
v1.0.1-pre Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 1, 2024 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 1 Imported by: 0




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type AppInfoResponse

type AppInfoResponse struct {
	Version   string         `json:"version"`
	BuildTime string         `json:"buildTime"`
	GoVersion string         `json:"goVersion"`
	Git       GitResponse    `json:"git"`
	Server    ServerResponse `json:"server"`

} // @Name AppInfo

type ClientTokenResponse

type ClientTokenResponse struct {
	AccessToken      string `json:"access_token"`
	IDToken          string `json:"id_token"`
	ExpiresIn        int    `json:"expires_in"`
	RefreshExpiresIn int    `json:"refresh_expires_in"`
	RefreshToken     string `json:"refresh_token"`
	TokenType        string `json:"token_type"`
	NotBeforePolicy  int    `json:"not_before_policy"`
	SessionState     string `json:"session_state"`
	Scope            string `json:"scope"`

} // @Name ClientToken

type DrivingLicense

type DrivingLicense string // @Name DrivingLicense
const (
	DrivingLicenseCar         DrivingLicense = "B"
	DrivingLicenseTrailer     DrivingLicense = "BE"
	DrivingLicenseTransporter DrivingLicense = "C"

type GitResponse

type GitResponse struct {
	Branch     string `json:"branch"`
	Commit     string `json:"commit"`
	Repository string `json:"repository"`

} // @Name GitInfo

type LoginResponse

type LoginResponse struct {
	LoginURL string `json:"login_url"`

} // @Name LoginResponse

type LoginTokenRequest

type LoginTokenRequest struct {
	Code string `json:"code"`

} // @Name LoginTokenRequest

type LogoutRequest

type LogoutRequest struct {
	RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token"`

} // @Name LogoutRequest

type Pagination

type Pagination struct {
	Total       int32  `json:"total_records"`
	CurrentPage int32  `json:"current_page"`
	TotalPages  int32  `json:"total_pages"`
	NextPage    *int32 `json:"next_page"`
	PrevPage    *int32 `json:"prev_page"`

} // @Name Pagination

type PluginAuth

type PluginAuth struct {
	ClientID     string `json:"client_id"`
	ClientSecret string `json:"client_secret"`

} // @name PluginAuth

type PluginListResponse

type PluginListResponse struct {
	Plugins []PluginResponse `json:"plugins"`

} // @name PluginListResponse

type PluginRegisterRequest

type PluginRegisterRequest struct {
	Slug        string     `json:"slug"`
	Name        string     `json:"name"`
	Description string     `json:"description"`
	Version     string     `json:"version"`
	Path        string     `json:"path"`
	Auth        PluginAuth `json:"auth"`

} // @name PluginRegisterRequest

type PluginRegisterResponse

type PluginRegisterResponse struct {
	Success bool                `json:"success"`
	Token   ClientTokenResponse `json:"token"`

} // @name PluginRegister

type PluginResponse

type PluginResponse struct {
	Slug        string `json:"slug"`
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Version     string `json:"version"`
	Description string `json:"description"`
	HostPath    string `json:"host_path"`

} // @name Plugin

type RefreshTokenRequest

type RefreshTokenRequest struct {
	RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token"`

} // @Name RefreshTokenRequest

type RegionListResponse

type RegionListResponse struct {
	Regions    []*RegionResponse `json:"regions"`
	Pagination Pagination        `json:"pagination"`

} // @Name RegionList

type RegionResponse

type RegionResponse struct {
	ID   int32  `json:"id"`
	Name string `json:"name"`

} // @Name Region

type RoleListResponse

type RoleListResponse struct {
	Data       []RoleResponse `json:"data"`
	Pagination Pagination     `json:"pagination"`

} // @Name RoleList

type RoleResponse

type RoleResponse struct {
	ID          string `json:"id"`
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Description string `json:"description"`

} // @Name Role

type SensorCreateRequest

type SensorCreateRequest struct {
	Status SensorStatus `json:"status"`
	Type   string       `json:"type"`

} // @Name SensorCreate

type SensorDataListResponse

type SensorDataListResponse struct {
	Data       []*SensorDataResponse `json:"data"`
	Pagination Pagination            `json:"pagination"`

} // @Name SensorDataList

type SensorDataResponse

type SensorDataResponse struct {
	ID               string  `json:"id"`
	BatteryLevel     float64 `json:"battery_level"`
	Temperature      float64 `json:"temperature"`
	Humidity         float64 `json:"humidity"`
	TrunkMoisture    float64 `json:"trunk_moisture"`
	SoilWaterTension float64 `json:"soil_water_tension"`
	Depth            float64 `json:"depth"`

} // @Name SensorData

type SensorListResponse

type SensorListResponse struct {
	Data       []*SensorResponse `json:"data"`
	Pagination Pagination        `json:"pagination"`

} // @Name SensorList

type SensorResponse

type SensorResponse struct {
	ID        string       `json:"id"`
	CreatedAt time.Time    `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt time.Time    `json:"updated_at"`
	Status    SensorStatus `json:"status"`
	Type      string       `json:"type"`

} // @Name Sensor

type SensorStatus

type SensorStatus string // @Name SensorStatus
const (
	SensorStatusOnline  SensorStatus = "online"
	SensorStatusOffline SensorStatus = "offline"
	SensorStatusUnknown SensorStatus = "unknown"

type SensorUpdateRequest

type SensorUpdateRequest struct {
	Status SensorStatus `json:"status"`
	Type   string       `json:"type"`

} // @Name SensorUpdate

type ServerResponse

type ServerResponse struct {
	OS        string `json:"os"`
	Arch      string `json:"arch"`
	Hostname  string `json:"hostname"`
	URL       string `json:"url"`
	IP        string `json:"ip"`
	Port      int    `json:"port"`
	Interface string `json:"interface"`
	Uptime    string `json:"uptime"`

} // @Name ServerInfo

type TreeAddImagesRequest

type TreeAddImagesRequest struct {
	ImageIDs []*int32 `json:"image_ids"`

} // @Name TreeAddImages

type TreeAddSensorRequest

type TreeAddSensorRequest struct {
	SensorID *string `json:"sensor_id"`

} // @Name TreeAddSensor

type TreeClusterAddTreesRequest

type TreeClusterAddTreesRequest struct {
	TreeIDs []*int32 `json:"tree_ids"`

} // @Name TreeClusterAddTrees

type TreeClusterCreateRequest

type TreeClusterCreateRequest struct {
	Address       string            `json:"address"`
	Description   string            `json:"description"`
	TreeIDs       []*int32          `json:"tree_ids"`
	SoilCondition TreeSoilCondition `json:"soil_condition"`
	Name          string            `json:"name"`

} // @Name TreeClusterCreate

type TreeClusterListResponse

type TreeClusterListResponse struct {
	Data       []*TreeClusterResponse `json:"data"`
	Pagination *Pagination            `json:"pagination"`

} // @Name TreeClusterList

type TreeClusterResponse

type TreeClusterResponse struct {
	ID             int32             `json:"id"`
	CreatedAt      time.Time         `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt      time.Time         `json:"updated_at"`
	WateringStatus WateringStatus    `json:"watering_status"`
	LastWatered    *time.Time        `json:"last_watered,omitempty" validate:"optional"`
	MoistureLevel  float64           `json:"moisture_level"`
	Region         *RegionResponse   `json:"region,omitempty" validate:"optional"`
	Address        string            `json:"address"`
	Description    string            `json:"description"`
	Archived       bool              `json:"archived"`
	Latitude       *float64          `json:"latitude"`
	Longitude      *float64          `json:"longitude"`
	Trees          []*TreeResponse   `json:"trees" validate:"optional"`
	SoilCondition  TreeSoilCondition `json:"soil_condition"`
	Name           string            `json:"name"`

} // @Name TreeCluster

type TreeClusterUpdateRequest

type TreeClusterUpdateRequest struct {
	Address       string            `json:"address"`
	Description   string            `json:"description"`
	TreeIDs       []*int32          `json:"tree_ids"`
	SoilCondition TreeSoilCondition `json:"soil_condition"`
	Name          string            `json:"name"`

} // @Name TreeClusterUpdate

type TreeCreateRequest

type TreeCreateRequest struct {
	TreeClusterID *int32  `json:"tree_cluster_id" validate:"optional"`
	Readonly      bool    `json:"readonly"`
	PlantingYear  int32   `json:"planting_year"`
	Species       string  `json:"species"`
	Number        string  `json:"tree_number"`
	Latitude      float64 `json:"latitude"`
	Longitude     float64 `json:"longitude"`
	SensorID      *string `json:"sensor_id" validate:"optional"`
	Description   string  `json:"description"`

} // @Name TreeCreate

type TreeListResponse

type TreeListResponse struct {
	Data       []*TreeResponse `json:"data"`
	Pagination Pagination      `json:"pagination"`

} // @Name TreeList

type TreeResponse

type TreeResponse struct {
	ID            int32           `json:"id"`
	CreatedAt     time.Time       `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt     time.Time       `json:"updated_at"`
	TreeClusterID *int32          `json:"tree_cluster_id" validate:"optional"`
	Sensor        *SensorResponse `json:"sensor" validate:"optional"`
	// Images              []*ImageResponse `json:"images"`
	Readonly       bool           `json:"readonly"`
	PlantingYear   int32          `json:"planting_year"`
	Species        string         `json:"species"`
	Number         string         `json:"tree_number"`
	Latitude       float64        `json:"latitude"`
	Longitude      float64        `json:"longitude"`
	WateringStatus WateringStatus `json:"watering_status"`
	Description    string         `json:"description"`

