Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
package v1alpha5 contains API Schema definitions for the infrastructure v1alpha5 API group +kubebuilder:object:generate=true
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func Convert_Map_string_To_Interface_To_v1beta1_BindingProfile(in map[string]string, out *infrav1.BindingProfile, _ conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_APIServerLoadBalancer_To_v1beta1_APIServerLoadBalancer(in *APIServerLoadBalancer, out *v1beta1.APIServerLoadBalancer, ...) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_AddressPair_To_v1beta1_AddressPair(in *AddressPair, out *v1beta1.AddressPair, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_Bastion_To_v1beta1_Bastion(in *Bastion, out *infrav1.Bastion, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_ExternalRouterIPParam_To_v1beta1_ExternalRouterIPParam(in *ExternalRouterIPParam, out *v1beta1.ExternalRouterIPParam, ...) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_FixedIP_To_v1beta1_FixedIP(in *FixedIP, out *v1beta1.FixedIP, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_Instance_To_v1beta1_BastionStatus(in *Instance, out *infrav1.BastionStatus, _ conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_LoadBalancer_To_v1beta1_LoadBalancer(in *LoadBalancer, out *v1beta1.LoadBalancer, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_NetworkFilter_To_v1beta1_NetworkFilter(_ *NetworkFilter, _ *infrav1.NetworkFilter, _ conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_NetworkFilter_To_v1beta1_NetworkParam(in *NetworkFilter, out *infrav1.NetworkParam, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_NetworkParam_To_v1beta1_NetworkParam(_ *NetworkParam, _ *infrav1.NetworkParam, _ conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_Network_To_v1beta1_NetworkStatus(in *Network, out *infrav1.NetworkStatus, _ conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_Network_To_v1beta1_NetworkStatusWithSubnets(in *Network, out *infrav1.NetworkStatusWithSubnets, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterList_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterList(in *OpenStackClusterList, out *v1beta1.OpenStackClusterList, ...) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterSpec_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterSpec(in *OpenStackClusterSpec, out *infrav1.OpenStackClusterSpec, ...) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterStatus_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterStatus(in *OpenStackClusterStatus, out *infrav1.OpenStackClusterStatus, ...) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateList_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateList(in *OpenStackClusterTemplateList, out *v1beta1.OpenStackClusterTemplateList, ...) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateResource_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateResource(in *OpenStackClusterTemplateResource, ...) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec(in *OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec, out *v1beta1.OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec, ...) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplate_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplate(in *OpenStackClusterTemplate, out *v1beta1.OpenStackClusterTemplate, ...) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackCluster_To_v1beta1_OpenStackCluster(in *OpenStackCluster, out *v1beta1.OpenStackCluster, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackIdentityReference_To_v1beta1_OpenStackIdentityReference(in *OpenStackIdentityReference, out *infrav1.OpenStackIdentityReference, ...) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineList_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineList(in *OpenStackMachineList, out *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineList, ...) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineSpec_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineSpec(in *OpenStackMachineSpec, out *infrav1.OpenStackMachineSpec, ...) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineStatus_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineStatus(in *OpenStackMachineStatus, out *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineStatus, ...) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateList_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateList(in *OpenStackMachineTemplateList, out *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineTemplateList, ...) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateResource_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateResource(in *OpenStackMachineTemplateResource, ...) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec(in *OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec, out *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec, ...) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplate_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplate(in *OpenStackMachineTemplate, out *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineTemplate, ...) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachine_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachine(in *OpenStackMachine, out *v1beta1.OpenStackMachine, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_PortOpts_To_v1beta1_PortOpts(in *PortOpts, out *infrav1.PortOpts, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_RootVolume_To_v1beta1_RootVolume(in *RootVolume, out *infrav1.RootVolume, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_Router_To_v1beta1_Router(in *Router, out *v1beta1.Router, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_SecurityGroupFilter_To_v1beta1_SecurityGroupFilter(in *SecurityGroupFilter, out *infrav1.SecurityGroupFilter, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_SecurityGroupParam_To_v1beta1_SecurityGroupParam(in *SecurityGroupParam, out *infrav1.SecurityGroupParam, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_SecurityGroup_To_v1beta1_SecurityGroupStatus(in *SecurityGroup, out *infrav1.SecurityGroupStatus, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_SubnetFilter_To_v1beta1_SubnetFilter(in *SubnetFilter, out *infrav1.SubnetFilter, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_SubnetFilter_To_v1beta1_SubnetParam(in *SubnetFilter, out *infrav1.SubnetParam, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_SubnetParam_To_v1beta1_SubnetParam(in *SubnetParam, out *infrav1.SubnetParam, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1alpha5_Subnet_To_v1beta1_Subnet(in *Subnet, out *v1beta1.Subnet, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_APIServerLoadBalancer_To_v1alpha5_APIServerLoadBalancer(in *infrav1.APIServerLoadBalancer, out *APIServerLoadBalancer, ...) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_AddressPair_To_v1alpha5_AddressPair(in *v1beta1.AddressPair, out *AddressPair, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_BastionStatus_To_v1alpha5_Instance(in *infrav1.BastionStatus, out *Instance, _ conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_Bastion_To_v1alpha5_Bastion(in *infrav1.Bastion, out *Bastion, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_BindingProfile_To_Map_string_To_Interface(in *infrav1.BindingProfile, out map[string]string, _ conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_ExternalRouterIPParam_To_v1alpha5_ExternalRouterIPParam(in *v1beta1.ExternalRouterIPParam, out *ExternalRouterIPParam, ...) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_FixedIP_To_v1alpha5_FixedIP(in *v1beta1.FixedIP, out *FixedIP, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_LoadBalancer_To_v1alpha5_LoadBalancer(in *infrav1.LoadBalancer, out *LoadBalancer, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_NetworkFilter_To_v1alpha5_NetworkFilter(_ *infrav1.NetworkFilter, _ *NetworkFilter, _ conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_NetworkParam_To_v1alpha5_NetworkFilter(in *infrav1.NetworkParam, out *NetworkFilter, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_NetworkParam_To_v1alpha5_NetworkParam(_ *infrav1.NetworkParam, _ *NetworkParam, _ conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_NetworkStatusWithSubnets_To_v1alpha5_Network(in *infrav1.NetworkStatusWithSubnets, out *Network, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_NetworkStatus_To_v1alpha5_Network(in *infrav1.NetworkStatus, out *Network, _ conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterList_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterList(in *v1beta1.OpenStackClusterList, out *OpenStackClusterList, ...) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterSpec_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterSpec(in *infrav1.OpenStackClusterSpec, out *OpenStackClusterSpec, ...) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterStatus_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterStatus(in *infrav1.OpenStackClusterStatus, out *OpenStackClusterStatus, ...) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateList_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateList(in *v1beta1.OpenStackClusterTemplateList, out *OpenStackClusterTemplateList, ...) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateResource_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateResource(in *v1beta1.OpenStackClusterTemplateResource, ...) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec(in *v1beta1.OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec, out *OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec, ...) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplate_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplate(in *v1beta1.OpenStackClusterTemplate, out *OpenStackClusterTemplate, ...) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackCluster_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackCluster(in *v1beta1.OpenStackCluster, out *OpenStackCluster, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackIdentityReference_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackIdentityReference(in *infrav1.OpenStackIdentityReference, out *OpenStackIdentityReference, ...) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineList_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineList(in *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineList, out *OpenStackMachineList, ...) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineSpec_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineSpec(in *infrav1.OpenStackMachineSpec, out *OpenStackMachineSpec, ...) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineStatus_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineStatus(in *infrav1.OpenStackMachineStatus, out *OpenStackMachineStatus, ...) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateList_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateList(in *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineTemplateList, out *OpenStackMachineTemplateList, ...) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateResource_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateResource(in *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineTemplateResource, ...) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec(in *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec, out *OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec, ...) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplate_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplate(in *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineTemplate, out *OpenStackMachineTemplate, ...) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachine_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachine(in *v1beta1.OpenStackMachine, out *OpenStackMachine, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_PortOpts_To_v1alpha5_PortOpts(in *infrav1.PortOpts, out *PortOpts, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_RootVolume_To_v1alpha5_RootVolume(in *infrav1.RootVolume, out *RootVolume, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_Router_To_v1alpha5_Router(in *v1beta1.Router, out *Router, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_SecurityGroupFilter_To_v1alpha5_SecurityGroupFilter(in *infrav1.SecurityGroupFilter, out *SecurityGroupFilter, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_SecurityGroupParam_To_v1alpha5_SecurityGroupParam(in *infrav1.SecurityGroupParam, out *SecurityGroupParam, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_SecurityGroupStatus_To_v1alpha5_SecurityGroup(in *infrav1.SecurityGroupStatus, out *SecurityGroup, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_SubnetFilter_To_v1alpha5_SubnetFilter(in *infrav1.SubnetFilter, out *SubnetFilter, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_SubnetParam_To_v1alpha5_SubnetFilter(in *infrav1.SubnetParam, out *SubnetFilter, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_SubnetParam_To_v1alpha5_SubnetParam(in *infrav1.SubnetParam, out *SubnetParam, s conversion.Scope) error
- func Convert_v1beta1_Subnet_To_v1alpha5_Subnet(in *v1beta1.Subnet, out *Subnet, s conversion.Scope) error
- func RegisterConversions(s *runtime.Scheme) error
- type APIServerLoadBalancer
- type AddressPair
- type Bastion
- type ExternalRouterIPParam
- type FixedIP
- type Instance
- type InstanceState
- type LoadBalancer
- type Network
- type NetworkFilter
- type NetworkParam
- type OpenStackClusterdeprecated
- func (r *OpenStackCluster) ConvertFrom(srcRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
- func (r *OpenStackCluster) ConvertTo(dstRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
- func (in *OpenStackCluster) DeepCopy() *OpenStackCluster
- func (in *OpenStackCluster) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackCluster)
- func (in *OpenStackCluster) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
- type OpenStackClusterListdeprecated
- func (r *OpenStackClusterList) ConvertFrom(srcRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
- func (r *OpenStackClusterList) ConvertTo(dstRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
- func (in *OpenStackClusterList) DeepCopy() *OpenStackClusterList
- func (in *OpenStackClusterList) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackClusterList)
- func (in *OpenStackClusterList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
- type OpenStackClusterSpec
- type OpenStackClusterStatus
- type OpenStackClusterTemplatedeprecated
- func (r *OpenStackClusterTemplate) ConvertFrom(srcRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
- func (r *OpenStackClusterTemplate) ConvertTo(dstRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
- func (in *OpenStackClusterTemplate) DeepCopy() *OpenStackClusterTemplate
- func (in *OpenStackClusterTemplate) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackClusterTemplate)
- func (in *OpenStackClusterTemplate) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
- type OpenStackClusterTemplateListdeprecated
- func (r *OpenStackClusterTemplateList) ConvertFrom(srcRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
- func (r *OpenStackClusterTemplateList) ConvertTo(dstRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
- func (in *OpenStackClusterTemplateList) DeepCopy() *OpenStackClusterTemplateList
- func (in *OpenStackClusterTemplateList) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackClusterTemplateList)
- func (in *OpenStackClusterTemplateList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
- type OpenStackClusterTemplateResource
- type OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec
- type OpenStackIdentityReference
- type OpenStackMachinedeprecated
- func (r *OpenStackMachine) ConvertFrom(srcRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
- func (r *OpenStackMachine) ConvertTo(dstRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
- func (in *OpenStackMachine) DeepCopy() *OpenStackMachine
- func (in *OpenStackMachine) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackMachine)
- func (in *OpenStackMachine) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
- type OpenStackMachineListdeprecated
- func (r *OpenStackMachineList) ConvertFrom(srcRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
- func (r *OpenStackMachineList) ConvertTo(dstRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
- func (in *OpenStackMachineList) DeepCopy() *OpenStackMachineList
- func (in *OpenStackMachineList) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackMachineList)
- func (in *OpenStackMachineList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
- type OpenStackMachineSpec
- type OpenStackMachineStatus
- type OpenStackMachineTemplatedeprecated
- func (r *OpenStackMachineTemplate) ConvertFrom(srcRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
- func (r *OpenStackMachineTemplate) ConvertTo(dstRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
- func (in *OpenStackMachineTemplate) DeepCopy() *OpenStackMachineTemplate
- func (in *OpenStackMachineTemplate) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackMachineTemplate)
- func (in *OpenStackMachineTemplate) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
- type OpenStackMachineTemplateListdeprecated
- func (r *OpenStackMachineTemplateList) ConvertFrom(srcRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
- func (r *OpenStackMachineTemplateList) ConvertTo(dstRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
- func (in *OpenStackMachineTemplateList) DeepCopy() *OpenStackMachineTemplateList
- func (in *OpenStackMachineTemplateList) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackMachineTemplateList)
- func (in *OpenStackMachineTemplateList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
- type OpenStackMachineTemplateResource
- type OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec
- type PortOpts
- type RootVolume
- type Router
- type SecurityGroup
- type SecurityGroupFilter
- type SecurityGroupParam
- type SecurityGroupRule
- type Subnet
- type SubnetFilter
- type SubnetParam
Constants ¶
const ( // ClusterFinalizer allows ReconcileOpenStackCluster to clean up OpenStack resources associated with OpenStackCluster before // removing it from the apiserver. ClusterFinalizer = "" )
const ( // MachineFinalizer allows ReconcileOpenStackMachine to clean up OpenStack resources associated with OpenStackMachine before // removing it from the apiserver. MachineFinalizer = "" )
Variables ¶
var ( // GroupVersion is group version used to register these objects. GroupVersion = schema.GroupVersion{Group: "", Version: "v1alpha5"} // SchemeBuilder is used to add go types to the GroupVersionKind scheme. SchemeBuilder = &scheme.Builder{GroupVersion: GroupVersion} // AddToScheme adds the types in this group-version to the given scheme. AddToScheme = SchemeBuilder.AddToScheme )
var ( // InstanceStateBuild is the string representing an instance in a build state. InstanceStateBuild = InstanceState("BUILD") // InstanceStateActive is the string representing an instance in an active state. InstanceStateActive = InstanceState("ACTIVE") // InstanceStateError is the string representing an instance in an error state. InstanceStateError = InstanceState("ERROR") // InstanceStateStopped is the string representing an instance in a stopped state. InstanceStateStopped = InstanceState("STOPPED") // InstanceStateShutoff is the string representing an instance in a shutoff state. InstanceStateShutoff = InstanceState("SHUTOFF") // InstanceStateDeleted is the string representing an instance in a deleted state. InstanceStateDeleted = InstanceState("DELETED") // InstanceStateUndefined is the string representing an undefined instance state. InstanceStateUndefined = InstanceState("") )
Functions ¶
func Convert_Map_string_To_Interface_To_v1beta1_BindingProfile ¶
func Convert_Map_string_To_Interface_To_v1beta1_BindingProfile(in map[string]string, out *infrav1.BindingProfile, _ conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1alpha5_APIServerLoadBalancer_To_v1beta1_APIServerLoadBalancer ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_APIServerLoadBalancer_To_v1beta1_APIServerLoadBalancer(in *APIServerLoadBalancer, out *v1beta1.APIServerLoadBalancer, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1alpha5_APIServerLoadBalancer_To_v1beta1_APIServerLoadBalancer is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1alpha5_AddressPair_To_v1beta1_AddressPair ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_AddressPair_To_v1beta1_AddressPair(in *AddressPair, out *v1beta1.AddressPair, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1alpha5_AddressPair_To_v1beta1_AddressPair is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1alpha5_ExternalRouterIPParam_To_v1beta1_ExternalRouterIPParam ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_ExternalRouterIPParam_To_v1beta1_ExternalRouterIPParam(in *ExternalRouterIPParam, out *v1beta1.ExternalRouterIPParam, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1alpha5_ExternalRouterIPParam_To_v1beta1_ExternalRouterIPParam is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1alpha5_FixedIP_To_v1beta1_FixedIP ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_FixedIP_To_v1beta1_FixedIP(in *FixedIP, out *v1beta1.FixedIP, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1alpha5_FixedIP_To_v1beta1_FixedIP is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1alpha5_Instance_To_v1beta1_BastionStatus ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_Instance_To_v1beta1_BastionStatus(in *Instance, out *infrav1.BastionStatus, _ conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1alpha5_LoadBalancer_To_v1beta1_LoadBalancer ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_LoadBalancer_To_v1beta1_LoadBalancer(in *LoadBalancer, out *v1beta1.LoadBalancer, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1alpha5_LoadBalancer_To_v1beta1_LoadBalancer is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1alpha5_NetworkFilter_To_v1beta1_NetworkFilter ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_NetworkFilter_To_v1beta1_NetworkFilter(_ *NetworkFilter, _ *infrav1.NetworkFilter, _ conversion.Scope) error
conversion-gen registers the following functions so we have to define them, but nothing should ever call them.
func Convert_v1alpha5_NetworkFilter_To_v1beta1_NetworkParam ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_NetworkFilter_To_v1beta1_NetworkParam(in *NetworkFilter, out *infrav1.NetworkParam, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1alpha5_NetworkParam_To_v1beta1_NetworkParam ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_NetworkParam_To_v1beta1_NetworkParam(_ *NetworkParam, _ *infrav1.NetworkParam, _ conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1alpha5_Network_To_v1beta1_NetworkStatus ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_Network_To_v1beta1_NetworkStatus(in *Network, out *infrav1.NetworkStatus, _ conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1alpha5_Network_To_v1beta1_NetworkStatusWithSubnets ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_Network_To_v1beta1_NetworkStatusWithSubnets(in *Network, out *infrav1.NetworkStatusWithSubnets, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterList_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterList ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterList_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterList(in *OpenStackClusterList, out *v1beta1.OpenStackClusterList, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterList_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterList is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterSpec_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterSpec ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterSpec_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterSpec(in *OpenStackClusterSpec, out *infrav1.OpenStackClusterSpec, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterStatus_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterStatus ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterStatus_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterStatus(in *OpenStackClusterStatus, out *infrav1.OpenStackClusterStatus, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateList_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateList ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateList_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateList(in *OpenStackClusterTemplateList, out *v1beta1.OpenStackClusterTemplateList, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateList_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateList is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateResource_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateResource ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateResource_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateResource(in *OpenStackClusterTemplateResource, out *v1beta1.OpenStackClusterTemplateResource, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateResource_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateResource is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec(in *OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec, out *v1beta1.OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplate_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplate ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplate_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplate(in *OpenStackClusterTemplate, out *v1beta1.OpenStackClusterTemplate, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplate_To_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplate is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackCluster_To_v1beta1_OpenStackCluster ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackCluster_To_v1beta1_OpenStackCluster(in *OpenStackCluster, out *v1beta1.OpenStackCluster, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackCluster_To_v1beta1_OpenStackCluster is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackIdentityReference_To_v1beta1_OpenStackIdentityReference ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackIdentityReference_To_v1beta1_OpenStackIdentityReference(in *OpenStackIdentityReference, out *infrav1.OpenStackIdentityReference, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineList_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineList ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineList_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineList(in *OpenStackMachineList, out *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineList, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineList_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineList is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineSpec_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineSpec ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineSpec_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineSpec(in *OpenStackMachineSpec, out *infrav1.OpenStackMachineSpec, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineStatus_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineStatus ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineStatus_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineStatus(in *OpenStackMachineStatus, out *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineStatus, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineStatus_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineStatus is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateList_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateList ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateList_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateList(in *OpenStackMachineTemplateList, out *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineTemplateList, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateList_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateList is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateResource_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateResource ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateResource_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateResource(in *OpenStackMachineTemplateResource, out *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineTemplateResource, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateResource_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateResource is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec(in *OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec, out *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplate_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplate ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplate_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplate(in *OpenStackMachineTemplate, out *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineTemplate, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplate_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplate is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachine_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachine ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachine_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachine(in *OpenStackMachine, out *v1beta1.OpenStackMachine, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachine_To_v1beta1_OpenStackMachine is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1alpha5_RootVolume_To_v1beta1_RootVolume ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_RootVolume_To_v1beta1_RootVolume(in *RootVolume, out *infrav1.RootVolume, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1alpha5_Router_To_v1beta1_Router ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_Router_To_v1beta1_Router(in *Router, out *v1beta1.Router, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1alpha5_Router_To_v1beta1_Router is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1alpha5_SecurityGroupFilter_To_v1beta1_SecurityGroupFilter ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_SecurityGroupFilter_To_v1beta1_SecurityGroupFilter(in *SecurityGroupFilter, out *infrav1.SecurityGroupFilter, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1alpha5_SecurityGroupParam_To_v1beta1_SecurityGroupParam ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_SecurityGroupParam_To_v1beta1_SecurityGroupParam(in *SecurityGroupParam, out *infrav1.SecurityGroupParam, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1alpha5_SecurityGroup_To_v1beta1_SecurityGroupStatus ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_SecurityGroup_To_v1beta1_SecurityGroupStatus(in *SecurityGroup, out *infrav1.SecurityGroupStatus, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1alpha5_SubnetFilter_To_v1beta1_SubnetFilter ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_SubnetFilter_To_v1beta1_SubnetFilter(in *SubnetFilter, out *infrav1.SubnetFilter, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1alpha5_SubnetFilter_To_v1beta1_SubnetParam ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_SubnetFilter_To_v1beta1_SubnetParam(in *SubnetFilter, out *infrav1.SubnetParam, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1alpha5_SubnetParam_To_v1beta1_SubnetParam ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_SubnetParam_To_v1beta1_SubnetParam(in *SubnetParam, out *infrav1.SubnetParam, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1alpha5_Subnet_To_v1beta1_Subnet ¶
func Convert_v1alpha5_Subnet_To_v1beta1_Subnet(in *Subnet, out *v1beta1.Subnet, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1alpha5_Subnet_To_v1beta1_Subnet is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1beta1_APIServerLoadBalancer_To_v1alpha5_APIServerLoadBalancer ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_APIServerLoadBalancer_To_v1alpha5_APIServerLoadBalancer(in *infrav1.APIServerLoadBalancer, out *APIServerLoadBalancer, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_AddressPair_To_v1alpha5_AddressPair ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_AddressPair_To_v1alpha5_AddressPair(in *v1beta1.AddressPair, out *AddressPair, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1beta1_AddressPair_To_v1alpha5_AddressPair is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1beta1_BastionStatus_To_v1alpha5_Instance ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_BastionStatus_To_v1alpha5_Instance(in *infrav1.BastionStatus, out *Instance, _ conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_BindingProfile_To_Map_string_To_Interface ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_BindingProfile_To_Map_string_To_Interface(in *infrav1.BindingProfile, out map[string]string, _ conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_ExternalRouterIPParam_To_v1alpha5_ExternalRouterIPParam ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_ExternalRouterIPParam_To_v1alpha5_ExternalRouterIPParam(in *v1beta1.ExternalRouterIPParam, out *ExternalRouterIPParam, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1beta1_ExternalRouterIPParam_To_v1alpha5_ExternalRouterIPParam is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1beta1_FixedIP_To_v1alpha5_FixedIP ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_FixedIP_To_v1alpha5_FixedIP(in *v1beta1.FixedIP, out *FixedIP, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1beta1_FixedIP_To_v1alpha5_FixedIP is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1beta1_LoadBalancer_To_v1alpha5_LoadBalancer ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_LoadBalancer_To_v1alpha5_LoadBalancer(in *infrav1.LoadBalancer, out *LoadBalancer, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_NetworkFilter_To_v1alpha5_NetworkFilter ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_NetworkFilter_To_v1alpha5_NetworkFilter(_ *infrav1.NetworkFilter, _ *NetworkFilter, _ conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_NetworkParam_To_v1alpha5_NetworkFilter ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_NetworkParam_To_v1alpha5_NetworkFilter(in *infrav1.NetworkParam, out *NetworkFilter, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_NetworkParam_To_v1alpha5_NetworkParam ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_NetworkParam_To_v1alpha5_NetworkParam(_ *infrav1.NetworkParam, _ *NetworkParam, _ conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_NetworkStatusWithSubnets_To_v1alpha5_Network ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_NetworkStatusWithSubnets_To_v1alpha5_Network(in *infrav1.NetworkStatusWithSubnets, out *Network, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_NetworkStatus_To_v1alpha5_Network ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_NetworkStatus_To_v1alpha5_Network(in *infrav1.NetworkStatus, out *Network, _ conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterList_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterList ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterList_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterList(in *v1beta1.OpenStackClusterList, out *OpenStackClusterList, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterList_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterList is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterSpec_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterSpec ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterSpec_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterSpec(in *infrav1.OpenStackClusterSpec, out *OpenStackClusterSpec, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterStatus_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterStatus ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterStatus_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterStatus(in *infrav1.OpenStackClusterStatus, out *OpenStackClusterStatus, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateList_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateList ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateList_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateList(in *v1beta1.OpenStackClusterTemplateList, out *OpenStackClusterTemplateList, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateList_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateList is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateResource_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateResource ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateResource_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateResource(in *v1beta1.OpenStackClusterTemplateResource, out *OpenStackClusterTemplateResource, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateResource_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateResource is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec(in *v1beta1.OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec, out *OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplate_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplate ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplate_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplate(in *v1beta1.OpenStackClusterTemplate, out *OpenStackClusterTemplate, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackClusterTemplate_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackClusterTemplate is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackCluster_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackCluster ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackCluster_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackCluster(in *v1beta1.OpenStackCluster, out *OpenStackCluster, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackCluster_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackCluster is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackIdentityReference_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackIdentityReference ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackIdentityReference_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackIdentityReference(in *infrav1.OpenStackIdentityReference, out *OpenStackIdentityReference, _ conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineList_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineList ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineList_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineList(in *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineList, out *OpenStackMachineList, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineList_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineList is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineSpec_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineSpec ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineSpec_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineSpec(in *infrav1.OpenStackMachineSpec, out *OpenStackMachineSpec, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineStatus_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineStatus ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineStatus_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineStatus(in *infrav1.OpenStackMachineStatus, out *OpenStackMachineStatus, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateList_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateList ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateList_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateList(in *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineTemplateList, out *OpenStackMachineTemplateList, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateList_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateList is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateResource_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateResource ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateResource_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateResource(in *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineTemplateResource, out *OpenStackMachineTemplateResource, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateResource_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateResource is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec(in *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec, out *OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplate_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplate ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplate_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplate(in *v1beta1.OpenStackMachineTemplate, out *OpenStackMachineTemplate, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachineTemplate_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachineTemplate is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachine_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachine ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachine_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachine(in *v1beta1.OpenStackMachine, out *OpenStackMachine, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1beta1_OpenStackMachine_To_v1alpha5_OpenStackMachine is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1beta1_RootVolume_To_v1alpha5_RootVolume ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_RootVolume_To_v1alpha5_RootVolume(in *infrav1.RootVolume, out *RootVolume, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_Router_To_v1alpha5_Router ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_Router_To_v1alpha5_Router(in *v1beta1.Router, out *Router, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1beta1_Router_To_v1alpha5_Router is an autogenerated conversion function.
func Convert_v1beta1_SecurityGroupFilter_To_v1alpha5_SecurityGroupFilter ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_SecurityGroupFilter_To_v1alpha5_SecurityGroupFilter(in *infrav1.SecurityGroupFilter, out *SecurityGroupFilter, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_SecurityGroupParam_To_v1alpha5_SecurityGroupParam ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_SecurityGroupParam_To_v1alpha5_SecurityGroupParam(in *infrav1.SecurityGroupParam, out *SecurityGroupParam, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_SecurityGroupStatus_To_v1alpha5_SecurityGroup ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_SecurityGroupStatus_To_v1alpha5_SecurityGroup(in *infrav1.SecurityGroupStatus, out *SecurityGroup, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_SubnetFilter_To_v1alpha5_SubnetFilter ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_SubnetFilter_To_v1alpha5_SubnetFilter(in *infrav1.SubnetFilter, out *SubnetFilter, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_SubnetParam_To_v1alpha5_SubnetFilter ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_SubnetParam_To_v1alpha5_SubnetFilter(in *infrav1.SubnetParam, out *SubnetFilter, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_SubnetParam_To_v1alpha5_SubnetParam ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_SubnetParam_To_v1alpha5_SubnetParam(in *infrav1.SubnetParam, out *SubnetParam, s conversion.Scope) error
func Convert_v1beta1_Subnet_To_v1alpha5_Subnet ¶
func Convert_v1beta1_Subnet_To_v1alpha5_Subnet(in *v1beta1.Subnet, out *Subnet, s conversion.Scope) error
Convert_v1beta1_Subnet_To_v1alpha5_Subnet is an autogenerated conversion function.
func RegisterConversions ¶
RegisterConversions adds conversion functions to the given scheme. Public to allow building arbitrary schemes.
Types ¶
type APIServerLoadBalancer ¶
type APIServerLoadBalancer struct { // Enabled defines whether a load balancer should be created. Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` // AdditionalPorts adds additional tcp ports to the load balancer. AdditionalPorts []int `json:"additionalPorts,omitempty"` // AllowedCIDRs restrict access to all API-Server listeners to the given address CIDRs. AllowedCIDRs []string `json:"allowedCidrs,omitempty"` }
func (*APIServerLoadBalancer) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *APIServerLoadBalancer) DeepCopy() *APIServerLoadBalancer
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new APIServerLoadBalancer.
func (*APIServerLoadBalancer) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *APIServerLoadBalancer) DeepCopyInto(out *APIServerLoadBalancer)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type AddressPair ¶
type AddressPair struct { IPAddress string `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"` MACAddress string `json:"macAddress,omitempty"` }
func (*AddressPair) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *AddressPair) DeepCopy() *AddressPair
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new AddressPair.
func (*AddressPair) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *AddressPair) DeepCopyInto(out *AddressPair)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type Bastion ¶
type Bastion struct { //+optional Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // Instance for the bastion itself Instance OpenStackMachineSpec `json:"instance,omitempty"` //+optional AvailabilityZone string `json:"availabilityZone,omitempty"` }
Bastion represents basic information about the bastion node.
func (*Bastion) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Bastion.
func (*Bastion) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type ExternalRouterIPParam ¶
type ExternalRouterIPParam struct { // The FixedIP in the corresponding subnet FixedIP string `json:"fixedIP,omitempty"` // The subnet in which the FixedIP is used for the Gateway of this router Subnet SubnetParam `json:"subnet"` }
func (*ExternalRouterIPParam) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *ExternalRouterIPParam) DeepCopy() *ExternalRouterIPParam
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new ExternalRouterIPParam.
func (*ExternalRouterIPParam) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *ExternalRouterIPParam) DeepCopyInto(out *ExternalRouterIPParam)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type FixedIP ¶
type FixedIP struct { // Subnet is an openstack subnet query that will return the id of a subnet to create // the fixed IP of a port in. This query must not return more than one subnet. Subnet *SubnetFilter `json:"subnet"` IPAddress string `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"` }
func (*FixedIP) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new FixedIP.
func (*FixedIP) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type Instance ¶
type Instance struct { ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Trunk bool `json:"trunk,omitempty"` FailureDomain string `json:"failureDomain,omitempty"` SecurityGroups []string `json:"securigyGroups,omitempty"` Networks []Network `json:"networks,omitempty"` Subnet string `json:"subnet,omitempty"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Image string `json:"image,omitempty"` ImageUUID string `json:"imageUUID,omitempty"` Flavor string `json:"flavor,omitempty"` SSHKeyName string `json:"sshKeyName,omitempty"` UserData string `json:"userData,omitempty"` Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata,omitempty"` ConfigDrive *bool `json:"configDrive,omitempty"` RootVolume *RootVolume `json:"rootVolume,omitempty"` ServerGroupID string `json:"serverGroupID,omitempty"` State InstanceState `json:"state,omitempty"` IP string `json:"ip,omitempty"` FloatingIP string `json:"floatingIP,omitempty"` }
func (*Instance) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Instance.
func (*Instance) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type InstanceState ¶
type InstanceState string
InstanceState describes the state of an OpenStack instance.
type LoadBalancer ¶
type LoadBalancer struct { Name string `json:"name"` ID string `json:"id"` IP string `json:"ip"` InternalIP string `json:"internalIP"` //+optional AllowedCIDRs []string `json:"allowedCIDRs,omitempty"` }
LoadBalancer represents basic information about the associated OpenStack LoadBalancer.
func (*LoadBalancer) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *LoadBalancer) DeepCopy() *LoadBalancer
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new LoadBalancer.
func (*LoadBalancer) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *LoadBalancer) DeepCopyInto(out *LoadBalancer)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type Network ¶
type Network struct { Name string `json:"name"` ID string `json:"id"` //+optional Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Subnet *Subnet `json:"subnet,omitempty"` PortOpts *PortOpts `json:"port,omitempty"` Router *Router `json:"router,omitempty"` // Be careful when using APIServerLoadBalancer, because this field is optional and therefore not // set in all cases APIServerLoadBalancer *LoadBalancer `json:"apiServerLoadBalancer,omitempty"` }
Network represents basic information about an OpenStack Neutron Network associated with an instance's port.
func (*Network) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Network.
func (*Network) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type NetworkFilter ¶
type NetworkFilter struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` ProjectID string `json:"projectId,omitempty"` ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` Tags string `json:"tags,omitempty"` TagsAny string `json:"tagsAny,omitempty"` NotTags string `json:"notTags,omitempty"` NotTagsAny string `json:"notTagsAny,omitempty"` }
func (*NetworkFilter) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *NetworkFilter) DeepCopy() *NetworkFilter
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new NetworkFilter.
func (*NetworkFilter) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *NetworkFilter) DeepCopyInto(out *NetworkFilter)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type NetworkParam ¶
type NetworkParam struct { // Optional UUID of the network. // If specified this will not be validated prior to server creation. // Required if `Subnets` specifies a subnet by UUID. UUID string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` // A fixed IPv4 address for the NIC. FixedIP string `json:"fixedIP,omitempty"` // Filters for optional network query Filter NetworkFilter `json:"filter,omitempty"` // Subnet within a network to use Subnets []SubnetParam `json:"subnets,omitempty"` }
func (*NetworkParam) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *NetworkParam) DeepCopy() *NetworkParam
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new NetworkParam.
func (*NetworkParam) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *NetworkParam) DeepCopyInto(out *NetworkParam)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type OpenStackCluster
type OpenStackCluster struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Spec OpenStackClusterSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"` Status OpenStackClusterStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` }
OpenStackCluster is the Schema for the openstackclusters API.
Deprecated: This type will be removed in one of the next releases.
func (*OpenStackCluster) ConvertFrom ¶
func (r *OpenStackCluster) ConvertFrom(srcRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
func (*OpenStackCluster) ConvertTo ¶
func (r *OpenStackCluster) ConvertTo(dstRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
func (*OpenStackCluster) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *OpenStackCluster) DeepCopy() *OpenStackCluster
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new OpenStackCluster.
func (*OpenStackCluster) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *OpenStackCluster) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackCluster)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*OpenStackCluster) DeepCopyObject ¶
func (in *OpenStackCluster) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.
type OpenStackClusterList
type OpenStackClusterList struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Items []OpenStackCluster `json:"items"` }
OpenStackClusterList contains a list of OpenStackCluster.
Deprecated: This type will be removed in one of the next releases.
func (*OpenStackClusterList) ConvertFrom ¶
func (r *OpenStackClusterList) ConvertFrom(srcRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
func (*OpenStackClusterList) ConvertTo ¶
func (r *OpenStackClusterList) ConvertTo(dstRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
func (*OpenStackClusterList) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *OpenStackClusterList) DeepCopy() *OpenStackClusterList
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new OpenStackClusterList.
func (*OpenStackClusterList) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *OpenStackClusterList) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackClusterList)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*OpenStackClusterList) DeepCopyObject ¶
func (in *OpenStackClusterList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.
type OpenStackClusterSpec ¶
type OpenStackClusterSpec struct { // The name of the cloud to use from the clouds secret // +optional CloudName string `json:"cloudName"` // NodeCIDR is the OpenStack Subnet to be created. Cluster actuator will create a // network, a subnet with NodeCIDR, and a router connected to this subnet. // If you leave this empty, no network will be created. NodeCIDR string `json:"nodeCidr,omitempty"` // If NodeCIDR cannot be set this can be used to detect an existing network. Network NetworkFilter `json:"network,omitempty"` // If NodeCIDR cannot be set this can be used to detect an existing subnet. Subnet SubnetFilter `json:"subnet,omitempty"` // DNSNameservers is the list of nameservers for OpenStack Subnet being created. // Set this value when you need create a new network/subnet while the access // through DNS is required. DNSNameservers []string `json:"dnsNameservers,omitempty"` // ExternalRouterIPs is an array of externalIPs on the respective subnets. // This is necessary if the router needs a fixed ip in a specific subnet. ExternalRouterIPs []ExternalRouterIPParam `json:"externalRouterIPs,omitempty"` // ExternalNetworkID is the ID of an external OpenStack Network. This is necessary // to get public internet to the VMs. // +optional ExternalNetworkID string `json:"externalNetworkId,omitempty"` // APIServerLoadBalancer configures the optional LoadBalancer for the APIServer. // It must be activated by setting `enabled: true`. // +optional APIServerLoadBalancer APIServerLoadBalancer `json:"apiServerLoadBalancer,omitempty"` // DisableAPIServerFloatingIP determines whether or not to attempt to attach a floating // IP to the API server. This allows for the creation of clusters when attaching a floating // IP to the API server (and hence, in many cases, exposing the API server to the internet) // is not possible or desirable, e.g. if using a shared VLAN for communication between // management and workload clusters or when the management cluster is inside the // project network. // This option requires that the API server use a VIP on the cluster network so that the // underlying machines can change without changing ControlPlaneEndpoint.Host. // When using a managed load balancer, this VIP will be managed automatically. // If not using a managed load balancer, cluster configuration will fail without additional // configuration to manage the VIP on the control plane machines, which falls outside of // the scope of this controller. // +optional DisableAPIServerFloatingIP bool `json:"disableAPIServerFloatingIP"` // APIServerFloatingIP is the floatingIP which will be associated with the API server. // The floatingIP will be created if it does not already exist. // If not specified, a new floatingIP is allocated. // This field is not used if DisableAPIServerFloatingIP is set to true. APIServerFloatingIP string `json:"apiServerFloatingIP,omitempty"` // APIServerFixedIP is the fixed IP which will be associated with the API server. // In the case where the API server has a floating IP but not a managed load balancer, // this field is not used. // If a managed load balancer is used and this field is not specified, a fixed IP will // be dynamically allocated for the load balancer. // If a managed load balancer is not used AND the API server floating IP is disabled, // this field MUST be specified and should correspond to a pre-allocated port that // holds the fixed IP to be used as a VIP. APIServerFixedIP string `json:"apiServerFixedIP,omitempty"` // APIServerPort is the port on which the listener on the APIServer // will be created APIServerPort int `json:"apiServerPort,omitempty"` // ManagedSecurityGroups determines whether OpenStack security groups for the cluster // will be managed by the OpenStack provider or whether pre-existing security groups will // be specified as part of the configuration. // By default, the managed security groups have rules that allow the Kubelet, etcd, the // Kubernetes API server and the Calico CNI plugin to function correctly. // +optional ManagedSecurityGroups bool `json:"managedSecurityGroups"` // AllowAllInClusterTraffic is only used when managed security groups are in use. // If set to true, the rules for the managed security groups are configured so that all // ingress and egress between cluster nodes is permitted, allowing CNIs other than // Calico to be used. // +optional AllowAllInClusterTraffic bool `json:"allowAllInClusterTraffic"` // DisablePortSecurity disables the port security of the network created for the // Kubernetes cluster, which also disables SecurityGroups DisablePortSecurity bool `json:"disablePortSecurity,omitempty"` // Tags for all resources in cluster Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // ControlPlaneEndpoint represents the endpoint used to communicate with the control plane. // +optional ControlPlaneEndpoint clusterv1.APIEndpoint `json:"controlPlaneEndpoint"` // ControlPlaneAvailabilityZones is the az to deploy control plane to ControlPlaneAvailabilityZones []string `json:"controlPlaneAvailabilityZones,omitempty"` // Bastion is the OpenStack instance to login the nodes // // As a rolling update is not ideal during a bastion host session, we // prevent changes to a running bastion configuration. Set `enabled: false` to // make changes. //+optional Bastion *Bastion `json:"bastion,omitempty"` // IdentityRef is a reference to a identity to be used when reconciling this cluster // +optional IdentityRef *OpenStackIdentityReference `json:"identityRef,omitempty"` }
OpenStackClusterSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackCluster.
func (*OpenStackClusterSpec) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *OpenStackClusterSpec) DeepCopy() *OpenStackClusterSpec
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new OpenStackClusterSpec.
func (*OpenStackClusterSpec) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *OpenStackClusterSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackClusterSpec)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type OpenStackClusterStatus ¶
type OpenStackClusterStatus struct { Ready bool `json:"ready"` // Network contains all information about the created OpenStack Network. // It includes Subnets and Router. Network *Network `json:"network,omitempty"` // External Network contains information about the created OpenStack external network. ExternalNetwork *Network `json:"externalNetwork,omitempty"` // FailureDomains represent OpenStack availability zones FailureDomains clusterv1.FailureDomains `json:"failureDomains,omitempty"` // ControlPlaneSecurityGroups contains all the information about the OpenStack // Security Group that needs to be applied to control plane nodes. // TODO: Maybe instead of two properties, we add a property to the group? ControlPlaneSecurityGroup *SecurityGroup `json:"controlPlaneSecurityGroup,omitempty"` // WorkerSecurityGroup contains all the information about the OpenStack Security // Group that needs to be applied to worker nodes. WorkerSecurityGroup *SecurityGroup `json:"workerSecurityGroup,omitempty"` BastionSecurityGroup *SecurityGroup `json:"bastionSecurityGroup,omitempty"` Bastion *Instance `json:"bastion,omitempty"` // FailureReason will be set in the event that there is a terminal problem // reconciling the OpenStackCluster and will contain a succinct value suitable // for machine interpretation. // // This field should not be set for transitive errors that a controller // faces that are expected to be fixed automatically over // time (like service outages), but instead indicate that something is // fundamentally wrong with the OpenStackCluster's spec or the configuration of // the controller, and that manual intervention is required. Examples // of terminal errors would be invalid combinations of settings in the // spec, values that are unsupported by the controller, or the // responsible controller itself being critically misconfigured. // // Any transient errors that occur during the reconciliation of // OpenStackClusters can be added as events to the OpenStackCluster object // and/or logged in the controller's output. // +optional FailureReason *capierrors.ClusterStatusError `json:"failureReason,omitempty"` // FailureMessage will be set in the event that there is a terminal problem // reconciling the OpenStackCluster and will contain a more verbose string suitable // for logging and human consumption. // // This field should not be set for transitive errors that a controller // faces that are expected to be fixed automatically over // time (like service outages), but instead indicate that something is // fundamentally wrong with the OpenStackCluster's spec or the configuration of // the controller, and that manual intervention is required. Examples // of terminal errors would be invalid combinations of settings in the // spec, values that are unsupported by the controller, or the // responsible controller itself being critically misconfigured. // // Any transient errors that occur during the reconciliation of // OpenStackClusters can be added as events to the OpenStackCluster object // and/or logged in the controller's output. // +optional FailureMessage *string `json:"failureMessage,omitempty"` }
OpenStackClusterStatus defines the observed state of OpenStackCluster.
func (*OpenStackClusterStatus) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *OpenStackClusterStatus) DeepCopy() *OpenStackClusterStatus
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new OpenStackClusterStatus.
func (*OpenStackClusterStatus) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *OpenStackClusterStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackClusterStatus)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type OpenStackClusterTemplate
type OpenStackClusterTemplate struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Spec OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"` }
OpenStackClusterTemplate is the Schema for the openstackclustertemplates API.
Deprecated: This type will be removed in one of the next releases.
func (*OpenStackClusterTemplate) ConvertFrom ¶
func (r *OpenStackClusterTemplate) ConvertFrom(srcRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
func (*OpenStackClusterTemplate) ConvertTo ¶
func (r *OpenStackClusterTemplate) ConvertTo(dstRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
func (*OpenStackClusterTemplate) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *OpenStackClusterTemplate) DeepCopy() *OpenStackClusterTemplate
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new OpenStackClusterTemplate.
func (*OpenStackClusterTemplate) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *OpenStackClusterTemplate) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackClusterTemplate)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*OpenStackClusterTemplate) DeepCopyObject ¶
func (in *OpenStackClusterTemplate) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.
type OpenStackClusterTemplateList
type OpenStackClusterTemplateList struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Items []OpenStackClusterTemplate `json:"items"` }
OpenStackClusterTemplateList contains a list of OpenStackClusterTemplate.
Deprecated: This type will be removed in one of the next releases.
func (*OpenStackClusterTemplateList) ConvertFrom ¶
func (r *OpenStackClusterTemplateList) ConvertFrom(srcRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
func (*OpenStackClusterTemplateList) ConvertTo ¶
func (r *OpenStackClusterTemplateList) ConvertTo(dstRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
func (*OpenStackClusterTemplateList) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *OpenStackClusterTemplateList) DeepCopy() *OpenStackClusterTemplateList
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new OpenStackClusterTemplateList.
func (*OpenStackClusterTemplateList) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *OpenStackClusterTemplateList) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackClusterTemplateList)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*OpenStackClusterTemplateList) DeepCopyObject ¶
func (in *OpenStackClusterTemplateList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.
type OpenStackClusterTemplateResource ¶
type OpenStackClusterTemplateResource struct {
Spec OpenStackClusterSpec `json:"spec"`
OpenStackClusterTemplateResource describes the data needed to create a OpenStackCluster from a template.
func (*OpenStackClusterTemplateResource) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *OpenStackClusterTemplateResource) DeepCopy() *OpenStackClusterTemplateResource
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new OpenStackClusterTemplateResource.
func (*OpenStackClusterTemplateResource) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *OpenStackClusterTemplateResource) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackClusterTemplateResource)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec ¶
type OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec struct {
Template OpenStackClusterTemplateResource `json:"template"`
OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackClusterTemplate.
func (*OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec) DeepCopy() *OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec.
func (*OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackClusterTemplateSpec)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type OpenStackIdentityReference ¶
type OpenStackIdentityReference struct { // Kind of the identity. Must be supported by the infrastructure // provider and may be either cluster or namespace-scoped. // +kubebuilder:validation:MinLength=1 Kind string `json:"kind"` // Name of the infrastructure identity to be used. // Must be either a cluster-scoped resource, or namespaced-scoped // resource the same namespace as the resource(s) being provisioned. Name string `json:"name"` }
OpenStackIdentityReference is a reference to an infrastructure provider identity to be used to provision cluster resources.
func (*OpenStackIdentityReference) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *OpenStackIdentityReference) DeepCopy() *OpenStackIdentityReference
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new OpenStackIdentityReference.
func (*OpenStackIdentityReference) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *OpenStackIdentityReference) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackIdentityReference)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type OpenStackMachine
type OpenStackMachine struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Spec OpenStackMachineSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"` Status OpenStackMachineStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` }
OpenStackMachine is the Schema for the openstackmachines API.
Deprecated: This type will be removed in one of the next releases.
func (*OpenStackMachine) ConvertFrom ¶
func (r *OpenStackMachine) ConvertFrom(srcRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
func (*OpenStackMachine) ConvertTo ¶
func (r *OpenStackMachine) ConvertTo(dstRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
func (*OpenStackMachine) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *OpenStackMachine) DeepCopy() *OpenStackMachine
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new OpenStackMachine.
func (*OpenStackMachine) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *OpenStackMachine) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackMachine)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*OpenStackMachine) DeepCopyObject ¶
func (in *OpenStackMachine) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.
type OpenStackMachineList
type OpenStackMachineList struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Items []OpenStackMachine `json:"items"` }
OpenStackMachineList contains a list of OpenStackMachine.
Deprecated: This type will be removed in one of the next releases.
func (*OpenStackMachineList) ConvertFrom ¶
func (r *OpenStackMachineList) ConvertFrom(srcRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
func (*OpenStackMachineList) ConvertTo ¶
func (r *OpenStackMachineList) ConvertTo(dstRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
func (*OpenStackMachineList) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *OpenStackMachineList) DeepCopy() *OpenStackMachineList
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new OpenStackMachineList.
func (*OpenStackMachineList) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *OpenStackMachineList) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackMachineList)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*OpenStackMachineList) DeepCopyObject ¶
func (in *OpenStackMachineList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.
type OpenStackMachineSpec ¶
type OpenStackMachineSpec struct { // ProviderID is the unique identifier as specified by the cloud provider. ProviderID *string `json:"providerID,omitempty"` // InstanceID is the OpenStack instance ID for this machine. InstanceID *string `json:"instanceID,omitempty"` // The name of the cloud to use from the clouds secret // +optional CloudName string `json:"cloudName"` // The flavor reference for the flavor for your server instance. Flavor string `json:"flavor"` // The name of the image to use for your server instance. // If the RootVolume is specified, this will be ignored and use rootVolume directly. Image string `json:"image,omitempty"` // The uuid of the image to use for your server instance. // if it's empty, Image name will be used ImageUUID string `json:"imageUUID,omitempty"` // The ssh key to inject in the instance SSHKeyName string `json:"sshKeyName,omitempty"` // A networks object. Required parameter when there are multiple networks defined for the tenant. // When you do not specify both networks and ports parameters, the server attaches to the only network created for the current tenant. Networks []NetworkParam `json:"networks,omitempty"` // Ports to be attached to the server instance. They are created if a port with the given name does not already exist. // When you do not specify both networks and ports parameters, the server attaches to the only network created for the current tenant. Ports []PortOpts `json:"ports,omitempty"` // UUID, IP address of a port from this subnet will be marked as AccessIPv4 on the created compute instance Subnet string `json:"subnet,omitempty"` // The floatingIP which will be associated to the machine, only used for master. // The floatingIP should have been created and haven't been associated. FloatingIP string `json:"floatingIP,omitempty"` // The names of the security groups to assign to the instance SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupParam `json:"securityGroups,omitempty"` // Whether the server instance is created on a trunk port or not. Trunk bool `json:"trunk,omitempty"` // Machine tags // Requires Nova api 2.52 minimum! Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Metadata mapping. Allows you to create a map of key value pairs to add to the server instance. ServerMetadata map[string]string `json:"serverMetadata,omitempty"` // Config Drive support ConfigDrive *bool `json:"configDrive,omitempty"` // The volume metadata to boot from RootVolume *RootVolume `json:"rootVolume,omitempty"` // The server group to assign the machine to ServerGroupID string `json:"serverGroupID,omitempty"` // IdentityRef is a reference to a identity to be used when reconciling this cluster // +optional IdentityRef *OpenStackIdentityReference `json:"identityRef,omitempty"` }
OpenStackMachineSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackMachine.
func (*OpenStackMachineSpec) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *OpenStackMachineSpec) DeepCopy() *OpenStackMachineSpec
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new OpenStackMachineSpec.
func (*OpenStackMachineSpec) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *OpenStackMachineSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackMachineSpec)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type OpenStackMachineStatus ¶
type OpenStackMachineStatus struct { // Ready is true when the provider resource is ready. // +optional Ready bool `json:"ready"` // Addresses contains the OpenStack instance associated addresses. Addresses []corev1.NodeAddress `json:"addresses,omitempty"` // InstanceState is the state of the OpenStack instance for this machine. // +optional InstanceState *InstanceState `json:"instanceState,omitempty"` FailureReason *errors.MachineStatusError `json:"failureReason,omitempty"` // FailureMessage will be set in the event that there is a terminal problem // reconciling the Machine and will contain a more verbose string suitable // for logging and human consumption. // // This field should not be set for transitive errors that a controller // faces that are expected to be fixed automatically over // time (like service outages), but instead indicate that something is // fundamentally wrong with the Machine's spec or the configuration of // the controller, and that manual intervention is required. Examples // of terminal errors would be invalid combinations of settings in the // spec, values that are unsupported by the controller, or the // responsible controller itself being critically misconfigured. // // Any transient errors that occur during the reconciliation of Machines // can be added as events to the Machine object and/or logged in the // controller's output. // +optional FailureMessage *string `json:"failureMessage,omitempty"` Conditions clusterv1.Conditions `json:"conditions,omitempty"` }
OpenStackMachineStatus defines the observed state of OpenStackMachine.
func (*OpenStackMachineStatus) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *OpenStackMachineStatus) DeepCopy() *OpenStackMachineStatus
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new OpenStackMachineStatus.
func (*OpenStackMachineStatus) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *OpenStackMachineStatus) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackMachineStatus)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type OpenStackMachineTemplate
type OpenStackMachineTemplate struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Spec OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"` }
OpenStackMachineTemplate is the Schema for the openstackmachinetemplates API.
Deprecated: This type will be removed in one of the next releases.
func (*OpenStackMachineTemplate) ConvertFrom ¶
func (r *OpenStackMachineTemplate) ConvertFrom(srcRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
func (*OpenStackMachineTemplate) ConvertTo ¶
func (r *OpenStackMachineTemplate) ConvertTo(dstRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
func (*OpenStackMachineTemplate) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *OpenStackMachineTemplate) DeepCopy() *OpenStackMachineTemplate
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new OpenStackMachineTemplate.
func (*OpenStackMachineTemplate) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *OpenStackMachineTemplate) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackMachineTemplate)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*OpenStackMachineTemplate) DeepCopyObject ¶
func (in *OpenStackMachineTemplate) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.
type OpenStackMachineTemplateList
type OpenStackMachineTemplateList struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Items []OpenStackMachineTemplate `json:"items"` }
OpenStackMachineTemplateList contains a list of OpenStackMachineTemplate.
