Index ¶
- Constants
- func AddUserToConfig(user string, token string, config *api.Config) (*api.Config, error)
- func CertificateAuthorityData(config *api.Config, context *api.Context) []byte
- func Cluster(config *api.Config) string
- func CurrentCluster(config *api.Config) (string, *api.Cluster)
- func CurrentContext(config *api.Config) *api.Context
- func CurrentContextName(config *api.Config) string
- func CurrentNamespace(config *api.Config) string
- func CurrentServer(config *api.Config) string
- func IsInCluster() bool
- func LazyCreateDynamicClient(client dynamic.Interface) (dynamic.Interface, error)
- func LazyCreateKubeClient(client kubernetes.Interface) (kubernetes.Interface, error)
- func LazyCreateKubeClientAndNamespace(client kubernetes.Interface, ns string) (kubernetes.Interface, string, error)
- func LoadConfig() (*api.Config, *clientcmd.PathOptions, error)
- func Server(config *api.Config, context *api.Context) string
- func SortListWatchByName(listWatch *cache.ListWatch)
- func SortRuntimeObjectsByName(objects []runtime.Object)
- func UpdateConfig(namespace string, server string, caData string, user string, token string) error
- type ByName
Constants ¶
const ( // DefaultNamespace the standard namespace for Jenkins X DefaultNamespace = "jx" // PodNamespaceFile the file path and name for pod namespace PodNamespaceFile = "/var/run/secrets/" )
const ( // DefaultChartMuseumURL default URL for Jenkins X Charts DefaultChartMuseumURL = "" // DefaultChartMuseumJxRepoName default repo name for Jenkins X Charts DefaultChartMuseumJxRepoName = "jenkins-x" // ChartAmbassador the default chart for ambassador ChartAmbassador = "datawire/ambassador" // ChartAnchore the default chart for the Anchore plugin ChartAnchore = "stable/anchore-engine" // ChartExposecontrollerService the default name of the Exposecontroller Service chart for Edit environments ChartExposecontrollerService = "jenkins-x/exposecontroller-service" // ChartAnchore the default chart for the Anchore plugin ChartPipelineEvent = "jenkins-x/pipeline-events-addon" // ChartGitea the default name of the gitea chart ChartGitea = "jenkins-x/gitea" // ChartFlagger the default chart for the Flagger chart ChartFlagger = "flagger/flagger" ChartFlaggerGrafana = "flagger/grafana" DefaultFlaggerReleaseName = "flagger" // ChartIstio the default chart for the Istio chart ChartIstio = "install/kubernetes/helm/istio" // ChartKubeless the default chart for kubeless ChartKubeless = "incubator/kubeless" // ChartProw the default chart for Prow ChartProw = "jenkins-x/prow" // ChartKnative the default chart for knative ChartKnativeBuild = "jenkins-x/knative-build" // ChartBuildTemplates the build templates for Knative Build ChartBuildTemplates = "jenkins-x/jx-build-templates" // ChartTekton the default chart for tekton ChartTekton = "jenkins-x/tekton" // DefaultProwReleaseName the default helm release name for Prow DefaultProwReleaseName = "jx-prow" // DefaultKnativeBuildReleaseName the default helm release name for knative build DefaultKnativeBuildReleaseName = "knative-build" // DefaultTektonReleaseName the default helm release name for tekton DefaultTektonReleaseName = "tekton" // DefaultBuildTemplatesReleaseName the default helm release name for the knative build templates DefaultBuildTemplatesReleaseName = "jx-build-templates" // Charts Single Sign-On addon ChartSsoOperator = "jenkins-x/sso-operator" DefaultSsoOperatorReleaseName = "jx-sso-operator" ChartSsoDex = "jenkins-x/dex" DefaultSsoDexReleaseName = "jx-sso-dex" // ChartVaultOperator the default chart for vault opeator ChartVaultOperator = "jenkins-x/vault-operator" DefaultVaultOperatorReleaseName = "vault-operator" //ChartExternalDNS the default chart for external-dns ChartOwnerExternalDNS = "bitnami" ChartURLExternalDNS = "" ChartExternalDNS = "bitnami/external-dns" DefaultExternalDNSReleaseName = "external-dns" DefaultExternalDNSTag = "1.5.2" // SecretKaniko the name of the secret containing the kaniko service account SecretKaniko = "kaniko-secret" // SecretVelero the name of the secret containing the velero service account SecretVelero = "velero-secret" // #nosec // ServiceJenkins is the name of the Jenkins Service ServiceJenkins = "jenkins" // SecretJenkins is the name of the Jenkins secret SecretJenkins = "jenkins" // ServiceChartMuseum the service name of the Helm ChartMuseum service ServiceChartMuseum = "jenkins-x-chartmuseum" // ServiceKubernetesDashboard the Kubernetes dashboard ServiceKubernetesDashboard = "jenkins-x-kubernetes-dashboard" // SecretJenkinsChartMuseum the chart museum secret SecretJenkinsChartMuseum = "jenkins-x-chartmuseum" // SecretBucketRepo the bucket repo secret if using it as a chart repositoru SecretBucketRepo = "jenkins-x-bucketrepo" // SecretJenkinsReleaseGPG the GPG secrets for doing releases SecretJenkinsReleaseGPG = "jenkins-release-gpg" // SecretJenkinsPipelinePrefix prefix for a jenkins pipeline secret name SecretJenkinsPipelinePrefix = "jx-pipeline-" // SecretJenkinsPipelineAddonCredentials the chat credentials secret SecretJenkinsPipelineAddonCredentials = "jx-pipeline-addon-" // #nosec // SecretJenkinsPipelineChatCredentials the chat credentials secret SecretJenkinsPipelineChatCredentials = "jx-pipeline-chat-" // SecretJenkinsPipelineGitCredentials the git credentials secret SecretJenkinsPipelineGitCredentials = "jx-pipeline-git-" // #nosec // SecretJenkinsPipelineIssueCredentials the issue tracker credentials secret SecretJenkinsPipelineIssueCredentials = "jx-pipeline-issues-" // #nosec // ConfigMapExposecontroller the name of the ConfigMap with the Exposecontroller configuration ConfigMapExposecontroller = "exposecontroller" // ConfigMapIngressConfig the new name of the ConfigMap with the Exposecontroller configuration ConfigMapIngressConfig = "ingress-config" // ConfigMapJenkinsX the name of the ConfigMap with the Jenkins configuration ConfigMapJenkinsX = "jenkins" // ConfigMapJenkinsPodTemplates is the ConfigMap containing all the Pod Templates available ConfigMapJenkinsPodTemplates = "jenkins-x-pod-templates" // ConfigMapJenkinsTeamController is the ConfigMap containing the TeamController config files ConfigMapJenkinsTeamController = "jenkins-x-team-controller" // ConfigMapJenkinsDockerRegistry is the ConfigMap containing the Docker Registry configuration ConfigMapJenkinsDockerRegistry = "jenkins-x-docker-registry" // ConfigMapNameJXInstallConfig is the ConfigMap containing the jx installation's CA and server url. Used by jx login ConfigMapNameJXInstallConfig = "jx-install-config" // LocalHelmRepoName is the default name of the local chart repository where CI/CD releases go to LocalHelmRepoName = "releases" // DeploymentTektonController the name of the Deployment for the Tekton Pipeline controller DeploymentTektonController = "tekton-pipelines-controller" // DeploymentExposecontrollerService the name of the Deployment for the Exposecontroller Service DeploymentExposecontrollerService = "exposecontroller-service" // DeploymentProwBuild the name of the Deployment for the Prow webhook engine DeploymentProwBuild = "prow-build" // DefaultEnvironmentGitRepoURL the default git repository used for environments when using helm 2 DefaultEnvironmentGitRepoURL = "" // DefaultEnvironmentHelmfileGitRepoURL the default git repository used for remote environments with helmfile DefaultEnvironmentHelmfileGitRepoURL = "" // DefaultEnvironmentHelmfileLocalGitRepoURL the default git repository used for local environments with helmfile DefaultEnvironmentHelmfileLocalGitRepoURL = "" DefaultOrganisationGitRepoURL = "" // AnnotationTitle the human readable name of a resource which can include mixed case, spaces and punctuation AnnotationTitle = "title" // AnnotationDescription the tooltip / texual description of an resource AnnotationDescription = "description" // LabelGitSync to indicate whether or not to sync this resource to GitOps LabelGitSync = "" // LabelKind to indicate the kind of auth, such as Git or Issue LabelKind = "" // ValueKindAddon an addon auth secret/credentials ValueKindAddon = "addon" // ValueKindChat a chat auth secret/credentials ValueKindChat = "chat" // ValueKindCVE an CVS App secret/credentials ValueKindCVE = "cve" // ValueKindEnvironmentRole to indicate a Role which maps to an EnvironmentRoleBinding ValueKindEnvironmentRole = "EnvironmentRole" // ValueKindGit a git auth secret/credentials ValueKindGit = "git" // ValueKindIssue an issue auth secret/credentials ValueKindIssue = "issue" // ValueKindChartmuseum a chartmuseum auth secret/credentials ValueKindChartmuseum = "chartmuseum" // ValueKindJenkins an Jenkins App secret/credentials ValueKindJenkins = "jenkins" // ValueKindCVE an addon auth PipelineEvent ValueKindPipelineEvent = "PipelineEvent" // ValueKindPodTemplate a PodTemplate in a ConfigMap ValueKindPodTemplate = "podTemplate" // ValueKindPodTemplateXML a PodTemplate XML in a ConfigMap ValueKindPodTemplateXML = "podTemplateXml" // ValueKindCVE an addon auth PipelineEvent ValueKindRelease = "Release" // ValueKindEditNamespace for edit namespace ValueKindEditNamespace = "editspace" // LabelServiceKind the label to indicate the auto Server's Kind LabelServiceKind = "" // LabelGithubAppOwner the label to indicate the owner of a repository for github app token secrets LabelGithubAppOwner = "" // LabelCreatedBy indicates the service that created this resource LabelCreatedBy = "" // LabelPodTemplate the name of the pod template for a DevPod LabelPodTemplate = "" // LabelDevPodName the name of a dev pod LabelDevPodName = "" // LabelDevPodUsername the user name owner of the DeVPod LabelDevPodUsername = "" // LabelDevPodGitPrefix used to label a devpod with the repository host, owner, repo LabelDevPodGitPrefix = "" // LabelUsername the user name owner of a namespace or resource LabelUsername = "" // ValueCreatedByJX for resources created by the Jenkins X CLI ValueCreatedByJX = "jx" // LabelCredentialsType the kind of jenkins credential for a secret LabelCredentialsType = "" // ValueCredentialTypeUsernamePassword for user password credential secrets ValueCredentialTypeUsernamePassword = "usernamePassword" // ValueCredentialTypeSecretFile for secret files ValueCredentialTypeSecretFile = "secretFile" // LabelTeam indicates the team name an environment belongs to LabelTeam = "team" // LabelEnvironment indicates the name of the environment LabelEnvironment = "env" // LabelValueDevEnvironment is the value of the LabelTeam label for Development environments (system namespace) LabelValueDevEnvironment = "dev" // LabelValueThisEnvironment is the value of the LabelTeam label for the current environment in remote clusters LabelValueThisEnvironment = "this" // LabelJobKind the kind of job LabelJobKind = "" // ValueJobKindPostPreview ValueJobKindPostPreview = "post-preview-step" // AnnotationURL indicates a service/server's URL AnnotationURL = "" // AnnotationExpose used to expose service using exposecontroller AnnotationExpose = "" // AnnotationIngress tells exposecontroller to annotate generated ingress rule with values AnnotationIngress = "" // AnnotationExposePort indicates to the exposecontroller which service port to expose //in case a