Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AllocSuffix(name string) string
- func ConfigureTLS(httpClient *http.Client, tlsConfig *TLSConfig) error
- type ACLAuth
- func (a *ACLAuth) CompleteAuth(req *ACLOIDCCompleteAuthRequest, q *WriteOptions) (*ACLToken, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLAuth) GetAuthURL(req *ACLOIDCAuthURLRequest, q *WriteOptions) (*ACLOIDCAuthURLResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLAuth) Login(req *ACLLoginRequest, q *WriteOptions) (*ACLToken, *WriteMeta, error)
- type ACLAuthMethod
- type ACLAuthMethodConfig
- type ACLAuthMethodListStub
- type ACLAuthMethods
- func (a *ACLAuthMethods) Create(authMethod *ACLAuthMethod, w *WriteOptions) (*ACLAuthMethod, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLAuthMethods) Delete(authMethodName string, w *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLAuthMethods) Get(authMethodName string, q *QueryOptions) (*ACLAuthMethod, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLAuthMethods) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*ACLAuthMethodListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLAuthMethods) Update(authMethod *ACLAuthMethod, w *WriteOptions) (*ACLAuthMethod, *WriteMeta, error)
- type ACLBindingRule
- type ACLBindingRuleListStub
- type ACLBindingRules
- func (a *ACLBindingRules) Create(bindingRule *ACLBindingRule, w *WriteOptions) (*ACLBindingRule, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLBindingRules) Delete(bindingRuleID string, w *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLBindingRules) Get(bindingRuleID string, q *QueryOptions) (*ACLBindingRule, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLBindingRules) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*ACLBindingRuleListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLBindingRules) Update(bindingRule *ACLBindingRule, w *WriteOptions) (*ACLBindingRule, *WriteMeta, error)
- type ACLLoginRequest
- type ACLOIDCdeprecated
- type ACLOIDCAuthURLRequest
- type ACLOIDCAuthURLResponse
- type ACLOIDCCompleteAuthRequest
- type ACLPolicies
- func (a *ACLPolicies) Delete(policyName string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLPolicies) Info(policyName string, q *QueryOptions) (*ACLPolicy, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLPolicies) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*ACLPolicyListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLPolicies) Upsert(policy *ACLPolicy, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- type ACLPolicy
- type ACLPolicyListStub
- type ACLRole
- type ACLRoleListStub
- type ACLRolePolicyLink
- type ACLRoles
- func (a *ACLRoles) Create(role *ACLRole, w *WriteOptions) (*ACLRole, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLRoles) Delete(roleID string, w *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLRoles) Get(roleID string, q *QueryOptions) (*ACLRole, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLRoles) GetByName(roleName string, q *QueryOptions) (*ACLRole, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLRoles) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*ACLRoleListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLRoles) Update(role *ACLRole, w *WriteOptions) (*ACLRole, *WriteMeta, error)
- type ACLToken
- type ACLTokenListStub
- type ACLTokenRoleLink
- type ACLTokens
- func (a *ACLTokens) Bootstrap(q *WriteOptions) (*ACLToken, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLTokens) BootstrapOpts(btoken string, q *WriteOptions) (*ACLToken, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLTokens) Create(token *ACLToken, q *WriteOptions) (*ACLToken, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLTokens) Delete(accessorID string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLTokens) ExchangeOneTimeToken(secret string, q *WriteOptions) (*ACLToken, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLTokens) Info(accessorID string, q *QueryOptions) (*ACLToken, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLTokens) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*ACLTokenListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLTokens) Self(q *QueryOptions) (*ACLToken, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLTokens) Update(token *ACLToken, q *WriteOptions) (*ACLToken, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (a *ACLTokens) UpsertOneTimeToken(q *WriteOptions) (*OneTimeToken, *WriteMeta, error)
- type Action
- type Affinity
- type Agent
- func (a *Agent) CPUProfile(opts PprofOptions, q *QueryOptions) ([]byte, error)
- func (a *Agent) Datacenter() (string, error)
- func (a *Agent) ForceLeave(node string) error
- func (a *Agent) ForceLeaveWithOptions(node string, opts ForceLeaveOpts) error
- func (a *Agent) GetSchedulerWorkerConfig(q *QueryOptions) (*SchedulerWorkerPoolArgs, error)
- func (a *Agent) GetSchedulerWorkersInfo(q *QueryOptions) (*AgentSchedulerWorkersInfo, error)
- func (a *Agent) Health() (*AgentHealthResponse, error)
- func (a *Agent) Host(serverID, nodeID string, q *QueryOptions) (*HostDataResponse, error)
- func (a *Agent) InstallKey(key string) (*KeyringResponse, error)
- func (a *Agent) Join(addrs ...string) (int, error)
- func (a *Agent) ListKeys() (*KeyringResponse, error)
- func (a *Agent) Lookup(profile string, opts PprofOptions, q *QueryOptions) ([]byte, error)
- func (a *Agent) Members() (*ServerMembers, error)
- func (a *Agent) MembersOpts(opts *QueryOptions) (*ServerMembers, error)
- func (a *Agent) Monitor(stopCh <-chan struct{}, q *QueryOptions) (<-chan *StreamFrame, <-chan error)
- func (a *Agent) NodeName() (string, error)
- func (a *Agent) Region() (string, error)
- func (a *Agent) RemoveKey(key string) (*KeyringResponse, error)
- func (a *Agent) Self() (*AgentSelf, error)
- func (a *Agent) Servers() ([]string, error)
- func (a *Agent) SetSchedulerWorkerConfig(args SchedulerWorkerPoolArgs, q *WriteOptions) (*SchedulerWorkerPoolArgs, error)
- func (a *Agent) SetServers(addrs []string) error
- func (a *Agent) Trace(opts PprofOptions, q *QueryOptions) ([]byte, error)
- func (a *Agent) UseKey(key string) (*KeyringResponse, error)
- type AgentHealth
- type AgentHealthResponse
- type AgentMember
- type AgentMembersNameSort
- type AgentSchedulerWorkerConfigRequest
- type AgentSchedulerWorkerConfigResponse
- type AgentSchedulerWorkerInfo
- type AgentSchedulerWorkersInfo
- type AgentSelf
- type AggregateSample
- type AllocCheckStatus
- type AllocCheckStatuses
- type AllocDeploymentStatus
- type AllocFS
- func (a *AllocFS) Cat(alloc *Allocation, path string, q *QueryOptions) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (a *AllocFS) List(alloc *Allocation, path string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*AllocFileInfo, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *AllocFS) Logs(alloc *Allocation, follow bool, task, logType, origin string, offset int64, ...) (<-chan *StreamFrame, <-chan error)
- func (a *AllocFS) ReadAt(alloc *Allocation, path string, offset int64, limit int64, q *QueryOptions) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (a *AllocFS) Stat(alloc *Allocation, path string, q *QueryOptions) (*AllocFileInfo, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *AllocFS) Stream(alloc *Allocation, path, origin string, offset int64, cancel <-chan struct{}, ...) (<-chan *StreamFrame, <-chan error)
- type AllocFileInfo
- type AllocGetPauseResponse
- type AllocIndexSort
- type AllocNetworkStatus
- type AllocPauseRequest
- type AllocResourceUsage
- type AllocSignalRequest
- type AllocStopResponse
- type AllocatedCpuResources
- type AllocatedDeviceResource
- type AllocatedMemoryResources
- type AllocatedResources
- type AllocatedSharedResources
- type AllocatedTaskResources
- type Allocation
- type AllocationListStub
- type AllocationMetric
- type AllocationRestartRequest
- type AllocationSort
- type Allocations
- func (a *Allocations) Checks(allocID string, q *QueryOptions) (AllocCheckStatuses, error)
- func (a *Allocations) Exec(ctx context.Context, alloc *Allocation, task string, tty bool, ...) (exitCode int, err error)
- func (a *Allocations) GC(alloc *Allocation, q *QueryOptions) error
- func (a *Allocations) GetPauseState(alloc *Allocation, q *QueryOptions, task string) (string, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *Allocations) Info(allocID string, q *QueryOptions) (*Allocation, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *Allocations) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*AllocationListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *Allocations) PrefixList(prefix string) ([]*AllocationListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *Allocations) Restart(alloc *Allocation, taskName string, q *QueryOptions) error
- func (a *Allocations) RestartAllTasks(alloc *Allocation, q *QueryOptions) error
- func (a *Allocations) Services(allocID string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*ServiceRegistration, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *Allocations) SetPauseState(alloc *Allocation, q *QueryOptions, task, state string) error
- func (a *Allocations) Signal(alloc *Allocation, q *QueryOptions, task, signal string) error
- func (a *Allocations) Stats(alloc *Allocation, q *QueryOptions) (*AllocResourceUsage, error)
- func (a *Allocations) Stop(alloc *Allocation, q *QueryOptions) (*AllocStopResponse, error)
- type ApplyLicenseOptions
- type Attribute
- type AutopilotConfiguration
- type AutopilotUpgrade
- type AutopilotZone
- type AutopilotZoneUpgradeVersions
- type BootstrapRequest
- type CNIConfig
- type CSIControllerInfo
- type CSIInfo
- type CSIMountOptions
- type CSINodeInfo
- type CSIPlugin
- type CSIPluginIndexSort
- type CSIPluginListStub
- type CSIPluginType
- type CSIPlugins
- type CSISecrets
- type CSISnapshot
- type CSISnapshotCreateRequest
- type CSISnapshotCreateResponse
- type CSISnapshotListRequest
- type CSISnapshotListResponse
- type CSISnapshotSort
- type CSITopology
- type CSITopologyRequest
- type CSIVolume
- type CSIVolumeAccessMode
- type CSIVolumeAttachmentMode
- type CSIVolumeCapability
- type CSIVolumeCreateRequest
- type CSIVolumeCreateResponse
- type CSIVolumeDeleteRequest
- type CSIVolumeDeregisterRequest
- type CSIVolumeExternalStub
- type CSIVolumeExternalStubSort
- type CSIVolumeIndexSort
- type CSIVolumeListExternalResponse
- type CSIVolumeListStub
- type CSIVolumeRegisterRequest
- type CSIVolumes
- func (v *CSIVolumes) Create(vol *CSIVolume, w *WriteOptions) ([]*CSIVolume, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (v *CSIVolumes) CreateSnapshot(snap *CSISnapshot, w *WriteOptions) (*CSISnapshotCreateResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (v *CSIVolumes) Delete(externalVolID string, w *WriteOptions) error
- func (v *CSIVolumes) DeleteOpts(req *CSIVolumeDeleteRequest, w *WriteOptions) error
- func (v *CSIVolumes) DeleteSnapshot(snap *CSISnapshot, w *WriteOptions) error
- func (v *CSIVolumes) Deregister(id string, force bool, w *WriteOptions) error
- func (v *CSIVolumes) Detach(volID, nodeID string, w *WriteOptions) error
- func (v *CSIVolumes) Info(id string, q *QueryOptions) (*CSIVolume, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (v *CSIVolumes) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*CSIVolumeListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (v *CSIVolumes) ListExternal(pluginID string, q *QueryOptions) (*CSIVolumeListExternalResponse, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (v *CSIVolumes) ListSnapshots(pluginID string, secrets string, q *QueryOptions) (*CSISnapshotListResponse, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (v *CSIVolumes) ListSnapshotsOpts(req *CSISnapshotListRequest) (*CSISnapshotListResponse, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (v *CSIVolumes) PluginList(pluginID string) ([]*CSIVolumeListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (v *CSIVolumes) Register(vol *CSIVolume, w *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- type ChangeScript
- type CheckRestart
- type Client
- func (c *Client) ACLAuth() *ACLAuth
- func (c *Client) ACLAuthMethods() *ACLAuthMethods
- func (c *Client) ACLBindingRules() *ACLBindingRules
- func (c *Client) ACLOIDC() *ACLOIDCdeprecated
- func (c *Client) ACLPolicies() *ACLPolicies
- func (c *Client) ACLRoles() *ACLRoles
- func (c *Client) ACLTokens() *ACLTokens
- func (c *Client) Address() string
- func (c *Client) Agent() *Agent
- func (c *Client) AllocFS() *AllocFS
- func (c *Client) Allocations() *Allocations
- func (c *Client) CSIPlugins() *CSIPlugins
- func (c *Client) CSIVolumes() *CSIVolumes
- func (c *Client) Close()
- func (c *Client) Deployments() *Deployments
- func (c *Client) Evaluations() *Evaluations
- func (c *Client) EventStream() *EventStream
- func (c *Client) GetNodeClient(nodeID string, q *QueryOptions) (*Client, error)
- func (c *Client) GetNodeClientWithTimeout(nodeID string, timeout time.Duration, q *QueryOptions) (*Client, error)
- func (c *Client) HostVolumes() *HostVolumes
- func (c *Client) Jobs() *Jobs
- func (c *Client) Keyring() *Keyring
- func (c *Client) Locks(wo WriteOptions, v Variable, opts ...LocksOption) (*Locks, error)
- func (c *Client) Namespaces() *Namespaces
- func (c *Client) NewLockLeaser(l Locker, opts ...LockLeaserOption) *LockLeaser
- func (c *Client) NodePools() *NodePools
- func (c *Client) Nodes() *Nodes
- func (c *Client) Operator() *Operator
- func (c *Client) Quotas() *Quotas
- func (c *Client) Raw() *Raw
- func (c *Client) Recommendations() *Recommendations
- func (c *Client) Regions() *Regions
- func (c *Client) Scaling() *Scaling
- func (c *Client) Search() *Search
- func (c *Client) SentinelPolicies() *SentinelPolicies
- func (c *Client) Services() *Services
- func (c *Client) SetNamespace(namespace string)
- func (c *Client) SetRegion(region string)
- func (c *Client) SetSecretID(secretID string)
- func (c *Client) Status() *Status
- func (c *Client) System() *System
- func (c *Client) TaskGroupHostVolumeClaims() *TaskGroupHostVolumeClaims
- func (c *Client) Variables() *Variables
- type Config
- type Constraint
- type Consul
- type ConsulConnect
- type ConsulExposeConfig
- type ConsulExposePath
- type ConsulGateway
- type ConsulGatewayBindAddress
- type ConsulGatewayProxy
- type ConsulGatewayTLSConfig
- type ConsulGatewayTLSSDSConfig
- type ConsulHTTPHeaderModifiers
- type ConsulIngressConfigEntry
- type ConsulIngressListener
- type ConsulIngressService
- type ConsulLinkedService
- type ConsulMeshConfigEntry
- type ConsulMeshGateway
- type ConsulProxy
- type ConsulSidecarService
- type ConsulTerminatingConfigEntry
- type ConsulTransparentProxy
- type ConsulUpstream
- type CpuStats
- type DNSConfig
- type Deployment
- type DeploymentAllocHealthRequest
- type DeploymentFailRequest
- type DeploymentIndexSort
- type DeploymentPauseRequest
- type DeploymentPromoteRequest
- type DeploymentSpecificRequest
- type DeploymentState
- type DeploymentUnblockRequest
- type DeploymentUpdateResponse
- type Deployments
- func (d *Deployments) Allocations(deploymentID string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*AllocationListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (d *Deployments) Fail(deploymentID string, q *WriteOptions) (*DeploymentUpdateResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (d *Deployments) Info(deploymentID string, q *QueryOptions) (*Deployment, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (d *Deployments) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*Deployment, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (d *Deployments) Pause(deploymentID string, pause bool, q *WriteOptions) (*DeploymentUpdateResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (d *Deployments) PrefixList(prefix string) ([]*Deployment, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (d *Deployments) PromoteAll(deploymentID string, q *WriteOptions) (*DeploymentUpdateResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (d *Deployments) PromoteGroups(deploymentID string, groups []string, q *WriteOptions) (*DeploymentUpdateResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (d *Deployments) SetAllocHealth(deploymentID string, healthy, unhealthy []string, q *WriteOptions) (*DeploymentUpdateResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (d *Deployments) Unblock(deploymentID string, q *WriteOptions) (*DeploymentUpdateResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- type DeregisterOptions
- type DesiredTransition
- type DesiredUpdates
- type DeviceGroupStats
- type DeviceStats
- type DisconnectStrategy
- type DiskUsage
- type DispatchPayloadConfig
- type DrainMetadata
- type DrainOptions
- type DrainSpec
- type DrainStatus
- type DrainStrategy
- type DriverInfo
- type EncryptionAlgorithm
- type EphemeralDisk
- type ErrCASConflict
- type EvalCountResponse
- type EvalDeleteRequest
- type EvalDeleteResponse
- type EvalIndexSort
- type EvalOptions
- type Evaluation
- type EvaluationStub
- type Evaluations
- func (e *Evaluations) Allocations(evalID string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*AllocationListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (e *Evaluations) Count(q *QueryOptions) (*EvalCountResponse, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (e *Evaluations) Delete(evalIDs []string, w *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (e *Evaluations) DeleteOpts(req *EvalDeleteRequest, w *WriteOptions) (*EvalDeleteResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (e *Evaluations) Info(evalID string, q *QueryOptions) (*Evaluation, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (e *Evaluations) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*Evaluation, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (e *Evaluations) PrefixList(prefix string) ([]*Evaluation, *QueryMeta, error)
- type Event
- func (e *Event) Allocation() (*Allocation, error)
- func (e *Event) Deployment() (*Deployment, error)
- func (e *Event) Evaluation() (*Evaluation, error)
- func (e *Event) Job() (*Job, error)
- func (e *Event) Node() (*Node, error)
- func (e *Event) NodePool() (*NodePool, error)
- func (e *Event) Service() (*ServiceRegistration, error)
- type EventStream
- type Events
- type ExecStreamingExitResult
- type ExecStreamingIOOperation
- type ExecStreamingInput
- type ExecStreamingOutput
- type FieldDiff
- type ForceLeaveOpts
- type FrameReader
- type FuzzyMatch
- type FuzzySearchRequest
- type FuzzySearchResponse
- type GaugeValue
- type GenericResponse
- type HostCPUStats
- type HostData
- type HostDataResponse
- type HostDiskStats
- type HostMemoryStats
- type HostNetworkInfo
- type HostStats
- type HostVolume
- type HostVolumeAccessMode
- type HostVolumeAttachmentMode
- type HostVolumeCapability
- type HostVolumeCreateRequest
- type HostVolumeCreateResponse
- type HostVolumeDeleteRequest
- type HostVolumeInfo
- type HostVolumeListRequest
- type HostVolumeRegisterRequest
- type HostVolumeRegisterResponse
- type HostVolumeState
- type HostVolumeStub
- type HostVolumes
- func (hv *HostVolumes) Create(req *HostVolumeCreateRequest, opts *WriteOptions) (*HostVolumeCreateResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (hv *HostVolumes) Delete(req *HostVolumeDeleteRequest, opts *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (hv *HostVolumes) Get(id string, opts *QueryOptions) (*HostVolume, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (hv *HostVolumes) List(req *HostVolumeListRequest, opts *QueryOptions) ([]*HostVolumeStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (hv *HostVolumes) Register(req *HostVolumeRegisterRequest, opts *WriteOptions) (*HostVolumeRegisterResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- type HttpBasicAuth
- type Job
- func (j *Job) AddAffinity(a *Affinity) *Job
- func (j *Job) AddDatacenter(dc string) *Job
- func (j *Job) AddPeriodicConfig(cfg *PeriodicConfig) *Job
- func (j *Job) AddSpread(s *Spread) *Job
- func (j *Job) AddTaskGroup(grp *TaskGroup) *Job
- func (j *Job) Canonicalize()
- func (j *Job) Constrain(c *Constraint) *Job
- func (j *Job) IsMultiregion() bool
- func (j *Job) IsParameterized() bool
- func (j *Job) IsPeriodic() bool
- func (j *Job) LookupTaskGroup(name string) *TaskGroup
- func (j *Job) SetMeta(key, val string) *Job
- type JobACL
- type JobChildrenSummary
- type JobDeregisterResponse
- type JobDiff
- type JobDispatchRequest
- type JobDispatchResponse
- type JobEvaluateRequest
- type JobIDSort
- type JobListFields
- type JobListOptions
- type JobListStub
- type JobPlanRequest
- type JobPlanResponse
- type JobRegisterRequest
- type JobRegisterResponse
- type JobRevertRequest
- type JobScaleStatusResponse
- type JobStabilityRequest
- type JobStabilityResponse
- type JobStatusesRequest
- type JobSubmission
- type JobSubmissionResponse
- type JobSummary
- type JobUIConfig
- type JobUILink
- type JobValidateRequest
- type JobValidateResponse
- type JobVersionTag
- type JobVersionsResponse
- type Jobs
- func (j *Jobs) ActionExec(ctx context.Context, alloc *Allocation, job string, task string, tty bool, ...) (exitCode int, err error)
- func (j *Jobs) Allocations(jobID string, allAllocs bool, q *QueryOptions) ([]*AllocationListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) Deployments(jobID string, all bool, q *QueryOptions) ([]*Deployment, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) Deregister(jobID string, purge bool, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) DeregisterOpts(jobID string, opts *DeregisterOptions, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) Dispatch(jobID string, meta map[string]string, payload []byte, idPrefixTemplate string, ...) (*JobDispatchResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) EnforceRegister(job *Job, modifyIndex uint64, q *WriteOptions) (*JobRegisterResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) EvaluateWithOpts(jobID string, opts EvalOptions, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) Evaluations(jobID string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*Evaluation, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) ForceEvaluate(jobID string, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) Info(jobID string, q *QueryOptions) (*Job, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) LatestDeployment(jobID string, q *QueryOptions) (*Deployment, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*JobListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) ListOptions(opts *JobListOptions, q *QueryOptions) ([]*JobListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) ParseHCL(jobHCL string, canonicalize bool) (*Job, error)
- func (j *Jobs) ParseHCLOpts(req *JobsParseRequest) (*Job, error)
- func (j *Jobs) PeriodicForce(jobID string, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) Plan(job *Job, diff bool, q *WriteOptions) (*JobPlanResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) PlanOpts(job *Job, opts *PlanOptions, q *WriteOptions) (*JobPlanResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) PrefixList(prefix string) ([]*JobListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) Register(job *Job, q *WriteOptions) (*JobRegisterResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) RegisterOpts(job *Job, opts *RegisterOptions, q *WriteOptions) (*JobRegisterResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) Revert(jobID string, version uint64, enforcePriorVersion *uint64, q *WriteOptions, ...) (*JobRegisterResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) Scale(jobID, group string, count *int, message string, error bool, ...) (*JobRegisterResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) ScaleStatus(jobID string, q *QueryOptions) (*JobScaleStatusResponse, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) ScaleWithRequest(jobID string, req *ScalingRequest, q *WriteOptions) (*JobRegisterResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) Services(jobID string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*ServiceRegistration, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) Stable(jobID string, version uint64, stable bool, q *WriteOptions) (*JobStabilityResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) Submission(jobID string, version int, q *QueryOptions) (*JobSubmission, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) Summary(jobID string, q *QueryOptions) (*JobSummary, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) TagVersion(jobID string, version uint64, name string, description string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) UntagVersion(jobID string, name string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) Validate(job *Job, q *WriteOptions) (*JobValidateResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) VersionByTag(jobID, tag string, q *QueryOptions) (*Job, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) Versions(jobID string, diffs bool, q *QueryOptions) ([]*Job, []*JobDiff, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (j *Jobs) VersionsOpts(jobID string, opts *VersionsOptions, q *QueryOptions) ([]*Job, []*JobDiff, *QueryMeta, error)
- type JobsParseRequest
- type Keyring
- type KeyringDeleteOptions
- type KeyringRequest
- type KeyringResponse
- type KeyringRotateOptions
- type Label
- type LeadershipTransferResponse
- type License
- type LicenseReply
- type LockLeaser
- type LockLeaserOption
- type Locker
- type Locks
- type LocksOption
- type LogConfig
- type MemoryStats
- type MetricsSummary
- type MigrateStrategy
- type MonitorMessage
- type MonitorMsgLevel
- type Multiregion
- type MultiregionRegion
- type MultiregionStrategy
- type NUMAResource
- type Namespace
- type NamespaceCapabilities
- type NamespaceConsulConfiguration
- type NamespaceIndexSort
- type NamespaceNodePoolConfiguration
- type NamespaceVaultConfiguration
- type NamespacedID
- type Namespaces
- func (n *Namespaces) Delete(namespace string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (n *Namespaces) Info(name string, q *QueryOptions) (*Namespace, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (n *Namespaces) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*Namespace, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (n *Namespaces) PrefixList(prefix string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*Namespace, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (n *Namespaces) Register(namespace *Namespace, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- type NetworkResource
- type Node
- type NodeCpuResources
- type NodeDevice
- type NodeDeviceLocality
- type NodeDeviceResource
- type NodeDiskResources
- type NodeDrainUpdateResponse
- type NodeEligibilityUpdateResponse
- type NodeEvent
- type NodeIndexSort
- type NodeListStub
- type NodeMemoryResources
- type NodeMeta
- type NodeMetaApplyRequest
- type NodeMetaResponse
- type NodePool
- type NodePoolSchedulerConfiguration
- type NodePools
- func (n *NodePools) Delete(name string, w *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (n *NodePools) Info(name string, q *QueryOptions) (*NodePool, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (n *NodePools) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*NodePool, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (n *NodePools) ListJobs(poolName string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*JobListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (n *NodePools) ListNodes(poolName string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*NodeListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (n *NodePools) PrefixList(prefix string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*NodePool, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (n *NodePools) Register(pool *NodePool, w *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- type NodePurgeResponse
- type NodeReservedCpuResources
- type NodeReservedDiskResources
- type NodeReservedMemoryResources
- type NodeReservedNetworkResources
- type NodeReservedResources
- type NodeResources
- type NodeScoreMeta
- type NodeUpdateDrainRequest
- type NodeUpdateEligibilityRequest
- type Nodes
- func (n *Nodes) Allocations(nodeID string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*Allocation, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (n *Nodes) CSIVolumes(nodeID string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*CSIVolumeListStub, error)
- func (n *Nodes) ForceEvaluate(nodeID string, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (n *Nodes) GC(nodeID string, q *QueryOptions) error
- func (n *Nodes) GcAlloc(allocID string, q *QueryOptions) error
- func (n *Nodes) Info(nodeID string, q *QueryOptions) (*Node, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (n *Nodes) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*NodeListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (n *Nodes) Meta() *NodeMeta
- func (n *Nodes) MonitorDrain(ctx context.Context, nodeID string, index uint64, ignoreSys bool) <-chan *MonitorMessage
- func (n *Nodes) PrefixList(prefix string) ([]*NodeListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (n *Nodes) PrefixListOpts(prefix string, opts *QueryOptions) ([]*NodeListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (n *Nodes) Purge(nodeID string, q *QueryOptions) (*NodePurgeResponse, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (n *Nodes) Stats(nodeID string, q *QueryOptions) (*HostStats, error)
- func (n *Nodes) ToggleEligibility(nodeID string, eligible bool, q *WriteOptions) (*NodeEligibilityUpdateResponse, error)
- func (n *Nodes) UpdateDrain(nodeID string, spec *DrainSpec, markEligible bool, q *WriteOptions) (*NodeDrainUpdateResponse, error)
- func (n *Nodes) UpdateDrainOpts(nodeID string, opts *DrainOptions, q *WriteOptions) (*NodeDrainUpdateResponse, error)
- type ObjectDiff
- type OneTimeToken
- type OneTimeTokenExchangeRequest
- type OneTimeTokenExchangeResponse
- type OneTimeTokenUpsertResponse
- type Operator
- func (op *Operator) ApplyLicense(license string, opts *ApplyLicenseOptions, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (op *Operator) AutopilotCASConfiguration(conf *AutopilotConfiguration, q *WriteOptions) (bool, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (op *Operator) AutopilotGetConfiguration(q *QueryOptions) (*AutopilotConfiguration, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (op *Operator) AutopilotServerHealth(q *QueryOptions) (*OperatorHealthReply, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (op *Operator) AutopilotSetConfiguration(conf *AutopilotConfiguration, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (op *Operator) LicenseGet(q *QueryOptions) (*LicenseReply, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (op *Operator) LicensePut(license string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (op *Operator) Metrics(q *QueryOptions) ([]byte, error)
- func (op *Operator) MetricsSummary(q *QueryOptions) (*MetricsSummary, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (op *Operator) RaftGetConfiguration(q *QueryOptions) (*RaftConfiguration, error)
- func (op *Operator) RaftRemovePeerByAddress(address string, q *WriteOptions) error
- func (op *Operator) RaftRemovePeerByID(id string, q *WriteOptions) error
- func (op *Operator) RaftTransferLeadershipByAddress(address string, q *WriteOptions) error
- func (op *Operator) RaftTransferLeadershipByID(id string, q *WriteOptions) error
- func (op *Operator) SchedulerCASConfiguration(conf *SchedulerConfiguration, q *WriteOptions) (*SchedulerSetConfigurationResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (op *Operator) SchedulerGetConfiguration(q *QueryOptions) (*SchedulerConfigurationResponse, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (op *Operator) SchedulerSetConfiguration(conf *SchedulerConfiguration, q *WriteOptions) (*SchedulerSetConfigurationResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (op *Operator) Snapshot(q *QueryOptions) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (op *Operator) SnapshotRestore(in io.Reader, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (op *Operator) UpgradeCheckVaultWorkloadIdentity(q *QueryOptions) (*VaultWorkloadIdentityUpgradeCheck, *QueryMeta, error)
- type OperatorHealthReply
- type ParameterizedJobConfig
- type PeriodicConfig
- type PlanAnnotations
- type PlanOptions
- type PointValue
- type Port
- type PortMapping
- type PprofOptions
- type PreemptionConfig
- type QueryMeta
- type QueryOptions
- type QuotaLimit
- type QuotaLimitSort
- type QuotaResources
- type QuotaSpec
- type QuotaSpecIndexSort
- type QuotaStorageResources
- type QuotaUsage
- type QuotaUsageIndexSort
- type Quotas
- func (q *Quotas) Delete(quota string, qo *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (q *Quotas) Info(name string, qo *QueryOptions) (*QuotaSpec, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (q *Quotas) List(qo *QueryOptions) ([]*QuotaSpec, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (q *Quotas) ListUsage(qo *QueryOptions) ([]*QuotaUsage, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (q *Quotas) PrefixList(prefix string, qo *QueryOptions) ([]*QuotaSpec, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (q *Quotas) PrefixListUsage(prefix string, qo *QueryOptions) ([]*QuotaUsage, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (q *Quotas) Register(spec *QuotaSpec, qo *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (q *Quotas) Usage(name string, qo *QueryOptions) (*QuotaUsage, *QueryMeta, error)
- type RaftConfiguration
- type RaftServer
- type Raw
- func (raw *Raw) Delete(endpoint string, out interface{}, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (raw *Raw) Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
- func (raw *Raw) Query(endpoint string, out interface{}, q *QueryOptions) (*QueryMeta, error)
- func (raw *Raw) Response(endpoint string, q *QueryOptions) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (raw *Raw) Write(endpoint string, in, out interface{}, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- type Recommendation
- type RecommendationApplyRequest
- type RecommendationApplyResponse
- type Recommendations
- func (r *Recommendations) Apply(ids []string, policyOverride bool) (*RecommendationApplyResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (r *Recommendations) Delete(ids []string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (r *Recommendations) Info(id string, q *QueryOptions) (*Recommendation, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (r *Recommendations) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*Recommendation, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (r *Recommendations) Upsert(rec *Recommendation, q *WriteOptions) (*Recommendation, *WriteMeta, error)
- type ReconcileOption
- type Regions
- type RegisterOptions
- type RequestedDevice
- type RescheduleEvent
- type ReschedulePolicy
- type RescheduleTracker
- type ResourceUsage
- type Resources
- type RestartPolicy
- type RootKeyMeta
- type RootKeyState
- type SampledValue
- type Scaling
- type ScalingEvent
- type ScalingPolicy
- type ScalingPolicyListStub
- type ScalingRequest
- type SchedulerAlgorithm
- type SchedulerConfiguration
- type SchedulerConfigurationResponse
- type SchedulerSetConfigurationResponse
- type SchedulerWorkerPoolArgs
- type Search
- type SearchRequest
- type SearchResponse
- type SentinelPolicies
- func (a *SentinelPolicies) Delete(policyName string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (a *SentinelPolicies) Info(policyName string, q *QueryOptions) (*SentinelPolicy, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *SentinelPolicies) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*SentinelPolicyListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (a *SentinelPolicies) Upsert(policy *SentinelPolicy, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- type SentinelPolicy
- type SentinelPolicyListStub
- type ServerHealth
- type ServerMembers
- type Service
- type ServiceCheck
- type ServiceRegistration
- type ServiceRegistrationListStub
- type ServiceRegistrationStub
- type ServiceWeights
- type Services
- type SidecarTask
- type SingleDeploymentResponse
- type SingleRecommendationApplyError
- type SingleRecommendationApplyResult
- type Spread
- type SpreadTarget
- type StatObject
- type StatValue
- type Status
- type StreamFrame
- type System
- type TLSConfig
- type TagVersionRequest
- type Task
- func (t *Task) AddAffinity(a *Affinity) *Task
- func (t *Task) Canonicalize(tg *TaskGroup, job *Job)
- func (t *Task) Constrain(c *Constraint) *Task
- func (t *Task) Require(r *Resources) *Task
- func (t *Task) SetConfig(key string, val interface{}) *Task
- func (t *Task) SetLifecycle(l *TaskLifecycle) *Task
- func (t *Task) SetLogConfig(l *LogConfig) *Task
- func (t *Task) SetMeta(key, val string) *Task
- type TaskArtifact
- type TaskCSIPluginConfig
- type TaskDiff
- type TaskEvent
- type TaskGroup
- func (g *TaskGroup) AddAffinity(a *Affinity) *TaskGroup
- func (g *TaskGroup) AddSpread(s *Spread) *TaskGroup
- func (g *TaskGroup) AddTask(t *Task) *TaskGroup
- func (g *TaskGroup) Canonicalize(job *Job)
- func (g *TaskGroup) Constrain(c *Constraint) *TaskGroup
- func (g *TaskGroup) RequireDisk(disk *EphemeralDisk) *TaskGroup
- func (g *TaskGroup) SetMeta(key, val string) *TaskGroup
- type TaskGroupDiff
- type TaskGroupHostVolumeClaim
- type TaskGroupHostVolumeClaims
- type TaskGroupHostVolumeClaimsListRequest
- type TaskGroupScaleStatus
- type TaskGroupSummary
- type TaskLifecycle
- type TaskResourceUsage
- type TaskSchedule
- type TaskScheduleCron
- type TaskState