Deprecated: This type will be removed in one of the next releases.
func (*OpenStackMachineTemplateList) ConvertFrom ¶
func (r *OpenStackMachineTemplateList) ConvertFrom(srcRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
func (*OpenStackMachineTemplateList) ConvertTo ¶
func (r *OpenStackMachineTemplateList) ConvertTo(dstRaw ctrlconversion.Hub) error
func (*OpenStackMachineTemplateList) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *OpenStackMachineTemplateList) DeepCopy() *OpenStackMachineTemplateList
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new OpenStackMachineTemplateList.
func (*OpenStackMachineTemplateList) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *OpenStackMachineTemplateList) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackMachineTemplateList)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*OpenStackMachineTemplateList) DeepCopyObject ¶
func (in *OpenStackMachineTemplateList) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
DeepCopyObject is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new runtime.Object.
type OpenStackMachineTemplateResource ¶
type OpenStackMachineTemplateResource struct { // Spec is the specification of the desired behavior of the machine. Spec OpenStackMachineSpec `json:"spec"` }
OpenStackMachineTemplateResource describes the data needed to create a OpenStackMachine from a template.
func (*OpenStackMachineTemplateResource) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *OpenStackMachineTemplateResource) DeepCopy() *OpenStackMachineTemplateResource
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new OpenStackMachineTemplateResource.
func (*OpenStackMachineTemplateResource) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *OpenStackMachineTemplateResource) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackMachineTemplateResource)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec ¶
type OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec struct {
Template OpenStackMachineTemplateResource `json:"template"`
OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec defines the desired state of OpenStackMachineTemplate.
func (*OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec) DeepCopy() *OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec.
func (*OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec) DeepCopyInto(out *OpenStackMachineTemplateSpec)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type PortOpts ¶
type PortOpts struct { // Network is a query for an openstack network that the port will be created or discovered on. // This will fail if the query returns more than one network. Network *NetworkFilter `json:"network,omitempty"` // Used to make the name of the port unique. If unspecified, instead the 0-based index of the port in the list is used. NameSuffix string `json:"nameSuffix,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` AdminStateUp *bool `json:"adminStateUp,omitempty"` MACAddress string `json:"macAddress,omitempty"` // Specify pairs of subnet and/or IP address. These should be subnets of the network with the given NetworkID. FixedIPs []FixedIP `json:"fixedIPs,omitempty"` TenantID string `json:"tenantId,omitempty"` ProjectID string `json:"projectId,omitempty"` // The uuids of the security groups to assign to the instance // +k8s:conversion-gen=false SecurityGroups []string `json:"securityGroups,omitempty"` // The names, uuids, filters or any combination these of the security groups to assign to the instance // +k8s:conversion-gen=false SecurityGroupFilters []SecurityGroupParam `json:"securityGroupFilters,omitempty"` AllowedAddressPairs []AddressPair `json:"allowedAddressPairs,omitempty"` // Enables and disables trunk at port level. If not provided, openStackMachine.Spec.Trunk is inherited. Trunk *bool `json:"trunk,omitempty"` // The ID of the host where the port is allocated HostID string `json:"hostId,omitempty"` // The virtual network interface card (vNIC) type that is bound to the neutron port. VNICType string `json:"vnicType,omitempty"` // A dictionary that enables the application running on the specified // host to pass and receive virtual network interface (VIF) port-specific // information to the plug-in. Profile map[string]string `json:"profile,omitempty"` // DisablePortSecurity enables or disables the port security when set. // When not set, it takes the value of the corresponding field at the network level. DisablePortSecurity *bool `json:"disablePortSecurity,omitempty"` // Tags applied to the port (and corresponding trunk, if a trunk is configured.) // These tags are applied in addition to the instance's tags, which will also be applied to the port. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
func (*PortOpts) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new PortOpts.
func (*PortOpts) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type RootVolume ¶
type RootVolume struct { Size int `json:"diskSize,omitempty"` VolumeType string `json:"volumeType,omitempty"` AvailabilityZone string `json:"availabilityZone,omitempty"` }
func (*RootVolume) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *RootVolume) DeepCopy() *RootVolume
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new RootVolume.
func (*RootVolume) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *RootVolume) DeepCopyInto(out *RootVolume)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type Router ¶
type Router struct { Name string `json:"name"` ID string `json:"id"` //+optional Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` //+optional IPs []string `json:"ips,omitempty"` }
Router represents basic information about the associated OpenStack Neutron Router.
func (*Router) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Router.
func (*Router) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type SecurityGroup ¶
type SecurityGroup struct { Name string `json:"name"` ID string `json:"id"` Rules []SecurityGroupRule `json:"rules,omitempty"` }
SecurityGroup represents the basic information of the associated OpenStack Neutron Security Group.
func (*SecurityGroup) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *SecurityGroup) DeepCopy() *SecurityGroup
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SecurityGroup.
func (*SecurityGroup) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *SecurityGroup) DeepCopyInto(out *SecurityGroup)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type SecurityGroupFilter ¶
type SecurityGroupFilter struct { ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` TenantID string `json:"tenantId,omitempty"` ProjectID string `json:"projectId,omitempty"` Limit int `json:"limit,omitempty"` Marker string `json:"marker,omitempty"` SortKey string `json:"sortKey,omitempty"` SortDir string `json:"sortDir,omitempty"` Tags string `json:"tags,omitempty"` TagsAny string `json:"tagsAny,omitempty"` NotTags string `json:"notTags,omitempty"` NotTagsAny string `json:"notTagsAny,omitempty"` }
func (*SecurityGroupFilter) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *SecurityGroupFilter) DeepCopy() *SecurityGroupFilter
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SecurityGroupFilter.
func (*SecurityGroupFilter) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *SecurityGroupFilter) DeepCopyInto(out *SecurityGroupFilter)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type SecurityGroupParam ¶
type SecurityGroupParam struct { // Security Group UID UUID string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` // Security Group name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Filters used to query security groups in openstack Filter SecurityGroupFilter `json:"filter,omitempty"` }
func (*SecurityGroupParam) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *SecurityGroupParam) DeepCopy() *SecurityGroupParam
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SecurityGroupParam.
func (*SecurityGroupParam) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *SecurityGroupParam) DeepCopyInto(out *SecurityGroupParam)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type SecurityGroupRule ¶
type SecurityGroupRule struct { Description string `json:"description"` ID string `json:"name"` Direction string `json:"direction"` EtherType string `json:"etherType"` SecurityGroupID string `json:"securityGroupID"` PortRangeMin int `json:"portRangeMin"` PortRangeMax int `json:"portRangeMax"` Protocol string `json:"protocol"` RemoteGroupID string `json:"remoteGroupID"` RemoteIPPrefix string `json:"remoteIPPrefix"` }
SecurityGroupRule represent the basic information of the associated OpenStack Security Group Role.
func (*SecurityGroupRule) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *SecurityGroupRule) DeepCopy() *SecurityGroupRule
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SecurityGroupRule.
func (*SecurityGroupRule) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *SecurityGroupRule) DeepCopyInto(out *SecurityGroupRule)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (SecurityGroupRule) Equal ¶
func (r SecurityGroupRule) Equal(x SecurityGroupRule) bool
Equal checks if two SecurityGroupRules are the same.
type Subnet ¶
type Subnet struct { Name string `json:"name"` ID string `json:"id"` CIDR string `json:"cidr"` //+optional Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
Subnet represents basic information about the associated OpenStack Neutron Subnet.
func (*Subnet) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Subnet.
func (*Subnet) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type SubnetFilter ¶
type SubnetFilter struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` ProjectID string `json:"projectId,omitempty"` IPVersion int `json:"ipVersion,omitempty"` GatewayIP string `json:"gateway_ip,omitempty"` CIDR string `json:"cidr,omitempty"` IPv6AddressMode string `json:"ipv6AddressMode,omitempty"` IPv6RAMode string `json:"ipv6RaMode,omitempty"` ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` Tags string `json:"tags,omitempty"` TagsAny string `json:"tagsAny,omitempty"` NotTags string `json:"notTags,omitempty"` NotTagsAny string `json:"notTagsAny,omitempty"` }
func (*SubnetFilter) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *SubnetFilter) DeepCopy() *SubnetFilter
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SubnetFilter.
func (*SubnetFilter) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *SubnetFilter) DeepCopyInto(out *SubnetFilter)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type SubnetParam ¶
type SubnetParam struct { // Optional UUID of the subnet. // If specified this will not be validated prior to server creation. // If specified, the enclosing `NetworkParam` must also be specified by UUID. UUID string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` // Filters for optional subnet query Filter SubnetFilter `json:"filter,omitempty"` }
func (*SubnetParam) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *SubnetParam) DeepCopy() *SubnetParam
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new SubnetParam.
func (*SubnetParam) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *SubnetParam) DeepCopyInto(out *SubnetParam)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.