How to run the example
In the docker_compose
folder there is the environment to run the observability software.
Run the dockerized example:
make image
cd docker_compose && make up
Run local krakend instances and other services in docker compose
Since the docker-compose environment runs in its own network, in order to reach
your local running services, you need to provide it with your network visible ip:
you might have for example localhost
that maps to
and an IP
assigned to your ethernet interface, that could be
for example. The
localhost one will not when used from a container, however, the other one can
be used to gather data from your running services (that is needed to scrape
prometheus metrics).
So, you should run:
export KRAKEND_LOCAL_IP="{your non localhost machine ip}"
make conf
make run
What do you get
By running the example, you spawn 3 servers based on the Lura framework (we could
say the example is a super simplified KrakenD CE).
: the one to receive the requests
: a middle krakend to check how traces are propagated
: a back krakend that makes request to
get some dummy data.
The config files can be found in:
Execute some requests
There is a bash script to make some requests, that you can run with:
bash ./
(You might want to edit the script to point to the dockerized version of the krakend frontend
server or the local one).
Access the dashboards
In both, the dockerized and the local options, you will end with some containers running some
services that you can use to check the metrics / traces: