Automi can batch streaming elements so that
certain operations can be applied. This directory
contains examples of Automi batch operators and how they are used.
groupby_key - Shows how to batch and group streaming map values based on their keys.
groupby_name - Batches and group struct streaming values based on field names.
groupby_pos - Batches and group slice/array streaming values based on index position.
sort - Sorts batched items using the natural sort sequence of streamed items.
sort_with - Shows how to sort items using a custom sorting function.
sort_key - Shows how to sort streaming map values based on their keys.
sort_name - Shows how to sort streaming struct values based on field names.
sort_pos - Shows how to sort streaming slice values based on selected index.
sum - Example that shows how to add streaming numeric values.
sumby_key - Shows how to add streaming map values based on their keys.
sumby_name - Shows how to add streaming struct values basd on field names.
sumby_pos - Example that shows how to add straming slice values based on selected index.