Index ¶
- Variables
- type AuctionClient
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionBid(amount *big.Int, slot int64, bidAmount *big.Int, deadline *big.Int) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionCanForge(forger ethCommon.Address, blockNum int64) (canForge bool, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionChangeDefaultSlotSetBid(slotSet int64, newInitialMinBid *big.Int) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionClaimHEZ() (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionConstants() (auctionConstants *common.AuctionConstants, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionEventInit(genesisBlockNum int64) (*AuctionEventInitialize, int64, error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionEventsByBlock(blockNum int64, blockHash *ethCommon.Hash) (*AuctionEvents, error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionForge(forger ethCommon.Address) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetAllocationRatio() (allocationRation [3]uint16, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetBootCoordinator() (bootCoordinator *ethCommon.Address, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetClaimableHEZ(claimAddress ethCommon.Address) (claimableHEZ *big.Int, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetClosedAuctionSlots() (closedAuctionSlots uint16, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetCurrentSlotNumber() (currentSlotNumber int64, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetDefaultSlotSetBid(slotSet uint8) (minBidSlotSet *big.Int, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetDonationAddress() (donationAddress *ethCommon.Address, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetMinBidBySlot(slot int64) (minBid *big.Int, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetOpenAuctionSlots() (openAuctionSlots uint16, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetOutbidding() (outbidding uint16, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetSlotDeadline() (slotDeadline uint8, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetSlotNumber(blockNum int64) (slot int64, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetSlotSet(slot int64) (slotSet *big.Int, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionMultiBid(amount *big.Int, startingSlot, endingSlot int64, slotSets [6]bool, ...) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionSetAllocationRatio(newAllocationRatio [3]uint16) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionSetBootCoordinator(newBootCoordinator ethCommon.Address, newBootCoordinatorURL string) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionSetClosedAuctionSlots(newClosedAuctionSlots uint16) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionSetCoordinator(forger ethCommon.Address, coordinatorURL string) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionSetDonationAddress(newDonationAddress ethCommon.Address) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionSetOpenAuctionSlots(newOpenAuctionSlots uint16) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionSetOutbidding(newOutbidding uint16) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionSetSlotDeadline(newDeadline uint8) (*types.Transaction, error)
- func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionVariables() (auctionVariables *common.AuctionVariables, err error)
- type AuctionEventHEZClaimed
- type AuctionEventInitialize
- type AuctionEventNewAllocationRatio
- type AuctionEventNewBid
- type AuctionEventNewBootCoordinator
- type AuctionEventNewClosedAuctionSlots
- type AuctionEventNewDefaultSlotSetBid
- type AuctionEventNewDonationAddress
- type AuctionEventNewForge
- type AuctionEventNewForgeAllocated
- type AuctionEventNewOpenAuctionSlots
- type AuctionEventNewOutbidding
- type AuctionEventNewSlotDeadline
- type AuctionEventSetCoordinator
- type AuctionEvents
- type AuctionInterface
- type AuctionState
- type Client
- type ClientConfig
- type ClientInterface
- type ContractData
- type Coordinator
- type DepositState
- type ERC20Consts
- type EthereumClient
- func (c *EthereumClient) Account() *accounts.Account
- func (c *EthereumClient) BalanceAt(addr ethCommon.Address) (*big.Int, error)
- func (c *EthereumClient) Call(fn func(*ethclient.Client) error) error
- func (c *EthereumClient) CallAuth(gasLimit uint64, ...) (*types.Transaction, error)
- func (c *EthereumClient) Client() *ethclient.Client
- func (c *EthereumClient) EthAddress() (*ethCommon.Address, error)
- func (c *EthereumClient) EthBlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, number int64) (*common.Block, error)
- func (c *EthereumClient) EthCall(ctx context.Context, tx *types.Transaction, blockNum *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *EthereumClient) EthChainID() (*big.Int, error)
- func (c *EthereumClient) EthERC20Consts(tokenAddress ethCommon.Address) (*ERC20Consts, error)
- func (c *EthereumClient) EthKeyStore() *ethKeystore.KeyStore
- func (c *EthereumClient) EthLastBlock() (int64, error)
- func (c *EthereumClient) EthNonceAt(ctx context.Context, account ethCommon.Address, blockNumber *big.Int) (uint64, error)
- func (c *EthereumClient) EthPendingNonceAt(ctx context.Context, account ethCommon.Address) (uint64, error)
- func (c *EthereumClient) EthSuggestGasPrice(ctx context.Context) (gasPrice *big.Int, err error)
- func (c *EthereumClient) EthTransactionReceipt(ctx context.Context, txHash ethCommon.Hash) (*types.Receipt, error)
- func (c *EthereumClient) NewAuth() (*bind.TransactOpts, error)
- type EthereumConfig
- type EthereumInterface
- type QueueStruct
- type RollupClient
- func (c *RollupClient) RollupAddToken(tokenAddress ethCommon.Address, feeAddToken, deadline *big.Int) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *RollupClient) RollupConstants() (rollupConstants *common.RollupConstants, err error)
- func (c *RollupClient) RollupEventInit(genesisBlockNum int64) (*RollupEventInitialize, int64, error)
- func (c *RollupClient) RollupEventsByBlock(blockNum int64, blockHash *ethCommon.Hash) (*RollupEvents, error)
- func (c *RollupClient) RollupForgeBatch(args *RollupForgeBatchArgs, auth *bind.TransactOpts) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *RollupClient) RollupForgeBatchArgs(ethTxHash ethCommon.Hash, l1UserTxsLen uint16) (*RollupForgeBatchArgs, *ethCommon.Address, error)
- func (c *RollupClient) RollupInstantWithdrawalViewer(tokenAddress ethCommon.Address, amount *big.Int) (instantAllowed bool, err error)
- func (c *RollupClient) RollupL1UserTxERC20ETH(fromBJJ babyjub.PublicKeyComp, fromIdx int64, depositAmount *big.Int, ...) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *RollupClient) RollupL1UserTxERC20Permit(fromBJJ babyjub.PublicKeyComp, fromIdx int64, depositAmount *big.Int, ...) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *RollupClient) RollupLastForgedBatch() (lastForgedBatch int64, err error)
- func (c *RollupClient) RollupRegisterTokensCount() (registerTokensCount *big.Int, err error)
