Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
Package cef All CEF implementations of Energy in Go
Package cef All CEF implementations of Energy in Go
Index ¶
- Variables
- func CefColorGetA(color types.TCefColor) uint8
- func CefColorGetB(color types.TCefColor) uint8
- func CefColorGetG(color types.TCefColor) uint8
- func CefColorGetR(color types.TCefColor) uint8
- func CefColorSetARGB(a, r, g, b byte) types.TCefColor
- func CefCursorToWindowsCursor(cefCursor consts.TCefCursorType) (result t.TCursor)
- func CheckDLLs(frameworkDirPath string) (missingFiles string, result bool)
- func CheckLocales(localesDirPath, localesRequired string) (missingFiles string, result bool)
- func CheckResources(resourcesDirPath string) (missingFiles string, result bool)
- func CheckSubprocessPath(subprocessPath string) (missingFiles string, result bool)
- func ClearSchemeHandlerFactories() bool
- func DeviceToLogicalFloat32(value float32, deviceScaleFactor float64) (result float32)
- func DeviceToLogicalInt32(value int32, deviceScaleFactor float64) int32
- func DeviceToLogicalMouse(event *TCefMouseEvent, deviceScaleFactor float64)
- func DeviceToLogicalPoint(point *t.TPoint, deviceScaleFactor float64)
- func DeviceToLogicalTouch(event *TCefTouchEvent, deviceScaleFactor float64)
- func GetMimeType(extension string) string
- func GlobalInit(libs emfs.IEmbedFS, resources emfs.IEmbedFS)
- func LogicalToDeviceInt32(value int32, deviceScaleFactor float64) int32
- func LogicalToDeviceRect(rect *TCefRect, deviceScaleFactor float64)
- func QueueAsyncCall(fn qacFn) int
- func QueueSyncCall(fn qacFn) int
- func RegisterExtension(name, code string, handler *ICefV8Handler)
- func RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory(schemeName, domainName string, handler TCefResourceHandlerClass) bool
- func Run(app *TCEFApplication)
- func RunOnMainThread(fn func())
- func SetApplication(app *TCEFApplication)
- func SetBrowserProcessStartAfterCallback(callback browserProcessStartAfterCallbackFunc)
- func SetCommandLine(argsList *lcl.TStringList)
- func TBufferPanelClass() types.TClass
- func WindowInfoAsChild(windowInfo, windowHandle uintptr, windowName string)
- func WindowInfoAsPopUp(windowInfo, windowParent uintptr, windowName string)
- func WindowInfoAsWindowless(windowInfo, windowParent uintptr, windowName string)
- type AcceleratorCustom
- type BaseWinControl
- type BeforePopupInfo
- type BrowseProcessMessageReceived
- type BrowseProcessMessageReceivedEx
- type BrowserEvent
- func (m *BrowserEvent) ChromiumEvent() IChromiumEvent
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnAddressChange(event chromiumEventOnAddressChange)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnAfterCreated(event chromiumEventOnAfterCreatedEx)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnBeforeBrowser(event chromiumEventOnBeforeBrowserEx)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnBeforeClose(event chromiumEventOnBeforeCloseEx)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnBeforeContextMenu(event chromiumEventOnBeforeContextMenuEx)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnBeforeDownload(event chromiumEventOnBeforeDownloadEx)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnBeforePopup(event chromiumEventOnBeforePopupEx)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnBeforeResourceLoad(event chromiumEventOnBeforeResourceLoadEx)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnBrowseProcessMessageReceived(event BrowseProcessMessageReceivedEx)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnBrowserCompMsg(event chromiumEventOnCompMsg)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnClose(event chromiumEventOnCloseEx)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnContextMenuCommand(event chromiumEventOnContextMenuCommandEx)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnContextMenuDismissed(event chromiumEventOnContextMenuDismissed)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnCookieSet(event chromiumEventOnCookieSet)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnCookieVisitorDestroyed(event chromiumEventOnCookieVisitorDestroyed)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnCookiesDeleted(event chromiumEventOnCookiesDeleted)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnCookiesFlushed(event chromiumEventOnCookiesFlushed)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnCookiesVisited(event chromiumEventOnCookiesVisited)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnDownloadUpdated(event chromiumEventOnDownloadUpdated)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnDragEnter(event chromiumEventOnDragEnterEx)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnDraggableRegionsChanged(event chromiumEventOnDraggableRegionsChangedEx)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnFindResult(event chromiumEventOnFindResult)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnFrameAttached(event chromiumEventOnFrameAttached)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnFullScreenModeChange(event chromiumEventOnFullScreenModeChange)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnGetResourceHandler(event chromiumEventOnGetResourceHandlerEx)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnKeyEvent(event chromiumEventOnKeyEventEx)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnLoadEnd(event chromiumEventOnLoadEndEx)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnLoadError(event chromiumEventOnLoadError)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnLoadStart(event chromiumEventOnLoadStart)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnLoadingProgressChange(event chromiumEventOnLoadingProgressChange)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnLoadingStateChange(event chromiumEventOnLoadingStateChange)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnMainFrameChanged(event chromiumEventOnMainFrameChangedEx)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnPdfPrintFinished(event chromiumEventOnPdfPrintFinished)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnRenderCompMsg(event chromiumEventOnCompMsg)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnRenderProcessTerminated(event chromiumEventOnRenderProcessTerminated)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnRenderViewReady(event chromiumEventOnRenderViewReady)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnResourceLoadComplete(event chromiumEventOnResourceLoadComplete)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnResourceRedirect(event chromiumEventOnResourceRedirect)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnResourceResponse(event chromiumEventOnResourceResponse)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnScrollOffsetChanged(event chromiumEventOnScrollOffsetChanged)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnTitleChange(event chromiumEventOnTitleChangeEx)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnWidgetCompMsg(event chromiumEventOnCompMsg)
- func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnZoomPctAvailable(event chromiumEventOnResultFloat)
- type BrowserViewComponentOnBrowserCreated
- type BrowserViewComponentOnBrowserDestroyed
- type BrowserViewComponentOnGestureCommand
- type BrowserViewComponentOnGetChromeToolbarType
- type BrowserViewComponentOnGetDelegateForPopupBrowserView
- type BrowserViewComponentOnPopupBrowserViewCreated
- type BrowserViewComponentOnUseFramelessWindowForPictureInPicture
- type CEFTray
- type CefPdfPrintSettings
- type CompletionOnComplete
- type Display
- type FrameNames
- type FuncCallback
- type GlobalCEFAppEventOnBeforeChildProcessLaunch
- type GlobalCEFAppEventOnBrowserCreated
- type GlobalCEFAppEventOnBrowserDestroyed
- type GlobalCEFAppEventOnContextCreated
- type GlobalCEFAppEventOnContextInitialized
- type GlobalCEFAppEventOnContextReleased
- type GlobalCEFAppEventOnFocusedNodeChanged
- type GlobalCEFAppEventOnGetDataResource
- type GlobalCEFAppEventOnGetDataResourceForScale
- type GlobalCEFAppEventOnGetDefaultClient
- type GlobalCEFAppEventOnGetLocalizedString
- type GlobalCEFAppEventOnRegCustomSchemes
- type GlobalCEFAppEventOnRegisterCustomPreferences
- type GlobalCEFAppEventOnRenderLoadEnd
- type GlobalCEFAppEventOnRenderLoadError
- type GlobalCEFAppEventOnRenderLoadStart
- type GlobalCEFAppEventOnRenderLoadingStateChange
- type GlobalCEFAppEventOnScheduleMessagePumpWork
- type GlobalCEFAppEventOnUncaughtException
- type GlobalCEFAppEventOnWebKitInitialized
- type HttpClient
- type IAuxTools
- type IBrowserWindow
- type ICEFChromiumBrowser
- type ICEFWindowParent
- type ICefAccessibilityHandler
- func (m *ICefAccessibilityHandler) Free()
- func (m *ICefAccessibilityHandler) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefAccessibilityHandler) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefAccessibilityHandler) SetOnAccessibilityLocationChange(fn onAccessibilityLocationChange)
- func (m *ICefAccessibilityHandler) SetOnAccessibilityTreeChange(fn onAccessibilityTreeChange)
- type ICefAudioHandler
- func (m *ICefAudioHandler) Free()
- func (m *ICefAudioHandler) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefAudioHandler) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefAudioHandler) SetOnAudioStreamError(fn onAudioStreamError)
- func (m *ICefAudioHandler) SetOnAudioStreamPacket(fn onAudioStreamPacket)
- func (m *ICefAudioHandler) SetOnAudioStreamStarted(fn onAudioStreamStarted)
- func (m *ICefAudioHandler) SetOnAudioStreamStopped(fn onAudioStreamStopped)
- func (m *ICefAudioHandler) SetOnGetAudioParameters(fn onGetAudioParameters)
- type ICefAuthCallback
- type ICefBaseRefCounted
- type ICefBeforeDownloadCallback
- type ICefBinaryValue
- func (m *ICefBinaryValue) Copy() *ICefBinaryValue
- func (m *ICefBinaryValue) Free()
- func (m *ICefBinaryValue) GetData(buffer []byte, dataOffset uint32) uint32
- func (m *ICefBinaryValue) GetSize() uint32
- func (m *ICefBinaryValue) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefBinaryValue) IsOwned() bool
- func (m *ICefBinaryValue) IsValid() bool
- type ICefBoxLayout
- type ICefBrowser
- func (m *ICefBrowser) BrowserId() int32
- func (m *ICefBrowser) CanGoBack() bool
- func (m *ICefBrowser) CanGoForward() bool
- func (m *ICefBrowser) CloseBrowser(forceClose bool)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) CloseDevTools()
- func (m *ICefBrowser) DownloadImage(imageUrl string, isFavicon bool, maxImageSize int32, bypassCache bool, ...)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) EmitRender(messageId int32, eventName string, target target.ITarget, data ...interface{}) bool
- func (m *ICefBrowser) ExecuteDevToolsMethod(messageId int32, method string, dictionaryValue *ICefDictionaryValue)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) Find(searchText string, forward, matchCase, findNext bool)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) FrameCount() int
- func (m *ICefBrowser) FrameId() int64
- func (m *ICefBrowser) Free()
- func (m *ICefBrowser) GetFocusedFrame() *ICefFrame
- func (m *ICefBrowser) GetFrameById(frameId int64) *ICefFrame
- func (m *ICefBrowser) GetFrameByName(frameName string) *ICefFrame
- func (m *ICefBrowser) GetFrameNames() []*FrameNames
- func (m *ICefBrowser) GetRequestContext() *ICefRequestContext
- func (m *ICefBrowser) GetZoomLevel() (result float64)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) GoBack()
- func (m *ICefBrowser) GoForward()
- func (m *ICefBrowser) HasDevTools() bool
- func (m *ICefBrowser) HasView() bool
- func (m *ICefBrowser) HostWindowHandle() types.HWND
- func (m *ICefBrowser) Identifier() int32
- func (m *ICefBrowser) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefBrowser) IsAudioMuted() bool
- func (m *ICefBrowser) IsLoading() bool
- func (m *ICefBrowser) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefBrowser) MainFrame() *ICefFrame
- func (m *ICefBrowser) NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted()
- func (m *ICefBrowser) NotifyScreenInfoChanged()
- func (m *ICefBrowser) Print()
- func (m *ICefBrowser) PrintToPdf(path string, settings *CefPdfPrintSettings, callback *ICefPdfPrintCallback)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) Reload()
- func (m *ICefBrowser) ReloadIgnoreCache()
- func (m *ICefBrowser) RunFileDialog(mode FileDialogMode, title, defaultFilePath string, acceptFilters lcl.IStrings, ...)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) SendCaptureLostEvent()
- func (m *ICefBrowser) SendDevToolsMessage(message string)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) SendKeyEvent(event *TCefKeyEvent)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) SendMouseClickEvent(event *TCefMouseEvent, type_ TCefMouseButtonType, mouseUp bool, ...)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) SendMouseMoveEvent(event *TCefMouseEvent, mouseLeave bool)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) SendMouseWheelEvent(event *TCefMouseEvent, deltaX, deltaY int32)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) SendProcessMessage(targetProcess CefProcessId, message *ICefProcessMessage)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) SendProcessMessageForJSONBytes(messageName string, targetProcess CefProcessId, data []byte)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) SendProcessMessageForV8Value(messageName string, targetProcess CefProcessId, arguments *ICefV8Value)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) SendTouchEvent(event *TCefTouchEvent)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) SetAccessibilityState(accessibilityState TCefState)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) SetAudioMuted(mute bool)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) SetAutoResizeEnabled(enabled bool, minSize, maxSize *TCefSize)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) SetFocus(focus bool)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) SetZoomLevel(zoomLevel float64)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) ShowDevTools()
- func (m *ICefBrowser) StartDownload(url string)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) StopFinding(clearSelection bool)
- func (m *ICefBrowser) StopLoad()
- func (m *ICefBrowser) TryCloseBrowser() bool
- func (m *ICefBrowser) ViewSource()
- type ICefBrowserView
- type ICefBrowserViewDelegate
- func (m *ICefBrowserViewDelegate) Free()
- func (m *ICefBrowserViewDelegate) GetChromeToolbarType() consts.TCefChromeToolbarType
- func (m *ICefBrowserViewDelegate) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefBrowserViewDelegate) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefBrowserViewDelegate) SetOnBrowserCreated(fn onBrowserCreated)
- func (m *ICefBrowserViewDelegate) SetOnBrowserDestroyed(fn onBrowserDestroyed)
- func (m *ICefBrowserViewDelegate) SetOnGetDelegateForPopupBrowserView(fn onGetDelegateForPopupBrowserView)
- func (m *ICefBrowserViewDelegate) SetOnPopupBrowserViewCreated(fn onPopupBrowserViewCreated)
- type ICefButton
- func (m *ICefButton) AsLabelButton() *ICefLabelButton
- func (m *ICefButton) GetState() consts.TCefButtonState
- func (m *ICefButton) SetAccessibleName(name string)
- func (m *ICefButton) SetInkDropEnabled(enabled bool)
- func (m *ICefButton) SetState(state consts.TCefButtonState)
- func (m *ICefButton) SetTooltipText(tooltipText string)
- type ICefButtonDelegate
- type ICefCallback
- type ICefClient
- func (m *ICefClient) Free()
- func (m *ICefClient) GetAudioHandler() *ICefAudioHandler
- func (m *ICefClient) GetCommandHandler() *ICefCommandHandler
- func (m *ICefClient) GetContextMenuHandler() *ICefContextMenuHandler
- func (m *ICefClient) GetDialogHandler() *ICefDialogHandler
- func (m *ICefClient) GetDisplayHandler() *ICefDisplayHandler
- func (m *ICefClient) GetDownloadHandler() *ICefDownloadHandler
- func (m *ICefClient) GetDragHandler() *ICefDragHandler
- func (m *ICefClient) GetFindHandler() *ICefFindHandler
- func (m *ICefClient) GetFocusHandler() *ICefFocusHandler
- func (m *ICefClient) GetFrameHandler() *ICefFrameHandler
- func (m *ICefClient) GetJsdialogHandler() *ICefJsDialogHandler
- func (m *ICefClient) GetKeyboardHandler() *ICefKeyboardHandler
- func (m *ICefClient) GetLifeSpanHandler() *ICefLifeSpanHandler
- func (m *ICefClient) GetLoadHandler() *ICefLoadHandler
- func (m *ICefClient) GetPermissionHandler() *ICefPermissionHandler
- func (m *ICefClient) GetPrintHandler() *ICefPrintHandler
- func (m *ICefClient) GetRenderHandler() *ICefRenderHandler
- func (m *ICefClient) GetRequestHandler() *ICefRequestHandler
- func (m *ICefClient) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefClient) IsOtherEvent() bool
- func (m *ICefClient) IsSelfEvent() bool
- func (m *ICefClient) IsValid() bool
- type ICefCommandHandler
- type ICefCommandLine
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) AppendArgument(argument string)
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) AppendSwitch(name string)
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) AppendSwitchWithValue(name, value string)
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) Copy() *ICefCommandLine
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) Free()
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) GetArguments() *lcl.TStrings
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) GetArgv() *lcl.TStrings
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) GetCommandLineString() string
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) GetProgram() string
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) GetSwitchValue(name string) string
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) GetSwitches() *lcl.TStrings
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) GetSwitchesList() (*lcl.TStrings, *lcl.TStrings)
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) HasArguments() bool
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) HasSwitch(name string) bool
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) HasSwitches() bool
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) InitFromArgv(argc int32, argv string)
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) InitFromString(commandLine string)
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) IsReadOnly() bool
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) PrependWrapper(wrapper string)
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) Reset()
- func (m *ICefCommandLine) SetProgram(prog string)
- type ICefCompletionCallback
- type ICefContextMenuHandler
- func (m *ICefContextMenuHandler) Free()
- func (m *ICefContextMenuHandler) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefContextMenuHandler) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefContextMenuHandler) SetOnBeforeContextMenu(fn onBeforeContextMenu)
- func (m *ICefContextMenuHandler) SetOnContextMenuCommand(fn onContextMenuCommand)
- func (m *ICefContextMenuHandler) SetOnContextMenuDismissed(fn onContextMenuDismissed)
- func (m *ICefContextMenuHandler) SetOnQuickMenuCommand(fn onQuickMenuCommand)
- func (m *ICefContextMenuHandler) SetOnQuickMenuDismissed(fn onQuickMenuDismissed)
- func (m *ICefContextMenuHandler) SetRunContextMenu(fn runContextMenu)
- func (m *ICefContextMenuHandler) SetRunQuickMenu(fn runQuickMenu)
- type ICefContextMenuParams
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) DictionarySuggestions(suggestions []string) bool
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) EditStateFlags() consts.TCefContextMenuEditStateFlags
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) FrameCharset() string
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) FrameUrl() string
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) Free()
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) HasImageContents() bool
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) IsCustomMenu() bool
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) IsEditable() bool
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) IsSpellCheckEnabled() bool
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) LinkUrl() string
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) MediaStateFlags() consts.TCefContextMenuMediaStateFlags
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) MediaType() consts.TCefContextMenuMediaType
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) MisspelledWord() string
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) PageUrl() string
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) SelectionText() string
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) SourceUrl() string
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) TitleText() string
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) TypeFlags() consts.TCefContextMenuTypeFlags
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) UnfilteredLinkUrl() string
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) XCoord() int32
- func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) YCoord() int32
- type ICefCookie
- type ICefCookieAccessFilter
- func (m *ICefCookieAccessFilter) Free()
- func (m *ICefCookieAccessFilter) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefCookieAccessFilter) IsOtherEvent() bool
- func (m *ICefCookieAccessFilter) IsSelfOwnEvent() bool
- func (m *ICefCookieAccessFilter) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefCookieAccessFilter) SetCanSaveCookie(fn canSaveCookie)
- func (m *ICefCookieAccessFilter) SetCanSendCookie(fn canSendCookie)
- type ICefCookieManager
- func (m *ICefCookieManager) DeleteCookies(url, cookieName string, callback *ICefDeleteCookiesCallback) bool
- func (m *ICefCookieManager) FlushStore(callback *ICefCompletionCallback) bool
- func (m *ICefCookieManager) Free()
- func (m *ICefCookieManager) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefCookieManager) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefCookieManager) SetCookie(url, name, value, domain, path string, secure, httponly, hasExpires bool, ...) bool
- func (m *ICefCookieManager) VisitAllCookies(visitor *ICefCookieVisitor)
- func (m *ICefCookieManager) VisitUrlCookies(url string, includeHttpOnly bool, visitor *ICefCookieVisitor) bool
- type ICefCookieVisitor
- type ICefDeleteCookiesCallback
- func (m *ICefDeleteCookiesCallback) Free()
- func (m *ICefDeleteCookiesCallback) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefDeleteCookiesCallback) IsOtherEvent() bool
- func (m *ICefDeleteCookiesCallback) IsSelfOwnEvent() bool
- func (m *ICefDeleteCookiesCallback) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefDeleteCookiesCallback) SetOnComplete(fn deleteCookiesOnComplete)
- type ICefDialogHandler
- type ICefDictionaryValue
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) Clear() (result bool)
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) Copy(excludeEmptyChildren bool) *ICefDictionaryValue
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) Free()
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetBinary(key string) *ICefBinaryValue
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetBool(key string) bool
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetDictionary(key string) *ICefDictionaryValue
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetDouble(key string) (result float64)
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetIArray(key string) types.IArrayValue
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetIBinary(key string) types.IBinaryValue
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetIKeys() types.IV8ValueKeys
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetIObject(key string) types.IObjectValue
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetIValue(key string) types.IValue
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetInt(key string) int32
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetKeys() *ICefV8ValueKeys
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetList(key string) *ICefListValue
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetString(key string) (value string)
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetType(key string) consts.TCefValueType
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetValue(key string) *ICefValue
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) HasKey(key string) bool
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) IsOwned() bool
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) IsReadOnly() bool
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) Remove(key string) bool
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) SetBinary(key string, value *ICefBinaryValue) (result bool)
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) SetBool(key string, value bool) bool
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) SetDictionary(key string, value *ICefDictionaryValue) (result bool)
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) SetDouble(key string, value float64) bool
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) SetInt(key string, value int32) bool
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) SetList(key string, value *ICefListValue) (result bool)
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) SetNull(key string) bool
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) SetString(key string, value string) bool
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) SetValue(key string, value *ICefValue) (result bool)
- func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) Size() uint32
- type ICefDisplay
- func (m *ICefDisplay) Bounds() (result TCefRect)
- func (m *ICefDisplay) DeviceScaleFactor() (result float32)
- func (m *ICefDisplay) Free()
- func (m *ICefDisplay) ID() (result int64)
- func (m *ICefDisplay) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefDisplay) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefDisplay) Rotation() int32
- func (m *ICefDisplay) WorkArea() (result TCefRect)
- type ICefDisplayArray
- type ICefDisplayHandler
- func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) Free()
- func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnAddressChange(fn onAddressChange)
- func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnAutoResize(fn onAutoResize)
- func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnConsoleMessage(fn onConsoleMessage)
- func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnCursorChange(fn onCursorChange)
- func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnFaviconUrlChange(fn onFaviconUrlChange)
- func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnFullScreenModeChange(fn onFullScreenModeChange)
- func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnLoadingProgressChange(fn onLoadingProgressChange)
- func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnMediaAccessChange(fn onMediaAccessChange)
- func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnStatusMessage(fn onStatusMessage)
- func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnTitleChange(fn onTitleChange)
- func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnTooltip(fn onTooltip)
- type ICefDomDocument
- func (m *ICefDomDocument) Free()
- func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetBaseUrl() string
- func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetBody() *ICefDomNode
- func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetCompleteUrl() string
- func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetDocType() consts.TCefDomDocumentType
- func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetDocument() *ICefDomNode
- func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetElementById(id string) *ICefDomNode
- func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetFocusedNode() *ICefDomNode
- func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetHead() *ICefDomNode
- func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetSelectionAsMarkup() string
- func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetSelectionAsText() string
- func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetSelectionEndOffset() int32
- func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetSelectionStartOffset() int32
- func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetTitle() string
- func (m *ICefDomDocument) HasSelection() bool
- func (m *ICefDomDocument) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefDomDocument) IsValid() bool
- type ICefDomNode
- func (m *ICefDomNode) Free()
- func (m *ICefDomNode) GetAsMarkup() string
- func (m *ICefDomNode) GetDocument() *ICefDomDocument
- func (m *ICefDomNode) GetElementAttribute(attrName string) string
- func (m *ICefDomNode) GetElementAttributes() []string
- func (m *ICefDomNode) GetElementBounds() (result TCefRect)
- func (m *ICefDomNode) GetElementInnerText() string
- func (m *ICefDomNode) GetElementTagName() string
- func (m *ICefDomNode) GetFirstChild() *ICefDomNode
- func (m *ICefDomNode) GetFormControlElementType() string
- func (m *ICefDomNode) GetLastChild() *ICefDomNode
- func (m *ICefDomNode) GetName() string
- func (m *ICefDomNode) GetNextSibling() *ICefDomNode
- func (m *ICefDomNode) GetNodeType() consts.TCefDomNodeType
- func (m *ICefDomNode) GetParent() *ICefDomNode
- func (m *ICefDomNode) GetPreviousSibling() *ICefDomNode
- func (m *ICefDomNode) GetValue() string
- func (m *ICefDomNode) HasChildren() bool
- func (m *ICefDomNode) HasElementAttribute(attrName string) bool
- func (m *ICefDomNode) HasElementAttributes() bool
- func (m *ICefDomNode) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefDomNode) IsEditable() bool
- func (m *ICefDomNode) IsElement() bool
- func (m *ICefDomNode) IsFormControlElement() bool
- func (m *ICefDomNode) IsSame() bool
- func (m *ICefDomNode) IsText() bool
- func (m *ICefDomNode) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefDomNode) SetElementAttribute(attrName, value string) bool
- func (m *ICefDomNode) SetValue(value string) bool
- type ICefDomVisitor
- type ICefDownloadHandler
- func (m *ICefDownloadHandler) Free()
- func (m *ICefDownloadHandler) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefDownloadHandler) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefDownloadHandler) SetCanDownload(fn canDownload)
- func (m *ICefDownloadHandler) SetOnBeforeDownload(fn onBeforeDownload)
- func (m *ICefDownloadHandler) SetOnDownloadUpdated(fn onDownloadUpdated)
- type ICefDownloadImageCallback
- type ICefDownloadItem
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) ContentDisposition() string
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) CurrentSpeed() int64
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) EndTime() time.Time
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) Free()
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) FullPath() string
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) GetInterruptReason() consts.TCefDownloadInterruptReason
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) Id() uint32
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) IsCanceled() bool
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) IsComplete() bool
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) IsInProgress() bool
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) IsInterrupted() bool
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) MimeType() string
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) OriginalUrl() string
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) PercentComplete() int32
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) ReceivedBytes() int64
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) StartTime() time.Time
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) State() int32
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) SuggestedFileName() string
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) TotalBytes() int64
- func (m *ICefDownloadItem) Url() string
- type ICefDownloadItemCallback
- type ICefDragData
- func (m *ICefDragData) AddFile(path, displayName string)
- func (m *ICefDragData) ClearFilenames()
- func (m *ICefDragData) Clone() *ICefDragData
- func (m *ICefDragData) Free()
- func (m *ICefDragData) GetFileContents(writer *ICefStreamWriter) uint32
- func (m *ICefDragData) GetFileName() string
- func (m *ICefDragData) GetFileNames() []string
- func (m *ICefDragData) GetFilePaths() []string
- func (m *ICefDragData) GetFragmentBaseUrl() string
- func (m *ICefDragData) GetFragmentHtml() string
- func (m *ICefDragData) GetFragmentText() string
- func (m *ICefDragData) GetImage() *ICefImage
- func (m *ICefDragData) GetImageHotspot() *TCefPoint
- func (m *ICefDragData) GetLinkMetadata() string
- func (m *ICefDragData) GetLinkTitle() string
- func (m *ICefDragData) GetLinkUrl() string
- func (m *ICefDragData) HasImage() bool
- func (m *ICefDragData) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefDragData) IsFile() bool
- func (m *ICefDragData) IsFragment() bool
- func (m *ICefDragData) IsLink() bool
- func (m *ICefDragData) IsReadOnly() bool
- func (m *ICefDragData) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefDragData) ResetFileContents()
- func (m *ICefDragData) SetFragmentBaseUrl(baseUrl string)
- func (m *ICefDragData) SetFragmentHtml(html string)
- func (m *ICefDragData) SetFragmentText(text string)
- func (m *ICefDragData) SetLinkMetadata(data string)
- func (m *ICefDragData) SetLinkTitle(title string)
- func (m *ICefDragData) SetLinkUrl(url string)
- type ICefDragHandler
- type ICefExtension
- func (m *ICefExtension) Free()
- func (m *ICefExtension) GetBackgroundPage() string
- func (m *ICefExtension) GetBrowserActionIcon() string
- func (m *ICefExtension) GetBrowserActionPopup() string
- func (m *ICefExtension) GetHandler() *ICefExtensionHandler
- func (m *ICefExtension) GetIdentifier() string
- func (m *ICefExtension) GetLoaderContext() *ICefRequestContext
- func (m *ICefExtension) GetManifest() *ICefDictionaryValue
- func (m *ICefExtension) GetOptionsPage() string
- func (m *ICefExtension) GetOptionsUIPage() string
- func (m *ICefExtension) GetPageActionIcon() string
- func (m *ICefExtension) GetPageActionPopup() string
- func (m *ICefExtension) GetPath() string
- func (m *ICefExtension) GetURL() string
- func (m *ICefExtension) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefExtension) IsLoaded() bool
- func (m *ICefExtension) IsSame(that *ICefExtension) bool
- func (m *ICefExtension) IsValid() bool
- type ICefExtensionHandler
- func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) Free()
- func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) SetCanAccessBrowser(fn canAccessBrowser)
- func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) SetGetActiveBrowser(fn getActiveBrowser)
- func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) SetGetExtensionResource(fn getExtensionResource)
- func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) SetOnBeforeBackgroundBrowser(fn onBeforeBackgroundBrowser)
- func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) SetOnBeforeBrowser(fn onBeforeBrowser)
- func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) SetOnExtensionLoadFailed(fn onExtensionLoadFailed)
- func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) SetOnExtensionLoaded(fn onExtensionLoaded)
- func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) SetOnExtensionUnloaded(fn onExtensionUnloaded)
- type ICefFileDialogCallback
- type ICefFillLayout
- type ICefFindHandler
- type ICefFocusHandler
- type ICefFrame
- func (m *ICefFrame) Browser() *ICefBrowser
- func (m *ICefFrame) Copy()
- func (m *ICefFrame) Cut()
- func (m *ICefFrame) Del()
- func (m *ICefFrame) EmitRender(messageId int32, eventName string, target target.ITarget, data ...interface{}) bool
- func (m *ICefFrame) ExecuteJavaScript(code, scriptUrl string, startLine int32)
- func (m *ICefFrame) Free()
- func (m *ICefFrame) Identifier() (result int64)
- func (m *ICefFrame) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefFrame) IsFocused() bool
- func (m *ICefFrame) IsMain() bool
- func (m *ICefFrame) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefFrame) LoadRequest(request *ICefRequest)
- func (m *ICefFrame) LoadUrl(url string)
- func (m *ICefFrame) Name() (value string)
- func (m *ICefFrame) Parent() *ICefFrame
- func (m *ICefFrame) Paste()
- func (m *ICefFrame) Redo()
- func (m *ICefFrame) SelectAll()
- func (m *ICefFrame) SendProcessMessage(targetProcess CefProcessId, message *ICefProcessMessage)
- func (m *ICefFrame) SendProcessMessageForJSONBytes(messageName string, targetProcess CefProcessId, data []byte)
- func (m *ICefFrame) SendProcessMessageForV8Value(messageName string, targetProcess CefProcessId, arguments *ICefV8Value)
- func (m *ICefFrame) Undo()
- func (m *ICefFrame) Url() (value string)
- func (m *ICefFrame) V8Context() *ICefV8Context
- func (m *ICefFrame) ViewSource()
- func (m *ICefFrame) VisitDom(visitor *ICefDomVisitor)
- type ICefFrameHandler
- func (m *ICefFrameHandler) Free()
- func (m *ICefFrameHandler) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefFrameHandler) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefFrameHandler) SetOnFrameAttached(fn onFrameAttached)
- func (m *ICefFrameHandler) SetOnFrameCreated(fn onFrameCreated)
- func (m *ICefFrameHandler) SetOnFrameDetached(fn onFrameDetached)
- func (m *ICefFrameHandler) SetOnMainFrameChanged(fn onMainFrameChanged)
- type ICefGetExtensionResourceCallback
- type ICefImage
- func (m *ICefImage) AddJpeg(scaleFactor float32, jpeg []byte) bool
- func (m *ICefImage) AddJpegFS(scaleFactor float32, filename string) bool
- func (m *ICefImage) AddPng(scaleFactor float32, png []byte) bool
- func (m *ICefImage) AddPngFS(scaleFactor float32, filename string) bool
- func (m *ICefImage) Free()
- func (m *ICefImage) Height() int32
- func (m *ICefImage) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefImage) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefImage) Width() int32
- type ICefJsDialogCallback
- type ICefJsDialogHandler
- func (m *ICefJsDialogHandler) Free()
- func (m *ICefJsDialogHandler) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefJsDialogHandler) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefJsDialogHandler) OnBeforeUnloadDialog(fn onBeforeUnloadDialog)
- func (m *ICefJsDialogHandler) OnDialogClosed(fn onDialogClosed)
- func (m *ICefJsDialogHandler) OnJsDialog(fn onJsDialog)
- func (m *ICefJsDialogHandler) OnResetDialogState(fn onResetDialogState)
- type ICefKeyboardHandler
- type ICefLabelButton
- func (m *ICefLabelButton) AsMenuButton() *ICefMenuButton
- func (m *ICefLabelButton) GetImage() *ICefImage
- func (m *ICefLabelButton) GetText() string
- func (m *ICefLabelButton) SetEnabledTextColors(color types.TCefColor)
- func (m *ICefLabelButton) SetFontList(fontList string)
- func (m *ICefLabelButton) SetHorizontalAlignment(alignment consts.TCefHorizontalAlignment)
- func (m *ICefLabelButton) SetImage(buttonState consts.TCefButtonState, image *ICefImage)
- func (m *ICefLabelButton) SetMaximumSize(size *TCefSize)
- func (m *ICefLabelButton) SetMinimumSize(size *TCefSize)
- func (m *ICefLabelButton) SetText(text string)
- func (m *ICefLabelButton) SetTextColor(forState consts.TCefButtonState, color types.TCefColor)
- type ICefLayout
- type ICefLifeSpanHandler
- func (m *ICefLifeSpanHandler) Free()
- func (m *ICefLifeSpanHandler) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefLifeSpanHandler) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefLifeSpanHandler) SetDoClose(fn doClose)
- func (m *ICefLifeSpanHandler) SetOnAfterCreated(fn onAfterCreated)
- func (m *ICefLifeSpanHandler) SetOnBeforeClose(fn onBeforeClose)
- func (m *ICefLifeSpanHandler) SetOnBeforePopup(fn onBeforePopup)
- type ICefListValue
- func (m *ICefListValue) Clear() (result bool)
- func (m *ICefListValue) Copy() *ICefListValue
- func (m *ICefListValue) Free()
- func (m *ICefListValue) GetBinary(index uint32) *ICefBinaryValue
- func (m *ICefListValue) GetBool(index uint32) bool
- func (m *ICefListValue) GetDictionary(index uint32) *ICefDictionaryValue
- func (m *ICefListValue) GetDouble(index uint32) (result float64)
- func (m *ICefListValue) GetIArray(index uint32) types.IArrayValue
- func (m *ICefListValue) GetIBinary(index uint32) types.IBinaryValue
- func (m *ICefListValue) GetIObject(index uint32) types.IObjectValue
- func (m *ICefListValue) GetIValue(index uint32) types.IValue
- func (m *ICefListValue) GetInt(index uint32) int32
- func (m *ICefListValue) GetList(index uint32) *ICefListValue
- func (m *ICefListValue) GetString(index uint32) (value string)
- func (m *ICefListValue) GetType(index uint32) consts.TCefValueType
- func (m *ICefListValue) GetValue(index uint32) *ICefValue
- func (m *ICefListValue) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefListValue) IsOwned() bool
- func (m *ICefListValue) IsReadOnly() bool
- func (m *ICefListValue) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefListValue) Remove(index uint32) bool
- func (m *ICefListValue) SetBinary(index uint32, value *ICefBinaryValue) (result bool)
- func (m *ICefListValue) SetBool(index uint32, value bool) bool
- func (m *ICefListValue) SetDictionary(index uint32, value *ICefDictionaryValue) (result bool)
- func (m *ICefListValue) SetDouble(index uint32, value float64) bool
- func (m *ICefListValue) SetInt(index uint32, value int32) bool
- func (m *ICefListValue) SetList(index uint32, value *ICefListValue) (result bool)
- func (m *ICefListValue) SetNull(index uint32) bool
- func (m *ICefListValue) SetSize(size uint32) bool
- func (m *ICefListValue) SetString(index uint32, value string) bool
- func (m *ICefListValue) SetValue(index uint32, value *ICefValue) (result bool)
- func (m *ICefListValue) Size() uint32
- type ICefLoadHandler
- func (m *ICefLoadHandler) Free()
- func (m *ICefLoadHandler) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefLoadHandler) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefLoadHandler) SetOnLoadEnd(fn onLoadEnd)
- func (m *ICefLoadHandler) SetOnLoadError(fn onLoadError)
- func (m *ICefLoadHandler) SetOnLoadStart(fn onLoadStart)
- func (m *ICefLoadHandler) SetOnLoadingStateChange(fn onLoadingStateChange)
- type ICefMediaAccessCallback
- type ICefMediaRoute
- type ICefMediaRouter
- type ICefMediaSink
- type ICefMenuButton
- type ICefMenuButtonDelegate
- type ICefMenuButtonPressedLock
- type ICefMenuModel
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) AddCheckItem(commandId MenuId, text string) bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) AddItem(commandId MenuId, text string) bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) AddMenuItem(item *MenuItem) bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) AddRadioItem(commandId MenuId, text string, groupId int32) bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) AddSeparator() bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) AddSubMenu(commandId MenuId, text string) *ICefMenuModel
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) Clear() bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) Free()
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) GetColor(commandId MenuId, colorType TCefMenuColorType) (color types.TCefColor, result bool)
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) GetCount() int32
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) GetGroupId(commandId MenuId) int32
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) GetIndexOf(commandId MenuId) int32
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) GetLabel(commandId MenuId) string
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) GetSubMenu(commandId MenuId) *ICefMenuModel
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) GetType(commandId MenuId) TCefMenuItemType
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) HasAccelerator(commandId MenuId) bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) IsChecked(commandId MenuId) bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) IsEnabled(commandId MenuId) bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) IsSubMenu() bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) IsVisible(commandId MenuId) bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) Remove(commandId MenuId) bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) RemoveAccelerator(commandId MenuId) bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) RemoveAt(index int32) bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) SetAccelerator(commandId MenuId, keyCode int32, shiftPressed, ctrlPressed, altPressed bool) bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) SetChecked(commandId MenuId, check bool) bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) SetColor(commandId MenuId, colorType TCefMenuColorType, color *TCefARGB) bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) SetEnabled(commandId MenuId, enabled bool) bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) SetFontList(commandId MenuId, fontList string) bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) SetGroupId(commandId MenuId, groupId int32) bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) SetLabel(commandId MenuId, text string) bool
- func (m *ICefMenuModel) SetVisible(commandId MenuId, visible bool) bool
- type ICefMenuModelDelegate
- type ICefNavigationEntry
- type ICefOverlayController
- type ICefPanel
- func (m *ICefPanel) AddChildView(view *ICefView)
- func (m *ICefPanel) AddChildViewAt(view *ICefView, index int32)
- func (m *ICefPanel) GetAsWindow() *ICefWindow
- func (m *ICefPanel) GetChildViewAt(index int32) *ICefView
- func (m *ICefPanel) GetChildViewCount() uint32
- func (m *ICefPanel) GetLayout() *ICefLayout
- func (m *ICefPanel) Layout()
- func (m *ICefPanel) RemoveAllChildViews()
- func (m *ICefPanel) RemoveChildView(view *ICefView)
- func (m *ICefPanel) ReorderChildView(view *ICefView, index int32)
- func (m *ICefPanel) SetToBoxLayout(settings TCefBoxLayoutSettings) *ICefBoxLayout
- func (m *ICefPanel) SetToFillLayout() *ICefFillLayout
- type ICefPanelDelegate
- type ICefPdfPrintCallback
- type ICefPermissionHandler
- func (m *ICefPermissionHandler) Free()
- func (m *ICefPermissionHandler) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefPermissionHandler) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefPermissionHandler) OnDismissPermissionPrompt(fn onDismissPermissionPrompt)
- func (m *ICefPermissionHandler) OnRequestMediaAccessPermission(fn onRequestMediaAccessPermission)
- func (m *ICefPermissionHandler) OnShowPermissionPrompt(fn onShowPermissionPrompt)
- type ICefPermissionPromptCallback
- type ICefPostData
- func (m *ICefPostData) AddElement(postDataElement *ICefPostDataElement) bool
- func (m *ICefPostData) Free()
- func (m *ICefPostData) GetElementCount() uint32
- func (m *ICefPostData) GetElements() *TCefPostDataElementArray
- func (m *ICefPostData) HasExcludedElements() bool
- func (m *ICefPostData) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefPostData) IsReadOnly() bool
- func (m *ICefPostData) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefPostData) RemoveElement(postDataElement *ICefPostDataElement) bool
- func (m *ICefPostData) RemoveElements()
- type ICefPostDataElement
- func (m *ICefPostDataElement) Free()
- func (m *ICefPostDataElement) GetBytes() (result []byte, count uint32)
- func (m *ICefPostDataElement) GetBytesCount() uint32
- func (m *ICefPostDataElement) GetFile() string
- func (m *ICefPostDataElement) GetType() consts.TCefPostDataElementType
- func (m *ICefPostDataElement) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefPostDataElement) IsReadOnly() bool
- func (m *ICefPostDataElement) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefPostDataElement) SetToBytes(bytes []byte)
- func (m *ICefPostDataElement) SetToEmpty()
- func (m *ICefPostDataElement) SetToFile(fileName string)
- type ICefPrintDialogCallback
- type ICefPrintHandler
- func (m *ICefPrintHandler) Free()
- func (m *ICefPrintHandler) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefPrintHandler) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefPrintHandler) SetGetPDFPaperSize(fn getPDFPaperSize)
- func (m *ICefPrintHandler) SetOnPrintDialog(fn onPrintDialog)
- func (m *ICefPrintHandler) SetOnPrintJob(fn onPrintJob)
- func (m *ICefPrintHandler) SetOnPrintReset(fn onPrintReset)
- func (m *ICefPrintHandler) SetOnPrintSettings(fn onPrintSettings)
- func (m *ICefPrintHandler) SetOnPrintStart(fn onPrintStart)
- type ICefPrintJobCallback
- type ICefPrintSettings
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) Free()
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) GetColorModel() consts.TCefColorModel
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) GetCopies() int32
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) GetDeviceName() string
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) GetDpi() int32
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) GetDuplexMode() consts.TCefDuplexMode
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) GetPageRanges() []TCefRange
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) GetPageRangesCount() uint32
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) IsLandscape() bool
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) IsReadOnly() bool
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) IsSelectionOnly() bool
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) SetCollate(collate bool)
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) SetColorModel(model consts.TCefColorModel)
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) SetCopies(copies int32)
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) SetDeviceName(name string)
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) SetDpi(dpi int32)
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) SetDuplexMode(mode consts.TCefDuplexMode)
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) SetOrientation(landscape bool)
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) SetPageRanges(ranges []TCefRange)
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) SetPrinterPrintableArea(physicalSizeDeviceUnits *TCefSize, printableAreaDeviceUnits *TCefRect, ...)
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) SetSelectionOnly(selectionOnly bool)
- func (m *ICefPrintSettings) WillCollate() bool
- type ICefProcessMessage
- type ICefRenderHandler
- func (m *ICefRenderHandler) Free()
- func (m *ICefRenderHandler) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefRenderHandler) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetGetAccessibilityHandler(fn renderHandlerGetAccessibilityHandler)
- func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetGetRootScreenRect(fn renderHandlerGetRootScreenRect)
- func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetGetScreenInfo(fn renderHandlerGetScreenInfo)
- func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetGetScreenPoint(fn renderHandlerGetScreenPoint)
- func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetGetTouchHandleSize(fn renderHandlerGetTouchHandleSize)
- func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetGetViewRect(fn renderHandlerGetViewRect)
- func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnAcceleratedPaint(fn renderHandlerOnAcceleratedPaint)
- func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnIMECompositionRangeChanged(fn renderHandlerOnIMECompositionRangeChanged)
- func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnPaint(fn renderHandlerOnPaint)
- func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnPopupShow(fn renderHandlerOnPopupShow)
- func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnPopupSize(fn renderHandlerOnPopupSize)
- func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnScrollOffsetChanged(fn renderHandlerOnScrollOffsetChanged)
- func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnStartDragging(fn renderHandlerOnStartDragging)
- func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnTextSelectionChanged(fn renderHandlerOnTextSelectionChanged)
- func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnTouchHandleStateChanged(fn renderHandlerOnTouchHandleStateChanged)
- func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnUpdateDragCursor(fn renderHandlerOnUpdateDragCursor)
- func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnVirtualKeyboardRequested(fn renderHandlerOnVirtualKeyboardRequested)
- type ICefRequest
- func (m *ICefRequest) Flags() TCefUrlRequestFlags
- func (m *ICefRequest) Free()
- func (m *ICefRequest) GetFirstPartyForCookies() string
- func (m *ICefRequest) GetHeaderByName(name string) (r string)
- func (m *ICefRequest) GetHeaderMap() *ICefStringMultiMap
- func (m *ICefRequest) GetPostData() *ICefPostData
- func (m *ICefRequest) Identifier() (result uint64)
- func (m *ICefRequest) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefRequest) IsReadOnly() bool
- func (m *ICefRequest) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefRequest) Method() (r string)
- func (m *ICefRequest) ReferrerPolicy() TCefReferrerPolicy
- func (m *ICefRequest) ReferrerUrl() (r string)
- func (m *ICefRequest) ResourceType() TCefResourceType
- func (m *ICefRequest) SetFirstPartyForCookies(url string)
- func (m *ICefRequest) SetFlags(flags TCefUrlRequestFlags)
- func (m *ICefRequest) SetHeaderByName(name, value string, overwrite bool)
- func (m *ICefRequest) SetHeaderMap(headerMap *ICefStringMultiMap)
- func (m *ICefRequest) SetMethod(method string)
- func (m *ICefRequest) SetPostData(value *ICefPostData)
- func (m *ICefRequest) SetReferrer(referrerUrl string, policy TCefReferrerPolicy)
- func (m *ICefRequest) SetURL(url string)
- func (m *ICefRequest) TransitionType() TCefTransitionType
- func (m *ICefRequest) URL() (r string)
- type ICefRequestContext
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) CanSetPreference(name string) bool
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) ClearCertificateExceptions(callback *ICefCompletionCallback)
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) ClearHttpAuthCredentials(callback *ICefCompletionCallback)
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) ClearSchemeHandlerFactories() bool
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) CloseAllConnections(callback *ICefCompletionCallback)
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) DidLoadExtension(extensionId string)
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) Free()
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) GetAllPreferences(includeDefaults bool) *ICefDictionaryValue
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) GetCachePath() string
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) GetContentSetting(requestingUrl, topLevelUrl string, contentType consts.TCefContentSettingTypes) consts.TCefContentSettingValues
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) GetCookieManager(callback *ICefCompletionCallback) *ICefCookieManager
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) GetExtension(extensionId string) *ICefExtension
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) GetExtensions() (result []string, ok bool)
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) GetHandler() *ICefRequestContextHandler
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) GetMediaRouter(callback *ICefCompletionCallback) *ICefMediaRouter
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) GetPreference(name string) *ICefValue
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) GetWebsiteSetting(requestingUrl, topLevelUrl string, contentType consts.TCefContentSettingTypes) *ICefValue
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) HasExtension(extensionId string)
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) HasPreference(name string) bool
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) IsGlobal() bool
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) IsSame(other *ICefRequestContext) bool
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) IsSharingWith(other *ICefRequestContext) bool
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) LoadExtension(rootDirectory string, manifest *ICefDictionaryValue, ...)
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory(schemeName, domainName string, factory *ICefSchemeHandlerFactory) bool
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) ResolveHost(origin string)
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) SetContentSetting(requestingUrl, topLevelUrl string, contentType consts.TCefContentSettingTypes, ...)
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) SetPreference(name string, value *ICefValue) (error string, ok bool)
- func (m *ICefRequestContext) SetWebsiteSetting(requestingUrl, topLevelUrl string, contentType consts.TCefContentSettingTypes, ...)
