Overview ¶
APTOS golang sdk ¶
Aptos is a blockchain written in rust and smart contracts are written in move.
This work derives from the work for, where we are looking for a lightweight tool to interact with various part of the chain.
Example ¶
This is an example of creating 5 traders, to trade on Fake AUX/ Fake USDC Exchange. The order information will be streaming from coinbase
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func Bip32DerivePath(path string, seed []byte, offset uint32) (*ed25519.PrivateKey, error)
- func EncodeTransaction(tx *Transaction) []byte
- func GetAccountResourceWithType[T any](ctx context.Context, client *Client, address Address, moveType *MoveStructTag, ...) (*T, error)
- func GetAuxFakeCoinDecimal(fakeCoin AuxFakeCoin) uint8
- func GetChainIdForNetwork(network Network) uint8
- func GetDefaultEndpoint(network Network) (restUrl string, faucetUrl string, err error)
- func IsNamedAddress(address string) bool
- func IsValidBip32Path(path string) bool
- func NewPrivateKeyFromHexString(hexString string) (*ed25519.PrivateKey, error)
- func ParseBip32Path(path string) ([]uint32, error)
- func RequestFromFaucet(ctx context.Context, faucetUrl string, address *Address, amount uint64) ([]string, error)
- type AccountModule
- type AccountResource
- type Address
- func CalculateResourceAddress(sourceAddress Address, seed []byte) Address
- func GenerateAuthenticationKey(totalSignerCount int, requiredSignerCount int, ...) (Address, error)
- func GetAuxOnChainSignerAddress(auxModuleAddress, userAddress Address) Address
- func MustParseAddress(s string) Address
- func ParseAddress(s string) (Address, error)
- func (address Address) IsZero() bool
- func (a Address) MarshalBCS() ([]byte, error)
- func (address Address) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (a *Address) Set(s string) error
- func (address Address) String() string
- func (a Address) Type() string
- func (address *Address) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error
- type AptosReponseHeader
- type AptosRequest
- type AptosResponse
- type AptosRestError
- type AuxAmmPool
- type AuxAmm_AddLiquidityEvent
- type AuxAmm_RemoveLiquidityEvent
- type AuxAmm_SwapEvent
- type AuxClient
- func (client *AuxClient) GetClobMarket(ctx context.Context, baseCoin, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag, ledgerVersion uint64) (*AuxClobMarket, error)
- func (client *AuxClient) GetStable2Pool(ctx context.Context, coin0, coin1 *MoveStructTag, ledgerVersion uint64) (*AuxStable2Pool, error)
- func (client *AuxClient) GetStable3Pool(ctx context.Context, coin0, coin1, coin2 *MoveStructTag, ledgerVersion uint64) (*AuxStable3Pool, error)
- func (client *AuxClient) GetStable4Pool(ctx context.Context, coin0, coin1, coin2, coin3 *MoveStructTag, ...) (*AuxStable4Pool, error)
- func (client *AuxClient) ListAllOrders(ctx context.Context, baseCoin, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag, ...) (*AuxClobMarket_AllOrdersEvent, error)
- func (client *AuxClient) ListLevel2(ctx context.Context, baseCoin, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag, ...) (*AuxClobMarket_Level2Event, error)
- type AuxClientConfig
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) AmmPoolType(coinX *MoveStructTag, coinY *MoveStructTag) (*MoveStructTag, error)
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Amm_AddLiquidity(sender Address, coinX *MoveStructTag, xAmount uint64, coinY *MoveStructTag, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Amm_CreatePool(sender Address, coinX, coinY *MoveStructTag, feeBps uint64, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Amm_RemoveLiquidity(sender Address, coinX, coinY *MoveStructTag, amountLp uint64, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Amm_SwapExactCoinForCoin(sender Address, coinX, coinY *MoveStructTag, amountIn uint64, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Amm_UpdateFee(sender Address, coinX, coinY *MoveStructTag, feeBps uint64, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) ClobMarket_CancelAll(sender Address, baseCoin, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) ClobMarket_CancelOrder(sender Address, baseCoin, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag, orderId bcs.Uint128, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) ClobMarket_CreateMarket(sender Address, baseCoin, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag, lotSize, tickSize uint64, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) ClobMarket_LoadAllOrdersIntoEvent(baseCoin, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) ClobMarket_LoadMarketIntoEvent(baseCoin, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) ClobMarket_PlaceOrder(sender Address, isBid bool, baseCoin, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) FakeCoin_Burn(sender Address, fakeCoin AuxFakeCoin, amount uint64, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) FakeCoin_Mint(sender Address, fakeCoin AuxFakeCoin, amount uint64, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) FakeCoin_Register(sender Address, fakeCoin AuxFakeCoin, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) FakeCoin_RegisterAndMint(sender Address, fakeCoin AuxFakeCoin, amount uint64, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) GetCoinBalanceType(coinType *MoveStructTag) *MoveStructTag
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) MarketType(baseCoin *MoveStructTag, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag) (*MoveStructTag, error)
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router2Pool_AddLiquidity(sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, amount0 uint64, coin1 *MoveStructTag, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router2Pool_RemoveLiquidity(sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, coin1 *MoveStructTag, lpAmount uint64, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router2Pool_RemoveLiquidityForCoin(sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, amount0ToWithdraw uint64, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router2Pool_SwapCoinForExactCoin(sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, requestAmount0 uint64, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router2Pool_SwapExactCoinForCoin(sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, amount0 uint64, coin1 *MoveStructTag, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router3Pool_AddLiquidity(sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, amount0 uint64, coin1 *MoveStructTag, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router3Pool_RemoveLiquidity(sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, coin1 *MoveStructTag, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router3Pool_RemoveLiquidityForCoin(sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, amount0ToWithdraw uint64, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router3Pool_SwapCoinForExactCoin(sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, requestAmount0 uint64, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router3Pool_SwapExactCoinForCoin(sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, amount0 uint64, coin1 *MoveStructTag, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router4Pool_AddLiquidity(sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, amount0 uint64, coin1 *MoveStructTag, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router4Pool_RemoveLiquidity(sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, coin1 *MoveStructTag, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router4Pool_RemoveLiquidityForCoin(sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, amount0ToWithdraw uint64, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router4Pool_SwapCoinForExactCoin(sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, requestAmount0 uint64, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router4Pool_SwapExactCoinForCoin(sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, amount0 uint64, coin1 *MoveStructTag, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stable2PoolType(coin0, coin1 *MoveStructTag) (*MoveStructTag, error)
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stable2Pool_CreatePool(sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, coin1 *MoveStructTag, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stable3PoolType(coin0, coin1, coin2 *MoveStructTag) (*MoveStructTag, error)
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stable3Pool_CreatePool(sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, coin1 *MoveStructTag, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stable4PoolType(coin0, coin1, coin2, coin3 *MoveStructTag) (*MoveStructTag, error)
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stable4Pool_CreatePool(sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, coin1 *MoveStructTag, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) StakePoolType(stake, reward *MoveStructTag) (*MoveStructTag, error)
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stake_Claim(sender Address, stake *MoveStructTag, reward *MoveStructTag, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stake_CreatePool(sender Address, stake *MoveStructTag, reward *MoveStructTag, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stake_DeleteEmptyPool(sender Address, stake *MoveStructTag, reward *MoveStructTag, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stake_Deposit(sender Address, stake *MoveStructTag, reward *MoveStructTag, amount uint64, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stake_EndRewardEarly(sender Address, stake *MoveStructTag, reward *MoveStructTag, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stake_ModifyPool(sender Address, stake *MoveStructTag, reward *MoveStructTag, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stake_Withdraw(sender Address, stake *MoveStructTag, reward *MoveStructTag, amount uint64, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Vault_CreateAuxAccount(sender Address, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Vault_Deposit(sender Address, to Address, coinType *MoveStructTag, amount uint64, ...) *Transaction
- func (info *AuxClientConfig) Vault_Withdraw(sender Address, coinType *MoveStructTag, amount uint64, ...) *Transaction
- type AuxClobMarket
- type AuxClobMarketCancelAllResult
- type AuxClobMarketCancelOrderResult
- type AuxClobMarketEventCounter
- type AuxClobMarketOrderEvent
- type AuxClobMarketOrderStatus
- type AuxClobMarketOrderType
- type AuxClobMarketPlaceOrderError
- type AuxClobMarketPlaceOrderResult
- type AuxClobMarketSelfTradeType
- type AuxClobMarketTrader
- func (trader *AuxClobMarketTrader) CancelAll(ctx context.Context, options ...TransactionOption) (*AuxClobMarketCancelAllResult, error)
- func (trader *AuxClobMarketTrader) CancelOrder(ctx context.Context, orderId bcs.Uint128, options ...TransactionOption) (*AuxClobMarketCancelOrderResult, error)
- func (trader *AuxClobMarketTrader) PlaceOrder(ctx context.Context, isBid bool, limitPrice uint64, quantity uint64, ...) (*AuxClobMarketPlaceOrderResult, error)
- type AuxClobMarket_AllOrdersEvent
- type AuxClobMarket_Level2Event
- type AuxClobMarket_Level2Event_Level
- type AuxClobMarket_OpenOrderEventInfo
- type AuxClobMarket_OrderCancelEvent
- type AuxClobMarket_OrderFillEvent
- type AuxClobMarket_OrderPlacedEvent
- type AuxCoinBalance
- type AuxCritbit
- type AuxFakeCoin
- type AuxStable2Pool
- type AuxStable3Pool
- type AuxStable4Pool
- type AuxStakePool
- type AuxUserAccount
- type Bip32Key
- type Client
- func (client *Client) EncodeSubmission(ctx context.Context, request *EncodeSubmissionRequest) (*AptosResponse[EncodeSubmissionResponse], error)
- func (client *Client) EstimateGasPrice(ctx context.Context) (*AptosResponse[EstimateGasPriceResponse], error)
- func (client *Client) FillTransactionData(ctx context.Context, tx *Transaction, seqNumIsZero bool) error
- func (client *Client) GetAccount(ctx context.Context, request *GetAccountRequest) (*AptosResponse[GetAccountResponse], error)
- func (client *Client) GetAccountModule(ctx context.Context, request *GetAccountModuleRequest) (*AptosResponse[GetAccountModuleResponse], error)
- func (client *Client) GetAccountModules(ctx context.Context, request *GetAccountModulesRequest) (*AptosResponse[GetAccountModulesResponse], error)
- func (client *Client) GetAccountResource(ctx context.Context, request *GetAccountResourceRequest) (*AptosResponse[GetAccountResourceResponse], error)
