Versions in this module Expand all Collapse all v1 v1.0.1 Jun 17, 2021 v1.0.0 Mar 26, 2021 Changes in this version + const DefaultRecordTTL + const DefaultResolverCacheTTL + const PublishPutValTimeout + var ErrBadRecord = errors.New("record could not be unmarshalled") + var ErrExpiredRecord = errors.New("expired record") + var ErrInvalidPath = errors.New("record path invalid") + var ErrKeyFormat = errors.New("record key could not be parsed into peer ID") + var ErrPublicKeyNotFound = errors.New("public key not found in peer store") + var ErrPublishFailed = errors.New("could not publish name") + var ErrResolveFailed = errors.New("could not resolve name") + var ErrResolveRecursion = errors.New("could not resolve name (recursion limit exceeded)") + var ErrSignature = errors.New("record signature verification failed") + var ErrUnrecognizedValidity = errors.New("unrecognized validity type") + func AddPubsubNameSystem(ctx context.Context, ns NameSystem, host p2phost.Host, r routing.IpfsRouting, ...) error + func CreateRoutingEntryData(pk ci.PrivKey, val path.Path, seq uint64, eol time.Time) (*pb.IpnsEntry, error) + func InitializeKeyspace(ctx context.Context, pub Publisher, pins pin.Pinner, key ci.PrivKey) error + func IpnsKeysForID(id peer.ID) (name, ipns string) + func IpnsSelectorFunc(k string, vals [][]byte) (int, error) + func NewIpnsRecordValidator(kbook pstore.KeyBook) *record.ValidChecker + func NewRoutingPublisher(route routing.ValueStore, ds ds.Datastore) *ipnsPublisher + func NewRoutingResolver(route routing.ValueStore, cachesize int) *routingResolver + func PublishEntry(ctx context.Context, r routing.ValueStore, ipnskey string, rec *pb.IpnsEntry) error + func PublishPublicKey(ctx context.Context, r routing.ValueStore, k string, pubk ci.PubKey) error + func PutRecordToRouting(ctx context.Context, k ci.PrivKey, value path.Path, seqnum uint64, ...) error + type DNSResolver struct + func (r *DNSResolver) Resolve(ctx context.Context, name string, options ...opts.ResolveOpt) (path.Path, error) + type LookupTXTFunc func(name string) (txt []string, err error) + type NameSystem interface + func NewNameSystem(r routing.ValueStore, ds ds.Datastore, cachesize int) NameSystem + type ProquintResolver struct + func (r *ProquintResolver) Resolve(ctx context.Context, name string, options ...opts.ResolveOpt) (path.Path, error) + type Publisher interface + Publish func(ctx context.Context, name ci.PrivKey, value path.Path) error + PublishWithEOL func(ctx context.Context, name ci.PrivKey, value path.Path, eol time.Time) error + type PubsubPublisher struct + func NewPubsubPublisher(ctx context.Context, host p2phost.Host, ds ds.Datastore, ...) *PubsubPublisher + func (p *PubsubPublisher) Publish(ctx context.Context, k ci.PrivKey, value path.Path) error + func (p *PubsubPublisher) PublishWithEOL(ctx context.Context, k ci.PrivKey, value path.Path, eol time.Time) error + type PubsubResolver struct + func NewPubsubResolver(ctx context.Context, host p2phost.Host, cr routing.ContentRouting, ...) *PubsubResolver + func (r *PubsubResolver) Cancel(name string) bool + func (r *PubsubResolver) GetSubscriptions() []string + func (r *PubsubResolver) Resolve(ctx context.Context, name string, options ...opts.ResolveOpt) (path.Path, error) + type Resolver interface + Resolve func(ctx context.Context, name string, options ...opts.ResolveOpt) (value path.Path, err error) + func NewDNSResolver() Resolver + type ResolverLookup interface + GetResolver func(subs string) (Resolver, bool)