Index ¶
- Constants
- func NewABB(uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, proto modbus.Protocol, slaveID uint8) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewABBFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewABLeMH(uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, slaveID uint8, timeout time.Duration) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewABLeMHFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewAblEm4FromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewAlfen(ctx context.Context, uri string, slaveID uint8) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewAlfenFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewAlphatec(uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, proto modbus.Protocol, slaveID uint8) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewAlphatecFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewAmperfied(ctx context.Context, uri string, slaveID uint8, phases bool) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewAmperfiedFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewBenderCC(uri string, id uint8) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewBenderCCFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewCCUFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewCfosPowerBrain(uri string, id uint8) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewCfosPowerBrainFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewChargerFromTemplateConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewConfigurableFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewConnectIq(uri string, cache time.Duration) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewConnectIqFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewDadapowerFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewDaheimLadenFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewDaheimLadenMB(ctx context.Context, uri string, id uint8) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewDaheimLadenMBFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewDelta(ctx context.Context, uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, ...) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewDeltaFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewEEBus(ctx context.Context, ski, ip string, hasMeter, hasChargedEnergy, vasVW bool) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewEEBusFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewEVSEWifiFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewEaseeFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewEm2Go(uri string, slaveID uint8) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewEm2GoFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewEtrelFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewEvseDIN(uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, proto modbus.Protocol, slaveID uint8) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewEvseDINFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewFritzDECTFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewFromConfig(ctx context.Context, typ string, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewHardyBarth(uri string, chargecontrol, meter int, cache time.Duration) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewHardyBarthFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewHeatpumpFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewHeidelbergEC(ctx context.Context, uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, ...) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewHeidelbergECFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewHesotec(uri string, id uint8) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewHesotecFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewHomeWizardFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewInnogyFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewKSE(uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, slaveID uint8) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewKSEFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewKebaFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewKebaUdpFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewMennekesCompact(ctx context.Context, uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, ...) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewMennekesCompactFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewMennekesHcc3(uri string, slaveID uint8) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewMennekesHcc3FromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewMyPv(ctx context.Context, name, uri string, slaveID uint8, tempSource int, ...) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewMyStromFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewNRGKickBLEFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewNRGKickConnectFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewNRGKickGen2FromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewOCPPFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewObo(ctx context.Context, uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, ...) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewOboFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewOpenEVSE(uri, user, password string, cache time.Duration) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewOpenEVSEFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewOpenWB(log *util.Logger, mqttconf mqtt.Config, id int, topic string, p1p3, dc bool, ...) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewOpenWB20FromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewOpenWBFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewOpenWBProFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewPCElectricFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewPantaboxFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewPeblar(uri string, id uint8) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewPeblarFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewPhoenixCharxFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewPhoenixEMEthFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewPhoenixEVEth(uri string, slaveID uint8) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewPhoenixEVEthFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewPhoenixEVSerFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewPrachtAlpha(uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, proto modbus.Protocol, slaveID uint8, ...) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewPrachtAlphaFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewPulsaresFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewPulsatrixFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewSalia(ctx context.Context, uri string, cache time.Duration) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewSaliaFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewSchneiderV3(ctx context.Context, uri string, id uint8) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewSchneiderV3FromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewSgReadyFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewShellyFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewSmaevcharger(uri, user, password string, cache time.Duration) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewSmaevchargerFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewSolax(uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, proto modbus.Protocol, id uint8) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewSolaxFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewSungrow(uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, proto modbus.Protocol, id uint8) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewSungrowFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewSwitchSocket(embed *embed, enabled func() (bool, error), ...) *switchSocket
- func NewSwitchSocketFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewTPLinkFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewTapoFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewTasmota(embed embed, uri, user, password string, channels []int, standbypower float64, ...) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewTasmotaFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewTrydan(uri string, cache time.Duration) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewTrydanFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewTwc3FromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewVaillantFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewVersichargeFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewVestel(ctx context.Context, uri string, id uint8) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewVestelFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewVictron(uri string, slaveID uint8, regs victronRegs) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewVictronEVCSFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewVictronFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}, regs victronRegs) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewVictronGXFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewWallbeFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewWarp2FromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewWattpilot(uri, password string, cache time.Duration) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewWattpilotFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewWebastoNext(ctx context.Context, uri string, id uint8) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewWebastoNextFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewWeidmüller(ctx context.Context, uri string, id uint8) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewWeidmüllerFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewZaptec(user, password, id string, priority bool, cache time.Duration) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewZaptecFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func NewsmartEVSE(uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, proto modbus.Protocol, slaveID uint8) (*smartEVSE, error)
- func NewsmartEVSEFromConfig(other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
- func Types() []string
- type ABB
- func (wb *ABB) ChargedEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *ABB) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *ABB) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *ABB) Diagnose()
- func (wb *ABB) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *ABB) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *ABB) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *ABB) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (wb *ABB) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *ABB) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type ABLeMH
- func (wb *ABLeMH) Diagnose()
- func (wb *ABLeMH) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *ABLeMH) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *ABLeMH) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *ABLeMH) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (wb *ABLeMH) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *ABLeMH) WakeUp() error
- type AblEm4
- func (wb *AblEm4) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *AblEm4) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *AblEm4) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *AblEm4) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *AblEm4) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *AblEm4) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (wb *AblEm4) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *AblEm4) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *AblEm4) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type Alfen
- func (wb *Alfen) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Alfen) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *Alfen) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *Alfen) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *Alfen) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *Alfen) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (wb *Alfen) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *Alfen) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Alfen) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type Alphatec
- type Amperfied
- func (wb *Amperfied) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Amperfied) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *Amperfied) Diagnose()
- func (wb *Amperfied) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *Amperfied) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *Amperfied) Identify() (string, error)
- func (wb *Amperfied) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *Amperfied) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (wb *Amperfied) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *Amperfied) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Amperfied) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *Amperfied) WakeUp() error
- type BenderCC
- type CCU
- func (c CCU) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (c *CCU) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (c *CCU) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c CCU) LoadpointControl(lp loadpoint.API)
- func (c CCU) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (c CCU) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (v CCU) Phases() int
- func (c CCU) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (c *CCU) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- type CfosPowerBrain
- func (wb *CfosPowerBrain) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *CfosPowerBrain) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *CfosPowerBrain) Identify() (string, error)
- func (wb *CfosPowerBrain) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *CfosPowerBrain) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (wb *CfosPowerBrain) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *CfosPowerBrain) WakeUp() error
- type ChargePointHandler
- func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnChangeAvailability(request *core.ChangeAvailabilityRequest) (confirmation *core.ChangeAvailabilityConfirmation, err error)
- func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnChangeConfiguration(request *core.ChangeConfigurationRequest) (confirmation *core.ChangeConfigurationConfirmation, err error)
- func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnClearCache(request *core.ClearCacheRequest) (confirmation *core.ClearCacheConfirmation, err error)
- func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnClearChargingProfile(request *smartcharging.ClearChargingProfileRequest) (*smartcharging.ClearChargingProfileConfirmation, error)
- func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnDataTransfer(request *core.DataTransferRequest) (confirmation *core.DataTransferConfirmation, err error)
- func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnGetCompositeSchedule(request *smartcharging.GetCompositeScheduleRequest) (*smartcharging.GetCompositeScheduleConfirmation, error)
- func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnGetConfiguration(request *core.GetConfigurationRequest) (confirmation *core.GetConfigurationConfirmation, err error)
- func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnRemoteStartTransaction(request *core.RemoteStartTransactionRequest) (confirmation *core.RemoteStartTransactionConfirmation, err error)
- func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnRemoteStopTransaction(request *core.RemoteStopTransactionRequest) (confirmation *core.RemoteStopTransactionConfirmation, err error)
- func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnReset(request *core.ResetRequest) (confirmation *core.ResetConfirmation, err error)
- func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnSetChargingProfile(request *smartcharging.SetChargingProfileRequest) (*smartcharging.SetChargingProfileConfirmation, error)
- func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnTriggerMessage(request *remotetrigger.TriggerMessageRequest) (confirmation *remotetrigger.TriggerMessageConfirmation, err error)
- func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnUnlockConnector(request *core.UnlockConnectorRequest) (confirmation *core.UnlockConnectorConfirmation, err error)
- type Charger
- type ConnectIq
- func (wb *ConnectIq) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *ConnectIq) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *ConnectIq) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *ConnectIq) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *ConnectIq) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *ConnectIq) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *ConnectIq) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- type Dadapower
- func (wb *Dadapower) ChargedEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Dadapower) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Dadapower) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *Dadapower) Diagnose()
- func (wb *Dadapower) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *Dadapower) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *Dadapower) Identify() (string, error)
- func (wb *Dadapower) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *Dadapower) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (wb *Dadapower) Phases1p3p(phases int) error
- func (wb *Dadapower) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *Dadapower) StatusReason() (api.Reason, error)
- func (wb *Dadapower) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- type DaheimLaden
- func (c *DaheimLaden) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (c *DaheimLaden) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (c *DaheimLaden) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (c *DaheimLaden) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c *DaheimLaden) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (c *DaheimLaden) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (c *DaheimLaden) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- type DaheimLadenMB
- func (wb *DaheimLadenMB) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *DaheimLadenMB) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *DaheimLadenMB) Diagnose()
- func (wb *DaheimLadenMB) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *DaheimLadenMB) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *DaheimLadenMB) Identify() (string, error)
- func (wb *DaheimLadenMB) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *DaheimLadenMB) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *DaheimLadenMB) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *DaheimLadenMB) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type Delta
- func (wb *Delta) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Delta) Diagnose()
- func (wb *Delta) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *Delta) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *Delta) Identify() (string, error)
- func (wb *Delta) LoadpointControl(lp loadpoint.API)
- func (wb *Delta) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *Delta) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (wb *Delta) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *Delta) StatusReason() (api.Reason, error)
- type EEBus
- func (c *EEBus) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (c *EEBus) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c *EEBus) GetMinMaxCurrent() (float64, float64, error)
- func (c *EEBus) Identify() (string, error)
- func (c *EEBus) LoadpointControl(lp loadpoint.API)
- func (c *EEBus) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (c *EEBus) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (c *EEBus) Soc() (float64, error)
- func (c *EEBus) Status() (res api.ChargeStatus, err error)
- func (c *EEBus) UseCaseEvent(device spineapi.DeviceRemoteInterface, entity spineapi.EntityRemoteInterface, ...)
