Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Variables
- func CheckPtr(value IObject) uintptr
- func MessageDlg(Msg string, DlgType TMsgDlgType, Buttons ...uint8) int32
- func ShowMessage(msg string)
- type IComponent
- type IControl
- type IObject
- type TAction
- func (a *TAction) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (a *TAction) Caption() string
- func (a *TAction) Checked() bool
- func (a *TAction) ClassName() string
- func (a *TAction) ComponentCount() int32
- func (a *TAction) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (a *TAction) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (a *TAction) Enabled() bool
- func (a *TAction) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (a *TAction) Execute() bool
- func (a *TAction) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (a *TAction) Free()
- func (a *TAction) GetHashCode() int32
- func (a *TAction) GetNamePath() string
- func (a *TAction) GroupIndex() int32
- func (a *TAction) HasParent() bool
- func (a *TAction) Hint() string
- func (a *TAction) ImageIndex() int32
- func (a *TAction) Images() *TImageList
- func (a *TAction) Index() int32
- func (a *TAction) Instance() uintptr
- func (a *TAction) IsValid() bool
- func (a *TAction) Name() string
- func (a *TAction) Owner() *TComponent
- func (a *TAction) SetCaption(value string)
- func (a *TAction) SetChecked(value bool)
- func (a *TAction) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (a *TAction) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (a *TAction) SetGroupIndex(value int32)
- func (a *TAction) SetHint(value string)
- func (a *TAction) SetImageIndex(value int32)
- func (a *TAction) SetIndex(value int32)
- func (a *TAction) SetName(value string)
- func (a *TAction) SetOnExecute(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (a *TAction) SetOnUpdate(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (a *TAction) SetShortCut(value TShortCut)
- func (a *TAction) SetTag(value int)
- func (a *TAction) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (a *TAction) ShortCut() TShortCut
- func (a *TAction) Tag() int
- func (a *TAction) ToString() string
- func (a *TAction) Update() bool
- func (a *TAction) Visible() bool
- type TActionList
- func (a *TActionList) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (a *TActionList) ClassName() string
- func (a *TActionList) ComponentCount() int32
- func (a *TActionList) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (a *TActionList) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (a *TActionList) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (a *TActionList) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (a *TActionList) Free()
- func (a *TActionList) GetHashCode() int32
- func (a *TActionList) GetNamePath() string
- func (a *TActionList) HasParent() bool
- func (a *TActionList) Images() *TImageList
- func (a *TActionList) Instance() uintptr
- func (a *TActionList) IsValid() bool
- func (a *TActionList) Name() string
- func (a *TActionList) Owner() *TComponent
- func (a *TActionList) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (a *TActionList) SetImages(value IComponent)
- func (a *TActionList) SetName(value string)
- func (a *TActionList) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (a *TActionList) SetState(value TActionListState)
- func (a *TActionList) SetTag(value int)
- func (a *TActionList) State() TActionListState
- func (a *TActionList) Tag() int
- func (a *TActionList) ToString() string
- type TApplication
- func (a *TApplication) ActivateHint(CursorPos TPoint)
- func (a *TApplication) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (a *TApplication) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (a *TApplication) BringToFront()
- func (a *TApplication) CancelHint()
- func (a *TApplication) ClassName() string
- func (a *TApplication) ComponentCount() int32
- func (a *TApplication) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (a *TApplication) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (a *TApplication) CreateForm() *TForm
- func (a *TApplication) DialogHandle() HWND
- func (a *TApplication) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (a *TApplication) ExeName() string
- func (a *TApplication) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (a *TApplication) Free()
- func (a *TApplication) GetHashCode() int32
- func (a *TApplication) GetNamePath() string
- func (a *TApplication) Handle() HWND
- func (a *TApplication) HandleMessage()
- func (a *TApplication) HasParent() bool
- func (a *TApplication) HideHint()
- func (a *TApplication) Hint() string
- func (a *TApplication) HintColor() TColor
- func (a *TApplication) HintHidePause() int32
- func (a *TApplication) HintPause() int32
- func (a *TApplication) HintShortCuts() bool
- func (a *TApplication) HintShortPause() int32
- func (a *TApplication) Icon() *TIcon
- func (a *TApplication) Initialize()
- func (a *TApplication) Instance() uintptr
- func (a *TApplication) IsMetropolisUI() bool
- func (a *TApplication) IsValid() bool
- func (a *TApplication) MainForm() *TForm
- func (a *TApplication) MainFormHandle() HWND
- func (a *TApplication) MainFormOnTaskBar() bool
- func (a *TApplication) MessageBox(Text string, Caption string, Flags int32) int32
- func (a *TApplication) Minimize()
- func (a *TApplication) ModalFinished()
- func (a *TApplication) ModalStarted()
- func (a *TApplication) Name() string
- func (a *TApplication) NormalizeAllTopMosts()
- func (a *TApplication) NormalizeTopMosts()
- func (a *TApplication) Owner() *TComponent
- func (a *TApplication) ProcessMessages()
- func (a *TApplication) Restore()
- func (a *TApplication) RestoreTopMosts()
- func (a *TApplication) Run()
- func (a *TApplication) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (a *TApplication) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (a *TApplication) SetDialogHandle(value HWND)
- func (a *TApplication) SetFormScaled(val bool)
- func (a *TApplication) SetHandle(value HWND)
- func (a *TApplication) SetHint(value string)
- func (a *TApplication) SetHintColor(value TColor)
- func (a *TApplication) SetHintHidePause(value int32)
- func (a *TApplication) SetHintPause(value int32)
- func (a *TApplication) SetHintShortCuts(value bool)
- func (a *TApplication) SetHintShortPause(value int32)
- func (a *TApplication) SetIcon(value *TIcon)
- func (a *TApplication) SetMainFormOnTaskBar(value bool)
- func (a *TApplication) SetName(value string)
- func (a *TApplication) SetOnException(fn TExceptionEvent)
- func (a *TApplication) SetOnMinimize(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (a *TApplication) SetOnRestore(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (a *TApplication) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (a *TApplication) SetShowMainForm(value bool)
- func (a *TApplication) SetTag(value int)
- func (a *TApplication) SetTitle(value string)
- func (a *TApplication) ShowHint() bool
- func (a *TApplication) ShowMainForm() bool
- func (a *TApplication) Tag() int
- func (a *TApplication) Terminate()
- func (a *TApplication) Title() string
- func (a *TApplication) ToString() string
- type TBalloonHint
- func (b *TBalloonHint) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (b *TBalloonHint) ClassName() string
- func (b *TBalloonHint) ComponentCount() int32
- func (b *TBalloonHint) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (b *TBalloonHint) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (b *TBalloonHint) Delay() uint32
- func (b *TBalloonHint) Description() string
- func (b *TBalloonHint) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (b *TBalloonHint) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (b *TBalloonHint) Free()
- func (b *TBalloonHint) GetHashCode() int32
- func (b *TBalloonHint) GetNamePath() string
- func (b *TBalloonHint) HasParent() bool
- func (b *TBalloonHint) HideAfter() int32
- func (b *TBalloonHint) HideHint()
- func (b *TBalloonHint) ImageIndex() int32
- func (b *TBalloonHint) Images() *TImageList
- func (b *TBalloonHint) Instance() uintptr
- func (b *TBalloonHint) IsValid() bool
- func (b *TBalloonHint) Name() string
- func (b *TBalloonHint) Owner() *TComponent
- func (b *TBalloonHint) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (b *TBalloonHint) SetDelay(value uint32)
- func (b *TBalloonHint) SetDescription(value string)
- func (b *TBalloonHint) SetHideAfter(value int32)
- func (b *TBalloonHint) SetImageIndex(value int32)
- func (b *TBalloonHint) SetImages(value IComponent)
- func (b *TBalloonHint) SetName(value string)
- func (b *TBalloonHint) SetStyle(value TBalloonHintStyle)
- func (b *TBalloonHint) SetTag(value int)
- func (b *TBalloonHint) SetTitle(value string)
- func (b *TBalloonHint) ShowHint()
- func (b *TBalloonHint) Style() TBalloonHintStyle
- func (b *TBalloonHint) Tag() int
- func (b *TBalloonHint) Title() string
- func (b *TBalloonHint) ToString() string
- type TBitmap
- func (b *TBitmap) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (b *TBitmap) Canvas() *TCanvas
- func (b *TBitmap) ClassName() string
- func (b *TBitmap) Empty() bool
- func (b *TBitmap) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (b *TBitmap) Free()
- func (b *TBitmap) GetHashCode() int32
- func (b *TBitmap) GetNamePath() string
- func (b *TBitmap) Handle() HBITMAP
- func (b *TBitmap) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (b *TBitmap) Height() int32
- func (b *TBitmap) Instance() uintptr
- func (b *TBitmap) IsValid() bool
- func (b *TBitmap) LoadFromFile(Filename string)
- func (b *TBitmap) LoadFromResourceID(Instance uintptr, ResID int32)
- func (b *TBitmap) LoadFromResourceName(Instance uintptr, ResName string)
- func (b *TBitmap) LoadFromStream(Stream IObject)
- func (b *TBitmap) Modified() bool
- func (b *TBitmap) PaletteModified() bool
- func (b *TBitmap) PixelFormat() TPixelFormat
- func (b *TBitmap) SaveToFile(Filename string)
- func (b *TBitmap) SaveToStream(Stream IObject)
- func (b *TBitmap) ScanLine(Row int32) uintptr
- func (b *TBitmap) SetHandle(value HBITMAP)
- func (b *TBitmap) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (b *TBitmap) SetModified(value bool)
- func (b *TBitmap) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (b *TBitmap) SetPaletteModified(value bool)
- func (b *TBitmap) SetPixelFormat(value TPixelFormat)
- func (b *TBitmap) SetSize(AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (b *TBitmap) SetTransparent(value bool)
- func (b *TBitmap) SetTransparentColor(value TColor)
- func (b *TBitmap) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (b *TBitmap) ToString() string
- func (b *TBitmap) Transparent() bool
- func (b *TBitmap) TransparentColor() TColor
- func (b *TBitmap) Width() int32
- type TBrush
- func (b *TBrush) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (b *TBrush) Bitmap() *TBitmap
- func (b *TBrush) ClassName() string
- func (b *TBrush) Color() TColor
- func (b *TBrush) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (b *TBrush) Free()
- func (b *TBrush) GetHashCode() int32
- func (b *TBrush) GetNamePath() string
- func (b *TBrush) Handle() HBRUSH
- func (b *TBrush) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (b *TBrush) Instance() uintptr
- func (b *TBrush) IsValid() bool
- func (b *TBrush) SetBitmap(value *TBitmap)
- func (b *TBrush) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (b *TBrush) SetHandle(value HBRUSH)
- func (b *TBrush) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (b *TBrush) SetStyle(value TBrushStyle)
- func (b *TBrush) Style() TBrushStyle
- func (b *TBrush) ToString() string
- type TButton
- func (b *TButton) Action() *TAction
- func (b *TButton) Align() TAlign
- func (b *TButton) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (b *TButton) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (b *TButton) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (b *TButton) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (b *TButton) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (b *TButton) BringToFront()
- func (b *TButton) Brush() *TBrush
- func (b *TButton) CanFocus() bool
- func (b *TButton) Cancel() bool
- func (b *TButton) Caption() string
- func (b *TButton) ClassName() string
- func (b *TButton) Click()
- func (b *TButton) ClientHeight() int32
- func (b *TButton) ClientRect() TRect
- func (b *TButton) ClientWidth() int32
- func (b *TButton) CommandLinkHint() string
- func (b *TButton) ComponentCount() int32
- func (b *TButton) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (b *TButton) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (b *TButton) ControlCount() int32
- func (b *TButton) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (b *TButton) Cursor() TCursor
- func (b *TButton) Default() bool
- func (b *TButton) DisabledImageIndex() int32
- func (b *TButton) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (b *TButton) ElevationRequired() bool
- func (b *TButton) Enabled() bool
- func (b *TButton) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (b *TButton) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (b *TButton) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (b *TButton) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (b *TButton) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (b *TButton) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (b *TButton) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (b *TButton) Focused() bool
- func (b *TButton) Font() *TFont
- func (b *TButton) Free()
- func (b *TButton) GetHashCode() int32
- func (b *TButton) GetNamePath() string
- func (b *TButton) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (b *TButton) Handle() HWND
- func (b *TButton) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (b *TButton) HasParent() bool
- func (b *TButton) Height() int32
- func (b *TButton) Hide()
- func (b *TButton) Hint() string
- func (b *TButton) HotImageIndex() int32
- func (b *TButton) ImageAlignment() TImageAlignment
- func (b *TButton) ImageIndex() int32
- func (b *TButton) Images() *TImageList
- func (b *TButton) Instance() uintptr
- func (b *TButton) Invalidate()
- func (b *TButton) IsValid() bool
- func (b *TButton) Left() int32
- func (b *TButton) Margins() *TMargins
- func (b *TButton) ModalResult() TModalResult
- func (b *TButton) Name() string
- func (b *TButton) Owner() *TComponent
- func (b *TButton) Parent() *TControl
- func (b *TButton) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (b *TButton) ParentFont() bool
- func (b *TButton) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (b *TButton) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (b *TButton) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (b *TButton) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (b *TButton) PressedImageIndex() int32
- func (b *TButton) Realign()
- func (b *TButton) Refresh()
- func (b *TButton) Repaint()
- func (b *TButton) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (b *TButton) SelectedImageIndex() int32
- func (b *TButton) SendToBack()
- func (b *TButton) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (b *TButton) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (b *TButton) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (b *TButton) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (b *TButton) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (b *TButton) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (b *TButton) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (b *TButton) SetCancel(value bool)
- func (b *TButton) SetCaption(value string)
- func (b *TButton) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (b *TButton) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (b *TButton) SetCommandLinkHint(value string)
- func (b *TButton) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (b *TButton) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (b *TButton) SetDefault(value bool)
- func (b *TButton) SetDisabledImageIndex(value int32)
- func (b *TButton) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (b *TButton) SetElevationRequired(value bool)
- func (b *TButton) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (b *TButton) SetFocus()
- func (b *TButton) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (b *TButton) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (b *TButton) SetHint(value string)
- func (b *TButton) SetHotImageIndex(value int32)
- func (b *TButton) SetImageAlignment(value TImageAlignment)
- func (b *TButton) SetImageIndex(value int32)
- func (b *TButton) SetImages(value IComponent)
- func (b *TButton) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (b *TButton) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (b *TButton) SetModalResult(value TModalResult)
- func (b *TButton) SetName(value string)
- func (b *TButton) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (b *TButton) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (b *TButton) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (b *TButton) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (b *TButton) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
- func (b *TButton) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (b *TButton) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (b *TButton) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (b *TButton) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (b *TButton) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (b *TButton) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (b *TButton) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (b *TButton) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (b *TButton) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (b *TButton) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (b *TButton) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (b *TButton) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (b *TButton) SetPressedImageIndex(value int32)
- func (b *TButton) SetSelectedImageIndex(value int32)
- func (b *TButton) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (b *TButton) SetStyle(value TButtonStyle)
- func (b *TButton) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (b *TButton) SetStylusHotImageIndex(value int32)
- func (b *TButton) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (b *TButton) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (b *TButton) SetTag(value int)
- func (b *TButton) SetTop(value int32)
- func (b *TButton) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (b *TButton) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (b *TButton) SetWordWrap(value bool)
- func (b *TButton) Show()
- func (b *TButton) ShowHint() bool
- func (b *TButton) Style() TButtonStyle
- func (b *TButton) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (b *TButton) StylusHotImageIndex() int32
- func (b *TButton) TabOrder() uint16
- func (b *TButton) TabStop() bool
- func (b *TButton) Tag() int
- func (b *TButton) ToString() string
- func (b *TButton) Top() int32
- func (b *TButton) Update()
- func (b *TButton) Visible() bool
- func (b *TButton) Width() int32
- func (b *TButton) WordWrap() bool
- type TCanvas
- func (c *TCanvas) AngleArc(X int32, Y int32, Radius uint32, StartAngle float32, SweepAngle float32)
- func (c *TCanvas) Arc(X1 int32, Y1 int32, X2 int32, Y2 int32, X3 int32, Y3 int32, X4 int32, Y4 int32)
- func (c *TCanvas) ArcTo(X1 int32, Y1 int32, X2 int32, Y2 int32, X3 int32, Y3 int32, X4 int32, Y4 int32)
- func (c *TCanvas) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (c *TCanvas) Brush() *TBrush
- func (c *TCanvas) BrushCopy(dest TRect, bitmap IObject, source TRect, color TColor)
- func (c *TCanvas) Chord(X1 int32, Y1 int32, X2 int32, Y2 int32, X3 int32, Y3 int32, X4 int32, Y4 int32)
- func (c *TCanvas) ClassName() string
- func (c *TCanvas) CopyMode() int32
- func (c *TCanvas) CopyRect(dest TRect, canvas IObject, source TRect)
- func (c *TCanvas) Draw(x, y int32, graphic IObject)
- func (c *TCanvas) Draw2(x, y int32, graphic IObject, opacity uint8)
- func (c *TCanvas) DrawFocusRect(aRect TRect)
- func (c *TCanvas) Ellipse(X1 int32, Y1 int32, X2 int32, Y2 int32)
- func (c *TCanvas) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (c *TCanvas) FillRect(aRect TRect)
- func (c *TCanvas) FloodFill(X int32, Y int32, Color TColor, FillStyle TFillStyle)
- func (c *TCanvas) Font() *TFont
- func (c *TCanvas) FrameRect(aRect TRect)
- func (c *TCanvas) Free()
- func (c *TCanvas) GetHashCode() int32
- func (c *TCanvas) GetNamePath() string
- func (c *TCanvas) Handle() HDC
- func (c *TCanvas) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (c *TCanvas) Instance() uintptr
- func (c *TCanvas) IsValid() bool
- func (c *TCanvas) LineTo(X int32, Y int32)
- func (c *TCanvas) Lock()
- func (c *TCanvas) MoveTo(X int32, Y int32)
- func (c *TCanvas) Pen() *TPen
- func (c *TCanvas) Pie(X1 int32, Y1 int32, X2 int32, Y2 int32, X3 int32, Y3 int32, X4 int32, Y4 int32)
- func (c *TCanvas) Rectangle(X1 int32, Y1 int32, X2 int32, Y2 int32)
- func (c *TCanvas) Refresh()
- func (c *TCanvas) RoundRect(X1 int32, Y1 int32, X2 int32, Y2 int32, X3 int32, Y3 int32)
- func (c *TCanvas) SetBrush(value *TBrush)
- func (c *TCanvas) SetCopyMode(value int32)
- func (c *TCanvas) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (c *TCanvas) SetHandle(value HDC)
- func (c *TCanvas) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TCanvas) SetPen(value *TPen)
- func (c *TCanvas) StretchDraw(aRect TRect, graphic IObject)
- func (c *TCanvas) TextExtent(Text string) TSize
- func (c *TCanvas) TextOut(X int32, Y int32, Text string)
- func (c *TCanvas) TextRect(aRect TRect, x, y int32, text string)
- func (c *TCanvas) TextRect2(aRect *TRect, text *string, textFormat TTextFormat)
- func (c *TCanvas) ToString() string
- type TCategoryPanel
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Action() *TAction
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Align() TAlign
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) BringToFront()
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Brush() *TBrush
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) CanFocus() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Caption() string
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ClassName() string
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ClientHeight() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ClientRect() TRect
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ClientWidth() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Collapse()
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Collapsed() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) CollapsedHotImageIndex() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) CollapsedImageIndex() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) CollapsedPressedImageIndex() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Color() TColor
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ComponentCount() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ControlCount() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Cursor() TCursor
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Enabled() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Expand()
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ExpandedHotImageIndex() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ExpandedImageIndex() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ExpandedPressedImageIndex() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Focused() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Font() *TFont
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Free()
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) FullRepaint() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) GetHashCode() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) GetNamePath() string
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Handle() HWND
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) HasParent() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Height() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Hide()
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Hint() string
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Instance() uintptr
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Invalidate()
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) IsValid() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Left() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Locked() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Margins() *TMargins
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Name() string
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Owner() *TComponent
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) PanelGroup() *TCategoryPanelGroup
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Parent() *TControl
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ParentBackground() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ParentColor() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ParentCtl3D() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ParentFont() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Realign()
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Refresh()
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Repaint()
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SendToBack()
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetCaption(value string)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetCollapsed(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetCollapsedHotImageIndex(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetCollapsedImageIndex(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetCollapsedPressedImageIndex(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetExpandedHotImageIndex(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetExpandedImageIndex(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetExpandedPressedImageIndex(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetFocus()
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetFullRepaint(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetHint(value string)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetLocked(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetName(value string)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetPanelGroup(value IControl)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetParentBackground(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetTag(value int)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetTop(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Show()
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ShowHint() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) TabOrder() uint16
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) TabStop() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Tag() int
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) ToString() string
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Top() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Update()
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Visible() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanel) Width() int32
- type TCategoryPanelGroup
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Action() *TAction
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Align() TAlign
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) BevelInner() TBevelCut
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) BevelKind() TBevelKind
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) BringToFront()
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Brush() *TBrush
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) CanFocus() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ChevronAlignment() TAlignment
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ChevronColor() TColor
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ChevronHotColor() TColor
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ClassName() string
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ClientHeight() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ClientRect() TRect
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ClientWidth() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) CollapseAll()
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Color() TColor
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ComponentCount() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ControlCount() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Cursor() TCursor
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Enabled() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ExpandAll()
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Focused() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Font() *TFont
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Free()
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) GetHashCode() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) GetNamePath() string
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) GradientBaseColor() TColor
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) GradientColor() TColor
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) GradientDirection() TGradientDirection
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Handle() HWND
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) HasParent() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) HeaderAlignment() TAlignment
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) HeaderFont() *TFont
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) HeaderHeight() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) HeaderImage() *TPicture
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) HeaderStyle() THeaderStyle
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Height() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Hide()
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Hint() string
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Images() *TImageList
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Instance() uintptr
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Invalidate()
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) IsValid() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Left() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Margins() *TMargins
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Name() string
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Owner() *TComponent
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Panels() *TList
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Parent() *TControl
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentBackground() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentColor() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentCtl3D() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentFont() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Realign()
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Refresh()
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Repaint()
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SendToBack()
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetChevronAlignment(value TAlignment)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetChevronColor(value TColor)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetChevronHotColor(value TColor)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetFocus()
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetGradientBaseColor(value TColor)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetGradientColor(value TColor)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetGradientDirection(value TGradientDirection)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHeaderAlignment(value TAlignment)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHeaderFont(value *TFont)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHeaderHeight(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHeaderImage(value *TPicture)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHeaderStyle(value THeaderStyle)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHint(value string)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetImages(value IComponent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetName(value string)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnMouseWheel(fn TMouseWheelEvent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnResize(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentBackground(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetTag(value int)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetTop(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Show()
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ShowHint() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) TabOrder() uint16
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) TabStop() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Tag() int
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ToString() string
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Top() int32
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Update()
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Visible() bool
- func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Width() int32
- type TCheckBox
- func (c *TCheckBox) Action() *TAction
- func (c *TCheckBox) Align() TAlign
- func (c *TCheckBox) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (c *TCheckBox) Alignment() TLeftRight
- func (c *TCheckBox) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (c *TCheckBox) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (c *TCheckBox) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (c *TCheckBox) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (c *TCheckBox) BringToFront()
- func (c *TCheckBox) Brush() *TBrush
- func (c *TCheckBox) CanFocus() bool
- func (c *TCheckBox) Caption() string
- func (c *TCheckBox) Checked() bool
- func (c *TCheckBox) ClassName() string
- func (c *TCheckBox) ClientHeight() int32
- func (c *TCheckBox) ClientRect() TRect
- func (c *TCheckBox) ClientWidth() int32
- func (c *TCheckBox) Color() TColor
- func (c *TCheckBox) ComponentCount() int32
- func (c *TCheckBox) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (c *TCheckBox) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (c *TCheckBox) ControlCount() int32
- func (c *TCheckBox) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (c *TCheckBox) Cursor() TCursor
- func (c *TCheckBox) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (c *TCheckBox) Enabled() bool
- func (c *TCheckBox) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (c *TCheckBox) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (c *TCheckBox) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (c *TCheckBox) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (c *TCheckBox) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (c *TCheckBox) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (c *TCheckBox) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (c *TCheckBox) Focused() bool
- func (c *TCheckBox) Font() *TFont
- func (c *TCheckBox) Free()
- func (c *TCheckBox) GetHashCode() int32
- func (c *TCheckBox) GetNamePath() string
- func (c *TCheckBox) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (c *TCheckBox) Handle() HWND
- func (c *TCheckBox) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (c *TCheckBox) HasParent() bool
- func (c *TCheckBox) Height() int32
- func (c *TCheckBox) Hide()
- func (c *TCheckBox) Hint() string
- func (c *TCheckBox) Instance() uintptr
- func (c *TCheckBox) Invalidate()
- func (c *TCheckBox) IsValid() bool
- func (c *TCheckBox) Left() int32
- func (c *TCheckBox) Margins() *TMargins
- func (c *TCheckBox) Name() string
- func (c *TCheckBox) Owner() *TComponent
- func (c *TCheckBox) Parent() *TControl
- func (c *TCheckBox) ParentColor() bool
- func (c *TCheckBox) ParentCtl3D() bool
- func (c *TCheckBox) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (c *TCheckBox) ParentFont() bool
- func (c *TCheckBox) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (c *TCheckBox) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (c *TCheckBox) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (c *TCheckBox) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (c *TCheckBox) Realign()
- func (c *TCheckBox) Refresh()
- func (c *TCheckBox) Repaint()
- func (c *TCheckBox) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SendToBack()
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetAlignment(value TLeftRight)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetCaption(value string)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetChecked(value bool)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetFocus()
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetHint(value string)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetName(value string)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetState(value TCheckBoxState)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetTag(value int)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetTop(value int32)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (c *TCheckBox) SetWordWrap(value bool)
- func (c *TCheckBox) Show()
- func (c *TCheckBox) ShowHint() bool
- func (c *TCheckBox) State() TCheckBoxState
- func (c *TCheckBox) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (c *TCheckBox) TabOrder() uint16
- func (c *TCheckBox) TabStop() bool
- func (c *TCheckBox) Tag() int
- func (c *TCheckBox) ToString() string
- func (c *TCheckBox) Top() int32
- func (c *TCheckBox) Update()
- func (c *TCheckBox) Visible() bool
- func (c *TCheckBox) Width() int32
- func (c *TCheckBox) WordWrap() bool
- type TClipboard
- func (c *TClipboard) AsText() string
- func (c *TClipboard) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (c *TClipboard) ClassName() string
- func (c *TClipboard) Clear()
- func (c *TClipboard) Close()
- func (c *TClipboard) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (c *TClipboard) FormatCount() int32
- func (c *TClipboard) Formats(Index int32) uint16
- func (c *TClipboard) Free()
- func (c *TClipboard) GetAsHandle(Format uint16) uintptr
- func (c *TClipboard) GetHashCode() int32
- func (c *TClipboard) GetNamePath() string
- func (c *TClipboard) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (c *TClipboard) HasFormat(Format uint16) bool
- func (c *TClipboard) Instance() uintptr
- func (c *TClipboard) IsValid() bool
- func (c *TClipboard) Open()
- func (c *TClipboard) SetAsHandle(Format uint16, Value uintptr)
- func (c *TClipboard) SetAsText(value string)
- func (c *TClipboard) ToString() string
- type TCloseEvent
- type TCloseQueryEvent
- type TCollectionItem
- func (c *TCollectionItem) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (c *TCollectionItem) ClassName() string
- func (c *TCollectionItem) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (c *TCollectionItem) Free()
- func (c *TCollectionItem) GetHashCode() int32
- func (c *TCollectionItem) GetNamePath() string
- func (c *TCollectionItem) Index() int32
- func (c *TCollectionItem) Instance() uintptr
- func (c *TCollectionItem) IsValid() bool
- func (c *TCollectionItem) SetIndex(value int32)
- func (c *TCollectionItem) ToString() string
- type TColorBox
- func (c *TColorBox) Action() *TAction
- func (c *TColorBox) AddItem(Item string, AObject IObject)
- func (c *TColorBox) Align() TAlign
- func (c *TColorBox) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (c *TColorBox) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (c *TColorBox) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (c *TColorBox) AutoCloseUp() bool
- func (c *TColorBox) AutoComplete() bool
- func (c *TColorBox) AutoCompleteDelay() uint32
- func (c *TColorBox) AutoDropDown() bool
- func (c *TColorBox) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
- func (c *TColorBox) BevelInner() TBevelCut
- func (c *TColorBox) BevelKind() TBevelKind
- func (c *TColorBox) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
- func (c *TColorBox) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (c *TColorBox) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (c *TColorBox) BringToFront()
- func (c *TColorBox) Brush() *TBrush
- func (c *TColorBox) CanFocus() bool
- func (c *TColorBox) Canvas() *TCanvas
- func (c *TColorBox) ClassName() string
- func (c *TColorBox) Clear()
- func (c *TColorBox) ClearSelection()
- func (c *TColorBox) ClientHeight() int32
- func (c *TColorBox) ClientRect() TRect
- func (c *TColorBox) ClientWidth() int32
- func (c *TColorBox) Color() TColor
- func (c *TColorBox) ColorNames(Index int32) string
- func (c *TColorBox) Colors(Index int32) TColor
- func (c *TColorBox) ComponentCount() int32
- func (c *TColorBox) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (c *TColorBox) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (c *TColorBox) ControlCount() int32
- func (c *TColorBox) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (c *TColorBox) Cursor() TCursor
- func (c *TColorBox) DefaultColorColor() TColor
- func (c *TColorBox) DeleteSelected()
- func (c *TColorBox) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (c *TColorBox) DropDownCount() int32
- func (c *TColorBox) DroppedDown() bool
- func (c *TColorBox) Enabled() bool
- func (c *TColorBox) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (c *TColorBox) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (c *TColorBox) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (c *TColorBox) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (c *TColorBox) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (c *TColorBox) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (c *TColorBox) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (c *TColorBox) Focused() bool
- func (c *TColorBox) Font() *TFont
- func (c *TColorBox) Free()
- func (c *TColorBox) GetHashCode() int32
- func (c *TColorBox) GetNamePath() string
- func (c *TColorBox) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (c *TColorBox) Handle() HWND
- func (c *TColorBox) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (c *TColorBox) HasParent() bool
- func (c *TColorBox) Height() int32
- func (c *TColorBox) Hide()
- func (c *TColorBox) Hint() string
- func (c *TColorBox) Instance() uintptr
- func (c *TColorBox) Invalidate()
- func (c *TColorBox) IsValid() bool
- func (c *TColorBox) ItemHeight() int32
- func (c *TColorBox) ItemIndex() int32
- func (c *TColorBox) Items() *TStrings
- func (c *TColorBox) Left() int32
- func (c *TColorBox) Margins() *TMargins
- func (c *TColorBox) Name() string
- func (c *TColorBox) NoneColorColor() TColor
- func (c *TColorBox) Owner() *TComponent
- func (c *TColorBox) Parent() *TControl
- func (c *TColorBox) ParentColor() bool
- func (c *TColorBox) ParentCtl3D() bool
- func (c *TColorBox) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (c *TColorBox) ParentFont() bool
- func (c *TColorBox) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (c *TColorBox) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (c *TColorBox) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (c *TColorBox) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (c *TColorBox) Realign()
- func (c *TColorBox) Refresh()
- func (c *TColorBox) Repaint()
- func (c *TColorBox) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (c *TColorBox) SelLength() int32
- func (c *TColorBox) SelStart() int32
- func (c *TColorBox) SelText() string
- func (c *TColorBox) SelectAll()
- func (c *TColorBox) Selected() TColor
- func (c *TColorBox) SendToBack()
- func (c *TColorBox) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetAutoCloseUp(value bool)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetAutoComplete(value bool)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetAutoCompleteDelay(value uint32)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetAutoDropDown(value bool)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetDefaultColorColor(value TColor)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetDropDownCount(value int32)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetDroppedDown(value bool)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetFocus()
- func (c *TColorBox) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetHint(value string)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetItemHeight(value int32)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetItemIndex(value int32)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetItems(value IObject)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetName(value string)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetNoneColorColor(value TColor)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetSelLength(value int32)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetSelStart(value int32)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetSelText(value string)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetSelected(value TColor)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetStyle(value TColorBoxStyle)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetTag(value int)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetTextHint(value string)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetTop(value int32)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (c *TColorBox) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (c *TColorBox) Show()
- func (c *TColorBox) ShowHint() bool
- func (c *TColorBox) Style() TColorBoxStyle
- func (c *TColorBox) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (c *TColorBox) TabOrder() uint16
- func (c *TColorBox) TabStop() bool
- func (c *TColorBox) Tag() int
- func (c *TColorBox) TextHint() string
- func (c *TColorBox) ToString() string
- func (c *TColorBox) Top() int32
- func (c *TColorBox) Update()
- func (c *TColorBox) Visible() bool
- func (c *TColorBox) Width() int32
- type TColorDialog
- func (c *TColorDialog) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (c *TColorDialog) ClassName() string
- func (c *TColorDialog) Color() TColor
- func (c *TColorDialog) ComponentCount() int32
- func (c *TColorDialog) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (c *TColorDialog) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (c *TColorDialog) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (c *TColorDialog) Execute(ParentWnd HWND) bool
- func (c *TColorDialog) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (c *TColorDialog) Free()
- func (c *TColorDialog) GetHashCode() int32
- func (c *TColorDialog) GetNamePath() string
- func (c *TColorDialog) Handle() HWND
- func (c *TColorDialog) HasParent() bool
- func (c *TColorDialog) Instance() uintptr
- func (c *TColorDialog) IsValid() bool
- func (c *TColorDialog) Name() string
- func (c *TColorDialog) Options() TColorDialogOptions
- func (c *TColorDialog) Owner() *TComponent
- func (c *TColorDialog) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (c *TColorDialog) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (c *TColorDialog) SetName(value string)
- func (c *TColorDialog) SetOnClose(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TColorDialog) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TColorDialog) SetOptions(value TColorDialogOptions)
- func (c *TColorDialog) SetTag(value int)
- func (c *TColorDialog) Tag() int
- func (c *TColorDialog) ToString() string
- type TColorListBox
- func (c *TColorListBox) Action() *TAction
- func (c *TColorListBox) AddItem(Item string, AObject IObject)
- func (c *TColorListBox) Align() TAlign
- func (c *TColorListBox) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (c *TColorListBox) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (c *TColorListBox) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (c *TColorListBox) AutoComplete() bool
- func (c *TColorListBox) AutoCompleteDelay() uint32
- func (c *TColorListBox) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
- func (c *TColorListBox) BevelInner() TBevelCut
- func (c *TColorListBox) BevelKind() TBevelKind
- func (c *TColorListBox) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
- func (c *TColorListBox) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (c *TColorListBox) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (c *TColorListBox) BringToFront()
- func (c *TColorListBox) Brush() *TBrush
- func (c *TColorListBox) CanFocus() bool
- func (c *TColorListBox) Canvas() *TCanvas
- func (c *TColorListBox) ClassName() string
- func (c *TColorListBox) Clear()
- func (c *TColorListBox) ClearSelection()
- func (c *TColorListBox) ClientHeight() int32
- func (c *TColorListBox) ClientRect() TRect
- func (c *TColorListBox) ClientWidth() int32
- func (c *TColorListBox) Color() TColor
- func (c *TColorListBox) ColorNames(Index int32) string
- func (c *TColorListBox) Colors(Index int32) TColor
- func (c *TColorListBox) ComponentCount() int32
- func (c *TColorListBox) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (c *TColorListBox) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (c *TColorListBox) ControlCount() int32
- func (c *TColorListBox) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (c *TColorListBox) Cursor() TCursor
- func (c *TColorListBox) DefaultColorColor() TColor
- func (c *TColorListBox) DeleteSelected()
- func (c *TColorListBox) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (c *TColorListBox) Enabled() bool
- func (c *TColorListBox) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (c *TColorListBox) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (c *TColorListBox) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (c *TColorListBox) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (c *TColorListBox) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (c *TColorListBox) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (c *TColorListBox) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (c *TColorListBox) Focused() bool
- func (c *TColorListBox) Font() *TFont
- func (c *TColorListBox) Free()
- func (c *TColorListBox) GetHashCode() int32
- func (c *TColorListBox) GetNamePath() string
- func (c *TColorListBox) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (c *TColorListBox) Handle() HWND
- func (c *TColorListBox) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (c *TColorListBox) HasParent() bool
- func (c *TColorListBox) Height() int32
- func (c *TColorListBox) Hide()
- func (c *TColorListBox) Hint() string
- func (c *TColorListBox) Instance() uintptr
- func (c *TColorListBox) Invalidate()
- func (c *TColorListBox) IsValid() bool
- func (c *TColorListBox) ItemHeight() int32
- func (c *TColorListBox) ItemIndex() int32
- func (c *TColorListBox) Items() *TStrings
- func (c *TColorListBox) Left() int32
- func (c *TColorListBox) Margins() *TMargins
- func (c *TColorListBox) MultiSelect() bool
- func (c *TColorListBox) Name() string
- func (c *TColorListBox) NoneColorColor() TColor
- func (c *TColorListBox) Owner() *TComponent
- func (c *TColorListBox) Parent() *TControl
- func (c *TColorListBox) ParentColor() bool
- func (c *TColorListBox) ParentCtl3D() bool
- func (c *TColorListBox) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (c *TColorListBox) ParentFont() bool
- func (c *TColorListBox) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (c *TColorListBox) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (c *TColorListBox) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (c *TColorListBox) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (c *TColorListBox) Realign()
- func (c *TColorListBox) Refresh()
- func (c *TColorListBox) Repaint()
- func (c *TColorListBox) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SelCount() int32
- func (c *TColorListBox) SelectAll()
- func (c *TColorListBox) Selected() TColor
- func (c *TColorListBox) SendToBack()
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetAutoComplete(value bool)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetAutoCompleteDelay(value uint32)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetDefaultColorColor(value TColor)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetFocus()
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetHint(value string)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetItemHeight(value int32)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetItemIndex(value int32)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetItems(value IObject)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetMultiSelect(value bool)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetName(value string)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetNoneColorColor(value TColor)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetSelected(value TColor)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetStyle(value TColorBoxStyle)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetTag(value int)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetTop(value int32)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (c *TColorListBox) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (c *TColorListBox) Show()
- func (c *TColorListBox) ShowHint() bool
- func (c *TColorListBox) Style() TColorBoxStyle
- func (c *TColorListBox) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (c *TColorListBox) TabOrder() uint16
- func (c *TColorListBox) TabStop() bool
- func (c *TColorListBox) Tag() int
- func (c *TColorListBox) ToString() string
- func (c *TColorListBox) Top() int32
- func (c *TColorListBox) Update()
- func (c *TColorListBox) Visible() bool
- func (c *TColorListBox) Width() int32
- type TComboBox
- func (c *TComboBox) Action() *TAction
- func (c *TComboBox) AddItem(Item string, AObject IObject)
- func (c *TComboBox) Align() TAlign
- func (c *TComboBox) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (c *TComboBox) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (c *TComboBox) AutoCloseUp() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) AutoComplete() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) AutoCompleteDelay() uint32
- func (c *TComboBox) AutoDropDown() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
- func (c *TComboBox) BevelInner() TBevelCut
- func (c *TComboBox) BevelKind() TBevelKind
- func (c *TComboBox) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
- func (c *TComboBox) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (c *TComboBox) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (c *TComboBox) BringToFront()
- func (c *TComboBox) Brush() *TBrush
- func (c *TComboBox) CanFocus() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) Canvas() *TCanvas
- func (c *TComboBox) ClassName() string
- func (c *TComboBox) Clear()
- func (c *TComboBox) ClearSelection()
- func (c *TComboBox) ClientHeight() int32
- func (c *TComboBox) ClientRect() TRect
- func (c *TComboBox) ClientWidth() int32
- func (c *TComboBox) Color() TColor
- func (c *TComboBox) ComponentCount() int32
- func (c *TComboBox) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (c *TComboBox) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (c *TComboBox) ControlCount() int32
- func (c *TComboBox) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (c *TComboBox) Cursor() TCursor
- func (c *TComboBox) DeleteSelected()
- func (c *TComboBox) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) DropDownCount() int32
- func (c *TComboBox) DroppedDown() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) Enabled() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (c *TComboBox) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (c *TComboBox) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (c *TComboBox) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (c *TComboBox) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (c *TComboBox) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (c *TComboBox) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (c *TComboBox) Focused() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) Font() *TFont
- func (c *TComboBox) Free()
- func (c *TComboBox) GetHashCode() int32
- func (c *TComboBox) GetNamePath() string
- func (c *TComboBox) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (c *TComboBox) Handle() HWND
- func (c *TComboBox) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) HasParent() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) Height() int32
- func (c *TComboBox) Hide()
- func (c *TComboBox) Hint() string
- func (c *TComboBox) Instance() uintptr
- func (c *TComboBox) Invalidate()
- func (c *TComboBox) IsValid() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) ItemHeight() int32
- func (c *TComboBox) ItemIndex() int32
- func (c *TComboBox) Items() *TStrings
- func (c *TComboBox) Left() int32
- func (c *TComboBox) Margins() *TMargins
- func (c *TComboBox) MaxLength() int32
- func (c *TComboBox) Name() string
- func (c *TComboBox) Owner() *TComponent
- func (c *TComboBox) Parent() *TControl
- func (c *TComboBox) ParentColor() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) ParentCtl3D() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) ParentFont() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (c *TComboBox) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (c *TComboBox) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (c *TComboBox) Realign()
- func (c *TComboBox) Refresh()
- func (c *TComboBox) Repaint()
- func (c *TComboBox) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (c *TComboBox) SelLength() int32
- func (c *TComboBox) SelStart() int32
- func (c *TComboBox) SelText() string
- func (c *TComboBox) SelectAll()
- func (c *TComboBox) SendToBack()
- func (c *TComboBox) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetAutoCloseUp(value bool)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetAutoComplete(value bool)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetAutoCompleteDelay(value uint32)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetAutoDropDown(value bool)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetDropDownCount(value int32)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetDroppedDown(value bool)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetFocus()
- func (c *TComboBox) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetHint(value string)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetItemHeight(value int32)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetItemIndex(value int32)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetItems(value IObject)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetMaxLength(value int32)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetName(value string)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetSelLength(value int32)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetSelStart(value int32)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetSelText(value string)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetSorted(value bool)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetStyle(value TComboBoxStyle)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetTag(value int)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetText(value string)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetTextHint(value string)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetTop(value int32)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (c *TComboBox) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (c *TComboBox) Show()
- func (c *TComboBox) ShowHint() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) Sorted() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) Style() TComboBoxStyle
- func (c *TComboBox) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (c *TComboBox) TabOrder() uint16
- func (c *TComboBox) TabStop() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) Tag() int
- func (c *TComboBox) Text() string
- func (c *TComboBox) TextHint() string
- func (c *TComboBox) ToString() string
- func (c *TComboBox) Top() int32
- func (c *TComboBox) Update()
- func (c *TComboBox) Visible() bool
- func (c *TComboBox) Width() int32
- type TComponent
- func (c *TComponent) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (c *TComponent) ClassName() string
- func (c *TComponent) ComponentCount() int32
- func (c *TComponent) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (c *TComponent) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (c *TComponent) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (c *TComponent) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (c *TComponent) Free()
- func (c *TComponent) GetHashCode() int32
- func (c *TComponent) GetNamePath() string
- func (c *TComponent) HasParent() bool
- func (c *TComponent) Instance() uintptr
- func (c *TComponent) IsValid() bool
- func (c *TComponent) Name() string
- func (c *TComponent) Owner() *TComponent
- func (c *TComponent) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (c *TComponent) SetName(value string)
- func (c *TComponent) SetTag(value int)
- func (c *TComponent) Tag() int
- func (c *TComponent) ToString() string
- type TControl
- func (c *TControl) Action() *TAction
- func (c *TControl) Align() TAlign
- func (c *TControl) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (c *TControl) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (c *TControl) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (c *TControl) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (c *TControl) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (c *TControl) BringToFront()
- func (c *TControl) ClassName() string
- func (c *TControl) ClientHeight() int32
- func (c *TControl) ClientRect() TRect
- func (c *TControl) ClientWidth() int32
- func (c *TControl) ComponentCount() int32
- func (c *TControl) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (c *TControl) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (c *TControl) Cursor() TCursor
- func (c *TControl) Enabled() bool
- func (c *TControl) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (c *TControl) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (c *TControl) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (c *TControl) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (c *TControl) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (c *TControl) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (c *TControl) Free()
- func (c *TControl) GetHashCode() int32
- func (c *TControl) GetNamePath() string
- func (c *TControl) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (c *TControl) HasParent() bool
- func (c *TControl) Height() int32
- func (c *TControl) Hide()
- func (c *TControl) Hint() string
- func (c *TControl) Instance() uintptr
- func (c *TControl) Invalidate()
- func (c *TControl) IsValid() bool
- func (c *TControl) Left() int32
- func (c *TControl) Margins() *TMargins
- func (c *TControl) Name() string
- func (c *TControl) Owner() *TComponent
- func (c *TControl) Parent() *TControl
- func (c *TControl) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (c *TControl) Refresh()
- func (c *TControl) Repaint()
- func (c *TControl) SendToBack()
- func (c *TControl) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (c *TControl) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (c *TControl) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (c *TControl) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (c *TControl) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (c *TControl) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (c *TControl) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (c *TControl) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (c *TControl) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (c *TControl) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (c *TControl) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (c *TControl) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (c *TControl) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (c *TControl) SetHint(value string)
- func (c *TControl) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (c *TControl) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (c *TControl) SetName(value string)
- func (c *TControl) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (c *TControl) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (c *TControl) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (c *TControl) SetTag(value int)
- func (c *TControl) SetTop(value int32)
- func (c *TControl) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (c *TControl) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (c *TControl) Show()
- func (c *TControl) ShowHint() bool
- func (c *TControl) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (c *TControl) Tag() int
- func (c *TControl) ToString() string
- func (c *TControl) Top() int32
- func (c *TControl) Update()
- func (c *TControl) Visible() bool
- func (c *TControl) Width() int32
- type TDateTimePicker
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Action() *TAction
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Align() TAlign
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) BevelInner() TBevelCut
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) BevelKind() TBevelKind
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) BringToFront()
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Brush() *TBrush
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) CalAlignment() TDTCalAlignment
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) CalColors() *TMonthCalColors
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) CanFocus() bool
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Checked() bool
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) ClassName() string
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) ClientHeight() int32
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) ClientRect() TRect
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) ClientWidth() int32
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Color() TColor
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) ComponentCount() int32
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) ControlCount() int32
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Cursor() TCursor
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Date() time.Time
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) DateFormat() TDTDateFormat
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) DateMode() TDTDateMode
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) DateTime() time.Time
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) DroppedDown() bool
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Enabled() bool
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Focused() bool
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Font() *TFont
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Format() string
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Free()
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) GetHashCode() int32
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) GetNamePath() string
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Handle() HWND
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) HasParent() bool
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Height() int32
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Hide()
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Hint() string
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Instance() uintptr
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Invalidate()
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) IsValid() bool
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Kind() TDateTimeKind
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Left() int32
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Margins() *TMargins
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) MaxDate() time.Time
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) MinDate() time.Time
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Name() string
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Owner() *TComponent
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Parent() *TControl
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) ParentColor() bool
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) ParentFont() bool
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) ParseInput() bool
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Realign()
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Refresh()
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Repaint()
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SendToBack()
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetCalAlignment(value TDTCalAlignment)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetCalColors(value *TMonthCalColors)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetChecked(value bool)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetDate(value time.Time)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetDateFormat(value TDTDateFormat)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetDateMode(value TDTDateMode)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetDateTime(value time.Time)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetFocus()
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetFormat(value string)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetHint(value string)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetKind(value TDateTimeKind)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetMaxDate(value time.Time)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetMinDate(value time.Time)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetName(value string)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetParseInput(value bool)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetTag(value int)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetTime(value time.Time)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetTop(value int32)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Show()
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) ShowHint() bool
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) TabOrder() uint16
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) TabStop() bool
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Tag() int
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Time() time.Time
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) ToString() string
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Top() int32
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Update()
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Visible() bool
- func (d *TDateTimePicker) Width() int32
- type TEdit
- func (e *TEdit) Action() *TAction
- func (e *TEdit) Align() TAlign
- func (e *TEdit) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (e *TEdit) Alignment() TAlignment
- func (e *TEdit) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (e *TEdit) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (e *TEdit) AutoSelect() bool
- func (e *TEdit) AutoSize() bool
- func (e *TEdit) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
- func (e *TEdit) BevelInner() TBevelCut
- func (e *TEdit) BevelKind() TBevelKind
- func (e *TEdit) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
- func (e *TEdit) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (e *TEdit) BorderStyle() TBorderStyle
- func (e *TEdit) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (e *TEdit) BringToFront()
- func (e *TEdit) Brush() *TBrush
- func (e *TEdit) CanFocus() bool
- func (e *TEdit) ClassName() string
- func (e *TEdit) Clear()
- func (e *TEdit) ClearSelection()
- func (e *TEdit) ClientHeight() int32
- func (e *TEdit) ClientRect() TRect
- func (e *TEdit) ClientWidth() int32
- func (e *TEdit) Color() TColor
- func (e *TEdit) ComponentCount() int32
- func (e *TEdit) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (e *TEdit) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (e *TEdit) ControlCount() int32
- func (e *TEdit) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (e *TEdit) CopyToClipboard()
- func (e *TEdit) Cursor() TCursor
- func (e *TEdit) CutToClipboard()
- func (e *TEdit) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (e *TEdit) Enabled() bool
- func (e *TEdit) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (e *TEdit) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (e *TEdit) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (e *TEdit) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (e *TEdit) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (e *TEdit) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (e *TEdit) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (e *TEdit) Focused() bool
- func (e *TEdit) Font() *TFont
- func (e *TEdit) Free()
- func (e *TEdit) GetHashCode() int32
- func (e *TEdit) GetNamePath() string
- func (e *TEdit) GetSelTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (e *TEdit) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (e *TEdit) Handle() HWND
- func (e *TEdit) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (e *TEdit) HasParent() bool
- func (e *TEdit) Height() int32
- func (e *TEdit) Hide()
- func (e *TEdit) HideSelection() bool
- func (e *TEdit) Hint() string
- func (e *TEdit) Instance() uintptr
- func (e *TEdit) Invalidate()
- func (e *TEdit) IsValid() bool
- func (e *TEdit) Left() int32
- func (e *TEdit) Margins() *TMargins
- func (e *TEdit) MaxLength() int32
- func (e *TEdit) Modified() bool
- func (e *TEdit) Name() string
- func (e *TEdit) NumbersOnly() bool
- func (e *TEdit) Owner() *TComponent
- func (e *TEdit) Parent() *TControl
- func (e *TEdit) ParentColor() bool
- func (e *TEdit) ParentCtl3D() bool
- func (e *TEdit) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (e *TEdit) ParentFont() bool
- func (e *TEdit) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (e *TEdit) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (e *TEdit) PasswordChar() uint16
- func (e *TEdit) PasteFromClipboard()
- func (e *TEdit) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (e *TEdit) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (e *TEdit) ReadOnly() bool
- func (e *TEdit) Realign()
- func (e *TEdit) Refresh()
- func (e *TEdit) Repaint()
- func (e *TEdit) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (e *TEdit) SelLength() int32
- func (e *TEdit) SelStart() int32
- func (e *TEdit) SelText() string
- func (e *TEdit) SelectAll()
- func (e *TEdit) SendToBack()
- func (e *TEdit) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (e *TEdit) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (e *TEdit) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (e *TEdit) SetAlignment(value TAlignment)
- func (e *TEdit) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (e *TEdit) SetAutoSelect(value bool)
- func (e *TEdit) SetAutoSize(value bool)
- func (e *TEdit) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
- func (e *TEdit) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
- func (e *TEdit) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
- func (e *TEdit) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
- func (e *TEdit) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (e *TEdit) SetBorderStyle(value TBorderStyle)
- func (e *TEdit) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (e *TEdit) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (e *TEdit) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (e *TEdit) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (e *TEdit) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (e *TEdit) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (e *TEdit) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (e *TEdit) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (e *TEdit) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (e *TEdit) SetFocus()
- func (e *TEdit) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (e *TEdit) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (e *TEdit) SetHideSelection(value bool)
- func (e *TEdit) SetHint(value string)
- func (e *TEdit) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (e *TEdit) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (e *TEdit) SetMaxLength(value int32)
- func (e *TEdit) SetModified(value bool)
- func (e *TEdit) SetName(value string)
- func (e *TEdit) SetNumbersOnly(value bool)
- func (e *TEdit) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (e *TEdit) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (e *TEdit) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (e *TEdit) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (e *TEdit) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (e *TEdit) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (e *TEdit) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
- func (e *TEdit) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (e *TEdit) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (e *TEdit) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (e *TEdit) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (e *TEdit) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (e *TEdit) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (e *TEdit) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (e *TEdit) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (e *TEdit) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
- func (e *TEdit) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (e *TEdit) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (e *TEdit) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (e *TEdit) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (e *TEdit) SetPasswordChar(value uint16)
- func (e *TEdit) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (e *TEdit) SetReadOnly(value bool)
- func (e *TEdit) SetSelLength(value int32)
- func (e *TEdit) SetSelStart(value int32)
- func (e *TEdit) SetSelText(value string)
- func (e *TEdit) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (e *TEdit) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (e *TEdit) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (e *TEdit) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (e *TEdit) SetTag(value int)
- func (e *TEdit) SetText(value string)
- func (e *TEdit) SetTextHint(value string)
- func (e *TEdit) SetTop(value int32)
- func (e *TEdit) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (e *TEdit) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (e *TEdit) Show()
- func (e *TEdit) ShowHint() bool
- func (e *TEdit) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (e *TEdit) TabOrder() uint16
- func (e *TEdit) TabStop() bool
- func (e *TEdit) Tag() int
- func (e *TEdit) Text() string
- func (e *TEdit) TextHint() string
- func (e *TEdit) ToString() string
- func (e *TEdit) Top() int32
- func (e *TEdit) Update()
- func (e *TEdit) Visible() bool
- func (e *TEdit) Width() int32
- type TExceptionEvent
- type TFont
- func (f *TFont) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (f *TFont) Charset() TFontCharset
- func (f *TFont) ClassName() string
- func (f *TFont) Color() TColor
- func (f *TFont) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (f *TFont) Free()
- func (f *TFont) GetHashCode() int32
- func (f *TFont) GetNamePath() string
- func (f *TFont) Handle() HFONT
- func (f *TFont) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (f *TFont) Height() int32
- func (f *TFont) Instance() uintptr
- func (f *TFont) IsValid() bool
- func (f *TFont) Name() string
- func (f *TFont) Orientation() int32
- func (f *TFont) Pitch() TFontPitch
- func (f *TFont) PixelsPerInch() int32
- func (f *TFont) Quality() TFontQuality
- func (f *TFont) SetCharset(value TFontCharset)
- func (f *TFont) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (f *TFont) SetHandle(value HFONT)
- func (f *TFont) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (f *TFont) SetName(value string)
- func (f *TFont) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (f *TFont) SetOrientation(value int32)
- func (f *TFont) SetPitch(value TFontPitch)
- func (f *TFont) SetPixelsPerInch(value int32)
- func (f *TFont) SetQuality(value TFontQuality)
- func (f *TFont) SetSize(value int32)
- func (f *TFont) SetStyle(value TFontStyles)
- func (f *TFont) Size() int32
- func (f *TFont) Style() TFontStyles
- func (f *TFont) ToString() string
- type TFontDialog
- func (f *TFontDialog) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (f *TFontDialog) ClassName() string
- func (f *TFontDialog) ComponentCount() int32
- func (f *TFontDialog) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (f *TFontDialog) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (f *TFontDialog) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (f *TFontDialog) Execute(ParentWnd HWND) bool
- func (f *TFontDialog) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (f *TFontDialog) Font() *TFont
- func (f *TFontDialog) Free()
- func (f *TFontDialog) GetHashCode() int32
- func (f *TFontDialog) GetNamePath() string
- func (f *TFontDialog) Handle() HWND
- func (f *TFontDialog) HasParent() bool
- func (f *TFontDialog) Instance() uintptr
- func (f *TFontDialog) IsValid() bool
- func (f *TFontDialog) Name() string
- func (f *TFontDialog) Options() TFontDialogOptions
- func (f *TFontDialog) Owner() *TComponent
- func (f *TFontDialog) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (f *TFontDialog) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (f *TFontDialog) SetName(value string)
- func (f *TFontDialog) SetOnClose(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (f *TFontDialog) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (f *TFontDialog) SetOptions(value TFontDialogOptions)
- func (f *TFontDialog) SetTag(value int)
- func (f *TFontDialog) Tag() int
- func (f *TFontDialog) ToString() string
- type TForm
- func (f *TForm) Action() *TAction
- func (f *TForm) Align() TAlign
- func (f *TForm) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (f *TForm) AlphaBlend() bool
- func (f *TForm) AlphaBlendValue() uint8
- func (f *TForm) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (f *TForm) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (f *TForm) AutoSize() bool
- func (f *TForm) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (f *TForm) BorderIcons() TBorderIcons
- func (f *TForm) BorderStyle() TFormBorderStyle
- func (f *TForm) BorderWidth() int32
- func (f *TForm) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (f *TForm) BringToFront()
- func (f *TForm) Brush() *TBrush
- func (f *TForm) CanFocus() bool
- func (f *TForm) Canvas() *TCanvas
- func (f *TForm) Caption() string
- func (f *TForm) ClassName() string
- func (f *TForm) ClientHeight() int32
- func (f *TForm) ClientRect() TRect
- func (f *TForm) ClientWidth() int32
- func (f *TForm) Close()
- func (f *TForm) Color() TColor
- func (f *TForm) ComponentCount() int32
- func (f *TForm) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (f *TForm) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (f *TForm) ControlCount() int32
- func (f *TForm) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (f *TForm) Cursor() TCursor
- func (f *TForm) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (f *TForm) DropTarget() bool
- func (f *TForm) Enabled() bool
- func (f *TForm) EnabledMaximize(val bool)
- func (f *TForm) EnabledMinimize(val bool)
- func (f *TForm) EnabledSystemMenu(val bool)
- func (f *TForm) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (f *TForm) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (f *TForm) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (f *TForm) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (f *TForm) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (f *TForm) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (f *TForm) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (f *TForm) Focused() bool
- func (f *TForm) Font() *TFont
- func (f *TForm) FormStyle() TFormStyle
- func (f *TForm) Free()
- func (f *TForm) GetHashCode() int32
- func (f *TForm) GetNamePath() string
- func (f *TForm) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (f *TForm) Handle() HWND
- func (f *TForm) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (f *TForm) HasParent() bool
- func (f *TForm) Height() int32
- func (f *TForm) Hide()
- func (f *TForm) Hint() string
- func (f *TForm) Icon() *TIcon
- func (f *TForm) Instance() uintptr
- func (f *TForm) Invalidate()
- func (f *TForm) IsValid() bool
- func (f *TForm) KeyPreview() bool
- func (f *TForm) Left() int32
- func (f *TForm) Margins() *TMargins
- func (f *TForm) Menu() *TMainMenu
- func (f *TForm) ModalResult() TModalResult
- func (f *TForm) Name() string
- func (f *TForm) Owner() *TComponent
- func (f *TForm) Parent() *TControl
- func (f *TForm) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (f *TForm) ParentFont() bool
- func (f *TForm) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (f *TForm) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (f *TForm) PixelsPerInch() int32
- func (f *TForm) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (f *TForm) Position() TPosition
- func (f *TForm) Print()
- func (f *TForm) Realign()
- func (f *TForm) Refresh()
- func (f *TForm) Repaint()
- func (f *TForm) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (f *TForm) ScaleControlsForDpi(val int32)
- func (f *TForm) ScaleForPPI(val int32)
- func (f *TForm) Scaled() bool
- func (f *TForm) ScreenCenter()
- func (f *TForm) SendToBack()
- func (f *TForm) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (f *TForm) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (f *TForm) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (f *TForm) SetAlphaBlend(value bool)
- func (f *TForm) SetAlphaBlendValue(value uint8)
- func (f *TForm) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (f *TForm) SetAutoSize(value bool)
- func (f *TForm) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (f *TForm) SetBorderIcons(value TBorderIcons)
- func (f *TForm) SetBorderStyle(value TFormBorderStyle)
- func (f *TForm) SetBorderWidth(value int32)
- func (f *TForm) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (f *TForm) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (f *TForm) SetCaption(value string)
- func (f *TForm) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (f *TForm) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (f *TForm) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (f *TForm) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (f *TForm) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (f *TForm) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (f *TForm) SetDropTarget(value bool)
- func (f *TForm) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (f *TForm) SetFocus()
- func (f *TForm) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (f *TForm) SetFormStyle(value TFormStyle)
- func (f *TForm) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (f *TForm) SetHint(value string)
- func (f *TForm) SetIcon(value *TIcon)
- func (f *TForm) SetKeyPreview(value bool)
- func (f *TForm) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (f *TForm) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (f *TForm) SetMenu(value IComponent)
- func (f *TForm) SetModalResult(value TModalResult)
- func (f *TForm) SetName(value string)
- func (f *TForm) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (f *TForm) SetOnClose(fn TCloseEvent)
- func (f *TForm) SetOnCloseQuery(fn TCloseQueryEvent)
- func (f *TForm) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (f *TForm) SetOnHide(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (f *TForm) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (f *TForm) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
- func (f *TForm) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (f *TForm) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (f *TForm) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (f *TForm) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (f *TForm) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (f *TForm) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (f *TForm) SetOnMouseWheel(fn TMouseWheelEvent)
- func (f *TForm) SetOnPaint(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (f *TForm) SetOnResize(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (f *TForm) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (f *TForm) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (f *TForm) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (f *TForm) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (f *TForm) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (f *TForm) SetPixelsPerInch(value int32)
- func (f *TForm) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (f *TForm) SetPosition(value TPosition)
- func (f *TForm) SetScaled(value bool)
- func (f *TForm) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (f *TForm) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (f *TForm) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (f *TForm) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (f *TForm) SetTag(value int)
- func (f *TForm) SetTop(value int32)
- func (f *TForm) SetTransparentColor(value bool)
- func (f *TForm) SetTransparentColorValue(value TColor)
- func (f *TForm) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (f *TForm) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (f *TForm) SetWindowState(value TWindowState)
- func (f *TForm) Show()
- func (f *TForm) ShowHint() bool
- func (f *TForm) ShowModal() int32
- func (f *TForm) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (f *TForm) TabOrder() uint16
- func (f *TForm) TabStop() bool
- func (f *TForm) Tag() int
- func (f *TForm) ToString() string
- func (f *TForm) Top() int32
- func (f *TForm) TransparentColor() bool
- func (f *TForm) TransparentColorValue() TColor
- func (f *TForm) Update()
- func (f *TForm) Visible() bool
- func (f *TForm) Width() int32
- func (f *TForm) WindowState() TWindowState
- type TGIFFrame
- func (g *TGIFFrame) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (g *TGIFFrame) Bitmap() *TBitmap
- func (g *TGIFFrame) BitsPerPixel() int32
- func (g *TGIFFrame) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (g *TGIFFrame) ClassName() string
- func (g *TGIFFrame) Clear()
- func (g *TGIFFrame) ClientRect() TRect
- func (g *TGIFFrame) Data() uintptr
- func (g *TGIFFrame) DataSize() int32
- func (g *TGIFFrame) Empty() bool
- func (g *TGIFFrame) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (g *TGIFFrame) Free()
- func (g *TGIFFrame) GetHashCode() int32
- func (g *TGIFFrame) GetNamePath() string
- func (g *TGIFFrame) HasBitmap() bool
- func (g *TGIFFrame) Height() uint16
- func (g *TGIFFrame) Instance() uintptr
- func (g *TGIFFrame) IsValid() bool
- func (g *TGIFFrame) Left() uint16
- func (g *TGIFFrame) LoadFromFile(Filename string)
- func (g *TGIFFrame) LoadFromStream(Stream IObject)
- func (g *TGIFFrame) SaveToFile(Filename string)
- func (g *TGIFFrame) SaveToStream(Stream IObject)
- func (g *TGIFFrame) SetBitmap(value *TBitmap)
- func (g *TGIFFrame) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (g *TGIFFrame) SetHasBitmap(value bool)
- func (g *TGIFFrame) SetHeight(value uint16)
- func (g *TGIFFrame) SetLeft(value uint16)
- func (g *TGIFFrame) SetTop(value uint16)
- func (g *TGIFFrame) SetWidth(value uint16)
- func (g *TGIFFrame) ToString() string
- func (g *TGIFFrame) Top() uint16
- func (g *TGIFFrame) Transparent() bool
- func (g *TGIFFrame) Version() TGIFVersion
- func (g *TGIFFrame) Width() uint16
- type TGIFImage
- func (g *TGIFImage) Add(Source IObject) *TGIFFrame
- func (g *TGIFImage) Animate() bool
- func (g *TGIFImage) AnimateLoop() TGIFAnimationLoop
- func (g *TGIFImage) AnimationSpeed() int32
- func (g *TGIFImage) AspectRatio() uint8
- func (g *TGIFImage) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (g *TGIFImage) BackgroundColor() TColor
- func (g *TGIFImage) Bitmap() *TBitmap
- func (g *TGIFImage) BitsPerPixel() int32
- func (g *TGIFImage) ClassName() string
- func (g *TGIFImage) Clear()
- func (g *TGIFImage) Empty() bool
- func (g *TGIFImage) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (g *TGIFImage) Free()
- func (g *TGIFImage) GetHashCode() int32
- func (g *TGIFImage) GetNamePath() string
- func (g *TGIFImage) Height() int32
- func (g *TGIFImage) Instance() uintptr
- func (g *TGIFImage) IsTransparent() bool
- func (g *TGIFImage) IsValid() bool
- func (g *TGIFImage) LoadFromFile(Filename string)
- func (g *TGIFImage) LoadFromStream(Stream IObject)
- func (g *TGIFImage) Modified() bool
- func (g *TGIFImage) PaletteModified() bool
- func (g *TGIFImage) ResumeDraw()
- func (g *TGIFImage) SaveToFile(Filename string)
- func (g *TGIFImage) SaveToStream(Stream IObject)
- func (g *TGIFImage) SetAnimate(value bool)
- func (g *TGIFImage) SetAnimateLoop(value TGIFAnimationLoop)
- func (g *TGIFImage) SetAnimationSpeed(value int32)
- func (g *TGIFImage) SetAspectRatio(value uint8)
- func (g *TGIFImage) SetBackgroundColor(value TColor)
- func (g *TGIFImage) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (g *TGIFImage) SetModified(value bool)
- func (g *TGIFImage) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (g *TGIFImage) SetOnPaint(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (g *TGIFImage) SetPaletteModified(value bool)
- func (g *TGIFImage) SetSize(AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (g *TGIFImage) SetTransparent(value bool)
- func (g *TGIFImage) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (g *TGIFImage) ShouldDither() bool
- func (g *TGIFImage) StopDraw()
- func (g *TGIFImage) SuspendDraw()
- func (g *TGIFImage) ToString() string
- func (g *TGIFImage) Transparent() bool
- func (g *TGIFImage) Version() TGIFVersion
- func (g *TGIFImage) Width() int32
- type TGraphic
- func (g *TGraphic) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (g *TGraphic) ClassName() string
- func (g *TGraphic) Empty() bool
- func (g *TGraphic) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (g *TGraphic) Free()
- func (g *TGraphic) GetHashCode() int32
- func (g *TGraphic) GetNamePath() string
- func (g *TGraphic) Height() int32
- func (g *TGraphic) Instance() uintptr
- func (g *TGraphic) IsValid() bool
- func (g *TGraphic) LoadFromFile(Filename string)
- func (g *TGraphic) LoadFromStream(Stream IObject)
- func (g *TGraphic) Modified() bool
- func (g *TGraphic) PaletteModified() bool
- func (g *TGraphic) SaveToFile(Filename string)
- func (g *TGraphic) SaveToStream(Stream IObject)
- func (g *TGraphic) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (g *TGraphic) SetModified(value bool)
- func (g *TGraphic) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (g *TGraphic) SetPaletteModified(value bool)
- func (g *TGraphic) SetSize(AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (g *TGraphic) SetTransparent(value bool)
- func (g *TGraphic) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (g *TGraphic) ToString() string
- func (g *TGraphic) Transparent() bool
- func (g *TGraphic) Width() int32
- type TGroupBox
- func (g *TGroupBox) Action() *TAction
- func (g *TGroupBox) Align() TAlign
- func (g *TGroupBox) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (g *TGroupBox) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (g *TGroupBox) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (g *TGroupBox) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (g *TGroupBox) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (g *TGroupBox) BringToFront()
- func (g *TGroupBox) Brush() *TBrush
- func (g *TGroupBox) CanFocus() bool
- func (g *TGroupBox) Caption() string
- func (g *TGroupBox) ClassName() string
- func (g *TGroupBox) ClientHeight() int32
- func (g *TGroupBox) ClientRect() TRect
- func (g *TGroupBox) ClientWidth() int32
- func (g *TGroupBox) Color() TColor
- func (g *TGroupBox) ComponentCount() int32
- func (g *TGroupBox) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (g *TGroupBox) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (g *TGroupBox) ControlCount() int32
- func (g *TGroupBox) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (g *TGroupBox) Cursor() TCursor
- func (g *TGroupBox) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (g *TGroupBox) Enabled() bool
- func (g *TGroupBox) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (g *TGroupBox) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (g *TGroupBox) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (g *TGroupBox) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (g *TGroupBox) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (g *TGroupBox) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (g *TGroupBox) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (g *TGroupBox) Focused() bool
- func (g *TGroupBox) Font() *TFont
- func (g *TGroupBox) Free()
- func (g *TGroupBox) GetHashCode() int32
- func (g *TGroupBox) GetNamePath() string
- func (g *TGroupBox) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (g *TGroupBox) Handle() HWND
- func (g *TGroupBox) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (g *TGroupBox) HasParent() bool
- func (g *TGroupBox) Height() int32
- func (g *TGroupBox) Hide()
- func (g *TGroupBox) Hint() string
- func (g *TGroupBox) Instance() uintptr
- func (g *TGroupBox) Invalidate()
- func (g *TGroupBox) IsValid() bool
- func (g *TGroupBox) Left() int32
- func (g *TGroupBox) Margins() *TMargins
- func (g *TGroupBox) Name() string
- func (g *TGroupBox) Owner() *TComponent
- func (g *TGroupBox) Parent() *TControl
- func (g *TGroupBox) ParentBackground() bool
- func (g *TGroupBox) ParentColor() bool
- func (g *TGroupBox) ParentCtl3D() bool
- func (g *TGroupBox) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (g *TGroupBox) ParentFont() bool
- func (g *TGroupBox) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (g *TGroupBox) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (g *TGroupBox) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (g *TGroupBox) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (g *TGroupBox) Realign()
- func (g *TGroupBox) Refresh()
- func (g *TGroupBox) Repaint()
- func (g *TGroupBox) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SendToBack()
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetCaption(value string)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetFocus()
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetHint(value string)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetName(value string)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetParentBackground(value bool)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetTag(value int)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetTop(value int32)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (g *TGroupBox) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (g *TGroupBox) Show()
- func (g *TGroupBox) ShowHint() bool
- func (g *TGroupBox) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (g *TGroupBox) TabOrder() uint16
- func (g *TGroupBox) TabStop() bool
- func (g *TGroupBox) Tag() int
- func (g *TGroupBox) ToString() string
- func (g *TGroupBox) Top() int32
- func (g *TGroupBox) Update()
- func (g *TGroupBox) Visible() bool
- func (g *TGroupBox) Width() int32
- type THotKey
- func (h *THotKey) Action() *TAction
- func (h *THotKey) Align() TAlign
- func (h *THotKey) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (h *THotKey) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (h *THotKey) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (h *THotKey) AutoSize() bool
- func (h *THotKey) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (h *THotKey) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (h *THotKey) BringToFront()
- func (h *THotKey) Brush() *TBrush
- func (h *THotKey) CanFocus() bool
- func (h *THotKey) ClassName() string
- func (h *THotKey) ClientHeight() int32
- func (h *THotKey) ClientRect() TRect
- func (h *THotKey) ClientWidth() int32
- func (h *THotKey) ComponentCount() int32
- func (h *THotKey) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (h *THotKey) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (h *THotKey) ControlCount() int32
- func (h *THotKey) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (h *THotKey) Cursor() TCursor
- func (h *THotKey) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (h *THotKey) Enabled() bool
- func (h *THotKey) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (h *THotKey) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (h *THotKey) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (h *THotKey) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (h *THotKey) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (h *THotKey) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (h *THotKey) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (h *THotKey) Focused() bool
- func (h *THotKey) Free()
- func (h *THotKey) GetHashCode() int32
- func (h *THotKey) GetNamePath() string
- func (h *THotKey) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (h *THotKey) Handle() HWND
- func (h *THotKey) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (h *THotKey) HasParent() bool
- func (h *THotKey) Height() int32
- func (h *THotKey) Hide()
- func (h *THotKey) Hint() string
- func (h *THotKey) Instance() uintptr
- func (h *THotKey) Invalidate()
- func (h *THotKey) IsValid() bool
- func (h *THotKey) Left() int32
- func (h *THotKey) Margins() *TMargins
- func (h *THotKey) Name() string
- func (h *THotKey) Owner() *TComponent
- func (h *THotKey) Parent() *TControl
- func (h *THotKey) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (h *THotKey) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (h *THotKey) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (h *THotKey) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (h *THotKey) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (h *THotKey) Realign()
- func (h *THotKey) Refresh()
- func (h *THotKey) Repaint()
- func (h *THotKey) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (h *THotKey) SendToBack()
- func (h *THotKey) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (h *THotKey) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (h *THotKey) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (h *THotKey) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (h *THotKey) SetAutoSize(value bool)
- func (h *THotKey) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (h *THotKey) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (h *THotKey) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (h *THotKey) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (h *THotKey) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (h *THotKey) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (h *THotKey) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (h *THotKey) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (h *THotKey) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (h *THotKey) SetFocus()
- func (h *THotKey) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (h *THotKey) SetHint(value string)
- func (h *THotKey) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (h *THotKey) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (h *THotKey) SetName(value string)
- func (h *THotKey) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (h *THotKey) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (h *THotKey) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (h *THotKey) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (h *THotKey) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (h *THotKey) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (h *THotKey) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (h *THotKey) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (h *THotKey) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (h *THotKey) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (h *THotKey) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (h *THotKey) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (h *THotKey) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (h *THotKey) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (h *THotKey) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (h *THotKey) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (h *THotKey) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (h *THotKey) SetTag(value int)
- func (h *THotKey) SetTop(value int32)
- func (h *THotKey) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (h *THotKey) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (h *THotKey) Show()
- func (h *THotKey) ShowHint() bool
- func (h *THotKey) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (h *THotKey) TabOrder() uint16
- func (h *THotKey) TabStop() bool
- func (h *THotKey) Tag() int
- func (h *THotKey) ToString() string
- func (h *THotKey) Top() int32
- func (h *THotKey) Update()
- func (h *THotKey) Visible() bool
- func (h *THotKey) Width() int32
- type TIcon
- func (i *TIcon) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (i *TIcon) ClassName() string
- func (i *TIcon) Empty() bool
- func (i *TIcon) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (i *TIcon) Free()
- func (i *TIcon) GetHashCode() int32
- func (i *TIcon) GetNamePath() string
- func (i *TIcon) Handle() HICON
- func (i *TIcon) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (i *TIcon) Height() int32
- func (i *TIcon) Instance() uintptr
- func (i *TIcon) IsValid() bool
- func (i *TIcon) LoadFromFile(Filename string)
- func (i *TIcon) LoadFromResourceID(Instance uintptr, ResID int32)
- func (i *TIcon) LoadFromResourceName(Instance uintptr, ResName string)
- func (i *TIcon) LoadFromStream(Stream IObject)
- func (i *TIcon) Modified() bool
- func (i *TIcon) PaletteModified() bool
- func (i *TIcon) SaveToFile(Filename string)
- func (i *TIcon) SaveToStream(Stream IObject)
- func (i *TIcon) SetHandle(value HICON)
- func (i *TIcon) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (i *TIcon) SetModified(value bool)
- func (i *TIcon) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (i *TIcon) SetPaletteModified(value bool)
- func (i *TIcon) SetSize(AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (i *TIcon) SetTransparent(value bool)
- func (i *TIcon) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (i *TIcon) ToString() string
- func (i *TIcon) Transparent() bool
- func (i *TIcon) Width() int32
- type TIconOptions
- func (i *TIconOptions) Arrangement() TIconArrangement
- func (i *TIconOptions) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (i *TIconOptions) AutoArrange() bool
- func (i *TIconOptions) ClassName() string
- func (i *TIconOptions) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (i *TIconOptions) GetHashCode() int32
- func (i *TIconOptions) GetNamePath() string
- func (i *TIconOptions) Instance() uintptr
- func (i *TIconOptions) IsValid() bool
- func (i *TIconOptions) SetArrangement(value TIconArrangement)
- func (i *TIconOptions) SetAutoArrange(value bool)
- func (i *TIconOptions) ToString() string
- type TImage
- func (i *TImage) Action() *TAction
- func (i *TImage) Align() TAlign
- func (i *TImage) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (i *TImage) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (i *TImage) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (i *TImage) AutoSize() bool
- func (i *TImage) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (i *TImage) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (i *TImage) BringToFront()
- func (i *TImage) Canvas() *TCanvas
- func (i *TImage) Center() bool
- func (i *TImage) ClassName() string
- func (i *TImage) ClientHeight() int32
- func (i *TImage) ClientRect() TRect
- func (i *TImage) ClientWidth() int32
- func (i *TImage) ComponentCount() int32
- func (i *TImage) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (i *TImage) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (i *TImage) Cursor() TCursor
- func (i *TImage) Enabled() bool
- func (i *TImage) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (i *TImage) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (i *TImage) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (i *TImage) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (i *TImage) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (i *TImage) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (i *TImage) Free()
- func (i *TImage) GetHashCode() int32
- func (i *TImage) GetNamePath() string
- func (i *TImage) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (i *TImage) HasParent() bool
- func (i *TImage) Height() int32
- func (i *TImage) Hide()
- func (i *TImage) Hint() string
- func (i *TImage) IncrementalDisplay() bool
- func (i *TImage) Instance() uintptr
- func (i *TImage) Invalidate()
- func (i *TImage) IsValid() bool
- func (i *TImage) Left() int32
- func (i *TImage) Margins() *TMargins
- func (i *TImage) Name() string
- func (i *TImage) Owner() *TComponent
- func (i *TImage) Parent() *TControl
- func (i *TImage) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (i *TImage) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (i *TImage) Picture() *TPicture
- func (i *TImage) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (i *TImage) Proportional() bool
- func (i *TImage) Refresh()
- func (i *TImage) Repaint()
- func (i *TImage) SendToBack()
- func (i *TImage) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (i *TImage) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (i *TImage) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (i *TImage) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (i *TImage) SetAutoSize(value bool)
- func (i *TImage) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (i *TImage) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (i *TImage) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (i *TImage) SetCenter(value bool)
- func (i *TImage) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (i *TImage) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (i *TImage) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (i *TImage) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (i *TImage) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (i *TImage) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (i *TImage) SetHint(value string)
- func (i *TImage) SetIncrementalDisplay(value bool)
- func (i *TImage) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (i *TImage) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (i *TImage) SetName(value string)
- func (i *TImage) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (i *TImage) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (i *TImage) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (i *TImage) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (i *TImage) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (i *TImage) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (i *TImage) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (i *TImage) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (i *TImage) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (i *TImage) SetPicture(value *TPicture)
- func (i *TImage) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (i *TImage) SetProportional(value bool)
- func (i *TImage) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (i *TImage) SetStretch(value bool)
- func (i *TImage) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (i *TImage) SetTag(value int)
- func (i *TImage) SetTop(value int32)
- func (i *TImage) SetTransparent(value bool)
- func (i *TImage) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (i *TImage) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (i *TImage) Show()
- func (i *TImage) ShowHint() bool
- func (i *TImage) Stretch() bool
- func (i *TImage) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (i *TImage) Tag() int
- func (i *TImage) ToString() string
- func (i *TImage) Top() int32
- func (i *TImage) Transparent() bool
- func (i *TImage) Update()
- func (i *TImage) Visible() bool
- func (i *TImage) Width() int32
- type TImageList
- func (i *TImageList) Add(Image *TBitmap, Mask *TBitmap) int32
- func (i *TImageList) AddIcon(Image *TIcon) int32
- func (i *TImageList) AddImage(Value IComponent, Index int32) int32
- func (i *TImageList) AddImages(Value IComponent)
- func (i *TImageList) AddMasked(Image *TBitmap, MaskColor TColor) int32
- func (i *TImageList) AllocBy() int32
- func (i *TImageList) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (i *TImageList) BeginUpdate()
- func (i *TImageList) BkColor() TColor
- func (i *TImageList) BlendColor() TColor
- func (i *TImageList) ClassName() string
- func (i *TImageList) Clear()
- func (i *TImageList) ColorDepth() TColorDepth
- func (i *TImageList) ComponentCount() int32
- func (i *TImageList) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (i *TImageList) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (i *TImageList) Delete(Index int32)
- func (i *TImageList) Draw(canvas IObject, x, y, index int32, enabled bool)
- func (i *TImageList) Draw2(canvas IObject, x, y, index int32, drawingStyle TDrawingStyle, ...)
