B/op 20 allocs/op
go-kit 3614 ns/op 2895 B/op 66 allocs/op
lion 5392 ns/op 5807 B/op 63 allocs/op
logrus 5661 ns/op 6092 B/op 78 allocs/op
apex/log 15332 ns/op 3832 B/op 65 allocs/op
log15 20657 ns/op 5632 B/op 93 allocs/op

Log a message with a logger that already has 10 fields of context:

Library Time Bytes Allocated Objects Allocated
zerolog 80 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
⚡ zap 283 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
⚡ zap (sugared) 337 ns/op 80 B/op 2 allocs/op
lion 2702 ns/op 4074 B/op 38 allocs/op
go-kit 3378 ns/op 3046 B/op 52 allocs/op
logrus 4309 ns/op 4564 B/op 63 allocs/op
apex/log 13456 ns/op 2898 B/op 51 allocs/op
log15 14179 ns/op 2642 B/op 44 allocs/op

Log a static string, without any context or printf-style templating:

Library Time Bytes Allocated Objects Allocated
zerolog 76.2 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
⚡ zap 236 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
standard library 453 ns/op 80 B/op 2 allocs/op
⚡ zap (sugared) 337 ns/op 80 B/op 2 allocs/op
go-kit 508 ns/op 656 B/op 13 allocs/op
lion 771 ns/op 1224 B/op 10 allocs/op
logrus 1244 ns/op 1505 B/op 27 allocs/op
apex/log 2751 ns/op 584 B/op 11 allocs/op
log15 5181 ns/op 1592 B/op 26 allocs/op



Package zerolog provides a lightweight logging library dedicated to JSON logging.

A global Logger can be use for simple logging:

import ""

log.Info().Msg("hello world")
// Output: {"time":1494567715,"level":"info","message":"hello world"}

NOTE: To import the global logger, import the "log" subpackage "".

Fields can be added to log messages:

log.Info().Str("foo", "bar").Msg("hello world")
// Output: {"time":1494567715,"level":"info","message":"hello world","foo":"bar"}

Create logger instance to manage different outputs:

logger := zerolog.New(os.Stderr).With().Timestamp().Logger()
       Str("foo", "bar").
       Msg("hello world")
// Output: {"time":1494567715,"level":"info","message":"hello world","foo":"bar"}

Sub-loggers let you chain loggers with additional context:

sublogger := log.With().Str("component": "foo").Logger()
sublogger.Info().Msg("hello world")
// Output: {"time":1494567715,"level":"info","message":"hello world","component":"foo"}

Level logging


log.Debug().Msg("filtered out message")
log.Info().Msg("routed message")

if e := log.Debug(); e.Enabled() {
    // Compute log output only if enabled.
    value := compute()
    e.Str("foo": value).Msg("some debug message")
// Output: {"level":"info","time":1494567715,"routed message"}

Customize automatic field names:

log.TimestampFieldName = "t"
log.LevelFieldName = "p"
log.MessageFieldName = "m"

log.Info().Msg("hello world")
// Output: {"t":1494567715,"p":"info","m":"hello world"}

Log with no level and message:

// Output: {"time":1494567715,"foo":"bar"}

Add contextual fields to global Logger:

log.Logger = log.With().Str("foo", "bar").Logger()

Sample logs:

sampled := log.Sample(10)
sampled.Info().Msg("will be logged every 10 messages")




View Source
const (
	// Often samples log every 10 events.
	Often = 10
	// Sometimes samples log every 100 events.
	Sometimes = 100
	// Rarely samples log every 1000 events.
	Rarely = 1000


View Source
var (
	// TimestampFieldName is the field name used for the timestamp field.
	TimestampFieldName = "time"

	// LevelFieldName is the field name used for the level field.
	LevelFieldName = "level"

	// MessageFieldName is the field name used for the message field.
	MessageFieldName = "message"

	// ErrorFieldName is the field name used for error fields.
	ErrorFieldName = "error"

	// SampleFieldName is the name of the field used to report sampling.
	SampleFieldName = "sample"

	// TimeFieldFormat defines the time format of the Time field type.
	// If set to an empty string, the time is formatted as an UNIX timestamp
	// as integer.
	TimeFieldFormat = time.RFC3339

