This is an example server-worker app.
There are 2 main sets of components:
- Cipher App Server, Cipher ES DB, and Cipher Workers
- Tasques Server, Tasques ES DB, Kibana and APM
(1) is the actual application logic and (2) is Tasks management.
A User POSTs a plain text message to the Cipher App Server, which persists it into its DB and enqueues background Tasks
to have the plain text message encoded into different forms (Rot13, Base64, etc) by making requests to the Tasques Server.
Cipher Workers claim Tasks that they can handle by asking for Tasks in the messages_and_ciphers
s queue, encoding into
the right form as indicated by the Tasks, saving the encoded form to the Ciphers DB, and reporting each Task as done.
If you don't have Kubernetes installed, install it.
If you don't have EC installed, run make install-eck
to install the ECK operator.
Run make k8s-deploy
to deploy all the needed infra, such as Tasques, including ES clusters (for tasques and our demo app),
Kibana, and APM. Run make k8s-teardown
to tear down the infra when you're done.
Run the Ciphers server
Run make start-cipher-server
to start the web server for Ciphers. It will wait for the previous services to be ready before
Add some Messages to cipher
Once the Ciphers server is up, go to the server at localhost:9000 (default) and use the form to
create plain text messages, which will create jobs to have them encoded by workers.
Run the Ciphers Go workers
Run make start-go-workers
to start a number of Go Cipher workers. By default, we start 5, but you can customise this using
(e.g. GO_WORKER_COUNT=10 make start-go-workers
). Also note that half of the workers are configured
to have a chance of failure, and all have an artificial pause to simulate load.
Workers in other languages
There are example workers in Java and Rust as well (worker-$lang
Kibana Dashboard
- To log into the Tasques server's Kibana, run
make k8s-show-credentials
and get the password of the Tasques cluster.
- Then go to localhost:5601 and use
and the password retrieved in the previous step.
- Use the Kibana navigation bar to go to Dashboards, then select the
dashboard from the list.