Agones Game Server Client SDKs
Table of Contents
The SDKs are integration points for game servers with Agones itself.
They are required for a game server to work with Agones.
The current supported SDKs are:
The SDKs are relatively thin wrappers around gRPC generated clients, or an implementation of the REST API (exposed via grpc-gateway), where gRPC client generation and compilation isn't well supported.
They connect to a small process that Agones coordinates to run alongside the Game Server
in a Kubernetes Pod
This means that more languages can be supported in the future with minimal effort
(but pull requests are welcome! 😊 ).
Function Reference
While each of the SDKs are canonical to their languages, they all have the following functions that implement the core responsibilities of the SDK.
For language specific documentation, have a look at the respective source (linked above), and the examples.
This tells Agones that the Game Server is ready to take player connections.
Once a Game Server has specified that it is Ready
, then the Kubernetes
GameServer record will be moved to the Ready
state, and the details
for its public address and connection port will be populated.
This sends a single ping to designate that the Game Server is alive and
healthy. Failure to send pings within the configured thresholds will result
in the GameServer being marked as Unhealthy
See the gameserver.yaml for all health checking configurations.
This tells Agones to shut down the currently running game server.
The GameServer state will be set Shutdown
and the
backing Pod will be deleted, if they have not shut themselves down already.
SetLabel(key, value)
This will set a Label value on the backing GameServer
record that is stored in Kubernetes. To maintain isolation, the key
value is automatically prefixed with ""
Note: There are limits on the characters that be used for label keys and values. Details are here.
This can be useful if you want to information from your running game server process to be observable or searchable through the Kubernetes API.
SetAnnotation(key, value)
This will set a Annotation value on the backing
record that is stored in Kubernetes. To maintain isolation, the key
value is automatically prefixed with ""
This can be useful if you want to information from your running game server process to be observable through the Kubernetes API.
This returns most of the backing GameServer configuration and Status. This can be useful for instances where you may want to know Health check configuration, or the IP and Port the GameServer is currently allocated to.
Since the GameServer contains an entire PodTemplate the returned object is limited to that configuration that was deemed useful. If there are areas that you feel are missing, please file an issue or pull request.
The easiest way to see what is exposed, is to check the sdk.proto
specifically at the message GameServer
For language specific documentation, have a look at the respective source (linked above), and the examples.
This executes the passed in callback with the current GameServer
details whenever the underlying GameServer
configuration is updated.
This can be useful to track GameServer > Status > State
changes, metadata
changes, such as labels and annotations, and more.
In combination with this SDK, manipulating Annotations and
Labels can also be a useful way to communicate information through to running game server processes from outside those processes.
This is especially useful when combined with FleetAllocation
applied metadata.
Since the GameServer contains an entire PodTemplate the returned object is limited to that configuration that was deemed useful. If there are areas that you feel are missing, please file an issue or pull request.
The easiest way to see what is exposed, is to check the sdk.proto
specifically at the message GameServer
For language specific documentation, have a look at the respective source (linked above), and the examples.
Local Development
When the game server is running on Agones, the SDK communicates over TCP to a small gRPC server that Agones coordinated to run in a container in the same network namespace as it - usually referred to in Kubernetes terms as a "sidecar".
Therefore, when developing locally, we also need a process for the SDK to connect to!
To do this, we can run the same binary that runs inside Agones, but pass in a flag to run it in "local mode". Local mode means that the sidecar binary won't try and connect to anything, and will just send logs messages to stdout so that you can see exactly what the SDK in your game server is doing, and can confirm everything works.
To do this you will need to download the latest agonessdk-server-{VERSION}.zip from releases, and unzip it. You will find the executables for the SDK server, one for each type of operating system.
- Windowssdk-server.darwin.amd64
- macOSsdk-server.linux.amd64
- Linux
To run in local mode, pass the flag --local
to the executable.
For example:
$ ./sidecar.linux.amd64 --local
{"ctlConf":{"Address":"localhost","IsLocal":true,"LocalFile":""},"grpcPort":59357,"httpPort":59358,"level":"info","msg":"Starting sdk sidecar","source":"main","time":"2018-08-25T18:01:58-07:00","version":"0.4.0-b44960a8"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Starting SDKServer grpc service...","source":"main","time":"2018-08-25T18:01:58-07:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Starting SDKServer grpc-gateway...","source":"main","time":"2018-08-25T18:01:58-07:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Ready request has been received!","time":"2017-12-22T16:09:19-08:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Shutdown request has been received!","time":"2017-12-22T16:10:19-08:00"}
Providing your own GameServer
configuration for local development
By default, the local sdk-server will create a dummy GameServer
configuration that is used for GameServer()
and WatchGameServer()
SDK calls. If you wish to provide your own configuration, as either yaml or json, this
can be passed through as either --file
or -f
along with the --local
If the GamerServer
configuration file is changed while the local server is running,
this will be picked up by the local server, and will change the current active configuration, as well as sending out
events for WatchGameServer()
. This is a useful way of testing functionality, such as changes of state from Ready
in your game server code.
File modification events can fire more than one for each save (for a variety of reasons), but it's best practice to ensure handlers that implement
be idempotent regardless, as repeats can happen when live as well.
For example:
$ ./sdk-server.linux.amd64 --local -f ../../../examples/simple-udp/gameserver.yaml
{"ctlConf":{"Address":"localhost","IsLocal":true,"LocalFile":"../../../examples/simple-udp/gameserver.yaml"},"grpcPort":59357,"httpPort":59358,"level":"info","msg":"Starting sdk sidecar","source":"main","time":"2018-08-25T17:56:39-07:00","version":"0.4.0-b44960a8"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Reading GameServer configuration","path":"/home/user/workspace/agones/src/","source":"main","time":"2018-08-25T17:56:39-07:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Starting SDKServer grpc service...","source":"main","time":"2018-08-25T17:56:39-07:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Starting SDKServer grpc-gateway...","source":"main","time":"2018-08-25T17:56:39-07:00"}
Writing your own SDK
If there isn't a SDK for the language and platform you are looking for, you have several options:
gRPC Client Generation
If client generation is well supported by gRPC, then generate a client from the sdk.proto, and look at the current sdks to see how the wrappers are implemented to make interaction with the SDK server simpler for the user.
REST API Implementation
If client generation is not well supported by gRPC, or if there are other complicating factors, implement the SDK through the REST HTTP+JSON interface. This could be written by hand, or potentially generated from the Swagger/OpenAPI Spec.
Finally, if you build something that would be usable by the community, please submit a pull request!
Building the Local Tools
If you wish to build the binaries for local development from source
the make
target build-agones-sdk-binary
will compile the necessary binaries
for all supported operating systems (64 bit windows, linux and osx).
You can find the binaries in the bin
folder in cmd/sdk-server
once compilation is complete.
See Developing, Testing and Building Agones for more details.