Welcome to TestKube Artillery Executor
TestKube Artillery Executor is a test executor for TestKube.
You can use it to perform load and performance testing for your application running on the cluster.
What is an Executor?
Executor is nothing more than a program wrapped into Docker container which gets JSON (testube.Execution) OpenAPI based document as an input and returns a stream of JSON output lines (testkube.ExecutorOutput), where each output line is simply wrapped in this JSON, similar to the structured logging idea.
Why Artillery ?
Artillery is a modern, powerful & easy-to-use performance testing toolkit. Use it to ship scalable applications that stay performant & resilient under high load.
Artillery prioritizes developer productivity and happiness, and follows the "batteries-included" philosophy.
You need to register and deploy the executor in your cluster
apiVersion: executor.testkube.io/v1
kind: Executor
name: artillery-executor
namespace: testkube
image: kubeshop/testkube-executor-artillery:latest
- artillery/test
kubectl apply -f examples/artillery-executor.yaml
To Create And Run Artillery based tests run following commands
kubectl testkube create test --git-uri https://github.com/kubeshop/testkube-executor-artillery.git --git-branch main --git-path examples/test.yaml --name artillery-example-test --test-content-type git-file --type artillery/test
kubectl testkube run test artillery-example-test -f
To Download Artillery Test Report
kubectl-testkube download artifacts [ Test ExecutionID ] --download-dir [ Destination Directory ]
Issues and enchancements
Please follow the main TestKube repository for reporting any issues or discussions
For more info go to main testkube repo