
v1.1.398 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 6, 2019 License: MIT



An interactive CLI for browsing azure resources, inspired by

Go Report Card Go Doc Release

Test Type Status
Unit Tests CircleCI
Integration Tests Build Status


This is a pet project which has matured thanks to support from awesome contributions.

Currently I'm using it every day but it is experimental so use with caution on a production environment!!



Pre-req: Ensure you have the az command from Azure CLI setup on your machine and are logged-in otherwise azbrowse won't work!

Mac (via HomeBrew)
brew install lawrencegripper/tap/azbrowse
Windows (via Scoop)

Install Scoop

iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')

Install AzBrowse using Scoop

scoop bucket add azbrowse
scoop install azbrowse
Linux (via Releases tar.gz)

Grab the url to the .tar.gz for the latest release for your platform/architecture. E.g.

Download the release (either via the browser or wget

Extract the binary from the archive to a suitable location (here we're using /usr/bin for convenience): tar -C /usr/bin -zxvf azbrowse_linux_amd64.tar.gz azbrowse

Make the binary executable: chmod +x /usr/bin/azbrowse

Install via azure-cli extention

Warning: This is experimental and Non-functional on Windows. Only tested on Unix based systems

Want to run az browse and have the azure-cli install and run azbrowse?

This extension from Noel Bundick lets you do just that


Simply download the archive/package suitable for your machine, from the release page, and execute it.

Bonus: Add it to your $PATH so you can run azbrowse anywhere.

Test out via Docker

You can then start azbrowse in docker by mounting in your $HOME directory so azbrowse can access the login details from your machine inside the docker container.

docker run -it --rm -v $HOME:/root/ -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro lawrencegripper/azbrowse



By default azbrowse looks for configuration in /root/.azbrowse-settings.json or ~/.azbrowse-settings.json (where ~ is your users home directory). You can also set the AZBROWSE_SETTINGS_PATH environment variable to point to another location where you want to store your config (e.g. ~/clouddrive/.azbrowse-settings.json)

Below is a table containing the default key bindings. If you'd like to customise the key bindings to be more suitable for your setup, please refer to the section on custom key bindings.

Key Does
↑/↓ Select resource
PgDn/PgUp Move up or down a page of resources
Home/End Move to the top or bottom of the resources
Backspace Go back
ENTER Expand/View resource
Key Does
CTRL+E Toggle Browse JSON For longer responses you can move the cursor to scroll the doc
CTRL+o (o for open) Open Portal Opens the portal at the currently selected resource
DEL: Delete resource The currently selected resource will be deleted (Requires double press to confirm)
CTLT+F: Toggle Fullscreen Gives a fullscreen view of the JSON for smaller terminals
CTLT+S: Save JSON to clipboard Saves the last JSON response to the clipboard for export
CTLT+A: View Actions for resource This allows things like ListKeys on storage or Restart on VMs
Custom Key Bindings

If you wish to override the default key bindings, create a ~/.azbrowse-settings.json file (where ~ is your users home directory).

The file should be formated like so:

    "keyBindings": {
        "Copy": "F8",
        "Help": "Ctrl+H",

You can also specify multiple key bindings for a command:

    "keyBindings": {
        "Copy": "F8",
        "Help": "Ctrl+H",
        "ListUp": ["k", "Up"],
        "ListDown": ["j", "Down"]

In the file you can override the keys for actions using keys from the lists below.

Actions: Does
Quit Terminates the program
Copy Copies the resource JSON to clipboard
ListDelete Deletes a resources
Fullscreen Toggles fullscreen
Help Toggles help view
ItemBack Go back from an item to a list
ItemLeft Switch from the item json to the menu
ListActions List available actions on a resource
ListBack Go back on a list
ListBackLegacy Go back on a list (legacy terminals)
ListDown Navigate down a list
ListUp Navigate up a list
ListRight Switch from the list to an item view
ListEdit Toggle edit mode on a resource
ListExpand Expand a selected resource
ListOpen Open a resource in the Azure portal
ListRefresh Refresh a list
ListUpdate Open JSON editor to allow updating a resource
  • Up
  • Down
  • Left
  • Right
  • Backspace
  • Backspace2
  • Delete
  • Home
  • End
  • PageUp
  • PageDown
  • Insert
  • Tab
  • Space
  • Esc
  • Enter
  • Ctrl+2
  • Ctrl+3
  • Ctrl+4
  • Ctrl+5
  • Ctrl+6
  • Ctrl+7
  • Ctrl+8
  • Ctrl+[
  • Ctrl+]
  • Ctrl+Space
  • Ctrl+_
  • Ctrl+~
  • Ctrl+A
  • Ctrl+B
  • Ctrl+C
  • Ctrl+D
  • Ctrl+E
  • Ctrl+F
  • Ctrl+G
  • Ctrl+H
  • Ctrl+I
  • Ctrl+J
  • Ctrl+K
  • Ctrl+L
  • Ctrl+M
  • Ctrl+N
  • Ctrl+O
  • Ctrl+P
  • Ctrl+Q
  • Ctrl+R
  • Ctrl+S
  • Ctrl+T
  • Ctrl+U
  • Ctrl+V
  • Ctrl+W
  • Ctrl+X
  • Ctrl+Y
  • Ctrl+Z
  • F1
  • F2
  • F3
  • F4
  • F5
  • F6
  • F7
  • F8
  • F9
  • F10
  • F11
  • F12

For compatibility reasons you may notice some keys will have multiple mappings.

Editing JSON

For items in the tree that are editable (i.e. have a PUT endpoint), the ListUpdate action will open an editor for you to make changes and then issue the PUT request to update the item once you have closed the file. By default this is configured to use Visual Studio Code.

If you wish to override the default editor, create a ~/.azbrowse-settings.json file (where ~ is your users home directory).

The file should be formated like so:

    "editor": {
        "command": {
            "executable": "code",
            "args" : [ "--wait" ]
        "translateFilePathForWSL" : true,
        "tempDir" : "~/tmp",
        "revertToStandardBuffer" : false

The command has two parts, executable and args. The filename to edit is automatically appended to the args. In the example above you can see the --wait argument specified which instructs the VS Code executable to not exit until the file is closed. This is important as it is how azbrowse determines that you have finished editing the file and it should perform the PUT request.

The translateFilePathForWSL property controls whether the path should be converted from a Linux path to a Windows path using the wslpath command. This is useful when running azbrwose under WSL and a Windows editor as it converts the temp file path to one that the Windows application can understand.

The tempDir property lets you control where the temporary JSON files are written should you have a requirement to not put them in the OS temp location.

The revertToStandardBuffer property controls whether the terminal is reverted to the standard buffer (azbrowse uses the alternate buffer for display) when editing files. Set this to true when configuring terminal-based editors.

The default configuration uses VS Code as the editor as shown above, and dynamically determines whether to perform the WSL file path translation.

Another example:

    "editor": {
        "command": {
            "executable": "vim"
        "revertToStandardBuffer" : true
notepad (on Windows)
    "editor": {
        "command": {
            "executable": "notepad.exe"
notepad (under WSL)
    "editor": {
        "command": {
            "executable": "notepad.exe"
        "translateFilePathForWSL" : true,


Running azbrowse --debug will start an in-memory collector for the opentracing and a GUI to browse this at http://localhost:8700. You can use this to look at tracing information output by azbrowse as it runs.

tracing ui


Environment Setup

Note: Golang 1.12 is recommended.

First, clone this repository. azbrowse is written in Go and so you will want to set up your Go development environment first. If this is your first time, the offical install guide is probably a good place to start. Make sure you have GOPATH/bin in your PATH, using the instructions here as guidance on doing that.

In addition to installing Go, there are a couple of tool dependencies you'll need. These are:

You can install these yourself following the instructions on their github pages, or you can run...

make setup

This runs the script scripts/, which will install these tools for you.


With your Go development environment set up, use make to build azbrowse.

Take a look at the Makefile yourself, but the main rules are:

Run Tests and Build
make build

Running integration tests (requires a full terminal)

make integration
Install Local Development Build
make install

Automated builds

The CircleCI build runs the golang build, unit tests and linting. The AzureDevOps build run the integration tests under XTerm.

Running locally
make integration && make ci-docker

To run the full Travis-CI locally, you need to have the TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER environment variable defined, so running it as follows may be easier:

TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER=0.1 make ci-docker


Issues on the repository track plans, I'd love help so feel free to comment on an issue you'd like to work on and we'll go from there.

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL