HederaCoin API
This application is responsible for provide wallet informations to HederaCoin clients and integrate to HederaCoin Payments API.
Table of contents
Assuming that you have already cloned the project and the
Go is installed, the first
step is install the dep and
ensure that all dependencies are vendored in the project:
$ dep ensure
Environment Variables
Variable | Type | Description
----------------------------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------
DATABASE_HOST | string | Database host
DATABASE_PORT | string | Database port
DATABASE_NAME | string | Database name
DATABASE_PASSWORD | string | Database Password
DATABASE_USERNAME | string | Database username
PRIVATE_KEY | string | Hedere private key of current user account
TARGET_ACCOUNT | integer | Hedera account ID which will receive the transfer ammount
DATABASE_MAX_IDLE | integer | Database max idle value
DATABASE_IDLE_TIMEOUT | integer | Database idle timeout value
HEDERACOIN_PAYMENT_URL | integer | HederaCoin Payment URL
HEDERACOIN_PAYMENT_TIMEOUT | integer | HederaCoin Payment Timeout
DATABASE_MAX_CON | integer | Database max. connections
Build project:
$ make build
Start the app consumer:
$ make start
Deploy application to Teresa:
$ bash ./scripts/deploy.sh -f <env_file_name>