Versions in this module Expand all Collapse all v4 v4.1.2 Jun 10, 2022 v4.1.1 Jun 10, 2022 Changes in this version + const AttachPipeStderr — linux/amd64 + const AttachPipeStdin — linux/amd64 + const AttachPipeStdout — linux/amd64 + const CgroupfsDefaultCgroupParent + const DefaultWaitInterval + const MaxHealthCheckLogLength + const MaxHealthCheckNumberLogs + const MountPrivate — linux/amd64 + const MountRPrivate — linux/amd64 + const MountRShared — linux/amd64 + const MountRSlave — linux/amd64 + const MountShared — linux/amd64 + const MountSlave — linux/amd64 + const SystemdDefaultCgroupParent + const SystemdDefaultRootlessCgroupParent + var SdNotifyModeValues = []string + func DefaultSeccompPath() (string, error) + func DownloadFromFile(reader *os.File) (string, error) + func FuncTimer(funcName string) + func GenerateForKube(ctx context.Context, ctrs []*Container) (*v1.Pod, error) + func GetSlirp4netnsDNS(subnet *net.IPNet) (*net.IP, error) — linux/amd64 + func GetSlirp4netnsGateway(subnet *net.IPNet) (*net.IP, error) — linux/amd64 + func GetSlirp4netnsIP(subnet *net.IPNet) (*net.IP, error) — linux/amd64 + func JSONDeepCopy(from, to interface{}) error + func LabelVolumePath(path string) error — linux/amd64 + func MountExists(specMounts []spec.Mount, dest string) bool + func SetXdgDirs() error + func TruncateKubeAnnotation(str string) string + func Unmount(mount string) — linux/amd64 + func WaitForFile(path string, chWait chan error, timeout time.Duration) (bool, error) + type AttachOptions struct + AttachReady chan<- bool + DetachKeys *string + InitialSize *define.TerminalSize + Start bool + Started chan<- bool + Streams *define.AttachStreams + type BoltState struct + func (s *BoltState) AddContainer(ctr *Container) error + func (s *BoltState) AddContainerToPod(pod *Pod, ctr *Container) error + func (s *BoltState) AddExecSession(ctr *Container, session *ExecSession) error + func (s *BoltState) AddPod(pod *Pod) error + func (s *BoltState) AddVolume(volume *Volume) error + func (s *BoltState) AllContainers() ([]*Container, error) + func (s *BoltState) AllPods() ([]*Pod, error) + func (s *BoltState) AllVolumes() ([]*Volume, error) + func (s *BoltState) Close() error + func (s *BoltState) Container(id string) (*Container, error) + func (s *BoltState) ContainerInUse(ctr *Container) ([]string, error) + func (s *BoltState) GetContainerConfig(id string) (*ContainerConfig, error) + func (s *BoltState) GetContainerExecSessions(ctr *Container) ([]string, error) + func (s *BoltState) GetDBConfig() (*DBConfig, error) + func (s *BoltState) GetExecSession(id string) (string, error) + func (s *BoltState) GetName(id string) (string, error) + func (s *BoltState) GetNetworks(ctr *Container) (map[string]types.PerNetworkOptions, error) + func (s *BoltState) HasContainer(id string) (bool, error) + func (s *BoltState) HasPod(id string) (bool, error) + func (s *BoltState) HasVolume(name string) (bool, error) + func (s *BoltState) LookupContainer(idOrName string) (*Container, error) + func (s *BoltState) LookupContainerID(idOrName string) (string, error) + func (s *BoltState) LookupPod(idOrName string) (*Pod, error) + func (s *BoltState) LookupVolume(name string) (*Volume, error) + func (s *BoltState) NetworkConnect(ctr *Container, network string, opts types.PerNetworkOptions) error + func (s *BoltState) NetworkDisconnect(ctr *Container, network string) error + func (s *BoltState) Pod(id string) (*Pod, error) + func (s *BoltState) PodContainers(pod *Pod) ([]*Container, error) + func (s *BoltState) PodContainersByID(pod *Pod) ([]string, error) + func (s *BoltState) PodHasContainer(pod *Pod, id string) (bool, error) + func (s *BoltState) Refresh() error + func (s *BoltState) RemoveContainer(ctr *Container) error + func (s *BoltState) RemoveContainerExecSessions(ctr *Container) error + func (s *BoltState) RemoveContainerFromPod(pod *Pod, ctr *Container) error + func (s *BoltState) RemoveExecSession(session *ExecSession) error + func (s *BoltState) RemovePod(pod *Pod) error + func (s *BoltState) RemovePodContainers(pod *Pod) error + func (s *BoltState) RemoveVolume(volume *Volume) error + func (s *BoltState) RewriteContainerConfig(ctr *Container, newCfg *ContainerConfig) error + func (s *BoltState) RewritePodConfig(pod *Pod, newCfg *PodConfig) error + func (s *BoltState) RewriteVolumeConfig(volume *Volume, newCfg *VolumeConfig) error + func (s *BoltState) SafeRewriteContainerConfig(ctr *Container, oldName, newName string, newCfg *ContainerConfig) error + func (s *BoltState) SaveContainer(ctr *Container) error + func (s *BoltState) SavePod(pod *Pod) error + func (s *BoltState) SaveVolume(volume *Volume) error + func (s *BoltState) SetNamespace(ns string) error + func (s *BoltState) UpdateContainer(ctr *Container) error + func (s *BoltState) UpdatePod(pod *Pod) error + func (s *BoltState) UpdateVolume(volume *Volume) error + func (s *BoltState) ValidateDBConfig(runtime *Runtime) error + func (s *BoltState) Volume(name string) (*Volume, error) + func (s *BoltState) VolumeInUse(volume *Volume) ([]string, error) + type ConmonOCIRuntime struct — linux/amd64 + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) Attach(c *Container, params *AttachOptions) error + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) AttachResize(ctr *Container, newSize define.TerminalSize) error + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) AttachSocketPath(ctr *Container) (string, error) + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) CheckConmonRunning(ctr *Container) (bool, error) + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) CheckpointContainer(ctr *Container, options ContainerCheckpointOptions) (int64, error) + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) CreateContainer(ctr *Container, restoreOptions *ContainerCheckpointOptions) (int64, error) + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) DeleteContainer(ctr *Container) error + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) ExecAttachResize(ctr *Container, sessionID string, newSize define.TerminalSize) error + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) ExecAttachSocketPath(ctr *Container, sessionID string) (string, error) + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) ExecContainer(c *Container, sessionID string, options *ExecOptions, ...) (int, chan error, error) + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) ExecContainerDetached(ctr *Container, sessionID string, options *ExecOptions, stdin bool) (int, error) + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) ExecContainerHTTP(ctr *Container, sessionID string, options *ExecOptions, req *http.Request, ...) (int, chan error, error) + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) ExecStopContainer(ctr *Container, sessionID string, timeout uint) error + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) ExecUpdateStatus(ctr *Container, sessionID string) (bool, error) + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) ExitFilePath(ctr *Container) (string, error) + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) HTTPAttach(ctr *Container, req *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter, ...) (deferredErr error) + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) KillContainer(ctr *Container, signal uint, all bool) error + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) Name() string + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) Path() string + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) PauseContainer(ctr *Container) error + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) RuntimeInfo() (*define.ConmonInfo, *define.OCIRuntimeInfo, error) + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) StartContainer(ctr *Container) error + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) StopContainer(ctr *Container, timeout uint, all bool) error + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) SupportsCheckpoint() bool + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) SupportsJSONErrors() bool + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) SupportsKVM() bool + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) SupportsNoCgroups() bool + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) UnpauseContainer(ctr *Container) error + func (r *ConmonOCIRuntime) UpdateContainerStatus(ctr *Container) error + type Container struct + func (c *Container) AddArtifact(name string, data []byte) error + func (c *Container) Attach(streams *define.AttachStreams, keys string, resize <-chan define.TerminalSize) error + func (c *Container) AttachResize(newSize define.TerminalSize) error + func (c *Container) AttachSocketPath() (string, error) + func (c *Container) AutoRemove() bool + func (c *Container) Batch(batchFunc func(*Container) error) error + func (c *Container) BindMounts() (map[string]string, error) + func (c *Container) CgroupManager() string + func (c *Container) CgroupParent() string + func (c *Container) CgroupPath() (string, error) + func (c *Container) ChangeHostPathOwnership(src string, recurse bool, uid, gid int) error + func (c *Container) Checkpoint(ctx context.Context, options ContainerCheckpointOptions) (*define.CRIUCheckpointRestoreStatistics, int64, error) + func (c *Container) CheckpointPath() string + func (c *Container) CheckpointVolumesPath() string + func (c *Container) Cleanup(ctx context.Context) error + func (c *Container) Command() []string + func (c *Container) Commit(ctx context.Context, destImage string, options ContainerCommitOptions) (*libimage.Image, error) + func (c *Container) Config() *ContainerConfig + func (c *Container) ConfigNoCopy() *ContainerConfig + func (c *Container) ConfigWithNetworks() *ContainerConfig + func (c *Container) ConmonPID() (int, error) + func (c *Container) ContainerState() (*ContainerState, error) + func (c *Container) ControlSocketPath() string + func (c *Container) CopyFromArchive(_ context.Context, containerPath string, chown, noOverwriteDirNonDir bool, ...) (func() error, error) + func (c *Container) CopyToArchive(ctx context.Context, containerPath string, tarStream io.Writer) (func() error, error) + func (c *Container) CreatedTime() time.Time + func (c *Container) DNSOption() []string + func (c *Container) DNSSearch() []string + func (c *Container) DNSServers() []net.IP + func (c *Container) Dependencies() []string + func (c *Container) DeviceHostSrc() []spec.LinuxDevice + func (c *Container) Entrypoint() []string + func (c *Container) Exec(config *ExecConfig, streams *define.AttachStreams, ...) (int, error) + func (c *Container) ExecCleanup(sessionID string) error + func (c *Container) ExecCreate(config *ExecConfig) (string, error) + func (c *Container) ExecHTTPStartAndAttach(sessionID string, r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter, ...) error + func (c *Container) ExecRemove(sessionID string, force bool) error + func (c *Container) ExecResize(sessionID string, newSize define.TerminalSize) error + func (c *Container) ExecSession(id string) (*ExecSession, error) + func (c *Container) ExecSessions() ([]string, error) + func (c *Container) ExecStart(sessionID string) error + func (c *Container) ExecStartAndAttach(sessionID string, streams *define.AttachStreams, newSize *define.TerminalSize) error + func (c *Container) ExecStop(sessionID string, timeout *uint) error + func (c *Container) ExitCode() (int32, bool, error) + func (c *Container) Export(path string) error + func (c *Container) FinishedTime() (time.Time, error) + func (c *Container) GetArtifact(name string) ([]byte, error) + func (c *Container) GetContainerPidInformation(descriptors []string) ([]string, error) + func (c *Container) GetContainerStats(previousStats *define.ContainerStats) (*define.ContainerStats, error) + func (c *Container) GetDevices(priv bool, ctrSpec spec.Spec, deviceNodes map[string]string) ([]define.InspectDevice, error) + func (c *Container) GetMounts(namedVolumes []*ContainerNamedVolume, imageVolumes []*ContainerImageVolume, ...) ([]define.InspectMount, error) + func (c *Container) GetSecurityOptions() []string + func (c *Container) HTTPAttach(r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter, streams *HTTPAttachStreams, ...) error + func (c *Container) HasHealthCheck() bool + func (c *Container) HealthCheckConfig() *manifest.Schema2HealthConfig + func (c *Container) HealthCheckStatus() (string, error) + func (c *Container) HostNetwork() bool + func (c *Container) Hostname() string + func (c *Container) HostsAdd() []string + func (c *Container) ID() string + func (c *Container) IDMappings() storage.IDMappingOptions + func (c *Container) Image() (string, string) + func (c *Container) Init(ctx context.Context, recursive bool) error + func (c *Container) Inspect(size bool) (*define.InspectContainerData, error) + func (c *Container) IsInfra() bool + func (c *Container) IsInitCtr() bool + func (c *Container) IsReadOnly() bool + func (c *Container) IsService() bool + func (c *Container) Kill(signal uint) error + func (c *Container) Labels() map[string]string + func (c *Container) LogDriver() string + func (c *Container) LogPath() string + func (c *Container) LogTag() string + func (c *Container) Mount() (string, error) + func (c *Container) MountLabel() string + func (c *Container) Mounted() (bool, string, error) + func (c *Container) Name() string + func (c *Container) NamedVolumes() []*ContainerNamedVolume + func (c *Container) Namespace() string + func (c *Container) NamespacePath(linuxNS LinuxNS) (string, error) + func (c *Container) NetworkConnect(nameOrID, netName string, netOpts types.PerNetworkOptions) error + func (c *Container) NetworkDisabled() (bool, error) + func (c *Container) NetworkDisconnect(nameOrID, netName string, force bool) error + func (c *Container) NetworkMode() string + func (c *Container) Networks() ([]string, error) + func (c *Container) NewNetNS() bool + func (c *Container) OOMKilled() (bool, error) + func (c *Container) PID() (int, error) + func (c *Container) Pause() error + func (c *Container) PodID() string + func (c *Container) PortMappings() ([]types.PortMapping, error) + func (c *Container) PreCheckPointPath() string + func (c *Container) Privileged() bool + func (c *Container) ProcessLabel() string + func (c *Container) RWSize() (int64, error) + func (c *Container) RawImageName() string + func (c *Container) ReadLog(ctx context.Context, options *logs.LogOptions, logChannel chan *logs.LogLine, ...) error + func (c *Container) Refresh(ctx context.Context) error + func (c *Container) ReloadNetwork() error + func (c *Container) RemoveArtifact(name string) error + func (c *Container) RestartPolicy() string + func (c *Container) RestartRetries() uint + func (c *Container) RestartWithTimeout(ctx context.Context, timeout uint) error + func (c *Container) Restore(ctx context.Context, options ContainerCheckpointOptions) (*define.CRIUCheckpointRestoreStatistics, int64, error) + func (c *Container) RootFsSize() (int64, error) + func (c *Container) RootGID() int + func (c *Container) RootUID() int + func (c *Container) Runtime() *Runtime + func (c *Container) RuntimeName() string + func (c *Container) Secrets() []*ContainerSecret + func (c *Container) ShmDir() string + func (c *Container) ShmSize() int64 + func (c *Container) ShouldRestart(ctx context.Context) bool + func (c *Container) SortUserVolumes(ctrSpec *spec.Spec) ([]*ContainerNamedVolume, []spec.Mount) + func (c *Container) Spec() *spec.Spec + func (c *Container) Start(ctx context.Context, recursive bool) error + func (c *Container) StartAndAttach(ctx context.Context, streams *define.AttachStreams, keys string, ...) (<-chan error, error) + func (c *Container) StartedTime() (time.Time, error) + func (c *Container) Stat(ctx context.Context, containerPath string) (*define.FileInfo, error) + func (c *Container) State() (define.ContainerStatus, error) + func (c *Container) StaticDir() string + func (c *Container) Stdin() bool + func (c *Container) Stop() error + func (c *Container) StopSignal() uint + func (c *Container) StopTimeout() uint + func (c *Container) StopWithTimeout(timeout uint) error + func (c *Container) StoppedByUser() (bool, error) + func (c *Container) Sync() error + func (c *Container) Systemd() bool + func (c *Container) Timezone() string + func (c *Container) Top(descriptors []string) ([]string, error) + func (c *Container) Umask() string + func (c *Container) Unmount(force bool) error + func (c *Container) Unpause() error + func (c *Container) User() string + func (c *Container) UserVolumes() []string + func (c *Container) Wait(ctx context.Context) (int32, error) + func (c *Container) WaitForConditionWithInterval(ctx context.Context, waitTimeout time.Duration, ...) (int32, error) + func (c *Container) WaitWithInterval(ctx context.Context, waitTimeout time.Duration) (int32, error) + func (c *Container) WorkingDir() string + type ContainerCheckpointOptions struct + CheckpointImageID string + Compression archive.Compression + CreateImage string + FileLocks bool + IgnoreRootfs bool + IgnoreStaticIP bool + IgnoreStaticMAC bool + IgnoreVolumes bool + ImportPrevious string + Keep bool + KeepRunning bool + Name string + Pod string + PreCheckPoint bool + PrintStats bool + TCPEstablished bool + TargetFile string + WithPrevious bool + type ContainerCommitOptions struct + Author string + Changes []string + IncludeVolumes bool + Message string + Pause bool + Squash bool + type ContainerConfig struct + CreateCommand []string + Dependencies []string + ID string + IDMappings storage.IDMappingOptions + LockID uint32 + Name string + Namespace string + Pod string + RawImageName string + Spec *spec.Spec + type ContainerFilter func(*Container) bool + type ContainerGraph struct + func BuildContainerGraph(ctrs []*Container) (*ContainerGraph, error) + func (cg *ContainerGraph) DependencyMap() (dependencies map[*Container][]*Container) + type ContainerImageConfig struct + Command []string + Entrypoint []string + UserVolumes []string + type ContainerImageVolume struct + Dest string + ReadWrite bool + Source string + type ContainerInfo struct + Config *v1.Image + Dir string + GIDMap []idtools.IDMap + MountLabel string + ProcessLabel string + RunDir string + UIDMap []idtools.IDMap + type ContainerMiscConfig struct + CDIDevices []string + CgroupManager string + CgroupParent string + CgroupsMode string + ConmonPidFile string + CreatedTime time.Time + DeviceHostSrc []spec.LinuxDevice + EnvSecrets map[string]*secrets.Secret + HealthCheckConfig *manifest.Schema2HealthConfig + InitContainerType string + IsInfra bool + IsService bool + Labels map[string]string + LogDriver string + LogPath string + LogSize int64 + LogTag string + MountAllDevices bool + NoCgroups bool + OCIRuntime string + PasswdEntry string + PidFile string + PostConfigureNetNS bool + PreserveFDs uint + RestartPolicy string + RestartRetries uint + SdNotifyMode string + Stdin bool + StopSignal uint + StopTimeout uint + Systemd *bool + Timeout uint + Timezone string + Umask string + type ContainerNameSpaceConfig struct + CgroupNsCtr string + IPCNsCtr string + MountNsCtr string + NetNsCtr string + PIDNsCtr string + UTSNsCtr string + UserNsCtr string + type ContainerNamedVolume struct + Dest string + Name string + Options []string + type ContainerNetworkConfig struct + CreateNetNS bool + DNSOption []string + DNSSearch []string + DNSServer []net.IP + ExposedPorts map[uint16][]string + HostAdd []string + NetMode namespaces.NetworkMode + NetworkOptions map[string][]string + Networks map[string]types.PerNetworkOptions + NetworksDeprecated []string + OldPortMappings []types.OCICNIPortMapping + PortMappings []types.PortMapping + StaticIP net.IP + StaticMAC types.HardwareAddr + UseImageHosts bool + UseImageResolvConf bool + type ContainerNetworkDescriptions map[string]int + type ContainerOverlayVolume struct + Dest string + Options []string + Source string + type ContainerRootFSConfig struct + ChrootDirs []string + CreateWorkingDir bool + ImageVolumes []*ContainerImageVolume + Mounts []string + NamedVolumes []*ContainerNamedVolume + NoShm bool + NoShmShare bool + OverlayVolumes []*ContainerOverlayVolume + Passwd *bool + Rootfs string + RootfsImageID string + RootfsImageName string + RootfsOverlay bool + Secrets []*ContainerSecret + SecretsPath string + ShmDir string + ShmSize int64 + StaticDir string + StorageOpts map[string]string + Volatile bool + type ContainerSecret struct + GID uint32 + Mode uint32 + Target string + UID uint32 + type ContainerSecurityConfig struct + AddCurrentUserPasswdEntry bool + Groups []string + HostUsers []string + LabelOpts []string + MountLabel string + Privileged bool + ProcessLabel string + User string + type ContainerState struct + BindMounts map[string]string + CheckpointLog string + CheckpointPath string + Checkpointed bool + CheckpointedTime time.Time + ConfigPath string + ConmonPID int + ExecSessions map[string]*ExecSession + ExitCode int32 + Exited bool + ExtensionStageHooks map[string][]spec.Hook + FinishedTime time.Time + LegacyExecSessions map[string]*legacyExecSession + Mounted bool + Mountpoint string + NetInterfaceDescriptions ContainerNetworkDescriptions + NetworkStatus map[string]types.StatusBlock + NetworkStatusOld []*types040.Result + OOMKilled bool + PID int + RestartCount uint + RestartPolicyMatch bool + RestoreLog string + Restored bool + RestoredTime time.Time + RunDir string + Service Service + StartedTime time.Time + State define.ContainerStatus + StoppedByUser bool + type CtrCreateOption func(*Container) error + func WithAddCurrentUserPasswdEntry() CtrCreateOption + func WithCDI(devices []string) CtrCreateOption + func WithCgroupNSFrom(nsCtr *Container) CtrCreateOption + func WithCgroupParent(parent string) CtrCreateOption + func WithCgroupsMode(mode string) CtrCreateOption + func WithChrootDirs(dirs []string) CtrCreateOption + func WithCommand(command []string) CtrCreateOption + func WithConmonPidFile(path string) CtrCreateOption + func WithCreateCommand(cmd []string) CtrCreateOption + func WithCreateWorkingDir() CtrCreateOption + func WithCtrNamespace(ns string) CtrCreateOption + func WithDNS(dnsServers []string) CtrCreateOption + func WithDNSOption(dnsOptions []string) CtrCreateOption + func WithDNSSearch(searchDomains []string) CtrCreateOption + func WithDependencyCtrs(ctrs []*Container) CtrCreateOption + func WithEntrypoint(entrypoint []string) CtrCreateOption + func WithEnvSecrets(envSecrets map[string]string) CtrCreateOption + func WithGroups(groups []string) CtrCreateOption + func WithHealthCheck(healthCheck *manifest.Schema2HealthConfig) CtrCreateOption + func WithHostDevice(dev []specs.LinuxDevice) CtrCreateOption + func WithHostUsers(hostUsers []string) CtrCreateOption + func WithHosts(hosts []string) CtrCreateOption + func WithIDMappings(idmappings storage.IDMappingOptions) CtrCreateOption + func WithIPCNSFrom(nsCtr *Container) CtrCreateOption + func WithImageVolumes(volumes []*ContainerImageVolume) CtrCreateOption + func WithInfraConfig(compatibleOptions InfraInherit) CtrCreateOption + func WithInitCtrType(containerType string) CtrCreateOption + func WithIsService() CtrCreateOption + func WithLabels(labels map[string]string) CtrCreateOption + func WithLogDriver(driver string) CtrCreateOption + func WithLogPath(path string) CtrCreateOption + func WithLogTag(tag string) CtrCreateOption + func WithMaxLogSize(limit int64) CtrCreateOption + func WithMountAllDevices() CtrCreateOption + func WithMountNSFrom(nsCtr *Container) CtrCreateOption + func WithName(name string) CtrCreateOption + func WithNamedVolumes(volumes []*ContainerNamedVolume) CtrCreateOption + func WithNetNS(portMappings []nettypes.PortMapping, exposedPorts map[uint16][]string, ...) CtrCreateOption + func WithNetNSFrom(nsCtr *Container) CtrCreateOption + func WithNetworkOptions(options map[string][]string) CtrCreateOption + func WithNoShm(mount bool) CtrCreateOption + func WithNoShmShare(share bool) CtrCreateOption + func WithOverlayVolumes(volumes []*ContainerOverlayVolume) CtrCreateOption + func WithPIDNSFrom(nsCtr *Container) CtrCreateOption + func WithPasswdEntry(passwdEntry string) CtrCreateOption + func WithPidFile(pidFile string) CtrCreateOption + func WithPreserveFDs(fd uint) CtrCreateOption + func WithPrivileged(privileged bool) CtrCreateOption + func WithRestartPolicy(policy string) CtrCreateOption + func WithRestartRetries(tries uint) CtrCreateOption + func WithRootFS(rootfs string, overlay bool) CtrCreateOption + func WithRootFSFromImage(imageID, imageName, rawImageName string) CtrCreateOption + func WithSdNotifyMode(mode string) CtrCreateOption + func WithSecLabels(labelOpts []string) CtrCreateOption + func WithSecrets(containerSecrets []*ContainerSecret) CtrCreateOption + func WithSelectedPasswordManagement(passwd *bool) CtrCreateOption + func WithShmDir(dir string) CtrCreateOption + func WithShmSize(size int64) CtrCreateOption + func WithStdin() CtrCreateOption + func WithStopSignal(signal syscall.Signal) CtrCreateOption + func WithStopTimeout(timeout uint) CtrCreateOption + func WithStorageOpts(storageOpts map[string]string) CtrCreateOption + func WithSystemd() CtrCreateOption + func WithTimeout(timeout uint) CtrCreateOption + func WithTimezone(path string) CtrCreateOption + func WithUTSNSFrom(nsCtr *Container) CtrCreateOption + func WithUTSNSFromPod(p *Pod) CtrCreateOption + func WithUmask(umask string) CtrCreateOption + func WithUseImageHosts() CtrCreateOption + func WithUseImageResolvConf() CtrCreateOption + func WithUser(user string) CtrCreateOption + func WithUserNSFrom(nsCtr *Container) CtrCreateOption + func WithUserVolumes(volumes []string) CtrCreateOption + func WithVolatile() CtrCreateOption + type DBConfig struct + GraphDriver string + LibpodRoot string + LibpodTmp string + StorageRoot string + StorageTmp string + VolumePath string + type ExecConfig struct + AttachStderr bool + AttachStdin bool + AttachStdout bool + Command []string + DetachKeys *string + Environment map[string]string + ExitCommand []string + ExitCommandDelay uint + PreserveFDs uint + Privileged bool + Terminal bool + User string + WorkDir string + type ExecOptions struct + Cmd []string + Cwd string + DetachKeys *string + Env map[string]string + ExitCommand []string + ExitCommandDelay uint + PreserveFDs uint + Privileged bool + Streams *define.AttachStreams + Terminal bool + User string + type ExecSession struct + Config *ExecConfig + ContainerId string + ExitCode int + Id string + PID int + State define.ContainerExecStatus + func (e *ExecSession) ContainerID() string + func (e *ExecSession) ID() string + func (e *ExecSession) Inspect() (*define.InspectExecSession, error) + type HTTPAttachStreams struct + Stderr bool + Stdin bool + Stdout bool + type InfraInherit struct + ApparmorProfile string + CapAdd []string + CapDrop []string + HostDeviceList []spec.LinuxDevice + ImageVolumes []*specgen.ImageVolume + InfraResources *spec.LinuxResources + Mounts []spec.Mount + NoNewPrivileges bool + OverlayVolumes []*specgen.OverlayVolume + SeccompPolicy string + SeccompProfilePath string + SelinuxOpts []string + Volumes []*specgen.NamedVolume + type LinuxNS int + const CgroupNS + const IPCNS + const InvalidNS + const MountNS + const NetNS + const PIDNS + const UTSNS + const UserNS + func (ns LinuxNS) String() string + type MissingRuntime struct + func (r *MissingRuntime) Attach(ctr *Container, params *AttachOptions) error + func (r *MissingRuntime) AttachResize(ctr *Container, newSize define.TerminalSize) error + func (r *MissingRuntime) AttachSocketPath(ctr *Container) (string, error) + func (r *MissingRuntime) CheckConmonRunning(ctr *Container) (bool, error) + func (r *MissingRuntime) CheckpointContainer(ctr *Container, options ContainerCheckpointOptions) (int64, error) + func (r *MissingRuntime) CreateContainer(ctr *Container, restoreOptions *ContainerCheckpointOptions) (int64, error) + func (r *MissingRuntime) DeleteContainer(ctr *Container) error + func (r *MissingRuntime) ExecAttachResize(ctr *Container, sessionID string, newSize define.TerminalSize) error + func (r *MissingRuntime) ExecAttachSocketPath(ctr *Container, sessionID string) (string, error) + func (r *MissingRuntime) ExecContainer(ctr *Container, sessionID string, options *ExecOptions, ...) (int, chan error, error) + func (r *MissingRuntime) ExecContainerDetached(ctr *Container, sessionID string, options *ExecOptions, stdin bool) (int, error) + func (r *MissingRuntime) ExecContainerHTTP(ctr *Container, sessionID string, options *ExecOptions, req *http.Request, ...) (int, chan error, error) + func (r *MissingRuntime) ExecStopContainer(ctr *Container, sessionID string, timeout uint) error + func (r *MissingRuntime) ExecUpdateStatus(ctr *Container, sessionID string) (bool, error) + func (r *MissingRuntime) ExitFilePath(ctr *Container) (string, error) + func (r *MissingRuntime) HTTPAttach(ctr *Container, req *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter, ...) error + func (r *MissingRuntime) KillContainer(ctr *Container, signal uint, all bool) error + func (r *MissingRuntime) Name() string + func (r *MissingRuntime) Path() string + func (r *MissingRuntime) PauseContainer(ctr *Container) error + func (r *MissingRuntime) RuntimeInfo() (*define.ConmonInfo, *define.OCIRuntimeInfo, error) + func (r *MissingRuntime) StartContainer(ctr *Container) error + func (r *MissingRuntime) StopContainer(ctr *Container, timeout uint, all bool) error + func (r *MissingRuntime) SupportsCheckpoint() bool + func (r *MissingRuntime) SupportsJSONErrors() bool + func (r *MissingRuntime) SupportsKVM() bool + func (r *MissingRuntime) SupportsNoCgroups() bool + func (r *MissingRuntime) UnpauseContainer(ctr *Container) error + func (r *MissingRuntime) UpdateContainerStatus(ctr *Container) error + type OCIRuntime interface + Attach func(ctr *Container, params *AttachOptions) error + AttachResize func(ctr *Container, newSize define.TerminalSize) error + AttachSocketPath func(ctr *Container) (string, error) + CheckConmonRunning func(ctr *Container) (bool, error) + CheckpointContainer func(ctr *Container, options ContainerCheckpointOptions) (int64, error) + CreateContainer func(ctr *Container, restoreOptions *ContainerCheckpointOptions) (int64, error) + DeleteContainer func(ctr *Container) error + ExecAttachResize func(ctr *Container, sessionID string, newSize define.TerminalSize) error + ExecAttachSocketPath func(ctr *Container, sessionID string) (string, error) + ExecContainer func(ctr *Container, sessionID string, options *ExecOptions, ...) (int, chan error, error) + ExecContainerDetached func(ctr *Container, sessionID string, options *ExecOptions, stdin bool) (int, error) + ExecContainerHTTP func(ctr *Container, sessionID string, options *ExecOptions, r *http.Request, ...) (int, chan error, error) + ExecStopContainer func(ctr *Container, sessionID string, timeout uint) error + ExecUpdateStatus func(ctr *Container, sessionID string) (bool, error) + ExitFilePath func(ctr *Container) (string, error) + HTTPAttach func(ctr *Container, r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter, ...) error + KillContainer func(ctr *Container, signal uint, all bool) error + Name func() string + Path func() string + PauseContainer func(ctr *Container) error + RuntimeInfo func() (*define.ConmonInfo, *define.OCIRuntimeInfo, error) + StartContainer func(ctr *Container) error + StopContainer func(ctr *Container, timeout uint, all bool) error + SupportsCheckpoint func() bool + SupportsJSONErrors func() bool + SupportsKVM func() bool + SupportsNoCgroups func() bool + UnpauseContainer func(ctr *Container) error + UpdateContainerStatus func(ctr *Container) error + type Pod struct + func (p *Pod) AllContainers() ([]*Container, error) + func (p *Pod) AllContainersByID() ([]string, error) + func (p *Pod) CPUPeriod() uint64 + func (p *Pod) CPUQuota() int64 + func (p *Pod) CgroupParent() string + func (p *Pod) CgroupPath() (string, error) + func (p *Pod) Cleanup(ctx context.Context) (map[string]error, error) + func (p *Pod) CreateCommand() []string + func (p *Pod) CreatedTime() time.Time + func (p *Pod) GenerateForKube(ctx context.Context) (*v1.Pod, []v1.ServicePort, error) + func (p *Pod) GetPodPidInformation(descriptors []string) ([]string, error) + func (p *Pod) GetPodStats(previousContainerStats map[string]*define.ContainerStats) (map[string]*define.ContainerStats, error) + func (p *Pod) GetPodStatus() (string, error) + func (p *Pod) HasContainer(id string) (bool, error) + func (p *Pod) HasInfraContainer() bool + func (p *Pod) Hostname() string + func (p *Pod) ID() string + func (p *Pod) InfraContainer() (*Container, error) + func (p *Pod) InfraContainerID() (string, error) + func (p *Pod) Inspect() (*define.InspectPodData, error) + func (p *Pod) Kill(ctx context.Context, signal uint) (map[string]error, error) + func (p *Pod) Labels() map[string]string + func (p *Pod) Name() string + func (p *Pod) Namespace() string + func (p *Pod) NetworkMode() string + func (p *Pod) Pause(ctx context.Context) (map[string]error, error) + func (p *Pod) PidMode() string + func (p *Pod) ProcessLabel() (string, error) + func (p *Pod) ResourceLim() *specs.LinuxResources + func (p *Pod) Restart(ctx context.Context) (map[string]error, error) + func (p *Pod) ServiceContainer() (*Container, error) + func (p *Pod) SharesCgroup() bool + func (p *Pod) SharesIPC() bool + func (p *Pod) SharesMount() bool + func (p *Pod) SharesNamespaces() bool + func (p *Pod) SharesNet() bool + func (p *Pod) SharesPID() bool + func (p *Pod) SharesUTS() bool + func (p *Pod) SharesUser() bool + func (p *Pod) Start(ctx context.Context) (map[string]error, error) + func (p *Pod) Status() (map[string]define.ContainerStatus, error) + func (p *Pod) Stop(ctx context.Context, cleanup bool) (map[string]error, error) + func (p *Pod) StopWithTimeout(ctx context.Context, cleanup bool, timeout int) (map[string]error, error) + func (p *Pod) Unpause(ctx context.Context) (map[string]error, error) + func (p *Pod) UserNSMode() string + func (p *Pod) VolumesFrom() []string + type PodConfig struct + CgroupParent string + CreateCommand []string + CreatedTime time.Time + ExitPolicy config.PodExitPolicy + HasInfra bool + Hostname string + ID string + Labels map[string]string + LockID uint32 + Name string + Namespace string + ServiceContainerID string + UsePodCgroup bool + UsePodCgroupNS bool + UsePodIPC bool + UsePodMount bool + UsePodNet bool + UsePodPID bool + UsePodUTS bool + UsePodUser bool + type PodContainerStats struct + ContainerStats map[string]*define.ContainerStats + Pod *Pod + type PodCreateOption func(*Pod) error + func WithInfraConmonPidFile(path string, infraSpec *specgen.SpecGenerator) PodCreateOption + func WithInfraContainer() PodCreateOption + func WithPodCgroup() PodCreateOption + func WithPodCgroupParent(path string) PodCreateOption + func WithPodCreateCommand(createCmd []string) PodCreateOption + func WithPodExitPolicy(policy string) PodCreateOption + func WithPodHostname(hostname string) PodCreateOption + func WithPodIPC() PodCreateOption + func WithPodLabels(labels map[string]string) PodCreateOption + func WithPodMount() PodCreateOption + func WithPodName(name string) PodCreateOption + func WithPodNamespace(ns string) PodCreateOption + func WithPodNet() PodCreateOption + func WithPodPID() PodCreateOption + func WithPodParent() PodCreateOption + func WithPodUTS() PodCreateOption + func WithPodUser() PodCreateOption + func WithServiceContainer(id string) PodCreateOption + type PodFilter func(*Pod) bool + type RootlessNetNS struct — linux/amd64 + Lock lockfile.Locker + func (r *RootlessNetNS) Cleanup(runtime *Runtime) error + func (r *RootlessNetNS) Do(toRun func() error) error + type Runtime struct + func NewRuntime(ctx context.Context, options ...RuntimeOption) (*Runtime, error) + func NewRuntimeFromConfig(ctx context.Context, userConfig *config.Config, options ...RuntimeOption) (*Runtime, error) + func (r *Runtime) AddInfra(ctx context.Context, pod *Pod, infraCtr *Container) (*Pod, error) + func (r *Runtime) Build(ctx context.Context, options buildahDefine.BuildOptions, dockerfiles ...string) (string, reference.Canonical, error) + func (r *Runtime) ConnectContainerToNetwork(nameOrID, netName string, netOpts types.PerNetworkOptions) error + func (r *Runtime) DefaultOCIRuntime() OCIRuntime + func (r *Runtime) DeferredShutdown(force bool) + func (r *Runtime) DisconnectContainerFromNetwork(nameOrID, netName string, force bool) error + func (r *Runtime) EnableLabeling() bool + func (r *Runtime) Events(ctx context.Context, options events.ReadOptions) error + func (r *Runtime) EvictContainer(ctx context.Context, idOrName string, removeVolume bool) (string, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetAllContainers() ([]*Container, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetAllPods() ([]*Pod, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetAllVolumes() ([]*Volume, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetConfig() (*config.Config, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetConfigNoCopy() (*config.Config, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetContainer(id string) (*Container, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetContainers(filters ...ContainerFilter) ([]*Container, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetContainersByList(containers []string) ([]*Container, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetDefaultNetworkName() string + func (r *Runtime) GetDiff(from, to string, diffType define.DiffType) ([]archive.Change, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetEvents(ctx context.Context, filters []string) ([]*events.Event, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetExecDiedEvent(ctx context.Context, nameOrID, execSessionID string) (*events.Event, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetExecSessionContainer(id string) (*Container, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetHostDistributionInfo() define.DistributionInfo + func (r *Runtime) GetLastContainerEvent(ctx context.Context, nameOrID string, containerEvent events.Status) (*events.Event, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetLatestContainer() (*Container, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetLatestPod() (*Pod, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetName(id string) (string, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetOCIRuntimePath() string + func (r *Runtime) GetPod(id string) (*Pod, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetRootlessNetNs(new bool) (*RootlessNetNS, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetRunningContainers() ([]*Container, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetRunningPods() ([]*Pod, error) + func (r *Runtime) GetSecretsStorageDir() string + func (r *Runtime) GetVolume(name string) (*Volume, error) + func (r *Runtime) HasContainer(id string) (bool, error) + func (r *Runtime) HasPod(id string) (bool, error) + func (r *Runtime) HasVolume(name string) (bool, error) + func (r *Runtime) HealthCheck(name string) (define.HealthCheckStatus, error) + func (r *Runtime) Info() (*define.Info, error) + func (r *Runtime) IsBuildahContainer(id string) (bool, error) + func (r *Runtime) IsExternalContainerCallback(_ context.Context) libimage.IsExternalContainerFunc + func (r *Runtime) IsStorageContainerMounted(id string) (bool, string, error) + func (r *Runtime) LibimageRuntime() *libimage.Runtime + func (r *Runtime) ListStorageContainers() ([]*StorageContainer, error) + func (r *Runtime) Log(ctx context.Context, containers []*Container, options *logs.LogOptions, ...) error + func (r *Runtime) LookupContainer(idOrName string) (*Container, error) + func (r *Runtime) LookupContainerID(idOrName string) (string, error) + func (r *Runtime) LookupPod(idOrName string) (*Pod, error) + func (r *Runtime) LookupVolume(name string) (*Volume, error) + func (r *Runtime) MountStorageContainer(id string) (string, error) + func (r *Runtime) Network() nettypes.ContainerNetwork + func (r *Runtime) NewContainer(ctx context.Context, rSpec *spec.Spec, spec *specgen.SpecGenerator, infra bool, ...) (*Container, error) + func (r *Runtime) NewPod(ctx context.Context, p specgen.PodSpecGenerator, options ...PodCreateOption) (_ *Pod, deferredErr error) + func (r *Runtime) NewSystemEvent(status events.Status) + func (r *Runtime) NewVolume(ctx context.Context, options ...VolumeCreateOption) (*Volume, error) + func (r *Runtime) Pods(filters ...PodFilter) ([]*Pod, error) + func (r *Runtime) PrepareVolumeOnCreateContainer(ctx context.Context, ctr *Container) error + func (r *Runtime) PruneContainers(filterFuncs []ContainerFilter) ([]*reports.PruneReport, error) + func (r *Runtime) PrunePods(ctx context.Context) (map[string]error, error) + func (r *Runtime) PruneVolumes(ctx context.Context, filterFuncs []VolumeFilter) ([]*reports.PruneReport, error) + func (r *Runtime) Reload() error + func (r *Runtime) RemoteURI() string + func (r *Runtime) RemoveContainer(ctx context.Context, c *Container, force bool, removeVolume bool, ...) error + func (r *Runtime) RemoveContainersForImageCallback(ctx context.Context) libimage.RemoveContainerFunc + func (r *Runtime) RemoveDepend(ctx context.Context, rmCtr *Container, force bool, removeVolume bool, ...) ([]*reports.RmReport, error) + func (r *Runtime) RemovePod(ctx context.Context, p *Pod, removeCtrs, force bool, timeout *uint) error + func (r *Runtime) RemoveStorageContainer(idOrName string, force bool) error + func (r *Runtime) RemoveVolume(ctx context.Context, v *Volume, force bool, timeout *uint) error + func (r *Runtime) RenameContainer(ctx context.Context, ctr *Container, newName string) (*Container, error) + func (r *Runtime) RestoreContainer(ctx context.Context, rSpec *spec.Spec, config *ContainerConfig) (*Container, error) + func (r *Runtime) RunRoot() string + func (r *Runtime) SavePod(pod *Pod) error + func (r *Runtime) SecretsManager() (*secrets.SecretsManager, error) + func (r *Runtime) SetRemoteURI(uri string) + func (r *Runtime) Shutdown(force bool) error + func (r *Runtime) StorageConfig() storage.StoreOptions + func (r *Runtime) StorageContainer(idOrName string) (*storage.Container, error) + func (r *Runtime) StorageContainers() ([]storage.Container, error) + func (r *Runtime) SystemContext() *types.SystemContext + func (r *Runtime) TmpDir() (string, error) + func (r *Runtime) UnmountStorageContainer(id string, force bool) (bool, error) + func (r *Runtime) Volumes(filters ...VolumeFilter) ([]*Volume, error) + func (r *Runtime) WithPod(pod *Pod) CtrCreateOption + type RuntimeContainerMetadata struct + ContainerName string + CreatedAt int64 + ImageID string + ImageName string + MountLabel string + func (metadata *RuntimeContainerMetadata) SetMountLabel(mountLabel string) + type RuntimeOption func(*Runtime) error + func WithCNIConfigDir(dir string) RuntimeOption + func WithCNIPluginDir(dir string) RuntimeOption + func WithCgroupManager(manager string) RuntimeOption + func WithConmonEnv(environment []string) RuntimeOption + func WithConmonPath(path string) RuntimeOption + func WithDefaultInfraCommand(cmd string) RuntimeOption + func WithDefaultMountsFile(mountsFile string) RuntimeOption + func WithEnableSDNotify() RuntimeOption + func WithEventsLogger(logger