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Published: Jan 21, 2019 License: MIT Imports: 12 Imported by: 0



The HTML package includes general functions for manipulating html tags, comments and the like. It includes specific functions for manipulating attributes inside of tags, including various special attributes like styles, classes, data-* attributes, etc.

Many of the routines return a boolean to indicate whether the data actually changed. This can be used to prevent needlessly redrawing html after setting values that had no affect on the attribute list.




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func AddClass

func AddClass(classes string, newClasses string) (string, bool)

AddClass is a utility function that appends the given class name(s) to the end of the given string, if the names are not already in the string. Returns the new string, and a value indicating whether it changed or not. newClasses can have multiple space separated strings to add multiple classes. The final string returned will have no duplicates. Since the order of a class list in html may make a difference, you should take care in the order of the classes you add if this matters in your situation.

classes, changed := AddClass("myClass1 myClass2", "myClass1 myClass3")
fmt.Println(classes + ":" + strconv.FormatBool(changed))

myClass1 myClass2 myClass3:true

func AttributeString

func AttributeString(i interface{}) string

AttributeString is a helper function to convert an interface type to a string that is appropriate for the value in the Set function.

func Comment

func Comment(s string) string

Comment turns the given text into an html comment and returns the comment

func HasClass

func HasClass(classes string, testClass string) (found bool)

HasClass searches the list of strings for the given class name. testClass can only be a single class.

found := HasClass("myClass31 myClass2", "myClass3")


func Indent

func Indent(s string) string

Indent will add space to the front of every line in the string. Since indent is used to format code for reading while we are in development mode, we do not need it to be particularly efficient.

func RandomString

func RandomString(n int) string

RandomString generates a pseudo random string of the given length Characters are drawn from legal HTML values that do not need encoding. The distribution is not perfect, so its not good for crypto, but works for general purposes This also works for GET variables

func RemoveClass

func RemoveClass(class string, removeClass string) (string, bool)

Use RemoveClass to remove a class from the list of classes given. You can give it more than one class to remove by separating the classes with spaces in the removeClass string.

classes, changed := RemoveClass("myClass1 myClass2", "myClass1 myClass3")
fmt.Println(classes + ":" + strconv.FormatBool(changed))


func RemoveClassesWithPrefix

func RemoveClassesWithPrefix(class string, prefix string) (string, bool)

Many CSS frameworks use families of classes, which are built up from a base family name. For example, Bootstrap uses 'col-lg-6' to represent a table that is 6 units wide on large screens and Foundation uses 'large-6' to do the same thing. This utility removes classes that start with a particular prefix to remove whatever sizing class was specified. Returns the resulting class list, and true if the list actually changed.

classes, changed := RemoveClassesWithPrefix("col-6 col-brk col4-other", "col-")
fmt.Println(classes + ":" + strconv.FormatBool(changed))


func RenderImage

func RenderImage(src string, alt string, attributes *Attributes) string

func RenderLabel

func RenderLabel(labelAttributes *Attributes, label string, ctrlHtml string, mode LabelDrawingMode) string

A utility function to render a label, together with its text. Various CSS frameworks require labels to be rendered a certain way.

func RenderTag

func RenderTag(tag string, attr *Attributes, innerHtml string) string

RenderTag renders a standard html tag with a closing tag innerHtml is html, and must already be escaped if needed The tag will be surrounded with newlines to force general formatting consistency. This will cause the tag to be rendered with a space between it and its neighbors if the tag is not a block tag. In the few situations where you would want to get rid of this space, call RenderTagNoSpace()

fmt.Println(RenderTagNoSpace("div", NewAttributesFromMap(map[string]string{"id": "me", "name": "you"}), "Here I am"))

<div id="me" name="you">Here I am</div>

func RenderTagNoSpace

func RenderTagNoSpace(tag string, attr *Attributes, innerHtml string) string

RenderTagNoSpace is similar to RenderTag, but should be used in situations where the tag is an inline tag that you want to visually be right next to its neighbors with no space.

func RenderVoidTag

func RenderVoidTag(tag string, attr *Attributes) (s string)

Render a void tag that has no closing tag

fmt.Println(RenderVoidTag("img", NewAttributesFromMap(map[string]string{"src": "thisFile"})))

<img src="thisFile" />

func StyleString

func StyleString(i interface{}) string

StyleString converts an interface type that is being used to set a style value to a string that can be fed into the SetStyle* functions

func TextToHtml

func TextToHtml(in string) (out string)

Does a variety of transformations to make standard text presentable as HTML.

func ToDataAttr

func ToDataAttr(s string) (string, error)

Helper function to convert a name from camel case to using dashes to separated words. data-* html attributes have special conversion rules. Attribute names should always be lower case. Dashes in the name get converted to camel case javascript variable names by jQuery. For example, if you want to pass the value with key name "testVar" to javascript by printing it in the html, you would use this function to help convert it to "data-test-var", after which you can retrieve in javascript by calling ".data('testVar')". on the object. This will also test for the existence of a camel case string it cannot handle due to a bug in jQuery

s, _ := ToDataAttr("thisIsMyTest")


func ToDataJqKey

func ToDataJqKey(s string) (string, error)

Helper function to convert a name from data attribute naming convention to camel case. data-* html attributes have special conversion rules. Key names should always be lower case. Dashes in the name get converted to camel case javascript variable names by jQuery. For example, if you want to pass the value with key name "testVar" to javascript by printing it in the html, you would use this function to help convert it to "data-test-var", after which you can retrieve in jQuery by calling ".data('testVar')". on the object.

s, _ := ToDataJqKey("this-is-my-test")



type Attributer

type Attributer interface {
	Attributes(...interface{}) *Attributes

Attributer is a general purpose interface for objects that return attributes based on information given.

type Attributes

type Attributes struct {
	maps.StringSliceMap // Use an ordered string map so that each time we draw the attributes, they do not change order

An html attribute manager. Use SetAttribute to set specific attribute values, and then convert it to a string to get the attributes in a version embeddable in an html tag.

func NewAttributes

func NewAttributes() *Attributes

NewAttributes initializes a group of html attributes.

func NewAttributesFrom

func NewAttributesFrom(i maps.StringMapI) *Attributes
a := NewAttributesFromMap(map[string]string{"id": "1", "name": "test"})


func NewAttributesFromMap

func NewAttributesFromMap(i map[string]string) *Attributes

func (*Attributes) AddClass

func (a *Attributes) AddClass(v string) *Attributes
a := NewAttributes()

class="this that"

func (*Attributes) AddClassChanged

func (a *Attributes) AddClassChanged(v string) bool

Use AddClass to add a class or classes. Multiple classes can be separated by spaces. If a class is not present, the class will be added to the end of the class list If a class is present, it will not be added, and the position of the current class in the list will not change

func (*Attributes) Class

func (a *Attributes) Class() string

Return the value of the class attribute.

func (*Attributes) Clone

func (a *Attributes) Clone() *Attributes

Clone returns a copy of the attributes

func (*Attributes) Copy

func (a *Attributes) Copy() *Attributes

func (*Attributes) DataAttribute

func (a *Attributes) DataAttribute(name string) string

DataAttribute gets the data-* attribute value that was set previously. Does NOT call into javascript to return a value that was set on the browser side. You need to use another mechanism to retrieve that.

func (*Attributes) GetStyle

func (a *Attributes) GetStyle(name string) string

Style gives you the value of a single style attribute value. If you want all the attributes as a style string, use Attribute("style").

func (*Attributes) HasClass

func (a *Attributes) HasClass(c string) bool

HasClass return true if the given class is in the class list in the class attribute.

a := NewAttributes()
if !a.HasClass("that") {
	fmt.Println("Not found")
a.SetClass("this that other")
if a.HasClass("that") {

Not found

func (*Attributes) HasDataAttribute

func (a *Attributes) HasDataAttribute(name string) bool

HasDataAttribute returns true if the data attribute is set.

func (*Attributes) HasStyle

func (a *Attributes) HasStyle(name string) bool
a := NewAttributes()
b := []bool{}
var found bool
found = a.HasStyle("height")
b = append(b, found)
a.SetStyle("height", strconv.Itoa(10))
found = a.HasStyle("height")
b = append(b, found)

[false true]

func (*Attributes) ID

func (a *Attributes) ID() string

Return the value of the id attribute.

func (*Attributes) IsDisabled

func (a *Attributes) IsDisabled() bool

func (*Attributes) IsDisplayed

func (a *Attributes) IsDisplayed() bool

func (*Attributes) Override

func (a *Attributes) Override(i maps.StringMapI) *Attributes

Override returns a new Attributes structure with the current attributes merged with the given attributes. Conflicts are won by the given overrides

a := NewAttributes()
a.SetStyle("height", "4em")

b := NewAttributes()
b.Set("class", "that")
b.SetStyle("width", strconv.Itoa(6))

a = a.Override(b)

func (*Attributes) RemoveAttribute

func (a *Attributes) RemoveAttribute(name string) bool

RemoveAttribute removes the named attribute. Returns true if the attribute existed.

func (*Attributes) RemoveClass

func (a *Attributes) RemoveClass(v string) bool

Use RemoveClass to remove the named class from the list of classes in the class attribute.

func (*Attributes) RemoveClassesWithPrefix

func (a *Attributes) RemoveClassesWithPrefix(v string) bool

Use RemoveClasses to remove classes with the given prefix. Many CSS frameworks use families of classes, which are built up from a base family name. For example, Bootstrap uses 'col-lg-6' to represent a table that is 6 units wide on large screens and Foundation uses 'large-6' to do the same thing. This utility removes classes that start with a particular prefix to remove whatever sizing class was specified. Returns true if the list actually changed.

func (*Attributes) RemoveDataAttribute

func (a *Attributes) RemoveDataAttribute(name string) bool

RemoveDataAttribute removes the named data attribute. Returns true if the data attribute existed.

func (*Attributes) RemoveStyle

func (a *Attributes) RemoveStyle(name string) (changed bool)

RemoveStyle removes the style from the style list. Returns true if there was a changed.

a := NewAttributes()
a.SetStyle("height", "10")
a.SetStyle("width", strconv.Itoa(5))


func (*Attributes) Set

func (a *Attributes) Set(name string, v string) *Attributes

Set is similar to SetChanged, but instead returns an attribute pointer so it can be chained. Will panic on errors. Use this when you are setting attributes using implicit strings. Set v to an empty string to create a boolean attribute.

func (*Attributes) SetChanged

func (a *Attributes) SetChanged(name string, v string) (changed bool, err error)

SetChanged sets the value of an attribute. Looks for special attributes like "class" and "style" to do some error checking on them. Returns changed if something in the attribute structure changed, which is useful to determine whether to send the changed control to the browser. Returns err if the given attribute name or value is not valid.

func (*Attributes) SetClass

func (a *Attributes) SetClass(v string) *Attributes
a := NewAttributes()
a.SetClass("+ that")
s := a.Class()

this that

func (*Attributes) SetClassChanged

func (a *Attributes) SetClassChanged(v string) bool

SetClass sets the class attribute to the value given. If you prefix the value with "+ " the given value will be appended to the end of the current class list. If you prefix the value with "- " the given value will be removed from an class list. Otherwise the current class value is replaced. Returns whether something actually changed or not. v can be multiple classes separated by a space

func (*Attributes) SetDataAttribute

func (a *Attributes) SetDataAttribute(name string, v string) *Attributes

SetDataAttribute sets the given data attribute. Note that data attribute keys must be in camelCase notation and connot be hyphenated. camelCase will get converted to kebab-case in html, and converted back to camelCase when referring to the data attribute using

func (*Attributes) SetDataAttributeChanged

func (a *Attributes) SetDataAttributeChanged(name string, v string) (changed bool, err error)

SetDataAttribute sets the given value as an html "data-*" attribute. The named value will be retrievable in jQuery by using


Note: Data name cases are handled specially in jQuery. data-* attribute names are supposed to be online lower case. jQuery converts dashed notation to camelCase. In other words, we give it a camelCase name here, it shows up in the html as a dashed name, and then you retrieve it using javascript as camelCase again.

For example, if your html looks like this:

<div id='test1' data-test-case="my test"></div>

You would get that value in jQuery by doing:


Conversion to special html data-* name formatting is handled here automatically. So if you SetDataAttribute('testCase') here, you can get it using .data('testCase') in jQuery

func (*Attributes) SetDisabled

func (a *Attributes) SetDisabled(d bool) *Attributes

func (*Attributes) SetDisplay

func (a *Attributes) SetDisplay(d string) *Attributes

func (*Attributes) SetID

func (a *Attributes) SetID(i string) *Attributes

func (*Attributes) SetIDChanged

func (a *Attributes) SetIDChanged(i string) (changed bool, err error)

Set the id to the given value. Returns true if something changed.

func (*Attributes) SetStyle

func (a *Attributes) SetStyle(name string, v string) *Attributes

func (*Attributes) SetStyleChanged

func (a *Attributes) SetStyleChanged(name string, v string) (changed bool, err error)

SetStyle sets the given style to the given value. If the value is prefixed with a plus, minus, multiply or divide, and then a space, it assumes that a number will follow, and the specified operation will be performed in place on the current value. For example, SetStyle ("height", "* 2") will double the height value without changing the unit specifier. When referring to a value that can be a length, you can use numeric values. In this case, "0" will be passed unchanged, but any other number will automatically get a "px" suffix.

func (*Attributes) SetStyles

func (a *Attributes) SetStyles(s *Style) *Attributes

SetStyle merges the given styles with the current styles. The given style wins on collision.