- func (c *RollupClient) RollupSafeMode() (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *RollupClient) RollupUpdateBucketsParameters(arrayBuckets []RollupUpdateBucketsParameters) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *RollupClient) RollupUpdateFeeAddToken(newFeeAddToken *big.Int) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *RollupClient) RollupUpdateForgeL1L2BatchTimeout(newForgeL1L2BatchTimeout int64) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *RollupClient) RollupUpdateTokenExchange(addressArray []ethCommon.Address, valueArray []uint64) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *RollupClient) RollupUpdateWithdrawalDelay(newWithdrawalDelay int64) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *RollupClient) RollupWithdrawCircuit(proofA, proofC [2]*big.Int, proofB [2][2]*big.Int, tokenID uint32, ...) (*types.Transaction, error)
- func (c *RollupClient) RollupWithdrawMerkleProof(fromBJJ babyjub.PublicKeyComp, tokenID uint32, numExitRoot, idx int64, ...) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- type RollupConfig
- type RollupEventAddToken
- type RollupEventForgeBatch
- type RollupEventInitialize
- type RollupEventL1UserTx
- type RollupEventSafeMode
- type RollupEventUpdateBucketWithdraw
- type RollupEventUpdateBucketsParameters
- type RollupEventUpdateFeeAddToken
- type RollupEventUpdateForgeL1L2BatchTimeout
- type RollupEventUpdateTokenExchange
- type RollupEventUpdateWithdrawalDelay
- type RollupEventWithdraw
- type RollupEvents
- type RollupForgeBatchArgs
- type RollupInterface
- type RollupState
- type RollupUpdateBucketsParameters
- type SlotState
- type TokenClient
- type WDelayerClient
- func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerChangeWithdrawalDelay(newWithdrawalDelay uint64) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerClaimEmergencyCouncil() (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerClaimGovernance() (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerConstants() (constants *common.WDelayerConstants, err error)
- func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerDeposit(owner, token ethCommon.Address, amount *big.Int) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerDepositInfo(owner, token ethCommon.Address) (depositInfo DepositState, err error)
- func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerEnableEmergencyMode() (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerEscapeHatchWithdrawal(to, token ethCommon.Address, amount *big.Int) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerEventInit(genesisBlockNum int64) (*WDelayerEventInitialize, int64, error)
- func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerEventsByBlock(blockNum int64, blockHash *ethCommon.Hash) (*WDelayerEvents, error)
- func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerGetEmergencyCouncil() (emergencyCouncilAddress *ethCommon.Address, err error)
- func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerGetEmergencyModeStartingTime() (emergencyModeStartingTime int64, err error)
- func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerGetHermezGovernanceAddress() (hermezGovernanceAddress *ethCommon.Address, err error)
- func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerGetWithdrawalDelay() (withdrawalDelay int64, err error)
- func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerIsEmergencyMode() (ermergencyMode bool, err error)
- func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerTransferEmergencyCouncil(newAddress ethCommon.Address) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerTransferGovernance(newAddress ethCommon.Address) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerWithdrawal(owner, token ethCommon.Address) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
- type WDelayerEventDeposit
- type WDelayerEventEmergencyModeEnabled
- type WDelayerEventEscapeHatchWithdrawal
- type WDelayerEventInitialize
- type WDelayerEventNewEmergencyCouncil
- type WDelayerEventNewHermezGovernanceAddress
- type WDelayerEventNewWithdrawalDelay
- type WDelayerEventWithdraw
- type WDelayerEvents
- type WDelayerInterface
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ( // ErrAccountNil is used when the calls can not be made because the account is nil ErrAccountNil = fmt.Errorf("Authorized calls can't be made when the account is nil") // ErrBlockHashMismatchEvent is used when there's a block hash mismatch // between different events of the same block ErrBlockHashMismatchEvent = fmt.Errorf("block hash mismatch in event log") )
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AuctionClient ¶
type AuctionClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AuctionClient is the implementation of the interface to the Auction Smart Contract in ethereum.
func NewAuctionClient ¶
func NewAuctionClient(client *EthereumClient, address, tokenAddress ethCommon.Address) (*AuctionClient, error)
NewAuctionClient creates a new AuctionClient. `tokenAddress` is the address of the HEZ tokens.
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionBid ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionBid(amount *big.Int, slot int64, bidAmount *big.Int, deadline *big.Int) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
AuctionBid is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionCanForge ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionCanForge(forger ethCommon.Address, blockNum int64) (canForge bool, err error)
AuctionCanForge is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionChangeDefaultSlotSetBid ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionChangeDefaultSlotSetBid(slotSet int64, newInitialMinBid *big.Int) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
AuctionChangeDefaultSlotSetBid is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionClaimHEZ ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionClaimHEZ() (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
AuctionClaimHEZ is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionConstants ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionConstants() (auctionConstants *common.AuctionConstants, err error)
AuctionConstants returns the Constants of the Auction Smart Contract
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionEventInit ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionEventInit(genesisBlockNum int64) (*AuctionEventInitialize, int64, error)
AuctionEventInit returns the initialize event with its corresponding block number
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionEventsByBlock ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionEventsByBlock(blockNum int64, blockHash *ethCommon.Hash) (*AuctionEvents, error)
AuctionEventsByBlock returns the events in a block that happened in the Auction Smart Contract. To query by blockNum, set blockNum >= 0 and blockHash == nil. To query by blockHash set blockHash != nil, and blockNum will be ignored. If there are no events in that block the result is nil.
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionForge ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionForge(forger ethCommon.Address) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
AuctionForge is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionGetAllocationRatio ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetAllocationRatio() (allocationRation [3]uint16, err error)
AuctionGetAllocationRatio is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionGetBootCoordinator ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetBootCoordinator() (bootCoordinator *ethCommon.Address, err error)
AuctionGetBootCoordinator is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionGetClaimableHEZ ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetClaimableHEZ( claimAddress ethCommon.Address) (claimableHEZ *big.Int, err error)
AuctionGetClaimableHEZ is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionGetClosedAuctionSlots ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetClosedAuctionSlots() (closedAuctionSlots uint16, err error)
AuctionGetClosedAuctionSlots is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionGetCurrentSlotNumber ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetCurrentSlotNumber() (currentSlotNumber int64, err error)
AuctionGetCurrentSlotNumber is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionGetDefaultSlotSetBid ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetDefaultSlotSetBid(slotSet uint8) (minBidSlotSet *big.Int, err error)
AuctionGetDefaultSlotSetBid is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionGetDonationAddress ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetDonationAddress() (donationAddress *ethCommon.Address, err error)
AuctionGetDonationAddress is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionGetMinBidBySlot ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetMinBidBySlot(slot int64) (minBid *big.Int, err error)
AuctionGetMinBidBySlot is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionGetOpenAuctionSlots ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetOpenAuctionSlots() (openAuctionSlots uint16, err error)
AuctionGetOpenAuctionSlots is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionGetOutbidding ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetOutbidding() (outbidding uint16, err error)
AuctionGetOutbidding is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionGetSlotDeadline ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetSlotDeadline() (slotDeadline uint8, err error)
AuctionGetSlotDeadline is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionGetSlotNumber ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetSlotNumber(blockNum int64) (slot int64, err error)
AuctionGetSlotNumber is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionGetSlotSet ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionGetSlotSet(slot int64) (slotSet *big.Int, err error)
AuctionGetSlotSet is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionMultiBid ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionMultiBid(amount *big.Int, startingSlot, endingSlot int64, slotSets [6]bool, maxBid, minBid, deadline *big.Int) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
AuctionMultiBid is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionSetAllocationRatio ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionSetAllocationRatio( newAllocationRatio [3]uint16) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
AuctionSetAllocationRatio is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionSetBootCoordinator ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionSetBootCoordinator(newBootCoordinator ethCommon.Address, newBootCoordinatorURL string) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
AuctionSetBootCoordinator is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionSetClosedAuctionSlots ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionSetClosedAuctionSlots( newClosedAuctionSlots uint16) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
AuctionSetClosedAuctionSlots is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionSetCoordinator ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionSetCoordinator(forger ethCommon.Address, coordinatorURL string) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
AuctionSetCoordinator is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionSetDonationAddress ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionSetDonationAddress( newDonationAddress ethCommon.Address) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
AuctionSetDonationAddress is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionSetOpenAuctionSlots ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionSetOpenAuctionSlots( newOpenAuctionSlots uint16) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
AuctionSetOpenAuctionSlots is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionSetOutbidding ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionSetOutbidding(newOutbidding uint16) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
AuctionSetOutbidding is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionSetSlotDeadline ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionSetSlotDeadline(newDeadline uint8) (*types.Transaction, error)
AuctionSetSlotDeadline is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*AuctionClient) AuctionVariables ¶
func (c *AuctionClient) AuctionVariables() (auctionVariables *common.AuctionVariables, err error)
AuctionVariables returns the variables of the Auction Smart Contract
type AuctionEventHEZClaimed ¶
AuctionEventHEZClaimed is an event of the Auction Smart Contract
type AuctionEventInitialize ¶
type AuctionEventInitialize struct { DonationAddress ethCommon.Address BootCoordinatorAddress ethCommon.Address BootCoordinatorURL string Outbidding uint16 SlotDeadline uint8 ClosedAuctionSlots uint16 OpenAuctionSlots uint16 AllocationRatio [3]uint16 }
AuctionEventInitialize is the InitializeHermezAuctionProtocolEvent event of the Smart Contract
func (*AuctionEventInitialize) AuctionVariables ¶
func (ei *AuctionEventInitialize) AuctionVariables( InitialMinimalBidding *big.Int) *common.AuctionVariables
AuctionVariables returns the AuctionVariables from the initialize event
type AuctionEventNewAllocationRatio ¶
type AuctionEventNewAllocationRatio struct {
NewAllocationRatio [3]uint16
AuctionEventNewAllocationRatio is an event of the Auction Smart Contract
type AuctionEventNewBid ¶
AuctionEventNewBid is an event of the Auction Smart Contract
type AuctionEventNewBootCoordinator ¶
type AuctionEventNewBootCoordinator struct { NewBootCoordinator ethCommon.Address NewBootCoordinatorURL string }
AuctionEventNewBootCoordinator is an event of the Auction Smart Contract
type AuctionEventNewClosedAuctionSlots ¶
type AuctionEventNewClosedAuctionSlots struct {
NewClosedAuctionSlots uint16
AuctionEventNewClosedAuctionSlots is an event of the Auction Smart Contract
type AuctionEventNewDefaultSlotSetBid ¶
AuctionEventNewDefaultSlotSetBid is an event of the Auction Smart Contract
type AuctionEventNewDonationAddress ¶
AuctionEventNewDonationAddress is an event of the Auction Smart Contract
type AuctionEventNewForge ¶
AuctionEventNewForge is an event of the Auction Smart Contract
type AuctionEventNewForgeAllocated ¶
type AuctionEventNewForgeAllocated struct { Bidder ethCommon.Address Forger ethCommon.Address SlotToForge int64 BurnAmount *big.Int DonationAmount *big.Int GovernanceAmount *big.Int }
AuctionEventNewForgeAllocated is an event of the Auction Smart Contract
type AuctionEventNewOpenAuctionSlots ¶
type AuctionEventNewOpenAuctionSlots struct {
NewOpenAuctionSlots uint16
AuctionEventNewOpenAuctionSlots is an event of the Auction Smart Contract
type AuctionEventNewOutbidding ¶
type AuctionEventNewOutbidding struct {
NewOutbidding uint16
AuctionEventNewOutbidding is an event of the Auction Smart Contract
type AuctionEventNewSlotDeadline ¶
type AuctionEventNewSlotDeadline struct {
NewSlotDeadline uint8
AuctionEventNewSlotDeadline is an event of the Auction Smart Contract
type AuctionEventSetCoordinator ¶
type AuctionEventSetCoordinator struct { BidderAddress ethCommon.Address ForgerAddress ethCommon.Address CoordinatorURL string }
AuctionEventSetCoordinator is an event of the Auction Smart Contract
type AuctionEvents ¶
type AuctionEvents struct { NewBid []AuctionEventNewBid NewSlotDeadline []AuctionEventNewSlotDeadline NewClosedAuctionSlots []AuctionEventNewClosedAuctionSlots NewOutbidding []AuctionEventNewOutbidding NewDonationAddress []AuctionEventNewDonationAddress NewBootCoordinator []AuctionEventNewBootCoordinator NewOpenAuctionSlots []AuctionEventNewOpenAuctionSlots NewAllocationRatio []AuctionEventNewAllocationRatio SetCoordinator []AuctionEventSetCoordinator NewForgeAllocated []AuctionEventNewForgeAllocated NewDefaultSlotSetBid []AuctionEventNewDefaultSlotSetBid NewForge []AuctionEventNewForge HEZClaimed []AuctionEventHEZClaimed }
AuctionEvents is the list of events in a block of the Auction Smart Contract
func NewAuctionEvents ¶
func NewAuctionEvents() AuctionEvents
NewAuctionEvents creates an empty AuctionEvents with the slices initialized.
type AuctionInterface ¶
type AuctionInterface interface { // Getter/Setter, where Setter is onlyOwner AuctionSetSlotDeadline(newDeadline uint8) (*types.Transaction, error) AuctionGetSlotDeadline() (uint8, error) AuctionSetOpenAuctionSlots(newOpenAuctionSlots uint16) (*types.Transaction, error) AuctionGetOpenAuctionSlots() (uint16, error) AuctionSetClosedAuctionSlots(newClosedAuctionSlots uint16) (*types.Transaction, error) AuctionGetClosedAuctionSlots() (uint16, error) AuctionSetOutbidding(newOutbidding uint16) (*types.Transaction, error) AuctionGetOutbidding() (uint16, error) AuctionSetAllocationRatio(newAllocationRatio [3]uint16) (*types.Transaction, error) AuctionGetAllocationRatio() ([3]uint16, error) AuctionSetDonationAddress(newDonationAddress ethCommon.Address) (*types.Transaction, error) AuctionGetDonationAddress() (*ethCommon.Address, error) AuctionSetBootCoordinator(newBootCoordinator ethCommon.Address, newBootCoordinatorURL string) (*types.Transaction, error) AuctionGetBootCoordinator() (*ethCommon.Address, error) AuctionChangeDefaultSlotSetBid(slotSet int64, newInitialMinBid *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) // Coordinator Management AuctionSetCoordinator(forger ethCommon.Address, coordinatorURL string) (*types.Transaction, error) // Slot Info AuctionGetSlotNumber(blockNum int64) (int64, error) AuctionGetCurrentSlotNumber() (int64, error) AuctionGetMinBidBySlot(slot int64) (*big.Int, error) AuctionGetDefaultSlotSetBid(slotSet uint8) (*big.Int, error) AuctionGetSlotSet(slot int64) (*big.Int, error) // Bidding AuctionBid(amount *big.Int, slot int64, bidAmount *big.Int, deadline *big.Int) ( tx *types.Transaction, err error) AuctionMultiBid(amount *big.Int, startingSlot, endingSlot int64, slotSets [6]bool, maxBid, minBid, deadline *big.Int) (tx *types.Transaction, err error) // Forge AuctionCanForge(forger ethCommon.Address, blockNum int64) (bool, error) AuctionForge(forger ethCommon.Address) (*types.Transaction, error) // Fees AuctionClaimHEZ() (*types.Transaction, error) AuctionGetClaimableHEZ(bidder ethCommon.Address) (*big.Int, error) AuctionConstants() (*common.AuctionConstants, error) AuctionEventsByBlock(blockNum int64, blockHash *ethCommon.Hash) (*AuctionEvents, error) AuctionEventInit(genesisBlockNum int64) (*AuctionEventInitialize, int64, error) }
AuctionInterface is the inteface to to Auction Smart Contract
type AuctionState ¶
type AuctionState struct { // Mapping to control slot state Slots map[int64]*SlotState // Mapping to control balances pending to claim PendingBalances map[ethCommon.Address]*big.Int // Mapping to register all the coordinators. The address used for the mapping is the forger address Coordinators map[ethCommon.Address]*Coordinator }
AuctionState represents the state of the Rollup in the Smart Contract
type Client ¶
type Client struct { EthereumClient AuctionClient RollupClient WDelayerClient }
Client is used to interact with Ethereum and the Hermez smart contracts.
type ClientConfig ¶
type ClientConfig struct { Ethereum EthereumConfig Rollup RollupConfig }
ClientConfig is the configuration of the Client
type ClientInterface ¶
type ClientInterface interface { EthereumInterface RollupInterface AuctionInterface WDelayerInterface }
ClientInterface is the eth Client interface used by hermez-node modules to interact with Ethereum Blockchain and smart contracts.
type ContractData ¶
ContractData contains the contract data
type Coordinator ¶
Coordinator is the details of the Coordinator identified by the forger address
type DepositState ¶
DepositState is the state of Deposit
type ERC20Consts ¶
ERC20Consts are the constants defined in a particular ERC20 Token instance
type EthereumClient ¶
type EthereumClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EthereumClient is an ethereum client to call Smart Contract methods and check blockchain information.
func NewEthereumClient ¶
func NewEthereumClient(client *ethclient.Client, account *accounts.Account, ks *ethKeystore.KeyStore, config *EthereumConfig) (*EthereumClient, error)
NewEthereumClient creates a EthereumClient instance. The account is not mandatory (it can be nil). If the account is nil, CallAuth will fail with ErrAccountNil.
func (*EthereumClient) Account ¶
func (c *EthereumClient) Account() *accounts.Account
Account returns the underlying ethereum account
func (*EthereumClient) Call ¶
func (c *EthereumClient) Call(fn func(*ethclient.Client) error) error
Call performs a read only Smart Contract method call.
func (*EthereumClient) CallAuth ¶
func (c *EthereumClient) CallAuth(gasLimit uint64, fn func(*ethclient.Client, *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error)) (*types.Transaction, error)
CallAuth performs a Smart Contract method call that requires authorization. This call requires a valid account with Ether that can be spend during the call.
func (*EthereumClient) Client ¶
func (c *EthereumClient) Client() *ethclient.Client
Client returns the internal ethclient.Client
func (*EthereumClient) EthAddress ¶
func (c *EthereumClient) EthAddress() (*ethCommon.Address, error)
EthAddress returns the ethereum address of the account loaded into the EthereumClient
func (*EthereumClient) EthBlockByNumber ¶
EthBlockByNumber internally calls ethclient.Client BlockByNumber and returns *common.Block. If number == -1, the latests known block is returned.
func (*EthereumClient) EthCall ¶
func (c *EthereumClient) EthCall(ctx context.Context, tx *types.Transaction, blockNum *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
EthCall runs the transaction as a call (without paying) in the local node at blockNum.
func (*EthereumClient) EthChainID ¶
func (c *EthereumClient) EthChainID() (*big.Int, error)
EthChainID returns the ChainID of the ethereum network
func (*EthereumClient) EthERC20Consts ¶
func (c *EthereumClient) EthERC20Consts(tokenAddress ethCommon.Address) (*ERC20Consts, error)
EthERC20Consts returns the constants defined for a particular ERC20 Token instance.
func (*EthereumClient) EthKeyStore ¶
func (c *EthereumClient) EthKeyStore() *ethKeystore.KeyStore
EthKeyStore returns the keystore in the EthereumClient
func (*EthereumClient) EthLastBlock ¶
func (c *EthereumClient) EthLastBlock() (int64, error)
EthLastBlock returns the last block number in the blockchain
func (*EthereumClient) EthNonceAt ¶
func (c *EthereumClient) EthNonceAt(ctx context.Context, account ethCommon.Address, blockNumber *big.Int) (uint64, error)
EthNonceAt returns the account nonce of the given account. The block number can be nil, in which case the nonce is taken from the latest known block.
func (*EthereumClient) EthPendingNonceAt ¶
func (c *EthereumClient) EthPendingNonceAt(ctx context.Context, account ethCommon.Address) (uint64, error)
EthPendingNonceAt returns the account nonce of the given account in the pending state. This is the nonce that should be used for the next transaction.
func (*EthereumClient) EthSuggestGasPrice ¶
EthSuggestGasPrice retrieves the currently suggested gas price to allow a timely execution of a transaction.
func (*EthereumClient) EthTransactionReceipt ¶
func (c *EthereumClient) EthTransactionReceipt(ctx context.Context, txHash ethCommon.Hash) (*types.Receipt, error)
EthTransactionReceipt returns the transaction receipt of the given txHash
func (*EthereumClient) NewAuth ¶
func (c *EthereumClient) NewAuth() (*bind.TransactOpts, error)
NewAuth builds a new auth object to make a transaction
type EthereumConfig ¶
EthereumConfig defines the configuration parameters of the EthereumClient
type EthereumInterface ¶
type EthereumInterface interface { EthLastBlock() (int64, error) // EthHeaderByNumber(context.Context, *big.Int) (*types.Header, error) EthBlockByNumber(context.Context, int64) (*common.Block, error) EthAddress() (*ethCommon.Address, error) EthTransactionReceipt(context.Context, ethCommon.Hash) (*types.Receipt, error) EthERC20Consts(ethCommon.Address) (*ERC20Consts, error) EthChainID() (*big.Int, error) EthPendingNonceAt(ctx context.Context, account ethCommon.Address) (uint64, error) EthNonceAt(ctx context.Context, account ethCommon.Address, blockNumber *big.Int) (uint64, error) EthSuggestGasPrice(ctx context.Context) (*big.Int, error) EthKeyStore() *ethKeystore.KeyStore EthCall(ctx context.Context, tx *types.Transaction, blockNum *big.Int) ([]byte, error) }
EthereumInterface is the interface to Ethereum
type QueueStruct ¶
QueueStruct is the queue of L1Txs for a batch
func NewQueueStruct ¶
func NewQueueStruct() *QueueStruct
NewQueueStruct creates a new clear QueueStruct.
type RollupClient ¶
type RollupClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RollupClient is the implementation of the interface to the Rollup Smart Contract in ethereum.
func NewRollupClient ¶
func NewRollupClient(client *EthereumClient, address ethCommon.Address) (*RollupClient, error)
NewRollupClient creates a new RollupClient
func (*RollupClient) RollupAddToken ¶
func (c *RollupClient) RollupAddToken(tokenAddress ethCommon.Address, feeAddToken, deadline *big.Int) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
RollupAddToken is the interface to call the smart contract function. `feeAddToken` is the amount of HEZ tokens that will be paid to add the token. `feeAddToken` must match the public value of the smart contract.
func (*RollupClient) RollupConstants ¶
func (c *RollupClient) RollupConstants() (rollupConstants *common.RollupConstants, err error)
RollupConstants returns the Constants of the Rollup Smart Contract
func (*RollupClient) RollupEventInit ¶
func (c *RollupClient) RollupEventInit(genesisBlockNum int64) (*RollupEventInitialize, int64, error)
RollupEventInit returns the initialize event with its corresponding block number
func (*RollupClient) RollupEventsByBlock ¶
func (c *RollupClient) RollupEventsByBlock(blockNum int64, blockHash *ethCommon.Hash) (*RollupEvents, error)
RollupEventsByBlock returns the events in a block that happened in the Rollup Smart Contract. To query by blockNum, set blockNum >= 0 and blockHash == nil. To query by blockHash set blockHash != nil, and blockNum will be ignored. If there are no events in that block the result is nil.
func (*RollupClient) RollupForgeBatch ¶
func (c *RollupClient) RollupForgeBatch(args *RollupForgeBatchArgs, auth *bind.TransactOpts) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
RollupForgeBatch is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*RollupClient) RollupForgeBatchArgs ¶
func (c *RollupClient) RollupForgeBatchArgs(ethTxHash ethCommon.Hash, l1UserTxsLen uint16) (*RollupForgeBatchArgs, *ethCommon.Address, error)
RollupForgeBatchArgs returns the arguments used in a ForgeBatch call in the Rollup Smart Contract in the given transaction, and the sender address.
func (*RollupClient) RollupInstantWithdrawalViewer ¶
func (c *RollupClient) RollupInstantWithdrawalViewer(tokenAddress ethCommon.Address, amount *big.Int) (instantAllowed bool, err error)
RollupInstantWithdrawalViewer is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*RollupClient) RollupL1UserTxERC20ETH ¶
func (c *RollupClient) RollupL1UserTxERC20ETH(fromBJJ babyjub.PublicKeyComp, fromIdx int64, depositAmount *big.Int, amount *big.Int, tokenID uint32, toIdx int64) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
RollupL1UserTxERC20ETH is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*RollupClient) RollupL1UserTxERC20Permit ¶
func (c *RollupClient) RollupL1UserTxERC20Permit(fromBJJ babyjub.PublicKeyComp, fromIdx int64, depositAmount *big.Int, amount *big.Int, tokenID uint32, toIdx int64, deadline *big.Int) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
RollupL1UserTxERC20Permit is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*RollupClient) RollupLastForgedBatch ¶
func (c *RollupClient) RollupLastForgedBatch() (lastForgedBatch int64, err error)
RollupLastForgedBatch is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*RollupClient) RollupRegisterTokensCount ¶
func (c *RollupClient) RollupRegisterTokensCount() (registerTokensCount *big.Int, err error)
RollupRegisterTokensCount is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*RollupClient) RollupSafeMode ¶
func (c *RollupClient) RollupSafeMode() (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
RollupSafeMode is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*RollupClient) RollupUpdateBucketsParameters ¶
func (c *RollupClient) RollupUpdateBucketsParameters( arrayBuckets []RollupUpdateBucketsParameters, ) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
RollupUpdateBucketsParameters is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*RollupClient) RollupUpdateFeeAddToken ¶
func (c *RollupClient) RollupUpdateFeeAddToken(newFeeAddToken *big.Int) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
RollupUpdateFeeAddToken is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*RollupClient) RollupUpdateForgeL1L2BatchTimeout ¶
func (c *RollupClient) RollupUpdateForgeL1L2BatchTimeout( newForgeL1L2BatchTimeout int64) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
RollupUpdateForgeL1L2BatchTimeout is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*RollupClient) RollupUpdateTokenExchange ¶
func (c *RollupClient) RollupUpdateTokenExchange(addressArray []ethCommon.Address, valueArray []uint64) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
RollupUpdateTokenExchange is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*RollupClient) RollupUpdateWithdrawalDelay ¶
func (c *RollupClient) RollupUpdateWithdrawalDelay(newWithdrawalDelay int64) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
RollupUpdateWithdrawalDelay is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*RollupClient) RollupWithdrawCircuit ¶
func (c *RollupClient) RollupWithdrawCircuit(proofA, proofC [2]*big.Int, proofB [2][2]*big.Int, tokenID uint32, numExitRoot, idx int64, amount *big.Int, instantWithdraw bool) (*types.Transaction, error)
RollupWithdrawCircuit is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*RollupClient) RollupWithdrawMerkleProof ¶
func (c *RollupClient) RollupWithdrawMerkleProof(fromBJJ babyjub.PublicKeyComp, tokenID uint32, numExitRoot, idx int64, amount *big.Int, siblings []*big.Int, instantWithdraw bool) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
RollupWithdrawMerkleProof is the interface to call the smart contract function
type RollupConfig ¶
RollupConfig is the configuration for the Rollup smart contract interface
type RollupEventAddToken ¶
RollupEventAddToken is an event of the Rollup Smart Contract
type RollupEventForgeBatch ¶
type RollupEventForgeBatch struct { BatchNum int64 // Sender ethCommon.Address EthTxHash ethCommon.Hash L1UserTxsLen uint16 }
RollupEventForgeBatch is an event of the Rollup Smart Contract
type RollupEventInitialize ¶
type RollupEventInitialize struct { ForgeL1L2BatchTimeout uint8 FeeAddToken *big.Int WithdrawalDelay uint64 }
RollupEventInitialize is the InitializeHermezEvent event of the Smart Contract
func (*RollupEventInitialize) RollupVariables ¶
func (ei *RollupEventInitialize) RollupVariables() *common.RollupVariables
RollupVariables returns the RollupVariables from the initialize event
type RollupEventL1UserTx ¶
type RollupEventL1UserTx struct { // ToForgeL1TxsNum int64 // QueueIndex *big.Int // Position int // TransactionIndex *big.Int L1UserTx common.L1Tx }
RollupEventL1UserTx is an event of the Rollup Smart Contract
type RollupEventSafeMode ¶
type RollupEventSafeMode struct{}
RollupEventSafeMode is an event of the Rollup Smart Contract
type RollupEventUpdateBucketWithdraw ¶
type RollupEventUpdateBucketWithdraw struct { NumBucket int BlockStamp int64 // blockNum Withdrawals *big.Int }
RollupEventUpdateBucketWithdraw is an event of the Rollup Smart Contract
type RollupEventUpdateBucketsParameters ¶
type RollupEventUpdateBucketsParameters struct { ArrayBuckets []RollupUpdateBucketsParameters SafeMode bool }
RollupEventUpdateBucketsParameters is an event of the Rollup Smart Contract
type RollupEventUpdateFeeAddToken ¶
RollupEventUpdateFeeAddToken is an event of the Rollup Smart Contract
type RollupEventUpdateForgeL1L2BatchTimeout ¶
type RollupEventUpdateForgeL1L2BatchTimeout struct {
NewForgeL1L2BatchTimeout int64
RollupEventUpdateForgeL1L2BatchTimeout is an event of the Rollup Smart Contract
type RollupEventUpdateTokenExchange ¶
RollupEventUpdateTokenExchange is an event of the Rollup Smart Contract
type RollupEventUpdateWithdrawalDelay ¶
type RollupEventUpdateWithdrawalDelay struct {
NewWithdrawalDelay uint64
RollupEventUpdateWithdrawalDelay is an event of the Rollup Smart Contract
type RollupEventWithdraw ¶
type RollupEventWithdraw struct { Idx uint64 NumExitRoot uint64 InstantWithdraw bool TxHash ethCommon.Hash // Hash of the transaction that generated this event }
RollupEventWithdraw is an event of the Rollup Smart Contract
type RollupEvents ¶
type RollupEvents struct { L1UserTx []RollupEventL1UserTx AddToken []RollupEventAddToken ForgeBatch []RollupEventForgeBatch UpdateForgeL1L2BatchTimeout []RollupEventUpdateForgeL1L2BatchTimeout UpdateFeeAddToken []RollupEventUpdateFeeAddToken Withdraw []RollupEventWithdraw UpdateWithdrawalDelay []RollupEventUpdateWithdrawalDelay UpdateBucketWithdraw []RollupEventUpdateBucketWithdraw UpdateBucketsParameters []RollupEventUpdateBucketsParameters UpdateTokenExchange []RollupEventUpdateTokenExchange SafeMode []RollupEventSafeMode }
RollupEvents is the list of events in a block of the Rollup Smart Contract
func NewRollupEvents ¶
func NewRollupEvents() RollupEvents
NewRollupEvents creates an empty RollupEvents with the slices initialized.
type RollupForgeBatchArgs ¶
type RollupForgeBatchArgs struct { NewLastIdx int64 NewStRoot *big.Int NewExitRoot *big.Int L1UserTxs []common.L1Tx L1CoordinatorTxs []common.L1Tx L1CoordinatorTxsAuths [][]byte // Authorization for accountCreations for each L1CoordinatorTx L2TxsData []common.L2Tx FeeIdxCoordinator []common.Idx // Circuit selector VerifierIdx uint8 L1Batch bool ProofA [2]*big.Int ProofB [2][2]*big.Int ProofC [2]*big.Int }
RollupForgeBatchArgs are the arguments to the ForgeBatch function in the Rollup Smart Contract
type RollupInterface ¶
type RollupInterface interface { RollupForgeBatch(*RollupForgeBatchArgs, *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error) RollupAddToken(tokenAddress ethCommon.Address, feeAddToken, deadline *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) RollupWithdrawMerkleProof(babyPubKey babyjub.PublicKeyComp, tokenID uint32, numExitRoot, idx int64, amount *big.Int, siblings []*big.Int, instantWithdraw bool) (*types.Transaction, error) RollupWithdrawCircuit(proofA, proofC [2]*big.Int, proofB [2][2]*big.Int, tokenID uint32, numExitRoot, idx int64, amount *big.Int, instantWithdraw bool) (*types.Transaction, error) RollupL1UserTxERC20ETH(fromBJJ babyjub.PublicKeyComp, fromIdx int64, depositAmount *big.Int, amount *big.Int, tokenID uint32, toIdx int64) (*types.Transaction, error) RollupL1UserTxERC20Permit(fromBJJ babyjub.PublicKeyComp, fromIdx int64, depositAmount *big.Int, amount *big.Int, tokenID uint32, toIdx int64, deadline *big.Int) (tx *types.Transaction, err error) // Governance Public Functions RollupUpdateForgeL1L2BatchTimeout(newForgeL1L2BatchTimeout int64) (*types.Transaction, error) RollupUpdateFeeAddToken(newFeeAddToken *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) // Viewers RollupRegisterTokensCount() (*big.Int, error) RollupLastForgedBatch() (int64, error) RollupConstants() (*common.RollupConstants, error) RollupEventsByBlock(blockNum int64, blockHash *ethCommon.Hash) (*RollupEvents, error) RollupForgeBatchArgs(ethCommon.Hash, uint16) (*RollupForgeBatchArgs, *ethCommon.Address, error) RollupEventInit(genesisBlockNum int64) (*RollupEventInitialize, int64, error) }
RollupInterface is the inteface to to Rollup Smart Contract
type RollupState ¶
type RollupState struct { StateRoot *big.Int ExitRoots []*big.Int // ExitNullifierMap map[[256 / 8]byte]bool ExitNullifierMap map[int64]map[int64]bool // batchNum -> idx -> bool TokenList []ethCommon.Address TokenMap map[ethCommon.Address]bool MapL1TxQueue map[int64]*QueueStruct LastL1L2Batch int64 CurrentToForgeL1TxsNum int64 LastToForgeL1TxsNum int64 CurrentIdx int64 }
RollupState represents the state of the Rollup in the Smart Contract
type RollupUpdateBucketsParameters ¶
type RollupUpdateBucketsParameters struct { CeilUSD *big.Int BlockStamp *big.Int Withdrawals *big.Int RateBlocks *big.Int RateWithdrawals *big.Int MaxWithdrawals *big.Int }
RollupUpdateBucketsParameters are the bucket parameters used in an update
type SlotState ¶
type SlotState struct { Bidder ethCommon.Address ForgerCommitment bool Fulfilled bool BidAmount *big.Int ClosedMinBid *big.Int }
SlotState is the state of a slot
type TokenClient ¶ added in v1.2.0
type TokenClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TokenClient is the implementation of the interface to the Hez Token Smart Contract in ethereum.
func NewTokenClient ¶ added in v1.2.0
func NewTokenClient(client *EthereumClient, address ethCommon.Address) (*TokenClient, error)
NewTokenClient creates a new TokenClient
type WDelayerClient ¶
type WDelayerClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WDelayerClient is the implementation of the interface to the WithdrawDelayer Smart Contract in ethereum.
func NewWDelayerClient ¶
func NewWDelayerClient(client *EthereumClient, address ethCommon.Address) (*WDelayerClient, error)
NewWDelayerClient creates a new WDelayerClient
func (*WDelayerClient) WDelayerChangeWithdrawalDelay ¶
func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerChangeWithdrawalDelay(newWithdrawalDelay uint64) ( tx *types.Transaction, err error)
WDelayerChangeWithdrawalDelay is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*WDelayerClient) WDelayerClaimEmergencyCouncil ¶
func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerClaimEmergencyCouncil() (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
WDelayerClaimEmergencyCouncil is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*WDelayerClient) WDelayerClaimGovernance ¶
func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerClaimGovernance() (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
WDelayerClaimGovernance is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*WDelayerClient) WDelayerConstants ¶
func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerConstants() (constants *common.WDelayerConstants, err error)
WDelayerConstants returns the Constants of the WDelayer Smart Contract
func (*WDelayerClient) WDelayerDeposit ¶
func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerDeposit(owner, token ethCommon.Address, amount *big.Int) ( tx *types.Transaction, err error)
WDelayerDeposit is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*WDelayerClient) WDelayerDepositInfo ¶
func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerDepositInfo(owner, token ethCommon.Address) ( depositInfo DepositState, err error)
WDelayerDepositInfo is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*WDelayerClient) WDelayerEnableEmergencyMode ¶
func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerEnableEmergencyMode() (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
WDelayerEnableEmergencyMode is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*WDelayerClient) WDelayerEscapeHatchWithdrawal ¶
func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerEscapeHatchWithdrawal(to, token ethCommon.Address, amount *big.Int) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
WDelayerEscapeHatchWithdrawal is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*WDelayerClient) WDelayerEventInit ¶
func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerEventInit(genesisBlockNum int64) (*WDelayerEventInitialize, int64, error)
WDelayerEventInit returns the initialize event with its corresponding block number
func (*WDelayerClient) WDelayerEventsByBlock ¶
func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerEventsByBlock(blockNum int64, blockHash *ethCommon.Hash) (*WDelayerEvents, error)
WDelayerEventsByBlock returns the events in a block that happened in the WDelayer Smart Contract. To query by blockNum, set blockNum >= 0 and blockHash == nil. To query by blockHash set blockHash != nil, and blockNum will be ignored. If there are no events in that block the result is nil.
func (*WDelayerClient) WDelayerGetEmergencyCouncil ¶
func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerGetEmergencyCouncil() (emergencyCouncilAddress *ethCommon.Address, err error)
WDelayerGetEmergencyCouncil is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*WDelayerClient) WDelayerGetEmergencyModeStartingTime ¶
func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerGetEmergencyModeStartingTime() (emergencyModeStartingTime int64, err error)
WDelayerGetEmergencyModeStartingTime is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*WDelayerClient) WDelayerGetHermezGovernanceAddress ¶
func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerGetHermezGovernanceAddress() ( hermezGovernanceAddress *ethCommon.Address, err error)
WDelayerGetHermezGovernanceAddress is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*WDelayerClient) WDelayerGetWithdrawalDelay ¶
func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerGetWithdrawalDelay() (withdrawalDelay int64, err error)
WDelayerGetWithdrawalDelay is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*WDelayerClient) WDelayerIsEmergencyMode ¶
func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerIsEmergencyMode() (ermergencyMode bool, err error)
WDelayerIsEmergencyMode is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*WDelayerClient) WDelayerTransferEmergencyCouncil ¶
func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerTransferEmergencyCouncil(newAddress ethCommon.Address) ( tx *types.Transaction, err error)
WDelayerTransferEmergencyCouncil is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*WDelayerClient) WDelayerTransferGovernance ¶
func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerTransferGovernance(newAddress ethCommon.Address) ( tx *types.Transaction, err error)
WDelayerTransferGovernance is the interface to call the smart contract function
func (*WDelayerClient) WDelayerWithdrawal ¶
func (c *WDelayerClient) WDelayerWithdrawal(owner, token ethCommon.Address) (tx *types.Transaction, err error)
WDelayerWithdrawal is the interface to call the smart contract function
type WDelayerEventDeposit ¶
type WDelayerEventDeposit struct { Owner ethCommon.Address Token ethCommon.Address Amount *big.Int DepositTimestamp uint64 TxHash ethCommon.Hash // Hash of the transaction that generated this event }
WDelayerEventDeposit is an event of the WithdrawalDelayer Smart Contract
type WDelayerEventEmergencyModeEnabled ¶
type WDelayerEventEmergencyModeEnabled struct { }
WDelayerEventEmergencyModeEnabled an event of the WithdrawalDelayer Smart Contract
type WDelayerEventEscapeHatchWithdrawal ¶
type WDelayerEventEscapeHatchWithdrawal struct { Who ethCommon.Address To ethCommon.Address Token ethCommon.Address Amount *big.Int }
WDelayerEventEscapeHatchWithdrawal an event of the WithdrawalDelayer Smart Contract
type WDelayerEventInitialize ¶
type WDelayerEventInitialize struct { InitialWithdrawalDelay uint64 InitialHermezGovernanceAddress ethCommon.Address InitialEmergencyCouncil ethCommon.Address }
WDelayerEventInitialize is the InitializeWithdrawalDelayerEvent event of the Smart Contract
func (*WDelayerEventInitialize) WDelayerVariables ¶
func (ei *WDelayerEventInitialize) WDelayerVariables() *common.WDelayerVariables
WDelayerVariables returns the WDelayerVariables from the initialize event
type WDelayerEventNewEmergencyCouncil ¶
WDelayerEventNewEmergencyCouncil an event of the WithdrawalDelayer Smart Contract
type WDelayerEventNewHermezGovernanceAddress ¶
type WDelayerEventNewHermezGovernanceAddress struct {
NewHermezGovernanceAddress ethCommon.Address
WDelayerEventNewHermezGovernanceAddress an event of the WithdrawalDelayer Smart Contract
type WDelayerEventNewWithdrawalDelay ¶
type WDelayerEventNewWithdrawalDelay struct {
WithdrawalDelay uint64
WDelayerEventNewWithdrawalDelay an event of the WithdrawalDelayer Smart Contract
type WDelayerEventWithdraw ¶
type WDelayerEventWithdraw struct { Owner ethCommon.Address Token ethCommon.Address Amount *big.Int }
WDelayerEventWithdraw is an event of the WithdrawalDelayer Smart Contract
type WDelayerEvents ¶
type WDelayerEvents struct { Deposit []WDelayerEventDeposit Withdraw []WDelayerEventWithdraw EmergencyModeEnabled []WDelayerEventEmergencyModeEnabled NewWithdrawalDelay []WDelayerEventNewWithdrawalDelay EscapeHatchWithdrawal []WDelayerEventEscapeHatchWithdrawal NewEmergencyCouncil []WDelayerEventNewEmergencyCouncil NewHermezGovernanceAddress []WDelayerEventNewHermezGovernanceAddress }
WDelayerEvents is the lis of events in a block of the WithdrawalDelayer Smart Contract
func NewWDelayerEvents ¶
func NewWDelayerEvents() WDelayerEvents
NewWDelayerEvents creates an empty WDelayerEvents with the slices initialized.
type WDelayerInterface ¶
type WDelayerInterface interface { WDelayerGetHermezGovernanceAddress() (*ethCommon.Address, error) WDelayerTransferGovernance(newAddress ethCommon.Address) (*types.Transaction, error) WDelayerClaimGovernance() (*types.Transaction, error) WDelayerGetEmergencyCouncil() (*ethCommon.Address, error) WDelayerTransferEmergencyCouncil(newAddress ethCommon.Address) (*types.Transaction, error) WDelayerClaimEmergencyCouncil() (*types.Transaction, error) WDelayerIsEmergencyMode() (bool, error) WDelayerGetWithdrawalDelay() (int64, error) WDelayerGetEmergencyModeStartingTime() (int64, error) WDelayerEnableEmergencyMode() (*types.Transaction, error) WDelayerChangeWithdrawalDelay(newWithdrawalDelay uint64) (*types.Transaction, error) WDelayerDepositInfo(owner, token ethCommon.Address) (depositInfo DepositState, err error) WDelayerDeposit(onwer, token ethCommon.Address, amount *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) WDelayerWithdrawal(owner, token ethCommon.Address) (*types.Transaction, error) WDelayerEscapeHatchWithdrawal(to, token ethCommon.Address, amount *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) WDelayerEventsByBlock(blockNum int64, blockHash *ethCommon.Hash) (*WDelayerEvents, error) WDelayerConstants() (*common.WDelayerConstants, error) WDelayerEventInit(genesisBlockNum int64) (*WDelayerEventInitialize, int64, error) }
WDelayerInterface is the inteface to WithdrawalDelayer Smart Contract