PromQL Compatibility testing
To build and install:
go install
To run with targets in docker-compose:
promql-compliance-tester -config-file promql-test-queries.yml -config-file test-oteldb.yml
Results will be false-positive until enough data (~1h) is gathered.
To fix that, change -end
and -range
For example, running for a couple of seconds is enough to get a relatively good result:
promql-compliance-tester -end 2m -range 1m -config-file promql-test-queries.yml -config-file test-oteldb.yml
This will configure tester to check range from T-2m to T-1m.
This check was disabled as being broken on latest prometheus reference:
# label_replace fails when there would be duplicated identical output label sets.
# !!! HACK: This was disabled because current prometheus reference implementation does not fail !!!
- query: 'label_replace(demo_num_cpus, "instance", "", "", "")'
should_fail: true
Was producing an error:
FATA[0000] Error running comparison: expected reference API query "label_replace(demo_num_cpus, \"instance\", \"\", \"\", \"\")" to fail, but succeeded source="main.go:137
Latest result:
Total: 547 / 548 (99.82%) passed, 0 unsupported
We are getting (99.6, 100] percent and current target is compatibility not less than 99.6%.