func (*Attributes) SetStylesTo

func (a *Attributes) SetStylesTo(s string) *Attributes

SetStylesTo sets the styles using a traditional css style string with colon and semicolon separatators

func (*Attributes) String

func (a *Attributes) String() string

String returns the attributes escaped and encoded, ready to be placed in an html tag For consistency, it will output the following attributes in the following order if it finds them. Remaining tags will be output in random order: id, name, class

func (*Attributes) StyleMap

func (a *Attributes) StyleMap() *Style

Returns a special Style structure which lets you refer to the styles as a string map

func (*Attributes) StyleString

func (a *Attributes) StyleString() string

Returns the css style string, or a blank string if there is none

type LabelDrawingMode

type LabelDrawingMode int
const (
	LabelDefault    LabelDrawingMode = iota // Label mode is defined elsewhere, like in a config setting
	LabelBefore                             // Label tag is before the control's tag, and terminates before the control
	LabelAfter                              // Label tag is after the control's tag, and starts after the control
	LabelWrapBefore                         // Label tag is before the control's tag, and wraps the control tag
	LabelWrapAfter                          // Label tag is after the control's tag, and wraps the control tag

The label drawing mode describes how to draw a label when it is drawn. Various CSS frameworks expect it a certain way. Many are not very forgiving when you don't do it the way they expect.

type Style

type Style struct {

Style makes it easy to add and manipulate individual properties in a generated style sheet Its main use is for generating a style attribute in an HTML tag It implements the String interface to get the style properties as an HTML embeddable string

func NewStyle

func NewStyle() *Style

NewStyle initializes an empty Style object

func (Style) Get

func (s Style) Get(name string) string
s := NewStyle()
s.SetTo("height: 9em; width: 100%; position:absolute")


func (*Style) RemoveAll

func (s *Style) RemoveAll()

RemoveAll resets the style to contain no styles

s := NewStyle()
s.SetTo("height: 9em; width: 100%; position:absolute")

func (Style) Set

func (s Style) Set(n string, v string) Style
Example (A)
s := NewStyle()
s.Set("height", "9")

Example (B)
s := NewStyle()
s.Set("height", "+ 10")


func (Style) SetChanged

func (s Style) SetChanged(n string, v string) (changed bool, err error)

func (*Style) SetTo

func (s *Style) SetTo(text string) (changed bool, err error)

SetTo receives a style encoded "style" attribute into the Style structure (e.g. "width: 4px; border: 1px solid black")

s := NewStyle()
s.SetTo("height: 9em; width: 100%; position:absolute")


func (Style) String

func (s Style) String() string

Returns the string version of the style attribute, suitable for inclusion in an HTML style tag Will sort the

type TagBuilder

type TagBuilder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Use a TagBuilder to create a tag using a builder pattern, starting out with the tag name and slowly adding parts to it, describing it, until you are ready to print out the entire html tag. The zero value is usable.

func NewTagBuilder

func NewTagBuilder() *TagBuilder

NewTagBuilder starts a tag build, though you can use a tag builder from its zero value too.

func (*TagBuilder) Class

func (b *TagBuilder) Class(class string) *TagBuilder

Class sets the class attribute to the value given. If you prefix the value with "+ " the given value will be appended to the end of the current class list. If you prefix the value with "- " the given value will be removed from the class list. Otherwise the current class value is replaced. The given class can be multiple classes separated by a space.

func (*TagBuilder) ID

func (b *TagBuilder) ID(id string) *TagBuilder

ID sets the id attribute

func (*TagBuilder) InnerHtml

func (b *TagBuilder) InnerHtml(html string) *TagBuilder

InnerHtml sets the inner html of the tag. Remember this is HTML, and will not be escaped.

func (*TagBuilder) InnerText

func (b *TagBuilder) InnerText(text string) *TagBuilder

InnerText sets the inner part of the tag to the given text. The text will be escaped if needed.

func (*TagBuilder) IsVoid

func (b *TagBuilder) IsVoid() *TagBuilder

By default, tags have inner html. This will make the builder output a void tag instead.

func (b *TagBuilder) Link(href string) *TagBuilder

Link is a shortcut that will set the tag to "a" and the "href" to the given destination. This is not the same as an actual "link" tag, which points to resources from the header.

func (*TagBuilder) Set

func (b *TagBuilder) Set(attribute string, value string) *TagBuilder

Set sets the attribute to the given value

func (*TagBuilder) String

func (b *TagBuilder) String() string

String ends the builder and returns the html

func (*TagBuilder) Tag

func (b *TagBuilder) Tag(tag string) *TagBuilder

Tag sets the tag value

type VoidTag

type VoidTag struct {
	Tag  string
	Attr *Attributes

func (VoidTag) Render

func (t VoidTag) Render() string

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL