
v0.10.0-alpha-4 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 13, 2022 License: Apache-2.0, MIT Imports: 13 Imported by: 255




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const (
	MethodSend                     = abi.MethodNum(0)
	MethodConstructor              = abi.MethodNum(1)
	UniversalReceiverHookMethodNum = abi.MethodNum(3726118371)
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const DefaultHamtBitwidth = 5

Default log2 of branching factor for HAMTs. This value has been empirically chosen, but the optimal value for maps with different mutation profiles may differ.

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const DefaultTokenActorBitwidth = 3
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const EpochDurationSeconds = 30

PARAM_SPEC The duration of a chain epoch. Motivation: It guarantees that a block is propagated and WinningPoSt can be successfully done in time all supported miners. Usage: It is used for deriving epoch-denominated periods that are more naturally expressed in clock time. TODO: In lieu of a real configuration mechanism for this value, we'd like to make it a var so that implementations can override it at runtime. Doing so requires changing all the static references to it in this repo to go through late-binding function calls, or they'll see the "wrong" value. https://github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/issues/353 If EpochDurationSeconds is changed, update `BaselineExponent`, `lambda`, and // `expLamSubOne` in ./reward/reward_logic.go You can re-calculate these constants by changing the epoch duration in ./reward/reward_calc.py and running it.

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const EpochsIn540Days = stabi.ChainEpoch(540 * EpochsInDay)

For V1 Stacked DRG sectors, the max is 540 days since Network Version 11

according to https://github.com/filecoin-project/FIPs/blob/master/FIPS/fip-0014.md
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const EpochsInDay = 24 * EpochsInHour
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const EpochsInFiveYears = stabi.ChainEpoch(5 * EpochsInYear)

For V1_1 Stacked DRG sectors, the max is 5 years

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const EpochsInYear = 365 * EpochsInDay
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const FirstNonSingletonActorId = 100
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const MinVerifiedDealSize = 1 << 20
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const SecondsInDay = 24 * SecondsInHour
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const SecondsInHour = 60 * 60
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const SectorQualityPrecision = 20

Precision used for making QA power calculations


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var (
	// Distinguished AccountActor that is the source of system implicit messages.
	SystemActorAddr           = mustMakeAddress(0)
	InitActorAddr             = mustMakeAddress(1)
	RewardActorAddr           = mustMakeAddress(2)
	CronActorAddr             = mustMakeAddress(3)
	StoragePowerActorAddr     = mustMakeAddress(4)
	StorageMarketActorAddr    = mustMakeAddress(5)
	VerifiedRegistryActorAddr = mustMakeAddress(6)
	DatacapActorAddr          = mustMakeAddress(7)
	// Distinguished AccountActor that is the destination of all burnt funds.
	BurntFundsActorAddr = mustMakeAddress(99)

	// EthereumAddressManagerActorID is the actor ID of the Ethereum Address Manager singleton.
	EthereumAddressManagerActorID   = uint64(10)
	EthereumAddressManagerActorAddr = mustMakeAddress(EthereumAddressManagerActorID)

Addresses for singleton system actors.

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var DealWeightMultiplier = big.NewInt(10)

Quality multiplier for unverified deals in a sector

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var ExpectedLeadersPerEpoch = int64(5)

PARAM_SPEC Expected number of block quality in an epoch (e.g. 1 block with block quality 5, or 5 blocks with quality 1) Motivation: It ensures that there is enough on-chain throughput Usage: It is used to calculate the block reward.

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var MethodsAccount = struct {
	Constructor           abi.MethodNum
	PubkeyAddress         abi.MethodNum
	AuthenticateMessage   abi.MethodNum
	UniversalReceiverHook abi.MethodNum
}{MethodConstructor, 2, 3, UniversalReceiverHookMethodNum}
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var MethodsCron = struct {
	Constructor abi.MethodNum
	EpochTick   abi.MethodNum
}{MethodConstructor, 2}
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var MethodsDatacap = struct {
	Constructor       abi.MethodNum
	Mint              abi.MethodNum
	Destroy           abi.MethodNum
	Name              abi.MethodNum
	Symbol            abi.MethodNum
	TotalSupply       abi.MethodNum
	BalanceOf         abi.MethodNum
	Transfer          abi.MethodNum
	TransferFrom      abi.MethodNum
	IncreaseAllowance abi.MethodNum
	DecreaseAllowance abi.MethodNum
	RevokeAllowance   abi.MethodNum
	Burn              abi.MethodNum
	BurnFrom          abi.MethodNum
	Allowance         abi.MethodNum
}{MethodConstructor, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21}
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var MethodsEAM = struct {
	Constructor abi.MethodNum
	Create      abi.MethodNum
	Create2     abi.MethodNum
}{MethodConstructor, 2, 3}
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var MethodsEVM = struct {
	Constructor            abi.MethodNum
	InvokeContract         abi.MethodNum
	GetBytecode            abi.MethodNum
	GetStorageAt           abi.MethodNum
	InvokeContractReadOnly abi.MethodNum
	InvokeContractDelegate abi.MethodNum
}{MethodConstructor, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
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var MethodsInit = struct {
	Constructor abi.MethodNum
	Exec        abi.MethodNum
}{MethodConstructor, 2}
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var MethodsMarket = struct {
	Constructor              abi.MethodNum
	AddBalance               abi.MethodNum
	WithdrawBalance          abi.MethodNum
	PublishStorageDeals      abi.MethodNum
	VerifyDealsForActivation abi.MethodNum
	ActivateDeals            abi.MethodNum
	OnMinerSectorsTerminate  abi.MethodNum
	ComputeDataCommitment    abi.MethodNum
	CronTick                 abi.MethodNum
}{MethodConstructor, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
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var MethodsMiner = struct {
	Constructor              abi.MethodNum
	ControlAddresses         abi.MethodNum
	ChangeWorkerAddress      abi.MethodNum
	ChangePeerID             abi.MethodNum
	SubmitWindowedPoSt       abi.MethodNum
	PreCommitSector          abi.MethodNum
	ProveCommitSector        abi.MethodNum
	ExtendSectorExpiration   abi.MethodNum
	TerminateSectors         abi.MethodNum
	DeclareFaults            abi.MethodNum
	DeclareFaultsRecovered   abi.MethodNum
	OnDeferredCronEvent      abi.MethodNum
	CheckSectorProven        abi.MethodNum
	ApplyRewards             abi.MethodNum
	ReportConsensusFault     abi.MethodNum
	WithdrawBalance          abi.MethodNum
	ConfirmSectorProofsValid abi.MethodNum
	ChangeMultiaddrs         abi.MethodNum
	CompactPartitions        abi.MethodNum
	CompactSectorNumbers     abi.MethodNum
	ConfirmUpdateWorkerKey   abi.MethodNum
	RepayDebt                abi.MethodNum
	ChangeOwnerAddress       abi.MethodNum
	DisputeWindowedPoSt      abi.MethodNum
	PreCommitSectorBatch     abi.MethodNum
	ProveCommitAggregate     abi.MethodNum
	ProveReplicaUpdates      abi.MethodNum
	PreCommitSectorBatch2    abi.MethodNum
	ProveReplicaUpdates2     abi.MethodNum
	ChangeBeneficiary        abi.MethodNum
	GetBeneficiary           abi.MethodNum
	ExtendSectorExpiration2  abi.MethodNum
}{MethodConstructor, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32}
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var MethodsMultisig = struct {
	Constructor                 abi.MethodNum
	Propose                     abi.MethodNum
	Approve                     abi.MethodNum
	Cancel                      abi.MethodNum
	AddSigner                   abi.MethodNum
	RemoveSigner                abi.MethodNum
	SwapSigner                  abi.MethodNum
	ChangeNumApprovalsThreshold abi.MethodNum
	LockBalance                 abi.MethodNum
	UniversalReceiverHook       abi.MethodNum
}{MethodConstructor, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, UniversalReceiverHookMethodNum}
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var MethodsPaych = struct {
	Constructor        abi.MethodNum
	UpdateChannelState abi.MethodNum
	Settle             abi.MethodNum
	Collect            abi.MethodNum
}{MethodConstructor, 2, 3, 4}
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var MethodsPower = struct {
	Constructor              abi.MethodNum
	CreateMiner              abi.MethodNum
	UpdateClaimedPower       abi.MethodNum
	EnrollCronEvent          abi.MethodNum
	CronTick                 abi.MethodNum
	UpdatePledgeTotal        abi.MethodNum
	Deprecated1              abi.MethodNum
	SubmitPoRepForBulkVerify abi.MethodNum
	CurrentTotalPower        abi.MethodNum
}{MethodConstructor, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
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var MethodsReward = struct {
	Constructor      abi.MethodNum
	AwardBlockReward abi.MethodNum
	ThisEpochReward  abi.MethodNum
	UpdateNetworkKPI abi.MethodNum
}{MethodConstructor, 2, 3, 4}
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var MethodsVerifiedRegistry = struct {
	Constructor                 abi.MethodNum
	AddVerifier                 abi.MethodNum
	RemoveVerifier              abi.MethodNum
	AddVerifiedClient           abi.MethodNum
	Deprecated1                 abi.MethodNum
	Deprecated2                 abi.MethodNum
	RemoveVerifiedClientDataCap abi.MethodNum
	RemoveExpiredAllocations    abi.MethodNum
	ClaimAllocations            abi.MethodNum
	GetClaims                   abi.MethodNum
	ExtendClaimTerms            abi.MethodNum
	RemoveExpiredClaims         abi.MethodNum
	UniversalReceiverHook       abi.MethodNum
}{MethodConstructor, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, UniversalReceiverHookMethodNum}
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var NoQuantization = NewQuantSpec(1, 0)
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var OneNanoFIL = big.NewInt(1_000_000_000)

1 NanoFIL

Partition sizes must match those used by the proofs library. See https://github.com/filecoin-project/rust-fil-proofs/blob/master/filecoin-proofs/src/constants.rs#L85

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var QualityBaseMultiplier = big.NewInt(10)

Quality multiplier for committed capacity (no deals) in a sector

540-day maximum life time setting for V1 since network version 11

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var TokenPrecision = big.NewIntUnsigned(1_000_000_000_000_000_000)

Number of token units in an abstract "FIL" token. The network works purely in the indivisible token amounts. This constant converts to a fixed decimal with more human-friendly scale.

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var TotalFilecoin = big.Mul(big.NewIntUnsigned(2_000_000_000), TokenPrecision)

The maximum supply of Filecoin that will ever exist (in token units)

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var VerifiedDealWeightMultiplier = big.NewInt(100)

Quality multiplier for verified deals in a sector


func ConsensusMinerMinPower

func ConsensusMinerMinPower(p stabi.RegisteredPoStProof) (stabi.StoragePower, error)

The minimum power of an individual miner to meet the threshold for leader election (in bytes). Motivation: - Limits sybil generation - Improves consensus fault detection - Guarantees a minimum fee for consensus faults - Ensures that a specific soundness for the power table Note: We may be able to reduce this in the future, addressing consensus faults with more complicated penalties, sybil generation with crypto-economic mechanism, and PoSt soundness by increasing the challenges for small miners.

func GenerateMethodNum

func GenerateMethodNum(name string) (abi.MethodNum, error)

Generates a standard FRC-42 compliant method number Reference: https://github.com/filecoin-project/FIPs/blob/master/FRCs/frc-0042.md

func PoStProofWindowPoStPartitionSectors

func PoStProofWindowPoStPartitionSectors(p stabi.RegisteredPoStProof) (uint64, error)

Returns the partition size, in sectors, associated with a Window PoSt proof type. The partition size is the number of sectors proved in a single PoSt proof.

func QuantizeUp added in v0.9.3

func QuantizeUp(e abi.ChainEpoch, unit abi.ChainEpoch, offsetSeed abi.ChainEpoch) abi.ChainEpoch

Rounds e to the nearest exact multiple of the quantization unit offset by offsetSeed % unit, rounding up. This function is equivalent to `unit * ceil(e - (offsetSeed % unit) / unit) + (offsetSeed % unit)` with the variables/operations are over real numbers instead of ints. Precondition: unit >= 0 else behaviour is undefined

func SealProofSectorMaximumLifetime

func SealProofSectorMaximumLifetime(p stabi.RegisteredSealProof) (stabi.ChainEpoch, error)

SectorMaximumLifetime is the maximum duration a sector sealed with this proof may exist between activation and expiration

func SealProofWindowPoStPartitionSectors

func SealProofWindowPoStPartitionSectors(p stabi.RegisteredSealProof) (uint64, error)

Returns the partition size, in sectors, associated with a seal proof type. The partition size is the number of sectors proved in a single PoSt proof.


type ActorTree added in v0.9.3

type ActorTree struct {
	Map   *adt.Map
	Store adt.Store

A specialization of a map of ID-addresses to actor heads.

func LoadTree added in v0.9.3

func LoadTree(s adt.Store, r cid.Cid) (*ActorTree, error)

Loads a tree from a root CID and store.

func NewTree added in v0.9.3

func NewTree(store adt.Store) (*ActorTree, error)

Initializes a new, empty state tree backed by a store.

func (*ActorTree) Flush added in v0.9.3

func (t *ActorTree) Flush() (cid.Cid, error)

Writes the tree root node to the store, and returns its CID.

func (*ActorTree) ForEachKey added in v0.9.3

func (t *ActorTree) ForEachKey(fn func(addr address.Address) error) error

Traverses all keys in the tree, without decoding the actor states.

func (*ActorTree) ForEachV4 added in v0.10.0

func (t *ActorTree) ForEachV4(fn func(addr address.Address, actor *ActorV4) error) error

Traverses all entries in the tree.

func (*ActorTree) ForEachV5 added in v0.10.0

func (t *ActorTree) ForEachV5(fn func(addr address.Address, actor *ActorV5) error) error

func (*ActorTree) GetActorV4 added in v0.10.0

func (t *ActorTree) GetActorV4(addr address.Address) (*ActorV4, bool, error)

Loads the state associated with an address.

func (*ActorTree) GetActorV5 added in v0.10.0

func (t *ActorTree) GetActorV5(addr address.Address) (*ActorV5, bool, error)

func (*ActorTree) SetActorV4 added in v0.10.0

func (t *ActorTree) SetActorV4(addr address.Address, actor *ActorV4) error

Sets the state associated with an address, overwriting if it already present.

func (*ActorTree) SetActorV5 added in v0.10.0

func (t *ActorTree) SetActorV5(addr address.Address, actor *ActorV5) error

type ActorV4 added in v0.10.0

type ActorV4 struct {
	Code       cid.Cid // CID representing the code associated with the actor
	Head       cid.Cid // CID of the head state object for the actor
	CallSeqNum uint64  // CallSeqNum for the next message to be received by the actor (non-zero for accounts only)
	Balance    big.Int // Token balance of the actor

Value type of the top level of the state tree. Represents the on-chain state of a single actor. This is the actor state for state tree version up to 4

func (*ActorV4) MarshalCBOR added in v0.10.0

func (t *ActorV4) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error

func (*ActorV4) UnmarshalCBOR added in v0.10.0

func (t *ActorV4) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) error

type ActorV5 added in v0.10.0

type ActorV5 struct {
	Code       cid.Cid          // CID representing the code associated with the actor
	Head       cid.Cid          // CID of the head state object for the actor
	CallSeqNum uint64           // CallSeqNum for the next message to be received by the actor (non-zero for accounts only)
	Balance    big.Int          // Token balance of the actor
	Address    *address.Address // Predictable actor address

As above, but this is the actor state for state tree version 5 and above.

func (*ActorV5) MarshalCBOR added in v0.10.0

func (t *ActorV5) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error

func (*ActorV5) UnmarshalCBOR added in v0.10.0

func (t *ActorV5) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) error

type BigFrac

type BigFrac struct {
	Numerator   big.Int
	Denominator big.Int

type MessageAccumulator added in v0.9.3

type MessageAccumulator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Accumulates a sequence of messages (e.g. validation failures).

func (*MessageAccumulator) Add added in v0.9.3

func (ma *MessageAccumulator) Add(msg string)

Adds messages to the accumulator.

func (*MessageAccumulator) AddAll added in v0.9.3

func (ma *MessageAccumulator) AddAll(other *MessageAccumulator)

Adds messages from another accumulator to this one.

func (*MessageAccumulator) Addf added in v0.9.3

func (ma *MessageAccumulator) Addf(format string, args ...interface{})

Adds a message to the accumulator

func (*MessageAccumulator) IsEmpty added in v0.9.3

func (ma *MessageAccumulator) IsEmpty() bool

func (*MessageAccumulator) Messages added in v0.9.3

func (ma *MessageAccumulator) Messages() []string

func (*MessageAccumulator) Require added in v0.9.3

func (ma *MessageAccumulator) Require(predicate bool, msg string, args ...interface{})

Adds a message if predicate is false.

func (*MessageAccumulator) RequireNoError added in v0.9.3

func (ma *MessageAccumulator) RequireNoError(err error, msg string, args ...interface{})

func (*MessageAccumulator) WithPrefix added in v0.9.3

func (ma *MessageAccumulator) WithPrefix(format string, args ...interface{}) *MessageAccumulator

Returns a new accumulator backed by the same collection, that will prefix each new message with a formatted string.

type MethodMeta added in v0.9.2

type MethodMeta struct {
	Name   string
	Method interface{}

type PoStProofPolicy

type PoStProofPolicy struct {
	WindowPoStPartitionSectors uint64
	ConsensusMinerMinPower     stabi.StoragePower

Policy values associated with a PoSt proof type.

type QuantSpec

type QuantSpec struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A spec for quantization.

func NewQuantSpec

func NewQuantSpec(unit, offset abi.ChainEpoch) QuantSpec

func (QuantSpec) QuantizeUp added in v0.9.3

func (q QuantSpec) QuantizeUp(e abi.ChainEpoch) abi.ChainEpoch

type SealProofPolicy

type SealProofPolicy struct {
	SectorMaxLifetime stabi.ChainEpoch

Policy values associated with a seal proof type.

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