Versions in this module Expand all Collapse all v0 v0.0.5 Feb 29, 2024 v0.0.4 Feb 28, 2024 Changes in this version + var ErrBatchDataTooBig = errors.New("batch data too big") + var ErrContractAddressCollision = errors.New("contract address collision") + var ErrExecutionReverted = errors.New("execution reverted") + var ErrExecutorBalanceMismatch = errors.New("balance mismatch") + var ErrExecutorDBError = errors.New("database error") + var ErrExecutorErrorInvalidBatchL2Data = errors.New("batch_l2_data is invalid") + var ErrExecutorErrorInvalidChainId = errors.New("chain_id is invalid") + var ErrExecutorErrorInvalidCoinbase = errors.New("coinbase (i.e. sequencer address) is invalid") + var ErrExecutorErrorInvalidContractsBytecodeKey = errors.New("contracts_bytecode key is invalid") + var ErrExecutorErrorInvalidContractsBytecodeValue = errors.New("contracts_bytecode value is invalid") + var ErrExecutorErrorInvalidDbKey = errors.New("db key is invalid") + var ErrExecutorErrorInvalidDbValue = errors.New("db value is invalid") + var ErrExecutorErrorInvalidFrom = errors.New("from is invalid") + var ErrExecutorErrorInvalidGetKey = errors.New("key is invalid") + var ErrExecutorErrorInvalidGlobalExitRoot = errors.New("global_exit_root is invalid") + var ErrExecutorErrorInvalidOldAccInputHash = errors.New("old_acc_input_hash is invalid") + var ErrExecutorErrorInvalidOldStateRoot = errors.New("old_state_root is invalid") + var ErrExecutorFEA2Scalar = errors.New("fea2scalar error") + var ErrExecutorSMMainAddressNegative = errors.New("address is negative") + var ErrExecutorSMMainAddressOutOfRange = errors.New("address is out of valid memory space range") + var ErrExecutorSMMainArithECRecoverDivideByZero = errors.New("divide-by-zero situation during an ECRecover") + var ErrExecutorSMMainArithECRecoverMismatch = errors.New("arith ECRecover instruction check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainArithMismatch = errors.New("arith instruction check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainAssert = errors.New("ROM assert instruction failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainBinaryAddMismatch = errors.New("binary add instruction check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainBinaryAndMismatch = errors.New("binary and instruction check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainBinaryEqMismatch = errors.New("binary equal instruction check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainBinaryLtMismatch = errors.New("binary less than instruction check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainBinaryOrMismatch = errors.New("binary or instruction check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainBinarySLtMismatch = errors.New("binary signed less than instruction check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainBinarySubMismatch = errors.New("binary sub instruction check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainBinaryXorMismatch = errors.New("binary xor instruction check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainCountersOverflowArith = errors.New("arith counter exceeded the maximum") + var ErrExecutorSMMainCountersOverflowBinary = errors.New("binary counter exceeded the maximum") + var ErrExecutorSMMainCountersOverflowKeccak = errors.New("keccak counter exceeded the maximum") + var ErrExecutorSMMainCountersOverflowMem = errors.New("memory align counter exceeded the maximum") + var ErrExecutorSMMainCountersOverflowPadding = errors.New("padding counter exceeded the maximum") + var ErrExecutorSMMainCountersOverflowPoseidon = errors.New("poseidon counter exceeded the maximum") + var ErrExecutorSMMainCountersOverflowSteps = errors.New("main execution exceeded the maximum number of steps") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashK = errors.New("register value is out of range while calculating a Keccak hash") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashKDigestAddressNotFound = errors.New("address has not been found while calculating a Keccak hash digest") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashKDigestCalledTwice = errors.New("keccak hash digest instruction called once check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashKDigestDigestMismatch = errors.New("keccak hash digest instruction digest check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashKDigestNotCompleted = errors.New("hash has not been completed while calling a Keccak hash digest") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashKDigestNotFound = errors.New("keccak hash digest instruction slot not found") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashKLenCalledTwice = errors.New("keccak hash length instruction called once check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashKLenLengthMismatch = errors.New("keccak hash length instruction length check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashKPaddingMismatch = errors.New("keccak hash instruction padding check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashKPositionNegative = errors.New("position register value is negative while calculating a Keccak hash") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashKPositionPlusSizeOutOfRange = errors.New(...) + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashKReadOutOfRange = errors.New("main execution Keccak check found read out of range") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashKSizeMismatch = errors.New("keccak hash instruction check size failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashKSizeOutOfRange = errors.New("size register value is out of range while calculating a Keccak hash") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashKValueMismatch = errors.New("keccak hash instruction