Simple kafka test consumer in go. Since this is a test app, every time the consumer is run, it creates a fake group and consumer id using the unix epoch ts in milliseconds.
For now it only works with SSL kafka servers, so the related cli flags are mandatory.
There's available modes to read kafka messages:
- By default, the kafka messages are read, polling evey second, and messages are marshalled to json objects.
- If --ce-mode flag is provided, the kafka messages are decoded as Cloud Events using their sdk-go lib.
Check the prorgam's help (--help) for the available cli flags.
Build kafka-consumer
go build -o kafka-consumer .
CLI flags
$ ./kafka-consumer --help
Usage of ./kafka-consumer:
-bootstrap-server string
boot-strap server name/ip
-ca-crt-file string
ca.crt file location for SSL authentication
CloudEvents mode. If set, kafka messages will be decoded as CloudEvents.
-ce-type-filters string
comma separated list of cloud events' type filter regexes. Only events with matching types will be shown.
-client-crt-file string
client.crt file location for SSL authentication
-port int
bootstrap server port, defaulted to 9093 if not provided (default 9093)
-ssl-key-file string
client.key file location for SSL authentication
-topic string
kafka topic to consume
The docker container image (see Dockerfile) with the kafka-consumer app can be downloaded from greyerof's quay repo here with:
podman pull quay.io/greyerof/kafka-consumer:v0.0.1