} // @Name Tree

type TreeSoilCondition

type TreeSoilCondition string // @Name SoilCondition
const (
	TreeSoilConditionSchluffig TreeSoilCondition = "schluffig"
	TreeSoilConditionSandig    TreeSoilCondition = "sandig"
	TreeSoilConditionLehmig    TreeSoilCondition = "lehmig"
	TreeSoilConditionTonig     TreeSoilCondition = "tonig"
	TreeSoilConditionUnknown   TreeSoilCondition = "unknown"

type TreeUpdateRequest

type TreeUpdateRequest struct {
	TreeClusterID *int32  `json:"tree_cluster_id" validate:"optional"`
	Readonly      bool    `json:"readonly"`
	PlantingYear  int32   `json:"planting_year"`
	Species       string  `json:"species"`
	Number        string  `json:"tree_number"`
	Latitude      float64 `json:"latitude"`
	Longitude     float64 `json:"longitude"`
	SensorID      *string `json:"sensor_id" validate:"optional"`
	Description   string  `json:"description"`

} // @Name TreeUpdate

type UserListResponse

type UserListResponse struct {
	Data       []UserResponse `json:"data"`
	Pagination Pagination     `json:"pagination"`

} // @Name UserList

type UserRegisterRequest

type UserRegisterRequest struct {
	Username    string   `json:"username"`
	FirstName   string   `json:"first_name"`
	LastName    string   `json:"last_name"`
	Email       string   `json:"email"`
	EmployeeID  string   `json:"employee_id,omitempty"`
	PhoneNumber string   `json:"phone_number,omitempty"`
	Password    string   `json:"password"`
	Roles       []string `json:"roles"`
	Avatar      string   `json:"avatar_url,omitempty"`

} // @Name UserRegister

type UserResponse

type UserResponse struct {
	ID            string    `json:"id"`
	CreatedAt     time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	Username      string    `json:"username"`
	FirstName     string    `json:"first_name"`
	LastName      string    `json:"last_name"`
	Email         string    `json:"email"`
	EmployeeID    string    `json:"employee_id"`
	PhoneNumber   string    `json:"phone_number"`
	EmailVerified bool      `json:"email_verified"`
	Avatar        string    `json:"avatar_url"`

} // @Name User

type UserUpdateRequest

type UserUpdateRequest struct {
	Username    string `json:"username,omitempty"`
	FirstName   string `json:"first_name,omitempty"`
	LastName    string `json:"last_name,omitempty"`
	Email       string `json:"email,omitempty"`
	EmployeeID  string `json:"employee_id,omitempty"`
	PhoneNumber string `json:"phone_number,omitempty"`
	Avatar      string `json:"avatar_url,omitempty"`

} // @Name UserUpdate

type VehicleCreateRequest

type VehicleCreateRequest struct {
	NumberPlate    string         `json:"number_plate"`
	Description    string         `json:"description"`
	WaterCapacity  float64        `json:"water_capacity"`
	Status         VehicleStatus  `json:"status"`
	Type           VehicleType    `json:"type"`
	Model          string         `json:"model"`
	DrivingLicense DrivingLicense `json:"driving_license"`
	Height         float64        `json:"height"`
	Width          float64        `json:"width"`
	Length         float64        `json:"length"`

} // @Name VehicleCreate

type VehicleListResponse

type VehicleListResponse struct {
	Data       []*VehicleResponse `json:"data"`
	Pagination *Pagination        `json:"pagination"`

} // @Name VehicleList

type VehicleResponse

type VehicleResponse struct {
	ID             int32          `json:"id"`
	CreatedAt      time.Time      `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt      time.Time      `json:"updated_at"`
	NumberPlate    string         `json:"number_plate"`
	Description    string         `json:"description"`
	WaterCapacity  float64        `json:"water_capacity"`
	Status         VehicleStatus  `json:"status"`
	Type           VehicleType    `json:"type"`
	Model          string         `json:"model"`
	DrivingLicense DrivingLicense `json:"driving_license"`
	Height         float64        `json:"height"`
	Width          float64        `json:"width"`
	Length         float64        `json:"length"`

} // @Name Vehicle

type VehicleStatus

type VehicleStatus string // @Name VehicleStatus
const (
	VehicleStatusActive       VehicleStatus = "active"
	VehicleStatusAvailable    VehicleStatus = "available"
	VehicleStatusNotAvailable VehicleStatus = "not available"
	VehicleStatusUnknown      VehicleStatus = "unknown"

type VehicleType

type VehicleType string // @Name VehicleType
const (
	VehicleTypeTransporter VehicleType = "transporter"
	VehicleTypeTrailer     VehicleType = "trailer"
	VehicleTypeUnknown     VehicleType = "unknown"

type VehicleUpdateRequest

type VehicleUpdateRequest struct {
	NumberPlate    string         `json:"number_plate"`
	Description    string         `json:"description"`
	WaterCapacity  float64        `json:"water_capacity"`
	Status         VehicleStatus  `json:"status"`
	Type           VehicleType    `json:"type"`
	Model          string         `json:"model"`
	DrivingLicense DrivingLicense `json:"driving_license"`
	Height         float64        `json:"height"`
	Width          float64        `json:"width"`
	Length         float64        `json:"length"`

} // @Name VehicleUpdate

type WateringStatus

type WateringStatus string // @Name WateringStatus
const (
	WateringStatusGood     WateringStatus = "good"
	WateringStatusModerate WateringStatus = "moderate"
	WateringStatusBad      WateringStatus = "bad"
	WateringStatusUnknown  WateringStatus = "unknown"


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