- type Template
- type TerminalSize
- type Topic
- type UnexpectedResponseError
- func (e UnexpectedResponseError) Additional() error
- func (e UnexpectedResponseError) Body() string
- func (e UnexpectedResponseError) Error() string
- func (e UnexpectedResponseError) ExpectedStatuses() []int
- func (e UnexpectedResponseError) HasAdditional() bool
- func (e UnexpectedResponseError) HasBody() bool
- func (e UnexpectedResponseError) HasError() bool
- func (e UnexpectedResponseError) HasExpectedStatuses() bool
- func (e UnexpectedResponseError) HasStatusCode() bool
- func (e UnexpectedResponseError) HasStatusText() bool
- func (e UnexpectedResponseError) StatusCode() int
- func (e UnexpectedResponseError) StatusText() string
- func (e UnexpectedResponseError) Unwrap() error
- type UpdateStrategy
- type Variable
- type VariableItems
- type VariableLock
- type VariableMetadata
- type Variables
- func (vars *Variables) AcquireLock(v *Variable, qo *WriteOptions) (*Variable, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (vars *Variables) CheckedCreate(v *Variable, qo *WriteOptions) (*Variable, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (vars *Variables) CheckedDelete(path string, checkIndex uint64, qo *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (vars *Variables) CheckedUpdate(v *Variable, qo *WriteOptions) (*Variable, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (vars *Variables) Create(v *Variable, qo *WriteOptions) (*Variable, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (vars *Variables) Delete(path string, qo *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
- func (vars *Variables) GetItems(path string, qo *QueryOptions) (*VariableItems, *QueryMeta, error)deprecated
- func (vars *Variables) GetVariableItems(path string, qo *QueryOptions) (VariableItems, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (vars *Variables) List(qo *QueryOptions) ([]*VariableMetadata, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (vars *Variables) Peek(path string, qo *QueryOptions) (*Variable, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (vars *Variables) PrefixList(prefix string, qo *QueryOptions) ([]*VariableMetadata, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (vars *Variables) Read(path string, qo *QueryOptions) (*Variable, *QueryMeta, error)
- func (vars *Variables) ReleaseLock(v *Variable, qo *WriteOptions) (*Variable, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (vars *Variables) RenewLock(v *Variable, qo *WriteOptions) (*VariableMetadata, *WriteMeta, error)
- func (vars *Variables) Update(v *Variable, qo *WriteOptions) (*Variable, *WriteMeta, error)
- type Vault
- type VaultAccessor
- type VaultWorkloadIdentityUpgradeCheck
- type VersionsOptions
- type VolumeMount
- type VolumeRequest
- type WaitConfig
- type WorkloadIdentity
- type WriteMeta
- type WriteOptions
- type WriteRequest
Constants ¶
const ( // ACLAuthMethodTokenLocalityLocal is the ACLAuthMethod.TokenLocality that // will generate ACL tokens which can only be used on the local cluster the // request was made. ACLAuthMethodTokenLocalityLocal = "local" // ACLAuthMethodTokenLocalityGlobal is the ACLAuthMethod.TokenLocality that // will generate ACL tokens which can be used on all federated clusters. ACLAuthMethodTokenLocalityGlobal = "global" // ACLAuthMethodTypeOIDC the ACLAuthMethod.Type and represents an // auth-method which uses the OIDC protocol. ACLAuthMethodTypeOIDC = "OIDC" // ACLAuthMethodTypeJWT the ACLAuthMethod.Type and represents an auth-method // which uses the JWT type. ACLAuthMethodTypeJWT = "JWT" )
const ( // ACLBindingRuleBindTypeRole is the ACL binding rule bind type that only // allows the binding rule to function if a role exists at login-time. The // role will be specified within the ACLBindingRule.BindName parameter, and // will identify whether this is an ID or Name. ACLBindingRuleBindTypeRole = "role" // ACLBindingRuleBindTypePolicy is the ACL binding rule bind type that // assigns a policy to the generate ACL token. The role will be specified // within the ACLBindingRule.BindName parameter, and will be the policy // name. ACLBindingRuleBindTypePolicy = "policy" // ACLBindingRuleBindTypeManagement is the ACL binding rule bind type that // will generate management ACL tokens when matched. ACLBindingRuleBindTypeManagement = "management" )
const ( AllocDesiredStatusRun = "run" // Allocation should run AllocDesiredStatusStop = "stop" // Allocation should stop AllocDesiredStatusEvict = "evict" // Allocation should stop, and was evicted )
const ( AllocClientStatusPending = "pending" AllocClientStatusRunning = "running" AllocClientStatusComplete = "complete" AllocClientStatusFailed = "failed" AllocClientStatusLost = "lost" AllocClientStatusUnknown = "unknown" )
const ( // AllNamespacesNamespace is a sentinel Namespace value to indicate that api should search for // jobs and allocations in all the namespaces the requester can access. AllNamespacesNamespace = "*" // PermissionDeniedErrorContent is the string content of an error returned // by the API which indicates the caller does not have permission to // perform the action. PermissionDeniedErrorContent = "Permission denied" )
const ( ConstraintDistinctProperty = "distinct_property" ConstraintDistinctHosts = "distinct_hosts" ConstraintRegex = "regexp" ConstraintVersion = "version" ConstraintSemver = "semver" ConstraintSetContains = "set_contains" ConstraintSetContainsAll = "set_contains_all" ConstraintSetContainsAny = "set_contains_any" ConstraintAttributeIsSet = "is_set" ConstraintAttributeIsNotSet = "is_not_set" )
const ( CSIVolumeTypeHost = "host" CSIVolumeTypeCSI = "csi" )
const ( DeploymentStatusRunning = "running" DeploymentStatusPaused = "paused" DeploymentStatusFailed = "failed" DeploymentStatusSuccessful = "successful" DeploymentStatusCancelled = "cancelled" DeploymentStatusPending = "pending" DeploymentStatusBlocked = "blocked" DeploymentStatusUnblocking = "unblocking" )
const ( EvalStatusBlocked = "blocked" EvalStatusPending = "pending" EvalStatusComplete = "complete" EvalStatusFailed = "failed" EvalStatusCancelled = "canceled" )
const ( // OriginStart and OriginEnd are the available parameters for the origin // argument when streaming a file. They respectively offset from the start // and end of a file. OriginStart = "start" OriginEnd = "end" // FSLogNameStdout is the name given to the stdout log stream of a task. It // can be used when calling AllocFS.Logs as the logType parameter. FSLogNameStdout = "stdout" // FSLogNameStderr is the name given to the stderr log stream of a task. It // can be used when calling AllocFS.Logs as the logType parameter. FSLogNameStderr = "stderr" )
const ( // JobTypeService indicates a long-running processes JobTypeService = "service" // JobTypeBatch indicates a short-lived process JobTypeBatch = "batch" // JobTypeSystem indicates a system process that should run on all clients JobTypeSystem = "system" // JobTypeSysbatch indicates a short-lived system process that should run // on all clients. JobTypeSysbatch = "sysbatch" // JobDefaultPriority is the default priority if not specified. JobDefaultPriority = 50 // PeriodicSpecCron is used for a cron spec. PeriodicSpecCron = "cron" // DefaultNamespace is the default namespace. DefaultNamespace = "default" // For Job configuration, GlobalRegion is a sentinel region value // that users may specify to indicate the job should be run on // the region of the node that the job was submitted to. // For Client configuration, if no region information is given, // the client node will default to be part of the GlobalRegion. GlobalRegion = "global" )
const ( // JobPeriodicLaunchSuffix is the string appended to the periodic jobs ID // when launching derived instances of it. JobPeriodicLaunchSuffix = "/periodic-" // JobDispatchLaunchSuffix is the string appended to the parameterized job's ID // when dispatching instances of it. JobDispatchLaunchSuffix = "/dispatch-" )
const ( RootKeyStateInactive RootKeyState = "inactive" RootKeyStateActive = "active" RootKeyStateRekeying = "rekeying" RootKeyStateDeprecated = "deprecated" RootKeyStatePrepublished = "prepublished" )
const ( // DefaultLockTTL is the default value used to maintain a lock before it needs to // be renewed. The actual value comes from the experience with Consul. DefaultLockTTL = 15 * time.Second // DefaultLockDelay is the default a lock will be blocked after the TTL // went by without any renews. It is intended to prevent split brain situations. // The actual value comes from the experience with Consul. DefaultLockDelay = 15 * time.Second )
const ( // NodePoolAll is the node pool that always includes all nodes. NodePoolAll = "all" // NodePoolDefault is the default node pool. NodePoolDefault = "default" )
const ( NodeStatusInit = "initializing" NodeStatusReady = "ready" NodeStatusDown = "down" NodeStatusDisconnected = "disconnected" // NodeSchedulingEligible and Ineligible marks the node as eligible or not, // respectively, for receiving allocations. This is orthogonal to the node // status being ready. NodeSchedulingEligible = "eligible" NodeSchedulingIneligible = "ineligible" DrainStatusDraining DrainStatus = "draining" DrainStatusComplete DrainStatus = "complete" DrainStatusCanceled DrainStatus = "canceled" )
const ( NodeEventSubsystemDrain = "Drain" NodeEventSubsystemDriver = "Driver" NodeEventSubsystemHeartbeat = "Heartbeat" NodeEventSubsystemCluster = "Cluster" )
const ( SentinelScopeSubmitJob = "submit-job" SentinelScopeSubmitHostVolume = "submit-host-volume" )
Possible Sentinel scopes
const ( OnUpdateRequireHealthy = "require_healthy" OnUpdateIgnoreWarn = "ignore_warnings" OnUpdateIgnore = "ignore" // ServiceProviderConsul is the default provider for services when no // parameter is set. ServiceProviderConsul = "consul" )
const ( // RestartPolicyModeDelay causes an artificial delay till the next interval is // reached when the specified attempts have been reached in the interval. RestartPolicyModeDelay = "delay" // RestartPolicyModeFail causes a job to fail if the specified number of // attempts are reached within an interval. RestartPolicyModeFail = "fail" // ReconcileOption is used to specify the behavior of the reconciliation process // between the original allocations and the replacements when a previously // disconnected client comes back online. ReconcileOptionKeepOriginal = "keep_original" ReconcileOptionKeepReplacement = "keep_replacement" ReconcileOptionBestScore = "best_score" ReconcileOptionLongestRunning = "longest_running" )
const ( VolumeMountPropagationPrivate = "private" VolumeMountPropagationHostToTask = "host-to-task" VolumeMountPropagationBidirectional = "bidirectional" )
const ( TaskLifecycleHookPrestart = "prestart" TaskLifecycleHookPoststart = "poststart" TaskLifecycleHookPoststop = "poststop" )
const ( TaskSetup = "Task Setup" TaskSetupFailure = "Setup Failure" TaskDriverFailure = "Driver Failure" TaskDriverMessage = "Driver" TaskReceived = "Received" TaskFailedValidation = "Failed Validation" TaskStarted = "Started" TaskTerminated = "Terminated" TaskKilling = "Killing" TaskKilled = "Killed" TaskRestarting = "Restarting" TaskNotRestarting = "Not Restarting" TaskDownloadingArtifacts = "Downloading Artifacts" TaskArtifactDownloadFailed = "Failed Artifact Download" TaskSiblingFailed = "Sibling Task Failed" TaskSignaling = "Signaling" TaskRestartSignal = "Restart Signaled" TaskLeaderDead = "Leader Task Dead" TaskBuildingTaskDir = "Building Task Directory" TaskClientReconnected = "Reconnected" )
const (
AllocRestartReasonWithinPolicy = "Restart within policy"
const ( // ErrVariableNotFound was used as the content of an error string. // // Deprecated: use ErrVariablePathNotFound instead. ErrVariableNotFound = "variable not found" )
const ( // RegisterEnforceIndexErrPrefix is the prefix to use in errors caused by // enforcing the job modify index during registers. RegisterEnforceIndexErrPrefix = "Enforcing job modify index" )
const (
// ScalingPolicyTypeHorizontal indicates a policy that does horizontal scaling.
ScalingPolicyTypeHorizontal = "horizontal"
Variables ¶
var ( // ErrLockConflict is returned in case a lock operation can't be performed // because the caller is not the current holder of the lock. ErrLockConflict = errors.New("conflicting operation over lock") //LockNoPathErr is returned when no path is provided in the variable to be // used for the lease mechanism LockNoPathErr = errors.New("variable's path can't be empty") )
var ( // ClientConnTimeout is the timeout applied when attempting to contact a // client directly before switching to a connection through the Nomad // server. For cluster topologies where API consumers don't have network // access to Nomad clients, set this to a small value (ex 1ms) to avoid // pausing on client APIs such as AllocFS. ClientConnTimeout = 1 * time.Second )
var ( // ErrVariablePathNotFound is returned when trying to read a variable that // does not exist. ErrVariablePathNotFound = errors.New("variable not found") )
var ( // NodeDownErr marks an operation as not able to complete since the node is // down. NodeDownErr = errors.New("node down") )
Functions ¶
func AllocSuffix ¶
Types ¶
type ACLAuth ¶
type ACLAuth struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ACLAuth is used to query the ACL auth endpoints.
func (*ACLAuth) CompleteAuth ¶
func (a *ACLAuth) CompleteAuth(req *ACLOIDCCompleteAuthRequest, q *WriteOptions) (*ACLToken, *WriteMeta, error)
CompleteAuth exchanges the OIDC provider token for a Nomad token with the appropriate claims attached.
func (*ACLAuth) GetAuthURL ¶
func (a *ACLAuth) GetAuthURL(req *ACLOIDCAuthURLRequest, q *WriteOptions) (*ACLOIDCAuthURLResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
GetAuthURL generates the OIDC provider authentication URL. This URL should be visited in order to sign in to the provider.
func (*ACLAuth) Login ¶
func (a *ACLAuth) Login(req *ACLLoginRequest, q *WriteOptions) (*ACLToken, *WriteMeta, error)
Login exchanges the third party token for a Nomad token with the appropriate claims attached.
type ACLAuthMethod ¶
type ACLAuthMethod struct { // Name is the identifier for this auth-method and is a required parameter. Name string // Type is the SSO identifier this auth-method is. Nomad currently only // supports "oidc" and the API contains ACLAuthMethodTypeOIDC for // convenience. Type string // Defines whether the auth-method creates a local or global token when // performing SSO login. This should be set to either "local" or "global" // and the API contains ACLAuthMethodTokenLocalityLocal and // ACLAuthMethodTokenLocalityGlobal for convenience. TokenLocality string // TokenNameFormat defines the HIL template to use when building the token name TokenNameFormat string // MaxTokenTTL is the maximum life of a token created by this method. MaxTokenTTL time.Duration // Default identifies whether this is the default auth-method to use when // attempting to login without specifying an auth-method name to use. Default bool // Config contains the detailed configuration which is specific to the // auth-method. Config *ACLAuthMethodConfig CreateTime time.Time ModifyTime time.Time CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
ACLAuthMethod is used to capture the properties of an authentication method used for single sing-on.
func (*ACLAuthMethod) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ACLAuthMethod) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface and allows ACLAuthMethod.MaxTokenTTL to be marshaled correctly.
func (*ACLAuthMethod) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ACLAuthMethod) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface and allows ACLAuthMethod.MaxTokenTTL to be unmarshalled correctly.
type ACLAuthMethodConfig ¶
type ACLAuthMethodConfig struct { // A list of PEM-encoded public keys to use to authenticate signatures // locally JWTValidationPubKeys []string // JSON Web Key Sets url for authenticating signatures JWKSURL string // The OIDC Discovery URL, without any .well-known component (base path) OIDCDiscoveryURL string // The OAuth Client ID configured with the OIDC provider OIDCClientID string // The OAuth Client Secret configured with the OIDC provider OIDCClientSecret string // Disable claims from the OIDC UserInfo endpoint OIDCDisableUserInfo bool // List of OIDC scopes OIDCScopes []string // List of auth claims that are valid for login BoundAudiences []string // The value against which to match the iss claim in a JWT BoundIssuer []string // A list of allowed values for redirect_uri AllowedRedirectURIs []string // PEM encoded CA certs for use by the TLS client used to talk with the // OIDC Discovery URL. DiscoveryCaPem []string // PEM encoded CA cert for use by the TLS client used to talk with the JWKS // URL JWKSCACert string // A list of supported signing algorithms SigningAlgs []string // Duration in seconds of leeway when validating expiration of a token to // account for clock skew ExpirationLeeway time.Duration // Duration in seconds of leeway when validating not before values of a // token to account for clock skew. NotBeforeLeeway time.Duration // Duration in seconds of leeway when validating all claims to account for // clock skew. ClockSkewLeeway time.Duration // Mappings of claims (key) that will be copied to a metadata field // (value). ClaimMappings map[string]string ListClaimMappings map[string]string // Enables logging of claims and binding-rule evaluations when // debug level logging is enabled. VerboseLogging bool }
ACLAuthMethodConfig is used to store configuration of an auth method.
func (*ACLAuthMethodConfig) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c *ACLAuthMethodConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface and allows time.Duration fields to be marshaled correctly.
func (*ACLAuthMethodConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *ACLAuthMethodConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface and allows time.Duration fields to be unmarshalled correctly.
type ACLAuthMethodListStub ¶
type ACLAuthMethodListStub struct { Name string Type string Default bool CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
ACLAuthMethodListStub is the stub object returned when performing a listing of ACL auth-methods. It is intentionally minimal due to the unauthenticated nature of the list endpoint.
type ACLAuthMethods ¶
type ACLAuthMethods struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ACLAuthMethods is used to query the ACL auth-methods endpoints.
func (*ACLAuthMethods) Create ¶
func (a *ACLAuthMethods) Create(authMethod *ACLAuthMethod, w *WriteOptions) (*ACLAuthMethod, *WriteMeta, error)
Create is used to create an ACL auth-method.
func (*ACLAuthMethods) Delete ¶
func (a *ACLAuthMethods) Delete(authMethodName string, w *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Delete is used to delete an ACL auth-method.
func (*ACLAuthMethods) Get ¶
func (a *ACLAuthMethods) Get(authMethodName string, q *QueryOptions) (*ACLAuthMethod, *QueryMeta, error)
Get is used to look up an ACL auth-method.
func (*ACLAuthMethods) List ¶
func (a *ACLAuthMethods) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*ACLAuthMethodListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
List is used to detail all the ACL auth-methods currently stored within state.
func (*ACLAuthMethods) Update ¶
func (a *ACLAuthMethods) Update(authMethod *ACLAuthMethod, w *WriteOptions) (*ACLAuthMethod, *WriteMeta, error)
Update is used to update an existing ACL auth-method.
type ACLBindingRule ¶
type ACLBindingRule struct { // ID is an internally generated UUID for this rule and is controlled by // Nomad. ID string // Description is a human-readable, operator set description that can // provide additional context about the binding rule. This is an // operational field. Description string // AuthMethod is the name of the auth method for which this rule applies // to. This is required and the method must exist within state before the // cluster administrator can create the rule. AuthMethod string // Selector is an expression that matches against verified identity // attributes returned from the auth method during login. This is optional // and when not set, provides a catch-all rule. Selector string // BindType adjusts how this binding rule is applied at login time. The // valid values are ACLBindingRuleBindTypeRole, // ACLBindingRuleBindTypePolicy, and ACLBindingRuleBindTypeManagement. BindType string // BindName is the target of the binding. Can be lightly templated using // HIL ${foo} syntax from available field names. How it is used depends // upon the BindType. BindName string CreateTime time.Time ModifyTime time.Time CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
ACLBindingRule contains a direct relation to an ACLAuthMethod and represents a rule to apply when logging in via the named AuthMethod. This allows the transformation of OIDC provider claims, to Nomad based ACL concepts such as ACL Roles and Policies.
type ACLBindingRuleListStub ¶
type ACLBindingRuleListStub struct { // ID is an internally generated UUID for this role and is controlled by // Nomad. ID string // Description is a human-readable, operator set description that can // provide additional context about the binding role. This is an // operational field. Description string // AuthMethod is the name of the auth method for which this rule applies // to. This is required and the method must exist within state before the // cluster administrator can create the rule. AuthMethod string CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
ACLBindingRuleListStub is the stub object returned when performing a listing of ACL binding rules.
type ACLBindingRules ¶
type ACLBindingRules struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ACLBindingRules is used to query the ACL auth-methods endpoints.
func (*ACLBindingRules) Create ¶
func (a *ACLBindingRules) Create(bindingRule *ACLBindingRule, w *WriteOptions) (*ACLBindingRule, *WriteMeta, error)
Create is used to create an ACL binding rule.
func (*ACLBindingRules) Delete ¶
func (a *ACLBindingRules) Delete(bindingRuleID string, w *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Delete is used to delete an ACL binding rule.
func (*ACLBindingRules) Get ¶
func (a *ACLBindingRules) Get(bindingRuleID string, q *QueryOptions) (*ACLBindingRule, *QueryMeta, error)
Get is used to look up an ACL binding rule.
func (*ACLBindingRules) List ¶
func (a *ACLBindingRules) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*ACLBindingRuleListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
List is used to detail all the ACL binding rules currently stored within state.
func (*ACLBindingRules) Update ¶
func (a *ACLBindingRules) Update(bindingRule *ACLBindingRule, w *WriteOptions) (*ACLBindingRule, *WriteMeta, error)
Update is used to update an existing ACL binding rule.
type ACLLoginRequest ¶
type ACLLoginRequest struct { // AuthMethodName is the name of the auth method being used to login. This // is a required parameter. AuthMethodName string // LoginToken is the token used to login. This is a required parameter. LoginToken string }
ACLLoginRequest is the request object to begin auth with an external bearer token provider.
type ACLOIDCAuthURLRequest ¶
type ACLOIDCAuthURLRequest struct { // AuthMethodName is the OIDC auth-method to use. This is a required // parameter. AuthMethodName string // RedirectURI is the URL that authorization should redirect to. This is a // required parameter. RedirectURI string // ClientNonce is a randomly generated string to prevent replay attacks. It // is up to the client to generate this and Go integrations should use the // oidc.NewID function within the hashicorp/cap library. ClientNonce string }
ACLOIDCAuthURLRequest is the request to make when starting the OIDC authentication login flow.
type ACLOIDCAuthURLResponse ¶
type ACLOIDCAuthURLResponse struct { // AuthURL is URL to begin authorization and is where the user logging in // should go. AuthURL string }
ACLOIDCAuthURLResponse is the response when starting the OIDC authentication login flow.
type ACLOIDCCompleteAuthRequest ¶
type ACLOIDCCompleteAuthRequest struct { // AuthMethodName is the name of the auth method being used to login via // OIDC. This will match AuthUrlArgs.AuthMethodName. This is a required // parameter. AuthMethodName string // ClientNonce, State, and Code are provided from the parameters given to // the redirect URL. These are all required parameters. ClientNonce string State string Code string // RedirectURI is the URL that authorization should redirect to. This is a // required parameter. RedirectURI string }
ACLOIDCCompleteAuthRequest is the request object to begin completing the OIDC auth cycle after receiving the callback from the OIDC provider.
type ACLPolicies ¶
type ACLPolicies struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ACLPolicies is used to query the ACL Policy endpoints.
func (*ACLPolicies) Delete ¶
func (a *ACLPolicies) Delete(policyName string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Delete is used to delete a policy
func (*ACLPolicies) Info ¶
func (a *ACLPolicies) Info(policyName string, q *QueryOptions) (*ACLPolicy, *QueryMeta, error)
Info is used to query a specific policy
func (*ACLPolicies) List ¶
func (a *ACLPolicies) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*ACLPolicyListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
List is used to dump all of the policies.
func (*ACLPolicies) Upsert ¶
func (a *ACLPolicies) Upsert(policy *ACLPolicy, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Upsert is used to create or update a policy
type ACLPolicy ¶
type ACLPolicy struct { Name string Description string Rules string JobACL *JobACL CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
ACLPolicy is used to represent an ACL policy
type ACLPolicyListStub ¶
type ACLPolicyListStub struct { Name string Description string CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
ACLPolicyListStub is used to for listing ACL policies
type ACLRole ¶
type ACLRole struct { // ID is an internally generated UUID for this role and is controlled by // Nomad. It can be used after role creation to update the existing role. ID string // Name is unique across the entire set of federated clusters and is // supplied by the operator on role creation. The name can be modified by // updating the role and including the Nomad generated ID. This update will // not affect tokens created and linked to this role. This is a required // field. Name string // Description is a human-readable, operator set description that can // provide additional context about the role. This is an optional field. Description string // Policies is an array of ACL policy links. Although currently policies // can only be linked using their name, in the future we will want to add // IDs also and thus allow operators to specify either a name, an ID, or // both. At least one entry is required. Policies []*ACLRolePolicyLink CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
ACLRole is an abstraction for the ACL system which allows the grouping of ACL policies into a single object. ACL tokens can be created and linked to a role; the token then inherits all the permissions granted by the policies.
type ACLRoleListStub ¶
type ACLRoleListStub struct { // ID is an internally generated UUID for this role and is controlled by // Nomad. ID string // Name is unique across the entire set of federated clusters and is // supplied by the operator on role creation. The name can be modified by // updating the role and including the Nomad generated ID. This update will // not affect tokens created and linked to this role. This is a required // field. Name string // Description is a human-readable, operator set description that can // provide additional context about the role. This is an operational field. Description string // Policies is an array of ACL policy links. Although currently policies // can only be linked using their name, in the future we will want to add // IDs also and thus allow operators to specify either a name, an ID, or // both. Policies []*ACLRolePolicyLink CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
ACLRoleListStub is the stub object returned when performing a listing of ACL roles. While it might not currently be different to the full response object, it allows us to future-proof the RPC in the event the ACLRole object grows over time.
type ACLRolePolicyLink ¶
type ACLRolePolicyLink struct { // Name is the ACLPolicy.Name value which will be linked to the ACL role. Name string }
ACLRolePolicyLink is used to link a policy to an ACL role. We use a struct rather than a list of strings as in the future we will want to add IDs to policies and then link via these.
type ACLRoles ¶
type ACLRoles struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ACLRoles is used to query the ACL Role endpoints.
func (*ACLRoles) Delete ¶
func (a *ACLRoles) Delete(roleID string, w *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Delete is used to delete an ACL role.
func (*ACLRoles) List ¶
func (a *ACLRoles) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*ACLRoleListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
List is used to detail all the ACL roles currently stored within state.
type ACLToken ¶
type ACLToken struct { AccessorID string SecretID string Name string Type string Policies []string // Roles represents the ACL roles that this token is tied to. The token // will inherit the permissions of all policies detailed within the role. Roles []*ACLTokenRoleLink Global bool CreateTime time.Time // ExpirationTime represents the point after which a token should be // considered revoked and is eligible for destruction. The zero value of // time.Time does not respect json omitempty directives, so we must use a // pointer. ExpirationTime *time.Time `json:",omitempty"` // ExpirationTTL is a convenience field for helping set ExpirationTime to a // value of CreateTime+ExpirationTTL. This can only be set during token // creation. This is a string version of a time.Duration like "2m". ExpirationTTL time.Duration `json:",omitempty"` CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
ACLToken represents a client token which is used to Authenticate
func (*ACLToken) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface and allows ACLToken.ExpirationTTL to be marshaled correctly.
func (*ACLToken) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface and allows ACLToken.ExpirationTTL to be unmarshalled correctly.
type ACLTokenListStub ¶
type ACLTokenListStub struct { AccessorID string Name string Type string Policies []string Roles []*ACLTokenRoleLink Global bool CreateTime time.Time // ExpirationTime represents the point after which a token should be // considered revoked and is eligible for destruction. A nil value // indicates no expiration has been set on the token. ExpirationTime *time.Time `json:",omitempty"` CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
type ACLTokenRoleLink ¶
type ACLTokenRoleLink struct { // ID is the ACLRole.ID UUID. This field is immutable and represents the // absolute truth for the link. ID string // Name is the human friendly identifier for the ACL role and is a // convenience field for operators. Name string }
ACLTokenRoleLink is used to link an ACL token to an ACL role. The ACL token can therefore inherit all the ACL policy permissions that the ACL role contains.
type ACLTokens ¶
type ACLTokens struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ACLTokens is used to query the ACL token endpoints.
func (*ACLTokens) Bootstrap ¶
func (a *ACLTokens) Bootstrap(q *WriteOptions) (*ACLToken, *WriteMeta, error)
Bootstrap is used to get the initial bootstrap token
See BootstrapOpts to set ACL bootstrapping options.
func (*ACLTokens) BootstrapOpts ¶
BootstrapOpts is used to get the initial bootstrap token or pass in the one that was provided in the API
func (*ACLTokens) Delete ¶
func (a *ACLTokens) Delete(accessorID string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Delete is used to delete a token
func (*ACLTokens) ExchangeOneTimeToken ¶
func (a *ACLTokens) ExchangeOneTimeToken(secret string, q *WriteOptions) (*ACLToken, *WriteMeta, error)
ExchangeOneTimeToken is used to create a one-time token
func (*ACLTokens) List ¶
func (a *ACLTokens) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*ACLTokenListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
List is used to dump all of the tokens.
func (*ACLTokens) Self ¶
func (a *ACLTokens) Self(q *QueryOptions) (*ACLToken, *QueryMeta, error)
Self is used to query our own token
func (*ACLTokens) UpsertOneTimeToken ¶
func (a *ACLTokens) UpsertOneTimeToken(q *WriteOptions) (*OneTimeToken, *WriteMeta, error)
UpsertOneTimeToken is used to create a one-time token
type Affinity ¶
type Affinity struct { LTarget string `hcl:"attribute,optional"` // Left-hand target RTarget string `hcl:"value,optional"` // Right-hand target Operand string `hcl:"operator,optional"` // Constraint operand (<=, <, =, !=, >, >=), set_contains_all, set_contains_any Weight *int8 `hcl:"weight,optional"` // Weight applied to nodes that match the affinity. Can be negative }
Affinity is used to serialize task group affinities
func NewAffinity ¶
func (*Affinity) Canonicalize ¶
func (a *Affinity) Canonicalize()
type Agent ¶
type Agent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Agent encapsulates an API client which talks to Nomad's agent endpoints for a specific node.
func (*Agent) CPUProfile ¶
func (a *Agent) CPUProfile(opts PprofOptions, q *QueryOptions) ([]byte, error)
CPUProfile returns a runtime/pprof cpu profile for a given server or node. The profile will run for the amount of seconds passed in or default to 1. If no serverID or nodeID are provided the current Agents server will be used.
The call blocks until the profile finishes, and returns the raw bytes of the profile.
func (*Agent) Datacenter ¶
Datacenter is used to return the name of the datacenter which the agent is a member of.
func (*Agent) ForceLeave ¶
ForceLeave is used to eject an existing node from the cluster.
func (*Agent) ForceLeaveWithOptions ¶
func (a *Agent) ForceLeaveWithOptions(node string, opts ForceLeaveOpts) error
ForceLeaveWithOptions is used to eject an existing node from the cluster with additional options such as prune.
func (*Agent) GetSchedulerWorkerConfig ¶
func (a *Agent) GetSchedulerWorkerConfig(q *QueryOptions) (*SchedulerWorkerPoolArgs, error)
GetSchedulerWorkerConfig returns the targeted agent's worker pool configuration
func (*Agent) GetSchedulerWorkersInfo ¶
func (a *Agent) GetSchedulerWorkersInfo(q *QueryOptions) (*AgentSchedulerWorkersInfo, error)
GetSchedulerWorkersInfo returns the current status of all of the scheduler workers on a Nomad server.
func (*Agent) Health ¶
func (a *Agent) Health() (*AgentHealthResponse, error)
Health queries the agent's health
func (*Agent) Host ¶
func (a *Agent) Host(serverID, nodeID string, q *QueryOptions) (*HostDataResponse, error)
Host returns debugging context about the agent's host operating system
func (*Agent) InstallKey ¶
func (a *Agent) InstallKey(key string) (*KeyringResponse, error)
InstallKey installs a key in the keyrings of all the serf members
func (*Agent) Join ¶
Join is used to instruct a server node to join another server via the gossip protocol. Multiple addresses may be specified. We attempt to join all the hosts in the list. Returns the number of nodes successfully joined and any error. If one or more nodes have a successful result, no error is returned.
func (*Agent) ListKeys ¶
func (a *Agent) ListKeys() (*KeyringResponse, error)
ListKeys returns the list of installed keys
func (*Agent) Lookup ¶
func (a *Agent) Lookup(profile string, opts PprofOptions, q *QueryOptions) ([]byte, error)
Lookup returns a runtime/pprof profile using pprof.Lookup to determine which profile to run. Accepts a client or server ID but not both simultaneously.
The call blocks until the profile finishes, and returns the raw bytes of the profile unless debug is set.
func (*Agent) Members ¶
func (a *Agent) Members() (*ServerMembers, error)
Members is used to query all of the known server members
func (*Agent) MembersOpts ¶
func (a *Agent) MembersOpts(opts *QueryOptions) (*ServerMembers, error)
Members is used to query all of the known server members with the ability to set QueryOptions
func (*Agent) Monitor ¶
func (a *Agent) Monitor(stopCh <-chan struct{}, q *QueryOptions) (<-chan *StreamFrame, <-chan error)
Monitor returns a channel which will receive streaming logs from the agent Providing a non-nil stopCh can be used to close the connection and stop log streaming
func (*Agent) RemoveKey ¶
func (a *Agent) RemoveKey(key string) (*KeyringResponse, error)
RemoveKey removes a particular key from keyrings of serf members
func (*Agent) Self ¶
Self is used to query the /v1/agent/self endpoint and returns information specific to the running agent.
func (*Agent) SetSchedulerWorkerConfig ¶
func (a *Agent) SetSchedulerWorkerConfig(args SchedulerWorkerPoolArgs, q *WriteOptions) (*SchedulerWorkerPoolArgs, error)
SetSchedulerWorkerConfig attempts to update the targeted agent's worker pool configuration
func (*Agent) SetServers ¶
SetServers is used to update the list of servers on a client node.
func (*Agent) Trace ¶
func (a *Agent) Trace(opts PprofOptions, q *QueryOptions) ([]byte, error)
Trace returns a runtime/pprof trace for a given server or node. The trace will run for the amount of seconds passed in or default to 1. If no serverID or nodeID are provided the current Agents server will be used.
The call blocks until the profile finishes, and returns the raw bytes of the profile.
type AgentHealth ¶
type AgentHealth struct { // Ok is false if the agent is unhealthy Ok bool `json:"ok"` // Message describes why the agent is unhealthy Message string `json:"message"` }
AgentHealth describes the Client or Server's health in a Health request.
type AgentHealthResponse ¶
type AgentHealthResponse struct { Client *AgentHealth `json:"client,omitempty"` Server *AgentHealth `json:"server,omitempty"` }
AgentHealthResponse is the response from the Health endpoint describing an agent's health.
type AgentMember ¶
type AgentMember struct { Name string Addr string Port uint16 Tags map[string]string Status string ProtocolMin uint8 ProtocolMax uint8 ProtocolCur uint8 DelegateMin uint8 DelegateMax uint8 DelegateCur uint8 }
AgentMember represents a cluster member known to the agent
type AgentMembersNameSort ¶
type AgentMembersNameSort []*AgentMember
AgentMembersNameSort implements sort.Interface for []*AgentMembersNameSort based on the Name, DC and Region
func (AgentMembersNameSort) Len ¶
func (a AgentMembersNameSort) Len() int
func (AgentMembersNameSort) Less ¶
func (a AgentMembersNameSort) Less(i, j int) bool
func (AgentMembersNameSort) Swap ¶
func (a AgentMembersNameSort) Swap(i, j int)
type AgentSchedulerWorkerConfigRequest ¶
type AgentSchedulerWorkerConfigRequest struct { NumSchedulers int `json:"num_schedulers"` EnabledSchedulers []string `json:"enabled_schedulers"` }
AgentSchedulerWorkerConfigRequest is used to provide new scheduler worker configuration to a specific Nomad server. EnabledSchedulers must contain at least the `_core` scheduler to be valid.
type AgentSchedulerWorkerConfigResponse ¶
type AgentSchedulerWorkerConfigResponse struct { ServerID string `json:"server_id"` NumSchedulers int `json:"num_schedulers"` EnabledSchedulers []string `json:"enabled_schedulers"` }
AgentSchedulerWorkerConfigResponse contains the Nomad server's current running configuration as well as the server's id as a convenience. This can be used to provide starting values for creating an AgentSchedulerWorkerConfigRequest to make changes to the running configuration.
type AgentSchedulerWorkerInfo ¶
type AgentSchedulerWorkerInfo struct { ID string `json:"id"` EnabledSchedulers []string `json:"enabled_schedulers"` Started string `json:"started"` Status string `json:"status"` WorkloadStatus string `json:"workload_status"` }
AgentSchedulerWorkerInfo holds the detailed status information for a single scheduler worker.
type AgentSchedulerWorkersInfo ¶
type AgentSchedulerWorkersInfo struct { ServerID string `json:"server_id"` Schedulers []AgentSchedulerWorkerInfo `json:"schedulers"` }
AgentSchedulerWorkersInfo is the response from the scheduler information endpoint containing a detailed status of each scheduler worker running on the server.
type AgentSelf ¶
type AgentSelf struct { Config map[string]interface{} `json:"config"` Member AgentMember `json:"member"` Stats map[string]map[string]string `json:"stats"` }
type AggregateSample ¶
type AggregateSample struct { Count int // The count of emitted pairs Rate float64 // The values rate per time unit (usually 1 second) Sum float64 // The sum of values SumSq float64 `json:"-"` // The sum of squared values Min float64 // Minimum value Max float64 // Maximum value LastUpdated time.Time `json:"-"` // When value was last updated }
AggregateSample is used to hold aggregate metrics about a sample
type AllocCheckStatus ¶
type AllocCheckStatus struct { ID string Check string Group string Mode string Output string Service string Task string Status string StatusCode int Timestamp int64 }
AllocCheckStatus contains the current status of a nomad service discovery check.
type AllocCheckStatuses ¶
type AllocCheckStatuses map[string]AllocCheckStatus
AllocCheckStatuses holds the set of nomad service discovery checks within the allocation (including group and task level service checks).
type AllocDeploymentStatus ¶
type AllocDeploymentStatus struct { Healthy *bool Timestamp time.Time Canary bool ModifyIndex uint64 }
AllocDeploymentStatus captures the status of the allocation as part of the deployment. This can include things like if the allocation has been marked as healthy.
type AllocFS ¶
type AllocFS struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AllocFS is used to introspect an allocation directory on a Nomad client
func (*AllocFS) Cat ¶
func (a *AllocFS) Cat(alloc *Allocation, path string, q *QueryOptions) (io.ReadCloser, error)
Cat is used to read contents of a file at the given path in an allocation directory. Note: for cluster topologies where API consumers don't have network access to Nomad clients, set api.ClientConnTimeout to a small value (ex 1ms) to avoid long pauses on this API call.
func (*AllocFS) List ¶
func (a *AllocFS) List(alloc *Allocation, path string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*AllocFileInfo, *QueryMeta, error)
List is used to list the files at a given path of an allocation directory. Note: for cluster topologies where API consumers don't have network access to Nomad clients, set api.ClientConnTimeout to a small value (ex 1ms) to avoid long pauses on this API call.
func (*AllocFS) Logs ¶
func (a *AllocFS) Logs(alloc *Allocation, follow bool, task, logType, origin string, offset int64, cancel <-chan struct{}, q *QueryOptions) (<-chan *StreamFrame, <-chan error)
Logs streams the content of a tasks logs blocking on EOF. The parameters are: * allocation: the allocation to stream from. * follow: Whether the logs should be followed. * task: the tasks name to stream logs for. * logType: Either "stdout" or "stderr" * origin: Either "start" or "end" and defines from where the offset is applied. * offset: The offset to start streaming data at. * cancel: A channel that when closed, streaming will end.
The return value is a channel that will emit StreamFrames as they are read. The chan will be closed when follow=false and the end of the file is reached.
Unexpected (non-EOF) errors will be sent on the error chan.
Note: for cluster topologies where API consumers don't have network access to Nomad clients, set api.ClientConnTimeout to a small value (ex 1ms) to avoid long pauses on this API call.
func (*AllocFS) ReadAt ¶
func (a *AllocFS) ReadAt(alloc *Allocation, path string, offset int64, limit int64, q *QueryOptions) (io.ReadCloser, error)
ReadAt is used to read bytes at a given offset until limit at the given path in an allocation directory. If limit is <= 0, there is no limit. Note: for cluster topologies where API consumers don't have network access to Nomad clients, set api.ClientConnTimeout to a small value (ex 1ms) to avoid long pauses on this API call.
func (*AllocFS) Stat ¶
func (a *AllocFS) Stat(alloc *Allocation, path string, q *QueryOptions) (*AllocFileInfo, *QueryMeta, error)
Stat is used to stat a file at a given path of an allocation directory. Note: for cluster topologies where API consumers don't have network access to Nomad clients, set api.ClientConnTimeout to a small value (ex 1ms) to avoid long pauses on this API call.
func (*AllocFS) Stream ¶
func (a *AllocFS) Stream(alloc *Allocation, path, origin string, offset int64, cancel <-chan struct{}, q *QueryOptions) (<-chan *StreamFrame, <-chan error)
Stream streams the content of a file blocking on EOF. The parameters are: * path: path to file to stream. * offset: The offset to start streaming data at. * origin: Either "start" or "end" and defines from where the offset is applied. * cancel: A channel that when closed, streaming will end.
The return value is a channel that will emit StreamFrames as they are read.
Note: for cluster topologies where API consumers don't have network access to Nomad clients, set api.ClientConnTimeout to a small value (ex 1ms) to avoid long pauses on this API call.
type AllocFileInfo ¶
type AllocFileInfo struct { Name string IsDir bool Size int64 FileMode string ModTime time.Time ContentType string }
AllocFileInfo holds information about a file inside the AllocDir
type AllocGetPauseResponse ¶
type AllocGetPauseResponse struct { // ScheduleState will be one of "" (run), "force_run", "scheduled_pause", // "force_pause", or "schedule_resume". // // See nomad/structs/task_sched.go for details. ScheduleState string }
type AllocIndexSort ¶
type AllocIndexSort []*AllocationListStub
AllocIndexSort reverse sorts allocs by CreateIndex.
func (AllocIndexSort) Len ¶
func (a AllocIndexSort) Len() int
func (AllocIndexSort) Less ¶
func (a AllocIndexSort) Less(i, j int) bool
func (AllocIndexSort) Swap ¶
func (a AllocIndexSort) Swap(i, j int)
type AllocNetworkStatus ¶
type AllocNetworkStatus struct { InterfaceName string Address string AddressIPv6 string DNS *DNSConfig }
AllocNetworkStatus captures the status of an allocation's network during runtime. Depending on the network mode, an allocation's address may need to be known to other systems in Nomad such as service registration.
type AllocPauseRequest ¶
type AllocResourceUsage ¶
type AllocResourceUsage struct { ResourceUsage *ResourceUsage Tasks map[string]*TaskResourceUsage Timestamp int64 }
AllocResourceUsage holds the aggregated task resource usage of the allocation.
type AllocSignalRequest ¶
type AllocStopResponse ¶
type AllocStopResponse struct { // EvalID is the id of the follow up evalution for the rescheduled alloc. EvalID string WriteMeta }
AllocStopResponse is the response to an `AllocStopRequest`
type AllocatedCpuResources ¶
type AllocatedCpuResources struct {
}type AllocatedDeviceResource ¶
type AllocatedResources ¶
type AllocatedResources struct { Tasks map[string]*AllocatedTaskResources }
type AllocatedSharedResources ¶
type AllocatedSharedResources struct {}
type AllocatedTaskResources ¶
type AllocatedTaskResources struct { Cpu AllocatedCpuResources Memory AllocatedMemoryResources Networks []*NetworkResource Devices []*AllocatedDeviceResource }
type Allocation ¶
type Allocation struct { ID string Namespace string EvalID string Name string NodeID string NodeName string JobID string Job *Job TaskGroup string Resources *Resources TaskResources map[string]*Resources AllocatedResources *AllocatedResources Services map[string]string Metrics *AllocationMetric DesiredStatus string DesiredDescription string DesiredTransition DesiredTransition ClientStatus string ClientDescription string TaskStates map[string]*TaskState DeploymentID string DeploymentStatus *AllocDeploymentStatus FollowupEvalID string PreviousAllocation string NextAllocation string RescheduleTracker *RescheduleTracker NetworkStatus *AllocNetworkStatus PreemptedAllocations []string PreemptedByAllocation string CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 AllocModifyIndex uint64 CreateTime int64 ModifyTime int64 }
Allocation is used for serialization of allocations.
func (*Allocation) ClientTerminalStatus ¶
func (a *Allocation) ClientTerminalStatus() bool
ClientTerminalStatus returns true if the client status is terminal and will therefore no longer transition.
func (Allocation) GetTaskGroup ¶
func (a Allocation) GetTaskGroup() *TaskGroup
func (Allocation) RescheduleInfo ¶
func (a Allocation) RescheduleInfo(t time.Time) (int, int)
RescheduleInfo is used to calculate remaining reschedule attempts according to the given time and the task groups reschedule policy
func (*Allocation) ServerTerminalStatus ¶
func (a *Allocation) ServerTerminalStatus() bool
ServerTerminalStatus returns true if the desired state of the allocation is terminal.
func (*Allocation) Stub ¶
func (a *Allocation) Stub() *AllocationListStub
Stub returns a list stub for the allocation
type AllocationListStub ¶
type AllocationListStub struct { ID string EvalID string Name string Namespace string NodeID string NodeName string JobID string JobType string JobVersion uint64 TaskGroup string AllocatedResources *AllocatedResources `json:",omitempty"` DesiredStatus string DesiredDescription string ClientStatus string ClientDescription string TaskStates map[string]*TaskState DeploymentStatus *AllocDeploymentStatus FollowupEvalID string NextAllocation string RescheduleTracker *RescheduleTracker PreemptedAllocations []string PreemptedByAllocation string CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 CreateTime int64 ModifyTime int64 }
AllocationListStub is used to return a subset of an allocation during list operations.
type AllocationMetric ¶
type AllocationMetric struct { NodesEvaluated int NodesFiltered int NodesInPool int NodesAvailable map[string]int ClassFiltered map[string]int ConstraintFiltered map[string]int NodesExhausted int ClassExhausted map[string]int DimensionExhausted map[string]int QuotaExhausted []string ResourcesExhausted map[string]*Resources // Deprecated, replaced with ScoreMetaData Scores map[string]float64 AllocationTime time.Duration CoalescedFailures int ScoreMetaData []*NodeScoreMeta }
AllocationMetric is used to deserialize allocation metrics.
type AllocationSort ¶
type AllocationSort []*Allocation
AllocationSort reverse sorts allocs by CreateIndex.
func (AllocationSort) Len ¶
func (a AllocationSort) Len() int
func (AllocationSort) Less ¶
func (a AllocationSort) Less(i, j int) bool
func (AllocationSort) Swap ¶
func (a AllocationSort) Swap(i, j int)
type Allocations ¶
type Allocations struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Allocations is used to query the alloc-related endpoints.
func (*Allocations) Checks ¶
func (a *Allocations) Checks(allocID string, q *QueryOptions) (AllocCheckStatuses, error)
Checks gets status information for nomad service checks that exist in the allocation.
Note: for cluster topologies where API consumers don't have network access to Nomad clients, set api.ClientConnTimeout to a small value (ex 1ms) to avoid long pauses on this API call.
func (*Allocations) Exec ¶
func (a *Allocations) Exec(ctx context.Context, alloc *Allocation, task string, tty bool, command []string, stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderr io.Writer, terminalSizeCh <-chan TerminalSize, q *QueryOptions) (exitCode int, err error)
Exec is used to execute a command inside a running task. The command is to run inside the task environment.
The parameters are:
- ctx: context to set deadlines or timeout
- allocation: the allocation to execute command inside
- task: the task's name to execute command in
- tty: indicates whether to start a pseudo-tty for the command
- stdin, stdout, stderr: the std io to pass to command. If tty is true, then streams need to point to a tty that's alive for the whole process
- terminalSizeCh: A channel to send new tty terminal sizes
The call blocks until command terminates (or an error occurs), and returns the exit code.
Note: for cluster topologies where API consumers don't have network access to Nomad clients, set api.ClientConnTimeout to a small value (ex 1ms) to avoid long pauses on this API call.
func (*Allocations) GC ¶
func (a *Allocations) GC(alloc *Allocation, q *QueryOptions) error
GC forces a garbage collection of client state for an allocation.
Note: for cluster topologies where API consumers don't have network access to Nomad clients, set api.ClientConnTimeout to a small value (ex 1ms) to avoid long pauses on this API call.
func (*Allocations) GetPauseState ¶
func (a *Allocations) GetPauseState(alloc *Allocation, q *QueryOptions, task string) (string, *QueryMeta, error)
GetPauseState gets the schedule behavior of one task in the allocation.
The ?task=<task> query parameter must be set.
func (*Allocations) Info ¶
func (a *Allocations) Info(allocID string, q *QueryOptions) (*Allocation, *QueryMeta, error)
Info is used to retrieve a single allocation.
func (*Allocations) List ¶
func (a *Allocations) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*AllocationListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
List returns a list of all of the allocations.
func (*Allocations) PrefixList ¶
func (a *Allocations) PrefixList(prefix string) ([]*AllocationListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
func (*Allocations) Restart ¶
func (a *Allocations) Restart(alloc *Allocation, taskName string, q *QueryOptions) error
Restart restarts the tasks that are currently running or a specific task if taskName is provided. An error is returned if the task to be restarted is not running.
Note: for cluster topologies where API consumers don't have network access to Nomad clients, set api.ClientConnTimeout to a small value (ex 1ms) to avoid long pauses on this API call.
func (*Allocations) RestartAllTasks ¶
func (a *Allocations) RestartAllTasks(alloc *Allocation, q *QueryOptions) error
RestartAllTasks restarts all tasks in the allocation, regardless of lifecycle type or state. Tasks will restart following their lifecycle order.
Note: for cluster topologies where API consumers don't have network access to Nomad clients, set api.ClientConnTimeout to a small value (ex 1ms) to avoid long pauses on this API call.
DEPRECATED: This method will be removed in 1.6.0
func (*Allocations) Services ¶
func (a *Allocations) Services(allocID string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*ServiceRegistration, *QueryMeta, error)
Services is used to return a list of service registrations associated to the specified allocID.
func (*Allocations) SetPauseState ¶
func (a *Allocations) SetPauseState(alloc *Allocation, q *QueryOptions, task, state string) error
SetPauseState sets the schedule behavior of one task in the allocation.
func (*Allocations) Signal ¶
func (a *Allocations) Signal(alloc *Allocation, q *QueryOptions, task, signal string) error
Signal sends a signal to the allocation.
Note: for cluster topologies where API consumers don't have network access to Nomad clients, set api.ClientConnTimeout to a small value (ex 1ms) to avoid long pauses on this API call.
func (*Allocations) Stats ¶
func (a *Allocations) Stats(alloc *Allocation, q *QueryOptions) (*AllocResourceUsage, error)
Stats gets allocation resource usage statistics about an allocation.
Note: for cluster topologies where API consumers don't have network access to Nomad clients, set api.ClientConnTimeout to a small value (ex 1ms) to avoid long pauses on this API call.
func (*Allocations) Stop ¶
func (a *Allocations) Stop(alloc *Allocation, q *QueryOptions) (*AllocStopResponse, error)
Stop stops an allocation.
Note: for cluster topologies where API consumers don't have network access to Nomad clients, set api.ClientConnTimeout to a small value (ex 1ms) to avoid long pauses on this API call.
BREAKING: This method will have the following signature in 1.6.0 func (a *Allocations) Stop(allocID string, w *WriteOptions) (*AllocStopResponse, error) {
type ApplyLicenseOptions ¶
type ApplyLicenseOptions struct {
Force bool
type Attribute ¶
type Attribute struct { // Float is the float value for the attribute FloatVal *float64 `json:"Float,omitempty"` // Int is the int value for the attribute IntVal *int64 `json:"Int,omitempty"` // String is the string value for the attribute StringVal *string `json:"String,omitempty"` // Bool is the bool value for the attribute BoolVal *bool `json:"Bool,omitempty"` // Unit is the optional unit for the set int or float value Unit string }
Attribute is used to describe the value of an attribute, optionally specifying units
type AutopilotConfiguration ¶
type AutopilotConfiguration struct { // CleanupDeadServers controls whether to remove dead servers from the Raft // peer list when a new server joins CleanupDeadServers bool // LastContactThreshold is the limit on the amount of time a server can go // without leader contact before being considered unhealthy. LastContactThreshold time.Duration // MaxTrailingLogs is the amount of entries in the Raft Log that a server can // be behind before being considered unhealthy. MaxTrailingLogs uint64 // MinQuorum sets the minimum number of servers allowed in a cluster before // autopilot can prune dead servers. MinQuorum uint // ServerStabilizationTime is the minimum amount of time a server must be // in a stable, healthy state before it can be added to the cluster. Only // applicable with Raft protocol version 3 or higher. ServerStabilizationTime time.Duration // (Enterprise-only) EnableRedundancyZones specifies whether to enable redundancy zones. EnableRedundancyZones bool // (Enterprise-only) DisableUpgradeMigration will disable Autopilot's upgrade migration // strategy of waiting until enough newer-versioned servers have been added to the // cluster before promoting them to voters. DisableUpgradeMigration bool // (Enterprise-only) EnableCustomUpgrades specifies whether to enable using custom // upgrade versions when performing migrations. EnableCustomUpgrades bool // CreateIndex holds the index corresponding the creation of this configuration. // This is a read-only field. CreateIndex uint64 // ModifyIndex will be set to the index of the last update when retrieving the // Autopilot configuration. Resubmitting a configuration with // AutopilotCASConfiguration will perform a check-and-set operation which ensures // there hasn't been a subsequent update since the configuration was retrieved. ModifyIndex uint64 }
AutopilotConfiguration is used for querying/setting the Autopilot configuration. Autopilot helps manage operator tasks related to Nomad servers like removing failed servers from the Raft quorum.
func (*AutopilotConfiguration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (u *AutopilotConfiguration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*AutopilotConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (u *AutopilotConfiguration) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AutopilotUpgrade ¶
type AutopilotUpgrade struct { // Status of the upgrade. Status string // TargetVersion is the version that the cluster is upgrading to. TargetVersion string // TargetVersionVoters holds the list of servers that are voters in the Raft // configuration of the TargetVersion. TargetVersionVoters []string // TargetVersionNonVoters holds the list of servers that are non-voters in // the Raft configuration of the TargetVersion. TargetVersionNonVoters []string // TargetVersionReadReplicas holds the list of servers that are read // replicas in the Raft configuration of the TargetVersion. TargetVersionReadReplicas []string // OtherVersionVoters holds the list of servers that are voters in the Raft // configuration of a version other than the TargetVersion. OtherVersionVoters []string // OtherVersionNonVoters holds the list of servers that are non-voters in // the Raft configuration of a version other than the TargetVersion. OtherVersionNonVoters []string // OtherVersionReadReplicas holds the list of servers that are read replicas // in the Raft configuration of a version other than the TargetVersion. OtherVersionReadReplicas []string // RedundancyZones holds the list of servers in each redundancy zone for the // TargetVersion. RedundancyZones map[string]AutopilotZoneUpgradeVersions }
AutopilotUpgrade holds the current upgrade status. (Enterprise only)
type AutopilotZone ¶
type AutopilotZone struct { // Servers holds the list of servers in the redundancy zone. Servers []string // Voters holds the list of servers that are voters in the redundancy zone. Voters []string // FailureTolerance is the number of servers that could be lost without an // outage occurring. FailureTolerance int }
AutopilotZone holds the list of servers in a redundancy zone. (Enterprise only)
type AutopilotZoneUpgradeVersions ¶
type AutopilotZoneUpgradeVersions struct { TargetVersionVoters []string TargetVersionNonVoters []string OtherVersionVoters []string OtherVersionNonVoters []string }
AutopilotZoneUpgradeVersions holds the list of servers in a redundancy zone for a specific version. (Enterprise only)
type BootstrapRequest ¶
type BootstrapRequest struct {
BootstrapSecret string
BootstrapRequest is used for when operators provide an ACL Bootstrap Token
type CSIControllerInfo ¶
type CSIControllerInfo struct { // SupportsCreateDelete indicates plugin support for CREATE_DELETE_VOLUME SupportsCreateDelete bool // SupportsPublishVolume is true when the controller implements the // methods required to attach and detach volumes. If this is false Nomad // should skip the controller attachment flow. SupportsAttachDetach bool // SupportsListVolumes is true when the controller implements the // ListVolumes RPC. NOTE: This does not guarantee that attached nodes will // be returned unless SupportsListVolumesAttachedNodes is also true. SupportsListVolumes bool // SupportsGetCapacity indicates plugin support for GET_CAPACITY SupportsGetCapacity bool // SupportsCreateDeleteSnapshot indicates plugin support for // CREATE_DELETE_SNAPSHOT SupportsCreateDeleteSnapshot bool // SupportsListSnapshots indicates plugin support for LIST_SNAPSHOTS SupportsListSnapshots bool // SupportsClone indicates plugin support for CLONE_VOLUME SupportsClone bool // SupportsReadOnlyAttach is set to true when the controller returns the // ATTACH_READONLY capability. SupportsReadOnlyAttach bool // SupportsExpand indicates plugin support for EXPAND_VOLUME SupportsExpand bool // SupportsListVolumesAttachedNodes indicates whether the plugin will // return attached nodes data when making ListVolume RPCs (plugin support // for LIST_VOLUMES_PUBLISHED_NODES) SupportsListVolumesAttachedNodes bool // SupportsCondition indicates plugin support for VOLUME_CONDITION SupportsCondition bool // SupportsGet indicates plugin support for GET_VOLUME SupportsGet bool }
CSIControllerInfo is the fingerprinted data from a CSI Plugin that is specific to the Controller API.
type CSIInfo ¶
type CSIInfo struct { PluginID string AllocID string Healthy bool HealthDescription string UpdateTime time.Time RequiresControllerPlugin bool RequiresTopologies bool ControllerInfo *CSIControllerInfo `json:",omitempty"` NodeInfo *CSINodeInfo `json:",omitempty"` }
CSIInfo is the current state of a single CSI Plugin. This is updated regularly as plugin health changes on the node.
type CSIMountOptions ¶
type CSIMountOptions struct { // FSType is an optional field that allows an operator to specify the type // of the filesystem. FSType string `hcl:"fs_type,optional"` // MountFlags contains additional options that may be used when mounting the // volume by the plugin. This may contain sensitive data and should not be // leaked. MountFlags []string `hcl:"mount_flags,optional"` ExtraKeysHCL []string `hcl1:",unusedKeys" json:"-"` // report unexpected keys }
CSIMountOptions contain optional additional configuration that can be used when specifying that a Volume should be used with VolumeAccessTypeMount.
func (*CSIMountOptions) Merge ¶
func (o *CSIMountOptions) Merge(p *CSIMountOptions)
type CSINodeInfo ¶
type CSINodeInfo struct { ID string MaxVolumes int64 AccessibleTopology *CSITopology // RequiresNodeStageVolume indicates whether the client should Stage/Unstage // volumes on this node. RequiresNodeStageVolume bool // SupportsStats indicates plugin support for GET_VOLUME_STATS SupportsStats bool // SupportsExpand indicates plugin support for EXPAND_VOLUME SupportsExpand bool // SupportsCondition indicates plugin support for VOLUME_CONDITION SupportsCondition bool }
CSINodeInfo is the fingerprinted data from a CSI Plugin that is specific to the Node API.
type CSIPlugin ¶
type CSIPlugin struct { ID string Provider string Version string ControllerRequired bool // Map Node.ID to CSIInfo fingerprint results Controllers map[string]*CSIInfo Nodes map[string]*CSIInfo Allocations []*AllocationListStub ControllersHealthy int ControllersExpected int NodesHealthy int NodesExpected int CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 // CreateTime stored as UnixNano CreateTime int64 // ModifyTime stored as UnixNano ModifyTime int64 }
CSIPlugin is used for serialization, see also nomad/structs/csi.go
type CSIPluginIndexSort ¶
type CSIPluginIndexSort []*CSIPluginListStub
CSIPluginIndexSort is a helper used for sorting plugin stubs by creation time.
func (CSIPluginIndexSort) Len ¶
func (v CSIPluginIndexSort) Len() int
func (CSIPluginIndexSort) Less ¶
func (v CSIPluginIndexSort) Less(i, j int) bool
func (CSIPluginIndexSort) Swap ¶
func (v CSIPluginIndexSort) Swap(i, j int)
type CSIPluginListStub ¶
type CSIPluginType ¶
type CSIPluginType string
CSIPluginType is an enum string that encapsulates the valid options for a CSIPlugin block's Type. These modes will allow the plugin to be used in different ways by the client.
const ( // CSIPluginTypeNode indicates that Nomad should only use the plugin for // performing Node RPCs against the provided plugin. CSIPluginTypeNode CSIPluginType = "node" // CSIPluginTypeController indicates that Nomad should only use the plugin for // performing Controller RPCs against the provided plugin. CSIPluginTypeController CSIPluginType = "controller" // CSIPluginTypeMonolith indicates that Nomad can use the provided plugin for // both controller and node rpcs. CSIPluginTypeMonolith CSIPluginType = "monolith" )
type CSIPlugins ¶
type CSIPlugins struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CSI Plugins are jobs with plugin specific data
func (*CSIPlugins) Info ¶
func (v *CSIPlugins) Info(id string, q *QueryOptions) (*CSIPlugin, *QueryMeta, error)
Info is used to retrieve a single CSI Plugin Job
func (*CSIPlugins) List ¶
func (v *CSIPlugins) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*CSIPluginListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
List returns all CSI plugins
type CSISecrets ¶
CSISecrets contain optional additional credentials that may be needed by the storage provider. These values will be redacted when reported in the API or in Nomad's logs.
type CSISnapshot ¶
type CSISnapshot struct { ID string // storage provider's ID ExternalSourceVolumeID string // storage provider's ID for volume SizeBytes int64 // value from storage provider CreateTime int64 // value from storage provider IsReady bool // value from storage provider SourceVolumeID string // Nomad volume ID PluginID string // CSI plugin ID // These field are only used during snapshot creation and will not be // populated when the snapshot is returned Name string // suggested name of the snapshot, used for creation Secrets CSISecrets // secrets needed to create snapshot Parameters map[string]string // secrets needed to create snapshot }
CSISnapshot is the storage provider's view of a volume snapshot
type CSISnapshotCreateRequest ¶
type CSISnapshotCreateRequest struct { Snapshots []*CSISnapshot WriteRequest }
type CSISnapshotCreateResponse ¶
type CSISnapshotCreateResponse struct { Snapshots []*CSISnapshot QueryMeta }
type CSISnapshotListRequest ¶
type CSISnapshotListRequest struct { PluginID string Secrets CSISecrets QueryOptions }
CSISnapshotListRequest is a request to a controller plugin to list all the snapshot known to the storage provider. This request is paginated by the plugin and accepts the QueryOptions.PerPage and QueryOptions.NextToken fields
type CSISnapshotListResponse ¶
type CSISnapshotListResponse struct { Snapshots []*CSISnapshot NextToken string QueryMeta }
type CSISnapshotSort ¶
type CSISnapshotSort []*CSISnapshot
CSISnapshotSort is a helper used for sorting snapshots by creation time.
func (CSISnapshotSort) Len ¶
func (v CSISnapshotSort) Len() int
func (CSISnapshotSort) Less ¶
func (v CSISnapshotSort) Less(i, j int) bool
func (CSISnapshotSort) Swap ¶
func (v CSISnapshotSort) Swap(i, j int)
type CSITopology ¶
type CSITopologyRequest ¶
type CSITopologyRequest struct { Required []*CSITopology `hcl:"required"` Preferred []*CSITopology `hcl:"preferred"` }
type CSIVolume ¶
type CSIVolume struct { ID string Name string ExternalID string `mapstructure:"external_id" hcl:"external_id"` Namespace string // RequestedTopologies are the topologies submitted as options to // the storage provider at the time the volume was created. After // volumes are created, this field is ignored. RequestedTopologies *CSITopologyRequest `hcl:"topology_request"` // Topologies are the topologies returned by the storage provider, // based on the RequestedTopologies and what the storage provider // could support. This value cannot be set by the user. Topologies []*CSITopology AccessMode CSIVolumeAccessMode `hcl:"access_mode"` AttachmentMode CSIVolumeAttachmentMode `hcl:"attachment_mode"` MountOptions *CSIMountOptions `hcl:"mount_options"` Secrets CSISecrets `mapstructure:"secrets" hcl:"secrets"` Parameters map[string]string `mapstructure:"parameters" hcl:"parameters"` Context map[string]string `mapstructure:"context" hcl:"context"` Capacity int64 `hcl:"-"` // These fields are used as part of the volume creation request RequestedCapacityMin int64 `hcl:"capacity_min"` RequestedCapacityMax int64 `hcl:"capacity_max"` RequestedCapabilities []*CSIVolumeCapability `hcl:"capability"` CloneID string `mapstructure:"clone_id" hcl:"clone_id"` SnapshotID string `mapstructure:"snapshot_id" hcl:"snapshot_id"` // ReadAllocs is a map of allocation IDs for tracking reader claim status. // The Allocation value will always be nil; clients can populate this data // by iterating over the Allocations field. ReadAllocs map[string]*Allocation // WriteAllocs is a map of allocation IDs for tracking writer claim // status. The Allocation value will always be nil; clients can populate // this data by iterating over the Allocations field. WriteAllocs map[string]*Allocation // Allocations is a combined list of readers and writers Allocations []*AllocationListStub // Schedulable is true if all the denormalized plugin health fields are true Schedulable bool PluginID string `mapstructure:"plugin_id" hcl:"plugin_id"` Provider string ProviderVersion string ControllerRequired bool ControllersHealthy int ControllersExpected int NodesHealthy int NodesExpected int ResourceExhausted time.Time CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 // CreateTime stored as UnixNano CreateTime int64 // ModifyTime stored as UnixNano ModifyTime int64 // ExtraKeysHCL is used by the hcl parser to report unexpected keys ExtraKeysHCL []string `hcl1:",unusedKeys" json:"-"` }
CSIVolume is used for serialization, see also nomad/structs/csi.go
type CSIVolumeAccessMode ¶
type CSIVolumeAccessMode string
CSIVolumeAccessMode indicates how a volume should be used in a storage topology e.g whether the provider should make the volume available concurrently. (Duplicated in nomad/structs/csi.go)
const ( CSIVolumeAccessModeUnknown CSIVolumeAccessMode = "" CSIVolumeAccessModeSingleNodeReader CSIVolumeAccessMode = "single-node-reader-only" CSIVolumeAccessModeSingleNodeWriter CSIVolumeAccessMode = "single-node-writer" CSIVolumeAccessModeMultiNodeReader CSIVolumeAccessMode = "multi-node-reader-only" CSIVolumeAccessModeMultiNodeSingleWriter CSIVolumeAccessMode = "multi-node-single-writer" CSIVolumeAccessModeMultiNodeMultiWriter CSIVolumeAccessMode = "multi-node-multi-writer" )
type CSIVolumeAttachmentMode ¶
type CSIVolumeAttachmentMode string
CSIVolumeAttachmentMode chooses the type of storage api that will be used to interact with the device. (Duplicated in nomad/structs/csi.go)
const ( CSIVolumeAttachmentModeUnknown CSIVolumeAttachmentMode = "" CSIVolumeAttachmentModeBlockDevice CSIVolumeAttachmentMode = "block-device" CSIVolumeAttachmentModeFilesystem CSIVolumeAttachmentMode = "file-system" )
type CSIVolumeCapability ¶
type CSIVolumeCapability struct { AccessMode CSIVolumeAccessMode `mapstructure:"access_mode" hcl:"access_mode"` AttachmentMode CSIVolumeAttachmentMode `mapstructure:"attachment_mode" hcl:"attachment_mode"` }
CSIVolumeCapability is a requested attachment and access mode for a volume
type CSIVolumeCreateRequest ¶
type CSIVolumeCreateRequest struct { Volumes []*CSIVolume WriteRequest }
type CSIVolumeCreateResponse ¶
type CSIVolumeDeleteRequest ¶
type CSIVolumeDeleteRequest struct { ExternalVolumeID string Secrets CSISecrets WriteRequest }
type CSIVolumeDeregisterRequest ¶
type CSIVolumeDeregisterRequest struct { VolumeIDs []string WriteRequest }
type CSIVolumeExternalStub ¶
type CSIVolumeExternalStub struct { ExternalID string CapacityBytes int64 VolumeContext map[string]string CloneID string SnapshotID string PublishedExternalNodeIDs []string IsAbnormal bool Status string }
CSIVolumeExternalStub is the storage provider's view of a volume, as returned from the controller plugin; all IDs are for external resources
type CSIVolumeExternalStubSort ¶
type CSIVolumeExternalStubSort []*CSIVolumeExternalStub
CSIVolumeExternalStubSort is a sorting helper for external volumes. We can't sort these by creation time because we don't get that data back from the storage provider. Sort by External ID within this page.
func (CSIVolumeExternalStubSort) Len ¶
func (v CSIVolumeExternalStubSort) Len() int
func (CSIVolumeExternalStubSort) Less ¶
func (v CSIVolumeExternalStubSort) Less(i, j int) bool
func (CSIVolumeExternalStubSort) Swap ¶
func (v CSIVolumeExternalStubSort) Swap(i, j int)
type CSIVolumeIndexSort ¶
type CSIVolumeIndexSort []*CSIVolumeListStub
CSIVolumeIndexSort is a helper used for sorting volume stubs by creation time.
func (CSIVolumeIndexSort) Len ¶
func (v CSIVolumeIndexSort) Len() int
func (CSIVolumeIndexSort) Less ¶
func (v CSIVolumeIndexSort) Less(i, j int) bool
func (CSIVolumeIndexSort) Swap ¶
func (v CSIVolumeIndexSort) Swap(i, j int)
type CSIVolumeListExternalResponse ¶
type CSIVolumeListExternalResponse struct { Volumes []*CSIVolumeExternalStub NextToken string }
type CSIVolumeListStub ¶
type CSIVolumeListStub struct { ID string Namespace string Name string ExternalID string Topologies []*CSITopology AccessMode CSIVolumeAccessMode AttachmentMode CSIVolumeAttachmentMode CurrentReaders int CurrentWriters int Schedulable bool PluginID string Provider string ControllerRequired bool ControllersHealthy int ControllersExpected int NodesHealthy int NodesExpected int ResourceExhausted time.Time CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 // CreateTime stored as UnixNano CreateTime int64 // ModifyTime stored as UnixNano ModifyTime int64 }
CSIVolumeListStub omits allocations. See also nomad/structs/csi.go
type CSIVolumeRegisterRequest ¶
type CSIVolumeRegisterRequest struct { Volumes []*CSIVolume WriteRequest }
type CSIVolumes ¶
type CSIVolumes struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CSIVolumes is used to access Container Storage Interface (CSI) endpoints.
func (*CSIVolumes) Create ¶
func (v *CSIVolumes) Create(vol *CSIVolume, w *WriteOptions) ([]*CSIVolume, *WriteMeta, error)
Create creates a single CSIVolume in an external storage provider and registers it with Nomad. You do not need to call Register if this call is successful.
func (*CSIVolumes) CreateSnapshot ¶
func (v *CSIVolumes) CreateSnapshot(snap *CSISnapshot, w *WriteOptions) (*CSISnapshotCreateResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
CreateSnapshot snapshots an external storage volume.
func (*CSIVolumes) Delete ¶
func (v *CSIVolumes) Delete(externalVolID string, w *WriteOptions) error
DEPRECATED: will be removed in Nomad 1.4.0 Delete deletes a CSI volume from an external storage provider. The ID passed as an argument here is for the storage provider's ID, so a volume that's already been deregistered can be deleted.
func (*CSIVolumes) DeleteOpts ¶
func (v *CSIVolumes) DeleteOpts(req *CSIVolumeDeleteRequest, w *WriteOptions) error
DeleteOpts deletes a CSI volume from an external storage provider. The ID passed in the request is for the storage provider's ID, so a volume that's already been deregistered can be deleted.
func (*CSIVolumes) DeleteSnapshot ¶
func (v *CSIVolumes) DeleteSnapshot(snap *CSISnapshot, w *WriteOptions) error
DeleteSnapshot deletes an external storage volume snapshot.
func (*CSIVolumes) Deregister ¶
func (v *CSIVolumes) Deregister(id string, force bool, w *WriteOptions) error
Deregister deregisters a single CSIVolume from Nomad. The volume will not be deleted from the external storage provider.
func (*CSIVolumes) Detach ¶
func (v *CSIVolumes) Detach(volID, nodeID string, w *WriteOptions) error
Detach causes Nomad to attempt to detach a CSI volume from a client node. This is used in the case that the node is temporarily lost and the allocations are unable to drop their claims automatically.
func (*CSIVolumes) Info ¶
func (v *CSIVolumes) Info(id string, q *QueryOptions) (*CSIVolume, *QueryMeta, error)
Info is used to retrieve a single CSIVolume
func (*CSIVolumes) List ¶
func (v *CSIVolumes) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*CSIVolumeListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
List returns all CSI volumes.
func (*CSIVolumes) ListExternal ¶
func (v *CSIVolumes) ListExternal(pluginID string, q *QueryOptions) (*CSIVolumeListExternalResponse, *QueryMeta, error)
ListExternal returns all CSI volumes, as understood by the external storage provider. These volumes may or may not be currently registered with Nomad. The response is paginated by the plugin and accepts the QueryOptions.PerPage and QueryOptions.NextToken fields.
func (*CSIVolumes) ListSnapshots ¶
func (v *CSIVolumes) ListSnapshots(pluginID string, secrets string, q *QueryOptions) (*CSISnapshotListResponse, *QueryMeta, error)
DEPRECATED: will be removed in Nomad 1.4.0 ListSnapshots lists external storage volume snapshots.
func (*CSIVolumes) ListSnapshotsOpts ¶
func (v *CSIVolumes) ListSnapshotsOpts(req *CSISnapshotListRequest) (*CSISnapshotListResponse, *QueryMeta, error)
ListSnapshotsOpts lists external storage volume snapshots.
func (*CSIVolumes) PluginList ¶
func (v *CSIVolumes) PluginList(pluginID string) ([]*CSIVolumeListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
PluginList returns all CSI volumes for the specified plugin id
func (*CSIVolumes) Register ¶
func (v *CSIVolumes) Register(vol *CSIVolume, w *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Register registers a single CSIVolume with Nomad. The volume must already exist in the external storage provider.
type ChangeScript ¶
type ChangeScript struct { Command *string `mapstructure:"command" hcl:"command"` Args []string `mapstructure:"args" hcl:"args,optional"` Timeout *time.Duration `mapstructure:"timeout" hcl:"timeout,optional"` FailOnError *bool `mapstructure:"fail_on_error" hcl:"fail_on_error"` }
func (*ChangeScript) Canonicalize ¶
func (ch *ChangeScript) Canonicalize()
type CheckRestart ¶
type CheckRestart struct { Limit int `mapstructure:"limit" hcl:"limit,optional"` Grace *time.Duration `mapstructure:"grace" hcl:"grace,optional"` IgnoreWarnings bool `mapstructure:"ignore_warnings" hcl:"ignore_warnings,optional"` }
CheckRestart describes if and when a task should be restarted based on failing health checks.
func (*CheckRestart) Canonicalize ¶
func (c *CheckRestart) Canonicalize()
Canonicalize CheckRestart fields if not nil.
func (*CheckRestart) Copy ¶
func (c *CheckRestart) Copy() *CheckRestart
Copy returns a copy of CheckRestart or nil if unset.
func (*CheckRestart) Merge ¶
func (c *CheckRestart) Merge(o *CheckRestart) *CheckRestart
Merge values from other CheckRestart over default values on this CheckRestart and return merged copy.
type Client ¶
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Client provides a client to the Nomad API
func (*Client) ACLAuthMethods ¶
func (c *Client) ACLAuthMethods() *ACLAuthMethods
ACLAuthMethods returns a new handle on the ACL auth-methods API client.
func (*Client) ACLBindingRules ¶
func (c *Client) ACLBindingRules() *ACLBindingRules
ACLBindingRules returns a new handle on the ACL auth-methods API client.
func (*Client) ACLPolicies ¶
func (c *Client) ACLPolicies() *ACLPolicies
ACLPolicies returns a new handle on the ACL policies.
func (*Client) Agent ¶
Agent returns a new agent which can be used to query the agent-specific endpoints.
func (*Client) Allocations ¶
func (c *Client) Allocations() *Allocations
Allocations returns a handle on the allocs endpoints.
func (*Client) CSIPlugins ¶
func (c *Client) CSIPlugins() *CSIPlugins
CSIPlugins returns a handle on the CSIPlugins endpoint
func (*Client) CSIVolumes ¶
func (c *Client) CSIVolumes() *CSIVolumes
CSIVolumes returns a handle on the CSIVolumes endpoint.
func (*Client) Close ¶
func (c *Client) Close()
Close closes the client's idle keep-alived connections. The default client configuration uses keep-alive to maintain connections and you should instantiate a single Client and reuse it for all requests from the same host. Connections will be closed automatically once the client is garbage collected. If you are creating multiple clients on the same host (for example, for testing), it may be useful to call Close() to avoid hitting connection limits.
func (*Client) Deployments ¶
func (c *Client) Deployments() *Deployments
Deployments returns a new handle on the deployments.
func (*Client) Evaluations ¶
func (c *Client) Evaluations() *Evaluations
Evaluations returns a new handle on the evaluations.
func (*Client) EventStream ¶
func (c *Client) EventStream() *EventStream
EventStream returns a handle to the Events endpoint
func (*Client) GetNodeClient ¶
func (c *Client) GetNodeClient(nodeID string, q *QueryOptions) (*Client, error)
GetNodeClient returns a new Client that will dial the specified node. If the QueryOptions is set, its region will be used.
func (*Client) GetNodeClientWithTimeout ¶
func (c *Client) GetNodeClientWithTimeout( nodeID string, timeout time.Duration, q *QueryOptions) (*Client, error)
GetNodeClientWithTimeout returns a new Client that will dial the specified node using the specified timeout. If the QueryOptions is set, its region will be used.
func (*Client) HostVolumes ¶
func (c *Client) HostVolumes() *HostVolumes
HostVolumes returns a new handle on the host volumes API.
func (*Client) Locks ¶
func (c *Client) Locks(wo WriteOptions, v Variable, opts ...LocksOption) (*Locks, error)
Locks returns a new handle on a lock for the given variable.
func (*Client) Namespaces ¶
func (c *Client) Namespaces() *Namespaces
Namespaces returns a new handle on the namespaces.
func (*Client) NewLockLeaser ¶
func (c *Client) NewLockLeaser(l Locker, opts ...LockLeaserOption) *LockLeaser
NewLockLeaser returns an instance of LockLeaser. callerID is optional, in case they it is not provided, internal one will be created.
func (*Client) Recommendations ¶
func (c *Client) Recommendations() *Recommendations
Recommendations returns a new handle on the recommendations endpoints.
func (*Client) SentinelPolicies ¶
func (c *Client) SentinelPolicies() *SentinelPolicies
SentinelPolicies returns a new handle on the Sentinel policies.
func (*Client) SetNamespace ¶
SetNamespace sets the namespace to forward API requests to.
func (*Client) SetSecretID ¶
SetSecretID sets the ACL token secret for API requests.
func (*Client) TaskGroupHostVolumeClaims ¶
func (c *Client) TaskGroupHostVolumeClaims() *TaskGroupHostVolumeClaims
TaskGroupHostVolumeClaims returns a new handle on the API.
type Config ¶
type Config struct { // Address is the address of the Nomad agent Address string // Region to use. If not provided, the default agent region is used. Region string // SecretID to use. This can be overwritten per request. SecretID string // Namespace to use. If not provided the default namespace is used. Namespace string // HttpClient is the client to use. Default will be used if not provided. // // If set, it expected to be configured for tls already, and TLSConfig is ignored. // You may use ConfigureTLS() function to aid with initialization. HttpClient *http.Client // HttpAuth is the auth info to use for http access. HttpAuth *HttpBasicAuth // WaitTime limits how long a Watch will block. If not provided, // the agent default values will be used. WaitTime time.Duration // TLSConfig provides the various TLS related configurations for the http // client. // // TLSConfig is ignored if HttpClient is set. TLSConfig *TLSConfig Headers http.Header // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Config is used to configure the creation of a client
func DefaultConfig ¶
func DefaultConfig() *Config
DefaultConfig returns a default configuration for the client
func (*Config) ClientConfig ¶
ClientConfig copies the configuration with a new client address, region, and whether the client has TLS enabled.
type Constraint ¶
type Constraint struct { LTarget string `hcl:"attribute,optional"` RTarget string `hcl:"value,optional"` Operand string `hcl:"operator,optional"` }
Constraint is used to serialize a job placement constraint.
func NewConstraint ¶
func NewConstraint(left, operand, right string) *Constraint
NewConstraint generates a new job placement constraint.
type Consul ¶
type Consul struct { // (Enterprise-only) Namespace represents a Consul namespace. Namespace string `mapstructure:"namespace" hcl:"namespace,optional"` // (Enterprise-only) Cluster represents a specific Consul cluster. Cluster string `mapstructure:"cluster" hcl:"cluster,optional"` // Partition is the Consul admin partition where the workload should // run. This is available in Nomad CE but only works with Consul ENT Partition string `mapstructure:"partition" hcl:"partition,optional"` }
Consul represents configuration related to consul.
func (*Consul) Canonicalize ¶
func (c *Consul) Canonicalize()
Canonicalize Consul into a canonical form. The Canonicalize structs containing a Consul should ensure it is not nil.
func (*Consul) MergeNamespace ¶
MergeNamespace sets Namespace to namespace if not already configured. This is used to inherit the job-level consul_namespace if the group-level namespace is not explicitly configured.
type ConsulConnect ¶
type ConsulConnect struct { Native bool `hcl:"native,optional"` Gateway *ConsulGateway `hcl:"gateway,block"` SidecarService *ConsulSidecarService `mapstructure:"sidecar_service" hcl:"sidecar_service,block"` SidecarTask *SidecarTask `mapstructure:"sidecar_task" hcl:"sidecar_task,block"` }
ConsulConnect represents a Consul Connect jobspec block.
func (*ConsulConnect) Canonicalize ¶
func (cc *ConsulConnect) Canonicalize()
type ConsulExposeConfig ¶
type ConsulExposeConfig struct { Paths []*ConsulExposePath `mapstructure:"path" hcl:"path,block"` Path []*ConsulExposePath // Deprecated: only to maintain backwards compatibility. Use Paths instead. }
func (*ConsulExposeConfig) Canonicalize ¶
func (cec *ConsulExposeConfig) Canonicalize()
type ConsulExposePath ¶
type ConsulGateway ¶
type ConsulGateway struct { // Proxy is used to configure the Envoy instance acting as the gateway. Proxy *ConsulGatewayProxy `hcl:"proxy,block"` // Ingress represents the Consul Configuration Entry for an Ingress Gateway. Ingress *ConsulIngressConfigEntry `hcl:"ingress,block"` // Terminating represents the Consul Configuration Entry for a Terminating Gateway. Terminating *ConsulTerminatingConfigEntry `hcl:"terminating,block"` // Mesh indicates the Consul service should be a Mesh Gateway. Mesh *ConsulMeshConfigEntry `hcl:"mesh,block"` }
ConsulGateway is used to configure one of the Consul Connect Gateway types.
func (*ConsulGateway) Canonicalize ¶
func (g *ConsulGateway) Canonicalize()
func (*ConsulGateway) Copy ¶
func (g *ConsulGateway) Copy() *ConsulGateway
type ConsulGatewayProxy ¶
type ConsulGatewayProxy struct { ConnectTimeout *time.Duration `mapstructure:"connect_timeout" hcl:"connect_timeout,optional"` EnvoyGatewayBindTaggedAddresses bool `mapstructure:"envoy_gateway_bind_tagged_addresses" hcl:"envoy_gateway_bind_tagged_addresses,optional"` EnvoyGatewayBindAddresses map[string]*ConsulGatewayBindAddress `mapstructure:"envoy_gateway_bind_addresses" hcl:"envoy_gateway_bind_addresses,block"` EnvoyGatewayNoDefaultBind bool `mapstructure:"envoy_gateway_no_default_bind" hcl:"envoy_gateway_no_default_bind,optional"` EnvoyDNSDiscoveryType string `mapstructure:"envoy_dns_discovery_type" hcl:"envoy_dns_discovery_type,optional"` Config map[string]interface{} `hcl:"config,block"` // escape hatch envoy config }
ConsulGatewayProxy is used to tune parameters of the proxy instance acting as one of the forms of Connect gateways that Consul supports.
func (*ConsulGatewayProxy) Canonicalize ¶
func (p *ConsulGatewayProxy) Canonicalize()
func (*ConsulGatewayProxy) Copy ¶
func (p *ConsulGatewayProxy) Copy() *ConsulGatewayProxy
type ConsulGatewayTLSConfig ¶
type ConsulGatewayTLSConfig struct { // Enabled indicates whether TLS is enabled for the configuration entry Enabled bool `hcl:"enabled,optional"` // TLSMinVersion specifies the minimum TLS version supported for gateway // listeners. TLSMinVersion string `hcl:"tls_min_version,optional" mapstructure:"tls_min_version"` // TLSMaxVersion specifies the maxmimum TLS version supported for gateway // listeners. TLSMaxVersion string `hcl:"tls_max_version,optional" mapstructure:"tls_max_version"` // CipherSuites specifies a list of cipher suites that gateway listeners // support when negotiating connections using TLS 1.2 or older. CipherSuites []string `hcl:"cipher_suites,optional" mapstructure:"cipher_suites"` // SDS specifies parameters that configure the listener to load TLS // certificates from an external Secrets Discovery Service (SDS). SDS *ConsulGatewayTLSSDSConfig `hcl:"sds,block" mapstructure:"sds"` }
ConsulGatewayTLSConfig is used to configure TLS for a gateway. Both ConsulIngressConfigEntry and ConsulIngressService use this struct. For more details, consult the Consul documentation:
func (*ConsulGatewayTLSConfig) Canonicalize ¶
func (tc *ConsulGatewayTLSConfig) Canonicalize()
func (*ConsulGatewayTLSConfig) Copy ¶
func (tc *ConsulGatewayTLSConfig) Copy() *ConsulGatewayTLSConfig
type ConsulGatewayTLSSDSConfig ¶
type ConsulGatewayTLSSDSConfig struct { // ClusterName specifies the name of the SDS cluster where Consul should // retrieve certificates. ClusterName string `hcl:"cluster_name,optional" mapstructure:"cluster_name"` // CertResource specifies an SDS resource name CertResource string `hcl:"cert_resource,optional" mapstructure:"cert_resource"` }
ConsulGatewayTLSSDSConfig is used to configure the gateway's TLS listener to load certificates from an external Secret Discovery Service (SDS)
func (*ConsulGatewayTLSSDSConfig) Copy ¶
func (c *ConsulGatewayTLSSDSConfig) Copy() *ConsulGatewayTLSSDSConfig
type ConsulHTTPHeaderModifiers ¶
type ConsulHTTPHeaderModifiers struct { // Add is a set of name -> value pairs that should be appended to the // request or response (i.e. allowing duplicates if the same header already // exists). Add map[string]string `hcl:"add,block" mapstructure:"add"` // Set is a set of name -> value pairs that should be added to the request // or response, overwriting any existing header values of the same name. Set map[string]string `hcl:"set,block" mapstructure:"set"` // Remove is the set of header names that should be stripped from the // request or response. Remove []string `hcl:"remove,optional" mapstructure:"remove"` }
ConsulHTTPHeaderModifiers is a set of rules for HTTP header modification that should be performed by proxies as the request passes through them. It can operate on either request or response headers depending on the context in which it is used.
func (*ConsulHTTPHeaderModifiers) Canonicalize ¶
func (h *ConsulHTTPHeaderModifiers) Canonicalize()
func (*ConsulHTTPHeaderModifiers) Copy ¶
func (h *ConsulHTTPHeaderModifiers) Copy() *ConsulHTTPHeaderModifiers
type ConsulIngressConfigEntry ¶
type ConsulIngressConfigEntry struct { // TLS specifies a TLS configuration for the gateway. TLS *ConsulGatewayTLSConfig `hcl:"tls,block"` // Listeners specifies a list of listeners in the mesh for the // gateway. Listeners are uniquely identified by their port number. Listeners []*ConsulIngressListener `hcl:"listener,block"` }
ConsulIngressConfigEntry represents the Consul Configuration Entry type for an Ingress Gateway.
func (*ConsulIngressConfigEntry) Canonicalize ¶
func (e *ConsulIngressConfigEntry) Canonicalize()
func (*ConsulIngressConfigEntry) Copy ¶
func (e *ConsulIngressConfigEntry) Copy() *ConsulIngressConfigEntry
type ConsulIngressListener ¶
type ConsulIngressListener struct { Port int `hcl:"port,optional"` Protocol string `hcl:"protocol,optional"` Services []*ConsulIngressService `hcl:"service,block"` }
ConsulIngressListener is used to configure a listener on a Consul Ingress Gateway.
func (*ConsulIngressListener) Canonicalize ¶
func (l *ConsulIngressListener) Canonicalize()
func (*ConsulIngressListener) Copy ¶
func (l *ConsulIngressListener) Copy() *ConsulIngressListener
type ConsulIngressService ¶
type ConsulIngressService struct { // Name of the service exposed through this listener. Name string `hcl:"name,optional"` // Hosts specifies one or more hosts that the listening services can receive // requests on. Hosts []string `hcl:"hosts,optional"` // TLS specifies a TLS configuration override for a specific service. If // unset this will fallback to the ConsulIngressConfigEntry's own TLS field. TLS *ConsulGatewayTLSConfig `hcl:"tls,block" mapstructure:"tls"` // RequestHeaders specifies a set of HTTP-specific header modification rules // applied to requests routed through the gateway RequestHeaders *ConsulHTTPHeaderModifiers `hcl:"request_headers,block" mapstructure:"request_headers"` // ResponseHeader specifies a set of HTTP-specific header modification rules // applied to responses routed through the gateway ResponseHeaders *ConsulHTTPHeaderModifiers `hcl:"response_headers,block" mapstructure:"response_headers"` // MaxConnections specifies the maximum number of HTTP/1.1 connections a // service instance is allowed to establish against the upstream MaxConnections *uint32 `hcl:"max_connections,optional" mapstructure:"max_connections"` // MaxPendingRequests specifies the maximum number of requests that are // allowed to queue while waiting to establish a connection MaxPendingRequests *uint32 `hcl:"max_pending_requests,optional" mapstructure:"max_pending_requests"` // MaxConcurrentRequests specifies the maximum number of concurrent HTTP/2 // traffic requests that are allowed at a single point in time MaxConcurrentRequests *uint32 `hcl:"max_concurrent_requests,optional" mapstructure:"max_concurrent_requests"` }
ConsulIngressService is used to configure a service fronted by the ingress gateway. For more details, consult the Consul documentation:
func (*ConsulIngressService) Canonicalize ¶
func (s *ConsulIngressService) Canonicalize()
func (*ConsulIngressService) Copy ¶
func (s *ConsulIngressService) Copy() *ConsulIngressService
type ConsulLinkedService ¶
type ConsulLinkedService struct { Name string `hcl:"name,optional"` CAFile string `hcl:"ca_file,optional" mapstructure:"ca_file"` CertFile string `hcl:"cert_file,optional" mapstructure:"cert_file"` KeyFile string `hcl:"key_file,optional" mapstructure:"key_file"` SNI string `hcl:"sni,optional"` }
func (*ConsulLinkedService) Canonicalize ¶
func (s *ConsulLinkedService) Canonicalize()
func (*ConsulLinkedService) Copy ¶
func (s *ConsulLinkedService) Copy() *ConsulLinkedService
type ConsulMeshConfigEntry ¶
type ConsulMeshConfigEntry struct { }
ConsulMeshConfigEntry is a stub used to represent that the gateway service type should be for a Mesh Gateway. Unlike Ingress and Terminating, there is no actual Consul Config Entry type for mesh-gateway, at least for now. We still create a type for future proofing, instead just using a bool for example.
func (*ConsulMeshConfigEntry) Canonicalize ¶
func (e *ConsulMeshConfigEntry) Canonicalize()
func (*ConsulMeshConfigEntry) Copy ¶
func (e *ConsulMeshConfigEntry) Copy() *ConsulMeshConfigEntry
type ConsulMeshGateway ¶
type ConsulMeshGateway struct { // Mode configures how an upstream should be accessed with regard to using // mesh gateways. // // local - the connect proxy makes outbound connections through mesh gateway // originating in the same datacenter. // // remote - the connect proxy makes outbound connections to a mesh gateway // in the destination datacenter. // // none (default) - no mesh gateway is used, the proxy makes outbound connections // directly to destination services. // // Mode string `mapstructure:"mode" hcl:"mode,optional"` }
ConsulMeshGateway is used to configure mesh gateway usage when connecting to a connect upstream in another datacenter.
func (*ConsulMeshGateway) Canonicalize ¶
func (c *ConsulMeshGateway) Canonicalize()
func (*ConsulMeshGateway) Copy ¶
func (c *ConsulMeshGateway) Copy() *ConsulMeshGateway
type ConsulProxy ¶
type ConsulProxy struct { LocalServiceAddress string `mapstructure:"local_service_address" hcl:"local_service_address,optional"` LocalServicePort int `mapstructure:"local_service_port" hcl:"local_service_port,optional"` Expose *ConsulExposeConfig `mapstructure:"expose" hcl:"expose,block"` ExposeConfig *ConsulExposeConfig // Deprecated: only to maintain backwards compatibility. Use Expose instead. Upstreams []*ConsulUpstream `hcl:"upstreams,block"` // TransparentProxy configures the Envoy sidecar to use "transparent // proxying", which creates IP tables rules inside the network namespace to // ensure traffic flows thru the Envoy proxy TransparentProxy *ConsulTransparentProxy `mapstructure:"transparent_proxy" hcl:"transparent_proxy,block"` Config map[string]interface{} `hcl:"config,block"` }
ConsulProxy represents a Consul Connect sidecar proxy jobspec block.
func (*ConsulProxy) Canonicalize ¶
func (cp *ConsulProxy) Canonicalize()
type ConsulSidecarService ¶
type ConsulSidecarService struct { Tags []string `hcl:"tags,optional"` Port string `hcl:"port,optional"` Proxy *ConsulProxy `hcl:"proxy,block"` DisableDefaultTCPCheck bool `mapstructure:"disable_default_tcp_check" hcl:"disable_default_tcp_check,optional"` Meta map[string]string `hcl:"meta,block"` }
ConsulSidecarService represents a Consul Connect SidecarService jobspec block.
func (*ConsulSidecarService) Canonicalize ¶
func (css *ConsulSidecarService) Canonicalize()
type ConsulTerminatingConfigEntry ¶
type ConsulTerminatingConfigEntry struct {
Services []*ConsulLinkedService `hcl:"service,block"`
ConsulTerminatingConfigEntry represents the Consul Configuration Entry type for a Terminating Gateway.
func (*ConsulTerminatingConfigEntry) Canonicalize ¶
func (e *ConsulTerminatingConfigEntry) Canonicalize()
func (*ConsulTerminatingConfigEntry) Copy ¶
func (e *ConsulTerminatingConfigEntry) Copy() *ConsulTerminatingConfigEntry
type ConsulTransparentProxy ¶
type ConsulTransparentProxy struct { // UID of the Envoy proxy. Defaults to the default Envoy proxy container // image user. UID string `mapstructure:"uid" hcl:"uid,optional"` // OutboundPort is the Envoy proxy's outbound listener port. Inbound TCP // traffic hitting the PROXY_IN_REDIRECT chain will be redirected here. // Defaults to 15001. OutboundPort uint16 `mapstructure:"outbound_port" hcl:"outbound_port,optional"` // ExcludeInboundPorts is an additional set of ports will be excluded from // redirection to the Envoy proxy. Can be Port.Label or Port.Value. This set // will be added to the ports automatically excluded for the Expose.Port and // Check.Expose fields. ExcludeInboundPorts []string `mapstructure:"exclude_inbound_ports" hcl:"exclude_inbound_ports,optional"` // ExcludeOutboundPorts is a set of outbound ports that will not be // redirected to the Envoy proxy, specified as port numbers. ExcludeOutboundPorts []uint16 `mapstructure:"exclude_outbound_ports" hcl:"exclude_outbound_ports,optional"` // ExcludeOutboundCIDRs is a set of outbound CIDR blocks that will not be // redirected to the Envoy proxy. ExcludeOutboundCIDRs []string `mapstructure:"exclude_outbound_cidrs" hcl:"exclude_outbound_cidrs,optional"` // ExcludeUIDs is a set of user IDs whose network traffic will not be // redirected through the Envoy proxy. ExcludeUIDs []string `mapstructure:"exclude_uids" hcl:"exclude_uids,optional"` // NoDNS disables redirection of DNS traffic to Consul DNS. By default NoDNS // is false and transparent proxy will direct DNS traffic to Consul DNS if // available on the client. NoDNS bool `mapstructure:"no_dns" hcl:"no_dns,optional"` }
ConsulTransparentProxy is used to configure the Envoy sidecar for "transparent proxying", which creates IP tables rules inside the network namespace to ensure traffic flows thru the Envoy proxy
func (*ConsulTransparentProxy) Canonicalize ¶
func (tp *ConsulTransparentProxy) Canonicalize()
type ConsulUpstream ¶
type ConsulUpstream struct { DestinationName string `mapstructure:"destination_name" hcl:"destination_name,optional"` DestinationNamespace string `mapstructure:"destination_namespace" hcl:"destination_namespace,optional"` DestinationPeer string `mapstructure:"destination_peer" hcl:"destination_peer,optional"` DestinationPartition string `mapstructure:"destination_partition" hcl:"destination_partition,optional"` DestinationType string `mapstructure:"destination_type" hcl:"destination_type,optional"` LocalBindPort int `mapstructure:"local_bind_port" hcl:"local_bind_port,optional"` Datacenter string `mapstructure:"datacenter" hcl:"datacenter,optional"` LocalBindAddress string `mapstructure:"local_bind_address" hcl:"local_bind_address,optional"` LocalBindSocketPath string `mapstructure:"local_bind_socket_path" hcl:"local_bind_socket_path,optional"` LocalBindSocketMode string `mapstructure:"local_bind_socket_mode" hcl:"local_bind_socket_mode,optional"` MeshGateway *ConsulMeshGateway `mapstructure:"mesh_gateway" hcl:"mesh_gateway,block"` Config map[string]any `mapstructure:"config" hcl:"config,block"` }
ConsulUpstream represents a Consul Connect upstream jobspec block.
func (*ConsulUpstream) Canonicalize ¶
func (cu *ConsulUpstream) Canonicalize()
func (*ConsulUpstream) Copy ¶
func (cu *ConsulUpstream) Copy() *ConsulUpstream
type CpuStats ¶
type CpuStats struct { SystemMode float64 UserMode float64 TotalTicks float64 ThrottledPeriods uint64 ThrottledTime uint64 Percent float64 Measured []string }
CpuStats holds cpu usage related stats
type Deployment ¶
type Deployment struct { // ID is a generated UUID for the deployment ID string // Namespace is the namespace the deployment is created in Namespace string // JobID is the job the deployment is created for JobID string // JobVersion is the version of the job at which the deployment is tracking JobVersion uint64 // JobModifyIndex is the ModifyIndex of the job which the deployment is // tracking. JobModifyIndex uint64 // JobSpecModifyIndex is the JobModifyIndex of the job which the // deployment is tracking. JobSpecModifyIndex uint64 // JobCreateIndex is the create index of the job which the deployment is // tracking. It is needed so that if the job gets stopped and reran we can // present the correct list of deployments for the job and not old ones. JobCreateIndex uint64 // IsMultiregion specifies if this deployment is part of a multi-region deployment IsMultiregion bool // TaskGroups is the set of task groups effected by the deployment and their // current deployment status. TaskGroups map[string]*DeploymentState // The status of the deployment Status string // StatusDescription allows a human readable description of the deployment // status. StatusDescription string CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 // Creation and modification times, stored as UnixNano CreateTime int64 ModifyTime int64 }
Deployment is used to serialize an deployment.
type DeploymentAllocHealthRequest ¶
type DeploymentAllocHealthRequest struct { DeploymentID string // Marks these allocations as healthy, allow further allocations // to be rolled. HealthyAllocationIDs []string // Any unhealthy allocations fail the deployment UnhealthyAllocationIDs []string WriteRequest }
DeploymentAllocHealthRequest is used to set the health of a set of allocations as part of a deployment.
type DeploymentFailRequest ¶
type DeploymentFailRequest struct { DeploymentID string WriteRequest }
DeploymentFailRequest is used to fail a particular deployment
type DeploymentIndexSort ¶
type DeploymentIndexSort []*Deployment
DeploymentIndexSort is a wrapper to sort deployments by CreateIndex. We reverse the test so that we get the highest index first.
func (DeploymentIndexSort) Len ¶
func (d DeploymentIndexSort) Len() int
func (DeploymentIndexSort) Less ¶
func (d DeploymentIndexSort) Less(i, j int) bool
func (DeploymentIndexSort) Swap ¶
func (d DeploymentIndexSort) Swap(i, j int)
type DeploymentPauseRequest ¶
type DeploymentPauseRequest struct { DeploymentID string // Pause sets the pause status Pause bool WriteRequest }
DeploymentPauseRequest is used to pause a deployment
type DeploymentPromoteRequest ¶
type DeploymentPromoteRequest struct { DeploymentID string // All is to promote all task groups All bool // Groups is used to set the promotion status per task group Groups []string // PromotedAt is the timestamp stored as Unix nano PromotedAt int64 WriteRequest }
DeploymentPromoteRequest is used to promote task groups in a deployment
type DeploymentSpecificRequest ¶
type DeploymentSpecificRequest struct { DeploymentID string QueryOptions }
DeploymentSpecificRequest is used to make a request specific to a particular deployment
type DeploymentState ¶
type DeploymentState struct { PlacedCanaries []string AutoRevert bool ProgressDeadline time.Duration RequireProgressBy time.Time Promoted bool DesiredCanaries int DesiredTotal int PlacedAllocs int HealthyAllocs int UnhealthyAllocs int }
DeploymentState tracks the state of a deployment for a given task group.
