Welcome to TestKube ZAP Executor
TestKube ZAP Executor is a test executor to run ZED attack proxy scans with Testkube.
Your Testkube installation comes directly with the ZAP executor.
In case you want to build and deploy the executor yourself, you need to build the image first, and then register the executor and deploy it in your cluster.
kubectl apply -f examples/zap-executor.yaml
Issue the following commands to create and start a ZAP test for a given YAML configuration file:
kubectl testkube create test --file contrib/executor/zap/examples/zap-tk-api.yaml --type "zap/api" --name api-test --copy-files contrib/executor/zap/examples/zap-tk-api.conf:zap-tk-api.conf
kubectl testkube run test --watch api-test
kubectl testkube create test --file contrib/executor/zap/examples/zap-tk-baseline.yaml --type "zap/baseline" --name baseline-test --copy-files contrib/executor/zap/examples/zap-tk-baseline.conf:zap-tk-baseline.conf
kubectl testkube run test --watch baseline-test
kubectl testkube create test --file contrib/executor/zap/examples/zap-tk-full.yaml --type "zap/full" --name full-test --copy-files contrib/executor/zap/examples/zap-tk-full.conf:zap-tk-full.conf
kubectl testkube run test --watch full-test
kubectl testkube create test --git-uri https://github.com/kubeshop/testkube.git --type "zap/api" --name git-api-test --executor-args "zap-api.yaml" --git-branch main --git-path contrib/executor/zap/examples
kubectl testkube run test --watch git-api-test
kubectl testkube create test --git-uri https://github.com/kubeshop/testkube.git --type "zap/baseline" --name git-baseline-test --executor-args "zap-baseline.yaml" --git-branch main --git-path contrib/executor/zap/examples
kubectl testkube run test --watch git-baseline-test **
kubectl testkube create test --git-uri https://github.com/kubeshop/testkube.git --type "zap/full" --name git-full-test --executor-args "zap-full.yaml" --git-branch main --git-path contrib/executor/zap/examples
kubectl testkube run test --watch full-test-git
The required ZAP arguments and options need to be specified via a dedicated YAML configuration file, e.g.
# -t the target API definition
target: https://www.example.com/openapi.json
# -f the API format, openapi, soap, or graphql
format: openapi
# -O the hostname to override in the (remote) OpenAPI spec
hostname: https://www.example.com
# -S safe mode this will skip the active scan and perform a baseline scan
safe: true
# -c config file
config: examples/zap-api.conf
# -d show debug messages
debug: true
# -s short output
short: false
# -l minimum level to show: PASS, IGNORE, INFO, WARN or FAIL
level: INFO
# -c context file
context: examples/context.config
# username to use for authenticated scans
user: anonymous
# delay in seconds to wait for passive scanning
delay: 5
# max time in minutes to wait for ZAP to start and the passive scan to run
time: 60
# ZAP command line options
zap_options: -config aaa=bbb
# -I should ZAP fail on warnings
fail_on_warn: false
Issues and Enchancements
Please report all issues.