A CLI tool to generate random messages and publish to cloud services like (SQS,SNS,PUB/SUB and etc.).
Generation of nested objects is not supported yet. However, it is gonna be added as soon as possible !
randomsg requires go with version 1.18+.
Install go and run:
go install "github.com/keremdokumaci/randomsg"@latest
After installation of randomsg, ready to use. Just run :
randomsg **args**
This table will be uptaded for new features.
Parameter |
Need to know |
Description |
--service |
sqs and sns are supported now. |
service which the message will be sent. |
--file |
.json files are supported now. |
file which has message format and service credentials. |
--count |
should be greater than 0. |
count of messages to publish |
--delay |
should be greater than or equal to 0. |
delay before each message publish. |
Sample Message File
You can find the sample in master branch as sample.json. All of the supported rules and types will be in that json.
- string
- all numeric fields (int,float ..)
- time
- bool
- min & max for numeric types
- startsWith & endsWith for string type.
- format for string type.
- available values for format : uuid
Feel free to contribute !