- func (client *Client) GetAccountResources(ctx context.Context, request *GetAccountResourcesRequest) (*AptosResponse[GetAccountResourcesResponse], error)
- func (client *Client) GetAuxCoinBalance(ctx context.Context, auxInfo *AuxClientConfig, user Address, ...) (*AuxCoinBalance, error)
- func (client *Client) GetChainId(ctx context.Context) (uint8, error)
- func (client *Client) GetCoinBalance(ctx context.Context, address Address, coinType *MoveStructTag) (uint64, error)
- func (client *Client) GetCoinInfo(ctx context.Context, coinType *MoveStructTag) (*CoinInfo, error)
- func (client *Client) GetEventsByCreationNumber(ctx context.Context, request *GetEventsByCreationNumberRequest) (*AptosResponse[GetEventsByCreationNumberResponse], error)
- func (client *Client) GetEventsByEventHandler(ctx context.Context, request *GetEventsByEventHandlerRequest) (*AptosResponse[GetEventsByEventHandlerResponse], error)
- func (client *Client) GetLedgerInfo(ctx context.Context) (*AptosResponse[GetLedgerInfoResponse], error)
- func (client *Client) GetTransactionByHash(ctx context.Context, request *GetTransactionByHashRequest) (*AptosResponse[GetTransactionByHashResponse], error)
- func (client *Client) GetTransactionByVersion(ctx context.Context, request *GetTransactionByVersionRequest) (*AptosResponse[GetTransactionByVersionResponse], error)
- func (client *Client) LoadEvents(ctx context.Context, address Address, creationNumber uint64, ...) ([]*RawEvent, error)
- func (client *Client) RefreshData(ctx context.Context) error
- func (client *Client) SetChainId(chainId uint8)
- func (client *Client) SignSubmitTransactionWait(ctx context.Context, signer Signer, tx *Transaction, noWait bool, ...) (*TransactionWithInfo, error)
- func (client *Client) SimulateTransaction(ctx context.Context, request *SimulateTransactionRequest) (*AptosResponse[SimulateTransactionResponse], error)
- func (client *Client) SubmitTransaction(ctx context.Context, request *SubmitTransactionRequest) (*AptosResponse[SubmitTransactionResponse], error)
- func (client *Client) WaitForTransaction(ctx context.Context, txHash string, waitOptions ...TransactionWaitOption) (*TransactionWithInfo, error)
- type Coin
- type CoinInfo
- type CoinStore
- type Config
- type ConfigFile
- type EncodeSubmissionRequest
- type EncodeSubmissionResponse
- type EntryFunctionArg
- func EntryFunctionArg_Address(v Address) *EntryFunctionArg
- func EntryFunctionArg_Bool(v bool) *EntryFunctionArg
- func EntryFunctionArg_String(v string) *EntryFunctionArg
- func EntryFunctionArg_Uint128(lo uint64, hi uint64) *EntryFunctionArg
- func EntryFunctionArg_Uint64(v uint64) *EntryFunctionArg
- func EntryFunctionArg_Uint8(v uint8) *EntryFunctionArg
- type EntryFunctionPayload
- type EstimateGasPriceResponse
- type Event
- type EventHandler
- type FullNodeConfig
- type GUID
- type GUID_ID
- type GetAccountModuleRequest
- type GetAccountModuleResponse
- type GetAccountModulesRequest
- type GetAccountModulesResponse
- type GetAccountRequest
- type GetAccountResourceRequest
- type GetAccountResourceResponse
- type GetAccountResourcesRequest
- type GetAccountResourcesResponse
- type GetAccountResponse
- type GetEventsByCreationNumberRequest
- type GetEventsByCreationNumberResponse
- type GetEventsByEventHandlerRequest
- type GetEventsByEventHandlerResponse
- type GetLedgerInfoResponse
- type GetRequest
- type GetTransactionByHashRequest
- type GetTransactionByHashResponse
- type GetTransactionByVersionRequest
- type GetTransactionByVersionResponse
- type JsonUint64
- type LedgerInfo
- type LocalAccount
- func NewLocalAccountFromMnemonic(mnemonic string, passphrase string) (*LocalAccount, error)
- func NewLocalAccountFromPrivateKey(privateKey *ed25519.PrivateKey) (*LocalAccount, error)
- func NewLocalAccountWithMnemonic() (*LocalAccount, string, error)
- func NewLocalAccountWithRandomKey() (*LocalAccount, error)
- func (account *LocalAccount) IsOriginalAuthenticationKey() bool
- func (account *LocalAccount) Sign(tx *Transaction) (*SingleSignature, error)
- func (account *LocalAccount) SignForSimulation(tx *Transaction) (*SingleSignature, error)
- func (account *LocalAccount) SignRawData(message []byte) (*SingleSignature, error)
- func (account *LocalAccount) SignRawDataForSimulation(message []byte) (*SingleSignature, error)
- func (account *LocalAccount) SignerAddress() Address
- type MoveBytecode
- type MoveFunctionTag
- type MoveModuleABI
- type MoveModuleABI_Function
- type MoveModuleABI_Struct
- type MoveModuleTag
- type MoveStructTag
- func GetAuxFakeCoinCoinType(moduleAddress Address, fakeCoin AuxFakeCoin) (*MoveStructTag, error)
- func GetAuxFakeCoinType(moduleAddress Address, fakeCoin AuxFakeCoin) (*MoveStructTag, error)
- func GetCoinInfoType(coinType *MoveStructTag) *MoveStructTag
- func GetCoinStoreType(coin *MoveStructTag) *MoveStructTag
- func MustNewMoveStructTag(address Address, module, name string, genericTypeParameters []*MoveStructTag) *MoveStructTag
- func NewMoveStructTag(address Address, module string, name string, ...) (*MoveStructTag, error)
- func ParseMoveStructTag(fullName string) (*MoveStructTag, error)
- type MoveTypeTag
- type Network
- type RawDataSigner
- type RawEvent
- type Signer
- type SimulateTransactionRequest
- type SimulateTransactionResponse
- type SingleSignature
- type SubmitTransactionRequest
- type SubmitTransactionResponse
- type Table
- type TableWithLength
- type Transaction
- type TransactionInfo
- type TransactionOption
- type TransactionOption_ExpireAfter
- type TransactionOption_ExpireAt
- type TransactionOption_GasUnitPrice
- type TransactionOption_MaxGasAmount
- type TransactionOption_Sender
- type TransactionOption_SequenceNumber
- type TransactionOptions
- type TransactionPayload
- type TransactionWaitOption
- type TransactionWithInfo
- type TypedAccountResource
Examples ¶
- Package
- AuxClientConfig.Router3Pool_SwapExactCoinForCoin
- AuxClobMarketTrader
- Client.GetAccountModule
- Client.GetAccountModules
- Client.GetAccountResource
- Client.GetAccountResources
- Client.GetAuxCoinBalance
- Client.GetEventsByCreationNumber
- Client.GetEventsByEventHandler
- Client.LoadEvents
- Client.LoadEvents (AuxFillEvents)
- Client.SubmitTransaction
- Client.SubmitTransaction (Multiple)
Constants ¶
const AddressLength = 32
AddressLength is the length of aptos account address, 32.
const AuxAmmModuleName = "amm"
AuxAmmModuleName aux::amm
const AuxClobMarketModuleName = "clob_market"
AuxClobMarketModuleName is the module name for clob market.
const AuxFakeCoinModuleName = "fake_coin"
AuxFakeCoinModuleName is the module name for fake coin.
const AuxRouter2PoolModuleName = "router_2pool"
AuxRouter2PoolModuleName aux::router_2pool
const AuxRouter3PoolModuleName = "router_3pool"
AuxRouter3PoolModuleName aux::router_3pool
const AuxRouter4PoolModuleName = "router_4pool"
AuxRouter4PoolModuleName aux::router_4pool
const AuxStable2PoolModuleName = "stable_2pool"
AuxStable2PoolModuleName aux::stable_2pool
const AuxStable3PoolModuleName = "stable_3pool"
AuxStable3PoolModuleName aux::stable_3pool
const AuxStable4PoolModuleName = "stable_4pool"
AuxStable4PoolModuleName aux::stable_4pool
const AuxStakeModuleName = "stake"
const AuxVaultModuleName = "vault"
AuxVaultModuleName is the module name for vault.
const Ed25519SignatureType = "ed25519_signature"
Ed25519SinatureType is the signature type for single signer based on a public/private key of ed25519 type.
const HardenedOffset = 0x80000000
HardenedOffset is for bip39
const HmacKey = "ed25519 seed"
HmacKey for bip39
const PetraPath = "m/44'/637'/0'/0'/0'"
PetraPath is the path Petra wallet used to derive the private key. See the doc on
const SignatureLength = 64
SignatureLength aptos uses ed25519 and signature is 64 bytes.
Variables ¶
var AptosCoin = MoveStructTag{ MoveModuleTag: MoveModuleTag{ Address: AptosStdAddress, Module: "aptos_coin", }, Name: "AptosCoin", }
AptosCoin is the type for aptos coin
var AptosStdAddress = MustParseAddress("0x1")
AptosStdAddress is the aptos standard library and aptos framework's address on chain, which is 0x1.
var AuxAllFakeCoins []AuxFakeCoin = []AuxFakeCoin{ AuxFakeCoin_USDC, AuxFakeCoin_ETH, AuxFakeCoin_BTC, AuxFakeCoin_SOL, AuxFakeCoin_USDT, AuxFakeCoin_AUX, AuxFakeCoin_USDCD8, }
AuxAllFakeCoins contains all the fake coins provided by aux for testing
Functions ¶
func Bip32DerivePath ¶
func EncodeTransaction ¶
func EncodeTransaction(tx *Transaction) []byte
EncodeTransaction for signing. See here: doc on, also see the implementation in typescript
The process is follows:
- generate sha3_256 of "APTOS::RawTransaction"
Then bcs serialize in the following order:
- sender
- sequence_number
- payload
- max_gas_amount
- gas_unit_price
- expiration_timestamp_secs
- chain_id
for entry function payload, see [EntryFunctionPayload.ToBCS].
func GetAccountResourceWithType ¶ added in v0.2.0
func GetAccountResourceWithType[T any](ctx context.Context, client *Client, address Address, moveType *MoveStructTag, ledgerVersion uint64) (*T, error)
GetAccountResourceWithType get the resource of specified move type, then marshal it into requested type T.
This is equivalent of calling Client.GetAccountResource, then marshal the response into the type.
This is a function since golang doesn't support generic method.
func GetAuxFakeCoinDecimal ¶
func GetAuxFakeCoinDecimal(fakeCoin AuxFakeCoin) uint8
GetAuxFakeCoinDecimal provides the decimals for fake coins
func GetChainIdForNetwork ¶ added in v0.2.0
func GetDefaultEndpoint ¶
func IsNamedAddress ¶
Check if an address string is named address
func IsValidBip32Path ¶
func NewPrivateKeyFromHexString ¶
func NewPrivateKeyFromHexString(hexString string) (*ed25519.PrivateKey, error)
NewPrivateKeyFromHexString generates a private key from hex string.
Types ¶
type AccountModule ¶ added in v0.4.0
type AccountModule struct { Bytecode MoveBytecode `json:"bytecode"` Abi *MoveModuleABI `json:"abi"` }
AccountModule contains the byte codes and the abi of the module.
type AccountResource ¶
type AccountResource struct { Type *MoveStructTag `json:"type"` Data json.RawMessage `json:"data,omitempty"` }
AccountResource includes the type and json encoding of the data.
type Address ¶
type Address [AddressLength]byte
Address in aptos, 32 byte long.
func CalculateResourceAddress ¶
CalculateResourceAddress creates a new resource address from the source address and seeds.
func GenerateAuthenticationKey ¶
func GenerateAuthenticationKey( totalSignerCount int, requiredSignerCount int, signerPublicKeys ...ed25519.PublicKey, ) (Address, error)
GenerateAuthenticationKey calculates the authentication key for a scheme.
The information is based on documentation on
Account in aptos is presented by SHA3-256 of
- a public key of ed25519 public key (pub_key|0x00)
- a series of ed25519 public keys, the number of signature required (pub_key_1 | pub_key_2 ... | pub_key_n | K | 0x01)
- an address and some seed (address | seed| 0xFF) if on chain.
func GetAuxOnChainSignerAddress ¶ added in v0.2.0
GetAuxOnChainSignerAddress calculates the onchain account holding assets for a given address. Assets for an aux user is held in a separate resource account, which is derived from the aux module address and seed "aux-user".
func MustParseAddress ¶ added in v0.2.0
func ParseAddress ¶
ParseAddress converts a hex encoded string to address.
func (Address) MarshalBCS ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (Address) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Address) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type AptosReponseHeader ¶ added in v0.6.1
type AptosReponseHeader struct { AptosBlockHeight string AptosChainId string AptosEpoch string AptosLedgerOldestVersion string AptosLedgerTimestampUsec string AptosLedgerVersion string AptosOldestBlockHeight string }
AptosReponseHeader contains the header information on a successful aptos response
type AptosRequest ¶
type AptosRequest interface { PathSegments() ([]string, error) Body() ([]byte, error) HttpMethod() string }
type AptosResponse ¶
type AptosResponse[T any] struct { RawData []byte Parsed *T Headers *AptosReponseHeader }
type AptosRestError ¶
type AptosRestError struct { // HttpStatusCode returned HttpStatusCode int // Body of the response Body []byte // Message Message string }
AptosRestError contains the http status code, message body and message of the response. This is returned when status code >= 400 is returned.
