Example: Wishlist and Recommendation
In this example system, we have two applications:
- The
application implements an HTTP endpoint, which sends added-wishlist-item events
to sns-demo-added-wishlist-items
SNS topic
- SQS queue
subscribes to the SNS topic
- The
application receives added-wishlist-item events from the sqs-demo-added-wishlist-items
computes recommendations, and sends recommendations to SQS queue sqs-demo-recommendations
How to run
Start localstack
container to mock SNS and SQS locally by running docker-compose:
docker-compose -f examples/snssqs/docker-compose.yaml up
Create necessary SQS queues and SNS topics, by running:
Run wishlist application:
go run examples/snssqs/wishlist/main.go
Run recommendation application:
go run examples/snssqs/recommendation/main.go
Invoke the wishlist endpoint with curl:
curl http://localhost:8080/wishlists/123/items -XPOST
After this you can see the logs for the wishlist and recommendation services.
Or run a load test against the endpoint, .e.g by using vegeta:
echo "POST http://localhost:8080/wishlists/123/items" | vegeta attack -duration=300s -rate 100/1s | vegeta encode | \
jaggr @count=rps \
hist\[100,200,300,400,500\]:code \
p25,p50,p95:latency | \
jplot rps+code.hist.100+code.hist.200+code.hist.300+code.hist.400+code.hist.500 \