	// TimestampFunc defines the function called to generate a timestamp.
	TimestampFunc = time.Now

	// DurationFieldUnit defines the unit for time.Duration type fields added
	// using the Dur method.
	DurationFieldUnit = time.Millisecond

	// DurationFieldInteger renders Dur fields as integer instead of float if
	// set to true.
	DurationFieldInteger = false


func DisableSampling

func DisableSampling(v bool)

DisableSampling will disable sampling in all Loggers if true.

func SetGlobalLevel

func SetGlobalLevel(l Level)

SetGlobalLevel sets the global override for log level. If this values is raised, all Loggers will use at least this value.

To globally disable logs, set GlobalLevel to Disabled.

func SyncWriter

func SyncWriter(w io.Writer) io.Writer

SyncWriter wraps w so that each call to Write is synchronized with a mutex. This syncer can be the call to writer's Write method is not thread safe. Note that os.File Write operation is using write() syscall which is supposed to be thread-safe on POSIX systems. So there is no need to use this with os.File on such systems as zerolog guaranties to issue a single Write call per log event.


type Context

type Context struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Context configures a new sub-logger with contextual fields.

func (Context) AnErr

func (c Context) AnErr(key string, err error) Context

AnErr adds the field key with err as a string to the logger context.

func (Context) Bool

func (c Context) Bool(key string, b bool) Context

Bool adds the field key with val as a Boolean to the logger context.

func (Context) Dict

func (c Context) Dict(key string, dict *Event) Context

Dict adds the field key with the dict to the logger context.

package main

import (


func main() {
	log := zerolog.New(os.Stdout).With().
		Str("foo", "bar").
		Dict("dict", zerolog.Dict().
			Str("bar", "baz").
			Int("n", 1),

	log.Log().Msg("hello world")


{"foo":"bar","dict":{"bar":"baz","n":1},"message":"hello world"}

func (Context) Dur

func (c Context) Dur(key string, d time.Duration) Context

Dur adds the fields key with d divided by unit and stored as a float.

package main

import (


func main() {
	d := time.Duration(10 * time.Second)

	log := zerolog.New(os.Stdout).With().
		Str("foo", "bar").
		Dur("dur", d).

	log.Log().Msg("hello world")


{"foo":"bar","dur":10000,"message":"hello world"}

func (Context) Err

func (c Context) Err(err error) Context

Err adds the field "error" with err as a string to the logger context. To customize the key name, change zerolog.ErrorFieldName.

func (Context) Float32

func (c Context) Float32(key string, f float32) Context

Float32 adds the field key with f as a float32 to the logger context.

func (Context) Float64

func (c Context) Float64(key string, f float64) Context

Float64 adds the field key with f as a float64 to the logger context.

func (Context) Int

func (c Context) Int(key string, i int) Context

Int adds the field key with i as a int to the logger context.

func (Context) Int16

func (c Context) Int16(key string, i int16) Context

Int16 adds the field key with i as a int16 to the logger context.

func (Context) Int32

func (c Context) Int32(key string, i int32) Context

Int32 adds the field key with i as a int32 to the logger context.

func (Context) Int64

func (c Context) Int64(key string, i int64) Context

Int64 adds the field key with i as a int64 to the logger context.

func (Context) Int8

func (c Context) Int8(key string, i int8) Context

Int8 adds the field key with i as a int8 to the logger context.

func (Context) Interface

func (c Context) Interface(key string, i interface{}) Context

Interface adds the field key with obj marshaled using reflection.

package main

import (


func main() {
	obj := struct {
		Name string `json:"name"`
		Name: "john",

	log := zerolog.New(os.Stdout).With().
		Str("foo", "bar").
		Interface("obj", obj).

	log.Log().Msg("hello world")


{"foo":"bar","obj":{"name":"john"},"message":"hello world"}

func (Context) Logger

func (c Context) Logger() Logger

Logger returns the logger with the context previously set.

func (Context) Str

func (c Context) Str(key, val string) Context

Str adds the field key with val as a string to the logger context.

func (Context) Time

func (c Context) Time(key string, t time.Time) Context

Time adds the field key with t formated as string using zerolog.TimeFieldFormat.

func (Context) Timestamp

func (c Context) Timestamp() Context

Timestamp adds the current local time as UNIX timestamp to the logger context with the "time" key. To customize the key name, change zerolog.TimestampFieldName.

func (Context) Uint

func (c Context) Uint(key string, i uint) Context

Uint adds the field key with i as a uint to the logger context.

func (Context) Uint16

func (c Context) Uint16(key string, i uint16) Context

Uint16 adds the field key with i as a uint16 to the logger context.

func (Context) Uint32

func (c Context) Uint32(key string, i uint32) Context

Uint32 adds the field key with i as a uint32 to the logger context.

func (Context) Uint64

func (c Context) Uint64(key string, i uint64) Context

Uint64 adds the field key with i as a uint64 to the logger context.

func (Context) Uint8

func (c Context) Uint8(key string, i uint8) Context

Uint8 adds the field key with i as a uint8 to the logger context.

type Event

type Event struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Event represents a log event. It is instanced by one of the level method of Logger and finalized by the Msg or Msgf method.

func Dict

func Dict() *Event

Dict creates an Event to be used with the *Event.Dict method. Call usual field methods like Str, Int etc to add fields to this event and give it as argument the *Event.Dict method.

func (*Event) AnErr

func (e *Event) AnErr(key string, err error) *Event

AnErr adds the field key with err as a string to the *Event context. If err is nil, no field is added.

func (*Event) Bool

func (e *Event) Bool(key string, b bool) *Event

Bool adds the field key with val as a Boolean to the *Event context.

func (*Event) Dict

func (e *Event) Dict(key string, dict *Event) *Event

Dict adds the field key with a dict to the event context. Use zerolog.Dict() to create the dictionary.

package main

import (


func main() {
	log := zerolog.New(os.Stdout)

		Str("foo", "bar").
		Dict("dict", zerolog.Dict().
			Str("bar", "baz").
			Int("n", 1),
		Msg("hello world")


{"foo":"bar","dict":{"bar":"baz","n":1},"message":"hello world"}

func (*Event) Dur

func (e *Event) Dur(key string, d time.Duration) *Event

Dur adds the field key with duration d stored as zerolog.DurationFieldUnit. If zerolog.DurationFieldInteger is true, durations are rendered as integer instead of float.

package main

import (


func main() {
	d := time.Duration(10 * time.Second)

	log := zerolog.New(os.Stdout)

		Str("foo", "bar").
		Dur("dur", d).
		Msg("hello world")


{"foo":"bar","dur":10000,"message":"hello world"}

func (*Event) Enabled

func (e *Event) Enabled() bool

Enabled return false if the *Event is going to be filtered out by log level or sampling.

func (*Event) Err

func (e *Event) Err(err error) *Event

Err adds the field "error" with err as a string to the *Event context. If err is nil, no field is added. To customize the key name, change zerolog.ErrorFieldName.

func (*Event) Float32

func (e *Event) Float32(key string, f float32) *Event

Float32 adds the field key with f as a float32 to the *Event context.

func (*Event) Float64

func (e *Event) Float64(key string, f float64) *Event

Float64 adds the field key with f as a float64 to the *Event context.

func (*Event) Int

func (e *Event) Int(key string, i int) *Event

Int adds the field key with i as a int to the *Event context.

func (*Event) Int16

func (e *Event) Int16(key string, i int16) *Event

Int16 adds the field key with i as a int16 to the *Event context.

func (*Event) Int32

func (e *Event) Int32(key string, i int32) *Event

Int32 adds the field key with i as a int32 to the *Event context.

func (*Event) Int64

func (e *Event) Int64(key string, i int64) *Event

Int64 adds the field key with i as a int64 to the *Event context.

func (*Event) Int8

func (e *Event) Int8(key string, i int8) *Event

Int8 adds the field key with i as a int8 to the *Event context.

func (*Event) Interface

func (e *Event) Interface(key string, i interface{}) *Event

Interface adds the field key with i marshaled using reflection.

package main

import (


func main() {
	log := zerolog.New(os.Stdout)

	obj := struct {
		Name string `json:"name"`
		Name: "john",

		Str("foo", "bar").
		Interface("obj", obj).
		Msg("hello world")


{"foo":"bar","obj":{"name":"john"},"message":"hello world"}

func (*Event) Msg

func (e *Event) Msg(msg string)

Msg sends the *Event with msg added as the message field if not empty.

NOTICE: once this method is called, the *Event should be disposed. Calling Msg twice can have unexpected result.

func (*Event) Msgf

func (e *Event) Msgf(format string, v ...interface{})

Msgf sends the event with formated msg added as the message field if not empty.

NOTICE: once this methid is called, the *Event should be disposed. Calling Msg twice can have unexpected result.

func (*Event) Str

func (e *Event) Str(key, val string) *Event

Str adds the field key with val as a string to the *Event context.

func (*Event) Time

func (e *Event) Time(key string, t time.Time) *Event

Time adds the field key with t formated as string using zerolog.TimeFieldFormat.

func (*Event) TimeDiff

func (e *Event) TimeDiff(key string, t time.Time, start time.Time) *Event

TimeDiff adds the field key with positive duration between time t and start. If time t is not greater than start, duration will be 0. Duration format follows the same principle as Dur().

func (*Event) Timestamp

func (e *Event) Timestamp() *Event

Timestamp adds the current local time as UNIX timestamp to the *Event context with the "time" key. To customize the key name, change zerolog.TimestampFieldName.

func (*Event) Uint

func (e *Event) Uint(key string, i uint) *Event

Uint adds the field key with i as a uint to the *Event context.

func (*Event) Uint16

func (e *Event) Uint16(key string, i uint16) *Event

Uint16 adds the field key with i as a uint16 to the *Event context.

func (*Event) Uint32

func (e *Event) Uint32(key string, i uint32) *Event

Uint32 adds the field key with i as a uint32 to the *Event context.

func (*Event) Uint64

func (e *Event) Uint64(key string, i uint64) *Event

Uint64 adds the field key with i as a uint64 to the *Event context.

func (*Event) Uint8

func (e *Event) Uint8(key string, i uint8) *Event

Uint8 adds the field key with i as a uint8 to the *Event context.

type Level

type Level uint8

Level defines log levels.

const (
	// DebugLevel defines debug log level.
	DebugLevel Level = iota
	// InfoLevel defines info log level.
	// WarnLevel defines warn log level.
	// ErrorLevel defines error log level.
	// FatalLevel defines fatal log level.
	// PanicLevel defines panic log level.
	// Disabled disables the logger.

func (Level) String

func (l Level) String() string

type LevelWriter

type LevelWriter interface {
	WriteLevel(level Level, p []byte) (n int, err error)

LevelWriter defines as interface a writer may implement in order to receive level information with payload.

func MultiLevelWriter

func MultiLevelWriter(writers LevelWriter

MultiLevelWriter creates a writer that duplicates its writes to all the provided writers, similar to the Unix tee(1) command. If some writers implement LevelWriter, their WriteLevel method will be used instead of Write.

func SyslogLevelWriter

func SyslogLevelWriter(w SyslogWriter) LevelWriter

SyslogLevelWriter wraps a SyslogWriter and call the right syslog level method matching the zerolog level.

type Logger

type Logger struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A Logger represents an active logging object that generates lines of JSON output to an io.Writer. Each logging operation makes a single call to the Writer's Write method. There is no guaranty on access serialization to the Writer. If your Writer is not thread safe, you may consider a sync wrapper.

func Ctx

func Ctx(ctx context.Context) Logger

Ctx returns the Logger associated with the ctx. If no logger is associated, a disabled logger is returned.

func New

func New(w io.Writer) Logger

New creates a root logger with given output writer. If the output writer implements the LevelWriter interface, the WriteLevel method will be called instead of the Write one.

Each logging operation makes a single call to the Writer's Write method. There is no guaranty on access serialization to the Writer. If your Writer is not thread safe, you may consider using sync wrapper.

package main

import (


func main() {
	log := zerolog.New(os.Stdout)

	log.Info().Msg("hello world")


{"level":"info","message":"hello world"}

func Nop

func Nop() Logger

Nop returns a disabled logger for which all operation are no-op.

func (Logger) Debug

func (l Logger) Debug() *Event

Debug starts a new message with debug level.

