Welcome to testkube Postman Executor
Kubetest Postman Executor Job Agent testkube
Issues and enchancements
Please follow to main testkube repository for reporting any issues or discussions
Agent is wrapped as Kubernetes Job on new test execution.
Input: JSON - testkube.Execution as input, and JSON structured log as output.
Passing secrets
It's possible to pass data from kubernetes secrets attached to each executed test. Current implementation assumes that the environment variable RUNNER_SECRET_ENV{n} contains postman env file data. It's automatically processed and added to existing test execution env values. These secrets envs are defined when the test execution is initiated.
Look at architecture diagrams in docs
Path | Synopsis |
struct autogenerated from output file some fields could be missing example command newman run jw1.postman_collection.json --reporters cli,json --reporter-json-export outputfile.json
struct autogenerated from output file some fields could be missing example command newman run jw1.postman_collection.json --reporters cli,json --reporter-json-export outputfile.json |
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