Table of Contents
- Serverless
- REST API for Apache Kafka
- URL Shortener
- Dropzone.js
- Caddy
- Bootstrapper
- Project Structure 🔥
- Monitor
- Database
- HTTP Server
- Public Test Domain
- UNIX socket file
- Letsencrypt (Automatic Certifications)
- Socket Sharding (SO_REUSEPORT)
- Graceful Shutdown
- Notify on shutdown
- Custom TCP Listener
- Custom HTTP Server
- Timeout
- HTTP Client
- Configuration
- Routing
- Party Controller NEW
- Overview
- Basic
- Custom HTTP Errors
- HTTP Wire Errors NEW
- Not Found - Intelligence
- Dynamic Path
- Middleware
- Per Route
- Globally
- Remove a Handler
- Share Values
- Handlers Execution Rule
- Route Register Rule
- Convert net/http Handlers
- Rewrite Middleware
- Route State
- Remove Route
- Reverse Routing
- Router Wrapper
- Custom Router
- Subdomains
- HTTP Method Override
- API Versioning
- Sitemap
- Logging
- API Documentation
- Testing
- Recovery
- Profiling
- File Server
- File Server
- HTTP/2 Push Targets
- HTTP/2 Push Targets (Embedded)
- HTTP/2 Push Targets (Gzipped Embedded)
- Favicon
- Basic
- Embedding Files Into App Executable File
- Embedding Gzipped Files Into App Executable File
- Send Files (rate limiter included)
- Single Page Applications
- Upload File
- Upload Multiple Files
- WebDAV
- View
- Overview
- Layout
- Basic
- A simple Layout
- Layouts:
tmpl funcs - The
template func - The
template func - Inject Data Between Handlers
- Inject Engine Between Handlers
- Embedding Templates Into App Executable File
- Write to a custom
- Parse a Template from Text
- Blocks
- Blocks Embedded
- Pug:
- Pug:
- Pug Embedded`
- Ace
- Django
- Amber
- Amber Embedded
- Jet
- Jet Embedded
- Jet 'urlpath' tmpl func
- Jet Template Funcs from Struct
- Handlebars
- Third-Parties
- Request ID
- Request Rate Limit
- Request Referrer
- Webassembly
- Request Body
- Response Writer
- Compression
- Localization and Internationalization
- Authentication, Authorization & Bot Detection
- Recommended: Auth package and Single-Sign-On NEW (GO 1.18 Generics required)
- Basic Authentication
- JSON Web Tokens
- JWT (community edition)
- OAUth2
- Manage Permissions
- Google reCAPTCHA
- hCaptcha
- Cookies
- Sessions
- Websocket
- Dependency Injection
- Overview
- Repository and Service layers
- Hello world
- Basic
- Default request values
- Singleton
- Regexp
- Session Controller
- Authenticated Controller
- Versioned Controller
- Websocket Controller
- Websocket + Authentication (Single-Sign-On) NEW (GO 1.18 Generics required)
- Register Middleware
- gRPC
- gRPC Bidirectional Stream
- Login (Repository and Service layers)
- Login (Single Responsibility)
- Vue.js Todo App
- HTTP Error Handler
- Error Handler
- Handle errors using mvc.Result
- Handle errors using PreflightResult
- Handle errors by hijacking the result
- Desktop Applications
- Middlewares (Community)
Path | Synopsis |
Package main integrates the "rs/cors" net/http middleware into Iris.