value check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashP = errors.New("register value is out of range while calculating a Poseidon hash") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashPDigestAddressNotFound = errors.New("address has not been found while calculating a Poseidon hash digest") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashPDigestCalledTwice = errors.New("poseidon hash digest instruction called once check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashPDigestDigestMismatch = errors.New("poseidon hash digest instruction digest check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashPDigestNotCompleted = errors.New("hash has not been completed while calling a Poseidon hash digest") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashPLenCalledTwice = errors.New("poseidon hash length instruction called once check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashPLenLengthMismatch = errors.New("poseidon hash length instruction length check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashPPaddingMismatch = errors.New("poseidon hash instruction padding check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashPPositionNegative = errors.New("position register value is negative while calculating a Poseidon hash") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashPPositionPlusSizeOutOfRange = errors.New(...) + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashPReadOutOfRange = errors.New("main execution Poseidon check found read out of range") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashPSizeMismatch = errors.New("poseidon hash instruction size check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashPSizeOutOfRange = errors.New("size register value is out of range while calculating a Poseidon hash") + var ErrExecutorSMMainHashPValueMismatch = errors.New("poseidon hash instruction value check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainInvalidNoCounters = errors.New("no-counters request in a non-process batch") + var ErrExecutorSMMainInvalidUnsignedTx = errors.New("unsigned TX in a non-process batch") + var ErrExecutorSMMainJmpnOutOfRange = errors.New("JMPN instruction found a jump position out of range") + var ErrExecutorSMMainMemAlignOffsetOutOfRange = errors.New("offset register value is out of range while doing a mem align operation") + var ErrExecutorSMMainMemAlignReadMismatch = errors.New("memory align read instruction check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainMemAlignWrite8Mismatch = errors.New("memory align write 8 instruction check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainMemAlignWriteMismatch = errors.New("memory align write instruction check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainMemory = errors.New("memory instruction check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainMultipleFreeIn = errors.New("more than one free inputs in one ROM instruction") + var ErrExecutorSMMainStorageInvalidKey = errors.New("register value is out of range while building storage key") + var ErrExecutorSMMainStorageReadMismatch = errors.New("storage read instruction check failed") + var ErrExecutorSMMainStorageWriteMismatch = errors.New("storage write instruction check failed") + var ErrExecutorTOS32 = errors.New("TOS32 error") + var ErrExecutorUnsupportedForkId = errors.New("unsupported fork id") + var ErrGRPCResourceExhaustedAsTimeout = errors.New("request timed out") + var ErrIntrinsicInvalidBalance = errors.New("balance intrinsic error") + var ErrIntrinsicInvalidBatchGasLimit = errors.New("batch gas limit intrinsic error") + var ErrIntrinsicInvalidChainID = errors.New("chain id intrinsic error") + var ErrIntrinsicInvalidGasLimit = errors.New("gas limit intrinsic error") + var ErrIntrinsicInvalidNonce = errors.New("nonce intrinsic error") + var ErrIntrinsicInvalidSenderCode = errors.New("invalid sender code intrinsic error") + var ErrIntrinsicInvalidSignature = errors.New("signature intrinsic error") + var ErrIntrinsicInvalidTxGasOverflow = errors.New("gas overflow") + var ErrInvalidByteCodeStartsEF = errors.New("byte code starting with 0xEF") + var ErrInvalidJump = errors.New("invalid jump opcode") + var ErrInvalidOpCode = errors.New("invalid opcode") + var ErrInvalidRLP = errors.New("invalid RLP") + var ErrInvalidStatic = errors.New("invalid static call") + var ErrMaxCodeSizeExceeded = errors.New("evm: max code size exceeded") + var ErrOutOfCountersArith = errors.New("not enough arith counters counters to continue the execution") + var ErrOutOfCountersBinary = errors.New("not enough binary counters to continue the execution") + var ErrOutOfCountersKeccak = errors.New("not enough keccak counters to continue the execution") + var ErrOutOfCountersMemory = errors.New("not enough memory align counters counters to continue the execution") + var ErrOutOfCountersPadding = errors.New("not enough padding counters counters to continue the execution") + var ErrOutOfCountersPoseidon = errors.New("not enough poseidon counters counters to continue the execution") + var ErrOutOfCountersStep = errors.New("not enough step counters to continue the execution") + var ErrOutOfGas = errors.New("out of gas") + var ErrStackOverflow = errors.New("stack overflow") + var ErrStackUnderflow = errors.New("stack underflow") + var ErrUnsupportedForkId = errors.New("unsupported fork id") + type ExecutionResult struct + CreateAddress common.Address + Err error + ExecutorTrace instrumentation.ExecutorTrace + ExecutorTraceResult json.RawMessage + GasLeft uint64 + GasUsed uint64 + ReturnValue []byte + StateRoot []byte + StructLogs []instrumentation.StructLog + func (r *ExecutionResult) Failed() bool + func (r *ExecutionResult) Reverted() bool + func (r *ExecutionResult) Succeeded() bool