type DeploymentUnblockRequest ¶
type DeploymentUnblockRequest struct { DeploymentID string WriteRequest }
DeploymentUnblockRequest is used to unblock a particular deployment
type DeploymentUpdateResponse ¶
type DeploymentUpdateResponse struct { EvalID string EvalCreateIndex uint64 DeploymentModifyIndex uint64 RevertedJobVersion *uint64 WriteMeta }
DeploymentUpdateResponse is used to respond to a deployment change. The response will include the modify index of the deployment as well as details of any triggered evaluation.
type Deployments ¶
type Deployments struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Deployments is used to query the deployments endpoints.
func (*Deployments) Allocations ¶
func (d *Deployments) Allocations(deploymentID string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*AllocationListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
Allocations is used to retrieve a set of allocations that are part of the deployment
func (*Deployments) Fail ¶
func (d *Deployments) Fail(deploymentID string, q *WriteOptions) (*DeploymentUpdateResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
Fail is used to fail the given deployment.
func (*Deployments) Info ¶
func (d *Deployments) Info(deploymentID string, q *QueryOptions) (*Deployment, *QueryMeta, error)
Info is used to query a single deployment by its ID.
func (*Deployments) List ¶
func (d *Deployments) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*Deployment, *QueryMeta, error)
List is used to dump all the deployments.
func (*Deployments) Pause ¶
func (d *Deployments) Pause(deploymentID string, pause bool, q *WriteOptions) (*DeploymentUpdateResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
Pause is used to pause or unpause the given deployment.
func (*Deployments) PrefixList ¶
func (d *Deployments) PrefixList(prefix string) ([]*Deployment, *QueryMeta, error)
func (*Deployments) PromoteAll ¶
func (d *Deployments) PromoteAll(deploymentID string, q *WriteOptions) (*DeploymentUpdateResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
PromoteAll is used to promote all canaries in the given deployment
func (*Deployments) PromoteGroups ¶
func (d *Deployments) PromoteGroups(deploymentID string, groups []string, q *WriteOptions) (*DeploymentUpdateResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
PromoteGroups is used to promote canaries in the passed groups in the given deployment
func (*Deployments) SetAllocHealth ¶
func (d *Deployments) SetAllocHealth(deploymentID string, healthy, unhealthy []string, q *WriteOptions) (*DeploymentUpdateResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
SetAllocHealth is used to set allocation health for allocs that are part of the given deployment
func (*Deployments) Unblock ¶
func (d *Deployments) Unblock(deploymentID string, q *WriteOptions) (*DeploymentUpdateResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
Unblock is used to unblock the given deployment.
type DeregisterOptions ¶
type DeregisterOptions struct { // If Purge is set to true, the job is deregistered and purged from the // system versus still being queryable and eventually GC'ed from the // system. Most callers should not specify purge. Purge bool // If Global is set to true, all regions of a multiregion job will be // stopped. Global bool // EvalPriority is an optional priority to use on any evaluation created as // a result on this job deregistration. This value must be between 1-100 // inclusively, where a larger value corresponds to a higher priority. This // is useful when an operator wishes to push through a job deregistration // in busy clusters with a large evaluation backlog. EvalPriority int // NoShutdownDelay, if set to true, will override the group and // task shutdown_delay configuration and ignore the delay for any // allocations stopped as a result of this Deregister call. NoShutdownDelay bool }
DeregisterOptions is used to pass through job deregistration parameters
type DesiredTransition ¶
type DesiredTransition struct { // Migrate is used to indicate that this allocation should be stopped and // migrated to another node. Migrate *bool // Reschedule is used to indicate that this allocation is eligible to be // rescheduled. Reschedule *bool }
DesiredTransition is used to mark an allocation as having a desired state transition. This information can be used by the scheduler to make the correct decision.
func (DesiredTransition) ShouldMigrate ¶
func (d DesiredTransition) ShouldMigrate() bool
ShouldMigrate returns whether the transition object dictates a migration.
type DesiredUpdates ¶
type DeviceGroupStats ¶
type DeviceGroupStats struct { Vendor string Type string Name string // InstanceStats is a mapping of each device ID to its statistics. InstanceStats map[string]*DeviceStats }
DeviceGroupStats contains statistics for each device of a particular device group, identified by the vendor, type and name of the device.
type DeviceStats ¶
type DeviceStats struct { // Summary exposes a single summary metric that should be the most // informative to users. Summary *StatValue // Stats contains the verbose statistics for the device. Stats *StatObject // Timestamp is the time the statistics were collected. Timestamp time.Time }
DeviceStats is the statistics for an individual device
type DisconnectStrategy ¶
type DisconnectStrategy struct { // Defines for how long the server will consider the unresponsive node as // disconnected but alive instead of lost. LostAfter *time.Duration `mapstructure:"lost_after" hcl:"lost_after,optional"` // Defines for how long a disconnected client will keep its allocations running. StopOnClientAfter *time.Duration `mapstructure:"stop_on_client_after" hcl:"stop_on_client_after,optional"` // A boolean field used to define if the allocations should be replaced while // it's considered disconnected. Replace *bool `mapstructure:"replace" hcl:"replace,optional"` // Once the disconnected node starts reporting again, it will define which // instances to keep: the original allocations, the replacement, the one // running on the node with the best score as it is currently implemented, // or the allocation that has been running continuously the longest. Reconcile *ReconcileOption `mapstructure:"reconcile" hcl:"reconcile,optional"` }
Disconnect strategy defines how both clients and server should behave in case of disconnection between them.
func NewDefaultDisconnectStrategy ¶
func NewDefaultDisconnectStrategy() *DisconnectStrategy
func (*DisconnectStrategy) Canonicalize ¶
func (ds *DisconnectStrategy) Canonicalize()
type DispatchPayloadConfig ¶
type DispatchPayloadConfig struct {
File string `hcl:"file,optional"`
DispatchPayloadConfig configures how a task gets its input from a job dispatch
type DrainMetadata ¶
type DrainMetadata struct { StartedAt time.Time UpdatedAt time.Time Status DrainStatus AccessorID string Meta map[string]string }
DrainMetadata contains information about the most recent drain operation for a given Node.
type DrainOptions ¶
type DrainOptions struct { // DrainSpec contains the drain specification for the node. If non-nil, // the node will be marked ineligible and begin/continue draining according // to the provided drain spec. // If nil, any existing drain operation will be canceled. DrainSpec *DrainSpec // MarkEligible indicates whether the node should be marked as eligible when // canceling a drain operation. MarkEligible bool // Meta is metadata that is persisted in Node.LastDrain about this // drain update. Meta map[string]string }
DrainOptions is used to pass through node drain parameters
type DrainSpec ¶
type DrainSpec struct { // Deadline is the duration after StartTime when the remaining // allocations on a draining Node should be told to stop. Deadline time.Duration // IgnoreSystemJobs allows systems jobs to remain on the node even though it // has been marked for draining. IgnoreSystemJobs bool }
DrainSpec describes a Node's drain behavior.
type DrainStatus ¶
type DrainStatus string
type DrainStrategy ¶
type DrainStrategy struct { // DrainSpec is the user declared drain specification DrainSpec // ForceDeadline is the deadline time for the drain after which drains will // be forced ForceDeadline time.Time // StartedAt is the time the drain process started StartedAt time.Time }
DrainStrategy describes a Node's drain behavior.
func (*DrainStrategy) Equal ¶
func (d *DrainStrategy) Equal(o *DrainStrategy) bool
func (*DrainStrategy) String ¶
func (d *DrainStrategy) String() string
String returns a human readable version of the drain strategy.
type DriverInfo ¶
type DriverInfo struct { Attributes map[string]string Detected bool Healthy bool HealthDescription string UpdateTime time.Time }
DriverInfo is used to deserialize a DriverInfo entry
type EncryptionAlgorithm ¶
type EncryptionAlgorithm string
EncryptionAlgorithm chooses which algorithm is used for encrypting / decrypting entries with this key
const (
EncryptionAlgorithmAES256GCM EncryptionAlgorithm = "aes256-gcm"
type EphemeralDisk ¶
type EphemeralDisk struct { Sticky *bool `hcl:"sticky,optional"` Migrate *bool `hcl:"migrate,optional"` SizeMB *int `mapstructure:"size" hcl:"size,optional"` }
EphemeralDisk is an ephemeral disk object
func DefaultEphemeralDisk ¶
func DefaultEphemeralDisk() *EphemeralDisk
func (*EphemeralDisk) Canonicalize ¶
func (e *EphemeralDisk) Canonicalize()
type ErrCASConflict ¶
func (ErrCASConflict) Error ¶
func (e ErrCASConflict) Error() string
type EvalCountResponse ¶
type EvalDeleteRequest ¶
type EvalDeleteRequest struct { EvalIDs []string Filter string WriteRequest }
type EvalDeleteResponse ¶
type EvalDeleteResponse struct {
Count int
type EvalIndexSort ¶
type EvalIndexSort []*Evaluation
EvalIndexSort is a wrapper to sort evaluations by CreateIndex. We reverse the test so that we get the highest index first.
func (EvalIndexSort) Len ¶
func (e EvalIndexSort) Len() int
func (EvalIndexSort) Less ¶
func (e EvalIndexSort) Less(i, j int) bool
func (EvalIndexSort) Swap ¶
func (e EvalIndexSort) Swap(i, j int)
type EvalOptions ¶
type EvalOptions struct {
ForceReschedule bool
EvalOptions is used to encapsulate options when forcing a job evaluation
type Evaluation ¶
type Evaluation struct { ID string Priority int Type string TriggeredBy string Namespace string JobID string JobModifyIndex uint64 NodeID string NodeModifyIndex uint64 DeploymentID string Status string StatusDescription string Wait time.Duration WaitUntil time.Time NextEval string PreviousEval string BlockedEval string RelatedEvals []*EvaluationStub FailedTGAllocs map[string]*AllocationMetric ClassEligibility map[string]bool EscapedComputedClass bool QuotaLimitReached string AnnotatePlan bool QueuedAllocations map[string]int SnapshotIndex uint64 CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 CreateTime int64 ModifyTime int64 }
Evaluation is used to serialize an evaluation.
type EvaluationStub ¶
type EvaluationStub struct { ID string Priority int Type string TriggeredBy string Namespace string JobID string NodeID string DeploymentID string Status string StatusDescription string WaitUntil time.Time NextEval string PreviousEval string BlockedEval string CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 CreateTime int64 ModifyTime int64 }
EvaluationStub is used to serialize parts of an evaluation returned in the RelatedEvals field of an Evaluation.
type Evaluations ¶
type Evaluations struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Evaluations is used to query the evaluation endpoints.
func (*Evaluations) Allocations ¶
func (e *Evaluations) Allocations(evalID string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*AllocationListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
Allocations is used to retrieve a set of allocations given an evaluation ID.
func (*Evaluations) Count ¶
func (e *Evaluations) Count(q *QueryOptions) (*EvalCountResponse, *QueryMeta, error)
Count is used to get a count of evaluations.
func (*Evaluations) Delete ¶
func (e *Evaluations) Delete(evalIDs []string, w *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Delete is used to batch delete evaluations using their IDs.
func (*Evaluations) DeleteOpts ¶
func (e *Evaluations) DeleteOpts(req *EvalDeleteRequest, w *WriteOptions) (*EvalDeleteResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
DeleteOpts is used to batch delete evaluations using a filter.
func (*Evaluations) Info ¶
func (e *Evaluations) Info(evalID string, q *QueryOptions) (*Evaluation, *QueryMeta, error)
Info is used to query a single evaluation by its ID.
func (*Evaluations) List ¶
func (e *Evaluations) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*Evaluation, *QueryMeta, error)
List is used to dump all of the evaluations.
func (*Evaluations) PrefixList ¶
func (e *Evaluations) PrefixList(prefix string) ([]*Evaluation, *QueryMeta, error)
type Event ¶
type Event struct { Topic Topic Type string Key string FilterKeys []string Index uint64 Payload map[string]interface{} }
Event holds information related to an event that occurred in Nomad. The Payload is a hydrated object related to the Topic
func (*Event) Allocation ¶
func (e *Event) Allocation() (*Allocation, error)
Allocation returns a Allocation struct from a given event payload. If the Event Topic is Allocation this will return a valid Allocation.
func (*Event) Deployment ¶
func (e *Event) Deployment() (*Deployment, error)
Deployment returns a Deployment struct from a given event payload. If the Event Topic is Deployment this will return a valid Deployment
func (*Event) Evaluation ¶
func (e *Event) Evaluation() (*Evaluation, error)
Evaluation returns a Evaluation struct from a given event payload. If the Event Topic is Evaluation this will return a valid Evaluation
func (*Event) Job ¶
Job returns a Job struct from a given event payload. If the Event Topic is Job this will return a valid Job.
func (*Event) Node ¶
Node returns a Node struct from a given event payload. If the Event Topic is Node this will return a valid Node.
func (*Event) NodePool ¶
NodePool returns a NodePool struct from a given event payload. If the Event Topic is NodePool this will return a valid NodePool.
func (*Event) Service ¶
func (e *Event) Service() (*ServiceRegistration, error)
Service returns a ServiceRegistration struct from a given event payload. If the Event Topic is Service this will return a valid ServiceRegistration.
type EventStream ¶
type EventStream struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EventStream is used to stream events from Nomad
type Events ¶
Events is a set of events for a corresponding index. Events returned for the index depend on which topics are subscribed to when a request is made.
func (*Events) IsHeartbeat ¶
IsHeartbeat specifies if the event is an empty heartbeat used to keep a connection alive.
type ExecStreamingExitResult ¶
type ExecStreamingExitResult struct {
ExitCode int `json:"exit_code"`
ExecStreamingExitResult captures the exit code of just completed nomad exec command
type ExecStreamingIOOperation ¶
type ExecStreamingIOOperation struct { Data []byte `json:"data,omitempty"` Close bool `json:"close,omitempty"` }
ExecStreamingIOOperation represents a stream write operation: either appending data or close (exclusively)
type ExecStreamingInput ¶
type ExecStreamingInput struct { Stdin *ExecStreamingIOOperation `json:"stdin,omitempty"` TTYSize *TerminalSize `json:"tty_size,omitempty"` }
ExecStreamingInput represents user input to be sent to nomad exec handler.
At most one field should be set.
type ExecStreamingOutput ¶
type ExecStreamingOutput struct { Stdout *ExecStreamingIOOperation `json:"stdout,omitempty"` Stderr *ExecStreamingIOOperation `json:"stderr,omitempty"` Exited bool `json:"exited,omitempty"` Result *ExecStreamingExitResult `json:"result,omitempty"` }
ExecStreamingOutput represents an output streaming entity, e.g. stdout/stderr update or termination
At most one of these fields should be set: `Stdout`, `Stderr`, or `Result`. If `Exited` is true, then `Result` is non-nil, and other fields are nil.
type ForceLeaveOpts ¶
type ForceLeaveOpts struct { // Prune indicates whether to remove a node from the list of members Prune bool }
ForceLeaveOpts are used to configure the ForceLeave method.
type FrameReader ¶
type FrameReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FrameReader is used to convert a stream of frames into a read closer.
func NewFrameReader ¶
func NewFrameReader(frames <-chan *StreamFrame, errCh <-chan error, cancelCh chan struct{}) *FrameReader
NewFrameReader takes a channel of frames and returns a FrameReader which implements io.ReadCloser
func (*FrameReader) Offset ¶
func (f *FrameReader) Offset() int
Offset returns the offset into the stream.
func (*FrameReader) Read ¶
func (f *FrameReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
Read reads the data of the incoming frames into the bytes buffer. Returns EOF when there are no more frames.
func (*FrameReader) SetUnblockTime ¶
func (f *FrameReader) SetUnblockTime(d time.Duration)
SetUnblockTime sets the time to unblock and return zero bytes read. If the duration is unset or is zero or less, the read will block until data is read.
type FuzzyMatch ¶
type FuzzyMatch struct { ID string // ID is UUID or Name of object Scope []string `json:",omitempty"` // IDs of parent objects }
FuzzyMatch is used to describe the ID of an object which may be a machine readable UUID or a human readable Name. If the object is a component of a Job, the Scope is a list of IDs starting from Namespace down to the parent object of ID.
e.g. A Task-level service would have scope like,
["<namespace>", "<job>", "<group>", "<task>"]
type FuzzySearchRequest ¶
type FuzzySearchRequest struct { // Text is what names are fuzzy-matched to. E.g. if the given text were // "py", potential matches might be "python", "mypy", etc. of jobs, nodes, // allocs, groups, services, commands, images, classes. Text string // Context is the type that can be matched against. A Context of "all" indicates // all Contexts types are queried for matching. Context contexts.Context QueryOptions }
FuzzySearchRequest is used to parameterize a fuzzy search request, and returns a list of matches made up of jobs, allocations, evaluations, and/or nodes, along with whether or not the information returned is truncated.
type FuzzySearchResponse ¶
type FuzzySearchResponse struct { // Matches is a map of Context types to IDs which fuzzy match a specified query. Matches map[contexts.Context][]FuzzyMatch // Truncations indicates whether the matches for a particular Context have // been truncated. Truncations map[contexts.Context]bool QueryMeta }
FuzzySearchResponse is used to return fuzzy matches and information about whether the match list is truncated specific to each type of searchable Context.
type GaugeValue ¶
type GenericResponse ¶
type GenericResponse struct {
GenericResponse is used to respond to a request where no specific response information is needed.
type HostCPUStats ¶
type HostDataResponse ¶
type HostDiskStats ¶
type HostMemoryStats ¶
type HostNetworkInfo ¶
HostNetworkInfo is used to return metadata about a given HostNetwork
type HostStats ¶
type HostStats struct { Memory *HostMemoryStats CPU []*HostCPUStats DiskStats []*HostDiskStats AllocDirStats *HostDiskStats DeviceStats []*DeviceGroupStats Uptime uint64 CPUTicksConsumed float64 }
HostStats represents resource usage stats of the host running a Nomad client
type HostVolume ¶
type HostVolume struct { // Namespace is the Nomad namespace for the host volume, which constrains // which jobs can mount it. Namespace string `mapstructure:"namespace" hcl:"namespace"` // ID is a UUID-like string generated by the server. ID string `mapstructure:"id" hcl:"id"` // Name is the name that group.volume will use to identify the volume // source. Not expected to be unique. Name string `mapstructure:"name" hcl:"name"` // PluginID is the name of the host volume plugin on the client that will be // used for creating the volume. If omitted, the client will use its default // built-in plugin. PluginID string `mapstructure:"plugin_id" hcl:"plugin_id"` // NodePool is the node pool of the node where the volume is placed. If the // user doesn't provide a node ID, a node will be selected using the // NodePool and Constraints. If the user provides both NodePool and NodeID, // NodePool will be used to validate the request. If omitted, the server // will populate this value in before writing the volume to Raft. NodePool string `mapstructure:"node_pool" hcl:"node_pool"` // NodeID is the node where the volume is placed. If the user doesn't // provide a NodeID, one will be selected using the NodePool and // Constraints. If omitted, this field will then be populated by the server // before writing the volume to Raft. NodeID string `mapstructure:"node_id" hcl:"node_id"` // Constraints are optional. If the NodeID is not provided, the NodePool and // Constraints are used to select a node. If the NodeID is provided, // Constraints are used to validate that the node meets those constraints at // the time of volume creation. Constraints []*Constraint `json:",omitempty" hcl:"constraint"` // Because storage may allow only specific intervals of size, we accept a // min and max and return the actual capacity when the volume is created or // updated on the client RequestedCapacityMinBytes int64 `mapstructure:"capacity_min" hcl:"capacity_min"` RequestedCapacityMaxBytes int64 `mapstructure:"capacity_max" hcl:"capacity_max"` CapacityBytes int64 `mapstructure:"capacity" hcl:"capacity"` // RequestedCapabilities defines the options available to group.volume // blocks. The scheduler checks against the listed capability blocks and // selects a node for placement if *any* capability block works. RequestedCapabilities []*HostVolumeCapability `hcl:"capability"` // Parameters are an opaque map of parameters for the host volume plugin. Parameters map[string]string `json:",omitempty"` // HostPath is the path on disk where the volume's mount point was // created. We record this to make debugging easier. HostPath string `mapstructure:"host_path" hcl:"host_path"` // State represents the overall state of the volume. One of pending, ready, // deleted. State HostVolumeState CreateIndex uint64 CreateTime int64 ModifyIndex uint64 ModifyTime int64 // Allocations is the list of non-client-terminal allocations with claims on // this host volume. They are denormalized on read and this field will be // never written to Raft Allocations []*AllocationListStub `json:",omitempty" mapstructure:"-" hcl:"-"` }
HostVolume represents a Dynamic Host Volume: a volume associated with a specific Nomad client agent but created via API.
type HostVolumeAccessMode ¶
type HostVolumeAccessMode string
HostVolumeAccessMode indicates how Nomad should make the volume available to concurrent allocations.
const ( HostVolumeAccessModeUnknown HostVolumeAccessMode = "" HostVolumeAccessModeSingleNodeReader HostVolumeAccessMode = "single-node-reader-only" HostVolumeAccessModeSingleNodeWriter HostVolumeAccessMode = "single-node-writer" HostVolumeAccessModeSingleNodeSingleWriter HostVolumeAccessMode = "single-node-single-writer" HostVolumeAccessModeSingleNodeMultiWriter HostVolumeAccessMode = "single-node-multi-writer" )
type HostVolumeAttachmentMode ¶
type HostVolumeAttachmentMode string
HostVolumeAttachmentMode chooses the type of storage API that will be used to interact with the device.
const ( HostVolumeAttachmentModeUnknown HostVolumeAttachmentMode = "" HostVolumeAttachmentModeBlockDevice HostVolumeAttachmentMode = "block-device" HostVolumeAttachmentModeFilesystem HostVolumeAttachmentMode = "file-system" )
type HostVolumeCapability ¶
type HostVolumeCapability struct { AttachmentMode HostVolumeAttachmentMode `mapstructure:"attachment_mode" hcl:"attachment_mode"` AccessMode HostVolumeAccessMode `mapstructure:"access_mode" hcl:"access_mode"` }
HostVolumeCapability is the requested attachment and access mode for a volume
type HostVolumeCreateRequest ¶
type HostVolumeCreateRequest struct { Volume *HostVolume // PolicyOverride overrides Sentinel soft-mandatory policy enforcement PolicyOverride bool }
type HostVolumeCreateResponse ¶
type HostVolumeCreateResponse struct { Volume *HostVolume Warnings string }
type HostVolumeDeleteRequest ¶
type HostVolumeDeleteRequest struct {
ID string
type HostVolumeInfo ¶
type HostVolumeInfo struct { Path string ReadOnly bool // ID is set for dynamic host volumes only. ID string }
HostVolumeInfo is used to return metadata about a given HostVolume.
type HostVolumeListRequest ¶
type HostVolumeRegisterRequest ¶
type HostVolumeRegisterRequest struct { Volume *HostVolume // PolicyOverride overrides Sentinel soft-mandatory policy enforcement PolicyOverride bool }
type HostVolumeRegisterResponse ¶
type HostVolumeRegisterResponse struct { Volume *HostVolume Warnings string }
type HostVolumeState ¶
type HostVolumeState string
HostVolume state reports the current status of the host volume
const ( HostVolumeStatePending HostVolumeState = "pending" HostVolumeStateReady HostVolumeState = "ready" )
type HostVolumeStub ¶
type HostVolumeStub struct { Namespace string ID string Name string PluginID string NodePool string NodeID string CapacityBytes int64 State HostVolumeState CreateIndex uint64 CreateTime int64 ModifyIndex uint64 ModifyTime int64 }
HostVolumeStub is used for responses for the List Volumes endpoint
type HostVolumes ¶
type HostVolumes struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HostVolumes is used to access the host volumes API.
func (*HostVolumes) Create ¶
func (hv *HostVolumes) Create(req *HostVolumeCreateRequest, opts *WriteOptions) (*HostVolumeCreateResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
Create forwards to client agents so a host volume can be created on those hosts, and registers the volume with Nomad servers.
func (*HostVolumes) Delete ¶
func (hv *HostVolumes) Delete(req *HostVolumeDeleteRequest, opts *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Delete deletes a host volume
func (*HostVolumes) Get ¶
func (hv *HostVolumes) Get(id string, opts *QueryOptions) (*HostVolume, *QueryMeta, error)
Get queries for a single host volume, by ID
func (*HostVolumes) List ¶
func (hv *HostVolumes) List(req *HostVolumeListRequest, opts *QueryOptions) ([]*HostVolumeStub, *QueryMeta, error)
List queries for a set of host volumes, by namespace, node, node pool, or name prefix.
func (*HostVolumes) Register ¶
func (hv *HostVolumes) Register(req *HostVolumeRegisterRequest, opts *WriteOptions) (*HostVolumeRegisterResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
Register registers a host volume that was created out-of-band with the Nomad servers.
type HttpBasicAuth ¶
type HttpBasicAuth struct { // Username to use for HTTP Basic Authentication Username string // Password to use for HTTP Basic Authentication Password string }
HttpBasicAuth is used to authenticate http client with HTTP Basic Authentication
type Job ¶
type Job struct { Region *string `hcl:"region,optional"` Namespace *string `hcl:"namespace,optional"` ID *string `hcl:"id,optional"` Name *string `hcl:"name,optional"` Type *string `hcl:"type,optional"` Priority *int `hcl:"priority,optional"` AllAtOnce *bool `mapstructure:"all_at_once" hcl:"all_at_once,optional"` Datacenters []string `hcl:"datacenters,optional"` NodePool *string `mapstructure:"node_pool" hcl:"node_pool,optional"` Constraints []*Constraint `hcl:"constraint,block"` Affinities []*Affinity `hcl:"affinity,block"` TaskGroups []*TaskGroup `hcl:"group,block"` Update *UpdateStrategy `hcl:"update,block"` Multiregion *Multiregion `hcl:"multiregion,block"` Spreads []*Spread `hcl:"spread,block"` Periodic *PeriodicConfig `hcl:"periodic,block"` ParameterizedJob *ParameterizedJobConfig `hcl:"parameterized,block"` Reschedule *ReschedulePolicy `hcl:"reschedule,block"` Migrate *MigrateStrategy `hcl:"migrate,block"` Meta map[string]string `hcl:"meta,block"` ConsulToken *string `mapstructure:"consul_token" hcl:"consul_token,optional"` UI *JobUIConfig `hcl:"ui,block"` Stop *bool ParentID *string Dispatched bool DispatchIdempotencyToken *string Payload []byte ConsulNamespace *string `mapstructure:"consul_namespace"` VaultNamespace *string `mapstructure:"vault_namespace"` NomadTokenID *string `mapstructure:"nomad_token_id"` Status *string StatusDescription *string Stable *bool Version *uint64 SubmitTime *int64 CreateIndex *uint64 ModifyIndex *uint64 JobModifyIndex *uint64 VersionTag *JobVersionTag }
Job is used to serialize a job.
func NewBatchJob ¶
NewBatchJob creates and returns a new batch-style job for short-lived processes using the provided name and ID along with the relative job priority.
func NewServiceJob ¶
NewServiceJob creates and returns a new service-style job for long-lived processes using the provided name, ID, and relative job priority.
func NewSysbatchJob ¶
NewSysbatchJob creates and returns a new sysbatch-style job for short-lived processes designed to run on all clients, using the provided name and ID along with the relative job priority.
func NewSystemJob ¶
NewSystemJob creates and returns a new system-style job for processes designed to run on all clients, using the provided name and ID along with the relative job priority.
func (*Job) AddAffinity ¶
AddAffinity is used to add an affinity to a job.
func (*Job) AddDatacenter ¶
AddDatacenter is used to add a datacenter to a job.
func (*Job) AddPeriodicConfig ¶
func (j *Job) AddPeriodicConfig(cfg *PeriodicConfig) *Job
AddPeriodicConfig adds a periodic config to an existing job.
func (*Job) AddTaskGroup ¶
AddTaskGroup adds a task group to an existing job.
func (*Job) Canonicalize ¶
func (j *Job) Canonicalize()
func (*Job) Constrain ¶
func (j *Job) Constrain(c *Constraint) *Job
Constrain is used to add a constraint to a job.
func (*Job) IsMultiregion ¶
IsMultiregion returns whether a job is a multiregion job
func (*Job) IsParameterized ¶
IsParameterized returns whether a job is parameterized job.
func (*Job) IsPeriodic ¶
IsPeriodic returns whether a job is periodic.
func (*Job) LookupTaskGroup ¶
LookupTaskGroup finds a task group by name
type JobChildrenSummary ¶
JobChildrenSummary contains the summary of children job status
func (*JobChildrenSummary) Sum ¶
func (jc *JobChildrenSummary) Sum() int
type JobDeregisterResponse ¶
type JobDeregisterResponse struct { EvalID string EvalCreateIndex uint64 JobModifyIndex uint64 QueryMeta }
JobDeregisterResponse is used to respond to a job deregistration
type JobDiff ¶
type JobDiff struct { Type string ID string Fields []*FieldDiff Objects []*ObjectDiff TaskGroups []*TaskGroupDiff }
type JobDispatchRequest ¶
type JobDispatchResponse ¶
type JobEvaluateRequest ¶
type JobEvaluateRequest struct { JobID string EvalOptions EvalOptions WriteRequest }
JobEvaluateRequest is used when we just need to re-evaluate a target job
type JobListFields ¶
type JobListFields struct {
Meta bool
type JobListOptions ¶
type JobListOptions struct {
Fields *JobListFields
type JobListStub ¶
type JobListStub struct { ID string ParentID string Name string Namespace string `json:",omitempty"` Datacenters []string Type string Priority int Periodic bool ParameterizedJob bool Stop bool Status string StatusDescription string JobSummary *JobSummary CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 JobModifyIndex uint64 SubmitTime int64 Meta map[string]string `json:",omitempty"` }
JobListStub is used to return a subset of information about jobs during list operations.
type JobPlanRequest ¶
type JobPlanRequest struct { Job *Job Diff bool PolicyOverride bool WriteRequest }
type JobPlanResponse ¶
type JobPlanResponse struct { JobModifyIndex uint64 CreatedEvals []*Evaluation Diff *JobDiff Annotations *PlanAnnotations FailedTGAllocs map[string]*AllocationMetric NextPeriodicLaunch time.Time // Warnings contains any warnings about the given job. These may include // deprecation warnings. Warnings string }
type JobRegisterRequest ¶
type JobRegisterRequest struct { Submission *JobSubmission Job *Job // If EnforceIndex is set then the job will only be registered if the passed // JobModifyIndex matches the current Jobs index. If the index is zero, the // register only occurs if the job is new. EnforceIndex bool `json:",omitempty"` JobModifyIndex uint64 `json:",omitempty"` PolicyOverride bool `json:",omitempty"` PreserveCounts bool `json:",omitempty"` // EvalPriority is an optional priority to use on any evaluation created as // a result on this job registration. This value must be between 1-100 // inclusively, where a larger value corresponds to a higher priority. This // is useful when an operator wishes to push through a job registration in // busy clusters with a large evaluation backlog. This avoids needing to // change the job priority which also impacts preemption. EvalPriority int `json:",omitempty"` WriteRequest }
JobRegisterRequest is used to update a job
type JobRegisterResponse ¶
type JobRegisterResponse struct { EvalID string EvalCreateIndex uint64 JobModifyIndex uint64 // Warnings contains any warnings about the given job. These may include // deprecation warnings. Warnings string QueryMeta }
JobRegisterResponse is used to respond to a job registration
type JobRevertRequest ¶
type JobRevertRequest struct { // JobID is the ID of the job being reverted JobID string // JobVersion the version to revert to. JobVersion uint64 // EnforcePriorVersion if set will enforce that the job is at the given // version before reverting. EnforcePriorVersion *uint64 // ConsulToken is the Consul token that proves the submitter of the job revert // has access to the Service Identity policies associated with the job's // Consul Connect enabled services. This field is only used to transfer the // token and is not stored after the Job revert. ConsulToken string `json:",omitempty"` WriteRequest }
JobRevertRequest is used to revert a job to a prior version.
type JobScaleStatusResponse ¶
type JobScaleStatusResponse struct { JobID string Namespace string JobCreateIndex uint64 JobModifyIndex uint64 JobStopped bool TaskGroups map[string]TaskGroupScaleStatus }
JobScaleStatusResponse is used to return information about job scaling status
type JobStabilityRequest ¶
type JobStabilityRequest struct { // Job to set the stability on JobID string JobVersion uint64 // Set the stability Stable bool WriteRequest }
JobStabilityRequest is used to marked a job as stable.
type JobStabilityResponse ¶
JobStabilityResponse is the response when marking a job as stable.
type JobStatusesRequest ¶
type JobStatusesRequest struct { // Jobs may be optionally provided to request a subset of specific jobs. Jobs []NamespacedID // IncludeChildren will include child (batch) jobs in the response. IncludeChildren bool }
JobStatusesRequest is used to get statuses for jobs, their allocations and deployments.
type JobSubmission ¶
type JobSubmission struct { // Source contains the original job definition (may be in the format of // hcl1, hcl2, or json). HCL1 jobs can no longer be parsed. Source string // Format indicates what the Source content was (hcl1, hcl2, or json). HCL1 // jobs can no longer be parsed. Format string // VariableFlags contains the CLI "-var" flag arguments as submitted with the // job (hcl2 only). VariableFlags map[string]string // Variables contains the opaque variables configuration as coming from // a var-file or the WebUI variables input (hcl2 only). Variables string }
JobSubmission is used to hold information about the original content of a job specification being submitted to Nomad.
At any time a JobSubmission may be nil, indicating no information is known about the job submission.
func (*JobSubmission) Canonicalize ¶
func (js *JobSubmission) Canonicalize()
func (*JobSubmission) Copy ¶
func (js *JobSubmission) Copy() *JobSubmission
type JobSubmissionResponse ¶
type JobSubmissionResponse struct { Submission *JobSubmission QueryMeta }
JobSubmissionResponse is used for a job get submission request
type JobSummary ¶
type JobSummary struct { JobID string Namespace string Summary map[string]TaskGroupSummary Children *JobChildrenSummary // Raft Indexes CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
JobSummary summarizes the state of the allocations of a job
type JobUIConfig ¶
type JobUIConfig struct { Description string `hcl:"description,optional"` Links []*JobUILink `hcl:"link,block"` }
func (*JobUIConfig) Canonicalize ¶
func (j *JobUIConfig) Canonicalize()
func (*JobUIConfig) Copy ¶
func (j *JobUIConfig) Copy() *JobUIConfig
type JobValidateRequest ¶
type JobValidateRequest struct { Job *Job WriteRequest }
JobValidateRequest is used to validate a job
type JobValidateResponse ¶
type JobValidateResponse struct { // DriverConfigValidated indicates whether the agent validated the driver // config DriverConfigValidated bool // ValidationErrors is a list of validation errors ValidationErrors []string // Error is a string version of any error that may have occurred Error string // Warnings contains any warnings about the given job. These may include // deprecation warnings. Warnings string }
JobValidateResponse is the response from validate request
type JobVersionTag ¶
func (*JobVersionTag) Copy ¶
func (j *JobVersionTag) Copy() *JobVersionTag
type JobVersionsResponse ¶
JobVersionsResponse is used for a job get versions request
type Jobs ¶
type Jobs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Jobs is used to access the job-specific endpoints.
func (*Jobs) ActionExec ¶
func (j *Jobs) ActionExec(ctx context.Context, alloc *Allocation, job string, task string, tty bool, command []string, action string, stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderr io.Writer, terminalSizeCh <-chan TerminalSize, q *QueryOptions) (exitCode int, err error)
ActionExec is used to run a pre-defined command inside a running task. The call blocks until command terminates (or an error occurs), and returns the exit code.
func (*Jobs) Allocations ¶
func (j *Jobs) Allocations(jobID string, allAllocs bool, q *QueryOptions) ([]*AllocationListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
Allocations is used to return the allocs for a given job ID.
func (*Jobs) Deployments ¶
func (j *Jobs) Deployments(jobID string, all bool, q *QueryOptions) ([]*Deployment, *QueryMeta, error)
Deployments is used to query the deployments associated with the given job ID.
func (*Jobs) Deregister ¶
Deregister is used to remove an existing job. If purge is set to true, the job is deregistered and purged from the system versus still being queryable and eventually GC'ed from the system. Most callers should not specify purge.
func (*Jobs) DeregisterOpts ¶
func (j *Jobs) DeregisterOpts(jobID string, opts *DeregisterOptions, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)
DeregisterOpts is used to remove an existing job. See DeregisterOptions for parameters.
func (*Jobs) Dispatch ¶
func (j *Jobs) Dispatch(jobID string, meta map[string]string, payload []byte, idPrefixTemplate string, q *WriteOptions) (*JobDispatchResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
func (*Jobs) EnforceRegister ¶
func (j *Jobs) EnforceRegister(job *Job, modifyIndex uint64, q *WriteOptions) (*JobRegisterResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
EnforceRegister is used to register a job enforcing its job modify index.
func (*Jobs) EvaluateWithOpts ¶
func (j *Jobs) EvaluateWithOpts(jobID string, opts EvalOptions, q *WriteOptions) (string, *WriteMeta, error)
EvaluateWithOpts is used to force-evaluate an existing job and takes additional options for whether to force reschedule failed allocations
func (*Jobs) Evaluations ¶
func (j *Jobs) Evaluations(jobID string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*Evaluation, *QueryMeta, error)
Evaluations is used to query the evaluations associated with the given job ID.
func (*Jobs) ForceEvaluate ¶
ForceEvaluate is used to force-evaluate an existing job.
func (*Jobs) Info ¶
Info is used to retrieve information about a particular job given its unique ID.
func (*Jobs) LatestDeployment ¶
func (j *Jobs) LatestDeployment(jobID string, q *QueryOptions) (*Deployment, *QueryMeta, error)
LatestDeployment is used to query for the latest deployment associated with the given job ID.
func (*Jobs) List ¶
func (j *Jobs) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*JobListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
List is used to list all of the existing jobs.
func (*Jobs) ListOptions ¶
func (j *Jobs) ListOptions(opts *JobListOptions, q *QueryOptions) ([]*JobListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
List is used to list all of the existing jobs.
func (*Jobs) ParseHCL ¶
ParseHCL is used to convert the HCL representation of a Job to JSON server side. To parse the HCL client side see package Use ParseHCLOpts if you need to customize JobsParseRequest.
func (*Jobs) ParseHCLOpts ¶
func (j *Jobs) ParseHCLOpts(req *JobsParseRequest) (*Job, error)
ParseHCLOpts is used to request the server convert the HCL representation of a Job to JSON on our behalf. Only accepts HCL2 jobs as input.
func (*Jobs) PeriodicForce ¶
PeriodicForce spawns a new instance of the periodic job and returns the eval ID
func (*Jobs) Plan ¶
func (j *Jobs) Plan(job *Job, diff bool, q *WriteOptions) (*JobPlanResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
func (*Jobs) PlanOpts ¶
func (j *Jobs) PlanOpts(job *Job, opts *PlanOptions, q *WriteOptions) (*JobPlanResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
func (*Jobs) PrefixList ¶
func (j *Jobs) PrefixList(prefix string) ([]*JobListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
PrefixList is used to list all existing jobs that match the prefix.
func (*Jobs) Register ¶
func (j *Jobs) Register(job *Job, q *WriteOptions) (*JobRegisterResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
Register is used to register a new job. It returns the ID of the evaluation, along with any errors encountered.
func (*Jobs) RegisterOpts ¶
func (j *Jobs) RegisterOpts(job *Job, opts *RegisterOptions, q *WriteOptions) (*JobRegisterResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
RegisterOpts is used to register a new job with the passed RegisterOpts. It returns the ID of the evaluation, along with any errors encountered.
func (*Jobs) Revert ¶
func (j *Jobs) Revert(jobID string, version uint64, enforcePriorVersion *uint64, q *WriteOptions, consulToken, _ string) (*JobRegisterResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
Revert is used to revert the given job to the passed version. If enforceVersion is set, the job is only reverted if the current version is at the passed version.
func (*Jobs) Scale ¶
func (j *Jobs) Scale(jobID, group string, count *int, message string, error bool, meta map[string]interface{}, q *WriteOptions) (*JobRegisterResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
Scale is used to scale a job.
func (*Jobs) ScaleStatus ¶
func (j *Jobs) ScaleStatus(jobID string, q *QueryOptions) (*JobScaleStatusResponse, *QueryMeta, error)
ScaleStatus is used to retrieve information about a particular job given its unique ID.
func (*Jobs) ScaleWithRequest ¶
func (j *Jobs) ScaleWithRequest(jobID string, req *ScalingRequest, q *WriteOptions) (*JobRegisterResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
ScaleWithRequest is used to scale a job, giving the caller complete control over the ScalingRequest
func (*Jobs) Services ¶
func (j *Jobs) Services(jobID string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*ServiceRegistration, *QueryMeta, error)
Services is used to return a list of service registrations associated to the specified jobID.
func (*Jobs) Stable ¶
func (j *Jobs) Stable(jobID string, version uint64, stable bool, q *WriteOptions) (*JobStabilityResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
Stable is used to mark a job version's stability.
func (*Jobs) Submission ¶
func (j *Jobs) Submission(jobID string, version int, q *QueryOptions) (*JobSubmission, *QueryMeta, error)
Submission is used to retrieve the original submitted source of a job given its namespace, jobID, and version number. The original source might not be available, which case nil is returned with no error.
func (*Jobs) Summary ¶
func (j *Jobs) Summary(jobID string, q *QueryOptions) (*JobSummary, *QueryMeta, error)
func (*Jobs) TagVersion ¶
func (*Jobs) UntagVersion ¶
func (*Jobs) Validate ¶
func (j *Jobs) Validate(job *Job, q *WriteOptions) (*JobValidateResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
func (*Jobs) VersionByTag ¶
VersionByTag is used to retrieve a job version by its VersionTag name.
func (*Jobs) Versions ¶
func (j *Jobs) Versions(jobID string, diffs bool, q *QueryOptions) ([]*Job, []*JobDiff, *QueryMeta, error)
Versions is used to retrieve all versions of a particular job given its unique ID.
func (*Jobs) VersionsOpts ¶
func (j *Jobs) VersionsOpts(jobID string, opts *VersionsOptions, q *QueryOptions) ([]*Job, []*JobDiff, *QueryMeta, error)
type JobsParseRequest ¶
type JobsParseRequest struct { // JobHCL is an hcl jobspec JobHCL string // Variables are HCL2 variables associated with the job. Only works with hcl2. // // Interpreted as if it were the content of a variables file. Variables string // Canonicalize is a flag as to if the server should return default values // for unset fields Canonicalize bool }
JobsParseRequest is used for arguments of the /v1/jobs/parse endpoint
type Keyring ¶
type Keyring struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Keyring is used to access the Variables keyring.
func (*Keyring) Delete ¶
func (k *Keyring) Delete(opts *KeyringDeleteOptions, w *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Delete deletes a specific inactive key from the keyring
func (*Keyring) List ¶
func (k *Keyring) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*RootKeyMeta, *QueryMeta, error)
List lists all the keyring metadata
func (*Keyring) Rotate ¶
func (k *Keyring) Rotate(opts *KeyringRotateOptions, w *WriteOptions) (*RootKeyMeta, *WriteMeta, error)
Rotate requests a key rotation
type KeyringDeleteOptions ¶
type KeyringDeleteOptions struct { KeyID string // UUID // Force can be used to force deletion of a root keyring that was used to encrypt // an existing variable or to sign a workload identity Force bool }
KeyringDeleteOptions are parameters for the Delete API
type KeyringRequest ¶
type KeyringRequest struct {
Key string
KeyringRequest is request objects for serf key operations.
type KeyringResponse ¶
KeyringResponse is a unified key response and can be used for install, remove, use, as well as listing key queries.
type KeyringRotateOptions ¶
type KeyringRotateOptions struct { Full bool Algorithm EncryptionAlgorithm PublishTime int64 }
KeyringRotateOptions are parameters for the Rotate API
type LeadershipTransferResponse ¶
type LeadershipTransferResponse struct { From RaftServer To RaftServer Noop bool Err error WriteMeta }
type License ¶
type License struct { // The unique identifier of the license LicenseID string // The customer ID associated with the license CustomerID string // If set, an identifier that should be used to lock the license to a // particular site, cluster, etc. InstallationID string // The time at which the license was issued IssueTime time.Time // The time at which the license starts being valid StartTime time.Time // The time after which the license expires ExpirationTime time.Time // The time at which the license ceases to function and can // no longer be used in any capacity TerminationTime time.Time // The product the license is valid for Product string // License Specific Flags Flags map[string]interface{} // Modules is a list of the licensed enterprise modules Modules []string // List of features enabled by the license Features []string }
type LicenseReply ¶
type LockLeaser ¶
type LockLeaser struct { Name string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LockLeaser is a helper used to run a protected function that should only be active if the instance that runs it is currently holding the lock. Can be used to provide synchrony among multiple independent instances.
It includes the lease renewal mechanism and tracking in case the protected function returns an error. Internally it uses an exponential retry mechanism for the api calls.
func (*LockLeaser) Start ¶
func (ll *LockLeaser) Start(ctx context.Context, protectedFuncs ...func(ctx context.Context) error) error
Start wraps the start function in charge of executing the protected function and maintain the lease but is in charge of releasing the lock before exiting. It is a blocking function.
type LockLeaserOption ¶
type LockLeaserOption = func(l *LockLeaser)
func LockLeaserOptionWithEarlyReturn ¶
func LockLeaserOptionWithEarlyReturn(er bool) LockLeaserOption
LockLeaserOptionWithEarlyReturn informs the leaser to return after the lock acquire fails and to not wait to attempt again.
func LockLeaserOptionWithWaitPeriod ¶
func LockLeaserOptionWithWaitPeriod(wp time.Duration) LockLeaserOption
LockLeaserOptionWithWaitPeriod is used to set a back off period between calls to attempt to acquire the lock. By default it is set to 1.1 * TTLs.
type Locker ¶
type Locker interface { // Acquire will make the actual call to acquire the lock over the variable using // the ttl in the Locks to create the VariableLock. // // Acquire returns the path to the variable holding the lock. Acquire(ctx context.Context) (string, error) // Release makes the call to release the lock over a variable, even if the ttl // has not yet passed. Release(ctx context.Context) error // Renew is used to extend the ttl of a lock. It can be used as a heartbeat or a // lease to maintain the hold over the lock for longer periods or as a sync // mechanism among multiple instances looking to acquire the same lock. Renew(ctx context.Context) error // LockTTL returns the expiration time of the underlying lock. LockTTL() time.Duration }
Locker is the interface that wraps the lock handler. It is used by the lock leaser to handle all lock operations.
type Locks ¶
type Locks struct { WriteOptions // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Locks is used to maintain all the resources necessary to operate over a lock. It makes the calls to the http using an exponential retry mechanism that will try until it either reaches 5 attempts or the ttl of the lock expires. The variable doesn't need to exist, one will be created internally but a path most be provided.
Important: It will be on the user to remove the variable created for the lock.
func (*Locks) Acquire ¶
Acquire will make the actual call to acquire the lock over the variable using the ttl in the Locks to create the VariableLock. It will return the path of the variable holding the lock.
Acquire returns the path to the variable holding the lock.
func (*Locks) Release ¶
Release makes the call to release the lock over a variable, even if the ttl has not yet passed. In case of a call to release a non held lock, Release returns ErrLockConflict.
func (*Locks) Renew ¶
Renew is used to extend the ttl of a lock. It can be used as a heartbeat or a lease to maintain the hold over the lock for longer periods or as a sync mechanism among multiple instances looking to acquire the same lock. Renew will return true if the renewal was successful.
In case of a call to renew a non held lock, Renew returns ErrLockConflict.
type LocksOption ¶
type LocksOption = func(l *Locks)
func LocksOptionWithMaxRetries ¶
func LocksOptionWithMaxRetries(maxRetries int64) LocksOption
LocksOptionWithMaxRetries allows access to configure the number of max retries the lock handler will perform in case of an expected response while interacting with the locks endpoint.
type LogConfig ¶
type LogConfig struct { MaxFiles *int `mapstructure:"max_files" hcl:"max_files,optional"` MaxFileSizeMB *int `mapstructure:"max_file_size" hcl:"max_file_size,optional"` // COMPAT(1.6.0): Enabled had to be swapped for Disabled to fix a backwards // compatibility bug when restoring pre-1.5.4 jobs. Remove in 1.6.0 Enabled *bool `mapstructure:"enabled" hcl:"enabled,optional"` Disabled *bool `mapstructure:"disabled" hcl:"disabled,optional"` }
LogConfig provides configuration for log rotation
func DefaultLogConfig ¶
func DefaultLogConfig() *LogConfig
func (*LogConfig) Canonicalize ¶
func (l *LogConfig) Canonicalize()
type MemoryStats ¶
type MemoryStats struct { RSS uint64 Cache uint64 Swap uint64 Usage uint64 MaxUsage uint64 KernelUsage uint64 KernelMaxUsage uint64 Measured []string }
MemoryStats holds memory usage related stats
type MetricsSummary ¶
type MetricsSummary struct { Timestamp string Gauges []GaugeValue Points []PointValue Counters []SampledValue Samples []SampledValue }
MetricsSummary holds a roll-up of metrics info for a given interval
type MigrateStrategy ¶
type MigrateStrategy struct { MaxParallel *int `mapstructure:"max_parallel" hcl:"max_parallel,optional"` HealthCheck *string `mapstructure:"health_check" hcl:"health_check,optional"` MinHealthyTime *time.Duration `mapstructure:"min_healthy_time" hcl:"min_healthy_time,optional"` HealthyDeadline *time.Duration `mapstructure:"healthy_deadline" hcl:"healthy_deadline,optional"` }
MigrateStrategy describes how allocations for a task group should be migrated between nodes (eg when draining).
func DefaultMigrateStrategy ¶
func DefaultMigrateStrategy() *MigrateStrategy
func (*MigrateStrategy) Canonicalize ¶
func (m *MigrateStrategy) Canonicalize()
func (*MigrateStrategy) Copy ¶
func (m *MigrateStrategy) Copy() *MigrateStrategy
func (*MigrateStrategy) Merge ¶
func (m *MigrateStrategy) Merge(o *MigrateStrategy)
type MonitorMessage ¶
type MonitorMessage struct { Level MonitorMsgLevel Message string }
MonitorMessage contains a message and log level.
func Messagef ¶
func Messagef(lvl MonitorMsgLevel, msg string, args ...interface{}) *MonitorMessage
Messagef formats a new MonitorMessage.
func (*MonitorMessage) String ¶
func (m *MonitorMessage) String() string
type MonitorMsgLevel ¶
type MonitorMsgLevel int
MonitorMsgLevels represents the severity log level of a MonitorMessage.
const ( MonitorMsgLevelNormal MonitorMsgLevel = 0 MonitorMsgLevelInfo MonitorMsgLevel = 1 MonitorMsgLevelWarn MonitorMsgLevel = 2 MonitorMsgLevelError MonitorMsgLevel = 3 )
type Multiregion ¶
type Multiregion struct { Strategy *MultiregionStrategy `hcl:"strategy,block"` Regions []*MultiregionRegion `hcl:"region,block"` }
func (*Multiregion) Canonicalize ¶
func (m *Multiregion) Canonicalize()
func (*Multiregion) Copy ¶
func (m *Multiregion) Copy() *Multiregion
type MultiregionRegion ¶
type MultiregionStrategy ¶
type NUMAResource ¶
type NUMAResource struct { // Affinity must be one of "none", "prefer", "require". Affinity string `hcl:"affinity,optional"` // Devices is the subset of devices requested by the task that must share // the same numa node, along with the tasks reserved cpu cores. Devices []string `hcl:"devices,optional"` }
NUMAResource contains the NUMA affinity request for scheduling purposes.
Applies only to Nomad Enterprise.
func (*NUMAResource) Canonicalize ¶
func (n *NUMAResource) Canonicalize()
func (*NUMAResource) Copy ¶
func (n *NUMAResource) Copy() *NUMAResource
type Namespace ¶
type Namespace struct { Name string Description string Quota string Capabilities *NamespaceCapabilities `hcl:"capabilities,block"` NodePoolConfiguration *NamespaceNodePoolConfiguration `hcl:"node_pool_config,block"` VaultConfiguration *NamespaceVaultConfiguration `hcl:"vault,block"` ConsulConfiguration *NamespaceConsulConfiguration `hcl:"consul,block"` Meta map[string]string CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
Namespace is used to serialize a namespace.
type NamespaceCapabilities ¶
type NamespaceCapabilities struct { EnabledTaskDrivers []string `hcl:"enabled_task_drivers"` DisabledTaskDrivers []string `hcl:"disabled_task_drivers"` EnabledNetworkModes []string `hcl:"enabled_network_modes"` DisabledNetworkModes []string `hcl:"disabled_network_modes"` }
NamespaceCapabilities represents a set of capabilities allowed for this namespace, to be checked at job submission time.
type NamespaceConsulConfiguration ¶
type NamespaceConsulConfiguration struct { // Default is the Consul cluster used by jobs in this namespace that don't // specify a cluster of their own. Default string // Allowed specifies the Consul clusters that are allowed to be used by jobs // in this namespace. By default, all clusters are allowed. If an empty list // is provided only the namespace's default cluster is allowed. This field // supports wildcard globbing through the use of `*` for multi-character // matching. This field cannot be used with Denied. Allowed []string // Denied specifies the Consul clusters that are not allowed to be used by // jobs in this namespace. This field supports wildcard globbing through the // use of `*` for multi-character matching. If specified, any cluster is // allowed to be used, except for those that match any of these patterns. // This field cannot be used with Allowed. Denied []string }
NamespaceConsulConfiguration stores configuration about permissions to Consul clusters for a namespace, for use with Nomad Enterprise.
type NamespaceIndexSort ¶
type NamespaceIndexSort []*Namespace
NamespaceIndexSort is a wrapper to sort Namespaces by CreateIndex. We reverse the test so that we get the highest index first.
func (NamespaceIndexSort) Len ¶
func (n NamespaceIndexSort) Len() int
func (NamespaceIndexSort) Less ¶
func (n NamespaceIndexSort) Less(i, j int) bool
func (NamespaceIndexSort) Swap ¶
func (n NamespaceIndexSort) Swap(i, j int)
type NamespaceNodePoolConfiguration ¶
NamespaceNodePoolConfiguration stores configuration about node pools for a namespace.
type NamespaceVaultConfiguration ¶
type NamespaceVaultConfiguration struct { // Default is the Vault cluster used by jobs in this namespace that don't // specify a cluster of their own. Default string // Allowed specifies the Vault clusters that are allowed to be used by jobs // in this namespace. By default, all clusters are allowed. If an empty list // is provided only the namespace's default cluster is allowed. This field // supports wildcard globbing through the use of `*` for multi-character // matching. This field cannot be used with Denied. Allowed []string // Denied specifies the Vault clusters that are not allowed to be used by // jobs in this namespace. This field supports wildcard globbing through the // use of `*` for multi-character matching. If specified, any cluster is // allowed to be used, except for those that match any of these patterns. // This field cannot be used with Allowed. Denied []string }
NamespaceVaultConfiguration stores configuration about permissions to Vault clusters for a namespace, for use with Nomad Enterprise.
type NamespacedID ¶
type NamespacedID struct { // Namespace is the Name of the Namespace Namespace string // ID is the ID of the namespaced object (e.g. Job ID) ID string }
NamespacedID is used for things that are unique only per-namespace, such as jobs.
type Namespaces ¶
type Namespaces struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Namespaces is used to query the namespace endpoints.
func (*Namespaces) Delete ¶
func (n *Namespaces) Delete(namespace string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Delete is used to delete a namespace
func (*Namespaces) Info ¶
func (n *Namespaces) Info(name string, q *QueryOptions) (*Namespace, *QueryMeta, error)
Info is used to query a single namespace by its name.
func (*Namespaces) List ¶
func (n *Namespaces) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*Namespace, *QueryMeta, error)
List is used to dump all of the namespaces.
func (*Namespaces) PrefixList ¶
func (n *Namespaces) PrefixList(prefix string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*Namespace, *QueryMeta, error)
PrefixList is used to do a PrefixList search over namespaces
func (*Namespaces) Register ¶
func (n *Namespaces) Register(namespace *Namespace, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Register is used to register a namespace.
type NetworkResource ¶
type NetworkResource struct { Mode string `hcl:"mode,optional"` Device string `hcl:"device,optional"` CIDR string `hcl:"cidr,optional"` IP string `hcl:"ip,optional"` DNS *DNSConfig `hcl:"dns,block"` ReservedPorts []Port `hcl:"reserved_ports,block"` DynamicPorts []Port `hcl:"port,block"` Hostname string `hcl:"hostname,optional"` // COMPAT(0.13) // XXX Deprecated. Please do not use. The field will be removed in Nomad // 0.13 and is only being kept to allow any references to be removed before // then. MBits *int `hcl:"mbits,optional"` CNI *CNIConfig `hcl:"cni,block"` }
NetworkResource is used to describe required network resources of a given task.
func (*NetworkResource) Canonicalize ¶
func (n *NetworkResource) Canonicalize()
func (*NetworkResource) HasPorts ¶
func (n *NetworkResource) HasPorts() bool
func (*NetworkResource) Megabits ¶
func (n *NetworkResource) Megabits() int
COMPAT(0.13) XXX Deprecated. Please do not use. The method will be removed in Nomad 0.13 and is only being kept to allow any references to be removed before then.
type Node ¶
type Node struct { ID string Datacenter string Name string HTTPAddr string TLSEnabled bool Attributes map[string]string Resources *Resources Reserved *Resources NodeResources *NodeResources ReservedResources *NodeReservedResources Links map[string]string Meta map[string]string NodeClass string NodePool string CgroupParent string Drain bool DrainStrategy *DrainStrategy SchedulingEligibility string Status string StatusDescription string StatusUpdatedAt int64 Events []*NodeEvent Drivers map[string]*DriverInfo HostVolumes map[string]*HostVolumeInfo HostNetworks map[string]*HostNetworkInfo CSIControllerPlugins map[string]*CSIInfo CSINodePlugins map[string]*CSIInfo LastDrain *DrainMetadata CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
Node is used to deserialize a node entry.
type NodeCpuResources ¶
type NodeDevice ¶
type NodeDevice struct { // ID is the ID of the device. ID string // Healthy captures whether the device is healthy. Healthy bool // HealthDescription is used to provide a human readable description of why // the device may be unhealthy. HealthDescription string // Locality stores HW locality information for the node to optionally be // used when making placement decisions. Locality *NodeDeviceLocality }
NodeDevice is an instance of a particular device.
type NodeDeviceLocality ¶
type NodeDeviceLocality struct { // PciBusID is the PCI Bus ID for the device. PciBusID string }
NodeDeviceLocality stores information about the devices hardware locality on the node.
type NodeDeviceResource ¶
type NodeDeviceResource struct { // Vendor specifies the vendor of device Vendor string // Type specifies the type of the device Type string // Name specifies the specific model of the device Name string // Instances are list of the devices matching the vendor/type/name Instances []*NodeDevice Attributes map[string]*Attribute }
NodeDeviceResource captures a set of devices sharing a common vendor/type/device_name tuple.
func (NodeDeviceResource) ID ¶
func (r NodeDeviceResource) ID() string
type NodeDiskResources ¶
type NodeDiskResources struct {
DiskMB int64
type NodeDrainUpdateResponse ¶
type NodeDrainUpdateResponse struct { NodeModifyIndex uint64 EvalIDs []string EvalCreateIndex uint64 WriteMeta }
NodeDrainUpdateResponse is used to respond to a node drain update
type NodeEligibilityUpdateResponse ¶
type NodeEligibilityUpdateResponse struct { NodeModifyIndex uint64 EvalIDs []string EvalCreateIndex uint64 WriteMeta }
NodeEligibilityUpdateResponse is used to respond to a node eligibility update
type NodeEvent ¶
type NodeEvent struct { Message string Subsystem string Details map[string]string Timestamp time.Time CreateIndex uint64 }
NodeEvent is a single unit representing a node’s state change
type NodeIndexSort ¶
type NodeIndexSort []*NodeListStub
NodeIndexSort reverse sorts nodes by CreateIndex
func (NodeIndexSort) Len ¶
func (n NodeIndexSort) Len() int
func (NodeIndexSort) Less ¶
func (n NodeIndexSort) Less(i, j int) bool
func (NodeIndexSort) Swap ¶
func (n NodeIndexSort) Swap(i, j int)
type NodeListStub ¶
type NodeListStub struct { Address string ID string Attributes map[string]string `json:",omitempty"` Datacenter string Name string NodeClass string NodePool string Version string Drain bool SchedulingEligibility string Status string StatusDescription string Drivers map[string]*DriverInfo NodeResources *NodeResources `json:",omitempty"` ReservedResources *NodeReservedResources `json:",omitempty"` LastDrain *DrainMetadata CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
NodeListStub is a subset of information returned during node list operations.
type NodeMemoryResources ¶
type NodeMemoryResources struct {
MemoryMB int64
type NodeMeta ¶
type NodeMeta struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NodeMeta is a client for manipulating dynamic Node metadata.
func (*NodeMeta) Apply ¶
func (n *NodeMeta) Apply(meta *NodeMetaApplyRequest, qo *QueryOptions) (*NodeMetaResponse, error)
Apply dynamic Node metadata updates to a Node. If NodeID is unset then Node receiving the request is modified.
func (*NodeMeta) Read ¶
func (n *NodeMeta) Read(nodeID string, qo *QueryOptions) (*NodeMetaResponse, error)
Read Node metadata (dynamic and static merged) from a Node directly. May differ from Node.Info as dynamic Node metadata updates are batched and may be delayed up to 10 seconds.
If nodeID is empty then the metadata for the Node receiving the request is returned.
type NodeMetaApplyRequest ¶
NodeMetaApplyRequest contains the Node meta update.
type NodeMetaResponse ¶
type NodeMetaResponse struct { // Meta is the merged static + dynamic Node metadata Meta map[string]string // Dynamic is the dynamic Node metadata (set via API) Dynamic map[string]*string // Static is the static Node metadata (set via agent configuration) Static map[string]string }
NodeMetaResponse contains the merged Node metadata.
type NodePool ¶
type NodePool struct { Name string `hcl:"name,label"` Description string `hcl:"description,optional"` Meta map[string]string `hcl:"meta,block"` SchedulerConfiguration *NodePoolSchedulerConfiguration `hcl:"scheduler_config,block"` CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
NodePool is used to serialize a node pool.
type NodePoolSchedulerConfiguration ¶
type NodePoolSchedulerConfiguration struct { SchedulerAlgorithm SchedulerAlgorithm `hcl:"scheduler_algorithm,optional"` MemoryOversubscriptionEnabled *bool `hcl:"memory_oversubscription_enabled,optional"` }
NodePoolSchedulerConfiguration is used to serialize the scheduler configuration of a node pool.
type NodePools ¶
type NodePools struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NodePools is used to access node pools endpoints.
func (*NodePools) Delete ¶
func (n *NodePools) Delete(name string, w *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Delete is used to delete a node pool.
func (*NodePools) List ¶
func (n *NodePools) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*NodePool, *QueryMeta, error)
List is used to list all node pools.
func (*NodePools) ListJobs ¶
func (n *NodePools) ListJobs(poolName string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*JobListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
ListJobs is used to list all the jobs in a node pool.
func (*NodePools) ListNodes ¶
func (n *NodePools) ListNodes(poolName string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*NodeListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
ListNodes is used to list all the nodes in a node pool.
func (*NodePools) PrefixList ¶
PrefixList is used to list node pools that match a given prefix.
type NodePurgeResponse ¶
NodePurgeResponse is used to deserialize a Purge response.
type NodeReservedCpuResources ¶
type NodeReservedCpuResources struct {
}type NodeReservedDiskResources ¶
type NodeReservedDiskResources struct {
DiskMB uint64
type NodeReservedMemoryResources ¶
type NodeReservedMemoryResources struct {
MemoryMB uint64
type NodeReservedNetworkResources ¶
type NodeReservedNetworkResources struct {
ReservedHostPorts string
type NodeReservedResources ¶
type NodeReservedResources struct { Cpu NodeReservedCpuResources Memory NodeReservedMemoryResources Disk NodeReservedDiskResources Networks NodeReservedNetworkResources }
type NodeResources ¶
type NodeResources struct { Cpu NodeCpuResources Memory NodeMemoryResources Disk NodeDiskResources Networks []*NetworkResource Devices []*NodeDeviceResource MinDynamicPort int MaxDynamicPort int }
type NodeScoreMeta ¶
NodeScoreMeta is used to serialize node scoring metadata displayed in the CLI during verbose mode
type NodeUpdateDrainRequest ¶
type NodeUpdateDrainRequest struct { // NodeID is the node to update the drain specification for. NodeID string // DrainSpec is the drain specification to set for the node. A nil DrainSpec // will disable draining. DrainSpec *DrainSpec // MarkEligible marks the node as eligible for scheduling if removing // the drain strategy. MarkEligible bool // Meta allows operators to specify metadata related to the drain operation Meta map[string]string }
NodeUpdateDrainRequest is used to update the drain specification for a node.
type NodeUpdateEligibilityRequest ¶
type NodeUpdateEligibilityRequest struct { // NodeID is the node to update the drain specification for. NodeID string Eligibility string }
NodeUpdateEligibilityRequest is used to update the drain specification for a node.
type Nodes ¶
type Nodes struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Nodes is used to query node-related API endpoints
func (*Nodes) Allocations ¶
func (n *Nodes) Allocations(nodeID string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*Allocation, *QueryMeta, error)
Allocations is used to return the allocations associated with a node.
func (*Nodes) CSIVolumes ¶
func (n *Nodes) CSIVolumes(nodeID string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*CSIVolumeListStub, error)
func (*Nodes) ForceEvaluate ¶
ForceEvaluate is used to force-evaluate an existing node.
func (*Nodes) GcAlloc ¶
func (n *Nodes) GcAlloc(allocID string, q *QueryOptions) error
TODO Add tests
func (*Nodes) List ¶
func (n *Nodes) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*NodeListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
List is used to list out all the nodes
func (*Nodes) MonitorDrain ¶
func (n *Nodes) MonitorDrain(ctx context.Context, nodeID string, index uint64, ignoreSys bool) <-chan *MonitorMessage
MonitorDrain emits drain related events on the returned string channel. The channel will be closed when all allocations on the draining node have stopped, when an error occurs, or if the context is canceled.
func (*Nodes) PrefixList ¶
func (n *Nodes) PrefixList(prefix string) ([]*NodeListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
func (*Nodes) PrefixListOpts ¶
func (n *Nodes) PrefixListOpts(prefix string, opts *QueryOptions) ([]*NodeListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
func (*Nodes) Purge ¶
func (n *Nodes) Purge(nodeID string, q *QueryOptions) (*NodePurgeResponse, *QueryMeta, error)
Purge removes a node from the system. Nodes can still re-join the cluster if they are alive.
func (*Nodes) ToggleEligibility ¶
func (n *Nodes) ToggleEligibility(nodeID string, eligible bool, q *WriteOptions) (*NodeEligibilityUpdateResponse, error)
ToggleEligibility is used to update the scheduling eligibility of the node
func (*Nodes) UpdateDrain ¶
func (n *Nodes) UpdateDrain(nodeID string, spec *DrainSpec, markEligible bool, q *WriteOptions) (*NodeDrainUpdateResponse, error)
UpdateDrain is used to update the drain strategy for a given node. If markEligible is true and the drain is being removed, the node will be marked as having its scheduling being eligible
func (*Nodes) UpdateDrainOpts ¶
func (n *Nodes) UpdateDrainOpts(nodeID string, opts *DrainOptions, q *WriteOptions) (*NodeDrainUpdateResponse, error)
UpdateDrainWithMeta is used to update the drain strategy for a given node. If markEligible is true and the drain is being removed, the node will be marked as having its scheduling being eligible
type ObjectDiff ¶
type ObjectDiff struct { Type string Name string Fields []*FieldDiff Objects []*ObjectDiff }
type OneTimeToken ¶
type OneTimeTokenExchangeRequest ¶
type OneTimeTokenExchangeRequest struct {
OneTimeSecretID string
type OneTimeTokenExchangeResponse ¶
type OneTimeTokenExchangeResponse struct {
Token *ACLToken
type OneTimeTokenUpsertResponse ¶
type OneTimeTokenUpsertResponse struct {
OneTimeToken *OneTimeToken
type Operator ¶
type Operator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Operator can be used to perform low-level operator tasks for Nomad.
func (*Operator) ApplyLicense ¶
func (op *Operator) ApplyLicense(license string, opts *ApplyLicenseOptions, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
func (*Operator) AutopilotCASConfiguration ¶
func (op *Operator) AutopilotCASConfiguration(conf *AutopilotConfiguration, q *WriteOptions) (bool, *WriteMeta, error)
AutopilotCASConfiguration is used to perform a Check-And-Set update on the Autopilot configuration. The ModifyIndex value will be respected. Returns true on success or false on failures.
func (*Operator) AutopilotGetConfiguration ¶
func (op *Operator) AutopilotGetConfiguration(q *QueryOptions) (*AutopilotConfiguration, *QueryMeta, error)
AutopilotGetConfiguration is used to query the current Autopilot configuration.
func (*Operator) AutopilotServerHealth ¶
func (op *Operator) AutopilotServerHealth(q *QueryOptions) (*OperatorHealthReply, *QueryMeta, error)
AutopilotServerHealth is used to query Autopilot's top-level view of the health of each Nomad server.
func (*Operator) AutopilotSetConfiguration ¶
func (op *Operator) AutopilotSetConfiguration(conf *AutopilotConfiguration, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
AutopilotSetConfiguration is used to set the current Autopilot configuration.
func (*Operator) LicenseGet ¶
func (op *Operator) LicenseGet(q *QueryOptions) (*LicenseReply, *QueryMeta, error)
func (*Operator) LicensePut ¶
func (op *Operator) LicensePut(license string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
func (*Operator) Metrics ¶
func (op *Operator) Metrics(q *QueryOptions) ([]byte, error)
Metrics returns a slice of bytes containing metrics, optionally formatted as either json or prometheus
func (*Operator) MetricsSummary ¶
func (op *Operator) MetricsSummary(q *QueryOptions) (*MetricsSummary, *QueryMeta, error)
MetricsSummary returns a MetricsSummary struct and query metadata
func (*Operator) RaftGetConfiguration ¶
func (op *Operator) RaftGetConfiguration(q *QueryOptions) (*RaftConfiguration, error)
RaftGetConfiguration is used to query the current Raft peer set.
func (*Operator) RaftRemovePeerByAddress ¶
func (op *Operator) RaftRemovePeerByAddress(address string, q *WriteOptions) error
RaftRemovePeerByAddress is used to kick a stale peer (one that it in the Raft quorum but no longer known to Serf or the catalog) by address in the form of "IP:port".
func (*Operator) RaftRemovePeerByID ¶
func (op *Operator) RaftRemovePeerByID(id string, q *WriteOptions) error
RaftRemovePeerByID is used to kick a stale peer (one that is in the Raft quorum but no longer known to Serf or the catalog) by ID.
func (*Operator) RaftTransferLeadershipByAddress ¶
func (op *Operator) RaftTransferLeadershipByAddress(address string, q *WriteOptions) error
RaftTransferLeadershipByAddress is used to transfer leadership to a different peer using its address in the form of "IP:port".
func (*Operator) RaftTransferLeadershipByID ¶
func (op *Operator) RaftTransferLeadershipByID(id string, q *WriteOptions) error
RaftTransferLeadershipByID is used to transfer leadership to a different peer using its Raft ID.
func (*Operator) SchedulerCASConfiguration ¶
func (op *Operator) SchedulerCASConfiguration(conf *SchedulerConfiguration, q *WriteOptions) (*SchedulerSetConfigurationResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
SchedulerCASConfiguration is used to perform a Check-And-Set update on the Scheduler configuration. The ModifyIndex value will be respected. Returns true on success or false on failures.
func (*Operator) SchedulerGetConfiguration ¶
func (op *Operator) SchedulerGetConfiguration(q *QueryOptions) (*SchedulerConfigurationResponse, *QueryMeta, error)
SchedulerGetConfiguration is used to query the current Scheduler configuration.
func (*Operator) SchedulerSetConfiguration ¶
func (op *Operator) SchedulerSetConfiguration(conf *SchedulerConfiguration, q *WriteOptions) (*SchedulerSetConfigurationResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
SchedulerSetConfiguration is used to set the current Scheduler configuration.
func (*Operator) Snapshot ¶
func (op *Operator) Snapshot(q *QueryOptions) (io.ReadCloser, error)
Snapshot is used to capture a snapshot state of a running cluster. The returned reader that must be consumed fully
func (*Operator) SnapshotRestore ¶
SnapshotRestore is used to restore a running nomad cluster to an original state.
func (*Operator) UpgradeCheckVaultWorkloadIdentity ¶
func (op *Operator) UpgradeCheckVaultWorkloadIdentity(q *QueryOptions) (*VaultWorkloadIdentityUpgradeCheck, *QueryMeta, error)
UpgradeCheckVaultWorkloadIdentity retrieves the cluster status for migrating to workload identities with Vault.
type OperatorHealthReply ¶
type OperatorHealthReply struct { // Healthy is true if all the servers in the cluster are healthy. Healthy bool // FailureTolerance is the number of healthy servers that could be lost without // an outage occurring. FailureTolerance int // Servers holds the health of each server. Servers []ServerHealth // The ID of the current leader. Leader string // List of servers that are voters in the Raft configuration. Voters []string // ReadReplicas holds the list of servers that are // read replicas in the Raft configuration. (Enterprise only) ReadReplicas []string `json:",omitempty"` // RedundancyZones holds the list of servers in each redundancy zone. // (Enterprise only) RedundancyZones map[string]AutopilotZone `json:",omitempty"` // Upgrade holds the current upgrade status. Upgrade *AutopilotUpgrade `json:",omitempty"` // The number of servers that could be lost without an outage // occurring if all the voters don't fail at once. (Enterprise only) OptimisticFailureTolerance int `json:",omitempty"` }
OperatorHealthReply is a representation of the overall health of the cluster
type ParameterizedJobConfig ¶
type ParameterizedJobConfig struct { Payload string `hcl:"payload,optional"` MetaRequired []string `mapstructure:"meta_required" hcl:"meta_required,optional"` MetaOptional []string `mapstructure:"meta_optional" hcl:"meta_optional,optional"` }
ParameterizedJobConfig is used to configure the parameterized job.
type PeriodicConfig ¶
type PeriodicConfig struct { Enabled *bool `hcl:"enabled,optional"` Spec *string `hcl:"cron,optional"` Specs []string `hcl:"crons,optional"` SpecType *string ProhibitOverlap *bool `mapstructure:"prohibit_overlap" hcl:"prohibit_overlap,optional"` TimeZone *string `mapstructure:"time_zone" hcl:"time_zone,optional"` }
PeriodicConfig is for serializing periodic config for a job.
func (*PeriodicConfig) Canonicalize ¶
func (p *PeriodicConfig) Canonicalize()
func (*PeriodicConfig) GetLocation ¶
func (p *PeriodicConfig) GetLocation() (*time.Location, error)
type PlanAnnotations ¶
type PlanAnnotations struct { DesiredTGUpdates map[string]*DesiredUpdates PreemptedAllocs []*AllocationListStub }
type PlanOptions ¶
PlanOptions is used to pass through job planning parameters
type PointValue ¶
type PprofOptions ¶
type PprofOptions struct { // ServerID is the server ID, name, or special value "leader" to // specify the server that a given profile should be run on. ServerID string // NodeID is the node ID that a given profile should be run on. NodeID string // Seconds specifies the amount of time a profile should be run for. // Seconds only applies for certain runtime profiles like CPU and Trace. Seconds int // GC determines if a runtime.GC() should be called before a heap // profile. GC int // Debug specifies if the output of a lookup profile should be returned // in human readable format instead of binary. Debug int }
PprofOptions contain a set of parameters for profiling a node or server.
type PreemptionConfig ¶
type PreemptionConfig struct { SystemSchedulerEnabled bool SysBatchSchedulerEnabled bool BatchSchedulerEnabled bool ServiceSchedulerEnabled bool }
PreemptionConfig specifies whether preemption is enabled based on scheduler type
type QueryMeta ¶
type QueryMeta struct { // LastIndex. This can be used as a WaitIndex to perform // a blocking query LastIndex uint64 // Time of last contact from the leader for the // server servicing the request LastContact time.Duration // Is there a known leader KnownLeader bool // How long did the request take RequestTime time.Duration // NextToken is the token used to indicate where to start paging // for queries that support paginated lists. To resume paging from // this point, pass this token in the next request's QueryOptions NextToken string }
QueryMeta is used to return meta data about a query
type QueryOptions ¶
type QueryOptions struct { // Providing a datacenter overwrites the region provided // by the Config Region string // Namespace is the target namespace for the query. Namespace string // AllowStale allows any Nomad server (non-leader) to service // a read. This allows for lower latency and higher throughput AllowStale bool // WaitIndex is used to enable a blocking query. Waits // until the timeout or the next index is reached WaitIndex uint64 // WaitTime is used to bound the duration of a wait. // Defaults to that of the Config, but can be overridden. WaitTime time.Duration // If set, used as prefix for resource list searches Prefix string // Set HTTP parameters on the query. Params map[string]string // Set HTTP headers on the query. Headers map[string]string // AuthToken is the secret ID of an ACL token AuthToken string // Filter specifies the go-bexpr filter expression to be used for // filtering the data prior to returning a response Filter string // PerPage is the number of entries to be returned in queries that support // paginated lists. PerPage int32 // NextToken is the token used to indicate where to start paging // for queries that support paginated lists. This token should be // the ID of the next object after the last one seen in the // previous response. NextToken string // Reverse is used to reverse the default order of list results. // // Currently only supported by specific endpoints. Reverse bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
QueryOptions are used to parametrize a query
func (*QueryOptions) Context ¶
func (o *QueryOptions) Context() context.Context
Context returns the context used for canceling HTTP requests related to this query
func (*QueryOptions) SetHeadersFromCSISecrets ¶
func (q *QueryOptions) SetHeadersFromCSISecrets(secrets CSISecrets)
func (*QueryOptions) WithContext ¶
func (o *QueryOptions) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *QueryOptions
WithContext creates a copy of the query options using the provided context to cancel related HTTP requests
type QuotaLimit ¶
type QuotaLimit struct { // Region is the region in which this limit has affect Region string // RegionLimit is the quota limit that applies to any allocation within a // referencing namespace in the region. A value of zero is treated as // unlimited and a negative value is treated as fully disallowed. This is // useful for once we support GPUs RegionLimit *QuotaResources // VariablesLimit is the maximum total size of all variables // Variable.EncryptedData. A value of zero is treated as unlimited and a // negative value is treated as fully disallowed. // // DEPRECATED: use RegionLimit.Storage.VariablesMB instead. This field will // be removed in Nomad 1.12.0. VariablesLimit *int `mapstructure:"variables_limit" hcl:"variables_limit,optional"` // Hash is the hash of the object and is used to make replication efficient. Hash []byte }
QuotaLimit describes the resource limit in a particular region.
type QuotaLimitSort ¶
type QuotaLimitSort []*QuotaLimit
QuotaLimitSort is a wrapper to sort QuotaLimits
func (QuotaLimitSort) Len ¶
func (q QuotaLimitSort) Len() int
func (QuotaLimitSort) Less ¶
func (q QuotaLimitSort) Less(i, j int) bool
func (QuotaLimitSort) Swap ¶
func (q QuotaLimitSort) Swap(i, j int)
type QuotaResources ¶
type QuotaResources struct { CPU *int `hcl:"cpu,optional"` Cores *int `hcl:"cores,optional"` MemoryMB *int `mapstructure:"memory" hcl:"memory,optional"` MemoryMaxMB *int `mapstructure:"memory_max" hcl:"memory_max,optional"` Devices []*RequestedDevice `hcl:"device,block"` NUMA *NUMAResource `hcl:"numa,block"` SecretsMB *int `mapstructure:"secrets" hcl:"secrets,optional"` Storage *QuotaStorageResources `mapstructure:"storage" hcl:"storage,block"` }
type QuotaSpec ¶
type QuotaSpec struct { // Name is the name for the quota object Name string // Description is an optional description for the quota object Description string // Limits is the set of quota limits encapsulated by this quota object. Each // limit applies quota in a particular region and in the future over a // particular priority range and datacenter set. Limits []*QuotaLimit // Raft indexes to track creation and modification CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
QuotaSpec specifies the allowed resource usage across regions.
type QuotaSpecIndexSort ¶
type QuotaSpecIndexSort []*QuotaSpec
QuotaSpecIndexSort is a wrapper to sort QuotaSpecs by CreateIndex. We reverse the test so that we get the highest index first.
func (QuotaSpecIndexSort) Len ¶
func (q QuotaSpecIndexSort) Len() int
func (QuotaSpecIndexSort) Less ¶
func (q QuotaSpecIndexSort) Less(i, j int) bool
func (QuotaSpecIndexSort) Swap ¶
func (q QuotaSpecIndexSort) Swap(i, j int)
type QuotaStorageResources ¶
type QuotaStorageResources struct { // VariablesMB is the maximum total size of all variables // Variable.EncryptedData, in megabytes (2^20 bytes). A value of zero is // treated as unlimited and a negative value is treated as fully disallowed. VariablesMB int `hcl:"variables"` // HostVolumesMB is the maximum provisioned size of all dynamic host // volumes, in megabytes (2^20 bytes). A value of zero is treated as // unlimited and a negative value is treated as fully disallowed. HostVolumesMB int `hcl:"host_volumes"` }
type QuotaUsage ¶
type QuotaUsage struct { Name string Used map[string]*QuotaLimit CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
QuotaUsage is the resource usage of a Quota
type QuotaUsageIndexSort ¶
type QuotaUsageIndexSort []*QuotaUsage
QuotaUsageIndexSort is a wrapper to sort QuotaUsages by CreateIndex. We reverse the test so that we get the highest index first.
func (QuotaUsageIndexSort) Len ¶
func (q QuotaUsageIndexSort) Len() int
func (QuotaUsageIndexSort) Less ¶
func (q QuotaUsageIndexSort) Less(i, j int) bool
func (QuotaUsageIndexSort) Swap ¶
func (q QuotaUsageIndexSort) Swap(i, j int)
type Quotas ¶
type Quotas struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Quotas is used to query the quotas endpoints.
func (*Quotas) Delete ¶
func (q *Quotas) Delete(quota string, qo *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Delete is used to delete a quota spec
func (*Quotas) List ¶
func (q *Quotas) List(qo *QueryOptions) ([]*QuotaSpec, *QueryMeta, error)
List is used to dump all of the quota specs
func (*Quotas) ListUsage ¶
func (q *Quotas) ListUsage(qo *QueryOptions) ([]*QuotaUsage, *QueryMeta, error)
ListUsage is used to dump all of the quota usages
func (*Quotas) PrefixList ¶
PrefixList is used to do a PrefixList search over quota specs
func (*Quotas) PrefixListUsage ¶
func (q *Quotas) PrefixListUsage(prefix string, qo *QueryOptions) ([]*QuotaUsage, *QueryMeta, error)
PrefixList is used to do a PrefixList search over quota usages
func (*Quotas) Register ¶
func (q *Quotas) Register(spec *QuotaSpec, qo *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Register is used to register a quota spec.
func (*Quotas) Usage ¶
func (q *Quotas) Usage(name string, qo *QueryOptions) (*QuotaUsage, *QueryMeta, error)
Usage is used to query a single quota usage by its name.
type RaftConfiguration ¶
type RaftConfiguration struct { // Servers has the list of servers in the Raft configuration. Servers []*RaftServer // Index has the Raft index of this configuration. Index uint64 }
RaftConfiguration is returned when querying for the current Raft configuration.
type RaftServer ¶
type RaftServer struct { // ID is the unique ID for the server. These are currently the same // as the address, but they will be changed to a real GUID in a future // release of Nomad. ID string // Node is the node name of the server, as known by Nomad, or this // will be set to "(unknown)" otherwise. Node string // Address is the IP:port of the server, used for Raft communications. Address string // Leader is true if this server is the current cluster leader. Leader bool // Voter is true if this server has a vote in the cluster. This might // be false if the server is staging and still coming online, or if // it's a non-voting server, which will be added in a future release of // Nomad. Voter bool // RaftProtocol is the version of the Raft protocol spoken by this server. RaftProtocol string }
RaftServer has information about a server in the Raft configuration.
type Raw ¶
type Raw struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Raw can be used to do raw queries against custom endpoints
func (*Raw) Delete ¶
func (raw *Raw) Delete(endpoint string, out interface{}, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Delete is used to do a DELETE request against an endpoint and serialize/deserialized using the standard Nomad conventions.
func (*Raw) Query ¶
func (raw *Raw) Query(endpoint string, out interface{}, q *QueryOptions) (*QueryMeta, error)
Query is used to do a GET request against an endpoint and deserialize the response into an interface using standard Nomad conventions.
func (*Raw) Response ¶
func (raw *Raw) Response(endpoint string, q *QueryOptions) (io.ReadCloser, error)
Response is used to make a GET request against an endpoint and returns the response body
type Recommendation ¶
type Recommendation struct { ID string Region string Namespace string JobID string JobVersion uint64 Group string Task string Resource string Value int Current int Meta map[string]interface{} Stats map[string]float64 EnforceVersion bool SubmitTime int64 CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
Recommendation is used to serialize a recommendation.
type RecommendationApplyRequest ¶
RecommendationApplyRequest is used to apply and/or dismiss a set of recommendations
type RecommendationApplyResponse ¶
type RecommendationApplyResponse struct { UpdatedJobs []*SingleRecommendationApplyResult Errors []*SingleRecommendationApplyError WriteMeta }
RecommendationApplyResponse is used to apply a set of recommendations
type Recommendations ¶
type Recommendations struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Recommendations is used to query the recommendations endpoints.
func (*Recommendations) Apply ¶
func (r *Recommendations) Apply(ids []string, policyOverride bool) ( *RecommendationApplyResponse, *WriteMeta, error)
Apply is used to apply a set of recommendations
func (*Recommendations) Delete ¶
func (r *Recommendations) Delete(ids []string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Delete is used to delete a list of recommendations
func (*Recommendations) Info ¶
func (r *Recommendations) Info(id string, q *QueryOptions) (*Recommendation, *QueryMeta, error)
Info is used to return information on a single recommendation
func (*Recommendations) List ¶
func (r *Recommendations) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*Recommendation, *QueryMeta, error)
List is used to dump all of the recommendations in the cluster
func (*Recommendations) Upsert ¶
func (r *Recommendations) Upsert(rec *Recommendation, q *WriteOptions) (*Recommendation, *WriteMeta, error)
Upsert is used to create or update a recommendation
type ReconcileOption ¶
type ReconcileOption = string
type Regions ¶
type Regions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Regions is used to query the regions in the cluster.
type RegisterOptions ¶
type RegisterOptions struct { EnforceIndex bool ModifyIndex uint64 PolicyOverride bool PreserveCounts bool EvalPriority int Submission *JobSubmission }
RegisterOptions is used to pass through job registration parameters
type RequestedDevice ¶
type RequestedDevice struct { // Name is the request name. The possible values are as follows: // * <type>: A single value only specifies the type of request. // * <vendor>/<type>: A single slash delimiter assumes the vendor and type of device is specified. // * <vendor>/<type>/<name>: Two slash delimiters assume vendor, type and specific model are specified. // // Examples are as follows: // * "gpu" // * "nvidia/gpu" // * "nvidia/gpu/GTX2080Ti" Name string `hcl:",label"` // Count is the number of requested devices Count *uint64 `hcl:"count,optional"` // Constraints are a set of constraints to apply when selecting the device // to use. Constraints []*Constraint `hcl:"constraint,block"` // Affinities are a set of affinites to apply when selecting the device // to use. Affinities []*Affinity `hcl:"affinity,block"` }
RequestedDevice is used to request a device for a task.
func (*RequestedDevice) Canonicalize ¶
func (d *RequestedDevice) Canonicalize()
type RescheduleEvent ¶
type RescheduleEvent struct { // RescheduleTime is the timestamp of a reschedule attempt RescheduleTime int64 // PrevAllocID is the ID of the previous allocation being restarted PrevAllocID string // PrevNodeID is the node ID of the previous allocation PrevNodeID string }
RescheduleEvent is used to keep track of previous attempts at rescheduling an allocation
type ReschedulePolicy ¶
type ReschedulePolicy struct { // Attempts limits the number of rescheduling attempts that can occur in an interval. Attempts *int `mapstructure:"attempts" hcl:"attempts,optional"` // Interval is a duration in which we can limit the number of reschedule attempts. Interval *time.Duration `mapstructure:"interval" hcl:"interval,optional"` // Delay is a minimum duration to wait between reschedule attempts. // The delay function determines how much subsequent reschedule attempts are delayed by. Delay *time.Duration `mapstructure:"delay" hcl:"delay,optional"` // DelayFunction determines how the delay progressively changes on subsequent reschedule // attempts. Valid values are "exponential", "constant", and "fibonacci". DelayFunction *string `mapstructure:"delay_function" hcl:"delay_function,optional"` // MaxDelay is an upper bound on the delay. MaxDelay *time.Duration `mapstructure:"max_delay" hcl:"max_delay,optional"` // Unlimited allows rescheduling attempts until they succeed Unlimited *bool `mapstructure:"unlimited" hcl:"unlimited,optional"` }
Reschedule configures how Tasks are rescheduled when they crash or fail.
func NewDefaultReschedulePolicy ¶
func NewDefaultReschedulePolicy(jobType string) *ReschedulePolicy
func (*ReschedulePolicy) Canonicalize ¶
func (r *ReschedulePolicy) Canonicalize(jobType string)
func (*ReschedulePolicy) Copy ¶
func (r *ReschedulePolicy) Copy() *ReschedulePolicy
func (*ReschedulePolicy) Merge ¶
func (r *ReschedulePolicy) Merge(rp *ReschedulePolicy)
func (*ReschedulePolicy) String ¶
func (p *ReschedulePolicy) String() string
type RescheduleTracker ¶
type RescheduleTracker struct { Events []*RescheduleEvent LastReschedule string }
RescheduleTracker encapsulates previous reschedule events
type ResourceUsage ¶
type ResourceUsage struct { MemoryStats *MemoryStats CpuStats *CpuStats DeviceStats []*DeviceGroupStats }
ResourceUsage holds information related to cpu and memory stats
type Resources ¶
type Resources struct { CPU *int `hcl:"cpu,optional"` Cores *int `hcl:"cores,optional"` MemoryMB *int `mapstructure:"memory" hcl:"memory,optional"` MemoryMaxMB *int `mapstructure:"memory_max" hcl:"memory_max,optional"` DiskMB *int `mapstructure:"disk" hcl:"disk,optional"` Networks []*NetworkResource `hcl:"network,block"` Devices []*RequestedDevice `hcl:"device,block"` NUMA *NUMAResource `hcl:"numa,block"` SecretsMB *int `mapstructure:"secrets" hcl:"secrets,optional"` // COMPAT(0.10) // XXX Deprecated. Please do not use. The field will be removed in Nomad // 0.10 and is only being kept to allow any references to be removed before // then. IOPS *int `hcl:"iops,optional"` }
Resources encapsulates the required resources of a given task or task group.
func DefaultResources ¶
func DefaultResources() *Resources
DefaultResources is a small resources object that contains the default resources requests that we will provide to an object. --- THIS FUNCTION IS REPLICATED IN nomad/structs/structs.go and should be kept in sync.
func MinResources ¶
func MinResources() *Resources
MinResources is a small resources object that contains the absolute minimum resources that we will provide to an object. This should not be confused with the defaults which are provided in DefaultResources() --- THIS LOGIC IS REPLICATED IN nomad/structs/structs.go and should be kept in sync.
func (*Resources) Canonicalize ¶
func (r *Resources) Canonicalize()
Canonicalize will supply missing values in the cases where they are not provided.
type RestartPolicy ¶
type RestartPolicy struct { Interval *time.Duration `hcl:"interval,optional"` Attempts *int `hcl:"attempts,optional"` Delay *time.Duration `hcl:"delay,optional"` Mode *string `hcl:"mode,optional"` RenderTemplates *bool `mapstructure:"render_templates" hcl:"render_templates,optional"` }
RestartPolicy defines how the Nomad client restarts tasks in a taskgroup when they fail
func (*RestartPolicy) Merge ¶
func (r *RestartPolicy) Merge(rp *RestartPolicy)
type RootKeyMeta ¶
type RootKeyMeta struct { KeyID string // UUID Algorithm EncryptionAlgorithm CreateTime int64 CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 State RootKeyState PublishTime int64 }
RootKeyMeta is the metadata used to refer to a RootKey.
type RootKeyState ¶
type RootKeyState string
RootKeyState enum describes the lifecycle of a root key.
type SampledValue ¶
type Scaling ¶
type Scaling struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Scaling is used to query scaling-related API endpoints
func (*Scaling) GetPolicy ¶
func (s *Scaling) GetPolicy(id string, q *QueryOptions) (*ScalingPolicy, *QueryMeta, error)
func (*Scaling) ListPolicies ¶
func (s *Scaling) ListPolicies(q *QueryOptions) ([]*ScalingPolicyListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
type ScalingEvent ¶
type ScalingPolicy ¶
type ScalingPolicy struct { Min *int64 `hcl:"min,optional"` Max *int64 `hcl:"max,optional"` Policy map[string]interface{} `hcl:"policy,block"` Enabled *bool `hcl:"enabled,optional"` Type string `hcl:"type,optional"` ID string Namespace string Target map[string]string CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
ScalingPolicy is the user-specified API object for an autoscaling policy
func (*ScalingPolicy) Canonicalize ¶
func (p *ScalingPolicy) Canonicalize(taskGroupCount int)
type ScalingPolicyListStub ¶
type ScalingPolicyListStub struct { ID string Enabled bool Type string Target map[string]string CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
ScalingPolicyListStub is used to return a subset of scaling policy information for the scaling policy list
type ScalingRequest ¶
type ScalingRequest struct { Count *int64 Target map[string]string Message string Error bool Meta map[string]interface{} WriteRequest // this is effectively a job update, so we need the ability to override policy. PolicyOverride bool // If JobModifyIndex is set then the job will only be scaled if it matches // the current Jobs index. The JobModifyIndex is ignored if 0. JobModifyIndex uint64 }
ScalingRequest is the payload for a generic scaling action
type SchedulerAlgorithm ¶
type SchedulerAlgorithm string
SchedulerAlgorithm is an enum string that encapsulates the valid options for a SchedulerConfiguration block's SchedulerAlgorithm. These modes will allow the scheduler to be user-selectable.
const ( SchedulerAlgorithmBinpack SchedulerAlgorithm = "binpack" SchedulerAlgorithmSpread SchedulerAlgorithm = "spread" )
type SchedulerConfiguration ¶
type SchedulerConfiguration struct { // SchedulerAlgorithm lets you select between available scheduling algorithms. SchedulerAlgorithm SchedulerAlgorithm // PreemptionConfig specifies whether to enable eviction of lower // priority jobs to place higher priority jobs. PreemptionConfig PreemptionConfig // MemoryOversubscriptionEnabled specifies whether memory oversubscription is enabled MemoryOversubscriptionEnabled bool // RejectJobRegistration disables new job registrations except with a // management ACL token RejectJobRegistration bool // PauseEvalBroker stops the leader evaluation broker process from running // until the configuration is updated and written to the Nomad servers. PauseEvalBroker bool // CreateIndex/ModifyIndex store the create/modify indexes of this configuration. CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
SchedulerConfiguration is the config for controlling scheduler behavior
type SchedulerConfigurationResponse ¶
type SchedulerConfigurationResponse struct { // SchedulerConfig contains scheduler config options SchedulerConfig *SchedulerConfiguration QueryMeta }
SchedulerConfigurationResponse is the response object that wraps SchedulerConfiguration
type SchedulerSetConfigurationResponse ¶
type SchedulerSetConfigurationResponse struct { // Updated returns whether the config was actually updated // Only set when the request uses CAS Updated bool WriteMeta }
SchedulerSetConfigurationResponse is the response object used when updating scheduler configuration
type SchedulerWorkerPoolArgs ¶
type Search ¶
type Search struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Search) FuzzySearch ¶
func (s *Search) FuzzySearch(text string, context contexts.Context, q *QueryOptions) (*FuzzySearchResponse, *QueryMeta, error)
FuzzySearch returns a set of matches for a given context and string.
func (*Search) PrefixSearch ¶
func (s *Search) PrefixSearch(prefix string, context contexts.Context, q *QueryOptions) (*SearchResponse, *QueryMeta, error)
PrefixSearch returns a set of matches for a particular context and prefix.
type SearchRequest ¶
type SearchRequest struct { Prefix string Context contexts.Context QueryOptions }
type SearchResponse ¶
type SentinelPolicies ¶
type SentinelPolicies struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SentinelPolicies is used to query the Sentinel Policy endpoints.
func (*SentinelPolicies) Delete ¶
func (a *SentinelPolicies) Delete(policyName string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Delete is used to delete a policy
func (*SentinelPolicies) Info ¶
func (a *SentinelPolicies) Info(policyName string, q *QueryOptions) (*SentinelPolicy, *QueryMeta, error)
Info is used to query a specific policy
func (*SentinelPolicies) List ¶
func (a *SentinelPolicies) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*SentinelPolicyListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
List is used to dump all of the policies.
func (*SentinelPolicies) Upsert ¶
func (a *SentinelPolicies) Upsert(policy *SentinelPolicy, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Upsert is used to create or update a policy
type SentinelPolicy ¶
type SentinelPolicyListStub ¶
type ServerHealth ¶
type ServerHealth struct { // ID is the raft ID of the server. ID string // Name is the node name of the server. Name string // Address is the address of the server. Address string // The status of the SerfHealth check for the server. SerfStatus string // Version is the Nomad version of the server. Version string // Leader is whether this server is currently the leader. Leader bool // LastContact is the time since this node's last contact with the leader. LastContact time.Duration // LastTerm is the highest leader term this server has a record of in its Raft log. LastTerm uint64 // LastIndex is the last log index this server has a record of in its Raft log. LastIndex uint64 // Healthy is whether or not the server is healthy according to the current // Autopilot config. Healthy bool // Voter is whether this is a voting server. Voter bool // StableSince is the last time this server's Healthy value changed. StableSince time.Time }
ServerHealth is the health (from the leader's point of view) of a server.
func (*ServerHealth) MarshalJSON ¶
func (u *ServerHealth) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ServerHealth) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (u *ServerHealth) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ServerMembers ¶
type ServerMembers struct { ServerName string ServerRegion string ServerDC string Members []*AgentMember }
type Service ¶
type Service struct { Name string `hcl:"name,optional"` Tags []string `hcl:"tags,optional"` CanaryTags []string `mapstructure:"canary_tags" hcl:"canary_tags,optional"` EnableTagOverride bool `mapstructure:"enable_tag_override" hcl:"enable_tag_override,optional"` PortLabel string `mapstructure:"port" hcl:"port,optional"` AddressMode string `mapstructure:"address_mode" hcl:"address_mode,optional"` Address string `hcl:"address,optional"` Checks []ServiceCheck `hcl:"check,block"` CheckRestart *CheckRestart `mapstructure:"check_restart" hcl:"check_restart,block"` Connect *ConsulConnect `hcl:"connect,block"` Meta map[string]string `hcl:"meta,block"` CanaryMeta map[string]string `hcl:"canary_meta,block"` TaggedAddresses map[string]string `hcl:"tagged_addresses,block"` TaskName string `mapstructure:"task" hcl:"task,optional"` OnUpdate string `mapstructure:"on_update" hcl:"on_update,optional"` Identity *WorkloadIdentity `hcl:"identity,block"` Weights *ServiceWeights `mapstructure:"weights" hcl:"weights,block"` // Provider defines which backend system provides the service registration, // either "consul" (default) or "nomad". Provider string `hcl:"provider,optional"` // Cluster is valid only for Nomad Enterprise with provider: consul Cluster string `hcl:"cluster,optional"` }
Service represents a Nomad job-submitters view of a Consul or Nomad service.
type ServiceCheck ¶
type ServiceCheck struct { Name string `hcl:"name,optional"` Type string `hcl:"type,optional"` Command string `hcl:"command,optional"` Args []string `hcl:"args,optional"` Path string `hcl:"path,optional"` Protocol string `hcl:"protocol,optional"` PortLabel string `mapstructure:"port" hcl:"port,optional"` Expose bool `hcl:"expose,optional"` AddressMode string `mapstructure:"address_mode" hcl:"address_mode,optional"` Advertise string `hcl:"advertise,optional"` Interval time.Duration `hcl:"interval,optional"` Timeout time.Duration `hcl:"timeout,optional"` InitialStatus string `mapstructure:"initial_status" hcl:"initial_status,optional"` Notes string `hcl:"notes,optional"` TLSServerName string `mapstructure:"tls_server_name" hcl:"tls_server_name,optional"` TLSSkipVerify bool `mapstructure:"tls_skip_verify" hcl:"tls_skip_verify,optional"` Header map[string][]string `hcl:"header,block"` Method string `hcl:"method,optional"` CheckRestart *CheckRestart `mapstructure:"check_restart" hcl:"check_restart,block"` GRPCService string `mapstructure:"grpc_service" hcl:"grpc_service,optional"` GRPCUseTLS bool `mapstructure:"grpc_use_tls" hcl:"grpc_use_tls,optional"` TaskName string `mapstructure:"task" hcl:"task,optional"` SuccessBeforePassing int `mapstructure:"success_before_passing" hcl:"success_before_passing,optional"` FailuresBeforeCritical int `mapstructure:"failures_before_critical" hcl:"failures_before_critical,optional"` FailuresBeforeWarning int `mapstructure:"failures_before_warning" hcl:"failures_before_warning,optional"` Body string `hcl:"body,optional"` OnUpdate string `mapstructure:"on_update" hcl:"on_update,optional"` }
ServiceCheck represents a Nomad job-submitters view of a Consul service health check.
type ServiceRegistration ¶
type ServiceRegistration struct { // ID is the unique identifier for this registration. It currently follows // the Consul service registration format to provide consistency between // the two solutions. ID string // ServiceName is the human friendly identifier for this service // registration. ServiceName string // Namespace represents the namespace within which this service is // registered. Namespace string // NodeID is Node.ID on which this service registration is currently // running. NodeID string // Datacenter is the DC identifier of the node as identified by // Node.Datacenter. Datacenter string // JobID is Job.ID and represents the job which contained the service block // which resulted in this service registration. JobID string // AllocID is Allocation.ID and represents the allocation within which this // service is running. AllocID string // Tags are determined from either Service.Tags or Service.CanaryTags and // help identify this service. Tags can also be used to perform lookups of // services depending on their state and role. Tags []string // Address is the IP address of this service registration. This information // comes from the client and is not guaranteed to be routable; this depends // on cluster network topology. Address string // Port is the port number on which this service registration is bound. It // is determined by a combination of factors on the client. Port int CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
ServiceRegistration is an instance of a single allocation advertising itself as a named service with a specific address. Each registration is constructed from the job specification Service block. Whether the service is registered within Nomad, and therefore generates a ServiceRegistration is controlled by the Service.Provider parameter.
type ServiceRegistrationListStub ¶
type ServiceRegistrationListStub struct { // Namespace details the namespace in which these services have been // registered. Namespace string // Services is a list of services found within the namespace. Services []*ServiceRegistrationStub }
ServiceRegistrationListStub represents all service registrations held within a single namespace.
type ServiceRegistrationStub ¶
type ServiceRegistrationStub struct { // ServiceName is the human friendly name for this service as specified // within Service.Name. ServiceName string // Tags is a list of unique tags found for this service. The list is // de-duplicated automatically by Nomad. Tags []string }
ServiceRegistrationStub is the stub object describing an individual namespaced service. The object is built in a manner which would allow us to add additional fields in the future, if we wanted.
type ServiceWeights ¶
type ServiceWeights struct { Passing int `hcl:"passing,optional"` Warning int `hcl:"warning,optional"` }
ServiceWeights is the jobspec block which configures how a service instance is weighted in a DNS SRV request based on the service's health status.
func (*ServiceWeights) Canonicalize ¶
func (weights *ServiceWeights) Canonicalize()
type Services ¶
type Services struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Services is used to query the service endpoints.
func (*Services) Delete ¶
func (s *Services) Delete(serviceName, serviceID string, q *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Delete can be used to delete an individual service registration as defined by its service name and service ID.
func (*Services) Get ¶
func (s *Services) Get(serviceName string, q *QueryOptions) ([]*ServiceRegistration, *QueryMeta, error)
Get is used to return a list of service registrations whose name matches the specified parameter.
func (*Services) List ¶
func (s *Services) List(q *QueryOptions) ([]*ServiceRegistrationListStub, *QueryMeta, error)
List can be used to list all service registrations currently stored within the target namespace. It returns a stub response object.
type SidecarTask ¶
type SidecarTask struct { Name string `hcl:"name,optional"` Driver string `hcl:"driver,optional"` User string `hcl:"user,optional"` Config map[string]interface{} `hcl:"config,block"` Env map[string]string `hcl:"env,block"` Resources *Resources `hcl:"resources,block"` Meta map[string]string `hcl:"meta,block"` KillTimeout *time.Duration `mapstructure:"kill_timeout" hcl:"kill_timeout,optional"` LogConfig *LogConfig `mapstructure:"logs" hcl:"logs,block"` ShutdownDelay *time.Duration `mapstructure:"shutdown_delay" hcl:"shutdown_delay,optional"` KillSignal string `mapstructure:"kill_signal" hcl:"kill_signal,optional"` VolumeMounts []*VolumeMount `hcl:"volume_mount,block"` }
SidecarTask represents a subset of Task fields that can be set to override the fields of the Task generated for the sidecar
func (*SidecarTask) Canonicalize ¶
func (st *SidecarTask) Canonicalize()
type SingleDeploymentResponse ¶
type SingleDeploymentResponse struct { Deployment *Deployment QueryMeta }
SingleDeploymentResponse is used to respond with a single deployment
type Spread ¶
type Spread struct { Attribute string `hcl:"attribute,optional"` Weight *int8 `hcl:"weight,optional"` SpreadTarget []*SpreadTarget `hcl:"target,block"` }
Spread is used to serialize task group allocation spread preferences
func NewSpread ¶
func NewSpread(attribute string, weight int8, spreadTargets []*SpreadTarget) *Spread
func (*Spread) Canonicalize ¶
func (s *Spread) Canonicalize()
type SpreadTarget ¶
SpreadTarget is used to serialize target allocation spread percentages
func NewSpreadTarget ¶
func NewSpreadTarget(value string, percent uint8) *SpreadTarget
type StatObject ¶
type StatObject struct { // Nested is a mapping of object name to a nested stats object. Nested map[string]*StatObject // Attributes is a mapping of statistic name to its value. Attributes map[string]*StatValue }
StatObject is a collection of statistics either exposed at the top level or via nested StatObjects.
type StatValue ¶
type StatValue struct { // FloatNumeratorVal exposes a floating point value. If denominator is set // it is assumed to be a fractional value, otherwise it is a scalar. FloatNumeratorVal *float64 `json:",omitempty"` FloatDenominatorVal *float64 `json:",omitempty"` // IntNumeratorVal exposes a int value. If denominator is set it is assumed // to be a fractional value, otherwise it is a scalar. IntNumeratorVal *int64 `json:",omitempty"` IntDenominatorVal *int64 `json:",omitempty"` // StringVal exposes a string value. These are likely annotations. StringVal *string `json:",omitempty"` // BoolVal exposes a boolean statistic. BoolVal *bool `json:",omitempty"` // Unit gives the unit type: °F, %, MHz, MB, etc. Unit string `json:",omitempty"` // Desc provides a human readable description of the statistic. Desc string `json:",omitempty"` }
StatValue exposes the values of a particular statistic. The value may be of type float, integer, string or boolean. Numeric types can be exposed as a single value or as a fraction.
type Status ¶
type Status struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Status is used to query the status-related endpoints.
type StreamFrame ¶
type StreamFrame struct { Offset int64 `json:",omitempty"` Data []byte `json:",omitempty"` File string `json:",omitempty"` FileEvent string `json:",omitempty"` }
StreamFrame is used to frame data of a file when streaming
func (*StreamFrame) IsHeartbeat ¶
func (s *StreamFrame) IsHeartbeat() bool
IsHeartbeat returns if the frame is a heartbeat frame
type System ¶
type System struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Status is used to query the status-related endpoints.
func (*System) GarbageCollect ¶
func (*System) ReconcileSummaries ¶
type TLSConfig ¶
type TLSConfig struct { // CACert is the path to a PEM-encoded CA cert file to use to verify the // Nomad server SSL certificate. CACert string // CAPath is the path to a directory of PEM-encoded CA cert files to verify // the Nomad server SSL certificate. CAPath string // CACertPem is the PEM-encoded CA cert to use to verify the Nomad server // SSL certificate. CACertPEM []byte // ClientCert is the path to the certificate for Nomad communication ClientCert string // ClientCertPEM is the PEM-encoded certificate for Nomad communication ClientCertPEM []byte // ClientKey is the path to the private key for Nomad communication ClientKey string // ClientKeyPEM is the PEM-encoded private key for Nomad communication ClientKeyPEM []byte // TLSServerName, if set, is used to set the SNI host when connecting via // TLS. TLSServerName string // Insecure enables or disables SSL verification Insecure bool }
TLSConfig contains the parameters needed to configure TLS on the HTTP client used to communicate with Nomad.
type TagVersionRequest ¶
type TagVersionRequest struct { Version uint64 Description string WriteRequest }
type Task ¶
type Task struct { Name string `hcl:"name,label"` Driver string `hcl:"driver,optional"` User string `hcl:"user,optional"` Lifecycle *TaskLifecycle `hcl:"lifecycle,block"` Config map[string]interface{} `hcl:"config,block"` Constraints []*Constraint `hcl:"constraint,block"` Affinities []*Affinity `hcl:"affinity,block"` Env map[string]string `hcl:"env,block"` Services []*Service `hcl:"service,block"` Resources *Resources `hcl:"resources,block"` RestartPolicy *RestartPolicy `hcl:"restart,block"` Meta map[string]string `hcl:"meta,block"` KillTimeout *time.Duration `mapstructure:"kill_timeout" hcl:"kill_timeout,optional"` LogConfig *LogConfig `mapstructure:"logs" hcl:"logs,block"` Artifacts []*TaskArtifact `hcl:"artifact,block"` Vault *Vault `hcl:"vault,block"` Consul *Consul `hcl:"consul,block"` Templates []*Template `hcl:"template,block"` DispatchPayload *DispatchPayloadConfig `hcl:"dispatch_payload,block"` VolumeMounts []*VolumeMount `hcl:"volume_mount,block"` CSIPluginConfig *TaskCSIPluginConfig `mapstructure:"csi_plugin" json:",omitempty" hcl:"csi_plugin,block"` Leader bool `hcl:"leader,optional"` ShutdownDelay time.Duration `mapstructure:"shutdown_delay" hcl:"shutdown_delay,optional"` KillSignal string `mapstructure:"kill_signal" hcl:"kill_signal,optional"` Kind string `hcl:"kind,optional"` ScalingPolicies []*ScalingPolicy `hcl:"scaling,block"` // Identity is the default Nomad Workload Identity and will be added to // Identities with the name "default" Identity *WorkloadIdentity // Workload Identities Identities []*WorkloadIdentity `hcl:"identity,block"` Actions []*Action `hcl:"action,block"` Schedule *TaskSchedule `hcl:"schedule,block"` }
Task is a single process in a task group.
func (*Task) AddAffinity ¶
AddAffinity adds a new affinity to a single task.
func (*Task) Canonicalize ¶
func (*Task) Constrain ¶
func (t *Task) Constrain(c *Constraint) *Task
Constraint adds a new constraints to a single task.
func (*Task) SetLifecycle ¶
func (t *Task) SetLifecycle(l *TaskLifecycle) *Task
SetLifecycle is used to set lifecycle config to a task.
func (*Task) SetLogConfig ¶
SetLogConfig sets a log config to a task
type TaskArtifact ¶
type TaskArtifact struct { GetterSource *string `mapstructure:"source" hcl:"source,optional"` GetterOptions map[string]string `mapstructure:"options" hcl:"options,block"` GetterHeaders map[string]string `mapstructure:"headers" hcl:"headers,block"` GetterMode *string `mapstructure:"mode" hcl:"mode,optional"` GetterInsecure *bool `mapstructure:"insecure" hcl:"insecure,optional"` RelativeDest *string `mapstructure:"destination" hcl:"destination,optional"` Chown bool `mapstructure:"chown" hcl:"chown,optional"` }
TaskArtifact is used to download artifacts before running a task.
func (*TaskArtifact) Canonicalize ¶
func (a *TaskArtifact) Canonicalize()
type TaskCSIPluginConfig ¶
type TaskCSIPluginConfig struct { // ID is the identifier of the plugin. // Ideally this should be the FQDN of the plugin. ID string `mapstructure:"id" hcl:"id,optional"` // CSIPluginType instructs Nomad on how to handle processing a plugin Type CSIPluginType `mapstructure:"type" hcl:"type,optional"` // MountDir is the directory (within its container) in which the plugin creates a // socket (called CSISocketName) for communication with Nomad. Default is /csi. MountDir string `mapstructure:"mount_dir" hcl:"mount_dir,optional"` // StagePublishBaseDir is the base directory (within its container) in which the plugin // mounts volumes being staged and bind mounts volumes being published. // e.g. staging_target_path = {StagePublishBaseDir}/staging/{volume-id}/{usage-mode} // e.g. target_path = {StagePublishBaseDir}/per-alloc/{alloc-id}/{volume-id}/{usage-mode} // Default is /local/csi. StagePublishBaseDir string `mapstructure:"stage_publish_base_dir" hcl:"stage_publish_base_dir,optional"` // HealthTimeout is the time after which the CSI plugin tasks will be killed // if the CSI Plugin is not healthy. HealthTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"health_timeout" hcl:"health_timeout,optional"` }
TaskCSIPluginConfig contains the data that is required to setup a task as a CSI plugin. This will be used by the csi_plugin_supervisor_hook to configure mounts for the plugin and initiate the connection to the plugin catalog.
func (*TaskCSIPluginConfig) Canonicalize ¶
func (t *TaskCSIPluginConfig) Canonicalize()
type TaskDiff ¶
type TaskDiff struct { Type string Name string Fields []*FieldDiff Objects []*ObjectDiff Annotations []string }
type TaskEvent ¶
type TaskEvent struct { Type string Time int64 DisplayMessage string Details map[string]string Message string // DEPRECATION NOTICE: The following fields are all deprecated. see TaskEvent struct in structs.go for details. FailsTask bool RestartReason string SetupError string DriverError string DriverMessage string ExitCode int Signal int KillReason string KillTimeout time.Duration KillError string StartDelay int64 DownloadError string ValidationError string DiskLimit int64 DiskSize int64 FailedSibling string VaultError string TaskSignalReason string TaskSignal string GenericSource string }
TaskEvent is an event that effects the state of a task and contains meta-data appropriate to the events type.
type TaskGroup ¶
type TaskGroup struct { Name *string `hcl:"name,label"` Count *int `hcl:"count,optional"` Constraints []*Constraint `hcl:"constraint,block"` Affinities []*Affinity `hcl:"affinity,block"` Tasks []*Task `hcl:"task,block"` Spreads []*Spread `hcl:"spread,block"` Volumes map[string]*VolumeRequest `hcl:"volume,block"` RestartPolicy *RestartPolicy `hcl:"restart,block"` Disconnect *DisconnectStrategy `hcl:"disconnect,block"` ReschedulePolicy *ReschedulePolicy `hcl:"reschedule,block"` EphemeralDisk *EphemeralDisk `hcl:"ephemeral_disk,block"` Update *UpdateStrategy `hcl:"update,block"` Migrate *MigrateStrategy `hcl:"migrate,block"` Networks []*NetworkResource `hcl:"network,block"` Meta map[string]string `hcl:"meta,block"` Services []*Service `hcl:"service,block"` ShutdownDelay *time.Duration `mapstructure:"shutdown_delay" hcl:"shutdown_delay,optional"` // Deprecated: StopAfterClientDisconnect is deprecated in Nomad 1.8. Use Disconnect.StopOnClientAfter instead. StopAfterClientDisconnect *time.Duration `mapstructure:"stop_after_client_disconnect" hcl:"stop_after_client_disconnect,optional"` // To be deprecated after 1.8.0 infavour of Disconnect.LostAfter MaxClientDisconnect *time.Duration `mapstructure:"max_client_disconnect" hcl:"max_client_disconnect,optional"` Scaling *ScalingPolicy `hcl:"scaling,block"` Consul *Consul `hcl:"consul,block"` // To be deprecated after 1.8.0 infavour of Disconnect.Replace PreventRescheduleOnLost *bool `hcl:"prevent_reschedule_on_lost,optional"` }
TaskGroup is the unit of scheduling.
func NewTaskGroup ¶
NewTaskGroup creates a new TaskGroup.
func (*TaskGroup) AddAffinity ¶
AddAffinity is used to add a new affinity to a task group.
func (*TaskGroup) Canonicalize ¶
Canonicalize sets defaults and merges settings that should be inherited from the job
func (*TaskGroup) Constrain ¶
func (g *TaskGroup) Constrain(c *Constraint) *TaskGroup
Constrain is used to add a constraint to a task group.
func (*TaskGroup) RequireDisk ¶
func (g *TaskGroup) RequireDisk(disk *EphemeralDisk) *TaskGroup
RequireDisk adds a ephemeral disk to the task group
type TaskGroupDiff ¶
type TaskGroupHostVolumeClaim ¶
type TaskGroupHostVolumeClaim struct { ID string `mapstructure:"id"` Namespace string `mapstructure:"namespace"` JobID string `mapstructure:"job_id"` TaskGroupName string `mapstructure:"task_group_name"` AllocID string `mapstructure:"alloc_id"` VolumeID string `mapstructure:"volume_id"` VolumeName string `mapstructure:"volume_name"` CreateIndex uint64 ModifyIndex uint64 }
TaskGroupHostVolumeClaim associates a task group with a host volume ID. It's used for stateful deployments, i.e., volume requests with "sticky" set to true.
type TaskGroupHostVolumeClaims ¶
type TaskGroupHostVolumeClaims struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TaskGroupHostVolumeClaims is used to access the API.
func (*TaskGroupHostVolumeClaims) Delete ¶
func (tgvc *TaskGroupHostVolumeClaims) Delete(claimID string, opts *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
func (*TaskGroupHostVolumeClaims) List ¶
func (tgvc *TaskGroupHostVolumeClaims) List(req *TaskGroupHostVolumeClaimsListRequest, opts *QueryOptions) ([]*TaskGroupHostVolumeClaim, *QueryMeta, error)
type TaskGroupScaleStatus ¶
type TaskGroupSummary ¶
type TaskGroupSummary struct { Queued int Complete int Failed int Running int Starting int Lost int Unknown int }
TaskGroup summarizes the state of all the allocations of a particular TaskGroup
type TaskLifecycle ¶
type TaskLifecycle struct { Hook string `mapstructure:"hook" hcl:"hook,optional"` Sidecar bool `mapstructure:"sidecar" hcl:"sidecar,optional"` }
func (*TaskLifecycle) Empty ¶
func (l *TaskLifecycle) Empty() bool
Determine if lifecycle has user-input values
type TaskResourceUsage ¶
type TaskResourceUsage struct { ResourceUsage *ResourceUsage Timestamp int64 Pids map[string]*ResourceUsage }
TaskResourceUsage holds aggregated resource usage of all processes in a Task and the resource usage of the individual pids
type TaskSchedule ¶
type TaskSchedule struct {
Cron *TaskScheduleCron `hcl:"cron,block"`
type TaskScheduleCron ¶
type TaskState ¶
type TaskState struct { State string Failed bool Restarts uint64 LastRestart time.Time StartedAt time.Time FinishedAt time.Time Events []*TaskEvent }
TaskState tracks the current state of a task and events that caused state transitions.
type Template ¶
type Template struct { SourcePath *string `mapstructure:"source" hcl:"source,optional"` DestPath *string `mapstructure:"destination" hcl:"destination,optional"` EmbeddedTmpl *string `mapstructure:"data" hcl:"data,optional"` ChangeMode *string `mapstructure:"change_mode" hcl:"change_mode,optional"` ChangeScript *ChangeScript `mapstructure:"change_script" hcl:"change_script,block"` ChangeSignal *string `mapstructure:"change_signal" hcl:"change_signal,optional"` Splay *time.Duration `mapstructure:"splay" hcl:"splay,optional"` Perms *string `mapstructure:"perms" hcl:"perms,optional"` Uid *int `mapstructure:"uid" hcl:"uid,optional"` Gid *int `mapstructure:"gid" hcl:"gid,optional"` LeftDelim *string `mapstructure:"left_delimiter" hcl:"left_delimiter,optional"` RightDelim *string `mapstructure:"right_delimiter" hcl:"right_delimiter,optional"` Envvars *bool `mapstructure:"env" hcl:"env,optional"` VaultGrace *time.Duration `mapstructure:"vault_grace" hcl:"vault_grace,optional"` Wait *WaitConfig `mapstructure:"wait" hcl:"wait,block"` ErrMissingKey *bool `mapstructure:"error_on_missing_key" hcl:"error_on_missing_key,optional"` }
func (*Template) Canonicalize ¶
func (tmpl *Template) Canonicalize()
type TerminalSize ¶
type TerminalSize struct { Height int `json:"height,omitempty"` Width int `json:"width,omitempty"` }
TerminalSize represents the size of the terminal
type UnexpectedResponseError ¶
type UnexpectedResponseError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UnexpectedResponseError tracks the components for API errors encountered when requireOK and requireStatusIn's conditions are not met.
func (UnexpectedResponseError) Additional ¶
func (e UnexpectedResponseError) Additional() error
func (UnexpectedResponseError) Body ¶
func (e UnexpectedResponseError) Body() string
func (UnexpectedResponseError) Error ¶
func (e UnexpectedResponseError) Error() string
func (UnexpectedResponseError) ExpectedStatuses ¶
func (e UnexpectedResponseError) ExpectedStatuses() []int
func (UnexpectedResponseError) HasAdditional ¶
func (e UnexpectedResponseError) HasAdditional() bool
func (UnexpectedResponseError) HasBody ¶
func (e UnexpectedResponseError) HasBody() bool
func (UnexpectedResponseError) HasError ¶
func (e UnexpectedResponseError) HasError() bool
func (UnexpectedResponseError) HasExpectedStatuses ¶
func (e UnexpectedResponseError) HasExpectedStatuses() bool
func (UnexpectedResponseError) HasStatusCode ¶
func (e UnexpectedResponseError) HasStatusCode() bool
func (UnexpectedResponseError) HasStatusText ¶
func (e UnexpectedResponseError) HasStatusText() bool
func (UnexpectedResponseError) StatusCode ¶
func (e UnexpectedResponseError) StatusCode() int
func (UnexpectedResponseError) StatusText ¶
func (e UnexpectedResponseError) StatusText() string
func (UnexpectedResponseError) Unwrap ¶
func (e UnexpectedResponseError) Unwrap() error
type UpdateStrategy ¶
type UpdateStrategy struct { Stagger *time.Duration `mapstructure:"stagger" hcl:"stagger,optional"` MaxParallel *int `mapstructure:"max_parallel" hcl:"max_parallel,optional"` HealthCheck *string `mapstructure:"health_check" hcl:"health_check,optional"` MinHealthyTime *time.Duration `mapstructure:"min_healthy_time" hcl:"min_healthy_time,optional"` HealthyDeadline *time.Duration `mapstructure:"healthy_deadline" hcl:"healthy_deadline,optional"` ProgressDeadline *time.Duration `mapstructure:"progress_deadline" hcl:"progress_deadline,optional"` Canary *int `mapstructure:"canary" hcl:"canary,optional"` AutoRevert *bool `mapstructure:"auto_revert" hcl:"auto_revert,optional"` AutoPromote *bool `mapstructure:"auto_promote" hcl:"auto_promote,optional"` }
UpdateStrategy defines a task groups update strategy.
func DefaultUpdateStrategy ¶
func DefaultUpdateStrategy() *UpdateStrategy
DefaultUpdateStrategy provides a baseline that can be used to upgrade jobs with the old policy or for populating field defaults.
func (*UpdateStrategy) Canonicalize ¶
func (u *UpdateStrategy) Canonicalize()
func (*UpdateStrategy) Copy ¶
func (u *UpdateStrategy) Copy() *UpdateStrategy
func (*UpdateStrategy) Empty ¶
func (u *UpdateStrategy) Empty() bool
Empty returns whether the UpdateStrategy is empty or has user defined values.
func (*UpdateStrategy) Merge ¶
func (u *UpdateStrategy) Merge(o *UpdateStrategy)
type Variable ¶
type Variable struct { // Namespace is the Nomad namespace associated with the variable Namespace string `hcl:"namespace"` // Path is the path to the variable Path string `hcl:"path"` // CreateIndex tracks the index of creation time CreateIndex uint64 `hcl:"create_index"` // ModifyTime is the unix nano of the last modified time ModifyIndex uint64 `hcl:"modify_index"` // CreateTime is the unix nano of the creation time CreateTime int64 `hcl:"create_time"` // ModifyTime is the unix nano of the last modified time ModifyTime int64 `hcl:"modify_time"` // Items contains the k/v variable component Items VariableItems `hcl:"items"` // Lock holds the information about the variable lock if its being used. Lock *VariableLock `hcl:",lock,optional" json:",omitempty"` }
Variable specifies the metadata and contents to be stored in the encrypted Nomad backend.
func NewVariable ¶
NewVariable is a convenience method to more easily create a ready-to-use variable
func (*Variable) AsPrettyJSON ¶
AsPrettyJSON returns the Variable as a JSON-formatted string with indentation
func (*Variable) IsZeroValue ¶
IsZeroValue can be used to test if a Variable has been changed from the default values it gets at creation
func (*Variable) LockID ¶
LockID returns the ID of the lock. In the event this is not held, or the variable is not a lock, this string will be empty.
func (*Variable) Metadata ¶
func (v *Variable) Metadata() *VariableMetadata
Metadata returns the VariableMetadata component of a Variable. This can be useful for comparing against a List result.
type VariableItems ¶
VariableItems are the key/value pairs of a Variable.
type VariableLock ¶
type VariableLock struct { // ID is generated by Nomad to provide a unique caller ID which can be used // for renewals and unlocking. ID string // TTL describes the time-to-live of the current lock holder. // This is a string version of a time.Duration like "2m". TTL string // LockDelay describes a grace period that exists after a lock is lost, // before another client may acquire the lock. This helps protect against // split-brains. This is a string version of a time.Duration like "2m". LockDelay string }
type VariableMetadata ¶
type VariableMetadata struct { // Namespace is the Nomad namespace associated with the variable Namespace string `hcl:"namespace"` // Path is the path to the variable Path string `hcl:"path"` // CreateIndex tracks the index of creation time CreateIndex uint64 `hcl:"create_index"` // ModifyTime is the unix nano of the last modified time ModifyIndex uint64 `hcl:"modify_index"` // CreateTime is the unix nano of the creation time CreateTime int64 `hcl:"create_time"` // ModifyTime is the unix nano of the last modified time ModifyTime int64 `hcl:"modify_time"` // Lock holds the information about the variable lock if its being used. Lock *VariableLock `hcl:",lock,optional" json:",omitempty"` }
VariableMetadata specifies the metadata for a variable and is used as the list object
type Variables ¶
type Variables struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Variables is used to access variables.
func (*Variables) AcquireLock ¶
AcquireLock adds a lock on the given variable and starts a lease on it. In order to make any update on the locked variable, the lock ID has to be included in the request. In order to maintain ownership of the lock, the lease needs to be periodically renewed before the lock's TTL expires.
func (*Variables) CheckedCreate ¶
CheckedCreate is used to create a variable if it doesn't exist already. If it does, it will return a ErrCASConflict that can be unwrapped for more details.
func (*Variables) CheckedDelete ¶
func (vars *Variables) CheckedDelete(path string, checkIndex uint64, qo *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
CheckedDelete is used to conditionally delete a variable. If the existing variable does not match the provided checkIndex, it will return an ErrCASConflict that can be unwrapped for more details.
func (*Variables) CheckedUpdate ¶
CheckedUpdate is used to updated a variable if the modify index matches the one on the server. If it does not, it will return an ErrCASConflict that can be unwrapped for more details.
func (*Variables) Delete ¶
func (vars *Variables) Delete(path string, qo *WriteOptions) (*WriteMeta, error)
Delete is used to delete a variable
func (*Variables) GetItems
func (vars *Variables) GetItems(path string, qo *QueryOptions) (*VariableItems, *QueryMeta, error)
GetItems returns the inner Items collection from a variable at a given path.
Deprecated: Use GetVariableItems instead.
func (*Variables) GetVariableItems ¶
func (vars *Variables) GetVariableItems(path string, qo *QueryOptions) (VariableItems, *QueryMeta, error)
GetVariableItems returns the inner Items collection from a variable at a given path.
func (*Variables) List ¶
func (vars *Variables) List(qo *QueryOptions) ([]*VariableMetadata, *QueryMeta, error)
List is used to dump all of the variables, can be used to pass prefix via QueryOptions rather than as a parameter
func (*Variables) Peek ¶
Peek is used to query a single variable by path, but does not error when the variable is not found
func (*Variables) PrefixList ¶
func (vars *Variables) PrefixList(prefix string, qo *QueryOptions) ([]*VariableMetadata, *QueryMeta, error)
PrefixList is used to do a prefix List search over variables.
func (*Variables) Read ¶
Read is used to query a single variable by path. This will error if the variable is not found.
func (*Variables) ReleaseLock ¶
ReleaseLock removes the lock on the given variable.
func (*Variables) RenewLock ¶
func (vars *Variables) RenewLock(v *Variable, qo *WriteOptions) (*VariableMetadata, *WriteMeta, error)
RenewLock renews the lease for the lock on the given variable. It has to be called before the lock's TTL expires or the lock will be automatically released after the delay period.
type Vault ¶
type Vault struct { Policies []string `hcl:"policies,optional"` Role string `hcl:"role,optional"` Namespace *string `mapstructure:"namespace" hcl:"namespace,optional"` Cluster string `hcl:"cluster,optional"` Env *bool `hcl:"env,optional"` DisableFile *bool `mapstructure:"disable_file" hcl:"disable_file,optional"` ChangeMode *string `mapstructure:"change_mode" hcl:"change_mode,optional"` ChangeSignal *string `mapstructure:"change_signal" hcl:"change_signal,optional"` AllowTokenExpiration *bool `mapstructure:"allow_token_expiration" hcl:"allow_token_expiration,optional"` }
func (*Vault) Canonicalize ¶
func (v *Vault) Canonicalize()
type VaultAccessor ¶
type VaultAccessor struct { // AllocID is the ID of the allocation that requested this token. AllocID string // Task is the name of the task that requested this token. Task string // NodeID is the ID of the node running the allocation that requested this // token. NodeID string // Accessor is the Vault ACL token accessor ID. Accessor string // CreationTTL is the TTL set when the token was created. CreationTTL int // CreateIndex is the Raft index when the token was created. CreateIndex uint64 }
VaultAccessor is a Vault ACL token created by Nomad for a task to access Vault using the legacy authentication flow.
type VaultWorkloadIdentityUpgradeCheck ¶
type VaultWorkloadIdentityUpgradeCheck struct { // JobsWithoutVaultIdentity is the list of jobs that have a `vault` block // but do not have an `identity` for Vault. JobsWithoutVaultIdentity []*JobListStub // OutdatedNodes is the list of nodes running a version of Nomad that does // not support workload identities for Vault. OutdatedNodes []*NodeListStub // VaultTokens is the list of Vault ACL token accessors that Nomad created // and will no longer manage after the cluster is migrated to workload // identities. VaultTokens []*VaultAccessor }
VaultWorkloadIdentityUpgradeCheck is the result of verifying if the cluster is ready to switch to workload identities for Vault.
func (*VaultWorkloadIdentityUpgradeCheck) Ready ¶
func (v *VaultWorkloadIdentityUpgradeCheck) Ready() bool
Ready returns true if the cluster is ready to migrate to workload identities with Vault.
type VersionsOptions ¶
type VolumeMount ¶
type VolumeMount struct { Volume *string `hcl:"volume,optional"` Destination *string `hcl:"destination,optional"` ReadOnly *bool `mapstructure:"read_only" hcl:"read_only,optional"` PropagationMode *string `mapstructure:"propagation_mode" hcl:"propagation_mode,optional"` SELinuxLabel *string `mapstructure:"selinux_label" hcl:"selinux_label,optional"` }
VolumeMount represents the relationship between a destination path in a task and the task group volume that should be mounted there.
func (*VolumeMount) Canonicalize ¶
func (vm *VolumeMount) Canonicalize()
type VolumeRequest ¶
type VolumeRequest struct { Name string `hcl:"name,label"` Type string `hcl:"type,optional"` Source string `hcl:"source,optional"` ReadOnly bool `hcl:"read_only,optional"` Sticky bool `hcl:"sticky,optional"` AccessMode string `hcl:"access_mode,optional"` AttachmentMode string `hcl:"attachment_mode,optional"` MountOptions *CSIMountOptions `hcl:"mount_options,block"` PerAlloc bool `hcl:"per_alloc,optional"` ExtraKeysHCL []string `hcl1:",unusedKeys,optional" json:"-"` }
VolumeRequest is a representation of a storage volume that a TaskGroup wishes to use.
type WaitConfig ¶
type WaitConfig struct { Min *time.Duration `mapstructure:"min" hcl:"min"` Max *time.Duration `mapstructure:"max" hcl:"max"` }
WaitConfig is the Min/Max duration to wait for the Consul cluster to reach a consistent state before attempting to render Templates.
func (*WaitConfig) Copy ¶
func (wc *WaitConfig) Copy() *WaitConfig
type WorkloadIdentity ¶
type WorkloadIdentity struct { Name string `hcl:"name,optional"` Audience []string `mapstructure:"aud" hcl:"aud,optional"` ChangeMode string `mapstructure:"change_mode" hcl:"change_mode,optional"` ChangeSignal string `mapstructure:"change_signal" hcl:"change_signal,optional"` Env bool `hcl:"env,optional"` File bool `hcl:"file,optional"` Filepath string `hcl:"filepath,optional"` ServiceName string `hcl:"service_name,optional"` TTL time.Duration `mapstructure:"ttl" hcl:"ttl,optional"` }
WorkloadIdentity is the jobspec block which determines if and how a workload identity is exposed to tasks.
type WriteMeta ¶
type WriteMeta struct { // LastIndex. This can be used as a WaitIndex to perform // a blocking query LastIndex uint64 // How long did the request take RequestTime time.Duration }
WriteMeta is used to return meta data about a write
type WriteOptions ¶
type WriteOptions struct { // Providing a datacenter overwrites the region provided // by the Config Region string // Namespace is the target namespace for the write. Namespace string // AuthToken is the secret ID of an ACL token AuthToken string // Set HTTP headers on the query. Headers map[string]string // IdempotencyToken can be used to ensure the write is idempotent. IdempotencyToken string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
WriteOptions are used to parametrize a write
func (*WriteOptions) Context ¶
func (o *WriteOptions) Context() context.Context
Context returns the context used for canceling HTTP requests related to this write
func (*WriteOptions) SetHeadersFromCSISecrets ¶
func (w *WriteOptions) SetHeadersFromCSISecrets(secrets CSISecrets)
func (*WriteOptions) WithContext ¶
func (o *WriteOptions) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *WriteOptions
WithContext creates a copy of the write options using the provided context to cancel related HTTP requests
type WriteRequest ¶
Source Files
- acl.go
- agent.go
- allocations.go
- allocations_exec.go
- api.go
- constraint.go
- consul.go
- csi.go
- deployments.go
- error_unexpected_response.go
- evaluations.go
- event_stream.go
- fs.go
- host_volume_claims.go
- host_volumes.go
- ioutil.go
- jobs.go
- keyring.go
- locks.go
- namespace.go
- node_meta.go
- node_pools.go
- nodes.go
- operator.go
- operator_autopilot.go
- operator_metrics.go
- quota.go
- raw.go
- recommendations.go
- regions.go
- resources.go
- retry.go
- scaling.go
- search.go
- sentinel.go
- services.go
- status.go
- system.go
- task_sched.go
- tasks.go
- utils.go
- variables.go
Path | Synopsis |
Package contexts provides constants used with the Nomad Search API.
Package contexts provides constants used with the Nomad Search API. |