You must call Msg on the returned event in order to send the event.

package main

import (


func main() {
	log := zerolog.New(os.Stdout)

		Str("foo", "bar").
		Int("n", 123).
		Msg("hello world")


{"level":"debug","foo":"bar","n":123,"message":"hello world"}

func (Logger) Error

func (l Logger) Error() *Event

Error starts a new message with error level.

You must call Msg on the returned event in order to send the event.

package main

import (


func main() {
	log := zerolog.New(os.Stdout)

		Err(errors.New("some error")).
		Msg("error doing something")


{"level":"error","error":"some error","message":"error doing something"}

func (Logger) Fatal

func (l Logger) Fatal() *Event

Fatal starts a new message with fatal level. The os.Exit(1) function is called by the Msg method.

You must call Msg on the returned event in order to send the event.

func (Logger) Info

func (l Logger) Info() *Event

Info starts a new message with info level.

You must call Msg on the returned event in order to send the event.

package main

import (


func main() {
	log := zerolog.New(os.Stdout)

		Str("foo", "bar").
		Int("n", 123).
		Msg("hello world")


{"level":"info","foo":"bar","n":123,"message":"hello world"}

func (Logger) Level

func (l Logger) Level(lvl Level) Logger

Level creates a child logger with the minimum accepted level set to level.

package main

import (


func main() {
	log := zerolog.New(os.Stdout).Level(zerolog.WarnLevel)

	log.Info().Msg("filtered out message")
	log.Error().Msg("kept message")


{"level":"error","message":"kept message"}

func (Logger) Log

func (l Logger) Log() *Event

Log starts a new message with no level. Setting GlobalLevel to Disabled will still disable events produced by this method.

You must call Msg on the returned event in order to send the event.

package main

import (


func main() {
	log := zerolog.New(os.Stdout)

		Str("foo", "bar").
		Str("bar", "baz").



func (Logger) Panic

func (l Logger) Panic() *Event

Panic starts a new message with panic level. The message is also sent to the panic function.

You must call Msg on the returned event in order to send the event.

func (Logger) Sample

func (l Logger) Sample(every int) Logger

Sample returns a logger that only let one message out of every to pass thru.

package main

import (


func main() {
	log := zerolog.New(os.Stdout).Sample(2)

	log.Info().Msg("message 1")
	log.Info().Msg("message 2")
	log.Info().Msg("message 3")
	log.Info().Msg("message 4")


{"level":"info","sample":2,"message":"message 2"}
{"level":"info","sample":2,"message":"message 4"}

func (Logger) Warn

func (l Logger) Warn() *Event

Warn starts a new message with warn level.

You must call Msg on the returned event in order to send the event.

package main

import (


func main() {
	log := zerolog.New(os.Stdout)

		Str("foo", "bar").
		Msg("a warning message")


{"level":"warn","foo":"bar","message":"a warning message"}

func (Logger) With

func (l Logger) With() Context

With creates a child logger with the field added to its context.

package main

import (


func main() {
	log := zerolog.New(os.Stdout).
		Str("foo", "bar").

	log.Info().Msg("hello world")


{"level":"info","foo":"bar","message":"hello world"}

func (Logger) WithContext

func (l Logger) WithContext(ctx context.Context) context.Context

WithContext returns a copy of ctx with l associated.

func (Logger) Write

func (l Logger) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)

Write implements the io.Writer interface. This is useful to set as a writer for the standard library log.

package main

import (
	stdlog "log"


func main() {
	log := zerolog.New(os.Stdout).With().
		Str("foo", "bar").


	stdlog.Print("hello world")


{"foo":"bar","message":"hello world"}

type SyslogWriter

type SyslogWriter interface {
	Debug(m string) error
	Info(m string) error
	Warning(m string) error
	Err(m string) error
	Emerg(m string) error
	Crit(m string) error

SyslogWriter is an interface matching a syslog.Writer struct.


Path Synopsis
Package hlog provides a set of http.Handler helpers for zerolog.
Package hlog provides a set of http.Handler helpers for zerolog.
Package log provides a global logger for zerolog.
Package log provides a global logger for zerolog.

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