Installing Go on ARM
Some of the tools here are written in Go and require the Go toolchain to be installed in order to complile
them. The tools can be installed on Linux, OS-X and Windows to run on x86 and ARM. For x86 and i386 installas download a binary
package starting from, for ARM installs visit for
info and follow these instructions (tested on a BBB running Ubuntu 14.04, on an RPi replace armv7-1
by armv6-1
sudo -s
cd /usr/local
curl | tar zxf -
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin" >>/etc/profile.d/
echo 'export GOPATH=$HOME/go' >>~/.profile
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin' >>~/.profile
mkdir $HOME/go
Now make sure Go functions:
source /etc/profile.d/ # not necessary the next time you log in
source ~/.profile # not necessary the next time you log in
go version
This should print out go version go1.4 linux/arm
If you later need to upgrade Go to a later version, my recommendation would be:
sudo -s
cd /usr/local
mv go `cat go/VERSION`
curl | tar zxf -
Above "arm7-1" confirmed to also work on Odroid-C1, 2015-02-09.