- func (i *TImageList) DrawOverlay(canvas IObject, x, y, imageIndex int32, overlay uint8, enabled bool)
- func (i *TImageList) DrawOverlay2(canvas IObject, x, y, imageIndex int32, overlay uint8, ...)
- func (i *TImageList) DrawingStyle() TDrawingStyle
- func (i *TImageList) EndUpdate()
- func (i *TImageList) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (i *TImageList) FileLoad(ResType TResType, Name string, MaskColor TColor) bool
- func (i *TImageList) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (i *TImageList) Free()
- func (i *TImageList) GetBitmap(Index int32, Image *TBitmap) bool
- func (i *TImageList) GetHashCode() int32
- func (i *TImageList) GetHotSpot() TPoint
- func (i *TImageList) GetIcon(index int32, image IObject)
- func (i *TImageList) GetIcon2(index int32, image IObject, drawingStyle TDrawingStyle, imageType TImageType)
- func (i *TImageList) GetImageBitmap() HBITMAP
- func (i *TImageList) GetMaskBitmap() HBITMAP
- func (i *TImageList) GetNamePath() string
- func (i *TImageList) GetResource(ResType TResType, Name string, Width int32, LoadFlags TLoadResources, ...) bool
- func (i *TImageList) GrayscaleFactor() uint8
- func (i *TImageList) Handle() uintptr
- func (i *TImageList) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (i *TImageList) HasParent() bool
- func (i *TImageList) Height() int32
- func (i *TImageList) ImageType() TImageType
- func (i *TImageList) Insert(Index int32, Image *TBitmap, Mask *TBitmap)
- func (i *TImageList) InsertIcon(Index int32, Image *TIcon)
- func (i *TImageList) InsertMasked(Index int32, Image *TBitmap, MaskColor TColor)
- func (i *TImageList) Instance() uintptr
- func (i *TImageList) IsValid() bool
- func (i *TImageList) Masked() bool
- func (i *TImageList) Move(CurIndex int32, NewIndex int32)
- func (i *TImageList) Name() string
- func (i *TImageList) Overlay(ImageIndex int32, Overlay uint8) bool
- func (i *TImageList) Owner() *TComponent
- func (i *TImageList) Replace(Index int32, Image *TBitmap, Mask *TBitmap)
- func (i *TImageList) ReplaceIcon(Index int32, Image *TIcon)
- func (i *TImageList) ReplaceMasked(Index int32, NewImage *TBitmap, MaskColor TColor)
- func (i *TImageList) ResInstLoad(Instance uintptr, ResType TResType, Name string, MaskColor TColor) bool
- func (i *TImageList) ResourceLoad(ResType TResType, Name string, MaskColor TColor) bool
- func (i *TImageList) SetAllocBy(value int32)
- func (i *TImageList) SetBkColor(value TColor)
- func (i *TImageList) SetBlendColor(value TColor)
- func (i *TImageList) SetColorDepth(value TColorDepth)
- func (i *TImageList) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (i *TImageList) SetDrawingStyle(value TDrawingStyle)
- func (i *TImageList) SetGrayscaleFactor(value uint8)
- func (i *TImageList) SetHandle(value uintptr)
- func (i *TImageList) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (i *TImageList) SetImageType(value TImageType)
- func (i *TImageList) SetMasked(value bool)
- func (i *TImageList) SetName(value string)
- func (i *TImageList) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (i *TImageList) SetShareImages(value bool)
- func (i *TImageList) SetSize(AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (i *TImageList) SetTag(value int)
- func (i *TImageList) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (i *TImageList) ShareImages() bool
- func (i *TImageList) Tag() int
- func (i *TImageList) ToString() string
- func (i *TImageList) Width() int32
- type TIniFile
- func (i *TIniFile) ClassName() string
- func (i *TIniFile) DeleteKey(Section string, Ident string)
- func (i *TIniFile) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (i *TIniFile) EraseSection(Section string)
- func (i *TIniFile) FileName() string
- func (i *TIniFile) Free()
- func (i *TIniFile) GetHashCode() int32
- func (i *TIniFile) Instance() uintptr
- func (i *TIniFile) IsValid() bool
- func (i *TIniFile) ReadBool(Section string, Ident string, Default bool) bool
- func (i *TIniFile) ReadDate(Section string, Name string, Default time.Time) time.Time
- func (i *TIniFile) ReadDateTime(Section string, Name string, Default time.Time) time.Time
- func (i *TIniFile) ReadFloat(Section string, Name string, Default float64) float64
- func (i *TIniFile) ReadInteger(Section string, Ident string, Default int32) int32
- func (i *TIniFile) ReadSectionValues(Section string, Strings IObject)
- func (i *TIniFile) ReadSections(Strings IObject)
- func (i *TIniFile) ReadString(Section string, Ident string, Default string) string
- func (i *TIniFile) ReadSubSections(Section string, Strings IObject, Recurse bool)
- func (i *TIniFile) ReadTime(Section string, Name string, Default time.Time) time.Time
- func (i *TIniFile) SectionExists(Section string) bool
- func (i *TIniFile) ToString() string
- func (i *TIniFile) UpdateFile()
- func (i *TIniFile) ValueExists(Section string, Ident string) bool
- func (i *TIniFile) WriteBool(Section string, Ident string, Value bool)
- func (i *TIniFile) WriteDate(Section string, Name string, Value time.Time)
- func (i *TIniFile) WriteDateTime(Section string, Name string, Value time.Time)
- func (i *TIniFile) WriteFloat(Section string, Name string, Value float64)
- func (i *TIniFile) WriteInteger(Section string, Ident string, Value int32)
- func (i *TIniFile) WriteString(Section string, Ident string, Value string)
- func (i *TIniFile) WriteTime(Section string, Name string, Value time.Time)
- type TJPEGImage
- func (j *TJPEGImage) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (j *TJPEGImage) Canvas() *TCanvas
- func (j *TJPEGImage) ClassName() string
- func (j *TJPEGImage) Empty() bool
- func (j *TJPEGImage) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (j *TJPEGImage) Free()
- func (j *TJPEGImage) GetHashCode() int32
- func (j *TJPEGImage) GetNamePath() string
- func (j *TJPEGImage) Height() int32
- func (j *TJPEGImage) Instance() uintptr
- func (j *TJPEGImage) IsValid() bool
- func (j *TJPEGImage) LoadFromFile(Filename string)
- func (j *TJPEGImage) LoadFromStream(Stream IObject)
- func (j *TJPEGImage) Modified() bool
- func (j *TJPEGImage) PaletteModified() bool
- func (j *TJPEGImage) Performance() TJPEGPerformance
- func (j *TJPEGImage) PixelFormat() TJPEGPixelFormat
- func (j *TJPEGImage) ProgressiveDisplay() bool
- func (j *TJPEGImage) SaveToFile(Filename string)
- func (j *TJPEGImage) SaveToStream(Stream IObject)
- func (j *TJPEGImage) Scale() TJPEGScale
- func (j *TJPEGImage) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (j *TJPEGImage) SetModified(value bool)
- func (j *TJPEGImage) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (j *TJPEGImage) SetPaletteModified(value bool)
- func (j *TJPEGImage) SetPerformance(value TJPEGPerformance)
- func (j *TJPEGImage) SetPixelFormat(value TJPEGPixelFormat)
- func (j *TJPEGImage) SetProgressiveDisplay(value bool)
- func (j *TJPEGImage) SetScale(value TJPEGScale)
- func (j *TJPEGImage) SetSize(AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (j *TJPEGImage) SetSmoothing(value bool)
- func (j *TJPEGImage) SetTransparent(value bool)
- func (j *TJPEGImage) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (j *TJPEGImage) Smoothing() bool
- func (j *TJPEGImage) ToString() string
- func (j *TJPEGImage) Transparent() bool
- func (j *TJPEGImage) Width() int32
- type TKeyEvent
- type TKeyPressEvent
- type TLVChangeEvent
- type TLabel
- func (l *TLabel) Action() *TAction
- func (l *TLabel) Align() TAlign
- func (l *TLabel) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (l *TLabel) Alignment() TAlignment
- func (l *TLabel) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (l *TLabel) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (l *TLabel) AutoSize() bool
- func (l *TLabel) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (l *TLabel) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (l *TLabel) BringToFront()
- func (l *TLabel) Canvas() *TCanvas
- func (l *TLabel) Caption() string
- func (l *TLabel) ClassName() string
- func (l *TLabel) ClientHeight() int32
- func (l *TLabel) ClientRect() TRect
- func (l *TLabel) ClientWidth() int32
- func (l *TLabel) Color() TColor
- func (l *TLabel) ComponentCount() int32
- func (l *TLabel) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (l *TLabel) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (l *TLabel) Cursor() TCursor
- func (l *TLabel) EllipsisPosition() TEllipsisPosition
- func (l *TLabel) Enabled() bool
- func (l *TLabel) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (l *TLabel) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (l *TLabel) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (l *TLabel) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (l *TLabel) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (l *TLabel) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (l *TLabel) Font() *TFont
- func (l *TLabel) Free()
- func (l *TLabel) GetHashCode() int32
- func (l *TLabel) GetNamePath() string
- func (l *TLabel) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (l *TLabel) GlowSize() int32
- func (l *TLabel) HasParent() bool
- func (l *TLabel) Height() int32
- func (l *TLabel) Hide()
- func (l *TLabel) Hint() string
- func (l *TLabel) Instance() uintptr
- func (l *TLabel) Invalidate()
- func (l *TLabel) IsValid() bool
- func (l *TLabel) Layout() TTextLayout
- func (l *TLabel) Left() int32
- func (l *TLabel) Margins() *TMargins
- func (l *TLabel) Name() string
- func (l *TLabel) Owner() *TComponent
- func (l *TLabel) Parent() *TControl
- func (l *TLabel) ParentColor() bool
- func (l *TLabel) ParentFont() bool
- func (l *TLabel) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (l *TLabel) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (l *TLabel) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (l *TLabel) Refresh()
- func (l *TLabel) Repaint()
- func (l *TLabel) SendToBack()
- func (l *TLabel) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (l *TLabel) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (l *TLabel) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (l *TLabel) SetAlignment(value TAlignment)
- func (l *TLabel) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (l *TLabel) SetAutoSize(value bool)
- func (l *TLabel) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (l *TLabel) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (l *TLabel) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (l *TLabel) SetCaption(value string)
- func (l *TLabel) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (l *TLabel) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (l *TLabel) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (l *TLabel) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (l *TLabel) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (l *TLabel) SetEllipsisPosition(value TEllipsisPosition)
- func (l *TLabel) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (l *TLabel) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (l *TLabel) SetGlowSize(value int32)
- func (l *TLabel) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (l *TLabel) SetHint(value string)
- func (l *TLabel) SetLayout(value TTextLayout)
- func (l *TLabel) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (l *TLabel) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (l *TLabel) SetName(value string)
- func (l *TLabel) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TLabel) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TLabel) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (l *TLabel) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TLabel) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TLabel) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (l *TLabel) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (l *TLabel) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (l *TLabel) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (l *TLabel) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (l *TLabel) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (l *TLabel) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (l *TLabel) SetShowAccelChar(value bool)
- func (l *TLabel) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (l *TLabel) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (l *TLabel) SetTag(value int)
- func (l *TLabel) SetTop(value int32)
- func (l *TLabel) SetTransparent(value bool)
- func (l *TLabel) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (l *TLabel) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (l *TLabel) SetWordWrap(value bool)
- func (l *TLabel) Show()
- func (l *TLabel) ShowAccelChar() bool
- func (l *TLabel) ShowHint() bool
- func (l *TLabel) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (l *TLabel) Tag() int
- func (l *TLabel) ToString() string
- func (l *TLabel) Top() int32
- func (l *TLabel) Transparent() bool
- func (l *TLabel) Update()
- func (l *TLabel) Visible() bool
- func (l *TLabel) Width() int32
- func (l *TLabel) WordWrap() bool
- type TLinkLabel
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Action() *TAction
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Align() TAlign
- func (l *TLinkLabel) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Alignment() TLinkAlignment
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) AutoSize() bool
- func (l *TLinkLabel) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
- func (l *TLinkLabel) BevelInner() TBevelCut
- func (l *TLinkLabel) BevelKind() TBevelKind
- func (l *TLinkLabel) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
- func (l *TLinkLabel) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (l *TLinkLabel) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (l *TLinkLabel) BringToFront()
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Brush() *TBrush
- func (l *TLinkLabel) CanFocus() bool
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Caption() string
- func (l *TLinkLabel) ClassName() string
- func (l *TLinkLabel) ClientHeight() int32
- func (l *TLinkLabel) ClientRect() TRect
- func (l *TLinkLabel) ClientWidth() int32
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Color() TColor
- func (l *TLinkLabel) ComponentCount() int32
- func (l *TLinkLabel) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (l *TLinkLabel) ControlCount() int32
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Cursor() TCursor
- func (l *TLinkLabel) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Enabled() bool
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (l *TLinkLabel) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (l *TLinkLabel) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (l *TLinkLabel) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (l *TLinkLabel) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (l *TLinkLabel) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (l *TLinkLabel) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Focused() bool
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Font() *TFont
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Free()
- func (l *TLinkLabel) GetHashCode() int32
- func (l *TLinkLabel) GetNamePath() string
- func (l *TLinkLabel) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Handle() HWND
- func (l *TLinkLabel) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (l *TLinkLabel) HasParent() bool
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Height() int32
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Hide()
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Hint() string
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Instance() uintptr
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Invalidate()
- func (l *TLinkLabel) IsValid() bool
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Left() int32
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Margins() *TMargins
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Name() string
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Owner() *TComponent
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Parent() *TControl
- func (l *TLinkLabel) ParentColor() bool
- func (l *TLinkLabel) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (l *TLinkLabel) ParentFont() bool
- func (l *TLinkLabel) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (l *TLinkLabel) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (l *TLinkLabel) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Realign()
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Refresh()
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Repaint()
- func (l *TLinkLabel) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SendToBack()
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetAlignment(value TLinkAlignment)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetAutoSize(value bool)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetCaption(value string)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetFocus()
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetHint(value string)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetName(value string)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetOnLinkClick(fn TSysLinkEvent)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetTag(value int)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetTop(value int32)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetUseVisualStyle(value bool)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Show()
- func (l *TLinkLabel) ShowHint() bool
- func (l *TLinkLabel) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (l *TLinkLabel) TabOrder() uint16
- func (l *TLinkLabel) TabStop() bool
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Tag() int
- func (l *TLinkLabel) ToString() string
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Top() int32
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Update()
- func (l *TLinkLabel) UseVisualStyle() bool
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Visible() bool
- func (l *TLinkLabel) Width() int32
- type TList
- func (l *TList) Add(Item uintptr) int32
- func (l *TList) ClassName() string
- func (l *TList) Clear()
- func (l *TList) Delete(Index int32)
- func (l *TList) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (l *TList) Expand() *TList
- func (l *TList) Free()
- func (l *TList) GetHashCode() int32
- func (l *TList) IndexOf(Item uintptr) int32
- func (l *TList) Insert(Index int32, Item uintptr)
- func (l *TList) Instance() uintptr
- func (l *TList) IsValid() bool
- func (l *TList) Items(Index int32) uintptr
- func (l *TList) List() uintptr
- func (l *TList) Move(CurIndex int32, NewIndex int32)
- func (l *TList) SetItems(Index int32, value uintptr)
- func (l *TList) ToString() string
- type TListBox
- func (l *TListBox) Action() *TAction
- func (l *TListBox) AddItem(Item string, AObject IObject)
- func (l *TListBox) Align() TAlign
- func (l *TListBox) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (l *TListBox) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (l *TListBox) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (l *TListBox) AutoComplete() bool
- func (l *TListBox) AutoCompleteDelay() uint32
- func (l *TListBox) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
- func (l *TListBox) BevelInner() TBevelCut
- func (l *TListBox) BevelKind() TBevelKind
- func (l *TListBox) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
- func (l *TListBox) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (l *TListBox) BorderStyle() TBorderStyle
- func (l *TListBox) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (l *TListBox) BringToFront()
- func (l *TListBox) Brush() *TBrush
- func (l *TListBox) CanFocus() bool
- func (l *TListBox) Canvas() *TCanvas
- func (l *TListBox) ClassName() string
- func (l *TListBox) Clear()
- func (l *TListBox) ClearSelection()
- func (l *TListBox) ClientHeight() int32
- func (l *TListBox) ClientRect() TRect
- func (l *TListBox) ClientWidth() int32
- func (l *TListBox) Color() TColor
- func (l *TListBox) Columns() int32
- func (l *TListBox) ComponentCount() int32
- func (l *TListBox) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (l *TListBox) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (l *TListBox) ControlCount() int32
- func (l *TListBox) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (l *TListBox) Cursor() TCursor
- func (l *TListBox) DeleteSelected()
- func (l *TListBox) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (l *TListBox) Enabled() bool
- func (l *TListBox) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (l *TListBox) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (l *TListBox) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (l *TListBox) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (l *TListBox) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (l *TListBox) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (l *TListBox) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (l *TListBox) Focused() bool
- func (l *TListBox) Font() *TFont
- func (l *TListBox) Free()
- func (l *TListBox) GetHashCode() int32
- func (l *TListBox) GetNamePath() string
- func (l *TListBox) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (l *TListBox) Handle() HWND
- func (l *TListBox) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (l *TListBox) HasParent() bool
- func (l *TListBox) Height() int32
- func (l *TListBox) Hide()
- func (l *TListBox) Hint() string
- func (l *TListBox) Instance() uintptr
- func (l *TListBox) Invalidate()
- func (l *TListBox) IsValid() bool
- func (l *TListBox) ItemHeight() int32
- func (l *TListBox) ItemIndex() int32
- func (l *TListBox) Items() *TStrings
- func (l *TListBox) Left() int32
- func (l *TListBox) Margins() *TMargins
- func (l *TListBox) MultiSelect() bool
- func (l *TListBox) Name() string
- func (l *TListBox) Owner() *TComponent
- func (l *TListBox) Parent() *TControl
- func (l *TListBox) ParentColor() bool
- func (l *TListBox) ParentCtl3D() bool
- func (l *TListBox) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (l *TListBox) ParentFont() bool
- func (l *TListBox) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (l *TListBox) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (l *TListBox) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (l *TListBox) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (l *TListBox) Realign()
- func (l *TListBox) Refresh()
- func (l *TListBox) Repaint()
- func (l *TListBox) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (l *TListBox) SelCount() int32
- func (l *TListBox) SelectAll()
- func (l *TListBox) Selected(Index int32) bool
- func (l *TListBox) SendToBack()
- func (l *TListBox) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (l *TListBox) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (l *TListBox) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (l *TListBox) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (l *TListBox) SetAutoComplete(value bool)
- func (l *TListBox) SetAutoCompleteDelay(value uint32)
- func (l *TListBox) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
- func (l *TListBox) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
- func (l *TListBox) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
- func (l *TListBox) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
- func (l *TListBox) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (l *TListBox) SetBorderStyle(value TBorderStyle)
- func (l *TListBox) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (l *TListBox) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (l *TListBox) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (l *TListBox) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (l *TListBox) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (l *TListBox) SetColumns(value int32)
- func (l *TListBox) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (l *TListBox) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (l *TListBox) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (l *TListBox) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (l *TListBox) SetFocus()
- func (l *TListBox) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (l *TListBox) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (l *TListBox) SetHint(value string)
- func (l *TListBox) SetItemHeight(value int32)
- func (l *TListBox) SetItemIndex(value int32)
- func (l *TListBox) SetItems(value IObject)
- func (l *TListBox) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (l *TListBox) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (l *TListBox) SetMultiSelect(value bool)
- func (l *TListBox) SetName(value string)
- func (l *TListBox) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TListBox) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TListBox) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TListBox) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TListBox) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (l *TListBox) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
- func (l *TListBox) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (l *TListBox) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (l *TListBox) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TListBox) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TListBox) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (l *TListBox) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (l *TListBox) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (l *TListBox) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (l *TListBox) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
- func (l *TListBox) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (l *TListBox) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (l *TListBox) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (l *TListBox) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (l *TListBox) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (l *TListBox) SetSelected(Index int32, value bool)
- func (l *TListBox) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (l *TListBox) SetSorted(value bool)
- func (l *TListBox) SetStyle(value TListBoxStyle)
- func (l *TListBox) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (l *TListBox) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (l *TListBox) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (l *TListBox) SetTabWidth(value int32)
- func (l *TListBox) SetTag(value int)
- func (l *TListBox) SetTop(value int32)
- func (l *TListBox) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (l *TListBox) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (l *TListBox) Show()
- func (l *TListBox) ShowHint() bool
- func (l *TListBox) Sorted() bool
- func (l *TListBox) Style() TListBoxStyle
- func (l *TListBox) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (l *TListBox) TabOrder() uint16
- func (l *TListBox) TabStop() bool
- func (l *TListBox) TabWidth() int32
- func (l *TListBox) Tag() int
- func (l *TListBox) ToString() string
- func (l *TListBox) Top() int32
- func (l *TListBox) Update()
- func (l *TListBox) Visible() bool
- func (l *TListBox) Width() int32
- type TListColumn
- func (l *TListColumn) Alignment() TAlignment
- func (l *TListColumn) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (l *TListColumn) AutoSize() bool
- func (l *TListColumn) Caption() string
- func (l *TListColumn) ClassName() string
- func (l *TListColumn) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (l *TListColumn) Free()
- func (l *TListColumn) GetHashCode() int32
- func (l *TListColumn) GetNamePath() string
- func (l *TListColumn) ImageIndex() int32
- func (l *TListColumn) Index() int32
- func (l *TListColumn) Instance() uintptr
- func (l *TListColumn) IsValid() bool
- func (l *TListColumn) SetAlignment(value TAlignment)
- func (l *TListColumn) SetAutoSize(value bool)
- func (l *TListColumn) SetCaption(value string)
- func (l *TListColumn) SetImageIndex(value int32)
- func (l *TListColumn) SetIndex(value int32)
- func (l *TListColumn) SetTag(value int32)
- func (l *TListColumn) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (l *TListColumn) Tag() int32
- func (l *TListColumn) ToString() string
- func (l *TListColumn) Width() int32
- type TListColumns
- func (l *TListColumns) Add() *TListColumn
- func (l *TListColumns) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (l *TListColumns) BeginUpdate()
- func (l *TListColumns) ClassName() string
- func (l *TListColumns) Clear()
- func (l *TListColumns) Delete(Index int32)
- func (l *TListColumns) EndUpdate()
- func (l *TListColumns) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (l *TListColumns) Free()
- func (l *TListColumns) GetHashCode() int32
- func (l *TListColumns) GetNamePath() string
- func (l *TListColumns) Insert(Index int32) *TCollectionItem
- func (l *TListColumns) Instance() uintptr
- func (l *TListColumns) IsValid() bool
- func (l *TListColumns) Items(Index int32) *TListColumn
- func (l *TListColumns) Owner() *TControl
- func (l *TListColumns) SetItems(Index int32, value *TListColumn)
- func (l *TListColumns) ToString() string
- type TListGroup
- func (l *TListGroup) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (l *TListGroup) ClassName() string
- func (l *TListGroup) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (l *TListGroup) Footer() string
- func (l *TListGroup) FooterAlign() TAlignment
- func (l *TListGroup) Free()
- func (l *TListGroup) GetHashCode() int32
- func (l *TListGroup) GetNamePath() string
- func (l *TListGroup) GroupID() int32
- func (l *TListGroup) Header() string
- func (l *TListGroup) HeaderAlign() TAlignment
- func (l *TListGroup) Index() int32
- func (l *TListGroup) Instance() uintptr
- func (l *TListGroup) IsValid() bool
- func (l *TListGroup) SetFooter(value string)
- func (l *TListGroup) SetFooterAlign(value TAlignment)
- func (l *TListGroup) SetGroupID(value int32)
- func (l *TListGroup) SetHeader(value string)
- func (l *TListGroup) SetHeaderAlign(value TAlignment)
- func (l *TListGroup) SetIndex(value int32)
- func (l *TListGroup) SetState(value TListGroupStateSet)
- func (l *TListGroup) SetSubtitle(value string)
- func (l *TListGroup) SetTitleImage(value int32)
- func (l *TListGroup) State() TListGroupStateSet
- func (l *TListGroup) Subtitle() string
- func (l *TListGroup) TitleImage() int32
- func (l *TListGroup) ToString() string
- type TListGroups
- func (l *TListGroups) Add() *TListGroup
- func (l *TListGroups) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (l *TListGroups) BeginUpdate()
- func (l *TListGroups) ClassName() string
- func (l *TListGroups) Clear()
- func (l *TListGroups) Delete(Index int32)
- func (l *TListGroups) EndUpdate()
- func (l *TListGroups) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (l *TListGroups) Free()
- func (l *TListGroups) GetHashCode() int32
- func (l *TListGroups) GetNamePath() string
- func (l *TListGroups) Insert(Index int32) *TCollectionItem
- func (l *TListGroups) Instance() uintptr
- func (l *TListGroups) IsValid() bool
- func (l *TListGroups) Items(Index int32) *TListGroup
- func (l *TListGroups) Owner() *TControl
- func (l *TListGroups) SetItems(Index int32, value *TListGroup)
- func (l *TListGroups) ToString() string
- type TListItem
- func (l *TListItem) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (l *TListItem) CancelEdit()
- func (l *TListItem) Caption() string
- func (l *TListItem) Checked() bool
- func (l *TListItem) ClassName() string
- func (l *TListItem) Cut() bool
- func (l *TListItem) Data() uintptr
- func (l *TListItem) Delete()
- func (l *TListItem) Deleting() bool
- func (l *TListItem) DropTarget() bool
- func (l *TListItem) EditCaption() bool
- func (l *TListItem) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (l *TListItem) Focused() bool
- func (l *TListItem) Free()
- func (l *TListItem) GetHashCode() int32
- func (l *TListItem) GetNamePath() string
- func (l *TListItem) GroupID() int32
- func (l *TListItem) Handle() HWND
- func (l *TListItem) ImageIndex() int32
- func (l *TListItem) Indent() int32
- func (l *TListItem) Index() int32
- func (l *TListItem) Instance() uintptr
- func (l *TListItem) IsValid() bool
- func (l *TListItem) Left() int32
- func (l *TListItem) MakeVisible(PartialOK bool)
- func (l *TListItem) OverlayIndex() int32
- func (l *TListItem) Owner() *TListItems
- func (l *TListItem) Position() TPoint
- func (l *TListItem) Selected() bool
- func (l *TListItem) SetCaption(value string)
- func (l *TListItem) SetChecked(value bool)
- func (l *TListItem) SetCut(value bool)
- func (l *TListItem) SetData(value uintptr)
- func (l *TListItem) SetDropTarget(value bool)
- func (l *TListItem) SetFocused(value bool)
- func (l *TListItem) SetGroupID(value int32)
- func (l *TListItem) SetImageIndex(value int32)
- func (l *TListItem) SetIndent(value int32)
- func (l *TListItem) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (l *TListItem) SetOverlayIndex(value int32)
- func (l *TListItem) SetPosition(value TPoint)
- func (l *TListItem) SetSelected(value bool)
- func (l *TListItem) SetStateIndex(value int32)
- func (l *TListItem) SetSubItemImages(Index int32, value int32)
- func (l *TListItem) SetSubItems(value IObject)
- func (l *TListItem) SetTop(value int32)
- func (l *TListItem) StateIndex() int32
- func (l *TListItem) SubItemImages(Index int32) int32
- func (l *TListItem) SubItems() *TStrings
- func (l *TListItem) ToString() string
- func (l *TListItem) Top() int32
- func (l *TListItem) Update()
- func (l *TListItem) WorkArea() int32
- type TListItems
- func (l *TListItems) Add() *TListItem
- func (l *TListItems) AddItem(Item *TListItem, Index int32) *TListItem
- func (l *TListItems) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (l *TListItems) BeginUpdate()
- func (l *TListItems) ClassName() string
- func (l *TListItems) Clear()
- func (l *TListItems) Delete(Index int32)
- func (l *TListItems) EndUpdate()
- func (l *TListItems) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (l *TListItems) Free()
- func (l *TListItems) GetHashCode() int32
- func (l *TListItems) GetNamePath() string
- func (l *TListItems) Handle() HWND
- func (l *TListItems) IndexOf(Value *TListItem) int32
- func (l *TListItems) Insert(Index int32) *TListItem
- func (l *TListItems) Instance() uintptr
- func (l *TListItems) IsValid() bool
- func (l *TListItems) Item(Index int32) *TListItem
- func (l *TListItems) Owner() *TControl
- func (l *TListItems) SetItem(Index int32, value *TListItem)
- func (l *TListItems) ToString() string
- type TListView
- func (l *TListView) Action() *TAction
- func (l *TListView) AddItem(Item string, AObject IObject)
- func (l *TListView) Align() TAlign
- func (l *TListView) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (l *TListView) AllocBy() int32
- func (l *TListView) AlphaSort() bool
- func (l *TListView) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (l *TListView) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (l *TListView) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
- func (l *TListView) BevelInner() TBevelCut
- func (l *TListView) BevelKind() TBevelKind
- func (l *TListView) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
- func (l *TListView) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (l *TListView) BorderStyle() TBorderStyle
- func (l *TListView) BorderWidth() int32
- func (l *TListView) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (l *TListView) BringToFront()
- func (l *TListView) Brush() *TBrush
- func (l *TListView) CanFocus() bool
- func (l *TListView) Canvas() *TCanvas
- func (l *TListView) Checkboxes() bool
- func (l *TListView) ClassName() string
- func (l *TListView) Clear()
- func (l *TListView) ClearSelection()
- func (l *TListView) ClientHeight() int32
- func (l *TListView) ClientRect() TRect
- func (l *TListView) ClientWidth() int32
- func (l *TListView) Color() TColor
- func (l *TListView) Column(Index int32) *TListColumn
- func (l *TListView) ColumnClick() bool
- func (l *TListView) Columns() *TListColumns
- func (l *TListView) ComponentCount() int32
- func (l *TListView) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (l *TListView) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (l *TListView) ControlCount() int32
- func (l *TListView) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (l *TListView) Cursor() TCursor
- func (l *TListView) DeleteSelected()
- func (l *TListView) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (l *TListView) DropTarget() *TListItem
- func (l *TListView) Enabled() bool
- func (l *TListView) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (l *TListView) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (l *TListView) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (l *TListView) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (l *TListView) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (l *TListView) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (l *TListView) FlatScrollBars() bool
- func (l *TListView) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (l *TListView) Focused() bool
- func (l *TListView) Font() *TFont
- func (l *TListView) Free()
- func (l *TListView) FullDrag() bool
- func (l *TListView) GetHashCode() int32
- func (l *TListView) GetNamePath() string
- func (l *TListView) GetSearchString() string
- func (l *TListView) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (l *TListView) GridLines() bool
- func (l *TListView) GroupHeaderImages() *TImageList
- func (l *TListView) GroupView() bool
- func (l *TListView) Groups() *TListGroups
- func (l *TListView) Handle() HWND
- func (l *TListView) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (l *TListView) HasParent() bool
- func (l *TListView) Height() int32
- func (l *TListView) Hide()
- func (l *TListView) HideSelection() bool
- func (l *TListView) Hint() string
- func (l *TListView) HotTrack() bool
- func (l *TListView) HoverTime() int32
- func (l *TListView) IconOptions() *TIconOptions
- func (l *TListView) Instance() uintptr
- func (l *TListView) Invalidate()
- func (l *TListView) IsEditing() bool
- func (l *TListView) IsValid() bool
- func (l *TListView) ItemFocused() *TListItem
- func (l *TListView) ItemIndex() int32
- func (l *TListView) Items() *TListItems
- func (l *TListView) LargeImages() *TImageList
- func (l *TListView) Left() int32
- func (l *TListView) Margins() *TMargins
- func (l *TListView) MultiSelect() bool
- func (l *TListView) Name() string
- func (l *TListView) Owner() *TComponent
- func (l *TListView) Parent() *TControl
- func (l *TListView) ParentColor() bool
- func (l *TListView) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (l *TListView) ParentFont() bool
- func (l *TListView) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (l *TListView) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (l *TListView) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (l *TListView) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (l *TListView) ReadOnly() bool
- func (l *TListView) Realign()
- func (l *TListView) Refresh()
- func (l *TListView) Repaint()
- func (l *TListView) RowSelect() bool
- func (l *TListView) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (l *TListView) Scroll(DX int32, DY int32)
- func (l *TListView) SelCount() int32
- func (l *TListView) SelectAll()
- func (l *TListView) Selected() *TListItem
- func (l *TListView) SendToBack()
- func (l *TListView) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (l *TListView) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (l *TListView) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetAllocBy(value int32)
- func (l *TListView) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (l *TListView) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
- func (l *TListView) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
- func (l *TListView) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
- func (l *TListView) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
- func (l *TListView) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (l *TListView) SetBorderStyle(value TBorderStyle)
- func (l *TListView) SetBorderWidth(value int32)
- func (l *TListView) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (l *TListView) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (l *TListView) SetCheckboxes(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (l *TListView) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (l *TListView) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (l *TListView) SetColumnClick(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetColumns(value *TListColumns)
- func (l *TListView) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (l *TListView) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (l *TListView) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetDropTarget(value *TListItem)
- func (l *TListView) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetFlatScrollBars(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetFocus()
- func (l *TListView) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (l *TListView) SetFullDrag(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetGridLines(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetGroupHeaderImages(value IComponent)
- func (l *TListView) SetGroupView(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetGroups(value *TListGroups)
- func (l *TListView) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (l *TListView) SetHideSelection(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetHint(value string)
- func (l *TListView) SetHotTrack(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetHoverTime(value int32)
- func (l *TListView) SetIconOptions(value IObject)
- func (l *TListView) SetItemFocused(value *TListItem)
- func (l *TListView) SetItemIndex(value int32)
- func (l *TListView) SetItems(value *TListItems)
- func (l *TListView) SetLargeImages(value IComponent)
- func (l *TListView) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (l *TListView) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (l *TListView) SetMultiSelect(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetName(value string)
- func (l *TListView) SetOnChange(fn TLVChangeEvent)
- func (l *TListView) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TListView) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TListView) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TListView) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TListView) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (l *TListView) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
- func (l *TListView) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (l *TListView) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (l *TListView) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TListView) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TListView) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (l *TListView) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (l *TListView) SetOnResize(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (l *TListView) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (l *TListView) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (l *TListView) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (l *TListView) SetReadOnly(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetRowSelect(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetSelected(value *TListItem)
- func (l *TListView) SetShowColumnHeaders(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetShowWorkAreas(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetSmallImages(value IComponent)
- func (l *TListView) SetSortType(value TSortType)
- func (l *TListView) SetStateImages(value IComponent)
- func (l *TListView) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (l *TListView) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (l *TListView) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetTag(value int)
- func (l *TListView) SetTop(value int32)
- func (l *TListView) SetViewStyle(value TViewStyle)
- func (l *TListView) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (l *TListView) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (l *TListView) Show()
- func (l *TListView) ShowColumnHeaders() bool
- func (l *TListView) ShowHint() bool
- func (l *TListView) ShowWorkAreas() bool
- func (l *TListView) SmallImages() *TImageList
- func (l *TListView) SortType() TSortType
- func (l *TListView) StateImages() *TImageList
- func (l *TListView) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (l *TListView) TabOrder() uint16
- func (l *TListView) TabStop() bool
- func (l *TListView) Tag() int
- func (l *TListView) ToString() string
- func (l *TListView) Top() int32
- func (l *TListView) TopItem() *TListItem
- func (l *TListView) Update()
- func (l *TListView) ViewStyle() TViewStyle
- func (l *TListView) Visible() bool
- func (l *TListView) VisibleRowCount() int32
- func (l *TListView) Width() int32
- type TMainMenu
- func (m *TMainMenu) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (m *TMainMenu) AutoHotkeys() TMenuAutoFlag
- func (m *TMainMenu) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (m *TMainMenu) ClassName() string
- func (m *TMainMenu) ComponentCount() int32
- func (m *TMainMenu) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (m *TMainMenu) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (m *TMainMenu) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (m *TMainMenu) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (m *TMainMenu) Free()
- func (m *TMainMenu) GetHashCode() int32
- func (m *TMainMenu) GetNamePath() string
- func (m *TMainMenu) Handle() HMENU
- func (m *TMainMenu) HasParent() bool
- func (m *TMainMenu) Images() *TImageList
- func (m *TMainMenu) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *TMainMenu) IsValid() bool
- func (m *TMainMenu) Items() *TMenuItem
- func (m *TMainMenu) Name() string
- func (m *TMainMenu) Owner() *TComponent
- func (m *TMainMenu) SetAutoHotkeys(value TMenuAutoFlag)
- func (m *TMainMenu) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (m *TMainMenu) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (m *TMainMenu) SetImages(value IComponent)
- func (m *TMainMenu) SetName(value string)
- func (m *TMainMenu) SetOnChange(fn TMenuChangeEvent)
- func (m *TMainMenu) SetTag(value int)
- func (m *TMainMenu) SetWindowHandle(value HWND)
- func (m *TMainMenu) Tag() int
- func (m *TMainMenu) ToString() string
- func (m *TMainMenu) WindowHandle() HWND
- type TMargins
- func (m *TMargins) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (m *TMargins) Bottom() int32
- func (m *TMargins) ClassName() string
- func (m *TMargins) ControlHeight() int32
- func (m *TMargins) ControlLeft() int32
- func (m *TMargins) ControlTop() int32
- func (m *TMargins) ControlWidth() int32
- func (m *TMargins) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (m *TMargins) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (m *TMargins) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (m *TMargins) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (m *TMargins) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (m *TMargins) Free()
- func (m *TMargins) GetHashCode() int32
- func (m *TMargins) GetNamePath() string
- func (m *TMargins) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *TMargins) IsValid() bool
- func (m *TMargins) Left() int32
- func (m *TMargins) Right() int32
- func (m *TMargins) SetBottom(value int32)
- func (m *TMargins) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, ARight int32, ABottom int32)
- func (m *TMargins) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (m *TMargins) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TMargins) SetRight(value int32)
- func (m *TMargins) SetTop(value int32)
- func (m *TMargins) ToString() string
- func (m *TMargins) Top() int32
- type TMemo
- func (m *TMemo) Action() *TAction
- func (m *TMemo) Align() TAlign
- func (m *TMemo) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (m *TMemo) Alignment() TAlignment
- func (m *TMemo) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (m *TMemo) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (m *TMemo) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
- func (m *TMemo) BevelInner() TBevelCut
- func (m *TMemo) BevelKind() TBevelKind
- func (m *TMemo) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
- func (m *TMemo) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (m *TMemo) BorderStyle() TBorderStyle
- func (m *TMemo) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (m *TMemo) BringToFront()
- func (m *TMemo) Brush() *TBrush
- func (m *TMemo) CanFocus() bool
- func (m *TMemo) CaretPos() TPoint
- func (m *TMemo) ClassName() string
- func (m *TMemo) Clear()
- func (m *TMemo) ClearSelection()
- func (m *TMemo) ClientHeight() int32
- func (m *TMemo) ClientRect() TRect
- func (m *TMemo) ClientWidth() int32
- func (m *TMemo) Color() TColor
- func (m *TMemo) ComponentCount() int32
- func (m *TMemo) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (m *TMemo) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (m *TMemo) ControlCount() int32
- func (m *TMemo) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (m *TMemo) CopyToClipboard()
- func (m *TMemo) Cursor() TCursor
- func (m *TMemo) CutToClipboard()
- func (m *TMemo) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (m *TMemo) Enabled() bool
- func (m *TMemo) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (m *TMemo) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (m *TMemo) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (m *TMemo) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (m *TMemo) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (m *TMemo) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (m *TMemo) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (m *TMemo) Focused() bool
- func (m *TMemo) Font() *TFont
- func (m *TMemo) Free()
- func (m *TMemo) GetHashCode() int32
- func (m *TMemo) GetNamePath() string
- func (m *TMemo) GetSelTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (m *TMemo) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (m *TMemo) Handle() HWND
- func (m *TMemo) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (m *TMemo) HasParent() bool
- func (m *TMemo) Height() int32
- func (m *TMemo) Hide()
- func (m *TMemo) HideSelection() bool
- func (m *TMemo) Hint() string
- func (m *TMemo) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *TMemo) Invalidate()
- func (m *TMemo) IsValid() bool
- func (m *TMemo) Left() int32
- func (m *TMemo) Lines() *TStrings
- func (m *TMemo) Margins() *TMargins
- func (m *TMemo) MaxLength() int32
- func (m *TMemo) Modified() bool
- func (m *TMemo) Name() string
- func (m *TMemo) Owner() *TComponent
- func (m *TMemo) Parent() *TControl
- func (m *TMemo) ParentColor() bool
- func (m *TMemo) ParentCtl3D() bool
- func (m *TMemo) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (m *TMemo) ParentFont() bool
- func (m *TMemo) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (m *TMemo) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (m *TMemo) PasteFromClipboard()
- func (m *TMemo) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (m *TMemo) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (m *TMemo) ReadOnly() bool
- func (m *TMemo) Realign()
- func (m *TMemo) Refresh()
- func (m *TMemo) Repaint()
- func (m *TMemo) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (m *TMemo) ScrollBars() TScrollStyle
- func (m *TMemo) SelLength() int32
- func (m *TMemo) SelStart() int32
- func (m *TMemo) SelText() string
- func (m *TMemo) SelectAll()
- func (m *TMemo) SendToBack()
- func (m *TMemo) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (m *TMemo) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (m *TMemo) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (m *TMemo) SetAlignment(value TAlignment)
- func (m *TMemo) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (m *TMemo) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
- func (m *TMemo) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
- func (m *TMemo) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
- func (m *TMemo) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
- func (m *TMemo) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (m *TMemo) SetBorderStyle(value TBorderStyle)
- func (m *TMemo) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (m *TMemo) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (m *TMemo) SetCaretPos(value TPoint)
- func (m *TMemo) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (m *TMemo) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (m *TMemo) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (m *TMemo) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (m *TMemo) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (m *TMemo) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (m *TMemo) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (m *TMemo) SetFocus()
- func (m *TMemo) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (m *TMemo) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (m *TMemo) SetHideSelection(value bool)
- func (m *TMemo) SetHint(value string)
- func (m *TMemo) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (m *TMemo) SetLines(value IObject)
- func (m *TMemo) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (m *TMemo) SetMaxLength(value int32)
- func (m *TMemo) SetModified(value bool)
- func (m *TMemo) SetName(value string)
- func (m *TMemo) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TMemo) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TMemo) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TMemo) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TMemo) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TMemo) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (m *TMemo) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
- func (m *TMemo) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (m *TMemo) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (m *TMemo) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TMemo) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TMemo) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (m *TMemo) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (m *TMemo) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (m *TMemo) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (m *TMemo) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
- func (m *TMemo) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (m *TMemo) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (m *TMemo) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (m *TMemo) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (m *TMemo) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (m *TMemo) SetReadOnly(value bool)
- func (m *TMemo) SetScrollBars(value TScrollStyle)
- func (m *TMemo) SetSelLength(value int32)
- func (m *TMemo) SetSelStart(value int32)
- func (m *TMemo) SetSelText(value string)
- func (m *TMemo) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (m *TMemo) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (m *TMemo) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (m *TMemo) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (m *TMemo) SetTag(value int)
- func (m *TMemo) SetText(value string)
- func (m *TMemo) SetTextHint(value string)
- func (m *TMemo) SetTop(value int32)
- func (m *TMemo) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (m *TMemo) SetWantReturns(value bool)
- func (m *TMemo) SetWantTabs(value bool)
- func (m *TMemo) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (m *TMemo) SetWordWrap(value bool)
- func (m *TMemo) Show()
- func (m *TMemo) ShowHint() bool
- func (m *TMemo) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (m *TMemo) TabOrder() uint16
- func (m *TMemo) TabStop() bool
- func (m *TMemo) Tag() int
- func (m *TMemo) Text() string
- func (m *TMemo) TextHint() string
- func (m *TMemo) ToString() string
- func (m *TMemo) Top() int32
- func (m *TMemo) Update()
- func (m *TMemo) Visible() bool
- func (m *TMemo) WantReturns() bool
- func (m *TMemo) WantTabs() bool
- func (m *TMemo) Width() int32
- func (m *TMemo) WordWrap() bool
- type TMemoryStream
- func (m *TMemoryStream) ClassName() string
- func (m *TMemoryStream) Clear()
- func (m *TMemoryStream) CopyFrom(Source IObject, Count int64) int64
- func (m *TMemoryStream) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (m *TMemoryStream) Free()
- func (m *TMemoryStream) GetHashCode() int32
- func (m *TMemoryStream) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *TMemoryStream) IsValid() bool
- func (m *TMemoryStream) LoadFromFile(FileName string)
- func (m *TMemoryStream) LoadFromStream(Stream IObject)
- func (m *TMemoryStream) Memory() uintptr
- func (m *TMemoryStream) Position() int64
- func (m *TMemoryStream) Read(count int32) (int32, []byte)
- func (m *TMemoryStream) SaveToFile(FileName string)
- func (m *TMemoryStream) SaveToStream(Stream IObject)
- func (m *TMemoryStream) Seek(Offset int64, Origin TSeekOrigin) int64
- func (m *TMemoryStream) SetPosition(value int64)
- func (m *TMemoryStream) SetSize(value int64)
- func (m *TMemoryStream) Size() int64
- func (m *TMemoryStream) ToString() string
- func (m *TMemoryStream) Write(buffer []byte) int32
- type TMenuChangeEvent
- type TMenuItem
- func (m *TMenuItem) Action() *TAction
- func (m *TMenuItem) Add(Item IComponent)
- func (m *TMenuItem) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (m *TMenuItem) AutoHotkeys() TMenuItemAutoFlag
- func (m *TMenuItem) Bitmap() *TBitmap
- func (m *TMenuItem) Caption() string
- func (m *TMenuItem) Checked() bool
- func (m *TMenuItem) ClassName() string
- func (m *TMenuItem) Clear()
- func (m *TMenuItem) Click()
- func (m *TMenuItem) ComponentCount() int32
- func (m *TMenuItem) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (m *TMenuItem) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (m *TMenuItem) Default() bool
- func (m *TMenuItem) Delete(Index int32)
- func (m *TMenuItem) Enabled() bool
- func (m *TMenuItem) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (m *TMenuItem) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (m *TMenuItem) Free()
- func (m *TMenuItem) GetHashCode() int32
- func (m *TMenuItem) GetNamePath() string
- func (m *TMenuItem) GroupIndex() uint8
- func (m *TMenuItem) Handle() HMENU
- func (m *TMenuItem) HasParent() bool
- func (m *TMenuItem) Hint() string
- func (m *TMenuItem) ImageIndex() int32
- func (m *TMenuItem) IndexOf(Item IComponent) int32
- func (m *TMenuItem) Insert(Index int32, Item IComponent)
- func (m *TMenuItem) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *TMenuItem) IsValid() bool
- func (m *TMenuItem) Items(Index int32) *TMenuItem
- func (m *TMenuItem) Name() string
- func (m *TMenuItem) Owner() *TComponent
- func (m *TMenuItem) Parent() *TMenuItem
- func (m *TMenuItem) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (m *TMenuItem) SetAutoHotkeys(value TMenuItemAutoFlag)
- func (m *TMenuItem) SetBitmap(value *TBitmap)
- func (m *TMenuItem) SetCaption(value string)
- func (m *TMenuItem) SetChecked(value bool)
- func (m *TMenuItem) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (m *TMenuItem) SetDefault(value bool)
- func (m *TMenuItem) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (m *TMenuItem) SetGroupIndex(value uint8)
- func (m *TMenuItem) SetHint(value string)
- func (m *TMenuItem) SetImageIndex(value int32)
- func (m *TMenuItem) SetName(value string)
- func (m *TMenuItem) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TMenuItem) SetShortCut(value TShortCut)
- func (m *TMenuItem) SetShortCutFromString(s string)
- func (m *TMenuItem) SetTag(value int)
- func (m *TMenuItem) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (m *TMenuItem) ShortCut() TShortCut
- func (m *TMenuItem) ShortCutFromString() string
- func (m *TMenuItem) Tag() int
- func (m *TMenuItem) ToString() string
- func (m *TMenuItem) Visible() bool
- type TMonitor
- func (m *TMonitor) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (m *TMonitor) ClassName() string
- func (m *TMonitor) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (m *TMonitor) Free()
- func (m *TMonitor) GetHashCode() int32
- func (m *TMonitor) Handle() HMONITOR
- func (m *TMonitor) Height() int32
- func (m *TMonitor) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *TMonitor) IsValid() bool
- func (m *TMonitor) Left() int32
- func (m *TMonitor) MonitorNum() int32
- func (m *TMonitor) PixelsPerInch() int32
- func (m *TMonitor) Primary() bool
- func (m *TMonitor) ToString() string
- func (m *TMonitor) Top() int32
- func (m *TMonitor) Width() int32
- func (m *TMonitor) WorkareaRect() TRect
- type TMonthCalColors
- func (m *TMonthCalColors) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (m *TMonthCalColors) ClassName() string
- func (m *TMonthCalColors) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (m *TMonthCalColors) Free()
- func (m *TMonthCalColors) GetHashCode() int32
- func (m *TMonthCalColors) GetNamePath() string
- func (m *TMonthCalColors) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *TMonthCalColors) IsValid() bool
- func (m *TMonthCalColors) ToString() string
- type TMonthCalendar
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Action() *TAction
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Align() TAlign
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) AutoSize() bool
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) BorderWidth() int32
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) BringToFront()
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Brush() *TBrush
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) CalColors() *TMonthCalColors
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) CanFocus() bool
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) ClassName() string
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) ClientHeight() int32
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) ClientRect() TRect
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) ClientWidth() int32
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) ComponentCount() int32
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) ControlCount() int32
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Cursor() TCursor
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Date() time.Time
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Enabled() bool
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) FirstDayOfWeek() TCalDayOfWeek
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Focused() bool
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Font() *TFont
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Free()
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) GetHashCode() int32
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) GetNamePath() string
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Handle() HWND
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) HasParent() bool
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Height() int32
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Hide()
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Hint() string
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Invalidate()
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) IsValid() bool
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Left() int32
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Margins() *TMargins
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) MaxDate() time.Time
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) MaxSelectRange() int32
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) MinDate() time.Time
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) MultiSelect() bool
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Name() string
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Owner() *TComponent
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Parent() *TControl
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) ParentFont() bool
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Realign()
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Refresh()
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Repaint()
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SendToBack()
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetAutoSize(value bool)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetBorderWidth(value int32)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetCalColors(value *TMonthCalColors)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetDate(value time.Time)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetFirstDayOfWeek(value TCalDayOfWeek)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetFocus()
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetHint(value string)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetMaxDate(value time.Time)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetMaxSelectRange(value int32)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetMinDate(value time.Time)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetMultiSelect(value bool)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetName(value string)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetShowToday(value bool)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetShowTodayCircle(value bool)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetTag(value int)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetTop(value int32)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetWeekNumbers(value bool)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Show()
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) ShowHint() bool
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) ShowToday() bool
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) ShowTodayCircle() bool
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) TabOrder() uint16
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) TabStop() bool
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Tag() int
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) ToString() string
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Top() int32
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Update()
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Visible() bool
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) WeekNumbers() bool
- func (m *TMonthCalendar) Width() int32
- type TMouse
- func (m *TMouse) Capture() HWND
- func (m *TMouse) ClassName() string
- func (m *TMouse) CursorPos() TPoint
- func (m *TMouse) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (m *TMouse) Free()
- func (m *TMouse) GetHashCode() int32
- func (m *TMouse) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *TMouse) IsDragging() bool
- func (m *TMouse) IsPanning() bool
- func (m *TMouse) IsValid() bool
- func (m *TMouse) SetCapture(value HWND)
- func (m *TMouse) SetCursorPos(value TPoint)
- func (m *TMouse) ToString() string
- func (m *TMouse) WheelPresent() bool
- func (m *TMouse) WheelScrollLines() int32
- type TMouseEvent
- type TMouseMoveEvent
- type TMouseWheelEvent
- type TNotifyEvent
- type TObject
- type TOpenDialog
- func (o *TOpenDialog) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (o *TOpenDialog) ClassName() string
- func (o *TOpenDialog) ComponentCount() int32
- func (o *TOpenDialog) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (o *TOpenDialog) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (o *TOpenDialog) DefaultExt() string
- func (o *TOpenDialog) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (o *TOpenDialog) Execute(ParentWnd HWND) bool
- func (o *TOpenDialog) FileName() string
- func (o *TOpenDialog) Files() *TStrings
- func (o *TOpenDialog) Filter() string
- func (o *TOpenDialog) FilterIndex() int32
- func (o *TOpenDialog) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (o *TOpenDialog) Free()
- func (o *TOpenDialog) GetHashCode() int32
- func (o *TOpenDialog) GetNamePath() string
- func (o *TOpenDialog) Handle() HWND
- func (o *TOpenDialog) HasParent() bool
- func (o *TOpenDialog) InitialDir() string
- func (o *TOpenDialog) Instance() uintptr
- func (o *TOpenDialog) IsValid() bool
- func (o *TOpenDialog) Name() string
- func (o *TOpenDialog) Options() TOpenOptions
- func (o *TOpenDialog) OptionsEx() TOpenOptionsEx
- func (o *TOpenDialog) Owner() *TComponent
- func (o *TOpenDialog) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (o *TOpenDialog) SetDefaultExt(value string)
- func (o *TOpenDialog) SetFileName(value string)
- func (o *TOpenDialog) SetFilter(value string)
- func (o *TOpenDialog) SetFilterIndex(value int32)
- func (o *TOpenDialog) SetInitialDir(value string)
- func (o *TOpenDialog) SetName(value string)
- func (o *TOpenDialog) SetOnClose(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (o *TOpenDialog) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (o *TOpenDialog) SetOptions(value TOpenOptions)
- func (o *TOpenDialog) SetOptionsEx(value TOpenOptionsEx)
- func (o *TOpenDialog) SetTag(value int)
- func (o *TOpenDialog) SetTitle(value string)
- func (o *TOpenDialog) Tag() int
- func (o *TOpenDialog) Title() string
- func (o *TOpenDialog) ToString() string
- type TOpenPictureDialog
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) ClassName() string
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) ComponentCount() int32
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) DefaultExt() string
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Execute(ParentWnd HWND) bool
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) FileName() string
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Files() *TStrings
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Filter() string
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) FilterIndex() int32
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Free()
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) GetHashCode() int32
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) GetNamePath() string
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Handle() HWND
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) HasParent() bool
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) InitialDir() string
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Instance() uintptr
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) IsValid() bool
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Name() string
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Options() TOpenOptions
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) OptionsEx() TOpenOptionsEx
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Owner() *TComponent
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetDefaultExt(value string)
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetFileName(value string)
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetFilter(value string)
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetFilterIndex(value int32)
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetInitialDir(value string)
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetName(value string)
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetOnClose(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetOptions(value TOpenOptions)
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetOptionsEx(value TOpenOptionsEx)
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetTag(value int)
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetTitle(value string)
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Tag() int
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Title() string
- func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) ToString() string
- type TOpenTextFileDialog
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) ClassName() string
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) ComponentCount() int32
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) DefaultExt() string
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Execute(ParentWnd HWND) bool
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) FileName() string
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Files() *TStrings
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Filter() string
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) FilterIndex() int32
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Free()
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) GetHashCode() int32
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) GetNamePath() string
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Handle() HWND
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) HasParent() bool
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) InitialDir() string
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Instance() uintptr
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) IsValid() bool
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Name() string
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Options() TOpenOptions
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) OptionsEx() TOpenOptionsEx
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Owner() *TComponent
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetDefaultExt(value string)
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetFileName(value string)
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetFilter(value string)
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetFilterIndex(value int32)
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetInitialDir(value string)
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetName(value string)
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetOnClose(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetOptions(value TOpenOptions)
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetOptionsEx(value TOpenOptionsEx)
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetTag(value int)
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetTitle(value string)
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Tag() int
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Title() string
- func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) ToString() string
- type TPageControl
- func (p *TPageControl) Action() *TAction
- func (p *TPageControl) ActivePageIndex() int32
- func (p *TPageControl) Align() TAlign
- func (p *TPageControl) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (p *TPageControl) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (p *TPageControl) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (p *TPageControl) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (p *TPageControl) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (p *TPageControl) BringToFront()
- func (p *TPageControl) Brush() *TBrush
- func (p *TPageControl) CanFocus() bool
- func (p *TPageControl) Canvas() *TCanvas
- func (p *TPageControl) ClassName() string
- func (p *TPageControl) ClientHeight() int32
- func (p *TPageControl) ClientRect() TRect
- func (p *TPageControl) ClientWidth() int32
- func (p *TPageControl) ComponentCount() int32
- func (p *TPageControl) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (p *TPageControl) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (p *TPageControl) ControlCount() int32
- func (p *TPageControl) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (p *TPageControl) Cursor() TCursor
- func (p *TPageControl) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (p *TPageControl) Enabled() bool
- func (p *TPageControl) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (p *TPageControl) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (p *TPageControl) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (p *TPageControl) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (p *TPageControl) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (p *TPageControl) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (p *TPageControl) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (p *TPageControl) Focused() bool
- func (p *TPageControl) Font() *TFont
- func (p *TPageControl) Free()
- func (p *TPageControl) GetHashCode() int32
- func (p *TPageControl) GetNamePath() string
- func (p *TPageControl) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (p *TPageControl) Handle() HWND
- func (p *TPageControl) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (p *TPageControl) HasParent() bool
- func (p *TPageControl) Height() int32
- func (p *TPageControl) Hide()
- func (p *TPageControl) Hint() string
- func (p *TPageControl) HotTrack() bool
- func (p *TPageControl) Images() *TImageList
- func (p *TPageControl) Instance() uintptr
- func (p *TPageControl) Invalidate()
- func (p *TPageControl) IsValid() bool
- func (p *TPageControl) Left() int32
- func (p *TPageControl) Margins() *TMargins
- func (p *TPageControl) MultiLine() bool
- func (p *TPageControl) Name() string
- func (p *TPageControl) Owner() *TComponent
- func (p *TPageControl) PageCount() int32
- func (p *TPageControl) Pages(Index int32) *TTabSheet
- func (p *TPageControl) Parent() *TControl
- func (p *TPageControl) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (p *TPageControl) ParentFont() bool
- func (p *TPageControl) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (p *TPageControl) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (p *TPageControl) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (p *TPageControl) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (p *TPageControl) Realign()
- func (p *TPageControl) Refresh()
- func (p *TPageControl) Repaint()
- func (p *TPageControl) RowCount() int32
- func (p *TPageControl) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (p *TPageControl) SelectNextPage(GoForward bool, CheckTabVisible bool)
- func (p *TPageControl) SendToBack()
- func (p *TPageControl) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetActivePageIndex(value int32)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetFocus()
- func (p *TPageControl) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetHint(value string)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetHotTrack(value bool)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetImages(value IComponent)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetMultiLine(value bool)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetName(value string)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetOnResize(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetStyle(value TTabStyle)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetTabHeight(value int16)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetTabIndex(value int32)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetTabPosition(value TTabPosition)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetTabWidth(value int16)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetTag(value int)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetTop(value int32)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (p *TPageControl) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (p *TPageControl) Show()
- func (p *TPageControl) ShowHint() bool
- func (p *TPageControl) Style() TTabStyle
- func (p *TPageControl) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (p *TPageControl) TabHeight() int16
- func (p *TPageControl) TabIndex() int32
- func (p *TPageControl) TabOrder() uint16
- func (p *TPageControl) TabPosition() TTabPosition
- func (p *TPageControl) TabStop() bool
- func (p *TPageControl) TabWidth() int16
- func (p *TPageControl) Tag() int
- func (p *TPageControl) ToString() string
- func (p *TPageControl) Top() int32
- func (p *TPageControl) Update()
- func (p *TPageControl) Visible() bool
- func (p *TPageControl) Width() int32
- type TPaintBox
- func (p *TPaintBox) Action() *TAction
- func (p *TPaintBox) Align() TAlign
- func (p *TPaintBox) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (p *TPaintBox) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (p *TPaintBox) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (p *TPaintBox) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (p *TPaintBox) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (p *TPaintBox) BringToFront()
- func (p *TPaintBox) Canvas() *TCanvas
- func (p *TPaintBox) ClassName() string
- func (p *TPaintBox) ClientHeight() int32
- func (p *TPaintBox) ClientRect() TRect
- func (p *TPaintBox) ClientWidth() int32
- func (p *TPaintBox) Color() TColor
- func (p *TPaintBox) ComponentCount() int32
- func (p *TPaintBox) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (p *TPaintBox) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (p *TPaintBox) Cursor() TCursor
- func (p *TPaintBox) Enabled() bool
- func (p *TPaintBox) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (p *TPaintBox) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (p *TPaintBox) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (p *TPaintBox) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (p *TPaintBox) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (p *TPaintBox) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (p *TPaintBox) Font() *TFont
- func (p *TPaintBox) Free()
- func (p *TPaintBox) GetHashCode() int32
- func (p *TPaintBox) GetNamePath() string
- func (p *TPaintBox) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (p *TPaintBox) HasParent() bool
- func (p *TPaintBox) Height() int32
- func (p *TPaintBox) Hide()
- func (p *TPaintBox) Hint() string
- func (p *TPaintBox) Instance() uintptr
- func (p *TPaintBox) Invalidate()
- func (p *TPaintBox) IsValid() bool
- func (p *TPaintBox) Left() int32
- func (p *TPaintBox) Margins() *TMargins
- func (p *TPaintBox) Name() string
- func (p *TPaintBox) Owner() *TComponent
- func (p *TPaintBox) Parent() *TControl
- func (p *TPaintBox) ParentColor() bool
- func (p *TPaintBox) ParentFont() bool
- func (p *TPaintBox) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (p *TPaintBox) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (p *TPaintBox) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (p *TPaintBox) Refresh()
- func (p *TPaintBox) Repaint()
- func (p *TPaintBox) SendToBack()
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetHint(value string)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetName(value string)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetOnPaint(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetTag(value int)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetTop(value int32)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (p *TPaintBox) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (p *TPaintBox) Show()
- func (p *TPaintBox) ShowHint() bool
- func (p *TPaintBox) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (p *TPaintBox) Tag() int
- func (p *TPaintBox) ToString() string
- func (p *TPaintBox) Top() int32
- func (p *TPaintBox) Update()
- func (p *TPaintBox) Visible() bool
- func (p *TPaintBox) Width() int32
- type TPanel
- func (p *TPanel) Action() *TAction
- func (p *TPanel) Align() TAlign
- func (p *TPanel) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (p *TPanel) Alignment() TAlignment
- func (p *TPanel) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (p *TPanel) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (p *TPanel) AutoSize() bool
- func (p *TPanel) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
- func (p *TPanel) BevelInner() TBevelCut
- func (p *TPanel) BevelKind() TBevelKind
- func (p *TPanel) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
- func (p *TPanel) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (p *TPanel) BorderStyle() TBorderStyle
- func (p *TPanel) BorderWidth() int32
- func (p *TPanel) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (p *TPanel) BringToFront()
- func (p *TPanel) Brush() *TBrush
- func (p *TPanel) CanFocus() bool
- func (p *TPanel) Caption() string
- func (p *TPanel) ClassName() string
- func (p *TPanel) ClientHeight() int32
- func (p *TPanel) ClientRect() TRect
- func (p *TPanel) ClientWidth() int32
- func (p *TPanel) Color() TColor
- func (p *TPanel) ComponentCount() int32
- func (p *TPanel) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (p *TPanel) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (p *TPanel) ControlCount() int32
- func (p *TPanel) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (p *TPanel) Cursor() TCursor
- func (p *TPanel) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (p *TPanel) Enabled() bool
- func (p *TPanel) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (p *TPanel) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (p *TPanel) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (p *TPanel) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (p *TPanel) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (p *TPanel) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (p *TPanel) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (p *TPanel) Focused() bool
- func (p *TPanel) Font() *TFont
- func (p *TPanel) Free()
- func (p *TPanel) FullRepaint() bool
- func (p *TPanel) GetHashCode() int32
- func (p *TPanel) GetNamePath() string
- func (p *TPanel) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (p *TPanel) Handle() HWND
- func (p *TPanel) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (p *TPanel) HasParent() bool
- func (p *TPanel) Height() int32
- func (p *TPanel) Hide()
- func (p *TPanel) Hint() string
- func (p *TPanel) Instance() uintptr
- func (p *TPanel) Invalidate()
- func (p *TPanel) IsValid() bool
- func (p *TPanel) Left() int32
- func (p *TPanel) Locked() bool
- func (p *TPanel) Margins() *TMargins
- func (p *TPanel) Name() string
- func (p *TPanel) Owner() *TComponent
- func (p *TPanel) Parent() *TControl
- func (p *TPanel) ParentBackground() bool
- func (p *TPanel) ParentColor() bool
- func (p *TPanel) ParentCtl3D() bool
- func (p *TPanel) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (p *TPanel) ParentFont() bool
- func (p *TPanel) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (p *TPanel) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (p *TPanel) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (p *TPanel) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (p *TPanel) Realign()
- func (p *TPanel) Refresh()
- func (p *TPanel) Repaint()
- func (p *TPanel) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (p *TPanel) SendToBack()
- func (p *TPanel) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (p *TPanel) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (p *TPanel) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (p *TPanel) SetAlignment(value TAlignment)
- func (p *TPanel) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (p *TPanel) SetAutoSize(value bool)
- func (p *TPanel) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
- func (p *TPanel) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
- func (p *TPanel) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
- func (p *TPanel) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
- func (p *TPanel) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (p *TPanel) SetBorderStyle(value TBorderStyle)
- func (p *TPanel) SetBorderWidth(value int32)
- func (p *TPanel) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (p *TPanel) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (p *TPanel) SetCaption(value string)
- func (p *TPanel) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (p *TPanel) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (p *TPanel) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (p *TPanel) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (p *TPanel) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (p *TPanel) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (p *TPanel) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (p *TPanel) SetFocus()
- func (p *TPanel) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (p *TPanel) SetFullRepaint(value bool)
- func (p *TPanel) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (p *TPanel) SetHint(value string)
- func (p *TPanel) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (p *TPanel) SetLocked(value bool)
- func (p *TPanel) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (p *TPanel) SetName(value string)
- func (p *TPanel) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPanel) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPanel) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPanel) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPanel) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (p *TPanel) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPanel) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPanel) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (p *TPanel) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (p *TPanel) SetOnResize(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPanel) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (p *TPanel) SetParentBackground(value bool)
- func (p *TPanel) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (p *TPanel) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
- func (p *TPanel) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (p *TPanel) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (p *TPanel) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (p *TPanel) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (p *TPanel) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (p *TPanel) SetShowCaption(value bool)
- func (p *TPanel) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (p *TPanel) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (p *TPanel) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (p *TPanel) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (p *TPanel) SetTag(value int)
- func (p *TPanel) SetTop(value int32)
- func (p *TPanel) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (p *TPanel) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (p *TPanel) Show()
- func (p *TPanel) ShowCaption() bool
- func (p *TPanel) ShowHint() bool
- func (p *TPanel) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (p *TPanel) TabOrder() uint16
- func (p *TPanel) TabStop() bool
- func (p *TPanel) Tag() int
- func (p *TPanel) ToString() string
- func (p *TPanel) Top() int32
- func (p *TPanel) Update()
- func (p *TPanel) Visible() bool
- func (p *TPanel) Width() int32
- type TParaAttributes
- func (p *TParaAttributes) Alignment() TAlignment
- func (p *TParaAttributes) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (p *TParaAttributes) ClassName() string
- func (p *TParaAttributes) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (p *TParaAttributes) FirstIndent() int32
- func (p *TParaAttributes) GetHashCode() int32
- func (p *TParaAttributes) GetNamePath() string
- func (p *TParaAttributes) Instance() uintptr
- func (p *TParaAttributes) IsValid() bool
- func (p *TParaAttributes) LeftIndent() int32
- func (p *TParaAttributes) Numbering() TNumberingStyle
- func (p *TParaAttributes) RightIndent() int32
- func (p *TParaAttributes) SetAlignment(value TAlignment)
- func (p *TParaAttributes) SetFirstIndent(value int32)
- func (p *TParaAttributes) SetLeftIndent(value int32)
- func (p *TParaAttributes) SetNumbering(value TNumberingStyle)
- func (p *TParaAttributes) SetRightIndent(value int32)
- func (p *TParaAttributes) SetTab(Index uint8, value int32)
- func (p *TParaAttributes) SetTabCount(value int32)
- func (p *TParaAttributes) Tab(Index uint8) int32
- func (p *TParaAttributes) TabCount() int32
- func (p *TParaAttributes) ToString() string
- type TPen
- func (p *TPen) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (p *TPen) ClassName() string
- func (p *TPen) Color() TColor
- func (p *TPen) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (p *TPen) Free()
- func (p *TPen) GetHashCode() int32
- func (p *TPen) GetNamePath() string
- func (p *TPen) Handle() HPEN
- func (p *TPen) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (p *TPen) Instance() uintptr
- func (p *TPen) IsValid() bool
- func (p *TPen) Mode() TPenMode
- func (p *TPen) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (p *TPen) SetHandle(value HPEN)
- func (p *TPen) SetMode(value TPenMode)
- func (p *TPen) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPen) SetStyle(value TPenStyle)
- func (p *TPen) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (p *TPen) Style() TPenStyle
- func (p *TPen) ToString() string
- func (p *TPen) Width() int32
- type TPicture
- func (p *TPicture) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (p *TPicture) Bitmap() *TBitmap
- func (p *TPicture) ClassName() string
- func (p *TPicture) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (p *TPicture) Free()
- func (p *TPicture) GetHashCode() int32
- func (p *TPicture) GetNamePath() string
- func (p *TPicture) Graphic() *TGraphic
- func (p *TPicture) Height() int32
- func (p *TPicture) Icon() *TIcon
- func (p *TPicture) Instance() uintptr
- func (p *TPicture) IsValid() bool
- func (p *TPicture) LoadFromFile(Filename string)
- func (p *TPicture) LoadFromStream(Stream IObject)
- func (p *TPicture) SaveToFile(Filename string)
- func (p *TPicture) SaveToStream(Stream IObject)
- func (p *TPicture) SetBitmap(value *TBitmap)
- func (p *TPicture) SetGraphic(value *TGraphic)
- func (p *TPicture) SetIcon(value *TIcon)
- func (p *TPicture) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPicture) ToString() string
- func (p *TPicture) Width() int32
- type TPngImage
- func (p *TPngImage) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (p *TPngImage) Canvas() *TCanvas
- func (p *TPngImage) ClassName() string
- func (p *TPngImage) CompressionLevel() TCompressionLevel
- func (p *TPngImage) Empty() bool
- func (p *TPngImage) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (p *TPngImage) Free()
- func (p *TPngImage) GetHashCode() int32
- func (p *TPngImage) GetNamePath() string
- func (p *TPngImage) Height() int32
- func (p *TPngImage) Instance() uintptr
- func (p *TPngImage) IsValid() bool
- func (p *TPngImage) LoadFromFile(Filename string)
- func (p *TPngImage) LoadFromResourceID(Instance uintptr, ResID int32)
- func (p *TPngImage) LoadFromResourceName(Instance uintptr, Name string)
- func (p *TPngImage) LoadFromStream(Stream IObject)
- func (p *TPngImage) MaxIdatSize() int32
- func (p *TPngImage) Modified() bool
- func (p *TPngImage) PaletteModified() bool
- func (p *TPngImage) SaveToFile(Filename string)
- func (p *TPngImage) SaveToStream(Stream IObject)
- func (p *TPngImage) SetCompressionLevel(value TCompressionLevel)
- func (p *TPngImage) SetMaxIdatSize(value int32)
- func (p *TPngImage) SetModified(value bool)
- func (p *TPngImage) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPngImage) SetPaletteModified(value bool)
- func (p *TPngImage) SetSize(AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (p *TPngImage) SetTransparent(value bool)
- func (p *TPngImage) SetTransparentColor(value TColor)
- func (p *TPngImage) ToString() string
- func (p *TPngImage) Transparent() bool
- func (p *TPngImage) TransparentColor() TColor
- func (p *TPngImage) Version() string
- func (p *TPngImage) Width() int32
- type TPopupMenu
- func (p *TPopupMenu) Alignment() TPopupAlignment
- func (p *TPopupMenu) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (p *TPopupMenu) AutoHotkeys() TMenuAutoFlag
- func (p *TPopupMenu) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (p *TPopupMenu) ClassName() string
- func (p *TPopupMenu) CloseMenu()
- func (p *TPopupMenu) ComponentCount() int32
- func (p *TPopupMenu) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (p *TPopupMenu) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (p *TPopupMenu) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (p *TPopupMenu) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (p *TPopupMenu) Free()
- func (p *TPopupMenu) GetHashCode() int32
- func (p *TPopupMenu) GetNamePath() string
- func (p *TPopupMenu) Handle() HMENU
- func (p *TPopupMenu) HasParent() bool
- func (p *TPopupMenu) Images() *TImageList
- func (p *TPopupMenu) Instance() uintptr
- func (p *TPopupMenu) IsValid() bool
- func (p *TPopupMenu) Items() *TMenuItem
- func (p *TPopupMenu) Name() string
- func (p *TPopupMenu) Owner() *TComponent
- func (p *TPopupMenu) Popup(X int32, Y int32)
- func (p *TPopupMenu) SetAlignment(value TPopupAlignment)
- func (p *TPopupMenu) SetAutoHotkeys(value TMenuAutoFlag)
- func (p *TPopupMenu) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (p *TPopupMenu) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (p *TPopupMenu) SetImages(value IComponent)
- func (p *TPopupMenu) SetName(value string)
- func (p *TPopupMenu) SetOnChange(fn TMenuChangeEvent)
- func (p *TPopupMenu) SetOnPopup(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPopupMenu) SetTag(value int)
- func (p *TPopupMenu) SetWindowHandle(value HWND)
- func (p *TPopupMenu) Tag() int
- func (p *TPopupMenu) ToString() string
- func (p *TPopupMenu) WindowHandle() HWND
- type TPrintDialog
- func (p *TPrintDialog) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (p *TPrintDialog) ClassName() string
- func (p *TPrintDialog) Collate() bool
- func (p *TPrintDialog) ComponentCount() int32
- func (p *TPrintDialog) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (p *TPrintDialog) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (p *TPrintDialog) Copies() int32
- func (p *TPrintDialog) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (p *TPrintDialog) Execute(ParentWnd HWND) bool
- func (p *TPrintDialog) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (p *TPrintDialog) Free()
- func (p *TPrintDialog) FromPage() int32
- func (p *TPrintDialog) GetHashCode() int32
- func (p *TPrintDialog) GetNamePath() string
- func (p *TPrintDialog) Handle() HWND
- func (p *TPrintDialog) HasParent() bool
- func (p *TPrintDialog) Instance() uintptr
- func (p *TPrintDialog) IsValid() bool
- func (p *TPrintDialog) MaxPage() int32
- func (p *TPrintDialog) MinPage() int32
- func (p *TPrintDialog) Name() string
- func (p *TPrintDialog) Options() TPrintDialogOptions
- func (p *TPrintDialog) Owner() *TComponent
- func (p *TPrintDialog) PrintRange() TPrintRange
- func (p *TPrintDialog) PrintToFile() bool
- func (p *TPrintDialog) SetCollate(value bool)
- func (p *TPrintDialog) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (p *TPrintDialog) SetCopies(value int32)
- func (p *TPrintDialog) SetFromPage(value int32)
- func (p *TPrintDialog) SetMaxPage(value int32)
- func (p *TPrintDialog) SetMinPage(value int32)
- func (p *TPrintDialog) SetName(value string)
- func (p *TPrintDialog) SetOnClose(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPrintDialog) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TPrintDialog) SetOptions(value TPrintDialogOptions)
- func (p *TPrintDialog) SetPrintRange(value TPrintRange)
- func (p *TPrintDialog) SetPrintToFile(value bool)
- func (p *TPrintDialog) SetTag(value int)
- func (p *TPrintDialog) SetToPage(value int32)
- func (p *TPrintDialog) Tag() int
- func (p *TPrintDialog) ToPage() int32
- func (p *TPrintDialog) ToString() string
- type TProgressBar
- func (p *TProgressBar) Action() *TAction
- func (p *TProgressBar) Align() TAlign
- func (p *TProgressBar) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (p *TProgressBar) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (p *TProgressBar) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (p *TProgressBar) BackgroundColor() TColor
- func (p *TProgressBar) BarColor() TColor
- func (p *TProgressBar) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (p *TProgressBar) BorderWidth() int32
- func (p *TProgressBar) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (p *TProgressBar) BringToFront()
- func (p *TProgressBar) Brush() *TBrush
- func (p *TProgressBar) CanFocus() bool
- func (p *TProgressBar) ClassName() string
- func (p *TProgressBar) ClientHeight() int32
- func (p *TProgressBar) ClientRect() TRect
- func (p *TProgressBar) ClientWidth() int32
- func (p *TProgressBar) ComponentCount() int32
- func (p *TProgressBar) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (p *TProgressBar) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (p *TProgressBar) ControlCount() int32
- func (p *TProgressBar) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (p *TProgressBar) Cursor() TCursor
- func (p *TProgressBar) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (p *TProgressBar) Enabled() bool
- func (p *TProgressBar) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (p *TProgressBar) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (p *TProgressBar) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (p *TProgressBar) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (p *TProgressBar) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (p *TProgressBar) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (p *TProgressBar) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (p *TProgressBar) Focused() bool
- func (p *TProgressBar) Free()
- func (p *TProgressBar) GetHashCode() int32
- func (p *TProgressBar) GetNamePath() string
- func (p *TProgressBar) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (p *TProgressBar) Handle() HWND
- func (p *TProgressBar) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (p *TProgressBar) HasParent() bool
- func (p *TProgressBar) Height() int32
- func (p *TProgressBar) Hide()
- func (p *TProgressBar) Hint() string
- func (p *TProgressBar) Instance() uintptr
- func (p *TProgressBar) Invalidate()
- func (p *TProgressBar) IsValid() bool
- func (p *TProgressBar) Left() int32
- func (p *TProgressBar) Margins() *TMargins
- func (p *TProgressBar) MarqueeInterval() int32
- func (p *TProgressBar) Max() int32
- func (p *TProgressBar) Min() int32
- func (p *TProgressBar) Name() string
- func (p *TProgressBar) Orientation() TProgressBarOrientation
- func (p *TProgressBar) Owner() *TComponent
- func (p *TProgressBar) Parent() *TControl
- func (p *TProgressBar) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (p *TProgressBar) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (p *TProgressBar) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (p *TProgressBar) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (p *TProgressBar) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (p *TProgressBar) Position() int32
- func (p *TProgressBar) Realign()
- func (p *TProgressBar) Refresh()
- func (p *TProgressBar) Repaint()
- func (p *TProgressBar) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SendToBack()
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetBackgroundColor(value TColor)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetBarColor(value TColor)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetBorderWidth(value int32)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetFocus()
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetHint(value string)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetMarqueeInterval(value int32)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetMax(value int32)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetMin(value int32)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetName(value string)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetOrientation(value TProgressBarOrientation)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetPosition(value int32)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetSmooth(value bool)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetSmoothReverse(value bool)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetState(value TProgressBarState)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetStep(value int32)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetStyle(value TProgressBarStyle)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetTag(value int)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetTop(value int32)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (p *TProgressBar) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (p *TProgressBar) Show()
- func (p *TProgressBar) ShowHint() bool
- func (p *TProgressBar) Smooth() bool
- func (p *TProgressBar) SmoothReverse() bool
- func (p *TProgressBar) State() TProgressBarState
- func (p *TProgressBar) Step() int32
- func (p *TProgressBar) StepBy(Delta int32)
- func (p *TProgressBar) StepIt()
- func (p *TProgressBar) Style() TProgressBarStyle
- func (p *TProgressBar) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (p *TProgressBar) TabOrder() uint16
- func (p *TProgressBar) TabStop() bool
- func (p *TProgressBar) Tag() int
- func (p *TProgressBar) ToString() string
- func (p *TProgressBar) Top() int32
- func (p *TProgressBar) Update()
- func (p *TProgressBar) Visible() bool
- func (p *TProgressBar) Width() int32
- type TRadioButton
- func (r *TRadioButton) Action() *TAction
- func (r *TRadioButton) Align() TAlign
- func (r *TRadioButton) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (r *TRadioButton) Alignment() TLeftRight
- func (r *TRadioButton) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (r *TRadioButton) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (r *TRadioButton) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (r *TRadioButton) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (r *TRadioButton) BringToFront()
- func (r *TRadioButton) Brush() *TBrush
- func (r *TRadioButton) CanFocus() bool
- func (r *TRadioButton) Caption() string
- func (r *TRadioButton) Checked() bool
- func (r *TRadioButton) ClassName() string
- func (r *TRadioButton) ClientHeight() int32
- func (r *TRadioButton) ClientRect() TRect
- func (r *TRadioButton) ClientWidth() int32
- func (r *TRadioButton) Color() TColor
- func (r *TRadioButton) ComponentCount() int32
- func (r *TRadioButton) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (r *TRadioButton) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (r *TRadioButton) ControlCount() int32
- func (r *TRadioButton) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (r *TRadioButton) Cursor() TCursor
- func (r *TRadioButton) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (r *TRadioButton) Enabled() bool
- func (r *TRadioButton) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (r *TRadioButton) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (r *TRadioButton) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (r *TRadioButton) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (r *TRadioButton) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (r *TRadioButton) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (r *TRadioButton) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (r *TRadioButton) Focused() bool
- func (r *TRadioButton) Font() *TFont
- func (r *TRadioButton) Free()
- func (r *TRadioButton) GetHashCode() int32
- func (r *TRadioButton) GetNamePath() string
- func (r *TRadioButton) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (r *TRadioButton) Handle() HWND
- func (r *TRadioButton) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (r *TRadioButton) HasParent() bool
- func (r *TRadioButton) Height() int32
- func (r *TRadioButton) Hide()
- func (r *TRadioButton) Hint() string
- func (r *TRadioButton) Instance() uintptr
- func (r *TRadioButton) Invalidate()
- func (r *TRadioButton) IsValid() bool
- func (r *TRadioButton) Left() int32
- func (r *TRadioButton) Margins() *TMargins
- func (r *TRadioButton) Name() string
- func (r *TRadioButton) Owner() *TComponent
- func (r *TRadioButton) Parent() *TControl
- func (r *TRadioButton) ParentColor() bool
- func (r *TRadioButton) ParentCtl3D() bool
- func (r *TRadioButton) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (r *TRadioButton) ParentFont() bool
- func (r *TRadioButton) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (r *TRadioButton) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (r *TRadioButton) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (r *TRadioButton) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (r *TRadioButton) Realign()
- func (r *TRadioButton) Refresh()
- func (r *TRadioButton) Repaint()
- func (r *TRadioButton) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SendToBack()
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetAlignment(value TLeftRight)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetCaption(value string)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetChecked(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetFocus()
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetHint(value string)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetName(value string)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetTag(value int)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetTop(value int32)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (r *TRadioButton) SetWordWrap(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioButton) Show()
- func (r *TRadioButton) ShowHint() bool
- func (r *TRadioButton) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (r *TRadioButton) TabOrder() uint16
- func (r *TRadioButton) TabStop() bool
- func (r *TRadioButton) Tag() int
- func (r *TRadioButton) ToString() string
- func (r *TRadioButton) Top() int32
- func (r *TRadioButton) Update()
- func (r *TRadioButton) Visible() bool
- func (r *TRadioButton) Width() int32
- func (r *TRadioButton) WordWrap() bool
- type TRadioGroup
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Action() *TAction
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Align() TAlign
- func (r *TRadioGroup) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (r *TRadioGroup) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (r *TRadioGroup) BringToFront()
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Brush() *TBrush
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Buttons(Index int32) *TRadioButton
- func (r *TRadioGroup) CanFocus() bool
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Caption() string
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ClassName() string
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ClientHeight() int32
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ClientRect() TRect
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ClientWidth() int32
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Color() TColor
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Columns() int32
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ComponentCount() int32
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ControlCount() int32
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Cursor() TCursor
- func (r *TRadioGroup) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Enabled() bool
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (r *TRadioGroup) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (r *TRadioGroup) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Focused() bool
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Font() *TFont
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Free()
- func (r *TRadioGroup) GetHashCode() int32
- func (r *TRadioGroup) GetNamePath() string
- func (r *TRadioGroup) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Handle() HWND
- func (r *TRadioGroup) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (r *TRadioGroup) HasParent() bool
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Height() int32
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Hide()
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Hint() string
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Instance() uintptr
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Invalidate()
- func (r *TRadioGroup) IsValid() bool
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ItemIndex() int32
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Items() *TStrings
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Left() int32
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Margins() *TMargins
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Name() string
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Owner() *TComponent
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Parent() *TControl
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ParentBackground() bool
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ParentColor() bool
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ParentCtl3D() bool
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ParentFont() bool
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (r *TRadioGroup) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Realign()
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Refresh()
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Repaint()
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SendToBack()
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetCaption(value string)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetColumns(value int32)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetFocus()
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetHint(value string)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetItemIndex(value int32)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetItems(value IObject)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetName(value string)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetParentBackground(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetTag(value int)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetTop(value int32)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) SetWordWrap(value bool)
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Show()
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ShowHint() bool
- func (r *TRadioGroup) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (r *TRadioGroup) TabOrder() uint16
- func (r *TRadioGroup) TabStop() bool
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Tag() int
- func (r *TRadioGroup) ToString() string
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Top() int32
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Update()
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Visible() bool
- func (r *TRadioGroup) Width() int32
- func (r *TRadioGroup) WordWrap() bool
- type TRegistry
- func (r *TRegistry) Access() uint32
- func (r *TRegistry) ClassName() string
- func (r *TRegistry) CloseKey()
- func (r *TRegistry) CreateKey(Key string) bool
- func (r *TRegistry) CurrentKey() HKEY
- func (r *TRegistry) CurrentPath() string
- func (r *TRegistry) DeleteKey(Key string) bool
- func (r *TRegistry) DeleteValue(Name string) bool
- func (r *TRegistry) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (r *TRegistry) Free()
- func (r *TRegistry) GetHashCode() int32
- func (r *TRegistry) HasSubKeys() bool
- func (r *TRegistry) Instance() uintptr
- func (r *TRegistry) IsValid() bool
- func (r *TRegistry) KeyExists(Key string) bool
- func (r *TRegistry) LastError() int32
- func (r *TRegistry) LastErrorMsg() string
- func (r *TRegistry) LazyWrite() bool
- func (r *TRegistry) LoadKey(Key string, FileName string) bool
- func (r *TRegistry) MoveKey(OldName string, NewName string, Delete bool)
- func (r *TRegistry) OpenKey(Key string, CanCreate bool) bool
- func (r *TRegistry) OpenKeyReadOnly(Key string) bool
- func (r *TRegistry) ReadBool(Name string) bool
- func (r *TRegistry) ReadDate(Name string) time.Time
- func (r *TRegistry) ReadDateTime(Name string) time.Time
- func (r *TRegistry) ReadFloat(Name string) float64
- func (r *TRegistry) ReadInteger(Name string) int32
- func (r *TRegistry) ReadString(Name string) string
- func (r *TRegistry) ReadTime(Name string) time.Time
- func (r *TRegistry) RegistryConnect(UNCName string) bool
- func (r *TRegistry) RenameValue(OldName string, NewName string)
- func (r *TRegistry) ReplaceKey(Key string, FileName string, BackUpFileName string) bool
- func (r *TRegistry) RestoreKey(Key string, FileName string) bool
- func (r *TRegistry) RootKey() HKEY
- func (r *TRegistry) RootKeyName() string
- func (r *TRegistry) SaveKey(Key string, FileName string) bool
- func (r *TRegistry) SetAccess(value uint32)
- func (r *TRegistry) SetLazyWrite(value bool)
- func (r *TRegistry) SetRootKey(value HKEY)
- func (r *TRegistry) ToString() string
- func (r *TRegistry) UnLoadKey(Key string) bool
- func (r *TRegistry) ValueExists(Name string) bool
- func (r *TRegistry) WriteBool(Name string, Value bool)
- func (r *TRegistry) WriteDate(Name string, Value time.Time)
- func (r *TRegistry) WriteDateTime(Name string, Value time.Time)
- func (r *TRegistry) WriteExpandString(Name string, Value string)
- func (r *TRegistry) WriteFloat(Name string, Value float64)
- func (r *TRegistry) WriteInteger(Name string, Value int32)
- func (r *TRegistry) WriteString(Name string, Value string)
- func (r *TRegistry) WriteTime(Name string, Value time.Time)
- type TRichEdit
- func (r *TRichEdit) Action() *TAction
- func (r *TRichEdit) ActiveLineNo() uint32
- func (r *TRichEdit) Align() TAlign
- func (r *TRichEdit) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) Alignment() TAlignment
- func (r *TRichEdit) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (r *TRichEdit) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (r *TRichEdit) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
- func (r *TRichEdit) BevelInner() TBevelCut
- func (r *TRichEdit) BevelKind() TBevelKind
- func (r *TRichEdit) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
- func (r *TRichEdit) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (r *TRichEdit) BorderStyle() TBorderStyle
- func (r *TRichEdit) BorderWidth() int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (r *TRichEdit) BringToFront()
- func (r *TRichEdit) Brush() *TBrush
- func (r *TRichEdit) CanFocus() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) CaretPos() TPoint
- func (r *TRichEdit) ClassName() string
- func (r *TRichEdit) Clear()
- func (r *TRichEdit) ClearSelection()
- func (r *TRichEdit) ClientHeight() int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) ClientRect() TRect
- func (r *TRichEdit) ClientWidth() int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) Color() TColor
- func (r *TRichEdit) ComponentCount() int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (r *TRichEdit) ControlCount() int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (r *TRichEdit) CopyToClipboard()
- func (r *TRichEdit) Cursor() TCursor
- func (r *TRichEdit) CutToClipboard()
- func (r *TRichEdit) DefAttributes() *TTextAttributes
- func (r *TRichEdit) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) Enabled() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (r *TRichEdit) FindText(SearchStr string, StartPos int32, Length int32, Options TSearchTypes) int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (r *TRichEdit) Focused() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) Font() *TFont
- func (r *TRichEdit) Free()
- func (r *TRichEdit) GetHashCode() int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) GetNamePath() string
- func (r *TRichEdit) GetSelTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) Handle() HWND
- func (r *TRichEdit) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) HasParent() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) Height() int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) Hide()
- func (r *TRichEdit) HideScrollBars() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) HideSelection() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) Hint() string
- func (r *TRichEdit) Instance() uintptr
- func (r *TRichEdit) Invalidate()
- func (r *TRichEdit) IsValid() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) Left() int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) Lines() *TStrings
- func (r *TRichEdit) Margins() *TMargins
- func (r *TRichEdit) MaxLength() int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) Modified() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) Name() string
- func (r *TRichEdit) Owner() *TComponent
- func (r *TRichEdit) PageRect() TRect
- func (r *TRichEdit) Paragraph() *TParaAttributes
- func (r *TRichEdit) Parent() *TControl
- func (r *TRichEdit) ParentColor() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) ParentCtl3D() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) ParentFont() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (r *TRichEdit) PasteFromClipboard()
- func (r *TRichEdit) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (r *TRichEdit) PlainText() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (r *TRichEdit) Print(Caption string)
- func (r *TRichEdit) ReadOnly() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) Realign()
- func (r *TRichEdit) Refresh()
- func (r *TRichEdit) Repaint()
- func (r *TRichEdit) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (r *TRichEdit) ScrollBars() TScrollStyle
- func (r *TRichEdit) SelAttributes() *TTextAttributes
- func (r *TRichEdit) SelLength() int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) SelStart() int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) SelText() string
- func (r *TRichEdit) SelectAll()
- func (r *TRichEdit) SendToBack()
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetAlignment(value TAlignment)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetBorderStyle(value TBorderStyle)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetBorderWidth(value int32)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetCaretPos(value TPoint)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetDefAttributes(value *TTextAttributes)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetFocus()
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetHideScrollBars(value bool)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetHideSelection(value bool)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetHint(value string)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetLines(value IObject)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetMaxLength(value int32)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetModified(value bool)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetName(value string)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnMouseWheel(fn TMouseWheelEvent)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetPageRect(value TRect)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetPlainText(value bool)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetReadOnly(value bool)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetScrollBars(value TScrollStyle)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetSelAttributes(value *TTextAttributes)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetSelLength(value int32)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetSelStart(value int32)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetSelText(value string)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetTag(value int)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetText(value string)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetTextHint(value string)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetTop(value int32)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetWantReturns(value bool)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetWantTabs(value bool)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetWordWrap(value bool)
- func (r *TRichEdit) SetZoom(value int32)
- func (r *TRichEdit) Show()
- func (r *TRichEdit) ShowHint() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (r *TRichEdit) TabOrder() uint16
- func (r *TRichEdit) TabStop() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) Tag() int
- func (r *TRichEdit) Text() string
- func (r *TRichEdit) TextHint() string
- func (r *TRichEdit) ToString() string
- func (r *TRichEdit) Top() int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) Update()
- func (r *TRichEdit) Visible() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) WantReturns() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) WantTabs() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) Width() int32
- func (r *TRichEdit) WordWrap() bool
- func (r *TRichEdit) Zoom() int32
- type TSaveDialog
- func (s *TSaveDialog) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (s *TSaveDialog) ClassName() string
- func (s *TSaveDialog) ComponentCount() int32
- func (s *TSaveDialog) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (s *TSaveDialog) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (s *TSaveDialog) DefaultExt() string
- func (s *TSaveDialog) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (s *TSaveDialog) Execute(ParentWnd HWND) bool
- func (s *TSaveDialog) FileName() string
- func (s *TSaveDialog) Files() *TStrings
- func (s *TSaveDialog) Filter() string
- func (s *TSaveDialog) FilterIndex() int32
- func (s *TSaveDialog) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (s *TSaveDialog) Free()
- func (s *TSaveDialog) GetHashCode() int32
- func (s *TSaveDialog) GetNamePath() string
- func (s *TSaveDialog) Handle() HWND
- func (s *TSaveDialog) HasParent() bool
- func (s *TSaveDialog) InitialDir() string
- func (s *TSaveDialog) Instance() uintptr
- func (s *TSaveDialog) IsValid() bool
- func (s *TSaveDialog) Name() string
- func (s *TSaveDialog) Options() TOpenOptions
- func (s *TSaveDialog) OptionsEx() TOpenOptionsEx
- func (s *TSaveDialog) Owner() *TComponent
- func (s *TSaveDialog) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (s *TSaveDialog) SetDefaultExt(value string)
- func (s *TSaveDialog) SetFileName(value string)
- func (s *TSaveDialog) SetFilter(value string)
- func (s *TSaveDialog) SetFilterIndex(value int32)
- func (s *TSaveDialog) SetInitialDir(value string)
- func (s *TSaveDialog) SetName(value string)
- func (s *TSaveDialog) SetOnClose(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TSaveDialog) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TSaveDialog) SetOptions(value TOpenOptions)
- func (s *TSaveDialog) SetOptionsEx(value TOpenOptionsEx)
- func (s *TSaveDialog) SetTag(value int)
- func (s *TSaveDialog) SetTitle(value string)
- func (s *TSaveDialog) Tag() int
- func (s *TSaveDialog) Title() string
- func (s *TSaveDialog) ToString() string
- type TSavePictureDialog
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) ClassName() string
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) ComponentCount() int32
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) DefaultExt() string
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Execute() bool
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) FileName() string
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Files() *TStrings
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Filter() string
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) FilterIndex() int32
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Free()
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) GetHashCode() int32
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) GetNamePath() string
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Handle() HWND
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) HasParent() bool
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) InitialDir() string
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Instance() uintptr
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) IsValid() bool
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Name() string
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Options() TOpenOptions
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) OptionsEx() TOpenOptionsEx
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Owner() *TComponent
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetDefaultExt(value string)
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetFileName(value string)
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetFilter(value string)
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetFilterIndex(value int32)
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetInitialDir(value string)
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetName(value string)
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetOnClose(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetOptions(value TOpenOptions)
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetOptionsEx(value TOpenOptionsEx)
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetTag(value int)
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetTitle(value string)
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Tag() int
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Title() string
- func (s *TSavePictureDialog) ToString() string
- type TSaveTextFileDialog
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) ClassName() string
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) ComponentCount() int32
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) DefaultExt() string
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Execute() bool
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) FileName() string
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Files() *TStrings
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Filter() string
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) FilterIndex() int32
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Free()
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) GetHashCode() int32
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) GetNamePath() string
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Handle() HWND
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) HasParent() bool
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) InitialDir() string
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Instance() uintptr
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) IsValid() bool
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Name() string
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Options() TOpenOptions
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) OptionsEx() TOpenOptionsEx
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Owner() *TComponent
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetDefaultExt(value string)
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetFileName(value string)
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetFilter(value string)
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetFilterIndex(value int32)
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetInitialDir(value string)
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetName(value string)
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetOnClose(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetOptions(value TOpenOptions)
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetOptionsEx(value TOpenOptionsEx)
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetTag(value int)
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetTitle(value string)
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Tag() int
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Title() string
- func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) ToString() string
- type TScreen
- func (s *TScreen) ActiveForm() *TForm
- func (s *TScreen) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (s *TScreen) ClassName() string
- func (s *TScreen) ComponentCount() int32
- func (s *TScreen) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (s *TScreen) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (s *TScreen) Cursor() TCursor
- func (s *TScreen) CursorCount() int32
- func (s *TScreen) Cursors(Index int32) HICON
- func (s *TScreen) CustomFormCount() int32
- func (s *TScreen) DefaultIme() string
- func (s *TScreen) DesktopHeight() int32
- func (s *TScreen) DesktopLeft() int32
- func (s *TScreen) DesktopRect() TRect
- func (s *TScreen) DesktopTop() int32
- func (s *TScreen) DesktopWidth() int32
- func (s *TScreen) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (s *TScreen) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (s *TScreen) FocusedForm() *TForm
- func (s *TScreen) Fonts() *TStrings
- func (s *TScreen) Forms(Index int32) *TForm
- func (s *TScreen) Free()
- func (s *TScreen) GetHashCode() int32
- func (s *TScreen) GetNamePath() string
- func (s *TScreen) HasParent() bool
- func (s *TScreen) Height() int32
- func (s *TScreen) Imes() *TStrings
- func (s *TScreen) Instance() uintptr
- func (s *TScreen) IsValid() bool
- func (s *TScreen) MonitorCount() int32
- func (s *TScreen) Monitors(Index int32) *TMonitor
- func (s *TScreen) Name() string
- func (s *TScreen) Owner() *TComponent
- func (s *TScreen) PixelsPerInch() int32
- func (s *TScreen) PrimaryMonitor() *TMonitor
- func (s *TScreen) Realign()
- func (s *TScreen) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (s *TScreen) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (s *TScreen) SetCursors(Index int32, value HICON)
- func (s *TScreen) SetFocusedForm(value IControl)
- func (s *TScreen) SetName(value string)
- func (s *TScreen) SetTag(value int)
- func (s *TScreen) Tag() int
- func (s *TScreen) ToString() string
- func (s *TScreen) Width() int32
- func (s *TScreen) WorkAreaHeight() int32
- func (s *TScreen) WorkAreaLeft() int32
- func (s *TScreen) WorkAreaRect() TRect
- func (s *TScreen) WorkAreaTop() int32
- func (s *TScreen) WorkAreaWidth() int32
- type TSpeedButton
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Action() *TAction
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Align() TAlign
- func (s *TSpeedButton) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (s *TSpeedButton) AllowAllUp() bool
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (s *TSpeedButton) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (s *TSpeedButton) BringToFront()
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Caption() string
- func (s *TSpeedButton) ClassName() string
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Click()
- func (s *TSpeedButton) ClientHeight() int32
- func (s *TSpeedButton) ClientRect() TRect
- func (s *TSpeedButton) ClientWidth() int32
- func (s *TSpeedButton) ComponentCount() int32
- func (s *TSpeedButton) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Cursor() TCursor
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Down() bool
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Enabled() bool
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (s *TSpeedButton) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (s *TSpeedButton) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (s *TSpeedButton) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (s *TSpeedButton) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (s *TSpeedButton) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Flat() bool
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Font() *TFont
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Free()
- func (s *TSpeedButton) GetHashCode() int32
- func (s *TSpeedButton) GetNamePath() string
- func (s *TSpeedButton) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (s *TSpeedButton) GroupIndex() int32
- func (s *TSpeedButton) HasParent() bool
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Height() int32
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Hide()
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Hint() string
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Instance() uintptr
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Invalidate()
- func (s *TSpeedButton) IsValid() bool
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Layout() TButtonLayout
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Left() int32
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Margins() *TMargins
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Name() string
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Owner() *TComponent
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Parent() *TControl
- func (s *TSpeedButton) ParentFont() bool
- func (s *TSpeedButton) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (s *TSpeedButton) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Refresh()
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Repaint()
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SendToBack()
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetAllowAllUp(value bool)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetCaption(value string)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetDown(value bool)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetFlat(value bool)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetGroupIndex(value int32)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetHint(value string)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetLayout(value TButtonLayout)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetName(value string)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetTag(value int)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetTop(value int32)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetTransparent(value bool)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Show()
- func (s *TSpeedButton) ShowHint() bool
- func (s *TSpeedButton) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Tag() int
- func (s *TSpeedButton) ToString() string
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Top() int32
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Transparent() bool
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Update()
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Visible() bool
- func (s *TSpeedButton) Width() int32
- type TSplitter
- func (s *TSplitter) Action() *TAction
- func (s *TSplitter) Align() TAlign
- func (s *TSplitter) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (s *TSplitter) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (s *TSplitter) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (s *TSplitter) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (s *TSplitter) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (s *TSplitter) BringToFront()
- func (s *TSplitter) Canvas() *TCanvas
- func (s *TSplitter) ClassName() string
- func (s *TSplitter) ClientHeight() int32
- func (s *TSplitter) ClientRect() TRect
- func (s *TSplitter) ClientWidth() int32
- func (s *TSplitter) Color() TColor
- func (s *TSplitter) ComponentCount() int32
- func (s *TSplitter) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (s *TSplitter) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (s *TSplitter) Cursor() TCursor
- func (s *TSplitter) Enabled() bool
- func (s *TSplitter) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (s *TSplitter) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (s *TSplitter) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (s *TSplitter) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (s *TSplitter) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (s *TSplitter) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (s *TSplitter) Free()
- func (s *TSplitter) GetHashCode() int32
- func (s *TSplitter) GetNamePath() string
- func (s *TSplitter) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (s *TSplitter) HasParent() bool
- func (s *TSplitter) Height() int32
- func (s *TSplitter) Hide()
- func (s *TSplitter) Hint() string
- func (s *TSplitter) Instance() uintptr
- func (s *TSplitter) Invalidate()
- func (s *TSplitter) IsValid() bool
- func (s *TSplitter) Left() int32
- func (s *TSplitter) Margins() *TMargins
- func (s *TSplitter) Name() string
- func (s *TSplitter) Owner() *TComponent
- func (s *TSplitter) Parent() *TControl
- func (s *TSplitter) ParentColor() bool
- func (s *TSplitter) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (s *TSplitter) Refresh()
- func (s *TSplitter) Repaint()
- func (s *TSplitter) SendToBack()
- func (s *TSplitter) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetHint(value string)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetName(value string)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetOnPaint(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetTag(value int)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetTop(value int32)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (s *TSplitter) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (s *TSplitter) Show()
- func (s *TSplitter) ShowHint() bool
- func (s *TSplitter) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (s *TSplitter) Tag() int
- func (s *TSplitter) ToString() string
- func (s *TSplitter) Top() int32
- func (s *TSplitter) Update()
- func (s *TSplitter) Visible() bool
- func (s *TSplitter) Width() int32
- type TStaticText
- func (s *TStaticText) Action() *TAction
- func (s *TStaticText) Align() TAlign
- func (s *TStaticText) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (s *TStaticText) Alignment() TAlignment
- func (s *TStaticText) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (s *TStaticText) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (s *TStaticText) AutoSize() bool
- func (s *TStaticText) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
- func (s *TStaticText) BevelInner() TBevelCut
- func (s *TStaticText) BevelKind() TBevelKind
- func (s *TStaticText) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
- func (s *TStaticText) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (s *TStaticText) BorderStyle() TStaticBorderStyle
- func (s *TStaticText) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (s *TStaticText) BringToFront()
- func (s *TStaticText) Brush() *TBrush
- func (s *TStaticText) CanFocus() bool
- func (s *TStaticText) Caption() string
- func (s *TStaticText) ClassName() string
- func (s *TStaticText) ClientHeight() int32
- func (s *TStaticText) ClientRect() TRect
- func (s *TStaticText) ClientWidth() int32
- func (s *TStaticText) Color() TColor
- func (s *TStaticText) ComponentCount() int32
- func (s *TStaticText) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (s *TStaticText) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (s *TStaticText) ControlCount() int32
- func (s *TStaticText) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (s *TStaticText) Cursor() TCursor
- func (s *TStaticText) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (s *TStaticText) Enabled() bool
- func (s *TStaticText) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (s *TStaticText) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (s *TStaticText) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (s *TStaticText) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (s *TStaticText) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (s *TStaticText) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (s *TStaticText) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (s *TStaticText) Focused() bool
- func (s *TStaticText) Font() *TFont
- func (s *TStaticText) Free()
- func (s *TStaticText) GetHashCode() int32
- func (s *TStaticText) GetNamePath() string
- func (s *TStaticText) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (s *TStaticText) Handle() HWND
- func (s *TStaticText) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (s *TStaticText) HasParent() bool
- func (s *TStaticText) Height() int32
- func (s *TStaticText) Hide()
- func (s *TStaticText) Hint() string
- func (s *TStaticText) Instance() uintptr
- func (s *TStaticText) Invalidate()
- func (s *TStaticText) IsValid() bool
- func (s *TStaticText) Left() int32
- func (s *TStaticText) Margins() *TMargins
- func (s *TStaticText) Name() string
- func (s *TStaticText) Owner() *TComponent
- func (s *TStaticText) Parent() *TControl
- func (s *TStaticText) ParentColor() bool
- func (s *TStaticText) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (s *TStaticText) ParentFont() bool
- func (s *TStaticText) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (s *TStaticText) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (s *TStaticText) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (s *TStaticText) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (s *TStaticText) Realign()
- func (s *TStaticText) Refresh()
- func (s *TStaticText) Repaint()
- func (s *TStaticText) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (s *TStaticText) SendToBack()
- func (s *TStaticText) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetAlignment(value TAlignment)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetAutoSize(value bool)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetBorderStyle(value TStaticBorderStyle)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetCaption(value string)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetFocus()
- func (s *TStaticText) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetHint(value string)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetName(value string)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetShowAccelChar(value bool)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetTag(value int)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetTop(value int32)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetTransparent(value bool)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (s *TStaticText) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (s *TStaticText) Show()
- func (s *TStaticText) ShowAccelChar() bool
- func (s *TStaticText) ShowHint() bool
- func (s *TStaticText) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (s *TStaticText) TabOrder() uint16
- func (s *TStaticText) TabStop() bool
- func (s *TStaticText) Tag() int
- func (s *TStaticText) ToString() string
- func (s *TStaticText) Top() int32
- func (s *TStaticText) Transparent() bool
- func (s *TStaticText) Update()
- func (s *TStaticText) Visible() bool
- func (s *TStaticText) Width() int32
- type TStatusBar
- func (s *TStatusBar) Action() *TAction
- func (s *TStatusBar) Align() TAlign
- func (s *TStatusBar) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (s *TStatusBar) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (s *TStatusBar) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (s *TStatusBar) AutoHint() bool
- func (s *TStatusBar) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (s *TStatusBar) BorderWidth() int32
- func (s *TStatusBar) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (s *TStatusBar) BringToFront()
- func (s *TStatusBar) Brush() *TBrush
- func (s *TStatusBar) CanFocus() bool
- func (s *TStatusBar) Canvas() *TCanvas
- func (s *TStatusBar) ClassName() string
- func (s *TStatusBar) ClientHeight() int32
- func (s *TStatusBar) ClientRect() TRect
- func (s *TStatusBar) ClientWidth() int32
- func (s *TStatusBar) Color() TColor
- func (s *TStatusBar) ComponentCount() int32
- func (s *TStatusBar) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (s *TStatusBar) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (s *TStatusBar) ControlCount() int32
- func (s *TStatusBar) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (s *TStatusBar) Cursor() TCursor
- func (s *TStatusBar) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (s *TStatusBar) Enabled() bool
- func (s *TStatusBar) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (s *TStatusBar) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (s *TStatusBar) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (s *TStatusBar) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (s *TStatusBar) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (s *TStatusBar) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (s *TStatusBar) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (s *TStatusBar) Focused() bool
- func (s *TStatusBar) Font() *TFont
- func (s *TStatusBar) Free()
- func (s *TStatusBar) GetHashCode() int32
- func (s *TStatusBar) GetNamePath() string
- func (s *TStatusBar) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (s *TStatusBar) Handle() HWND
- func (s *TStatusBar) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (s *TStatusBar) HasParent() bool
- func (s *TStatusBar) Height() int32
- func (s *TStatusBar) Hide()
- func (s *TStatusBar) Hint() string
- func (s *TStatusBar) Instance() uintptr
- func (s *TStatusBar) Invalidate()
- func (s *TStatusBar) IsValid() bool
- func (s *TStatusBar) Left() int32
- func (s *TStatusBar) Margins() *TMargins
- func (s *TStatusBar) Name() string
- func (s *TStatusBar) Owner() *TComponent
- func (s *TStatusBar) Panels() *TStatusPanels
- func (s *TStatusBar) Parent() *TControl
- func (s *TStatusBar) ParentColor() bool
- func (s *TStatusBar) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (s *TStatusBar) ParentFont() bool
- func (s *TStatusBar) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (s *TStatusBar) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (s *TStatusBar) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (s *TStatusBar) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (s *TStatusBar) Realign()
- func (s *TStatusBar) Refresh()
- func (s *TStatusBar) Repaint()
- func (s *TStatusBar) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SendToBack()
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetAutoHint(value bool)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetBorderWidth(value int32)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetFocus()
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetHint(value string)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetName(value string)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetOnResize(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetPanels(value *TStatusPanels)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetSimplePanel(value bool)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetSimpleText(value string)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetSizeGrip(value bool)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetTag(value int)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetTop(value int32)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetUseSystemFont(value bool)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (s *TStatusBar) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (s *TStatusBar) Show()
- func (s *TStatusBar) ShowHint() bool
- func (s *TStatusBar) SimplePanel() bool
- func (s *TStatusBar) SimpleText() string
- func (s *TStatusBar) SizeGrip() bool
- func (s *TStatusBar) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (s *TStatusBar) TabOrder() uint16
- func (s *TStatusBar) TabStop() bool
- func (s *TStatusBar) Tag() int
- func (s *TStatusBar) ToString() string
- func (s *TStatusBar) Top() int32
- func (s *TStatusBar) Update()
- func (s *TStatusBar) UseSystemFont() bool
- func (s *TStatusBar) Visible() bool
- func (s *TStatusBar) Width() int32
- type TStatusPanel
- func (s *TStatusPanel) Alignment() TAlignment
- func (s *TStatusPanel) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (s *TStatusPanel) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (s *TStatusPanel) ClassName() string
- func (s *TStatusPanel) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (s *TStatusPanel) Free()
- func (s *TStatusPanel) GetHashCode() int32
- func (s *TStatusPanel) GetNamePath() string
- func (s *TStatusPanel) Index() int32
- func (s *TStatusPanel) Instance() uintptr
- func (s *TStatusPanel) IsValid() bool
- func (s *TStatusPanel) SetAlignment(value TAlignment)
- func (s *TStatusPanel) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (s *TStatusPanel) SetIndex(value int32)
- func (s *TStatusPanel) SetStyle(value TStatusPanelStyle)
- func (s *TStatusPanel) SetText(value string)
- func (s *TStatusPanel) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (s *TStatusPanel) Style() TStatusPanelStyle
- func (s *TStatusPanel) Text() string
- func (s *TStatusPanel) ToString() string
- func (s *TStatusPanel) Width() int32
- type TStatusPanels
- func (s *TStatusPanels) Add() *TStatusPanel
- func (s *TStatusPanels) AddItem(Item *TStatusPanel, Index int32) *TStatusPanel
- func (s *TStatusPanels) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (s *TStatusPanels) BeginUpdate()
- func (s *TStatusPanels) ClassName() string
- func (s *TStatusPanels) Clear()
- func (s *TStatusPanels) Delete(Index int32)
- func (s *TStatusPanels) EndUpdate()
- func (s *TStatusPanels) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (s *TStatusPanels) Free()
- func (s *TStatusPanels) GetHashCode() int32
- func (s *TStatusPanels) GetNamePath() string
- func (s *TStatusPanels) Insert(Index int32) *TStatusPanel
- func (s *TStatusPanels) Instance() uintptr
- func (s *TStatusPanels) IsValid() bool
- func (s *TStatusPanels) Items(Index int32) *TStatusPanel
- func (s *TStatusPanels) Owner() *TObject
- func (s *TStatusPanels) SetItems(Index int32, value *TStatusPanel)
- func (s *TStatusPanels) ToString() string
- type TStringList
- func (s *TStringList) Add(S string) int32
- func (s *TStringList) AddObject(S string, AObject IObject) int32
- func (s *TStringList) Append(S string)
- func (s *TStringList) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (s *TStringList) BeginUpdate()
- func (s *TStringList) ClassName() string
- func (s *TStringList) Clear()
- func (s *TStringList) CommaText() string
- func (s *TStringList) Delete(Index int32)
- func (s *TStringList) Delimiter() uint16
- func (s *TStringList) EndUpdate()
- func (s *TStringList) Equals(Strings IObject) bool
- func (s *TStringList) Free()
- func (s *TStringList) GetHashCode() int32
- func (s *TStringList) GetNamePath() string
- func (s *TStringList) IndexOf(S string) int32
- func (s *TStringList) IndexOfName(Name string) int32
- func (s *TStringList) IndexOfObject(AObject IObject) int32
- func (s *TStringList) Insert(Index int32, S string)
- func (s *TStringList) InsertObject(Index int32, S string, AObject IObject)
- func (s *TStringList) Instance() uintptr
- func (s *TStringList) IsValid() bool
- func (s *TStringList) LoadFromFile(FileName string)
- func (s *TStringList) LoadFromStream(Stream IObject)
- func (s *TStringList) Move(CurIndex int32, NewIndex int32)
- func (s *TStringList) Options() TStringsOptions
- func (s *TStringList) SaveToFile(FileName string)
- func (s *TStringList) SaveToStream(Stream IObject)
- func (s *TStringList) SetCommaText(value string)
- func (s *TStringList) SetDelimiter(value uint16)
- func (s *TStringList) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (s *TStringList) SetOptions(value TStringsOptions)
- func (s *TStringList) SetSorted(value bool)
- func (s *TStringList) SetStrings(Index int32, value string)
- func (s *TStringList) SetText(value string)
- func (s *TStringList) SetValueFromIndex(Index int32, value string)
- func (s *TStringList) SetValues(Name string, value string)
- func (s *TStringList) SetWriteBOM(value bool)
- func (s *TStringList) Sorted() bool
- func (s *TStringList) Strings(Index int32) string
- func (s *TStringList) Text() string
- func (s *TStringList) ToString() string
- func (s *TStringList) ValueFromIndex(Index int32) string
- func (s *TStringList) Values(Name string) string
- func (s *TStringList) WriteBOM() bool
- type TStrings
- func (s *TStrings) Add(S string) int32
- func (s *TStrings) AddObject(S string, AObject IObject) int32
- func (s *TStrings) Append(S string)
- func (s *TStrings) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (s *TStrings) BeginUpdate()
- func (s *TStrings) ClassName() string
- func (s *TStrings) Clear()
- func (s *TStrings) CommaText() string
- func (s *TStrings) Delete(Index int32)
- func (s *TStrings) Delimiter() uint16
- func (s *TStrings) EndUpdate()
- func (s *TStrings) Equals(Strings IObject) bool
- func (s *TStrings) Free()
- func (s *TStrings) GetHashCode() int32
- func (s *TStrings) GetNamePath() string
- func (s *TStrings) IndexOf(S string) int32
- func (s *TStrings) IndexOfName(Name string) int32
- func (s *TStrings) IndexOfObject(AObject IObject) int32
- func (s *TStrings) Insert(Index int32, S string)
- func (s *TStrings) InsertObject(Index int32, S string, AObject IObject)
- func (s *TStrings) Instance() uintptr
- func (s *TStrings) IsValid() bool
- func (s *TStrings) LoadFromFile(FileName string)
- func (s *TStrings) LoadFromStream(Stream IObject)
- func (s *TStrings) Move(CurIndex int32, NewIndex int32)
- func (s *TStrings) Options() TStringsOptions
- func (s *TStrings) SaveToFile(FileName string)
- func (s *TStrings) SaveToStream(Stream IObject)
- func (s *TStrings) SetCommaText(value string)
- func (s *TStrings) SetDelimiter(value uint16)
- func (s *TStrings) SetOptions(value TStringsOptions)
- func (s *TStrings) SetStrings(Index int32, value string)
- func (s *TStrings) SetText(value string)
- func (s *TStrings) SetValueFromIndex(Index int32, value string)
- func (s *TStrings) SetValues(Name string, value string)
- func (s *TStrings) SetWriteBOM(value bool)
- func (s *TStrings) Strings(Index int32) string
- func (s *TStrings) Text() string
- func (s *TStrings) ToString() string
- func (s *TStrings) ValueFromIndex(Index int32) string
- func (s *TStrings) Values(Name string) string
- func (s *TStrings) WriteBOM() bool
- type TStyleManager
- func (s *TStyleManager) CheckSysClassName(className string) bool
- func (s *TStyleManager) Initialize()
- func (s *TStyleManager) IsValidStyle(filename string) bool
- func (s *TStyleManager) LoadFromFile(filename string) uintptr
- func (s *TStyleManager) SetStyle(handle uintptr)
- func (s *TStyleManager) SetStyle2(name string)
- func (s *TStyleManager) SetStyleFromFileName(filename string)
- func (s *TStyleManager) TryLoadFromResource(instance uintptr, resName, resType string, handle *uintptr) bool
- func (s *TStyleManager) TrySetStyle(name string, showErrorDialog bool) bool
- func (s *TStyleManager) UnInitialize()
- type TSysLinkEvent
- type TTVChangedEvent
- type TTabSheet
- func (t *TTabSheet) Action() *TAction
- func (t *TTabSheet) Align() TAlign
- func (t *TTabSheet) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (t *TTabSheet) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (t *TTabSheet) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (t *TTabSheet) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (t *TTabSheet) BorderWidth() int32
- func (t *TTabSheet) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (t *TTabSheet) BringToFront()
- func (t *TTabSheet) Brush() *TBrush
- func (t *TTabSheet) CanFocus() bool
- func (t *TTabSheet) Caption() string
- func (t *TTabSheet) ClassName() string
- func (t *TTabSheet) ClientHeight() int32
- func (t *TTabSheet) ClientRect() TRect
- func (t *TTabSheet) ClientWidth() int32
- func (t *TTabSheet) ComponentCount() int32
- func (t *TTabSheet) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (t *TTabSheet) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (t *TTabSheet) ControlCount() int32
- func (t *TTabSheet) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (t *TTabSheet) Cursor() TCursor
- func (t *TTabSheet) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (t *TTabSheet) Enabled() bool
- func (t *TTabSheet) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (t *TTabSheet) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (t *TTabSheet) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (t *TTabSheet) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (t *TTabSheet) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (t *TTabSheet) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (t *TTabSheet) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (t *TTabSheet) Focused() bool
- func (t *TTabSheet) Font() *TFont
- func (t *TTabSheet) Free()
- func (t *TTabSheet) GetHashCode() int32
- func (t *TTabSheet) GetNamePath() string
- func (t *TTabSheet) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (t *TTabSheet) Handle() HWND
- func (t *TTabSheet) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (t *TTabSheet) HasParent() bool
- func (t *TTabSheet) Height() int32
- func (t *TTabSheet) Hide()
- func (t *TTabSheet) Highlighted() bool
- func (t *TTabSheet) Hint() string
- func (t *TTabSheet) ImageIndex() int32
- func (t *TTabSheet) Instance() uintptr
- func (t *TTabSheet) Invalidate()
- func (t *TTabSheet) IsValid() bool
- func (t *TTabSheet) Left() int32
- func (t *TTabSheet) Margins() *TMargins
- func (t *TTabSheet) Name() string
- func (t *TTabSheet) Owner() *TComponent
- func (t *TTabSheet) PageControl() *TPageControl
- func (t *TTabSheet) PageIndex() int32
- func (t *TTabSheet) Parent() *TControl
- func (t *TTabSheet) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (t *TTabSheet) ParentFont() bool
- func (t *TTabSheet) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (t *TTabSheet) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (t *TTabSheet) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (t *TTabSheet) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (t *TTabSheet) Realign()
- func (t *TTabSheet) Refresh()
- func (t *TTabSheet) Repaint()
- func (t *TTabSheet) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SendToBack()
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetBorderWidth(value int32)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetCaption(value string)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetFocus()
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetHighlighted(value bool)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetHint(value string)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetImageIndex(value int32)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetName(value string)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetOnHide(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetOnResize(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetPageControl(value IControl)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetPageIndex(value int32)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetTabVisible(value bool)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetTag(value int)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetTop(value int32)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (t *TTabSheet) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (t *TTabSheet) Show()
- func (t *TTabSheet) ShowHint() bool
- func (t *TTabSheet) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (t *TTabSheet) TabIndex() int32
- func (t *TTabSheet) TabOrder() uint16
- func (t *TTabSheet) TabStop() bool
- func (t *TTabSheet) TabVisible() bool
- func (t *TTabSheet) Tag() int
- func (t *TTabSheet) ToString() string
- func (t *TTabSheet) Top() int32
- func (t *TTabSheet) Update()
- func (t *TTabSheet) Visible() bool
- func (t *TTabSheet) Width() int32
- type TTextAttributes
- func (t *TTextAttributes) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (t *TTextAttributes) Charset() TFontCharset
- func (t *TTextAttributes) ClassName() string
- func (t *TTextAttributes) Color() TColor
- func (t *TTextAttributes) ConsistentAttributes() TConsistentAttributes
- func (t *TTextAttributes) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (t *TTextAttributes) GetHashCode() int32
- func (t *TTextAttributes) GetNamePath() string
- func (t *TTextAttributes) Height() int32
- func (t *TTextAttributes) Instance() uintptr
- func (t *TTextAttributes) IsValid() bool
- func (t *TTextAttributes) Name() string
- func (t *TTextAttributes) Pitch() TFontPitch
- func (t *TTextAttributes) Protected() bool
- func (t *TTextAttributes) SetCharset(value TFontCharset)
- func (t *TTextAttributes) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (t *TTextAttributes) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (t *TTextAttributes) SetName(value string)
- func (t *TTextAttributes) SetPitch(value TFontPitch)
- func (t *TTextAttributes) SetProtected(value bool)
- func (t *TTextAttributes) SetSize(value int32)
- func (t *TTextAttributes) SetStyle(value TFontStyles)
- func (t *TTextAttributes) Size() int32
- func (t *TTextAttributes) Style() TFontStyles
- func (t *TTextAttributes) ToString() string
- type TTimer
- func (t *TTimer) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (t *TTimer) ClassName() string
- func (t *TTimer) ComponentCount() int32
- func (t *TTimer) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (t *TTimer) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (t *TTimer) Enabled() bool
- func (t *TTimer) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (t *TTimer) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (t *TTimer) Free()
- func (t *TTimer) GetHashCode() int32
- func (t *TTimer) GetNamePath() string
- func (t *TTimer) HasParent() bool
- func (t *TTimer) Instance() uintptr
- func (t *TTimer) Interval() uint32
- func (t *TTimer) IsValid() bool
- func (t *TTimer) Name() string
- func (t *TTimer) Owner() *TComponent
- func (t *TTimer) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (t *TTimer) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (t *TTimer) SetInterval(value uint32)
- func (t *TTimer) SetName(value string)
- func (t *TTimer) SetOnTimer(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TTimer) SetTag(value int)
- func (t *TTimer) Tag() int
- func (t *TTimer) ToString() string
- type TToolBar
- func (t *TToolBar) Action() *TAction
- func (t *TToolBar) Align() TAlign
- func (t *TToolBar) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (t *TToolBar) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (t *TToolBar) AutoSize() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (t *TToolBar) BorderWidth() int32
- func (t *TToolBar) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (t *TToolBar) BringToFront()
- func (t *TToolBar) Brush() *TBrush
- func (t *TToolBar) ButtonCount() int32
- func (t *TToolBar) ButtonHeight() int32
- func (t *TToolBar) ButtonWidth() int32
- func (t *TToolBar) Buttons(Index int32) *TToolButton
- func (t *TToolBar) CanFocus() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) Canvas() *TCanvas
- func (t *TToolBar) Caption() string
- func (t *TToolBar) ClassName() string
- func (t *TToolBar) ClientHeight() int32
- func (t *TToolBar) ClientRect() TRect
- func (t *TToolBar) ClientWidth() int32
- func (t *TToolBar) Color() TColor
- func (t *TToolBar) ComponentCount() int32
- func (t *TToolBar) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (t *TToolBar) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (t *TToolBar) ControlCount() int32
- func (t *TToolBar) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (t *TToolBar) Cursor() TCursor
- func (t *TToolBar) CustomizeKeyName() string
- func (t *TToolBar) CustomizeValueName() string
- func (t *TToolBar) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) DrawingStyle() TTBDrawingStyle
- func (t *TToolBar) Enabled() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (t *TToolBar) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (t *TToolBar) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (t *TToolBar) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (t *TToolBar) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (t *TToolBar) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (t *TToolBar) Flat() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (t *TToolBar) Focused() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) Font() *TFont
- func (t *TToolBar) Free()
- func (t *TToolBar) GetHashCode() int32
- func (t *TToolBar) GetNamePath() string
- func (t *TToolBar) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (t *TToolBar) GradientDirection() TGradientDirection
- func (t *TToolBar) GradientDrawingOptions() TTBGradientDrawingOptions
- func (t *TToolBar) GradientEndColor() TColor
- func (t *TToolBar) GradientStartColor() TColor
- func (t *TToolBar) Handle() HWND
- func (t *TToolBar) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) HasParent() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) Height() int32
- func (t *TToolBar) Hide()
- func (t *TToolBar) HideClippedButtons() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) Hint() string
- func (t *TToolBar) HotImages() *TImageList
- func (t *TToolBar) Images() *TImageList
- func (t *TToolBar) Indent() int32
- func (t *TToolBar) Instance() uintptr
- func (t *TToolBar) Invalidate()
- func (t *TToolBar) IsValid() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) Left() int32
- func (t *TToolBar) List() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) Margins() *TMargins
- func (t *TToolBar) Menu() *TMainMenu
- func (t *TToolBar) Name() string
- func (t *TToolBar) Owner() *TComponent
- func (t *TToolBar) Parent() *TControl
- func (t *TToolBar) ParentColor() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) ParentFont() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (t *TToolBar) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (t *TToolBar) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (t *TToolBar) Realign()
- func (t *TToolBar) Refresh()
- func (t *TToolBar) Repaint()
- func (t *TToolBar) RowCount() int32
- func (t *TToolBar) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (t *TToolBar) SendToBack()
- func (t *TToolBar) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetAutoSize(value bool)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetBorderWidth(value int32)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetButtonHeight(value int32)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetButtonWidth(value int32)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetCaption(value string)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetCustomizeKeyName(value string)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetCustomizeValueName(value string)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetDrawingStyle(value TTBDrawingStyle)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetFlat(value bool)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetFocus()
- func (t *TToolBar) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetGradientDirection(value TGradientDirection)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetGradientDrawingOptions(value TTBGradientDrawingOptions)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetGradientEndColor(value TColor)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetGradientStartColor(value TColor)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetHideClippedButtons(value bool)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetHint(value string)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetHotImages(value IComponent)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetImages(value IComponent)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetIndent(value int32)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetList(value bool)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetMenu(value IComponent)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetName(value string)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetOnResize(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetShowCaptions(value bool)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetTag(value int)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetTop(value int32)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetTransparent(value bool)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (t *TToolBar) SetWrapable(value bool)
- func (t *TToolBar) Show()
- func (t *TToolBar) ShowCaptions() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) ShowHint() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (t *TToolBar) TabOrder() uint16
- func (t *TToolBar) TabStop() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) Tag() int
- func (t *TToolBar) ToString() string
- func (t *TToolBar) Top() int32
- func (t *TToolBar) Transparent() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) Update()
- func (t *TToolBar) Visible() bool
- func (t *TToolBar) Width() int32
- func (t *TToolBar) Wrapable() bool
- type TToolButton
- func (t *TToolButton) Action() *TAction
- func (t *TToolButton) Align() TAlign
- func (t *TToolButton) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (t *TToolButton) AllowAllUp() bool
- func (t *TToolButton) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (t *TToolButton) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (t *TToolButton) AutoSize() bool
- func (t *TToolButton) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (t *TToolButton) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (t *TToolButton) BringToFront()
- func (t *TToolButton) Caption() string
- func (t *TToolButton) CheckMenuDropdown() bool
- func (t *TToolButton) ClassName() string
- func (t *TToolButton) Click()
- func (t *TToolButton) ClientHeight() int32
- func (t *TToolButton) ClientRect() TRect
- func (t *TToolButton) ClientWidth() int32
- func (t *TToolButton) ComponentCount() int32
- func (t *TToolButton) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (t *TToolButton) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (t *TToolButton) Cursor() TCursor
- func (t *TToolButton) Down() bool
- func (t *TToolButton) DropdownMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (t *TToolButton) EnableDropdown() bool
- func (t *TToolButton) Enabled() bool
- func (t *TToolButton) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (t *TToolButton) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (t *TToolButton) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (t *TToolButton) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (t *TToolButton) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (t *TToolButton) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (t *TToolButton) Free()
- func (t *TToolButton) GetHashCode() int32
- func (t *TToolButton) GetNamePath() string
- func (t *TToolButton) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (t *TToolButton) Grouped() bool
- func (t *TToolButton) HasParent() bool
- func (t *TToolButton) Height() int32
- func (t *TToolButton) Hide()
- func (t *TToolButton) Hint() string
- func (t *TToolButton) ImageIndex() int32
- func (t *TToolButton) Indeterminate() bool
- func (t *TToolButton) Index() int32
- func (t *TToolButton) Instance() uintptr
- func (t *TToolButton) Invalidate()
- func (t *TToolButton) IsValid() bool
- func (t *TToolButton) Left() int32
- func (t *TToolButton) Margins() *TMargins
- func (t *TToolButton) Marked() bool
- func (t *TToolButton) Name() string
- func (t *TToolButton) Owner() *TComponent
- func (t *TToolButton) Parent() *TControl
- func (t *TToolButton) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (t *TToolButton) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (t *TToolButton) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (t *TToolButton) Refresh()
- func (t *TToolButton) Repaint()
- func (t *TToolButton) SendToBack()
- func (t *TToolButton) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetAllowAllUp(value bool)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetAutoSize(value bool)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetCaption(value string)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetDown(value bool)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetDropdownMenu(value IComponent)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetEnableDropdown(value bool)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetGrouped(value bool)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetHint(value string)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetImageIndex(value int32)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetIndeterminate(value bool)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetMarked(value bool)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetName(value string)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetStyle(value TToolButtonStyle)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetTag(value int)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetTop(value int32)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (t *TToolButton) SetWrap(value bool)
- func (t *TToolButton) Show()
- func (t *TToolButton) ShowHint() bool
- func (t *TToolButton) Style() TToolButtonStyle
- func (t *TToolButton) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (t *TToolButton) Tag() int
- func (t *TToolButton) ToString() string
- func (t *TToolButton) Top() int32
- func (t *TToolButton) Update()
- func (t *TToolButton) Visible() bool
- func (t *TToolButton) Width() int32
- func (t *TToolButton) Wrap() bool
- type TTrackBar
- func (t *TTrackBar) Action() *TAction
- func (t *TTrackBar) Align() TAlign
- func (t *TTrackBar) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (t *TTrackBar) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (t *TTrackBar) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (t *TTrackBar) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (t *TTrackBar) BorderWidth() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (t *TTrackBar) BringToFront()
- func (t *TTrackBar) Brush() *TBrush
- func (t *TTrackBar) CanFocus() bool
- func (t *TTrackBar) ClassName() string
- func (t *TTrackBar) ClientHeight() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) ClientRect() TRect
- func (t *TTrackBar) ClientWidth() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) ComponentCount() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (t *TTrackBar) ControlCount() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (t *TTrackBar) Cursor() TCursor
- func (t *TTrackBar) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (t *TTrackBar) Enabled() bool
- func (t *TTrackBar) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (t *TTrackBar) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (t *TTrackBar) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (t *TTrackBar) Focused() bool
- func (t *TTrackBar) Free()
- func (t *TTrackBar) Frequency() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) GetHashCode() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) GetNamePath() string
- func (t *TTrackBar) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) Handle() HWND
- func (t *TTrackBar) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (t *TTrackBar) HasParent() bool
- func (t *TTrackBar) Height() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) Hide()
- func (t *TTrackBar) Hint() string
- func (t *TTrackBar) Instance() uintptr
- func (t *TTrackBar) Invalidate()
- func (t *TTrackBar) IsValid() bool
- func (t *TTrackBar) Left() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) LineSize() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) Margins() *TMargins
- func (t *TTrackBar) Max() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) Min() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) Name() string
- func (t *TTrackBar) Orientation() TTrackBarOrientation
- func (t *TTrackBar) Owner() *TComponent
- func (t *TTrackBar) PageSize() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) Parent() *TControl
- func (t *TTrackBar) ParentCtl3D() bool
- func (t *TTrackBar) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (t *TTrackBar) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (t *TTrackBar) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (t *TTrackBar) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (t *TTrackBar) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (t *TTrackBar) Position() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) PositionToolTip() TPositionToolTip
- func (t *TTrackBar) Realign()
- func (t *TTrackBar) Refresh()
- func (t *TTrackBar) Repaint()
- func (t *TTrackBar) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SelEnd() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) SelStart() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) SendToBack()
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetBorderWidth(value int32)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetFocus()
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetFrequency(value int32)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetHint(value string)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetLineSize(value int32)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetMax(value int32)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetMin(value int32)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetName(value string)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetOrientation(value TTrackBarOrientation)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetPageSize(value int32)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetPosition(value int32)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetPositionToolTip(value TPositionToolTip)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetSelEnd(value int32)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetSelStart(value int32)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetShowSelRange(value bool)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetSliderVisible(value bool)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetTag(value int)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetThumbLength(value int32)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetTick(Value int32)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetTickMarks(value TTickMark)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetTickStyle(value TTickStyle)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetTop(value int32)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (t *TTrackBar) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (t *TTrackBar) Show()
- func (t *TTrackBar) ShowHint() bool
- func (t *TTrackBar) ShowSelRange() bool
- func (t *TTrackBar) SliderVisible() bool
- func (t *TTrackBar) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (t *TTrackBar) TabOrder() uint16
- func (t *TTrackBar) TabStop() bool
- func (t *TTrackBar) Tag() int
- func (t *TTrackBar) ThumbLength() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) TickMarks() TTickMark
- func (t *TTrackBar) TickStyle() TTickStyle
- func (t *TTrackBar) ToString() string
- func (t *TTrackBar) Top() int32
- func (t *TTrackBar) Update()
- func (t *TTrackBar) Visible() bool
- func (t *TTrackBar) Width() int32
- type TTrayIcon
- func (t *TTrayIcon) Animate() bool
- func (t *TTrayIcon) AnimateInterval() uint32
- func (t *TTrayIcon) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) BalloonFlags() TBalloonFlags
- func (t *TTrayIcon) BalloonHint() string
- func (t *TTrayIcon) BalloonTimeout() int32
- func (t *TTrayIcon) BalloonTitle() string
- func (t *TTrayIcon) ClassName() string
- func (t *TTrayIcon) ComponentCount() int32
- func (t *TTrayIcon) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (t *TTrayIcon) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (t *TTrayIcon) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (t *TTrayIcon) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (t *TTrayIcon) Free()
- func (t *TTrayIcon) GetHashCode() int32
- func (t *TTrayIcon) GetNamePath() string
- func (t *TTrayIcon) HasParent() bool
- func (t *TTrayIcon) Hint() string
- func (t *TTrayIcon) Icon() *TIcon
- func (t *TTrayIcon) IconIndex() int32
- func (t *TTrayIcon) Instance() uintptr
- func (t *TTrayIcon) IsValid() bool
- func (t *TTrayIcon) Name() string
- func (t *TTrayIcon) Owner() *TComponent
- func (t *TTrayIcon) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (t *TTrayIcon) Refresh()
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetAnimate(value bool)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetAnimateInterval(value uint32)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetBalloonFlags(value TBalloonFlags)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetBalloonHint(value string)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetBalloonTimeout(value int32)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetBalloonTitle(value string)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetDefaultIcon()
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetHint(value string)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetIcon(value *TIcon)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetIconIndex(value int32)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetName(value string)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetOnBalloonClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetTag(value int)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (t *TTrayIcon) ShowBalloonHint()
- func (t *TTrayIcon) Tag() int
- func (t *TTrayIcon) ToString() string
- func (t *TTrayIcon) Visible() bool
- type TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeNode) AbsoluteIndex() int32
- func (t *TTreeNode) AlphaSort(ARecurse bool) bool
- func (t *TTreeNode) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (t *TTreeNode) ClassName() string
- func (t *TTreeNode) Collapse(Recurse bool)
- func (t *TTreeNode) Cut() bool
- func (t *TTreeNode) Data() uintptr
- func (t *TTreeNode) Delete()
- func (t *TTreeNode) Deleting() bool
- func (t *TTreeNode) DropTarget() bool
- func (t *TTreeNode) Enabled() bool
- func (t *TTreeNode) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (t *TTreeNode) Expand(Recurse bool)
- func (t *TTreeNode) Expanded() bool
- func (t *TTreeNode) ExpandedImageIndex() int32
- func (t *TTreeNode) Focused() bool
- func (t *TTreeNode) Free()
- func (t *TTreeNode) GetHashCode() int32
- func (t *TTreeNode) GetNamePath() string
- func (t *TTreeNode) Handle() HWND
- func (t *TTreeNode) HasChildren() bool
- func (t *TTreeNode) ImageIndex() int32
- func (t *TTreeNode) Index() int32
- func (t *TTreeNode) IndexOf(Value *TTreeNode) int32
- func (t *TTreeNode) Instance() uintptr
- func (t *TTreeNode) IsValid() bool
- func (t *TTreeNode) IsVisible() bool
- func (t *TTreeNode) Item(Index int32) *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeNode) ItemId() uintptr
- func (t *TTreeNode) Level() int32
- func (t *TTreeNode) MakeVisible()
- func (t *TTreeNode) MoveTo(Destination *TTreeNode, Mode TNodeAttachMode)
- func (t *TTreeNode) OverlayIndex() int32
- func (t *TTreeNode) Owner() *TTreeNodes
- func (t *TTreeNode) Parent() *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeNode) Selected() bool
- func (t *TTreeNode) SelectedIndex() int32
- func (t *TTreeNode) SetCut(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeNode) SetData(value uintptr)
- func (t *TTreeNode) SetDropTarget(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeNode) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeNode) SetExpanded(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeNode) SetExpandedImageIndex(value int32)
- func (t *TTreeNode) SetFocused(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeNode) SetHasChildren(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeNode) SetImageIndex(value int32)
- func (t *TTreeNode) SetItem(Index int32, value *TTreeNode)
- func (t *TTreeNode) SetOverlayIndex(value int32)
- func (t *TTreeNode) SetSelected(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeNode) SetSelectedIndex(value int32)
- func (t *TTreeNode) SetStateIndex(value int32)
- func (t *TTreeNode) SetText(value string)
- func (t *TTreeNode) StateIndex() int32
- func (t *TTreeNode) Text() string
- func (t *TTreeNode) ToString() string
- type TTreeNodes
- func (t *TTreeNodes) Add(Sibling *TTreeNode, S string) *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeNodes) AddChild(Parent *TTreeNode, S string) *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeNodes) AddChildFirst(Parent *TTreeNode, S string) *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeNodes) AddChildObject(Parent *TTreeNode, S string, Ptr uintptr) *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeNodes) AddChildObjectFirst(Parent *TTreeNode, S string, Ptr uintptr) *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeNodes) AddFirst(Sibling *TTreeNode, S string) *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeNodes) AddNode(Node *TTreeNode, Relative *TTreeNode, S string, Ptr uintptr, ...) *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeNodes) AddObject(Sibling *TTreeNode, S string, Ptr uintptr) *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeNodes) AddObjectFirst(Sibling *TTreeNode, S string, Ptr uintptr) *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeNodes) AlphaSort(ARecurse bool) bool
- func (t *TTreeNodes) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (t *TTreeNodes) BeginUpdate()
- func (t *TTreeNodes) ClassName() string
- func (t *TTreeNodes) Clear()
- func (t *TTreeNodes) Delete(Node *TTreeNode)
- func (t *TTreeNodes) EndUpdate()
- func (t *TTreeNodes) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (t *TTreeNodes) Free()
- func (t *TTreeNodes) GetFirstNode() *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeNodes) GetHashCode() int32
- func (t *TTreeNodes) GetNamePath() string
- func (t *TTreeNodes) GetNode(ItemId uintptr) *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeNodes) Handle() HWND
- func (t *TTreeNodes) Insert(Sibling *TTreeNode, S string) *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeNodes) InsertObject(Sibling *TTreeNode, S string, Ptr uintptr) *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeNodes) Instance() uintptr
- func (t *TTreeNodes) IsValid() bool
- func (t *TTreeNodes) Item(Index int32) *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeNodes) Owner() *TControl
- func (t *TTreeNodes) ToString() string
- type TTreeView
- func (t *TTreeView) Action() *TAction
- func (t *TTreeView) Align() TAlign
- func (t *TTreeView) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) AlphaSort(ARecurse bool) bool
- func (t *TTreeView) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (t *TTreeView) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (t *TTreeView) AutoExpand() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
- func (t *TTreeView) BevelInner() TBevelCut
- func (t *TTreeView) BevelKind() TBevelKind
- func (t *TTreeView) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
- func (t *TTreeView) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (t *TTreeView) BorderStyle() TBorderStyle
- func (t *TTreeView) BorderWidth() int32
- func (t *TTreeView) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (t *TTreeView) BringToFront()
- func (t *TTreeView) Brush() *TBrush
- func (t *TTreeView) CanFocus() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) Canvas() *TCanvas
- func (t *TTreeView) ChangeDelay() int32
- func (t *TTreeView) ClassName() string
- func (t *TTreeView) ClearSelection(KeepPrimary bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) ClientHeight() int32
- func (t *TTreeView) ClientRect() TRect
- func (t *TTreeView) ClientWidth() int32
- func (t *TTreeView) Color() TColor
- func (t *TTreeView) ComponentCount() int32
- func (t *TTreeView) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (t *TTreeView) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (t *TTreeView) ControlCount() int32
- func (t *TTreeView) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (t *TTreeView) Cursor() TCursor
- func (t *TTreeView) Deselect(Node *TTreeNode)
- func (t *TTreeView) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) DropTarget() *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeView) Enabled() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (t *TTreeView) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (t *TTreeView) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (t *TTreeView) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (t *TTreeView) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (t *TTreeView) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (t *TTreeView) FindNextToSelect() *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeView) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) Focused() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) Font() *TFont
- func (t *TTreeView) Free()
- func (t *TTreeView) FullCollapse()
- func (t *TTreeView) FullExpand()
- func (t *TTreeView) GetHashCode() int32
- func (t *TTreeView) GetNamePath() string
- func (t *TTreeView) GetNodeAt(X int32, Y int32) *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeView) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (t *TTreeView) Handle() HWND
- func (t *TTreeView) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) HasParent() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) Height() int32
- func (t *TTreeView) Hide()
- func (t *TTreeView) HideSelection() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) Hint() string
- func (t *TTreeView) HotTrack() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) Images() *TImageList
- func (t *TTreeView) Indent() int32
- func (t *TTreeView) Instance() uintptr
- func (t *TTreeView) Invalidate()
- func (t *TTreeView) IsEditing() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) IsValid() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) Items() *TTreeNodes
- func (t *TTreeView) Left() int32
- func (t *TTreeView) LoadFromFile(FileName string)
- func (t *TTreeView) LoadFromStream(Stream IObject)
- func (t *TTreeView) Margins() *TMargins
- func (t *TTreeView) MultiSelect() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) MultiSelectStyle() TMultiSelectStyle
- func (t *TTreeView) Name() string
- func (t *TTreeView) Owner() *TComponent
- func (t *TTreeView) Parent() *TControl
- func (t *TTreeView) ParentColor() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) ParentCtl3D() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) ParentFont() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (t *TTreeView) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (t *TTreeView) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (t *TTreeView) ReadOnly() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) Realign()
- func (t *TTreeView) Refresh()
- func (t *TTreeView) Repaint()
- func (t *TTreeView) RightClickSelect() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) RowSelect() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) SaveToFile(FileName string)
- func (t *TTreeView) SaveToStream(Stream IObject)
- func (t *TTreeView) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (t *TTreeView) Selected() *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeView) SelectionCount() uint32
- func (t *TTreeView) Selections(Index int32) *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeView) SendToBack()
- func (t *TTreeView) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetAutoExpand(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetBorderStyle(value TBorderStyle)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetBorderWidth(value int32)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetChangeDelay(value int32)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetColor(value TColor)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetDropTarget(value *TTreeNode)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetFocus()
- func (t *TTreeView) SetFont(value *TFont)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetHideSelection(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetHint(value string)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetHotTrack(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetImages(value IComponent)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetIndent(value int32)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetItems(value *TTreeNodes)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetMultiSelect(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetMultiSelectStyle(value TMultiSelectStyle)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetName(value string)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetOnChange(fn TTVChangedEvent)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetReadOnly(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetRightClickSelect(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetRowSelect(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetSelected(value *TTreeNode)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetShowButtons(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetShowLines(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetShowRoot(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetSortType(value TSortType)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetStateImages(value IComponent)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetTag(value int)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetToolTips(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetTop(value int32)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetTopItem(value *TTreeNode)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (t *TTreeView) Show()
- func (t *TTreeView) ShowButtons() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) ShowHint() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) ShowLines() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) ShowRoot() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) SortType() TSortType
- func (t *TTreeView) StateImages() *TImageList
- func (t *TTreeView) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (t *TTreeView) Subselect(Node *TTreeNode, Validate bool)
- func (t *TTreeView) TabOrder() uint16
- func (t *TTreeView) TabStop() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) Tag() int
- func (t *TTreeView) ToString() string
- func (t *TTreeView) ToolTips() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) Top() int32
- func (t *TTreeView) TopItem() *TTreeNode
- func (t *TTreeView) Update()
- func (t *TTreeView) Visible() bool
- func (t *TTreeView) Width() int32
- type TUDClickEvent
- type TUpDown
- func (u *TUpDown) Action() *TAction
- func (u *TUpDown) Align() TAlign
- func (u *TUpDown) AlignWithMargins() bool
- func (u *TUpDown) Anchors() TAnchors
- func (u *TUpDown) Assign(Source IObject)
- func (u *TUpDown) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
- func (u *TUpDown) BoundsRect() TRect
- func (u *TUpDown) BringToFront()
- func (u *TUpDown) Brush() *TBrush
- func (u *TUpDown) CanFocus() bool
- func (u *TUpDown) ClassName() string
- func (u *TUpDown) ClientHeight() int32
- func (u *TUpDown) ClientRect() TRect
- func (u *TUpDown) ClientWidth() int32
- func (u *TUpDown) ComponentCount() int32
- func (u *TUpDown) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (u *TUpDown) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
- func (u *TUpDown) ControlCount() int32
- func (u *TUpDown) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
- func (u *TUpDown) Cursor() TCursor
- func (u *TUpDown) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (u *TUpDown) Enabled() bool
- func (u *TUpDown) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
- func (u *TUpDown) ExplicitHeight() int32
- func (u *TUpDown) ExplicitLeft() int32
- func (u *TUpDown) ExplicitTop() int32
- func (u *TUpDown) ExplicitWidth() int32
- func (u *TUpDown) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
- func (u *TUpDown) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (u *TUpDown) Focused() bool
- func (u *TUpDown) Free()
- func (u *TUpDown) GetHashCode() int32
- func (u *TUpDown) GetNamePath() string
- func (u *TUpDown) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
- func (u *TUpDown) Handle() HWND
- func (u *TUpDown) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (u *TUpDown) HasParent() bool
- func (u *TUpDown) Height() int32
- func (u *TUpDown) Hide()
- func (u *TUpDown) Hint() string
- func (u *TUpDown) Instance() uintptr
- func (u *TUpDown) Invalidate()
- func (u *TUpDown) IsValid() bool
- func (u *TUpDown) Left() int32
- func (u *TUpDown) Margins() *TMargins
- func (u *TUpDown) Max() int32
- func (u *TUpDown) Min() int32
- func (u *TUpDown) Name() string
- func (u *TUpDown) Orientation() TUDOrientation
- func (u *TUpDown) Owner() *TComponent
- func (u *TUpDown) Parent() *TControl
- func (u *TUpDown) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (u *TUpDown) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (u *TUpDown) ParentWindow() HWND
- func (u *TUpDown) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (u *TUpDown) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
- func (u *TUpDown) Position() int32
- func (u *TUpDown) Realign()
- func (u *TUpDown) Refresh()
- func (u *TUpDown) Repaint()
- func (u *TUpDown) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (u *TUpDown) SendToBack()
- func (u *TUpDown) SetAction(value IComponent)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetAlign(value TAlign)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetCursor(value TCursor)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetFocus()
- func (u *TUpDown) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetHint(value string)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetMax(value int32)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetMin(value int32)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetName(value string)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetOnClick(fn TUDClickEvent)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetOrientation(value TUDOrientation)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetParent(value IControl)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetPosition(value int32)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetTag(value int)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetTop(value int32)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (u *TUpDown) SetWrap(value bool)
- func (u *TUpDown) Show()
- func (u *TUpDown) ShowHint() bool
- func (u *TUpDown) StyleElements() TStyleElements
- func (u *TUpDown) TabOrder() uint16
- func (u *TUpDown) TabStop() bool
- func (u *TUpDown) Tag() int
- func (u *TUpDown) ToString() string
- func (u *TUpDown) Top() int32
- func (u *TUpDown) Update()
- func (u *TUpDown) Visible() bool
- func (u *TUpDown) Width() int32
- func (u *TUpDown) Wrap() bool
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ( // 四个实例类,不需要Create和Free即可访问 Application *TApplication Screen *TScreen Mouse *TMouse Clipboard *TClipboard // StyleManager 没有实例类的,属于静态类 StyleManager *TStyleManager )
Functions ¶
func MessageDlg ¶
MessageDlg 消息框,Buttons为按钮样式,祥见types.TMsgDlgButtons
Types ¶
type IComponent ¶
type IControl ¶
type IControl interface { IComponent Perform(uint32, uintptr, int) int SendToBack() Show() Hide() Refresh() Repaint() Invalidate() Align() TAlign SetAlign(TAlign) Visible() bool SetVisible(bool) Enabled() bool SetEnabled(bool) Left() int32 SetLeft(int32) Top() int32 SetTop(int32) Width() int32 SetWidth(int32) Height() int32 SetHeight(int32) Hint() string SetHint(string) ShowHint() bool SetShowHint(bool) Parent() *TControl SetParent(IControl) SetBounds(int32, int32, int32, int32) }
type IObject ¶
type IObject interface { Instance() uintptr ClassName() string Free() GetHashCode() int32 Equals(IObject) bool IsValid() bool }
IObject 共公的对象接口
type TAction ¶
type TAction struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ActionFromInst ¶
func ActionFromObj ¶
func NewAction ¶
func NewAction(owner IComponent) *TAction
func (*TAction) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TAction) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TAction) Components ¶
func (a *TAction) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TAction) FindComponent ¶
func (a *TAction) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TAction) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TAction) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TAction) GroupIndex ¶
func (*TAction) ImageIndex ¶
func (*TAction) Images ¶
func (a *TAction) Images() *TImageList
func (*TAction) Owner ¶
func (a *TAction) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TAction) SetCaption ¶
func (*TAction) SetChecked ¶
func (*TAction) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TAction) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TAction) SetGroupIndex ¶
func (*TAction) SetImageIndex ¶
func (*TAction) SetOnExecute ¶
func (a *TAction) SetOnExecute(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TAction) SetOnUpdate ¶
func (a *TAction) SetOnUpdate(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TAction) SetShortCut ¶
func (a *TAction) SetShortCut(value TShortCut)
func (*TAction) SetVisible ¶
type TActionList ¶
type TActionList struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ActionListFromInst ¶
func ActionListFromInst(inst uintptr) *TActionList
func ActionListFromObj ¶
func ActionListFromObj(obj IObject) *TActionList
func NewActionList ¶
func NewActionList(owner IComponent) *TActionList
func (*TActionList) Assign ¶
func (a *TActionList) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TActionList) ClassName ¶
func (a *TActionList) ClassName() string
func (*TActionList) ComponentCount ¶
func (a *TActionList) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TActionList) ComponentIndex ¶
func (a *TActionList) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TActionList) Components ¶
func (a *TActionList) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TActionList) Equals ¶
func (a *TActionList) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TActionList) FindComponent ¶
func (a *TActionList) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TActionList) Free ¶
func (a *TActionList) Free()
func (*TActionList) GetHashCode ¶
func (a *TActionList) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TActionList) GetNamePath ¶
func (a *TActionList) GetNamePath() string
func (*TActionList) HasParent ¶
func (a *TActionList) HasParent() bool
func (*TActionList) Images ¶
func (a *TActionList) Images() *TImageList
func (*TActionList) Instance ¶
func (a *TActionList) Instance() uintptr
func (*TActionList) IsValid ¶
func (a *TActionList) IsValid() bool
func (*TActionList) Name ¶
func (a *TActionList) Name() string
func (*TActionList) Owner ¶
func (a *TActionList) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TActionList) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (a *TActionList) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TActionList) SetImages ¶
func (a *TActionList) SetImages(value IComponent)
func (*TActionList) SetName ¶
func (a *TActionList) SetName(value string)
func (*TActionList) SetOnChange ¶
func (a *TActionList) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TActionList) SetState ¶
func (a *TActionList) SetState(value TActionListState)
func (*TActionList) SetTag ¶
func (a *TActionList) SetTag(value int)
func (*TActionList) State ¶
func (a *TActionList) State() TActionListState
func (*TActionList) Tag ¶
func (a *TActionList) Tag() int
func (*TActionList) ToString ¶
func (a *TActionList) ToString() string
type TApplication ¶
type TApplication struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ApplicationFromInst ¶
func ApplicationFromInst(inst uintptr) *TApplication
func ApplicationFromObj ¶
func ApplicationFromObj(obj IObject) *TApplication
func NewApplication ¶
func NewApplication(owner IComponent) *TApplication
func (*TApplication) ActivateHint ¶
func (a *TApplication) ActivateHint(CursorPos TPoint)
func (*TApplication) Assign ¶
func (a *TApplication) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TApplication) BiDiMode ¶
func (a *TApplication) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
func (*TApplication) BringToFront ¶
func (a *TApplication) BringToFront()
func (*TApplication) CancelHint ¶
func (a *TApplication) CancelHint()
func (*TApplication) ClassName ¶
func (a *TApplication) ClassName() string
func (*TApplication) ComponentCount ¶
func (a *TApplication) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TApplication) ComponentIndex ¶
func (a *TApplication) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TApplication) Components ¶
func (a *TApplication) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TApplication) CreateForm ¶
func (a *TApplication) CreateForm() *TForm
CreateForm 一般不建议使用 NewForm,而优先使用CreateForm
func (*TApplication) DialogHandle ¶
func (a *TApplication) DialogHandle() HWND
func (*TApplication) Equals ¶
func (a *TApplication) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TApplication) ExeName ¶
func (a *TApplication) ExeName() string
func (*TApplication) FindComponent ¶
func (a *TApplication) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TApplication) Free ¶
func (a *TApplication) Free()
func (*TApplication) GetHashCode ¶
func (a *TApplication) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TApplication) GetNamePath ¶
func (a *TApplication) GetNamePath() string
func (*TApplication) Handle ¶
func (a *TApplication) Handle() HWND
func (*TApplication) HandleMessage ¶
func (a *TApplication) HandleMessage()
func (*TApplication) HasParent ¶
func (a *TApplication) HasParent() bool
func (*TApplication) HideHint ¶
func (a *TApplication) HideHint()
func (*TApplication) Hint ¶
func (a *TApplication) Hint() string
func (*TApplication) HintColor ¶
func (a *TApplication) HintColor() TColor
func (*TApplication) HintHidePause ¶
func (a *TApplication) HintHidePause() int32
func (*TApplication) HintPause ¶
func (a *TApplication) HintPause() int32
func (*TApplication) HintShortCuts ¶
func (a *TApplication) HintShortCuts() bool
func (*TApplication) HintShortPause ¶
func (a *TApplication) HintShortPause() int32
func (*TApplication) Icon ¶
func (a *TApplication) Icon() *TIcon
func (*TApplication) Initialize ¶
func (a *TApplication) Initialize()
func (*TApplication) Instance ¶
func (a *TApplication) Instance() uintptr
func (*TApplication) IsMetropolisUI ¶
func (a *TApplication) IsMetropolisUI() bool
func (*TApplication) IsValid ¶
func (a *TApplication) IsValid() bool
func (*TApplication) MainForm ¶
func (a *TApplication) MainForm() *TForm
func (*TApplication) MainFormHandle ¶
func (a *TApplication) MainFormHandle() HWND
func (*TApplication) MainFormOnTaskBar ¶
func (a *TApplication) MainFormOnTaskBar() bool
func (*TApplication) MessageBox ¶
func (a *TApplication) MessageBox(Text string, Caption string, Flags int32) int32
func (*TApplication) Minimize ¶
func (a *TApplication) Minimize()
func (*TApplication) ModalFinished ¶
func (a *TApplication) ModalFinished()
func (*TApplication) ModalStarted ¶
func (a *TApplication) ModalStarted()
func (*TApplication) Name ¶
func (a *TApplication) Name() string
func (*TApplication) NormalizeAllTopMosts ¶
func (a *TApplication) NormalizeAllTopMosts()
func (*TApplication) NormalizeTopMosts ¶
func (a *TApplication) NormalizeTopMosts()
func (*TApplication) Owner ¶
func (a *TApplication) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TApplication) ProcessMessages ¶
func (a *TApplication) ProcessMessages()
func (*TApplication) Restore ¶
func (a *TApplication) Restore()
func (*TApplication) RestoreTopMosts ¶
func (a *TApplication) RestoreTopMosts()
func (*TApplication) Run ¶
func (a *TApplication) Run()
func (*TApplication) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TApplication) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TApplication) SetDialogHandle ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetDialogHandle(value HWND)
func (*TApplication) SetFormScaled ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetFormScaled(val bool)
SetFormScaled 设置全局窗口的Scaled
func (*TApplication) SetHandle ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetHandle(value HWND)
func (*TApplication) SetHint ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetHint(value string)
func (*TApplication) SetHintColor ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetHintColor(value TColor)
func (*TApplication) SetHintHidePause ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetHintHidePause(value int32)
func (*TApplication) SetHintPause ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetHintPause(value int32)
func (*TApplication) SetHintShortCuts ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetHintShortCuts(value bool)
func (*TApplication) SetHintShortPause ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetHintShortPause(value int32)
func (*TApplication) SetIcon ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetIcon(value *TIcon)
func (*TApplication) SetMainFormOnTaskBar ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetMainFormOnTaskBar(value bool)
func (*TApplication) SetName ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetName(value string)
func (*TApplication) SetOnException ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetOnException(fn TExceptionEvent)
func (*TApplication) SetOnMinimize ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetOnMinimize(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TApplication) SetOnRestore ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetOnRestore(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TApplication) SetShowHint ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetShowHint(value bool)
func (*TApplication) SetShowMainForm ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetShowMainForm(value bool)
func (*TApplication) SetTag ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetTag(value int)
func (*TApplication) SetTitle ¶
func (a *TApplication) SetTitle(value string)
func (*TApplication) ShowHint ¶
func (a *TApplication) ShowHint() bool
func (*TApplication) ShowMainForm ¶
func (a *TApplication) ShowMainForm() bool
func (*TApplication) Tag ¶
func (a *TApplication) Tag() int
func (*TApplication) Terminate ¶
func (a *TApplication) Terminate()
func (*TApplication) Title ¶
func (a *TApplication) Title() string
func (*TApplication) ToString ¶
func (a *TApplication) ToString() string
type TBalloonHint ¶
type TBalloonHint struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func BalloonHintFromInst ¶
func BalloonHintFromInst(inst uintptr) *TBalloonHint
func BalloonHintFromObj ¶
func BalloonHintFromObj(obj IObject) *TBalloonHint
func NewBalloonHint ¶
func NewBalloonHint(owner IComponent) *TBalloonHint
func (*TBalloonHint) Assign ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TBalloonHint) ClassName ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) ClassName() string
func (*TBalloonHint) ComponentCount ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TBalloonHint) ComponentIndex ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TBalloonHint) Components ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TBalloonHint) Delay ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) Delay() uint32
func (*TBalloonHint) Description ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) Description() string
func (*TBalloonHint) Equals ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TBalloonHint) FindComponent ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TBalloonHint) Free ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) Free()
func (*TBalloonHint) GetHashCode ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TBalloonHint) GetNamePath ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) GetNamePath() string
func (*TBalloonHint) HasParent ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) HasParent() bool
func (*TBalloonHint) HideAfter ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) HideAfter() int32
func (*TBalloonHint) HideHint ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) HideHint()
func (*TBalloonHint) ImageIndex ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) ImageIndex() int32
func (*TBalloonHint) Images ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) Images() *TImageList
func (*TBalloonHint) Instance ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) Instance() uintptr
func (*TBalloonHint) IsValid ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) IsValid() bool
func (*TBalloonHint) Name ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) Name() string
func (*TBalloonHint) Owner ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TBalloonHint) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TBalloonHint) SetDelay ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) SetDelay(value uint32)
func (*TBalloonHint) SetDescription ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) SetDescription(value string)
func (*TBalloonHint) SetHideAfter ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) SetHideAfter(value int32)
func (*TBalloonHint) SetImageIndex ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) SetImageIndex(value int32)
func (*TBalloonHint) SetImages ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) SetImages(value IComponent)
func (*TBalloonHint) SetName ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) SetName(value string)
func (*TBalloonHint) SetStyle ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) SetStyle(value TBalloonHintStyle)
func (*TBalloonHint) SetTag ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) SetTag(value int)
func (*TBalloonHint) SetTitle ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) SetTitle(value string)
func (*TBalloonHint) ShowHint ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) ShowHint()
func (*TBalloonHint) Style ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) Style() TBalloonHintStyle
func (*TBalloonHint) Tag ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) Tag() int
func (*TBalloonHint) Title ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) Title() string
func (*TBalloonHint) ToString ¶
func (b *TBalloonHint) ToString() string
type TBitmap ¶
type TBitmap struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func BitmapFromInst ¶
func BitmapFromObj ¶
func (*TBitmap) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TBitmap) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TBitmap) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TBitmap) LoadFromFile ¶
func (*TBitmap) LoadFromResourceID ¶
func (*TBitmap) LoadFromResourceName ¶
func (*TBitmap) LoadFromStream ¶
func (*TBitmap) PaletteModified ¶
func (*TBitmap) PixelFormat ¶
func (b *TBitmap) PixelFormat() TPixelFormat
func (*TBitmap) SaveToFile ¶
func (*TBitmap) SaveToStream ¶
func (*TBitmap) SetModified ¶
func (*TBitmap) SetOnChange ¶
func (b *TBitmap) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TBitmap) SetPaletteModified ¶
func (*TBitmap) SetPixelFormat ¶
func (b *TBitmap) SetPixelFormat(value TPixelFormat)
func (*TBitmap) SetTransparent ¶
func (*TBitmap) SetTransparentColor ¶
func (b *TBitmap) SetTransparentColor(value TColor)
func (*TBitmap) Transparent ¶
func (*TBitmap) TransparentColor ¶
func (b *TBitmap) TransparentColor() TColor
type TBrush ¶
type TBrush struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func BrushFromInst ¶
func BrushFromObj ¶
func (*TBrush) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TBrush) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TBrush) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TBrush) SetOnChange ¶
func (b *TBrush) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
type TButton ¶
type TButton struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ButtonFromInst ¶
func ButtonFromObj ¶
func NewButton ¶
func NewButton(owner IComponent) *TButton
func (*TButton) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TButton) BoundsRect ¶
func (b *TButton) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TButton) BringToFront ¶
func (b *TButton) BringToFront()
func (*TButton) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TButton) ClientRect ¶
func (b *TButton) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TButton) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TButton) CommandLinkHint ¶
func (*TButton) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TButton) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TButton) Components ¶
func (b *TButton) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TButton) ControlCount ¶
func (*TButton) DisabledImageIndex ¶
func (*TButton) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TButton) ElevationRequired ¶
func (*TButton) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TButton) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TButton) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TButton) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TButton) FindComponent ¶
func (b *TButton) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TButton) FlipChildren ¶
func (*TButton) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TButton) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TButton) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TButton) HotImageIndex ¶
func (*TButton) ImageAlignment ¶
func (b *TButton) ImageAlignment() TImageAlignment
func (*TButton) ImageIndex ¶
func (*TButton) Images ¶
func (b *TButton) Images() *TImageList
func (*TButton) Invalidate ¶
func (b *TButton) Invalidate()
func (*TButton) ModalResult ¶
func (b *TButton) ModalResult() TModalResult
func (*TButton) Owner ¶
func (b *TButton) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TButton) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TButton) ParentFont ¶
func (*TButton) ParentShowHint ¶
func (*TButton) ParentWindow ¶
func (b *TButton) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TButton) PopupMenu ¶
func (b *TButton) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TButton) PressedImageIndex ¶
func (*TButton) SelectedImageIndex ¶
func (*TButton) SendToBack ¶
func (b *TButton) SendToBack()
func (*TButton) SetAction ¶
func (b *TButton) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TButton) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TButton) SetAnchors ¶
func (b *TButton) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TButton) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (b *TButton) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TButton) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (b *TButton) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TButton) SetCaption ¶
func (*TButton) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TButton) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TButton) SetCommandLinkHint ¶
func (*TButton) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TButton) SetDefault ¶
func (*TButton) SetDisabledImageIndex ¶
func (*TButton) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TButton) SetElevationRequired ¶
func (*TButton) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TButton) SetHotImageIndex ¶
func (*TButton) SetImageAlignment ¶
func (b *TButton) SetImageAlignment(value TImageAlignment)
func (*TButton) SetImageIndex ¶
func (*TButton) SetImages ¶
func (b *TButton) SetImages(value IComponent)
func (*TButton) SetMargins ¶
func (*TButton) SetModalResult ¶
func (b *TButton) SetModalResult(value TModalResult)
func (*TButton) SetOnClick ¶
func (b *TButton) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TButton) SetOnEnter ¶
func (b *TButton) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TButton) SetOnExit ¶
func (b *TButton) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TButton) SetOnKeyDown ¶
func (*TButton) SetOnKeyPress ¶
func (b *TButton) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
func (*TButton) SetOnKeyUp ¶
func (*TButton) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (b *TButton) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TButton) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (b *TButton) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TButton) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (b *TButton) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TButton) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (b *TButton) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TButton) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (b *TButton) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TButton) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TButton) SetParentFont ¶
func (*TButton) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (*TButton) SetParentWindow ¶
func (b *TButton) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TButton) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (b *TButton) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TButton) SetPressedImageIndex ¶
func (*TButton) SetSelectedImageIndex ¶
func (*TButton) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TButton) SetStyleElements ¶
func (b *TButton) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TButton) SetStylusHotImageIndex ¶
func (*TButton) SetTabOrder ¶
func (*TButton) SetTabStop ¶
func (*TButton) SetVisible ¶
func (*TButton) SetWordWrap ¶
func (*TButton) StyleElements ¶
func (b *TButton) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TButton) StylusHotImageIndex ¶
type TCanvas ¶
type TCanvas struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CanvasFromInst ¶
func CanvasFromObj ¶
func (*TCanvas) DrawFocusRect ¶
func (c *TCanvas) DrawFocusRect(aRect TRect)
func (*TCanvas) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TCanvas) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TCanvas) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TCanvas) SetCopyMode ¶
func (*TCanvas) SetOnChange ¶
func (c *TCanvas) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TCanvas) StretchDraw ¶
func (*TCanvas) TextExtent ¶
type TCategoryPanel ¶
type TCategoryPanel struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CategoryPanelFromInst ¶
func CategoryPanelFromInst(inst uintptr) *TCategoryPanel
func CategoryPanelFromObj ¶
func CategoryPanelFromObj(obj IObject) *TCategoryPanel
func NewCategoryPanel ¶
func NewCategoryPanel(owner IComponent) *TCategoryPanel
func (*TCategoryPanel) Action ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Action() *TAction
func (*TCategoryPanel) Align ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Align() TAlign
func (*TCategoryPanel) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) AlignWithMargins() bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) Anchors ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Anchors() TAnchors
func (*TCategoryPanel) Assign ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TCategoryPanel) BiDiMode ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
func (*TCategoryPanel) BoundsRect ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TCategoryPanel) BringToFront ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) BringToFront()
func (*TCategoryPanel) Brush ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Brush() *TBrush
func (*TCategoryPanel) CanFocus ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) CanFocus() bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) Caption ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Caption() string
func (*TCategoryPanel) ClassName ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ClassName() string
func (*TCategoryPanel) ClientHeight ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ClientHeight() int32
func (*TCategoryPanel) ClientRect ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TCategoryPanel) ClientWidth ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ClientWidth() int32
func (*TCategoryPanel) Collapse ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Collapse()
func (*TCategoryPanel) Collapsed ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Collapsed() bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) CollapsedHotImageIndex ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) CollapsedHotImageIndex() int32
func (*TCategoryPanel) CollapsedImageIndex ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) CollapsedImageIndex() int32
func (*TCategoryPanel) CollapsedPressedImageIndex ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) CollapsedPressedImageIndex() int32
func (*TCategoryPanel) Color ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Color() TColor
func (*TCategoryPanel) ComponentCount ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TCategoryPanel) ComponentIndex ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TCategoryPanel) Components ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TCategoryPanel) ControlCount ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ControlCount() int32
func (*TCategoryPanel) Controls ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
func (*TCategoryPanel) Cursor ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Cursor() TCursor
func (*TCategoryPanel) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) DoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) Enabled ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Enabled() bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) Equals ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) Expand ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Expand()
func (*TCategoryPanel) ExpandedHotImageIndex ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ExpandedHotImageIndex() int32
func (*TCategoryPanel) ExpandedImageIndex ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ExpandedImageIndex() int32
func (*TCategoryPanel) ExpandedPressedImageIndex ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ExpandedPressedImageIndex() int32
func (*TCategoryPanel) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ExplicitHeight() int32
func (*TCategoryPanel) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ExplicitLeft() int32
func (*TCategoryPanel) ExplicitTop ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ExplicitTop() int32
func (*TCategoryPanel) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ExplicitWidth() int32
func (*TCategoryPanel) FindComponent ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TCategoryPanel) FlipChildren ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
func (*TCategoryPanel) Focused ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Focused() bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) Font ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Font() *TFont
func (*TCategoryPanel) Free ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Free()
func (*TCategoryPanel) FullRepaint ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) FullRepaint() bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) GetHashCode ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TCategoryPanel) GetNamePath ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) GetNamePath() string
func (*TCategoryPanel) GetTextBuf ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
func (*TCategoryPanel) Handle ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Handle() HWND
func (*TCategoryPanel) HandleAllocated ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) HandleAllocated() bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) HasParent ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) HasParent() bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) Height ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Height() int32
func (*TCategoryPanel) Hide ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Hide()
func (*TCategoryPanel) Hint ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Hint() string
func (*TCategoryPanel) Instance ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Instance() uintptr
func (*TCategoryPanel) Invalidate ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Invalidate()
func (*TCategoryPanel) IsValid ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) IsValid() bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) Left ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Left() int32
func (*TCategoryPanel) Locked ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Locked() bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) Margins ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Margins() *TMargins
func (*TCategoryPanel) Name ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Name() string
func (*TCategoryPanel) Owner ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TCategoryPanel) PanelGroup ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) PanelGroup() *TCategoryPanelGroup
func (*TCategoryPanel) Parent ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Parent() *TControl
func (*TCategoryPanel) ParentBackground ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ParentBackground() bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) ParentColor ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ParentColor() bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) ParentCtl3D ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ParentCtl3D() bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) ParentFont ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ParentFont() bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) ParentShowHint ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ParentShowHint() bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) ParentWindow ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TCategoryPanel) Perform ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
func (*TCategoryPanel) PopupMenu ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TCategoryPanel) Realign ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Realign()
func (*TCategoryPanel) Refresh ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Refresh()
func (*TCategoryPanel) Repaint ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Repaint()
func (*TCategoryPanel) ScaleBy ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SendToBack ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SendToBack()
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetAction ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetAlign ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetAlign(value TAlign)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetAnchors ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetBounds ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetCaption ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetCaption(value string)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetClientHeight ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetClientHeight(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetClientWidth ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetClientWidth(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetCollapsed ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetCollapsed(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetCollapsedHotImageIndex ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetCollapsedHotImageIndex(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetCollapsedImageIndex ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetCollapsedImageIndex(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetCollapsedPressedImageIndex ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetCollapsedPressedImageIndex(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetColor ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetColor(value TColor)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetCursor ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetCursor(value TCursor)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetEnabled ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetEnabled(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetExpandedHotImageIndex ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetExpandedHotImageIndex(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetExpandedImageIndex ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetExpandedImageIndex(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetExpandedPressedImageIndex ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetExpandedPressedImageIndex(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetFocus ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetFocus()
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetFont ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetFont(value *TFont)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetFullRepaint ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetFullRepaint(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetHeight ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetHeight(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetHint ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetHint(value string)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetLeft ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetLeft(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetLocked ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetLocked(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetMargins ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetName ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetName(value string)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetOnClick ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetOnEnter ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetOnExit ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetPanelGroup ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetPanelGroup(value IControl)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetParent ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetParent(value IControl)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetParentBackground ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetParentBackground(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetParentColor ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetParentColor(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetParentCtl3D ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetParentFont ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetParentFont(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetParentWindow ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetShowHint ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetShowHint(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetStyleElements ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetTabOrder ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetTabStop ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetTabStop(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetTag ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetTag(value int)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetTop ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetTop(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetVisible ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetVisible(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanel) SetWidth ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) SetWidth(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanel) Show ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Show()
func (*TCategoryPanel) ShowHint ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ShowHint() bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) StyleElements ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TCategoryPanel) TabOrder ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) TabOrder() uint16
func (*TCategoryPanel) TabStop ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) TabStop() bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) Tag ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Tag() int
func (*TCategoryPanel) ToString ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) ToString() string
func (*TCategoryPanel) Top ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Top() int32
func (*TCategoryPanel) Update ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Update()
func (*TCategoryPanel) Visible ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Visible() bool
func (*TCategoryPanel) Width ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanel) Width() int32
type TCategoryPanelGroup ¶
type TCategoryPanelGroup struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CategoryPanelGroupFromInst ¶
func CategoryPanelGroupFromInst(inst uintptr) *TCategoryPanelGroup
func CategoryPanelGroupFromObj ¶
func CategoryPanelGroupFromObj(obj IObject) *TCategoryPanelGroup
func NewCategoryPanelGroup ¶
func NewCategoryPanelGroup(owner IComponent) *TCategoryPanelGroup
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Action ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Action() *TAction
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Align ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Align() TAlign
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) AlignWithMargins() bool
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Anchors ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Anchors() TAnchors
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Assign ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) BevelEdges ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) BevelInner ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) BevelInner() TBevelCut
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) BevelKind ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) BevelKind() TBevelKind
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) BevelOuter ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) BiDiMode ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) BoundsRect ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) BringToFront ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) BringToFront()
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Brush ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Brush() *TBrush
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) CanFocus ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) CanFocus() bool
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ChevronAlignment ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ChevronAlignment() TAlignment
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ChevronColor ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ChevronColor() TColor
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ChevronHotColor ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ChevronHotColor() TColor
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ClassName ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ClassName() string
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ClientHeight ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ClientHeight() int32
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ClientRect ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ClientWidth ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ClientWidth() int32
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) CollapseAll ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) CollapseAll()
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Color ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Color() TColor
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ComponentCount ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ComponentIndex ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Components ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ControlCount ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ControlCount() int32
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Controls ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Cursor ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Cursor() TCursor
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) DoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Enabled ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Enabled() bool
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Equals ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ExpandAll ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ExpandAll()
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ExplicitHeight() int32
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ExplicitLeft() int32
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ExplicitTop ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ExplicitTop() int32
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ExplicitWidth() int32
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) FindComponent ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) FlipChildren ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Focused ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Focused() bool
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Font ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Font() *TFont
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Free ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Free()
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) GetHashCode ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) GetNamePath ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) GetNamePath() string
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) GetTextBuf ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) GradientBaseColor ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) GradientBaseColor() TColor
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) GradientColor ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) GradientColor() TColor
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) GradientDirection ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) GradientDirection() TGradientDirection
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Handle ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Handle() HWND
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) HandleAllocated ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) HandleAllocated() bool
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) HasParent ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) HasParent() bool
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) HeaderAlignment ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) HeaderAlignment() TAlignment
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) HeaderFont ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) HeaderFont() *TFont
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) HeaderHeight ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) HeaderHeight() int32
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) HeaderImage ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) HeaderImage() *TPicture
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) HeaderStyle ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) HeaderStyle() THeaderStyle
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Height ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Height() int32
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Hide ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Hide()
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Hint ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Hint() string
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Images ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Images() *TImageList
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Instance ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Instance() uintptr
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Invalidate ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Invalidate()
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) IsValid ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) IsValid() bool
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Left ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Left() int32
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Margins ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Margins() *TMargins
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Name ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Name() string
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Owner ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Panels ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Panels() *TList
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Parent ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Parent() *TControl
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentBackground ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentBackground() bool
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentColor ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentColor() bool
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentCtl3D ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentCtl3D() bool
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentFont ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentFont() bool
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentShowHint ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentShowHint() bool
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentWindow ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Perform ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) PopupMenu ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Realign ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Realign()
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Refresh ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Refresh()
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Repaint ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Repaint()
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ScaleBy ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SendToBack ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SendToBack()
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetAction ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetAlign ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetAlign(value TAlign)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetAnchors ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBevelEdges ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBevelInner ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBevelKind ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBevelOuter ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBounds ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetChevronAlignment ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetChevronAlignment(value TAlignment)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetChevronColor ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetChevronColor(value TColor)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetChevronHotColor ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetChevronHotColor(value TColor)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetClientHeight ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetClientHeight(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetClientWidth ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetClientWidth(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetColor ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetColor(value TColor)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetCursor ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetCursor(value TCursor)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetEnabled ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetEnabled(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetFocus ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetFocus()
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetFont ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetFont(value *TFont)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetGradientBaseColor ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetGradientBaseColor(value TColor)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetGradientColor ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetGradientColor(value TColor)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetGradientDirection ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetGradientDirection(value TGradientDirection)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHeaderAlignment ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHeaderAlignment(value TAlignment)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHeaderFont ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHeaderFont(value *TFont)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHeaderHeight ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHeaderHeight(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHeaderImage ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHeaderImage(value *TPicture)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHeaderStyle ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHeaderStyle(value THeaderStyle)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHeight ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHeight(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHint ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetHint(value string)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetImages ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetImages(value IComponent)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetLeft ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetLeft(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetMargins ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetName ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetName(value string)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnClick ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnEnter ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnExit ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnMouseWheel ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnMouseWheel(fn TMouseWheelEvent)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnResize ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetOnResize(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParent ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParent(value IControl)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentBackground ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentBackground(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentColor ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentColor(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentCtl3D ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentFont ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentFont(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentWindow ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetShowHint ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetShowHint(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetStyleElements ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetTabOrder ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetTabStop ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetTabStop(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetTag ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetTag(value int)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetTop ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetTop(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetVisible ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetVisible(value bool)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) SetWidth ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) SetWidth(value int32)
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Show ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Show()
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ShowHint ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ShowHint() bool
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) StyleElements ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) TabOrder ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) TabOrder() uint16
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) TabStop ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) TabStop() bool
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Tag ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Tag() int
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) ToString ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) ToString() string
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Top ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Top() int32
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Update ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Update()
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Visible ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Visible() bool
func (*TCategoryPanelGroup) Width ¶
func (c *TCategoryPanelGroup) Width() int32
type TCheckBox ¶
type TCheckBox struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CheckBoxFromInst ¶
func CheckBoxFromObj ¶
func NewCheckBox ¶
func NewCheckBox(owner IComponent) *TCheckBox
func (*TCheckBox) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TCheckBox) BoundsRect ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TCheckBox) BringToFront ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) BringToFront()
func (*TCheckBox) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TCheckBox) ClientRect ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TCheckBox) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TCheckBox) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TCheckBox) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TCheckBox) Components ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TCheckBox) ControlCount ¶
func (*TCheckBox) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TCheckBox) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TCheckBox) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TCheckBox) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TCheckBox) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TCheckBox) FindComponent ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TCheckBox) FlipChildren ¶
func (*TCheckBox) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TCheckBox) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TCheckBox) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TCheckBox) Invalidate ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) Invalidate()
func (*TCheckBox) Owner ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TCheckBox) ParentColor ¶
func (*TCheckBox) ParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TCheckBox) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TCheckBox) ParentFont ¶
func (*TCheckBox) ParentShowHint ¶
func (*TCheckBox) ParentWindow ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TCheckBox) PopupMenu ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TCheckBox) SendToBack ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) SendToBack()
func (*TCheckBox) SetAction ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TCheckBox) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TCheckBox) SetAlignment ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) SetAlignment(value TLeftRight)
func (*TCheckBox) SetAnchors ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TCheckBox) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TCheckBox) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TCheckBox) SetCaption ¶
func (*TCheckBox) SetChecked ¶
func (*TCheckBox) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TCheckBox) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TCheckBox) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TCheckBox) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TCheckBox) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TCheckBox) SetMargins ¶
func (*TCheckBox) SetOnClick ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TCheckBox) SetOnEnter ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TCheckBox) SetOnExit ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TCheckBox) SetOnKeyDown ¶
func (*TCheckBox) SetOnKeyPress ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
func (*TCheckBox) SetOnKeyUp ¶
func (*TCheckBox) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TCheckBox) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TCheckBox) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TCheckBox) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TCheckBox) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TCheckBox) SetParentColor ¶
func (*TCheckBox) SetParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TCheckBox) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TCheckBox) SetParentFont ¶
func (*TCheckBox) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (*TCheckBox) SetParentWindow ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TCheckBox) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TCheckBox) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TCheckBox) SetStyleElements ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TCheckBox) SetTabOrder ¶
func (*TCheckBox) SetTabStop ¶
func (*TCheckBox) SetVisible ¶
func (*TCheckBox) SetWordWrap ¶
func (*TCheckBox) StyleElements ¶
func (c *TCheckBox) StyleElements() TStyleElements
type TClipboard ¶
type TClipboard struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ClipboardFromInst ¶
func ClipboardFromInst(inst uintptr) *TClipboard
func ClipboardFromObj ¶
func ClipboardFromObj(obj IObject) *TClipboard
func NewClipboard ¶
func NewClipboard() *TClipboard
func SetClipboard ¶
func SetClipboard(newClipboard IObject) *TClipboard
func (*TClipboard) AsText ¶
func (c *TClipboard) AsText() string
func (*TClipboard) Assign ¶
func (c *TClipboard) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TClipboard) ClassName ¶
func (c *TClipboard) ClassName() string
func (*TClipboard) Clear ¶
func (c *TClipboard) Clear()
func (*TClipboard) Close ¶
func (c *TClipboard) Close()
func (*TClipboard) Equals ¶
func (c *TClipboard) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TClipboard) FormatCount ¶
func (c *TClipboard) FormatCount() int32
func (*TClipboard) Formats ¶
func (c *TClipboard) Formats(Index int32) uint16
func (*TClipboard) Free ¶
func (c *TClipboard) Free()
func (*TClipboard) GetAsHandle ¶
func (c *TClipboard) GetAsHandle(Format uint16) uintptr
func (*TClipboard) GetHashCode ¶
func (c *TClipboard) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TClipboard) GetNamePath ¶
func (c *TClipboard) GetNamePath() string
func (*TClipboard) GetTextBuf ¶
func (c *TClipboard) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
func (*TClipboard) HasFormat ¶
func (c *TClipboard) HasFormat(Format uint16) bool
func (*TClipboard) Instance ¶
func (c *TClipboard) Instance() uintptr
func (*TClipboard) IsValid ¶
func (c *TClipboard) IsValid() bool
func (*TClipboard) Open ¶
func (c *TClipboard) Open()
func (*TClipboard) SetAsHandle ¶
func (c *TClipboard) SetAsHandle(Format uint16, Value uintptr)
func (*TClipboard) SetAsText ¶
func (c *TClipboard) SetAsText(value string)
func (*TClipboard) ToString ¶
func (c *TClipboard) ToString() string
type TCloseEvent ¶
type TCloseEvent func(sender IObject, action *TCloseAction) // Action *uintptr
TCloseEvent Form
type TCloseQueryEvent ¶
TCloseQueryEvent Form
type TCollectionItem ¶
type TCollectionItem struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CollectionItemFromInst ¶
func CollectionItemFromInst(inst uintptr) *TCollectionItem
func CollectionItemFromObj ¶
func CollectionItemFromObj(obj IObject) *TCollectionItem
func NewCollectionItem ¶
func NewCollectionItem() *TCollectionItem
func (*TCollectionItem) Assign ¶
func (c *TCollectionItem) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TCollectionItem) ClassName ¶
func (c *TCollectionItem) ClassName() string
func (*TCollectionItem) Equals ¶
func (c *TCollectionItem) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TCollectionItem) Free ¶
func (c *TCollectionItem) Free()
func (*TCollectionItem) GetHashCode ¶
func (c *TCollectionItem) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TCollectionItem) GetNamePath ¶
func (c *TCollectionItem) GetNamePath() string
func (*TCollectionItem) Index ¶
func (c *TCollectionItem) Index() int32
func (*TCollectionItem) Instance ¶
func (c *TCollectionItem) Instance() uintptr
func (*TCollectionItem) IsValid ¶
func (c *TCollectionItem) IsValid() bool
func (*TCollectionItem) SetIndex ¶
func (c *TCollectionItem) SetIndex(value int32)
func (*TCollectionItem) ToString ¶
func (c *TCollectionItem) ToString() string
type TColorBox ¶
type TColorBox struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ColorBoxFromInst ¶
func ColorBoxFromObj ¶
func NewColorBox ¶
func NewColorBox(owner IComponent) *TColorBox
func (*TColorBox) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TColorBox) AutoCloseUp ¶
func (*TColorBox) AutoComplete ¶
func (*TColorBox) AutoCompleteDelay ¶
func (*TColorBox) AutoDropDown ¶
func (*TColorBox) BevelEdges ¶
func (c *TColorBox) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
func (*TColorBox) BevelInner ¶
func (c *TColorBox) BevelInner() TBevelCut
func (*TColorBox) BevelOuter ¶
func (c *TColorBox) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
func (*TColorBox) BoundsRect ¶
func (c *TColorBox) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TColorBox) BringToFront ¶
func (c *TColorBox) BringToFront()
func (*TColorBox) ClearSelection ¶
func (c *TColorBox) ClearSelection()
func (*TColorBox) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TColorBox) ClientRect ¶
func (c *TColorBox) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TColorBox) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TColorBox) ColorNames ¶
func (*TColorBox) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TColorBox) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TColorBox) Components ¶
func (c *TColorBox) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TColorBox) ControlCount ¶
func (*TColorBox) DefaultColorColor ¶
func (c *TColorBox) DefaultColorColor() TColor
func (*TColorBox) DeleteSelected ¶
func (c *TColorBox) DeleteSelected()
func (*TColorBox) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TColorBox) DropDownCount ¶
func (*TColorBox) DroppedDown ¶
func (*TColorBox) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TColorBox) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TColorBox) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TColorBox) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TColorBox) FindComponent ¶
func (c *TColorBox) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TColorBox) FlipChildren ¶
func (*TColorBox) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TColorBox) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TColorBox) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TColorBox) Invalidate ¶
func (c *TColorBox) Invalidate()
func (*TColorBox) ItemHeight ¶
func (*TColorBox) NoneColorColor ¶
func (c *TColorBox) NoneColorColor() TColor
func (*TColorBox) Owner ¶
func (c *TColorBox) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TColorBox) ParentColor ¶
func (*TColorBox) ParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TColorBox) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TColorBox) ParentFont ¶
func (*TColorBox) ParentShowHint ¶
func (*TColorBox) ParentWindow ¶
func (c *TColorBox) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TColorBox) PopupMenu ¶
func (c *TColorBox) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TColorBox) SendToBack ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SendToBack()
func (*TColorBox) SetAction ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TColorBox) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetAnchors ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TColorBox) SetAutoCloseUp ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetAutoComplete ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetAutoCompleteDelay ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetAutoDropDown ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetBevelEdges ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
func (*TColorBox) SetBevelInner ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
func (*TColorBox) SetBevelKind ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
func (*TColorBox) SetBevelOuter ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
func (*TColorBox) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TColorBox) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TColorBox) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetDefaultColorColor ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetDefaultColorColor(value TColor)
func (*TColorBox) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetDropDownCount ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetDroppedDown ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetItemHeight ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetItemIndex ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetMargins ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetNoneColorColor ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetNoneColorColor(value TColor)
func (*TColorBox) SetOnChange ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TColorBox) SetOnClick ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TColorBox) SetOnEnter ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TColorBox) SetOnExit ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TColorBox) SetOnKeyDown ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetOnKeyPress ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
func (*TColorBox) SetOnKeyUp ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TColorBox) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TColorBox) SetParentColor ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetParentFont ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetParentWindow ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TColorBox) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TColorBox) SetSelLength ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetSelStart ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetSelText ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetSelected ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetSelected(value TColor)
func (*TColorBox) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetStyleElements ¶
func (c *TColorBox) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TColorBox) SetTabOrder ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetTabStop ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetTextHint ¶
func (*TColorBox) SetVisible ¶
func (*TColorBox) StyleElements ¶
func (c *TColorBox) StyleElements() TStyleElements
type TColorDialog ¶
type TColorDialog struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ColorDialogFromInst ¶
func ColorDialogFromInst(inst uintptr) *TColorDialog
func ColorDialogFromObj ¶
func ColorDialogFromObj(obj IObject) *TColorDialog
func NewColorDialog ¶
func NewColorDialog(owner IComponent) *TColorDialog
func (*TColorDialog) Assign ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TColorDialog) ClassName ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) ClassName() string
func (*TColorDialog) Color ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) Color() TColor
func (*TColorDialog) ComponentCount ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TColorDialog) ComponentIndex ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TColorDialog) Components ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TColorDialog) Equals ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TColorDialog) Execute ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) Execute(ParentWnd HWND) bool
func (*TColorDialog) FindComponent ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TColorDialog) Free ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) Free()
func (*TColorDialog) GetHashCode ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TColorDialog) GetNamePath ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) GetNamePath() string
func (*TColorDialog) Handle ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) Handle() HWND
func (*TColorDialog) HasParent ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) HasParent() bool
func (*TColorDialog) Instance ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) Instance() uintptr
func (*TColorDialog) IsValid ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) IsValid() bool
func (*TColorDialog) Name ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) Name() string
func (*TColorDialog) Options ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) Options() TColorDialogOptions
func (*TColorDialog) Owner ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TColorDialog) SetColor ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) SetColor(value TColor)
func (*TColorDialog) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TColorDialog) SetName ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) SetName(value string)
func (*TColorDialog) SetOnClose ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) SetOnClose(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TColorDialog) SetOnShow ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TColorDialog) SetOptions ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) SetOptions(value TColorDialogOptions)
func (*TColorDialog) SetTag ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) SetTag(value int)
func (*TColorDialog) Tag ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) Tag() int
func (*TColorDialog) ToString ¶
func (c *TColorDialog) ToString() string
type TColorListBox ¶
type TColorListBox struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ColorListBoxFromInst ¶
