World Wire Middleware
/authorization/**/* contains a custom built middelware package used by various IBM Blockchain World Wire micro-services. It is written in GOLANG and is only compatible with other golang micro-services.
Defined Permisisons
Required permissions are defined at ./permissions.yaml
(and transpiled into ./permissions.json
and consumed by the middleware)
JWT vs. User Permission
Does not distinguish between super vs. particpant permissions. The server that possesses the JWT
will have access to the requested resources if the JWT has sufficient claims. The permissions checking
logic is implemented in the middleware/token/token.go
User Permission
User Permissions are implmented using the firebase authentication service (which uses JWT under the hood). Permissions are grouped into either super or participant. The permission checking logic is
implemented in the middleware/token/client-token.go
Steps to run and test locally
The ./main.go is a demo api application that can be used for local development and testing. To debug locally:
- open vscode editor from
- install dependencies:
$ cd ../ ; dep ensure
NOTE: If this fails install dependencies one by one using:
$ go get ""
You will have to manually check the debug output for which packages are missing.
- Run the app in debug mode by selecting the play button in .vscode and select
launch authorization demo