This code is written primarily to function as a CF CLI plugin but it can also be used to execute against
any accessible Geode cluster in standalone mode. The minor differences of operation between plugin and
standalone mode will be explained below.
This code works with the V2 management API introduced in Geode 1.10. The API and this client are both
considered to be experimental code that may be subject to change.
Apart from needing the management API to be enabled the client is not bound to a particular version of
the API beyond needing a 1.10+ server. It is written to be able to adapt to the progress that is made
on the API code in a dynamic fashion.
In plugin mode:
You have installed CF CLI and you have
installed a compatible VMware Tanzu GemFire in this environment.
(1.10+?, prior PCC 1.10)
You are logged into CF
cf login --skip-ssl-validation -a -u admin -p PASSWORD
ENVNAME corresponds to your CF environment
PASSWORD can be found in the CF Ops Manager → PAS tile → Credentials Tab → UAA
Admin Credentials
Your VMware Tanzu GemFire instance has a service key
cf create-service-key myPCCInstance myKey
In standalone mode
You have a Geode(1.10+) cluster running and have the co-ordinates (URI, username and password) of a Locator
in this cluster. This can be a development version running on localhost
Running the code
Common instructions
Have a Go SDK on your machine when compiling the code from the repository. It is recommended to get the latest 1.x version of Go to ensure all known security issues are addressed.
Some parameters can be replaced with environment variables to avoid having to type them in repeatedly.
Please see the general help for details in each mode
As a plugin:
Run the start script
./ from the tanzu-gemfire-management-cf-plugin directory or ./ when
replacing an existing version of the plugin
For Help
cf gemfire --help provides general help
cf gemfire <target> commands to get a list of commands available to you. <target> is the VMware Tanzu GemFire service instance name you are using
cf gemfire <target> <command> -help to get <command> specific help including the format of JSON payload that some commands require
As a standalone client
Run the start script
./ from the tanzu-gemfire-management-cf-plugin directory
For Help
./gemfire --help provides general help
./gemfire <target> commands to get a list of commands available to you. <target> is the address of the locator you are using
./gemfire <target> <command> -help to get <command> specific help including the format of JSON payload that some commands require
Running the tests
Run all the tests
ginkgo -r from the tanzu-gemfire-management-cf-plugin directory