Package main integrates the "rs/cors" net/http middleware into Iris. |
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: assets/css/main.css assets/favicon.ico assets/js/main.js
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: assets/css/main.css assets/favicon.ico assets/js/main.js |
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: ../embedding-files-into-app/assets/css/main.css ../embedding-files-into-app/assets/favicon.ico ../embedding-files-into-app/assets/js/main.js
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: ../embedding-files-into-app/assets/css/main.css ../embedding-files-into-app/assets/favicon.ico ../embedding-files-into-app/assets/js/main.js |
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: ../http2push/assets/app2/app2app3/css/main.css ../http2push/assets/app2/app2app3/dirs/dir1/text.txt ../http2push/assets/app2/app2app3/dirs/dir2/text.txt ../http2push/assets/app2/app2app3/dirs/text.txt ../http2push/assets/app2/app2app3/index.html ../http2push/assets/app2/index.html ../http2push/assets/app2/mydir/text.txt ../http2push/assets/css/main.css ../http2push/assets/favicon.ico ../http2push/assets/index.html ../http2push/assets/js/main.js
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: ../http2push/assets/app2/app2app3/css/main.css ../http2push/assets/app2/app2app3/dirs/dir1/text.txt ../http2push/assets/app2/app2app3/dirs/dir2/text.txt ../http2push/assets/app2/app2app3/dirs/text.txt ../http2push/assets/app2/app2app3/index.html ../http2push/assets/app2/index.html ../http2push/assets/app2/mydir/text.txt ../http2push/assets/css/main.css ../http2push/assets/favicon.ico ../http2push/assets/index.html ../http2push/assets/js/main.js |
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: ../http2push/assets/app2/app2app3/css/main.css ../http2push/assets/app2/app2app3/dirs/dir1/text.txt ../http2push/assets/app2/app2app3/dirs/dir2/text.txt ../http2push/assets/app2/app2app3/dirs/text.txt ../http2push/assets/app2/app2app3/index.html ../http2push/assets/app2/index.html ../http2push/assets/app2/mydir/text.txt ../http2push/assets/css/main.css ../http2push/assets/favicon.ico ../http2push/assets/index.html ../http2push/assets/js/main.js
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: ../http2push/assets/app2/app2app3/css/main.css ../http2push/assets/app2/app2app3/dirs/dir1/text.txt ../http2push/assets/app2/app2app3/dirs/dir2/text.txt ../http2push/assets/app2/app2app3/dirs/text.txt ../http2push/assets/app2/app2app3/index.html ../http2push/assets/app2/index.html ../http2push/assets/app2/mydir/text.txt ../http2push/assets/css/main.css ../http2push/assets/favicon.ico ../http2push/assets/index.html ../http2push/assets/js/main.js |
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: data/public/app.js data/public/app2/index.html data/public/css/main.css data/views/index.html
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: data/public/app.js data/public/app2/index.html data/public/css/main.css data/views/index.html |
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: public/app.js public/css/main.css public/index.html
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: public/app.js public/css/main.css public/index.html |
Package main simply shows how you can getting started with Iris and Vue Router.
Package main simply shows how you can getting started with Iris and Vue Router. |
Package main provide one-line integration with
Package main provide one-line integration with |
Package main shows how to create a quite fast custom Log Formatter.
Package main shows how to create a quite fast custom Log Formatter. |
Package main is a proxy + accesslog example.
Package main is a proxy + accesslog example. |
Package main shows how to use a dependency to check if a user is logged in using a special custom Go type `Authenticated`, which when, present on a controller's method or a field then it limits the visibility to "authenticated" users only.
Package main shows how to use a dependency to check if a user is logged in using a special custom Go type `Authenticated`, which when, present on a controller's method or a field then it limits the visibility to "authenticated" users only. |
Package main implements a client for Greeter service.
Package main implements a client for Greeter service. |
Package main shows how you can add middleware to an mvc Application, simply by using its `Router` which is a sub router(an iris.Party) of the main iris app.
Package main shows how you can add middleware to an mvc Application, simply by using its `Router` which is a sub router(an iris.Party) of the main iris app. |
If you want to use it as middleware for the entire controller you can use its router which is just a sub router to add it as you normally do with standard API: I'll show you 4 different methods for adding a middleware into an mvc application, all of those 4 do exactly the same thing, select what you prefer, I prefer the last code-snippet when I need the middleware to be registered somewhere else as well, otherwise I am going with the first one: “`go // 1 mvc.Configure(app.Party("/user"), func(m *mvc.Application) { m.Router.Use(cache.Handler(10*time.Second)) }) “` “`go // 2 // same: userRouter := app.Party("/user") userRouter.Use(cache.Handler(10*time.Second)) mvc.Configure(userRouter, ...) “` “`go // 3 // same: userRouter := app.Party("/user", cache.Handler(10*time.Second)) mvc.Configure(userRouter, ...) “` “`go // 4 // same: app.PartyFunc("/user", func(r iris.Party){ r.Use(cache.Handler(10*time.Second)) mvc.Configure(r, ...) }) “` If you want to use a middleware for a single route, for a single controller's method that is already registered by the engine and not by custom `Handle` (which you can add the middleware there on the last parameter) and it's not depend on the `Next Handler` to do its job then you just call it on the method: “`go var myMiddleware := myMiddleware.New(...) // this should return an iris/context.Handler type UserController struct{} func (c *UserController) GetSomething(ctx iris.Context) { // ctx.Proceed checks if myMiddleware called `ctx.Next()` // inside it and returns true if so, otherwise false.
If you want to use it as middleware for the entire controller you can use its router which is just a sub router to add it as you normally do with standard API: I'll show you 4 different methods for adding a middleware into an mvc application, all of those 4 do exactly the same thing, select what you prefer, I prefer the last code-snippet when I need the middleware to be registered somewhere else as well, otherwise I am going with the first one: “`go // 1 mvc.Configure(app.Party("/user"), func(m *mvc.Application) { m.Router.Use(cache.Handler(10*time.Second)) }) “` “`go // 2 // same: userRouter := app.Party("/user") userRouter.Use(cache.Handler(10*time.Second)) mvc.Configure(userRouter, ...) “` “`go // 3 // same: userRouter := app.Party("/user", cache.Handler(10*time.Second)) mvc.Configure(userRouter, ...) “` “`go // 4 // same: app.PartyFunc("/user", func(r iris.Party){ r.Use(cache.Handler(10*time.Second)) mvc.Configure(r, ...) }) “` If you want to use a middleware for a single route, for a single controller's method that is already registered by the engine and not by custom `Handle` (which you can add the middleware there on the last parameter) and it's not depend on the `Next Handler` to do its job then you just call it on the method: “`go var myMiddleware := myMiddleware.New(...) // this should return an iris/context.Handler type UserController struct{} func (c *UserController) GetSomething(ctx iris.Context) { // ctx.Proceed checks if myMiddleware called `ctx.Next()` // inside it and returns true if so, otherwise false. |
Package main shows how to add done handlers in an MVC application without the necessity of `ctx.Next()` inside the controller's methods.
Package main shows how to add done handlers in an MVC application without the necessity of `ctx.Next()` inside the controller's methods. |
Package main shows how to match "/xxx.json" in MVC handler.
Package main shows how to match "/xxx.json" in MVC handler. |
package main contains an example on how to register a custom decoder for a custom type when using the `ReadQuery/ReadParams/ReadHeaders/ReadForm` methods.
package main contains an example on how to register a custom decoder for a custom type when using the `ReadQuery/ReadParams/ReadHeaders/ReadForm` methods. |
package main contains an example on how to use the ReadForm, but with the same way you can do the ReadJSON & ReadJSON
package main contains an example on how to use the ReadForm, but with the same way you can do the ReadJSON & ReadJSON |
package main contains an example on how to use the ReadHeaders, same way you can do the ReadQuery, ReadJSON, ReadProtobuf and e.t.c.
package main contains an example on how to use the ReadHeaders, same way you can do the ReadQuery, ReadJSON, ReadProtobuf and e.t.c. |
Package main shows the validator(latest, version 10) integration with Iris' Context methods of `ReadJSON`, `ReadXML`, `ReadMsgPack`, `ReadYAML`, `ReadForm`, `ReadQuery`, `ReadBody`.
Package main shows the validator(latest, version 10) integration with Iris' Context methods of `ReadJSON`, `ReadXML`, `ReadMsgPack`, `ReadYAML`, `ReadForm`, `ReadQuery`, `ReadBody`. |
package main contains an example on how to use the ReadParams, same way you can do the ReadQuery, ReadJSON, ReadProtobuf and e.t.c.
package main contains an example on how to use the ReadParams, same way you can do the ReadQuery, ReadJSON, ReadProtobuf and e.t.c. |
package main contains an example on how to use the ReadQuery, same way you can do the ReadJSON & ReadProtobuf and e.t.c.
package main contains an example on how to use the ReadQuery, same way you can do the ReadJSON & ReadProtobuf and e.t.c. |
package main contains an example on how to use the ReadURL, same way you can do the ReadQuery, ReadParams, ReadJSON, ReadProtobuf and e.t.c.
package main contains an example on how to use the ReadURL, same way you can do the ReadQuery, ReadParams, ReadJSON, ReadProtobuf and e.t.c. |
Package main shows how you can use the `WriteWithExpiration` based on the "modtime", if it's newer than the request header then it will refresh the contents, otherwise will let the client (99.9% the browser) to handle the cache mechanism, it's faster than iris.Cache because server-side has nothing to do and no need to store the responses in the memory.
Package main shows how you can use the `WriteWithExpiration` based on the "modtime", if it's newer than the request header then it will refresh the contents, otherwise will let the client (99.9% the browser) to handle the cache mechanism, it's faster than iris.Cache because server-side has nothing to do and no need to store the responses in the memory. |
Package main contains three different ways to render content based on the client's accepted.
Package main contains three different ways to render content based on the client's accepted. |
Server push lets the server preemptively "push" website assets to the client without the user having explicitly asked for them.
Server push lets the server preemptively "push" website assets to the client without the user having explicitly asked for them. |
Package main shows how to send continuous event messages to the clients through SSE via a broker.
Package main shows how to send continuous event messages to the clients through SSE via a broker. |
Package main shows how you can register a custom parameter type and macro functions that belongs to it.
Package main shows how you can register a custom parameter type and macro functions that belongs to it. |
Package main is a simple example of the behavior change of the execution flow of the handlers, normally we need the `ctx.Next()` to call the next handler in a route's handler chain, but with the `ExecutionRules` we can change this default behavior.
Package main is a simple example of the behavior change of the execution flow of the handlers, normally we need the `ctx.Next()` to call the next handler in a route's handler chain, but with the `ExecutionRules` we can change this default behavior. |
Package main register static subdomains, simple as parties, check ./hosts if you use windows
Package main register static subdomains, simple as parties, check ./hosts if you use windows |
Package main an example on how to catch dynamic subdomains - wildcard.
Package main an example on how to catch dynamic subdomains - wildcard. |
Package main shows how you can share a function between handlers of the same chain.
Package main shows how you can share a function between handlers of the same chain. |
Package main shows how you can create a simple URL Shortener.
Package main shows how you can create a simple URL Shortener. |
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: templates/layouts/layout.html templates/layouts/mylayout.html templates/page1.html templates/partials/page1_partial1.html
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: templates/layouts/layout.html templates/layouts/mylayout.html templates/page1.html templates/partials/page1_partial1.html |
Code generated by hero.
Code generated by hero. |
Package main shows how to parse a template through custom byte slice content.
Package main shows how to parse a template through custom byte slice content. |
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: ../template_amber_0/views/index.amber ../template_amber_0/views/layouts/main.amber
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: ../template_amber_0/views/index.amber ../template_amber_0/views/layouts/main.amber |
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: ../template_blocks_0/views/500.html ../template_blocks_0/views/index.html ../template_blocks_0/views/layouts/error.html ../template_blocks_0/views/layouts/main.html ../template_blocks_0/views/partials/footer.html
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: ../template_blocks_0/views/500.html ../template_blocks_0/views/index.html ../template_blocks_0/views/layouts/error.html ../template_blocks_0/views/layouts/main.html ../template_blocks_0/views/partials/footer.html |
Package main an example on how to naming your routes & use the custom 'url path' HTML Template Engine, same for other template engines.
Package main an example on how to naming your routes & use the custom 'url path' HTML Template Engine, same for other template engines. |
Package main an example on how to naming your routes & use the custom 'url' HTML Template Engine, same for other template engines.
Package main an example on how to naming your routes & use the custom 'url' HTML Template Engine, same for other template engines. |
Package main shows how to use jet template parser with ease using the Iris built-in Jet view engine.
Package main shows how to use jet template parser with ease using the Iris built-in Jet view engine. |
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: views/includes/_partial.jet views/includes/blocks.jet views/index.jet views/layouts/application.jet Package main shows how to use jet templates embedded in your application with ease using the Iris built-in Jet view engine.
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: views/includes/_partial.jet views/includes/blocks.jet views/index.jet views/layouts/application.jet Package main shows how to use jet templates embedded in your application with ease using the Iris built-in Jet view engine. |
Package main an example on how to naming your routes & use the custom 'url path' Jet Template Engine.
Package main an example on how to naming your routes & use the custom 'url path' Jet Template Engine. |
Package main shows an example of pug actions based on
Package main shows an example of pug actions based on |
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: templates/index.pug templates/layout.pug
Package main generated by go-bindata.// sources: templates/index.pug templates/layout.pug |
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.