func ColorListBoxFromInst(inst uintptr) *TColorListBox
func ColorListBoxFromObj ¶
func ColorListBoxFromObj(obj IObject) *TColorListBox
func NewColorListBox ¶
func NewColorListBox(owner IComponent) *TColorListBox
func (*TColorListBox) Action ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Action() *TAction
func (*TColorListBox) AddItem ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) AddItem(Item string, AObject IObject)
func (*TColorListBox) Align ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Align() TAlign
func (*TColorListBox) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) AlignWithMargins() bool
func (*TColorListBox) Anchors ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Anchors() TAnchors
func (*TColorListBox) Assign ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TColorListBox) AutoComplete ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) AutoComplete() bool
func (*TColorListBox) AutoCompleteDelay ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) AutoCompleteDelay() uint32
func (*TColorListBox) BevelEdges ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
func (*TColorListBox) BevelInner ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) BevelInner() TBevelCut
func (*TColorListBox) BevelKind ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) BevelKind() TBevelKind
func (*TColorListBox) BevelOuter ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
func (*TColorListBox) BiDiMode ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
func (*TColorListBox) BoundsRect ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TColorListBox) BringToFront ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) BringToFront()
func (*TColorListBox) Brush ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Brush() *TBrush
func (*TColorListBox) CanFocus ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) CanFocus() bool
func (*TColorListBox) Canvas ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Canvas() *TCanvas
func (*TColorListBox) ClassName ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ClassName() string
func (*TColorListBox) Clear ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Clear()
func (*TColorListBox) ClearSelection ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ClearSelection()
func (*TColorListBox) ClientHeight ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ClientHeight() int32
func (*TColorListBox) ClientRect ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TColorListBox) ClientWidth ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ClientWidth() int32
func (*TColorListBox) Color ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Color() TColor
func (*TColorListBox) ColorNames ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ColorNames(Index int32) string
func (*TColorListBox) Colors ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Colors(Index int32) TColor
func (*TColorListBox) ComponentCount ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TColorListBox) ComponentIndex ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TColorListBox) Components ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TColorListBox) ControlCount ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ControlCount() int32
func (*TColorListBox) Controls ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
func (*TColorListBox) Cursor ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Cursor() TCursor
func (*TColorListBox) DefaultColorColor ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) DefaultColorColor() TColor
func (*TColorListBox) DeleteSelected ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) DeleteSelected()
func (*TColorListBox) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) DoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TColorListBox) Enabled ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Enabled() bool
func (*TColorListBox) Equals ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TColorListBox) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ExplicitHeight() int32
func (*TColorListBox) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ExplicitLeft() int32
func (*TColorListBox) ExplicitTop ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ExplicitTop() int32
func (*TColorListBox) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ExplicitWidth() int32
func (*TColorListBox) FindComponent ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TColorListBox) FlipChildren ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
func (*TColorListBox) Focused ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Focused() bool
func (*TColorListBox) Font ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Font() *TFont
func (*TColorListBox) Free ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Free()
func (*TColorListBox) GetHashCode ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TColorListBox) GetNamePath ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) GetNamePath() string
func (*TColorListBox) GetTextBuf ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
func (*TColorListBox) Handle ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Handle() HWND
func (*TColorListBox) HandleAllocated ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) HandleAllocated() bool
func (*TColorListBox) HasParent ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) HasParent() bool
func (*TColorListBox) Height ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Height() int32
func (*TColorListBox) Hide ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Hide()
func (*TColorListBox) Hint ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Hint() string
func (*TColorListBox) Instance ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Instance() uintptr
func (*TColorListBox) Invalidate ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Invalidate()
func (*TColorListBox) IsValid ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) IsValid() bool
func (*TColorListBox) ItemHeight ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ItemHeight() int32
func (*TColorListBox) ItemIndex ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ItemIndex() int32
func (*TColorListBox) Items ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Items() *TStrings
func (*TColorListBox) Left ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Left() int32
func (*TColorListBox) Margins ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Margins() *TMargins
func (*TColorListBox) MultiSelect ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) MultiSelect() bool
func (*TColorListBox) Name ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Name() string
func (*TColorListBox) NoneColorColor ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) NoneColorColor() TColor
func (*TColorListBox) Owner ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TColorListBox) Parent ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Parent() *TControl
func (*TColorListBox) ParentColor ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ParentColor() bool
func (*TColorListBox) ParentCtl3D ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ParentCtl3D() bool
func (*TColorListBox) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TColorListBox) ParentFont ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ParentFont() bool
func (*TColorListBox) ParentShowHint ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ParentShowHint() bool
func (*TColorListBox) ParentWindow ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TColorListBox) Perform ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
func (*TColorListBox) PopupMenu ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TColorListBox) Realign ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Realign()
func (*TColorListBox) Refresh ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Refresh()
func (*TColorListBox) Repaint ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Repaint()
func (*TColorListBox) ScaleBy ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
func (*TColorListBox) SelCount ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SelCount() int32
func (*TColorListBox) SelectAll ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SelectAll()
func (*TColorListBox) Selected ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Selected() TColor
func (*TColorListBox) SendToBack ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SendToBack()
func (*TColorListBox) SetAction ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TColorListBox) SetAlign ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetAlign(value TAlign)
func (*TColorListBox) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
func (*TColorListBox) SetAnchors ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TColorListBox) SetAutoComplete ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetAutoComplete(value bool)
func (*TColorListBox) SetAutoCompleteDelay ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetAutoCompleteDelay(value uint32)
func (*TColorListBox) SetBevelEdges ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
func (*TColorListBox) SetBevelInner ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
func (*TColorListBox) SetBevelKind ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
func (*TColorListBox) SetBevelOuter ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
func (*TColorListBox) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TColorListBox) SetBounds ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
func (*TColorListBox) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TColorListBox) SetClientHeight ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetClientHeight(value int32)
func (*TColorListBox) SetClientWidth ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetClientWidth(value int32)
func (*TColorListBox) SetColor ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetColor(value TColor)
func (*TColorListBox) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TColorListBox) SetCursor ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetCursor(value TCursor)
func (*TColorListBox) SetDefaultColorColor ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetDefaultColorColor(value TColor)
func (*TColorListBox) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TColorListBox) SetEnabled ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetEnabled(value bool)
func (*TColorListBox) SetFocus ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetFocus()
func (*TColorListBox) SetFont ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetFont(value *TFont)
func (*TColorListBox) SetHeight ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetHeight(value int32)
func (*TColorListBox) SetHint ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetHint(value string)
func (*TColorListBox) SetItemHeight ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetItemHeight(value int32)
func (*TColorListBox) SetItemIndex ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetItemIndex(value int32)
func (*TColorListBox) SetItems ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetItems(value IObject)
func (*TColorListBox) SetLeft ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetLeft(value int32)
func (*TColorListBox) SetMargins ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
func (*TColorListBox) SetMultiSelect ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetMultiSelect(value bool)
func (*TColorListBox) SetName ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetName(value string)
func (*TColorListBox) SetNoneColorColor ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetNoneColorColor(value TColor)
func (*TColorListBox) SetOnClick ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TColorListBox) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TColorListBox) SetOnEnter ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TColorListBox) SetOnExit ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TColorListBox) SetOnKeyDown ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent)
func (*TColorListBox) SetOnKeyPress ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
func (*TColorListBox) SetOnKeyUp ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent)
func (*TColorListBox) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TColorListBox) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TColorListBox) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TColorListBox) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TColorListBox) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TColorListBox) SetParent ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetParent(value IControl)
func (*TColorListBox) SetParentColor ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetParentColor(value bool)
func (*TColorListBox) SetParentCtl3D ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
func (*TColorListBox) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TColorListBox) SetParentFont ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetParentFont(value bool)
func (*TColorListBox) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
func (*TColorListBox) SetParentWindow ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TColorListBox) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TColorListBox) SetSelected ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetSelected(value TColor)
func (*TColorListBox) SetShowHint ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetShowHint(value bool)
func (*TColorListBox) SetStyle ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetStyle(value TColorBoxStyle)
func (*TColorListBox) SetStyleElements ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TColorListBox) SetTabOrder ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
func (*TColorListBox) SetTabStop ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetTabStop(value bool)
func (*TColorListBox) SetTag ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetTag(value int)
func (*TColorListBox) SetTop ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetTop(value int32)
func (*TColorListBox) SetVisible ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetVisible(value bool)
func (*TColorListBox) SetWidth ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) SetWidth(value int32)
func (*TColorListBox) Show ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Show()
func (*TColorListBox) ShowHint ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ShowHint() bool
func (*TColorListBox) Style ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Style() TColorBoxStyle
func (*TColorListBox) StyleElements ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TColorListBox) TabOrder ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) TabOrder() uint16
func (*TColorListBox) TabStop ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) TabStop() bool
func (*TColorListBox) Tag ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Tag() int
func (*TColorListBox) ToString ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) ToString() string
func (*TColorListBox) Top ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Top() int32
func (*TColorListBox) Update ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Update()
func (*TColorListBox) Visible ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Visible() bool
func (*TColorListBox) Width ¶
func (c *TColorListBox) Width() int32
type TComboBox ¶
type TComboBox struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ComboBoxFromInst ¶
func ComboBoxFromObj ¶
func NewComboBox ¶
func NewComboBox(owner IComponent) *TComboBox
func (*TComboBox) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TComboBox) AutoCloseUp ¶
func (*TComboBox) AutoComplete ¶
func (*TComboBox) AutoCompleteDelay ¶
func (*TComboBox) AutoDropDown ¶
func (*TComboBox) BevelEdges ¶
func (c *TComboBox) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
func (*TComboBox) BevelInner ¶
func (c *TComboBox) BevelInner() TBevelCut
func (*TComboBox) BevelOuter ¶
func (c *TComboBox) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
func (*TComboBox) BoundsRect ¶
func (c *TComboBox) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TComboBox) BringToFront ¶
func (c *TComboBox) BringToFront()
func (*TComboBox) ClearSelection ¶
func (c *TComboBox) ClearSelection()
func (*TComboBox) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TComboBox) ClientRect ¶
func (c *TComboBox) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TComboBox) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TComboBox) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TComboBox) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TComboBox) Components ¶
func (c *TComboBox) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TComboBox) ControlCount ¶
func (*TComboBox) DeleteSelected ¶
func (c *TComboBox) DeleteSelected()
func (*TComboBox) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TComboBox) DropDownCount ¶
func (*TComboBox) DroppedDown ¶
func (*TComboBox) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TComboBox) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TComboBox) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TComboBox) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TComboBox) FindComponent ¶
func (c *TComboBox) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TComboBox) FlipChildren ¶
func (*TComboBox) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TComboBox) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TComboBox) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TComboBox) Invalidate ¶
func (c *TComboBox) Invalidate()
func (*TComboBox) ItemHeight ¶
func (*TComboBox) Owner ¶
func (c *TComboBox) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TComboBox) ParentColor ¶
func (*TComboBox) ParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TComboBox) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TComboBox) ParentFont ¶
func (*TComboBox) ParentShowHint ¶
func (*TComboBox) ParentWindow ¶
func (c *TComboBox) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TComboBox) PopupMenu ¶
func (c *TComboBox) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TComboBox) SendToBack ¶
func (c *TComboBox) SendToBack()
func (*TComboBox) SetAction ¶
func (c *TComboBox) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TComboBox) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetAnchors ¶
func (c *TComboBox) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TComboBox) SetAutoCloseUp ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetAutoComplete ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetAutoCompleteDelay ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetAutoDropDown ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetBevelEdges ¶
func (c *TComboBox) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
func (*TComboBox) SetBevelInner ¶
func (c *TComboBox) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
func (*TComboBox) SetBevelKind ¶
func (c *TComboBox) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
func (*TComboBox) SetBevelOuter ¶
func (c *TComboBox) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
func (*TComboBox) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (c *TComboBox) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TComboBox) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (c *TComboBox) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TComboBox) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetDropDownCount ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetDroppedDown ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetItemHeight ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetItemIndex ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetMargins ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetMaxLength ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetOnChange ¶
func (c *TComboBox) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TComboBox) SetOnClick ¶
func (c *TComboBox) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TComboBox) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (c *TComboBox) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TComboBox) SetOnEnter ¶
func (c *TComboBox) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TComboBox) SetOnExit ¶
func (c *TComboBox) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TComboBox) SetOnKeyDown ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetOnKeyPress ¶
func (c *TComboBox) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
func (*TComboBox) SetOnKeyUp ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (c *TComboBox) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TComboBox) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (c *TComboBox) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TComboBox) SetParentColor ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetParentFont ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetParentWindow ¶
func (c *TComboBox) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TComboBox) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (c *TComboBox) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TComboBox) SetSelLength ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetSelStart ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetSelText ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetStyleElements ¶
func (c *TComboBox) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TComboBox) SetTabOrder ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetTabStop ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetTextHint ¶
func (*TComboBox) SetVisible ¶
func (*TComboBox) StyleElements ¶
func (c *TComboBox) StyleElements() TStyleElements
type TComponent ¶
type TComponent struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ComponentFromInst ¶
func ComponentFromInst(inst uintptr) *TComponent
func ComponentFromObj ¶
func ComponentFromObj(obj IObject) *TComponent
func NewComponent ¶
func NewComponent(owner IComponent) *TComponent
func (*TComponent) Assign ¶
func (c *TComponent) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TComponent) ClassName ¶
func (c *TComponent) ClassName() string
func (*TComponent) ComponentCount ¶
func (c *TComponent) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TComponent) ComponentIndex ¶
func (c *TComponent) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TComponent) Components ¶
func (c *TComponent) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TComponent) Equals ¶
func (c *TComponent) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TComponent) FindComponent ¶
func (c *TComponent) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TComponent) Free ¶
func (c *TComponent) Free()
func (*TComponent) GetHashCode ¶
func (c *TComponent) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TComponent) GetNamePath ¶
func (c *TComponent) GetNamePath() string
func (*TComponent) HasParent ¶
func (c *TComponent) HasParent() bool
func (*TComponent) Instance ¶
func (c *TComponent) Instance() uintptr
func (*TComponent) IsValid ¶
func (c *TComponent) IsValid() bool
func (*TComponent) Name ¶
func (c *TComponent) Name() string
func (*TComponent) Owner ¶
func (c *TComponent) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TComponent) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (c *TComponent) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TComponent) SetName ¶
func (c *TComponent) SetName(value string)
func (*TComponent) SetTag ¶
func (c *TComponent) SetTag(value int)
func (*TComponent) Tag ¶
func (c *TComponent) Tag() int
func (*TComponent) ToString ¶
func (c *TComponent) ToString() string
type TControl ¶
type TControl struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ControlFromInst ¶
func ControlFromObj ¶
func NewControl ¶
func NewControl(owner IComponent) *TControl
func (*TControl) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TControl) BoundsRect ¶
func (c *TControl) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TControl) BringToFront ¶
func (c *TControl) BringToFront()
func (*TControl) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TControl) ClientRect ¶
func (c *TControl) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TControl) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TControl) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TControl) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TControl) Components ¶
func (c *TControl) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TControl) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TControl) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TControl) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TControl) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TControl) FindComponent ¶
func (c *TControl) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TControl) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TControl) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TControl) Invalidate ¶
func (c *TControl) Invalidate()
func (*TControl) Owner ¶
func (c *TControl) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TControl) SendToBack ¶
func (c *TControl) SendToBack()
func (*TControl) SetAction ¶
func (c *TControl) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TControl) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TControl) SetAnchors ¶
func (c *TControl) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TControl) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (c *TControl) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TControl) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (c *TControl) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TControl) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TControl) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TControl) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TControl) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TControl) SetMargins ¶
func (*TControl) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TControl) SetStyleElements ¶
func (c *TControl) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TControl) SetVisible ¶
func (*TControl) StyleElements ¶
func (c *TControl) StyleElements() TStyleElements
type TDateTimePicker ¶
type TDateTimePicker struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func DateTimePickerFromInst ¶
func DateTimePickerFromInst(inst uintptr) *TDateTimePicker
func DateTimePickerFromObj ¶
func DateTimePickerFromObj(obj IObject) *TDateTimePicker
func NewDateTimePicker ¶
func NewDateTimePicker(owner IComponent) *TDateTimePicker
func (*TDateTimePicker) Action ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Action() *TAction
func (*TDateTimePicker) Align ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Align() TAlign
func (*TDateTimePicker) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) AlignWithMargins() bool
func (*TDateTimePicker) Anchors ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Anchors() TAnchors
func (*TDateTimePicker) Assign ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TDateTimePicker) BevelEdges ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
func (*TDateTimePicker) BevelInner ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) BevelInner() TBevelCut
func (*TDateTimePicker) BevelKind ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) BevelKind() TBevelKind
func (*TDateTimePicker) BevelOuter ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
func (*TDateTimePicker) BiDiMode ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
func (*TDateTimePicker) BoundsRect ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TDateTimePicker) BringToFront ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) BringToFront()
func (*TDateTimePicker) Brush ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Brush() *TBrush
func (*TDateTimePicker) CalAlignment ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) CalAlignment() TDTCalAlignment
func (*TDateTimePicker) CalColors ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) CalColors() *TMonthCalColors
func (*TDateTimePicker) CanFocus ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) CanFocus() bool
func (*TDateTimePicker) Checked ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Checked() bool
func (*TDateTimePicker) ClassName ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) ClassName() string
func (*TDateTimePicker) ClientHeight ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) ClientHeight() int32
func (*TDateTimePicker) ClientRect ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TDateTimePicker) ClientWidth ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) ClientWidth() int32
func (*TDateTimePicker) Color ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Color() TColor
func (*TDateTimePicker) ComponentCount ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TDateTimePicker) ComponentIndex ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TDateTimePicker) Components ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TDateTimePicker) ControlCount ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) ControlCount() int32
func (*TDateTimePicker) Controls ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
func (*TDateTimePicker) Cursor ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Cursor() TCursor
func (*TDateTimePicker) Date ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Date() time.Time
func (*TDateTimePicker) DateFormat ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) DateFormat() TDTDateFormat
func (*TDateTimePicker) DateMode ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) DateMode() TDTDateMode
func (*TDateTimePicker) DateTime ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) DateTime() time.Time
func (*TDateTimePicker) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) DoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TDateTimePicker) DroppedDown ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) DroppedDown() bool
func (*TDateTimePicker) Enabled ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Enabled() bool
func (*TDateTimePicker) Equals ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TDateTimePicker) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) ExplicitHeight() int32
func (*TDateTimePicker) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) ExplicitLeft() int32
func (*TDateTimePicker) ExplicitTop ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) ExplicitTop() int32
func (*TDateTimePicker) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) ExplicitWidth() int32
func (*TDateTimePicker) FindComponent ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TDateTimePicker) FlipChildren ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
func (*TDateTimePicker) Focused ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Focused() bool
func (*TDateTimePicker) Font ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Font() *TFont
func (*TDateTimePicker) Format ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Format() string
func (*TDateTimePicker) Free ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Free()
func (*TDateTimePicker) GetHashCode ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TDateTimePicker) GetNamePath ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) GetNamePath() string
func (*TDateTimePicker) GetTextBuf ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
func (*TDateTimePicker) Handle ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Handle() HWND
func (*TDateTimePicker) HandleAllocated ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) HandleAllocated() bool
func (*TDateTimePicker) HasParent ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) HasParent() bool
func (*TDateTimePicker) Height ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Height() int32
func (*TDateTimePicker) Hide ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Hide()
func (*TDateTimePicker) Hint ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Hint() string
func (*TDateTimePicker) Instance ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Instance() uintptr
func (*TDateTimePicker) Invalidate ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Invalidate()
func (*TDateTimePicker) IsValid ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) IsValid() bool
func (*TDateTimePicker) Kind ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Kind() TDateTimeKind
func (*TDateTimePicker) Left ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Left() int32
func (*TDateTimePicker) Margins ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Margins() *TMargins
func (*TDateTimePicker) MaxDate ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) MaxDate() time.Time
func (*TDateTimePicker) MinDate ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) MinDate() time.Time
func (*TDateTimePicker) Name ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Name() string
func (*TDateTimePicker) Owner ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TDateTimePicker) Parent ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Parent() *TControl
func (*TDateTimePicker) ParentColor ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) ParentColor() bool
func (*TDateTimePicker) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TDateTimePicker) ParentFont ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) ParentFont() bool
func (*TDateTimePicker) ParentShowHint ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) ParentShowHint() bool
func (*TDateTimePicker) ParentWindow ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TDateTimePicker) ParseInput ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) ParseInput() bool
func (*TDateTimePicker) Perform ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
func (*TDateTimePicker) PopupMenu ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TDateTimePicker) Realign ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Realign()
func (*TDateTimePicker) Refresh ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Refresh()
func (*TDateTimePicker) Repaint ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Repaint()
func (*TDateTimePicker) ScaleBy ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SendToBack ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SendToBack()
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetAction ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetAlign ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetAlign(value TAlign)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetAnchors ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetBevelEdges ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetBevelInner ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetBevelKind ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetBevelOuter ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetBounds ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetCalAlignment ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetCalAlignment(value TDTCalAlignment)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetCalColors ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetCalColors(value *TMonthCalColors)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetChecked ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetChecked(value bool)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetClientHeight ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetClientHeight(value int32)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetClientWidth ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetClientWidth(value int32)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetColor ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetColor(value TColor)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetCursor ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetCursor(value TCursor)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetDate ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetDate(value time.Time)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetDateFormat ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetDateFormat(value TDTDateFormat)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetDateMode ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetDateMode(value TDTDateMode)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetDateTime ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetDateTime(value time.Time)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetEnabled ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetEnabled(value bool)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetFocus ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetFocus()
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetFont ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetFont(value *TFont)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetFormat ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetFormat(value string)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetHeight ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetHeight(value int32)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetHint ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetHint(value string)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetKind ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetKind(value TDateTimeKind)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetLeft ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetLeft(value int32)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetMargins ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetMaxDate ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetMaxDate(value time.Time)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetMinDate ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetMinDate(value time.Time)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetName ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetName(value string)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetOnChange ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetOnClick ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetOnEnter ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetOnExit ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetOnKeyDown ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetOnKeyPress ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetOnKeyUp ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetParent ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetParent(value IControl)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetParentColor ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetParentColor(value bool)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetParentFont ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetParentFont(value bool)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetParentWindow ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetParseInput ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetParseInput(value bool)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetShowHint ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetShowHint(value bool)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetStyleElements ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetTabOrder ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetTabStop ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetTabStop(value bool)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetTag ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetTag(value int)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetTime ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetTime(value time.Time)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetTop ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetTop(value int32)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetVisible ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetVisible(value bool)
func (*TDateTimePicker) SetWidth ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) SetWidth(value int32)
func (*TDateTimePicker) Show ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Show()
func (*TDateTimePicker) ShowHint ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) ShowHint() bool
func (*TDateTimePicker) StyleElements ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TDateTimePicker) TabOrder ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) TabOrder() uint16
func (*TDateTimePicker) TabStop ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) TabStop() bool
func (*TDateTimePicker) Tag ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Tag() int
func (*TDateTimePicker) Time ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Time() time.Time
func (*TDateTimePicker) ToString ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) ToString() string
func (*TDateTimePicker) Top ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Top() int32
func (*TDateTimePicker) Update ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Update()
func (*TDateTimePicker) Visible ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Visible() bool
func (*TDateTimePicker) Width ¶
func (d *TDateTimePicker) Width() int32
type TEdit ¶
type TEdit struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func EditFromInst ¶
func EditFromObj ¶
func NewEdit ¶
func NewEdit(owner IComponent) *TEdit
func (*TEdit) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TEdit) AutoSelect ¶
func (*TEdit) BevelEdges ¶
func (e *TEdit) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
func (*TEdit) BevelInner ¶
func (e *TEdit) BevelInner() TBevelCut
func (*TEdit) BevelOuter ¶
func (e *TEdit) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
func (*TEdit) BorderStyle ¶
func (e *TEdit) BorderStyle() TBorderStyle
func (*TEdit) BoundsRect ¶
func (e *TEdit) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TEdit) BringToFront ¶
func (e *TEdit) BringToFront()
func (*TEdit) ClearSelection ¶
func (e *TEdit) ClearSelection()
func (*TEdit) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TEdit) ClientRect ¶
func (e *TEdit) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TEdit) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TEdit) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TEdit) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TEdit) Components ¶
func (e *TEdit) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TEdit) ControlCount ¶
func (*TEdit) CopyToClipboard ¶
func (e *TEdit) CopyToClipboard()
func (*TEdit) CutToClipboard ¶
func (e *TEdit) CutToClipboard()
func (*TEdit) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TEdit) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TEdit) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TEdit) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TEdit) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TEdit) FindComponent ¶
func (e *TEdit) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TEdit) FlipChildren ¶
func (*TEdit) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TEdit) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TEdit) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TEdit) HideSelection ¶
func (*TEdit) Invalidate ¶
func (e *TEdit) Invalidate()
func (*TEdit) NumbersOnly ¶
func (*TEdit) Owner ¶
func (e *TEdit) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TEdit) ParentColor ¶
func (*TEdit) ParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TEdit) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TEdit) ParentFont ¶
func (*TEdit) ParentShowHint ¶
func (*TEdit) ParentWindow ¶
func (e *TEdit) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TEdit) PasswordChar ¶
func (*TEdit) PasteFromClipboard ¶
func (e *TEdit) PasteFromClipboard()
func (*TEdit) PopupMenu ¶
func (e *TEdit) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TEdit) SendToBack ¶
func (e *TEdit) SendToBack()
func (*TEdit) SetAction ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TEdit) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TEdit) SetAlignment ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetAlignment(value TAlignment)
func (*TEdit) SetAnchors ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TEdit) SetAutoSelect ¶
func (*TEdit) SetAutoSize ¶
func (*TEdit) SetBevelEdges ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
func (*TEdit) SetBevelInner ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
func (*TEdit) SetBevelKind ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
func (*TEdit) SetBevelOuter ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
func (*TEdit) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TEdit) SetBorderStyle ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetBorderStyle(value TBorderStyle)
func (*TEdit) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TEdit) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TEdit) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TEdit) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TEdit) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TEdit) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TEdit) SetHideSelection ¶
func (*TEdit) SetMargins ¶
func (*TEdit) SetMaxLength ¶
func (*TEdit) SetModified ¶
func (*TEdit) SetNumbersOnly ¶
func (*TEdit) SetOnChange ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TEdit) SetOnClick ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TEdit) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TEdit) SetOnEnter ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TEdit) SetOnExit ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TEdit) SetOnKeyDown ¶
func (*TEdit) SetOnKeyPress ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
func (*TEdit) SetOnKeyUp ¶
func (*TEdit) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TEdit) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TEdit) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TEdit) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TEdit) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TEdit) SetParentColor ¶
func (*TEdit) SetParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TEdit) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TEdit) SetParentFont ¶
func (*TEdit) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (*TEdit) SetParentWindow ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TEdit) SetPasswordChar ¶
func (*TEdit) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TEdit) SetReadOnly ¶
func (*TEdit) SetSelLength ¶
func (*TEdit) SetSelStart ¶
func (*TEdit) SetSelText ¶
func (*TEdit) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TEdit) SetStyleElements ¶
func (e *TEdit) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TEdit) SetTabOrder ¶
func (*TEdit) SetTabStop ¶
func (*TEdit) SetTextHint ¶
func (*TEdit) SetVisible ¶
func (*TEdit) StyleElements ¶
func (e *TEdit) StyleElements() TStyleElements
type TFont ¶
type TFont struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func FontFromInst ¶
func FontFromObj ¶
func (*TFont) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TFont) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TFont) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TFont) Orientation ¶
func (*TFont) PixelsPerInch ¶
func (*TFont) SetCharset ¶
func (f *TFont) SetCharset(value TFontCharset)
func (*TFont) SetOnChange ¶
func (f *TFont) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TFont) SetOrientation ¶
func (*TFont) SetPixelsPerInch ¶
func (*TFont) SetQuality ¶
func (f *TFont) SetQuality(value TFontQuality)
type TFontDialog ¶
type TFontDialog struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func FontDialogFromInst ¶
func FontDialogFromInst(inst uintptr) *TFontDialog
func FontDialogFromObj ¶
func FontDialogFromObj(obj IObject) *TFontDialog
func NewFontDialog ¶
func NewFontDialog(owner IComponent) *TFontDialog
func (*TFontDialog) Assign ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TFontDialog) ClassName ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) ClassName() string
func (*TFontDialog) ComponentCount ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TFontDialog) ComponentIndex ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TFontDialog) Components ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TFontDialog) Equals ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TFontDialog) Execute ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) Execute(ParentWnd HWND) bool
func (*TFontDialog) FindComponent ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TFontDialog) Font ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) Font() *TFont
func (*TFontDialog) Free ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) Free()
func (*TFontDialog) GetHashCode ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TFontDialog) GetNamePath ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) GetNamePath() string
func (*TFontDialog) Handle ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) Handle() HWND
func (*TFontDialog) HasParent ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) HasParent() bool
func (*TFontDialog) Instance ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) Instance() uintptr
func (*TFontDialog) IsValid ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) IsValid() bool
func (*TFontDialog) Name ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) Name() string
func (*TFontDialog) Options ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) Options() TFontDialogOptions
func (*TFontDialog) Owner ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TFontDialog) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TFontDialog) SetFont ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) SetFont(value *TFont)
func (*TFontDialog) SetName ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) SetName(value string)
func (*TFontDialog) SetOnClose ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) SetOnClose(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TFontDialog) SetOnShow ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TFontDialog) SetOptions ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) SetOptions(value TFontDialogOptions)
func (*TFontDialog) SetTag ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) SetTag(value int)
func (*TFontDialog) Tag ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) Tag() int
func (*TFontDialog) ToString ¶
func (f *TFontDialog) ToString() string
type TForm ¶
type TForm struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func FormFromInst ¶
func FormFromObj ¶
func NewForm ¶
func NewForm(owner IComponent) *TForm
func (*TForm) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TForm) AlphaBlend ¶
func (*TForm) AlphaBlendValue ¶
func (*TForm) BorderIcons ¶
func (f *TForm) BorderIcons() TBorderIcons
func (*TForm) BorderStyle ¶
func (f *TForm) BorderStyle() TFormBorderStyle
func (*TForm) BorderWidth ¶
func (*TForm) BoundsRect ¶
func (f *TForm) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TForm) BringToFront ¶
func (f *TForm) BringToFront()
func (*TForm) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TForm) ClientRect ¶
func (f *TForm) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TForm) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TForm) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TForm) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TForm) Components ¶
func (f *TForm) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TForm) ControlCount ¶
func (*TForm) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TForm) DropTarget ¶
func (*TForm) EnabledMaximize ¶
func (*TForm) EnabledMinimize ¶
func (*TForm) EnabledSystemMenu ¶
func (*TForm) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TForm) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TForm) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TForm) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TForm) FindComponent ¶
func (f *TForm) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TForm) FlipChildren ¶
func (*TForm) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TForm) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TForm) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TForm) Invalidate ¶
func (f *TForm) Invalidate()
func (*TForm) KeyPreview ¶
func (*TForm) ModalResult ¶
func (f *TForm) ModalResult() TModalResult
func (*TForm) Owner ¶
func (f *TForm) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TForm) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TForm) ParentFont ¶
func (*TForm) ParentWindow ¶
func (f *TForm) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TForm) PixelsPerInch ¶
func (*TForm) PopupMenu ¶
func (f *TForm) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TForm) ScaleControlsForDpi ¶
func (*TForm) ScaleForPPI ¶
func (*TForm) ScreenCenter ¶
func (f *TForm) ScreenCenter()
func (*TForm) SendToBack ¶
func (f *TForm) SendToBack()
func (*TForm) SetAction ¶
func (f *TForm) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TForm) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TForm) SetAlphaBlend ¶
func (*TForm) SetAlphaBlendValue ¶
func (*TForm) SetAnchors ¶
func (f *TForm) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TForm) SetAutoSize ¶
func (*TForm) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (f *TForm) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TForm) SetBorderIcons ¶
func (f *TForm) SetBorderIcons(value TBorderIcons)
func (*TForm) SetBorderStyle ¶
func (f *TForm) SetBorderStyle(value TFormBorderStyle)
func (*TForm) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (*TForm) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (f *TForm) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TForm) SetCaption ¶
func (*TForm) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TForm) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TForm) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TForm) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TForm) SetDropTarget ¶
func (*TForm) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TForm) SetFormStyle ¶
func (f *TForm) SetFormStyle(value TFormStyle)
func (*TForm) SetKeyPreview ¶
func (*TForm) SetMargins ¶
func (*TForm) SetMenu ¶
func (f *TForm) SetMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TForm) SetModalResult ¶
func (f *TForm) SetModalResult(value TModalResult)
func (*TForm) SetOnClick ¶
func (f *TForm) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TForm) SetOnClose ¶
func (f *TForm) SetOnClose(fn TCloseEvent)
func (*TForm) SetOnCloseQuery ¶
func (f *TForm) SetOnCloseQuery(fn TCloseQueryEvent)
func (*TForm) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (f *TForm) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TForm) SetOnHide ¶
func (f *TForm) SetOnHide(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TForm) SetOnKeyDown ¶
func (*TForm) SetOnKeyPress ¶
func (f *TForm) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
func (*TForm) SetOnKeyUp ¶
func (*TForm) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (f *TForm) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TForm) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (f *TForm) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TForm) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (f *TForm) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TForm) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (f *TForm) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TForm) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (f *TForm) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TForm) SetOnMouseWheel ¶
func (f *TForm) SetOnMouseWheel(fn TMouseWheelEvent)
func (*TForm) SetOnPaint ¶
func (f *TForm) SetOnPaint(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TForm) SetOnResize ¶
func (f *TForm) SetOnResize(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TForm) SetOnShow ¶
func (f *TForm) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TForm) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TForm) SetParentFont ¶
func (*TForm) SetParentWindow ¶
func (f *TForm) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TForm) SetPixelsPerInch ¶
func (*TForm) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (f *TForm) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TForm) SetPosition ¶
func (f *TForm) SetPosition(value TPosition)
func (*TForm) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TForm) SetStyleElements ¶
func (f *TForm) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TForm) SetTabOrder ¶
func (*TForm) SetTabStop ¶
func (*TForm) SetTransparentColor ¶
func (*TForm) SetTransparentColorValue ¶
func (f *TForm) SetTransparentColorValue(value TColor)
func (*TForm) SetVisible ¶
func (*TForm) SetWindowState ¶
func (f *TForm) SetWindowState(value TWindowState)
func (*TForm) StyleElements ¶
func (f *TForm) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TForm) TransparentColor ¶
func (*TForm) TransparentColorValue ¶
func (f *TForm) TransparentColorValue() TColor
func (*TForm) WindowState ¶
func (f *TForm) WindowState() TWindowState
type TGIFFrame ¶
type TGIFFrame struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func GIFFrameFromInst ¶
func GIFFrameFromObj ¶
func NewGIFFrame ¶
func NewGIFFrame() *TGIFFrame
func (*TGIFFrame) BitsPerPixel ¶
func (*TGIFFrame) BoundsRect ¶
func (g *TGIFFrame) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TGIFFrame) ClientRect ¶
func (g *TGIFFrame) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TGIFFrame) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TGIFFrame) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TGIFFrame) LoadFromFile ¶
func (*TGIFFrame) LoadFromStream ¶
func (*TGIFFrame) SaveToFile ¶
func (*TGIFFrame) SaveToStream ¶
func (*TGIFFrame) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (g *TGIFFrame) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TGIFFrame) SetHasBitmap ¶
func (*TGIFFrame) Transparent ¶
type TGIFImage ¶
type TGIFImage struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func GIFImageFromInst ¶
func GIFImageFromObj ¶
func NewGIFImage ¶
func NewGIFImage() *TGIFImage
func (*TGIFImage) AnimateLoop ¶
func (g *TGIFImage) AnimateLoop() TGIFAnimationLoop
func (*TGIFImage) AnimationSpeed ¶
func (*TGIFImage) AspectRatio ¶
func (*TGIFImage) BackgroundColor ¶
func (g *TGIFImage) BackgroundColor() TColor
func (*TGIFImage) BitsPerPixel ¶
func (*TGIFImage) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TGIFImage) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TGIFImage) IsTransparent ¶
func (*TGIFImage) LoadFromFile ¶
func (*TGIFImage) LoadFromStream ¶
func (*TGIFImage) PaletteModified ¶
func (*TGIFImage) ResumeDraw ¶
func (g *TGIFImage) ResumeDraw()
func (*TGIFImage) SaveToFile ¶
func (*TGIFImage) SaveToStream ¶
func (*TGIFImage) SetAnimate ¶
func (*TGIFImage) SetAnimateLoop ¶
func (g *TGIFImage) SetAnimateLoop(value TGIFAnimationLoop)
func (*TGIFImage) SetAnimationSpeed ¶
func (*TGIFImage) SetAspectRatio ¶
func (*TGIFImage) SetBackgroundColor ¶
func (g *TGIFImage) SetBackgroundColor(value TColor)
func (*TGIFImage) SetModified ¶
func (*TGIFImage) SetOnChange ¶
func (g *TGIFImage) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TGIFImage) SetOnPaint ¶
func (g *TGIFImage) SetOnPaint(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TGIFImage) SetPaletteModified ¶
func (*TGIFImage) SetTransparent ¶
func (*TGIFImage) ShouldDither ¶
func (*TGIFImage) SuspendDraw ¶
func (g *TGIFImage) SuspendDraw()
func (*TGIFImage) Transparent ¶
type TGraphic ¶
type TGraphic struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func GraphicFromInst ¶
func GraphicFromObj ¶
func NewGraphic ¶
func NewGraphic() *TGraphic
func (*TGraphic) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TGraphic) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TGraphic) LoadFromFile ¶
func (*TGraphic) LoadFromStream ¶
func (*TGraphic) PaletteModified ¶
func (*TGraphic) SaveToFile ¶
func (*TGraphic) SaveToStream ¶
func (*TGraphic) SetModified ¶
func (*TGraphic) SetOnChange ¶
func (g *TGraphic) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TGraphic) SetPaletteModified ¶
func (*TGraphic) SetTransparent ¶
func (*TGraphic) Transparent ¶
type TGroupBox ¶
type TGroupBox struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func GroupBoxFromInst ¶
func GroupBoxFromObj ¶
func NewGroupBox ¶
func NewGroupBox(owner IComponent) *TGroupBox
func (*TGroupBox) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TGroupBox) BoundsRect ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TGroupBox) BringToFront ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) BringToFront()
func (*TGroupBox) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TGroupBox) ClientRect ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TGroupBox) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TGroupBox) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TGroupBox) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TGroupBox) Components ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TGroupBox) ControlCount ¶
func (*TGroupBox) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TGroupBox) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TGroupBox) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TGroupBox) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TGroupBox) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TGroupBox) FindComponent ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TGroupBox) FlipChildren ¶
func (*TGroupBox) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TGroupBox) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TGroupBox) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TGroupBox) Invalidate ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) Invalidate()
func (*TGroupBox) Owner ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TGroupBox) ParentBackground ¶
func (*TGroupBox) ParentColor ¶
func (*TGroupBox) ParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TGroupBox) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TGroupBox) ParentFont ¶
func (*TGroupBox) ParentShowHint ¶
func (*TGroupBox) ParentWindow ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TGroupBox) PopupMenu ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TGroupBox) SendToBack ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) SendToBack()
func (*TGroupBox) SetAction ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TGroupBox) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TGroupBox) SetAnchors ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TGroupBox) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TGroupBox) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TGroupBox) SetCaption ¶
func (*TGroupBox) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TGroupBox) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TGroupBox) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TGroupBox) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TGroupBox) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TGroupBox) SetMargins ¶
func (*TGroupBox) SetOnClick ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TGroupBox) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TGroupBox) SetOnEnter ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TGroupBox) SetOnExit ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TGroupBox) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TGroupBox) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TGroupBox) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TGroupBox) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TGroupBox) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TGroupBox) SetParentBackground ¶
func (*TGroupBox) SetParentColor ¶
func (*TGroupBox) SetParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TGroupBox) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TGroupBox) SetParentFont ¶
func (*TGroupBox) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (*TGroupBox) SetParentWindow ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TGroupBox) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TGroupBox) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TGroupBox) SetStyleElements ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TGroupBox) SetTabOrder ¶
func (*TGroupBox) SetTabStop ¶
func (*TGroupBox) SetVisible ¶
func (*TGroupBox) StyleElements ¶
func (g *TGroupBox) StyleElements() TStyleElements
type THotKey ¶
type THotKey struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func HotKeyFromInst ¶
func HotKeyFromObj ¶
func NewHotKey ¶
func NewHotKey(owner IComponent) *THotKey
func (*THotKey) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*THotKey) BoundsRect ¶
func (h *THotKey) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*THotKey) BringToFront ¶
func (h *THotKey) BringToFront()
func (*THotKey) ClientHeight ¶
func (*THotKey) ClientRect ¶
func (h *THotKey) ClientRect() TRect
func (*THotKey) ClientWidth ¶
func (*THotKey) ComponentCount ¶
func (*THotKey) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*THotKey) Components ¶
func (h *THotKey) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*THotKey) ControlCount ¶
func (*THotKey) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (*THotKey) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*THotKey) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*THotKey) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*THotKey) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*THotKey) FindComponent ¶
func (h *THotKey) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*THotKey) FlipChildren ¶
func (*THotKey) GetHashCode ¶
func (*THotKey) GetNamePath ¶
func (*THotKey) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*THotKey) Invalidate ¶
func (h *THotKey) Invalidate()
func (*THotKey) Owner ¶
func (h *THotKey) Owner() *TComponent
func (*THotKey) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*THotKey) ParentShowHint ¶
func (*THotKey) ParentWindow ¶
func (h *THotKey) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*THotKey) PopupMenu ¶
func (h *THotKey) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*THotKey) SendToBack ¶
func (h *THotKey) SendToBack()
func (*THotKey) SetAction ¶
func (h *THotKey) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*THotKey) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*THotKey) SetAnchors ¶
func (h *THotKey) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*THotKey) SetAutoSize ¶
func (*THotKey) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (h *THotKey) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*THotKey) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (h *THotKey) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*THotKey) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*THotKey) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*THotKey) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*THotKey) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*THotKey) SetEnabled ¶
func (*THotKey) SetMargins ¶
func (*THotKey) SetOnChange ¶
func (h *THotKey) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*THotKey) SetOnEnter ¶
func (h *THotKey) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*THotKey) SetOnExit ¶
func (h *THotKey) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*THotKey) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (h *THotKey) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*THotKey) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (h *THotKey) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*THotKey) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (h *THotKey) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*THotKey) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (h *THotKey) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*THotKey) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (h *THotKey) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*THotKey) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*THotKey) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (*THotKey) SetParentWindow ¶
func (h *THotKey) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*THotKey) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (h *THotKey) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*THotKey) SetShowHint ¶
func (*THotKey) SetStyleElements ¶
func (h *THotKey) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*THotKey) SetTabOrder ¶
func (*THotKey) SetTabStop ¶
func (*THotKey) SetVisible ¶
func (*THotKey) StyleElements ¶
func (h *THotKey) StyleElements() TStyleElements
type TIcon ¶
type TIcon struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func IconFromInst ¶
func IconFromObj ¶
func (*TIcon) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TIcon) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TIcon) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TIcon) LoadFromFile ¶
func (*TIcon) LoadFromResourceID ¶
func (*TIcon) LoadFromResourceName ¶
func (*TIcon) LoadFromStream ¶
func (*TIcon) PaletteModified ¶
func (*TIcon) SaveToFile ¶
func (*TIcon) SaveToStream ¶
func (*TIcon) SetModified ¶
func (*TIcon) SetOnChange ¶
func (i *TIcon) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TIcon) SetPaletteModified ¶
func (*TIcon) SetTransparent ¶
func (*TIcon) Transparent ¶
type TIconOptions ¶
type TIconOptions struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func IconOptionsFromInst ¶
func IconOptionsFromInst(inst uintptr) *TIconOptions
func IconOptionsFromObj ¶
func IconOptionsFromObj(obj IObject) *TIconOptions
func (*TIconOptions) Arrangement ¶
func (i *TIconOptions) Arrangement() TIconArrangement
func (*TIconOptions) Assign ¶
func (i *TIconOptions) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TIconOptions) AutoArrange ¶
func (i *TIconOptions) AutoArrange() bool
func (*TIconOptions) ClassName ¶
func (i *TIconOptions) ClassName() string
func (*TIconOptions) Equals ¶
func (i *TIconOptions) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TIconOptions) GetHashCode ¶
func (i *TIconOptions) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TIconOptions) GetNamePath ¶
func (i *TIconOptions) GetNamePath() string
func (*TIconOptions) Instance ¶
func (i *TIconOptions) Instance() uintptr
func (*TIconOptions) IsValid ¶
func (i *TIconOptions) IsValid() bool
func (*TIconOptions) SetArrangement ¶
func (i *TIconOptions) SetArrangement(value TIconArrangement)
func (*TIconOptions) SetAutoArrange ¶
func (i *TIconOptions) SetAutoArrange(value bool)
func (*TIconOptions) ToString ¶
func (i *TIconOptions) ToString() string
type TImage ¶
type TImage struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ImageFromInst ¶
func ImageFromObj ¶
func NewImage ¶
func NewImage(owner IComponent) *TImage
func (*TImage) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TImage) BoundsRect ¶
func (i *TImage) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TImage) BringToFront ¶
func (i *TImage) BringToFront()
func (*TImage) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TImage) ClientRect ¶
func (i *TImage) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TImage) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TImage) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TImage) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TImage) Components ¶
func (i *TImage) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TImage) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TImage) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TImage) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TImage) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TImage) FindComponent ¶
func (i *TImage) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TImage) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TImage) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TImage) IncrementalDisplay ¶
func (*TImage) Invalidate ¶
func (i *TImage) Invalidate()
func (*TImage) Owner ¶
func (i *TImage) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TImage) ParentShowHint ¶
func (*TImage) PopupMenu ¶
func (i *TImage) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TImage) Proportional ¶
func (*TImage) SendToBack ¶
func (i *TImage) SendToBack()
func (*TImage) SetAction ¶
func (i *TImage) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TImage) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TImage) SetAnchors ¶
func (i *TImage) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TImage) SetAutoSize ¶
func (*TImage) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (i *TImage) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TImage) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (i *TImage) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TImage) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TImage) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TImage) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TImage) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TImage) SetIncrementalDisplay ¶
func (*TImage) SetMargins ¶
func (*TImage) SetOnClick ¶
func (i *TImage) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TImage) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (i *TImage) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TImage) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (i *TImage) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TImage) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (i *TImage) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TImage) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (i *TImage) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TImage) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (i *TImage) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TImage) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (i *TImage) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TImage) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (*TImage) SetPicture ¶
func (*TImage) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (i *TImage) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TImage) SetProportional ¶
func (*TImage) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TImage) SetStretch ¶
func (*TImage) SetStyleElements ¶
func (i *TImage) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TImage) SetTransparent ¶
func (*TImage) SetVisible ¶
func (*TImage) StyleElements ¶
func (i *TImage) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TImage) Transparent ¶
type TImageList ¶
type TImageList struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ImageListFromInst ¶
func ImageListFromInst(inst uintptr) *TImageList
func ImageListFromObj ¶
func ImageListFromObj(obj IObject) *TImageList
func NewImageList ¶
func NewImageList(owner IComponent) *TImageList
func (*TImageList) AddIcon ¶
func (i *TImageList) AddIcon(Image *TIcon) int32
func (*TImageList) AddImage ¶
func (i *TImageList) AddImage(Value IComponent, Index int32) int32
func (*TImageList) AddImages ¶
func (i *TImageList) AddImages(Value IComponent)
func (*TImageList) AddMasked ¶
func (i *TImageList) AddMasked(Image *TBitmap, MaskColor TColor) int32
func (*TImageList) AllocBy ¶
func (i *TImageList) AllocBy() int32
func (*TImageList) Assign ¶
func (i *TImageList) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TImageList) BeginUpdate ¶
func (i *TImageList) BeginUpdate()
func (*TImageList) BkColor ¶
func (i *TImageList) BkColor() TColor
func (*TImageList) BlendColor ¶
func (i *TImageList) BlendColor() TColor
func (*TImageList) ClassName ¶
func (i *TImageList) ClassName() string
func (*TImageList) Clear ¶
func (i *TImageList) Clear()
func (*TImageList) ColorDepth ¶
func (i *TImageList) ColorDepth() TColorDepth
func (*TImageList) ComponentCount ¶
func (i *TImageList) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TImageList) ComponentIndex ¶
func (i *TImageList) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TImageList) Components ¶
func (i *TImageList) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TImageList) Delete ¶
func (i *TImageList) Delete(Index int32)
func (*TImageList) Draw ¶
func (i *TImageList) Draw(canvas IObject, x, y, index int32, enabled bool)
func (*TImageList) Draw2 ¶
func (i *TImageList) Draw2(canvas IObject, x, y, index int32, drawingStyle TDrawingStyle, imageType TImageType, enabled bool)
func (*TImageList) DrawOverlay ¶
func (i *TImageList) DrawOverlay(canvas IObject, x, y, imageIndex int32, overlay uint8, enabled bool)
func (*TImageList) DrawOverlay2 ¶
func (i *TImageList) DrawOverlay2(canvas IObject, x, y, imageIndex int32, overlay uint8, drawingStyle TDrawingStyle, imageType TImageType, enabled bool)
func (*TImageList) DrawingStyle ¶
func (i *TImageList) DrawingStyle() TDrawingStyle
func (*TImageList) EndUpdate ¶
func (i *TImageList) EndUpdate()
func (*TImageList) Equals ¶
func (i *TImageList) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TImageList) FileLoad ¶
func (i *TImageList) FileLoad(ResType TResType, Name string, MaskColor TColor) bool
func (*TImageList) FindComponent ¶
func (i *TImageList) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TImageList) Free ¶
func (i *TImageList) Free()
func (*TImageList) GetHashCode ¶
func (i *TImageList) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TImageList) GetHotSpot ¶
func (i *TImageList) GetHotSpot() TPoint
func (*TImageList) GetIcon ¶
func (i *TImageList) GetIcon(index int32, image IObject)
func (*TImageList) GetIcon2 ¶
func (i *TImageList) GetIcon2(index int32, image IObject, drawingStyle TDrawingStyle, imageType TImageType)
func (*TImageList) GetImageBitmap ¶
func (i *TImageList) GetImageBitmap() HBITMAP
func (*TImageList) GetMaskBitmap ¶
func (i *TImageList) GetMaskBitmap() HBITMAP
func (*TImageList) GetNamePath ¶
func (i *TImageList) GetNamePath() string
func (*TImageList) GetResource ¶
func (i *TImageList) GetResource(ResType TResType, Name string, Width int32, LoadFlags TLoadResources, MaskColor TColor) bool
func (*TImageList) GrayscaleFactor ¶
func (i *TImageList) GrayscaleFactor() uint8
func (*TImageList) Handle ¶
func (i *TImageList) Handle() uintptr
func (*TImageList) HandleAllocated ¶
func (i *TImageList) HandleAllocated() bool
func (*TImageList) HasParent ¶
func (i *TImageList) HasParent() bool
func (*TImageList) Height ¶
func (i *TImageList) Height() int32
func (*TImageList) ImageType ¶
func (i *TImageList) ImageType() TImageType
func (*TImageList) InsertIcon ¶
func (i *TImageList) InsertIcon(Index int32, Image *TIcon)
func (*TImageList) InsertMasked ¶
func (i *TImageList) InsertMasked(Index int32, Image *TBitmap, MaskColor TColor)
func (*TImageList) Instance ¶
func (i *TImageList) Instance() uintptr
func (*TImageList) IsValid ¶
func (i *TImageList) IsValid() bool
func (*TImageList) Masked ¶
func (i *TImageList) Masked() bool
func (*TImageList) Move ¶
func (i *TImageList) Move(CurIndex int32, NewIndex int32)
func (*TImageList) Name ¶
func (i *TImageList) Name() string
func (*TImageList) Owner ¶
func (i *TImageList) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TImageList) Replace ¶
func (i *TImageList) Replace(Index int32, Image *TBitmap, Mask *TBitmap)
func (*TImageList) ReplaceIcon ¶
func (i *TImageList) ReplaceIcon(Index int32, Image *TIcon)
func (*TImageList) ReplaceMasked ¶
func (i *TImageList) ReplaceMasked(Index int32, NewImage *TBitmap, MaskColor TColor)
func (*TImageList) ResInstLoad ¶
func (i *TImageList) ResInstLoad(Instance uintptr, ResType TResType, Name string, MaskColor TColor) bool
func (*TImageList) ResourceLoad ¶
func (i *TImageList) ResourceLoad(ResType TResType, Name string, MaskColor TColor) bool
func (*TImageList) SetAllocBy ¶
func (i *TImageList) SetAllocBy(value int32)
func (*TImageList) SetBkColor ¶
func (i *TImageList) SetBkColor(value TColor)
func (*TImageList) SetBlendColor ¶
func (i *TImageList) SetBlendColor(value TColor)
func (*TImageList) SetColorDepth ¶
func (i *TImageList) SetColorDepth(value TColorDepth)
func (*TImageList) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (i *TImageList) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TImageList) SetDrawingStyle ¶
func (i *TImageList) SetDrawingStyle(value TDrawingStyle)
func (*TImageList) SetGrayscaleFactor ¶
func (i *TImageList) SetGrayscaleFactor(value uint8)
func (*TImageList) SetHandle ¶
func (i *TImageList) SetHandle(value uintptr)
func (*TImageList) SetHeight ¶
func (i *TImageList) SetHeight(value int32)
func (*TImageList) SetImageType ¶
func (i *TImageList) SetImageType(value TImageType)
func (*TImageList) SetMasked ¶
func (i *TImageList) SetMasked(value bool)
func (*TImageList) SetName ¶
func (i *TImageList) SetName(value string)
func (*TImageList) SetOnChange ¶
func (i *TImageList) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TImageList) SetShareImages ¶
func (i *TImageList) SetShareImages(value bool)
func (*TImageList) SetSize ¶
func (i *TImageList) SetSize(AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
func (*TImageList) SetTag ¶
func (i *TImageList) SetTag(value int)
func (*TImageList) SetWidth ¶
func (i *TImageList) SetWidth(value int32)
func (*TImageList) ShareImages ¶
func (i *TImageList) ShareImages() bool
func (*TImageList) Tag ¶
func (i *TImageList) Tag() int
func (*TImageList) ToString ¶
func (i *TImageList) ToString() string
func (*TImageList) Width ¶
func (i *TImageList) Width() int32
type TIniFile ¶
type TIniFile struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func IniFileFromInst ¶
func IniFileFromObj ¶
func NewIniFile ¶
func (*TIniFile) EraseSection ¶
func (*TIniFile) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TIniFile) ReadDateTime ¶
func (*TIniFile) ReadInteger ¶
func (*TIniFile) ReadSectionValues ¶
func (*TIniFile) ReadSections ¶
func (*TIniFile) ReadString ¶
func (*TIniFile) ReadSubSections ¶
func (*TIniFile) SectionExists ¶
func (*TIniFile) UpdateFile ¶
func (i *TIniFile) UpdateFile()
func (*TIniFile) WriteDateTime ¶
func (*TIniFile) WriteFloat ¶
func (*TIniFile) WriteInteger ¶
func (*TIniFile) WriteString ¶
type TJPEGImage ¶
type TJPEGImage struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func JPEGImageFromInst ¶
func JPEGImageFromInst(inst uintptr) *TJPEGImage
func JPEGImageFromObj ¶
func JPEGImageFromObj(obj IObject) *TJPEGImage
func NewJPEGImage ¶
func NewJPEGImage() *TJPEGImage
func (*TJPEGImage) Assign ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TJPEGImage) Canvas ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) Canvas() *TCanvas
func (*TJPEGImage) ClassName ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) ClassName() string
func (*TJPEGImage) Empty ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) Empty() bool
func (*TJPEGImage) Equals ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TJPEGImage) Free ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) Free()
func (*TJPEGImage) GetHashCode ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TJPEGImage) GetNamePath ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) GetNamePath() string
func (*TJPEGImage) Height ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) Height() int32
func (*TJPEGImage) Instance ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) Instance() uintptr
func (*TJPEGImage) IsValid ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) IsValid() bool
func (*TJPEGImage) LoadFromFile ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) LoadFromFile(Filename string)
func (*TJPEGImage) LoadFromStream ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) LoadFromStream(Stream IObject)
func (*TJPEGImage) Modified ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) Modified() bool
func (*TJPEGImage) PaletteModified ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) PaletteModified() bool
func (*TJPEGImage) Performance ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) Performance() TJPEGPerformance
func (*TJPEGImage) PixelFormat ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) PixelFormat() TJPEGPixelFormat
func (*TJPEGImage) ProgressiveDisplay ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) ProgressiveDisplay() bool
func (*TJPEGImage) SaveToFile ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) SaveToFile(Filename string)
func (*TJPEGImage) SaveToStream ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) SaveToStream(Stream IObject)
func (*TJPEGImage) Scale ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) Scale() TJPEGScale
func (*TJPEGImage) SetHeight ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) SetHeight(value int32)
func (*TJPEGImage) SetModified ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) SetModified(value bool)
func (*TJPEGImage) SetOnChange ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TJPEGImage) SetPaletteModified ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) SetPaletteModified(value bool)
func (*TJPEGImage) SetPerformance ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) SetPerformance(value TJPEGPerformance)
func (*TJPEGImage) SetPixelFormat ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) SetPixelFormat(value TJPEGPixelFormat)
func (*TJPEGImage) SetProgressiveDisplay ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) SetProgressiveDisplay(value bool)
func (*TJPEGImage) SetScale ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) SetScale(value TJPEGScale)
func (*TJPEGImage) SetSize ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) SetSize(AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
func (*TJPEGImage) SetSmoothing ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) SetSmoothing(value bool)
func (*TJPEGImage) SetTransparent ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) SetTransparent(value bool)
func (*TJPEGImage) SetWidth ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) SetWidth(value int32)
func (*TJPEGImage) Smoothing ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) Smoothing() bool
func (*TJPEGImage) ToString ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) ToString() string
func (*TJPEGImage) Transparent ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) Transparent() bool
func (*TJPEGImage) Width ¶
func (j *TJPEGImage) Width() int32
type TKeyEvent ¶
type TKeyEvent = func(sender IObject, key *Char, shift TShiftState)
TKeyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState)
type TKeyPressEvent ¶
type TKeyPressEvent = func(sender IObject, key *Char)
TKeyPressEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char) of object;
type TLVChangeEvent ¶
TLVChangeEvent TListView TTItemChange
type TLabel ¶
type TLabel struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func LabelFromInst ¶
func LabelFromObj ¶
func NewLabel ¶
func NewLabel(owner IComponent) *TLabel
func (*TLabel) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TLabel) BoundsRect ¶
func (l *TLabel) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TLabel) BringToFront ¶
func (l *TLabel) BringToFront()
func (*TLabel) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TLabel) ClientRect ¶
func (l *TLabel) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TLabel) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TLabel) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TLabel) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TLabel) Components ¶
func (l *TLabel) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TLabel) EllipsisPosition ¶
func (l *TLabel) EllipsisPosition() TEllipsisPosition
func (*TLabel) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TLabel) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TLabel) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TLabel) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TLabel) FindComponent ¶
func (l *TLabel) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TLabel) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TLabel) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TLabel) Invalidate ¶
func (l *TLabel) Invalidate()
func (*TLabel) Owner ¶
func (l *TLabel) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TLabel) ParentColor ¶
func (*TLabel) ParentFont ¶
func (*TLabel) ParentShowHint ¶
func (*TLabel) PopupMenu ¶
func (l *TLabel) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TLabel) SendToBack ¶
func (l *TLabel) SendToBack()
func (*TLabel) SetAction ¶
func (l *TLabel) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TLabel) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TLabel) SetAlignment ¶
func (l *TLabel) SetAlignment(value TAlignment)
func (*TLabel) SetAnchors ¶
func (l *TLabel) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TLabel) SetAutoSize ¶
func (*TLabel) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (l *TLabel) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TLabel) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (l *TLabel) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TLabel) SetCaption ¶
func (*TLabel) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TLabel) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TLabel) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TLabel) SetEllipsisPosition ¶
func (l *TLabel) SetEllipsisPosition(value TEllipsisPosition)
func (*TLabel) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TLabel) SetGlowSize ¶
func (*TLabel) SetMargins ¶
func (*TLabel) SetOnClick ¶
func (l *TLabel) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TLabel) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (l *TLabel) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TLabel) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (l *TLabel) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TLabel) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (l *TLabel) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TLabel) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (l *TLabel) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TLabel) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (l *TLabel) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TLabel) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (l *TLabel) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TLabel) SetParentColor ¶
func (*TLabel) SetParentFont ¶
func (*TLabel) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (*TLabel) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (l *TLabel) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TLabel) SetShowAccelChar ¶
func (*TLabel) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TLabel) SetStyleElements ¶
func (l *TLabel) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TLabel) SetTransparent ¶
func (*TLabel) SetVisible ¶
func (*TLabel) SetWordWrap ¶
func (*TLabel) ShowAccelChar ¶
func (*TLabel) StyleElements ¶
func (l *TLabel) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TLabel) Transparent ¶
type TLinkLabel ¶
type TLinkLabel struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func LinkLabelFromInst ¶
func LinkLabelFromInst(inst uintptr) *TLinkLabel
func LinkLabelFromObj ¶
func LinkLabelFromObj(obj IObject) *TLinkLabel
func NewLinkLabel ¶
func NewLinkLabel(owner IComponent) *TLinkLabel