- type EVSEWifi
- type Easee
- func (c *Easee) ChargedEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (c *Easee) ChargerUpdate(i json.RawMessage)
- func (c *Easee) CommandResponse(i json.RawMessage)
- func (c *Easee) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (c *Easee) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (c *Easee) Enable(enable bool) (err error)
- func (c *Easee) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c *Easee) GetMaxCurrent() (float64, error)
- func (c *Easee) GetPhases() (int, error)
- func (c *Easee) Identify() (string, error)
- func (c *Easee) LoadpointControl(lp loadpoint.API)
- func (c *Easee) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (c *Easee) Phases1p3p(phases int) error
- func (c *Easee) ProductUpdate(i json.RawMessage)
- func (c *Easee) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (c *Easee) SubscribeToMyProduct(i json.RawMessage)
- func (c *Easee) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- type Em2Go
- func (wb *Em2Go) ChargeDuration() (time.Duration, error)
- func (wb *Em2Go) ChargedEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Em2Go) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Em2Go) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *Em2Go) Diagnose()
- func (wb *Em2Go) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *Em2Go) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb Em2Go) GetMaxCurrent() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Em2Go) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *Em2Go) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *Em2Go) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Em2Go) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type Etrel
- func (wb *Etrel) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Etrel) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *Etrel) Diagnose()
- func (wb *Etrel) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *Etrel) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *Etrel) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *Etrel) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (wb *Etrel) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- type EvseDIN
- type FritzDECT
- func (c FritzDECT) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (c *FritzDECT) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (c *FritzDECT) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c FritzDECT) LoadpointControl(lp loadpoint.API)
- func (c FritzDECT) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (c FritzDECT) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (v FritzDECT) Phases() int
- func (c *FritzDECT) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (c *FritzDECT) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- type GoE
- func (c *GoE) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (c *GoE) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (c *GoE) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (c *GoE) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c *GoE) Identify() (string, error)
- func (c *GoE) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (c *GoE) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (c *GoE) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (c *GoE) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type HardyBarth
- func (wb *HardyBarth) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *HardyBarth) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *HardyBarth) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *HardyBarth) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *HardyBarth) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *HardyBarth) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *HardyBarth) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- type Heatpump
- func (wb *Heatpump) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *Heatpump) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (v Heatpump) Features() []api.Feature
- func (v Heatpump) Icon() string
- func (wb *Heatpump) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *Heatpump) MaxCurrentEx(current float64) error
- func (wb *Heatpump) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- type HeidelbergEC
- func (wb *HeidelbergEC) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *HeidelbergEC) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *HeidelbergEC) Diagnose()
- func (wb *HeidelbergEC) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *HeidelbergEC) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *HeidelbergEC) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *HeidelbergEC) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (wb *HeidelbergEC) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *HeidelbergEC) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *HeidelbergEC) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *HeidelbergEC) WakeUp() error
- type Hesotec
- func (wb *Hesotec) ChargeDuration() (time.Duration, error)
- func (wb *Hesotec) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Hesotec) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *Hesotec) Diagnose()
- func (wb *Hesotec) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *Hesotec) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *Hesotec) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *Hesotec) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *Hesotec) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Hesotec) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type HomeWizard
- func (c HomeWizard) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (c *HomeWizard) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (c *HomeWizard) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c HomeWizard) LoadpointControl(lp loadpoint.API)
- func (c HomeWizard) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (c HomeWizard) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (v HomeWizard) Phases() int
- func (c HomeWizard) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (c *HomeWizard) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- type Innogy
- func (wb *Innogy) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Innogy) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *Innogy) Diagnose()
- func (wb *Innogy) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *Innogy) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *Innogy) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *Innogy) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (wb *Innogy) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- type KSE
- func (wb *KSE) ChargedEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *KSE) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *KSE) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *KSE) Diagnose()
- func (wb *KSE) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *KSE) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *KSE) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *KSE) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *KSE) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *KSE) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type Keba
- func (wb *Keba) Diagnose()
- func (wb *Keba) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *Keba) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (v Keba) Features() []api.Feature
- func (v Keba) Icon() string
- func (wb *Keba) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *Keba) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (wb *Keba) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- type KebaUdp
- func (c *KebaUdp) Diagnose()
- func (c *KebaUdp) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (c *KebaUdp) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c *KebaUdp) Identify() (string, error)
- func (c *KebaUdp) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (c *KebaUdp) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (c *KebaUdp) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- type MennekesCompact
- func (wb *MennekesCompact) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *MennekesCompact) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *MennekesCompact) Diagnose()
- func (wb *MennekesCompact) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *MennekesCompact) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *MennekesCompact) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *MennekesCompact) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (wb *MennekesCompact) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *MennekesCompact) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *MennekesCompact) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type MennekesHcc3
- func (wb *MennekesHcc3) ChargedEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *MennekesHcc3) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *MennekesHcc3) Diagnose()
- func (wb *MennekesHcc3) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *MennekesHcc3) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *MennekesHcc3) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *MennekesHcc3) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- type MyPv
- func (wb *MyPv) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *MyPv) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *MyPv) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *MyPv) Features() []api.Feature
- func (wb *MyPv) GetLimitSoc() (int64, error)
- func (v *MyPv) Icon() string
- func (wb *MyPv) LoadpointControl(lp loadpoint.API)
- func (wb *MyPv) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *MyPv) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (wb *MyPv) Soc() (float64, error)
- func (wb *MyPv) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- type MyStrom
- func (c MyStrom) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (c *MyStrom) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (c *MyStrom) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c MyStrom) LoadpointControl(lp loadpoint.API)
- func (c MyStrom) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (c MyStrom) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (v MyStrom) Phases() int
- func (c MyStrom) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- type NRGKickBLE
- func (wb *NRGKickBLE) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *NRGKickBLE) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *NRGKickBLE) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *NRGKickBLE) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *NRGKickBLE) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *NRGKickBLE) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *NRGKickBLE) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- type NRGKickConnect
- func (nrg *NRGKickConnect) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (nrg *NRGKickConnect) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (nrg *NRGKickConnect) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (nrg *NRGKickConnect) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (nrg *NRGKickConnect) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (nrg *NRGKickConnect) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (nrg *NRGKickConnect) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- type NRGKickGen2
- func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) ChargedEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) Diagnose()
- func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) GetMaxCurrent() (float64, error)
- func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) GetPhases() (int, error)
- func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type OCPP
- func (c *OCPP) Connector() *ocpp.Connector
- func (c *OCPP) Diagnose()
- func (c *OCPP) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (c *OCPP) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c *OCPP) Identify() (string, error)
- func (c *OCPP) LoadpointControl(lp loadpoint.API)
- func (c *OCPP) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (c *OCPP) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (c *OCPP) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (c *OCPP) StatusReason() (api.Reason, error)
- type Obo
- type OpenEVSE
- func (c *OpenEVSE) ChargeDuration() (time.Duration, error)
- func (c *OpenEVSE) ChargedEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (c *OpenEVSE) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (c *OpenEVSE) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (c *OpenEVSE) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c *OpenEVSE) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (c *OpenEVSE) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (c *OpenEVSE) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- type OpenWB
- func (m *OpenWB) Authorize(key string) error
- func (m *OpenWB) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (m *OpenWB) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (m *OpenWB) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (m *OpenWB) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (m *OpenWB) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (m *OpenWB) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (m *OpenWB) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (m *OpenWB) WakeUp() error
- type OpenWB20
- func (wb *OpenWB20) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *OpenWB20) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *OpenWB20) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *OpenWB20) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *OpenWB20) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *OpenWB20) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (wb *OpenWB20) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *OpenWB20) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *OpenWB20) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *OpenWB20) WakeUp() error
- type OpenWBPro
- func (wb *OpenWBPro) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *OpenWBPro) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *OpenWBPro) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *OpenWBPro) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *OpenWBPro) Identify() (string, error)
- func (wb *OpenWBPro) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *OpenWBPro) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (wb *OpenWBPro) Phases1p3p(phases int) error
- func (wb *OpenWBPro) Soc() (float64, error)
- func (wb *OpenWBPro) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *OpenWBPro) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *OpenWBPro) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type PCElectric
- type Pantabox
- type Peblar
- func (wb *Peblar) ChargedEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Peblar) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Peblar) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *Peblar) Diagnose()
- func (wb *Peblar) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *Peblar) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *Peblar) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *Peblar) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (wb *Peblar) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *Peblar) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Peblar) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type PhoenixCharx
- func (wb *PhoenixCharx) ChargeDuration() (time.Duration, error)
- func (wb *PhoenixCharx) Diagnose()
- func (wb *PhoenixCharx) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *PhoenixCharx) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *PhoenixCharx) Identify() (string, error)
- func (wb *PhoenixCharx) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *PhoenixCharx) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- type PhoenixEMEth
- func (wb *PhoenixEMEth) ChargeDuration() (time.Duration, error)
- func (wb *PhoenixEMEth) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *PhoenixEMEth) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb PhoenixEMEth) GetMaxCurrent() (float64, error)
- func (wb *PhoenixEMEth) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *PhoenixEMEth) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- type PhoenixEVEth
- type PhoenixEVSer
- type PrachtAlpha
- type Pulsares
- type Pulsatrix
- func (c *Pulsatrix) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (c *Pulsatrix) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (c *Pulsatrix) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (c *Pulsatrix) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c *Pulsatrix) GetMaxCurrent() (float64, error)
- func (c *Pulsatrix) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (c *Pulsatrix) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (c *Pulsatrix) Phases1p3p(phases int) error
- func (c *Pulsatrix) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (c *Pulsatrix) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (c *Pulsatrix) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type RealTimeData
- type Salia
- type Schneider
- func (wb *Schneider) ChargeDuration() (time.Duration, error)
- func (wb *Schneider) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Schneider) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *Schneider) Diagnose()
- func (wb *Schneider) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *Schneider) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *Schneider) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *Schneider) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *Schneider) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Schneider) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type SgReady
- type Shelly
- func (c Shelly) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (c *Shelly) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (c *Shelly) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c Shelly) LoadpointControl(lp loadpoint.API)
- func (c Shelly) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (c Shelly) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (v Shelly) Phases() int
- func (c Shelly) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (c *Shelly) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- type Smaevcharger
- func (wb *Smaevcharger) ChargedEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Smaevcharger) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Smaevcharger) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *Smaevcharger) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *Smaevcharger) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *Smaevcharger) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *Smaevcharger) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (wb *Smaevcharger) Send(values ...smaevcharger.Value) error
- func (wb *Smaevcharger) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *Smaevcharger) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- type Solax
- func (wb *Solax) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Solax) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *Solax) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *Solax) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *Solax) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *Solax) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (wb *Solax) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *Solax) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Solax) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type Sungrow
- func (wb *Sungrow) ChargedEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Sungrow) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Sungrow) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *Sungrow) Diagnose()
- func (wb *Sungrow) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *Sungrow) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *Sungrow) GetPhases() (int, error)
- func (wb *Sungrow) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *Sungrow) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (wb *Sungrow) Phases1p3p(phases int) error
- func (wb *Sungrow) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *Sungrow) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Sungrow) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type SwitchSocket
- func (c SwitchSocket) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (c *SwitchSocket) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (c *SwitchSocket) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c SwitchSocket) LoadpointControl(lp loadpoint.API)
- func (c SwitchSocket) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (c SwitchSocket) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (v SwitchSocket) Phases() int
- func (c SwitchSocket) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- type TPLink
- func (c TPLink) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (c *TPLink) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (c *TPLink) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c TPLink) LoadpointControl(lp loadpoint.API)
- func (c TPLink) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (c TPLink) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (v TPLink) Phases() int
- func (c TPLink) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (c *TPLink) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- type Tapo
- func (c *Tapo) ChargedEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (c Tapo) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (c *Tapo) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (c *Tapo) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c Tapo) LoadpointControl(lp loadpoint.API)
- func (c Tapo) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (c Tapo) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (v Tapo) Phases() int
- func (c Tapo) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- type Tasmota
- func (c Tasmota) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (c *Tasmota) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (c *Tasmota) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c Tasmota) LoadpointControl(lp loadpoint.API)
- func (c Tasmota) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (c Tasmota) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
- func (v Tasmota) Phases() int
- func (c Tasmota) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (c *Tasmota) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- type Trydan
- func (c Trydan) ChargeDuration() (time.Duration, error)
- func (c Trydan) ChargedEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (c Trydan) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (c *Trydan) Diagnose()
- func (c Trydan) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (c Trydan) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c Trydan) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (t Trydan) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- type Twc3
- func (v *Twc3) ChargedEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (v *Twc3) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (v *Twc3) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (c *Twc3) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (c *Twc3) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c *Twc3) GetMaxCurrent() (float64, error)
- func (v *Twc3) LoadpointControl(lp loadpoint.API)
- func (c *Twc3) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (v *Twc3) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (v *Twc3) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type Vaillant
- type Versicharge
- func (wb *Versicharge) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Versicharge) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *Versicharge) Diagnose()
- func (wb *Versicharge) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *Versicharge) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *Versicharge) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *Versicharge) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *Versicharge) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Versicharge) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type Vestel
- func (wb *Vestel) ChargeDuration() (time.Duration, error)
- func (wb *Vestel) ChargedEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Vestel) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Vestel) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *Vestel) Diagnose()
- func (wb *Vestel) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *Vestel) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *Vestel) GetMaxCurrent() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Vestel) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *Vestel) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *Vestel) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Vestel) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type Victron
- type Vitals
- type Wallbe
- type Warp2
- type Wattpilot
- func (c *Wattpilot) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (c *Wattpilot) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (c *Wattpilot) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (c *Wattpilot) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c *Wattpilot) Identify() (string, error)
- func (c *Wattpilot) Log(level string, data string)
- func (c *Wattpilot) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (c *Wattpilot) Phases1p3p(phases int) error
- func (c *Wattpilot) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (c *Wattpilot) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type WebastoNext
- func (wb *WebastoNext) ChargeDuration() (time.Duration, error)
- func (wb *WebastoNext) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *WebastoNext) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *WebastoNext) Diagnose()
- func (wb *WebastoNext) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *WebastoNext) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *WebastoNext) Identify() (string, error)
- func (wb *WebastoNext) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *WebastoNext) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *WebastoNext) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
- type Weidmüller
- func (wb *Weidmüller) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (wb *Weidmüller) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (wb *Weidmüller) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (wb *Weidmüller) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (wb *Weidmüller) Identify() (string, error)
- func (wb *Weidmüller) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (wb *Weidmüller) Phases1p3p(phases int) error
- func (wb *Weidmüller) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
- func (wb *Weidmüller) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- type Zaptec
- func (c *Zaptec) ChargedEnergy() (float64, error)
- func (c *Zaptec) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
- func (c *Zaptec) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
- func (c *Zaptec) Diagnose()
- func (c *Zaptec) Enable(enable bool) error
- func (c *Zaptec) Enabled() (bool, error)
- func (c *Zaptec) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
- func (c *Zaptec) Phases1p3p(phases int) error
- func (c *Zaptec) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Constants ¶
const ( Normal int64 Boost Stop )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func NewABB ¶
func NewABB(uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, proto modbus.Protocol, slaveID uint8) (api.Charger, error)
NewABB creates ABB charger
func NewABBFromConfig ¶
NewABBFromConfig creates a ABB charger from generic config
func NewABLeMH ¶
func NewABLeMH(uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, slaveID uint8, timeout time.Duration) (api.Charger, error)
NewABLeMH creates ABLeMH charger
func NewABLeMHFromConfig ¶
NewABLeMHFromConfig creates a ABLeMH charger from generic config
func NewAblEm4FromConfig ¶
NewAblEm4FromConfig creates an ABL eM4 charger from generic config
func NewAlfenFromConfig ¶
NewAlfenFromConfig creates a Alfen charger from generic config
func NewAlphatec ¶
func NewAlphatec(uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, proto modbus.Protocol, slaveID uint8) (api.Charger, error)
NewAlphatec creates Alphatec charger
func NewAlphatecFromConfig ¶
NewAlphatecFromConfig creates a Alphatec charger from generic config
func NewAmperfied ¶
NewAmperfied creates Amperfied charger
func NewAmperfiedFromConfig ¶
NewAmperfiedFromConfig creates a Amperfied charger from generic config
func NewBenderCC ¶
NewBenderCC creates BenderCC charger
func NewBenderCCFromConfig ¶
NewBenderCCFromConfig creates a BenderCC charger from generic config
func NewCCUFromConfig ¶
NewCCUFromConfig creates a Homematic charger from generic config
func NewCfosPowerBrain ¶
NewCfosPowerBrain creates a cFos charger
func NewCfosPowerBrainFromConfig ¶
NewCfosPowerBrainFromConfig creates a cFos charger from generic config
func NewConfigurableFromConfig ¶
func NewConfigurableFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
NewConfigurableFromConfig creates a new configurable charger
func NewConnectIq ¶
NewConnectIq creates ConnectIq charger
func NewConnectIqFromConfig ¶
NewConnectIqFromConfig creates a ConnectIq charger from generic config
func NewDadapowerFromConfig ¶
NewDadapowerFromConfig creates a Dadapower charger from generic config
func NewDaheimLadenFromConfig ¶
NewDaheimLadenFromConfig creates a DaheimLaden charger from generic config
func NewDaheimLadenMB ¶
NewDaheimLadenMB creates DaheimLadenMB charger
func NewDaheimLadenMBFromConfig ¶
func NewDaheimLadenMBFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
NewDaheimLadenMBFromConfig creates a DaheimLadenMB charger from generic config
func NewDelta ¶
func NewDelta(ctx context.Context, uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, proto modbus.Protocol, slaveID uint8, connector uint16) (api.Charger, error)
NewDelta creates Delta charger
func NewDeltaFromConfig ¶
NewDeltaFromConfig creates a Delta charger from generic config
func NewEEBus ¶
func NewEEBus(ctx context.Context, ski, ip string, hasMeter, hasChargedEnergy, vasVW bool) (api.Charger, error)
NewEEBus creates EEBus charger
func NewEEBusFromConfig ¶
NewEEBusFromConfig creates an EEBus charger from generic config
func NewEVSEWifiFromConfig ¶
NewEVSEWifiFromConfig creates a EVSEWifi charger from generic config
func NewEaseeFromConfig ¶
NewEaseeFromConfig creates a Easee charger from generic config
func NewEm2GoFromConfig ¶
NewEm2GoFromConfig creates a Em2Go charger from generic config
func NewEtrelFromConfig ¶
NewEtrelFromConfig creates a Etrel charger from generic config
func NewEvseDIN ¶
func NewEvseDIN(uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, proto modbus.Protocol, slaveID uint8) (api.Charger, error)
NewEvseDIN creates EVSE DIN charger
func NewEvseDINFromConfig ¶
NewEvseDINFromConfig creates an EVSE DIN charger from generic config
func NewFritzDECTFromConfig ¶
NewFritzDECTFromConfig creates a fritzdect charger from generic config
func NewFromConfig ¶
func NewFromConfig(ctx context.Context, typ string, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
NewFromConfig creates charger from configuration
func NewHardyBarth ¶
NewHardyBarth creates HardyBarth charger
func NewHardyBarthFromConfig ¶
NewHardyBarthFromConfig creates a HardyBarth cPH1 charger from generic config
func NewHeatpumpFromConfig ¶
NewHeatpumpFromConfig creates heatpump configurable charger from generic config
func NewHeidelbergEC ¶
func NewHeidelbergEC(ctx context.Context, uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, proto modbus.Protocol, slaveID uint8) (api.Charger, error)
NewHeidelbergEC creates HeidelbergEC charger
func NewHeidelbergECFromConfig ¶
func NewHeidelbergECFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
NewHeidelbergECFromConfig creates a HeidelbergEC charger from generic config
func NewHesotec ¶
NewHesotec creates Hesotec charger
func NewHesotecFromConfig ¶
NewHesotecFromConfig creates a Hesotec charger from generic config
func NewHomeWizardFromConfig ¶
NewHomeWizardFromConfig creates a HomeWizard charger from generic config
func NewInnogyFromConfig ¶
NewInnogyFromConfig creates a Innogy charger from generic config
func NewKSEFromConfig ¶
NewKSEFromConfig creates a KSE charger from generic config
func NewKebaFromConfig ¶
NewKebaFromConfig creates a new Keba ModbusTCP charger
func NewKebaUdpFromConfig ¶
NewKebaUdpFromConfig creates a new Keba UDP charger
func NewMennekesCompact ¶
func NewMennekesCompact(ctx context.Context, uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, proto modbus.Protocol, slaveID uint8, timeout time.Duration) (api.Charger, error)
NewMennekesCompact creates Mennekes charger
func NewMennekesCompactFromConfig ¶
func NewMennekesCompactFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
NewMennekesCompactFromConfig creates a new Mennekes ModbusTCP charger
func NewMennekesHcc3 ¶
NewMennekesHcc3 creates Mennekes HCC3 charger
func NewMennekesHcc3FromConfig ¶
NewMennekesHcc3FromConfig creates a Mennekes mennekesHcc3 charger from generic config
func NewMyPv ¶
func NewMyPv(ctx context.Context, name, uri string, slaveID uint8, tempSource int, statusC uint16) (api.Charger, error)
NewMyPv creates myPV AC Elwa 2 or Thor charger
func NewMyStromFromConfig ¶
NewMyStromFromConfig creates a myStrom charger from generic config
func NewNRGKickBLEFromConfig ¶
NewNRGKickBLEFromConfig creates a NRGKickBLE charger from generic config
func NewNRGKickConnectFromConfig ¶
NewNRGKickConnectFromConfig creates a NRGKickConnect charger from generic config
func NewNRGKickGen2FromConfig ¶
NewNRGKickGen2FromConfig creates a NRGKickGen2 charger from generic config
func NewOCPPFromConfig ¶
NewOCPPFromConfig creates a OCPP charger from generic config
func NewObo ¶
func NewObo(ctx context.Context, uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, proto modbus.Protocol, slaveID uint8) (api.Charger, error)
NewObo creates OBO Bettermann charger
func NewOboFromConfig ¶
NewOboFromConfig creates a OBO Bettermann charger from generic config
func NewOpenEVSE ¶
NewOpenEVSE creates OpenEVSE charger
func NewOpenEVSEFromConfig ¶
NewOpenEVSEFromConfig creates an OpenEVSE charger from generic config
func NewOpenWB ¶
func NewOpenWB(log *util.Logger, mqttconf mqtt.Config, id int, topic string, p1p3, dc bool, timeout time.Duration) (api.Charger, error)
NewOpenWB creates a new configurable charger
func NewOpenWB20FromConfig ¶
NewOpenWB20FromConfig creates a OpenWB20 charger from generic config
func NewOpenWBFromConfig ¶
NewOpenWBFromConfig creates a new configurable charger
func NewOpenWBProFromConfig ¶
NewOpenWBProFromConfig creates a OpenWBPro charger from generic config
func NewPCElectricFromConfig ¶
NewPCElectricFromConfig creates a PCElectric charger from generic config
func NewPantaboxFromConfig ¶
NewPantaboxFromConfig creates a Pantabox charger from generic config
func NewPeblarFromConfig ¶
NewPeblarFromConfig creates a Peblar charger from generic config
func NewPhoenixCharxFromConfig ¶
NewPhoenixCharxFromConfig creates a Phoenix charger from generic config
func NewPhoenixEMEthFromConfig ¶
NewPhoenixEMEthFromConfig creates a Phoenix charger from generic config
func NewPhoenixEVEth ¶
NewPhoenixEVEth creates a PhoenixEVEth charger
func NewPhoenixEVEthFromConfig ¶
NewPhoenixEVEthFromConfig creates a PhoenixEVEth charger from generic config
func NewPhoenixEVSerFromConfig ¶
NewPhoenixEVSerFromConfig creates a Phoenix charger from generic config
func NewPrachtAlpha ¶
func NewPrachtAlpha(uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, proto modbus.Protocol, slaveID uint8, timeout time.Duration, vehicle uint16) (api.Charger, error)
NewPrachtAlpha creates PrachtAlpha charger
func NewPrachtAlphaFromConfig ¶
NewPrachtAlphaFromConfig creates a PrachtAlpha charger from generic config
func NewPulsaresFromConfig ¶
NewPulsaresFromConfig creates a Pulsares charger from generic config
func NewPulsatrixFromConfig ¶
NewPulsatrixtFromConfig creates a pulsatrix charger from generic config
func NewSaliaFromConfig ¶
NewSaliaFromConfig creates a Salia cPH2 charger from generic config
func NewSchneiderV3 ¶
NewSchneiderV3 creates Schneider charger
func NewSchneiderV3FromConfig ¶
func NewSchneiderV3FromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
NewSchneiderV3FromConfig creates a Schneider charger from generic config
func NewSgReadyFromConfig ¶
NewSgReadyFromConfig creates an SG Ready configurable charger from generic config
func NewShellyFromConfig ¶
NewShellyFromConfig creates a Shelly charger from generic config
func NewSmaevcharger ¶
NewSmaevcharger creates an SMA EV Charger
func NewSmaevchargerFromConfig ¶
NewSmaevchargerFromConfig creates a SMA EV Charger from generic config
func NewSolax ¶
func NewSolax(uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, proto modbus.Protocol, id uint8) (api.Charger, error)
NewSolax creates Solax charger
func NewSolaxFromConfig ¶
NewSolaxFromConfig creates a Solax charger from generic config
func NewSungrow ¶
func NewSungrow(uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, proto modbus.Protocol, id uint8) (api.Charger, error)
NewSungrow creates Sungrow charger
func NewSungrowFromConfig ¶
NewSungrowFromConfig creates a Sungrow charger from generic config
func NewSwitchSocket ¶
func NewTPLinkFromConfig ¶
NewTPLinkFromConfig creates a TP-Link charger from generic config
func NewTapoFromConfig ¶
NewTapoFromConfig creates a Tapo charger from generic config
func NewTasmota ¶
func NewTasmota(embed embed, uri, user, password string, channels []int, standbypower float64, cache time.Duration) (api.Charger, error)
NewTasmota creates Tasmota charger
func NewTasmotaFromConfig ¶
NewTasmotaFromConfig creates a Tasmota charger from generic config
func NewTrydanFromConfig ¶
NewTrydanFromConfig creates a Trydan charger from generic config
func NewTwc3FromConfig ¶
NewTwc3FromConfig creates a new vehicle
func NewVaillantFromConfig ¶
NewVaillantFromConfig creates an Vaillant configurable charger from generic config
func NewVersichargeFromConfig ¶
NewVersichargeFromConfig creates a Versicharge charger from generic config
func NewVestelFromConfig ¶
NewVestelFromConfig creates a Vestel charger from generic config
func NewVictron ¶
NewVictron creates Victron charger
func NewVictronEVCSFromConfig ¶
NewVictronEVCSFromConfig creates a ABB charger from generic config
func NewVictronFromConfig ¶
NewVictronFromConfig creates a ABB charger from generic config
func NewVictronGXFromConfig ¶
NewVictronGXFromConfig creates a ABB charger from generic config
func NewWallbeFromConfig ¶
NewWallbeFromConfig creates a Wallbe charger from generic config
func NewWarp2FromConfig ¶
NewWarpFromConfig creates a new configurable charger
func NewWattpilot ¶
NewWattpilot creates Wattpilot charger
func NewWattpilotFromConfig ¶
NewWattpilotFromConfig creates a wattpilot charger from generic config
func NewWebastoNext ¶
NewWebastoNext creates WebastoNext charger
func NewWebastoNextFromConfig ¶
func NewWebastoNextFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
NewWebastoNextFromConfig creates a WebastoNext charger from generic config
func NewWeidmüller ¶
NewWeidmüller creates Weidmüller charger
func NewWeidmüllerFromConfig ¶
func NewWeidmüllerFromConfig(ctx context.Context, other map[string]interface{}) (api.Charger, error)
NewWeidmüllerFromConfig creates a Weidmüller charger from generic config
func NewZaptecFromConfig ¶
NewZaptecFromConfig creates a Zaptec Pro charger from generic config
func NewsmartEVSE ¶
func NewsmartEVSE(uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, proto modbus.Protocol, slaveID uint8) (*smartEVSE, error)
NewsmartEVSE creates a new charger
func NewsmartEVSEFromConfig ¶
NewsmartEVSEFromConfig creates a new smartEVSE ModbusTCP charger
Types ¶
type ABB ¶
type ABB struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ABB charger implementation
func (*ABB) ChargedEnergy ¶
ChargedEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
func (*ABB) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*ABB) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*ABB) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.ChargerEx interface
type ABLeMH ¶
type ABLeMH struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ABLeMH charger implementation
func (*ABLeMH) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *ABLeMH) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*ABLeMH) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*ABLeMH) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.ChargerEx interface
type AblEm4 ¶
type AblEm4 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AblEm4 is an api.Charger implementation for ABL eM4 controller
func (*AblEm4) CurrentPower ¶
currentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*AblEm4) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*AblEm4) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (*AblEm4) Status ¶
func (wb *AblEm4) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*AblEm4) TotalEnergy ¶
totalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type Alfen ¶
type Alfen struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Alfen charger implementation
func (*Alfen) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Alfen) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Alfen) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (*Alfen) Status ¶
func (wb *Alfen) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Alfen) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type Alphatec ¶
type Alphatec struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Alphatec charger implementation
func (*Alphatec) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
type Amperfied ¶
type Amperfied struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Amperfied charger implementation
func (*Amperfied) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Amperfied) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *Amperfied) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*Amperfied) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Amperfied) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (*Amperfied) Status ¶
func (wb *Amperfied) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Amperfied) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type BenderCC ¶
type BenderCC struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BenderCC charger implementation
func (*BenderCC) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *BenderCC) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*BenderCC) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
type CCU ¶
type CCU struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Homematic CCU charger implementation
func NewCCU ¶
func NewCCU(embed embed, uri, deviceid, meterid, switchid, user, password string, standbypower float64, cache time.Duration) (*CCU, error)
NewCCU creates a new connection with standbypower for charger
func (CCU) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower calculates a generic switches power
func (CCU) LoadpointControl ¶
LoadpointControl implements loadpoint.Controller
func (CCU) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (CCU) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (CCU) Status ¶
func (c CCU) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status calculates a generic switches status
func (*CCU) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type CfosPowerBrain ¶
type CfosPowerBrain struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CfosPowerBrain is an charger implementation for cFos PowerBrain wallboxes. It uses Modbus TCP to communicate at modbus client id 1 and power meters at id 2 and 3.
func (*CfosPowerBrain) Enable ¶
func (wb *CfosPowerBrain) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*CfosPowerBrain) Enabled ¶
func (wb *CfosPowerBrain) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (*CfosPowerBrain) Identify ¶
func (wb *CfosPowerBrain) Identify() (string, error)
Identify implements the api.Identifier interface
func (*CfosPowerBrain) MaxCurrent ¶
func (wb *CfosPowerBrain) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*CfosPowerBrain) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
func (wb *CfosPowerBrain) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (*CfosPowerBrain) Status ¶
func (wb *CfosPowerBrain) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*CfosPowerBrain) WakeUp ¶
func (wb *CfosPowerBrain) WakeUp() error
WakeUp implements the api.Resurrector interface
type ChargePointHandler ¶
type ChargePointHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ChargePointHandler) OnChangeAvailability ¶
func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnChangeAvailability(request *core.ChangeAvailabilityRequest) (confirmation *core.ChangeAvailabilityConfirmation, err error)
func (*ChargePointHandler) OnChangeConfiguration ¶
func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnChangeConfiguration(request *core.ChangeConfigurationRequest) (confirmation *core.ChangeConfigurationConfirmation, err error)
func (*ChargePointHandler) OnClearCache ¶
func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnClearCache(request *core.ClearCacheRequest) (confirmation *core.ClearCacheConfirmation, err error)
func (*ChargePointHandler) OnClearChargingProfile ¶
func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnClearChargingProfile(request *smartcharging.ClearChargingProfileRequest) (*smartcharging.ClearChargingProfileConfirmation, error)
func (*ChargePointHandler) OnDataTransfer ¶
func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnDataTransfer(request *core.DataTransferRequest) (confirmation *core.DataTransferConfirmation, err error)
func (*ChargePointHandler) OnGetCompositeSchedule ¶
func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnGetCompositeSchedule(request *smartcharging.GetCompositeScheduleRequest) (*smartcharging.GetCompositeScheduleConfirmation, error)
func (*ChargePointHandler) OnGetConfiguration ¶
func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnGetConfiguration(request *core.GetConfigurationRequest) (confirmation *core.GetConfigurationConfirmation, err error)
func (*ChargePointHandler) OnRemoteStartTransaction ¶
func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnRemoteStartTransaction(request *core.RemoteStartTransactionRequest) (confirmation *core.RemoteStartTransactionConfirmation, err error)
func (*ChargePointHandler) OnRemoteStopTransaction ¶
func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnRemoteStopTransaction(request *core.RemoteStopTransactionRequest) (confirmation *core.RemoteStopTransactionConfirmation, err error)
func (*ChargePointHandler) OnReset ¶
func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnReset(request *core.ResetRequest) (confirmation *core.ResetConfirmation, err error)
func (*ChargePointHandler) OnSetChargingProfile ¶
func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnSetChargingProfile(request *smartcharging.SetChargingProfileRequest) (*smartcharging.SetChargingProfileConfirmation, error)
func (*ChargePointHandler) OnTriggerMessage ¶
func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnTriggerMessage(request *remotetrigger.TriggerMessageRequest) (confirmation *remotetrigger.TriggerMessageConfirmation, err error)
func (*ChargePointHandler) OnUnlockConnector ¶
func (handler *ChargePointHandler) OnUnlockConnector(request *core.UnlockConnectorRequest) (confirmation *core.UnlockConnectorConfirmation, err error)
type Charger ¶
type Charger struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Charger is an api.Charger implementation with configurable getters and setters.
func NewConfigurable ¶
func NewConfigurable( statusG func() (string, error), enabledG func() (bool, error), enableS func(bool) error, maxCurrentS func(int64) error, ) (*Charger, error)
NewConfigurable creates a new charger
func (Charger) Icon ¶
func (v Charger) Icon() string
Icon implements the api.IconDescriber interface
func (*Charger) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
type ConnectIq ¶
ConnectIq charger implementation
func (*ConnectIq) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*ConnectIq) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*ConnectIq) Status ¶
func (wb *ConnectIq) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*ConnectIq) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type Dadapower ¶
type Dadapower struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Dadapower charger implementation
func NewDadapower ¶
NewDadapower creates a Dadapower charger
func (*Dadapower) ChargedEnergy ¶
ChargedEnergy implements the api.ChargeRater interface
func (*Dadapower) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Dadapower) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *Dadapower) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*Dadapower) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Dadapower) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (*Dadapower) Phases1p3p ¶
Phases1p3p implements the api.PhaseSwitcher interface
func (*Dadapower) Status ¶
func (wb *Dadapower) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Dadapower) StatusReason ¶
StatusReason implements the api.StatusReasoner interface
func (*Dadapower) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type DaheimLaden ¶
DaheimLaden charger implementation
func NewDaheimLaden ¶
func NewDaheimLaden(token, stationID string, cache time.Duration) (*DaheimLaden, error)
NewDaheimLaden creates DaheimLaden charger
func (*DaheimLaden) CurrentPower ¶
func (c *DaheimLaden) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*DaheimLaden) Currents ¶
func (c *DaheimLaden) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
Currents implements the api.PhaseCurrents interface
func (*DaheimLaden) Enable ¶
func (c *DaheimLaden) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*DaheimLaden) Enabled ¶
func (c *DaheimLaden) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (*DaheimLaden) MaxCurrent ¶
func (c *DaheimLaden) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*DaheimLaden) Status ¶
func (c *DaheimLaden) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*DaheimLaden) TotalEnergy ¶
func (c *DaheimLaden) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterMeterEnergy interface
type DaheimLadenMB ¶
type DaheimLadenMB struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DaheimLadenMB charger implementation
func (*DaheimLadenMB) CurrentPower ¶
func (wb *DaheimLadenMB) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*DaheimLadenMB) Currents ¶
func (wb *DaheimLadenMB) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
Currents implements the api.PhaseCurrents interface
func (*DaheimLadenMB) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *DaheimLadenMB) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*DaheimLadenMB) Enable ¶
func (wb *DaheimLadenMB) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*DaheimLadenMB) Enabled ¶
func (wb *DaheimLadenMB) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (*DaheimLadenMB) Identify ¶
func (wb *DaheimLadenMB) Identify() (string, error)
Identify implements the api.Identifier interface
func (*DaheimLadenMB) MaxCurrent ¶
func (wb *DaheimLadenMB) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*DaheimLadenMB) Status ¶
func (wb *DaheimLadenMB) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*DaheimLadenMB) TotalEnergy ¶
func (wb *DaheimLadenMB) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type Delta ¶
type Delta struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Delta charger implementation
func (*Delta) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Delta) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *Delta) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*Delta) LoadpointControl ¶
LoadpointControl implements loadpoint.Controller
func (*Delta) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Delta) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
type EEBus ¶
func (*EEBus) Enabled ¶
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface should return true if the charger allows the EV to draw power
func (*EEBus) LoadpointControl ¶
LoadpointControl implements loadpoint.Controller
func (*EEBus) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*EEBus) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (*EEBus) Status ¶
func (c *EEBus) Status() (res api.ChargeStatus, err error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*EEBus) UseCaseEvent ¶
func (c *EEBus) UseCaseEvent(device spineapi.DeviceRemoteInterface, entity spineapi.EntityRemoteInterface, event eebusapi.EventType)
UseCaseEvent implements the eebus.Device interface
type EVSEWifi ¶
EVSEWifi charger implementation
func NewEVSEWifi ¶
NewEVSEWifi creates EVSEWifi charger
func (*EVSEWifi) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
type Easee ¶
Easee charger implementation
func NewEasee ¶
func NewEasee(user, password, charger string, timeout time.Duration, authorize bool) (*Easee, error)
NewEasee creates Easee charger
func (*Easee) ChargedEnergy ¶
ChargedEnergy implements the api.ChargeRater interface
func (*Easee) ChargerUpdate ¶
func (c *Easee) ChargerUpdate(i json.RawMessage)
ChargerUpdate implements the signalr receiver
func (*Easee) CommandResponse ¶
func (c *Easee) CommandResponse(i json.RawMessage)
CommandResponse implements the signalr receiver
func (*Easee) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Easee) GetMaxCurrent ¶
GetMaxCurrent implements the api.CurrentGetter interface
func (*Easee) LoadpointControl ¶
LoadpointControl implements loadpoint.Controller
func (*Easee) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Easee) Phases1p3p ¶
Phases1p3p implements the api.PhaseSwitcher interface
func (*Easee) ProductUpdate ¶
func (c *Easee) ProductUpdate(i json.RawMessage)
ProductUpdate implements the signalr receiver
func (*Easee) Status ¶
func (c *Easee) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Easee) SubscribeToMyProduct ¶
func (c *Easee) SubscribeToMyProduct(i json.RawMessage)
SubscribeToMyProduct implements the signalr receiver
func (*Easee) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type Em2Go ¶
type Em2Go struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Em2Go charger implementation
func (*Em2Go) ChargeDuration ¶
ChargeDuration implements the api.ChargeTimer interface
func (*Em2Go) ChargedEnergy ¶
ChargedEnergy implements the api.ChargeRater interface
func (*Em2Go) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Em2Go) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *Em2Go) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (Em2Go) GetMaxCurrent ¶
GetMaxCurrent implements the api.CurrentGetter interface
func (*Em2Go) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Em2Go) Status ¶
func (wb *Em2Go) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Em2Go) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type Etrel ¶
type Etrel struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Etrel is an api.Charger implementation for Etrel/Sonnen wallboxes
func (*Etrel) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Etrel) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *Etrel) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*Etrel) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Etrel) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
type EvseDIN ¶
type EvseDIN struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EvseDIN charger implementation
func (*EvseDIN) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
type FritzDECT ¶
type FritzDECT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FritzDECT charger implementation
func NewFritzDECT ¶
func NewFritzDECT(embed embed, uri, ain, user, password string, standbypower float64) (*FritzDECT, error)
NewFritzDECT creates a new connection with standbypower for charger
func (FritzDECT) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower calculates a generic switches power
func (FritzDECT) LoadpointControl ¶
LoadpointControl implements loadpoint.Controller
func (FritzDECT) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (FritzDECT) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (FritzDECT) Phases ¶
func (v FritzDECT) Phases() int
Phases implements the api.PhasesDescriber interface
func (*FritzDECT) Status ¶
func (c *FritzDECT) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*FritzDECT) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type GoE ¶
type GoE struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GoE charger implementation
func (*GoE) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*GoE) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*GoE) Status ¶
func (c *GoE) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*GoE) TotalEnergy ¶
totalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface - v2 only
type HardyBarth ¶
HardyBarth charger implementation
func (*HardyBarth) CurrentPower ¶
func (wb *HardyBarth) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*HardyBarth) Currents ¶
func (wb *HardyBarth) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
Currents implements the api.PhaseCurrents interface
func (*HardyBarth) Enable ¶
func (wb *HardyBarth) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*HardyBarth) Enabled ¶
func (wb *HardyBarth) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (*HardyBarth) MaxCurrent ¶
func (wb *HardyBarth) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*HardyBarth) Status ¶
func (wb *HardyBarth) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*HardyBarth) TotalEnergy ¶
func (wb *HardyBarth) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type Heatpump ¶
type Heatpump struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Heatpump charger implementation
func NewHeatpump ¶
func NewHeatpump(ctx context.Context, embed *embed, maxPowerS func(int64) error, maxPowerG func() (int64, error), phases int) (*Heatpump, error)
NewHeatpump creates heatpump charger
func (Heatpump) Icon ¶
func (v Heatpump) Icon() string
Icon implements the api.IconDescriber interface
func (*Heatpump) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Heatpump) MaxCurrentEx ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
type HeidelbergEC ¶
type HeidelbergEC struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HeidelbergEC charger implementation
func (*HeidelbergEC) CurrentPower ¶
func (wb *HeidelbergEC) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*HeidelbergEC) Currents ¶
func (wb *HeidelbergEC) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
Currents implements the api.PhaseCurrents interface
func (*HeidelbergEC) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *HeidelbergEC) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*HeidelbergEC) Enable ¶
func (wb *HeidelbergEC) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*HeidelbergEC) Enabled ¶
func (wb *HeidelbergEC) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (*HeidelbergEC) MaxCurrent ¶
func (wb *HeidelbergEC) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*HeidelbergEC) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
func (wb *HeidelbergEC) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (*HeidelbergEC) Status ¶
func (wb *HeidelbergEC) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*HeidelbergEC) TotalEnergy ¶
func (wb *HeidelbergEC) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
func (*HeidelbergEC) Voltages ¶
func (wb *HeidelbergEC) Voltages() (float64, float64, float64, error)
Voltages implements the api.PhaseVoltages interface
func (*HeidelbergEC) WakeUp ¶
func (wb *HeidelbergEC) WakeUp() error
WakeUp implements the api.Resurrector interface
type Hesotec ¶
type Hesotec struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Hesotec charger implementation
func (*Hesotec) ChargeDuration ¶
ChargeDuration implements the api.ChargeTimer interface
func (*Hesotec) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Hesotec) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *Hesotec) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*Hesotec) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Hesotec) Status ¶
func (wb *Hesotec) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Hesotec) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type HomeWizard ¶
type HomeWizard struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HomeWizard charger implementation
func NewHomeWizard ¶
func NewHomeWizard(embed embed, uri string, usage string, standbypower float64, cache time.Duration) (*HomeWizard, error)
NewHomeWizard creates HomeWizard charger
func (HomeWizard) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower calculates a generic switches power
func (*HomeWizard) Enable ¶
func (c *HomeWizard) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*HomeWizard) Enabled ¶
func (c *HomeWizard) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (HomeWizard) LoadpointControl ¶
LoadpointControl implements loadpoint.Controller
func (HomeWizard) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (HomeWizard) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (HomeWizard) Phases ¶
func (v HomeWizard) Phases() int
Phases implements the api.PhasesDescriber interface
func (HomeWizard) Status ¶
func (c HomeWizard) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status calculates a generic switches status
func (*HomeWizard) TotalEnergy ¶
func (c *HomeWizard) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type Innogy ¶
type Innogy struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Innogy is an api.Charger implementation for Innogy eBox wallboxes.
func (*Innogy) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Innogy) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *Innogy) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*Innogy) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Innogy) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
type KSE ¶
type KSE struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KSE charger implementation
func (*KSE) ChargedEnergy ¶
ChargedEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
func (*KSE) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*KSE) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*KSE) Status ¶
func (wb *KSE) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*KSE) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type Keba ¶
type Keba struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Keba is an api.Charger implementation
func (*Keba) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Keba) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
type KebaUdp ¶
type KebaUdp struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KebaUdp is an api.Charger implementation
func NewKebaUdp ¶
NewKebaUdp creates a new charger
func (*KebaUdp) Diagnose ¶
func (c *KebaUdp) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*KebaUdp) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*KebaUdp) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
type MennekesCompact ¶
type MennekesCompact struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MennekesCompact is an api.Charger implementation
func (*MennekesCompact) CurrentPower ¶
func (wb *MennekesCompact) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*MennekesCompact) Currents ¶
func (wb *MennekesCompact) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
Currents implements the api.PhaseCurrents interface
func (*MennekesCompact) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *MennekesCompact) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*MennekesCompact) Enable ¶
func (wb *MennekesCompact) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*MennekesCompact) Enabled ¶
func (wb *MennekesCompact) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (*MennekesCompact) MaxCurrent ¶
func (wb *MennekesCompact) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*MennekesCompact) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
func (wb *MennekesCompact) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (*MennekesCompact) Status ¶
func (wb *MennekesCompact) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*MennekesCompact) TotalEnergy ¶
func (wb *MennekesCompact) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type MennekesHcc3 ¶
type MennekesHcc3 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MennekesHcc3 Xtra/Premium charger implementation
func (*MennekesHcc3) ChargedEnergy ¶
func (wb *MennekesHcc3) ChargedEnergy() (float64, error)
ChargedEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
func (*MennekesHcc3) CurrentPower ¶
func (wb *MennekesHcc3) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*MennekesHcc3) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *MennekesHcc3) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*MennekesHcc3) Enable ¶
func (wb *MennekesHcc3) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*MennekesHcc3) Enabled ¶
func (wb *MennekesHcc3) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (*MennekesHcc3) MaxCurrent ¶
func (wb *MennekesHcc3) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*MennekesHcc3) Status ¶
func (wb *MennekesHcc3) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
type MyPv ¶
type MyPv struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MyPv charger implementation
func (*MyPv) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*MyPv) GetLimitSoc ¶
GetLimitSoc implements the api.SocLimiter interface
func (*MyPv) LoadpointControl ¶
LoadpointControl implements loadpoint.Controller
func (*MyPv) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*MyPv) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
type MyStrom ¶
type MyStrom struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MyStrom charger implementation
func (MyStrom) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower calculates a generic switches power
func (MyStrom) LoadpointControl ¶
LoadpointControl implements loadpoint.Controller
func (MyStrom) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (MyStrom) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (MyStrom) Phases ¶
func (v MyStrom) Phases() int
Phases implements the api.PhasesDescriber interface
func (MyStrom) Status ¶
func (c MyStrom) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status calculates a generic switches status
type NRGKickBLE ¶
type NRGKickBLE struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NRGKickBLE charger implementation
func NewNRGKickBLE ¶
func NewNRGKickBLE(device, mac string, pin int) (*NRGKickBLE, error)
NewNRGKickBLE creates NRGKickBLE charger
func (*NRGKickBLE) CurrentPower ¶
func (wb *NRGKickBLE) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*NRGKickBLE) Currents ¶
func (wb *NRGKickBLE) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
Currents implements the api.PhaseCurrents interface
func (*NRGKickBLE) Enable ¶
func (wb *NRGKickBLE) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*NRGKickBLE) Enabled ¶
func (wb *NRGKickBLE) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (*NRGKickBLE) MaxCurrent ¶
func (wb *NRGKickBLE) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*NRGKickBLE) Status ¶
func (wb *NRGKickBLE) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*NRGKickBLE) TotalEnergy ¶
func (wb *NRGKickBLE) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type NRGKickConnect ¶
NRGKickConnect charger implementation
func NewNRGKickConnect ¶
func NewNRGKickConnect(uri, mac, password string, cache time.Duration) (*NRGKickConnect, error)
NewNRGKickConnect creates NRGKickConnect charger
func (*NRGKickConnect) CurrentPower ¶
func (nrg *NRGKickConnect) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*NRGKickConnect) Currents ¶
func (nrg *NRGKickConnect) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
Currents implements the api.PhaseCurrents interface
func (*NRGKickConnect) Enable ¶
func (nrg *NRGKickConnect) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*NRGKickConnect) Enabled ¶
func (nrg *NRGKickConnect) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (*NRGKickConnect) MaxCurrent ¶
func (nrg *NRGKickConnect) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*NRGKickConnect) Status ¶
func (nrg *NRGKickConnect) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*NRGKickConnect) TotalEnergy ¶
func (nrg *NRGKickConnect) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type NRGKickGen2 ¶
type NRGKickGen2 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NRGKickGen2 charger implementation
func NewNRGKickGen2 ¶
func NewNRGKickGen2(uri string, slaveID uint8) (*NRGKickGen2, error)
NewNRGKickGen2 creates NRGKickGen2 charger
func (*NRGKickGen2) ChargedEnergy ¶
func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) ChargedEnergy() (float64, error)
func (*NRGKickGen2) CurrentPower ¶
func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*NRGKickGen2) Currents ¶
func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
Currents implements the api.PhaseCurrents interface
func (*NRGKickGen2) Diagnose ¶
func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*NRGKickGen2) Enable ¶
func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*NRGKickGen2) Enabled ¶
func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (*NRGKickGen2) GetMaxCurrent ¶
func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) GetMaxCurrent() (float64, error)
func (*NRGKickGen2) GetPhases ¶
func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) GetPhases() (int, error)
func (*NRGKickGen2) MaxCurrent ¶
func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*NRGKickGen2) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (*NRGKickGen2) Status ¶
func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*NRGKickGen2) TotalEnergy ¶
func (nrg *NRGKickGen2) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type OCPP ¶
type OCPP struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OCPP charger implementation
func NewOCPP ¶
func NewOCPP(ctx context.Context, id string, connector int, idTag string, meterValues string, meterInterval time.Duration, stackLevelZero, remoteStart bool, connectTimeout time.Duration, ) (*OCPP, error)
NewOCPP creates OCPP charger
func (*OCPP) LoadpointControl ¶
LoadpointControl implements loadpoint.Controller
func (*OCPP) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*OCPP) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
type Obo ¶
type Obo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Obo charger implementation
func (*Obo) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
type OpenEVSE ¶
OpenEVSE charger implementation
func (*OpenEVSE) ChargedEnergy ¶
ChargedEnergy implements the api.ChargeRater interface
func (*OpenEVSE) CurrentPower ¶
func (*OpenEVSE) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*OpenEVSE) Status ¶
func (c *OpenEVSE) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*OpenEVSE) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type OpenWB ¶
type OpenWB struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OpenWB configures generic charger and charge meter for an openWB loadpoint
func (*OpenWB) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*OpenWB) MaxCurrent ¶
func (*OpenWB) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type OpenWB20 ¶
type OpenWB20 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OpenWB20 charger implementation
func NewOpenWB20 ¶
NewOpenWB20 creates OpenWB20 charger
func (*OpenWB20) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*OpenWB20) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*OpenWB20) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (*OpenWB20) Status ¶
func (wb *OpenWB20) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*OpenWB20) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type OpenWBPro ¶
OpenWBPro charger implementation
func NewOpenWBPro ¶
NewOpenWBPro creates OpenWBPro charger
func (*OpenWBPro) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*OpenWBPro) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*OpenWBPro) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (*OpenWBPro) Phases1p3p ¶
Phases1p3p implements the api.PhaseSwitcher interface
func (*OpenWBPro) Status ¶
func (wb *OpenWBPro) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*OpenWBPro) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type PCElectric ¶
PCElectric charger implementation
func NewPCElectric ¶
func NewPCElectric(uri string, slaveIndex int, meter string) (*PCElectric, error)
NewPCElectric creates PCElectric charger
func (*PCElectric) Enable ¶
func (wb *PCElectric) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*PCElectric) Enabled ¶
func (wb *PCElectric) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (*PCElectric) MaxCurrent ¶
func (wb *PCElectric) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*PCElectric) MinCurrent ¶
func (wb *PCElectric) MinCurrent(current int64) error
func (*PCElectric) Status ¶
func (wb *PCElectric) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
type Pantabox ¶
Pantabox charger implementation
func NewPantabox ¶
NewPantabox creates Pantabox charger
func (*Pantabox) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Pantabox) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *Pantabox) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*Pantabox) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
type Peblar ¶
type Peblar struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Peblar charger implementation
func (*Peblar) ChargedEnergy ¶
ChargedEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
func (*Peblar) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Peblar) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *Peblar) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*Peblar) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Peblar) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (*Peblar) Status ¶
func (wb *Peblar) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Peblar) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type PhoenixCharx ¶
type PhoenixCharx struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PhoenixCharx is an api.Charger implementation for Phoenix CHARX controller
func NewPhoenixCharx ¶
func NewPhoenixCharx(uri string, id uint8, connector uint16) (*PhoenixCharx, error)
NewPhoenixCharx creates a Phoenix charger
func (*PhoenixCharx) ChargeDuration ¶
func (wb *PhoenixCharx) ChargeDuration() (time.Duration, error)
ChargeDuration implements the api.ChargeTimer interface
func (*PhoenixCharx) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *PhoenixCharx) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*PhoenixCharx) Enable ¶
func (wb *PhoenixCharx) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*PhoenixCharx) Enabled ¶
func (wb *PhoenixCharx) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (*PhoenixCharx) Identify ¶
func (wb *PhoenixCharx) Identify() (string, error)
Identify implements the api.Identifier interface
func (*PhoenixCharx) MaxCurrent ¶
func (wb *PhoenixCharx) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*PhoenixCharx) Status ¶
func (wb *PhoenixCharx) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
type PhoenixEMEth ¶
type PhoenixEMEth struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PhoenixEMEth is an api.Charger implementation for Phoenix EM-CP-PP-ETH wallboxes. It uses Modbus TCP to communicate with the wallbox at modbus client id 180.
func NewPhoenixEMEth ¶
func NewPhoenixEMEth(uri string, slaveID uint8) (*PhoenixEMEth, error)
NewPhoenixEMEth creates a Phoenix charger
func (*PhoenixEMEth) ChargeDuration ¶
func (wb *PhoenixEMEth) ChargeDuration() (time.Duration, error)
ChargeDuration implements the api.ChargeTimer interface
func (*PhoenixEMEth) Enable ¶
func (wb *PhoenixEMEth) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*PhoenixEMEth) Enabled ¶
func (wb *PhoenixEMEth) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (PhoenixEMEth) GetMaxCurrent ¶
func (wb PhoenixEMEth) GetMaxCurrent() (float64, error)
GetMaxCurrent implements the api.CurrentGetter interface
func (*PhoenixEMEth) MaxCurrent ¶
func (wb *PhoenixEMEth) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*PhoenixEMEth) Status ¶
func (wb *PhoenixEMEth) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
type PhoenixEVEth ¶
type PhoenixEVEth struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PhoenixEVEth) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *PhoenixEVEth) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*PhoenixEVEth) Enable ¶
func (wb *PhoenixEVEth) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*PhoenixEVEth) Enabled ¶
func (wb *PhoenixEVEth) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (*PhoenixEVEth) MaxCurrent ¶
func (wb *PhoenixEVEth) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*PhoenixEVEth) Status ¶
func (wb *PhoenixEVEth) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
type PhoenixEVSer ¶
type PhoenixEVSer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PhoenixEVSer is an api.Charger implementation for Phoenix EV-CC-AC1-M wallboxes. It uses Modbus RTU to communicate with the wallbox at configurable modbus client.
func NewPhoenixEVSer ¶
func NewPhoenixEVSer(uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, proto modbus.Protocol, id uint8) (*PhoenixEVSer, error)
NewPhoenixEVSer creates a Phoenix charger
func (*PhoenixEVSer) Enable ¶
func (wb *PhoenixEVSer) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*PhoenixEVSer) Enabled ¶
func (wb *PhoenixEVSer) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (*PhoenixEVSer) MaxCurrent ¶
func (wb *PhoenixEVSer) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*PhoenixEVSer) Status ¶
func (wb *PhoenixEVSer) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
type PrachtAlpha ¶
type PrachtAlpha struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PrachtAlpha charger implementation
func (*PrachtAlpha) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *PrachtAlpha) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*PrachtAlpha) Enable ¶
func (wb *PrachtAlpha) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*PrachtAlpha) Enabled ¶
func (wb *PrachtAlpha) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (*PrachtAlpha) MaxCurrent ¶
func (wb *PrachtAlpha) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*PrachtAlpha) Status ¶
func (wb *PrachtAlpha) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
type Pulsares ¶
type Pulsares struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Pulsares charger implementation
func NewPulsares ¶
func NewPulsares(ctx context.Context, uri, device, comset string, baudrate int, proto modbus.Protocol, slaveID uint8) (*Pulsares, error)
NewPulsares creates Pulsares charger
func (*Pulsares) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Pulsares) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.ChargerEx interface
type Pulsatrix ¶
type Pulsatrix struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
pulsatrix charger implementation
func NewPulsatrix ¶
NewPulsatrix creates pulsatrix charger
func (*Pulsatrix) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Pulsatrix) GetMaxCurrent ¶
GetMaxCurrent implements the api.CurrentGetter interface
func (*Pulsatrix) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.CurrentLimiter interface
func (*Pulsatrix) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (*Pulsatrix) Phases1p3p ¶
Phases1p3p implements the api.PhaseSwitcher interface
func (*Pulsatrix) Status ¶
func (c *Pulsatrix) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Pulsatrix) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type RealTimeData ¶
type RealTimeData struct { ID string `json:"ID"` ChargeState int `json:"ChargeState"` ReadyState int `json:"ReadyState"` ChargePower float64 `json:"ChargePower"` ChargeEnergy float64 `json:"ChargeEnergy"` SlaveError int `json:"SlaveError"` ChargeTime int `json:"ChargeTime"` HousePower float64 `json:"HousePower"` FVPower float64 `json:"FVPower"` BatteryPower float64 `json:"BatteryPower"` Paused int `json:"Paused"` Locked int `json:"Locked"` Timer int `json:"Timer"` Intensity int `json:"Intensity"` Dynamic int `json:"Dynamic"` MinIntensity int `json:"MinIntensity"` MaxIntensity int `json:"MaxIntensity"` PauseDynamic int `json:"PauseDynamic"` FirmwareVersion string `json:"FirmwareVersion"` DynamicPowerMode int `json:"DynamicPowerMode"` ContractedPower int `json:"ContractedPower"` }
type Salia ¶
Salia charger implementation
func (*Salia) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *Salia) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*Salia) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
type Schneider ¶
type Schneider struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Schneider charger implementation
func (*Schneider) ChargeDuration ¶
ChargeDuration implements the api.ChargeTimer interface
func (*Schneider) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Schneider) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *Schneider) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*Schneider) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Schneider) Status ¶
func (wb *Schneider) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Schneider) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type SgReady ¶
type SgReady struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SgReady charger implementation
func NewSgReady ¶
func NewSgReady(ctx context.Context, embed *embed, modeS func(int64) error, modeG func() (int64, error)) (*SgReady, error)
NewSgReady creates SG Ready charger
func (SgReady) Icon ¶
func (v SgReady) Icon() string
Icon implements the api.IconDescriber interface
func (*SgReady) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
type Shelly ¶
type Shelly struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Shelly charger implementation
func NewShelly ¶
func NewShelly(embed embed, uri, user, password string, channel int, standbypower float64) (*Shelly, error)
NewShelly creates Shelly charger
func (Shelly) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower calculates a generic switches power
func (Shelly) LoadpointControl ¶
LoadpointControl implements loadpoint.Controller
func (Shelly) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (Shelly) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (Shelly) Phases ¶
func (v Shelly) Phases() int
Phases implements the api.PhasesDescriber interface
func (Shelly) Status ¶
func (c Shelly) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status calculates a generic switches status
func (*Shelly) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type Smaevcharger ¶
smaevchager charger implementation
func (*Smaevcharger) ChargedEnergy ¶
func (wb *Smaevcharger) ChargedEnergy() (float64, error)
ChargedEnergy implements the api.ChargeRater interface
func (*Smaevcharger) CurrentPower ¶
func (wb *Smaevcharger) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Smaevcharger) Currents ¶
func (wb *Smaevcharger) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
Currents implements the api.PhaseCurrents interface
func (*Smaevcharger) Enable ¶
func (wb *Smaevcharger) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Smaevcharger) Enabled ¶
func (wb *Smaevcharger) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Smaevcharger) MaxCurrent ¶
func (wb *Smaevcharger) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Smaevcharger) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
func (wb *Smaevcharger) MaxCurrentMillis(current float64) error
maxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (*Smaevcharger) Send ¶
func (wb *Smaevcharger) Send(values ...smaevcharger.Value) error
func (*Smaevcharger) Status ¶
func (wb *Smaevcharger) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Smaevcharger) TotalEnergy ¶
func (wb *Smaevcharger) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type Solax ¶
type Solax struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Solax charger implementation
func (*Solax) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Solax) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Solax) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (*Solax) Status ¶
func (wb *Solax) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Solax) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type Sungrow ¶
type Sungrow struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Sungrow charger implementation
func (*Sungrow) ChargedEnergy ¶
ChargedEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
func (*Sungrow) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Sungrow) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *Sungrow) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*Sungrow) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Sungrow) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (*Sungrow) Phases1p3p ¶
Phases1p3p implements the api.PhaseSwitcher interface
func (*Sungrow) Status ¶
func (wb *Sungrow) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Sungrow) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type SwitchSocket ¶
type SwitchSocket struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (SwitchSocket) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower calculates a generic switches power
func (*SwitchSocket) Enable ¶
func (c *SwitchSocket) Enable(enable bool) error
func (*SwitchSocket) Enabled ¶
func (c *SwitchSocket) Enabled() (bool, error)
func (SwitchSocket) LoadpointControl ¶
LoadpointControl implements loadpoint.Controller
func (SwitchSocket) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (SwitchSocket) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (SwitchSocket) Phases ¶
func (v SwitchSocket) Phases() int
Phases implements the api.PhasesDescriber interface
func (SwitchSocket) Status ¶
func (c SwitchSocket) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status calculates a generic switches status
type TPLink ¶
type TPLink struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TPLink charger implementation
func (TPLink) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower calculates a generic switches power
func (TPLink) LoadpointControl ¶
LoadpointControl implements loadpoint.Controller
func (TPLink) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (TPLink) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (TPLink) Phases ¶
func (v TPLink) Phases() int
Phases implements the api.PhasesDescriber interface
func (TPLink) Status ¶
func (c TPLink) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status calculates a generic switches status
func (*TPLink) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type Tapo ¶
type Tapo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TP-Link Tapo charger implementation
func (*Tapo) ChargedEnergy ¶
ChargedEnergy implements the api.ChargeRater interface
func (Tapo) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower calculates a generic switches power
func (Tapo) LoadpointControl ¶
LoadpointControl implements loadpoint.Controller
func (Tapo) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (Tapo) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (Tapo) Status ¶
func (c Tapo) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status calculates a generic switches status
type Tasmota ¶
type Tasmota struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Tasmota charger implementation
func (Tasmota) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower calculates a generic switches power
func (Tasmota) LoadpointControl ¶
LoadpointControl implements loadpoint.Controller
func (Tasmota) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (Tasmota) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
func (Tasmota) Phases ¶
func (v Tasmota) Phases() int
Phases implements the api.PhasesDescriber interface
func (Tasmota) Status ¶
func (c Tasmota) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status calculates a generic switches status
func (*Tasmota) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type Trydan ¶
Trydan charger implementation
func (Trydan) ChargeDuration ¶
ChargeDuration implements the api.ChargeTimer interface
func (Trydan) ChargedEnergy ¶
ChargedEnergy implements the api.ChargeRater interface
func (Trydan) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Trydan) Diagnose ¶
func (c *Trydan) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (Trydan) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
type Twc3 ¶
type Twc3 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Twc3 is an api.Vehicle implementation for Twc3 cars
func (*Twc3) ChargedEnergy ¶
ChargedEnergy implements the api.ChargeRater interface
func (*Twc3) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Twc3) GetMaxCurrent ¶
GetMaxCurrent implements the api.CurrentGetter interface
func (*Twc3) LoadpointControl ¶
LoadpointControl implements loadpoint.Controller
func (*Twc3) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
type Vaillant ¶
type Vaillant struct { *SgReady // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type Versicharge ¶
type Versicharge struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewVersicharge ¶
func NewVersicharge(uri string, id uint8) (*Versicharge, error)
NewVersicharge creates a Versicharge charger
func (*Versicharge) CurrentPower ¶
func (wb *Versicharge) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Versicharge) Currents ¶
func (wb *Versicharge) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
Currents implements the api.PhaseCurrents interface
func (*Versicharge) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *Versicharge) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*Versicharge) Enable ¶
func (wb *Versicharge) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Versicharge) Enabled ¶
func (wb *Versicharge) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Versicharge) MaxCurrent ¶
func (wb *Versicharge) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Versicharge) Status ¶
func (wb *Versicharge) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Versicharge) TotalEnergy ¶
func (wb *Versicharge) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type Vestel ¶
type Vestel struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Vestel is an api.Charger implementation for Vestel/Hymes wallboxes with Ethernet (SW modells). It uses Modbus TCP to communicate with the wallbox at modbus client id 255.
func (*Vestel) ChargeDuration ¶
ChargeDuration implements the api.ChargeTimer interface
func (*Vestel) ChargedEnergy ¶
ChargedEnergy implements the api.ChargeRater interface
func (*Vestel) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Vestel) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *Vestel) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*Vestel) GetMaxCurrent ¶
GetMaxCurrent implements the api.CurrentGetter interface
func (*Vestel) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Vestel) Status ¶
func (wb *Vestel) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Vestel) TotalEnergy ¶
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type Victron ¶
type Victron struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Victron charger implementation
func (*Victron) ChargedEnergy ¶
ChargedEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
func (*Victron) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Victron) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
type Vitals ¶
type Vitals struct { ContactorClosed bool `json:"contactor_closed"` // false VehicleConnected bool `json:"vehicle_connected"` // false SessionS int64 `json:"session_s"` // 0 GridV float64 `json:"grid_v"` // 230.1 GridHz float64 `json:"grid_hz"` // 49.928 VehicleCurrentA float64 `json:"vehicle_current_a"` // 0.1 CurrentAA float64 `json:"currentA_a"` // 0.0 CurrentBA float64 `json:"currentB_a"` // 0.1 CurrentCA float64 `json:"currentC_a"` // 0.0 CurrentNA float64 `json:"currentN_a"` // 0.0 VoltageAV float64 `json:"voltageA_v"` // 0.0 VoltageBV float64 `json:"voltageB_v"` // 0.0 VoltageCV float64 `json:"voltageC_v"` // 0.0 RelayCoilV float64 `json:"relay_coil_v"` // 11.8 PcbaTempC float64 `json:"pcba_temp_c"` // 19.2 HandleTempC float64 `json:"handle_temp_c"` // 15.3 McuTempC float64 `json:"mcu_temp_c"` // 25.1 UptimeS int `json:"uptime_s"` // 831580 InputThermopileUv float64 `json:"input_thermopile_uv"` //-233 ProxV float64 `json:"prox_v"` // 0.0 PilotHighV float64 `json:"pilot_high_v"` // 11.9 PilotLowV float64 `json:"pilot_low_v"` // 11.9 SessionEnergyWh float64 `json:"session_energy_wh"` // 22864.699 ConfigStatus int `json:"config_status"` // 5 EvseState int `json:"evse_state"` // 1 CurrentAlerts []any `json:"current_alerts"` // [] }
Vitals is the /api/1/vitals response
type Wallbe ¶
type Wallbe struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Wallbe is an api.Charger implementation for Wallbe wallboxes. It supports both wallbe controllers (post 2019 models) and older ones using the Phoenix EV-CC-AC1-M3-CBC-RCM-ETH controller. It uses Modbus TCP to communicate with the wallbox at modbus client id 255.
func (*Wallbe) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *Wallbe) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*Wallbe) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
type Warp2 ¶
type Warp2 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Warp2 is the Warp charger v2 firmware implementation
func (*Warp2) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Warp2) MaxCurrentMillis ¶
MaxCurrentMillis implements the api.ChargerEx interface
type Wattpilot ¶
type Wattpilot struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Wattpilot charger implementation
func (*Wattpilot) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Wattpilot) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Wattpilot) Phases1p3p ¶
Phases1p3p implements the api.PhaseSwitcher interface
type WebastoNext ¶
type WebastoNext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WebastoNext charger implementation
func (*WebastoNext) ChargeDuration ¶
func (wb *WebastoNext) ChargeDuration() (time.Duration, error)
ChargeDuration implements the api.ChargeTimer interface
func (*WebastoNext) CurrentPower ¶
func (wb *WebastoNext) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*WebastoNext) Currents ¶
func (wb *WebastoNext) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
Currents implements the api.PhaseCurrents interface
func (*WebastoNext) Diagnose ¶
func (wb *WebastoNext) Diagnose()
Diagnose implements the api.Diagnosis interface
func (*WebastoNext) Enable ¶
func (wb *WebastoNext) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*WebastoNext) Enabled ¶
func (wb *WebastoNext) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (*WebastoNext) Identify ¶
func (wb *WebastoNext) Identify() (string, error)
Identify implements the api.Identifier interface
func (*WebastoNext) MaxCurrent ¶
func (wb *WebastoNext) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*WebastoNext) Status ¶
func (wb *WebastoNext) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
func (*WebastoNext) TotalEnergy ¶
func (wb *WebastoNext) TotalEnergy() (float64, error)
TotalEnergy implements the api.MeterEnergy interface
type Weidmüller ¶
type Weidmüller struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Weidmüller charger implementation
func (*Weidmüller) CurrentPower ¶
func (wb *Weidmüller) CurrentPower() (float64, error)
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Weidmüller) Currents ¶
func (wb *Weidmüller) Currents() (float64, float64, float64, error)
Currents implements the api.PhaseCurrents interface
func (*Weidmüller) Enable ¶
func (wb *Weidmüller) Enable(enable bool) error
Enable implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Weidmüller) Enabled ¶
func (wb *Weidmüller) Enabled() (bool, error)
Enabled implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Weidmüller) Identify ¶
func (wb *Weidmüller) Identify() (string, error)
Identify implements the api.Identifier interface
func (*Weidmüller) MaxCurrent ¶
func (wb *Weidmüller) MaxCurrent(current int64) error
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Weidmüller) Phases1p3p ¶
func (wb *Weidmüller) Phases1p3p(phases int) error
Phases1p3p implements the api.PhaseSwitcher interface
func (*Weidmüller) Status ¶
func (wb *Weidmüller) Status() (api.ChargeStatus, error)
Status implements the api.Charger interface
type Zaptec ¶
Zaptec charger implementation
func (*Zaptec) ChargedEnergy ¶
ChargedEnergy implements the api.ChargeRater interface
func (*Zaptec) CurrentPower ¶
CurrentPower implements the api.Meter interface
func (*Zaptec) Diagnose ¶
func (c *Zaptec) Diagnose()
Diagnosis implements the api.ChargePhases interface
func (*Zaptec) MaxCurrent ¶
MaxCurrent implements the api.Charger interface
func (*Zaptec) Phases1p3p ¶
Phases1p3p implements the api.ChargePhases interface
Source Files
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- abl-em4.go
- abl.go
- abl_decorators.go
- alfen.go
- alfen_decorators.go
- alphatec.go
- amperfied.go
- amperfied_decorators.go
- bender.go
- bender_decorators.go
- cfos.go
- cfos_decorators.go
- charger.go
- charger_decorators.go
- config.go
- connectiq.go
- dadapower.go
- daheimladen-mb.go
- daheimladen.go
- delta.go
- easee.go
- eebus.go
- eebus_decorators.go
- em2go.go
- em2go_decorators.go
- embed.go
- etrel.go
- evsedin.go
- evsewifi.go
- evsewifi_decorators.go
- fritzdect.go
- fronius-wattpilot.go
- go-e.go
- go-e_decorators.go
- hardybarth-ecb1.go
- hardybarth-salia.go
- hardybarth-salia_decorators.go
- heatpump.go
- heatpump_decorators.go
- heidelberg-ec.go
- helper.go
- hesotec.go
- homematic.go
- homewizard.go
- innogy.go
- innogy_decorators.go
- keba-modbus.go
- keba-modbus_decorators.go
- keba-udp.go
- keba-udp_decorators.go
- kse.go
- kse_decorators.go
- mennekes-compact.go
- mennekes-compact_decorators.go
- mennekes-hcc3.go
- mypv.go
- mystrom.go
- nrgble_linux.go
- nrgconnect.go
- nrggen2.go
- nrggen2_decorators.go
- obo.go
- ocpp.go
- ocpp_decorators.go
- ocpp_test_handler.go
- ocpp_test_logger.go
- openevse.go
- openevse_decorators.go
- openwb-2.0.go
- openwb-2.0_decorators.go
- openwb-pro.go
- openwb.go
- openwb_decorators.go
- pantabox.go
- pcelectric.go
- pcelectric_decorators.go
- peblar.go
- peblar_decorators.go
- phoenix-charx.go
- phoenix-charx_decorators.go
- phoenix-em-eth.go
- phoenix-em-eth_decorators.go
- phoenix-ev-eth.go
- phoenix-ev-eth_decorators.go
- phoenix-ev-ser.go
- prachtalpha.go
- pulsares.go
- pulsares_decorators.go
- pulsatrix.go
- schneider-v3.go
- sgready.go
- sgready_decorators.go
- shelly.go
- smaevcharger.go
- smartevse.go
- solax.go
- sungrow.go
- switchsocket.go
- switchsocket_decorators.go
- tapo.go
- tasmota.go
- tasmota_decorators.go
- template.go
- tplink.go
- trydan.go
- twc3.go
- vaillant.go
- vaillant_decorators.go
- versicharge.go
- vestel.go
- vestel_decorators.go
- victron.go
- wallbe.go
- wallbe_decorators.go
- warp2.go
- warp2_decorators.go
- webasto-next.go
- weidmüller.go
- weidmüller_decorators.go
- zaptec.go