service has multiple prots AnnotationExposePort = "" // AnnotationName indicates a service/server's textual name (can be mixed case, contain spaces unlike Kubernetes resources) AnnotationName = "" // AnnotationCredentialsDescription the description text for a Credential on a Secret AnnotationCredentialsDescription = "" // AnnotationWorkingDir the working directory, such as for a DevPod AnnotationWorkingDir = "" // AnnotationLocalDir the local directory that is sync'd to the DevPod AnnotationLocalDir = "" // AnnotationGitURLs the newline separated list of git URLs of the DevPods AnnotationGitURLs = "" // AnnotationGitReportState used to annotate what state has been reported to git AnnotationGitReportState = "" // AnnotationGitReportRunningStages used to annotate what stages were last reported to git as running AnnotationGitReportRunningStages = "" // AnnotationIsDefaultStorageClass used to indicate a storageclass is default AnnotationIsDefaultStorageClass = "" // AnnotationReleaseName is the name of the annotation that stores the release name in the preview environment AnnotationReleaseName = "" // AnnotationHost used to indicate the host if using NodePort Ingress resources on premise without a LoadBalancer AnnotationHost = "" // SecretDataUsername the username in a Secret/Credentials SecretDataUsername = "username" // SecretDataPassword the password in a Secret/Credentials SecretDataPassword = "password" // SecretBasicAuth the name for the Jenkins X basic auth secret SecretBasicAuth = "jx-basic-auth" // #nosec // JenkinsAdminApiToken the API token JenkinsAdminApiToken = "jenkins-admin-api-token" // JenkinsAdminUserField the admin user name JenkinsAdminUserField = "jenkins-admin-user" // JenkinsAdminPasswordField the password field JenkinsAdminPasswordField = "jenkins-admin-password" // JenkinsBearTokenField the bearer token JenkinsBearTokenField = "jenkins-bearer-token" AUTH = "auth" // Region stores the cloud region the cluster is installed on Region = "region" // Zone stores the cloud zone of the install Zone = "zone" // ProjectID stores the project ID used to install the cluster (a GKE thing mostly) ProjectID = "projectID" // ClusterName stores the name of the cluster that is created ClusterName = "clusterName" // KubeProvider stores the kubernetes provider name KubeProvider = "kubeProvider" // SystemVaultName stores the name of the system Vault created on install SystemVaultName = "systemVaultName" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AddUserToConfig ¶
AddUserToConfig adds the given user to the config
func CertificateAuthorityData ¶
CertificateAuthorityData returns the certificate authority data for the given context
func CurrentCluster ¶
CurrentCluster returns the current cluster
func CurrentContext ¶
CurrentContext returns the current context
func CurrentContextName ¶
CurrentContextName returns the current context name
func CurrentNamespace ¶
CurrentNamespace returns the current namespace in the context
func CurrentServer ¶
CurrentServer returns the current context's server
func LazyCreateDynamicClient ¶
LazyCreateDynamicClient lazily creates the dynamic client if its not defined
func LazyCreateKubeClient ¶
func LazyCreateKubeClient(client kubernetes.Interface) (kubernetes.Interface, error)
LazyCreateKubeClient lazy creates the kube client if its not defined
func LazyCreateKubeClientAndNamespace ¶
func LazyCreateKubeClientAndNamespace(client kubernetes.Interface, ns string) (kubernetes.Interface, string, error)
LazyCreateKubeClientAndNamespace lazy creates the kube client and/or the current namespace if not already defined
func LoadConfig ¶
func LoadConfig() (*api.Config, *clientcmd.PathOptions, error)
LoadConfig loads the Kubernetes configuration