func (*TLinkLabel) Action ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Action() *TAction
func (*TLinkLabel) Align ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Align() TAlign
func (*TLinkLabel) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) AlignWithMargins() bool
func (*TLinkLabel) Alignment ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Alignment() TLinkAlignment
func (*TLinkLabel) Anchors ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Anchors() TAnchors
func (*TLinkLabel) Assign ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TLinkLabel) AutoSize ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) AutoSize() bool
func (*TLinkLabel) BevelEdges ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
func (*TLinkLabel) BevelInner ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) BevelInner() TBevelCut
func (*TLinkLabel) BevelKind ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) BevelKind() TBevelKind
func (*TLinkLabel) BevelOuter ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
func (*TLinkLabel) BiDiMode ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
func (*TLinkLabel) BoundsRect ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TLinkLabel) BringToFront ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) BringToFront()
func (*TLinkLabel) Brush ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Brush() *TBrush
func (*TLinkLabel) CanFocus ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) CanFocus() bool
func (*TLinkLabel) Caption ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Caption() string
func (*TLinkLabel) ClassName ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) ClassName() string
func (*TLinkLabel) ClientHeight ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) ClientHeight() int32
func (*TLinkLabel) ClientRect ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TLinkLabel) ClientWidth ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) ClientWidth() int32
func (*TLinkLabel) Color ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Color() TColor
func (*TLinkLabel) ComponentCount ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TLinkLabel) ComponentIndex ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TLinkLabel) Components ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TLinkLabel) ControlCount ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) ControlCount() int32
func (*TLinkLabel) Controls ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
func (*TLinkLabel) Cursor ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Cursor() TCursor
func (*TLinkLabel) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) DoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TLinkLabel) Enabled ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Enabled() bool
func (*TLinkLabel) Equals ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TLinkLabel) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) ExplicitHeight() int32
func (*TLinkLabel) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) ExplicitLeft() int32
func (*TLinkLabel) ExplicitTop ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) ExplicitTop() int32
func (*TLinkLabel) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) ExplicitWidth() int32
func (*TLinkLabel) FindComponent ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TLinkLabel) FlipChildren ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
func (*TLinkLabel) Focused ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Focused() bool
func (*TLinkLabel) Font ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Font() *TFont
func (*TLinkLabel) Free ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Free()
func (*TLinkLabel) GetHashCode ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TLinkLabel) GetNamePath ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) GetNamePath() string
func (*TLinkLabel) GetTextBuf ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
func (*TLinkLabel) Handle ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Handle() HWND
func (*TLinkLabel) HandleAllocated ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) HandleAllocated() bool
func (*TLinkLabel) HasParent ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) HasParent() bool
func (*TLinkLabel) Height ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Height() int32
func (*TLinkLabel) Hide ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Hide()
func (*TLinkLabel) Hint ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Hint() string
func (*TLinkLabel) Instance ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Instance() uintptr
func (*TLinkLabel) Invalidate ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Invalidate()
func (*TLinkLabel) IsValid ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) IsValid() bool
func (*TLinkLabel) Left ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Left() int32
func (*TLinkLabel) Margins ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Margins() *TMargins
func (*TLinkLabel) Name ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Name() string
func (*TLinkLabel) Owner ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TLinkLabel) Parent ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Parent() *TControl
func (*TLinkLabel) ParentColor ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) ParentColor() bool
func (*TLinkLabel) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TLinkLabel) ParentFont ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) ParentFont() bool
func (*TLinkLabel) ParentShowHint ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) ParentShowHint() bool
func (*TLinkLabel) ParentWindow ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TLinkLabel) Perform ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
func (*TLinkLabel) PopupMenu ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TLinkLabel) Realign ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Realign()
func (*TLinkLabel) Refresh ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Refresh()
func (*TLinkLabel) Repaint ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Repaint()
func (*TLinkLabel) ScaleBy ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
func (*TLinkLabel) SendToBack ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SendToBack()
func (*TLinkLabel) SetAction ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetAlign ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetAlign(value TAlign)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetAlignment ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetAlignment(value TLinkAlignment)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetAnchors ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetAutoSize ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetAutoSize(value bool)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetBevelEdges ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetBevelInner ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetBevelKind ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetBevelOuter ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetBounds ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetCaption ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetCaption(value string)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetClientHeight ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetClientHeight(value int32)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetClientWidth ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetClientWidth(value int32)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetColor ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetColor(value TColor)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetCursor ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetCursor(value TCursor)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetEnabled ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetEnabled(value bool)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetFocus ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetFocus()
func (*TLinkLabel) SetFont ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetFont(value *TFont)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetHeight ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetHeight(value int32)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetHint ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetHint(value string)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetLeft ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetLeft(value int32)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetMargins ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetName ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetName(value string)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetOnClick ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetOnLinkClick ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetOnLinkClick(fn TSysLinkEvent)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetParent ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetParent(value IControl)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetParentColor ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetParentColor(value bool)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetParentFont ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetParentFont(value bool)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetParentWindow ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetShowHint ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetShowHint(value bool)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetStyleElements ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetTabOrder ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetTabStop ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetTabStop(value bool)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetTag ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetTag(value int)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetTop ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetTop(value int32)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetUseVisualStyle ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetUseVisualStyle(value bool)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetVisible ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetVisible(value bool)
func (*TLinkLabel) SetWidth ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) SetWidth(value int32)
func (*TLinkLabel) Show ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Show()
func (*TLinkLabel) ShowHint ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) ShowHint() bool
func (*TLinkLabel) StyleElements ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TLinkLabel) TabOrder ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) TabOrder() uint16
func (*TLinkLabel) TabStop ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) TabStop() bool
func (*TLinkLabel) Tag ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Tag() int
func (*TLinkLabel) ToString ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) ToString() string
func (*TLinkLabel) Top ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Top() int32
func (*TLinkLabel) Update ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Update()
func (*TLinkLabel) UseVisualStyle ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) UseVisualStyle() bool
func (*TLinkLabel) Visible ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Visible() bool
func (*TLinkLabel) Width ¶
func (l *TLinkLabel) Width() int32
type TList ¶
type TList struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ListFromInst ¶
func ListFromObj ¶
func (*TList) GetHashCode ¶
type TListBox ¶
type TListBox struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ListBoxFromInst ¶
func ListBoxFromObj ¶
func NewListBox ¶
func NewListBox(owner IComponent) *TListBox
func (*TListBox) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TListBox) AutoComplete ¶
func (*TListBox) AutoCompleteDelay ¶
func (*TListBox) BevelEdges ¶
func (l *TListBox) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
func (*TListBox) BevelInner ¶
func (l *TListBox) BevelInner() TBevelCut
func (*TListBox) BevelOuter ¶
func (l *TListBox) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
func (*TListBox) BorderStyle ¶
func (l *TListBox) BorderStyle() TBorderStyle
func (*TListBox) BoundsRect ¶
func (l *TListBox) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TListBox) BringToFront ¶
func (l *TListBox) BringToFront()
func (*TListBox) ClearSelection ¶
func (l *TListBox) ClearSelection()
func (*TListBox) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TListBox) ClientRect ¶
func (l *TListBox) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TListBox) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TListBox) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TListBox) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TListBox) Components ¶
func (l *TListBox) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TListBox) ControlCount ¶
func (*TListBox) DeleteSelected ¶
func (l *TListBox) DeleteSelected()
func (*TListBox) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TListBox) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TListBox) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TListBox) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TListBox) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TListBox) FindComponent ¶
func (l *TListBox) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TListBox) FlipChildren ¶
func (*TListBox) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TListBox) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TListBox) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TListBox) Invalidate ¶
func (l *TListBox) Invalidate()
func (*TListBox) ItemHeight ¶
func (*TListBox) MultiSelect ¶
func (*TListBox) Owner ¶
func (l *TListBox) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TListBox) ParentColor ¶
func (*TListBox) ParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TListBox) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TListBox) ParentFont ¶
func (*TListBox) ParentShowHint ¶
func (*TListBox) ParentWindow ¶
func (l *TListBox) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TListBox) PopupMenu ¶
func (l *TListBox) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TListBox) SendToBack ¶
func (l *TListBox) SendToBack()
func (*TListBox) SetAction ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TListBox) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TListBox) SetAnchors ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TListBox) SetAutoComplete ¶
func (*TListBox) SetAutoCompleteDelay ¶
func (*TListBox) SetBevelEdges ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
func (*TListBox) SetBevelInner ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
func (*TListBox) SetBevelKind ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
func (*TListBox) SetBevelOuter ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
func (*TListBox) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TListBox) SetBorderStyle ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetBorderStyle(value TBorderStyle)
func (*TListBox) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TListBox) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TListBox) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TListBox) SetColumns ¶
func (*TListBox) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TListBox) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TListBox) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TListBox) SetItemHeight ¶
func (*TListBox) SetItemIndex ¶
func (*TListBox) SetMargins ¶
func (*TListBox) SetMultiSelect ¶
func (*TListBox) SetOnClick ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TListBox) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TListBox) SetOnEnter ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TListBox) SetOnExit ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TListBox) SetOnKeyDown ¶
func (*TListBox) SetOnKeyPress ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
func (*TListBox) SetOnKeyUp ¶
func (*TListBox) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TListBox) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TListBox) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TListBox) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TListBox) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TListBox) SetParentColor ¶
func (*TListBox) SetParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TListBox) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TListBox) SetParentFont ¶
func (*TListBox) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (*TListBox) SetParentWindow ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TListBox) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TListBox) SetSelected ¶
func (*TListBox) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TListBox) SetStyleElements ¶
func (l *TListBox) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TListBox) SetTabOrder ¶
func (*TListBox) SetTabStop ¶
func (*TListBox) SetTabWidth ¶
func (*TListBox) SetVisible ¶
func (*TListBox) StyleElements ¶
func (l *TListBox) StyleElements() TStyleElements
type TListColumn ¶
type TListColumn struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ListColumnFromInst ¶
func ListColumnFromInst(inst uintptr) *TListColumn
func ListColumnFromObj ¶
func ListColumnFromObj(obj IObject) *TListColumn
func NewListColumn ¶
func NewListColumn() *TListColumn
func (*TListColumn) Alignment ¶
func (l *TListColumn) Alignment() TAlignment
func (*TListColumn) Assign ¶
func (l *TListColumn) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TListColumn) AutoSize ¶
func (l *TListColumn) AutoSize() bool
func (*TListColumn) Caption ¶
func (l *TListColumn) Caption() string
func (*TListColumn) ClassName ¶
func (l *TListColumn) ClassName() string
func (*TListColumn) Equals ¶
func (l *TListColumn) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TListColumn) Free ¶
func (l *TListColumn) Free()
func (*TListColumn) GetHashCode ¶
func (l *TListColumn) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TListColumn) GetNamePath ¶
func (l *TListColumn) GetNamePath() string
func (*TListColumn) ImageIndex ¶
func (l *TListColumn) ImageIndex() int32
func (*TListColumn) Index ¶
func (l *TListColumn) Index() int32
func (*TListColumn) Instance ¶
func (l *TListColumn) Instance() uintptr
func (*TListColumn) IsValid ¶
func (l *TListColumn) IsValid() bool
func (*TListColumn) SetAlignment ¶
func (l *TListColumn) SetAlignment(value TAlignment)
func (*TListColumn) SetAutoSize ¶
func (l *TListColumn) SetAutoSize(value bool)
func (*TListColumn) SetCaption ¶
func (l *TListColumn) SetCaption(value string)
func (*TListColumn) SetImageIndex ¶
func (l *TListColumn) SetImageIndex(value int32)
func (*TListColumn) SetIndex ¶
func (l *TListColumn) SetIndex(value int32)
func (*TListColumn) SetTag ¶
func (l *TListColumn) SetTag(value int32)
func (*TListColumn) SetWidth ¶
func (l *TListColumn) SetWidth(value int32)
func (*TListColumn) Tag ¶
func (l *TListColumn) Tag() int32
func (*TListColumn) ToString ¶
func (l *TListColumn) ToString() string
func (*TListColumn) Width ¶
func (l *TListColumn) Width() int32
type TListColumns ¶
type TListColumns struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ListColumnsFromInst ¶
func ListColumnsFromInst(inst uintptr) *TListColumns
func ListColumnsFromObj ¶
func ListColumnsFromObj(obj IObject) *TListColumns
func NewListColumns ¶
func NewListColumns() *TListColumns
func (*TListColumns) Add ¶
func (l *TListColumns) Add() *TListColumn
func (*TListColumns) Assign ¶
func (l *TListColumns) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TListColumns) BeginUpdate ¶
func (l *TListColumns) BeginUpdate()
func (*TListColumns) ClassName ¶
func (l *TListColumns) ClassName() string
func (*TListColumns) Clear ¶
func (l *TListColumns) Clear()
func (*TListColumns) Delete ¶
func (l *TListColumns) Delete(Index int32)
func (*TListColumns) EndUpdate ¶
func (l *TListColumns) EndUpdate()
func (*TListColumns) Equals ¶
func (l *TListColumns) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TListColumns) Free ¶
func (l *TListColumns) Free()
func (*TListColumns) GetHashCode ¶
func (l *TListColumns) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TListColumns) GetNamePath ¶
func (l *TListColumns) GetNamePath() string
func (*TListColumns) Insert ¶
func (l *TListColumns) Insert(Index int32) *TCollectionItem
func (*TListColumns) Instance ¶
func (l *TListColumns) Instance() uintptr
func (*TListColumns) IsValid ¶
func (l *TListColumns) IsValid() bool
func (*TListColumns) Items ¶
func (l *TListColumns) Items(Index int32) *TListColumn
func (*TListColumns) Owner ¶
func (l *TListColumns) Owner() *TControl
func (*TListColumns) SetItems ¶
func (l *TListColumns) SetItems(Index int32, value *TListColumn)
func (*TListColumns) ToString ¶
func (l *TListColumns) ToString() string
type TListGroup ¶
type TListGroup struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ListGroupFromInst ¶
func ListGroupFromInst(inst uintptr) *TListGroup
func ListGroupFromObj ¶
func ListGroupFromObj(obj IObject) *TListGroup
func NewListGroup ¶
func NewListGroup() *TListGroup
func (*TListGroup) Assign ¶
func (l *TListGroup) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TListGroup) ClassName ¶
func (l *TListGroup) ClassName() string
func (*TListGroup) Equals ¶
func (l *TListGroup) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TListGroup) Footer ¶
func (l *TListGroup) Footer() string
func (*TListGroup) FooterAlign ¶
func (l *TListGroup) FooterAlign() TAlignment
func (*TListGroup) Free ¶
func (l *TListGroup) Free()
func (*TListGroup) GetHashCode ¶
func (l *TListGroup) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TListGroup) GetNamePath ¶
func (l *TListGroup) GetNamePath() string
func (*TListGroup) GroupID ¶
func (l *TListGroup) GroupID() int32
func (*TListGroup) Header ¶
func (l *TListGroup) Header() string
func (*TListGroup) HeaderAlign ¶
func (l *TListGroup) HeaderAlign() TAlignment
func (*TListGroup) Index ¶
func (l *TListGroup) Index() int32
func (*TListGroup) Instance ¶
func (l *TListGroup) Instance() uintptr
func (*TListGroup) IsValid ¶
func (l *TListGroup) IsValid() bool
func (*TListGroup) SetFooter ¶
func (l *TListGroup) SetFooter(value string)
func (*TListGroup) SetFooterAlign ¶
func (l *TListGroup) SetFooterAlign(value TAlignment)
func (*TListGroup) SetGroupID ¶
func (l *TListGroup) SetGroupID(value int32)
func (*TListGroup) SetHeader ¶
func (l *TListGroup) SetHeader(value string)
func (*TListGroup) SetHeaderAlign ¶
func (l *TListGroup) SetHeaderAlign(value TAlignment)
func (*TListGroup) SetIndex ¶
func (l *TListGroup) SetIndex(value int32)
func (*TListGroup) SetState ¶
func (l *TListGroup) SetState(value TListGroupStateSet)
func (*TListGroup) SetSubtitle ¶
func (l *TListGroup) SetSubtitle(value string)
func (*TListGroup) SetTitleImage ¶
func (l *TListGroup) SetTitleImage(value int32)
func (*TListGroup) State ¶
func (l *TListGroup) State() TListGroupStateSet
func (*TListGroup) Subtitle ¶
func (l *TListGroup) Subtitle() string
func (*TListGroup) TitleImage ¶
func (l *TListGroup) TitleImage() int32
func (*TListGroup) ToString ¶
func (l *TListGroup) ToString() string
type TListGroups ¶
type TListGroups struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ListGroupsFromInst ¶
func ListGroupsFromInst(inst uintptr) *TListGroups
func ListGroupsFromObj ¶
func ListGroupsFromObj(obj IObject) *TListGroups
func NewListGroups ¶
func NewListGroups() *TListGroups
func (*TListGroups) Add ¶
func (l *TListGroups) Add() *TListGroup
func (*TListGroups) Assign ¶
func (l *TListGroups) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TListGroups) BeginUpdate ¶
func (l *TListGroups) BeginUpdate()
func (*TListGroups) ClassName ¶
func (l *TListGroups) ClassName() string
func (*TListGroups) Clear ¶
func (l *TListGroups) Clear()
func (*TListGroups) Delete ¶
func (l *TListGroups) Delete(Index int32)
func (*TListGroups) EndUpdate ¶
func (l *TListGroups) EndUpdate()
func (*TListGroups) Equals ¶
func (l *TListGroups) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TListGroups) Free ¶
func (l *TListGroups) Free()
func (*TListGroups) GetHashCode ¶
func (l *TListGroups) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TListGroups) GetNamePath ¶
func (l *TListGroups) GetNamePath() string
func (*TListGroups) Insert ¶
func (l *TListGroups) Insert(Index int32) *TCollectionItem
func (*TListGroups) Instance ¶
func (l *TListGroups) Instance() uintptr
func (*TListGroups) IsValid ¶
func (l *TListGroups) IsValid() bool
func (*TListGroups) Items ¶
func (l *TListGroups) Items(Index int32) *TListGroup
func (*TListGroups) Owner ¶
func (l *TListGroups) Owner() *TControl
func (*TListGroups) SetItems ¶
func (l *TListGroups) SetItems(Index int32, value *TListGroup)
func (*TListGroups) ToString ¶
func (l *TListGroups) ToString() string
type TListItem ¶
type TListItem struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ListItemFromInst ¶
func ListItemFromObj ¶
func NewListItem ¶
func NewListItem() *TListItem
func (*TListItem) CancelEdit ¶
func (l *TListItem) CancelEdit()
func (*TListItem) DropTarget ¶
func (*TListItem) EditCaption ¶
func (*TListItem) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TListItem) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TListItem) ImageIndex ¶
func (*TListItem) MakeVisible ¶
func (*TListItem) OverlayIndex ¶
func (*TListItem) Owner ¶
func (l *TListItem) Owner() *TListItems
func (*TListItem) SetCaption ¶
func (*TListItem) SetChecked ¶
func (*TListItem) SetDropTarget ¶
func (*TListItem) SetFocused ¶
func (*TListItem) SetGroupID ¶
func (*TListItem) SetImageIndex ¶
func (*TListItem) SetOverlayIndex ¶
func (*TListItem) SetPosition ¶
func (l *TListItem) SetPosition(value TPoint)
func (*TListItem) SetSelected ¶
func (*TListItem) SetStateIndex ¶
func (*TListItem) SetSubItemImages ¶
func (*TListItem) SetSubItems ¶
func (*TListItem) StateIndex ¶
func (*TListItem) SubItemImages ¶
type TListItems ¶
type TListItems struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ListItemsFromInst ¶
func ListItemsFromInst(inst uintptr) *TListItems
func ListItemsFromObj ¶
func ListItemsFromObj(obj IObject) *TListItems
func NewListItems ¶
func NewListItems() *TListItems
func (*TListItems) Add ¶
func (l *TListItems) Add() *TListItem
func (*TListItems) Assign ¶
func (l *TListItems) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TListItems) BeginUpdate ¶
func (l *TListItems) BeginUpdate()
func (*TListItems) ClassName ¶
func (l *TListItems) ClassName() string
func (*TListItems) Clear ¶
func (l *TListItems) Clear()
func (*TListItems) Delete ¶
func (l *TListItems) Delete(Index int32)
func (*TListItems) EndUpdate ¶
func (l *TListItems) EndUpdate()
func (*TListItems) Equals ¶
func (l *TListItems) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TListItems) Free ¶
func (l *TListItems) Free()
func (*TListItems) GetHashCode ¶
func (l *TListItems) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TListItems) GetNamePath ¶
func (l *TListItems) GetNamePath() string
func (*TListItems) Handle ¶
func (l *TListItems) Handle() HWND
func (*TListItems) IndexOf ¶
func (l *TListItems) IndexOf(Value *TListItem) int32
func (*TListItems) Insert ¶
func (l *TListItems) Insert(Index int32) *TListItem
func (*TListItems) Instance ¶
func (l *TListItems) Instance() uintptr
func (*TListItems) IsValid ¶
func (l *TListItems) IsValid() bool
func (*TListItems) Item ¶
func (l *TListItems) Item(Index int32) *TListItem
func (*TListItems) Owner ¶
func (l *TListItems) Owner() *TControl
func (*TListItems) SetItem ¶
func (l *TListItems) SetItem(Index int32, value *TListItem)
func (*TListItems) ToString ¶
func (l *TListItems) ToString() string
type TListView ¶
type TListView struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ListViewFromInst ¶
func ListViewFromObj ¶
func NewListView ¶
func NewListView(owner IComponent) *TListView
func (*TListView) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TListView) BevelEdges ¶
func (l *TListView) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
func (*TListView) BevelInner ¶
func (l *TListView) BevelInner() TBevelCut
func (*TListView) BevelOuter ¶
func (l *TListView) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
func (*TListView) BorderStyle ¶
func (l *TListView) BorderStyle() TBorderStyle
func (*TListView) BorderWidth ¶
func (*TListView) BoundsRect ¶
func (l *TListView) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TListView) BringToFront ¶
func (l *TListView) BringToFront()
func (*TListView) Checkboxes ¶
func (*TListView) ClearSelection ¶
func (l *TListView) ClearSelection()
func (*TListView) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TListView) ClientRect ¶
func (l *TListView) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TListView) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TListView) Column ¶
func (l *TListView) Column(Index int32) *TListColumn
func (*TListView) ColumnClick ¶
func (*TListView) Columns ¶
func (l *TListView) Columns() *TListColumns
func (*TListView) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TListView) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TListView) Components ¶
func (l *TListView) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TListView) ControlCount ¶
func (*TListView) DeleteSelected ¶
func (l *TListView) DeleteSelected()
func (*TListView) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TListView) DropTarget ¶
func (*TListView) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TListView) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TListView) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TListView) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TListView) FindComponent ¶
func (l *TListView) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TListView) FlatScrollBars ¶
func (*TListView) FlipChildren ¶
func (*TListView) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TListView) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TListView) GetSearchString ¶
func (*TListView) GroupHeaderImages ¶
func (l *TListView) GroupHeaderImages() *TImageList
func (*TListView) Groups ¶
func (l *TListView) Groups() *TListGroups
func (*TListView) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TListView) HideSelection ¶
func (*TListView) IconOptions ¶
func (l *TListView) IconOptions() *TIconOptions
func (*TListView) Invalidate ¶
func (l *TListView) Invalidate()
func (*TListView) ItemFocused ¶
func (*TListView) Items ¶
func (l *TListView) Items() *TListItems
func (*TListView) LargeImages ¶
func (l *TListView) LargeImages() *TImageList
func (*TListView) MultiSelect ¶
func (*TListView) Owner ¶
func (l *TListView) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TListView) ParentColor ¶
func (*TListView) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TListView) ParentFont ¶
func (*TListView) ParentShowHint ¶
func (*TListView) ParentWindow ¶
func (l *TListView) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TListView) PopupMenu ¶
func (l *TListView) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TListView) SendToBack ¶
func (l *TListView) SendToBack()
func (*TListView) SetAction ¶
func (l *TListView) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TListView) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TListView) SetAllocBy ¶
func (*TListView) SetAnchors ¶
func (l *TListView) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TListView) SetBevelEdges ¶
func (l *TListView) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
func (*TListView) SetBevelInner ¶
func (l *TListView) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
func (*TListView) SetBevelKind ¶
func (l *TListView) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
func (*TListView) SetBevelOuter ¶
func (l *TListView) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
func (*TListView) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (l *TListView) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TListView) SetBorderStyle ¶
func (l *TListView) SetBorderStyle(value TBorderStyle)
func (*TListView) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (*TListView) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (l *TListView) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TListView) SetCheckboxes ¶
func (*TListView) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TListView) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TListView) SetColumnClick ¶
func (*TListView) SetColumns ¶
func (l *TListView) SetColumns(value *TListColumns)
func (*TListView) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TListView) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TListView) SetDropTarget ¶
func (*TListView) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TListView) SetFlatScrollBars ¶
func (*TListView) SetFullDrag ¶
func (*TListView) SetGridLines ¶
func (*TListView) SetGroupHeaderImages ¶
func (l *TListView) SetGroupHeaderImages(value IComponent)
func (*TListView) SetGroupView ¶
func (*TListView) SetGroups ¶
func (l *TListView) SetGroups(value *TListGroups)
func (*TListView) SetHideSelection ¶
func (*TListView) SetHotTrack ¶
func (*TListView) SetHoverTime ¶
func (*TListView) SetIconOptions ¶
func (*TListView) SetItemFocused ¶
func (*TListView) SetItemIndex ¶
func (*TListView) SetItems ¶
func (l *TListView) SetItems(value *TListItems)
func (*TListView) SetLargeImages ¶
func (l *TListView) SetLargeImages(value IComponent)
func (*TListView) SetMargins ¶
func (*TListView) SetMultiSelect ¶
func (*TListView) SetOnChange ¶
func (l *TListView) SetOnChange(fn TLVChangeEvent)
func (*TListView) SetOnClick ¶
func (l *TListView) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TListView) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (l *TListView) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TListView) SetOnEnter ¶
func (l *TListView) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TListView) SetOnExit ¶
func (l *TListView) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TListView) SetOnKeyDown ¶
func (*TListView) SetOnKeyPress ¶
func (l *TListView) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
func (*TListView) SetOnKeyUp ¶
func (*TListView) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (l *TListView) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TListView) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (l *TListView) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TListView) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (l *TListView) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TListView) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (l *TListView) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TListView) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (l *TListView) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TListView) SetOnResize ¶
func (l *TListView) SetOnResize(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TListView) SetParentColor ¶
func (*TListView) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TListView) SetParentFont ¶
func (*TListView) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (*TListView) SetParentWindow ¶
func (l *TListView) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TListView) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (l *TListView) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TListView) SetReadOnly ¶
func (*TListView) SetRowSelect ¶
func (*TListView) SetSelected ¶
func (*TListView) SetShowColumnHeaders ¶
func (*TListView) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TListView) SetShowWorkAreas ¶
func (*TListView) SetSmallImages ¶
func (l *TListView) SetSmallImages(value IComponent)
func (*TListView) SetSortType ¶
func (l *TListView) SetSortType(value TSortType)
func (*TListView) SetStateImages ¶
func (l *TListView) SetStateImages(value IComponent)
func (*TListView) SetStyleElements ¶
func (l *TListView) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TListView) SetTabOrder ¶
func (*TListView) SetTabStop ¶
func (*TListView) SetViewStyle ¶
func (l *TListView) SetViewStyle(value TViewStyle)
func (*TListView) SetVisible ¶
func (*TListView) ShowColumnHeaders ¶
func (*TListView) ShowWorkAreas ¶
func (*TListView) SmallImages ¶
func (l *TListView) SmallImages() *TImageList
func (*TListView) StateImages ¶
func (l *TListView) StateImages() *TImageList
func (*TListView) StyleElements ¶
func (l *TListView) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TListView) VisibleRowCount ¶
type TMainMenu ¶
type TMainMenu struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func MainMenuFromInst ¶
func MainMenuFromObj ¶
func NewMainMenu ¶
func NewMainMenu(owner IComponent) *TMainMenu
func (*TMainMenu) AutoHotkeys ¶
func (m *TMainMenu) AutoHotkeys() TMenuAutoFlag
func (*TMainMenu) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TMainMenu) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TMainMenu) Components ¶
func (m *TMainMenu) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TMainMenu) FindComponent ¶
func (m *TMainMenu) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TMainMenu) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TMainMenu) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TMainMenu) Images ¶
func (m *TMainMenu) Images() *TImageList
func (*TMainMenu) Owner ¶
func (m *TMainMenu) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TMainMenu) SetAutoHotkeys ¶
func (m *TMainMenu) SetAutoHotkeys(value TMenuAutoFlag)
func (*TMainMenu) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (m *TMainMenu) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TMainMenu) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TMainMenu) SetImages ¶
func (m *TMainMenu) SetImages(value IComponent)
func (*TMainMenu) SetOnChange ¶
func (m *TMainMenu) SetOnChange(fn TMenuChangeEvent)
func (*TMainMenu) SetWindowHandle ¶
func (m *TMainMenu) SetWindowHandle(value HWND)
func (*TMainMenu) WindowHandle ¶
func (m *TMainMenu) WindowHandle() HWND
type TMargins ¶
type TMargins struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func MarginsFromInst ¶
func MarginsFromObj ¶
func NewMargins ¶
func NewMargins() *TMargins
func (*TMargins) ControlHeight ¶
func (*TMargins) ControlLeft ¶
func (*TMargins) ControlTop ¶
func (*TMargins) ControlWidth ¶
func (*TMargins) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TMargins) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TMargins) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TMargins) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TMargins) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TMargins) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TMargins) SetOnChange ¶
func (m *TMargins) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
type TMemo ¶
type TMemo struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func MemoFromInst ¶
func MemoFromObj ¶
func NewMemo ¶
func NewMemo(owner IComponent) *TMemo
func (*TMemo) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TMemo) BevelEdges ¶
func (m *TMemo) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
func (*TMemo) BevelInner ¶
func (m *TMemo) BevelInner() TBevelCut
func (*TMemo) BevelOuter ¶
func (m *TMemo) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
func (*TMemo) BorderStyle ¶
func (m *TMemo) BorderStyle() TBorderStyle
func (*TMemo) BoundsRect ¶
func (m *TMemo) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TMemo) BringToFront ¶
func (m *TMemo) BringToFront()
func (*TMemo) ClearSelection ¶
func (m *TMemo) ClearSelection()
func (*TMemo) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TMemo) ClientRect ¶
func (m *TMemo) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TMemo) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TMemo) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TMemo) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TMemo) Components ¶
func (m *TMemo) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TMemo) ControlCount ¶
func (*TMemo) CopyToClipboard ¶
func (m *TMemo) CopyToClipboard()
func (*TMemo) CutToClipboard ¶
func (m *TMemo) CutToClipboard()
func (*TMemo) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TMemo) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TMemo) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TMemo) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TMemo) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TMemo) FindComponent ¶
func (m *TMemo) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TMemo) FlipChildren ¶
func (*TMemo) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TMemo) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TMemo) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TMemo) HideSelection ¶
func (*TMemo) Invalidate ¶
func (m *TMemo) Invalidate()
func (*TMemo) Owner ¶
func (m *TMemo) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TMemo) ParentColor ¶
func (*TMemo) ParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TMemo) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TMemo) ParentFont ¶
func (*TMemo) ParentShowHint ¶
func (*TMemo) ParentWindow ¶
func (m *TMemo) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TMemo) PasteFromClipboard ¶
func (m *TMemo) PasteFromClipboard()
func (*TMemo) PopupMenu ¶
func (m *TMemo) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TMemo) ScrollBars ¶
func (m *TMemo) ScrollBars() TScrollStyle
func (*TMemo) SendToBack ¶
func (m *TMemo) SendToBack()
func (*TMemo) SetAction ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TMemo) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TMemo) SetAlignment ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetAlignment(value TAlignment)
func (*TMemo) SetAnchors ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TMemo) SetBevelEdges ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
func (*TMemo) SetBevelInner ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
func (*TMemo) SetBevelKind ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
func (*TMemo) SetBevelOuter ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
func (*TMemo) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TMemo) SetBorderStyle ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetBorderStyle(value TBorderStyle)
func (*TMemo) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TMemo) SetCaretPos ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetCaretPos(value TPoint)
func (*TMemo) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TMemo) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TMemo) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TMemo) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TMemo) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TMemo) SetHideSelection ¶
func (*TMemo) SetMargins ¶
func (*TMemo) SetMaxLength ¶
func (*TMemo) SetModified ¶
func (*TMemo) SetOnChange ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TMemo) SetOnClick ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TMemo) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TMemo) SetOnEnter ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TMemo) SetOnExit ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TMemo) SetOnKeyDown ¶
func (*TMemo) SetOnKeyPress ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
func (*TMemo) SetOnKeyUp ¶
func (*TMemo) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TMemo) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TMemo) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TMemo) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TMemo) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TMemo) SetParentColor ¶
func (*TMemo) SetParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TMemo) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TMemo) SetParentFont ¶
func (*TMemo) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (*TMemo) SetParentWindow ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TMemo) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TMemo) SetReadOnly ¶
func (*TMemo) SetScrollBars ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetScrollBars(value TScrollStyle)
func (*TMemo) SetSelLength ¶
func (*TMemo) SetSelStart ¶
func (*TMemo) SetSelText ¶
func (*TMemo) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TMemo) SetStyleElements ¶
func (m *TMemo) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TMemo) SetTabOrder ¶
func (*TMemo) SetTabStop ¶
func (*TMemo) SetTextHint ¶
func (*TMemo) SetVisible ¶
func (*TMemo) SetWantReturns ¶
func (*TMemo) SetWantTabs ¶
func (*TMemo) SetWordWrap ¶
func (*TMemo) StyleElements ¶
func (m *TMemo) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TMemo) WantReturns ¶
type TMemoryStream ¶
type TMemoryStream struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func MemoryStreamFromInst ¶
func MemoryStreamFromInst(inst uintptr) *TMemoryStream
func MemoryStreamFromObj ¶
func MemoryStreamFromObj(obj IObject) *TMemoryStream
func NewMemoryStream ¶
func NewMemoryStream() *TMemoryStream
func NewMemoryStreamFromBytes ¶
func NewMemoryStreamFromBytes(data []byte) *TMemoryStream
NewMemoryStreamFromBytes 新建Delphi内存流来自Go字节数组
func (*TMemoryStream) ClassName ¶
func (m *TMemoryStream) ClassName() string
func (*TMemoryStream) Clear ¶
func (m *TMemoryStream) Clear()
func (*TMemoryStream) CopyFrom ¶
func (m *TMemoryStream) CopyFrom(Source IObject, Count int64) int64
func (*TMemoryStream) Equals ¶
func (m *TMemoryStream) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TMemoryStream) Free ¶
func (m *TMemoryStream) Free()
func (*TMemoryStream) GetHashCode ¶
func (m *TMemoryStream) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TMemoryStream) Instance ¶
func (m *TMemoryStream) Instance() uintptr
func (*TMemoryStream) IsValid ¶
func (m *TMemoryStream) IsValid() bool
func (*TMemoryStream) LoadFromFile ¶
func (m *TMemoryStream) LoadFromFile(FileName string)
func (*TMemoryStream) LoadFromStream ¶
func (m *TMemoryStream) LoadFromStream(Stream IObject)
func (*TMemoryStream) Memory ¶
func (m *TMemoryStream) Memory() uintptr
func (*TMemoryStream) Position ¶
func (m *TMemoryStream) Position() int64
func (*TMemoryStream) SaveToFile ¶
func (m *TMemoryStream) SaveToFile(FileName string)
func (*TMemoryStream) SaveToStream ¶
func (m *TMemoryStream) SaveToStream(Stream IObject)
func (*TMemoryStream) Seek ¶
func (m *TMemoryStream) Seek(Offset int64, Origin TSeekOrigin) int64
func (*TMemoryStream) SetPosition ¶
func (m *TMemoryStream) SetPosition(value int64)
func (*TMemoryStream) SetSize ¶
func (m *TMemoryStream) SetSize(value int64)
func (*TMemoryStream) Size ¶
func (m *TMemoryStream) Size() int64
func (*TMemoryStream) ToString ¶
func (m *TMemoryStream) ToString() string
func (*TMemoryStream) Write ¶
func (m *TMemoryStream) Write(buffer []byte) int32
type TMenuChangeEvent ¶
TMenuChangeEvent Menu
type TMenuItem ¶
type TMenuItem struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func MenuItemFromInst ¶
func MenuItemFromObj ¶
func NewMenuItem ¶
func NewMenuItem(owner IComponent) *TMenuItem
func (*TMenuItem) Add ¶
func (m *TMenuItem) Add(Item IComponent)
func (*TMenuItem) AutoHotkeys ¶
func (m *TMenuItem) AutoHotkeys() TMenuItemAutoFlag
func (*TMenuItem) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TMenuItem) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TMenuItem) Components ¶
func (m *TMenuItem) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TMenuItem) FindComponent ¶
func (m *TMenuItem) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TMenuItem) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TMenuItem) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TMenuItem) GroupIndex ¶
func (*TMenuItem) ImageIndex ¶
func (*TMenuItem) IndexOf ¶
func (m *TMenuItem) IndexOf(Item IComponent) int32
func (*TMenuItem) Insert ¶
func (m *TMenuItem) Insert(Index int32, Item IComponent)
func (*TMenuItem) Owner ¶
func (m *TMenuItem) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TMenuItem) SetAction ¶
func (m *TMenuItem) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TMenuItem) SetAutoHotkeys ¶
func (m *TMenuItem) SetAutoHotkeys(value TMenuItemAutoFlag)
func (*TMenuItem) SetCaption ¶
func (*TMenuItem) SetChecked ¶
func (*TMenuItem) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TMenuItem) SetDefault ¶
func (*TMenuItem) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TMenuItem) SetGroupIndex ¶
func (*TMenuItem) SetImageIndex ¶
func (*TMenuItem) SetOnClick ¶
func (m *TMenuItem) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TMenuItem) SetShortCut ¶
func (m *TMenuItem) SetShortCut(value TShortCut)
func (*TMenuItem) SetShortCutFromString ¶
func (*TMenuItem) SetVisible ¶
func (*TMenuItem) ShortCutFromString ¶
type TMonitor ¶
type TMonitor struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func MonitorFromInst ¶
func MonitorFromObj ¶
func NewMonitor ¶
func NewMonitor() *TMonitor
func (*TMonitor) BoundsRect ¶
func (m *TMonitor) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TMonitor) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TMonitor) MonitorNum ¶
func (*TMonitor) PixelsPerInch ¶
func (*TMonitor) WorkareaRect ¶
func (m *TMonitor) WorkareaRect() TRect
type TMonthCalColors ¶
type TMonthCalColors struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func MonthCalColorsFromInst ¶
func MonthCalColorsFromInst(inst uintptr) *TMonthCalColors
func MonthCalColorsFromObj ¶
func MonthCalColorsFromObj(obj IObject) *TMonthCalColors
func NewMonthCalColors ¶
func NewMonthCalColors() *TMonthCalColors
func (*TMonthCalColors) Assign ¶
func (m *TMonthCalColors) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TMonthCalColors) ClassName ¶
func (m *TMonthCalColors) ClassName() string
func (*TMonthCalColors) Equals ¶
func (m *TMonthCalColors) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TMonthCalColors) Free ¶
func (m *TMonthCalColors) Free()
func (*TMonthCalColors) GetHashCode ¶
func (m *TMonthCalColors) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TMonthCalColors) GetNamePath ¶
func (m *TMonthCalColors) GetNamePath() string
func (*TMonthCalColors) Instance ¶
func (m *TMonthCalColors) Instance() uintptr
func (*TMonthCalColors) IsValid ¶
func (m *TMonthCalColors) IsValid() bool
func (*TMonthCalColors) ToString ¶
func (m *TMonthCalColors) ToString() string
type TMonthCalendar ¶
type TMonthCalendar struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func MonthCalendarFromInst ¶
func MonthCalendarFromInst(inst uintptr) *TMonthCalendar
func MonthCalendarFromObj ¶
func MonthCalendarFromObj(obj IObject) *TMonthCalendar
func NewMonthCalendar ¶
func NewMonthCalendar(owner IComponent) *TMonthCalendar
func (*TMonthCalendar) Action ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Action() *TAction
func (*TMonthCalendar) Align ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Align() TAlign
func (*TMonthCalendar) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) AlignWithMargins() bool
func (*TMonthCalendar) Anchors ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Anchors() TAnchors
func (*TMonthCalendar) Assign ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TMonthCalendar) AutoSize ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) AutoSize() bool
func (*TMonthCalendar) BiDiMode ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
func (*TMonthCalendar) BorderWidth ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) BorderWidth() int32
func (*TMonthCalendar) BoundsRect ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TMonthCalendar) BringToFront ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) BringToFront()
func (*TMonthCalendar) Brush ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Brush() *TBrush
func (*TMonthCalendar) CalColors ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) CalColors() *TMonthCalColors
func (*TMonthCalendar) CanFocus ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) CanFocus() bool
func (*TMonthCalendar) ClassName ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) ClassName() string
func (*TMonthCalendar) ClientHeight ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) ClientHeight() int32
func (*TMonthCalendar) ClientRect ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TMonthCalendar) ClientWidth ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) ClientWidth() int32
func (*TMonthCalendar) ComponentCount ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TMonthCalendar) ComponentIndex ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TMonthCalendar) Components ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TMonthCalendar) ControlCount ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) ControlCount() int32
func (*TMonthCalendar) Controls ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
func (*TMonthCalendar) Cursor ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Cursor() TCursor
func (*TMonthCalendar) Date ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Date() time.Time
func (*TMonthCalendar) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) DoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TMonthCalendar) Enabled ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Enabled() bool
func (*TMonthCalendar) Equals ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TMonthCalendar) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) ExplicitHeight() int32
func (*TMonthCalendar) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) ExplicitLeft() int32
func (*TMonthCalendar) ExplicitTop ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) ExplicitTop() int32
func (*TMonthCalendar) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) ExplicitWidth() int32
func (*TMonthCalendar) FindComponent ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TMonthCalendar) FirstDayOfWeek ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) FirstDayOfWeek() TCalDayOfWeek
func (*TMonthCalendar) FlipChildren ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
func (*TMonthCalendar) Focused ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Focused() bool
func (*TMonthCalendar) Font ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Font() *TFont
func (*TMonthCalendar) Free ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Free()
func (*TMonthCalendar) GetHashCode ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TMonthCalendar) GetNamePath ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) GetNamePath() string
func (*TMonthCalendar) GetTextBuf ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
func (*TMonthCalendar) Handle ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Handle() HWND
func (*TMonthCalendar) HandleAllocated ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) HandleAllocated() bool
func (*TMonthCalendar) HasParent ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) HasParent() bool
func (*TMonthCalendar) Height ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Height() int32
func (*TMonthCalendar) Hide ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Hide()
func (*TMonthCalendar) Hint ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Hint() string
func (*TMonthCalendar) Instance ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Instance() uintptr
func (*TMonthCalendar) Invalidate ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Invalidate()
func (*TMonthCalendar) IsValid ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) IsValid() bool
func (*TMonthCalendar) Left ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Left() int32
func (*TMonthCalendar) Margins ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Margins() *TMargins
func (*TMonthCalendar) MaxDate ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) MaxDate() time.Time
func (*TMonthCalendar) MaxSelectRange ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) MaxSelectRange() int32
func (*TMonthCalendar) MinDate ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) MinDate() time.Time
func (*TMonthCalendar) MultiSelect ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) MultiSelect() bool
func (*TMonthCalendar) Name ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Name() string
func (*TMonthCalendar) Owner ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TMonthCalendar) Parent ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Parent() *TControl
func (*TMonthCalendar) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TMonthCalendar) ParentFont ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) ParentFont() bool
func (*TMonthCalendar) ParentShowHint ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) ParentShowHint() bool
func (*TMonthCalendar) ParentWindow ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TMonthCalendar) Perform ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
func (*TMonthCalendar) PopupMenu ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TMonthCalendar) Realign ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Realign()
func (*TMonthCalendar) Refresh ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Refresh()
func (*TMonthCalendar) Repaint ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Repaint()
func (*TMonthCalendar) ScaleBy ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SendToBack ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SendToBack()
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetAction ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetAlign ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetAlign(value TAlign)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetAnchors ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetAutoSize ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetAutoSize(value bool)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetBorderWidth(value int32)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetBounds ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetCalColors ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetCalColors(value *TMonthCalColors)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetClientHeight ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetClientHeight(value int32)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetClientWidth ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetClientWidth(value int32)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetCursor ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetCursor(value TCursor)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetDate ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetDate(value time.Time)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetEnabled ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetEnabled(value bool)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetFirstDayOfWeek ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetFirstDayOfWeek(value TCalDayOfWeek)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetFocus ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetFocus()
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetFont ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetFont(value *TFont)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetHeight ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetHeight(value int32)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetHint ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetHint(value string)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetLeft ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetLeft(value int32)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetMargins ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetMaxDate ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetMaxDate(value time.Time)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetMaxSelectRange ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetMaxSelectRange(value int32)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetMinDate ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetMinDate(value time.Time)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetMultiSelect ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetMultiSelect(value bool)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetName ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetName(value string)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetOnClick ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetOnEnter ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetOnExit ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetOnKeyDown ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetOnKeyPress ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetOnKeyUp ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetParent ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetParent(value IControl)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetParentFont ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetParentFont(value bool)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetParentWindow ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetShowHint ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetShowHint(value bool)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetShowToday ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetShowToday(value bool)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetShowTodayCircle ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetShowTodayCircle(value bool)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetStyleElements ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetTabOrder ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetTabStop ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetTabStop(value bool)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetTag ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetTag(value int)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetTop ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetTop(value int32)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetVisible ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetVisible(value bool)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetWeekNumbers ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetWeekNumbers(value bool)
func (*TMonthCalendar) SetWidth ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) SetWidth(value int32)
func (*TMonthCalendar) Show ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Show()
func (*TMonthCalendar) ShowHint ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) ShowHint() bool
func (*TMonthCalendar) ShowToday ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) ShowToday() bool
func (*TMonthCalendar) ShowTodayCircle ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) ShowTodayCircle() bool
func (*TMonthCalendar) StyleElements ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TMonthCalendar) TabOrder ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) TabOrder() uint16
func (*TMonthCalendar) TabStop ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) TabStop() bool
func (*TMonthCalendar) Tag ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Tag() int
func (*TMonthCalendar) ToString ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) ToString() string
func (*TMonthCalendar) Top ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Top() int32
func (*TMonthCalendar) Update ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Update()
func (*TMonthCalendar) Visible ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Visible() bool
func (*TMonthCalendar) WeekNumbers ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) WeekNumbers() bool
func (*TMonthCalendar) Width ¶
func (m *TMonthCalendar) Width() int32
type TMouse ¶
type TMouse struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func MouseFromInst ¶
func MouseFromObj ¶
func (*TMouse) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TMouse) IsDragging ¶
func (*TMouse) SetCapture ¶
func (m *TMouse) SetCapture(value HWND)
func (*TMouse) SetCursorPos ¶
func (m *TMouse) SetCursorPos(value TPoint)
func (*TMouse) WheelPresent ¶
func (*TMouse) WheelScrollLines ¶
type TMouseEvent ¶
TMouseEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer) of object;
type TMouseMoveEvent ¶
TMouseMoveEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState;
X, Y: Integer) of object;
type TMouseWheelEvent ¶
type TMouseWheelEvent = func(sender IObject, shift TShiftState, wheelDelta, x, y int32, handled *bool)
TMouseWheelEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState;
WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean) of object;
type TObject ¶
type TObject struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ObjectFromInst ¶
func ObjectFromObj ¶
func (*TObject) GetHashCode ¶
type TOpenDialog ¶
type TOpenDialog struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewOpenDialog ¶
func NewOpenDialog(owner IComponent) *TOpenDialog
func OpenDialogFromInst ¶
func OpenDialogFromInst(inst uintptr) *TOpenDialog
func OpenDialogFromObj ¶
func OpenDialogFromObj(obj IObject) *TOpenDialog
func (*TOpenDialog) Assign ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TOpenDialog) ClassName ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) ClassName() string
func (*TOpenDialog) ComponentCount ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TOpenDialog) ComponentIndex ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TOpenDialog) Components ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TOpenDialog) DefaultExt ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) DefaultExt() string
func (*TOpenDialog) Equals ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TOpenDialog) Execute ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) Execute(ParentWnd HWND) bool
func (*TOpenDialog) FileName ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) FileName() string
func (*TOpenDialog) Files ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) Files() *TStrings
func (*TOpenDialog) Filter ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) Filter() string
func (*TOpenDialog) FilterIndex ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) FilterIndex() int32
func (*TOpenDialog) FindComponent ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TOpenDialog) Free ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) Free()
func (*TOpenDialog) GetHashCode ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TOpenDialog) GetNamePath ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) GetNamePath() string
func (*TOpenDialog) Handle ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) Handle() HWND
func (*TOpenDialog) HasParent ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) HasParent() bool
func (*TOpenDialog) InitialDir ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) InitialDir() string
func (*TOpenDialog) Instance ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) Instance() uintptr
func (*TOpenDialog) IsValid ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) IsValid() bool
func (*TOpenDialog) Name ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) Name() string
func (*TOpenDialog) Options ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) Options() TOpenOptions
func (*TOpenDialog) OptionsEx ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) OptionsEx() TOpenOptionsEx
func (*TOpenDialog) Owner ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TOpenDialog) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TOpenDialog) SetDefaultExt ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) SetDefaultExt(value string)
func (*TOpenDialog) SetFileName ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) SetFileName(value string)
func (*TOpenDialog) SetFilter ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) SetFilter(value string)
func (*TOpenDialog) SetFilterIndex ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) SetFilterIndex(value int32)
func (*TOpenDialog) SetInitialDir ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) SetInitialDir(value string)
func (*TOpenDialog) SetName ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) SetName(value string)
func (*TOpenDialog) SetOnClose ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) SetOnClose(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TOpenDialog) SetOnShow ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TOpenDialog) SetOptions ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) SetOptions(value TOpenOptions)
func (*TOpenDialog) SetOptionsEx ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) SetOptionsEx(value TOpenOptionsEx)
func (*TOpenDialog) SetTag ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) SetTag(value int)
func (*TOpenDialog) SetTitle ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) SetTitle(value string)
func (*TOpenDialog) Tag ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) Tag() int
func (*TOpenDialog) Title ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) Title() string
func (*TOpenDialog) ToString ¶
func (o *TOpenDialog) ToString() string
type TOpenPictureDialog ¶
type TOpenPictureDialog struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewOpenPictureDialog ¶
func NewOpenPictureDialog(owner IComponent) *TOpenPictureDialog
func OpenPictureDialogFromInst ¶
func OpenPictureDialogFromInst(inst uintptr) *TOpenPictureDialog
func OpenPictureDialogFromObj ¶
func OpenPictureDialogFromObj(obj IObject) *TOpenPictureDialog
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) Assign ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) ClassName ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) ClassName() string
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) ComponentCount ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) ComponentIndex ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) Components ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) DefaultExt ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) DefaultExt() string
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) Equals ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) Execute ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Execute(ParentWnd HWND) bool
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) FileName ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) FileName() string
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) Files ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Files() *TStrings
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) Filter ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Filter() string
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) FilterIndex ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) FilterIndex() int32
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) FindComponent ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) Free ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Free()
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) GetHashCode ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) GetNamePath ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) GetNamePath() string
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) Handle ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Handle() HWND
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) HasParent ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) HasParent() bool
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) InitialDir ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) InitialDir() string
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) Instance ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Instance() uintptr
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) IsValid ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) IsValid() bool
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) Name ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Name() string
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) Options ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Options() TOpenOptions
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) OptionsEx ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) OptionsEx() TOpenOptionsEx
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) Owner ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) SetDefaultExt ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetDefaultExt(value string)
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) SetFileName ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetFileName(value string)
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) SetFilter ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetFilter(value string)
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) SetFilterIndex ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetFilterIndex(value int32)
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) SetInitialDir ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetInitialDir(value string)
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) SetName ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetName(value string)
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) SetOnClose ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetOnClose(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) SetOnShow ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) SetOptions ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetOptions(value TOpenOptions)
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) SetOptionsEx ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetOptionsEx(value TOpenOptionsEx)
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) SetTag ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetTag(value int)
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) SetTitle ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) SetTitle(value string)
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) Tag ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Tag() int
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) Title ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) Title() string
func (*TOpenPictureDialog) ToString ¶
func (o *TOpenPictureDialog) ToString() string
type TOpenTextFileDialog ¶
type TOpenTextFileDialog struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewOpenTextFileDialog ¶
func NewOpenTextFileDialog(owner IComponent) *TOpenTextFileDialog
func OpenTextFileDialogFromInst ¶
func OpenTextFileDialogFromInst(inst uintptr) *TOpenTextFileDialog
func OpenTextFileDialogFromObj ¶
func OpenTextFileDialogFromObj(obj IObject) *TOpenTextFileDialog
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) Assign ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) ClassName ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) ClassName() string
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) ComponentCount ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) ComponentIndex ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) Components ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) DefaultExt ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) DefaultExt() string
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) Equals ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) Execute ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Execute(ParentWnd HWND) bool
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) FileName ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) FileName() string
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) Files ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Files() *TStrings
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) Filter ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Filter() string
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) FilterIndex ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) FilterIndex() int32
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) FindComponent ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) Free ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Free()
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) GetHashCode ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) GetNamePath ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) GetNamePath() string
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) Handle ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Handle() HWND
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) HasParent ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) HasParent() bool
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) InitialDir ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) InitialDir() string
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) Instance ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Instance() uintptr
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) IsValid ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) IsValid() bool
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) Name ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Name() string
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) Options ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Options() TOpenOptions
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) OptionsEx ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) OptionsEx() TOpenOptionsEx
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) Owner ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) SetDefaultExt ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetDefaultExt(value string)
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) SetFileName ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetFileName(value string)
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) SetFilter ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetFilter(value string)
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) SetFilterIndex ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetFilterIndex(value int32)
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) SetInitialDir ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetInitialDir(value string)
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) SetName ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetName(value string)
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) SetOnClose ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetOnClose(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) SetOnShow ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) SetOptions ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetOptions(value TOpenOptions)
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) SetOptionsEx ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetOptionsEx(value TOpenOptionsEx)
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) SetTag ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetTag(value int)
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) SetTitle ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) SetTitle(value string)
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) Tag ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Tag() int
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) Title ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) Title() string
func (*TOpenTextFileDialog) ToString ¶
func (o *TOpenTextFileDialog) ToString() string
type TPageControl ¶
type TPageControl struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewPageControl ¶
func NewPageControl(owner IComponent) *TPageControl
func PageControlFromInst ¶
func PageControlFromInst(inst uintptr) *TPageControl
func PageControlFromObj ¶
func PageControlFromObj(obj IObject) *TPageControl
func (*TPageControl) Action ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Action() *TAction
func (*TPageControl) ActivePageIndex ¶
func (p *TPageControl) ActivePageIndex() int32
func (*TPageControl) Align ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Align() TAlign
func (*TPageControl) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (p *TPageControl) AlignWithMargins() bool
func (*TPageControl) Anchors ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Anchors() TAnchors
func (*TPageControl) Assign ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TPageControl) BiDiMode ¶
func (p *TPageControl) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
func (*TPageControl) BoundsRect ¶
func (p *TPageControl) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TPageControl) BringToFront ¶
func (p *TPageControl) BringToFront()
func (*TPageControl) Brush ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Brush() *TBrush
func (*TPageControl) CanFocus ¶
func (p *TPageControl) CanFocus() bool
func (*TPageControl) Canvas ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Canvas() *TCanvas
func (*TPageControl) ClassName ¶
func (p *TPageControl) ClassName() string
func (*TPageControl) ClientHeight ¶
func (p *TPageControl) ClientHeight() int32
func (*TPageControl) ClientRect ¶
func (p *TPageControl) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TPageControl) ClientWidth ¶
func (p *TPageControl) ClientWidth() int32
func (*TPageControl) ComponentCount ¶
func (p *TPageControl) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TPageControl) ComponentIndex ¶
func (p *TPageControl) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TPageControl) Components ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TPageControl) ControlCount ¶
func (p *TPageControl) ControlCount() int32
func (*TPageControl) Controls ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
func (*TPageControl) Cursor ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Cursor() TCursor
func (*TPageControl) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (p *TPageControl) DoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TPageControl) Enabled ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Enabled() bool
func (*TPageControl) Equals ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TPageControl) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (p *TPageControl) ExplicitHeight() int32
func (*TPageControl) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (p *TPageControl) ExplicitLeft() int32
func (*TPageControl) ExplicitTop ¶
func (p *TPageControl) ExplicitTop() int32
func (*TPageControl) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (p *TPageControl) ExplicitWidth() int32
func (*TPageControl) FindComponent ¶
func (p *TPageControl) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TPageControl) FlipChildren ¶
func (p *TPageControl) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
func (*TPageControl) Focused ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Focused() bool
func (*TPageControl) Font ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Font() *TFont
func (*TPageControl) Free ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Free()
func (*TPageControl) GetHashCode ¶
func (p *TPageControl) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TPageControl) GetNamePath ¶
func (p *TPageControl) GetNamePath() string
func (*TPageControl) GetTextBuf ¶
func (p *TPageControl) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
func (*TPageControl) Handle ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Handle() HWND
func (*TPageControl) HandleAllocated ¶
func (p *TPageControl) HandleAllocated() bool
func (*TPageControl) HasParent ¶
func (p *TPageControl) HasParent() bool
func (*TPageControl) Height ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Height() int32
func (*TPageControl) Hide ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Hide()
func (*TPageControl) Hint ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Hint() string
func (*TPageControl) HotTrack ¶
func (p *TPageControl) HotTrack() bool
func (*TPageControl) Images ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Images() *TImageList
func (*TPageControl) Instance ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Instance() uintptr
func (*TPageControl) Invalidate ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Invalidate()
func (*TPageControl) IsValid ¶
func (p *TPageControl) IsValid() bool
func (*TPageControl) Left ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Left() int32
func (*TPageControl) Margins ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Margins() *TMargins
func (*TPageControl) MultiLine ¶
func (p *TPageControl) MultiLine() bool
func (*TPageControl) Name ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Name() string
func (*TPageControl) Owner ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TPageControl) PageCount ¶
func (p *TPageControl) PageCount() int32
func (*TPageControl) Pages ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Pages(Index int32) *TTabSheet
func (*TPageControl) Parent ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Parent() *TControl
func (*TPageControl) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (p *TPageControl) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TPageControl) ParentFont ¶
func (p *TPageControl) ParentFont() bool
func (*TPageControl) ParentShowHint ¶
func (p *TPageControl) ParentShowHint() bool
func (*TPageControl) ParentWindow ¶
func (p *TPageControl) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TPageControl) Perform ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
func (*TPageControl) PopupMenu ¶
func (p *TPageControl) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TPageControl) Realign ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Realign()
func (*TPageControl) Refresh ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Refresh()
func (*TPageControl) Repaint ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Repaint()
func (*TPageControl) RowCount ¶
func (p *TPageControl) RowCount() int32
func (*TPageControl) ScaleBy ¶
func (p *TPageControl) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
func (*TPageControl) SelectNextPage ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SelectNextPage(GoForward bool, CheckTabVisible bool)
func (*TPageControl) SendToBack ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SendToBack()
func (*TPageControl) SetAction ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TPageControl) SetActivePageIndex ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetActivePageIndex(value int32)
func (*TPageControl) SetAlign ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetAlign(value TAlign)
func (*TPageControl) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
func (*TPageControl) SetAnchors ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TPageControl) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TPageControl) SetBounds ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
func (*TPageControl) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TPageControl) SetClientHeight ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetClientHeight(value int32)
func (*TPageControl) SetClientWidth ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetClientWidth(value int32)
func (*TPageControl) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TPageControl) SetCursor ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetCursor(value TCursor)
func (*TPageControl) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TPageControl) SetEnabled ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetEnabled(value bool)
func (*TPageControl) SetFocus ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetFocus()
func (*TPageControl) SetFont ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetFont(value *TFont)
func (*TPageControl) SetHeight ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetHeight(value int32)
func (*TPageControl) SetHint ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetHint(value string)
func (*TPageControl) SetHotTrack ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetHotTrack(value bool)
func (*TPageControl) SetImages ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetImages(value IComponent)
func (*TPageControl) SetLeft ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetLeft(value int32)
func (*TPageControl) SetMargins ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
func (*TPageControl) SetMultiLine ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetMultiLine(value bool)
func (*TPageControl) SetName ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetName(value string)
func (*TPageControl) SetOnChange ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPageControl) SetOnEnter ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPageControl) SetOnExit ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPageControl) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TPageControl) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPageControl) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPageControl) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TPageControl) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TPageControl) SetOnResize ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetOnResize(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPageControl) SetParent ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetParent(value IControl)
func (*TPageControl) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TPageControl) SetParentFont ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetParentFont(value bool)
func (*TPageControl) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
func (*TPageControl) SetParentWindow ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TPageControl) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TPageControl) SetShowHint ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetShowHint(value bool)
func (*TPageControl) SetStyle ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetStyle(value TTabStyle)
func (*TPageControl) SetStyleElements ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TPageControl) SetTabHeight ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetTabHeight(value int16)
func (*TPageControl) SetTabIndex ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetTabIndex(value int32)
func (*TPageControl) SetTabOrder ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
func (*TPageControl) SetTabPosition ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetTabPosition(value TTabPosition)
func (*TPageControl) SetTabStop ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetTabStop(value bool)
func (*TPageControl) SetTabWidth ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetTabWidth(value int16)
func (*TPageControl) SetTag ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetTag(value int)
func (*TPageControl) SetTop ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetTop(value int32)
func (*TPageControl) SetVisible ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetVisible(value bool)
func (*TPageControl) SetWidth ¶
func (p *TPageControl) SetWidth(value int32)
func (*TPageControl) Show ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Show()
func (*TPageControl) ShowHint ¶
func (p *TPageControl) ShowHint() bool
func (*TPageControl) Style ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Style() TTabStyle
func (*TPageControl) StyleElements ¶
func (p *TPageControl) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TPageControl) TabHeight ¶
func (p *TPageControl) TabHeight() int16
func (*TPageControl) TabIndex ¶
func (p *TPageControl) TabIndex() int32
func (*TPageControl) TabOrder ¶
func (p *TPageControl) TabOrder() uint16
func (*TPageControl) TabPosition ¶
func (p *TPageControl) TabPosition() TTabPosition
func (*TPageControl) TabStop ¶
func (p *TPageControl) TabStop() bool
func (*TPageControl) TabWidth ¶
func (p *TPageControl) TabWidth() int16
func (*TPageControl) Tag ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Tag() int
func (*TPageControl) ToString ¶
func (p *TPageControl) ToString() string
func (*TPageControl) Top ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Top() int32
func (*TPageControl) Update ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Update()
func (*TPageControl) Visible ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Visible() bool
func (*TPageControl) Width ¶
func (p *TPageControl) Width() int32
type TPaintBox ¶
type TPaintBox struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewPaintBox ¶
func NewPaintBox(owner IComponent) *TPaintBox
func PaintBoxFromInst ¶
func PaintBoxFromObj ¶
func (*TPaintBox) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TPaintBox) BoundsRect ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TPaintBox) BringToFront ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) BringToFront()
func (*TPaintBox) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TPaintBox) ClientRect ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TPaintBox) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TPaintBox) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TPaintBox) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TPaintBox) Components ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TPaintBox) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TPaintBox) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TPaintBox) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TPaintBox) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TPaintBox) FindComponent ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TPaintBox) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TPaintBox) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TPaintBox) Invalidate ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) Invalidate()
func (*TPaintBox) Owner ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TPaintBox) ParentColor ¶
func (*TPaintBox) ParentFont ¶
func (*TPaintBox) ParentShowHint ¶
func (*TPaintBox) PopupMenu ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TPaintBox) SendToBack ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) SendToBack()
func (*TPaintBox) SetAction ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TPaintBox) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TPaintBox) SetAnchors ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TPaintBox) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TPaintBox) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TPaintBox) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TPaintBox) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TPaintBox) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TPaintBox) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TPaintBox) SetMargins ¶
func (*TPaintBox) SetOnClick ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPaintBox) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPaintBox) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TPaintBox) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPaintBox) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPaintBox) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TPaintBox) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TPaintBox) SetOnPaint ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) SetOnPaint(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPaintBox) SetParentColor ¶
func (*TPaintBox) SetParentFont ¶
func (*TPaintBox) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (*TPaintBox) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TPaintBox) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TPaintBox) SetStyleElements ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TPaintBox) SetVisible ¶
func (*TPaintBox) StyleElements ¶
func (p *TPaintBox) StyleElements() TStyleElements
type TPanel ¶
type TPanel struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewPanel ¶
func NewPanel(owner IComponent) *TPanel
func PanelFromInst ¶
func PanelFromObj ¶
func (*TPanel) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TPanel) BevelEdges ¶
func (p *TPanel) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
func (*TPanel) BevelInner ¶
func (p *TPanel) BevelInner() TBevelCut
func (*TPanel) BevelOuter ¶
func (p *TPanel) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
func (*TPanel) BorderStyle ¶
func (p *TPanel) BorderStyle() TBorderStyle
func (*TPanel) BorderWidth ¶
func (*TPanel) BoundsRect ¶
func (p *TPanel) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TPanel) BringToFront ¶
func (p *TPanel) BringToFront()
func (*TPanel) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TPanel) ClientRect ¶
func (p *TPanel) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TPanel) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TPanel) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TPanel) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TPanel) Components ¶
func (p *TPanel) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TPanel) ControlCount ¶
func (*TPanel) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TPanel) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TPanel) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TPanel) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TPanel) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TPanel) FindComponent ¶
func (p *TPanel) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TPanel) FlipChildren ¶
func (*TPanel) FullRepaint ¶
func (*TPanel) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TPanel) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TPanel) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TPanel) Invalidate ¶
func (p *TPanel) Invalidate()
func (*TPanel) Owner ¶
func (p *TPanel) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TPanel) ParentBackground ¶
func (*TPanel) ParentColor ¶
func (*TPanel) ParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TPanel) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TPanel) ParentFont ¶
func (*TPanel) ParentShowHint ¶
func (*TPanel) ParentWindow ¶
func (p *TPanel) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TPanel) PopupMenu ¶
func (p *TPanel) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TPanel) SendToBack ¶
func (p *TPanel) SendToBack()
func (*TPanel) SetAction ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TPanel) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TPanel) SetAlignment ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetAlignment(value TAlignment)
func (*TPanel) SetAnchors ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TPanel) SetAutoSize ¶
func (*TPanel) SetBevelEdges ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
func (*TPanel) SetBevelInner ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
func (*TPanel) SetBevelKind ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
func (*TPanel) SetBevelOuter ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
func (*TPanel) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TPanel) SetBorderStyle ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetBorderStyle(value TBorderStyle)
func (*TPanel) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (*TPanel) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TPanel) SetCaption ¶
func (*TPanel) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TPanel) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TPanel) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TPanel) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TPanel) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TPanel) SetFullRepaint ¶
func (*TPanel) SetMargins ¶
func (*TPanel) SetOnClick ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPanel) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPanel) SetOnEnter ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPanel) SetOnExit ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPanel) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TPanel) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPanel) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPanel) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TPanel) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TPanel) SetOnResize ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetOnResize(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPanel) SetParentBackground ¶
func (*TPanel) SetParentColor ¶
func (*TPanel) SetParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TPanel) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TPanel) SetParentFont ¶
func (*TPanel) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (*TPanel) SetParentWindow ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TPanel) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TPanel) SetShowCaption ¶
func (*TPanel) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TPanel) SetStyleElements ¶
func (p *TPanel) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TPanel) SetTabOrder ¶
func (*TPanel) SetTabStop ¶
func (*TPanel) SetVisible ¶
func (*TPanel) ShowCaption ¶
func (*TPanel) StyleElements ¶
func (p *TPanel) StyleElements() TStyleElements
type TParaAttributes ¶
type TParaAttributes struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ParaAttributesFromInst ¶
func ParaAttributesFromInst(inst uintptr) *TParaAttributes
func ParaAttributesFromObj ¶
func ParaAttributesFromObj(obj IObject) *TParaAttributes
func (*TParaAttributes) Alignment ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) Alignment() TAlignment
func (*TParaAttributes) Assign ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TParaAttributes) ClassName ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) ClassName() string
func (*TParaAttributes) Equals ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TParaAttributes) FirstIndent ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) FirstIndent() int32
func (*TParaAttributes) GetHashCode ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TParaAttributes) GetNamePath ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) GetNamePath() string
func (*TParaAttributes) Instance ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) Instance() uintptr
func (*TParaAttributes) IsValid ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) IsValid() bool
func (*TParaAttributes) LeftIndent ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) LeftIndent() int32
func (*TParaAttributes) Numbering ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) Numbering() TNumberingStyle
func (*TParaAttributes) RightIndent ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) RightIndent() int32
func (*TParaAttributes) SetAlignment ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) SetAlignment(value TAlignment)
func (*TParaAttributes) SetFirstIndent ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) SetFirstIndent(value int32)
func (*TParaAttributes) SetLeftIndent ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) SetLeftIndent(value int32)
func (*TParaAttributes) SetNumbering ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) SetNumbering(value TNumberingStyle)
func (*TParaAttributes) SetRightIndent ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) SetRightIndent(value int32)
func (*TParaAttributes) SetTab ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) SetTab(Index uint8, value int32)
func (*TParaAttributes) SetTabCount ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) SetTabCount(value int32)
func (*TParaAttributes) Tab ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) Tab(Index uint8) int32
func (*TParaAttributes) TabCount ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) TabCount() int32
func (*TParaAttributes) ToString ¶
func (p *TParaAttributes) ToString() string
type TPen ¶
type TPen struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func PenFromInst ¶
func PenFromObj ¶
func (*TPen) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TPen) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TPen) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TPen) SetOnChange ¶
func (p *TPen) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
type TPicture ¶
type TPicture struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewPicture ¶
func NewPicture() *TPicture
func PictureFromInst ¶
func PictureFromObj ¶
func (*TPicture) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TPicture) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TPicture) LoadFromFile ¶
func (*TPicture) LoadFromStream ¶
func (*TPicture) SaveToFile ¶
func (*TPicture) SaveToStream ¶
func (*TPicture) SetGraphic ¶
func (*TPicture) SetOnChange ¶
func (p *TPicture) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
type TPngImage ¶
type TPngImage struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewPngImage ¶
func NewPngImage() *TPngImage
func PngImageFromInst ¶
func PngImageFromObj ¶
func (*TPngImage) CompressionLevel ¶
func (p *TPngImage) CompressionLevel() TCompressionLevel
func (*TPngImage) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TPngImage) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TPngImage) LoadFromFile ¶
func (*TPngImage) LoadFromResourceID ¶
func (*TPngImage) LoadFromResourceName ¶
func (*TPngImage) LoadFromStream ¶
func (*TPngImage) MaxIdatSize ¶
func (*TPngImage) PaletteModified ¶
func (*TPngImage) SaveToFile ¶
func (*TPngImage) SaveToStream ¶
func (*TPngImage) SetCompressionLevel ¶
func (p *TPngImage) SetCompressionLevel(value TCompressionLevel)
func (*TPngImage) SetMaxIdatSize ¶
func (*TPngImage) SetModified ¶
func (*TPngImage) SetOnChange ¶
func (p *TPngImage) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPngImage) SetPaletteModified ¶
func (*TPngImage) SetTransparent ¶
func (*TPngImage) SetTransparentColor ¶
func (p *TPngImage) SetTransparentColor(value TColor)
func (*TPngImage) Transparent ¶
func (*TPngImage) TransparentColor ¶
func (p *TPngImage) TransparentColor() TColor
type TPopupMenu ¶
type TPopupMenu struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewPopupMenu ¶
func NewPopupMenu(owner IComponent) *TPopupMenu
func PopupMenuFromInst ¶
func PopupMenuFromInst(inst uintptr) *TPopupMenu
func PopupMenuFromObj ¶
func PopupMenuFromObj(obj IObject) *TPopupMenu
func (*TPopupMenu) Alignment ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) Alignment() TPopupAlignment
func (*TPopupMenu) Assign ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TPopupMenu) AutoHotkeys ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) AutoHotkeys() TMenuAutoFlag
func (*TPopupMenu) BiDiMode ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
func (*TPopupMenu) ClassName ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) ClassName() string
func (*TPopupMenu) CloseMenu ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) CloseMenu()
func (*TPopupMenu) ComponentCount ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TPopupMenu) ComponentIndex ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TPopupMenu) Components ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TPopupMenu) Equals ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TPopupMenu) FindComponent ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TPopupMenu) Free ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) Free()
func (*TPopupMenu) GetHashCode ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TPopupMenu) GetNamePath ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) GetNamePath() string
func (*TPopupMenu) Handle ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) Handle() HMENU
func (*TPopupMenu) HasParent ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) HasParent() bool
func (*TPopupMenu) Images ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) Images() *TImageList
func (*TPopupMenu) Instance ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) Instance() uintptr
func (*TPopupMenu) IsValid ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) IsValid() bool
func (*TPopupMenu) Items ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) Items() *TMenuItem
func (*TPopupMenu) Name ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) Name() string
func (*TPopupMenu) Owner ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TPopupMenu) Popup ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) Popup(X int32, Y int32)
func (*TPopupMenu) SetAlignment ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) SetAlignment(value TPopupAlignment)
func (*TPopupMenu) SetAutoHotkeys ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) SetAutoHotkeys(value TMenuAutoFlag)
func (*TPopupMenu) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TPopupMenu) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TPopupMenu) SetImages ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) SetImages(value IComponent)
func (*TPopupMenu) SetName ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) SetName(value string)
func (*TPopupMenu) SetOnChange ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) SetOnChange(fn TMenuChangeEvent)
func (*TPopupMenu) SetOnPopup ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) SetOnPopup(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPopupMenu) SetTag ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) SetTag(value int)
func (*TPopupMenu) SetWindowHandle ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) SetWindowHandle(value HWND)
func (*TPopupMenu) Tag ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) Tag() int
func (*TPopupMenu) ToString ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) ToString() string
func (*TPopupMenu) WindowHandle ¶
func (p *TPopupMenu) WindowHandle() HWND
type TPrintDialog ¶
type TPrintDialog struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewPrintDialog ¶
func NewPrintDialog(owner IComponent) *TPrintDialog
func PrintDialogFromInst ¶
func PrintDialogFromInst(inst uintptr) *TPrintDialog
func PrintDialogFromObj ¶
func PrintDialogFromObj(obj IObject) *TPrintDialog
func (*TPrintDialog) Assign ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TPrintDialog) ClassName ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) ClassName() string
func (*TPrintDialog) Collate ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) Collate() bool
func (*TPrintDialog) ComponentCount ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TPrintDialog) ComponentIndex ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TPrintDialog) Components ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TPrintDialog) Copies ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) Copies() int32
func (*TPrintDialog) Equals ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TPrintDialog) Execute ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) Execute(ParentWnd HWND) bool
func (*TPrintDialog) FindComponent ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TPrintDialog) Free ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) Free()
func (*TPrintDialog) FromPage ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) FromPage() int32
func (*TPrintDialog) GetHashCode ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TPrintDialog) GetNamePath ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) GetNamePath() string
func (*TPrintDialog) Handle ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) Handle() HWND
func (*TPrintDialog) HasParent ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) HasParent() bool
func (*TPrintDialog) Instance ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) Instance() uintptr
func (*TPrintDialog) IsValid ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) IsValid() bool
func (*TPrintDialog) MaxPage ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) MaxPage() int32
func (*TPrintDialog) MinPage ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) MinPage() int32
func (*TPrintDialog) Name ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) Name() string
func (*TPrintDialog) Options ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) Options() TPrintDialogOptions
func (*TPrintDialog) Owner ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TPrintDialog) PrintRange ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) PrintRange() TPrintRange
func (*TPrintDialog) PrintToFile ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) PrintToFile() bool
func (*TPrintDialog) SetCollate ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) SetCollate(value bool)
func (*TPrintDialog) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TPrintDialog) SetCopies ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) SetCopies(value int32)
func (*TPrintDialog) SetFromPage ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) SetFromPage(value int32)
func (*TPrintDialog) SetMaxPage ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) SetMaxPage(value int32)
func (*TPrintDialog) SetMinPage ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) SetMinPage(value int32)
func (*TPrintDialog) SetName ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) SetName(value string)
func (*TPrintDialog) SetOnClose ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) SetOnClose(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPrintDialog) SetOnShow ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TPrintDialog) SetOptions ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) SetOptions(value TPrintDialogOptions)
func (*TPrintDialog) SetPrintRange ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) SetPrintRange(value TPrintRange)
func (*TPrintDialog) SetPrintToFile ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) SetPrintToFile(value bool)
func (*TPrintDialog) SetTag ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) SetTag(value int)
func (*TPrintDialog) SetToPage ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) SetToPage(value int32)
func (*TPrintDialog) Tag ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) Tag() int
func (*TPrintDialog) ToPage ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) ToPage() int32
func (*TPrintDialog) ToString ¶
func (p *TPrintDialog) ToString() string
type TProgressBar ¶
type TProgressBar struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewProgressBar ¶
func NewProgressBar(owner IComponent) *TProgressBar
func ProgressBarFromInst ¶
func ProgressBarFromInst(inst uintptr) *TProgressBar
func ProgressBarFromObj ¶
func ProgressBarFromObj(obj IObject) *TProgressBar
func (*TProgressBar) Action ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Action() *TAction
func (*TProgressBar) Align ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Align() TAlign
func (*TProgressBar) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) AlignWithMargins() bool
func (*TProgressBar) Anchors ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Anchors() TAnchors
func (*TProgressBar) Assign ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TProgressBar) BackgroundColor ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) BackgroundColor() TColor
func (*TProgressBar) BarColor ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) BarColor() TColor
func (*TProgressBar) BiDiMode ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
func (*TProgressBar) BorderWidth ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) BorderWidth() int32
func (*TProgressBar) BoundsRect ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TProgressBar) BringToFront ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) BringToFront()
func (*TProgressBar) Brush ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Brush() *TBrush
func (*TProgressBar) CanFocus ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) CanFocus() bool
func (*TProgressBar) ClassName ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) ClassName() string
func (*TProgressBar) ClientHeight ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) ClientHeight() int32
func (*TProgressBar) ClientRect ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TProgressBar) ClientWidth ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) ClientWidth() int32
func (*TProgressBar) ComponentCount ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TProgressBar) ComponentIndex ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TProgressBar) Components ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TProgressBar) ControlCount ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) ControlCount() int32
func (*TProgressBar) Controls ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
func (*TProgressBar) Cursor ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Cursor() TCursor
func (*TProgressBar) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) DoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TProgressBar) Enabled ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Enabled() bool
func (*TProgressBar) Equals ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TProgressBar) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) ExplicitHeight() int32
func (*TProgressBar) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) ExplicitLeft() int32
func (*TProgressBar) ExplicitTop ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) ExplicitTop() int32
func (*TProgressBar) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) ExplicitWidth() int32
func (*TProgressBar) FindComponent ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TProgressBar) FlipChildren ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
func (*TProgressBar) Focused ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Focused() bool
func (*TProgressBar) Free ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Free()
func (*TProgressBar) GetHashCode ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TProgressBar) GetNamePath ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) GetNamePath() string
func (*TProgressBar) GetTextBuf ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
func (*TProgressBar) Handle ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Handle() HWND
func (*TProgressBar) HandleAllocated ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) HandleAllocated() bool
func (*TProgressBar) HasParent ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) HasParent() bool
func (*TProgressBar) Height ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Height() int32
func (*TProgressBar) Hide ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Hide()
func (*TProgressBar) Hint ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Hint() string
func (*TProgressBar) Instance ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Instance() uintptr
func (*TProgressBar) Invalidate ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Invalidate()
func (*TProgressBar) IsValid ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) IsValid() bool
func (*TProgressBar) Left ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Left() int32
func (*TProgressBar) Margins ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Margins() *TMargins
func (*TProgressBar) MarqueeInterval ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) MarqueeInterval() int32
func (*TProgressBar) Max ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Max() int32
func (*TProgressBar) Min ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Min() int32
func (*TProgressBar) Name ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Name() string
func (*TProgressBar) Orientation ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Orientation() TProgressBarOrientation
func (*TProgressBar) Owner ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TProgressBar) Parent ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Parent() *TControl
func (*TProgressBar) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TProgressBar) ParentShowHint ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) ParentShowHint() bool
func (*TProgressBar) ParentWindow ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TProgressBar) Perform ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
func (*TProgressBar) PopupMenu ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TProgressBar) Position ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Position() int32
func (*TProgressBar) Realign ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Realign()
func (*TProgressBar) Refresh ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Refresh()
func (*TProgressBar) Repaint ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Repaint()
func (*TProgressBar) ScaleBy ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
func (*TProgressBar) SendToBack ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SendToBack()
func (*TProgressBar) SetAction ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TProgressBar) SetAlign ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetAlign(value TAlign)
func (*TProgressBar) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
func (*TProgressBar) SetAnchors ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TProgressBar) SetBackgroundColor ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetBackgroundColor(value TColor)
func (*TProgressBar) SetBarColor ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetBarColor(value TColor)
func (*TProgressBar) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TProgressBar) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetBorderWidth(value int32)
func (*TProgressBar) SetBounds ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
func (*TProgressBar) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TProgressBar) SetClientHeight ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetClientHeight(value int32)
func (*TProgressBar) SetClientWidth ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetClientWidth(value int32)
func (*TProgressBar) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TProgressBar) SetCursor ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetCursor(value TCursor)
func (*TProgressBar) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TProgressBar) SetEnabled ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetEnabled(value bool)
func (*TProgressBar) SetFocus ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetFocus()
func (*TProgressBar) SetHeight ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetHeight(value int32)
func (*TProgressBar) SetHint ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetHint(value string)
func (*TProgressBar) SetLeft ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetLeft(value int32)
func (*TProgressBar) SetMargins ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
func (*TProgressBar) SetMarqueeInterval ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetMarqueeInterval(value int32)
func (*TProgressBar) SetMax ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetMax(value int32)
func (*TProgressBar) SetMin ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetMin(value int32)
func (*TProgressBar) SetName ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetName(value string)
func (*TProgressBar) SetOnEnter ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TProgressBar) SetOnExit ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TProgressBar) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TProgressBar) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TProgressBar) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TProgressBar) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TProgressBar) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TProgressBar) SetOrientation ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetOrientation(value TProgressBarOrientation)
func (*TProgressBar) SetParent ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetParent(value IControl)
func (*TProgressBar) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TProgressBar) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
func (*TProgressBar) SetParentWindow ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TProgressBar) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TProgressBar) SetPosition ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetPosition(value int32)
func (*TProgressBar) SetShowHint ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetShowHint(value bool)
func (*TProgressBar) SetSmooth ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetSmooth(value bool)
func (*TProgressBar) SetSmoothReverse ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetSmoothReverse(value bool)
func (*TProgressBar) SetState ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetState(value TProgressBarState)
func (*TProgressBar) SetStep ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetStep(value int32)
func (*TProgressBar) SetStyle ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetStyle(value TProgressBarStyle)
func (*TProgressBar) SetStyleElements ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TProgressBar) SetTabOrder ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
func (*TProgressBar) SetTabStop ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetTabStop(value bool)
func (*TProgressBar) SetTag ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetTag(value int)
func (*TProgressBar) SetTop ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetTop(value int32)
func (*TProgressBar) SetVisible ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetVisible(value bool)
func (*TProgressBar) SetWidth ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SetWidth(value int32)
func (*TProgressBar) Show ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Show()
func (*TProgressBar) ShowHint ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) ShowHint() bool
func (*TProgressBar) Smooth ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Smooth() bool
func (*TProgressBar) SmoothReverse ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) SmoothReverse() bool
func (*TProgressBar) State ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) State() TProgressBarState
func (*TProgressBar) Step ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Step() int32
func (*TProgressBar) StepBy ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) StepBy(Delta int32)
func (*TProgressBar) StepIt ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) StepIt()
func (*TProgressBar) Style ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Style() TProgressBarStyle
func (*TProgressBar) StyleElements ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TProgressBar) TabOrder ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) TabOrder() uint16
func (*TProgressBar) TabStop ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) TabStop() bool
func (*TProgressBar) Tag ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Tag() int
func (*TProgressBar) ToString ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) ToString() string
func (*TProgressBar) Top ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Top() int32
func (*TProgressBar) Update ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Update()
func (*TProgressBar) Visible ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Visible() bool
func (*TProgressBar) Width ¶
func (p *TProgressBar) Width() int32
type TRadioButton ¶
type TRadioButton struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewRadioButton ¶
func NewRadioButton(owner IComponent) *TRadioButton
func RadioButtonFromInst ¶
func RadioButtonFromInst(inst uintptr) *TRadioButton
func RadioButtonFromObj ¶
func RadioButtonFromObj(obj IObject) *TRadioButton
func (*TRadioButton) Action ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Action() *TAction
func (*TRadioButton) Align ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Align() TAlign
func (*TRadioButton) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) AlignWithMargins() bool
func (*TRadioButton) Alignment ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Alignment() TLeftRight
func (*TRadioButton) Anchors ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Anchors() TAnchors
func (*TRadioButton) Assign ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TRadioButton) BiDiMode ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
func (*TRadioButton) BoundsRect ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TRadioButton) BringToFront ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) BringToFront()
func (*TRadioButton) Brush ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Brush() *TBrush
func (*TRadioButton) CanFocus ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) CanFocus() bool
func (*TRadioButton) Caption ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Caption() string
func (*TRadioButton) Checked ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Checked() bool
func (*TRadioButton) ClassName ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) ClassName() string
func (*TRadioButton) ClientHeight ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) ClientHeight() int32
func (*TRadioButton) ClientRect ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TRadioButton) ClientWidth ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) ClientWidth() int32
func (*TRadioButton) Color ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Color() TColor
func (*TRadioButton) ComponentCount ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TRadioButton) ComponentIndex ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TRadioButton) Components ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TRadioButton) ControlCount ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) ControlCount() int32
func (*TRadioButton) Controls ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
func (*TRadioButton) Cursor ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Cursor() TCursor
func (*TRadioButton) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) DoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TRadioButton) Enabled ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Enabled() bool
func (*TRadioButton) Equals ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TRadioButton) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) ExplicitHeight() int32
func (*TRadioButton) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) ExplicitLeft() int32
func (*TRadioButton) ExplicitTop ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) ExplicitTop() int32
func (*TRadioButton) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) ExplicitWidth() int32
func (*TRadioButton) FindComponent ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TRadioButton) FlipChildren ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
func (*TRadioButton) Focused ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Focused() bool
func (*TRadioButton) Font ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Font() *TFont
func (*TRadioButton) Free ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Free()
func (*TRadioButton) GetHashCode ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TRadioButton) GetNamePath ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) GetNamePath() string
func (*TRadioButton) GetTextBuf ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
func (*TRadioButton) Handle ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Handle() HWND
func (*TRadioButton) HandleAllocated ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) HandleAllocated() bool
func (*TRadioButton) HasParent ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) HasParent() bool
func (*TRadioButton) Height ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Height() int32
func (*TRadioButton) Hide ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Hide()
func (*TRadioButton) Hint ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Hint() string
func (*TRadioButton) Instance ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Instance() uintptr
func (*TRadioButton) Invalidate ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Invalidate()
func (*TRadioButton) IsValid ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) IsValid() bool
func (*TRadioButton) Left ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Left() int32
func (*TRadioButton) Margins ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Margins() *TMargins
func (*TRadioButton) Name ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Name() string
func (*TRadioButton) Owner ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TRadioButton) Parent ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Parent() *TControl
func (*TRadioButton) ParentColor ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) ParentColor() bool
func (*TRadioButton) ParentCtl3D ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) ParentCtl3D() bool
func (*TRadioButton) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TRadioButton) ParentFont ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) ParentFont() bool
func (*TRadioButton) ParentShowHint ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) ParentShowHint() bool
func (*TRadioButton) ParentWindow ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TRadioButton) Perform ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
func (*TRadioButton) PopupMenu ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TRadioButton) Realign ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Realign()
func (*TRadioButton) Refresh ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Refresh()
func (*TRadioButton) Repaint ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Repaint()
func (*TRadioButton) ScaleBy ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
func (*TRadioButton) SendToBack ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SendToBack()
func (*TRadioButton) SetAction ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TRadioButton) SetAlign ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetAlign(value TAlign)
func (*TRadioButton) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
func (*TRadioButton) SetAlignment ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetAlignment(value TLeftRight)
func (*TRadioButton) SetAnchors ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TRadioButton) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TRadioButton) SetBounds ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
func (*TRadioButton) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TRadioButton) SetCaption ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetCaption(value string)
func (*TRadioButton) SetChecked ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetChecked(value bool)
func (*TRadioButton) SetClientHeight ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetClientHeight(value int32)
func (*TRadioButton) SetClientWidth ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetClientWidth(value int32)
func (*TRadioButton) SetColor ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetColor(value TColor)
func (*TRadioButton) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TRadioButton) SetCursor ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetCursor(value TCursor)
func (*TRadioButton) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TRadioButton) SetEnabled ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetEnabled(value bool)
func (*TRadioButton) SetFocus ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetFocus()
func (*TRadioButton) SetFont ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetFont(value *TFont)
func (*TRadioButton) SetHeight ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetHeight(value int32)
func (*TRadioButton) SetHint ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetHint(value string)
func (*TRadioButton) SetLeft ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetLeft(value int32)
func (*TRadioButton) SetMargins ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
func (*TRadioButton) SetName ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetName(value string)
func (*TRadioButton) SetOnClick ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TRadioButton) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TRadioButton) SetOnEnter ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TRadioButton) SetOnExit ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TRadioButton) SetOnKeyDown ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnKeyDown(fn TKeyEvent)
func (*TRadioButton) SetOnKeyPress ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
func (*TRadioButton) SetOnKeyUp ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnKeyUp(fn TKeyEvent)
func (*TRadioButton) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TRadioButton) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TRadioButton) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TRadioButton) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TRadioButton) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TRadioButton) SetParent ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetParent(value IControl)
func (*TRadioButton) SetParentColor ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetParentColor(value bool)
func (*TRadioButton) SetParentCtl3D ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
func (*TRadioButton) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TRadioButton) SetParentFont ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetParentFont(value bool)
func (*TRadioButton) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
func (*TRadioButton) SetParentWindow ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TRadioButton) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TRadioButton) SetShowHint ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetShowHint(value bool)
func (*TRadioButton) SetStyleElements ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TRadioButton) SetTabOrder ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
func (*TRadioButton) SetTabStop ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetTabStop(value bool)
func (*TRadioButton) SetTag ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetTag(value int)
func (*TRadioButton) SetTop ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetTop(value int32)
func (*TRadioButton) SetVisible ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetVisible(value bool)
func (*TRadioButton) SetWidth ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetWidth(value int32)
func (*TRadioButton) SetWordWrap ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) SetWordWrap(value bool)
func (*TRadioButton) Show ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Show()
func (*TRadioButton) ShowHint ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) ShowHint() bool
func (*TRadioButton) StyleElements ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TRadioButton) TabOrder ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) TabOrder() uint16
func (*TRadioButton) TabStop ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) TabStop() bool
func (*TRadioButton) Tag ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Tag() int
func (*TRadioButton) ToString ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) ToString() string
func (*TRadioButton) Top ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Top() int32
func (*TRadioButton) Update ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Update()
func (*TRadioButton) Visible ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Visible() bool
func (*TRadioButton) Width ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) Width() int32
func (*TRadioButton) WordWrap ¶
func (r *TRadioButton) WordWrap() bool
type TRadioGroup ¶
type TRadioGroup struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewRadioGroup ¶
func NewRadioGroup(owner IComponent) *TRadioGroup
func RadioGroupFromInst ¶
func RadioGroupFromInst(inst uintptr) *TRadioGroup
func RadioGroupFromObj ¶
func RadioGroupFromObj(obj IObject) *TRadioGroup
func (*TRadioGroup) Action ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Action() *TAction
func (*TRadioGroup) Align ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Align() TAlign
func (*TRadioGroup) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) AlignWithMargins() bool
func (*TRadioGroup) Anchors ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Anchors() TAnchors
func (*TRadioGroup) Assign ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TRadioGroup) BiDiMode ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
func (*TRadioGroup) BoundsRect ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TRadioGroup) BringToFront ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) BringToFront()
func (*TRadioGroup) Brush ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Brush() *TBrush
func (*TRadioGroup) Buttons ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Buttons(Index int32) *TRadioButton
func (*TRadioGroup) CanFocus ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) CanFocus() bool
func (*TRadioGroup) Caption ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Caption() string
func (*TRadioGroup) ClassName ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ClassName() string
func (*TRadioGroup) ClientHeight ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ClientHeight() int32
func (*TRadioGroup) ClientRect ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TRadioGroup) ClientWidth ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ClientWidth() int32
func (*TRadioGroup) Color ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Color() TColor
func (*TRadioGroup) Columns ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Columns() int32
func (*TRadioGroup) ComponentCount ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TRadioGroup) ComponentIndex ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TRadioGroup) Components ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TRadioGroup) ControlCount ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ControlCount() int32
func (*TRadioGroup) Controls ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
func (*TRadioGroup) Cursor ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Cursor() TCursor
func (*TRadioGroup) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) DoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TRadioGroup) Enabled ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Enabled() bool
func (*TRadioGroup) Equals ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TRadioGroup) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ExplicitHeight() int32
func (*TRadioGroup) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ExplicitLeft() int32
func (*TRadioGroup) ExplicitTop ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ExplicitTop() int32
func (*TRadioGroup) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ExplicitWidth() int32
func (*TRadioGroup) FindComponent ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TRadioGroup) FlipChildren ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
func (*TRadioGroup) Focused ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Focused() bool
func (*TRadioGroup) Font ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Font() *TFont
func (*TRadioGroup) Free ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Free()
func (*TRadioGroup) GetHashCode ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TRadioGroup) GetNamePath ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) GetNamePath() string
func (*TRadioGroup) GetTextBuf ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
func (*TRadioGroup) Handle ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Handle() HWND
func (*TRadioGroup) HandleAllocated ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) HandleAllocated() bool
func (*TRadioGroup) HasParent ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) HasParent() bool
func (*TRadioGroup) Height ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Height() int32
func (*TRadioGroup) Hide ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Hide()
func (*TRadioGroup) Hint ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Hint() string
func (*TRadioGroup) Instance ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Instance() uintptr
func (*TRadioGroup) Invalidate ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Invalidate()
func (*TRadioGroup) IsValid ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) IsValid() bool
func (*TRadioGroup) ItemIndex ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ItemIndex() int32
func (*TRadioGroup) Items ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Items() *TStrings
func (*TRadioGroup) Left ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Left() int32
func (*TRadioGroup) Margins ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Margins() *TMargins
func (*TRadioGroup) Name ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Name() string
func (*TRadioGroup) Owner ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TRadioGroup) Parent ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Parent() *TControl
func (*TRadioGroup) ParentBackground ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ParentBackground() bool
func (*TRadioGroup) ParentColor ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ParentColor() bool
func (*TRadioGroup) ParentCtl3D ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ParentCtl3D() bool
func (*TRadioGroup) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TRadioGroup) ParentFont ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ParentFont() bool
func (*TRadioGroup) ParentShowHint ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ParentShowHint() bool
func (*TRadioGroup) ParentWindow ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TRadioGroup) Perform ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
func (*TRadioGroup) PopupMenu ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TRadioGroup) Realign ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Realign()
func (*TRadioGroup) Refresh ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Refresh()
func (*TRadioGroup) Repaint ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Repaint()
func (*TRadioGroup) ScaleBy ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
func (*TRadioGroup) SendToBack ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SendToBack()
func (*TRadioGroup) SetAction ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetAlign ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetAlign(value TAlign)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetAnchors ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetBounds ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetCaption ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetCaption(value string)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetClientHeight ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetClientHeight(value int32)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetClientWidth ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetClientWidth(value int32)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetColor ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetColor(value TColor)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetColumns ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetColumns(value int32)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetCursor ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetCursor(value TCursor)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetEnabled ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetEnabled(value bool)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetFocus ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetFocus()
func (*TRadioGroup) SetFont ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetFont(value *TFont)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetHeight ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetHeight(value int32)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetHint ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetHint(value string)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetItemIndex ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetItemIndex(value int32)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetItems ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetItems(value IObject)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetLeft ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetLeft(value int32)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetMargins ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetName ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetName(value string)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetOnClick ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetOnEnter ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetOnExit ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetParent ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetParent(value IControl)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetParentBackground ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetParentBackground(value bool)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetParentColor ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetParentColor(value bool)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetParentCtl3D ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetParentCtl3D(value bool)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetParentFont ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetParentFont(value bool)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetParentWindow ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetShowHint ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetShowHint(value bool)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetStyleElements ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetTabOrder ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetTabStop ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetTabStop(value bool)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetTag ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetTag(value int)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetTop ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetTop(value int32)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetVisible ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetVisible(value bool)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetWidth ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetWidth(value int32)
func (*TRadioGroup) SetWordWrap ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) SetWordWrap(value bool)
func (*TRadioGroup) Show ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Show()
func (*TRadioGroup) ShowHint ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ShowHint() bool
func (*TRadioGroup) StyleElements ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TRadioGroup) TabOrder ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) TabOrder() uint16
func (*TRadioGroup) TabStop ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) TabStop() bool
func (*TRadioGroup) Tag ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Tag() int
func (*TRadioGroup) ToString ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) ToString() string
func (*TRadioGroup) Top ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Top() int32
func (*TRadioGroup) Update ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Update()
func (*TRadioGroup) Visible ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Visible() bool
func (*TRadioGroup) Width ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) Width() int32
func (*TRadioGroup) WordWrap ¶
func (r *TRadioGroup) WordWrap() bool
type TRegistry ¶
type TRegistry struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewRegistry ¶
func RegistryFromInst ¶
func RegistryFromObj ¶
func (*TRegistry) CurrentKey ¶
func (r *TRegistry) CurrentKey() HKEY
func (*TRegistry) CurrentPath ¶
func (*TRegistry) DeleteValue ¶
func (*TRegistry) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TRegistry) HasSubKeys ¶
func (*TRegistry) LastErrorMsg ¶
func (*TRegistry) OpenKeyReadOnly ¶
func (*TRegistry) ReadInteger ¶
func (*TRegistry) ReadString ¶
func (*TRegistry) RegistryConnect ¶
func (*TRegistry) RenameValue ¶
func (*TRegistry) ReplaceKey ¶
func (*TRegistry) RootKeyName ¶
func (*TRegistry) SetLazyWrite ¶
func (*TRegistry) SetRootKey ¶
func (r *TRegistry) SetRootKey(value HKEY)
func (*TRegistry) ValueExists ¶
func (*TRegistry) WriteExpandString ¶
func (*TRegistry) WriteFloat ¶
func (*TRegistry) WriteInteger ¶
func (*TRegistry) WriteString ¶
type TRichEdit ¶
type TRichEdit struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewRichEdit ¶
func NewRichEdit(owner IComponent) *TRichEdit
func RichEditFromInst ¶
func RichEditFromObj ¶
func (*TRichEdit) ActiveLineNo ¶
func (*TRichEdit) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TRichEdit) BevelEdges ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
func (*TRichEdit) BevelInner ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) BevelInner() TBevelCut
func (*TRichEdit) BevelOuter ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
func (*TRichEdit) BorderStyle ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) BorderStyle() TBorderStyle
func (*TRichEdit) BorderWidth ¶
func (*TRichEdit) BoundsRect ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TRichEdit) BringToFront ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) BringToFront()
func (*TRichEdit) ClearSelection ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) ClearSelection()
func (*TRichEdit) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TRichEdit) ClientRect ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TRichEdit) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TRichEdit) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TRichEdit) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TRichEdit) Components ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TRichEdit) ControlCount ¶
func (*TRichEdit) CopyToClipboard ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) CopyToClipboard()
func (*TRichEdit) CutToClipboard ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) CutToClipboard()
func (*TRichEdit) DefAttributes ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) DefAttributes() *TTextAttributes
func (*TRichEdit) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TRichEdit) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TRichEdit) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TRichEdit) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TRichEdit) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TRichEdit) FindComponent ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TRichEdit) FlipChildren ¶
func (*TRichEdit) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TRichEdit) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TRichEdit) GetSelTextBuf ¶
func (*TRichEdit) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TRichEdit) HideScrollBars ¶
func (*TRichEdit) HideSelection ¶
func (*TRichEdit) Invalidate ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) Invalidate()
func (*TRichEdit) Owner ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TRichEdit) Paragraph ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) Paragraph() *TParaAttributes
func (*TRichEdit) ParentColor ¶
func (*TRichEdit) ParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TRichEdit) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TRichEdit) ParentFont ¶
func (*TRichEdit) ParentShowHint ¶
func (*TRichEdit) ParentWindow ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TRichEdit) PasteFromClipboard ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) PasteFromClipboard()
func (*TRichEdit) PopupMenu ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TRichEdit) ScrollBars ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) ScrollBars() TScrollStyle
func (*TRichEdit) SelAttributes ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SelAttributes() *TTextAttributes
func (*TRichEdit) SendToBack ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SendToBack()
func (*TRichEdit) SetAction ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TRichEdit) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetAlignment ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetAlignment(value TAlignment)
func (*TRichEdit) SetAnchors ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TRichEdit) SetBevelEdges ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
func (*TRichEdit) SetBevelInner ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
func (*TRichEdit) SetBevelKind ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
func (*TRichEdit) SetBevelOuter ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
func (*TRichEdit) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TRichEdit) SetBorderStyle ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetBorderStyle(value TBorderStyle)
func (*TRichEdit) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TRichEdit) SetCaretPos ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetCaretPos(value TPoint)
func (*TRichEdit) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetDefAttributes ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetDefAttributes(value *TTextAttributes)
func (*TRichEdit) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetHideScrollBars ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetHideSelection ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetMargins ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetMaxLength ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetModified ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetOnChange ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TRichEdit) SetOnClick ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TRichEdit) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TRichEdit) SetOnEnter ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TRichEdit) SetOnExit ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TRichEdit) SetOnKeyDown ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetOnKeyPress ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
func (*TRichEdit) SetOnKeyUp ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TRichEdit) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TRichEdit) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TRichEdit) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TRichEdit) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TRichEdit) SetOnMouseWheel ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetOnMouseWheel(fn TMouseWheelEvent)
func (*TRichEdit) SetPageRect ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetPageRect(value TRect)
func (*TRichEdit) SetParentColor ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetParentFont ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetParentWindow ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TRichEdit) SetPlainText ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TRichEdit) SetReadOnly ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetScrollBars ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetScrollBars(value TScrollStyle)
func (*TRichEdit) SetSelAttributes ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetSelAttributes(value *TTextAttributes)
func (*TRichEdit) SetSelLength ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetSelStart ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetSelText ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetStyleElements ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TRichEdit) SetTabOrder ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetTabStop ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetTextHint ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetVisible ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetWantReturns ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetWantTabs ¶
func (*TRichEdit) SetWordWrap ¶
func (*TRichEdit) StyleElements ¶
func (r *TRichEdit) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TRichEdit) WantReturns ¶
type TSaveDialog ¶
type TSaveDialog struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSaveDialog ¶
func NewSaveDialog(owner IComponent) *TSaveDialog
func SaveDialogFromInst ¶
func SaveDialogFromInst(inst uintptr) *TSaveDialog
func SaveDialogFromObj ¶
func SaveDialogFromObj(obj IObject) *TSaveDialog
func (*TSaveDialog) Assign ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TSaveDialog) ClassName ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) ClassName() string
func (*TSaveDialog) ComponentCount ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TSaveDialog) ComponentIndex ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TSaveDialog) Components ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TSaveDialog) DefaultExt ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) DefaultExt() string
func (*TSaveDialog) Equals ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TSaveDialog) Execute ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) Execute(ParentWnd HWND) bool
func (*TSaveDialog) FileName ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) FileName() string
func (*TSaveDialog) Files ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) Files() *TStrings
func (*TSaveDialog) Filter ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) Filter() string
func (*TSaveDialog) FilterIndex ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) FilterIndex() int32
func (*TSaveDialog) FindComponent ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TSaveDialog) Free ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) Free()
func (*TSaveDialog) GetHashCode ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TSaveDialog) GetNamePath ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) GetNamePath() string
func (*TSaveDialog) Handle ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) Handle() HWND
func (*TSaveDialog) HasParent ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) HasParent() bool
func (*TSaveDialog) InitialDir ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) InitialDir() string
func (*TSaveDialog) Instance ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) Instance() uintptr
func (*TSaveDialog) IsValid ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) IsValid() bool
func (*TSaveDialog) Name ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) Name() string
func (*TSaveDialog) Options ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) Options() TOpenOptions
func (*TSaveDialog) OptionsEx ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) OptionsEx() TOpenOptionsEx
func (*TSaveDialog) Owner ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TSaveDialog) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TSaveDialog) SetDefaultExt ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) SetDefaultExt(value string)
func (*TSaveDialog) SetFileName ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) SetFileName(value string)
func (*TSaveDialog) SetFilter ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) SetFilter(value string)
func (*TSaveDialog) SetFilterIndex ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) SetFilterIndex(value int32)
func (*TSaveDialog) SetInitialDir ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) SetInitialDir(value string)
func (*TSaveDialog) SetName ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) SetName(value string)
func (*TSaveDialog) SetOnClose ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) SetOnClose(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TSaveDialog) SetOnShow ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TSaveDialog) SetOptions ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) SetOptions(value TOpenOptions)
func (*TSaveDialog) SetOptionsEx ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) SetOptionsEx(value TOpenOptionsEx)
func (*TSaveDialog) SetTag ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) SetTag(value int)
func (*TSaveDialog) SetTitle ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) SetTitle(value string)
func (*TSaveDialog) Tag ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) Tag() int
func (*TSaveDialog) Title ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) Title() string
func (*TSaveDialog) ToString ¶
func (s *TSaveDialog) ToString() string
type TSavePictureDialog ¶
type TSavePictureDialog struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSavePictureDialog ¶
func NewSavePictureDialog(owner IComponent) *TSavePictureDialog
func SavePictureDialogFromInst ¶
func SavePictureDialogFromInst(inst uintptr) *TSavePictureDialog
func SavePictureDialogFromObj ¶
func SavePictureDialogFromObj(obj IObject) *TSavePictureDialog
func (*TSavePictureDialog) Assign ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TSavePictureDialog) ClassName ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) ClassName() string
func (*TSavePictureDialog) ComponentCount ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TSavePictureDialog) ComponentIndex ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TSavePictureDialog) Components ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TSavePictureDialog) DefaultExt ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) DefaultExt() string
func (*TSavePictureDialog) Equals ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TSavePictureDialog) Execute ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Execute() bool
func (*TSavePictureDialog) FileName ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) FileName() string
func (*TSavePictureDialog) Files ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Files() *TStrings
func (*TSavePictureDialog) Filter ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Filter() string
func (*TSavePictureDialog) FilterIndex ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) FilterIndex() int32
func (*TSavePictureDialog) FindComponent ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TSavePictureDialog) Free ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Free()
func (*TSavePictureDialog) GetHashCode ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TSavePictureDialog) GetNamePath ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) GetNamePath() string
func (*TSavePictureDialog) Handle ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Handle() HWND
func (*TSavePictureDialog) HasParent ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) HasParent() bool
func (*TSavePictureDialog) InitialDir ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) InitialDir() string
func (*TSavePictureDialog) Instance ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Instance() uintptr
func (*TSavePictureDialog) IsValid ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) IsValid() bool
func (*TSavePictureDialog) Name ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Name() string
func (*TSavePictureDialog) Options ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Options() TOpenOptions
func (*TSavePictureDialog) OptionsEx ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) OptionsEx() TOpenOptionsEx
func (*TSavePictureDialog) Owner ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TSavePictureDialog) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TSavePictureDialog) SetDefaultExt ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetDefaultExt(value string)
func (*TSavePictureDialog) SetFileName ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetFileName(value string)
func (*TSavePictureDialog) SetFilter ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetFilter(value string)
func (*TSavePictureDialog) SetFilterIndex ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetFilterIndex(value int32)
func (*TSavePictureDialog) SetInitialDir ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetInitialDir(value string)
func (*TSavePictureDialog) SetName ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetName(value string)
func (*TSavePictureDialog) SetOnClose ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetOnClose(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TSavePictureDialog) SetOnShow ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TSavePictureDialog) SetOptions ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetOptions(value TOpenOptions)
func (*TSavePictureDialog) SetOptionsEx ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetOptionsEx(value TOpenOptionsEx)
func (*TSavePictureDialog) SetTag ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetTag(value int)
func (*TSavePictureDialog) SetTitle ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) SetTitle(value string)
func (*TSavePictureDialog) Tag ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Tag() int
func (*TSavePictureDialog) Title ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) Title() string
func (*TSavePictureDialog) ToString ¶
func (s *TSavePictureDialog) ToString() string
type TSaveTextFileDialog ¶
type TSaveTextFileDialog struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSaveTextFileDialog ¶
func NewSaveTextFileDialog(owner IComponent) *TSaveTextFileDialog
func SaveTextFileDialogFromInst ¶
func SaveTextFileDialogFromInst(inst uintptr) *TSaveTextFileDialog
func SaveTextFileDialogFromObj ¶
func SaveTextFileDialogFromObj(obj IObject) *TSaveTextFileDialog
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) Assign ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) ClassName ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) ClassName() string
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) ComponentCount ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) ComponentIndex ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) Components ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) DefaultExt ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) DefaultExt() string
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) Equals ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) Execute ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Execute() bool
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) FileName ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) FileName() string
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) Files ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Files() *TStrings
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) Filter ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Filter() string
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) FilterIndex ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) FilterIndex() int32
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) FindComponent ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) Free ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Free()
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) GetHashCode ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) GetNamePath ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) GetNamePath() string
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) Handle ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Handle() HWND
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) HasParent ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) HasParent() bool
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) InitialDir ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) InitialDir() string
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) Instance ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Instance() uintptr
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) IsValid ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) IsValid() bool
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) Name ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Name() string
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) Options ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Options() TOpenOptions
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) OptionsEx ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) OptionsEx() TOpenOptionsEx
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) Owner ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) SetDefaultExt ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetDefaultExt(value string)
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) SetFileName ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetFileName(value string)
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) SetFilter ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetFilter(value string)
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) SetFilterIndex ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetFilterIndex(value int32)
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) SetInitialDir ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetInitialDir(value string)
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) SetName ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetName(value string)
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) SetOnClose ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetOnClose(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) SetOnShow ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) SetOptions ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetOptions(value TOpenOptions)
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) SetOptionsEx ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetOptionsEx(value TOpenOptionsEx)
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) SetTag ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetTag(value int)
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) SetTitle ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) SetTitle(value string)
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) Tag ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Tag() int
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) Title ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) Title() string
func (*TSaveTextFileDialog) ToString ¶
func (s *TSaveTextFileDialog) ToString() string
type TScreen ¶
type TScreen struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewScreen ¶
func NewScreen(owner IComponent) *TScreen
func ScreenFromInst ¶
func ScreenFromObj ¶
func (*TScreen) ActiveForm ¶
func (*TScreen) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TScreen) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TScreen) Components ¶
func (s *TScreen) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TScreen) CursorCount ¶
func (*TScreen) CustomFormCount ¶
func (*TScreen) DefaultIme ¶
func (*TScreen) DesktopHeight ¶
func (*TScreen) DesktopLeft ¶
func (*TScreen) DesktopRect ¶
func (s *TScreen) DesktopRect() TRect
func (*TScreen) DesktopTop ¶
func (*TScreen) DesktopWidth ¶
func (*TScreen) FindComponent ¶
func (s *TScreen) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TScreen) FocusedForm ¶
func (*TScreen) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TScreen) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TScreen) MonitorCount ¶
func (*TScreen) Owner ¶
func (s *TScreen) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TScreen) PixelsPerInch ¶
func (*TScreen) PrimaryMonitor ¶
func (*TScreen) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TScreen) SetCursors ¶
func (*TScreen) SetFocusedForm ¶
func (*TScreen) WorkAreaHeight ¶
func (*TScreen) WorkAreaLeft ¶
func (*TScreen) WorkAreaRect ¶
func (s *TScreen) WorkAreaRect() TRect
func (*TScreen) WorkAreaTop ¶
func (*TScreen) WorkAreaWidth ¶
type TSpeedButton ¶
type TSpeedButton struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSpeedButton ¶
func NewSpeedButton(owner IComponent) *TSpeedButton
func SpeedButtonFromInst ¶
func SpeedButtonFromInst(inst uintptr) *TSpeedButton
func SpeedButtonFromObj ¶
func SpeedButtonFromObj(obj IObject) *TSpeedButton
func (*TSpeedButton) Action ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Action() *TAction
func (*TSpeedButton) Align ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Align() TAlign
func (*TSpeedButton) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) AlignWithMargins() bool
func (*TSpeedButton) AllowAllUp ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) AllowAllUp() bool
func (*TSpeedButton) Anchors ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Anchors() TAnchors
func (*TSpeedButton) Assign ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TSpeedButton) BiDiMode ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
func (*TSpeedButton) BoundsRect ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TSpeedButton) BringToFront ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) BringToFront()
func (*TSpeedButton) Caption ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Caption() string
func (*TSpeedButton) ClassName ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) ClassName() string
func (*TSpeedButton) Click ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Click()
func (*TSpeedButton) ClientHeight ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) ClientHeight() int32
func (*TSpeedButton) ClientRect ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TSpeedButton) ClientWidth ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) ClientWidth() int32
func (*TSpeedButton) ComponentCount ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TSpeedButton) ComponentIndex ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TSpeedButton) Components ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TSpeedButton) Cursor ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Cursor() TCursor
func (*TSpeedButton) Down ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Down() bool
func (*TSpeedButton) Enabled ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Enabled() bool
func (*TSpeedButton) Equals ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TSpeedButton) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) ExplicitHeight() int32
func (*TSpeedButton) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) ExplicitLeft() int32
func (*TSpeedButton) ExplicitTop ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) ExplicitTop() int32
func (*TSpeedButton) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) ExplicitWidth() int32
func (*TSpeedButton) FindComponent ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TSpeedButton) Flat ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Flat() bool
func (*TSpeedButton) Font ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Font() *TFont
func (*TSpeedButton) Free ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Free()
func (*TSpeedButton) GetHashCode ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TSpeedButton) GetNamePath ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) GetNamePath() string
func (*TSpeedButton) GetTextBuf ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
func (*TSpeedButton) GroupIndex ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) GroupIndex() int32
func (*TSpeedButton) HasParent ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) HasParent() bool
func (*TSpeedButton) Height ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Height() int32
func (*TSpeedButton) Hide ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Hide()
func (*TSpeedButton) Hint ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Hint() string
func (*TSpeedButton) Instance ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Instance() uintptr
func (*TSpeedButton) Invalidate ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Invalidate()
func (*TSpeedButton) IsValid ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) IsValid() bool
func (*TSpeedButton) Layout ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Layout() TButtonLayout
func (*TSpeedButton) Left ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Left() int32
func (*TSpeedButton) Margins ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Margins() *TMargins
func (*TSpeedButton) Name ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Name() string
func (*TSpeedButton) Owner ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TSpeedButton) Parent ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Parent() *TControl
func (*TSpeedButton) ParentFont ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) ParentFont() bool
func (*TSpeedButton) ParentShowHint ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) ParentShowHint() bool
func (*TSpeedButton) Perform ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
func (*TSpeedButton) PopupMenu ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TSpeedButton) Refresh ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Refresh()
func (*TSpeedButton) Repaint ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Repaint()
func (*TSpeedButton) SendToBack ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SendToBack()
func (*TSpeedButton) SetAction ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetAlign ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetAlign(value TAlign)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetAllowAllUp ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetAllowAllUp(value bool)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetAnchors ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetBounds ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetCaption ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetCaption(value string)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetClientHeight ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetClientHeight(value int32)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetClientWidth ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetClientWidth(value int32)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetCursor ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetCursor(value TCursor)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetDown ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetDown(value bool)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetEnabled ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetEnabled(value bool)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetFlat ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetFlat(value bool)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetFont ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetFont(value *TFont)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetGroupIndex ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetGroupIndex(value int32)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetHeight ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetHeight(value int32)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetHint ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetHint(value string)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetLayout ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetLayout(value TButtonLayout)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetLeft ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetLeft(value int32)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetMargins ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetName ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetName(value string)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetOnClick ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetParent ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetParent(value IControl)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetParentFont ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetParentFont(value bool)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetShowHint ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetShowHint(value bool)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetStyleElements ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetTag ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetTag(value int)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetTop ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetTop(value int32)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetTransparent ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetTransparent(value bool)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetVisible ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetVisible(value bool)
func (*TSpeedButton) SetWidth ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) SetWidth(value int32)
func (*TSpeedButton) Show ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Show()
func (*TSpeedButton) ShowHint ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) ShowHint() bool
func (*TSpeedButton) StyleElements ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TSpeedButton) Tag ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Tag() int
func (*TSpeedButton) ToString ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) ToString() string
func (*TSpeedButton) Top ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Top() int32
func (*TSpeedButton) Transparent ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Transparent() bool
func (*TSpeedButton) Update ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Update()
func (*TSpeedButton) Visible ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Visible() bool
func (*TSpeedButton) Width ¶
func (s *TSpeedButton) Width() int32
type TSplitter ¶
type TSplitter struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSplitter ¶
func NewSplitter(owner IComponent) *TSplitter
func SplitterFromInst ¶
func SplitterFromObj ¶
func (*TSplitter) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TSplitter) BoundsRect ¶
func (s *TSplitter) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TSplitter) BringToFront ¶
func (s *TSplitter) BringToFront()
func (*TSplitter) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TSplitter) ClientRect ¶
func (s *TSplitter) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TSplitter) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TSplitter) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TSplitter) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TSplitter) Components ¶
func (s *TSplitter) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TSplitter) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TSplitter) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TSplitter) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TSplitter) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TSplitter) FindComponent ¶
func (s *TSplitter) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TSplitter) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TSplitter) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TSplitter) Invalidate ¶
func (s *TSplitter) Invalidate()
func (*TSplitter) Owner ¶
func (s *TSplitter) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TSplitter) ParentColor ¶
func (*TSplitter) SendToBack ¶
func (s *TSplitter) SendToBack()
func (*TSplitter) SetAction ¶
func (s *TSplitter) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TSplitter) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TSplitter) SetAnchors ¶
func (s *TSplitter) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TSplitter) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (s *TSplitter) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TSplitter) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (s *TSplitter) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TSplitter) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TSplitter) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TSplitter) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TSplitter) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TSplitter) SetMargins ¶
func (*TSplitter) SetOnPaint ¶
func (s *TSplitter) SetOnPaint(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TSplitter) SetParentColor ¶
func (*TSplitter) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TSplitter) SetStyleElements ¶
func (s *TSplitter) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TSplitter) SetVisible ¶
func (*TSplitter) StyleElements ¶
func (s *TSplitter) StyleElements() TStyleElements
type TStaticText ¶
type TStaticText struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewStaticText ¶
func NewStaticText(owner IComponent) *TStaticText
func StaticTextFromInst ¶
func StaticTextFromInst(inst uintptr) *TStaticText
func StaticTextFromObj ¶
func StaticTextFromObj(obj IObject) *TStaticText
func (*TStaticText) Action ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Action() *TAction
func (*TStaticText) Align ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Align() TAlign
func (*TStaticText) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (s *TStaticText) AlignWithMargins() bool
func (*TStaticText) Alignment ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Alignment() TAlignment
func (*TStaticText) Anchors ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Anchors() TAnchors
func (*TStaticText) Assign ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TStaticText) AutoSize ¶
func (s *TStaticText) AutoSize() bool
func (*TStaticText) BevelEdges ¶
func (s *TStaticText) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
func (*TStaticText) BevelInner ¶
func (s *TStaticText) BevelInner() TBevelCut
func (*TStaticText) BevelKind ¶
func (s *TStaticText) BevelKind() TBevelKind
func (*TStaticText) BevelOuter ¶
func (s *TStaticText) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
func (*TStaticText) BiDiMode ¶
func (s *TStaticText) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
func (*TStaticText) BorderStyle ¶
func (s *TStaticText) BorderStyle() TStaticBorderStyle
func (*TStaticText) BoundsRect ¶
func (s *TStaticText) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TStaticText) BringToFront ¶
func (s *TStaticText) BringToFront()
func (*TStaticText) Brush ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Brush() *TBrush
func (*TStaticText) CanFocus ¶
func (s *TStaticText) CanFocus() bool
func (*TStaticText) Caption ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Caption() string
func (*TStaticText) ClassName ¶
func (s *TStaticText) ClassName() string
func (*TStaticText) ClientHeight ¶
func (s *TStaticText) ClientHeight() int32
func (*TStaticText) ClientRect ¶
func (s *TStaticText) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TStaticText) ClientWidth ¶
func (s *TStaticText) ClientWidth() int32
func (*TStaticText) Color ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Color() TColor
func (*TStaticText) ComponentCount ¶
func (s *TStaticText) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TStaticText) ComponentIndex ¶
func (s *TStaticText) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TStaticText) Components ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TStaticText) ControlCount ¶
func (s *TStaticText) ControlCount() int32
func (*TStaticText) Controls ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
func (*TStaticText) Cursor ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Cursor() TCursor
func (*TStaticText) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (s *TStaticText) DoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TStaticText) Enabled ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Enabled() bool
func (*TStaticText) Equals ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TStaticText) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (s *TStaticText) ExplicitHeight() int32
func (*TStaticText) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (s *TStaticText) ExplicitLeft() int32
func (*TStaticText) ExplicitTop ¶
func (s *TStaticText) ExplicitTop() int32
func (*TStaticText) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (s *TStaticText) ExplicitWidth() int32
func (*TStaticText) FindComponent ¶
func (s *TStaticText) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TStaticText) FlipChildren ¶
func (s *TStaticText) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
func (*TStaticText) Focused ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Focused() bool
func (*TStaticText) Font ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Font() *TFont
func (*TStaticText) Free ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Free()
func (*TStaticText) GetHashCode ¶
func (s *TStaticText) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TStaticText) GetNamePath ¶
func (s *TStaticText) GetNamePath() string
func (*TStaticText) GetTextBuf ¶
func (s *TStaticText) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
func (*TStaticText) Handle ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Handle() HWND
func (*TStaticText) HandleAllocated ¶
func (s *TStaticText) HandleAllocated() bool
func (*TStaticText) HasParent ¶
func (s *TStaticText) HasParent() bool
func (*TStaticText) Height ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Height() int32
func (*TStaticText) Hide ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Hide()
func (*TStaticText) Hint ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Hint() string
func (*TStaticText) Instance ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Instance() uintptr
func (*TStaticText) Invalidate ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Invalidate()
func (*TStaticText) IsValid ¶
func (s *TStaticText) IsValid() bool
func (*TStaticText) Left ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Left() int32
func (*TStaticText) Margins ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Margins() *TMargins
func (*TStaticText) Name ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Name() string
func (*TStaticText) Owner ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TStaticText) Parent ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Parent() *TControl
func (*TStaticText) ParentColor ¶
func (s *TStaticText) ParentColor() bool
func (*TStaticText) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (s *TStaticText) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TStaticText) ParentFont ¶
func (s *TStaticText) ParentFont() bool
func (*TStaticText) ParentShowHint ¶
func (s *TStaticText) ParentShowHint() bool
func (*TStaticText) ParentWindow ¶
func (s *TStaticText) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TStaticText) Perform ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
func (*TStaticText) PopupMenu ¶
func (s *TStaticText) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TStaticText) Realign ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Realign()
func (*TStaticText) Refresh ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Refresh()
func (*TStaticText) Repaint ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Repaint()
func (*TStaticText) ScaleBy ¶
func (s *TStaticText) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
func (*TStaticText) SendToBack ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SendToBack()
func (*TStaticText) SetAction ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TStaticText) SetAlign ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetAlign(value TAlign)
func (*TStaticText) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
func (*TStaticText) SetAlignment ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetAlignment(value TAlignment)
func (*TStaticText) SetAnchors ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TStaticText) SetAutoSize ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetAutoSize(value bool)
func (*TStaticText) SetBevelEdges ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
func (*TStaticText) SetBevelInner ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
func (*TStaticText) SetBevelKind ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
func (*TStaticText) SetBevelOuter ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
func (*TStaticText) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TStaticText) SetBorderStyle ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetBorderStyle(value TStaticBorderStyle)
func (*TStaticText) SetBounds ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
func (*TStaticText) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TStaticText) SetCaption ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetCaption(value string)
func (*TStaticText) SetClientHeight ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetClientHeight(value int32)
func (*TStaticText) SetClientWidth ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetClientWidth(value int32)
func (*TStaticText) SetColor ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetColor(value TColor)
func (*TStaticText) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TStaticText) SetCursor ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetCursor(value TCursor)
func (*TStaticText) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TStaticText) SetEnabled ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetEnabled(value bool)
func (*TStaticText) SetFocus ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetFocus()
func (*TStaticText) SetFont ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetFont(value *TFont)
func (*TStaticText) SetHeight ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetHeight(value int32)
func (*TStaticText) SetHint ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetHint(value string)
func (*TStaticText) SetLeft ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetLeft(value int32)
func (*TStaticText) SetMargins ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
func (*TStaticText) SetName ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetName(value string)
func (*TStaticText) SetOnClick ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TStaticText) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TStaticText) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TStaticText) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TStaticText) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TStaticText) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TStaticText) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TStaticText) SetParent ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetParent(value IControl)
func (*TStaticText) SetParentColor ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetParentColor(value bool)
func (*TStaticText) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TStaticText) SetParentFont ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetParentFont(value bool)
func (*TStaticText) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
func (*TStaticText) SetParentWindow ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TStaticText) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TStaticText) SetShowAccelChar ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetShowAccelChar(value bool)
func (*TStaticText) SetShowHint ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetShowHint(value bool)
func (*TStaticText) SetStyleElements ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TStaticText) SetTabOrder ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
func (*TStaticText) SetTabStop ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetTabStop(value bool)
func (*TStaticText) SetTag ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetTag(value int)
func (*TStaticText) SetTop ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetTop(value int32)
func (*TStaticText) SetTransparent ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetTransparent(value bool)
func (*TStaticText) SetVisible ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetVisible(value bool)
func (*TStaticText) SetWidth ¶
func (s *TStaticText) SetWidth(value int32)
func (*TStaticText) Show ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Show()
func (*TStaticText) ShowAccelChar ¶
func (s *TStaticText) ShowAccelChar() bool
func (*TStaticText) ShowHint ¶
func (s *TStaticText) ShowHint() bool
func (*TStaticText) StyleElements ¶
func (s *TStaticText) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TStaticText) TabOrder ¶
func (s *TStaticText) TabOrder() uint16
func (*TStaticText) TabStop ¶
func (s *TStaticText) TabStop() bool
func (*TStaticText) Tag ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Tag() int
func (*TStaticText) ToString ¶
func (s *TStaticText) ToString() string
func (*TStaticText) Top ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Top() int32
func (*TStaticText) Transparent ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Transparent() bool
func (*TStaticText) Update ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Update()
func (*TStaticText) Visible ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Visible() bool
func (*TStaticText) Width ¶
func (s *TStaticText) Width() int32
type TStatusBar ¶
type TStatusBar struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewStatusBar ¶
func NewStatusBar(owner IComponent) *TStatusBar
func StatusBarFromInst ¶
func StatusBarFromInst(inst uintptr) *TStatusBar
func StatusBarFromObj ¶
func StatusBarFromObj(obj IObject) *TStatusBar
func (*TStatusBar) Action ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Action() *TAction
func (*TStatusBar) Align ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Align() TAlign
func (*TStatusBar) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) AlignWithMargins() bool
func (*TStatusBar) Anchors ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Anchors() TAnchors
func (*TStatusBar) Assign ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TStatusBar) AutoHint ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) AutoHint() bool
func (*TStatusBar) BiDiMode ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
func (*TStatusBar) BorderWidth ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) BorderWidth() int32
func (*TStatusBar) BoundsRect ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TStatusBar) BringToFront ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) BringToFront()
func (*TStatusBar) Brush ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Brush() *TBrush
func (*TStatusBar) CanFocus ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) CanFocus() bool
func (*TStatusBar) Canvas ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Canvas() *TCanvas
func (*TStatusBar) ClassName ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) ClassName() string
func (*TStatusBar) ClientHeight ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) ClientHeight() int32
func (*TStatusBar) ClientRect ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TStatusBar) ClientWidth ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) ClientWidth() int32
func (*TStatusBar) Color ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Color() TColor
func (*TStatusBar) ComponentCount ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TStatusBar) ComponentIndex ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TStatusBar) Components ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TStatusBar) ControlCount ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) ControlCount() int32
func (*TStatusBar) Controls ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Controls(Index int32) *TControl
func (*TStatusBar) Cursor ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Cursor() TCursor
func (*TStatusBar) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) DoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TStatusBar) Enabled ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Enabled() bool
func (*TStatusBar) Equals ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TStatusBar) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) ExplicitHeight() int32
func (*TStatusBar) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) ExplicitLeft() int32
func (*TStatusBar) ExplicitTop ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) ExplicitTop() int32
func (*TStatusBar) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) ExplicitWidth() int32
func (*TStatusBar) FindComponent ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TStatusBar) FlipChildren ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
func (*TStatusBar) Focused ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Focused() bool
func (*TStatusBar) Font ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Font() *TFont
func (*TStatusBar) Free ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Free()
func (*TStatusBar) GetHashCode ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TStatusBar) GetNamePath ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) GetNamePath() string
func (*TStatusBar) GetTextBuf ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
func (*TStatusBar) Handle ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Handle() HWND
func (*TStatusBar) HandleAllocated ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) HandleAllocated() bool
func (*TStatusBar) HasParent ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) HasParent() bool
func (*TStatusBar) Height ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Height() int32
func (*TStatusBar) Hide ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Hide()
func (*TStatusBar) Hint ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Hint() string
func (*TStatusBar) Instance ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Instance() uintptr
func (*TStatusBar) Invalidate ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Invalidate()
func (*TStatusBar) IsValid ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) IsValid() bool
func (*TStatusBar) Left ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Left() int32
func (*TStatusBar) Margins ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Margins() *TMargins
func (*TStatusBar) Name ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Name() string
func (*TStatusBar) Owner ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TStatusBar) Panels ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Panels() *TStatusPanels
func (*TStatusBar) Parent ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Parent() *TControl
func (*TStatusBar) ParentColor ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) ParentColor() bool
func (*TStatusBar) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
func (*TStatusBar) ParentFont ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) ParentFont() bool
func (*TStatusBar) ParentShowHint ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) ParentShowHint() bool
func (*TStatusBar) ParentWindow ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TStatusBar) Perform ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
func (*TStatusBar) PopupMenu ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TStatusBar) Realign ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Realign()
func (*TStatusBar) Refresh ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Refresh()
func (*TStatusBar) Repaint ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Repaint()
func (*TStatusBar) ScaleBy ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
func (*TStatusBar) SendToBack ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SendToBack()
func (*TStatusBar) SetAction ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TStatusBar) SetAlign ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetAlign(value TAlign)
func (*TStatusBar) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
func (*TStatusBar) SetAnchors ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TStatusBar) SetAutoHint ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetAutoHint(value bool)
func (*TStatusBar) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TStatusBar) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetBorderWidth(value int32)
func (*TStatusBar) SetBounds ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
func (*TStatusBar) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TStatusBar) SetClientHeight ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetClientHeight(value int32)
func (*TStatusBar) SetClientWidth ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetClientWidth(value int32)
func (*TStatusBar) SetColor ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetColor(value TColor)
func (*TStatusBar) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TStatusBar) SetCursor ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetCursor(value TCursor)
func (*TStatusBar) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TStatusBar) SetEnabled ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetEnabled(value bool)
func (*TStatusBar) SetFocus ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetFocus()
func (*TStatusBar) SetFont ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetFont(value *TFont)
func (*TStatusBar) SetHeight ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetHeight(value int32)
func (*TStatusBar) SetHint ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetHint(value string)
func (*TStatusBar) SetLeft ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetLeft(value int32)
func (*TStatusBar) SetMargins ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
func (*TStatusBar) SetName ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetName(value string)
func (*TStatusBar) SetOnClick ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TStatusBar) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TStatusBar) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TStatusBar) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TStatusBar) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TStatusBar) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TStatusBar) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TStatusBar) SetOnResize ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetOnResize(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TStatusBar) SetPanels ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetPanels(value *TStatusPanels)
func (*TStatusBar) SetParent ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetParent(value IControl)
func (*TStatusBar) SetParentColor ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetParentColor(value bool)
func (*TStatusBar) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
func (*TStatusBar) SetParentFont ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetParentFont(value bool)
func (*TStatusBar) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
func (*TStatusBar) SetParentWindow ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TStatusBar) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TStatusBar) SetShowHint ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetShowHint(value bool)
func (*TStatusBar) SetSimplePanel ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetSimplePanel(value bool)
func (*TStatusBar) SetSimpleText ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetSimpleText(value string)
func (*TStatusBar) SetSizeGrip ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetSizeGrip(value bool)
func (*TStatusBar) SetStyleElements ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TStatusBar) SetTabOrder ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetTabOrder(value uint16)
func (*TStatusBar) SetTabStop ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetTabStop(value bool)
func (*TStatusBar) SetTag ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetTag(value int)
func (*TStatusBar) SetTop ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetTop(value int32)
func (*TStatusBar) SetUseSystemFont ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetUseSystemFont(value bool)
func (*TStatusBar) SetVisible ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetVisible(value bool)
func (*TStatusBar) SetWidth ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SetWidth(value int32)
func (*TStatusBar) Show ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Show()
func (*TStatusBar) ShowHint ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) ShowHint() bool
func (*TStatusBar) SimplePanel ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SimplePanel() bool
func (*TStatusBar) SimpleText ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SimpleText() string
func (*TStatusBar) SizeGrip ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) SizeGrip() bool
func (*TStatusBar) StyleElements ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TStatusBar) TabOrder ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) TabOrder() uint16
func (*TStatusBar) TabStop ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) TabStop() bool
func (*TStatusBar) Tag ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Tag() int
func (*TStatusBar) ToString ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) ToString() string
func (*TStatusBar) Top ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Top() int32
func (*TStatusBar) Update ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Update()
func (*TStatusBar) UseSystemFont ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) UseSystemFont() bool
func (*TStatusBar) Visible ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Visible() bool
func (*TStatusBar) Width ¶
func (s *TStatusBar) Width() int32
type TStatusPanel ¶
type TStatusPanel struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewStatusPanel ¶
func NewStatusPanel() *TStatusPanel
func StatusPanelFromInst ¶
func StatusPanelFromInst(inst uintptr) *TStatusPanel
func StatusPanelFromObj ¶
func StatusPanelFromObj(obj IObject) *TStatusPanel
func (*TStatusPanel) Alignment ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) Alignment() TAlignment
func (*TStatusPanel) Assign ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TStatusPanel) BiDiMode ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
func (*TStatusPanel) ClassName ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) ClassName() string
func (*TStatusPanel) Equals ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TStatusPanel) Free ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) Free()
func (*TStatusPanel) GetHashCode ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TStatusPanel) GetNamePath ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) GetNamePath() string
func (*TStatusPanel) Index ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) Index() int32
func (*TStatusPanel) Instance ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) Instance() uintptr
func (*TStatusPanel) IsValid ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) IsValid() bool
func (*TStatusPanel) SetAlignment ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) SetAlignment(value TAlignment)
func (*TStatusPanel) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TStatusPanel) SetIndex ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) SetIndex(value int32)
func (*TStatusPanel) SetStyle ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) SetStyle(value TStatusPanelStyle)
func (*TStatusPanel) SetText ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) SetText(value string)
func (*TStatusPanel) SetWidth ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) SetWidth(value int32)
func (*TStatusPanel) Style ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) Style() TStatusPanelStyle
func (*TStatusPanel) Text ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) Text() string
func (*TStatusPanel) ToString ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) ToString() string
func (*TStatusPanel) Width ¶
func (s *TStatusPanel) Width() int32
type TStatusPanels ¶
type TStatusPanels struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewStatusPanels ¶
func NewStatusPanels() *TStatusPanels
func StatusPanelsFromInst ¶
func StatusPanelsFromInst(inst uintptr) *TStatusPanels
func StatusPanelsFromObj ¶
func StatusPanelsFromObj(obj IObject) *TStatusPanels
func (*TStatusPanels) Add ¶
func (s *TStatusPanels) Add() *TStatusPanel
func (*TStatusPanels) AddItem ¶
func (s *TStatusPanels) AddItem(Item *TStatusPanel, Index int32) *TStatusPanel
func (*TStatusPanels) Assign ¶
func (s *TStatusPanels) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TStatusPanels) BeginUpdate ¶
func (s *TStatusPanels) BeginUpdate()
func (*TStatusPanels) ClassName ¶
func (s *TStatusPanels) ClassName() string
func (*TStatusPanels) Clear ¶
func (s *TStatusPanels) Clear()
func (*TStatusPanels) Delete ¶
func (s *TStatusPanels) Delete(Index int32)
func (*TStatusPanels) EndUpdate ¶
func (s *TStatusPanels) EndUpdate()
func (*TStatusPanels) Equals ¶
func (s *TStatusPanels) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TStatusPanels) Free ¶
func (s *TStatusPanels) Free()
func (*TStatusPanels) GetHashCode ¶
func (s *TStatusPanels) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TStatusPanels) GetNamePath ¶
func (s *TStatusPanels) GetNamePath() string
func (*TStatusPanels) Insert ¶
func (s *TStatusPanels) Insert(Index int32) *TStatusPanel
func (*TStatusPanels) Instance ¶
func (s *TStatusPanels) Instance() uintptr
func (*TStatusPanels) IsValid ¶
func (s *TStatusPanels) IsValid() bool
func (*TStatusPanels) Items ¶
func (s *TStatusPanels) Items(Index int32) *TStatusPanel
func (*TStatusPanels) Owner ¶
func (s *TStatusPanels) Owner() *TObject
func (*TStatusPanels) SetItems ¶
func (s *TStatusPanels) SetItems(Index int32, value *TStatusPanel)
func (*TStatusPanels) ToString ¶
func (s *TStatusPanels) ToString() string
type TStringList ¶
type TStringList struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewStringList ¶
func NewStringList() *TStringList
func StringListFromInst ¶
func StringListFromInst(inst uintptr) *TStringList
func StringListFromObj ¶
func StringListFromObj(obj IObject) *TStringList
func (*TStringList) Add ¶
func (s *TStringList) Add(S string) int32
func (*TStringList) Append ¶
func (s *TStringList) Append(S string)
func (*TStringList) Assign ¶
func (s *TStringList) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TStringList) BeginUpdate ¶
func (s *TStringList) BeginUpdate()
func (*TStringList) ClassName ¶
func (s *TStringList) ClassName() string
func (*TStringList) Clear ¶
func (s *TStringList) Clear()
func (*TStringList) CommaText ¶
func (s *TStringList) CommaText() string
func (*TStringList) Delete ¶
func (s *TStringList) Delete(Index int32)
func (*TStringList) Delimiter ¶
func (s *TStringList) Delimiter() uint16
func (*TStringList) EndUpdate ¶
func (s *TStringList) EndUpdate()
func (*TStringList) Equals ¶
func (s *TStringList) Equals(Strings IObject) bool
func (*TStringList) Free ¶
func (s *TStringList) Free()
func (*TStringList) GetHashCode ¶
func (s *TStringList) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TStringList) GetNamePath ¶
func (s *TStringList) GetNamePath() string
func (*TStringList) IndexOf ¶
func (s *TStringList) IndexOf(S string) int32
func (*TStringList) IndexOfName ¶
func (s *TStringList) IndexOfName(Name string) int32
func (*TStringList) IndexOfObject ¶
func (s *TStringList) IndexOfObject(AObject IObject) int32
func (*TStringList) Insert ¶
func (s *TStringList) Insert(Index int32, S string)
func (*TStringList) InsertObject ¶
func (s *TStringList) InsertObject(Index int32, S string, AObject IObject)
func (*TStringList) Instance ¶
func (s *TStringList) Instance() uintptr
func (*TStringList) IsValid ¶
func (s *TStringList) IsValid() bool
func (*TStringList) LoadFromFile ¶
func (s *TStringList) LoadFromFile(FileName string)
func (*TStringList) LoadFromStream ¶
func (s *TStringList) LoadFromStream(Stream IObject)
func (*TStringList) Move ¶
func (s *TStringList) Move(CurIndex int32, NewIndex int32)
func (*TStringList) Options ¶
func (s *TStringList) Options() TStringsOptions
func (*TStringList) SaveToFile ¶
func (s *TStringList) SaveToFile(FileName string)
func (*TStringList) SaveToStream ¶
func (s *TStringList) SaveToStream(Stream IObject)
func (*TStringList) SetCommaText ¶
func (s *TStringList) SetCommaText(value string)
func (*TStringList) SetDelimiter ¶
func (s *TStringList) SetDelimiter(value uint16)
func (*TStringList) SetOnChange ¶
func (s *TStringList) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TStringList) SetOptions ¶
func (s *TStringList) SetOptions(value TStringsOptions)
func (*TStringList) SetSorted ¶
func (s *TStringList) SetSorted(value bool)
func (*TStringList) SetStrings ¶
func (s *TStringList) SetStrings(Index int32, value string)
func (*TStringList) SetText ¶
func (s *TStringList) SetText(value string)
func (*TStringList) SetValueFromIndex ¶
func (s *TStringList) SetValueFromIndex(Index int32, value string)
func (*TStringList) SetValues ¶
func (s *TStringList) SetValues(Name string, value string)
func (*TStringList) SetWriteBOM ¶
func (s *TStringList) SetWriteBOM(value bool)
func (*TStringList) Sorted ¶
func (s *TStringList) Sorted() bool
func (*TStringList) Strings ¶
func (s *TStringList) Strings(Index int32) string
func (*TStringList) Text ¶
func (s *TStringList) Text() string
func (*TStringList) ToString ¶
func (s *TStringList) ToString() string
func (*TStringList) ValueFromIndex ¶
func (s *TStringList) ValueFromIndex(Index int32) string
func (*TStringList) Values ¶
func (s *TStringList) Values(Name string) string
func (*TStringList) WriteBOM ¶
func (s *TStringList) WriteBOM() bool
type TStrings ¶
type TStrings struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewStrings ¶
func NewStrings() *TStrings
func StringsFromInst ¶
func StringsFromObj ¶
func (*TStrings) BeginUpdate ¶
func (s *TStrings) BeginUpdate()
func (*TStrings) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TStrings) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TStrings) IndexOfName ¶
func (*TStrings) IndexOfObject ¶
func (*TStrings) InsertObject ¶
func (*TStrings) LoadFromFile ¶
func (*TStrings) LoadFromStream ¶
func (*TStrings) SaveToFile ¶
func (*TStrings) SaveToStream ¶
func (*TStrings) SetCommaText ¶
func (*TStrings) SetDelimiter ¶
func (*TStrings) SetOptions ¶
func (s *TStrings) SetOptions(value TStringsOptions)
func (*TStrings) SetStrings ¶
func (*TStrings) SetValueFromIndex ¶
func (*TStrings) SetWriteBOM ¶
func (*TStrings) ValueFromIndex ¶
type TStyleManager ¶
type TStyleManager struct { }
func NewStyleManager ¶
func NewStyleManager() *TStyleManager
func (*TStyleManager) CheckSysClassName ¶
func (s *TStyleManager) CheckSysClassName(className string) bool
func (*TStyleManager) Initialize ¶
func (s *TStyleManager) Initialize()
func (*TStyleManager) IsValidStyle ¶
func (s *TStyleManager) IsValidStyle(filename string) bool
func (*TStyleManager) LoadFromFile ¶
func (s *TStyleManager) LoadFromFile(filename string) uintptr
func (*TStyleManager) SetStyle ¶
func (s *TStyleManager) SetStyle(handle uintptr)
func (*TStyleManager) SetStyle2 ¶
func (s *TStyleManager) SetStyle2(name string)
func (*TStyleManager) SetStyleFromFileName ¶
func (s *TStyleManager) SetStyleFromFileName(filename string)
func (*TStyleManager) TryLoadFromResource ¶
func (s *TStyleManager) TryLoadFromResource(instance uintptr, resName, resType string, handle *uintptr) bool
func (*TStyleManager) TrySetStyle ¶
func (s *TStyleManager) TrySetStyle(name string, showErrorDialog bool) bool
func (*TStyleManager) UnInitialize ¶
func (s *TStyleManager) UnInitialize()
type TSysLinkEvent ¶
TSysLinkEvent LinkLabel
type TTVChangedEvent ¶
TTVChangedEvent TTreeView
type TTabSheet ¶
type TTabSheet struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTabSheet ¶
func NewTabSheet(owner IComponent) *TTabSheet
func TabSheetFromInst ¶
func TabSheetFromObj ¶
func (*TTabSheet) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TTabSheet) BorderWidth ¶
func (*TTabSheet) BoundsRect ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TTabSheet) BringToFront ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) BringToFront()
func (*TTabSheet) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TTabSheet) ClientRect ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TTabSheet) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TTabSheet) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TTabSheet) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TTabSheet) Components ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TTabSheet) ControlCount ¶
func (*TTabSheet) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TTabSheet) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TTabSheet) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TTabSheet) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TTabSheet) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TTabSheet) FindComponent ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TTabSheet) FlipChildren ¶
func (*TTabSheet) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TTabSheet) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TTabSheet) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TTabSheet) Highlighted ¶
func (*TTabSheet) ImageIndex ¶
func (*TTabSheet) Invalidate ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) Invalidate()
func (*TTabSheet) Owner ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TTabSheet) PageControl ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) PageControl() *TPageControl
func (*TTabSheet) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TTabSheet) ParentFont ¶
func (*TTabSheet) ParentShowHint ¶
func (*TTabSheet) ParentWindow ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TTabSheet) PopupMenu ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TTabSheet) SendToBack ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) SendToBack()
func (*TTabSheet) SetAction ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TTabSheet) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TTabSheet) SetAnchors ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TTabSheet) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TTabSheet) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (*TTabSheet) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TTabSheet) SetCaption ¶
func (*TTabSheet) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TTabSheet) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TTabSheet) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TTabSheet) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TTabSheet) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TTabSheet) SetHighlighted ¶
func (*TTabSheet) SetImageIndex ¶
func (*TTabSheet) SetMargins ¶
func (*TTabSheet) SetOnEnter ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TTabSheet) SetOnExit ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TTabSheet) SetOnHide ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) SetOnHide(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TTabSheet) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TTabSheet) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TTabSheet) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TTabSheet) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TTabSheet) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TTabSheet) SetOnResize ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) SetOnResize(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TTabSheet) SetOnShow ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TTabSheet) SetPageControl ¶
func (*TTabSheet) SetPageIndex ¶
func (*TTabSheet) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TTabSheet) SetParentFont ¶
func (*TTabSheet) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (*TTabSheet) SetParentWindow ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TTabSheet) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TTabSheet) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TTabSheet) SetStyleElements ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TTabSheet) SetTabOrder ¶
func (*TTabSheet) SetTabStop ¶
func (*TTabSheet) SetTabVisible ¶
func (*TTabSheet) SetVisible ¶
func (*TTabSheet) StyleElements ¶
func (t *TTabSheet) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TTabSheet) TabVisible ¶
type TTextAttributes ¶
type TTextAttributes struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func TextAttributesFromInst ¶
func TextAttributesFromInst(inst uintptr) *TTextAttributes
func TextAttributesFromObj ¶
func TextAttributesFromObj(obj IObject) *TTextAttributes
func (*TTextAttributes) Assign ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TTextAttributes) Charset ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) Charset() TFontCharset
func (*TTextAttributes) ClassName ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) ClassName() string
func (*TTextAttributes) Color ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) Color() TColor
func (*TTextAttributes) ConsistentAttributes ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) ConsistentAttributes() TConsistentAttributes
func (*TTextAttributes) Equals ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TTextAttributes) GetHashCode ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TTextAttributes) GetNamePath ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) GetNamePath() string
func (*TTextAttributes) Height ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) Height() int32
func (*TTextAttributes) Instance ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) Instance() uintptr
func (*TTextAttributes) IsValid ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) IsValid() bool
func (*TTextAttributes) Name ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) Name() string
func (*TTextAttributes) Pitch ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) Pitch() TFontPitch
func (*TTextAttributes) Protected ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) Protected() bool
func (*TTextAttributes) SetCharset ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) SetCharset(value TFontCharset)
func (*TTextAttributes) SetColor ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) SetColor(value TColor)
func (*TTextAttributes) SetHeight ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) SetHeight(value int32)
func (*TTextAttributes) SetName ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) SetName(value string)
func (*TTextAttributes) SetPitch ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) SetPitch(value TFontPitch)
func (*TTextAttributes) SetProtected ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) SetProtected(value bool)
func (*TTextAttributes) SetSize ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) SetSize(value int32)
func (*TTextAttributes) SetStyle ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) SetStyle(value TFontStyles)
func (*TTextAttributes) Size ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) Size() int32
func (*TTextAttributes) Style ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) Style() TFontStyles
func (*TTextAttributes) ToString ¶
func (t *TTextAttributes) ToString() string
type TTimer ¶
type TTimer struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTimer ¶
func NewTimer(owner IComponent) *TTimer
func TimerFromInst ¶
func TimerFromObj ¶
func (*TTimer) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TTimer) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TTimer) Components ¶
func (t *TTimer) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TTimer) FindComponent ¶
func (t *TTimer) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TTimer) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TTimer) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TTimer) Owner ¶
func (t *TTimer) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TTimer) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TTimer) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TTimer) SetInterval ¶
func (*TTimer) SetOnTimer ¶
func (t *TTimer) SetOnTimer(fn TNotifyEvent)
type TToolBar ¶
type TToolBar struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewToolBar ¶
func NewToolBar(owner IComponent) *TToolBar
func ToolBarFromInst ¶
func ToolBarFromObj ¶
func (*TToolBar) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TToolBar) BorderWidth ¶
func (*TToolBar) BoundsRect ¶
func (t *TToolBar) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TToolBar) BringToFront ¶
func (t *TToolBar) BringToFront()
func (*TToolBar) ButtonCount ¶
func (*TToolBar) ButtonHeight ¶
func (*TToolBar) ButtonWidth ¶
func (*TToolBar) Buttons ¶
func (t *TToolBar) Buttons(Index int32) *TToolButton
func (*TToolBar) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TToolBar) ClientRect ¶
func (t *TToolBar) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TToolBar) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TToolBar) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TToolBar) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TToolBar) Components ¶
func (t *TToolBar) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TToolBar) ControlCount ¶
func (*TToolBar) CustomizeKeyName ¶
func (*TToolBar) CustomizeValueName ¶
func (*TToolBar) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TToolBar) DrawingStyle ¶
func (t *TToolBar) DrawingStyle() TTBDrawingStyle
func (*TToolBar) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TToolBar) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TToolBar) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TToolBar) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TToolBar) FindComponent ¶
func (t *TToolBar) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TToolBar) FlipChildren ¶
func (*TToolBar) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TToolBar) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TToolBar) GradientDirection ¶
func (t *TToolBar) GradientDirection() TGradientDirection
func (*TToolBar) GradientDrawingOptions ¶
func (t *TToolBar) GradientDrawingOptions() TTBGradientDrawingOptions
func (*TToolBar) GradientEndColor ¶
func (t *TToolBar) GradientEndColor() TColor
func (*TToolBar) GradientStartColor ¶
func (t *TToolBar) GradientStartColor() TColor
func (*TToolBar) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TToolBar) HideClippedButtons ¶
func (*TToolBar) HotImages ¶
func (t *TToolBar) HotImages() *TImageList
func (*TToolBar) Images ¶
func (t *TToolBar) Images() *TImageList
func (*TToolBar) Invalidate ¶
func (t *TToolBar) Invalidate()
func (*TToolBar) Owner ¶
func (t *TToolBar) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TToolBar) ParentColor ¶
func (*TToolBar) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TToolBar) ParentFont ¶
func (*TToolBar) ParentShowHint ¶
func (*TToolBar) ParentWindow ¶
func (t *TToolBar) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TToolBar) PopupMenu ¶
func (t *TToolBar) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TToolBar) SendToBack ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SendToBack()
func (*TToolBar) SetAction ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TToolBar) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetAnchors ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TToolBar) SetAutoSize ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TToolBar) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TToolBar) SetButtonHeight ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetButtonWidth ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetCaption ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetCustomizeKeyName ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetCustomizeValueName ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetDrawingStyle ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetDrawingStyle(value TTBDrawingStyle)
func (*TToolBar) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetGradientDirection ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetGradientDirection(value TGradientDirection)
func (*TToolBar) SetGradientDrawingOptions ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetGradientDrawingOptions(value TTBGradientDrawingOptions)
func (*TToolBar) SetGradientEndColor ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetGradientEndColor(value TColor)
func (*TToolBar) SetGradientStartColor ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetGradientStartColor(value TColor)
func (*TToolBar) SetHideClippedButtons ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetHotImages ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetHotImages(value IComponent)
func (*TToolBar) SetImages ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetImages(value IComponent)
func (*TToolBar) SetMargins ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetMenu ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TToolBar) SetOnClick ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TToolBar) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TToolBar) SetOnEnter ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TToolBar) SetOnExit ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TToolBar) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TToolBar) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TToolBar) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TToolBar) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TToolBar) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TToolBar) SetOnResize ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetOnResize(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TToolBar) SetParentColor ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetParentFont ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetParentWindow ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TToolBar) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TToolBar) SetShowCaptions ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetStyleElements ¶
func (t *TToolBar) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TToolBar) SetTabOrder ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetTabStop ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetTransparent ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetVisible ¶
func (*TToolBar) SetWrapable ¶
func (*TToolBar) ShowCaptions ¶
func (*TToolBar) StyleElements ¶
func (t *TToolBar) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TToolBar) Transparent ¶
type TToolButton ¶
type TToolButton struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewToolButton ¶
func NewToolButton(owner IComponent) *TToolButton
func ToolButtonFromInst ¶
func ToolButtonFromInst(inst uintptr) *TToolButton
func ToolButtonFromObj ¶
func ToolButtonFromObj(obj IObject) *TToolButton
func (*TToolButton) Action ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Action() *TAction
func (*TToolButton) Align ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Align() TAlign
func (*TToolButton) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (t *TToolButton) AlignWithMargins() bool
func (*TToolButton) AllowAllUp ¶
func (t *TToolButton) AllowAllUp() bool
func (*TToolButton) Anchors ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Anchors() TAnchors
func (*TToolButton) Assign ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TToolButton) AutoSize ¶
func (t *TToolButton) AutoSize() bool
func (*TToolButton) BiDiMode ¶
func (t *TToolButton) BiDiMode() TBiDiMode
func (*TToolButton) BoundsRect ¶
func (t *TToolButton) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TToolButton) BringToFront ¶
func (t *TToolButton) BringToFront()
func (*TToolButton) Caption ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Caption() string
func (*TToolButton) CheckMenuDropdown ¶
func (t *TToolButton) CheckMenuDropdown() bool
func (*TToolButton) ClassName ¶
func (t *TToolButton) ClassName() string
func (*TToolButton) Click ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Click()
func (*TToolButton) ClientHeight ¶
func (t *TToolButton) ClientHeight() int32
func (*TToolButton) ClientRect ¶
func (t *TToolButton) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TToolButton) ClientWidth ¶
func (t *TToolButton) ClientWidth() int32
func (*TToolButton) ComponentCount ¶
func (t *TToolButton) ComponentCount() int32
func (*TToolButton) ComponentIndex ¶
func (t *TToolButton) ComponentIndex() int32
func (*TToolButton) Components ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TToolButton) Cursor ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Cursor() TCursor
func (*TToolButton) Down ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Down() bool
func (*TToolButton) DropdownMenu ¶
func (t *TToolButton) DropdownMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TToolButton) EnableDropdown ¶
func (t *TToolButton) EnableDropdown() bool
func (*TToolButton) Enabled ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Enabled() bool
func (*TToolButton) Equals ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TToolButton) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (t *TToolButton) ExplicitHeight() int32
func (*TToolButton) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (t *TToolButton) ExplicitLeft() int32
func (*TToolButton) ExplicitTop ¶
func (t *TToolButton) ExplicitTop() int32
func (*TToolButton) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (t *TToolButton) ExplicitWidth() int32
func (*TToolButton) FindComponent ¶
func (t *TToolButton) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TToolButton) Free ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Free()
func (*TToolButton) GetHashCode ¶
func (t *TToolButton) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TToolButton) GetNamePath ¶
func (t *TToolButton) GetNamePath() string
func (*TToolButton) GetTextBuf ¶
func (t *TToolButton) GetTextBuf(Buffer string, BufSize int32) int32
func (*TToolButton) Grouped ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Grouped() bool
func (*TToolButton) HasParent ¶
func (t *TToolButton) HasParent() bool
func (*TToolButton) Height ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Height() int32
func (*TToolButton) Hide ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Hide()
func (*TToolButton) Hint ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Hint() string
func (*TToolButton) ImageIndex ¶
func (t *TToolButton) ImageIndex() int32
func (*TToolButton) Indeterminate ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Indeterminate() bool
func (*TToolButton) Index ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Index() int32
func (*TToolButton) Instance ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Instance() uintptr
func (*TToolButton) Invalidate ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Invalidate()
func (*TToolButton) IsValid ¶
func (t *TToolButton) IsValid() bool
func (*TToolButton) Left ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Left() int32
func (*TToolButton) Margins ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Margins() *TMargins
func (*TToolButton) Marked ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Marked() bool
func (*TToolButton) Name ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Name() string
func (*TToolButton) Owner ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TToolButton) Parent ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Parent() *TControl
func (*TToolButton) ParentShowHint ¶
func (t *TToolButton) ParentShowHint() bool
func (*TToolButton) Perform ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
func (*TToolButton) PopupMenu ¶
func (t *TToolButton) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TToolButton) Refresh ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Refresh()
func (*TToolButton) Repaint ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Repaint()
func (*TToolButton) SendToBack ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SendToBack()
func (*TToolButton) SetAction ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TToolButton) SetAlign ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetAlign(value TAlign)
func (*TToolButton) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetAlignWithMargins(value bool)
func (*TToolButton) SetAllowAllUp ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetAllowAllUp(value bool)
func (*TToolButton) SetAnchors ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TToolButton) SetAutoSize ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetAutoSize(value bool)
func (*TToolButton) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TToolButton) SetBounds ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
func (*TToolButton) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TToolButton) SetCaption ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetCaption(value string)
func (*TToolButton) SetClientHeight ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetClientHeight(value int32)
func (*TToolButton) SetClientWidth ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetClientWidth(value int32)
func (*TToolButton) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
func (*TToolButton) SetCursor ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetCursor(value TCursor)
func (*TToolButton) SetDown ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetDown(value bool)
func (*TToolButton) SetDropdownMenu ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetDropdownMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TToolButton) SetEnableDropdown ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetEnableDropdown(value bool)
func (*TToolButton) SetEnabled ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetEnabled(value bool)
func (*TToolButton) SetGrouped ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetGrouped(value bool)
func (*TToolButton) SetHeight ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetHeight(value int32)
func (*TToolButton) SetHint ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetHint(value string)
func (*TToolButton) SetImageIndex ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetImageIndex(value int32)
func (*TToolButton) SetIndeterminate ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetIndeterminate(value bool)
func (*TToolButton) SetLeft ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetLeft(value int32)
func (*TToolButton) SetMargins ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetMargins(value *TMargins)
func (*TToolButton) SetMarked ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetMarked(value bool)
func (*TToolButton) SetName ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetName(value string)
func (*TToolButton) SetOnClick ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TToolButton) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TToolButton) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TToolButton) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TToolButton) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TToolButton) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TToolButton) SetParent ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetParent(value IControl)
func (*TToolButton) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
func (*TToolButton) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TToolButton) SetShowHint ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetShowHint(value bool)
func (*TToolButton) SetStyle ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetStyle(value TToolButtonStyle)
func (*TToolButton) SetStyleElements ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TToolButton) SetTag ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetTag(value int)
func (*TToolButton) SetTop ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetTop(value int32)
func (*TToolButton) SetVisible ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetVisible(value bool)
func (*TToolButton) SetWidth ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetWidth(value int32)
func (*TToolButton) SetWrap ¶
func (t *TToolButton) SetWrap(value bool)
func (*TToolButton) Show ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Show()
func (*TToolButton) ShowHint ¶
func (t *TToolButton) ShowHint() bool
func (*TToolButton) Style ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Style() TToolButtonStyle
func (*TToolButton) StyleElements ¶
func (t *TToolButton) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TToolButton) Tag ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Tag() int
func (*TToolButton) ToString ¶
func (t *TToolButton) ToString() string
func (*TToolButton) Top ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Top() int32
func (*TToolButton) Update ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Update()
func (*TToolButton) Visible ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Visible() bool
func (*TToolButton) Width ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Width() int32
func (*TToolButton) Wrap ¶
func (t *TToolButton) Wrap() bool
type TTrackBar ¶
type TTrackBar struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTrackBar ¶
func NewTrackBar(owner IComponent) *TTrackBar
func TrackBarFromInst ¶
func TrackBarFromObj ¶
func (*TTrackBar) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TTrackBar) BorderWidth ¶
func (*TTrackBar) BoundsRect ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TTrackBar) BringToFront ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) BringToFront()
func (*TTrackBar) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TTrackBar) ClientRect ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TTrackBar) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TTrackBar) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TTrackBar) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TTrackBar) Components ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TTrackBar) ControlCount ¶
func (*TTrackBar) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TTrackBar) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TTrackBar) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TTrackBar) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TTrackBar) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TTrackBar) FindComponent ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TTrackBar) FlipChildren ¶
func (*TTrackBar) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TTrackBar) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TTrackBar) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TTrackBar) Invalidate ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) Invalidate()
func (*TTrackBar) Orientation ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) Orientation() TTrackBarOrientation
func (*TTrackBar) Owner ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TTrackBar) ParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TTrackBar) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TTrackBar) ParentShowHint ¶
func (*TTrackBar) ParentWindow ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TTrackBar) PopupMenu ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TTrackBar) PositionToolTip ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) PositionToolTip() TPositionToolTip
func (*TTrackBar) SendToBack ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) SendToBack()
func (*TTrackBar) SetAction ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TTrackBar) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetAnchors ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TTrackBar) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TTrackBar) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TTrackBar) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetFrequency ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetLineSize ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetMargins ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetOnChange ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) SetOnChange(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TTrackBar) SetOnEnter ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TTrackBar) SetOnExit ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TTrackBar) SetOnKeyDown ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetOnKeyPress ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
func (*TTrackBar) SetOnKeyUp ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetOrientation ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) SetOrientation(value TTrackBarOrientation)
func (*TTrackBar) SetPageSize ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetParentWindow ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TTrackBar) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TTrackBar) SetPosition ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetPositionToolTip ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) SetPositionToolTip(value TPositionToolTip)
func (*TTrackBar) SetSelStart ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetShowSelRange ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetSliderVisible ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetStyleElements ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TTrackBar) SetTabOrder ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetTabStop ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetThumbLength ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SetTickMarks ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) SetTickMarks(value TTickMark)
func (*TTrackBar) SetTickStyle ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) SetTickStyle(value TTickStyle)
func (*TTrackBar) SetVisible ¶
func (*TTrackBar) ShowSelRange ¶
func (*TTrackBar) SliderVisible ¶
func (*TTrackBar) StyleElements ¶
func (t *TTrackBar) StyleElements() TStyleElements
func (*TTrackBar) ThumbLength ¶
type TTrayIcon ¶
type TTrayIcon struct { IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTrayIcon ¶
func NewTrayIcon(owner IComponent) *TTrayIcon
func TrayIconFromInst ¶
func TrayIconFromObj ¶
func (*TTrayIcon) AnimateInterval ¶
func (*TTrayIcon) BalloonFlags ¶
func (t *TTrayIcon) BalloonFlags() TBalloonFlags
func (*TTrayIcon) BalloonHint ¶
func (*TTrayIcon) BalloonTimeout ¶
func (*TTrayIcon) BalloonTitle ¶
func (*TTrayIcon) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TTrayIcon) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TTrayIcon) Components ¶
func (t *TTrayIcon) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TTrayIcon) FindComponent ¶
func (t *TTrayIcon) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TTrayIcon) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TTrayIcon) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TTrayIcon) Owner ¶
func (t *TTrayIcon) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TTrayIcon) PopupMenu ¶
func (t *TTrayIcon) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TTrayIcon) SetAnimate ¶
func (*TTrayIcon) SetAnimateInterval ¶
func (*TTrayIcon) SetBalloonFlags ¶
func (t *TTrayIcon) SetBalloonFlags(value TBalloonFlags)
func (*TTrayIcon) SetBalloonHint ¶
func (*TTrayIcon) SetBalloonTimeout ¶
func (*TTrayIcon) SetBalloonTitle ¶
func (*TTrayIcon) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TTrayIcon) SetDefaultIcon ¶
func (t *TTrayIcon) SetDefaultIcon()
func (*TTrayIcon) SetIconIndex ¶
func (*TTrayIcon) SetOnBalloonClick ¶
func (t *TTrayIcon) SetOnBalloonClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TTrayIcon) SetOnClick ¶
func (t *TTrayIcon) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TTrayIcon) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (t *TTrayIcon) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TTrayIcon) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (t *TTrayIcon) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TTrayIcon) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (t *TTrayIcon) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TTrayIcon) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (t *TTrayIcon) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TTrayIcon) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (t *TTrayIcon) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TTrayIcon) SetVisible ¶
func (*TTrayIcon) ShowBalloonHint ¶
func (t *TTrayIcon) ShowBalloonHint()
type TTreeNode ¶
type TTreeNode struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTreeNode ¶
func NewTreeNode() *TTreeNode
func TreeNodeFromInst ¶
func TreeNodeFromObj ¶
func (*TTreeNode) AbsoluteIndex ¶
func (*TTreeNode) DropTarget ¶
func (*TTreeNode) ExpandedImageIndex ¶
func (*TTreeNode) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TTreeNode) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TTreeNode) HasChildren ¶
func (*TTreeNode) ImageIndex ¶
func (*TTreeNode) MakeVisible ¶
func (t *TTreeNode) MakeVisible()
func (*TTreeNode) OverlayIndex ¶
func (*TTreeNode) Owner ¶
func (t *TTreeNode) Owner() *TTreeNodes
func (*TTreeNode) SelectedIndex ¶
func (*TTreeNode) SetDropTarget ¶
func (*TTreeNode) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TTreeNode) SetExpanded ¶
func (*TTreeNode) SetExpandedImageIndex ¶
func (*TTreeNode) SetFocused ¶
func (*TTreeNode) SetHasChildren ¶
func (*TTreeNode) SetImageIndex ¶
func (*TTreeNode) SetOverlayIndex ¶
func (*TTreeNode) SetSelected ¶
func (*TTreeNode) SetSelectedIndex ¶
func (*TTreeNode) SetStateIndex ¶
func (*TTreeNode) StateIndex ¶
type TTreeNodes ¶
type TTreeNodes struct { IObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTreeNodes ¶
func NewTreeNodes() *TTreeNodes
func TreeNodesFromInst ¶
func TreeNodesFromInst(inst uintptr) *TTreeNodes
func TreeNodesFromObj ¶
func TreeNodesFromObj(obj IObject) *TTreeNodes
func (*TTreeNodes) AddChildFirst ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) AddChildFirst(Parent *TTreeNode, S string) *TTreeNode
func (*TTreeNodes) AddChildObject ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) AddChildObject(Parent *TTreeNode, S string, Ptr uintptr) *TTreeNode
func (*TTreeNodes) AddChildObjectFirst ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) AddChildObjectFirst(Parent *TTreeNode, S string, Ptr uintptr) *TTreeNode
func (*TTreeNodes) AddFirst ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) AddFirst(Sibling *TTreeNode, S string) *TTreeNode
func (*TTreeNodes) AddObject ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) AddObject(Sibling *TTreeNode, S string, Ptr uintptr) *TTreeNode
func (*TTreeNodes) AddObjectFirst ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) AddObjectFirst(Sibling *TTreeNode, S string, Ptr uintptr) *TTreeNode
func (*TTreeNodes) AlphaSort ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) AlphaSort(ARecurse bool) bool
func (*TTreeNodes) Assign ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) Assign(Source IObject)
func (*TTreeNodes) BeginUpdate ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) BeginUpdate()
func (*TTreeNodes) ClassName ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) ClassName() string
func (*TTreeNodes) Clear ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) Clear()
func (*TTreeNodes) Delete ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) Delete(Node *TTreeNode)
func (*TTreeNodes) EndUpdate ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) EndUpdate()
func (*TTreeNodes) Equals ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) Equals(Obj IObject) bool
func (*TTreeNodes) Free ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) Free()
func (*TTreeNodes) GetFirstNode ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) GetFirstNode() *TTreeNode
func (*TTreeNodes) GetHashCode ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) GetHashCode() int32
func (*TTreeNodes) GetNamePath ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) GetNamePath() string
func (*TTreeNodes) GetNode ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) GetNode(ItemId uintptr) *TTreeNode
func (*TTreeNodes) Handle ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) Handle() HWND
func (*TTreeNodes) InsertObject ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) InsertObject(Sibling *TTreeNode, S string, Ptr uintptr) *TTreeNode
func (*TTreeNodes) Instance ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) Instance() uintptr
func (*TTreeNodes) IsValid ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) IsValid() bool
func (*TTreeNodes) Item ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) Item(Index int32) *TTreeNode
func (*TTreeNodes) Owner ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) Owner() *TControl
func (*TTreeNodes) ToString ¶
func (t *TTreeNodes) ToString() string
type TTreeView ¶
type TTreeView struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTreeView ¶
func NewTreeView(owner IComponent) *TTreeView
func TreeViewFromInst ¶
func TreeViewFromObj ¶
func (*TTreeView) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TTreeView) AutoExpand ¶
func (*TTreeView) BevelEdges ¶
func (t *TTreeView) BevelEdges() TBevelEdges
func (*TTreeView) BevelInner ¶
func (t *TTreeView) BevelInner() TBevelCut
func (*TTreeView) BevelOuter ¶
func (t *TTreeView) BevelOuter() TBevelCut
func (*TTreeView) BorderStyle ¶
func (t *TTreeView) BorderStyle() TBorderStyle
func (*TTreeView) BorderWidth ¶
func (*TTreeView) BoundsRect ¶
func (t *TTreeView) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TTreeView) BringToFront ¶
func (t *TTreeView) BringToFront()
func (*TTreeView) ChangeDelay ¶
func (*TTreeView) ClearSelection ¶
func (*TTreeView) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TTreeView) ClientRect ¶
func (t *TTreeView) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TTreeView) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TTreeView) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TTreeView) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TTreeView) Components ¶
func (t *TTreeView) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TTreeView) ControlCount ¶
func (*TTreeView) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TTreeView) DropTarget ¶
func (*TTreeView) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TTreeView) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TTreeView) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TTreeView) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TTreeView) FindComponent ¶
func (t *TTreeView) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TTreeView) FindNextToSelect ¶
func (*TTreeView) FlipChildren ¶
func (*TTreeView) FullCollapse ¶
func (t *TTreeView) FullCollapse()
func (*TTreeView) FullExpand ¶
func (t *TTreeView) FullExpand()
func (*TTreeView) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TTreeView) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TTreeView) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TTreeView) HideSelection ¶
func (*TTreeView) Images ¶
func (t *TTreeView) Images() *TImageList
func (*TTreeView) Invalidate ¶
func (t *TTreeView) Invalidate()
func (*TTreeView) Items ¶
func (t *TTreeView) Items() *TTreeNodes
func (*TTreeView) LoadFromFile ¶
func (*TTreeView) LoadFromStream ¶
func (*TTreeView) MultiSelect ¶
func (*TTreeView) MultiSelectStyle ¶
func (t *TTreeView) MultiSelectStyle() TMultiSelectStyle
func (*TTreeView) Owner ¶
func (t *TTreeView) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TTreeView) ParentColor ¶
func (*TTreeView) ParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TTreeView) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TTreeView) ParentFont ¶
func (*TTreeView) ParentShowHint ¶
func (*TTreeView) ParentWindow ¶
func (t *TTreeView) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TTreeView) PopupMenu ¶
func (t *TTreeView) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TTreeView) RightClickSelect ¶
func (*TTreeView) SaveToFile ¶
func (*TTreeView) SaveToStream ¶
func (*TTreeView) SelectionCount ¶
func (*TTreeView) Selections ¶
func (*TTreeView) SendToBack ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SendToBack()
func (*TTreeView) SetAction ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TTreeView) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetAnchors ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TTreeView) SetAutoExpand ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetBevelEdges ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetBevelEdges(value TBevelEdges)
func (*TTreeView) SetBevelInner ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetBevelInner(value TBevelCut)
func (*TTreeView) SetBevelKind ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetBevelKind(value TBevelKind)
func (*TTreeView) SetBevelOuter ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetBevelOuter(value TBevelCut)
func (*TTreeView) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TTreeView) SetBorderStyle ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetBorderStyle(value TBorderStyle)
func (*TTreeView) SetBorderWidth ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TTreeView) SetChangeDelay ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetDropTarget ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetHideSelection ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetHotTrack ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetImages ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetImages(value IComponent)
func (*TTreeView) SetItems ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetItems(value *TTreeNodes)
func (*TTreeView) SetMargins ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetMultiSelect ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetMultiSelectStyle ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetMultiSelectStyle(value TMultiSelectStyle)
func (*TTreeView) SetOnChange ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetOnChange(fn TTVChangedEvent)
func (*TTreeView) SetOnClick ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TTreeView) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TTreeView) SetOnEnter ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TTreeView) SetOnExit ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TTreeView) SetOnKeyDown ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetOnKeyPress ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetOnKeyPress(fn TKeyPressEvent)
func (*TTreeView) SetOnKeyUp ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TTreeView) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TTreeView) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TTreeView) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TTreeView) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TTreeView) SetParentColor ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetParentCtl3D ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetParentFont ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetParentWindow ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TTreeView) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TTreeView) SetReadOnly ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetRightClickSelect ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetRowSelect ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetSelected ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetShowButtons ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetShowLines ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetShowRoot ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetSortType ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetSortType(value TSortType)
func (*TTreeView) SetStateImages ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetStateImages(value IComponent)
func (*TTreeView) SetStyleElements ¶
func (t *TTreeView) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TTreeView) SetTabOrder ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetTabStop ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetToolTips ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetTopItem ¶
func (*TTreeView) SetVisible ¶
func (*TTreeView) ShowButtons ¶
func (*TTreeView) StateImages ¶
func (t *TTreeView) StateImages() *TImageList
func (*TTreeView) StyleElements ¶
func (t *TTreeView) StyleElements() TStyleElements
type TUDClickEvent ¶
type TUDClickEvent func(sender IObject, button TUDBtnType)
TUDClickEvent TUpDown TUDBtnType
type TUpDown ¶
type TUpDown struct { IControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewUpDown ¶
func NewUpDown(owner IComponent) *TUpDown
func UpDownFromInst ¶
func UpDownFromObj ¶
func (*TUpDown) AlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TUpDown) BoundsRect ¶
func (u *TUpDown) BoundsRect() TRect
func (*TUpDown) BringToFront ¶
func (u *TUpDown) BringToFront()
func (*TUpDown) ClientHeight ¶
func (*TUpDown) ClientRect ¶
func (u *TUpDown) ClientRect() TRect
func (*TUpDown) ClientWidth ¶
func (*TUpDown) ComponentCount ¶
func (*TUpDown) ComponentIndex ¶
func (*TUpDown) Components ¶
func (u *TUpDown) Components(AIndex int32) *TComponent
func (*TUpDown) ControlCount ¶
func (*TUpDown) DoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TUpDown) ExplicitHeight ¶
func (*TUpDown) ExplicitLeft ¶
func (*TUpDown) ExplicitTop ¶
func (*TUpDown) ExplicitWidth ¶
func (*TUpDown) FindComponent ¶
func (u *TUpDown) FindComponent(AName string) *TComponent
func (*TUpDown) FlipChildren ¶
func (*TUpDown) GetHashCode ¶
func (*TUpDown) GetNamePath ¶
func (*TUpDown) HandleAllocated ¶
func (*TUpDown) Invalidate ¶
func (u *TUpDown) Invalidate()
func (*TUpDown) Orientation ¶
func (u *TUpDown) Orientation() TUDOrientation
func (*TUpDown) Owner ¶
func (u *TUpDown) Owner() *TComponent
func (*TUpDown) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TUpDown) ParentShowHint ¶
func (*TUpDown) ParentWindow ¶
func (u *TUpDown) ParentWindow() HWND
func (*TUpDown) PopupMenu ¶
func (u *TUpDown) PopupMenu() *TPopupMenu
func (*TUpDown) SendToBack ¶
func (u *TUpDown) SendToBack()
func (*TUpDown) SetAction ¶
func (u *TUpDown) SetAction(value IComponent)
func (*TUpDown) SetAlignWithMargins ¶
func (*TUpDown) SetAnchors ¶
func (u *TUpDown) SetAnchors(value TAnchors)
func (*TUpDown) SetBiDiMode ¶
func (u *TUpDown) SetBiDiMode(value TBiDiMode)
func (*TUpDown) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (u *TUpDown) SetBoundsRect(value TRect)
func (*TUpDown) SetClientHeight ¶
func (*TUpDown) SetClientWidth ¶
func (*TUpDown) SetComponentIndex ¶
func (*TUpDown) SetDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TUpDown) SetEnabled ¶
func (*TUpDown) SetMargins ¶
func (*TUpDown) SetOnClick ¶
func (u *TUpDown) SetOnClick(fn TUDClickEvent)
func (*TUpDown) SetOnEnter ¶
func (u *TUpDown) SetOnEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TUpDown) SetOnExit ¶
func (u *TUpDown) SetOnExit(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TUpDown) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (u *TUpDown) SetOnMouseDown(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TUpDown) SetOnMouseEnter ¶
func (u *TUpDown) SetOnMouseEnter(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TUpDown) SetOnMouseLeave ¶
func (u *TUpDown) SetOnMouseLeave(fn TNotifyEvent)
func (*TUpDown) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (u *TUpDown) SetOnMouseMove(fn TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TUpDown) SetOnMouseUp ¶
func (u *TUpDown) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
func (*TUpDown) SetOrientation ¶
func (u *TUpDown) SetOrientation(value TUDOrientation)
func (*TUpDown) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶
func (*TUpDown) SetParentShowHint ¶
func (*TUpDown) SetParentWindow ¶
func (u *TUpDown) SetParentWindow(value HWND)
func (*TUpDown) SetPopupMenu ¶
func (u *TUpDown) SetPopupMenu(value IComponent)
func (*TUpDown) SetPosition ¶
func (*TUpDown) SetShowHint ¶
func (*TUpDown) SetStyleElements ¶
func (u *TUpDown) SetStyleElements(value TStyleElements)
func (*TUpDown) SetTabOrder ¶
func (*TUpDown) SetTabStop ¶
func (*TUpDown) SetVisible ¶
func (*TUpDown) StyleElements ¶
func (u *TUpDown) StyleElements() TStyleElements
Source Files ¶
- action.go
- actionlist.go
- application.go
- applicationdef.go
- balloonhint.go
- bitmap.go
- brush.go
- button.go
- callback.go
- canvas.go
- canvasdef.go
- categorypanel.go
- categorypanelgroup.go
- checkbox.go
- clipboard.go
- clipboarddef.go
- collectionitem.go
- colorbox.go
- colordialog.go
- colorlistbox.go
- combobox.go
- component.go
- control.go
- datetimepicker.go
- edit.go
- events.go
- font.go
- fontdialog.go
- form.go
- formdef.go
- funcs.go
- gifframe.go
- gifimage.go
- graphic.go
- groupbox.go
- hotkey.go
- icomponent.go
- icon.go
- iconoptions.go
- icontrol.go
- image.go
- imagelist.go
- imagelistdef.go
- inifile.go
- init.go
- iobject.go
- jpegimage.go
- label.go
- linklabel.go
- list.go
- listbox.go
- listcolumn.go
- listcolumns.go
- listgroup.go
- listgroups.go
- listitem.go
- listitems.go
- listview.go
- mainmenu.go
- margins.go
- memo.go
- memorystream.go
- memorystreamdef.go
- menuitem.go
- menuitemdef.go
- monitor.go
- monthcalcolors.go
- monthcalendar.go
- mouse.go
- object.go
- opendialog.go
- openpicturedialog.go
- opentextfiledialog.go
- pagecontrol.go
- paintbox.go
- panel.go
- paraattributes.go
- pen.go
- picture.go
- pngimage.go
- popupmenu.go
- printdialog.go
- progressbar.go
- radiobutton.go
- radiogroup.go
- registry.go
- registrydef.go
- richedit.go
- savedialog.go
- savepicturedialog.go
- savetextfiledialog.go
- screen.go
- speedbutton.go
- splitter.go
- statictext.go
- statusbar.go
- statuspanel.go
- statuspanels.go
- stringlist.go
- strings.go
- stylemanagerdef.go
- tabsheet.go
- textattributes.go
- timer.go
- toolbar.go
- toolbutton.go
- trackbar.go
- trayicon.go
- treenode.go
- treenodes.go
- treeview.go
- updown.go