Versions in this module Expand all Collapse all v0 v0.2.12 May 6, 2020 v0.2.11 Mar 3, 2020 v0.2.10 Mar 3, 2020 Changes in this version type Client + func Provider(cfg CallerCfg) (resp *Client) v0.2.9 Feb 27, 2020 v0.2.8 Feb 20, 2020 Changes in this version + func Register() common.Caller + type CallerCfg struct + Addr string + ConnectTimeout common.Duration + DB int + Debug bool + IdleTimeout common.Duration + MaxActive int + MaxIdle int + Network string + Password string + ReadTimeout common.Duration + Wait bool + WriteTimeout common.Duration + type Cfg struct + Muses struct{ ... } + type Client struct + func Caller(name string) *Client + func (r *Client) Blpop(channel string, time interface{}) (interface{}, error) + func (r *Client) Decr(key string) (val int64, err error) + func (r *Client) DecrBy(key string, amount int) (val int64, err error) + func (r *Client) Del(key string) error + func (r *Client) Do(commandName string, args ...interface{}) (reply interface{}, err error) + func (r *Client) Exists(key string) (bool, error) + func (r *Client) Expire(key string, expire int) error + func (r *Client) Flush() error + func (r *Client) Get(key string) (interface{}, error) + func (r *Client) GetBool(key string) (bool, error) + func (r *Client) GetInt(key string) (int, error) + func (r *Client) GetInt64(key string) (int64, error) + func (r *Client) GetObject(key string, val interface{}) error + func (r *Client) GetString(key string) (string, error) + func (r *Client) Hget(key, field string) (reply interface{}, err error) + func (r *Client) HgetAll(key string, val interface{}) error + func (r *Client) HgetBool(key, field string) (reply bool, err error) + func (r *Client) HgetInt(key, field string) (reply int, err error) + func (r *Client) HgetInt64(key, field string) (reply int64, err error) + func (r *Client) HgetObject(key, field string, val interface{}) error + func (r *Client) HgetString(key, field string) (reply string, err error) + func (r *Client) Hmset(key string, val interface{}, expire int) (err error) + func (r *Client) Hset(key, field string, val interface{}) (interface{}, error) + func (r *Client) Incr(key string) (val int64, err error) + func (r *Client) IncrBy(key string, amount int) (val int64, err error) + func (r *Client) Publish(channel, message string) (int, error) + func (r *Client) Rpush(channel, msg string) (interface{}, error) + func (r *Client) Send(commandName string, args ...interface{}) error + func (r *Client) Set(key string, val interface{}, expire int) (interface{}, error) + func (r *Client) Ttl(key string) (ttl int64, err error) + func (r *Client) Zadd(key string, score int64, member string) (reply interface{}, err error) + func (r *Client) Zrange(key string, from, to int64) (map[string]int64, error) + func (r *Client) ZrangeByScore(key string, from, to, offset int64, count int) (map[string]int64, error) + func (r *Client) Zrank(key, member string) (int64, error) + func (r *Client) Zrem(key string, member string) (reply interface{}, err error) + func (r *Client) Zrevrange(key string, from, to int64) (map[string]int64, error) + func (r *Client) ZrevrangeByScore(key string, from, to, offset int64, count int) (map[string]int64, error) + func (r *Client) Zrevrank(key, member string) (int64, error) + func (r *Client) Zscore(key string, member string) (int64, error)