func (*AptosRestError) Error ¶
func (e *AptosRestError) Error() string
type AuxAmmPool ¶
type AuxAmmPool struct { FeeBps JsonUint64 `json:"fee_bps"` Frozen bool `json:"frozen"` XReserve Coin `json:"x_reserve"` YReserve Coin `json:"y_reserve"` AddLiquidityEvents *EventHandler `json:"add_liquidity_events"` RemoveLiquidityEvents *EventHandler `json:"remove_liquidity_events"` SwapEvents *EventHandler `json:"swap_events"` }
AuxAmmPool is a constant product amm
type AuxAmm_AddLiquidityEvent ¶ added in v0.6.1
type AuxAmm_AddLiquidityEvent struct { Timestamp JsonUint64 `json:"timestamp"` XCoinType *MoveStructTag `json:"x_coin_type"` YCoinType *MoveStructTag `json:"y_coin_type"` XAddedAu JsonUint64 `json:"x_added_au"` YAddedAu JsonUint64 `json:"y_added_au"` LpMintedAu JsonUint64 `json:"lp_minted_au"` }
AuxAmm_AddLiquidityEvent is emitted when liquidity is added. contract here
type AuxAmm_RemoveLiquidityEvent ¶ added in v0.6.1
type AuxAmm_RemoveLiquidityEvent struct { Timestamp JsonUint64 `json:"timestamp"` XCoinType *MoveStructTag `json:"x_coin_type"` YCoinType *MoveStructTag `json:"y_coin_type"` XRemovedAu JsonUint64 `json:"x_removed_au"` YRemovedAu JsonUint64 `json:"y_removed_au"` LpBurnedAu JsonUint64 `json:"lp_burned_au"` }
AuxAmm_RemoveLiquidityEvent is emitted when liquidity is removed. contract here
type AuxAmm_SwapEvent ¶ added in v0.6.1
type AuxAmm_SwapEvent struct { SenderAddr Address `json:"sender_addr"` Timestamp JsonUint64 `json:"timestamp"` InCoinType *MoveStructTag `json:"in_coin_type"` OutCoinType *MoveStructTag `json:"out_coin_type"` InReserve JsonUint64 `json:"in_reserve"` OutReserve JsonUint64 `json:"out_reserve"` InAu JsonUint64 `json:"in_au"` OutAu JsonUint64 `json:"out_au"` FeeBps JsonUint64 `json:"fee_bps"` }
AuxAmm_SwapEvent is emitted when a swap happens on chain. contract here
type AuxClient ¶ added in v0.4.0
type AuxClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AuxClient combines AuxClientConfig, Client, and Signer for aptos for convenient access
func NewAuxClient ¶ added in v0.4.0
func NewAuxClient(client *Client, config *AuxClientConfig, signer Signer) *AuxClient
func (*AuxClient) GetClobMarket ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (client *AuxClient) GetClobMarket(ctx context.Context, baseCoin, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag, ledgerVersion uint64) (*AuxClobMarket, error)
func (*AuxClient) GetStable2Pool ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (client *AuxClient) GetStable2Pool(ctx context.Context, coin0, coin1 *MoveStructTag, ledgerVersion uint64) (*AuxStable2Pool, error)
GetStable2Pool returns the 2pool if it exists. Note the order of the coin matters
func (*AuxClient) GetStable3Pool ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (client *AuxClient) GetStable3Pool(ctx context.Context, coin0, coin1, coin2 *MoveStructTag, ledgerVersion uint64) (*AuxStable3Pool, error)
GetStable3Pool returns the 3pool if it exists. Note the order of the coin matters
func (*AuxClient) GetStable4Pool ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (client *AuxClient) GetStable4Pool(ctx context.Context, coin0, coin1, coin2, coin3 *MoveStructTag, ledgerVersion uint64) (*AuxStable4Pool, error)
GetStable4Pool returns the 4pool if it exists. Note the order of the coin matters
func (*AuxClient) ListAllOrders ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (client *AuxClient) ListAllOrders(ctx context.Context, baseCoin, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag, options ...TransactionOption) (*AuxClobMarket_AllOrdersEvent, error)
func (*AuxClient) ListLevel2 ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (client *AuxClient) ListLevel2(ctx context.Context, baseCoin, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag, options ...TransactionOption) (*AuxClobMarket_Level2Event, error)
type AuxClientConfig ¶
type AuxClientConfig struct { Address Address Deployer Address DataFeedAddress Address DataFeedPublicKey ed25519.PublicKey }
func GetAuxClientConfig ¶
func GetAuxClientConfig(chain Network) (*AuxClientConfig, error)
GetAuxClientConfig gets the aux exchange configuration for an aptos network. Only mainnet, devnet, and testnet are supported.
func GetAuxClientConfigFromLocalAccount ¶ added in v0.4.3
func GetAuxClientConfigFromLocalAccount(localAccount *LocalAccount) *AuxClientConfig
GetAuxClientConfigFromLocalAccount returns the aux configuration based on a local account. The input local account must be the account that deploys aux to the chain.
func MustGetAuxClientConfig ¶ added in v0.4.3
func MustGetAuxClientConfig(chain Network) *AuxClientConfig
MustGetAuxClientConfig returns the aux exchange configuration for an aptos network. Panic if fails.
func (*AuxClientConfig) AmmPoolType ¶
func (info *AuxClientConfig) AmmPoolType(coinX *MoveStructTag, coinY *MoveStructTag) (*MoveStructTag, error)
AmmPoolType returns the move type (MoveTypeTag) for a pool
func (*AuxClientConfig) Amm_AddLiquidity ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Amm_AddLiquidity(sender Address, coinX *MoveStructTag, xAmount uint64, coinY *MoveStructTag, yAmount uint64, maxSlippage uint64, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
Amm_AddLiquidity adds liquidity to amm. See contract here
func (*AuxClientConfig) Amm_CreatePool ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Amm_CreatePool(sender Address, coinX, coinY *MoveStructTag, feeBps uint64, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
Amm_CreatePool creates a new pool with the give coin x and coin y. contract here
func (*AuxClientConfig) Amm_RemoveLiquidity ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Amm_RemoveLiquidity(sender Address, coinX, coinY *MoveStructTag, amountLp uint64, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
Amm_RemoveLiquidity removes liquidity from amm. See contract here
func (*AuxClientConfig) Amm_SwapExactCoinForCoin ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Amm_SwapExactCoinForCoin(sender Address, coinX, coinY *MoveStructTag, amountIn uint64, minAmountOut uint64, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
Amm_SwapExactCoinForCoin swaps coins, with the output amount decided by the input amount. See contract here
func (*AuxClientConfig) Amm_UpdateFee ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Amm_UpdateFee(sender Address, coinX, coinY *MoveStructTag, feeBps uint64, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
Amm_UpdateFee updates the fee of the amm pool. the pool is identified by the coin types. contract here.
func (*AuxClientConfig) ClobMarket_CancelAll ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) ClobMarket_CancelAll(sender Address, baseCoin, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
ClobMarket_CancelAll constructs a transaction to cancel all open orders on a given market.
func (*AuxClientConfig) ClobMarket_CancelOrder ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) ClobMarket_CancelOrder(sender Address, baseCoin, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag, orderId bcs.Uint128, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
ClobMarket_CancelOrder constructs a transaction to cancel an open orde on a given market.
func (*AuxClientConfig) ClobMarket_CreateMarket ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) ClobMarket_CreateMarket(sender Address, baseCoin, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag, lotSize, tickSize uint64, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
ClobMarket_CreateMarket constructs a transaction to create a market.
lot size and quote size must guarantee that the minimal quote coin quantity is available and no rounding happens. This requires (assuming base coin has decimal of b)
- lot size * tick size / 10^b > 0 (the minimal quote coin quantity must be greater than zero)
- lot size * tick size % 10^b == 0 (the minimal quote coin quantity must be whole integers)
func (*AuxClientConfig) ClobMarket_LoadAllOrdersIntoEvent ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) ClobMarket_LoadAllOrdersIntoEvent(baseCoin, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
func (*AuxClientConfig) ClobMarket_LoadMarketIntoEvent ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) ClobMarket_LoadMarketIntoEvent(baseCoin, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
ClobMarket_LoadMarketIntoEvent constructs a transaction to load price level and total quantities of each price level into an event. This is useful if the price/quantity of the market is needed since the market is stored on TableWithLength and is cumbersome to query.
func (*AuxClientConfig) ClobMarket_PlaceOrder ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) ClobMarket_PlaceOrder( sender Address, isBid bool, baseCoin, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag, limitPrice uint64, quantity uint64, auxToBurnPerLot uint64, clientOrderId bcs.Uint128, orderType AuxClobMarketOrderType, ticksToSlide uint64, directionAggressive bool, timeoutTimestamp uint64, selfTradeType AuxClobMarketSelfTradeType, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
ClobMarket_PlaceOrder creates a transaction to place an orde on aux.echange.
Each order placed on the clob will receive an order id, even if it is cancelled or filled immediately. The order id is unique to the market, which is specified by base coin - quote coin pair.
To link an order id generate from the contract on the client side, user can pass in a clientOrderId, which is unsigned int128 (which go doesn't support). However, the contract doesn't check of uniqueness of clientOrderIds.
Limit price of the order must be in the quote coin decimals for one unit of base coin, and quantity is specified in base coin quantity. For example, assume coin Base has a decimal of 8, and coin Quote has a decimal of 6. To buy 0.5 unit of base at a price of 66.8, the limit price should be 66,800,000, and the quantity should be 50,000,000.
also see contract at here
func (*AuxClientConfig) FakeCoin_Burn ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) FakeCoin_Burn(sender Address, fakeCoin AuxFakeCoin, amount uint64, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
FakeCoin_Burn burns the fake coins for a user. The is useful when tests require users' balances must start from zero.
func (*AuxClientConfig) FakeCoin_Mint ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) FakeCoin_Mint(sender Address, fakeCoin AuxFakeCoin, amount uint64, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
FakeCoin_Mint mints coins to the user. The user must be registered.
func (*AuxClientConfig) FakeCoin_Register ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) FakeCoin_Register(sender Address, fakeCoin AuxFakeCoin, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
FakeCoin_Register registers the user for the fake coin. No effect if the user is already registered.
func (*AuxClientConfig) FakeCoin_RegisterAndMint ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) FakeCoin_RegisterAndMint(sender Address, fakeCoin AuxFakeCoin, amount uint64, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
FakeCoin_RegisterAndMint register and mint fake coins. Any signer can self sign and get those coins. If the sender is not registered, this operation will register user for the coin. If the sender is registered for the coin, it will simply mint.
func (*AuxClientConfig) GetCoinBalanceType ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) GetCoinBalanceType(coinType *MoveStructTag) *MoveStructTag
GetCoinBalanceType get the coin balance and available balance in vault for a user.
func (*AuxClientConfig) MarketType ¶
func (info *AuxClientConfig) MarketType(baseCoin *MoveStructTag, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag) (*MoveStructTag, error)
MarketType provides the market for a pair of currencies
func (*AuxClientConfig) Router2Pool_AddLiquidity ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router2Pool_AddLiquidity( sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, amount0 uint64, coin1 *MoveStructTag, amount1 uint64, minLpAmount uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Router2Pool_AddLiquidity constructs the transaction to add liquidity to a pool
func (*AuxClientConfig) Router2Pool_RemoveLiquidity ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router2Pool_RemoveLiquidity( sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, coin1 *MoveStructTag, lpAmount uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Router2Pool_RemoveLiquidity constructs the transaction to remove liquidity from the pool by specifying the amount of lp coins to burn.
func (*AuxClientConfig) Router2Pool_RemoveLiquidityForCoin ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router2Pool_RemoveLiquidityForCoin( sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, amount0ToWithdraw uint64, coin1 *MoveStructTag, amount1ToWithdraw uint64, maxLpAmount uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Router2Pool_RemoveLiquidityForCoin constructs the transaction to remove liquidity from the pool by specifying the coin amount to withdraw.
func (*AuxClientConfig) Router2Pool_SwapCoinForExactCoin ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router2Pool_SwapCoinForExactCoin( sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, requestAmount0 uint64, coin1 *MoveStructTag, requestAmount1 uint64, inCoinIndex int, maxQuantityIn uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Router2Pool_SwapCoinForExactCoin constructs the transaction to swap coins by by specifying the input amount of coins to swap.
func (*AuxClientConfig) Router2Pool_SwapExactCoinForCoin ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router2Pool_SwapExactCoinForCoin( sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, amount0 uint64, coin1 *MoveStructTag, amount1 uint64, outCoinIndex int, minQuantityOut uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Router2Pool_SwapExactCoinForCoin constructs the transaction to swap coins by by specifying the input amount of coins to swap.
func (*AuxClientConfig) Router3Pool_AddLiquidity ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router3Pool_AddLiquidity( sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, amount0 uint64, coin1 *MoveStructTag, amount1 uint64, coin2 *MoveStructTag, amount2 uint64, minLpAmount uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Router3Pool_AddLiquidity constructs the transaction to add liquidity to a pool
func (*AuxClientConfig) Router3Pool_RemoveLiquidity ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router3Pool_RemoveLiquidity( sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, coin1 *MoveStructTag, coin2 *MoveStructTag, lpAmount uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Router3Pool_RemoveLiquidity constructs the transaction to remove liquidity from the pool by specifying the amount of lp coins to burn.
func (*AuxClientConfig) Router3Pool_RemoveLiquidityForCoin ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router3Pool_RemoveLiquidityForCoin( sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, amount0ToWithdraw uint64, coin1 *MoveStructTag, amount1ToWithdraw uint64, coin2 *MoveStructTag, amount2ToWithdraw uint64, maxLpAmount uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Router3Pool_RemoveLiquidityForCoin constructs the transaction to remove liquidity from the pool by specifying the coin amount to withdraw.
func (*AuxClientConfig) Router3Pool_SwapCoinForExactCoin ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router3Pool_SwapCoinForExactCoin( sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, requestAmount0 uint64, coin1 *MoveStructTag, requestAmount1 uint64, coin2 *MoveStructTag, requestAmount2 uint64, inCoinIndex int, maxQuantityIn uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Router3Pool_SwapCoinForExactCoin constructs the transaction to swap coins by by specifying the input amount of coins to swap.
func (*AuxClientConfig) Router3Pool_SwapExactCoinForCoin ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router3Pool_SwapExactCoinForCoin( sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, amount0 uint64, coin1 *MoveStructTag, amount1 uint64, coin2 *MoveStructTag, amount2 uint64, outCoinIndex int, minQuantityOut uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Router3Pool_SwapExactCoinForCoin constructs the transaction to swap coins by by specifying the input amount of coins to swap.
func (*AuxClientConfig) Router4Pool_AddLiquidity ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router4Pool_AddLiquidity( sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, amount0 uint64, coin1 *MoveStructTag, amount1 uint64, coin2 *MoveStructTag, amount2 uint64, coin3 *MoveStructTag, amount3 uint64, minLpAmount uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Router4Pool_AddLiquidity constructs the transaction to add liquidity to a pool
func (*AuxClientConfig) Router4Pool_RemoveLiquidity ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router4Pool_RemoveLiquidity( sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, coin1 *MoveStructTag, coin2 *MoveStructTag, coin3 *MoveStructTag, lpAmount uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Router4Pool_RemoveLiquidity constructs the transaction to remove liquidity from the pool by specifying the amount of lp coins to burn.
func (*AuxClientConfig) Router4Pool_RemoveLiquidityForCoin ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router4Pool_RemoveLiquidityForCoin( sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, amount0ToWithdraw uint64, coin1 *MoveStructTag, amount1ToWithdraw uint64, coin2 *MoveStructTag, amount2ToWithdraw uint64, coin3 *MoveStructTag, amount3ToWithdraw uint64, maxLpAmount uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Router4Pool_RemoveLiquidityForCoin constructs the transaction to remove liquidity from the pool by specifying the coin amount to withdraw.
func (*AuxClientConfig) Router4Pool_SwapCoinForExactCoin ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router4Pool_SwapCoinForExactCoin( sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, requestAmount0 uint64, coin1 *MoveStructTag, requestAmount1 uint64, coin2 *MoveStructTag, requestAmount2 uint64, coin3 *MoveStructTag, requestAmount3 uint64, inCoinIndex int, maxQuantityIn uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Router4Pool_SwapCoinForExactCoin constructs the transaction to swap coins by by specifying the input amount of coins to swap.
func (*AuxClientConfig) Router4Pool_SwapExactCoinForCoin ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Router4Pool_SwapExactCoinForCoin( sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, amount0 uint64, coin1 *MoveStructTag, amount1 uint64, coin2 *MoveStructTag, amount2 uint64, coin3 *MoveStructTag, amount3 uint64, outCoinIndex int, minQuantityOut uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Router4Pool_SwapExactCoinForCoin constructs the transaction to swap coins by by specifying the input amount of coins to swap.
func (*AuxClientConfig) Stable2PoolType ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stable2PoolType(coin0, coin1 *MoveStructTag) (*MoveStructTag, error)
Stable2PoolType returns the move struct tag (MoveStructTag) for a stable 2 pool
func (*AuxClientConfig) Stable2Pool_CreatePool ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stable2Pool_CreatePool( sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, coin1 *MoveStructTag, feeNumerator uint64, amp uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Stable2Pool_CreatePool construct the transaction to create a new 2pool
func (*AuxClientConfig) Stable3PoolType ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stable3PoolType(coin0, coin1, coin2 *MoveStructTag) (*MoveStructTag, error)
Stable3PoolType returns the move struct tag (MoveStructTag) for a stable 3 pool
func (*AuxClientConfig) Stable3Pool_CreatePool ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stable3Pool_CreatePool( sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, coin1 *MoveStructTag, coin2 *MoveStructTag, feeNumerator uint64, amp uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Stable3Pool_CreatePool construct the transaction to create a new 3pool
func (*AuxClientConfig) Stable4PoolType ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stable4PoolType(coin0, coin1, coin2, coin3 *MoveStructTag) (*MoveStructTag, error)
Stable4PoolType returns the move struct tag (MoveStructTag) for a stable 4 pool
func (*AuxClientConfig) Stable4Pool_CreatePool ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stable4Pool_CreatePool( sender Address, coin0 *MoveStructTag, coin1 *MoveStructTag, coin2 *MoveStructTag, coin3 *MoveStructTag, feeNumerator uint64, amp uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Stable4Pool_CreatePool construct the transaction to create a new 4pool
func (*AuxClientConfig) StakePoolType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) StakePoolType(stake, reward *MoveStructTag) (*MoveStructTag, error)
StakePoolType returns the aux::stake::Pool<Stake, Reward>
func (*AuxClientConfig) Stake_Claim ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stake_Claim( sender Address, stake *MoveStructTag, reward *MoveStructTag, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Stake_Claim claims the reward but doesn't unstake the coins. see here.
func (*AuxClientConfig) Stake_CreatePool ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stake_CreatePool( sender Address, stake *MoveStructTag, reward *MoveStructTag, rewardAmount uint64, durationUs uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Stake_CreatePool creates a new staking pool. see here
func (*AuxClientConfig) Stake_DeleteEmptyPool ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stake_DeleteEmptyPool(sender Address, stake *MoveStructTag, reward *MoveStructTag, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
Stake_DeleteEmptyPool deletes a pool when it's empty. see here
func (*AuxClientConfig) Stake_Deposit ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stake_Deposit( sender Address, stake *MoveStructTag, reward *MoveStructTag, amount uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Stake_Deposit deposit stake coins into the reward pool to earn reward. see here.
func (*AuxClientConfig) Stake_EndRewardEarly ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stake_EndRewardEarly(sender Address, stake *MoveStructTag, reward *MoveStructTag, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
Stake_EndRewardEarly ends the reward early for a pool. see here
func (*AuxClientConfig) Stake_ModifyPool ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stake_ModifyPool( sender Address, stake *MoveStructTag, reward *MoveStructTag, rewardAmount uint64, rewardIncrease bool, timeAmountUs uint64, timeIncrease bool, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Stake_ModifyPool modifies the time and reward of the pool. see here.
func (*AuxClientConfig) Stake_Withdraw ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Stake_Withdraw( sender Address, stake *MoveStructTag, reward *MoveStructTag, amount uint64, options ...TransactionOption, ) *Transaction
Stake_Withdraw withdraw staked coins from the pool. Reward will be claimed. see here.
func (*AuxClientConfig) Vault_CreateAuxAccount ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Vault_CreateAuxAccount(sender Address, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
func (*AuxClientConfig) Vault_Deposit ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Vault_Deposit(sender Address, to Address, coinType *MoveStructTag, amount uint64, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
Vault_Deposit deposits into vault.
func (*AuxClientConfig) Vault_Withdraw ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (info *AuxClientConfig) Vault_Withdraw(sender Address, coinType *MoveStructTag, amount uint64, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
Vault_Withdraw withdraw from the vault.
type AuxClobMarket ¶
type AuxClobMarket struct { Asks *AuxCritbit `json:"asks,omitempty"` Bids *AuxCritbit `json:"bids,omitempty"` BaseDecimals uint8 `json:"base_decimals"` QuoteDecimals uint8 `json:"quote_decimals"` LotSize JsonUint64 `json:"lot_size"` TickSize JsonUint64 `json:"tick_size"` FillEvents *EventHandler `json:"fill_events"` PlacedEvents *EventHandler `json:"placed_events"` CancelEvents *EventHandler `json:"cancel_events"` }
AuxClobMarket contains two sided book of bids and asks.
type AuxClobMarketCancelAllResult ¶ added in v0.4.0
type AuxClobMarketCancelAllResult struct { RawTransation *TransactionWithInfo CancelledOrderIds []bcs.Uint128 }
type AuxClobMarketCancelOrderResult ¶ added in v0.4.0
type AuxClobMarketCancelOrderResult struct { RawTransation *TransactionWithInfo IsCancelled bool }
AuxClobMarketCancelOrderResult contains the results from a [AuxClientConfig.ClobMarket_Cancel] transaction.
type AuxClobMarketEventCounter ¶ added in v0.4.0
type AuxClobMarketEventCounter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*AuxClobMarketEventCounter) FillFromAuxClobMarket ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (counter *AuxClobMarketEventCounter) FillFromAuxClobMarket(market *AuxClobMarket)
type AuxClobMarketOrderEvent ¶ added in v0.4.0
type AuxClobMarketOrderEvent struct { *AuxClobMarket_OrderFillEvent *AuxClobMarket_OrderCancelEvent *AuxClobMarket_OrderPlacedEvent // the event is identified, but failed to parse ParsingFailure error }
AuxClobMarketOrderEvent is an union of all order events
func FilterAuxClobMarketOrderEvent ¶ added in v0.4.0
func FilterAuxClobMarketOrderEvent(events []*RawEvent, moduleAddress Address, ignoreAddress bool, dropOtherEvents bool) []*AuxClobMarketOrderEvent
FilterAuxClobMarketOrderEvent filers out the clob market events emitted during the placing/cancelling process. It will parse out all the order related events. However, the output slice will have the same length of the input slice. The events unrelated to the orders will have AuxClobMarketOrderEvent.IsOrderEvent returns false. This is useful when the events needs to be put into context of composition with other protocols.
func (*AuxClobMarketOrderEvent) IsOrderEvent ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (ev *AuxClobMarketOrderEvent) IsOrderEvent() bool
IsOrderEvent checks if this AuxClobMarketOrderEvent is order related or not.
type AuxClobMarketOrderStatus ¶ added in v0.4.0
type AuxClobMarketOrderStatus uint64
AuxClobMarketOrderStatus contains the onchain status of the order
- Placed: the order is placed into the limit order book and is open.
- Cancelled: the order is cancelled. Order can be cancelled due to user sending a cancel transaction, self trade handling of a new order, time out, or fok/ioc/post only/passive join failed to meet the condition.
- Filled: the order is fully filled.
const ( AuxClobMarketOrderStatus_Placed AuxClobMarketOrderStatus = iota // Placed AuxClobMarketOrderStatus_Filled // Filled AuxClobMarketOrderStatus_Cancelled // Cancelled )
func (AuxClobMarketOrderStatus) String ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (i AuxClobMarketOrderStatus) String() string
type AuxClobMarketOrderType ¶
type AuxClobMarketOrderType uint64
AuxClobMarketOrderType, can be limit, fok, ioc, post only or passive join
const ( AuxClobMarketOrderType_Limit AuxClobMarketOrderType = iota + 100 // LIMIT AuxClobMarketOrderType_FOK // FOK AuxClobMarketOrderType_IOC // IOC AuxClobMarketOrderType_POST_ONLY // POST_ONLY AuxClobMarketOrderType_PASSIVE_JOIN // PASSIVE_JOIN )
func (AuxClobMarketOrderType) String ¶
func (i AuxClobMarketOrderType) String() string
type AuxClobMarketPlaceOrderError ¶ added in v0.4.0
type AuxClobMarketPlaceOrderError struct { ErroredResult *AuxClobMarketPlaceOrderResult InnerError error IsTransactionFailure bool }
AuxClobMarketPlaceOrderError is the error returned if the transaction is successfully submitted to the chain and executed, but post processing somehow failed. It will contain a copy of the AuxClobMarketPlaceOrderResult that is processed uptil failure.
func IsAuxClobMarketPlaceOrderError ¶ added in v0.4.0
func IsAuxClobMarketPlaceOrderError(err error) (*AuxClobMarketPlaceOrderError, bool)
IsAuxClobMarketPlaceOrderError checks if the error is AuxClobMarketPlaceOrderError, returns the casted AuxClobMarketPlaceOrderError and a bool indicate if it is AuxClobMarketPlaceOrderError
func (*AuxClobMarketPlaceOrderError) Error ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (err *AuxClobMarketPlaceOrderError) Error() string
type AuxClobMarketPlaceOrderResult ¶ added in v0.4.0
type AuxClobMarketPlaceOrderResult struct { RawTransaction *TransactionWithInfo // OrderId for this order OrderId *bcs.Uint128 // ClientOrderId if there is any. Otherwise this will be 0. ClientOrderId *bcs.Uint128 // Status of the order OrderStatus AuxClobMarketOrderStatus Events []*AuxClobMarketOrderEvent FillEvents []*AuxClobMarket_OrderFillEvent }
AuxClobMarketPlaceOrderResult contains the results from a AuxClientConfig.ClobMarket_PlaceOrder transaction.
If the transaction is successfully committed to the blockchain, the order will get an order id even if it never goes onto the order book. Note there is no way to differentiate between an empty client order id or a 0 client order id.
Status of the order indicates the status right after the transaction is committed.
type AuxClobMarketSelfTradeType ¶
type AuxClobMarketSelfTradeType uint64
AuxClobMarketSelfTradeType gives instruction on how to handle self trade
const ( // cancel the order that is on the book AuxClobMarketSelfTradeType_CancelPassive AuxClobMarketSelfTradeType = iota + 200 // CANCEL_PASSIVE // cancel the order that is being placed. AuxClobMarketSelfTradeType_CancelAggressive // CANCEL_AGGRESSIVE // cancel both. AuxClobMarketSelfTradeType_CancelBoth // CANCEL_BOTH )
func (AuxClobMarketSelfTradeType) String ¶
func (i AuxClobMarketSelfTradeType) String() string
type AuxClobMarketTrader ¶ added in v0.4.0
type AuxClobMarketTrader struct { // OriginalState contains the state of the market when the AuxClobMarketTrader first start trading. // This is useful to monitor the event queues to check if an order is filled or cancelled. OriginalState *AuxClobMarket // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AuxClobMarketTrader contains the market state, a client to aptos/aux,
func NewAuxClobMarketTrader ¶ added in v0.4.0
func NewAuxClobMarketTrader(ctx context.Context, auxClient *AuxClient, baseCoin, quoteCoin *MoveStructTag) (*AuxClobMarketTrader, error)
NewAuxClobMarketTrader creates a new trader.
func (*AuxClobMarketTrader) CancelAll ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (trader *AuxClobMarketTrader) CancelAll(ctx context.Context, options ...TransactionOption) (*AuxClobMarketCancelAllResult, error)
func (*AuxClobMarketTrader) CancelOrder ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (trader *AuxClobMarketTrader) CancelOrder( ctx context.Context, orderId bcs.Uint128, options ...TransactionOption, ) (*AuxClobMarketCancelOrderResult, error)
Cancel an order
func (*AuxClobMarketTrader) PlaceOrder ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (trader *AuxClobMarketTrader) PlaceOrder( ctx context.Context, isBid bool, limitPrice uint64, quantity uint64, auxToBurnPerLot uint64, clientOrderId bcs.Uint128, orderType AuxClobMarketOrderType, ticksToSlide uint64, directionAggressive bool, timeoutTimestamp uint64, selfTradeType AuxClobMarketSelfTradeType, options ...TransactionOption, ) (*AuxClobMarketPlaceOrderResult, error)
PlaceOrder places a new order on clob, check AuxClientConfig.ClobMarket_PlaceOrder for more information on the parameters.
type AuxClobMarket_AllOrdersEvent ¶ added in v0.4.0
type AuxClobMarket_AllOrdersEvent struct { Bids [][]*AuxClobMarket_OpenOrderEventInfo `json:"bids"` Asks [][]*AuxClobMarket_OpenOrderEventInfo `json:"asks"` }
AuxClobMarket_AllOrdersEvent contains all the open orders. This is an event because table api doesn't support mass query.
type AuxClobMarket_Level2Event ¶ added in v0.4.0
type AuxClobMarket_Level2Event struct { Bids []*AuxClobMarket_Level2Event_Level `json:"bids"` Asks []*AuxClobMarket_Level2Event_Level `json:"asks"` }
AuxClobMarket_Level2Event contains the bids and asks from a `load_market_into_event` call. Since tranversing the orderbook from off-chain is difficult, we run those entry functions to emit data into event queues.
type AuxClobMarket_Level2Event_Level ¶ added in v0.4.0
type AuxClobMarket_Level2Event_Level struct { Price JsonUint64 `json:"price"` Quantity JsonUint64 `json:"quantity"` }
AuxClobMarket_Level2Event_Level is price/quantity in an aux level 2 event
type AuxClobMarket_OpenOrderEventInfo ¶ added in v0.4.0
type AuxClobMarket_OpenOrderEventInfo struct { Id bcs.Uint128 `json:"id"` CilentOrderId bcs.Uint128 `json:"client_order_id"` Price JsonUint64 `json:"price"` Quantity JsonUint64 `json:"quantity"` AuxAuToBurnPerLot JsonUint64 `json:"aux_au_to_burn_per_lot"` IsBid bool `json:"is_bid"` OwnerId Address `json:"owner_id"` TimeoutTimestamp JsonUint64 `json:"timeout_timestsamp"` OrderType JsonUint64 `json:"order_type"` Timestamp JsonUint64 `json:"timestamp"` }
AuxClobMarket_OpenOrderEventInfo contains the open order information for an order that is on the order book.
type AuxClobMarket_OrderCancelEvent ¶ added in v0.4.0
type AuxClobMarket_OrderCancelEvent struct { OrderId bcs.Uint128 `json:"order_id"` ClientOrderId bcs.Uint128 `json:"client_order_id"` Owner Address `json:"owner"` CancelQuantity JsonUint64 `json:"cancel_qty"` Timestamp JsonUint64 `json:"timestamp"` }
AuxClobMarket_OrderCancelEvent is the event emitted when an order is cancelled, either during a new order process or by a cancel transaction.
type AuxClobMarket_OrderFillEvent ¶ added in v0.4.0
type AuxClobMarket_OrderFillEvent struct { OrderId bcs.Uint128 `json:"order_id"` ClientOrderId bcs.Uint128 `json:"client_order_id"` Owner Address `json:"owner"` IsBid bool `json:"is_bid"` BaseQuantity JsonUint64 `json:"base_qty"` Price JsonUint64 `json:"price"` Fee JsonUint64 `json:"fee"` Rebate JsonUint64 `json:"rebate"` RemainingQuantity JsonUint64 `json:"remaining_qty"` Timestamp JsonUint64 `json:"timestamp"` }
AuxClobMarket_OrderFillEvent is the event emitted when an order is filled.
type AuxClobMarket_OrderPlacedEvent ¶ added in v0.4.0
type AuxClobMarket_OrderPlacedEvent struct { OrderId bcs.Uint128 `json:"order_id"` ClientOrderId bcs.Uint128 `json:"client_order_id"` Owner Address `json:"owner"` IsBid bool `json:"is_bid"` Quantity JsonUint64 `json:"qty"` Price JsonUint64 `json:"price"` Timestamp JsonUint64 `json:"timestamp"` }
AuxClobMarket_OrderPlacedEvent is the event emitted when an order is placed onto the order book.
type AuxCoinBalance ¶ added in v0.2.0
type AuxCoinBalance struct { Balance JsonUint64 `json:"balance"` // note on aux this is uint128. AvailableBalance JsonUint64 `json:"available_balance"` // note on aux this is uint128. }
type AuxCritbit ¶
type AuxCritbit struct { Entries *TableWithLength `json:"entries,omitempty"` MaxIndex JsonUint64 `json:"max_index"` MinIndex JsonUint64 `json:"min_index"` Root JsonUint64 `json:"root"` Tree *TableWithLength `json:"tree"` }
AuxCritbit is a critbit tree, used to store order books. It has better tail behavior when adding/removing large number of elements, but on average performs worse than red/black tree.
type AuxFakeCoin ¶
type AuxFakeCoin int
AuxFakeCoin contains some fake coins to use on devnet and testnet. They don't have any value and can be freely minted to anyone. Simply call mint (or register_and_mint if not signed up for it already).
const ( AuxFakeCoin_USDC AuxFakeCoin = iota // USDC AuxFakeCoin_ETH // ETH AuxFakeCoin_BTC // BTC AuxFakeCoin_SOL // SOL AuxFakeCoin_AUX // AUX AuxFakeCoin_USDT // USDT AuxFakeCoin_USDCD8 // USDCD8 )
func ParseAuxFakeCoin ¶ added in v0.2.0
func ParseAuxFakeCoin(s string) (AuxFakeCoin, error)
ParseAuxFakeCoin converts a string into fake coin.
func (AuxFakeCoin) String ¶
func (i AuxFakeCoin) String() string
type AuxStable2Pool ¶ added in v0.6.0
type AuxStable2Pool struct { /// FeeNumerator, denominator is 10^10 FeeNumerator *bcs.Uint128 `json:"fee_numerator"` /// BalancedReserve BalancedReserve *bcs.Uint128 `json:"balanced_reserve"` /// Amp Amp *bcs.Uint128 `json:"amp"` Reserve0 *Coin `json:"reserve_0"` Fee0 *Coin `json:"fee_0"` Scaler0 *bcs.Uint128 `json:"scaler_0"` Reserve1 *Coin `json:"reserve_1"` Fee1 *Coin `json:"fee_1"` Scaler1 *bcs.Uint128 `json:"scaler_1"` }
AuxStable2Pool is a pool with 2 coins that priced at parity.
type AuxStable3Pool ¶ added in v0.6.0
type AuxStable3Pool struct { /// FeeNumerator, denominator is 10^10 FeeNumerator *bcs.Uint128 `json:"fee_numerator"` /// BalancedReserve BalancedReserve *bcs.Uint128 `json:"balanced_reserve"` /// Amp Amp *bcs.Uint128 `json:"amp"` Reserve0 *Coin `json:"reserve_0"` Fee0 *Coin `json:"fee_0"` Scaler0 *bcs.Uint128 `json:"scaler_0"` Reserve1 *Coin `json:"reserve_1"` Fee1 *Coin `json:"fee_1"` Scaler1 *bcs.Uint128 `json:"scaler_1"` Reserve2 *Coin `json:"reserve_2"` Fee2 *Coin `json:"fee_2"` Scaler2 *bcs.Uint128 `json:"scaler_2"` }
AuxStable3Pool is a pool with 3 coins that priced at parity.
type AuxStable4Pool ¶ added in v0.6.0
type AuxStable4Pool struct { /// FeeNumerator, denominator is 10^10 FeeNumerator *bcs.Uint128 `json:"fee_numerator"` /// BalancedReserve BalancedReserve *bcs.Uint128 `json:"balanced_reserve"` /// Amp Amp *bcs.Uint128 `json:"amp"` Reserve0 *Coin `json:"reserve_0"` Fee0 *Coin `json:"fee_0"` Scaler0 *bcs.Uint128 `json:"scaler_0"` Reserve1 *Coin `json:"reserve_1"` Fee1 *Coin `json:"fee_1"` Scaler1 *bcs.Uint128 `json:"scaler_1"` Reserve2 *Coin `json:"reserve_2"` Fee2 *Coin `json:"fee_2"` Scaler2 *bcs.Uint128 `json:"scaler_2"` Reserve3 *Coin `json:"reserve_3"` Fee3 *Coin `json:"fee_3"` Scaler3 *bcs.Uint128 `json:"scaler_3"` }
AuxStable4Pool is a pool with 4 coins that priced at parity.
type AuxStakePool ¶ added in v0.8.0
type AuxStakePool struct { Authority Address `json:"address"` StartTime JsonUint64 `json:"start_time"` EndTime JsonUint64 `json:"end_time"` RewardRemaining JsonUint64 `json:"reward_remaining"` Stake Coin `json:"stake"` Reward Coin `json:"reward"` LastUpdateTime JsonUint64 `json:"last_update_time"` CreatePoolEvents EventHandler `json:"create_pool_events"` DepositEvents EventHandler `json:"deposit_events"` WithdrawEvents EventHandler `json:"widthraw_events"` ModifyPoolEvents EventHandler `json:"modify_pool_events"` ClaimEvents EventHandler `json:"claim_events"` }
AuxStakePool provide staking reward for users locking up their coins. See code here.
type AuxUserAccount ¶ added in v0.2.0
type AuxUserAccount struct {
AuthorizedTraders Table `json:"authorized_traders"`
type Client ¶
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Client for aptos
func MustNewClient ¶ added in v0.2.0
func MustNewClient(network Network, restUrl string, transactionOptions ...TransactionOption) *Client
MustNewClient creates a new client, panic if error happens.
func NewClient ¶
func NewClient(network Network, restUrl string, transactionOptions ...TransactionOption) (*Client, error)
NewClient creates a new client for the given network. Values will be taken from the default of the network. URL can be left empty. Client's default option includes expire after 5 minutes and max gas of 20,000.
func (*Client) EncodeSubmission ¶
func (client *Client) EncodeSubmission(ctx context.Context, request *EncodeSubmissionRequest) (*AptosResponse[EncodeSubmissionResponse], error)
func (*Client) EstimateGasPrice ¶
func (client *Client) EstimateGasPrice(ctx context.Context) (*AptosResponse[EstimateGasPriceResponse], error)
func (*Client) FillTransactionData ¶
func (client *Client) FillTransactionData(ctx context.Context, tx *Transaction, seqNumIsZero bool) error
FillTransactionData fills the missing data for a transaction. seqNumIsZero indicates the sequence number is 0 for the account and therefore doesn't need to check
func (*Client) GetAccount ¶
func (client *Client) GetAccount(ctx context.Context, request *GetAccountRequest) (*AptosResponse[GetAccountResponse], error)
func (*Client) GetAccountModule ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (client *Client) GetAccountModule(ctx context.Context, request *GetAccountModuleRequest) (*AptosResponse[GetAccountModuleResponse], error)
func (*Client) GetAccountModules ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (client *Client) GetAccountModules(ctx context.Context, request *GetAccountModulesRequest) (*AptosResponse[GetAccountModulesResponse], error)
func (*Client) GetAccountResource ¶
func (client *Client) GetAccountResource(ctx context.Context, request *GetAccountResourceRequest) (*AptosResponse[GetAccountResourceResponse], error)
func (*Client) GetAccountResources ¶
func (client *Client) GetAccountResources(ctx context.Context, request *GetAccountResourcesRequest) (*AptosResponse[GetAccountResourcesResponse], error)
func (*Client) GetAuxCoinBalance ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *Client) GetAuxCoinBalance(ctx context.Context, auxInfo *AuxClientConfig, user Address, coinType *MoveStructTag) (*AuxCoinBalance, error)
GetAuxCoinBalance retrieves the balance for the user.
Example ¶
func (*Client) GetChainId ¶
func (*Client) GetCoinBalance ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *Client) GetCoinBalance(ctx context.Context, address Address, coinType *MoveStructTag) (uint64, error)
func (*Client) GetCoinInfo ¶ added in v0.8.1
GetCoinInfo retrieves CoinInfo
func (*Client) GetEventsByCreationNumber ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (client *Client) GetEventsByCreationNumber(ctx context.Context, request *GetEventsByCreationNumberRequest) (*AptosResponse[GetEventsByCreationNumberResponse], error)
[GetEventsByCreationNumber] [GetEventsByCreationNumber]:
func (*Client) GetEventsByEventHandler ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (client *Client) GetEventsByEventHandler(ctx context.Context, request *GetEventsByEventHandlerRequest) (*AptosResponse[GetEventsByEventHandlerResponse], error)
[GetEventsByEventHandler] [GetEventsByEventHandler]:
func (*Client) GetLedgerInfo ¶
func (client *Client) GetLedgerInfo(ctx context.Context) (*AptosResponse[GetLedgerInfoResponse], error)
func (*Client) GetTransactionByHash ¶
func (client *Client) GetTransactionByHash(ctx context.Context, request *GetTransactionByHashRequest) (*AptosResponse[GetTransactionByHashResponse], error)
func (*Client) GetTransactionByVersion ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *Client) GetTransactionByVersion(ctx context.Context, request *GetTransactionByVersionRequest) (*AptosResponse[GetTransactionByVersionResponse], error)
func (*Client) LoadEvents ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (client *Client) LoadEvents(ctx context.Context, address Address, creationNumber uint64, start, end, sliceSize uint64) ([]*RawEvent, error)
LoadEvents loads the events as defined by the creation number and address. Load sliceSize events at one request.
func (*Client) RefreshData ¶
RefreshData updates gas price estimates and ledger info.
func (*Client) SetChainId ¶ added in v0.2.0
SetChainId after client is created.
func (*Client) SignSubmitTransactionWait ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (client *Client) SignSubmitTransactionWait(ctx context.Context, signer Signer, tx *Transaction, noWait bool, waitOptions ...TransactionWaitOption) (*TransactionWithInfo, error)
SignSubmitTransactionWait is a convenient function to sign a transaction, submit it, and optionally wait for it.
func (*Client) SimulateTransaction ¶
func (client *Client) SimulateTransaction(ctx context.Context, request *SimulateTransactionRequest) (*AptosResponse[SimulateTransactionResponse], error)
func (*Client) SubmitTransaction ¶
func (client *Client) SubmitTransaction(ctx context.Context, request *SubmitTransactionRequest) (*AptosResponse[SubmitTransactionResponse], error)
Example ¶
Example Submitting a transaction to the devnet. But first, we need to create a new account, and obtain some gas from faucet.
func (*Client) WaitForTransaction ¶
func (client *Client) WaitForTransaction(ctx context.Context, txHash string, waitOptions ...TransactionWaitOption) (*TransactionWithInfo, error)
WaitForTransaction: by default the wait is exponentially backing off with a scale of 2 and initial wait of 1 second. The wait doesn't have a time out, instead, relying context passed in to indicate (e.g. creating a context with context.WithTimeout and pass that in).
type Coin ¶
type Coin struct {
Value JsonUint64 `json:"value"`
Coin, this is golang equivalent of 0x1::coin::Coin
type CoinInfo ¶ added in v0.8.1
type CoinInfo struct { Decimals uint8 `json:"decimals"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Name string `json:"name"` }
CoinInfo, this is golang equivalentg of 0x1::coin::CoinInfo.
type CoinStore ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CoinStore struct { Coin Coin `json:"coin"` Frozen bool `json:"frozen"` DepositEvents EventHandler `json:"deposit_events"` WithdrawEvents EventHandler `json:"withdraw_events"` }
CoinStore, this is golang equivalent of 0x1::coin::CoinStore
type Config ¶
type Config struct { PrivateKey string `yaml:"private_key"` PublicKey string `yaml:"public_key"` Account string `yaml:"account"` RestUrl string `yaml:"rest_url"` FaucetUrl string `yaml:"faucet_url"` }
Config is a configuration section in aptos's yaml config file.
func (*Config) GetLocalAccount ¶
func (config *Config) GetLocalAccount() (*LocalAccount, error)
func (*Config) SetKey ¶
func (config *Config) SetKey(account *LocalAccount) error
SetKey set the configurations' private key, public key, and account to LocalAccount
type ConfigFile ¶
ConfigFile contains a profiles map
func NewConfigFile ¶
func NewConfigFile() *ConfigFile
func ParseAptosConfigFile ¶
func ParseAptosConfigFile(configFileContent []byte) (*ConfigFile, error)
func (*ConfigFile) ToString ¶
func (c *ConfigFile) ToString() ([]byte, error)
type EncodeSubmissionRequest ¶
type EncodeSubmissionRequest struct { *Transaction `json:",inline" url:"-"` SecondarySigners []Address `json:"secondary_signers,omitempty" url:"-"` }
func (*EncodeSubmissionRequest) Body ¶
func (r *EncodeSubmissionRequest) Body() ([]byte, error)
func (*EncodeSubmissionRequest) HttpMethod ¶
func (r *EncodeSubmissionRequest) HttpMethod() string
func (*EncodeSubmissionRequest) PathSegments ¶
func (r *EncodeSubmissionRequest) PathSegments() ([]string, error)
type EncodeSubmissionResponse ¶
type EncodeSubmissionResponse string
type EntryFunctionArg ¶
type EntryFunctionArg struct { Bool *bool Uint8 *uint8 Uint64 *JsonUint64 Uint128 *bcs.Uint128 Address *Address Signer *struct{} Vector *[]byte }
EntryFunctionArg is the argument to entry function. This is kind of an enum, but on the wire actually all bcs byte vectors. This means the values are first bcs serialized to vector of bytes. Then the vector of bytes are serialized.
func EntryFunctionArg_Address ¶ added in v0.7.0
func EntryFunctionArg_Address(v Address) *EntryFunctionArg
func EntryFunctionArg_Bool ¶
func EntryFunctionArg_Bool(v bool) *EntryFunctionArg
func EntryFunctionArg_String ¶
func EntryFunctionArg_String(v string) *EntryFunctionArg
func EntryFunctionArg_Uint128 ¶
func EntryFunctionArg_Uint128(lo uint64, hi uint64) *EntryFunctionArg
EntryFunctionArg_Uint128 creates a new EntryFunctionArg with Uint128 set from lo/hi [uint64].
func EntryFunctionArg_Uint64 ¶
func EntryFunctionArg_Uint64(v uint64) *EntryFunctionArg
EntryFunctionArg_Uint64 is equivalent to uint64, or u64 in move.
func EntryFunctionArg_Uint8 ¶
func EntryFunctionArg_Uint8(v uint8) *EntryFunctionArg
EntryFunctionArg_Uint8 represents u8 in move, equivalent to a byte
func (EntryFunctionArg) MarshalBCS ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (m EntryFunctionArg) MarshalBCS() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBCS customizes bcs Marshal for EntryFunctionArg. This method first bcs serialize the non-nil value, then serialize the resulted byte vector (simply prepending the length with ULEB128 encoding).
func (EntryFunctionArg) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (m EntryFunctionArg) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*EntryFunctionArg) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (s *EntryFunctionArg) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON for EntryFunctionArg. json doesn't have type information, so the process uses a series of heuristics.
deserializing response from rest api either in json or bcs is difficult without knowing the types of the elements before hand.
The following logic is used to deserialize the slices: first, the element of the slice will be first tested if it is an u64 or bool. Then, it is checked to see if it is a string. If it is a string and it has 0x prefix, cast it to address. If casting to address is unsuccessful, keep it as a string.
during serialization, the element of entry function argument slice is prefixed with the length of the serialized bytes. For example, instead of serialize true to 01, serialize it to 0101.
type EntryFunctionPayload ¶
type EntryFunctionPayload struct { Function *MoveFunctionTag `json:"function"` TypeArguments []*MoveTypeTag `json:"type_arguments"` Arguments []*EntryFunctionArg `json:"arguments"` }
type Event ¶
type Event[T any] struct { // GUID is the identifier of the event handler GUID GUID_ID `json:"guid"` // SequenceNumber of the event. // This is monotonically increasing without any gaps. SequenceNumber JsonUint64 `json:"sequence_number"` // Type of the event Type MoveStructTag `json:"type"` // Data of the event Data *T `json:"data"` }
Event emitted from aptos transactions
type EventHandler ¶
type EventHandler struct { Counter JsonUint64 `json:"counter"` GUID struct { Id struct { CreationNumber JsonUint64 `json:"creation_num"` AccountAddress Address `json:"addr"` } `json:"id"` } `json:"guid"` }
EventHandler contains the information for an event handler.
type FullNodeConfig ¶
type FullNodeConfig struct { Base *struct { DataDir string `yaml:"data_dir"` Waypoint *struct { FromFile string `yaml:"from_file"` Others map[string]any `yaml:",inline"` } `yaml:"waypoint"` Others map[string]any `yaml:",inline"` } `yaml:"base"` Execution *struct { GenesisFileLocation string `yaml:"genesis_file_location"` Others map[string]any `yaml:",inline"` } `yaml:"execution"` FullNodeNetworks []*struct { Others map[string]any `yaml:",inline"` } `yaml:"full_node_networks"` Api *struct { Enabled bool `yaml:"enabled"` Address string `yaml:"address"` Others map[string]any `yaml:",inline"` } `yaml:"api"` Others map[string]any `yaml:",inline"` }
FullNodeConfig is representation of full_node_config.yml
func ParseFullNodeConfig ¶
func ParseFullNodeConfig(data []byte) (*FullNodeConfig, error)
func (*FullNodeConfig) ToConfigFile ¶
func (config *FullNodeConfig) ToConfigFile() ([]byte, error)
type GUID ¶ added in v0.4.0
type GUID struct {
Id GUID_ID `json:"id"`
GUID contains an [ID]. This is an onchain struct.
type GUID_ID ¶ added in v0.4.0
type GUID_ID struct { CreationNumber JsonUint64 `json:"creation_number"` AccountAddress Address `json:"account_address"` }
GUID_ID is the ID type of aptos framework.
type GetAccountModuleRequest ¶ added in v0.4.0
type GetAccountModuleRequest struct { GetRequest Address Address `url:"-"` LedgerVersion *uint64 `url:"ledger_version,omitempty"` ModuleName string `url:"-"` }
func (*GetAccountModuleRequest) PathSegments ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (r *GetAccountModuleRequest) PathSegments() ([]string, error)
type GetAccountModuleResponse ¶ added in v0.4.0
type GetAccountModuleResponse = AccountModule
type GetAccountModulesRequest ¶ added in v0.4.0
type GetAccountModulesRequest struct { GetRequest Address Address `url:"-"` LedgerVersion *uint64 `url:"ledger_version,omitempty"` }
func (*GetAccountModulesRequest) PathSegments ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (r *GetAccountModulesRequest) PathSegments() ([]string, error)
type GetAccountModulesResponse ¶ added in v0.4.0
type GetAccountModulesResponse = []AccountModule
type GetAccountRequest ¶
type GetAccountRequest struct { GetRequest Address Address `url:"-"` LedgerVersion *uint64 `url:"ledger_version,omitempty"` }
func (*GetAccountRequest) PathSegments ¶
func (r *GetAccountRequest) PathSegments() ([]string, error)
type GetAccountResourceRequest ¶
type GetAccountResourceRequest struct { GetRequest Address Address `url:"-"` LedgerVersion *JsonUint64 `url:"ledger_version,omitempty"` Type *MoveStructTag `url:"-"` }
func (*GetAccountResourceRequest) PathSegments ¶
func (r *GetAccountResourceRequest) PathSegments() ([]string, error)
type GetAccountResourceResponse ¶
type GetAccountResourceResponse struct {
*AccountResource `json:",inline"`
type GetAccountResourcesRequest ¶
type GetAccountResourcesRequest struct { GetRequest Address Address `url:"-"` LedgerVersion *uint64 `url:"ledger_version,omitempty"` }
func (*GetAccountResourcesRequest) PathSegments ¶
func (r *GetAccountResourcesRequest) PathSegments() ([]string, error)
type GetAccountResourcesResponse ¶
type GetAccountResourcesResponse []AccountResource
type GetAccountResponse ¶
type GetAccountResponse struct { SequenceNumber JsonUint64 `json:"sequence_number"` AuthenticationKey string `json:"authentication_key"` }
type GetEventsByCreationNumberRequest ¶ added in v0.4.0
type GetEventsByCreationNumberRequest struct { GetRequest Limit *JsonUint64 `url:"limit,omitempty"` Start *JsonUint64 `url:"start,omitempty"` Address Address `url:"-"` CreationNumber JsonUint64 `url:"-"` }
func (*GetEventsByCreationNumberRequest) PathSegments ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (request *GetEventsByCreationNumberRequest) PathSegments() ([]string, error)
type GetEventsByCreationNumberResponse ¶ added in v0.4.0
type GetEventsByCreationNumberResponse []*RawEvent
type GetEventsByEventHandlerRequest ¶ added in v0.4.0
type GetEventsByEventHandlerRequest struct { GetRequest Limit *JsonUint64 `url:"limit,omitempty"` Start *JsonUint64 `url:"start,omitempty"` Address Address `url:"-"` EventHandler *MoveStructTag `url:"-"` FieldName string `url:"-"` }
func (*GetEventsByEventHandlerRequest) PathSegments ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (request *GetEventsByEventHandlerRequest) PathSegments() ([]string, error)
type GetEventsByEventHandlerResponse ¶ added in v0.4.0
type GetEventsByEventHandlerResponse []*RawEvent
type GetLedgerInfoResponse ¶
type GetLedgerInfoResponse struct {
*LedgerInfo `json:",inline"`
type GetRequest ¶
type GetRequest struct{}
GetRequest embed this struct for a get request where only path segments are necessary.
func (*GetRequest) Body ¶
func (*GetRequest) Body() ([]byte, error)
func (*GetRequest) HttpMethod ¶
func (*GetRequest) HttpMethod() string
type GetTransactionByHashRequest ¶
type GetTransactionByHashRequest struct { GetRequest Hash string `url:"-"` }
func (*GetTransactionByHashRequest) PathSegments ¶
func (r *GetTransactionByHashRequest) PathSegments() ([]string, error)
type GetTransactionByHashResponse ¶
type GetTransactionByHashResponse struct {
*TransactionWithInfo `json:",inline"`
type GetTransactionByVersionRequest ¶ added in v0.2.0
type GetTransactionByVersionRequest struct { GetRequest Version JsonUint64 `url:"-"` }
func (*GetTransactionByVersionRequest) PathSegments ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (r *GetTransactionByVersionRequest) PathSegments() ([]string, error)
type GetTransactionByVersionResponse ¶ added in v0.2.0
type GetTransactionByVersionResponse struct {
*TransactionWithInfo `json:",inline"`
type JsonUint64 ¶
type JsonUint64 uint64
JsonUint64 is an uint64, but serialized into a string, and can be deserialized from either a string or a number from json. This is because aptos fullnode uses string for uint64, whereas golang's json encoding only support number.
func (JsonUint64) MarshalBCS ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (i JsonUint64) MarshalBCS() ([]byte, error)
func (JsonUint64) MarshalJSON ¶
func (i JsonUint64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (JsonUint64) ToBCS ¶
func (i JsonUint64) ToBCS() []byte
func (*JsonUint64) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (i *JsonUint64) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LedgerInfo ¶
type LedgerInfo struct { ChainId uint8 `json:"chain_id"` Epoch JsonUint64 `json:"epoch"` LedgerVersion JsonUint64 `json:"ledger_version"` OldestLedgerVersion JsonUint64 `json:"oldest_ledger_version"` LedgerTimestamp JsonUint64 `json:"ledger_timestamp"` NodeRole string `json:"node_role"` OldestBlockHeight JsonUint64 `json:"oldest_block_height"` BlockHeight JsonUint64 `json:"block_height"` GitHash string `json:"git_hash"` }
LedgerInfo contains basic information about the chain.
type LocalAccount ¶
type LocalAccount struct { PrivateKey ed25519.PrivateKey PublicKey ed25519.PublicKey Address Address }
LocalAccount contains the private key, public key, and the address.
func NewLocalAccountFromMnemonic ¶
func NewLocalAccountFromMnemonic(mnemonic string, passphrase string) (*LocalAccount, error)
NewLocalAccountFromMnemonic creates a private key from the mnemonic codes.
see relevant section on Also see implementation in typescript
func NewLocalAccountFromPrivateKey ¶
func NewLocalAccountFromPrivateKey(privateKey *ed25519.PrivateKey) (*LocalAccount, error)
NewLocalAccountFromPrivateKey creates a local account based on the private key. the authentication key will be the one calculated from public key.
func NewLocalAccountWithMnemonic ¶
func NewLocalAccountWithMnemonic() (*LocalAccount, string, error)
NewLocalAccountWithMnemonic creates a new mnemonic, then generate a local account with the associated private key.
func NewLocalAccountWithRandomKey ¶
func NewLocalAccountWithRandomKey() (*LocalAccount, error)
NewLocalAccountWithRandomKey creates a new account with random key.
func (*LocalAccount) IsOriginalAuthenticationKey ¶
func (account *LocalAccount) IsOriginalAuthenticationKey() bool
IsOriginalAuthenticationKey checks if the authentication key is the authentication key generated from the single public key.
func (*LocalAccount) Sign ¶
func (account *LocalAccount) Sign(tx *Transaction) (*SingleSignature, error)
func (*LocalAccount) SignForSimulation ¶
func (account *LocalAccount) SignForSimulation(tx *Transaction) (*SingleSignature, error)
func (*LocalAccount) SignRawData ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (account *LocalAccount) SignRawData(message []byte) (*SingleSignature, error)
func (*LocalAccount) SignRawDataForSimulation ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (account *LocalAccount) SignRawDataForSimulation(message []byte) (*SingleSignature, error)
func (*LocalAccount) SignerAddress ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (account *LocalAccount) SignerAddress() Address
type MoveBytecode ¶ added in v0.4.0
type MoveBytecode []byte
func (MoveBytecode) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (b MoveBytecode) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (MoveBytecode) String ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (b MoveBytecode) String() string
func (*MoveBytecode) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (b *MoveBytecode) UnmarshalJSON(date []byte) error
type MoveFunctionTag ¶
type MoveFunctionTag struct { MoveModuleTag Name string }
MoveFunctionTag identifies a function on chain. Note the function's generic parameters or parameters are not part of the tag.
func MustNewMoveFunctionTag ¶
func MustNewMoveFunctionTag(address Address, module, name string) *MoveFunctionTag
func NewMoveFunctionTag ¶
func NewMoveFunctionTag(address Address, module, name string) (*MoveFunctionTag, error)
func ParseModuleFunctionTag ¶
func ParseModuleFunctionTag(str string) (*MoveFunctionTag, error)
func (MoveFunctionTag) MarshalJSON ¶
func (f MoveFunctionTag) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (MoveFunctionTag) String ¶
func (f MoveFunctionTag) String() string
func (*MoveFunctionTag) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (f *MoveFunctionTag) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MoveModuleABI ¶ added in v0.4.0
type MoveModuleABI struct { Address Address `json:"address"` Name string `json:"name"` Friends []string `json:"friends"` Functions []*MoveModuleABI_Function `json:"exposed_functions"` Structs []*MoveModuleABI_Struct `json:"structs"` }
MoveModuleABI is the smart contract module abi.
type MoveModuleABI_Function ¶ added in v0.4.0
type MoveModuleABI_Function struct { Name string `json:"name"` Visibility string `json:"visibility"` IsEntry bool `json:"is_entry"` GenericTypeParams []json.RawMessage `json:"generic_type_params"` Params []string `json:"params"` Return []string `json:"return"` }
MoveModuleABI_Function is the function definition contained in a MoveModuleABI
type MoveModuleABI_Struct ¶ added in v0.4.0
type MoveModuleABI_Struct struct { Name string `json:"name"` IsNative bool `json:"is_native"` Abilities []string `json:"abilities"` GenericTypeParams []json.RawMessage `json:"generic_type_params"` Fields []json.RawMessage `json:"fields"` }
MoveModuleABI_Struct is the struct definition contained in a MoveModuleABI
type MoveModuleTag ¶
MoveModuleTag identifies a move module on the chain
func MustNewMoveModuleTag ¶
func MustNewMoveModuleTag(address Address, module string) *MoveModuleTag
func NewMoveModuleTag ¶
func NewMoveModuleTag(address Address, module string) (*MoveModuleTag, error)
NewMoveModuleTag creates a new module module tag
func ParseMoveModuleTag ¶
func ParseMoveModuleTag(str string) (*MoveModuleTag, error)
func (MoveModuleTag) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m MoveModuleTag) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*MoveModuleTag) Set ¶
func (m *MoveModuleTag) Set(str string) error
func (MoveModuleTag) String ¶
func (m MoveModuleTag) String() string
func (MoveModuleTag) Type ¶
func (m MoveModuleTag) Type() string
func (*MoveModuleTag) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *MoveModuleTag) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MoveStructTag ¶ added in v0.7.0
type MoveStructTag struct { MoveModuleTag // Name of the type Name string // GenericTypeParameters GenericTypeParameters []*MoveTypeTag }
MoveStructTag represents the type of a move struct in the format of address::module_name::TypeName off-chain, the address is a 0x prefixed hex encoded string, but during move development there can be named addresses.
func GetAuxFakeCoinCoinType ¶
func GetAuxFakeCoinCoinType(moduleAddress Address, fakeCoin AuxFakeCoin) (*MoveStructTag, error)
GetAuxFakeCoinCoinType returns the fake coin **coin** type - **this is a coin as defined by the aptos framework.**
func GetAuxFakeCoinType ¶
func GetAuxFakeCoinType(moduleAddress Address, fakeCoin AuxFakeCoin) (*MoveStructTag, error)
GetAuxFakeCoinType returns the fake coin type. Note, this is actually not a type of coin as defined by aptos framework. Use GetAuxFakeCoinCoinType to get the coin type.
func GetCoinInfoType ¶ added in v0.8.1
func GetCoinInfoType(coinType *MoveStructTag) *MoveStructTag
GetCoinInfoType returns the CoinInfo<coinType> for coin.
func GetCoinStoreType ¶ added in v0.2.0
func GetCoinStoreType(coin *MoveStructTag) *MoveStructTag
GetCoinStoreType returns the 0x1::coin::CoinStore<T>
func MustNewMoveStructTag ¶ added in v0.7.0
func MustNewMoveStructTag(address Address, module, name string, genericTypeParameters []*MoveStructTag) *MoveStructTag
func NewMoveStructTag ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewMoveStructTag(address Address, module string, name string, genericTypeParameters []*MoveStructTag) (*MoveStructTag, error)
func ParseMoveStructTag ¶ added in v0.7.0
func ParseMoveStructTag(fullName string) (*MoveStructTag, error)
ParseMoveStructTag takes the full name of the move type tag
func (*MoveStructTag) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (t *MoveStructTag) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*MoveStructTag) Set ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (t *MoveStructTag) Set(data string) error
Set is to support cobra value
func (*MoveStructTag) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (t *MoveStructTag) String() string
Get the string presentation of the type, in the form of 0xaddresshex::module_name::TypeName or 0xaddresshex::module_name::TypeName<T1, T2>
func (*MoveStructTag) Type ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (t *MoveStructTag) Type() string
Type is to support cobra value
func (*MoveStructTag) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (t *MoveStructTag) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MoveTypeTag ¶
type MoveTypeTag struct { Bool *struct{} // 0 Uint8 *struct{} // 1 Uint64 *struct{} // 2 Uint128 *struct{} // 3 Address *struct{} // 4 Signer *struct{} // 5 Vector *MoveTypeTag // 6 Struct *MoveStructTag // 7 }
MoveTypeTag is an Enum indicating the type of a move value. It is a bcs.Enum aptos right now supports the following types - bool - u8 - u64 - u128 - address - signer - vector - struct
func ParseMoveTypeTag ¶
func ParseMoveTypeTag(str string) (*MoveTypeTag, error)
func (MoveTypeTag) IsBcsEnum ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (m MoveTypeTag) IsBcsEnum()
func (MoveTypeTag) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m MoveTypeTag) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (MoveTypeTag) MarshalText ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (m MoveTypeTag) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
func (MoveTypeTag) String ¶
func (m MoveTypeTag) String() string
func (*MoveTypeTag) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *MoveTypeTag) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (*MoveTypeTag) UnmarshalTEXT ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (m *MoveTypeTag) UnmarshalTEXT(data []byte) error
type RawDataSigner ¶ added in v0.2.0
type RawDataSigner interface { SignRawData([]byte) (*SingleSignature, error) SignRawDataForSimulation([]byte) (*SingleSignature, error) }
RawDataSigner signs arbitrary bytes. Prefer to use Signer
type RawEvent ¶
type RawEvent = Event[json.RawMessage]
RawEvent stores the data as json.RawMessage/byte slice
type Signer ¶ added in v0.2.0
type Signer interface { // Sign transaction Sign(tx *Transaction) (*SingleSignature, error) // Sign transaction for simulation SignForSimulation(tx *Transaction) (*SingleSignature, error) // Address SignerAddress() Address }
Signer is an interface to sign a transaction
type SimulateTransactionRequest ¶
type SimulateTransactionRequest struct { *Transaction `json:",inline" url:"-"` Signature *SingleSignature `json:"signature" url:"-"` }
func (*SimulateTransactionRequest) Body ¶
func (request *SimulateTransactionRequest) Body() ([]byte, error)
func (*SimulateTransactionRequest) HttpMethod ¶
func (request *SimulateTransactionRequest) HttpMethod() string
func (*SimulateTransactionRequest) PathSegments ¶
func (request *SimulateTransactionRequest) PathSegments() ([]string, error)
type SimulateTransactionResponse ¶
type SimulateTransactionResponse []struct { *TransactionWithInfo `json:",inline"` }
type SingleSignature ¶
type SingleSignature struct { Type string `json:"type"` PublicKey string `json:"public_key"` Signature string `json:"signature"` }
func NewSingleSignature ¶
func NewSingleSignature(publicKey *ed25519.PublicKey, signature []byte) *SingleSignature
NewSingleSignature creates a new signature
func NewSingleSignatureForSimulation ¶
func NewSingleSignatureForSimulation(publicKey *ed25519.PublicKey) *SingleSignature
NewSingleSignatureForSimulation creates a new signature
type SubmitTransactionRequest ¶
type SubmitTransactionRequest struct { *Transaction `json:",inline" url:"-"` Signature SingleSignature `json:"signature" url:"-"` }
func (*SubmitTransactionRequest) Body ¶
func (r *SubmitTransactionRequest) Body() ([]byte, error)
func (*SubmitTransactionRequest) HttpMethod ¶
func (r *SubmitTransactionRequest) HttpMethod() string
func (*SubmitTransactionRequest) PathSegments ¶
func (r *SubmitTransactionRequest) PathSegments() ([]string, error)
type SubmitTransactionResponse ¶
type SubmitTransactionResponse struct {
*TransactionWithInfo `json:",inline"`
type Table ¶
type Table struct {
Handle Address `json:"handle"`
Table is a storage class provided by aptos framework where each individual element can be accessed independently. Table is unlike the move standard vector where the whole vector needs to be loaded even if only one element is needed in the vector. However, Table is actually not stored on chain directly, and needs a separate table api to query off-chain.
type TableWithLength ¶
type TableWithLength struct { Inner *Table `json:"inner"` Length JsonUint64 `json:"length"` }
TableWithLength is a wrapper around Table, which keeps track of the length of the table.
type Transaction ¶
type Transaction struct { // Sender. // Note if the signer is the first parameter, it doesn't need to be included in the payload parameter list. Sender Address `json:"sender"` // SequenceNumber of the transaction for the sender. // transactions with sequence number less than the curernt on chain sequence number for address will be rejected. SequenceNumber JsonUint64 `json:"sequence_number"` // Payload Payload *TransactionPayload `json:"payload"` // MaxGasAmount MaxGasAmount JsonUint64 `json:"max_gas_amount"` // UnitGasPrice GasUnitPrice JsonUint64 `json:"gas_unit_price"` // ExpirationTimestampSecs ExpirationTimestampSecs JsonUint64 `json:"expiration_timestamp_secs"` // chain id - this is not serialized into json for payload ChainId uint8 `json:"-"` }
Transaction doesn't have signatures attached to them.
func ApplyTransactionOptions ¶
func ApplyTransactionOptions(tx *Transaction, options ...TransactionOption) *Transaction
ApplyTransactionOptions apply multiple options in order
func (*Transaction) GetHash ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (tx *Transaction) GetHash() []byte
GetHash get the hash of the transaction that can be used to look up the transaction on chain.
Hash of the transaction is sha3-256 of ("RawTransaction" | bcs encoded transaction). BCS encoded transaction can be obtained by Transaction.ToBCS method.
See here.
func (*Transaction) ToBCS ¶ added in v0.4.1
func (tx *Transaction) ToBCS() []byte
ToBCS get the signing bytes of the transaction. This is calling EncodeTransaction under the hood.
type TransactionInfo ¶
type TransactionInfo struct { // Hash of the transaction. Hash string `json:"hash"` StateChangeHash string `json:"state_change_hash"` EventRootHash string `json:"event_root_hash"` StateCheckPointHash string `json:"state_checkpoint_hash"` GasUsed JsonUint64 `json:"gas_used"` // If the transaction is successful or not. Success bool `json:"success"` // VmStatus is useful for debug if the transaction failed. VmStatus string `json:"vm_status"` AccumulatorRootHash string `json:"accumulator_root_hash"` Changes []json.RawMessage `json:"changes"` Events []*RawEvent `json:"events"` Timestamp JsonUint64 `json:"timestamp"` }
TransactionInfo contains the information about the transaction that has been submitted to the blockchain.
type TransactionOption ¶
type TransactionOption interface {
SetTransactionOption(*Transaction) *Transaction
TransactionOption for transaction
type TransactionOption_ExpireAfter ¶
TransactionOption_ExpireAfter specifies a duration after which the transaction will expire. The expiry will be computed when SetTransactionOption is called, instead of right now.
func (TransactionOption_ExpireAfter) SetTransactionOption ¶
func (duration TransactionOption_ExpireAfter) SetTransactionOption(tx *Transaction) *Transaction
type TransactionOption_ExpireAt ¶
TransactionOption_ExpireAt specifies a time point that the transaction will expire at.
func (TransactionOption_ExpireAt) SetTransactionOption ¶
func (expiry TransactionOption_ExpireAt) SetTransactionOption(tx *Transaction) *Transaction
type TransactionOption_GasUnitPrice ¶
type TransactionOption_GasUnitPrice uint64
TransactionOption_GasUnitPrice sets the gas unit price of the transaction
func (TransactionOption_GasUnitPrice) SetTransactionOption ¶
func (gasUnitPrice TransactionOption_GasUnitPrice) SetTransactionOption(tx *Transaction) *Transaction
type TransactionOption_MaxGasAmount ¶
type TransactionOption_MaxGasAmount uint64
Max Gas Amount Option
func (TransactionOption_MaxGasAmount) SetTransactionOption ¶
func (maxGasAmount TransactionOption_MaxGasAmount) SetTransactionOption(tx *Transaction) *Transaction
type TransactionOption_Sender ¶
type TransactionOption_Sender Address
TransactionOption_Sender sets the sender of the transaction.
func (TransactionOption_Sender) SetTransactionOption ¶
func (sender TransactionOption_Sender) SetTransactionOption(tx *Transaction) *Transaction
type TransactionOption_SequenceNumber ¶
type TransactionOption_SequenceNumber uint64
TransactionOption_SequenceNumber sets the sequence number of transaction.
func (TransactionOption_SequenceNumber) SetTransactionOption ¶
func (seqnum TransactionOption_SequenceNumber) SetTransactionOption(tx *Transaction) *Transaction
type TransactionOptions ¶
type TransactionOptions struct { *TransactionOption_MaxGasAmount *TransactionOption_ExpireAfter *TransactionOption_ExpireAt *TransactionOption_GasUnitPrice *TransactionOption_Sender *TransactionOption_SequenceNumber }
TransactionOptions contains all possible transactions
func (*TransactionOptions) FillIfDefault ¶
func (options *TransactionOptions) FillIfDefault(tx *Transaction)
FillIfDefault only overwrite the transaction option if it is set to the default value.
func (*TransactionOptions) SetOption ¶
func (options *TransactionOptions) SetOption(opt TransactionOption)
SetOption sets the specific option on the options. If there is already an option for that specifc option, it will be overwritten.
type TransactionPayload ¶ added in v0.7.0
type TransactionPayload struct { ScriptPayload *json.RawMessage `bcs:"-"` ModuleBundlePayload *json.RawMessage `bcs:"-"` *EntryFunctionPayload }
TransactionPayload is payload field of a transaction. Although there are three types, script, module bundle, and entry function, only entry function is supported here.
func NewEntryFunctionPayload ¶
func NewEntryFunctionPayload( functionName *MoveFunctionTag, typeArguments []*MoveStructTag, arguments []*EntryFunctionArg, ) *TransactionPayload
func (TransactionPayload) IsBcsEnum ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (p TransactionPayload) IsBcsEnum()
func (TransactionPayload) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (p TransactionPayload) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*TransactionPayload) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (p *TransactionPayload) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TransactionWaitOption ¶
type TransactionWaitOption struct { Scale float64 InitialWait time.Duration // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTransactionWaitOption ¶
func NewTransactionWaitOption(scale float64, initialWait time.Duration) TransactionWaitOption
type TransactionWithInfo ¶ added in v0.2.0
type TransactionWithInfo struct { *Transaction `json:",inline"` Type string `json:"type"` *TransactionInfo `json:",inline"` }
TransactionWithInfo is contains the transaction itself and the results of the transaciton execution.
type TypedAccountResource ¶
type TypedAccountResource[T any] struct { AccountResource ParsedData *T }
Source Files
- account.go
- account_request.go
- address.go
- addresses.go
- aptos_rest.go
- aptos_types.go
- aux_amm.go
- aux_client.go
- aux_clob_market.go
- aux_clob_market_trader.go
- aux_fakecoins.go
- aux_stable_2pool.go
- aux_stable_3pool.go
- aux_stable_4pool.go
- aux_stake.go
- aux_types.go
- aux_vault.go
- auxclobmarketorderstatus_string.go
- auxclobmarketordertype_string.go
- auxclobmarketselftradetype_string.go
- auxfakecoin_string.go
- client.go
- coins.go
- config.go
- doc.go
- entry_function.go
- events.go
- events_request.go
- faucet.go
- full_node_config.go
- general_request.go
- json_uint64.go
- misc.go
- mnemonic.go
- move_bytecode.go
- move_function_tag.go
- move_module.go
- move_module_tag.go
- move_struct_tag.go
- move_type_tag.go
- network.go
- payload.go
- signer.go
- transaction_options.go
- transactions.go
- transactions_request.go
Path | Synopsis |
contains commands that are supported by the aptos-aux cli.
contains commands that are supported by the aptos-aux cli. |
aptos-aux is a cli for aptos and
aptos-aux is a cli for aptos and |
Known coins, pools, markets included with the binary.
Known coins, pools, markets included with the binary. |