string) RuntimeOption + func WithHooksDir(hooksDirs ...string) RuntimeOption + func WithMigrate() RuntimeOption + func WithMigrateRuntime(requestedRuntime string) RuntimeOption + func WithNamespace(ns string) RuntimeOption + func WithNetworkBackend(name string) RuntimeOption + func WithNetworkCmdPath(path string) RuntimeOption + func WithNoPivotRoot() RuntimeOption + func WithNoStore() RuntimeOption + func WithOCIRuntime(runtime string) RuntimeOption + func WithRegistriesConf(path string) RuntimeOption + func WithRenumber() RuntimeOption + func WithReset() RuntimeOption + func WithRuntimeFlags(runtimeFlags []string) RuntimeOption + func WithSignaturePolicy(path string) RuntimeOption + func WithStaticDir(dir string) RuntimeOption + func WithStorageConfig(config storage.StoreOptions) RuntimeOption + func WithSyslog() RuntimeOption + func WithTmpDir(dir string) RuntimeOption + func WithVolumePath(volPath string) RuntimeOption + type Service struct + Pods []string + type State interface + AddContainer func(ctr *Container) error + AddContainerToPod func(pod *Pod, ctr *Container) error + AddExecSession func(ctr *Container, session *ExecSession) error + AddPod func(pod *Pod) error + AddVolume func(volume *Volume) error + AllContainers func() ([]*Container, error) + AllPods func() ([]*Pod, error) + AllVolumes func() ([]*Volume, error) + Close func() error + Container func(id string) (*Container, error) + ContainerInUse func(ctr *Container) ([]string, error) + GetContainerConfig func(id string) (*ContainerConfig, error) + GetContainerExecSessions func(ctr *Container) ([]string, error) + GetDBConfig func() (*DBConfig, error) + GetExecSession func(id string) (string, error) + GetName func(id string) (string, error) + GetNetworks func(ctr *Container) (map[string]types.PerNetworkOptions, error) + HasContainer func(id string) (bool, error) + HasPod func(id string) (bool, error) + HasVolume func(volName string) (bool, error) + LookupContainer func(idOrName string) (*Container, error) + LookupContainerID func(idOrName string) (string, error) + LookupPod func(idOrName string) (*Pod, error) + LookupVolume func(name string) (*Volume, error) + NetworkConnect func(ctr *Container, network string, opts types.PerNetworkOptions) error + NetworkDisconnect func(ctr *Container, network string) error + Pod func(id string) (*Pod, error) + PodContainers func(pod *Pod) ([]*Container, error) + PodContainersByID func(pod *Pod) ([]string, error) + PodHasContainer func(pod *Pod, ctrID string) (bool, error) + Refresh func() error + RemoveContainer func(ctr *Container) error + RemoveContainerExecSessions func(ctr *Container) error + RemoveContainerFromPod func(pod *Pod, ctr *Container) error + RemoveExecSession func(session *ExecSession) error + RemovePod func(pod *Pod) error + RemovePodContainers func(pod *Pod) error + RemoveVolume func(volume *Volume) error + RewriteContainerConfig func(ctr *Container, newCfg *ContainerConfig) error + RewritePodConfig func(pod *Pod, newCfg *PodConfig) error + RewriteVolumeConfig func(volume *Volume, newCfg *VolumeConfig) error + SafeRewriteContainerConfig func(ctr *Container, oldName, newName string, newCfg *ContainerConfig) error + SaveContainer func(ctr *Container) error + SavePod func(pod *Pod) error + SaveVolume func(volume *Volume) error + SetNamespace func(ns string) error + UpdateContainer func(ctr *Container) error + UpdatePod func(pod *Pod) error + UpdateVolume func(volume *Volume) error + ValidateDBConfig func(runtime *Runtime) error + Volume func(volName string) (*Volume, error) + VolumeInUse func(volume *Volume) ([]string, error) + func NewBoltState(path string, runtime *Runtime) (State, error) + type StorageContainer struct + CreateTime time.Time + ID string + Image string + Names []string + PresentInLibpod bool + type Volume struct + func (v *Volume) Anonymous() bool + func (v *Volume) Config() (*VolumeConfig, error) + func (v *Volume) CreatedTime() time.Time + func (v *Volume) Driver() string + func (v *Volume) GID() (int, error) + func (v *Volume) GenerateForKube() *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim + func (v *Volume) Inspect() (*define.InspectVolumeData, error) + func (v *Volume) IsDangling() (bool, error) + func (v *Volume) Labels() map[string]string + func (v *Volume) Mount() (string, error) + func (v *Volume) MountCount() (uint, error) + func (v *Volume) MountPoint() (string, error) + func (v *Volume) Name() string + func (v *Volume) Options() map[string]string + func (v *Volume) Scope() string + func (v *Volume) Size() (uint64, error) + func (v *Volume) UID() (int, error) + func (v *Volume) Unmount() error + func (v *Volume) UsesVolumeDriver() bool + func (v *Volume) VolumeInUse() ([]string, error) + type VolumeConfig struct + CreatedTime time.Time + DisableQuota bool + Driver string + GID int + Inodes uint64 + IsAnon bool + Labels map[string]string + LockID uint32 + MountPoint string + Name string + Options map[string]string + Size uint64 + UID int + type VolumeCreateOption func(*Volume) error + func WithVolumeDisableQuota() VolumeCreateOption + func WithVolumeDriver(driver string) VolumeCreateOption + func WithVolumeGID(gid int) VolumeCreateOption + func WithVolumeInodes(inodes uint64) VolumeCreateOption + func WithVolumeLabels(labels map[string]string) VolumeCreateOption + func WithVolumeName(name string) VolumeCreateOption + func WithVolumeNoChown() VolumeCreateOption + func WithVolumeOptions(options map[string]string) VolumeCreateOption + func WithVolumeSize(size uint64) VolumeCreateOption + func WithVolumeUID(uid int) VolumeCreateOption + type VolumeFilter func(*Volume) bool + type VolumeState struct + GIDChowned int + MountCount uint + MountPoint string + NeedsChown bool + NeedsCopyUp bool + UIDChowned int + type YAMLContainer struct + Resources *v1.ResourceRequirements + type YAMLPod struct + Spec *YAMLPodSpec + Status *v1.PodStatus + func ConvertV1PodToYAMLPod(pod *v1.Pod) *YAMLPod + type YAMLPodSpec struct + Containers []*YAMLContainer + type YAMLService struct + Status *v1.ServiceStatus + func GenerateKubeServiceFromV1Pod(pod *v1.Pod, servicePorts []v1.ServicePort) (YAMLService, error) Other modules containing this package