- type ICefRequestContextHandler
- func (m *ICefRequestContextHandler) Free()
- func (m *ICefRequestContextHandler) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefRequestContextHandler) IsOtherEvent() bool
- func (m *ICefRequestContextHandler) IsSelfOwnEvent() bool
- func (m *ICefRequestContextHandler) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefRequestContextHandler) SetGetResourceRequestHandler(fn getResourceRequestHandler)
- func (m *ICefRequestContextHandler) SetOnRequestContextInitialized(fn onRequestContextInitialized)
- type ICefRequestHandler
- func (m *ICefRequestHandler) Free()
- func (m *ICefRequestHandler) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefRequestHandler) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefRequestHandler) SetGetAuthCredentials(fn requestHandlerGetAuthCredentials)
- func (m *ICefRequestHandler) SetGetResourceRequestHandler(fn requestHandlerGetResourceRequestHandler)
- func (m *ICefRequestHandler) SetOnBeforeBrowse(fn requestHandlerOnBeforeBrowse)
- func (m *ICefRequestHandler) SetOnCertificateError(fn requestHandlerOnCertificateError)
- func (m *ICefRequestHandler) SetOnDocumentAvailableInMainFrame(fn requestHandlerOnDocumentAvailableInMainFrame)
- func (m *ICefRequestHandler) SetOnOpenUrlFromTab(fn requestHandlerOnOpenUrlFromTab)
- func (m *ICefRequestHandler) SetOnRenderProcessTerminated(fn requestHandlerOnRenderProcessTerminated)
- func (m *ICefRequestHandler) SetOnRenderViewReady(fn requestHandlerOnRenderViewReady)
- func (m *ICefRequestHandler) SetOnSelectClientCertificate(fn requestHandlerOnSelectClientCertificate)
- type ICefResourceHandler
- func (m *ICefResourceHandler) Cancel(fn resourceHandlerCancel)
- func (m *ICefResourceHandler) Free()
- func (m *ICefResourceHandler) GetResponseHeaders(fn resourceHandlerGetResponseHeaders)
- func (m *ICefResourceHandler) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefResourceHandler) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefResourceHandler) Open(fn resourceHandlerOpen)
- func (m *ICefResourceHandler) ProcessRequest(fn resourceHandlerProcessRequest)deprecated
- func (m *ICefResourceHandler) Read(fn resourceHandlerRead)
- func (m *ICefResourceHandler) ReadResponse(fn resourceHandlerReadResponse)deprecated
- func (m *ICefResourceHandler) Skip(fn resourceHandlerSkip)
- type ICefResourceReadCallback
- type ICefResourceRequestHandler
- func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) Free()
- func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) IsOtherEvent() bool
- func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) IsSelfOwnEvent() bool
- func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetGetCookieAccessFilter(fn onGetCookieAccessFilter)
- func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetGetResourceHandler(fn onGetResourceHandler)
- func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetGetResourceResponseFilter(fn onGetResourceResponseFilter)
- func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetOnBeforeResourceLoad(fn onBeforeResourceLoad)
- func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetOnProtocolExecution(fn onProtocolExecution)
- func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetOnResourceLoadComplete(fn onResourceLoadComplete)
- func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetOnResourceRedirect(fn onResourceRedirect)
- func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetOnResourceResponse(fn onResourceResponse)
- type ICefResourceSkipCallback
- type ICefResponse
- func (m *ICefResponse) Charset() string
- func (m *ICefResponse) Error() TCefErrorCode
- func (m *ICefResponse) Free()
- func (m *ICefResponse) GetHeaderByName(name string) string
- func (m *ICefResponse) GetHeaderMap() *ICefStringMultiMap
- func (m *ICefResponse) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefResponse) IsReadOnly() bool
- func (m *ICefResponse) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefResponse) MimeType() string
- func (m *ICefResponse) SetCharset(charset string)
- func (m *ICefResponse) SetError(error TCefErrorCode)
- func (m *ICefResponse) SetHeaderByName(name, value string, overwrite bool)
- func (m *ICefResponse) SetHeaderMap(headerMap *ICefStringMultiMap)
- func (m *ICefResponse) SetMimeType(mimetype string)
- func (m *ICefResponse) SetStatus(status int32)
- func (m *ICefResponse) SetStatusText(statusText string)
- func (m *ICefResponse) SetURL(url string)
- func (m *ICefResponse) Status() int32
- func (m *ICefResponse) StatusText() string
- func (m *ICefResponse) URL() string
- type ICefResponseFilter
- type ICefRunContextMenuCallback
- type ICefRunFileDialogCallback
- func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) ExecuteCommand(fn executeCommand)
- func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) FormatLabel(fn formatLabel)
- func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) Free()
- func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) MenuClosed(fn menuClosed)
- func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) MenuWillShow(fn menuWillShow)
- func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) MouseOutsideMenu(fn mouseOutsideMenu)
- func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) SetOnFileDialogDismissed(fn onFileDialogDismissed)
- func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) UnhandledCloseSubmenu(fn unhandledCloseSubmenu)
- func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) UnhandledOpenSubmenu(fn unhandledOpenSubmenu)
- type ICefRunQuickMenuCallback
- type ICefSchemeHandlerFactory
- type ICefScrollView
- func (m *ICefScrollView) GetContentView() *ICefView
- func (m *ICefScrollView) GetHorizontalScrollbarHeight() int32
- func (m *ICefScrollView) GetVerticalScrollbarWidth() int32
- func (m *ICefScrollView) GetVisibleContentRect() (result TCefRect)
- func (m *ICefScrollView) HasHorizontalScrollbar() bool
- func (m *ICefScrollView) HasVerticalScrollbar() bool
- func (m *ICefScrollView) SetContentView(view *ICefView)
- type ICefSelectClientCertificateCallback
- type ICefSetCookieCallback
- func (m *ICefSetCookieCallback) Free()
- func (m *ICefSetCookieCallback) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefSetCookieCallback) IsOtherEvent() bool
- func (m *ICefSetCookieCallback) IsSelfOwnEvent() bool
- func (m *ICefSetCookieCallback) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefSetCookieCallback) SetOnComplete(fn setCookieOnComplete)
- type ICefSslInfo
- type ICefStreamReader
- func (m *ICefStreamReader) Eof() bool
- func (m *ICefStreamReader) Free()
- func (m *ICefStreamReader) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefStreamReader) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefStreamReader) MayBlock() bool
- func (m *ICefStreamReader) Read(data []byte, size, n uint32) uint32
- func (m *ICefStreamReader) Seek(offset int64, whence int32) int32
- func (m *ICefStreamReader) Tell() (result int64)
- type ICefStreamWriter
- func (m *ICefStreamWriter) Flush() int32
- func (m *ICefStreamWriter) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefStreamWriter) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefStreamWriter) MayBlock() bool
- func (m *ICefStreamWriter) Seek(offset int64, whence int32) int32
- func (m *ICefStreamWriter) Tell() (result int64)
- func (m *ICefStreamWriter) Write(data []byte, size, n uint32) uint32
- type ICefStringMultiMap
- func (m *ICefStringMultiMap) Append(key, value string) bool
- func (m *ICefStringMultiMap) Clear()
- func (m *ICefStringMultiMap) FindCount(key string) uint32
- func (m *ICefStringMultiMap) Free()
- func (m *ICefStringMultiMap) GetEnumerate(key string, index uint32) (r string)
- func (m *ICefStringMultiMap) GetKey(index uint32) (key string)
- func (m *ICefStringMultiMap) GetSize() uint32
- func (m *ICefStringMultiMap) GetValue(index uint32) (value string)
- func (m *ICefStringMultiMap) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefStringMultiMap) IsValid() bool
- type ICefTextFieldDelegate
- type ICefTextfield
- func (m *ICefTextfield) AppendText(text string)
- func (m *ICefTextfield) ApplyTextColor(color types.TCefColor, range_ TCefRange)
- func (m *ICefTextfield) ApplyTextStyle(style consts.TCefTextStyle, add bool, range_ TCefRange)
- func (m *ICefTextfield) ClearEditHistory()
- func (m *ICefTextfield) ClearSelection()
- func (m *ICefTextfield) ExecuteCommand(commandId consts.TCefTextFieldCommands)
- func (m *ICefTextfield) GetCursorPosition() uint32
- func (m *ICefTextfield) GetPlaceholderText() string
- func (m *ICefTextfield) GetSelectedRange() (result TCefRange)
- func (m *ICefTextfield) GetSelectedText() string
- func (m *ICefTextfield) GetSelectionBackgroundColor() (color types.TCefColor)
- func (m *ICefTextfield) GetSelectionTextColor() (color types.TCefColor)
- func (m *ICefTextfield) GetText() string
- func (m *ICefTextfield) GetTextColor() (color types.TCefColor)
- func (m *ICefTextfield) HasSelection() bool
- func (m *ICefTextfield) InsertOrReplaceText(text string)
- func (m *ICefTextfield) IsCommandEnabled(commandId consts.TCefTextFieldCommands) bool
- func (m *ICefTextfield) IsPasswordInput() bool
- func (m *ICefTextfield) IsReadOnly() bool
- func (m *ICefTextfield) SelectAll(reversed bool)
- func (m *ICefTextfield) SelectRange(range_ TCefRange)
- func (m *ICefTextfield) SetAccessibleName(name string)
- func (m *ICefTextfield) SetFontList(fontList string)
- func (m *ICefTextfield) SetPasswordInput(passwordInput bool)
- func (m *ICefTextfield) SetPlaceholderText(text string)
- func (m *ICefTextfield) SetPlaceholderTextColor(color types.TCefColor)
- func (m *ICefTextfield) SetReadOnly(readOnly bool)
- func (m *ICefTextfield) SetSelectionBackgroundColor(color types.TCefColor)
- func (m *ICefTextfield) SetSelectionTextColor(color types.TCefColor)
- func (m *ICefTextfield) SetText(text string)
- func (m *ICefTextfield) SetTextColor(color types.TCefColor)
- type ICefV8Accessor
- type ICefV8ArrayBufferReleaseCallback
- type ICefV8Context
- func (m *ICefV8Context) Browser() *ICefBrowser
- func (m *ICefV8Context) Enter() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Context) Eval(code, scriptUrl string, startLine int32) (value *ICefV8Value, exception *ICefV8Exception, ok bool)
- func (m *ICefV8Context) Exit() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Context) Frame() *ICefFrame
- func (m *ICefV8Context) Free()
- func (m *ICefV8Context) Global() *ICefV8Value
- func (m *ICefV8Context) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefV8Context) IsSame(that *ICefV8Context) bool
- func (m *ICefV8Context) IsValid() bool
- type ICefV8Exception
- func (m *ICefV8Exception) EndColumn() int32
- func (m *ICefV8Exception) EndPosition() int32
- func (m *ICefV8Exception) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefV8Exception) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Exception) LineNumber() int32
- func (m *ICefV8Exception) Message() string
- func (m *ICefV8Exception) ScriptResourceName() string
- func (m *ICefV8Exception) SourceLine() string
- func (m *ICefV8Exception) StartColumn() int32
- func (m *ICefV8Exception) StartPosition() int32
- type ICefV8Handler
- type ICefV8Interceptor
- func (m *ICefV8Interceptor) Destroy()
- func (m *ICefV8Interceptor) GetByIndex(fn V8InterceptorGetByIndex)
- func (m *ICefV8Interceptor) GetByName(fn V8InterceptorGetByName)
- func (m *ICefV8Interceptor) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefV8Interceptor) SetByIndex(fn V8InterceptorSetByIndex)
- func (m *ICefV8Interceptor) SetByName(fn V8InterceptorSetByName)
- type ICefV8StackTrace
- type ICefV8Value
- func (m *ICefV8Value) AdjustExternallyAllocatedMemory(changeInBytes int32) int32
- func (m *ICefV8Value) ClearException() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) DeleteValueByIndex(index int) bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) DeleteValueByKey(key string) bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) ExecuteFunction(obj *ICefV8Value, arguments *TCefV8ValueArray) *ICefV8Value
- func (m *ICefV8Value) ExecuteFunctionWithContext(v8Context *ICefV8Context, obj *ICefV8Value, arguments *TCefV8ValueArray) *ICefV8Value
- func (m *ICefV8Value) ExecuteFunctionWithContextForArgsBytes(v8Context *ICefV8Context, obj *ICefV8Value, arguments []byte) *ICefV8Value
- func (m *ICefV8Value) Free()
- func (m *ICefV8Value) GetArrayBufferReleaseCallback() *ICefV8ArrayBufferReleaseCallback
- func (m *ICefV8Value) GetArrayLength() int
- func (m *ICefV8Value) GetBoolValue() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) GetDateValue() time.Time
- func (m *ICefV8Value) GetDoubleValue() (result float64)
- func (m *ICefV8Value) GetExternallyAllocatedMemory() int32
- func (m *ICefV8Value) GetFunctionHandler() *ICefV8Handler
- func (m *ICefV8Value) GetFunctionName() string
- func (m *ICefV8Value) GetIKeys() types.IV8ValueKeys
- func (m *ICefV8Value) GetIntValue() int32
- func (m *ICefV8Value) GetKeys() *ICefV8ValueKeys
- func (m *ICefV8Value) GetStringValue() (value string)
- func (m *ICefV8Value) GetUIntValue() uint32
- func (m *ICefV8Value) GetUserData() *ICefV8Value
- func (m *ICefV8Value) GetValueByIndex(index int) *ICefV8Value
- func (m *ICefV8Value) GetValueByKey(key string) *ICefV8Value
- func (m *ICefV8Value) HasValueByIndex(index int32) bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) HasValueByKey(key string) bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefV8Value) IsArray() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) IsArrayBuffer() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) IsBool() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) IsDate() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) IsDouble() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) IsFunction() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) IsInt() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) IsNull() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) IsObject() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) IsPromise() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) IsSame() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) IsString() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) IsUInt() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) IsUndefined() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) IsUserCreated() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) NeuterArrayBuffer() bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) RejectPromise(errorMsg string) bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) ResolvePromise(arg *ICefV8Value) bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) SetCanNotFree(v bool)
- func (m *ICefV8Value) SetRethrowExceptions(reThrow bool) bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) SetUserData(data *ICefV8Value) bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) SetValueByAccessor(key string, settings consts.TCefV8AccessControls, ...) bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) SetValueByIndex(index int32, value *ICefV8Value) bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) SetValueByKey(key string, value *ICefV8Value, attribute consts.TCefV8PropertyAttributes) bool
- func (m *ICefV8Value) WillRethrowExceptions() bool
- type ICefV8ValueKeys
- type ICefValue
- func (m *ICefValue) Copy() *ICefValue
- func (m *ICefValue) Free()
- func (m *ICefValue) GetBinary() *ICefBinaryValue
- func (m *ICefValue) GetBool() bool
- func (m *ICefValue) GetDictionary() *ICefDictionaryValue
- func (m *ICefValue) GetDouble() (result float64)
- func (m *ICefValue) GetIArray() types.IArrayValue
- func (m *ICefValue) GetIBinary() types.IBinaryValue
- func (m *ICefValue) GetIObject() types.IObjectValue
- func (m *ICefValue) GetInt() int32
- func (m *ICefValue) GetList() *ICefListValue
- func (m *ICefValue) GetString() (value string)
- func (m *ICefValue) GetType() consts.TCefValueType
- func (m *ICefValue) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefValue) IsOwned() bool
- func (m *ICefValue) IsReadOnly() bool
- func (m *ICefValue) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefValue) SetBinary(value *ICefBinaryValue) (result bool)
- func (m *ICefValue) SetBool(value bool) bool
- func (m *ICefValue) SetDictionary(value *ICefDictionaryValue) (result bool)
- func (m *ICefValue) SetDouble(value float64) bool
- func (m *ICefValue) SetInt(value int32) bool
- func (m *ICefValue) SetList(value *ICefListValue) (result bool)
- func (m *ICefValue) SetNull() bool
- func (m *ICefValue) SetString(value string) bool
- type ICefView
- func (m *ICefView) AsBrowserView() *ICefBrowserView
- func (m *ICefView) AsButton() *ICefButton
- func (m *ICefView) AsPanel() *ICefPanel
- func (m *ICefView) AsScrollView() *ICefScrollView
- func (m *ICefView) AsTextfield() *ICefTextfield
- func (m *ICefView) ConvertPointFromScreen(point TCefPoint) bool
- func (m *ICefView) ConvertPointFromView(view ICefView, point TCefPoint) bool
- func (m *ICefView) ConvertPointFromWindow(point TCefPoint) bool
- func (m *ICefView) ConvertPointToScreen(point TCefPoint) bool
- func (m *ICefView) ConvertPointToView(view ICefView, point TCefPoint) bool
- func (m *ICefView) ConvertPointToWindow(point TCefPoint) bool
- func (m *ICefView) Free()
- func (m *ICefView) GetBackgroundColor() types.TCefColor
- func (m *ICefView) GetBounds() (result TCefRect)
- func (m *ICefView) GetBoundsInScreen() (result TCefRect)
- func (m *ICefView) GetDelegate() *ICefViewDelegate
- func (m *ICefView) GetGroupID() int32
- func (m *ICefView) GetHeightForWidth(width int32) int32
- func (m *ICefView) GetID() int32
- func (m *ICefView) GetInsets() (result TCefInsets)
- func (m *ICefView) GetMaximumSize() (result TCefSize)
- func (m *ICefView) GetMinimumSize() (result TCefSize)
- func (m *ICefView) GetParentView() *ICefView
- func (m *ICefView) GetPosition() (result TCefPoint)
- func (m *ICefView) GetPreferredSize() (result TCefSize)
- func (m *ICefView) GetSize() (result TCefSize)
- func (m *ICefView) GetTypeString() string
- func (m *ICefView) GetViewForID(id int32) *ICefView
- func (m *ICefView) GetWindow() *ICefWindow
- func (m *ICefView) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefView) InvalidateLayout()
- func (m *ICefView) IsAccessibilityFocusable() bool
- func (m *ICefView) IsAttached() bool
- func (m *ICefView) IsDrawn() bool
- func (m *ICefView) IsEnabled() bool
- func (m *ICefView) IsFocusable() bool
- func (m *ICefView) IsSame(that *ICefView) bool
- func (m *ICefView) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefView) IsVisible() bool
- func (m *ICefView) RequestFocus()
- func (m *ICefView) SetBackgroundColor(color types.TCefColor)
- func (m *ICefView) SetBounds(bounds TCefRect)
- func (m *ICefView) SetEnabled(enabled bool)
- func (m *ICefView) SetFocusable(focusable bool)
- func (m *ICefView) SetGroupID(groupId int32)
- func (m *ICefView) SetID(id int32)
- func (m *ICefView) SetInsets(insets TCefInsets)
- func (m *ICefView) SetPosition(position TCefPoint)
- func (m *ICefView) SetSize(size TCefSize)
- func (m *ICefView) SetVisible(visible bool)
- func (m *ICefView) SizeToPreferredSize()
- func (m *ICefView) ToStringEx(includeChildren bool) string
- type ICefViewDelegate
- func (m *ICefViewDelegate) Free()
- func (m *ICefViewDelegate) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefViewDelegate) IsOtherEvent() bool
- func (m *ICefViewDelegate) IsSelfOwnEvent() bool
- func (m *ICefViewDelegate) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefViewDelegate) SetOnBlur(fn onBlur)
- func (m *ICefViewDelegate) SetOnChildViewChanged(fn onChildViewChanged)
- func (m *ICefViewDelegate) SetOnFocus(fn onFocus)
- func (m *ICefViewDelegate) SetOnGetHeightForWidth(fn onGetHeightForWidth)
- func (m *ICefViewDelegate) SetOnGetMaximumSize(fn onGetMaximumSize)
- func (m *ICefViewDelegate) SetOnGetMinimumSize(fn onGetMinimumSize)
- func (m *ICefViewDelegate) SetOnGetPreferredSize(fn onGetPreferredSize)
- func (m *ICefViewDelegate) SetOnLayoutChanged(fn onLayoutChanged)
- func (m *ICefViewDelegate) SetOnParentViewChanged(fn onParentViewChanged)
- func (m *ICefViewDelegate) SetOnWindowChanged(fn onWindowChanged)
- type ICefWindow
- func (m *ICefWindow) Activate()
- func (m *ICefWindow) AddOverlayView(view *ICefView, dockingMode consts.TCefDockingMode) *ICefOverlayController
- func (m *ICefWindow) BringToTop()
- func (m *ICefWindow) CancelMenu()
- func (m *ICefWindow) CenterWindow(size *TCefSize)
- func (m *ICefWindow) ClientAreaBoundsInScreen() (result TCefRect)
- func (m *ICefWindow) Close()
- func (m *ICefWindow) Deactivate()
- func (m *ICefWindow) Display() *ICefDisplay
- func (m *ICefWindow) Free()
- func (m *ICefWindow) Hide()
- func (m *ICefWindow) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefWindow) IsActive() bool
- func (m *ICefWindow) IsAlwaysOnTop() bool
- func (m *ICefWindow) IsClosed() bool
- func (m *ICefWindow) IsFullscreen() bool
- func (m *ICefWindow) IsMaximized() bool
- func (m *ICefWindow) IsMinimized() bool
- func (m *ICefWindow) IsValid() bool
- func (m *ICefWindow) Maximize()
- func (m *ICefWindow) Minimize()
- func (m *ICefWindow) RemoveAccelerator(commandId int32)
- func (m *ICefWindow) RemoveAllAccelerators()
- func (m *ICefWindow) Restore()
- func (m *ICefWindow) SendKeyPress(keyCode int32, eventFlags uint32)
- func (m *ICefWindow) SendMouseEvents(button consts.TCefMouseButtonType, mouseDown, mouseUp bool)
- func (m *ICefWindow) SendMouseMove(screenX, screenY int32)
- func (m *ICefWindow) SetAccelerator(commandId, keyCode int32, shiftPressed, ctrlPressed, altPressed bool)
- func (m *ICefWindow) SetAlwaysOnTop(onTop bool)
- func (m *ICefWindow) SetBackgroundColor(rect types.TCefColor)
- func (m *ICefWindow) SetBounds(rect *TCefRect)
- func (m *ICefWindow) SetDraggableRegions(regions []TCefDraggableRegion)
- func (m *ICefWindow) SetFullscreen(fullscreen bool)
- func (m *ICefWindow) SetPosition(point *TCefPoint)
- func (m *ICefWindow) SetSize(size *TCefSize)
- func (m *ICefWindow) SetTitle(title string)
- func (m *ICefWindow) SetWindow(window *ICefWindow)
- func (m *ICefWindow) SetWindowAppIcon(scaleFactor float32, filename string) error
- func (m *ICefWindow) SetWindowAppIconFS(scaleFactor float32, filename string) error
- func (m *ICefWindow) SetWindowIcon(scaleFactor float32, filename string) error
- func (m *ICefWindow) SetWindowIconFS(scaleFactor float32, filename string) error
- func (m *ICefWindow) Show()
- func (m *ICefWindow) ShowAsBrowserModalDialog(browserView *ICefBrowserView)
- func (m *ICefWindow) ShowMenu(menuModel *ICefMenuModel, point TCefPoint, ...)
- func (m *ICefWindow) Title() string
- func (m *ICefWindow) WindowAppIcon() *ICefImage
- func (m *ICefWindow) WindowHandle() consts.TCefWindowHandle
- func (m *ICefWindow) WindowIcon() *ICefImage
- func (m *ICefWindow) WindowState() t.TWindowState
- type ICefWindowDelegate
- func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnAccelerator(fn WindowComponentOnAccelerator)
- func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnCanClose(fn WindowComponentOnCanClose)
- func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnCanMaximize(fn WindowComponentOnCanMaximize)
- func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnCanMinimize(fn WindowComponentOnCanMinimize)
- func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnCanResize(fn WindowComponentOnCanResize)
- func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnGetInitialBounds(fn WindowComponentOnGetInitialBounds)
- func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnGetInitialShowState(fn WindowComponentOnGetInitialShowState)
- func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnGetParentWindow(fn WindowComponentOnGetParentWindow)
- func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnGetTitleBarHeight(fn WindowComponentOnGetTitleBarHeight)
- func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnIsFrameless(fn WindowComponentOnIsFrameless)
- func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnIsWindowModalDialog(fn WindowComponentOnIsWindowModalDialog)
- func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnKeyEvent(fn WindowComponentOnKey)
- func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWindowActivationChanged(fn WindowComponentOnWindowActivationChanged)
- func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWindowBoundsChanged(fn WindowOnWindowBoundsChanged)
- func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWindowClosing(fn WindowOnWindowClosing)
- func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWindowCreated(fn WindowComponentOnWindowCreated)
- func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWindowDestroyed(fn WindowComponentOnWindowDestroyed)
- func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWindowFullscreenTransition(fn WindowComponentOnWindowFullscreenTransition)
- func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWithStandardWindowButtons(fn WindowComponentOnWithStandardWindowButtons)
- type ICefX509CertPrincipal
- func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) Free()
- func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetCommonName() string
- func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetCountryName() string
- func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetDisplayName() string
- func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetDomainComponents() *lcl.TStrings
- func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetLocalityName() string
- func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetOrganizationNames() *lcl.TStrings
- func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetOrganizationUnitNames() *lcl.TStrings
- func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetStateOrProvinceName() string
- func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetStreetAddresses() *lcl.TStrings
- func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) IsValid() bool
- type ICefX509Certificate
- func (m *ICefX509Certificate) Free()
- func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetDEREncodedIssuerChain(chainCount uint32) *TCefBinaryValueArray
- func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetDerEncoded() *ICefBinaryValue
- func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetIssuer() *ICefX509CertPrincipal
- func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetIssuerChainSize() uint32
- func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetPEMEncodedIssuerChain(chainCount uint32) *TCefBinaryValueArray
- func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetPemEncoded() *ICefBinaryValue
- func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetSerialNumber() *ICefBinaryValue
- func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetSubject() *ICefX509CertPrincipal
- func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetValidExpiry() (result int64)
- func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetValidExpiryAsDateTime() time.Time
- func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetValidStart() (result int64)
- func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetValidStartAsDateTime() time.Time
- func (m *ICefX509Certificate) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *ICefX509Certificate) IsValid() bool
- type IChromium
- type IChromiumEvent
- type IChromiumOptions
- type IChromiumProc
- type ILCLBrowserWindow
- type IScreen
- type ITray
- type IViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow
- type IXHRProxy
- type KeyEventCallback
- type LCLBrowserWindow
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) AsLCLBrowserWindow() ILCLBrowserWindow
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) AsTargetWindow() target.IWindow
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) AsViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow() IViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Bounds() *TCefRect
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Browser() *ICefBrowser
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) BrowserWindow() *LCLBrowserWindow
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Chromium() IChromium
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) ChromiumCreate(config *TCefChromiumConfig, defaultUrl string)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Close()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) CloseBrowserWindow()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) DisableHelp()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) DisableMaximize()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) DisableMinimize()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) DisableResize()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) DisableSystemMenu()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) DisableTransparent()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) EnableAllDefaultEvent()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) EnableDefaultCloseEvent()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) EnableHelp()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) EnableMaximize()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) EnableMinimize()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) EnableResize()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) EnableSystemMenu()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) EnableTransparent(value uint8)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) ExitFullScreen()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) FormCreate()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Frameless()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) FramelessForLine()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) FullScreen()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) GetAuxTools() IAuxTools
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Handle() types.HWND
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Hide()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) HideTitle()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Id() int32
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) IsClosing() bool
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) IsFullScreen() bool
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) IsLCL() bool
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) IsViewsFramework() bool
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Maximize()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Minimize()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) NewCefTray(width, height int32, url string) ITray
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) NewSysTray() (tray ITray)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) NewTray() (tray ITray)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Point() *TCefPoint
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) ProcessMessage() target.IProcessMessage
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Restore()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) RunOnMainThread(fn func())
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Screen() IScreen
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetBounds(x, y, width, height int32)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetCenterWindow(value bool)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetCreateBrowserExtraInfo(windowName string, context *ICefRequestContext, extraInfo *ICefDictionaryValue)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetDefaultInTaskBar()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetFocus()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetNotInTaskBar()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnActivate(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnActivateAfter(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnClose(fn TCloseEvent)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnCloseQuery(fn TCloseQueryEvent)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnPaint(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnResize(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnWMMove(fn wmMove)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnWMPaint(fn wmPaint)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnWMSize(fn wmSize)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnWMWindowPosChanged(fn wmWindowPosChanged)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnWndProc(fn lcl.TWndProcEvent)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetPoint(x, y int32)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetProperty()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetRoundRectRgn(rgn int)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetShowInTaskBar()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetSize(width, height int32)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetTitle(title string)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetWindowType(windowType consts.WINDOW_TYPE)
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Show()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) ShowTitle()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Size() *TCefSize
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Target(targetType target.ITarget
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) TryCloseWindowAndTerminate()
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Visible() bool
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) WindowParent() ICEFWindowParent
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) WindowProperty() *WindowProperty
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) WindowState() types.TWindowState
- func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) WindowType() consts.WINDOW_TYPE
- type LCLTray
- func (m *LCLTray) AddMenuItem(caption string, onClick lcl.TNotifyEvent) *lcl.TMenuItem
- func (m *LCLTray) AsCEFTray() *CEFTray
- func (m *LCLTray) AsLCLTray() *LCLTray
- func (m *LCLTray) AsSysTray() *SysTray
- func (m *LCLTray) AsViewsFrameTray() *ViewsFrameTray
- func (m *LCLTray) Hide()
- func (m *LCLTray) NewMenuItem(caption string, onClick lcl.TNotifyEvent) *lcl.TMenuItem
- func (m *LCLTray) Notice(title, content string, timeout int32)
- func (m *LCLTray) SetHint(value string)
- func (m *LCLTray) SetIcon(iconResourcePath string)
- func (m *LCLTray) SetIconFS(iconResourcePath string)
- func (m *LCLTray) SetOnClick(fn TrayICONClick)
- func (m *LCLTray) SetOnDblClick(fn TrayICONClick)
- func (m *LCLTray) SetOnMouseDown(fn lcl.TMouseEvent)
- func (m *LCLTray) SetOnMouseMove(fn lcl.TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (m *LCLTray) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent)
- func (m *LCLTray) SetTitle(title string)
- func (m *LCLTray) SetVisible(v bool)
- func (m *LCLTray) Show()
- func (m *LCLTray) TrayIcon() *lcl.TTrayIcon
- func (m *LCLTray) TrayMenu() *lcl.TPopupMenu
- func (m *LCLTray) Visible() bool
- type LocalLoadConfig
- type LocalLoadResource
- type MenuItem
- type MenuItemClick
- type OnPdfPrintFinished
- type RenderProcessMessageReceived
- type ResultBool
- type ResultBytes
- type ResultString
- type ResultV8Value
- type Screen
- type SysMenu
- type SysMenuItem
- func (m *SysMenuItem) AddSubMenu(label string, click ...MenuItemClick) *SysMenuItem
- func (m *SysMenuItem) Check()
- func (m *SysMenuItem) Checked() bool
- func (m *SysMenuItem) Click(fn MenuItemClick)
- func (m *SysMenuItem) Disable()
- func (m *SysMenuItem) Disabled() bool
- func (m *SysMenuItem) Enable()
- func (m *SysMenuItem) Hide()
- func (m *SysMenuItem) Icon() []byte
- func (m *SysMenuItem) IsSeparator() bool
- func (m *SysMenuItem) Label() string
- func (m *SysMenuItem) Remove()
- func (m *SysMenuItem) SetChecked(v bool)
- func (m *SysMenuItem) SetDisable(v bool)
- func (m *SysMenuItem) SetIcon(iconResourcePath string)
- func (m *SysMenuItem) SetIconBytes(v []byte)
- func (m *SysMenuItem) SetIconFS(iconResourcePath string)
- func (m *SysMenuItem) SetLabel(v string)
- func (m *SysMenuItem) SetSeparator(v bool)
- func (m *SysMenuItem) SetTooltip(v string)
- func (m *SysMenuItem) Show()
- func (m *SysMenuItem) Uncheck()
- type SysTray
- func (m *SysTray) Add(menuItem *SysMenuItem)
- func (m *SysTray) AddMenuItem(label string, click ...MenuItemClick) *SysMenuItem
- func (m *SysTray) AddSeparator()
- func (m *SysTray) AsCEFTray() *CEFTray
- func (m *SysTray) AsLCLTray() *LCLTray
- func (m *SysTray) AsSysTray() *SysTray
- func (m *SysTray) AsViewsFrameTray() *ViewsFrameTray
- func (m *SysTray) CreateMenu()
- func (m *SysTray) NewMenuItem(label string, click ...MenuItemClick) *SysMenuItem
- func (m *SysTray) Notice(title, content string, timeout int32)
- func (m *SysTray) ResetMenu()
- func (m *SysTray) SetHint(value string)
- func (m *SysTray) SetIcon(iconResourcePath string)
- func (m *SysTray) SetIconFS(iconResourcePath string)
- func (m *SysTray) SetMenuNil()
- func (m *SysTray) SetOnClick(fn TrayICONClick)
- func (m *SysTray) SetOnDblClick(fn TrayICONClick)
- func (m *SysTray) SetOnRClick(fn func(menu systray.IMenu))
- func (m *SysTray) SetTitle(title string)
- func (m *SysTray) Show()
- type TBufferPanel
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Action() *lcl.TAction
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Align() types.TAlign
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Alignment() types.TAlignment
- func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorAsAlign(ATheAlign types.TAlign, ASpace int32)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorClient(ASpace int32)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorHorizontalCenterTo(ASibling lcl.IControl)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorParallel(ASide types.TAnchorKind, ASpace int32, ASibling lcl.IControl)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorSame(ASide types.TAnchorKind, ASibling lcl.IControl)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorSide(AKind types.TAnchorKind) *lcl.TAnchorSide
- func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorSideBottom() *lcl.TAnchorSide
- func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorSideLeft() *lcl.TAnchorSide
- func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorSideRight() *lcl.TAnchorSide
- func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorSideTop() *lcl.TAnchorSide
- func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorToNeighbour(ASide types.TAnchorKind, ASpace int32, ASibling lcl.IControl)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorVerticalCenterTo(ASibling lcl.IControl)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Anchors() types.TAnchors
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Assign(Source lcl.IObject)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) AutoAdjustLayout(AMode types.TLayoutAdjustmentPolicy, AFromPPI int32, AToPPI int32, ...)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) AutoSize() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) BeginBufferDraw() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) BevelInner() types.TBevelCut
- func (m *TBufferPanel) BevelOuter() types.TBevelCut
- func (m *TBufferPanel) BiDiMode() types.TBiDiMode
- func (m *TBufferPanel) BorderSpacing() *lcl.TControlBorderSpacing
- func (m *TBufferPanel) BorderStyle() types.TBorderStyle
- func (m *TBufferPanel) BorderWidth() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) BoundsRect() (result types.TRect)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) BringToFront()
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Brush() *lcl.TBrush
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Buffer() *lcl.TBitmap
- func (m *TBufferPanel) BufferBits() unsafe.Pointer
- func (m *TBufferPanel) BufferDrawPoint(x, y int32, bitmap lcl.TBitmap)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) BufferDrawRect(bitmap lcl.TBitmap, srcRect, dstRect types.TRect)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) BufferHeight() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) BufferIsResized(useMutex bool) bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) BufferWidth() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) CanFocus() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Canvas() *lcl.TCanvas
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Caption() string
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ChangeCompositionRange(selectionRange TCefRange, characterBounds []TCefRect)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ChildSizing() *lcl.TControlChildSizing
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ClassName() string
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ClassType() types.TClass
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ClientHeight() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ClientOrigin() (result types.TPoint)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ClientRect() (result types.TRect)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ClientToParent(Point types.TPoint, AParent lcl.IWinControl) (result types.TPoint)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ClientToScreen(Point types.TPoint) (result types.TPoint)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ClientWidth() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Color() types.TColor
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ComponentCount() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ComponentIndex() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Components(Index int32) *lcl.TComponent
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Constraints() *lcl.TSizeConstraints
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ContainsControl(Control lcl.IControl) bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ControlAtPos(Pos types.TPoint, AllowDisabled bool, AllowWinControls bool, AllLevels bool) *lcl.TControl
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ControlCount() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ControlState() types.TControlState
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ControlStyle() types.TControlStyle
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Controls(Index int32) *lcl.TControl
- func (m *TBufferPanel) CreateIMEHandler()
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Cursor() types.TCursor
- func (m *TBufferPanel) DisableAlign()
- func (m *TBufferPanel) DockClientCount() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) DockClients(Index int32) *lcl.TControl
- func (m *TBufferPanel) DockSite() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) DoubleBuffered() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) DragCursor() types.TCursor
- func (m *TBufferPanel) DragKind() types.TDragKind
- func (m *TBufferPanel) DragMode() types.TDragMode
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Dragging() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) DrawOrigPopupBuffer(srcRect, dstRect types.TRect)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) EnableAlign()
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Enabled() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) EndBufferDraw()
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Equals(Obj lcl.IObject) bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) FindChildControl(ControlName string) *lcl.TControl
- func (m *TBufferPanel) FindComponent(AName string) *lcl.TComponent
- func (m *TBufferPanel) FixDesignFontsPPI(ADesignTimePPI int32)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Floating() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Focused() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Font() *lcl.TFont
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Free()
- func (m *TBufferPanel) FullRepaint() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) GetForcedDeviceScaleFactor() (result float32)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) GetHashCode() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) GetMustInitBuffer() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) GetNamePath() string
- func (m *TBufferPanel) GetTextBuf(Buffer *string, BufSize int32) (sLen int32)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) GetTextLen() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) GetTransparent() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Handle() types.HWND
- func (m *TBufferPanel) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) HasParent() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Height() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Hide()
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Hint() string
- func (m *TBufferPanel) InheritsFrom(AClass types.TClass) bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) InsertControl(AControl lcl.IControl)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *TBufferPanel) InstanceSize() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Invalidate()
- func (m *TBufferPanel) InvalidatePanel() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) IsValid() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Left() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) MouseInClient() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Name() string
- func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigBuffer() *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer
- func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigBufferHeight() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigBufferWidth() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigPopupBuffer() *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer
- func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigPopupBufferBits() unsafe.Pointer
- func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigPopupBufferHeight() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigPopupBufferWidth() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigPopupScanlineSize() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Owner() *lcl.TComponent
- func (m *TBufferPanel) PaintTo(DC types.HDC, X int32, Y int32)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Parent() *lcl.TWinControl
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentBackground() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentColor() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentFont() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentShowHint() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentToClient(Point types.TPoint, AParent lcl.IWinControl) (result types.TPoint)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentWindow() types.HWND
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
- func (m *TBufferPanel) PopupMenu() *lcl.TPopupMenu
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Realign()
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Refresh()
- func (m *TBufferPanel) RemoveControl(AControl lcl.IControl)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Repaint()
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SaveToFile(fileName string) bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Scale96ToFont(ASize int32) int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Scale96ToForm(ASize int32) int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Scale96ToScreen(ASize int32) int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleDesignToForm(ASize int32) int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleFontTo96(ASize int32) int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleFontToScreen(ASize int32) int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleFontsPPI(AToPPI int32, AProportion float64)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleFormTo96(ASize int32) int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleFormToDesign(ASize int32) int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleScreenTo96(ASize int32) int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleScreenToFont(ASize int32) int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ScanlineSize() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ScreenScale() (result float32)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ScreenToClient(Point types.TPoint) (result types.TPoint)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ScrollBy(DeltaX int32, DeltaY int32)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SendToBack()
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAction(value lcl.IComponent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAlign(value types.TAlign)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAlignment(value types.TAlignment)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAnchorSideBottom(value *lcl.TAnchorSide)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAnchorSideLeft(value *lcl.TAnchorSide)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAnchorSideRight(value *lcl.TAnchorSide)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAnchorSideTop(value *lcl.TAnchorSide)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAnchors(value types.TAnchors)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAutoSize(value bool)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBevelInner(value types.TBevelCut)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBevelOuter(value types.TBevelCut)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBiDiMode(value types.TBiDiMode)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBorderSpacing(value *lcl.TControlBorderSpacing)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBorderStyle(value types.TBorderStyle)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBorderWidth(value int32)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBoundsRect(value types.TRect)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetCanvas(value *lcl.TCanvas)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetCaption(value string)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetChildSizing(value *lcl.TControlChildSizing)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetClientHeight(value int32)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetClientWidth(value int32)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetColor(value types.TColor)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetConstraints(value *lcl.TSizeConstraints)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetControlState(value types.TControlState)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetControlStyle(value types.TControlStyle)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetCursor(value types.TCursor)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetDockSite(value bool)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetDragCursor(value types.TCursor)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetDragKind(value types.TDragKind)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetDragMode(value types.TDragMode)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetFocus()
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetFont(value *lcl.TFont)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetForcedDeviceScaleFactor(value float32)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetFullRepaint(value bool)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetHint(value string)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetMustInitBuffer(value bool)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetName(value string)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnAlignPosition(fn lcl.TAlignPositionEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnClick(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnContextPopup(fn lcl.TContextPopupEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnDblClick(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnDockDrop(fn lcl.TDockDropEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnDragDrop(fn lcl.TDragDropEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnDragOver(fn lcl.TDragOverEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnEndDock(fn lcl.TEndDragEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnEndDrag(fn lcl.TEndDragEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnEnter(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnExit(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnGetSiteInfo(fn lcl.TGetSiteInfoEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnKeyPress(fn lcl.TKeyPressEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseDown(fn lcl.TMouseEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseEnter(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseLeave(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseMove(fn lcl.TMouseMoveEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseUp(fn lcl.TMouseEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseWheel(fn lcl.TMouseWheelEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnOnKeyDown(fn lcl.TKeyEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnOnKeyUp(fn lcl.TKeyEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnPaint(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnPaintParentBkg(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnResize(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnStartDock(fn lcl.TStartDockEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnUTF8KeyPress(fn lcl.TUTF8KeyPressEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnUnDock(fn lcl.TUnDockEvent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParent(value lcl.IWinControl)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParentBackground(value bool)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParentColor(value bool)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParentFont(value bool)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParentWindow(value types.HWND)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetPopupMenu(value lcl.IComponent)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetShowHint(value bool)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetTabOrder(value types.TTabOrder)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetTabStop(value bool)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetTag(value int)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetTextBuf(Buffer string)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetTop(value int32)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetTransparent(value bool)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetUseDockManager(value bool)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Show()
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ShowHint() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Showing() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) TabOrder() types.TTabOrder
- func (m *TBufferPanel) TabStop() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Tag() int
- func (m *TBufferPanel) ToString() string
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Top() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Update()
- func (m *TBufferPanel) UpdateBufferDimensions(width, height int32) bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) UpdateDeviceScaleFactor()
- func (m *TBufferPanel) UpdateOrigBufferDimensions(width, height int32) bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) UpdateOrigPopupBufferDimensions(width, height int32) bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) UseDockManager() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Visible() bool
- func (m *TBufferPanel) VisibleDockClientCount() int32
- func (m *TBufferPanel) Width() int32
- type TCEFApplication
- func (m *TCEFApplication) AcceptLanguageList() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) AddCrDelegate()
- func (m *TCEFApplication) AddCustomCommandLine(commandLine, value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) AllowFileAccessFromFiles() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) AllowInsecureLocalhost() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) AllowRunningInsecureContent() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) AllowUniversalAccessFromFileUrls() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ApiHashCommit() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ApiHashPlatform() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ApiHashUniversal() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) AutoAcceptCamAndMicCapture() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) AutoplayPolicy() TCefAutoplayPolicy
- func (m *TCEFApplication) AvailableSystemMemory() uint64
- func (m *TCEFApplication) BackgroundColor() types.TCefColor
- func (m *TCEFApplication) BlinkSettings() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) BrowserSubprocessPath() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) Cache() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) CheckCEFFiles() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ChildProcessesCount() int32
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ChromeBuild() uint16
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ChromeElfPath() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ChromeMajorVer() uint16
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ChromeMinorVer() uint16
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ChromePolicyId() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ChromeRelease() uint16
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ChromeRuntime() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ChromeVersion() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) CommandLineArgsDisabled() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) CookieableSchemesList() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DefaultEncoding() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DeleteCache() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DeleteCookies() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) Destroy()
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DevToolsProtocolLogFile() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DeviceScaleFactor() (result float32)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableBackForwardCache() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableBackgroundNetworking() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableBlinkFeatures() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableChromeLoginPrompt() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableComponentUpdate() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableExtensions() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableFeatures() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableImageLoading() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableJavascript() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableJavascriptAccessClipboard() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableJavascriptCloseWindows() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableJavascriptDomPaste() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableNewBrowserInfoTimeout() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisablePDFExtension() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisablePopupBlocking() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableReadingFromCanvas() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableRequestHandlingForTesting() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableSafeBrowsing() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableSiteIsolationTrials() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableSpellChecking() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableTabToLinks() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableTextAreaResize() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableWebSecurity() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableZygote() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) DoMessageLoopWork()
- func (m *TCEFApplication) EnableBlinkFeatures() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) EnableFeatures() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) EnableGPU() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) EnableHighDPISupport() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) EnableMediaStream() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) EnablePrintPreview() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) EnableProfanityFilter() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) EnableSpeechInput() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) EnableUsermediaScreenCapturing() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ExternalMessagePump() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) FastUnload() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ForceFieldTrialParams() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ForceFieldTrials() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ForcedDeviceScaleFactor() (result float32)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) FrameworkDirPath() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) Free()
- func (m *TCEFApplication) GlobalContextInitialized() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) HyperlinkAuditing() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) IgnoreCertificateErrors() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ImageShrinkStandaloneToFit() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *TCEFApplication) IsMessageLoop() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) IsNotSpecVer() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) IsSpecVer106() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) IsSpecVer109() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) IsSpecVer49() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) IsSpecVer87() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) IsUICocoa() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) IsUIGtk2() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) IsUIGtk3() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) IsUIWin32() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) JavaScriptFlags() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) KioskPrinting() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) LastErrorMessage() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) LibCefPath() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) LibCefVersion() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) LibLoaded() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) LibVersion() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) Locale() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) LocalesDirPath() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) LocalesRequired() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) LogFile() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) LogItems() TCefLogItems
- func (m *TCEFApplication) LogProcessInfo() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) LogSeverity() LogSeverity
- func (m *TCEFApplication) MainBundlePath() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) MetricsRecordingOnly() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) MissingBinariesException() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) MissingLibFiles() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) MultiThreadedMessageLoop() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) MustCreateBrowserProcessHandler() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) MustCreateLoadHandler() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) MustCreateRenderProcessHandler() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) MustCreateResourceBundleHandler() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) MustFreeLibrary() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) MuteAudio() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) NetLogCaptureMode() TCefNetLogCaptureMode
- func (m *TCEFApplication) NetLogEnabled() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) NetLogFile() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) NoSandbox() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) OverrideSpellCheckLang() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) PackLoadingDisabled() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) PersistSessionCookies() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) PersistUserPreferences() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ProcessType() TCefProcessType
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ProcessTypeValue() (processTypeValue TCefProcessTypeValue)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) QuitMessageLoop()
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ReRaiseExceptions() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) RemoteAllowOrigins() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) RemoteDebuggingPort() int32
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ResourcesDirPath() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) RootCache() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) RunMessageLoop()
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetAcceptLanguageList(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetAllowFileAccessFromFiles(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetAllowInsecureLocalhost(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetAllowRunningInsecureContent(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetAllowUniversalAccessFromFileUrls(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetAutoAcceptCamAndMicCapture(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetAutoplayPolicy(value TCefAutoplayPolicy)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetBackgroundColor(value types.TCefColor)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetBlinkSettings(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetBrowserSubprocessPath(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetCache(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetCheckCEFFiles(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetChromePolicyId(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetChromeRuntime(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetCommandLineArgsDisabled(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetCookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetCookieableSchemesList(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetCurrentDir() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDefaultEncoding(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDeleteCache(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDeleteCookies(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDevToolsProtocolLogFile(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableBackForwardCache(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableBackgroundNetworking(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableBlinkFeatures(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableChromeLoginPrompt(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableComponentUpdate(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableExtensions(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableFeatures(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableImageLoading(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableJavascript(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableJavascriptAccessClipboard(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableJavascriptCloseWindows(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableJavascriptDomPaste(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableNewBrowserInfoTimeout(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisablePDFExtension(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisablePopupBlocking(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableReadingFromCanvas(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableRequestHandlingForTesting(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableSafeBrowsing(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableSiteIsolationTrials(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableSpellChecking(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableTabToLinks(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableTextAreaResize(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableWebSecurity(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableZygote(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetEnableBlinkFeatures(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetEnableFeatures(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetEnableGPU(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetEnableHighDPISupport(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetEnableMediaStream(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetEnablePrintPreview(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetEnableProfanityFilter(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetEnableSpeechInput(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetEnableUsermediaScreenCapturing(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetExternalMessagePump(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetFastUnload(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetForceFieldTrialParams(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetForceFieldTrials(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetForcedDeviceScaleFactor(value float32)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetFrameworkDirPath(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetHyperlinkAuditing(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetIgnoreCertificateErrors(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetImageShrinkStandaloneToFit(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetJavaScriptFlags(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetKioskPrinting(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetLocale(value LANGUAGE)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetLocalesDirPath(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetLocalesRequired(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetLogFile(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetLogItems(value TCefLogItems)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetLogProcessInfo(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetLogSeverity(value LogSeverity)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetMainBundlePath(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetMetricsRecordingOnly(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetMissingBinariesException(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetMultiThreadedMessageLoop(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetMustCreateBrowserProcessHandler(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetMustCreateLoadHandler(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetMustCreateRenderProcessHandler(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetMustCreateResourceBundleHandler(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetMustFreeLibrary(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetMuteAudio(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetNetLogCaptureMode(value TCefNetLogCaptureMode)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetNetLogEnabled(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetNetLogFile(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetNoSandbox(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetObjectRootName(name string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnBeforeChildProcessLaunch(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnBeforeChildProcessLaunch)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnBrowserCreated(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnBrowserCreated)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnBrowserDestroyed(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnBrowserDestroyed)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnContextCreated(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnContextCreated)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnContextInitialized(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnContextInitialized)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnContextReleased(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnContextReleased)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnFocusedNodeChanged(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnFocusedNodeChanged)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnGetDataResource(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnGetDataResource)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnGetDataResourceForScale(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnGetDataResourceForScale)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnGetDefaultClient(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnGetDefaultClient)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnGetLocalizedString(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnGetLocalizedString)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnProcessMessageReceived(fn RenderProcessMessageReceived)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnRegCustomSchemes(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnRegCustomSchemes)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnRegisterCustomPreferences(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnRegisterCustomPreferences)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnRenderLoadEnd(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnRenderLoadEnd)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnRenderLoadError(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnRenderLoadError)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnRenderLoadStart(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnRenderLoadStart)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnRenderLoadingStateChange(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnRenderLoadingStateChange)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnScheduleMessagePumpWork(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnScheduleMessagePumpWork)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnUncaughtException(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnUncaughtException)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnWebKitInitialized(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnWebKitInitialized)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOverrideSpellCheckLang(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetPackLoadingDisabled(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetPersistSessionCookies(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetPersistUserPreferences(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetReRaiseExceptions(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetRemoteAllowOrigins(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetRemoteDebuggingPort(value int32)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetResourcesDirPath(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetRootCache(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetSetCurrentDir(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetShowMessageDlg(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetSingleProcess(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetSitePerProcess(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetSmoothScrolling(value TCefState)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetTouchEvents(value TCefState)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetTreatInsecureOriginAsSecure(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetUIColorMode(value TCefUIColorMode)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetUncaughtExceptionStackSize(value int32)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetUseFakeUIForMediaStream(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetUseMockKeyChain(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetUserAgent(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetUserAgentProduct(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetUserDataPath(value string)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SetWindowlessRenderingEnabled(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) ShowMessageDlg() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SingleProcess() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SitePerProcess() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SmoothScrolling() TCefState
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SpecificVersion() SpecificVersion
- func (m *TCEFApplication) StartMainProcess() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) StartSubProcess() (result bool)
- func (m *TCEFApplication) Status() TCefApplicationStatus
- func (m *TCEFApplication) StopScheduler()
- func (m *TCEFApplication) SystemMemoryLoad() types.Cardinal
- func (m *TCEFApplication) TotalSystemMemory() uint64
- func (m *TCEFApplication) TouchEvents() TCefState
- func (m *TCEFApplication) TreatInsecureOriginAsSecure() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) UIColorMode() TCefUIColorMode
- func (m *TCEFApplication) UncaughtExceptionStackSize() int32
- func (m *TCEFApplication) UpdateDeviceScaleFactor()
- func (m *TCEFApplication) UseFakeUIForMediaStream() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) UseMockKeyChain() bool
- func (m *TCEFApplication) UsedMemory() uint64
- func (m *TCEFApplication) UserAgent() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) UserAgentProduct() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) UserDataPath() string
- func (m *TCEFApplication) WindowlessRenderingEnabled() bool
- type TCEFBitmapBitBuffer
- func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) BufferBits() uintptr
- func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) BufferLength() int32
- func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) BufferScanlineSize() int32
- func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) Empty() bool
- func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) Free()
- func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) Height() int32
- func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) IsValid() bool
- func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) Scanline(i int32) uintptr
- func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) ScanlineSize() int32
- func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) UpdateSize(width, height int32)
- func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) Width() int32
- type TCEFBrowserViewComponent
- func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) Browser() *ICefBrowser
- func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) BrowserView() *ICefBrowserView
- func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) CreateBrowserView(client *ICefClient, url string, ...)
- func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) Free()
- func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) GetForBrowser(browser *ICefBrowser)
- func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) IsValid() bool
- func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) RequestFocus()
- func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnBrowserCreated(fn BrowserViewComponentOnBrowserCreated)
- func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnBrowserDestroyed(fn BrowserViewComponentOnBrowserDestroyed)
- func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnGestureCommand(fn BrowserViewComponentOnGestureCommand)
- func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnGetChromeToolbarType(fn BrowserViewComponentOnGetChromeToolbarType)
- func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnGetDelegateForPopupBrowserView(fn BrowserViewComponentOnGetDelegateForPopupBrowserView)
- func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnPopupBrowserViewCreated(fn BrowserViewComponentOnPopupBrowserViewCreated)
- func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnUseFramelessWindowForPictureInPicture(fn BrowserViewComponentOnUseFramelessWindowForPictureInPicture)
- func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetPreferAccelerators(preferAccelerators bool)
- type TCEFButtonComponent
- func (m *TCEFButtonComponent) AsLabelButton() *ICefLabelButton
- func (m *TCEFButtonComponent) GetState() consts.TCefButtonState
- func (m *TCEFButtonComponent) SetAccessibleName(name string)
- func (m *TCEFButtonComponent) SetInkDropEnabled(enabled bool)
- func (m *TCEFButtonComponent) SetOnButtonPressed(fn onButtonPressed)
- func (m *TCEFButtonComponent) SetOnButtonStateChanged(fn onButtonStateChanged)
- func (m *TCEFButtonComponent) SetState(state consts.TCefButtonState)
- func (m *TCEFButtonComponent) SetTooltipText(tooltipText string)
- type TCEFChromium
- func (m *TCEFChromium) AcceptCookies() TCefCookiePref
- func (m *TCEFChromium) AcceptLanguageList() string
- func (m *TCEFChromium) AllowOutdatedPlugins() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) AlwaysAuthorizePlugins() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) AlwaysOpenPDFExternally() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) AudioMuted() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) BatterySaverModeState() TCefBatterySaverModeState
- func (m *TCEFChromium) Block3rdPartyCookies() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) Browser() *ICefBrowser
- func (m *TCEFChromium) BrowserById(id int32) *ICefBrowser
- func (m *TCEFChromium) BrowserCount() int32
- func (m *TCEFChromium) BrowserHandle() types.HWND
- func (m *TCEFChromium) BrowserId() int32
- func (m *TCEFChromium) BrowserIdByIndex(index int32) int32
- func (m *TCEFChromium) BrowserZoom(zoom ZOOM)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) CanDecZoom()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) CanIncZoom()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) CanResetZoom()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ClassName() string
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ClassType() types.TClass
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ClearCache()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ClearDataForOrigin(origin string, storageTypes ...TCefClearDataStorageTypes)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) Client() *ICefClient
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ClipboardCopy()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ClipboardCut()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ClipboardDel()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ClipboardPaste()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ClipboardRedo()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ClipboardUndo()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) CloseAllBrowsers()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) CloseAllConnections(closeImmediately bool) bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) CloseBrowser(forceClose bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) CloseDevTools(window ICEFWindowParent)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) Config() *TCefChromiumConfig
- func (m *TCEFChromium) CreateBrowser(window ICEFWindowParent, windowName string, context *ICefRequestContext, ...) bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) CreateBrowserByBrowserViewComponent(homePage string, browserViewComponent *TCEFBrowserViewComponent, ...) bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) CreateClientHandler(alsOSR bool) (*ICefClient, bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) CustomHeader() *TCustomHeader
- func (m *TCEFChromium) DecZoomCommand()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) DecZoomPct()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) DecZoomStep()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) DefaultEncoding() string
- func (m *TCEFChromium) DefaultWindowInfoExStyle() types.DWORD
- func (m *TCEFChromium) DefaultZoomLevel() (result float64)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) DeleteCookies(url, cookieName string, deleteImmediately bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) DoNotTrack() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) DownloadImage(imageUrl string, isFavicon bool, maxImageSize int32, bypassCache bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) DragOperations() TCefDragOperations
- func (m *TCEFChromium) EmitRender(messageId int32, eventName string, target target.ITarget, data ...interface{}) bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) Equals(object lcl.IObject) bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ExecuteDevToolsMethod(messageId int32, method string, dictionaryValue *ICefDictionaryValue)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ExecuteJavaScript(code, scriptURL string, startLine int32)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ExitFullscreen(willCauseResize bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) FlushCookieStore(flushImmediately bool) bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) FrameCount() uint32
- func (m *TCEFChromium) FrameIsFocused() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) Free()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) Fullscreen() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) GoBack()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) GoForward()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) HasDevTools() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) HashCode() int32
- func (m *TCEFChromium) HighEfficiencyMode() TCefState
- func (m *TCEFChromium) IMECancelComposition()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) IMECommitText(text string, replacementRange *TCefRange, relativeCursorPos int32)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) IMEFinishComposingText(keepSelection bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) IMESetComposition(text string, underlines []*TCefCompositionUnderline, ...)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) IncZoomCommand()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) IncZoomPct()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) IncZoomStep()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) InheritsFrom(class types.TClass) bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) InitializeDragAndDrop(dropTargetCtrl lcl.IWinControl)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) Initialized() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *TCEFChromium) InstanceSize() int32
- func (m *TCEFChromium) Invalidate(type_ TCefPaintElementType)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) IsSameBrowser(browser *ICefBrowser) bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) IsValid() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) JavascriptEnabled() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) LoadHtml(html string)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) LoadImagesAutomatically() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) LoadUrl(url string)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) NotifyScreenInfoChanged()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) Offline() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) Options() IChromiumOptions
- func (m *TCEFChromium) Print()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) PrintToPDF(saveFilePath string)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) PrintingEnabled() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) QuicAllowed() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ReadZoom()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) Reload()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ReloadIgnoreCache()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) RenderHandle() types.HWND
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ResetZoomCommand()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ResetZoomLevel()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ResetZoomPct()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ResetZoomStep()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ResolveHost(url string)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) RetrieveHTMLByFrame(frame *ICefFrame)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) RetrieveHTMLByFrameIdentifier(frameIdentifier int64)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) RetrieveHTMLByFrameName(frameName string)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) RetrieveTextByFrame(frame *ICefFrame)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) RetrieveTextByFrameIdentifier(frameIdentifier int64)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) RetrieveTextByFrameName(frameName string)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SafeSearch() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SelectAll()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SendCaptureLostEvent()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SendExternalBeginFrame()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SendKeyEvent(event *TCefKeyEvent)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SendMouseClickEvent(event *TCefMouseEvent, type_ TCefMouseButtonType, mouseUp bool, ...)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SendMouseMoveEvent(event *TCefMouseEvent, mouseLeave bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SendMouseWheelEvent(event *TCefMouseEvent, deltaX, deltaY int32)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SendProcessMessage(targetProcess CefProcessId, message *ICefProcessMessage)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SendProcessMessageForJSONBytes(name string, targetProcess CefProcessId, data []byte)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SendProcessMessageForV8Value(messageName string, targetProcess CefProcessId, arguments *ICefV8Value)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SendReferrer() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SendTouchEvent(event *TCefTouchEvent)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetAcceptCookies(cp TCefCookiePref)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetAcceptLanguageList(languageList string)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetAllowOutdatedPlugins(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetAlwaysAuthorizePlugins(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetAlwaysOpenPDFExternally(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetAudioMuted(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetBatterySaverModeState(value TCefBatterySaverModeState)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetBlock3rdPartyCookies(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetCookie(url, name, value, domain, path string, secure, httponly, hasExpires bool, ...)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetCustomHeader(customHeader *TCustomHeader)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetDefaultEncoding(value string)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetDefaultURL(defaultURL string)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetDefaultWindowInfoExStyle(exStyle types.DWORD)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetDoNotTrack(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetDragOperations(value TCefDragOperations)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetEnableMultiBrowserMode(enableMultiBrowserMode bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetFocus(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetHighEfficiencyMode(value TCefState)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetJavascriptEnabled(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetLoadImagesAutomatically(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOffline(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnAcceleratedPaint(fn chromiumEventOnAcceleratedPaint)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnAddressChange(fn chromiumEventOnAddressChange)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnAfterCreated(fn chromiumEventOnAfterCreated)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnAllConnectionsClosed(fn chromiumEventOnAllConnectionsClosed)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnAudioStreamError(fn chromiumEventOnAudioStreamError)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnAudioStreamPacket(fn chromiumEventOnAudioStreamPacket)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnAudioStreamStarted(fn chromiumEventOnAudioStreamStarted)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnAudioStreamStopped(fn chromiumEventOnAudioStreamStopped)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnAutoResize(fn chromiumEventOnAutoResize)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforeBrowser(fn chromiumEventOnBeforeBrowser)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforeClose(fn chromiumEventOnBeforeClose)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforeContextMenu(fn chromiumEventOnBeforeContextMenu)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforeDownload(fn chromiumEventOnBeforeDownload)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforePopup(fn chromiumEventOnBeforePopup)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforeResourceLoad(fn chromiumEventOnBeforeResourceLoad)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforeUnloadDialog(fn chromiumEventOnBeforeUnloadDialog)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnBrowserCompMsg(fn chromiumEventOnCompMsg)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCanDownload(fn chromiumEventOnCanDownload)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCanSaveCookie(fn chromiumEventOnCanSaveCookie)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCanSendCookie(fn chromiumEventOnCanSendCookie)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCertificateError(fn chromiumEventOnCertificateError)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCertificateExceptionsCleared(fn chromiumEventOnCertificateExceptionsCleared)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnChromeCommand(fn chromiumEventOnChromeCommand)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnClose(fn chromiumEventOnClose)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnConsoleMessage(fn chromiumEventOnConsoleMessage)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnContextMenuCommand(fn chromiumEventOnContextMenuCommand)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnContextMenuDismissed(fn chromiumEventOnContextMenuDismissed)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCookieSet(fn chromiumEventOnCookieSet)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCookieVisitorDestroyed(fn chromiumEventOnCookieVisitorDestroyed)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCookiesDeleted(fn chromiumEventOnCookiesDeleted)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCookiesFlushed(fn chromiumEventOnCookiesFlushed)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCookiesVisited(fn chromiumEventOnCookiesVisited)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCursorChange(fn chromiumEventOnCursorChange)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsAgentAttached(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsAgentAttached)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsAgentDetached(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsAgentDetached)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsEvent(fn chromiumEventOnDevTools)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsMessage(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsMessage)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsMethodRawResult(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsMethodRawResult)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsMethodResult(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsMethodResult)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsRawEvent(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsRaw)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsRawMessage(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsRawMessage)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDialogClosed(fn chromiumEventOnDialogClosed)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDismissPermissionPrompt(fn chromiumEventOnDismissPermissionPrompt)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDocumentAvailableInMainFrame(fn chromiumEventOnDocumentAvailableInMainFrame)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDownloadImageFinished(fn chromiumEventOnDownloadImageFinished)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDownloadUpdated(fn chromiumEventOnDownloadUpdated)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDragEnter(fn chromiumEventOnDragEnter)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDraggableRegionsChanged(fn chromiumEventOnDraggableRegionsChanged)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnExecuteTaskOnCefThread(fn chromiumEventOnExecuteTaskOnCefThread)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionBeforeBackgroundBrowser(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionBeforeBackgroundBrowser)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionBeforeBrowser(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionBeforeBrowser)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionCanAccessBrowser(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionCanAccessBrowser)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionGetActiveBrowser(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionGetActiveBrowser)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionGetExtensionResource(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionGetExtensionResource)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionLoadFailed(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionLoadFailed)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionLoaded(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionLoaded)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionUnloaded(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionUnloaded)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnFavIconUrlChange(fn chromiumEventOnFavIconUrlChange)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnFileDialog(fn chromiumEventOnFileDialog)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnFindResult(fn chromiumEventOnFindResult)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnFrameAttached(fn chromiumEventOnFrameAttached)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnFrameCreated(fn chromiumEventOnFrameCreated)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnFrameDetached(fn chromiumEventOnFrameDetached)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnFullScreenModeChange(fn chromiumEventOnFullScreenModeChange)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetAccessibilityHandler(fn chromiumEventOnGetAccessibilityHandler)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetAudioParameters(fn chromiumEventOnGetAudioParameters)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetAuthCredentials(fn chromiumEventOnGetAuthCredentials)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetPDFPaperSize(fn chromiumEventOnGetPDFPaperSize)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetResourceHandler(fn chromiumEventOnGetResourceHandler)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetResourceRequestHandlerReqCtxHdlr(fn chromiumEventOnGetResourceRequestHandlerReqCtxHdlr)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetResourceRequestHandlerReqHdlr(fn chromiumEventOnGetResourceRequestHandlerReqHdlr)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetResourceResponseFilter(fn chromiumEventOnGetResourceResponseFilter)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetRootScreenRect(fn chromiumEventOnGetRootScreenRect)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetScreenInfo(fn chromiumEventOnGetScreenInfo)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetScreenPoint(fn chromiumEventOnGetScreenPoint)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetTouchHandleSize(fn chromiumEventOnGetTouchHandleSize)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetViewRect(fn chromiumEventOnGetViewRect)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGotFocus(fn chromiumEventOnGotFocus)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnHttpAuthCredentialsCleared(fn chromiumEventOnHttpAuthCredentialsCleared)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnIMECompositionRangeChanged(fn chromiumEventOnIMECompositionRangeChanged)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnIsChromeAppMenuItemEnabled(fn chromiumEventOnIsChromeAppMenuItemEnabled)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnIsChromeAppMenuItemVisible(fn chromiumEventOnIsChromeAppMenuItemVisible)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnIsChromePageActionIconVisible(fn chromiumEventOnIsChromePageActionIconVisible)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnIsChromeToolbarButtonVisible(fn chromiumEventOnIsChromeToolbarButtonVisible)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnJsDialog(fn chromiumEventOnJsDialog)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnKeyEvent(fn chromiumEventOnKey)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnLoadEnd(fn chromiumEventOnLoadEnd)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnLoadError(fn chromiumEventOnLoadError)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnLoadStart(fn chromiumEventOnLoadStart)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnLoadingProgressChange(fn chromiumEventOnLoadingProgressChange)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnLoadingStateChange(fn chromiumEventOnLoadingStateChange)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnMainFrameChanged(fn chromiumEventOnMainFrameChanged)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnMediaAccessChange(fn chromiumEventOnMediaAccessChange)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnMediaRouteCreateFinished(fn chromiumEventOnMediaRouteCreateFinished)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnMediaSinkDeviceInfo(fn chromiumEventOnMediaSinkDeviceInfo)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnNavigationVisitorResultAvailable(fn chromiumEventOnNavigationVisitorResultAvailable)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnOpenUrlFromTab(fn chromiumEventOnOpenUrlFromTab)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPaint(fn chromiumEventOnPaint)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPdfPrintFinished(fn chromiumEventOnPdfPrintFinished)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPopupShow(fn chromiumEventOnPopupShow)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPopupSize(fn chromiumEventOnPopupSize)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPreKeyEvent(fn chromiumEventOnPreKey)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPrefsAvailable(fn chromiumEventOnPrefsAvailable)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPrefsUpdated(fn chromiumEventOnPrefsUpdated)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPrintDialog(fn chromiumEventOnPrintDialog)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPrintJob(fn chromiumEventOnPrintJob)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPrintReset(fn chromiumEventOnPrintReset)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPrintSettings(fn chromiumEventOnPrintSettings)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPrintStart(fn chromiumEventOnPrintStart)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnProcessMessageReceived(fn BrowseProcessMessageReceived)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnProtocolExecution(fn chromiumEventOnProtocolExecution)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnQuickMenuCommand(fn chromiumEventOnQuickMenuCommand)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnQuickMenuDismissed(fn chromiumEventOnQuickMenuDismissed)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnRenderCompMsg(fn chromiumEventOnCompMsg)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnRenderProcessTerminated(fn chromiumEventOnRenderProcessTerminated)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnRenderViewReady(fn chromiumEventOnRenderViewReady)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnRequestContextInitialized(fn chromiumEventOnRequestContextInitialized)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnRequestMediaAccessPermission(fn chromiumEventOnRequestMediaAccessPermission)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnResetDialogState(fn chromiumEventOnResetDialogState)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnResolvedHostAvailable(fn chromiumEventOnResolvedHostAvailable)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnResourceLoadComplete(fn chromiumEventOnResourceLoadComplete)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnResourceRedirect(fn chromiumEventOnResourceRedirect)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnResourceResponse(fn chromiumEventOnResourceResponse)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnRouteMessageReceived(fn chromiumEventOnRouteMessageReceived)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnRouteStateChanged(fn chromiumEventOnRouteStateChanged)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnRoutes(fn chromiumEventOnRoutes)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnRunContextMenu(fn chromiumEventOnRunContextMenu)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnRunQuickMenu(fn chromiumEventOnRunQuickMenu)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnScrollOffsetChanged(fn chromiumEventOnScrollOffsetChanged)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnSelectClientCertificate(fn chromiumEventOnSelectClientCertificate)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnSetFocus(fn chromiumEventOnSetFocus)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnShowPermissionPrompt(fn chromiumEventOnShowPermissionPrompt)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnSinks(fn chromiumEventOnSinks)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnStartDragging(fn chromiumEventOnStartDragging)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnStatusMessage(fn chromiumEventOnStatusMessage)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnTakeFocus(fn chromiumEventOnTakeFocus)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnTextResultAvailable(fn chromiumEventOnTextResultAvailable)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnTextSelectionChanged(fn chromiumEventOnTextSelectionChanged)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnTitleChange(fn chromiumEventOnTitleChange)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnTooltip(fn chromiumEventOnTooltip)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnTouchHandleStateChanged(fn chromiumEventOnTouchHandleStateChanged)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnUpdateDragCursor(fn chromiumEventOnUpdateDragCursor)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnVirtualKeyboardRequested(fn chromiumEventOnVirtualKeyboardRequested)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnWidgetCompMsg(fn chromiumEventOnCompMsg)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnZoomPctAvailable(fn chromiumEventOnResultFloat)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetPrintingEnabled(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetProxy(cefProxy *TCefProxy)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetQuicAllowed(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetSafeSearch(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetSendReferrer(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetSpellCheckerDicts(value string)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetSpellChecking(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetUserAgentOverride(userAgent, acceptLanguage, platform string)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy(value TCefWebRTCHandlingPolicy)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetWebRTCMultipleRoutes(value TCefState)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetWebRTCNonproxiedUDP(value TCefState)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetYouTubeRestrict(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetZoomLevel(value float64)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetZoomPct(value float64)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SetZoomStep(value int8)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ShowDevTools(window ICEFWindowParent)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SimulateMouseWheel(deltaX, deltaY int32)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SpellCheckerDicts() string
- func (m *TCEFChromium) SpellChecking() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) StartDownload(url string)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) StopLoad()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ToString() string
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ToggleAudioMuted()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) TryCloseBrowser() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) UnsafeAddr() unsafe.Pointer
- func (m *TCEFChromium) UpdatePreferences()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) VisitAllCookies(id int32)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) VisitURLCookies(url string, includeHttpOnly bool, id int32)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) WasHidden(hidden bool)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) WasResized()
- func (m *TCEFChromium) WebRTCIPHandlingPolicy() TCefWebRTCHandlingPolicy
- func (m *TCEFChromium) WebRTCMultipleRoutes() TCefState
- func (m *TCEFChromium) WebRTCNonproxiedUDP() TCefState
- func (m *TCEFChromium) WidgetHandle() types.HWND
- func (m *TCEFChromium) YouTubeRestrict() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ZoomLevel() (result float64)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ZoomPct() (result float64)
- func (m *TCEFChromium) ZoomStep() int8
- type TCEFChromiumBrowser
- func (m *TCEFChromiumBrowser) Chromium() IChromium
- func (m *TCEFChromiumBrowser) CreateBrowser()
- func (m *TCEFChromiumBrowser) IsCreated() bool
- func (m *TCEFChromiumBrowser) SetCreateBrowserExtraInfo(windowName string, context *ICefRequestContext, extraInfo *ICefDictionaryValue)
- func (m *TCEFChromiumBrowser) WindowParent() ICEFWindowParent
- type TCEFLabelButtonComponent
- func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) AsMenuButton() *ICefMenuButton
- func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) CreateLabelButton(text string)
- func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) GetImage(buttonState consts.TCefButtonState) *ICefImage
- func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) GetText() string
- func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetEnabledTextColors(color types.TCefColor)
- func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetFontList(fontList string)
- func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetHorizontalAlignment(alignment consts.TCefHorizontalAlignment)
- func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetImage(buttonState consts.TCefButtonState, image *ICefImage)
- func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetMaximumSize(size *TCefSize)
- func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetMinimumSize(size *TCefSize)
- func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetText(text string)
- func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetTextColor(forState consts.TCefButtonState, color types.TCefColor)
- type TCEFLinkedWindowParent
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Align() types.TAlign
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Anchors() types.TAnchors
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) BoundsRect() (result types.TRect)
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) CanFocus() bool
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) CreateHandle()
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) DefaultAnchors()
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) DestroyChildWindow() bool
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Enabled() bool
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Free()
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Handle() types.HWND
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) HandleAllocated() bool
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Height() int32
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Left() int32
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Name() string
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Repaint()
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) RevertCustomAnchors()
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetAlign(value types.TAlign)
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetAnchors(value types.TAnchors)
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetBoundsRect(value types.TRect)
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetChromium(chromium IChromium, tag int32)
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetEnabled(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetFocus()
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetLeft(value int32)
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetName(value string)
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetOnEnter(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetOnExit(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetParent(value lcl.IWinControl)
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetTag(tag int)
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetTop(value int32)
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetVisible(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Tag() int
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Top() int32
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Type() consts.TCefWindowHandleType
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) UpdateSize()
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Visible() bool
- func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Width() int32
- type TCEFMenuButtonComponent
- type TCEFPanelComponent
- func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) AddChildView(view *ICefView)
- func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) AddChildViewAt(view *ICefView, index int32)
- func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) AsWindow() *ICefWindow
- func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) CreatePanel()
- func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) GetChildViewAt(index int32) *ICefView
- func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) GetChildViewCount() uint32
- func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) GetLayout() *ICefLayout
- func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) Layout()
- func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) RemoveAllChildViews()
- func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) RemoveChildView(view *ICefView)
- func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) ReorderChildView(view *ICefView, index int32)
- func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) SetToBoxLayout(settings TCefBoxLayoutSettings) *ICefBoxLayout
- func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) SetToFillLayout() *ICefFillLayout
- type TCEFScrollViewComponent
- func (m *TCEFScrollViewComponent) CreateScrollView()
- func (m *TCEFScrollViewComponent) GetContentView() *ICefView
- func (m *TCEFScrollViewComponent) HasHorizontalScrollbar() bool
- func (m *TCEFScrollViewComponent) HasVerticalScrollbar() bool
- func (m *TCEFScrollViewComponent) HorizontalScrollbarHeight() int32
- func (m *TCEFScrollViewComponent) SetContentView(view *ICefView)
- func (m *TCEFScrollViewComponent) VerticalScrollbarWidth() int32
- func (m *TCEFScrollViewComponent) VisibleContentRect() (result TCefRect)
- type TCEFTextFieldComponent
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) AppendText(text string)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) ApplyTextColor(color types.TCefColor, range_ TCefRange)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) ApplyTextStyle(style consts.TCefTextStyle, add bool, range_ TCefRange)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) ClearEditHistory()
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) ClearSelection()
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) CreateTextField()
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) CursorPosition() uint32
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) ExecuteCommand(commandId consts.TCefTextFieldCommands)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetPlaceholderText() string
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetSelectRange() (result TCefRange)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetSelectedText() string
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetSelectionBackgroundColor() (color types.TCefColor)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetSelectionTextColor() (color types.TCefColor)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetText() string
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetTextColor() (color types.TCefColor)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) HasSelection() bool
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) InsertOrReplaceText(text string)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) IsCommandEnabled(commandId consts.TCefTextFieldCommands) bool
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) IsPasswordInput() bool
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) IsReadOnly() bool
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SelectAll(reversed bool)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SelectRange(range_ TCefRange)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetAccessibleName(name string)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetFontList(fontList string)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetOnAfterUserAction(fn onAfterUserAction)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetOnTextFieldKeyEvent(fn onTextFieldKeyEvent)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetPasswordInput(passwordInput bool)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetPlaceholderText(text string)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetPlaceholderTextColor(color types.TCefColor)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetReadOnly(readOnly bool)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetSelectRange(range_ TCefRange)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetSelectionBackgroundColor(color types.TCefColor)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetSelectionTextColor(color types.TCefColor)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetText(text string)
- func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetTextColor(color types.TCefColor)
- type TCEFViewComponent
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) ConvertPointFromScreen(point *TCefPoint) bool
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) ConvertPointFromView(view *ICefView, point *TCefPoint) bool
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) ConvertPointFromWindow(point *TCefPoint) bool
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) ConvertPointToScreen(point *TCefPoint) bool
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) ConvertPointToView(view *ICefView, point *TCefPoint) bool
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) ConvertPointToWindow(point *TCefPoint) bool
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) Free()
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetAccessibilityFocusable() bool
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetAsBrowserView() (result ICefBrowserView)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetAsButton() (result ICefButton)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetAsPanel() (result ICefPanel)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetAsScrollView() (result ICefScrollView)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetAsTextfield() (result ICefTextfield)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetAsView() (result ICefView)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetAttached() bool
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetBackgroundColor() (result types.TCefColor)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetBounds() (result TCefRect)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetBoundsInScreen() (result TCefRect)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetDelegate() (result ICefViewDelegate)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetDrawn() bool
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetEnabled() bool
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetFocusable() bool
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetGroupID() int32
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetHeightForWidth(width int32) int32
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetID() int32
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetInitialized() bool
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetMaximumSize() (result TCefSize)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetMinimumSize() (result TCefSize)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetParentView() (result ICefView)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetPosition() (result TCefPoint)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetPreferredSize() (result TCefSize)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetSize() (result TCefSize)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetTypeString() string
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetViewForID(id int32) (result ICefView)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetVisible() bool
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetWindow() (result ICefWindow)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) InvalidateLayout()
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) IsSame(that *ICefView) bool
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) IsValid() bool
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) RequestFocus()
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetBackgroundColor(color types.TCefColor)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetBounds(bounds TCefRect)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetEnabled(enabled bool)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetFocusable(focusable bool)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetGroupID(groupId int32)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetID(id int32)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetOnBlur(fn onBlur)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetOnChildViewChanged(fn onChildViewChanged)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetOnFocus(fn onFocus)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetOnGetHeightForWidth(fn onGetHeightForWidth)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetOnGetMaximumSize(fn onGetMaximumSize)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetOnGetMinimumSize(fn onGetMinimumSize)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetOnGetPreferredSize(fn onGetPreferredSize)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetOnLayoutChanged(fn onLayoutChanged)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetOnParentViewChanged(fn onParentViewChanged)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetOnWindowChanged(fn onWindowChanged)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetPosition(position TCefPoint)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetSize(size TCefSize)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetVisible(visible bool)
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SizeToPreferredSize()
- func (m *TCEFViewComponent) ToStringEx(includeChildren bool) string
- type TCEFWindowComponent
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) Activate()
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) AddChildView(browserViewComponent *TCEFBrowserViewComponent)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) Bounds() (result *TCefRect)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) BringToTop()
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) CancelMenu()
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) CenterWindow(size *TCefSize)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) ClientAreaBoundsInScreen() (result TCefRect)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) Close()
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) CreateTopLevelWindow()
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) Deactivate()
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) Display() *ICefDisplay
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) Hide()
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) IsActive() bool
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) IsAlwaysOnTop() bool
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) IsClosed() bool
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) IsFullscreen() bool
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) IsMaximized() bool
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) IsMinimized() bool
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) Maximize()
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) Minimize()
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) Position() (result *TCefPoint)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) RemoveAccelerator(commandId int32)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) RemoveAllAccelerators()
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) Restore()
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SendKeyPress(keyCode int32, eventFlags uint32)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SendMouseEvents(button consts.TCefMouseButtonType, mouseDown, mouseUp bool)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SendMouseMove(screenX, screenY int32)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetAccelerator(commandId, keyCode int32, shiftPressed, ctrlPressed, altPressed bool)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetAlwaysOnTop(onTop bool)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetBackgroundColor(rect types.TCefColor)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetBounds(rect *TCefRect)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetDraggableRegions(regions []TCefDraggableRegion)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetFullscreen(fullscreen bool)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnAccelerator(fn WindowComponentOnAccelerator)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnCanClose(fn WindowComponentOnCanClose)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnCanMaximize(fn WindowComponentOnCanMaximize)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnCanMinimize(fn WindowComponentOnCanMinimize)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnCanResize(fn WindowComponentOnCanResize)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnGetInitialBounds(fn WindowComponentOnGetInitialBounds)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnGetInitialShowState(fn WindowComponentOnGetInitialShowState)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnGetParentWindow(fn WindowComponentOnGetParentWindow)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnGetTitleBarHeight(fn WindowComponentOnGetTitleBarHeight)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnIsFrameless(fn WindowComponentOnIsFrameless)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnIsWindowModalDialog(fn WindowComponentOnIsWindowModalDialog)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnKeyEvent(fn WindowComponentOnKey)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnWindowActivationChanged(fn WindowComponentOnWindowActivationChanged)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnWindowCreated(fn WindowComponentOnWindowCreated)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnWindowDestroyed(fn WindowComponentOnWindowDestroyed)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnWindowFullscreenTransition(fn WindowComponentOnKey)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnWithStandardWindowButtons(fn WindowComponentOnWithStandardWindowButtons)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetPosition(point *TCefPoint)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetSize(size *TCefSize)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetTitle(title string)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetWindowAppIcon(icon *ICefImage)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetWindowAppIconByFSFile(scaleFactor float32, filename string) error
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetWindowAppIconByFile(scaleFactor float32, filename string) error
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetWindowIcon(icon *ICefImage)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetWindowIconByFSFile(scaleFactor float32, filename string) error
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetWindowIconByFile(scaleFactor float32, filename string) error
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) Show()
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) ShowAsBrowserModalDialog(browserView *ICefBrowserView)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) ShowMenu(menuModel *ICefMenuModel, point TCefPoint, ...)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) Size() (result *TCefSize)
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) Title() string
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) WindowAppIcon() *ICefImage
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) WindowHandle() consts.TCefWindowHandle
- func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) WindowIcon() *ICefImage
- type TCEFWorkScheduler
- func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) CreateThread()
- func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) Destroy()
- func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) GetDefaultInterval() int32
- func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) GetDepleteWorkCycles() uint32
- func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) GetDepleteWorkDelay() uint32
- func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) GetPriority() consts.TThreadPriority
- func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) GetUseQueueThread() bool
- func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) IsValid() bool
- func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) SetDefaultInterval(value int32)
- func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) SetDepleteWorkCycles(value uint32)
- func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) SetDepleteWorkDelay(value uint32)
- func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) SetPriority(value consts.TThreadPriority)
- func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) SetUseQueueThread(value bool)
- func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) StopScheduler()
- type TCefAudioParameters
- type TCefBaseRefCounted
- func (m *TCefBaseRefCounted) BaseRefCounted(instance uintptr) *TCefBaseRefCounted
- func (m *TCefBaseRefCounted) DestroyOtherRefs()
- func (m *TCefBaseRefCounted) Free(data uintptr)
- func (m *TCefBaseRefCounted) HasAtLeastOneRef() bool
- func (m *TCefBaseRefCounted) HasOneRef() bool
- func (m *TCefBaseRefCounted) Instance() uintptr
- func (m *TCefBaseRefCounted) IsValid() bool
- func (m *TCefBaseRefCounted) SameAs(data uintptr) bool
- func (m *TCefBaseRefCounted) Wrap(data uintptr) unsafe.Pointer
- type TCefBinaryValueArray
- type TCefBoxLayoutSettings
- type TCefBrowserSettings
- type TCefChromiumConfig
- func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) EnableDevTools() bool
- func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) EnableMenu() bool
- func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) EnableOpenUrlTab() bool
- func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) EnableViewSource() bool
- func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) EnableWindowPopup() bool
- func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) EnabledJavascript() bool
- func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) SetEnableDevTools(value bool) *TCefChromiumConfig
- func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) SetEnableMenu(value bool) *TCefChromiumConfig
- func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) SetEnableOpenUrlTab(value bool) *TCefChromiumConfig
- func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) SetEnableViewSource(value bool) *TCefChromiumConfig
- func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) SetEnableWindowPopup(value bool) *TCefChromiumConfig
- func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) SetEnabledJavascript(value bool) *TCefChromiumConfig
- type TCefCommandLine
- type TCefCompositionUnderline
- type TCefCompositionUnderlineArray
- type TCefCursorInfo
- type TCefDraggableRegion
- type TCefDraggableRegions
- type TCefInsets
- type TCefKeyEvent
- type TCefMediaRouteArray
- type TCefMediaSinkArray
- type TCefMouseEvent
- type TCefPoint
- type TCefPopupFeatures
- type TCefPostDataElementArray
- type TCefPreferenceRegistrarRef
- type TCefProxy
- type TCefRange
- type TCefRect
- type TCefRectArray
- type TCefRequestContextSettings
- type TCefResourceHandlerClass
- type TCefSchemeRegistrarRef
- type TCefScreenInfo
- type TCefSize
- type TCefTouchEvent
- type TCefTouchHandleState
- type TCefV8ValueArray
- type TCefWindowInfo
- type TCefX509CertificateArray
- type TChromiumOptions
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) AcceptLanguageList() types.String
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) BackgroundColor() types.TCefColor
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) ChromeStatusBubble() consts.TCefState
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) ChromeZoomBubble() consts.TCefState
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) Databases() consts.TCefState
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) ImageLoading() consts.TCefState
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) ImageShrinkStandaloneToFit() consts.TCefState
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) Javascript() consts.TCefState
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) JavascriptAccessClipboard() consts.TCefState
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) JavascriptCloseWindows() consts.TCefState
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) JavascriptDomPaste() consts.TCefState
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) LocalStorage() consts.TCefState
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetAcceptLanguageList(value types.String)
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetBackgroundColor(value types.TCefColor)
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetChromeStatusBubble(value consts.TCefState)
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetChromeZoomBubble(value consts.TCefState)
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetDatabases(value consts.TCefState)
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetImageLoading(value consts.TCefState)
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetImageShrinkStandaloneToFit(value consts.TCefState)
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetJavascript(value consts.TCefState)
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetJavascriptAccessClipboard(value consts.TCefState)
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetJavascriptCloseWindows(value consts.TCefState)
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetJavascriptDomPaste(value consts.TCefState)
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetLocalStorage(value consts.TCefState)
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetTabToLinks(value consts.TCefState)
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetTextAreaResize(value consts.TCefState)
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetWebgl(value consts.TCefState)
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetWindowlessFrameRate(value types.Integer)
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) TabToLinks() consts.TCefState
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) TextAreaResize() consts.TCefState
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) Webgl() consts.TCefState
- func (m *TChromiumOptions) WindowlessFrameRate() types.Integer
- type TCloseEvent
- type TCloseQueryEvent
- type TCustomExtensionHandler
- type TCustomHeader
- type TMouseEvent
- type TNotifyEvent
- type TRGBQuad
- type TString
- type TrayICONClick
- type V8AccessorGet
- type V8AccessorSet
- type V8ArrayBufferReleaseCallback
- type V8HandlerExecute
- type V8InterceptorGetByIndex
- type V8InterceptorGetByName
- type V8InterceptorSetByIndex
- type V8InterceptorSetByName
- type ViewsFrameTray
- type ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) AsLCLBrowserWindow() ILCLBrowserWindow
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) AsTargetWindow() target.IWindow
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) AsViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow() IViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Bounds() *TCefRect
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Browser() *ICefBrowser
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) BrowserViewComponent() *TCEFBrowserViewComponent
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) BrowserWindow() *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) CenterWindow(size *TCefSize)
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Chromium() IChromium
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Close()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) CloseBrowserWindow()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Component() lcl.IComponent
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) CreateTopLevelWindow()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Created() bool
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) DisableMaximize()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) DisableMinimize()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) DisableResize()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) EnableAllDefaultEvent()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) EnableMaximize()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) EnableMinimize()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) EnableResize()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) ExitFullScreen()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) FullScreen()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Handle() types.HWND
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Hide()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) HideTitle()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Id() int32
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) IsClosing() bool
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) IsFullScreen() bool
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) IsLCL() bool
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) IsViewsFramework() bool
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Maximize()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Minimize()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) NewCefTray(width, height int32, url string) ITray
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) NewSysTray() ITray
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Point() *TCefPoint
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) ProcessMessage() target.IProcessMessage
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) ResetWindowPropertyForEvent()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Restore()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) RunOnMainThread(fn func())
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Screen() IScreen
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetBounds(x, y, width, height int32)
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetCenterWindow(value bool)
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetCreateBrowserExtraInfo(_ string, context *ICefRequestContext, extraInfo *ICefDictionaryValue)
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetDefaultInTaskBar()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetHeight(value int32)
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetNotInTaskBar()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetOnCloseQuery(fn WindowComponentOnCanCloseEx)
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetOnGetInitialBounds(onGetInitialBounds WindowComponentOnGetInitialBounds)
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetOnWindowCreated(onWindowCreated WindowComponentOnWindowCreated)
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetPoint(x, y int32)
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetShowInTaskBar()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetSize(width, height int32)
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetTitle(title string)
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetWidth(value int32)
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetWindowType(windowType consts.WINDOW_TYPE)
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Show()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) ShowTitle()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Size() *TCefSize
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Target(targetType target.ITarget
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) TryCloseWindowAndTerminate()
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) WindowComponent() *TCEFWindowComponent
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) WindowProperty() *WindowProperty
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) WindowState() types.TWindowState
- func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) WindowType() consts.WINDOW_TYPE
- type WindowComponentOnAccelerator
- type WindowComponentOnCanClose
- type WindowComponentOnCanCloseEx
- type WindowComponentOnCanMaximize
- type WindowComponentOnCanMinimize
- type WindowComponentOnCanResize
- type WindowComponentOnGetInitialBounds
- type WindowComponentOnGetInitialShowState
- type WindowComponentOnGetParentWindow
- type WindowComponentOnGetTitleBarHeight
- type WindowComponentOnIsFrameless
- type WindowComponentOnIsWindowModalDialog
- type WindowComponentOnKey
- type WindowComponentOnWindowActivationChanged
- type WindowComponentOnWindowCreated
- type WindowComponentOnWindowDestroyed
- type WindowComponentOnWindowFullscreenTransition
- type WindowComponentOnWithStandardWindowButtons
- type WindowOnWindowBoundsChanged
- type WindowOnWindowClosing
- type WindowProperty
- type XHRProxy
- type XHRProxyResponse
- type XHRProxySSL
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var AccessibilityHandlerRef accessibilityHandler
AccessibilityHandlerRef -> ICefAccessibilityHandler
var AudioHandlerRef audioHandler
AudioHandlerRef -> ICefAudioHandler
var BinaryValueRef cefBinaryValue
BinaryValueRef -> ICefBinaryValue
var BoxLayoutRef boxLayout
BoxLayoutRef -> ICefBoxLayout
var BrowserRef browser
BrowserRef -> ICefBrowser
var BrowserViewComponentRef browserViewComponent
BrowserViewComponentRef -> TCEFBrowserViewComponent
var BrowserViewDelegateRef browserViewDelegate
BrowserViewDelegateRef -> ICefBrowserViewDelegate
var BrowserViewRef browserView
BrowserViewRef -> ICefBrowserView
var ( //BrowserWindow 是基于LCL和VF窗口组件的浏览器主窗口 // 可以对窗口的属性设置和事件监听,Chromium的配置和事件监听. // 该窗口是主窗体,因此初始化时必须第一个初始化完成 // VF 窗口组件默认在Linux平台 // LCL窗口组件默认在Windows、MacOSX平台 BrowserWindow = &browserWindow{ browserEvent: &BrowserEvent{}, Config: &browserConfig{ WindowProperty: NewWindowProperty(), }, windowInfo: make(map[int32]IBrowserWindow), } )
var ButtonComponentRef buttonComponent
ButtonComponentRef -> TCEFButtonComponent
var ButtonDelegateRef buttonDelegate
ButtonDelegateRef -> TCEFButtonDelegate
var CefClientRef cefClient
CefClientRef -> ICefClient
var CefWindowRef cefWindow
CefWindowRef -> ICefWindow
var CommandHandlerRef commandHandler
CommandHandlerRef -> ICefCommandHandler
var CommandLineRef commandLine
var CompletionCallbackRef completionCallback
CompletionCallbackRef -> ICefCompletionCallback
var ContextMenuHandlerRef contextMenuHandler
ContextMenuHandlerRef -> ICefContextMenuHandler
var CookieAccessFilterRef cookieAccessFilter
CookieAccessFilterRef -> ICefCookieAccessFilter
var CookieVisitorRef cookieVisitor
CookieVisitorRef -> ICefCookieVisitor
var DeleteCookiesHandlerRef deleteCookiesHandler
DeleteCookiesHandlerRef -> ICefDeleteCookiesCallback
var DialogHandlerRef dialogHandler
DialogHandlerRef -> ICefDialogHandler
var DictionaryValueRef cefDictionaryValue
DictionaryValueRef -> ICefDictionaryValue
var DisplayHandlerRef displayHandler
DisplayHandlerRef -> ICefDisplayHandler
var DisplayRef display
DisplayRef -> ICefDisplay
var DomVisitorRef domVisitor
DomVisitorRef -> ICefDomVisitor
var DownloadHandlerRef downloadHandler
DownloadHandlerRef -> ICefDownloadHandler
var DownloadImageCallbackRef downloadImageCallback
DownloadImageCallbackRef -> ICefDownloadImageCallback
var DownloadItemCallbackRef downloadItemCallback
DownloadItemCallbackRef => ICefDownloadItemCallback
var DownloadItemRef downloadItem
DownloadItemRef -> ICefDownloadItem
var DragHandlerRef dragHandler
DragHandlerRef -> ICefDragHandler
var ExtensionHandlerRef extensionHandler
ExtensionHandlerRef -> TCustomExtensionHandler
var FillLayoutRef fillLayout
FillLayoutRef -> ICefFillLayout
var FindHandlerRef findHandler
FindHandlerRef -> ICefFindHandler
var FocusHandlerRef focusHandler
FocusHandlerRef -> ICefFocusHandler
var FrameHandlerRef frameHandler
FrameHandlerRef -> ICefFrameHandler
var FrameRef frameRef
FrameRef -> *ICefFrame
var ImageRef image
ImageRef -> ICefImage
var JsDialogHandlerRef jsDialogHandler
JsDialogHandlerRef -> ICefJsDialogHandler
var KeyAccelerator = &keyEventAccelerator{ menuId: MENU_ID_USER_FIRST, commandItems: make(map[MenuId]*MenuItem), acceleratorItems: make(map[string]*MenuItem), acceleratorCustom: make(map[string]*AcceleratorCustom), }
KeyAccelerator 自定义实现快捷键
var KeyboardHandlerRef keyboardHandler
KeyboardHandlerRef -> ICefKeyboardHandler
var LabelButtonComponentRef labelButtonComponent
LabelButtonComponentRef -> TCEFLabelButtonComponent
var LabelButtonRef labelButton
LabelButtonRef -> ICefLabelButton
var LayoutRef layout
LayoutRef -> ICefLayout
var LifeSpanHandlerRef lifeSpanHandler
LifeSpanHandlerRef -> ICefLifeSpanHandler
var ListValueRef listValue
ListValueRef -> ICefListValue
var LoadHandlerRef loadHandler
LoadHandlerRef -> ICefLoadHandler
var MenuButtonComponentRef menuButtonComponent
MenuButtonComponentRef -> TCEFMenuButtonComponent
var MenuButtonDelegateRef menuButtonDelegate
MenuButtonDelegateRef -> ICefMenuModelDelegate
var MenuButtonRef menuButton
MenuButtonRef -> ICefMenuButton
var MenuModelDelegateRef menuModelDelegate
MenuModelDelegateRef -> ICefMenuModelDelegate
var MenuModelRef menuModel
MenuModelRef -> ICefMenuModel
var PanelComponentRef panelComponent
PanelComponentRef -> TCEFPanelComponent
var PanelDelegateRef panelDelegate
PanelDelegateRef -> ICefPanelDelegate
var PanelRef panel
PanelRef -> ICefPanel
var PdfPrintCallbackRef pdfPrintCallback
PdfPrintCallbackRef -> ICefPdfPrintCallback
var PermissionHandlerRef permissionHandler
PermissionHandlerRef -> ICefPermissionHandler
var PostDataElementRef postDataElement
PostDataElementRef -> ICefPostDataElement
var PostDataRef postData
PostDataRef -> ICefPostData
var PrintHandlerRef printSpanHandler
PrintHandlerRef -> ICefPrintHandler
var PrintSettingsRef printSettings
PrintSettingsRef -> ICefPdfPrintCallback
var ProcessMessageRef processMessage
ProcessMessageRef -> ICefProcessMessage
var RenderHandlerRef renderSpanHandler
RenderHandlerRef -> ICefPrintHandler
var RequestContextHandlerRef requestContextHandler
RequestContextHandlerRef -> ICefRequestContextHandler
var RequestContextRef requestContext
var RequestHandlerRef requestHandler
RequestHandlerRef -> ICefRequestHandler
var RequestRef request
RequestRef -> ICefRequest
var ResourceHandlerRef resourceHandler
ResourceHandlerRef -> ICefResourceHandler
var ResourceRequestHandlerRef resourceRequestHandler
ResourceRequestHandlerRef -> ICefResourceRequestHandler
var ResponseFilterRef responseFilter
ResponseFilterRef -> ICefResourceHandler
var ResponseRef response
ResponseRef -> ICefResponse
var RunFileDialogCallbackRef runFileDialogCallback
RunFileDialogCallbackRef -> ICefRunFileDialogCallback
var SchemeHandlerFactoryRef schemeHandlerFactory
SchemeHandlerFactoryRef -> ICefSchemeHandlerFactory
var ScrollViewComponentRef scrollViewComponent
ScrollViewComponentRef -> TCEFScrollViewComponent
var ScrollViewRef scrollView
ScrollViewRef -> ICefScrollView
var SetCookieHandlerRef setCookieHandler
SetCookieHandlerRef -> ICefSetCookieCallback
var StreamReaderRef streamReader
StreamReaderRef -> ICefStreamReader
var StreamWriterRef streamWriter
StreamWriterRef -> ICefStreamWriter
var StringMultiMapRef stringMultiMap
StringMultiMapRef -> ICefStringMultiMap
var TextFieldComponentRef textFieldComponent
TextFieldComponentRef -> TCEFTextFieldComponent
var TextFieldDelegateRef textFieldDelegate
TextFieldDelegateRef -> ICefTextFieldDelegate
var TextFieldRef textField
TextFieldRef -> ICefTextfield
var V8AccessorRef cefV8Accessor
V8AccessorRef -> ICefV8Accessor
var V8ArrayBufferReleaseCallbackRef cefV8ArrayBufferReleaseCallback
V8ArrayBufferReleaseCallbackRef -> ICefV8ArrayBufferReleaseCallback
var V8ContextRef *cefV8ContextRef
V8ContextRef -> ICefV8Context
var V8HandlerRef cefV8Handler
V8HandlerRef -> ICefV8Handler
var V8InterceptorRef cefV8Interceptor
V8InterceptorRef -> ICefV8Interceptor
var V8ValueArrayRef v8ValueArray
V8ValueArrayRef -> TCefV8ValueArray
var V8ValueRef cefV8Value
V8ValueRef -> ICefV8Value
var ValueConvert v8ValueProcessMessageConvert
var ValueRef cefValue
ValueRef -> ICefValue
var ViewComponentRef viewComponent
ViewComponentRef -> TCEFViewComponent
var ViewDelegateRef viewDelegate
ViewDelegateRef -> ICefViewDelegate
var WindowComponentRef windowComponent
WindowComponentRef -> TCEFWindowComponent
var WindowDelegateRef windowDelegateDelegate
WindowDelegateRef -> ICefWindowDelegate
Functions ¶
func CefColorGetA ¶ added in v2.1.0
func CefColorGetB ¶ added in v2.1.0
func CefColorGetG ¶ added in v2.1.0
func CefColorGetR ¶ added in v2.1.0
func CefColorSetARGB ¶ added in v2.1.0
func CefCursorToWindowsCursor ¶ added in v2.1.0
func CefCursorToWindowsCursor(cefCursor consts.TCefCursorType) (result t.TCursor)
func CheckLocales ¶
func CheckResources ¶
func CheckSubprocessPath ¶
func ClearSchemeHandlerFactories ¶
func ClearSchemeHandlerFactories() bool
func DeviceToLogicalFloat32 ¶ added in v2.1.0
func DeviceToLogicalInt32 ¶ added in v2.1.0
func DeviceToLogicalMouse ¶ added in v2.1.0
func DeviceToLogicalMouse(event *TCefMouseEvent, deviceScaleFactor float64)
func DeviceToLogicalPoint ¶ added in v2.1.0
func DeviceToLogicalTouch ¶ added in v2.1.0
func DeviceToLogicalTouch(event *TCefTouchEvent, deviceScaleFactor float64)
func GetMimeType ¶
func GlobalInit ¶
GlobalInit 全局初始化
需要手动调用的函数,在main函数中调用 参数: libs 内置到应用程序的类库 resources 内置到应用程序的资源文件 MacOSX环境, goland、ide等开发环境需配置命令行参数[energy_env=dev]以保证应用正常运行
func LogicalToDeviceInt32 ¶ added in v2.1.0
func LogicalToDeviceRect ¶ added in v2.1.0
func QueueAsyncCall ¶
func QueueAsyncCall(fn qacFn) int
QueueAsyncCall 仅LCL,在主进程中异步调用
在UI主进程中执行, 异步执行
在任何变更UI的操作都有可能因非主线程出现不一至, 而出现程序错误或程序崩溃, 可以尝试使用该回调函数解决.
提示: CEF事件或函数中不应使用该函数包裹
func RegisterExtension ¶
func RegisterExtension(name, code string, handler *ICefV8Handler)
RegisterExtension 注册JS扩展
将自定义JS代码植入到当前浏览器 在 WebKitInitialized 回调函数中使用 参数: name: 根对象名, 不允许使用默认的内部名称, 参阅 isInternalBind 函数 code: js code handler: 处理器, 根据本地函数名回调该处理器
func RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory ¶
func RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory(schemeName, domainName string, handler TCefResourceHandlerClass) bool
func SetApplication ¶ added in v2.3.6
func SetApplication(app *TCEFApplication)
设置全局 Application
func SetBrowserProcessStartAfterCallback ¶
func SetBrowserProcessStartAfterCallback(callback browserProcessStartAfterCallbackFunc)
SetBrowserProcessStartAfterCallback 主进程启动之后回调函数
func SetCommandLine ¶ added in v2.3.1
func SetCommandLine(argsList *lcl.TStringList)
SetCommandLine 针对 MacOS 设置命令行参数
func WindowInfoAsChild ¶
WindowInfoAsChild BrowserWindow 设置到指定窗口做为子窗口
func WindowInfoAsPopUp ¶
WindowInfoAsPopUp BrowserWindow 设置到做为弹出窗口
func WindowInfoAsWindowless ¶
WindowInfoAsWindowless BrowserWindow 设置到做为无窗口
Types ¶
type AcceleratorCustom ¶
type AcceleratorCustom struct { Accelerator string KeyType int Callback KeyEventCallback }
type BaseWinControl ¶
type BaseWinControl struct { lcl.IWinControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BaseWinControl TCEFWindowParent 和 TCEFLinkedWindowParent 父结构体
type BeforePopupInfo ¶
type BeforePopupInfo struct { TargetUrl string TargetFrameName string TargetDisposition consts.TCefWindowOpenDisposition UserGesture bool }
BeforePopupInfo 弹出子窗口信息
type BrowseProcessMessageReceived ¶
type BrowseProcessMessageReceived func(sender lcl.IObject, browser *ICefBrowser, frame *ICefFrame, sourceProcess consts.CefProcessId, message *ICefProcessMessage) bool
type BrowseProcessMessageReceivedEx ¶ added in v2.3.0
type BrowseProcessMessageReceivedEx func(sender lcl.IObject, browser *ICefBrowser, frame *ICefFrame, sourceProcess consts.CefProcessId, message *ICefProcessMessage, window IBrowserWindow) bool
type BrowserEvent ¶
type BrowserEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BrowserEvent 浏览器全局事件监听-已被默认实现事件
该结构中的对象属性, 是已被默认实现的
func (*BrowserEvent) ChromiumEvent ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) ChromiumEvent() IChromiumEvent
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnAddressChange ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnAddressChange(event chromiumEventOnAddressChange)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnAfterCreated ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnAfterCreated(event chromiumEventOnAfterCreatedEx)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnBeforeBrowser ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnBeforeBrowser(event chromiumEventOnBeforeBrowserEx)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnBeforeClose ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnBeforeClose(event chromiumEventOnBeforeCloseEx)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnBeforeContextMenu ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnBeforeContextMenu(event chromiumEventOnBeforeContextMenuEx)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnBeforeDownload ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnBeforeDownload(event chromiumEventOnBeforeDownloadEx)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnBeforePopup ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnBeforePopup(event chromiumEventOnBeforePopupEx)
弹出窗口, 已被默认实现的函数 此时的chromium还未创建, 如需要获得chromium你需要先自己创建, 可通过 ChromiumCreate 或 自定义实现 NewChromium, 此时应返回true, 否则使用默认行为Chromium应返回false 该事件回调会在任意线程中执行,在操作相关窗口(UI)时应在UI线程中操作 RunOnMainThread 函数返回值 false: 窗口会以默认行为管理 true: 需要你自己管理窗口行为
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnBeforeResourceLoad ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnBeforeResourceLoad(event chromiumEventOnBeforeResourceLoadEx)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnBrowseProcessMessageReceived ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnBrowseProcessMessageReceived(event BrowseProcessMessageReceivedEx)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnBrowserCompMsg ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnBrowserCompMsg(event chromiumEventOnCompMsg)
SetOnBrowserCompMsg windows
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnClose ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnClose(event chromiumEventOnCloseEx)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnContextMenuCommand ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnContextMenuCommand(event chromiumEventOnContextMenuCommandEx)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnContextMenuDismissed ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnContextMenuDismissed(event chromiumEventOnContextMenuDismissed)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnCookieSet ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnCookieSet(event chromiumEventOnCookieSet)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnCookieVisitorDestroyed ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnCookieVisitorDestroyed(event chromiumEventOnCookieVisitorDestroyed)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnCookiesDeleted ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnCookiesDeleted(event chromiumEventOnCookiesDeleted)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnCookiesFlushed ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnCookiesFlushed(event chromiumEventOnCookiesFlushed)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnCookiesVisited ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnCookiesVisited(event chromiumEventOnCookiesVisited)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnDownloadUpdated ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnDownloadUpdated(event chromiumEventOnDownloadUpdated)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnDragEnter ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnDragEnter(event chromiumEventOnDragEnterEx)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnDraggableRegionsChanged ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnDraggableRegionsChanged(event chromiumEventOnDraggableRegionsChangedEx)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnFindResult ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnFindResult(event chromiumEventOnFindResult)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnFrameAttached ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnFrameAttached(event chromiumEventOnFrameAttached)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnFullScreenModeChange ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnFullScreenModeChange(event chromiumEventOnFullScreenModeChange)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnGetResourceHandler ¶ added in v2.3.0
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnGetResourceHandler(event chromiumEventOnGetResourceHandlerEx)
获取资源处理器,通过该函数自己处理资源获取 返回 false 并且设置[本地|内置FS]资源加载时开启并继续执行默认实现
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnKeyEvent ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnKeyEvent(event chromiumEventOnKeyEventEx)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnLoadEnd ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnLoadEnd(event chromiumEventOnLoadEndEx)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnLoadError ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnLoadError(event chromiumEventOnLoadError)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnLoadStart ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnLoadStart(event chromiumEventOnLoadStart)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnLoadingProgressChange ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnLoadingProgressChange(event chromiumEventOnLoadingProgressChange)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnLoadingStateChange ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnLoadingStateChange(event chromiumEventOnLoadingStateChange)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnMainFrameChanged ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnMainFrameChanged(event chromiumEventOnMainFrameChangedEx)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnPdfPrintFinished ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnPdfPrintFinished(event chromiumEventOnPdfPrintFinished)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnRenderCompMsg ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnRenderCompMsg(event chromiumEventOnCompMsg)
SetOnRenderCompMsg windows
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnRenderProcessTerminated ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnRenderProcessTerminated(event chromiumEventOnRenderProcessTerminated)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnRenderViewReady ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnRenderViewReady(event chromiumEventOnRenderViewReady)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnResourceLoadComplete ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnResourceLoadComplete(event chromiumEventOnResourceLoadComplete)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnResourceRedirect ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnResourceRedirect(event chromiumEventOnResourceRedirect)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnResourceResponse ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnResourceResponse(event chromiumEventOnResourceResponse)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnScrollOffsetChanged ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnScrollOffsetChanged(event chromiumEventOnScrollOffsetChanged)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnTitleChange ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnTitleChange(event chromiumEventOnTitleChangeEx)
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnWidgetCompMsg ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnWidgetCompMsg(event chromiumEventOnCompMsg)
SetOnWidgetCompMsg windows
func (*BrowserEvent) SetOnZoomPctAvailable ¶
func (m *BrowserEvent) SetOnZoomPctAvailable(event chromiumEventOnResultFloat)
type BrowserViewComponentOnBrowserCreated ¶
type BrowserViewComponentOnBrowserCreated func(sender lcl.IObject, browserView *ICefBrowserView, browser *ICefBrowser)
type BrowserViewComponentOnBrowserDestroyed ¶
type BrowserViewComponentOnBrowserDestroyed func(sender lcl.IObject, browserView *ICefBrowserView, browser *ICefBrowser)
type BrowserViewComponentOnGestureCommand ¶ added in v2.3.1
type BrowserViewComponentOnGestureCommand func(sender lcl.IObject, browserView *ICefBrowserView, gestureCommand consts.TCefGestureCommand) bool
type BrowserViewComponentOnGetChromeToolbarType ¶
type BrowserViewComponentOnGetChromeToolbarType func(sender lcl.IObject, aResult *consts.TCefChromeToolbarType)
type BrowserViewComponentOnGetDelegateForPopupBrowserView ¶
type BrowserViewComponentOnGetDelegateForPopupBrowserView func(sender lcl.IObject, browserView *ICefBrowserView, browserSettings *TCefBrowserSettings, client *ICefClient, isDevtools bool) *ICefBrowserViewDelegate
type BrowserViewComponentOnPopupBrowserViewCreated ¶
type BrowserViewComponentOnPopupBrowserViewCreated func(sender lcl.IObject, browserView, popupBrowserView *ICefBrowserView, isDevtools bool, aResult *bool)
type BrowserViewComponentOnUseFramelessWindowForPictureInPicture ¶ added in v2.3.1
type BrowserViewComponentOnUseFramelessWindowForPictureInPicture func(sender lcl.IObject, browserView *ICefBrowserView) bool
type CefPdfPrintSettings ¶
type CefPdfPrintSettings struct { Landscape int32 // Integer PrintBackground int32 // Integer Scale float64 // double PaperWidth float64 // double PaperHeight float64 // double PreferCssPageSize int32 // Integer MarginType consts.TCefPdfPrintMarginType // TCefPdfPrintMarginType MarginTop float64 // double MarginRight float64 // double MarginBottom float64 // double MarginLeft float64 // double PageRanges string // TCefString HeaderTemplate string // TCefString }
func (*CefPdfPrintSettings) ToPtr ¶
func (m *CefPdfPrintSettings) ToPtr() *cefPdfPrintSettingsPtr
type CompletionOnComplete ¶
type CompletionOnComplete func()
type Display ¶ added in v2.2.3
type Display struct { ID int WorkArea TCefRect Bounds TCefRect Rotation int32 // Currently, LCL has not been obtained DeviceScaleFactor float32 // Currently, LCL has not been obtained }
Screen brief information
type FrameNames ¶
type FuncCallback ¶
type FuncCallback func(browser *ICefBrowser, commandId MenuId, params *ICefContextMenuParams, menuType TCefContextMenuType, eventFlags uint32, result *bool)
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnBeforeChildProcessLaunch ¶
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnBeforeChildProcessLaunch func(commandLine *ICefCommandLine)
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnBrowserCreated ¶
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnBrowserCreated func(browser *ICefBrowser, extraInfo *ICefDictionaryValue)
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnBrowserDestroyed ¶
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnBrowserDestroyed func(browser *ICefBrowser)
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnContextCreated ¶
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnContextCreated func(browser *ICefBrowser, frame *ICefFrame, context *ICefV8Context) bool
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnContextInitialized ¶
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnContextInitialized func()
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnContextReleased ¶
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnContextReleased func(browser *ICefBrowser, frame *ICefFrame, context *ICefV8Context)
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnFocusedNodeChanged ¶
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnFocusedNodeChanged func(browser *ICefBrowser, frame *ICefFrame, node *ICefDomNode)
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnGetDataResource ¶
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnGetDataResource func(resourceId int32, data *ResultBytes, aResult *ResultBool)
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnGetDataResourceForScale ¶
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnGetDataResourceForScale func(resourceId int32, scaleFactor consts.TCefScaleFactor, data *ResultBytes, aResult *ResultBool)
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnGetDefaultClient ¶
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnGetDefaultClient func(client *ICefClient)
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnGetLocalizedString ¶
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnGetLocalizedString func(stringId int32, stringVal *ResultString, aResult *ResultBool)
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnRegCustomSchemes ¶
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnRegCustomSchemes func(registrar *TCefSchemeRegistrarRef)
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnRegisterCustomPreferences ¶
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnRegisterCustomPreferences func(type_ consts.TCefPreferencesType, registrar *TCefPreferenceRegistrarRef)
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnRenderLoadEnd ¶
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnRenderLoadEnd func(browser *ICefBrowser, frame *ICefFrame, httpStatusCode int32)
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnRenderLoadError ¶
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnRenderLoadError func(browser *ICefBrowser, frame *ICefFrame, errorCode consts.TCefErrorCode, errorText, failedUrl string)
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnRenderLoadStart ¶
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnRenderLoadStart func(browser *ICefBrowser, frame *ICefFrame, transitionType consts.TCefTransitionType)
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnRenderLoadingStateChange ¶
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnRenderLoadingStateChange func(browser *ICefBrowser, frame *ICefFrame, isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward bool)
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnScheduleMessagePumpWork ¶ added in v2.1.0
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnScheduleMessagePumpWork func(delayMS int64)
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnUncaughtException ¶
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnUncaughtException func(browser *ICefBrowser, frame *ICefFrame, context *ICefV8Context, exception *ICefV8Exception, stackTrace *ICefV8StackTrace)
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnWebKitInitialized ¶
type GlobalCEFAppEventOnWebKitInitialized func()
type HttpClient ¶ added in v2.3.0
type HttpClient struct { Transport *http.Transport Client *http.Client Jar *cookiejar.Jar Timeout time.Duration }
http/https 客户端
type IAuxTools ¶ added in v2.1.0
type IAuxTools interface { SetDevTools(devToolsWindow *devToolsWindow) DevTools() *devToolsWindow }
type IBrowserWindow ¶
type IBrowserWindow interface { Id() int32 //窗口ID Handle() types.HWND //窗口句柄 Show() //显示窗口 Hide() //隐藏窗口 WindowState() types.TWindowState //返回窗口最小化、最大化、全屏状态 Maximize() //窗口最大化 Minimize() //窗口最小化 Restore() //窗口还原 FullScreen() //全屏模式, 仅隐藏标题栏时有效 ExitFullScreen() //退出全屏模式 IsFullScreen() bool //是否全屏模式 Close() //关闭窗口 非browser窗口使用 CloseBrowserWindow() //关闭浏览器窗口 带有browser窗口使用 WindowType() consts.WINDOW_TYPE //窗口类型 SetWindowType(windowType consts.WINDOW_TYPE) //设置窗口类型 Browser() *ICefBrowser //窗口内的Browser对象 Chromium() IChromium //窗口内的Chromium对象, 返回空时我们可能需要自己创建, ChromiumCreate DisableMaximize() //禁用最大化 DisableMinimize() //禁用最小化 DisableResize() //禁用窗口大小调整 EnableMaximize() //启用最大化 EnableMinimize() //启用最小化 EnableResize() //启用允许调整窗口大小 IsClosing() bool //返回窗口是否正在关闭/或已关闭 true正在或已关闭 AsViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow() IViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow //转换为ViewsFramework窗口接口, 失败返回nil AsLCLBrowserWindow() ILCLBrowserWindow //转换为LCL窗口接口, 失败返回nil EnableAllDefaultEvent() //启用所有默认事件 SetTitle(title string) //设置窗口标题栏标题 IsViewsFramework() bool //是否为 IViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow 窗口,失败返回false IsLCL() bool //是否为 ILCLBrowserWindow 窗口,失败返回false WindowProperty() *WindowProperty //窗口常用属性 SetWidth(value int32) //设置窗口宽 SetHeight(value int32) //设置窗口高 Point() *TCefPoint //窗口坐标 Size() *TCefSize //窗口宽高 Bounds() *TCefRect //窗口坐标和宽高 SetPoint(x, y int32) //设置窗口坐标 SetSize(width, height int32) //设置窗口宽高 SetBounds(x, y, width, height int32) //设置窗口坐标和宽高 SetCenterWindow(value bool) //设置窗口居中 ShowTitle() //显示窗口标题栏 HideTitle() //隐藏窗口标题栏 SetDefaultInTaskBar() //默认窗口在任务栏上显示按钮 SetShowInTaskBar() //强制窗口在任务栏上显示按钮 SetNotInTaskBar() //强制窗口不在任务栏上显示按钮 NewCefTray(width, height int32, url string) ITray //仅支持windows托盘LCL+[CEF|VF](使用web端技术自定义实现,如使用LCL窗口组件该托盘实现是LCL+CEF,如使用VF窗口组件该托盘实现是LCL+VF) NewSysTray() ITray //systray系统原生 SetCreateBrowserExtraInfo(windowName string, context *ICefRequestContext, extraInfo *ICefDictionaryValue) //设置 Chromium 创建浏览器时设置的扩展信息 RunOnMainThread(fn func()) //在UI主线程中运行 Screen() IScreen //返回屏幕信息 Target(targetType target.ITarget //IPC接收目标 AsTargetWindow() target.IWindow //IPC }
浏览器窗口基础接口 定义了常用函数, 更多窗口功能或属性在SetBrowserInit函数中使用
func NewBrowserWindow ¶ added in v2.3.0
func NewBrowserWindow(config *TCefChromiumConfig, windowProperty WindowProperty, owner lcl.IComponent) IBrowserWindow
创建浏览器窗口 根据当前主窗口类型创建 窗口类型 LCL: 是基于LCL组件库创建的窗口,相比VF有多更的原生小部件使用,更多的窗口操作 VF : 是基于CEF ViewFramework 组件创建的窗口, 相比LCL无法使用系统原生小部件,较少的窗口操作 config: Chromium配置, 提供快捷chromium配置 windowProperty: 窗口属性 owner: 被创建组件拥有者
type ICEFChromiumBrowser ¶
type ICEFChromiumBrowser interface { SetCreateBrowserExtraInfo(windowName string, context *ICefRequestContext, extraInfo *ICefDictionaryValue) // CreateBrowser() // 创建浏览器 Chromium() IChromium // 返回 chromium WindowParent() ICEFWindowParent // 返回 chromium window 组件 IsCreated() bool // 创建浏览器是否成功 }
func NewChromiumBrowser ¶
func NewChromiumBrowser(owner lcl.IWinControl, config *TCefChromiumConfig) ICEFChromiumBrowser
初始创建一个 chromium 浏览器
type ICEFWindowParent ¶
type ICEFWindowParent interface { lcl.IWinControl Type() consts.TCefWindowHandleType // 组件类型, Windows TCEFWindowParent 组件,MacOSX, Linux TCEFLinkedWindowParent 组件 SetChromium(chromium IChromium, tag int32) // 设置 IChromium, 只 TCEFLinkedWindowParent 有效 UpdateSize() // 更新组件大小 CreateHandle() // 创建句柄 SetOnEnter(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent) // 进入事件 SetOnExit(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent) // 退出事件 DestroyChildWindow() bool // 销毁子窗口 RevertCustomAnchors() // 恢复到自定义四角锚点定位 DefaultAnchors() // 恢复到默认四角锚点定位 // contains filtered or unexported methods }
ICEFWindowParent 接口定义
Windows return TCEFWindowParent MacOSX, Linux return TCEFLinkedWindowParent
type ICefAccessibilityHandler ¶
type ICefAccessibilityHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/include/capi/cef_accessibility_handler_capi.h (cef_accessibility_handler_t)
func (*ICefAccessibilityHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefAccessibilityHandler) Free()
func (*ICefAccessibilityHandler) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefAccessibilityHandler) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefAccessibilityHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefAccessibilityHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefAccessibilityHandler) SetOnAccessibilityLocationChange ¶
func (m *ICefAccessibilityHandler) SetOnAccessibilityLocationChange(fn onAccessibilityLocationChange)
func (*ICefAccessibilityHandler) SetOnAccessibilityTreeChange ¶
func (m *ICefAccessibilityHandler) SetOnAccessibilityTreeChange(fn onAccessibilityTreeChange)
type ICefAudioHandler ¶
type ICefAudioHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefAudioHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefAudioHandler) Free()
func (*ICefAudioHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefAudioHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefAudioHandler) SetOnAudioStreamError ¶
func (m *ICefAudioHandler) SetOnAudioStreamError(fn onAudioStreamError)
func (*ICefAudioHandler) SetOnAudioStreamPacket ¶
func (m *ICefAudioHandler) SetOnAudioStreamPacket(fn onAudioStreamPacket)
func (*ICefAudioHandler) SetOnAudioStreamStarted ¶
func (m *ICefAudioHandler) SetOnAudioStreamStarted(fn onAudioStreamStarted)
func (*ICefAudioHandler) SetOnAudioStreamStopped ¶
func (m *ICefAudioHandler) SetOnAudioStreamStopped(fn onAudioStreamStopped)
func (*ICefAudioHandler) SetOnGetAudioParameters ¶
func (m *ICefAudioHandler) SetOnGetAudioParameters(fn onGetAudioParameters)
type ICefAuthCallback ¶
type ICefAuthCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ICefAuthCallback 授权回调
func (*ICefAuthCallback) Cancel ¶
func (m *ICefAuthCallback) Cancel()
func (*ICefAuthCallback) Cont ¶
func (m *ICefAuthCallback) Cont(username, password string)
func (*ICefAuthCallback) Free ¶
func (m *ICefAuthCallback) Free()
func (*ICefAuthCallback) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefAuthCallback) IsValid() bool
type ICefBaseRefCounted ¶
type ICefBaseRefCounted interface { Instance() uintptr IsValid() bool BaseRefCounted(instance uintptr) *TCefBaseRefCounted }
type ICefBeforeDownloadCallback ¶
type ICefBeforeDownloadCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefBeforeDownloadCallback) Cont ¶
func (m *ICefBeforeDownloadCallback) Cont(downloadPath string, showDialog bool)
Cont 设置下载目录 仅在回调函数中使用
downloadPath 设置完整的下载目录, 包含文件名
showDialog 弹出保存目录窗口
func (*ICefBeforeDownloadCallback) Free ¶
func (m *ICefBeforeDownloadCallback) Free()
func (*ICefBeforeDownloadCallback) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefBeforeDownloadCallback) Instance() uintptr
func (*ICefBeforeDownloadCallback) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefBeforeDownloadCallback) IsValid() bool
type ICefBinaryValue ¶
type ICefBinaryValue struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ICefBinaryValue -> ArgumentList
func (*ICefBinaryValue) Copy ¶
func (m *ICefBinaryValue) Copy() *ICefBinaryValue
func (*ICefBinaryValue) Free ¶
func (m *ICefBinaryValue) Free()
func (*ICefBinaryValue) GetData ¶
func (m *ICefBinaryValue) GetData(buffer []byte, dataOffset uint32) uint32
func (*ICefBinaryValue) GetSize ¶
func (m *ICefBinaryValue) GetSize() uint32
func (*ICefBinaryValue) IsOwned ¶
func (m *ICefBinaryValue) IsOwned() bool
func (*ICefBinaryValue) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefBinaryValue) IsValid() bool
type ICefBoxLayout ¶ added in v2.2.1
type ICefBoxLayout struct {
ICefBoxLayout /include/capi/views/cef_box_layout_capi.h (cef_box_layout_t)
func (*ICefBoxLayout) ClearFlexForView ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefBoxLayout) ClearFlexForView(view *ICefView)
func (*ICefBoxLayout) SetFlexForView ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefBoxLayout) SetFlexForView(view *ICefView, flex int32)
type ICefBrowser ¶
type ICefBrowser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefBrowser) CloseBrowser ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) CloseBrowser(forceClose bool)
CloseBrowser 关闭浏览器,同时关闭窗口
func (*ICefBrowser) DownloadImage ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) DownloadImage(imageUrl string, isFavicon bool, maxImageSize int32, bypassCache bool, callback *ICefDownloadImageCallback)
DownloadImage 开始下载图片
func (*ICefBrowser) EmitRender ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefBrowser) EmitRender(messageId int32, eventName string, target target.ITarget, data ...interface{}) bool
EmitRender IPC 发送进程 消息
messageId != 0 是带有回调函数消息
仅支持 CEF49
func (*ICefBrowser) ExecuteDevToolsMethod ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) ExecuteDevToolsMethod(messageId int32, method string, dictionaryValue *ICefDictionaryValue)
ExecuteDevToolsMethod 执行开发者工具方法
func (*ICefBrowser) Find ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) Find(searchText string, forward, matchCase, findNext bool)
Find 检索页面文本
func (*ICefBrowser) FrameId ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) FrameId() int64
FrameId 获取FrameID 一个窗口中可以有多Frame
func (*ICefBrowser) Free ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) Free()
func (*ICefBrowser) GetFocusedFrame ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) GetFocusedFrame() *ICefFrame
GetFocusedFrame 获取当前窗口有焦点的Frame
func (*ICefBrowser) GetFrameById ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) GetFrameById(frameId int64) *ICefFrame
GetFrameById 根据FrameId获取Frame对象
func (*ICefBrowser) GetFrameByName ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) GetFrameByName(frameName string) *ICefFrame
GetFrameByName 根据FrameName获取Frame对象
func (*ICefBrowser) GetFrameNames ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) GetFrameNames() []*FrameNames
GetFrameNames 获取当前窗口所有Frame名称
func (*ICefBrowser) GetRequestContext ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) GetRequestContext() *ICefRequestContext
GetRequestContext -> ICefBrowserHost -> ICefRequestContext
func (*ICefBrowser) GetZoomLevel ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) GetZoomLevel() (result float64)
GetZoomLevel 获取缩放级别
func (*ICefBrowser) HostWindowHandle ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) HostWindowHandle() types.HWND
HostWindowHandle 获取窗口句柄, Browser窗口句柄
func (*ICefBrowser) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefBrowser) MainFrame ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) MainFrame() *ICefFrame
MainFrame 获取当前窗口的主Frame
func (*ICefBrowser) NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted()
NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted 通用移动或大小开始
func (*ICefBrowser) NotifyScreenInfoChanged ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) NotifyScreenInfoChanged()
NotifyScreenInfoChanged 通知屏幕改变
func (*ICefBrowser) PrintToPdf ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) PrintToPdf(path string, settings *CefPdfPrintSettings, callback *ICefPdfPrintCallback)
func (*ICefBrowser) ReloadIgnoreCache ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) ReloadIgnoreCache()
ReloadIgnoreCache 重新加载忽略缓存
func (*ICefBrowser) RunFileDialog ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) RunFileDialog(mode FileDialogMode, title, defaultFilePath string, acceptFilters lcl.IStrings, callback *ICefRunFileDialogCallback)
RunFileDialog FileDialog
打开文件、文件夹、多选文件、保存 在回调函数中获取最终选择结果 如果回调函数为 nil 不会弹出窗口
func (*ICefBrowser) SendCaptureLostEvent ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) SendCaptureLostEvent()
SendCaptureLostEvent 发送失去标题事件
func (*ICefBrowser) SendDevToolsMessage ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) SendDevToolsMessage(message string)
SendDevToolsMessage 发送开发者工具消息
func (*ICefBrowser) SendKeyEvent ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) SendKeyEvent(event *TCefKeyEvent)
SendKeyEvent 发送模拟键盘事件
func (*ICefBrowser) SendMouseClickEvent ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) SendMouseClickEvent(event *TCefMouseEvent, type_ TCefMouseButtonType, mouseUp bool, clickCount int32)
SendMouseClickEvent 发送鼠标点击事件
func (*ICefBrowser) SendMouseMoveEvent ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) SendMouseMoveEvent(event *TCefMouseEvent, mouseLeave bool)
SendMouseMoveEvent 发送鼠标移动事件
func (*ICefBrowser) SendMouseWheelEvent ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) SendMouseWheelEvent(event *TCefMouseEvent, deltaX, deltaY int32)
SendMouseWheelEvent 发送鼠标滚轮事件
func (*ICefBrowser) SendProcessMessage ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefBrowser) SendProcessMessage(targetProcess CefProcessId, message *ICefProcessMessage)
SendProcessMessage 发送进程消息
仅支持 CEF49
func (*ICefBrowser) SendProcessMessageForJSONBytes ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefBrowser) SendProcessMessageForJSONBytes(messageName string, targetProcess CefProcessId, data []byte)
SendProcessMessageForJSONBytes 发送进程消息
仅支持 CEF49
func (*ICefBrowser) SendProcessMessageForV8Value ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefBrowser) SendProcessMessageForV8Value(messageName string, targetProcess CefProcessId, arguments *ICefV8Value)
SendProcessMessageForV8Value 发送进程消息
仅支持 CEF49
func (*ICefBrowser) SendTouchEvent ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) SendTouchEvent(event *TCefTouchEvent)
SendTouchEvent 发送触摸事件
func (*ICefBrowser) SetAccessibilityState ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) SetAccessibilityState(accessibilityState TCefState)
SetAccessibilityState 设置可访问性状态
func (*ICefBrowser) SetAutoResizeEnabled ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) SetAutoResizeEnabled(enabled bool, minSize, maxSize *TCefSize)
SetAutoResizeEnabled 设置启用自动调整大小
func (*ICefBrowser) SetZoomLevel ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) SetZoomLevel(zoomLevel float64)
SetZoomLevel 设置缩放级别
func (*ICefBrowser) StartDownload ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) StartDownload(url string)
StartDownload 开始下载
func (*ICefBrowser) StopFinding ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) StopFinding(clearSelection bool)
StopFinding 停止加载
func (*ICefBrowser) TryCloseBrowser ¶
func (m *ICefBrowser) TryCloseBrowser() bool
TryCloseBrowser 尝试关闭浏览器,同时尝试关闭窗口
type ICefBrowserView ¶
type ICefBrowserView struct {
ICefBrowserView /include/capi/views/cef_browser_view_capi.h (cef_browser_view_t)
func (*ICefBrowserView) Browser ¶
func (m *ICefBrowserView) Browser() *ICefBrowser
func (*ICefBrowserView) ChromeToolbar ¶
func (m *ICefBrowserView) ChromeToolbar() *ICefView
func (*ICefBrowserView) SetPreferAccelerators ¶
func (m *ICefBrowserView) SetPreferAccelerators(preferAccelerators bool)
type ICefBrowserViewDelegate ¶
type ICefBrowserViewDelegate struct {
ICefBrowserViewDelegate /include/capi/views/cef_browser_view_delegate_capi.h (cef_browser_view_delegate_t)
func (*ICefBrowserViewDelegate) Free ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefBrowserViewDelegate) Free()
func (*ICefBrowserViewDelegate) GetChromeToolbarType ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefBrowserViewDelegate) GetChromeToolbarType() consts.TCefChromeToolbarType
func (*ICefBrowserViewDelegate) Instance ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefBrowserViewDelegate) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefBrowserViewDelegate) IsValid ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefBrowserViewDelegate) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefBrowserViewDelegate) SetOnBrowserCreated ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefBrowserViewDelegate) SetOnBrowserCreated(fn onBrowserCreated)
func (*ICefBrowserViewDelegate) SetOnBrowserDestroyed ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefBrowserViewDelegate) SetOnBrowserDestroyed(fn onBrowserDestroyed)
func (*ICefBrowserViewDelegate) SetOnGetDelegateForPopupBrowserView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefBrowserViewDelegate) SetOnGetDelegateForPopupBrowserView(fn onGetDelegateForPopupBrowserView)
func (*ICefBrowserViewDelegate) SetOnPopupBrowserViewCreated ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefBrowserViewDelegate) SetOnPopupBrowserViewCreated(fn onPopupBrowserViewCreated)
type ICefButton ¶ added in v2.2.1
type ICefButton struct {
ICefButton /include/capi/views/cef_button_capi.h (cef_button_t)
func (*ICefButton) AsLabelButton ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefButton) AsLabelButton() *ICefLabelButton
func (*ICefButton) GetState ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefButton) GetState() consts.TCefButtonState
func (*ICefButton) SetAccessibleName ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefButton) SetAccessibleName(name string)
func (*ICefButton) SetInkDropEnabled ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefButton) SetInkDropEnabled(enabled bool)
func (*ICefButton) SetState ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefButton) SetState(state consts.TCefButtonState)
func (*ICefButton) SetTooltipText ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefButton) SetTooltipText(tooltipText string)
type ICefButtonDelegate ¶ added in v2.2.1
type ICefButtonDelegate struct {
ICefButtonDelegate /include/capi/views/cef_button_delegate_capi.h (cef_button_delegate_t)
func (*ICefButtonDelegate) SetOnButtonPressed ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefButtonDelegate) SetOnButtonPressed(fn onButtonPressed)
func (*ICefButtonDelegate) SetOnButtonStateChanged ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefButtonDelegate) SetOnButtonStateChanged(fn onButtonStateChanged)
type ICefCallback ¶
type ICefCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefCallback) Free ¶
func (m *ICefCallback) Free()
func (*ICefCallback) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefCallback) IsValid() bool
type ICefClient ¶
type ICefClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefClient) Free ¶
func (m *ICefClient) Free()
func (*ICefClient) GetAudioHandler ¶
func (m *ICefClient) GetAudioHandler() *ICefAudioHandler
func (*ICefClient) GetCommandHandler ¶
func (m *ICefClient) GetCommandHandler() *ICefCommandHandler
func (*ICefClient) GetContextMenuHandler ¶
func (m *ICefClient) GetContextMenuHandler() *ICefContextMenuHandler
func (*ICefClient) GetDialogHandler ¶
func (m *ICefClient) GetDialogHandler() *ICefDialogHandler
func (*ICefClient) GetDisplayHandler ¶
func (m *ICefClient) GetDisplayHandler() *ICefDisplayHandler
func (*ICefClient) GetDownloadHandler ¶
func (m *ICefClient) GetDownloadHandler() *ICefDownloadHandler
func (*ICefClient) GetDragHandler ¶
func (m *ICefClient) GetDragHandler() *ICefDragHandler
func (*ICefClient) GetFindHandler ¶
func (m *ICefClient) GetFindHandler() *ICefFindHandler
func (*ICefClient) GetFocusHandler ¶
func (m *ICefClient) GetFocusHandler() *ICefFocusHandler
func (*ICefClient) GetFrameHandler ¶
func (m *ICefClient) GetFrameHandler() *ICefFrameHandler
func (*ICefClient) GetJsdialogHandler ¶
func (m *ICefClient) GetJsdialogHandler() *ICefJsDialogHandler
func (*ICefClient) GetKeyboardHandler ¶
func (m *ICefClient) GetKeyboardHandler() *ICefKeyboardHandler
func (*ICefClient) GetLifeSpanHandler ¶
func (m *ICefClient) GetLifeSpanHandler() *ICefLifeSpanHandler
func (*ICefClient) GetLoadHandler ¶
func (m *ICefClient) GetLoadHandler() *ICefLoadHandler
func (*ICefClient) GetPermissionHandler ¶
func (m *ICefClient) GetPermissionHandler() *ICefPermissionHandler
func (*ICefClient) GetPrintHandler ¶
func (m *ICefClient) GetPrintHandler() *ICefPrintHandler
func (*ICefClient) GetRenderHandler ¶
func (m *ICefClient) GetRenderHandler() *ICefRenderHandler
func (*ICefClient) GetRequestHandler ¶
func (m *ICefClient) GetRequestHandler() *ICefRequestHandler
func (*ICefClient) IsOtherEvent ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefClient) IsOtherEvent() bool
当前client对象是其他对象事件代理 例如chromium events
func (*ICefClient) IsSelfEvent ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefClient) IsSelfEvent() bool
func (*ICefClient) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefClient) IsValid() bool
type ICefCommandHandler ¶
type ICefCommandHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefCommandHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefCommandHandler) Free()
func (*ICefCommandHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefCommandHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefCommandHandler) SetOnChromeCommand ¶
func (m *ICefCommandHandler) SetOnChromeCommand(fn onChromeCommand)
type ICefCommandLine ¶
type ICefCommandLine struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefCommandLine) AppendArgument ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) AppendArgument(argument string)
func (*ICefCommandLine) AppendSwitch ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) AppendSwitch(name string)
func (*ICefCommandLine) AppendSwitchWithValue ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) AppendSwitchWithValue(name, value string)
func (*ICefCommandLine) Copy ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) Copy() *ICefCommandLine
func (*ICefCommandLine) Free ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) Free()
func (*ICefCommandLine) GetArguments ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) GetArguments() *lcl.TStrings
func (*ICefCommandLine) GetArgv ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) GetArgv() *lcl.TStrings
func (*ICefCommandLine) GetCommandLineString ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) GetCommandLineString() string
func (*ICefCommandLine) GetProgram ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) GetProgram() string
func (*ICefCommandLine) GetSwitchValue ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) GetSwitchValue(name string) string
func (*ICefCommandLine) GetSwitches ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) GetSwitches() *lcl.TStrings
func (*ICefCommandLine) GetSwitchesList ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) GetSwitchesList() (*lcl.TStrings, *lcl.TStrings)
func (*ICefCommandLine) HasArguments ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) HasArguments() bool
func (*ICefCommandLine) HasSwitch ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) HasSwitch(name string) bool
func (*ICefCommandLine) HasSwitches ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) HasSwitches() bool
func (*ICefCommandLine) InitFromArgv ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) InitFromArgv(argc int32, argv string)
func (*ICefCommandLine) InitFromString ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) InitFromString(commandLine string)
func (*ICefCommandLine) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) Instance() uintptr
func (*ICefCommandLine) IsReadOnly ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) IsReadOnly() bool
func (*ICefCommandLine) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefCommandLine) PrependWrapper ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) PrependWrapper(wrapper string)
func (*ICefCommandLine) Reset ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) Reset()
func (*ICefCommandLine) SetProgram ¶
func (m *ICefCommandLine) SetProgram(prog string)
type ICefCompletionCallback ¶
type ICefCompletionCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefCompletionCallback) Free ¶
func (m *ICefCompletionCallback) Free()
func (*ICefCompletionCallback) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefCompletionCallback) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefCompletionCallback) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefCompletionCallback) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefCompletionCallback) SetOnComplete ¶
func (m *ICefCompletionCallback) SetOnComplete(fn CompletionOnComplete)
type ICefContextMenuHandler ¶
type ICefContextMenuHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefContextMenuHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuHandler) Free()
func (*ICefContextMenuHandler) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuHandler) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefContextMenuHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefContextMenuHandler) SetOnBeforeContextMenu ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuHandler) SetOnBeforeContextMenu(fn onBeforeContextMenu)
func (*ICefContextMenuHandler) SetOnContextMenuCommand ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuHandler) SetOnContextMenuCommand(fn onContextMenuCommand)
func (*ICefContextMenuHandler) SetOnContextMenuDismissed ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuHandler) SetOnContextMenuDismissed(fn onContextMenuDismissed)
func (*ICefContextMenuHandler) SetOnQuickMenuCommand ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuHandler) SetOnQuickMenuCommand(fn onQuickMenuCommand)
func (*ICefContextMenuHandler) SetOnQuickMenuDismissed ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuHandler) SetOnQuickMenuDismissed(fn onQuickMenuDismissed)
func (*ICefContextMenuHandler) SetRunContextMenu ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuHandler) SetRunContextMenu(fn runContextMenu)
func (*ICefContextMenuHandler) SetRunQuickMenu ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuHandler) SetRunQuickMenu(fn runQuickMenu)
type ICefContextMenuParams ¶
type ICefContextMenuParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ICefContextMenuParams 菜单显示时参数,当前鼠标右键的frame & html元素参数
func (*ICefContextMenuParams) DictionarySuggestions ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) DictionarySuggestions(suggestions []string) bool
func (*ICefContextMenuParams) EditStateFlags ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) EditStateFlags() consts.TCefContextMenuEditStateFlags
func (*ICefContextMenuParams) FrameCharset ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) FrameCharset() string
func (*ICefContextMenuParams) Free ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) Free()
func (*ICefContextMenuParams) HasImageContents ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) HasImageContents() bool
func (*ICefContextMenuParams) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefContextMenuParams) IsCustomMenu ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) IsCustomMenu() bool
func (*ICefContextMenuParams) IsEditable ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) IsEditable() bool
func (*ICefContextMenuParams) IsSpellCheckEnabled ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) IsSpellCheckEnabled() bool
func (*ICefContextMenuParams) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefContextMenuParams) MediaStateFlags ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) MediaStateFlags() consts.TCefContextMenuMediaStateFlags
func (*ICefContextMenuParams) MediaType ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) MediaType() consts.TCefContextMenuMediaType
func (*ICefContextMenuParams) MisspelledWord ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) MisspelledWord() string
func (*ICefContextMenuParams) SelectionText ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) SelectionText() string
func (*ICefContextMenuParams) SourceUrl ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) SourceUrl() string
func (*ICefContextMenuParams) TitleText ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) TitleText() string
func (*ICefContextMenuParams) TypeFlags ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) TypeFlags() consts.TCefContextMenuTypeFlags
func (*ICefContextMenuParams) UnfilteredLinkUrl ¶
func (m *ICefContextMenuParams) UnfilteredLinkUrl() string
type ICefCookie ¶
type ICefCookie struct {
Url, Name, Value, Domain, Path string
Secure, Httponly, HasExpires bool
Creation, LastAccess, Expires time.Time
Count, Total, ID int32
SameSite consts.TCefCookieSameSite
Priority consts.TCefCookiePriority
SetImmediately bool
DeleteCookie bool
Result bool
ICefCookie CEF Cookie
type ICefCookieAccessFilter ¶
type ICefCookieAccessFilter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/include/capi/cef_resource_request_handler_capi.h (cef_cookie_access_filter_t)
func (*ICefCookieAccessFilter) Free ¶
func (m *ICefCookieAccessFilter) Free()
func (*ICefCookieAccessFilter) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefCookieAccessFilter) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefCookieAccessFilter) IsOtherEvent ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefCookieAccessFilter) IsOtherEvent() bool
func (*ICefCookieAccessFilter) IsSelfOwnEvent ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefCookieAccessFilter) IsSelfOwnEvent() bool
func (*ICefCookieAccessFilter) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefCookieAccessFilter) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefCookieAccessFilter) SetCanSaveCookie ¶
func (m *ICefCookieAccessFilter) SetCanSaveCookie(fn canSaveCookie)
func (*ICefCookieAccessFilter) SetCanSendCookie ¶
func (m *ICefCookieAccessFilter) SetCanSendCookie(fn canSendCookie)
type ICefCookieManager ¶
type ICefCookieManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefCookieManager) DeleteCookies ¶
func (m *ICefCookieManager) DeleteCookies(url, cookieName string, callback *ICefDeleteCookiesCallback) bool
func (*ICefCookieManager) FlushStore ¶
func (m *ICefCookieManager) FlushStore(callback *ICefCompletionCallback) bool
func (*ICefCookieManager) Free ¶
func (m *ICefCookieManager) Free()
func (*ICefCookieManager) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefCookieManager) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefCookieManager) SetCookie ¶
func (m *ICefCookieManager) SetCookie(url, name, value, domain, path string, secure, httponly, hasExpires bool, creation, lastAccess, expires time.Time, sameSite consts.TCefCookieSameSite, priority consts.TCefCookiePriority, callback *ICefSetCookieCallback) bool
func (*ICefCookieManager) VisitAllCookies ¶
func (m *ICefCookieManager) VisitAllCookies(visitor *ICefCookieVisitor)
func (*ICefCookieManager) VisitUrlCookies ¶
func (m *ICefCookieManager) VisitUrlCookies(url string, includeHttpOnly bool, visitor *ICefCookieVisitor) bool
type ICefCookieVisitor ¶
type ICefCookieVisitor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefCookieVisitor) Free ¶
func (m *ICefCookieVisitor) Free()
func (*ICefCookieVisitor) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefCookieVisitor) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefCookieVisitor) SetOnVisit ¶
func (m *ICefCookieVisitor) SetOnVisit(fn cookieOnVisit)
type ICefDeleteCookiesCallback ¶
type ICefDeleteCookiesCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefDeleteCookiesCallback) Free ¶
func (m *ICefDeleteCookiesCallback) Free()
func (*ICefDeleteCookiesCallback) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefDeleteCookiesCallback) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefDeleteCookiesCallback) IsOtherEvent ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefDeleteCookiesCallback) IsOtherEvent() bool
func (*ICefDeleteCookiesCallback) IsSelfOwnEvent ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefDeleteCookiesCallback) IsSelfOwnEvent() bool
func (*ICefDeleteCookiesCallback) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefDeleteCookiesCallback) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefDeleteCookiesCallback) SetOnComplete ¶
func (m *ICefDeleteCookiesCallback) SetOnComplete(fn deleteCookiesOnComplete)
type ICefDialogHandler ¶
type ICefDialogHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefDialogHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefDialogHandler) Free()
func (*ICefDialogHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefDialogHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefDialogHandler) SetOnFileDialog ¶
func (m *ICefDialogHandler) SetOnFileDialog(fn onFileDialog)
type ICefDictionaryValue ¶
type ICefDictionaryValue struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ICefDictionaryValue -> ArgumentList
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) Clear ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) Clear() (result bool)
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) Copy ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) Copy(excludeEmptyChildren bool) *ICefDictionaryValue
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) Free ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) Free()
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) GetBinary ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetBinary(key string) *ICefBinaryValue
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) GetBool ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetBool(key string) bool
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) GetDictionary ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetDictionary(key string) *ICefDictionaryValue
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) GetDouble ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetDouble(key string) (result float64)
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) GetIArray ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetIArray(key string) types.IArrayValue
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) GetIBinary ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetIBinary(key string) types.IBinaryValue
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) GetIKeys ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetIKeys() types.IV8ValueKeys
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) GetIObject ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetIObject(key string) types.IObjectValue
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) GetIValue ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetIValue(key string) types.IValue
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) GetInt ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetInt(key string) int32
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) GetKeys ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetKeys() *ICefV8ValueKeys
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) GetList ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetList(key string) *ICefListValue
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) GetString ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetString(key string) (value string)
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) GetType ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetType(key string) consts.TCefValueType
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) GetValue ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) GetValue(key string) *ICefValue
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) HasKey ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) HasKey(key string) bool
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) IsOwned ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) IsOwned() bool
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) IsReadOnly ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) IsReadOnly() bool
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) Remove ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) Remove(key string) bool
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) SetBinary ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) SetBinary(key string, value *ICefBinaryValue) (result bool)
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) SetBool ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) SetBool(key string, value bool) bool
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) SetDictionary ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) SetDictionary(key string, value *ICefDictionaryValue) (result bool)
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) SetDouble ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) SetDouble(key string, value float64) bool
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) SetInt ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) SetInt(key string, value int32) bool
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) SetList ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) SetList(key string, value *ICefListValue) (result bool)
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) SetNull ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) SetNull(key string) bool
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) SetString ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) SetString(key string, value string) bool
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) SetValue ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) SetValue(key string, value *ICefValue) (result bool)
func (*ICefDictionaryValue) Size ¶
func (m *ICefDictionaryValue) Size() uint32
type ICefDisplay ¶
type ICefDisplay struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefDisplay) Bounds ¶
func (m *ICefDisplay) Bounds() (result TCefRect)
func (*ICefDisplay) DeviceScaleFactor ¶
func (m *ICefDisplay) DeviceScaleFactor() (result float32)
func (*ICefDisplay) Free ¶
func (m *ICefDisplay) Free()
func (*ICefDisplay) ID ¶
func (m *ICefDisplay) ID() (result int64)
func (*ICefDisplay) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefDisplay) Instance() uintptr
func (*ICefDisplay) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefDisplay) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefDisplay) Rotation ¶
func (m *ICefDisplay) Rotation() int32
func (*ICefDisplay) WorkArea ¶
func (m *ICefDisplay) WorkArea() (result TCefRect)
type ICefDisplayArray ¶ added in v2.2.3
type ICefDisplayArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefDisplayArray) Count ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *ICefDisplayArray) Count() uint32
func (*ICefDisplayArray) Free ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *ICefDisplayArray) Free()
func (*ICefDisplayArray) Get ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *ICefDisplayArray) Get(index uint32) *ICefDisplay
func (*ICefDisplayArray) Instance ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *ICefDisplayArray) Instance() uintptr
func (*ICefDisplayArray) IsValid ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *ICefDisplayArray) IsValid() bool
type ICefDisplayHandler ¶
type ICefDisplayHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefDisplayHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) Free()
func (*ICefDisplayHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnAddressChange ¶
func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnAddressChange(fn onAddressChange)
func (*ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnAutoResize ¶
func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnAutoResize(fn onAutoResize)
func (*ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnConsoleMessage ¶
func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnConsoleMessage(fn onConsoleMessage)
func (*ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnCursorChange ¶
func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnCursorChange(fn onCursorChange)
func (*ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnFaviconUrlChange ¶
func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnFaviconUrlChange(fn onFaviconUrlChange)
func (*ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnFullScreenModeChange ¶
func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnFullScreenModeChange(fn onFullScreenModeChange)
func (*ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnLoadingProgressChange ¶
func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnLoadingProgressChange(fn onLoadingProgressChange)
func (*ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnMediaAccessChange ¶
func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnMediaAccessChange(fn onMediaAccessChange)
func (*ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnStatusMessage ¶
func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnStatusMessage(fn onStatusMessage)
func (*ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnTitleChange ¶
func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnTitleChange(fn onTitleChange)
func (*ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnTooltip ¶
func (m *ICefDisplayHandler) SetOnTooltip(fn onTooltip)
type ICefDomDocument ¶
type ICefDomDocument struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefDomDocument) Free ¶
func (m *ICefDomDocument) Free()
func (*ICefDomDocument) GetBaseUrl ¶
func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetBaseUrl() string
func (*ICefDomDocument) GetBody ¶
func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetBody() *ICefDomNode
func (*ICefDomDocument) GetCompleteUrl ¶
func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetCompleteUrl() string
func (*ICefDomDocument) GetDocType ¶
func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetDocType() consts.TCefDomDocumentType
func (*ICefDomDocument) GetDocument ¶
func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetDocument() *ICefDomNode
func (*ICefDomDocument) GetElementById ¶
func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetElementById(id string) *ICefDomNode
func (*ICefDomDocument) GetFocusedNode ¶
func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetFocusedNode() *ICefDomNode
func (*ICefDomDocument) GetHead ¶
func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetHead() *ICefDomNode
func (*ICefDomDocument) GetSelectionAsMarkup ¶
func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetSelectionAsMarkup() string
func (*ICefDomDocument) GetSelectionAsText ¶
func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetSelectionAsText() string
func (*ICefDomDocument) GetSelectionEndOffset ¶
func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetSelectionEndOffset() int32
func (*ICefDomDocument) GetSelectionStartOffset ¶
func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetSelectionStartOffset() int32
func (*ICefDomDocument) GetTitle ¶
func (m *ICefDomDocument) GetTitle() string
func (*ICefDomDocument) HasSelection ¶
func (m *ICefDomDocument) HasSelection() bool
func (*ICefDomDocument) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefDomDocument) IsValid() bool
type ICefDomNode ¶
type ICefDomNode struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefDomNode) Free ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) Free()
func (*ICefDomNode) GetAsMarkup ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) GetAsMarkup() string
func (*ICefDomNode) GetDocument ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) GetDocument() *ICefDomDocument
func (*ICefDomNode) GetElementAttribute ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) GetElementAttribute(attrName string) string
func (*ICefDomNode) GetElementAttributes ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) GetElementAttributes() []string
func (*ICefDomNode) GetElementBounds ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) GetElementBounds() (result TCefRect)
func (*ICefDomNode) GetElementInnerText ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) GetElementInnerText() string
func (*ICefDomNode) GetElementTagName ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) GetElementTagName() string
func (*ICefDomNode) GetFirstChild ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) GetFirstChild() *ICefDomNode
func (*ICefDomNode) GetFormControlElementType ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) GetFormControlElementType() string
func (*ICefDomNode) GetLastChild ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) GetLastChild() *ICefDomNode
func (*ICefDomNode) GetName ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) GetName() string
func (*ICefDomNode) GetNextSibling ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) GetNextSibling() *ICefDomNode
func (*ICefDomNode) GetNodeType ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) GetNodeType() consts.TCefDomNodeType
func (*ICefDomNode) GetParent ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) GetParent() *ICefDomNode
func (*ICefDomNode) GetPreviousSibling ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) GetPreviousSibling() *ICefDomNode
func (*ICefDomNode) GetValue ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) GetValue() string
func (*ICefDomNode) HasChildren ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) HasChildren() bool
func (*ICefDomNode) HasElementAttribute ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) HasElementAttribute(attrName string) bool
func (*ICefDomNode) HasElementAttributes ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) HasElementAttributes() bool
func (*ICefDomNode) IsEditable ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) IsEditable() bool
func (*ICefDomNode) IsElement ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) IsElement() bool
func (*ICefDomNode) IsFormControlElement ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) IsFormControlElement() bool
func (*ICefDomNode) IsSame ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) IsSame() bool
func (*ICefDomNode) IsText ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) IsText() bool
func (*ICefDomNode) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefDomNode) SetElementAttribute ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) SetElementAttribute(attrName, value string) bool
func (*ICefDomNode) SetValue ¶
func (m *ICefDomNode) SetValue(value string) bool
type ICefDomVisitor ¶
type ICefDomVisitor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefDomVisitor) Free ¶
func (m *ICefDomVisitor) Free()
func (*ICefDomVisitor) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefDomVisitor) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefDomVisitor) SetOnVisit ¶
func (m *ICefDomVisitor) SetOnVisit(fn onVisit)
type ICefDownloadHandler ¶
type ICefDownloadHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefDownloadHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadHandler) Free()
func (*ICefDownloadHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefDownloadHandler) SetCanDownload ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadHandler) SetCanDownload(fn canDownload)
func (*ICefDownloadHandler) SetOnBeforeDownload ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadHandler) SetOnBeforeDownload(fn onBeforeDownload)
func (*ICefDownloadHandler) SetOnDownloadUpdated ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadHandler) SetOnDownloadUpdated(fn onDownloadUpdated)
type ICefDownloadImageCallback ¶ added in v2.2.1
type ICefDownloadImageCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TCefDownloadImageCallback /include/capi/cef_browser_capi.h (cef_download_image_callback_t)
func (*ICefDownloadImageCallback) Free ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefDownloadImageCallback) Free()
func (*ICefDownloadImageCallback) Instance ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefDownloadImageCallback) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefDownloadImageCallback) IsValid ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefDownloadImageCallback) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefDownloadImageCallback) SetOnDownloadImageFinished ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefDownloadImageCallback) SetOnDownloadImageFinished(fn onDownloadImageFinished)
type ICefDownloadItem ¶
type ICefDownloadItem struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ICefDownloadItem 下载项
func (*ICefDownloadItem) ContentDisposition ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) ContentDisposition() string
func (*ICefDownloadItem) CurrentSpeed ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) CurrentSpeed() int64
func (*ICefDownloadItem) EndTime ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) EndTime() time.Time
func (*ICefDownloadItem) Free ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) Free()
func (*ICefDownloadItem) FullPath ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) FullPath() string
func (*ICefDownloadItem) GetInterruptReason ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) GetInterruptReason() consts.TCefDownloadInterruptReason
CEF 114 ~
func (*ICefDownloadItem) Id ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) Id() uint32
func (*ICefDownloadItem) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) Instance() uintptr
func (*ICefDownloadItem) IsCanceled ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) IsCanceled() bool
func (*ICefDownloadItem) IsComplete ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) IsComplete() bool
func (*ICefDownloadItem) IsInProgress ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) IsInProgress() bool
func (*ICefDownloadItem) IsInterrupted ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) IsInterrupted() bool
CEF 114 ~
func (*ICefDownloadItem) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefDownloadItem) MimeType ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) MimeType() string
func (*ICefDownloadItem) OriginalUrl ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) OriginalUrl() string
func (*ICefDownloadItem) PercentComplete ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) PercentComplete() int32
func (*ICefDownloadItem) ReceivedBytes ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) ReceivedBytes() int64
func (*ICefDownloadItem) StartTime ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) StartTime() time.Time
func (*ICefDownloadItem) State ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) State() int32
State 下载状态 -1:下载之前 0:下载中 1:下载取消 2:下载完成
func (*ICefDownloadItem) SuggestedFileName ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) SuggestedFileName() string
func (*ICefDownloadItem) TotalBytes ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) TotalBytes() int64
func (*ICefDownloadItem) Url ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItem) Url() string
type ICefDownloadItemCallback ¶
type ICefDownloadItemCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefDownloadItemCallback) Cancel ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItemCallback) Cancel()
Cancel 取消下载 仅在回调函数中使用
func (*ICefDownloadItemCallback) Free ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItemCallback) Free()
func (*ICefDownloadItemCallback) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItemCallback) Instance() uintptr
func (*ICefDownloadItemCallback) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItemCallback) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefDownloadItemCallback) Pause ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItemCallback) Pause()
Pause 暂停 仅在回调函数中使用
func (*ICefDownloadItemCallback) Resume ¶
func (m *ICefDownloadItemCallback) Resume()
Resume 恢复下载 仅在回调函数中使用
type ICefDragData ¶
type ICefDragData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefDragData) AddFile ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) AddFile(path, displayName string)
func (*ICefDragData) ClearFilenames ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) ClearFilenames()
func (*ICefDragData) Clone ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) Clone() *ICefDragData
func (*ICefDragData) Free ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) Free()
func (*ICefDragData) GetFileContents ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) GetFileContents(writer *ICefStreamWriter) uint32
func (*ICefDragData) GetFileName ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) GetFileName() string
func (*ICefDragData) GetFileNames ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) GetFileNames() []string
func (*ICefDragData) GetFilePaths ¶ added in v2.3.4
func (m *ICefDragData) GetFilePaths() []string
func (*ICefDragData) GetFragmentBaseUrl ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) GetFragmentBaseUrl() string
func (*ICefDragData) GetFragmentHtml ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) GetFragmentHtml() string
func (*ICefDragData) GetFragmentText ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) GetFragmentText() string
func (*ICefDragData) GetImage ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) GetImage() *ICefImage
func (*ICefDragData) GetImageHotspot ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) GetImageHotspot() *TCefPoint
func (*ICefDragData) GetLinkMetadata ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) GetLinkMetadata() string
func (*ICefDragData) GetLinkTitle ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) GetLinkTitle() string
func (*ICefDragData) GetLinkUrl ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) GetLinkUrl() string
func (*ICefDragData) HasImage ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) HasImage() bool
func (*ICefDragData) IsFile ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) IsFile() bool
func (*ICefDragData) IsFragment ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) IsFragment() bool
func (*ICefDragData) IsLink ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) IsLink() bool
func (*ICefDragData) IsReadOnly ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) IsReadOnly() bool
func (*ICefDragData) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefDragData) ResetFileContents ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) ResetFileContents()
func (*ICefDragData) SetFragmentBaseUrl ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) SetFragmentBaseUrl(baseUrl string)
func (*ICefDragData) SetFragmentHtml ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) SetFragmentHtml(html string)
func (*ICefDragData) SetFragmentText ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) SetFragmentText(text string)
func (*ICefDragData) SetLinkMetadata ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) SetLinkMetadata(data string)
func (*ICefDragData) SetLinkTitle ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) SetLinkTitle(title string)
func (*ICefDragData) SetLinkUrl ¶
func (m *ICefDragData) SetLinkUrl(url string)
type ICefDragHandler ¶
type ICefDragHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefDragHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefDragHandler) Free()
func (*ICefDragHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefDragHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefDragHandler) SetOnDragEnter ¶
func (m *ICefDragHandler) SetOnDragEnter(fn onDragEnter)
func (*ICefDragHandler) SetOnDraggableRegionsChanged ¶
func (m *ICefDragHandler) SetOnDraggableRegionsChanged(fn onDraggableRegionsChanged)
type ICefExtension ¶
type ICefExtension struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefExtension) Free ¶
func (m *ICefExtension) Free()
func (*ICefExtension) GetBackgroundPage ¶
func (m *ICefExtension) GetBackgroundPage() string
func (*ICefExtension) GetBrowserActionIcon ¶
func (m *ICefExtension) GetBrowserActionIcon() string
func (*ICefExtension) GetBrowserActionPopup ¶
func (m *ICefExtension) GetBrowserActionPopup() string
func (*ICefExtension) GetHandler ¶
func (m *ICefExtension) GetHandler() *ICefExtensionHandler
func (*ICefExtension) GetIdentifier ¶
func (m *ICefExtension) GetIdentifier() string
func (*ICefExtension) GetLoaderContext ¶
func (m *ICefExtension) GetLoaderContext() *ICefRequestContext
func (*ICefExtension) GetManifest ¶
func (m *ICefExtension) GetManifest() *ICefDictionaryValue
func (*ICefExtension) GetOptionsPage ¶
func (m *ICefExtension) GetOptionsPage() string
func (*ICefExtension) GetOptionsUIPage ¶
func (m *ICefExtension) GetOptionsUIPage() string
func (*ICefExtension) GetPageActionIcon ¶
func (m *ICefExtension) GetPageActionIcon() string
func (*ICefExtension) GetPageActionPopup ¶
func (m *ICefExtension) GetPageActionPopup() string
func (*ICefExtension) GetPath ¶
func (m *ICefExtension) GetPath() string
func (*ICefExtension) GetURL ¶
func (m *ICefExtension) GetURL() string
func (*ICefExtension) IsLoaded ¶
func (m *ICefExtension) IsLoaded() bool
func (*ICefExtension) IsSame ¶
func (m *ICefExtension) IsSame(that *ICefExtension) bool
func (*ICefExtension) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefExtension) IsValid() bool
type ICefExtensionHandler ¶
type ICefExtensionHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefExtensionHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) Free()
func (*ICefExtensionHandler) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefExtensionHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefExtensionHandler) SetCanAccessBrowser ¶
func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) SetCanAccessBrowser(fn canAccessBrowser)
func (*ICefExtensionHandler) SetGetActiveBrowser ¶
func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) SetGetActiveBrowser(fn getActiveBrowser)
func (*ICefExtensionHandler) SetGetExtensionResource ¶
func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) SetGetExtensionResource(fn getExtensionResource)
func (*ICefExtensionHandler) SetOnBeforeBackgroundBrowser ¶
func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) SetOnBeforeBackgroundBrowser(fn onBeforeBackgroundBrowser)
func (*ICefExtensionHandler) SetOnBeforeBrowser ¶
func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) SetOnBeforeBrowser(fn onBeforeBrowser)
func (*ICefExtensionHandler) SetOnExtensionLoadFailed ¶
func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) SetOnExtensionLoadFailed(fn onExtensionLoadFailed)
func (*ICefExtensionHandler) SetOnExtensionLoaded ¶
func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) SetOnExtensionLoaded(fn onExtensionLoaded)
func (*ICefExtensionHandler) SetOnExtensionUnloaded ¶
func (m *ICefExtensionHandler) SetOnExtensionUnloaded(fn onExtensionUnloaded)
type ICefFileDialogCallback ¶
type ICefFileDialogCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/include/capi/cef_dialog_handler_capi.h (cef_file_dialog_callback_t)
func (*ICefFileDialogCallback) Cancel ¶
func (m *ICefFileDialogCallback) Cancel()
func (*ICefFileDialogCallback) Cont ¶
func (m *ICefFileDialogCallback) Cont(filePaths []string)
func (*ICefFileDialogCallback) Free ¶
func (m *ICefFileDialogCallback) Free()
func (*ICefFileDialogCallback) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefFileDialogCallback) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefFileDialogCallback) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefFileDialogCallback) IsValid() bool
type ICefFillLayout ¶ added in v2.2.1
type ICefFillLayout struct {
ICefFillLayout /include/capi/views/cef_fill_layout_capi.h (cef_fill_layout_t)
type ICefFindHandler ¶
type ICefFindHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefFindHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefFindHandler) Free()
func (*ICefFindHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefFindHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefFindHandler) SetOnFindResult ¶
func (m *ICefFindHandler) SetOnFindResult(fn onFindResult)
type ICefFocusHandler ¶
type ICefFocusHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefFocusHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefFocusHandler) Free()
func (*ICefFocusHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefFocusHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefFocusHandler) SetOnGotFocus ¶
func (m *ICefFocusHandler) SetOnGotFocus(fn onGotFocus)
func (*ICefFocusHandler) SetOnSetFocus ¶
func (m *ICefFocusHandler) SetOnSetFocus(fn onSetFocus)
func (*ICefFocusHandler) SetOnTakeFocus ¶
func (m *ICefFocusHandler) SetOnTakeFocus(fn onTakeFocus)
type ICefFrame ¶
type ICefFrame struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ICefFrame Html <iframe></iframe>
func (*ICefFrame) Browser ¶
func (m *ICefFrame) Browser() *ICefBrowser
func (*ICefFrame) EmitRender ¶
func (m *ICefFrame) EmitRender(messageId int32, eventName string, target target.ITarget, data ...interface{}) bool
EmitRender IPC 发送进程 消息
messageId != 0 是带有回调函数消息
func (*ICefFrame) ExecuteJavaScript ¶
ExecuteJavaScript 执行JS
func (*ICefFrame) Identifier ¶
func (*ICefFrame) LoadRequest ¶
func (m *ICefFrame) LoadRequest(request *ICefRequest)
func (*ICefFrame) SendProcessMessage ¶
func (m *ICefFrame) SendProcessMessage(targetProcess CefProcessId, message *ICefProcessMessage)
SendProcessMessage 发送进程消息
func (*ICefFrame) SendProcessMessageForJSONBytes ¶
func (m *ICefFrame) SendProcessMessageForJSONBytes(messageName string, targetProcess CefProcessId, data []byte)
SendProcessMessageForJSONBytes 发送进程消息
func (*ICefFrame) SendProcessMessageForV8Value ¶
func (m *ICefFrame) SendProcessMessageForV8Value(messageName string, targetProcess CefProcessId, arguments *ICefV8Value)
SendProcessMessageForV8Value 发送进程消息
func (*ICefFrame) V8Context ¶
func (m *ICefFrame) V8Context() *ICefV8Context
func (*ICefFrame) VisitDom ¶
func (m *ICefFrame) VisitDom(visitor *ICefDomVisitor)
type ICefFrameHandler ¶
type ICefFrameHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefFrameHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefFrameHandler) Free()
func (*ICefFrameHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefFrameHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefFrameHandler) SetOnFrameAttached ¶
func (m *ICefFrameHandler) SetOnFrameAttached(fn onFrameAttached)
func (*ICefFrameHandler) SetOnFrameCreated ¶
func (m *ICefFrameHandler) SetOnFrameCreated(fn onFrameCreated)
func (*ICefFrameHandler) SetOnFrameDetached ¶
func (m *ICefFrameHandler) SetOnFrameDetached(fn onFrameDetached)
func (*ICefFrameHandler) SetOnMainFrameChanged ¶
func (m *ICefFrameHandler) SetOnMainFrameChanged(fn onMainFrameChanged)
type ICefGetExtensionResourceCallback ¶
type ICefGetExtensionResourceCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefGetExtensionResourceCallback) Cancel ¶
func (m *ICefGetExtensionResourceCallback) Cancel()
func (*ICefGetExtensionResourceCallback) Cont ¶
func (m *ICefGetExtensionResourceCallback) Cont(stream *ICefStreamReader)
func (*ICefGetExtensionResourceCallback) Free ¶
func (m *ICefGetExtensionResourceCallback) Free()
func (*ICefGetExtensionResourceCallback) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefGetExtensionResourceCallback) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefGetExtensionResourceCallback) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefGetExtensionResourceCallback) IsValid() bool
type ICefImage ¶
type ICefImage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type ICefJsDialogCallback ¶
type ICefJsDialogCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/include/capi/cef_jsdialog_handler_capi.h (cef_jsdialog_callback_t)
func (*ICefJsDialogCallback) Cont ¶
func (m *ICefJsDialogCallback) Cont(success bool, userInput string)
func (*ICefJsDialogCallback) Free ¶
func (m *ICefJsDialogCallback) Free()
func (*ICefJsDialogCallback) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefJsDialogCallback) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefJsDialogCallback) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefJsDialogCallback) IsValid() bool
type ICefJsDialogHandler ¶
type ICefJsDialogHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefJsDialogHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefJsDialogHandler) Free()
func (*ICefJsDialogHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefJsDialogHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefJsDialogHandler) OnBeforeUnloadDialog ¶
func (m *ICefJsDialogHandler) OnBeforeUnloadDialog(fn onBeforeUnloadDialog)
func (*ICefJsDialogHandler) OnDialogClosed ¶
func (m *ICefJsDialogHandler) OnDialogClosed(fn onDialogClosed)
func (*ICefJsDialogHandler) OnJsDialog ¶
func (m *ICefJsDialogHandler) OnJsDialog(fn onJsDialog)
func (*ICefJsDialogHandler) OnResetDialogState ¶
func (m *ICefJsDialogHandler) OnResetDialogState(fn onResetDialogState)
type ICefKeyboardHandler ¶
type ICefKeyboardHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefKeyboardHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefKeyboardHandler) Free()
func (*ICefKeyboardHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefKeyboardHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefKeyboardHandler) SetOnKeyEvent ¶
func (m *ICefKeyboardHandler) SetOnKeyEvent(fn onKeyEvent)
func (*ICefKeyboardHandler) SetOnPreKeyEvent ¶
func (m *ICefKeyboardHandler) SetOnPreKeyEvent(fn onPreKeyEvent)
type ICefLabelButton ¶ added in v2.2.1
type ICefLabelButton struct {
ICefLabelButton /include/capi/views/cef_label_button_capi.h (cef_label_button_t)
func (*ICefLabelButton) AsMenuButton ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefLabelButton) AsMenuButton() *ICefMenuButton
func (*ICefLabelButton) GetImage ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefLabelButton) GetImage() *ICefImage
func (*ICefLabelButton) GetText ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefLabelButton) GetText() string
func (*ICefLabelButton) SetEnabledTextColors ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefLabelButton) SetEnabledTextColors(color types.TCefColor)
func (*ICefLabelButton) SetFontList ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefLabelButton) SetFontList(fontList string)
func (*ICefLabelButton) SetHorizontalAlignment ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefLabelButton) SetHorizontalAlignment(alignment consts.TCefHorizontalAlignment)
func (*ICefLabelButton) SetImage ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefLabelButton) SetImage(buttonState consts.TCefButtonState, image *ICefImage)
func (*ICefLabelButton) SetMaximumSize ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefLabelButton) SetMaximumSize(size *TCefSize)
func (*ICefLabelButton) SetMinimumSize ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefLabelButton) SetMinimumSize(size *TCefSize)
func (*ICefLabelButton) SetText ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefLabelButton) SetText(text string)
func (*ICefLabelButton) SetTextColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefLabelButton) SetTextColor(forState consts.TCefButtonState, color types.TCefColor)
type ICefLayout ¶ added in v2.2.1
type ICefLayout struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ICefLayout /include/capi/views/cef_layout_capi.h (cef_layout_t)
func (*ICefLayout) AsBoxLayout ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefLayout) AsBoxLayout() *ICefBoxLayout
func (*ICefLayout) AsFillLayout ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefLayout) AsFillLayout() *ICefFillLayout
func (*ICefLayout) Instance ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefLayout) Instance() uintptr
func (*ICefLayout) IsValid ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefLayout) IsValid() bool
type ICefLifeSpanHandler ¶
type ICefLifeSpanHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefLifeSpanHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefLifeSpanHandler) Free()
func (*ICefLifeSpanHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefLifeSpanHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefLifeSpanHandler) SetDoClose ¶
func (m *ICefLifeSpanHandler) SetDoClose(fn doClose)
func (*ICefLifeSpanHandler) SetOnAfterCreated ¶
func (m *ICefLifeSpanHandler) SetOnAfterCreated(fn onAfterCreated)
func (*ICefLifeSpanHandler) SetOnBeforeClose ¶
func (m *ICefLifeSpanHandler) SetOnBeforeClose(fn onBeforeClose)
func (*ICefLifeSpanHandler) SetOnBeforePopup ¶
func (m *ICefLifeSpanHandler) SetOnBeforePopup(fn onBeforePopup)
type ICefListValue ¶
type ICefListValue struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ICefListValue -> ArgumentList
func (*ICefListValue) Clear ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) Clear() (result bool)
func (*ICefListValue) Copy ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) Copy() *ICefListValue
func (*ICefListValue) Free ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) Free()
func (*ICefListValue) GetBinary ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) GetBinary(index uint32) *ICefBinaryValue
func (*ICefListValue) GetBool ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) GetBool(index uint32) bool
func (*ICefListValue) GetDictionary ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) GetDictionary(index uint32) *ICefDictionaryValue
func (*ICefListValue) GetDouble ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) GetDouble(index uint32) (result float64)
func (*ICefListValue) GetIArray ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) GetIArray(index uint32) types.IArrayValue
func (*ICefListValue) GetIBinary ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) GetIBinary(index uint32) types.IBinaryValue
func (*ICefListValue) GetIObject ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) GetIObject(index uint32) types.IObjectValue
func (*ICefListValue) GetInt ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) GetInt(index uint32) int32
func (*ICefListValue) GetList ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) GetList(index uint32) *ICefListValue
func (*ICefListValue) GetString ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) GetString(index uint32) (value string)
func (*ICefListValue) GetType ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) GetType(index uint32) consts.TCefValueType
func (*ICefListValue) GetValue ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) GetValue(index uint32) *ICefValue
func (*ICefListValue) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) Instance() uintptr
func (*ICefListValue) IsOwned ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) IsOwned() bool
func (*ICefListValue) IsReadOnly ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) IsReadOnly() bool
func (*ICefListValue) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefListValue) Remove ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) Remove(index uint32) bool
func (*ICefListValue) SetBinary ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) SetBinary(index uint32, value *ICefBinaryValue) (result bool)
func (*ICefListValue) SetDictionary ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) SetDictionary(index uint32, value *ICefDictionaryValue) (result bool)
func (*ICefListValue) SetDouble ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) SetDouble(index uint32, value float64) bool
func (*ICefListValue) SetList ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) SetList(index uint32, value *ICefListValue) (result bool)
func (*ICefListValue) SetNull ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) SetNull(index uint32) bool
func (*ICefListValue) SetSize ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) SetSize(size uint32) bool
func (*ICefListValue) SetString ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) SetString(index uint32, value string) bool
func (*ICefListValue) SetValue ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) SetValue(index uint32, value *ICefValue) (result bool)
func (*ICefListValue) Size ¶
func (m *ICefListValue) Size() uint32
type ICefLoadHandler ¶
type ICefLoadHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefLoadHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefLoadHandler) Free()
func (*ICefLoadHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefLoadHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefLoadHandler) SetOnLoadEnd ¶
func (m *ICefLoadHandler) SetOnLoadEnd(fn onLoadEnd)
func (*ICefLoadHandler) SetOnLoadError ¶
func (m *ICefLoadHandler) SetOnLoadError(fn onLoadError)
func (*ICefLoadHandler) SetOnLoadStart ¶
func (m *ICefLoadHandler) SetOnLoadStart(fn onLoadStart)
func (*ICefLoadHandler) SetOnLoadingStateChange ¶
func (m *ICefLoadHandler) SetOnLoadingStateChange(fn onLoadingStateChange)
type ICefMediaAccessCallback ¶
type ICefMediaAccessCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
This interface is declared twice with almost identical parameters. "allowed_permissions" is defined as int and uint32. /include/capi/cef_media_access_handler_capi.h (cef_media_access_callback_t) /include/capi/cef_permission_handler_capi.h (cef_media_access_callback_t)
func (*ICefMediaAccessCallback) Cancel ¶
func (m *ICefMediaAccessCallback) Cancel()
func (*ICefMediaAccessCallback) Cont ¶
func (m *ICefMediaAccessCallback) Cont(allowedPermissions consts.TCefMediaAccessPermissionTypes)
func (*ICefMediaAccessCallback) Free ¶
func (m *ICefMediaAccessCallback) Free()
func (*ICefMediaAccessCallback) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefMediaAccessCallback) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefMediaAccessCallback) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefMediaAccessCallback) IsValid() bool
type ICefMediaRoute ¶
type ICefMediaRoute struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/include/capi/cef_media_router_capi.h (cef_media_observer_t)
type ICefMediaRouter ¶ added in v2.3.1
type ICefMediaRouter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ICefMediaRouter TODO no impl
type ICefMediaSink ¶
type ICefMediaSink struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/include/capi/cef_media_router_capi.h (cef_media_sink_t)
type ICefMenuButton ¶ added in v2.2.1
type ICefMenuButton struct {
ICefMenuButton /include/capi/views/cef_menu_button_capi.h (cef_menu_button_t)
func (*ICefMenuButton) ShowMenu ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefMenuButton) ShowMenu(menuModel *ICefMenuModel, screenPoint TCefPoint, anchorPosition consts.TCefMenuAnchorPosition)
func (*ICefMenuButton) TriggerMenu ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefMenuButton) TriggerMenu()
type ICefMenuButtonDelegate ¶ added in v2.2.1
type ICefMenuButtonDelegate struct {
ICefMenuButtonDelegate /include/capi/views/cef_menu_button_delegate_capi.h (cef_menu_button_delegate_t)
func (*ICefMenuButtonDelegate) SetOnMenuButtonPressed ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefMenuButtonDelegate) SetOnMenuButtonPressed(fn onMenuButtonPressed)
type ICefMenuButtonPressedLock ¶ added in v2.2.1
type ICefMenuButtonPressedLock struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ICefMenuButtonPressedLock /include/capi/views/cef_menu_button_delegate_capi.h (cef_menu_button_pressed_lock_t)
type ICefMenuModel ¶
type ICefMenuModel struct { CefMis *keyEventAccelerator // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ICefMenuModel 菜单
func (*ICefMenuModel) AddCheckItem ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) AddCheckItem(commandId MenuId, text string) bool
AddCheckItem 添加一个复选框菜单项
func (*ICefMenuModel) AddItem ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) AddItem(commandId MenuId, text string) bool
AddItem 添加一个菜单项
func (*ICefMenuModel) AddMenuItem ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) AddMenuItem(item *MenuItem) bool
AddMenuItem 添加一个菜单项 MenuItem
func (*ICefMenuModel) AddRadioItem ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) AddRadioItem(commandId MenuId, text string, groupId int32) bool
AddRadioItem 添加一个单选框菜单项-按分组
func (*ICefMenuModel) AddSeparator ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) AddSeparator() bool
AddSeparator 添加一个分隔线
func (*ICefMenuModel) AddSubMenu ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) AddSubMenu(commandId MenuId, text string) *ICefMenuModel
AddSubMenu 创建添加并返回一个子菜单项, 使用返回的 ICefMenuModel 给子菜单添加菜单项
func (*ICefMenuModel) Free ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) Free()
func (*ICefMenuModel) GetColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefMenuModel) GetColor(commandId MenuId, colorType TCefMenuColorType) (color types.TCefColor, result bool)
func (*ICefMenuModel) GetGroupId ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefMenuModel) GetGroupId(commandId MenuId) int32
func (*ICefMenuModel) GetIndexOf ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) GetIndexOf(commandId MenuId) int32
GetIndexOf 获取下标
func (*ICefMenuModel) GetLabel ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefMenuModel) GetLabel(commandId MenuId) string
func (*ICefMenuModel) GetSubMenu ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefMenuModel) GetSubMenu(commandId MenuId) *ICefMenuModel
func (*ICefMenuModel) GetType ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefMenuModel) GetType(commandId MenuId) TCefMenuItemType
func (*ICefMenuModel) HasAccelerator ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) HasAccelerator(commandId MenuId) bool
HasAccelerator 是否有快捷键
func (*ICefMenuModel) IsChecked ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) IsChecked(commandId MenuId) bool
func (*ICefMenuModel) IsEnabled ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) IsEnabled(commandId MenuId) bool
IsEnabled 是启用
func (*ICefMenuModel) IsValid ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefMenuModel) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefMenuModel) IsVisible ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) IsVisible(commandId MenuId) bool
IsVisible 是否显示
func (*ICefMenuModel) Remove ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) Remove(commandId MenuId) bool
Remove 指定移除一个菜单项,可直接移除Chromium默认实现的菜单项 consts.MenuId => MENU_ID_XXX
func (*ICefMenuModel) RemoveAccelerator ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) RemoveAccelerator(commandId MenuId) bool
RemoveAccelerator 删除快捷键
func (*ICefMenuModel) RemoveAt ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) RemoveAt(index int32) bool
RemoveAt 指定根据下标移除一个菜单项,可直接移除Chromium默认实现的菜单项 consts.MenuId => MENU_ID_XXX
func (*ICefMenuModel) SetAccelerator ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) SetAccelerator(commandId MenuId, keyCode int32, shiftPressed, ctrlPressed, altPressed bool) bool
SetAccelerator 设置快捷键
func (*ICefMenuModel) SetChecked ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) SetChecked(commandId MenuId, check bool) bool
SetChecked 设置Check | Radio 选中
func (*ICefMenuModel) SetColor ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) SetColor(commandId MenuId, colorType TCefMenuColorType, color *TCefARGB) bool
SetColor 设置可用菜单项 cef.NewCefARGB(a, r, g, b), 颜色根据 consts.TCefMenuColorType
func (*ICefMenuModel) SetEnabled ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) SetEnabled(commandId MenuId, enabled bool) bool
SetEnabled 设置是启用
func (*ICefMenuModel) SetFontList ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefMenuModel) SetFontList(commandId MenuId, fontList string) bool
func (*ICefMenuModel) SetGroupId ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefMenuModel) SetGroupId(commandId MenuId, groupId int32) bool
func (*ICefMenuModel) SetLabel ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) SetLabel(commandId MenuId, text string) bool
SetLabel 设置标签
func (*ICefMenuModel) SetVisible ¶
func (m *ICefMenuModel) SetVisible(commandId MenuId, visible bool) bool
SetVisible 设置是否显示
type ICefMenuModelDelegate ¶ added in v2.2.1
type ICefMenuModelDelegate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ICefMenuModelDelegate /include/capi/cef_menu_model_delegate_capi.h (cef_menu_model_delegate_t)
func (*ICefMenuModelDelegate) Free ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefMenuModelDelegate) Free()
func (*ICefMenuModelDelegate) Instance ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefMenuModelDelegate) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefMenuModelDelegate) IsValid ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefMenuModelDelegate) IsValid() bool
type ICefNavigationEntry ¶
type ICefNavigationEntry struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/include/capi/cef_navigation_entry_capi.h (cef_navigation_entry_t)
type ICefOverlayController ¶ added in v2.2.1
type ICefOverlayController struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ICefOverlayController TODO 未实现 /include/capi/views/cef_overlay_controller_capi.h (cef_overlay_controller_t)
type ICefPanel ¶ added in v2.2.1
type ICefPanel struct {
ICefPanel /include/capi/views/cef_panel_capi.h (cef_panel_t)
func (*ICefPanel) AddChildView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefPanel) AddChildViewAt ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefPanel) GetAsWindow ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefPanel) GetAsWindow() *ICefWindow
func (*ICefPanel) GetChildViewAt ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefPanel) GetChildViewCount ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefPanel) GetLayout ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefPanel) GetLayout() *ICefLayout
func (*ICefPanel) RemoveAllChildViews ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefPanel) RemoveAllChildViews()
func (*ICefPanel) RemoveChildView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefPanel) ReorderChildView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefPanel) SetToBoxLayout ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefPanel) SetToBoxLayout(settings TCefBoxLayoutSettings) *ICefBoxLayout
func (*ICefPanel) SetToFillLayout ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefPanel) SetToFillLayout() *ICefFillLayout
type ICefPanelDelegate ¶ added in v2.2.1
type ICefPanelDelegate struct {
ICefPanelDelegate /include/capi/views/cef_panel_delegate_capi.h (cef_panel_delegate_t)
type ICefPdfPrintCallback ¶
type ICefPdfPrintCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefPdfPrintCallback) Free ¶
func (m *ICefPdfPrintCallback) Free()
func (*ICefPdfPrintCallback) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefPdfPrintCallback) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefPdfPrintCallback) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefPdfPrintCallback) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefPdfPrintCallback) OnPdfPrintFinished ¶
func (m *ICefPdfPrintCallback) OnPdfPrintFinished(fn OnPdfPrintFinished)
type ICefPermissionHandler ¶
type ICefPermissionHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefPermissionHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefPermissionHandler) Free()
func (*ICefPermissionHandler) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefPermissionHandler) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefPermissionHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefPermissionHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefPermissionHandler) OnDismissPermissionPrompt ¶
func (m *ICefPermissionHandler) OnDismissPermissionPrompt(fn onDismissPermissionPrompt)
func (*ICefPermissionHandler) OnRequestMediaAccessPermission ¶
func (m *ICefPermissionHandler) OnRequestMediaAccessPermission(fn onRequestMediaAccessPermission)
func (*ICefPermissionHandler) OnShowPermissionPrompt ¶
func (m *ICefPermissionHandler) OnShowPermissionPrompt(fn onShowPermissionPrompt)
type ICefPermissionPromptCallback ¶
type ICefPermissionPromptCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/include/capi/cef_permission_handler_capi.h (cef_permission_prompt_callback_t)
func (*ICefPermissionPromptCallback) Cont ¶
func (m *ICefPermissionPromptCallback) Cont(result consts.TCefPermissionRequestResult)
func (*ICefPermissionPromptCallback) Free ¶
func (m *ICefPermissionPromptCallback) Free()
func (*ICefPermissionPromptCallback) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefPermissionPromptCallback) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefPermissionPromptCallback) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefPermissionPromptCallback) IsValid() bool
type ICefPostData ¶
type ICefPostData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefPostData) AddElement ¶
func (m *ICefPostData) AddElement(postDataElement *ICefPostDataElement) bool
func (*ICefPostData) Free ¶ added in v2.3.0
func (m *ICefPostData) Free()
func (*ICefPostData) GetElementCount ¶
func (m *ICefPostData) GetElementCount() uint32
func (*ICefPostData) GetElements ¶
func (m *ICefPostData) GetElements() *TCefPostDataElementArray
func (*ICefPostData) HasExcludedElements ¶
func (m *ICefPostData) HasExcludedElements() bool
func (*ICefPostData) IsReadOnly ¶
func (m *ICefPostData) IsReadOnly() bool
func (*ICefPostData) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefPostData) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefPostData) RemoveElement ¶
func (m *ICefPostData) RemoveElement(postDataElement *ICefPostDataElement) bool
func (*ICefPostData) RemoveElements ¶
func (m *ICefPostData) RemoveElements()
type ICefPostDataElement ¶
type ICefPostDataElement struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefPostDataElement) Free ¶ added in v2.3.0
func (m *ICefPostDataElement) Free()
func (*ICefPostDataElement) GetBytes ¶
func (m *ICefPostDataElement) GetBytes() (result []byte, count uint32)
func (*ICefPostDataElement) GetBytesCount ¶
func (m *ICefPostDataElement) GetBytesCount() uint32
func (*ICefPostDataElement) GetFile ¶
func (m *ICefPostDataElement) GetFile() string
func (*ICefPostDataElement) GetType ¶
func (m *ICefPostDataElement) GetType() consts.TCefPostDataElementType
func (*ICefPostDataElement) IsReadOnly ¶
func (m *ICefPostDataElement) IsReadOnly() bool
func (*ICefPostDataElement) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefPostDataElement) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefPostDataElement) SetToBytes ¶
func (m *ICefPostDataElement) SetToBytes(bytes []byte)
func (*ICefPostDataElement) SetToEmpty ¶
func (m *ICefPostDataElement) SetToEmpty()
func (*ICefPostDataElement) SetToFile ¶
func (m *ICefPostDataElement) SetToFile(fileName string)
type ICefPrintDialogCallback ¶
type ICefPrintDialogCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefPrintDialogCallback) Cancel ¶
func (m *ICefPrintDialogCallback) Cancel()
func (*ICefPrintDialogCallback) Cont ¶
func (m *ICefPrintDialogCallback) Cont(settings *ICefPrintSettings)
func (*ICefPrintDialogCallback) Free ¶
func (m *ICefPrintDialogCallback) Free()
func (*ICefPrintDialogCallback) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefPrintDialogCallback) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefPrintDialogCallback) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefPrintDialogCallback) IsValid() bool
type ICefPrintHandler ¶
type ICefPrintHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefPrintHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefPrintHandler) Free()
func (*ICefPrintHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefPrintHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefPrintHandler) SetGetPDFPaperSize ¶
func (m *ICefPrintHandler) SetGetPDFPaperSize(fn getPDFPaperSize)
func (*ICefPrintHandler) SetOnPrintDialog ¶
func (m *ICefPrintHandler) SetOnPrintDialog(fn onPrintDialog)
func (*ICefPrintHandler) SetOnPrintJob ¶
func (m *ICefPrintHandler) SetOnPrintJob(fn onPrintJob)
func (*ICefPrintHandler) SetOnPrintReset ¶
func (m *ICefPrintHandler) SetOnPrintReset(fn onPrintReset)
func (*ICefPrintHandler) SetOnPrintSettings ¶
func (m *ICefPrintHandler) SetOnPrintSettings(fn onPrintSettings)
func (*ICefPrintHandler) SetOnPrintStart ¶
func (m *ICefPrintHandler) SetOnPrintStart(fn onPrintStart)
type ICefPrintJobCallback ¶
type ICefPrintJobCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefPrintJobCallback) Cont ¶
func (m *ICefPrintJobCallback) Cont()
func (*ICefPrintJobCallback) Free ¶
func (m *ICefPrintJobCallback) Free()
func (*ICefPrintJobCallback) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefPrintJobCallback) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefPrintJobCallback) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefPrintJobCallback) IsValid() bool
type ICefPrintSettings ¶
type ICefPrintSettings struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefPrintSettings) Free ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) Free()
func (*ICefPrintSettings) GetColorModel ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) GetColorModel() consts.TCefColorModel
func (*ICefPrintSettings) GetCopies ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) GetCopies() int32
func (*ICefPrintSettings) GetDeviceName ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) GetDeviceName() string
func (*ICefPrintSettings) GetDpi ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) GetDpi() int32
func (*ICefPrintSettings) GetDuplexMode ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) GetDuplexMode() consts.TCefDuplexMode
func (*ICefPrintSettings) GetPageRanges ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) GetPageRanges() []TCefRange
func (*ICefPrintSettings) GetPageRangesCount ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) GetPageRangesCount() uint32
func (*ICefPrintSettings) IsLandscape ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) IsLandscape() bool
func (*ICefPrintSettings) IsReadOnly ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) IsReadOnly() bool
func (*ICefPrintSettings) IsSelectionOnly ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) IsSelectionOnly() bool
func (*ICefPrintSettings) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefPrintSettings) SetCollate ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) SetCollate(collate bool)
func (*ICefPrintSettings) SetColorModel ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) SetColorModel(model consts.TCefColorModel)
func (*ICefPrintSettings) SetCopies ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) SetCopies(copies int32)
func (*ICefPrintSettings) SetDeviceName ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) SetDeviceName(name string)
func (*ICefPrintSettings) SetDpi ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) SetDpi(dpi int32)
func (*ICefPrintSettings) SetDuplexMode ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) SetDuplexMode(mode consts.TCefDuplexMode)
func (*ICefPrintSettings) SetOrientation ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) SetOrientation(landscape bool)
func (*ICefPrintSettings) SetPageRanges ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) SetPageRanges(ranges []TCefRange)
func (*ICefPrintSettings) SetPrinterPrintableArea ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) SetPrinterPrintableArea(physicalSizeDeviceUnits *TCefSize, printableAreaDeviceUnits *TCefRect, landscapeNeedsFlip bool)
func (*ICefPrintSettings) SetSelectionOnly ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) SetSelectionOnly(selectionOnly bool)
func (*ICefPrintSettings) WillCollate ¶
func (m *ICefPrintSettings) WillCollate() bool
type ICefProcessMessage ¶
type ICefProcessMessage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefProcessMessage) ArgumentList ¶
func (m *ICefProcessMessage) ArgumentList() *ICefListValue
ArgumentList 参数列表
func (*ICefProcessMessage) Copy ¶
func (m *ICefProcessMessage) Copy() *ICefProcessMessage
func (*ICefProcessMessage) Free ¶
func (m *ICefProcessMessage) Free()
func (*ICefProcessMessage) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefProcessMessage) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefProcessMessage) Name ¶
func (m *ICefProcessMessage) Name() string
type ICefRenderHandler ¶
type ICefRenderHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefRenderHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefRenderHandler) Free()
func (*ICefRenderHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefRenderHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefRenderHandler) SetGetAccessibilityHandler ¶
func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetGetAccessibilityHandler(fn renderHandlerGetAccessibilityHandler)
func (*ICefRenderHandler) SetGetRootScreenRect ¶
func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetGetRootScreenRect(fn renderHandlerGetRootScreenRect)
func (*ICefRenderHandler) SetGetScreenInfo ¶
func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetGetScreenInfo(fn renderHandlerGetScreenInfo)
func (*ICefRenderHandler) SetGetScreenPoint ¶
func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetGetScreenPoint(fn renderHandlerGetScreenPoint)
func (*ICefRenderHandler) SetGetTouchHandleSize ¶
func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetGetTouchHandleSize(fn renderHandlerGetTouchHandleSize)
func (*ICefRenderHandler) SetGetViewRect ¶
func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetGetViewRect(fn renderHandlerGetViewRect)
func (*ICefRenderHandler) SetOnAcceleratedPaint ¶
func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnAcceleratedPaint(fn renderHandlerOnAcceleratedPaint)
func (*ICefRenderHandler) SetOnIMECompositionRangeChanged ¶
func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnIMECompositionRangeChanged(fn renderHandlerOnIMECompositionRangeChanged)
func (*ICefRenderHandler) SetOnPaint ¶
func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnPaint(fn renderHandlerOnPaint)
func (*ICefRenderHandler) SetOnPopupShow ¶
func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnPopupShow(fn renderHandlerOnPopupShow)
func (*ICefRenderHandler) SetOnPopupSize ¶
func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnPopupSize(fn renderHandlerOnPopupSize)
func (*ICefRenderHandler) SetOnScrollOffsetChanged ¶
func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnScrollOffsetChanged(fn renderHandlerOnScrollOffsetChanged)
func (*ICefRenderHandler) SetOnStartDragging ¶
func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnStartDragging(fn renderHandlerOnStartDragging)
func (*ICefRenderHandler) SetOnTextSelectionChanged ¶
func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnTextSelectionChanged(fn renderHandlerOnTextSelectionChanged)
func (*ICefRenderHandler) SetOnTouchHandleStateChanged ¶
func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnTouchHandleStateChanged(fn renderHandlerOnTouchHandleStateChanged)
func (*ICefRenderHandler) SetOnUpdateDragCursor ¶
func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnUpdateDragCursor(fn renderHandlerOnUpdateDragCursor)
func (*ICefRenderHandler) SetOnVirtualKeyboardRequested ¶
func (m *ICefRenderHandler) SetOnVirtualKeyboardRequested(fn renderHandlerOnVirtualKeyboardRequested)
type ICefRequest ¶
type ICefRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefRequest) Flags ¶
func (m *ICefRequest) Flags() TCefUrlRequestFlags
func (*ICefRequest) Free ¶
func (m *ICefRequest) Free()
func (*ICefRequest) GetFirstPartyForCookies ¶
func (m *ICefRequest) GetFirstPartyForCookies() string
func (*ICefRequest) GetHeaderByName ¶
func (m *ICefRequest) GetHeaderByName(name string) (r string)
func (*ICefRequest) GetHeaderMap ¶
func (m *ICefRequest) GetHeaderMap() *ICefStringMultiMap
func (*ICefRequest) GetPostData ¶
func (m *ICefRequest) GetPostData() *ICefPostData
func (*ICefRequest) Identifier ¶
func (m *ICefRequest) Identifier() (result uint64)
func (*ICefRequest) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefRequest) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefRequest) Method ¶
func (m *ICefRequest) Method() (r string)
func (*ICefRequest) ReferrerPolicy ¶
func (m *ICefRequest) ReferrerPolicy() TCefReferrerPolicy
func (*ICefRequest) ReferrerUrl ¶
func (m *ICefRequest) ReferrerUrl() (r string)
func (*ICefRequest) ResourceType ¶
func (m *ICefRequest) ResourceType() TCefResourceType
func (*ICefRequest) SetFirstPartyForCookies ¶
func (m *ICefRequest) SetFirstPartyForCookies(url string)
func (*ICefRequest) SetFlags ¶
func (m *ICefRequest) SetFlags(flags TCefUrlRequestFlags)
SetFlags 设置请求标记
func (*ICefRequest) SetHeaderByName ¶
func (m *ICefRequest) SetHeaderByName(name, value string, overwrite bool)
func (*ICefRequest) SetHeaderMap ¶
func (m *ICefRequest) SetHeaderMap(headerMap *ICefStringMultiMap)
func (*ICefRequest) SetPostData ¶
func (m *ICefRequest) SetPostData(value *ICefPostData)
func (*ICefRequest) SetReferrer ¶
func (m *ICefRequest) SetReferrer(referrerUrl string, policy TCefReferrerPolicy)
SetReferrer 设置来源策略
func (*ICefRequest) TransitionType ¶
func (m *ICefRequest) TransitionType() TCefTransitionType
func (*ICefRequest) URL ¶
func (m *ICefRequest) URL() (r string)
type ICefRequestContext ¶
type ICefRequestContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefRequestContext) CanSetPreference ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) CanSetPreference(name string) bool
func (*ICefRequestContext) ClearCertificateExceptions ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) ClearCertificateExceptions(callback *ICefCompletionCallback)
func (*ICefRequestContext) ClearHttpAuthCredentials ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) ClearHttpAuthCredentials(callback *ICefCompletionCallback)
func (*ICefRequestContext) ClearSchemeHandlerFactories ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) ClearSchemeHandlerFactories() bool
func (*ICefRequestContext) CloseAllConnections ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) CloseAllConnections(callback *ICefCompletionCallback)
func (*ICefRequestContext) DidLoadExtension ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) DidLoadExtension(extensionId string)
func (*ICefRequestContext) Free ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) Free()
func (*ICefRequestContext) GetAllPreferences ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) GetAllPreferences(includeDefaults bool) *ICefDictionaryValue
func (*ICefRequestContext) GetCachePath ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) GetCachePath() string
func (*ICefRequestContext) GetContentSetting ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *ICefRequestContext) GetContentSetting(requestingUrl, topLevelUrl string, contentType consts.TCefContentSettingTypes) consts.TCefContentSettingValues
func (*ICefRequestContext) GetCookieManager ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) GetCookieManager(callback *ICefCompletionCallback) *ICefCookieManager
func (*ICefRequestContext) GetExtension ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) GetExtension(extensionId string) *ICefExtension
func (*ICefRequestContext) GetExtensions ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) GetExtensions() (result []string, ok bool)
func (*ICefRequestContext) GetHandler ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) GetHandler() *ICefRequestContextHandler
func (*ICefRequestContext) GetMediaRouter ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *ICefRequestContext) GetMediaRouter(callback *ICefCompletionCallback) *ICefMediaRouter
func (*ICefRequestContext) GetPreference ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) GetPreference(name string) *ICefValue
func (*ICefRequestContext) GetWebsiteSetting ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *ICefRequestContext) GetWebsiteSetting(requestingUrl, topLevelUrl string, contentType consts.TCefContentSettingTypes) *ICefValue
func (*ICefRequestContext) HasExtension ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) HasExtension(extensionId string)
func (*ICefRequestContext) HasPreference ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) HasPreference(name string) bool
func (*ICefRequestContext) IsGlobal ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) IsGlobal() bool
func (*ICefRequestContext) IsSame ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) IsSame(other *ICefRequestContext) bool
func (*ICefRequestContext) IsSharingWith ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) IsSharingWith(other *ICefRequestContext) bool
func (*ICefRequestContext) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefRequestContext) LoadExtension ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) LoadExtension(rootDirectory string, manifest *ICefDictionaryValue, handler *ICefExtensionHandler)
func (*ICefRequestContext) RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) RegisterSchemeHandlerFactory(schemeName, domainName string, factory *ICefSchemeHandlerFactory) bool
func (*ICefRequestContext) ResolveHost ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) ResolveHost(origin string)
ResolveHost TODO ICefResolveCallback
func (*ICefRequestContext) SetContentSetting ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *ICefRequestContext) SetContentSetting(requestingUrl, topLevelUrl string, contentType consts.TCefContentSettingTypes, value consts.TCefContentSettingValues)
func (*ICefRequestContext) SetPreference ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContext) SetPreference(name string, value *ICefValue) (error string, ok bool)
func (*ICefRequestContext) SetWebsiteSetting ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *ICefRequestContext) SetWebsiteSetting(requestingUrl, topLevelUrl string, contentType consts.TCefContentSettingTypes, value *ICefValue)
type ICefRequestContextHandler ¶
type ICefRequestContextHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefRequestContextHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContextHandler) Free()
func (*ICefRequestContextHandler) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContextHandler) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefRequestContextHandler) IsOtherEvent ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefRequestContextHandler) IsOtherEvent() bool
func (*ICefRequestContextHandler) IsSelfOwnEvent ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefRequestContextHandler) IsSelfOwnEvent() bool
func (*ICefRequestContextHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContextHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefRequestContextHandler) SetGetResourceRequestHandler ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContextHandler) SetGetResourceRequestHandler(fn getResourceRequestHandler)
func (*ICefRequestContextHandler) SetOnRequestContextInitialized ¶
func (m *ICefRequestContextHandler) SetOnRequestContextInitialized(fn onRequestContextInitialized)
type ICefRequestHandler ¶
type ICefRequestHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefRequestHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefRequestHandler) Free()
func (*ICefRequestHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefRequestHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefRequestHandler) SetGetAuthCredentials ¶
func (m *ICefRequestHandler) SetGetAuthCredentials(fn requestHandlerGetAuthCredentials)
func (*ICefRequestHandler) SetGetResourceRequestHandler ¶
func (m *ICefRequestHandler) SetGetResourceRequestHandler(fn requestHandlerGetResourceRequestHandler)
func (*ICefRequestHandler) SetOnBeforeBrowse ¶
func (m *ICefRequestHandler) SetOnBeforeBrowse(fn requestHandlerOnBeforeBrowse)
func (*ICefRequestHandler) SetOnCertificateError ¶
func (m *ICefRequestHandler) SetOnCertificateError(fn requestHandlerOnCertificateError)
func (*ICefRequestHandler) SetOnDocumentAvailableInMainFrame ¶
func (m *ICefRequestHandler) SetOnDocumentAvailableInMainFrame(fn requestHandlerOnDocumentAvailableInMainFrame)
func (*ICefRequestHandler) SetOnOpenUrlFromTab ¶
func (m *ICefRequestHandler) SetOnOpenUrlFromTab(fn requestHandlerOnOpenUrlFromTab)
func (*ICefRequestHandler) SetOnRenderProcessTerminated ¶
func (m *ICefRequestHandler) SetOnRenderProcessTerminated(fn requestHandlerOnRenderProcessTerminated)
func (*ICefRequestHandler) SetOnRenderViewReady ¶
func (m *ICefRequestHandler) SetOnRenderViewReady(fn requestHandlerOnRenderViewReady)
func (*ICefRequestHandler) SetOnSelectClientCertificate ¶
func (m *ICefRequestHandler) SetOnSelectClientCertificate(fn requestHandlerOnSelectClientCertificate)
type ICefResourceHandler ¶
type ICefResourceHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/include/capi/cef_resource_handler_capi.h (cef_resource_handler_t)
func (*ICefResourceHandler) Cancel ¶
func (m *ICefResourceHandler) Cancel(fn resourceHandlerCancel)
func (*ICefResourceHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefResourceHandler) Free()
func (*ICefResourceHandler) GetResponseHeaders ¶
func (m *ICefResourceHandler) GetResponseHeaders(fn resourceHandlerGetResponseHeaders)
func (*ICefResourceHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefResourceHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefResourceHandler) Open ¶
func (m *ICefResourceHandler) Open(fn resourceHandlerOpen)
func (*ICefResourceHandler) ProcessRequest
func (m *ICefResourceHandler) ProcessRequest(fn resourceHandlerProcessRequest)
Deprecated: Use Open instead.
func (*ICefResourceHandler) Read ¶
func (m *ICefResourceHandler) Read(fn resourceHandlerRead)
func (*ICefResourceHandler) ReadResponse
func (m *ICefResourceHandler) ReadResponse(fn resourceHandlerReadResponse)
Deprecated: Use Skip and Read instead.
func (*ICefResourceHandler) Skip ¶
func (m *ICefResourceHandler) Skip(fn resourceHandlerSkip)
type ICefResourceReadCallback ¶
type ICefResourceReadCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/include/capi/cef_resource_handler_capi.h (cef_resource_read_callback_t)
func (*ICefResourceReadCallback) Cont ¶
func (m *ICefResourceReadCallback) Cont(bytesSkipped int64)
func (*ICefResourceReadCallback) Free ¶
func (m *ICefResourceReadCallback) Free()
func (*ICefResourceReadCallback) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefResourceReadCallback) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefResourceReadCallback) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefResourceReadCallback) IsValid() bool
type ICefResourceRequestHandler ¶
type ICefResourceRequestHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/include/capi/cef_resource_request_handler_capi.h (cef_resource_request_handler_t)
func (*ICefResourceRequestHandler) Free ¶
func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) Free()
func (*ICefResourceRequestHandler) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefResourceRequestHandler) IsOtherEvent ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) IsOtherEvent() bool
func (*ICefResourceRequestHandler) IsSelfOwnEvent ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) IsSelfOwnEvent() bool
func (*ICefResourceRequestHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetGetCookieAccessFilter ¶
func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetGetCookieAccessFilter(fn onGetCookieAccessFilter)
func (*ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetGetResourceHandler ¶
func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetGetResourceHandler(fn onGetResourceHandler)
func (*ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetGetResourceResponseFilter ¶
func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetGetResourceResponseFilter(fn onGetResourceResponseFilter)
func (*ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetOnBeforeResourceLoad ¶
func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetOnBeforeResourceLoad(fn onBeforeResourceLoad)
func (*ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetOnProtocolExecution ¶
func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetOnProtocolExecution(fn onProtocolExecution)
func (*ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetOnResourceLoadComplete ¶
func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetOnResourceLoadComplete(fn onResourceLoadComplete)
func (*ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetOnResourceRedirect ¶
func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetOnResourceRedirect(fn onResourceRedirect)
func (*ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetOnResourceResponse ¶
func (m *ICefResourceRequestHandler) SetOnResourceResponse(fn onResourceResponse)
type ICefResourceSkipCallback ¶
type ICefResourceSkipCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/include/capi/cef_resource_handler_capi.h (cef_resource_skip_callback_t)
func (*ICefResourceSkipCallback) Cont ¶
func (m *ICefResourceSkipCallback) Cont(bytesRead int64)
func (*ICefResourceSkipCallback) Free ¶
func (m *ICefResourceSkipCallback) Free()
func (*ICefResourceSkipCallback) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefResourceSkipCallback) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefResourceSkipCallback) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefResourceSkipCallback) IsValid() bool
type ICefResponse ¶
type ICefResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefResponse) Charset ¶
func (m *ICefResponse) Charset() string
func (*ICefResponse) Error ¶
func (m *ICefResponse) Error() TCefErrorCode
func (*ICefResponse) Free ¶
func (m *ICefResponse) Free()
func (*ICefResponse) GetHeaderByName ¶
func (m *ICefResponse) GetHeaderByName(name string) string
func (*ICefResponse) GetHeaderMap ¶
func (m *ICefResponse) GetHeaderMap() *ICefStringMultiMap
func (*ICefResponse) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefResponse) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefResponse) MimeType ¶
func (m *ICefResponse) MimeType() string
func (*ICefResponse) SetHeaderByName ¶
func (m *ICefResponse) SetHeaderByName(name, value string, overwrite bool)
func (*ICefResponse) SetHeaderMap ¶
func (m *ICefResponse) SetHeaderMap(headerMap *ICefStringMultiMap)
func (*ICefResponse) SetMimeType ¶
func (m *ICefResponse) SetMimeType(mimetype string)
SetMimeType mime类型
func (*ICefResponse) SetStatusText ¶
func (m *ICefResponse) SetStatusText(statusText string)
SetStatusText 设置状态文本
func (*ICefResponse) Status ¶
func (m *ICefResponse) Status() int32
func (*ICefResponse) StatusText ¶
func (m *ICefResponse) StatusText() string
func (*ICefResponse) URL ¶
func (m *ICefResponse) URL() string
type ICefResponseFilter ¶
type ICefResponseFilter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/include/capi/cef_response_filter_capi.h (cef_response_filter_t)
func (*ICefResponseFilter) Filter ¶
func (m *ICefResponseFilter) Filter(fn responseFilterFilter)
func (*ICefResponseFilter) Free ¶
func (m *ICefResponseFilter) Free()
func (*ICefResponseFilter) InitFilter ¶
func (m *ICefResponseFilter) InitFilter(fn responseFilterInitFilter)
func (*ICefResponseFilter) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefResponseFilter) IsValid() bool
type ICefRunContextMenuCallback ¶
type ICefRunContextMenuCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/include/capi/cef_context_menu_handler_capi.h (cef_run_context_menu_callback_t)
func (*ICefRunContextMenuCallback) Cancel ¶
func (m *ICefRunContextMenuCallback) Cancel()
func (*ICefRunContextMenuCallback) Cont ¶
func (m *ICefRunContextMenuCallback) Cont(commandId int32, eventFlags consts.TCefEventFlags)
func (*ICefRunContextMenuCallback) Free ¶
func (m *ICefRunContextMenuCallback) Free()
func (*ICefRunContextMenuCallback) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefRunContextMenuCallback) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefRunContextMenuCallback) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefRunContextMenuCallback) IsValid() bool
type ICefRunFileDialogCallback ¶ added in v2.2.1
type ICefRunFileDialogCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TCefRunFileDialogCallback /include/capi/cef_browser_capi.h (cef_run_file_dialog_callback_t)
func (*ICefRunFileDialogCallback) ExecuteCommand ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) ExecuteCommand(fn executeCommand)
func (*ICefRunFileDialogCallback) FormatLabel ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) FormatLabel(fn formatLabel)
func (*ICefRunFileDialogCallback) Free ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) Free()
func (*ICefRunFileDialogCallback) Instance ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefRunFileDialogCallback) IsValid ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefRunFileDialogCallback) MenuClosed ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) MenuClosed(fn menuClosed)
func (*ICefRunFileDialogCallback) MenuWillShow ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) MenuWillShow(fn menuWillShow)
func (*ICefRunFileDialogCallback) MouseOutsideMenu ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) MouseOutsideMenu(fn mouseOutsideMenu)
func (*ICefRunFileDialogCallback) SetOnFileDialogDismissed ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) SetOnFileDialogDismissed(fn onFileDialogDismissed)
func (*ICefRunFileDialogCallback) UnhandledCloseSubmenu ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) UnhandledCloseSubmenu(fn unhandledCloseSubmenu)
func (*ICefRunFileDialogCallback) UnhandledOpenSubmenu ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefRunFileDialogCallback) UnhandledOpenSubmenu(fn unhandledOpenSubmenu)
type ICefRunQuickMenuCallback ¶
type ICefRunQuickMenuCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/include/capi/cef_context_menu_handler_capi.h (cef_run_quick_menu_callback_t)
func (*ICefRunQuickMenuCallback) Cancel ¶
func (m *ICefRunQuickMenuCallback) Cancel()
func (*ICefRunQuickMenuCallback) Cont ¶
func (m *ICefRunQuickMenuCallback) Cont(commandId int32, eventFlags consts.TCefEventFlags)
func (*ICefRunQuickMenuCallback) Free ¶
func (m *ICefRunQuickMenuCallback) Free()
func (*ICefRunQuickMenuCallback) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefRunQuickMenuCallback) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefRunQuickMenuCallback) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefRunQuickMenuCallback) IsValid() bool
type ICefSchemeHandlerFactory ¶
type ICefSchemeHandlerFactory struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/include/capi/cef_scheme_capi.h (cef_scheme_handler_factory_t)
func (*ICefSchemeHandlerFactory) Free ¶
func (m *ICefSchemeHandlerFactory) Free()
func (*ICefSchemeHandlerFactory) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefSchemeHandlerFactory) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefSchemeHandlerFactory) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefSchemeHandlerFactory) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefSchemeHandlerFactory) SetNew ¶
func (m *ICefSchemeHandlerFactory) SetNew(fn schemeHandlerFactoryNew)
type ICefScrollView ¶ added in v2.2.1
type ICefScrollView struct {
ICefScrollView /include/capi/views/cef_scroll_view_capi.h (cef_scroll_view_t)
func (*ICefScrollView) GetContentView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefScrollView) GetContentView() *ICefView
func (*ICefScrollView) GetHorizontalScrollbarHeight ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefScrollView) GetHorizontalScrollbarHeight() int32
func (*ICefScrollView) GetVerticalScrollbarWidth ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefScrollView) GetVerticalScrollbarWidth() int32
func (*ICefScrollView) GetVisibleContentRect ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefScrollView) GetVisibleContentRect() (result TCefRect)
func (*ICefScrollView) HasHorizontalScrollbar ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefScrollView) HasHorizontalScrollbar() bool
func (*ICefScrollView) HasVerticalScrollbar ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefScrollView) HasVerticalScrollbar() bool
func (*ICefScrollView) SetContentView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefScrollView) SetContentView(view *ICefView)
type ICefSelectClientCertificateCallback ¶
type ICefSelectClientCertificateCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/include/capi/cef_request_handler_capi.h (cef_select_client_certificate_callback_t)
func (*ICefSelectClientCertificateCallback) Free ¶
func (m *ICefSelectClientCertificateCallback) Free()
func (*ICefSelectClientCertificateCallback) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefSelectClientCertificateCallback) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefSelectClientCertificateCallback) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefSelectClientCertificateCallback) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefSelectClientCertificateCallback) Select ¶
func (m *ICefSelectClientCertificateCallback) Select(cert *ICefX509Certificate)
type ICefSetCookieCallback ¶
type ICefSetCookieCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefSetCookieCallback) Free ¶
func (m *ICefSetCookieCallback) Free()
func (*ICefSetCookieCallback) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefSetCookieCallback) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefSetCookieCallback) IsOtherEvent ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefSetCookieCallback) IsOtherEvent() bool
func (*ICefSetCookieCallback) IsSelfOwnEvent ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefSetCookieCallback) IsSelfOwnEvent() bool
func (*ICefSetCookieCallback) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefSetCookieCallback) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefSetCookieCallback) SetOnComplete ¶
func (m *ICefSetCookieCallback) SetOnComplete(fn setCookieOnComplete)
type ICefSslInfo ¶
type ICefSslInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/include/capi/cef_ssl_info_capi.h (cef_sslinfo_t)
func (*ICefSslInfo) Free ¶
func (m *ICefSslInfo) Free()
func (*ICefSslInfo) GetCertStatus ¶
func (m *ICefSslInfo) GetCertStatus() consts.TCefCertStatus
func (*ICefSslInfo) GetX509Certificate ¶
func (m *ICefSslInfo) GetX509Certificate() *ICefX509Certificate
func (*ICefSslInfo) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefSslInfo) IsValid() bool
type ICefStreamReader ¶
type ICefStreamReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefStreamReader) Eof ¶
func (m *ICefStreamReader) Eof() bool
func (*ICefStreamReader) Free ¶
func (m *ICefStreamReader) Free()
func (*ICefStreamReader) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefStreamReader) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefStreamReader) MayBlock ¶
func (m *ICefStreamReader) MayBlock() bool
func (*ICefStreamReader) Tell ¶
func (m *ICefStreamReader) Tell() (result int64)
type ICefStreamWriter ¶
type ICefStreamWriter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/include/capi/cef_stream_capi.h (cef_stream_writer_t)
func (*ICefStreamWriter) Flush ¶
func (m *ICefStreamWriter) Flush() int32
func (*ICefStreamWriter) Instance ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefStreamWriter) Instance() uintptr
func (*ICefStreamWriter) IsValid ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefStreamWriter) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefStreamWriter) MayBlock ¶
func (m *ICefStreamWriter) MayBlock() bool
func (*ICefStreamWriter) Tell ¶
func (m *ICefStreamWriter) Tell() (result int64)
type ICefStringMultiMap ¶
type ICefStringMultiMap struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ICefStringMultiMap 实例
func (*ICefStringMultiMap) Append ¶
func (m *ICefStringMultiMap) Append(key, value string) bool
Append 给key追加值
func (*ICefStringMultiMap) FindCount ¶
func (m *ICefStringMultiMap) FindCount(key string) uint32
FindCount key值数量
func (*ICefStringMultiMap) Free ¶ added in v2.3.0
func (m *ICefStringMultiMap) Free()
func (*ICefStringMultiMap) GetEnumerate ¶
func (m *ICefStringMultiMap) GetEnumerate(key string, index uint32) (r string)
GetEnumerate 根据 key and index 获取
func (*ICefStringMultiMap) GetKey ¶
func (m *ICefStringMultiMap) GetKey(index uint32) (key string)
GetKey 根据 index 获取key
func (*ICefStringMultiMap) GetValue ¶
func (m *ICefStringMultiMap) GetValue(index uint32) (value string)
GetValue 根据 index 获取value
func (*ICefStringMultiMap) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefStringMultiMap) IsValid() bool
type ICefTextFieldDelegate ¶ added in v2.2.1
type ICefTextFieldDelegate struct {
ICefTextFieldDelegate /include/capi/views/cef_textfield_delegate_capi.h (cef_textfield_delegate_t)
func (*ICefTextFieldDelegate) SetOnAfterUserAction ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextFieldDelegate) SetOnAfterUserAction(fn onAfterUserAction)
func (*ICefTextFieldDelegate) SetOnKeyEvent ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextFieldDelegate) SetOnKeyEvent(fn onTextFieldKeyEvent)
type ICefTextfield ¶ added in v2.2.1
type ICefTextfield struct {
ICefTextfield /include/capi/views/cef_textfield_capi.h (cef_textfield_t)
func (*ICefTextfield) AppendText ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) AppendText(text string)
func (*ICefTextfield) ApplyTextColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) ApplyTextColor(color types.TCefColor, range_ TCefRange)
func (*ICefTextfield) ApplyTextStyle ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) ApplyTextStyle(style consts.TCefTextStyle, add bool, range_ TCefRange)
func (*ICefTextfield) ClearEditHistory ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) ClearEditHistory()
func (*ICefTextfield) ClearSelection ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) ClearSelection()
func (*ICefTextfield) ExecuteCommand ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) ExecuteCommand(commandId consts.TCefTextFieldCommands)
func (*ICefTextfield) GetCursorPosition ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) GetCursorPosition() uint32
func (*ICefTextfield) GetPlaceholderText ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) GetPlaceholderText() string
func (*ICefTextfield) GetSelectedRange ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) GetSelectedRange() (result TCefRange)
func (*ICefTextfield) GetSelectedText ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) GetSelectedText() string
func (*ICefTextfield) GetSelectionBackgroundColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) GetSelectionBackgroundColor() (color types.TCefColor)
func (*ICefTextfield) GetSelectionTextColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) GetSelectionTextColor() (color types.TCefColor)
func (*ICefTextfield) GetText ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) GetText() string
func (*ICefTextfield) GetTextColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) GetTextColor() (color types.TCefColor)
func (*ICefTextfield) HasSelection ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) HasSelection() bool
func (*ICefTextfield) InsertOrReplaceText ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) InsertOrReplaceText(text string)
func (*ICefTextfield) IsCommandEnabled ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) IsCommandEnabled(commandId consts.TCefTextFieldCommands) bool
func (*ICefTextfield) IsPasswordInput ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) IsPasswordInput() bool
func (*ICefTextfield) IsReadOnly ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) IsReadOnly() bool
func (*ICefTextfield) SelectAll ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) SelectAll(reversed bool)
func (*ICefTextfield) SelectRange ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) SelectRange(range_ TCefRange)
func (*ICefTextfield) SetAccessibleName ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) SetAccessibleName(name string)
func (*ICefTextfield) SetFontList ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) SetFontList(fontList string)
func (*ICefTextfield) SetPasswordInput ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) SetPasswordInput(passwordInput bool)
func (*ICefTextfield) SetPlaceholderText ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) SetPlaceholderText(text string)
func (*ICefTextfield) SetPlaceholderTextColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) SetPlaceholderTextColor(color types.TCefColor)
func (*ICefTextfield) SetReadOnly ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) SetReadOnly(readOnly bool)
func (*ICefTextfield) SetSelectionBackgroundColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) SetSelectionBackgroundColor(color types.TCefColor)
func (*ICefTextfield) SetSelectionTextColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) SetSelectionTextColor(color types.TCefColor)
func (*ICefTextfield) SetText ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) SetText(text string)
func (*ICefTextfield) SetTextColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefTextfield) SetTextColor(color types.TCefColor)
type ICefV8Accessor ¶
type ICefV8Accessor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefV8Accessor) Destroy ¶
func (m *ICefV8Accessor) Destroy()
func (*ICefV8Accessor) Free ¶
func (m *ICefV8Accessor) Free()
type ICefV8ArrayBufferReleaseCallback ¶
type ICefV8ArrayBufferReleaseCallback struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefV8ArrayBufferReleaseCallback) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefV8ArrayBufferReleaseCallback) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefV8ArrayBufferReleaseCallback) ReleaseBuffer ¶
func (m *ICefV8ArrayBufferReleaseCallback) ReleaseBuffer(fn V8ArrayBufferReleaseCallback)
ReleaseBuffer 释放时回调函数, 默认自动释放
array buffer 缓存
返回 true:释放buffer, false:不释放buffer
type ICefV8Context ¶
type ICefV8Context struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
- 在回调函数中有效
- 回调函数外使用 cef.V8ContextRef.Current() 获取上下文对象
func (*ICefV8Context) Browser ¶
func (m *ICefV8Context) Browser() *ICefBrowser
func (*ICefV8Context) Eval ¶
func (m *ICefV8Context) Eval(code, scriptUrl string, startLine int32) (value *ICefV8Value, exception *ICefV8Exception, ok bool)
func (*ICefV8Context) Frame ¶
func (m *ICefV8Context) Frame() *ICefFrame
func (*ICefV8Context) Free ¶
func (m *ICefV8Context) Free()
func (*ICefV8Context) Global ¶
func (m *ICefV8Context) Global() *ICefV8Value
func (*ICefV8Context) IsSame ¶
func (m *ICefV8Context) IsSame(that *ICefV8Context) bool
func (*ICefV8Context) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefV8Context) IsValid() bool
type ICefV8Exception ¶
type ICefV8Exception struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefV8Exception) EndColumn ¶
func (m *ICefV8Exception) EndColumn() int32
func (*ICefV8Exception) EndPosition ¶
func (m *ICefV8Exception) EndPosition() int32
func (*ICefV8Exception) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefV8Exception) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefV8Exception) LineNumber ¶
func (m *ICefV8Exception) LineNumber() int32
func (*ICefV8Exception) Message ¶
func (m *ICefV8Exception) Message() string
func (*ICefV8Exception) ScriptResourceName ¶
func (m *ICefV8Exception) ScriptResourceName() string
func (*ICefV8Exception) SourceLine ¶
func (m *ICefV8Exception) SourceLine() string
func (*ICefV8Exception) StartColumn ¶
func (m *ICefV8Exception) StartColumn() int32
func (*ICefV8Exception) StartPosition ¶
func (m *ICefV8Exception) StartPosition() int32
type ICefV8Handler ¶
type ICefV8Handler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefV8Handler) Destroy ¶
func (m *ICefV8Handler) Destroy()
type ICefV8Interceptor ¶
type ICefV8Interceptor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefV8Interceptor) GetByIndex ¶
func (m *ICefV8Interceptor) GetByIndex(fn V8InterceptorGetByIndex)
GetByIndex 拦截函数 根据index获取一个值
func (*ICefV8Interceptor) GetByName ¶
func (m *ICefV8Interceptor) GetByName(fn V8InterceptorGetByName)
GetByName 拦截函数 根据name获取一个值
func (*ICefV8Interceptor) SetByIndex ¶
func (m *ICefV8Interceptor) SetByIndex(fn V8InterceptorSetByIndex)
SetByIndex 拦截函数 根据index设置一个值
func (*ICefV8Interceptor) SetByName ¶
func (m *ICefV8Interceptor) SetByName(fn V8InterceptorSetByName)
SetByName 拦截函数 根据name设置一个值
type ICefV8StackTrace ¶
type ICefV8StackTrace struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type ICefV8Value ¶
type ICefV8Value struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CEF V8 值类型, 对应到 JavaScrip 的类型, 使用该对象时需要合理的管理释放
func (*ICefV8Value) AdjustExternallyAllocatedMemory ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) AdjustExternallyAllocatedMemory(changeInBytes int32) int32
func (*ICefV8Value) ClearException ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) ClearException() bool
func (*ICefV8Value) DeleteValueByIndex ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) DeleteValueByIndex(index int) bool
func (*ICefV8Value) DeleteValueByKey ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) DeleteValueByKey(key string) bool
DeleteValueByKey export
func (*ICefV8Value) ExecuteFunction ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) ExecuteFunction(obj *ICefV8Value, arguments *TCefV8ValueArray) *ICefV8Value
func (*ICefV8Value) ExecuteFunctionWithContext ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) ExecuteFunctionWithContext(v8Context *ICefV8Context, obj *ICefV8Value, arguments *TCefV8ValueArray) *ICefV8Value
func (*ICefV8Value) ExecuteFunctionWithContextForArgsBytes ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) ExecuteFunctionWithContextForArgsBytes(v8Context *ICefV8Context, obj *ICefV8Value, arguments []byte) *ICefV8Value
func (*ICefV8Value) Free ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) Free()
func (*ICefV8Value) GetArrayBufferReleaseCallback ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) GetArrayBufferReleaseCallback() *ICefV8ArrayBufferReleaseCallback
func (*ICefV8Value) GetArrayLength ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) GetArrayLength() int
func (*ICefV8Value) GetBoolValue ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) GetBoolValue() bool
func (*ICefV8Value) GetDateValue ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) GetDateValue() time.Time
func (*ICefV8Value) GetDoubleValue ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) GetDoubleValue() (result float64)
func (*ICefV8Value) GetExternallyAllocatedMemory ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) GetExternallyAllocatedMemory() int32
func (*ICefV8Value) GetFunctionHandler ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) GetFunctionHandler() *ICefV8Handler
func (*ICefV8Value) GetFunctionName ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) GetFunctionName() string
func (*ICefV8Value) GetIKeys ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) GetIKeys() types.IV8ValueKeys
func (*ICefV8Value) GetIntValue ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) GetIntValue() int32
func (*ICefV8Value) GetKeys ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) GetKeys() *ICefV8ValueKeys
func (*ICefV8Value) GetStringValue ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) GetStringValue() (value string)
func (*ICefV8Value) GetUIntValue ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) GetUIntValue() uint32
func (*ICefV8Value) GetUserData ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) GetUserData() *ICefV8Value
func (*ICefV8Value) GetValueByIndex ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) GetValueByIndex(index int) *ICefV8Value
GetValueByIndex 当前是数组时,通过下标取值V8Value
func (*ICefV8Value) GetValueByKey ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) GetValueByKey(key string) *ICefV8Value
GetValueByKey export
func (*ICefV8Value) HasValueByIndex ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) HasValueByIndex(index int32) bool
func (*ICefV8Value) HasValueByKey ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) HasValueByKey(key string) bool
func (*ICefV8Value) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) Instance() uintptr
func (*ICefV8Value) IsArray ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) IsArray() bool
func (*ICefV8Value) IsArrayBuffer ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) IsArrayBuffer() bool
func (*ICefV8Value) IsBool ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) IsBool() bool
func (*ICefV8Value) IsDate ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) IsDate() bool
func (*ICefV8Value) IsDouble ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) IsDouble() bool
func (*ICefV8Value) IsFunction ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) IsFunction() bool
func (*ICefV8Value) IsInt ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) IsInt() bool
func (*ICefV8Value) IsNull ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) IsNull() bool
func (*ICefV8Value) IsObject ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) IsObject() bool
func (*ICefV8Value) IsPromise ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) IsPromise() bool
func (*ICefV8Value) IsSame ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) IsSame() bool
func (*ICefV8Value) IsString ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) IsString() bool
func (*ICefV8Value) IsUInt ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) IsUInt() bool
func (*ICefV8Value) IsUndefined ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) IsUndefined() bool
func (*ICefV8Value) IsUserCreated ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) IsUserCreated() bool
func (*ICefV8Value) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefV8Value) NeuterArrayBuffer ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) NeuterArrayBuffer() bool
func (*ICefV8Value) RejectPromise ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) RejectPromise(errorMsg string) bool
func (*ICefV8Value) ResolvePromise ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) ResolvePromise(arg *ICefV8Value) bool
func (*ICefV8Value) SetCanNotFree ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) SetCanNotFree(v bool)
设置是否允许释放, 可以管理对象的独立释放 v=false 时允许释放
func (*ICefV8Value) SetRethrowExceptions ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) SetRethrowExceptions(reThrow bool) bool
func (*ICefV8Value) SetUserData ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) SetUserData(data *ICefV8Value) bool
func (*ICefV8Value) SetValueByAccessor ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) SetValueByAccessor(key string, settings consts.TCefV8AccessControls, attribute consts.TCefV8PropertyAttributes) bool
SetValueByAccessor export
func (*ICefV8Value) SetValueByIndex ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) SetValueByIndex(index int32, value *ICefV8Value) bool
func (*ICefV8Value) SetValueByKey ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) SetValueByKey(key string, value *ICefV8Value, attribute consts.TCefV8PropertyAttributes) bool
SetValueByKey export
func (*ICefV8Value) WillRethrowExceptions ¶
func (m *ICefV8Value) WillRethrowExceptions() bool
type ICefV8ValueKeys ¶
type ICefV8ValueKeys struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ICefV8ValueKeys) Count ¶
func (m *ICefV8ValueKeys) Count() int
func (*ICefV8ValueKeys) Free ¶
func (m *ICefV8ValueKeys) Free()
func (*ICefV8ValueKeys) Get ¶
func (m *ICefV8ValueKeys) Get(index int) string
type ICefValue ¶
type ICefValue struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ICefValue -> ArgumentList
func (*ICefValue) GetBinary ¶
func (m *ICefValue) GetBinary() *ICefBinaryValue
func (*ICefValue) GetDictionary ¶
func (m *ICefValue) GetDictionary() *ICefDictionaryValue
func (*ICefValue) GetIArray ¶
func (m *ICefValue) GetIArray() types.IArrayValue
func (*ICefValue) GetIBinary ¶
func (m *ICefValue) GetIBinary() types.IBinaryValue
func (*ICefValue) GetIObject ¶
func (m *ICefValue) GetIObject() types.IObjectValue
func (*ICefValue) GetList ¶
func (m *ICefValue) GetList() *ICefListValue
func (*ICefValue) GetType ¶
func (m *ICefValue) GetType() consts.TCefValueType
func (*ICefValue) IsReadOnly ¶
func (*ICefValue) SetBinary ¶
func (m *ICefValue) SetBinary(value *ICefBinaryValue) (result bool)
func (*ICefValue) SetDictionary ¶
func (m *ICefValue) SetDictionary(value *ICefDictionaryValue) (result bool)
func (*ICefValue) SetList ¶
func (m *ICefValue) SetList(value *ICefListValue) (result bool)
type ICefView ¶
type ICefView struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ICefView /include/capi/views/cef_view_capi.h (cef_view_t)
func (*ICefView) AsBrowserView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefView) AsBrowserView() *ICefBrowserView
func (*ICefView) AsButton ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefView) AsButton() *ICefButton
func (*ICefView) AsScrollView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefView) AsScrollView() *ICefScrollView
func (*ICefView) AsTextfield ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefView) AsTextfield() *ICefTextfield
func (*ICefView) ConvertPointFromScreen ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) ConvertPointFromView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) ConvertPointFromWindow ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) ConvertPointToScreen ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) ConvertPointToView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) ConvertPointToWindow ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) GetBackgroundColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) GetBoundsInScreen ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) GetDelegate ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefView) GetDelegate() *ICefViewDelegate
func (*ICefView) GetGroupID ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) GetHeightForWidth ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) GetInsets ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefView) GetInsets() (result TCefInsets)
func (*ICefView) GetMaximumSize ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) GetMinimumSize ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) GetParentView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) GetPosition ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) GetPreferredSize ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) GetTypeString ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) GetViewForID ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) GetWindow ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefView) GetWindow() *ICefWindow
func (*ICefView) InvalidateLayout ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefView) InvalidateLayout()
func (*ICefView) IsAccessibilityFocusable ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) IsAttached ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) IsFocusable ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) RequestFocus ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefView) RequestFocus()
func (*ICefView) SetBackgroundColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) SetEnabled ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) SetFocusable ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) SetGroupID ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) SetInsets ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefView) SetInsets(insets TCefInsets)
func (*ICefView) SetPosition ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) SetVisible ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (*ICefView) SizeToPreferredSize ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefView) SizeToPreferredSize()
func (*ICefView) ToStringEx ¶ added in v2.2.1
type ICefViewDelegate ¶ added in v2.2.1
type ICefViewDelegate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ICefViewDelegate /include/capi/views/cef_view_delegate_capi.h (cef_view_delegate_t)
func (*ICefViewDelegate) Free ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefViewDelegate) Free()
func (*ICefViewDelegate) Instance ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefViewDelegate) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefViewDelegate) IsOtherEvent ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefViewDelegate) IsOtherEvent() bool
func (*ICefViewDelegate) IsSelfOwnEvent ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefViewDelegate) IsSelfOwnEvent() bool
func (*ICefViewDelegate) IsValid ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefViewDelegate) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefViewDelegate) SetOnBlur ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefViewDelegate) SetOnBlur(fn onBlur)
func (*ICefViewDelegate) SetOnChildViewChanged ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefViewDelegate) SetOnChildViewChanged(fn onChildViewChanged)
func (*ICefViewDelegate) SetOnFocus ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefViewDelegate) SetOnFocus(fn onFocus)
func (*ICefViewDelegate) SetOnGetHeightForWidth ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefViewDelegate) SetOnGetHeightForWidth(fn onGetHeightForWidth)
func (*ICefViewDelegate) SetOnGetMaximumSize ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefViewDelegate) SetOnGetMaximumSize(fn onGetMaximumSize)
func (*ICefViewDelegate) SetOnGetMinimumSize ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefViewDelegate) SetOnGetMinimumSize(fn onGetMinimumSize)
func (*ICefViewDelegate) SetOnGetPreferredSize ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefViewDelegate) SetOnGetPreferredSize(fn onGetPreferredSize)
func (*ICefViewDelegate) SetOnLayoutChanged ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefViewDelegate) SetOnLayoutChanged(fn onLayoutChanged)
func (*ICefViewDelegate) SetOnParentViewChanged ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefViewDelegate) SetOnParentViewChanged(fn onParentViewChanged)
func (*ICefViewDelegate) SetOnWindowChanged ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefViewDelegate) SetOnWindowChanged(fn onWindowChanged)
type ICefWindow ¶
type ICefWindow struct {
ICefWindow /include/capi/views/cef_window_capi.h (cef_window_t)
func (*ICefWindow) AddOverlayView ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) AddOverlayView(view *ICefView, dockingMode consts.TCefDockingMode) *ICefOverlayController
func (*ICefWindow) CenterWindow ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) CenterWindow(size *TCefSize)
CenterWindow 根据大小窗口居中
func (*ICefWindow) ClientAreaBoundsInScreen ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) ClientAreaBoundsInScreen() (result TCefRect)
ClientAreaBoundsInScreen 获取客户端所在指定屏幕位置
func (*ICefWindow) Free ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) Free()
func (*ICefWindow) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) Instance() uintptr
func (*ICefWindow) IsValid ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ICefWindow) IsValid() bool
func (*ICefWindow) RemoveAccelerator ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) RemoveAccelerator(commandId int32)
RemoveAccelerator 移除指定快捷键
func (*ICefWindow) RemoveAllAccelerators ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) RemoveAllAccelerators()
RemoveAllAccelerators 移除所有快捷键
func (*ICefWindow) SendKeyPress ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) SendKeyPress(keyCode int32, eventFlags uint32)
SendKeyPress 发送键盘事件
func (*ICefWindow) SendMouseEvents ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) SendMouseEvents(button consts.TCefMouseButtonType, mouseDown, mouseUp bool)
SendMouseEvents 发送鼠标事件
func (*ICefWindow) SendMouseMove ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) SendMouseMove(screenX, screenY int32)
SendMouseMove 发送鼠标移动事件
func (*ICefWindow) SetAccelerator ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) SetAccelerator(commandId, keyCode int32, shiftPressed, ctrlPressed, altPressed bool)
SetAccelerator 设置快捷键
func (*ICefWindow) SetAlwaysOnTop ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) SetAlwaysOnTop(onTop bool)
SetAlwaysOnTop 设置窗口是否置顶
func (*ICefWindow) SetBackgroundColor ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) SetBackgroundColor(rect types.TCefColor)
SetBackgroundColor 设置背景色
func (*ICefWindow) SetDraggableRegions ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) SetDraggableRegions(regions []TCefDraggableRegion)
SetDraggableRegions 设置拖拽区域
func (*ICefWindow) SetFullscreen ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) SetFullscreen(fullscreen bool)
SetFullscreen 设置窗口全屏
func (*ICefWindow) SetPosition ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) SetPosition(point *TCefPoint)
SetPosition 设置窗口位置
func (*ICefWindow) SetWindow ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) SetWindow(window *ICefWindow)
func (*ICefWindow) SetWindowAppIcon ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) SetWindowAppIcon(scaleFactor float32, filename string) error
SetWindowAppIcon 设置窗口应用图标
func (*ICefWindow) SetWindowAppIconFS ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) SetWindowAppIconFS(scaleFactor float32, filename string) error
SetWindowAppIconFS 设置窗口应用图标
func (*ICefWindow) SetWindowIcon ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) SetWindowIcon(scaleFactor float32, filename string) error
SetWindowIcon 设置窗口图标
func (*ICefWindow) SetWindowIconFS ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) SetWindowIconFS(scaleFactor float32, filename string) error
SetWindowIconFS 设置窗口图标
func (*ICefWindow) ShowAsBrowserModalDialog ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *ICefWindow) ShowAsBrowserModalDialog(browserView *ICefBrowserView)
ShowAsBrowserModalDialog 显示窗口 浏览器模式对话框
func (*ICefWindow) ShowMenu ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) ShowMenu(menuModel *ICefMenuModel, point TCefPoint, anchorPosition consts.TCefMenuAnchorPosition)
ShowMenu 显示菜单
func (*ICefWindow) WindowAppIcon ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) WindowAppIcon() *ICefImage
WindowAppIcon 获取窗口应用图标
func (*ICefWindow) WindowHandle ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) WindowHandle() consts.TCefWindowHandle
WindowHandle 获取窗口句柄
func (*ICefWindow) WindowState ¶
func (m *ICefWindow) WindowState() t.TWindowState
WindowState 返回窗口最小化、最大化、全屏状态
type ICefWindowDelegate ¶ added in v2.3.6
type ICefWindowDelegate struct {
ICefWindowDelegate /include/capi/views/cef_window_delegate_capi.h (cef_window_delegate_t)
func (*ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnAccelerator ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnAccelerator(fn WindowComponentOnAccelerator)
func (*ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnCanClose ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnCanClose(fn WindowComponentOnCanClose)
func (*ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnCanMaximize ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnCanMaximize(fn WindowComponentOnCanMaximize)
func (*ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnCanMinimize ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnCanMinimize(fn WindowComponentOnCanMinimize)
func (*ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnCanResize ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnCanResize(fn WindowComponentOnCanResize)
func (*ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnGetInitialBounds ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnGetInitialBounds(fn WindowComponentOnGetInitialBounds)
func (*ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnGetInitialShowState ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnGetInitialShowState(fn WindowComponentOnGetInitialShowState)
func (*ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnGetParentWindow ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnGetParentWindow(fn WindowComponentOnGetParentWindow)
func (*ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnGetTitleBarHeight ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnGetTitleBarHeight(fn WindowComponentOnGetTitleBarHeight)
func (*ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnIsFrameless ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnIsFrameless(fn WindowComponentOnIsFrameless)
func (*ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnIsWindowModalDialog ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnIsWindowModalDialog(fn WindowComponentOnIsWindowModalDialog)
func (*ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnKeyEvent ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnKeyEvent(fn WindowComponentOnKey)
func (*ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWindowActivationChanged ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWindowActivationChanged(fn WindowComponentOnWindowActivationChanged)
func (*ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWindowBoundsChanged ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWindowBoundsChanged(fn WindowOnWindowBoundsChanged)
func (*ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWindowClosing ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWindowClosing(fn WindowOnWindowClosing)
func (*ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWindowCreated ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWindowCreated(fn WindowComponentOnWindowCreated)
func (*ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWindowDestroyed ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWindowDestroyed(fn WindowComponentOnWindowDestroyed)
func (*ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWindowFullscreenTransition ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWindowFullscreenTransition(fn WindowComponentOnWindowFullscreenTransition)
func (*ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWithStandardWindowButtons ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ICefWindowDelegate) SetOnWithStandardWindowButtons(fn WindowComponentOnWithStandardWindowButtons)
type ICefX509CertPrincipal ¶
type ICefX509CertPrincipal struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ICefX509CertPrincipal /include/capi/cef_x509_certificate_capi.h (cef_x509cert_principal_t)
func (*ICefX509CertPrincipal) Free ¶
func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) Free()
func (*ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetCommonName ¶
func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetCommonName() string
func (*ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetCountryName ¶
func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetCountryName() string
func (*ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetDisplayName ¶
func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetDisplayName() string
func (*ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetDomainComponents ¶
func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetDomainComponents() *lcl.TStrings
CEF 115 Remove
func (*ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetLocalityName ¶
func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetLocalityName() string
func (*ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetOrganizationNames ¶
func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetOrganizationNames() *lcl.TStrings
func (*ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetOrganizationUnitNames ¶
func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetOrganizationUnitNames() *lcl.TStrings
func (*ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetStateOrProvinceName ¶
func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetStateOrProvinceName() string
func (*ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetStreetAddresses ¶
func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) GetStreetAddresses() *lcl.TStrings
CEF 115 Remove
func (*ICefX509CertPrincipal) Instance ¶
func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*ICefX509CertPrincipal) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefX509CertPrincipal) IsValid() bool
type ICefX509Certificate ¶
type ICefX509Certificate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
/include/capi/cef_x509_certificate_capi.h (cef_x509certificate_t)
func (*ICefX509Certificate) Free ¶
func (m *ICefX509Certificate) Free()
func (*ICefX509Certificate) GetDEREncodedIssuerChain ¶
func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetDEREncodedIssuerChain(chainCount uint32) *TCefBinaryValueArray
func (*ICefX509Certificate) GetDerEncoded ¶
func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetDerEncoded() *ICefBinaryValue
func (*ICefX509Certificate) GetIssuer ¶
func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetIssuer() *ICefX509CertPrincipal
func (*ICefX509Certificate) GetIssuerChainSize ¶
func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetIssuerChainSize() uint32
func (*ICefX509Certificate) GetPEMEncodedIssuerChain ¶
func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetPEMEncodedIssuerChain(chainCount uint32) *TCefBinaryValueArray
func (*ICefX509Certificate) GetPemEncoded ¶
func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetPemEncoded() *ICefBinaryValue
func (*ICefX509Certificate) GetSerialNumber ¶
func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetSerialNumber() *ICefBinaryValue
func (*ICefX509Certificate) GetSubject ¶
func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetSubject() *ICefX509CertPrincipal
func (*ICefX509Certificate) GetValidExpiry ¶
func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetValidExpiry() (result int64)
func (*ICefX509Certificate) GetValidExpiryAsDateTime ¶
func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetValidExpiryAsDateTime() time.Time
func (*ICefX509Certificate) GetValidStart ¶
func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetValidStart() (result int64)
func (*ICefX509Certificate) GetValidStartAsDateTime ¶
func (m *ICefX509Certificate) GetValidStartAsDateTime() time.Time
func (*ICefX509Certificate) IsValid ¶
func (m *ICefX509Certificate) IsValid() bool
type IChromium ¶
type IChromium interface { lcl.IObject IChromiumProc IChromiumEvent }
IChromium 组件接口
func NewChromium ¶
func NewChromium(owner lcl.IComponent, config *TCefChromiumConfig) IChromium
NewChromium 创建一个新的 TCEFChromium
type IChromiumEvent ¶
type IChromiumEvent interface { SetOnAfterCreated(fn chromiumEventOnAfterCreated) SetOnBeforeBrowser(fn chromiumEventOnBeforeBrowser) SetOnAddressChange(fn chromiumEventOnAddressChange) SetOnBeforeClose(fn chromiumEventOnBeforeClose) SetOnClose(fn chromiumEventOnClose) SetOnPdfPrintFinished(fn chromiumEventOnPdfPrintFinished) SetOnZoomPctAvailable(fn chromiumEventOnResultFloat) SetOnLoadStart(fn chromiumEventOnLoadStart) SetOnLoadingStateChange(fn chromiumEventOnLoadingStateChange) SetOnLoadingProgressChange(fn chromiumEventOnLoadingProgressChange) SetOnLoadError(fn chromiumEventOnLoadError) SetOnLoadEnd(fn chromiumEventOnLoadEnd) SetOnBeforeDownload(fn chromiumEventOnBeforeDownload) SetOnDownloadUpdated(fn chromiumEventOnDownloadUpdated) SetOnFullScreenModeChange(fn chromiumEventOnFullScreenModeChange) SetOnKeyEvent(fn chromiumEventOnKey) SetOnTitleChange(fn chromiumEventOnTitleChange) SetOnRenderCompMsg(fn chromiumEventOnCompMsg) SetOnWidgetCompMsg(fn chromiumEventOnCompMsg) SetOnBrowserCompMsg(fn chromiumEventOnCompMsg) SetOnRenderProcessTerminated(fn chromiumEventOnRenderProcessTerminated) SetOnRenderViewReady(fn chromiumEventOnRenderViewReady) SetOnScrollOffsetChanged(fn chromiumEventOnScrollOffsetChanged) SetOnProcessMessageReceived(fn BrowseProcessMessageReceived) SetOnFindResult(fn chromiumEventOnFindResult) SetOnBeforeResourceLoad(fn chromiumEventOnBeforeResourceLoad) SetOnResourceResponse(fn chromiumEventOnResourceResponse) SetOnResourceRedirect(fn chromiumEventOnResourceRedirect) SetOnResourceLoadComplete(fn chromiumEventOnResourceLoadComplete) SetOnCookieSet(fn chromiumEventOnCookieSet) SetOnCookiesDeleted(fn chromiumEventOnCookiesDeleted) SetOnCookiesFlushed(fn chromiumEventOnCookiesFlushed) SetOnCookiesVisited(fn chromiumEventOnCookiesVisited) SetOnCookieVisitorDestroyed(fn chromiumEventOnCookieVisitorDestroyed) SetOnBeforeContextMenu(fn chromiumEventOnBeforeContextMenu) SetOnContextMenuCommand(fn chromiumEventOnContextMenuCommand) SetOnContextMenuDismissed(fn chromiumEventOnContextMenuDismissed) SetOnFrameAttached(fn chromiumEventOnFrameAttached) SetOnFrameCreated(fn chromiumEventOnFrameCreated) SetOnFrameDetached(fn chromiumEventOnFrameDetached) SetOnMainFrameChanged(fn chromiumEventOnMainFrameChanged) SetOnBeforePopup(fn chromiumEventOnBeforePopup) SetOnOpenUrlFromTab(fn chromiumEventOnOpenUrlFromTab) SetOnDragEnter(fn chromiumEventOnDragEnter) SetOnDraggableRegionsChanged(fn chromiumEventOnDraggableRegionsChanged) SetOnGetAuthCredentials(fn chromiumEventOnGetAuthCredentials) SetOnAcceleratedPaint(fn chromiumEventOnAcceleratedPaint) SetOnAllConnectionsClosed(fn chromiumEventOnAllConnectionsClosed) SetOnAudioStreamError(fn chromiumEventOnAudioStreamError) SetOnAudioStreamPacket(fn chromiumEventOnAudioStreamPacket) SetOnAudioStreamStarted(fn chromiumEventOnAudioStreamStarted) SetOnAudioStreamStopped(fn chromiumEventOnAudioStreamStopped) SetOnAutoResize(fn chromiumEventOnAutoResize) SetOnBeforeUnloadDialog(fn chromiumEventOnBeforeUnloadDialog) SetOnCanDownload(fn chromiumEventOnCanDownload) SetOnCanSaveCookie(fn chromiumEventOnCanSaveCookie) SetOnCanSendCookie(fn chromiumEventOnCanSendCookie) SetOnCertificateError(fn chromiumEventOnCertificateError) SetOnCertificateExceptionsCleared(fn chromiumEventOnCertificateExceptionsCleared) SetOnChromeCommand(fn chromiumEventOnChromeCommand) SetOnConsoleMessage(fn chromiumEventOnConsoleMessage) SetOnCursorChange(fn chromiumEventOnCursorChange) SetOnDevToolsAgentAttached(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsAgentAttached) SetOnDevToolsAgentDetached(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsAgentDetached) SetOnDevToolsEvent(fn chromiumEventOnDevTools) SetOnDevToolsMessage(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsMessage) SetOnDevToolsMethodRawResult(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsMethodRawResult) SetOnDevToolsMethodResult(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsMethodResult) SetOnDevToolsRawEvent(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsRaw) SetOnDevToolsRawMessage(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsRawMessage) SetOnDialogClosed(fn chromiumEventOnDialogClosed) SetOnDismissPermissionPrompt(fn chromiumEventOnDismissPermissionPrompt) SetOnDocumentAvailableInMainFrame(fn chromiumEventOnDocumentAvailableInMainFrame) SetOnDownloadImageFinished(fn chromiumEventOnDownloadImageFinished) SetOnExecuteTaskOnCefThread(fn chromiumEventOnExecuteTaskOnCefThread) SetOnExtensionBeforeBackgroundBrowser(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionBeforeBackgroundBrowser) SetOnExtensionBeforeBrowser(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionBeforeBrowser) SetOnExtensionCanAccessBrowser(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionCanAccessBrowser) SetOnExtensionGetActiveBrowser(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionGetActiveBrowser) SetOnExtensionGetExtensionResource(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionGetExtensionResource) SetOnExtensionLoaded(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionLoaded) SetOnExtensionLoadFailed(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionLoadFailed) SetOnExtensionUnloaded(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionUnloaded) SetOnPrintStart(fn chromiumEventOnPrintStart) SetOnPrintSettings(fn chromiumEventOnPrintSettings) SetOnPrintDialog(fn chromiumEventOnPrintDialog) SetOnPrintJob(fn chromiumEventOnPrintJob) SetOnPrintReset(fn chromiumEventOnPrintReset) SetOnGetPDFPaperSize(fn chromiumEventOnGetPDFPaperSize) SetOnFavIconUrlChange(fn chromiumEventOnFavIconUrlChange) SetOnFileDialog(fn chromiumEventOnFileDialog) SetOnGetAccessibilityHandler(fn chromiumEventOnGetAccessibilityHandler) SetOnGetAudioParameters(fn chromiumEventOnGetAudioParameters) SetOnGetResourceHandler(fn chromiumEventOnGetResourceHandler) SetOnGetResourceRequestHandlerReqCtxHdlr(fn chromiumEventOnGetResourceRequestHandlerReqCtxHdlr) SetOnGetResourceRequestHandlerReqHdlr(fn chromiumEventOnGetResourceRequestHandlerReqHdlr) SetOnGetResourceResponseFilter(fn chromiumEventOnGetResourceResponseFilter) SetOnGetRootScreenRect(fn chromiumEventOnGetRootScreenRect) SetOnGetScreenInfo(fn chromiumEventOnGetScreenInfo) SetOnGetScreenPoint(fn chromiumEventOnGetScreenPoint) SetOnGetTouchHandleSize(fn chromiumEventOnGetTouchHandleSize) SetOnGetViewRect(fn chromiumEventOnGetViewRect) SetOnGotFocus(fn chromiumEventOnGotFocus) SetOnHttpAuthCredentialsCleared(fn chromiumEventOnHttpAuthCredentialsCleared) SetOnIMECompositionRangeChanged(fn chromiumEventOnIMECompositionRangeChanged) SetOnJsDialog(fn chromiumEventOnJsDialog) SetOnMediaAccessChange(fn chromiumEventOnMediaAccessChange) SetOnMediaRouteCreateFinished(fn chromiumEventOnMediaRouteCreateFinished) SetOnMediaSinkDeviceInfo(fn chromiumEventOnMediaSinkDeviceInfo) SetOnPaint(fn chromiumEventOnPaint) SetOnPopupShow(fn chromiumEventOnPopupShow) SetOnPopupSize(fn chromiumEventOnPopupSize) SetOnPrefsAvailable(fn chromiumEventOnPrefsAvailable) SetOnPrefsUpdated(fn chromiumEventOnPrefsUpdated) SetOnPreKeyEvent(fn chromiumEventOnPreKey) SetOnProtocolExecution(fn chromiumEventOnProtocolExecution) SetOnQuickMenuCommand(fn chromiumEventOnQuickMenuCommand) SetOnQuickMenuDismissed(fn chromiumEventOnQuickMenuDismissed) SetOnRequestContextInitialized(fn chromiumEventOnRequestContextInitialized) SetOnRequestMediaAccessPermission(fn chromiumEventOnRequestMediaAccessPermission) SetOnResetDialogState(fn chromiumEventOnResetDialogState) SetOnResolvedHostAvailable(fn chromiumEventOnResolvedHostAvailable) SetOnRouteMessageReceived(fn chromiumEventOnRouteMessageReceived) SetOnRoutes(fn chromiumEventOnRoutes) SetOnRouteStateChanged(fn chromiumEventOnRouteStateChanged) SetOnRunContextMenu(fn chromiumEventOnRunContextMenu) SetOnRunQuickMenu(fn chromiumEventOnRunQuickMenu) SetOnSelectClientCertificate(fn chromiumEventOnSelectClientCertificate) SetOnSetFocus(fn chromiumEventOnSetFocus) SetOnShowPermissionPrompt(fn chromiumEventOnShowPermissionPrompt) SetOnSinks(fn chromiumEventOnSinks) SetOnStartDragging(fn chromiumEventOnStartDragging) SetOnStatusMessage(fn chromiumEventOnStatusMessage) SetOnTakeFocus(fn chromiumEventOnTakeFocus) SetOnTextResultAvailable(fn chromiumEventOnTextResultAvailable) SetOnTextSelectionChanged(fn chromiumEventOnTextSelectionChanged) SetOnTooltip(fn chromiumEventOnTooltip) SetOnTouchHandleStateChanged(fn chromiumEventOnTouchHandleStateChanged) SetOnUpdateDragCursor(fn chromiumEventOnUpdateDragCursor) SetOnVirtualKeyboardRequested(fn chromiumEventOnVirtualKeyboardRequested) SetOnIsChromeAppMenuItemVisible(fn chromiumEventOnIsChromeAppMenuItemVisible) // CEF 112 ~ , 仅适用于 ChromeRuntime 模式 SetOnIsChromeAppMenuItemEnabled(fn chromiumEventOnIsChromeAppMenuItemEnabled) // CEF 112 ~ , 仅适用于 ChromeRuntime 模式 SetOnIsChromePageActionIconVisible(fn chromiumEventOnIsChromePageActionIconVisible) // CEF 112 ~ , 仅适用于 ChromeRuntime 模式 SetOnIsChromeToolbarButtonVisible(fn chromiumEventOnIsChromeToolbarButtonVisible) // CEF 112 ~ , 仅适用于 ChromeRuntime 模式 }
IChromiumEvent Chromium 事件行为接口
type IChromiumOptions ¶ added in v2.1.0
type IChromiumOptions interface { Javascript() consts.TCefState JavascriptCloseWindows() consts.TCefState JavascriptAccessClipboard() consts.TCefState JavascriptDomPaste() consts.TCefState ImageLoading() consts.TCefState ImageShrinkStandaloneToFit() consts.TCefState TextAreaResize() consts.TCefState TabToLinks() consts.TCefState LocalStorage() consts.TCefState Databases() consts.TCefState Webgl() consts.TCefState BackgroundColor() types.TCefColor AcceptLanguageList() types.String // Remove CEF 118 WindowlessFrameRate() types.Integer ChromeStatusBubble() consts.TCefState SetJavascript(value consts.TCefState) SetJavascriptCloseWindows(value consts.TCefState) SetJavascriptAccessClipboard(value consts.TCefState) SetJavascriptDomPaste(value consts.TCefState) SetImageLoading(value consts.TCefState) SetImageShrinkStandaloneToFit(value consts.TCefState) SetTextAreaResize(value consts.TCefState) SetTabToLinks(value consts.TCefState) SetLocalStorage(value consts.TCefState) SetDatabases(value consts.TCefState) SetWebgl(value consts.TCefState) SetBackgroundColor(value types.TCefColor) SetAcceptLanguageList(value types.String) // Remove CEF 118 SetWindowlessFrameRate(value types.Integer) SetChromeStatusBubble(value consts.TCefState) ChromeZoomBubble() consts.TCefState SetChromeZoomBubble(value consts.TCefState) }
func NewChromiumOptions ¶ added in v2.1.0
func NewChromiumOptions(chromium IChromium) IChromiumOptions
type IChromiumProc ¶
type IChromiumProc interface { Options() IChromiumOptions Config() *TCefChromiumConfig Browser() *ICefBrowser BrowserById(id int32) *ICefBrowser BrowserIdByIndex(index int32) int32 BrowserCount() int32 BrowserId() int32 SetDefaultURL(defaultURL string) SetEnableMultiBrowserMode(enableMultiBrowserMode bool) LoadUrl(url string) LoadHtml(html string) StartDownload(url string) DownloadImage(imageUrl string, isFavicon bool, maxImageSize int32, bypassCache bool) Reload() ReloadIgnoreCache() StopLoad() ResetZoomLevel() CloseAllBrowsers() CreateBrowser(window ICEFWindowParent, windowName string, context *ICefRequestContext, extraInfo *ICefDictionaryValue) bool CreateBrowserByBrowserViewComponent(homePage string, browserViewComponent *TCEFBrowserViewComponent, context *ICefRequestContext, extraInfo *ICefDictionaryValue) bool Initialized() bool IsSameBrowser(browser *ICefBrowser) bool PrintToPDF(saveFilePath string) Print() BrowserZoom(zoom ZOOM) GoBack() GoForward() NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted() Invalidate(type_ TCefPaintElementType) CloseBrowser(forceClose bool) ExecuteJavaScript(code, scriptURL string, startLine int32) ShowDevTools(window ICEFWindowParent) CloseDevTools(window ICEFWindowParent) VisitAllCookies(id int32) VisitURLCookies(url string, includeHttpOnly bool, id int32) DeleteCookies(url, cookieName string, deleteImmediately bool) SetCookie(url, name, value, domain, path string, secure, httponly, hasExpires bool, creation, lastAccess, expires time.Time, sameSite TCefCookieSameSite, priority TCefCookiePriority, aSetImmediately bool, aID int32) FlushCookieStore(flushImmediately bool) bool // flushImmediately = true SetProxy(cefProxy *TCefProxy) UpdatePreferences() ExecuteDevToolsMethod(messageId int32, method string, dictionaryValue *ICefDictionaryValue) //SendProcessMessage(targetProcess CefProcessId, processMessage *ICefProcessMessage) Client() *ICefClient SendProcessMessageForJSONBytes(name string, targetProcess CefProcessId, data []byte) CreateClientHandler(alsOSR bool) (*ICefClient, bool) SetFocus(value bool) SendExternalBeginFrame() SendKeyEvent(event *TCefKeyEvent) SendMouseClickEvent(event *TCefMouseEvent, type_ TCefMouseButtonType, mouseUp bool, clickCount int32) SendMouseMoveEvent(event *TCefMouseEvent, mouseLeave bool) SendMouseWheelEvent(event *TCefMouseEvent, deltaX, deltaY int32) SendTouchEvent(event *TCefTouchEvent) SendCaptureLostEvent() FrameIsFocused() bool TryCloseBrowser() bool BrowserHandle() types.HWND WidgetHandle() types.HWND RenderHandle() types.HWND SetCustomHeader(customHeader *TCustomHeader) CustomHeader() *TCustomHeader SetJavascriptEnabled(value bool) JavascriptEnabled() bool SetWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy(value TCefWebRTCHandlingPolicy) WebRTCIPHandlingPolicy() TCefWebRTCHandlingPolicy SetWebRTCMultipleRoutes(value TCefState) WebRTCMultipleRoutes() TCefState SetWebRTCNonproxiedUDP(value TCefState) WebRTCNonproxiedUDP() TCefState SetBatterySaverModeState(value TCefBatterySaverModeState) BatterySaverModeState() TCefBatterySaverModeState SetHighEfficiencyMode(value TCefState) HighEfficiencyMode() TCefState SetLoadImagesAutomatically(value bool) LoadImagesAutomatically() bool SetQuicAllowed(value bool) QuicAllowed() bool SetOffline(value bool) Offline() bool SetDefaultWindowInfoExStyle(exStyle types.DWORD) DefaultWindowInfoExStyle() types.DWORD SetBlock3rdPartyCookies(value bool) Block3rdPartyCookies() bool SetAcceptCookies(cp TCefCookiePref) AcceptCookies() TCefCookiePref SetAcceptLanguageList(languageList string) // Remove CEF 118 AcceptLanguageList() string // Remove CEF 118 SetPrintingEnabled(value bool) PrintingEnabled() bool SetYouTubeRestrict(value bool) YouTubeRestrict() bool SetSafeSearch(value bool) SafeSearch() bool SetAudioMuted(value bool) AudioMuted() bool SetDragOperations(value TCefDragOperations) DragOperations() TCefDragOperations FrameCount() uint32 SetSpellCheckerDicts(value string) SpellCheckerDicts() string SetSpellChecking(value bool) SpellChecking() bool SetAlwaysOpenPDFExternally(value bool) AlwaysOpenPDFExternally() bool SetAlwaysAuthorizePlugins(value bool) AlwaysAuthorizePlugins() bool SetAllowOutdatedPlugins(value bool) AllowOutdatedPlugins() bool SetSendReferrer(value bool) SendReferrer() bool SetDoNotTrack(value bool) DoNotTrack() bool SetZoomStep(value int8) ZoomStep() int8 SetZoomPct(value float64) ZoomPct() float64 SetZoomLevel(value float64) ZoomLevel() float64 SetDefaultEncoding(value string) DefaultEncoding() string SendProcessMessageForV8Value(messageName string, targetProcess CefProcessId, arguments *ICefV8Value) SimulateMouseWheel(deltaX, deltaY int32) CloseAllConnections(closeImmediately bool) bool RetrieveHTMLByFrameName(frameName string) RetrieveHTMLByFrame(frame *ICefFrame) RetrieveHTMLByFrameIdentifier(frameIdentifier int64) RetrieveTextByFrameName(frameName string) RetrieveTextByFrame(frame *ICefFrame) RetrieveTextByFrameIdentifier(frameIdentifier int64) ResolveHost(url string) SetUserAgentOverride(userAgent, acceptLanguage, platform string) ClearDataForOrigin(origin string, storageTypes ...TCefClearDataStorageTypes) ClearCache() ToggleAudioMuted() ClipboardCopy() ClipboardPaste() ClipboardCut() ClipboardUndo() ClipboardRedo() ClipboardDel() SelectAll() IncZoomStep() DecZoomStep() IncZoomPct() DecZoomPct() ResetZoomStep() ResetZoomPct() ReadZoom() IncZoomCommand() DecZoomCommand() ResetZoomCommand() DefaultZoomLevel() float64 CanIncZoom() CanDecZoom() CanResetZoom() WasResized() WasHidden(hidden bool) NotifyScreenInfoChanged() IMESetComposition(text string, underlines []*TCefCompositionUnderline, replacementRange, selectionRange *TCefRange) IMECommitText(text string, replacementRange *TCefRange, relativeCursorPos int32) IMEFinishComposingText(keepSelection bool) IMECancelComposition() HasDevTools() bool InitializeDragAndDrop(dropTargetCtrl lcl.IWinControl) Fullscreen() bool ExitFullscreen(willCauseResize bool) }
IChromiumProc Chromium 功能函数接口
type ILCLBrowserWindow ¶
type ILCLBrowserWindow interface { IBrowserWindow BrowserWindow() *LCLBrowserWindow //返回 LCLBrowserWindow 窗口结构 EnableDefaultCloseEvent() //启用默认关闭事件 WindowParent() ICEFWindowParent //浏览器父窗口组件 DisableTransparent() //禁用窗口透明 EnableTransparent(value uint8) //启用并设置窗口透明 DisableSystemMenu() //禁用标题栏系统菜单 DisableHelp() //禁用标题栏帮助 EnableSystemMenu() //启用标题栏系统菜单 EnableHelp() //启用标题栏帮助 NewTray() ITray //创建LCL的系统托盘 SetRoundRectRgn(rgn int) //窗口无边框时圆角设置 FramelessForLine() //无边框四边一条细线样式 Frameless() //无边框 ChromiumCreate(config *TCefChromiumConfig, defaultUrl string) //chromium实例为空时创建 chromium }
ILCLBrowserWindow 浏览器 LCL 窗口组件接口 继承 IBrowserWindow
type IScreen ¶ added in v2.2.3
type IScreen interface { Primary() (info Display) // Returns the primary Display. Count() int // Returns display count Get(index int) (info Display) // Returns Obtain brief information about the specified screen LCLScreen() *lcl.TScreen // Use this function when using the LCL window, If using ViewFramework window under Windows, this function can also be used VFScreen() *display // Use this function when using the CEF ViewFramework }
Two ways to obtain screen information They are: 1. Using LCL, 2 Using CEF
type ITray ¶
type ITray interface { SetTitle(title string) //SetTitle 设置标题 Show() //Show 显示/启动 托盘 SetOnClick(fn TrayICONClick) //SetOnClick 单击事件 SetOnDblClick(fn TrayICONClick) //SetOnDblClick 双击事件 SetIconFS(iconResourcePath string) //SetIconFS 设置托盘图标 SetIcon(iconResourcePath string) //SetIcon 设置托盘图标 SetHint(value string) //SetHint 设置托盘hint(鼠标移动到托盘图标显示的文字) AsSysTray() *SysTray //AsSysTray 尝试转换为 SysTray 组件托盘,如果创建的是其它类型托盘返回nil AsViewsFrameTray() *ViewsFrameTray //AsViewsFrameTray 尝试转换为 views framework 组件托盘, 如果创建的是其它类型托盘返回nil AsCEFTray() *CEFTray //AsCEFTray 尝试转换为 LCL+CEF 组件托盘, 如果创建的是其它类型托盘返回nil AsLCLTray() *LCLTray //AsLCLTray 尝试转换为 LCL 组件托盘, 如果创建的是其它类型托盘返回nil Notice(title, content string, timeout int32) //Notice 托盘系统通知 // contains filtered or unexported methods }
ITray 托盘定义接口
实现4种系统托盘 1: LCLTray LCL组件, 2: CEFTray CEF基于LCL组件+html, 3: ViewsFrameTray VF(views framework)组件+html, 4: SysTray 系统原生
1. LCLTray 对Windows、MacOSX支持较好,linux由于gtk2与gtk3原因目前无法正常使用
2. CEFTray Windows
3. ViewsFrameTray Windows
4. SysTray 对Windows、MacOSX和Linux支持较好
type IViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow ¶
type IViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow interface { IBrowserWindow BrowserWindow() *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow //返回 ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow 窗口结构 CreateTopLevelWindow() //创建窗口, 在窗口组件中需要默认调用Show函数 CenterWindow(size *TCefSize) //设置窗口居中,同时指定窗口大小 Component() lcl.IComponent //窗口父组件 WindowComponent() *TCEFWindowComponent //窗口组件 BrowserViewComponent() *TCEFBrowserViewComponent //窗口浏览器组件 SetOnWindowCreated(onWindowCreated WindowComponentOnWindowCreated) //设置窗口默认的创建回调事件函数 SetOnGetInitialBounds(onGetInitialBounds WindowComponentOnGetInitialBounds) //设置窗口初始bounds }
IViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow 浏览器 VF 窗口组件接口 继承 IBrowserWindow
type IXHRProxy ¶ added in v2.3.0
type IXHRProxy interface {
Send(request *ICefRequest) (*XHRProxyResponse, error) // 被动调用,发送请求,在浏览器进程同步执行
本地资源加载 XHR 请求代理接口
type KeyEventCallback ¶
type KeyEventCallback func(browse *ICefBrowser, event *TCefKeyEvent, result *bool)
type LCLBrowserWindow ¶
LCLBrowserWindow 基于CEF lcl 窗口组件
该窗口使用CEF和LCL组件实现,CEF<=1.106.xx版本 在windows、MacOSX可正常使用, Linux无法输入中文, CEF>=2.107.xx版本linux强制使用 ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow 窗口组件
func NewLCLBrowserWindow ¶
func NewLCLBrowserWindow(config *TCefChromiumConfig, windowProperty WindowProperty, owner lcl.IComponent) *LCLBrowserWindow
NewLCLBrowserWindow 创建一个 LCL 带有 chromium 窗口
该窗口默认不具备默认事件处理能力, 通过 EnableDefaultEvent 函数注册事件处理 config: Chromium配置, 提供快捷chromium配置 windowProperty: 窗口属性 owner: 被创建组件拥有者
func NewLCLWindow ¶
func NewLCLWindow(windowProperty WindowProperty, owner lcl.IComponent) *LCLBrowserWindow
NewLCLWindow 创建一个LCL window窗口
windowProperty: 窗口属性 owner: 被创建组件拥有者
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) AsLCLBrowserWindow ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) AsLCLBrowserWindow() ILCLBrowserWindow
AsLCLBrowserWindow 转换为LCL窗口组件,这里返回LCL窗口组件
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) AsTargetWindow ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) AsTargetWindow() target.IWindow
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) AsViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) AsViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow() IViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow
AsViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow 转换为VF窗口组件,这里返回nil
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) BrowserWindow ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) BrowserWindow() *LCLBrowserWindow
BrowserWindow 返回LCL窗口组件实例对象
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) Chromium ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Chromium() IChromium
Chromium 返回 chromium
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) ChromiumCreate ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) ChromiumCreate(config *TCefChromiumConfig, defaultUrl string)
chromium 实例为空时创建window浏览器组件 不带有默认事件的chromium
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) CloseBrowserWindow ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) CloseBrowserWindow()
CloseBrowserWindow 关闭带有浏览器的窗口
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) DisableMaximize ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) DisableMaximize()
DisableMaximize 禁用最大化按钮
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) DisableMinimize ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) DisableMinimize()
DisableMinimize 禁用最小化按钮
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) DisableResize ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) DisableResize()
DisableResize 禁用调整窗口大小
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) DisableSystemMenu ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) DisableSystemMenu()
DisableSystemMenu 禁用系统菜单-同时禁用最小化,最大化,关闭按钮
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) DisableTransparent ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) DisableTransparent()
DisableTransparent 禁用口透明
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) EnableAllDefaultEvent ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) EnableAllDefaultEvent()
EnableAllDefaultEvent 启用所有默认事件行为
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) EnableDefaultCloseEvent ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) EnableDefaultCloseEvent()
EnableDefaultCloseEvent 启用默认关闭事件
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) EnableMaximize ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) EnableMaximize()
EnableMaximize 启用最大化按钮
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) EnableMinimize ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) EnableMinimize()
EnableMinimize 启用最小化按钮
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) EnableResize ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) EnableResize()
EnableResize 启用允许调整窗口大小
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) EnableSystemMenu ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) EnableSystemMenu()
EnableSystemMenu 启用系统菜单
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) EnableTransparent ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) EnableTransparent(value uint8)
EnableTransparent 使窗口透明 value 0 ~ 255
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) ExitFullScreen ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) ExitFullScreen()
ExitFullScreen 窗口退出全屏
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) FormCreate ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) FormCreate()
创建窗口 不带有默认事件的窗口
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) Frameless ¶ added in v2.3.2
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Frameless()
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) FramelessForLine ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) FramelessForLine()
FramelessForLine 窗口四边框是一条细线
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) FullScreen ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) FullScreen()
FullScreen 窗口全屏
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) GetAuxTools ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) GetAuxTools() IAuxTools
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) IsClosing ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) IsClosing() bool
IsClosing 返回窗口是否正在关闭/或已关闭 true正在或已关闭
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) IsFullScreen ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) IsFullScreen() bool
IsFullScreen 是否全屏
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) IsViewsFramework ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) IsViewsFramework() bool
IsViewsFramework 返回是否VF窗口组件,这里返回false
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) Maximize ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Maximize()
Maximize 非Windows平台,窗口最大化/还原
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) NewCefTray ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) NewCefTray(width, height int32, url string) ITray
NewCefTray LCL窗口组件 非windows系统不支持CefTray
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) NewSysTray ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) NewSysTray() (tray ITray)
NewSysTray LCL窗口组件,系统托盘
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) NewTray ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) NewTray() (tray ITray)
NewTray 适用于 windows linux macos 系统托盘
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) ProcessMessage ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) ProcessMessage() target.IProcessMessage
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) RunOnMainThread ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) RunOnMainThread(fn func())
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) Screen ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Screen() IScreen
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetBounds ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetBounds(x, y, width, height int32)
SetBounds 设置窗口坐标和宽高
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetCenterWindow ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetCenterWindow(value bool)
SetCenterWindow 窗口居中
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetCreateBrowserExtraInfo ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetCreateBrowserExtraInfo(windowName string, context *ICefRequestContext, extraInfo *ICefDictionaryValue)
设置 Chromium 创建浏览器时设置的扩展信息
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetDefaultInTaskBar ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetDefaultInTaskBar()
SetDefaultInTaskBar 以默认的方式展示在任务栏上
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetFocus ¶ added in v2.2.4
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetFocus()
SetFocus 设置窗口焦点
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetHeight ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetHeight(value int32)
SetHeight 设置窗口高
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetNotInTaskBar ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetNotInTaskBar()
SetNotInTaskBar 不会展示在任务栏上
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnActivate ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnActivate(fn TNotifyEvent)
SetOnActivate 事件,不会覆盖默认事件,返回值:false继续执行默认事件, true跳过默认事件
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnActivateAfter ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnActivateAfter(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
SetOnActivateAfter 每次激活窗口之后执行一次
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnClose ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnClose(fn TCloseEvent)
SetOnClose 事件,不会覆盖默认事件,返回值:false继续执行默认事件, true跳过默认事件
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnCloseQuery ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnCloseQuery(fn TCloseQueryEvent)
SetOnCloseQuery 事件,不会覆盖默认事件,返回值:false继续执行默认事件, true跳过默认事件
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnPaint ¶ added in v2.3.2
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnPaint(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
SetOnPaint 扩展事件,向下链试调用
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnResize ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnResize(fn TNotifyEvent)
SetOnResize 事件,不会覆盖默认事件,返回值:false继续执行默认事件, true跳过默认事件
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnShow ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnShow(fn TNotifyEvent)
SetOnShow 事件,不会覆盖默认事件,返回值:false继续执行默认事件, true跳过默认事件
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnWMMove ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnWMMove(fn wmMove)
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnWMPaint ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnWMPaint(fn wmPaint)
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnWMSize ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnWMSize(fn wmSize)
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnWMWindowPosChanged ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnWMWindowPosChanged(fn wmWindowPosChanged)
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnWndProc ¶ added in v2.3.2
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetOnWndProc(fn lcl.TWndProcEvent)
SetOnWndProc 扩展事件,向下链试调用
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetProperty ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetProperty()
SetProperty 设置属性, 根据当前窗口的自定义 WindowProperty
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetRoundRectRgn ¶ added in v2.3.2
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetRoundRectRgn(rgn int)
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetShowInTaskBar ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetShowInTaskBar()
SetShowInTaskBar 展示在任务栏上
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetSize ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetSize(width, height int32)
SetSize 设置窗口宽高
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetTitle ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetTitle(title string)
SetTitle 设置窗口标题栏标题
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) SetWindowType ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) SetWindowType(windowType consts.WINDOW_TYPE)
SetWindowType 设置窗口类型
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) Target ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) Target(targetType target.ITarget
IPC消息接收目标, 当前窗口chromium发送 参数: targetType 可选, 接收类型
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) TryCloseWindowAndTerminate ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) TryCloseWindowAndTerminate()
TryCloseWindowAndTerminate 尝试关闭窗口并退出应用, EnableMainWindow = false
如果禁用主窗口, 存在多窗口时只在最后一个窗口关闭时才退出整个应用进程
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) WindowParent ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) WindowParent() ICEFWindowParent
返回chromium的父组件对象,该对象不是window组件对象,属于window的一个子组件 在windows下它是 TCEFWindowParent, linux或macOSx下它是 TCEFLinkedWindowParent 通过函数可调整该组件的属性
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) WindowProperty ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) WindowProperty() *WindowProperty
WindowProperty 部分提供部分窗口属性设置
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) WindowState ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) WindowState() types.TWindowState
WindowState 返回窗口最小化、最大化、全屏状态
func (*LCLBrowserWindow) WindowType ¶
func (m *LCLBrowserWindow) WindowType() consts.WINDOW_TYPE
WindowType 返回窗口类型
type LCLTray ¶
type LCLTray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LCLTray LCL组件 托盘
func (*LCLTray) AddMenuItem ¶
AddMenuItem 添加一个托盘菜单
func (*LCLTray) AsViewsFrameTray ¶
func (m *LCLTray) AsViewsFrameTray() *ViewsFrameTray
AsViewsFrameTray 尝试转换为 views framework 组件托盘, 如果创建的是其它类型托盘返回nil
func (*LCLTray) NewMenuItem ¶
NewMenuItem 创建一个菜单,还未添加到托盘
func (*LCLTray) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (m *LCLTray) SetOnDblClick(fn TrayICONClick)
SetOnDblClick 设置双击事件
func (*LCLTray) SetOnMouseDown ¶
func (m *LCLTray) SetOnMouseDown(fn lcl.TMouseEvent)
SetOnMouseDown 鼠标按下事件
func (*LCLTray) SetOnMouseMove ¶
func (m *LCLTray) SetOnMouseMove(fn lcl.TMouseMoveEvent)
SetOnMouseMove 鼠标移动事件
func (*LCLTray) TrayMenu ¶
func (m *LCLTray) TrayMenu() *lcl.TPopupMenu
TrayMenu 创建并返回托盘根菜单 PopupMenu
type LocalLoadConfig ¶ added in v2.3.0
type LocalLoadConfig struct { Enable bool // 设置是否启用本地资源缓存到内存, 默认true: 启用, 禁用时需要调用Disable函数 Domain string // 自定义域, 格式: xxx | xxx.xx |, example,, 默认: energy Scheme string // 自定义协议, 不建议使用 HTTP、HTTPS、FILE、FTP、ABOUT和DATA 默认: fs // 资源根目录, fs为空时: 本地目录(默认当前程序执行目录), fs不为空时: 默认值 resources, 使用内置加载 // 本地目录规则: 空("")时当前目录, @当前目录开始(@/to/path),或绝对目录. ResRootDir string // FS emfs.IEmbedFS // 内置加载资源对象, 不为nil时使用内置加载,默认: nil Proxy IXHRProxy // 数据请求代理, 在浏览器发送xhr请求时可通过该配置转发, 你可自定义实现该 IXHRProxy 接口 Home string // 默认首页HTML文件名: /index.html , 默认: /index.html // contains filtered or unexported fields }
本地&内置资源加载配置 然后使用 Build() 函数构建对象
func (LocalLoadConfig) Build ¶ added in v2.3.0
func (m LocalLoadConfig) Build() *LocalLoadConfig
构建本地资源加载配置 初始化默认值和默认代理配置
func (*LocalLoadConfig) Disable ¶ added in v2.3.0
func (m *LocalLoadConfig) Disable() *LocalLoadConfig
type LocalLoadResource ¶ added in v2.3.0
type LocalLoadResource struct { LocalLoadConfig // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LocalLoadResource 初始化时设置
type MenuItem ¶
type MenuItem struct { CommandId MenuId // >= 26500 and <= 28500 Accelerator string // 快捷键 shift ctrl alt【按键VK..】(shift+ctrl+alt+n) Text string //显示文本 Label string GroupId int32 //分组 配合 MenuType 使用 MenuType TCefContextMenuType Callback FuncCallback //点击 或 快捷键触发的回调 }
MenuItem 菜单项
type MenuItemClick ¶
type MenuItemClick func()
type OnPdfPrintFinished ¶
type RenderProcessMessageReceived ¶
type RenderProcessMessageReceived func(browser *ICefBrowser, frame *ICefFrame, sourceProcess consts.CefProcessId, message *ICefProcessMessage) bool
type ResultBool ¶
type ResultBool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ResultBool bool返回值
func (*ResultBool) SetValue ¶
func (m *ResultBool) SetValue(value bool)
func (*ResultBool) Value ¶
func (m *ResultBool) Value() bool
type ResultBytes ¶
type ResultBytes struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ResultBytes []byte返回值
func (*ResultBytes) SetValue ¶
func (m *ResultBytes) SetValue(value []byte)
func (*ResultBytes) Value ¶
func (m *ResultBytes) Value() []byte
type ResultString ¶
type ResultString struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ResultString 字符串返回值
func (*ResultString) SetValue ¶
func (m *ResultString) SetValue(value string)
func (*ResultString) Value ¶
func (m *ResultString) Value() string
type ResultV8Value ¶
type ResultV8Value struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ResultV8Value 返回 ICefV8Value 的替代结构
func (*ResultV8Value) SetResult ¶
func (m *ResultV8Value) SetResult(v8value *ICefV8Value)
SetResult 设置 ICefV8Value 返回值
type Screen ¶ added in v2.2.3
type Screen struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Screen) LCLScreen ¶ added in v2.2.3
Use this function when using the LCL window If using VF windows under Windows, this function can also be used
type SysMenu ¶
type SysMenu struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SysMenu 系统菜单
func (*SysMenu) AddMenuItem ¶
func (m *SysMenu) AddMenuItem(label string, action MenuItemClick) *SysMenuItem
AddMenuItem 添加菜单项
type SysMenuItem ¶
type SysMenuItem struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SysMenuItem 菜单项
func (*SysMenuItem) AddSubMenu ¶
func (m *SysMenuItem) AddSubMenu(label string, click ...MenuItemClick) *SysMenuItem
AddSubMenu 添加并创建子菜单,返回菜单项
func (*SysMenuItem) SetIcon ¶
func (m *SysMenuItem) SetIcon(iconResourcePath string)
SetIcon windows推荐使用ico图标, linux推荐使用png图标, macosx使用ico和png都可
func (*SysMenuItem) SetIconBytes ¶
func (m *SysMenuItem) SetIconBytes(v []byte)
SetIcon windows推荐使用ico图标, linux推荐使用png图标, macosx使用ico和png都可
func (*SysMenuItem) SetIconFS ¶
func (m *SysMenuItem) SetIconFS(iconResourcePath string)
SetIconFS windows推荐使用ico图标, linux推荐使用png图标, macosx使用ico和png都可
type SysTray ¶
type SysTray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SysTray 系统原生
func (*SysTray) AddMenuItem ¶
func (m *SysTray) AddMenuItem(label string, click ...MenuItemClick) *SysMenuItem
AddMenuItem 添加一个菜单项
func (*SysTray) AsViewsFrameTray ¶
func (m *SysTray) AsViewsFrameTray() *ViewsFrameTray
AsViewsFrameTray 尝试转换为 views framework 组件托盘, 如果创建的是其它类型托盘返回nil
func (*SysTray) CreateMenu ¶
func (m *SysTray) CreateMenu()
CreateMenu 创建托盘菜单, 如果托盘菜单是空, 把菜单项添加到托盘 该方法主动调用后 如果托盘菜单已创建则添加进去, 之后鼠标事件失效
func (*SysTray) NewMenuItem ¶
func (m *SysTray) NewMenuItem(label string, click ...MenuItemClick) *SysMenuItem
NewMenuItem 创建一个新菜单项
func (*SysTray) SetMenuNil ¶
func (m *SysTray) SetMenuNil()
SetMenuNil 托盘菜单设置为nil, 如果托盘菜单不是空, 把菜单项设置为nil 该方法主动调用后 将移除托盘菜单, 之后鼠标事件生效
func (*SysTray) SetOnDblClick ¶
func (m *SysTray) SetOnDblClick(fn TrayICONClick)
SetOnDblClick 鼠标双击事件
func (*SysTray) SetOnRClick ¶
SetOnRClick 鼠标右键
type TBufferPanel ¶ added in v2.1.0
type TBufferPanel struct { lcl.IWinControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func AsBufferPanel ¶ added in v2.1.0
func AsBufferPanel(obj interface{}) *TBufferPanel
Dynamically convert an existing object instance.
func NewBufferPanel ¶ added in v2.1.0
func NewBufferPanel(owner lcl.IComponent) *TBufferPanel
func (*TBufferPanel) Action ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Action() *lcl.TAction
func (*TBufferPanel) Align ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Align() types.TAlign
Get Control automatically adjusts.
func (*TBufferPanel) Alignment ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Alignment() types.TAlignment
Get Text alignment.
func (*TBufferPanel) AnchorAsAlign ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorAsAlign(ATheAlign types.TAlign, ASpace int32)
func (*TBufferPanel) AnchorClient ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorClient(ASpace int32)
func (*TBufferPanel) AnchorHorizontalCenterTo ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorHorizontalCenterTo(ASibling lcl.IControl)
func (*TBufferPanel) AnchorParallel ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorParallel(ASide types.TAnchorKind, ASpace int32, ASibling lcl.IControl)
func (*TBufferPanel) AnchorSame ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorSame(ASide types.TAnchorKind, ASibling lcl.IControl)
func (*TBufferPanel) AnchorSide ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorSide(AKind types.TAnchorKind) *lcl.TAnchorSide
func (*TBufferPanel) AnchorSideBottom ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorSideBottom() *lcl.TAnchorSide
func (*TBufferPanel) AnchorSideLeft ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorSideLeft() *lcl.TAnchorSide
func (*TBufferPanel) AnchorSideRight ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorSideRight() *lcl.TAnchorSide
func (*TBufferPanel) AnchorSideTop ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorSideTop() *lcl.TAnchorSide
func (*TBufferPanel) AnchorToNeighbour ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorToNeighbour(ASide types.TAnchorKind, ASpace int32, ASibling lcl.IControl)
func (*TBufferPanel) AnchorVerticalCenterTo ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorVerticalCenterTo(ASibling lcl.IControl)
func (*TBufferPanel) Anchors ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Anchors() types.TAnchors
func (*TBufferPanel) Assign ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Assign(Source lcl.IObject)
Copy an object, if the object implements this method.
func (*TBufferPanel) AutoAdjustLayout ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) AutoAdjustLayout(AMode types.TLayoutAdjustmentPolicy, AFromPPI int32, AToPPI int32, AOldFormWidth int32, ANewFormWidth int32)
func (*TBufferPanel) AutoSize ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) AutoSize() bool
func (*TBufferPanel) BeginBufferDraw ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) BeginBufferDraw() bool
func (*TBufferPanel) BevelInner ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) BevelInner() types.TBevelCut
func (*TBufferPanel) BevelOuter ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) BevelOuter() types.TBevelCut
func (*TBufferPanel) BiDiMode ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) BiDiMode() types.TBiDiMode
func (*TBufferPanel) BorderSpacing ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) BorderSpacing() *lcl.TControlBorderSpacing
func (*TBufferPanel) BorderStyle ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) BorderStyle() types.TBorderStyle
func (*TBufferPanel) BorderWidth ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) BorderWidth() int32
func (*TBufferPanel) BoundsRect ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) BoundsRect() (result types.TRect)
func (*TBufferPanel) BringToFront ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) BringToFront()
Bring the control to the front.
func (*TBufferPanel) Brush ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Brush() *lcl.TBrush
Get Brush.
func (*TBufferPanel) Buffer ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Buffer() *lcl.TBitmap
func (*TBufferPanel) BufferBits ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) BufferBits() unsafe.Pointer
func (*TBufferPanel) BufferDrawPoint ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) BufferDrawPoint(x, y int32, bitmap lcl.TBitmap)
func (*TBufferPanel) BufferDrawRect ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) BufferDrawRect(bitmap lcl.TBitmap, srcRect, dstRect types.TRect)
func (*TBufferPanel) BufferHeight ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) BufferHeight() int32
func (*TBufferPanel) BufferIsResized ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) BufferIsResized(useMutex bool) bool
func (*TBufferPanel) BufferWidth ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) BufferWidth() int32
func (*TBufferPanel) CanFocus ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) CanFocus() bool
func (*TBufferPanel) Canvas ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Canvas() *lcl.TCanvas
func (*TBufferPanel) Caption ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Caption() string
Get the control title.
func (*TBufferPanel) ChangeCompositionRange ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ChangeCompositionRange(selectionRange TCefRange, characterBounds []TCefRect)
func (*TBufferPanel) ChildSizing ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ChildSizing() *lcl.TControlChildSizing
func (*TBufferPanel) ClassName ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ClassName() string
Get the current object class name.
func (*TBufferPanel) ClassType ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ClassType() types.TClass
Get class type information.
func (*TBufferPanel) ClientHeight ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ClientHeight() int32
Get client height.
func (*TBufferPanel) ClientOrigin ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ClientOrigin() (result types.TPoint)
func (*TBufferPanel) ClientRect ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ClientRect() (result types.TRect)
Get client rectangle.
func (*TBufferPanel) ClientToParent ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ClientToParent(Point types.TPoint, AParent lcl.IWinControl) (result types.TPoint)
Convert client coordinates to parent container coordinates.
func (*TBufferPanel) ClientToScreen ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ClientToScreen(Point types.TPoint) (result types.TPoint)
Convert client coordinates to absolute screen coordinates.
func (*TBufferPanel) ClientWidth ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ClientWidth() int32
Get client width.
func (*TBufferPanel) Color ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Color() types.TColor
Get color.
func (*TBufferPanel) ComponentCount ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ComponentCount() int32
Get the total number of components.
func (*TBufferPanel) ComponentIndex ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ComponentIndex() int32
Get component index.
func (*TBufferPanel) Components ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Components(Index int32) *lcl.TComponent
Get the specified index component.
func (*TBufferPanel) Constraints ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Constraints() *lcl.TSizeConstraints
func (*TBufferPanel) ContainsControl ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ContainsControl(Control lcl.IControl) bool
it's contain a specified control.
func (*TBufferPanel) ControlAtPos ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ControlAtPos(Pos types.TPoint, AllowDisabled bool, AllowWinControls bool, AllLevels bool) *lcl.TControl
Returns the specified coordinate and the relevant attribute position control..
func (*TBufferPanel) ControlCount ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ControlCount() int32
Get Number of child controls.
func (*TBufferPanel) ControlState ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ControlState() types.TControlState
Get control state.
func (*TBufferPanel) ControlStyle ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ControlStyle() types.TControlStyle
Get control style.
func (*TBufferPanel) Controls ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Controls(Index int32) *lcl.TControl
func (*TBufferPanel) CreateIMEHandler ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) CreateIMEHandler()
func (*TBufferPanel) Cursor ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Cursor() types.TCursor
Get control cursor.
func (*TBufferPanel) DisableAlign ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) DisableAlign()
Disable control alignment.
func (*TBufferPanel) DockClientCount ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) DockClientCount() int32
func (*TBufferPanel) DockClients ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) DockClients(Index int32) *lcl.TControl
func (*TBufferPanel) DockSite ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) DockSite() bool
Get Docking site.
func (*TBufferPanel) DoubleBuffered ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) DoubleBuffered() bool
Get Set control double buffering.
func (*TBufferPanel) DragCursor ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) DragCursor() types.TCursor
Get Set the cursor when the control is dragged.
func (*TBufferPanel) DragKind ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) DragKind() types.TDragKind
Get Drag and drom.
func (*TBufferPanel) DragMode ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) DragMode() types.TDragMode
Get Drag mode.
func (*TBufferPanel) Dragging ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Dragging() bool
Is it in the middle of dragging.
func (*TBufferPanel) DrawOrigPopupBuffer ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) DrawOrigPopupBuffer(srcRect, dstRect types.TRect)
func (*TBufferPanel) EnableAlign ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) EnableAlign()
Enabled control alignment.
func (*TBufferPanel) Enabled ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Enabled() bool
Get the control enabled.
func (*TBufferPanel) EndBufferDraw ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) EndBufferDraw()
func (*TBufferPanel) Equals ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Equals(Obj lcl.IObject) bool
Compare with an object.
func (*TBufferPanel) FindChildControl ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) FindChildControl(ControlName string) *lcl.TControl
Find sub controls.
func (*TBufferPanel) FindComponent ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) FindComponent(AName string) *lcl.TComponent
Find the component with the specified name.
func (*TBufferPanel) FixDesignFontsPPI ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) FixDesignFontsPPI(ADesignTimePPI int32)
func (*TBufferPanel) FlipChildren ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool)
func (*TBufferPanel) Floating ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Floating() bool
func (*TBufferPanel) Focused ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Focused() bool
Return to get focus.
func (*TBufferPanel) Font ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Font() *lcl.TFont
Get Font.
func (*TBufferPanel) FullRepaint ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) FullRepaint() bool
func (*TBufferPanel) GetForcedDeviceScaleFactor ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) GetForcedDeviceScaleFactor() (result float32)
func (*TBufferPanel) GetHashCode ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) GetHashCode() int32
Get the hash value of the class.
func (*TBufferPanel) GetMustInitBuffer ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) GetMustInitBuffer() bool
func (*TBufferPanel) GetNamePath ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) GetNamePath() string
Get the class name path.
func (*TBufferPanel) GetTextBuf ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) GetTextBuf(Buffer *string, BufSize int32) (sLen int32)
Get the characters of the control, if any.
func (*TBufferPanel) GetTextLen ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) GetTextLen() int32
Get the character length of the control, if any.
func (*TBufferPanel) GetTransparent ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) GetTransparent() bool
func (*TBufferPanel) Handle ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Handle() types.HWND
Get Control handle.
func (*TBufferPanel) HandleAllocated ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) HandleAllocated() bool
Is the handle already allocated.
func (*TBufferPanel) HasParent ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) HasParent() bool
Is there a parent container.
func (*TBufferPanel) Height ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Height() int32
Get height.
func (*TBufferPanel) Hide ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Hide()
Hidden control.
func (*TBufferPanel) Hint ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Hint() string
Get component mouse hints.
func (*TBufferPanel) InheritsFrom ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) InheritsFrom(AClass types.TClass) bool
Determine whether the current class inherits from the specified class.
func (*TBufferPanel) InsertControl ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) InsertControl(AControl lcl.IControl)
Insert a control.
func (*TBufferPanel) Instance ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Instance() uintptr
Return object instance pointer.
func (*TBufferPanel) InstanceSize ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) InstanceSize() int32
Get the current object instance size.
func (*TBufferPanel) Invalidate ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Invalidate()
func (*TBufferPanel) InvalidatePanel ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) InvalidatePanel() bool
func (*TBufferPanel) IsValid ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) IsValid() bool
Check if the address is empty.
func (*TBufferPanel) Left ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Left() int32
Get Left position.
func (*TBufferPanel) MouseInClient ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) MouseInClient() bool
Get Whether the mouse is on the client, only VCL is valid.
func (*TBufferPanel) Name ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Name() string
Get the component name.
func (*TBufferPanel) OrigBuffer ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigBuffer() *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer
func (*TBufferPanel) OrigBufferHeight ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigBufferHeight() int32
func (*TBufferPanel) OrigBufferWidth ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigBufferWidth() int32
func (*TBufferPanel) OrigPopupBuffer ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigPopupBuffer() *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer
func (*TBufferPanel) OrigPopupBufferBits ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigPopupBufferBits() unsafe.Pointer
func (*TBufferPanel) OrigPopupBufferHeight ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigPopupBufferHeight() int32
func (*TBufferPanel) OrigPopupBufferWidth ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigPopupBufferWidth() int32
func (*TBufferPanel) OrigPopupScanlineSize ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigPopupScanlineSize() int32
func (*TBufferPanel) Owner ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Owner() *lcl.TComponent
Get component owner.
func (*TBufferPanel) PaintTo ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) PaintTo(DC types.HDC, X int32, Y int32)
Painting to the specified DC.
func (*TBufferPanel) Parent ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Parent() *lcl.TWinControl
Get control parent container.
func (*TBufferPanel) ParentBackground ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentBackground() bool
func (*TBufferPanel) ParentColor ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentColor() bool
Get parent color.
func (*TBufferPanel) ParentDoubleBuffered ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool
Get Parent container double buffering.
func (*TBufferPanel) ParentFont ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentFont() bool
Get Parent container font.
func (*TBufferPanel) ParentShowHint ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentShowHint() bool
func (*TBufferPanel) ParentToClient ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentToClient(Point types.TPoint, AParent lcl.IWinControl) (result types.TPoint)
Convert parent container coordinates to client coordinates.
func (*TBufferPanel) ParentWindow ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentWindow() types.HWND
Get Parent container handle.
func (*TBufferPanel) Perform ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int
Send a message.
func (*TBufferPanel) PopupMenu ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) PopupMenu() *lcl.TPopupMenu
Get Right click menu.
func (*TBufferPanel) Realign ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Realign()
func (*TBufferPanel) Refresh ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Refresh()
Refresh control.
func (*TBufferPanel) RemoveControl ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) RemoveControl(AControl lcl.IControl)
Remove a control.
func (*TBufferPanel) Repaint ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Repaint()
func (*TBufferPanel) SaveToFile ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SaveToFile(fileName string) bool
func (*TBufferPanel) Scale96ToFont ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Scale96ToFont(ASize int32) int32
func (*TBufferPanel) Scale96ToForm ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Scale96ToForm(ASize int32) int32
func (*TBufferPanel) Scale96ToScreen ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Scale96ToScreen(ASize int32) int32
func (*TBufferPanel) ScaleBy ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32)
Scale by.
func (*TBufferPanel) ScaleDesignToForm ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleDesignToForm(ASize int32) int32
func (*TBufferPanel) ScaleFontTo96 ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleFontTo96(ASize int32) int32
func (*TBufferPanel) ScaleFontToScreen ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleFontToScreen(ASize int32) int32
func (*TBufferPanel) ScaleFontsPPI ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleFontsPPI(AToPPI int32, AProportion float64)
func (*TBufferPanel) ScaleFormTo96 ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleFormTo96(ASize int32) int32
func (*TBufferPanel) ScaleFormToDesign ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleFormToDesign(ASize int32) int32
func (*TBufferPanel) ScaleScreenTo96 ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleScreenTo96(ASize int32) int32
func (*TBufferPanel) ScaleScreenToFont ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleScreenToFont(ASize int32) int32
func (*TBufferPanel) ScanlineSize ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ScanlineSize() int32
func (*TBufferPanel) ScreenScale ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ScreenScale() (result float32)
func (*TBufferPanel) ScreenToClient ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ScreenToClient(Point types.TPoint) (result types.TPoint)
Convert screen coordinates to client coordinates.
func (*TBufferPanel) ScrollBy ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ScrollBy(DeltaX int32, DeltaY int32)
Scroll by.
func (*TBufferPanel) SendToBack ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SendToBack()
The control is placed at the end.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetAction ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAction(value lcl.IComponent)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetAlign ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAlign(value types.TAlign)
Set Control automatically adjusts.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetAlignment ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAlignment(value types.TAlignment)
Set Text alignment.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetAnchorSideBottom ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAnchorSideBottom(value *lcl.TAnchorSide)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetAnchorSideLeft ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAnchorSideLeft(value *lcl.TAnchorSide)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetAnchorSideRight ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAnchorSideRight(value *lcl.TAnchorSide)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetAnchorSideTop ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAnchorSideTop(value *lcl.TAnchorSide)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetAnchors ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAnchors(value types.TAnchors)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetAutoSize ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAutoSize(value bool)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetBevelInner ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBevelInner(value types.TBevelCut)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetBevelOuter ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBevelOuter(value types.TBevelCut)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetBiDiMode ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBiDiMode(value types.TBiDiMode)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetBorderSpacing ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBorderSpacing(value *lcl.TControlBorderSpacing)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetBorderStyle ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBorderStyle(value types.TBorderStyle)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetBorderWidth ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBorderWidth(value int32)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetBounds ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32)
Set component boundaries.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetBoundsRect ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBoundsRect(value types.TRect)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetCanvas ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetCanvas(value *lcl.TCanvas)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetCaption ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetCaption(value string)
Set the control title.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetChildSizing ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetChildSizing(value *lcl.TControlChildSizing)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetClientHeight ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetClientHeight(value int32)
Set client height.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetClientWidth ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetClientWidth(value int32)
Set client width.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetColor ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetColor(value types.TColor)
Set color.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetComponentIndex ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetComponentIndex(value int32)
Set component index.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetConstraints ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetConstraints(value *lcl.TSizeConstraints)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetControlState ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetControlState(value types.TControlState)
Set control state.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetControlStyle ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetControlStyle(value types.TControlStyle)
Set control style.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetCursor ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetCursor(value types.TCursor)
Set control cursor.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetDockSite ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetDockSite(value bool)
Set Docking site.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetDoubleBuffered ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool)
Set Set control double buffering.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetDragCursor ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetDragCursor(value types.TCursor)
Set Set the cursor when the control is dragged.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetDragKind ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetDragKind(value types.TDragKind)
Set Drag and drom.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetDragMode ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetDragMode(value types.TDragMode)
Set Drag mode.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetEnabled ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetEnabled(value bool)
Set the control enabled.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetFocus ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetFocus()
Set control focus.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetFont ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetFont(value *lcl.TFont)
Set Font.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetForcedDeviceScaleFactor ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetForcedDeviceScaleFactor(value float32)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetFullRepaint ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetFullRepaint(value bool)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetHeight ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetHeight(value int32)
Set height.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetHint ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetHint(value string)
Set component mouse hints.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetLeft ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetLeft(value int32)
Set Left position.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetMustInitBuffer ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetMustInitBuffer(value bool)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetName ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetName(value string)
Set the component name.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnAlignPosition ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnAlignPosition(fn lcl.TAlignPositionEvent)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnClick ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnClick(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
Set control click event.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnContextPopup ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnContextPopup(fn lcl.TContextPopupEvent)
Set Context popup event, usually pop up when right click.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnDblClick ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnDblClick(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnDockDrop ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnDockDrop(fn lcl.TDockDropEvent)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnDragDrop ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnDragDrop(fn lcl.TDragDropEvent)
Set Drag and drop event.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnDragOver ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnDragOver(fn lcl.TDragOverEvent)
Set Drag and drop completion event.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnEndDock ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnEndDock(fn lcl.TEndDragEvent)
Set Dock end event.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnEndDrag ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnEndDrag(fn lcl.TEndDragEvent)
Set End of drag.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnEnter ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnEnter(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
Set Focus entry.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnExit ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnExit(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
Set Focus exit.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnGetSiteInfo ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnGetSiteInfo(fn lcl.TGetSiteInfoEvent)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnKeyPress ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnKeyPress(fn lcl.TKeyPressEvent)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseDown ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseDown(fn lcl.TMouseEvent)
Set Mouse down event.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseEnter ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseEnter(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
Set Mouse entry event.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseLeave ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseLeave(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
Set Mouse leave event.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseMove ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseMove(fn lcl.TMouseMoveEvent)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseUp ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseUp(fn lcl.TMouseEvent)
Set Mouse lift event.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseWheel ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseWheel(fn lcl.TMouseWheelEvent)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnOnKeyDown ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnOnKeyDown(fn lcl.TKeyEvent)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnOnKeyUp ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnOnKeyUp(fn lcl.TKeyEvent)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnPaint ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnPaint(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnPaintParentBkg ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnPaintParentBkg(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnResize ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnResize(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnStartDock ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnStartDock(fn lcl.TStartDockEvent)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnUTF8KeyPress ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnUTF8KeyPress(fn lcl.TUTF8KeyPressEvent)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetOnUnDock ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnUnDock(fn lcl.TUnDockEvent)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetParent ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParent(value lcl.IWinControl)
Set control parent container.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetParentBackground ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParentBackground(value bool)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetParentColor ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParentColor(value bool)
Set parent color.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetParentDoubleBuffered ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool)
Set Parent container double buffering.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetParentFont ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParentFont(value bool)
Set Parent container font.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetParentShowHint ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParentShowHint(value bool)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetParentWindow ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParentWindow(value types.HWND)
Set Parent container handle.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetPopupMenu ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetPopupMenu(value lcl.IComponent)
Set Right click menu.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetShowHint ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetShowHint(value bool)
Set Show mouseover tips.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetTabOrder ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetTabOrder(value types.TTabOrder)
Set Tab switching sequence number.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetTabStop ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetTabStop(value bool)
Set Tab can stay.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetTag ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetTag(value int)
Set the control tag.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetTextBuf ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetTextBuf(Buffer string)
Set control characters, if any.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetTop ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetTop(value int32)
Set Top position.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetTransparent ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetTransparent(value bool)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetUseDockManager ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetUseDockManager(value bool)
func (*TBufferPanel) SetVisible ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetVisible(value bool)
Set the control visible.
func (*TBufferPanel) SetWidth ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) SetWidth(value int32)
Set width.
func (*TBufferPanel) ShowHint ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ShowHint() bool
Get Show mouseover tips.
func (*TBufferPanel) Showing ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Showing() bool
func (*TBufferPanel) TabOrder ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) TabOrder() types.TTabOrder
Get Tab switching sequence number.
func (*TBufferPanel) TabStop ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) TabStop() bool
Get Tab can stay.
func (*TBufferPanel) Tag ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Tag() int
Get the control tag.
func (*TBufferPanel) ToString ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) ToString() string
Text information.
func (*TBufferPanel) Top ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Top() int32
Get Top position.
func (*TBufferPanel) UpdateBufferDimensions ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) UpdateBufferDimensions(width, height int32) bool
func (*TBufferPanel) UpdateDeviceScaleFactor ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) UpdateDeviceScaleFactor()
func (*TBufferPanel) UpdateOrigBufferDimensions ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) UpdateOrigBufferDimensions(width, height int32) bool
func (*TBufferPanel) UpdateOrigPopupBufferDimensions ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) UpdateOrigPopupBufferDimensions(width, height int32) bool
func (*TBufferPanel) UseDockManager ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) UseDockManager() bool
func (*TBufferPanel) Visible ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Visible() bool
Get the control visible.
func (*TBufferPanel) VisibleDockClientCount ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) VisibleDockClientCount() int32
Get The total number of visible calls currently docked.
func (*TBufferPanel) Width ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TBufferPanel) Width() int32
Get width.
type TCEFApplication ¶
type TCEFApplication struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TCEFApplication CEF应用对象
func CreateApplication ¶ added in v2.1.0
func CreateApplication() *TCEFApplication
创建CEF Application 初始化CEF时必须创建,多进程模式每个application配置都应该相同
func NewApplication ¶
func NewApplication(disableRegisDefaultEvent ...bool) *TCEFApplication
NewApplication 创建CEF应用
参数: disableRegisDefaultEvent = true 时不会注册默认事件
func (*TCEFApplication) AcceptLanguageList ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) AcceptLanguageList() string
AcceptLanguageList Remove CEF 118
func (*TCEFApplication) AddCrDelegate ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) AddCrDelegate()
AddCrDelegate MacOSX Delegate
func (*TCEFApplication) AddCustomCommandLine ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) AddCustomCommandLine(commandLine, value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) AllowFileAccessFromFiles ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) AllowFileAccessFromFiles() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) AllowInsecureLocalhost ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) AllowInsecureLocalhost() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) AllowRunningInsecureContent ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) AllowRunningInsecureContent() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) AllowUniversalAccessFromFileUrls ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) AllowUniversalAccessFromFileUrls() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) ApiHashCommit ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ApiHashCommit() string
func (*TCEFApplication) ApiHashPlatform ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ApiHashPlatform() string
func (*TCEFApplication) ApiHashUniversal ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ApiHashUniversal() string
func (*TCEFApplication) AutoAcceptCamAndMicCapture ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFApplication) AutoAcceptCamAndMicCapture() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) AutoplayPolicy ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) AutoplayPolicy() TCefAutoplayPolicy
func (*TCEFApplication) AvailableSystemMemory ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) AvailableSystemMemory() uint64
func (*TCEFApplication) BackgroundColor ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) BackgroundColor() types.TCefColor
func (*TCEFApplication) BlinkSettings ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) BlinkSettings() string
func (*TCEFApplication) BrowserSubprocessPath ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) BrowserSubprocessPath() string
func (*TCEFApplication) Cache ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) Cache() string
func (*TCEFApplication) CheckCEFFiles ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) CheckCEFFiles() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) ChildProcessesCount ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ChildProcessesCount() int32
func (*TCEFApplication) ChromeBuild ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ChromeBuild() uint16
func (*TCEFApplication) ChromeElfPath ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ChromeElfPath() string
func (*TCEFApplication) ChromeMajorVer ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ChromeMajorVer() uint16
func (*TCEFApplication) ChromeMinorVer ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ChromeMinorVer() uint16
func (*TCEFApplication) ChromePolicyId ¶ added in v2.3.4
func (m *TCEFApplication) ChromePolicyId() string
func (*TCEFApplication) ChromeRelease ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ChromeRelease() uint16
func (*TCEFApplication) ChromeRuntime ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ChromeRuntime() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) ChromeVersion ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ChromeVersion() string
func (*TCEFApplication) CommandLineArgsDisabled ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) CommandLineArgsDisabled() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) CookieableSchemesList ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) CookieableSchemesList() string
func (*TCEFApplication) DefaultEncoding ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DefaultEncoding() string
func (*TCEFApplication) DeleteCache ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DeleteCache() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DeleteCookies ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DeleteCookies() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) Destroy ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) Destroy()
func (*TCEFApplication) DevToolsProtocolLogFile ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DevToolsProtocolLogFile() string
func (*TCEFApplication) DeviceScaleFactor ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DeviceScaleFactor() (result float32)
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableBackForwardCache ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableBackForwardCache() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableBackgroundNetworking ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableBackgroundNetworking() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableBlinkFeatures ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableBlinkFeatures() string
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableChromeLoginPrompt ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableChromeLoginPrompt() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableComponentUpdate ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableComponentUpdate() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableExtensions ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableExtensions() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableFeatures ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableFeatures() string
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableImageLoading ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableImageLoading() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableJavascript ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableJavascript() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableJavascriptAccessClipboard ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableJavascriptAccessClipboard() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableJavascriptCloseWindows ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableJavascriptCloseWindows() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableJavascriptDomPaste ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableJavascriptDomPaste() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableNewBrowserInfoTimeout ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableNewBrowserInfoTimeout() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisablePDFExtension ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisablePDFExtension() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisablePopupBlocking ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisablePopupBlocking() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableReadingFromCanvas ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableReadingFromCanvas() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableRequestHandlingForTesting ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableRequestHandlingForTesting() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableSafeBrowsing ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableSafeBrowsing() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableSiteIsolationTrials ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableSiteIsolationTrials() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableSpellChecking ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableSpellChecking() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableTabToLinks ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableTabToLinks() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableTextAreaResize ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableTextAreaResize() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableWebSecurity ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableWebSecurity() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DisableZygote ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) DisableZygote() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) DoMessageLoopWork ¶ added in v2.3.0
func (m *TCEFApplication) DoMessageLoopWork()
func (*TCEFApplication) EnableBlinkFeatures ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) EnableBlinkFeatures() string
func (*TCEFApplication) EnableFeatures ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) EnableFeatures() string
func (*TCEFApplication) EnableGPU ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) EnableGPU() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) EnableHighDPISupport ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) EnableHighDPISupport() bool
CEF 112 Remove
func (*TCEFApplication) EnableMediaStream ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) EnableMediaStream() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) EnablePrintPreview ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) EnablePrintPreview() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) EnableProfanityFilter ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) EnableProfanityFilter() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) EnableSpeechInput ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) EnableSpeechInput() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) EnableUsermediaScreenCapturing ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) EnableUsermediaScreenCapturing() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) ExternalMessagePump ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ExternalMessagePump() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) FastUnload ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) FastUnload() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) ForceFieldTrialParams ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ForceFieldTrialParams() string
func (*TCEFApplication) ForceFieldTrials ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ForceFieldTrials() string
func (*TCEFApplication) ForcedDeviceScaleFactor ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ForcedDeviceScaleFactor() (result float32)
func (*TCEFApplication) FrameworkDirPath ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) FrameworkDirPath() string
func (*TCEFApplication) Free ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) Free()
func (*TCEFApplication) GlobalContextInitialized ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) GlobalContextInitialized() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) HyperlinkAuditing ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) HyperlinkAuditing() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) IgnoreCertificateErrors ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) IgnoreCertificateErrors() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) ImageShrinkStandaloneToFit ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ImageShrinkStandaloneToFit() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) IsMessageLoop ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFApplication) IsMessageLoop() bool
消息轮询方式使用不同的窗口组件 return true: 使用VF(views framework)窗口组件, false: 使用LCL窗口组件
func (*TCEFApplication) IsNotSpecVer ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *TCEFApplication) IsNotSpecVer() bool
IsNotSpecVer 非针特定本,当前版本或当前最新版本
func (*TCEFApplication) IsSpecVer106 ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *TCEFApplication) IsSpecVer106() bool
IsSpecVer106 特定 Linux GTK2
func (*TCEFApplication) IsSpecVer109 ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *TCEFApplication) IsSpecVer109() bool
IsSpecVer109 特定 7, 8/8.1 and Windows Server 2012
func (*TCEFApplication) IsSpecVer49 ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *TCEFApplication) IsSpecVer49() bool
IsSpecVer49 特定 WindowsXP
func (*TCEFApplication) IsSpecVer87 ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *TCEFApplication) IsSpecVer87() bool
IsSpecVer87 特定 Flash
func (*TCEFApplication) IsUICocoa ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *TCEFApplication) IsUICocoa() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) IsUIGtk2 ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *TCEFApplication) IsUIGtk2() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) IsUIGtk3 ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *TCEFApplication) IsUIGtk3() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) IsUIWin32 ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *TCEFApplication) IsUIWin32() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) JavaScriptFlags ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) JavaScriptFlags() string
func (*TCEFApplication) KioskPrinting ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) KioskPrinting() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) LastErrorMessage ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) LastErrorMessage() string
func (*TCEFApplication) LibCefPath ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) LibCefPath() string
func (*TCEFApplication) LibCefVersion ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) LibCefVersion() string
func (*TCEFApplication) LibLoaded ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) LibLoaded() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) LibVersion ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) LibVersion() string
LibVersion 返回 lib-lcl 版本, TODO 暂时移除
func (*TCEFApplication) Locale ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) Locale() string
func (*TCEFApplication) LocalesDirPath ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) LocalesDirPath() string
func (*TCEFApplication) LocalesRequired ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) LocalesRequired() string
func (*TCEFApplication) LogFile ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) LogFile() string
func (*TCEFApplication) LogItems ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFApplication) LogItems() TCefLogItems
func (*TCEFApplication) LogProcessInfo ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) LogProcessInfo() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) LogSeverity ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) LogSeverity() LogSeverity
func (*TCEFApplication) MainBundlePath ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) MainBundlePath() string
MainBundlePath 仅用于macOS
func (*TCEFApplication) MetricsRecordingOnly ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) MetricsRecordingOnly() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) MissingBinariesException ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) MissingBinariesException() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) MissingLibFiles ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) MissingLibFiles() string
func (*TCEFApplication) MultiThreadedMessageLoop ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) MultiThreadedMessageLoop() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) MustCreateBrowserProcessHandler ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) MustCreateBrowserProcessHandler() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) MustCreateLoadHandler ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) MustCreateLoadHandler() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) MustCreateRenderProcessHandler ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) MustCreateRenderProcessHandler() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) MustCreateResourceBundleHandler ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) MustCreateResourceBundleHandler() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) MustFreeLibrary ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) MustFreeLibrary() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) MuteAudio ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) MuteAudio() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) NetLogCaptureMode ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) NetLogCaptureMode() TCefNetLogCaptureMode
func (*TCEFApplication) NetLogEnabled ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) NetLogEnabled() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) NetLogFile ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) NetLogFile() string
func (*TCEFApplication) NoSandbox ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) NoSandbox() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) OverrideSpellCheckLang ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) OverrideSpellCheckLang() string
func (*TCEFApplication) PackLoadingDisabled ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) PackLoadingDisabled() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) PersistSessionCookies ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) PersistSessionCookies() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) PersistUserPreferences ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) PersistUserPreferences() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) ProcessType ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ProcessType() TCefProcessType
func (*TCEFApplication) ProcessTypeValue ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ProcessTypeValue() (processTypeValue TCefProcessTypeValue)
func (*TCEFApplication) QuitMessageLoop ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) QuitMessageLoop()
QuitMessageLoop 退出消息轮询
func (*TCEFApplication) ReRaiseExceptions ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ReRaiseExceptions() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) RemoteAllowOrigins ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFApplication) RemoteAllowOrigins() string
func (*TCEFApplication) RemoteDebuggingPort ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) RemoteDebuggingPort() int32
func (*TCEFApplication) ResourcesDirPath ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ResourcesDirPath() string
func (*TCEFApplication) RootCache ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) RootCache() string
func (*TCEFApplication) RunMessageLoop ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) RunMessageLoop()
RunMessageLoop Chrome runtime
func (*TCEFApplication) SetAcceptLanguageList ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetAcceptLanguageList(value string)
SetAcceptLanguageList Remove CEF 118
func (*TCEFApplication) SetAllowFileAccessFromFiles ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetAllowFileAccessFromFiles(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetAllowInsecureLocalhost ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetAllowInsecureLocalhost(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetAllowRunningInsecureContent ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetAllowRunningInsecureContent(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetAllowUniversalAccessFromFileUrls ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetAllowUniversalAccessFromFileUrls(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetAutoAcceptCamAndMicCapture ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetAutoAcceptCamAndMicCapture(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetAutoplayPolicy ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetAutoplayPolicy(value TCefAutoplayPolicy)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetBackgroundColor ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetBackgroundColor(value types.TCefColor)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetBlinkSettings ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetBlinkSettings(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetBrowserSubprocessPath ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetBrowserSubprocessPath(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetCache ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetCache(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetCheckCEFFiles ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetCheckCEFFiles(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetChromePolicyId ¶ added in v2.3.4
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetChromePolicyId(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetChromeRuntime ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetChromeRuntime(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetCommandLineArgsDisabled ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetCommandLineArgsDisabled(value bool)
SetCommandLineArgsDisabled 开启/禁用设置命令行参数
func (*TCEFApplication) SetCookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetCookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetCookieableSchemesList ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetCookieableSchemesList(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetCurrentDir ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetCurrentDir() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDefaultEncoding ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDefaultEncoding(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDeleteCache ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDeleteCache(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDeleteCookies ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDeleteCookies(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDevToolsProtocolLogFile ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDevToolsProtocolLogFile(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableBackForwardCache ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableBackForwardCache(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableBackgroundNetworking ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableBackgroundNetworking(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableBlinkFeatures ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableBlinkFeatures(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableChromeLoginPrompt ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableChromeLoginPrompt(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableComponentUpdate ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableComponentUpdate(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableExtensions ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableExtensions(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableFeatures ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableFeatures(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableImageLoading ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableImageLoading(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableJavascript ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableJavascript(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableJavascriptAccessClipboard ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableJavascriptAccessClipboard(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableJavascriptCloseWindows ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableJavascriptCloseWindows(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableJavascriptDomPaste ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableJavascriptDomPaste(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableNewBrowserInfoTimeout ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableNewBrowserInfoTimeout(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisablePDFExtension ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisablePDFExtension(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisablePopupBlocking ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisablePopupBlocking(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableReadingFromCanvas ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableReadingFromCanvas(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableRequestHandlingForTesting ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableRequestHandlingForTesting(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableSafeBrowsing ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableSafeBrowsing(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableSiteIsolationTrials ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableSiteIsolationTrials(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableSpellChecking ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableSpellChecking(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableTabToLinks ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableTabToLinks(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableTextAreaResize ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableTextAreaResize(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableWebSecurity ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableWebSecurity(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetDisableZygote ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetDisableZygote(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetEnableBlinkFeatures ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetEnableBlinkFeatures(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetEnableFeatures ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetEnableFeatures(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetEnableGPU ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetEnableGPU(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetEnableHighDPISupport ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetEnableHighDPISupport(value bool)
CEF 112 Remove
func (*TCEFApplication) SetEnableMediaStream ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetEnableMediaStream(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetEnablePrintPreview ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetEnablePrintPreview(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetEnableProfanityFilter ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetEnableProfanityFilter(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetEnableSpeechInput ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetEnableSpeechInput(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetEnableUsermediaScreenCapturing ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetEnableUsermediaScreenCapturing(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetExternalMessagePump ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetExternalMessagePump(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetFastUnload ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetFastUnload(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetForceFieldTrialParams ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetForceFieldTrialParams(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetForceFieldTrials ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetForceFieldTrials(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetForcedDeviceScaleFactor ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetForcedDeviceScaleFactor(value float32)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetFrameworkDirPath ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetFrameworkDirPath(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetHyperlinkAuditing ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetHyperlinkAuditing(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetIgnoreCertificateErrors ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetIgnoreCertificateErrors(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetImageShrinkStandaloneToFit ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetImageShrinkStandaloneToFit(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetJavaScriptFlags ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetJavaScriptFlags(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetKioskPrinting ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetKioskPrinting(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetLocale ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetLocale(value LANGUAGE)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetLocalesDirPath ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetLocalesDirPath(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetLocalesRequired ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetLocalesRequired(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetLogFile ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetLogFile(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetLogItems ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetLogItems(value TCefLogItems)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetLogProcessInfo ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetLogProcessInfo(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetLogSeverity ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetLogSeverity(value LogSeverity)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetMainBundlePath ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetMainBundlePath(value string)
SetMainBundlePath 仅用于macOS
func (*TCEFApplication) SetMetricsRecordingOnly ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetMetricsRecordingOnly(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetMissingBinariesException ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetMissingBinariesException(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetMultiThreadedMessageLoop ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetMultiThreadedMessageLoop(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetMustCreateBrowserProcessHandler ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetMustCreateBrowserProcessHandler(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetMustCreateLoadHandler ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetMustCreateLoadHandler(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetMustCreateRenderProcessHandler ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetMustCreateRenderProcessHandler(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetMustCreateResourceBundleHandler ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetMustCreateResourceBundleHandler(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetMustFreeLibrary ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetMustFreeLibrary(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetMuteAudio ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetMuteAudio(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetNetLogCaptureMode ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetNetLogCaptureMode(value TCefNetLogCaptureMode)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetNetLogEnabled ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetNetLogEnabled(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetNetLogFile ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetNetLogFile(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetNoSandbox ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetNoSandbox(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetObjectRootName ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetObjectRootName(name string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnBeforeChildProcessLaunch ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnBeforeChildProcessLaunch(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnBeforeChildProcessLaunch)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnBrowserCreated ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnBrowserCreated(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnBrowserCreated)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnBrowserDestroyed ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnBrowserDestroyed(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnBrowserDestroyed)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnContextCreated ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnContextCreated(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnContextCreated)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnContextInitialized ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnContextInitialized(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnContextInitialized)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnContextReleased ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnContextReleased(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnContextReleased)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnFocusedNodeChanged ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnFocusedNodeChanged(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnFocusedNodeChanged)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnGetDataResource ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnGetDataResource(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnGetDataResource)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnGetDataResourceForScale ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnGetDataResourceForScale(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnGetDataResourceForScale)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnGetDefaultClient ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnGetDefaultClient(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnGetDefaultClient)
获取并返回CefClient, 我们自己创建并返回到 *ICefClient = myCefClient
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnGetLocalizedString ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnGetLocalizedString(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnGetLocalizedString)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnProcessMessageReceived ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnProcessMessageReceived(fn RenderProcessMessageReceived)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnRegCustomSchemes ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnRegCustomSchemes(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnRegCustomSchemes)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnRegisterCustomPreferences ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnRegisterCustomPreferences(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnRegisterCustomPreferences)
TODO 该函数还未完全实现
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnRenderLoadEnd ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnRenderLoadEnd(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnRenderLoadEnd)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnRenderLoadError ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnRenderLoadError(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnRenderLoadError)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnRenderLoadStart ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnRenderLoadStart(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnRenderLoadStart)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnRenderLoadingStateChange ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnRenderLoadingStateChange(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnRenderLoadingStateChange)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnScheduleMessagePumpWork ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnScheduleMessagePumpWork(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnScheduleMessagePumpWork)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnUncaughtException ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnUncaughtException(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnUncaughtException)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOnWebKitInitialized ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOnWebKitInitialized(fn GlobalCEFAppEventOnWebKitInitialized)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetOverrideSpellCheckLang ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetOverrideSpellCheckLang(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetPackLoadingDisabled ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetPackLoadingDisabled(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetPersistSessionCookies ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetPersistSessionCookies(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetPersistUserPreferences ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetPersistUserPreferences(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetReRaiseExceptions ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetReRaiseExceptions(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetRemoteAllowOrigins ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetRemoteAllowOrigins(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetRemoteDebuggingPort ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetRemoteDebuggingPort(value int32)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetResourcesDirPath ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetResourcesDirPath(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetRootCache ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetRootCache(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetSetCurrentDir ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetSetCurrentDir(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetShowMessageDlg ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetShowMessageDlg(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetSingleProcess ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetSingleProcess(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetSitePerProcess ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetSitePerProcess(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetSmoothScrolling ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetSmoothScrolling(value TCefState)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetTouchEvents ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetTouchEvents(value TCefState)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetTreatInsecureOriginAsSecure ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetTreatInsecureOriginAsSecure(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetUIColorMode ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetUIColorMode(value TCefUIColorMode)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetUncaughtExceptionStackSize ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetUncaughtExceptionStackSize(value int32)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetUseFakeUIForMediaStream ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetUseFakeUIForMediaStream(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetUseMockKeyChain ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetUseMockKeyChain(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetUserAgent ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetUserAgent(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetUserAgentProduct ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetUserAgentProduct(value string)
func (*TCEFApplication) SetUserDataPath ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetUserDataPath(value string)
CEF 115 Remove
func (*TCEFApplication) SetWindowlessRenderingEnabled ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SetWindowlessRenderingEnabled(value bool)
func (*TCEFApplication) ShowMessageDlg ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) ShowMessageDlg() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) SingleProcess ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SingleProcess() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) SitePerProcess ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SitePerProcess() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) SmoothScrolling ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SmoothScrolling() TCefState
func (*TCEFApplication) SpecificVersion ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *TCEFApplication) SpecificVersion() SpecificVersion
SpecificVersion 返回当前支持的CEF特定版本
0: 非针特定本,当前版本或当前最新版本 49: 特定 WindowsXP 87: 特定 Flash 106: 特定 Linux GTK2 109: 特定 7, 8/8.1 and Windows Server 2012
func (*TCEFApplication) StartMainProcess ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) StartMainProcess() bool
StartMainProcess 启动主进程
func (*TCEFApplication) StartSubProcess ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) StartSubProcess() (result bool)
StartSubProcess 启动子进程, 如果指定了子进程执行程序, 将执行指定的子进程程序
func (*TCEFApplication) Status ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) Status() TCefApplicationStatus
func (*TCEFApplication) StopScheduler ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) StopScheduler()
func (*TCEFApplication) SystemMemoryLoad ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) SystemMemoryLoad() types.Cardinal
func (*TCEFApplication) TotalSystemMemory ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) TotalSystemMemory() uint64
func (*TCEFApplication) TouchEvents ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) TouchEvents() TCefState
func (*TCEFApplication) TreatInsecureOriginAsSecure ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) TreatInsecureOriginAsSecure() string
func (*TCEFApplication) UIColorMode ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFApplication) UIColorMode() TCefUIColorMode
func (*TCEFApplication) UncaughtExceptionStackSize ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) UncaughtExceptionStackSize() int32
func (*TCEFApplication) UpdateDeviceScaleFactor ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFApplication) UpdateDeviceScaleFactor()
func (*TCEFApplication) UseFakeUIForMediaStream ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) UseFakeUIForMediaStream() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) UseMockKeyChain ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) UseMockKeyChain() bool
func (*TCEFApplication) UsedMemory ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) UsedMemory() uint64
func (*TCEFApplication) UserAgent ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) UserAgent() string
func (*TCEFApplication) UserAgentProduct ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) UserAgentProduct() string
func (*TCEFApplication) UserDataPath ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) UserDataPath() string
CEF 115 Remove
func (*TCEFApplication) WindowlessRenderingEnabled ¶
func (m *TCEFApplication) WindowlessRenderingEnabled() bool
type TCEFBitmapBitBuffer ¶ added in v2.1.0
type TCEFBitmapBitBuffer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBitmapBitBuffer ¶ added in v2.1.0
func NewBitmapBitBuffer(width, height int32) *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer
func (*TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) BufferBits ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) BufferBits() uintptr
Bits Pointer
func (*TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) BufferLength ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) BufferLength() int32
func (*TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) BufferScanlineSize ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) BufferScanlineSize() int32
func (*TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) Empty ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) Empty() bool
func (*TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) Free ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) Free()
func (*TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) Height ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) Height() int32
func (*TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) Instance ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) Instance() uintptr
func (*TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) IsValid ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) IsValid() bool
func (*TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) Scanline ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) Scanline(i int32) uintptr
return PByte = byte pointer
func (*TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) ScanlineSize ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) ScanlineSize() int32
func (*TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) UpdateSize ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) UpdateSize(width, height int32)
func (*TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) Width ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer) Width() int32
type TCEFBrowserViewComponent ¶
type TCEFBrowserViewComponent struct {
func (*TCEFBrowserViewComponent) Browser ¶
func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) Browser() *ICefBrowser
func (*TCEFBrowserViewComponent) BrowserView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) BrowserView() *ICefBrowserView
func (*TCEFBrowserViewComponent) CreateBrowserView ¶
func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) CreateBrowserView(client *ICefClient, url string, requestContextSettings *TCefRequestContextSettings, browserSettings *TCefBrowserSettings, extraInfo *ICefDictionaryValue)
func (*TCEFBrowserViewComponent) Free ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) Free()
func (*TCEFBrowserViewComponent) GetForBrowser ¶
func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) GetForBrowser(browser *ICefBrowser)
func (*TCEFBrowserViewComponent) Instance ¶
func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) Instance() uintptr
func (*TCEFBrowserViewComponent) IsValid ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) IsValid() bool
func (*TCEFBrowserViewComponent) RequestFocus ¶
func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) RequestFocus()
func (*TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnBrowserCreated ¶
func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnBrowserCreated(fn BrowserViewComponentOnBrowserCreated)
func (*TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnBrowserDestroyed ¶
func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnBrowserDestroyed(fn BrowserViewComponentOnBrowserDestroyed)
func (*TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnGestureCommand ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnGestureCommand(fn BrowserViewComponentOnGestureCommand)
CEF 113 ~
func (*TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnGetChromeToolbarType ¶
func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnGetChromeToolbarType(fn BrowserViewComponentOnGetChromeToolbarType)
func (*TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnGetDelegateForPopupBrowserView ¶
func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnGetDelegateForPopupBrowserView(fn BrowserViewComponentOnGetDelegateForPopupBrowserView)
func (*TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnPopupBrowserViewCreated ¶
func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnPopupBrowserViewCreated(fn BrowserViewComponentOnPopupBrowserViewCreated)
func (*TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnUseFramelessWindowForPictureInPicture ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetOnUseFramelessWindowForPictureInPicture(fn BrowserViewComponentOnUseFramelessWindowForPictureInPicture)
CEF 113 ~
func (*TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetPreferAccelerators ¶
func (m *TCEFBrowserViewComponent) SetPreferAccelerators(preferAccelerators bool)
type TCEFButtonComponent ¶ added in v2.2.1
type TCEFButtonComponent struct {
func (*TCEFButtonComponent) AsLabelButton ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFButtonComponent) AsLabelButton() *ICefLabelButton
func (*TCEFButtonComponent) GetState ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFButtonComponent) GetState() consts.TCefButtonState
func (*TCEFButtonComponent) SetAccessibleName ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFButtonComponent) SetAccessibleName(name string)
func (*TCEFButtonComponent) SetInkDropEnabled ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFButtonComponent) SetInkDropEnabled(enabled bool)
func (*TCEFButtonComponent) SetOnButtonPressed ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFButtonComponent) SetOnButtonPressed(fn onButtonPressed)
func (*TCEFButtonComponent) SetOnButtonStateChanged ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFButtonComponent) SetOnButtonStateChanged(fn onButtonStateChanged)
func (*TCEFButtonComponent) SetState ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFButtonComponent) SetState(state consts.TCefButtonState)
func (*TCEFButtonComponent) SetTooltipText ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFButtonComponent) SetTooltipText(tooltipText string)
type TCEFChromium ¶
type TCEFChromium struct { *lcl.TComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TCEFChromium 组件
func (*TCEFChromium) AcceptCookies ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) AcceptCookies() TCefCookiePref
func (*TCEFChromium) AcceptLanguageList ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) AcceptLanguageList() string
AcceptLanguageList Remove CEF 118
func (*TCEFChromium) AllowOutdatedPlugins ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) AllowOutdatedPlugins() bool
func (*TCEFChromium) AlwaysAuthorizePlugins ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) AlwaysAuthorizePlugins() bool
func (*TCEFChromium) AlwaysOpenPDFExternally ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) AlwaysOpenPDFExternally() bool
func (*TCEFChromium) AudioMuted ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) AudioMuted() bool
func (*TCEFChromium) BatterySaverModeState ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) BatterySaverModeState() TCefBatterySaverModeState
func (*TCEFChromium) Block3rdPartyCookies ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) Block3rdPartyCookies() bool
func (*TCEFChromium) Browser ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) Browser() *ICefBrowser
func (*TCEFChromium) BrowserById ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) BrowserById(id int32) *ICefBrowser
func (*TCEFChromium) BrowserCount ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) BrowserCount() int32
func (*TCEFChromium) BrowserHandle ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) BrowserHandle() types.HWND
func (*TCEFChromium) BrowserId ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) BrowserId() int32
func (*TCEFChromium) BrowserIdByIndex ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) BrowserIdByIndex(index int32) int32
func (*TCEFChromium) BrowserZoom ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) BrowserZoom(zoom ZOOM)
func (*TCEFChromium) CanDecZoom ¶ added in v2.3.4
func (m *TCEFChromium) CanDecZoom()
func (*TCEFChromium) CanIncZoom ¶ added in v2.3.4
func (m *TCEFChromium) CanIncZoom()
func (*TCEFChromium) CanResetZoom ¶ added in v2.3.4
func (m *TCEFChromium) CanResetZoom()
func (*TCEFChromium) ClassName ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ClassName() string
func (*TCEFChromium) ClassType ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ClassType() types.TClass
func (*TCEFChromium) ClearCache ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ClearCache()
func (*TCEFChromium) ClearDataForOrigin ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ClearDataForOrigin(origin string, storageTypes ...TCefClearDataStorageTypes)
func (*TCEFChromium) Client ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *TCEFChromium) Client() *ICefClient
Client 获取Client
func (*TCEFChromium) ClipboardCopy ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ClipboardCopy()
func (*TCEFChromium) ClipboardCut ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ClipboardCut()
func (*TCEFChromium) ClipboardDel ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ClipboardDel()
func (*TCEFChromium) ClipboardPaste ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ClipboardPaste()
func (*TCEFChromium) ClipboardRedo ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ClipboardRedo()
func (*TCEFChromium) ClipboardUndo ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ClipboardUndo()
func (*TCEFChromium) CloseAllBrowsers ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) CloseAllBrowsers()
func (*TCEFChromium) CloseAllConnections ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) CloseAllConnections(closeImmediately bool) bool
func (*TCEFChromium) CloseBrowser ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) CloseBrowser(forceClose bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) CloseDevTools ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) CloseDevTools(window ICEFWindowParent)
func (*TCEFChromium) Config ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFChromium) Config() *TCefChromiumConfig
func (*TCEFChromium) CreateBrowser ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) CreateBrowser(window ICEFWindowParent, windowName string, context *ICefRequestContext, extraInfo *ICefDictionaryValue) bool
func (*TCEFChromium) CreateBrowserByBrowserViewComponent ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) CreateBrowserByBrowserViewComponent(homePage string, browserViewComponent *TCEFBrowserViewComponent, context *ICefRequestContext, extraInfo *ICefDictionaryValue) bool
func (*TCEFChromium) CreateClientHandler ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) CreateClientHandler(alsOSR bool) (*ICefClient, bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) CustomHeader ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) CustomHeader() *TCustomHeader
func (*TCEFChromium) DecZoomCommand ¶ added in v2.3.4
func (m *TCEFChromium) DecZoomCommand()
func (*TCEFChromium) DecZoomPct ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) DecZoomPct()
func (*TCEFChromium) DecZoomStep ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) DecZoomStep()
func (*TCEFChromium) DefaultEncoding ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) DefaultEncoding() string
DefaultEncoding 获取默认编码
func (*TCEFChromium) DefaultWindowInfoExStyle ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) DefaultWindowInfoExStyle() types.DWORD
func (*TCEFChromium) DefaultZoomLevel ¶ added in v2.3.4
func (m *TCEFChromium) DefaultZoomLevel() (result float64)
func (*TCEFChromium) DeleteCookies ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) DeleteCookies(url, cookieName string, deleteImmediately bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) DoNotTrack ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) DoNotTrack() bool
func (*TCEFChromium) DownloadImage ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) DownloadImage(imageUrl string, isFavicon bool, maxImageSize int32, bypassCache bool)
DownloadImage 开始下载图片
func (*TCEFChromium) DragOperations ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) DragOperations() TCefDragOperations
func (*TCEFChromium) EmitRender ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) EmitRender(messageId int32, eventName string, target target.ITarget, data ...interface{}) bool
EmitRender IPC 发送进程 消息
messageId != 0 是带有回调函数消息
func (*TCEFChromium) ExecuteDevToolsMethod ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ExecuteDevToolsMethod(messageId int32, method string, dictionaryValue *ICefDictionaryValue)
func (*TCEFChromium) ExecuteJavaScript ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ExecuteJavaScript(code, scriptURL string, startLine int32)
ExecuteJavaScript 执行JS代码
code: js代码
scriptURL: js脚本地址 默认about:blank
startLine: js脚本启始执行行号
func (*TCEFChromium) ExitFullscreen ¶ added in v2.3.4
func (m *TCEFChromium) ExitFullscreen(willCauseResize bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) FlushCookieStore ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) FlushCookieStore(flushImmediately bool) bool
func (*TCEFChromium) FrameCount ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) FrameCount() uint32
func (*TCEFChromium) FrameIsFocused ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) FrameIsFocused() bool
func (*TCEFChromium) Free ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) Free()
func (*TCEFChromium) Fullscreen ¶ added in v2.3.4
func (m *TCEFChromium) Fullscreen() bool
func (*TCEFChromium) GoBack ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) GoBack()
func (*TCEFChromium) GoForward ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) GoForward()
func (*TCEFChromium) HasDevTools ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFChromium) HasDevTools() bool
func (*TCEFChromium) HashCode ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) HashCode() int32
func (*TCEFChromium) HighEfficiencyMode ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) HighEfficiencyMode() TCefState
func (*TCEFChromium) IMECancelComposition ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) IMECancelComposition()
func (*TCEFChromium) IMECommitText ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) IMECommitText(text string, replacementRange *TCefRange, relativeCursorPos int32)
func (*TCEFChromium) IMEFinishComposingText ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) IMEFinishComposingText(keepSelection bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) IMESetComposition ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) IMESetComposition(text string, underlines []*TCefCompositionUnderline, replacementRange, selectionRange *TCefRange)
func (*TCEFChromium) IncZoomCommand ¶ added in v2.3.4
func (m *TCEFChromium) IncZoomCommand()
func (*TCEFChromium) IncZoomPct ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) IncZoomPct()
func (*TCEFChromium) IncZoomStep ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) IncZoomStep()
func (*TCEFChromium) InheritsFrom ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) InheritsFrom(class types.TClass) bool
func (*TCEFChromium) InitializeDragAndDrop ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFChromium) InitializeDragAndDrop(dropTargetCtrl lcl.IWinControl)
By Windows
func (*TCEFChromium) Initialized ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) Initialized() bool
func (*TCEFChromium) InstanceSize ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) InstanceSize() int32
func (*TCEFChromium) Invalidate ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFChromium) Invalidate(type_ TCefPaintElementType)
func (*TCEFChromium) IsSameBrowser ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) IsSameBrowser(browser *ICefBrowser) bool
func (*TCEFChromium) JavascriptEnabled ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) JavascriptEnabled() bool
func (*TCEFChromium) LoadImagesAutomatically ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) LoadImagesAutomatically() bool
func (*TCEFChromium) NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted()
func (*TCEFChromium) NotifyScreenInfoChanged ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) NotifyScreenInfoChanged()
func (*TCEFChromium) Offline ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) Offline() bool
func (*TCEFChromium) Options ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFChromium) Options() IChromiumOptions
func (*TCEFChromium) Print ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) Print()
func (*TCEFChromium) PrintToPDF ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) PrintToPDF(saveFilePath string)
func (*TCEFChromium) PrintingEnabled ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) PrintingEnabled() bool
func (*TCEFChromium) QuicAllowed ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) QuicAllowed() bool
func (*TCEFChromium) ReadZoom ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ReadZoom()
func (*TCEFChromium) Reload ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) Reload()
func (*TCEFChromium) ReloadIgnoreCache ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ReloadIgnoreCache()
func (*TCEFChromium) RenderHandle ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) RenderHandle() types.HWND
func (*TCEFChromium) ResetZoomCommand ¶ added in v2.3.4
func (m *TCEFChromium) ResetZoomCommand()
func (*TCEFChromium) ResetZoomLevel ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ResetZoomLevel()
func (*TCEFChromium) ResetZoomPct ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ResetZoomPct()
func (*TCEFChromium) ResetZoomStep ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ResetZoomStep()
func (*TCEFChromium) ResolveHost ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ResolveHost(url string)
func (*TCEFChromium) RetrieveHTMLByFrame ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) RetrieveHTMLByFrame(frame *ICefFrame)
func (*TCEFChromium) RetrieveHTMLByFrameIdentifier ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) RetrieveHTMLByFrameIdentifier(frameIdentifier int64)
func (*TCEFChromium) RetrieveHTMLByFrameName ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) RetrieveHTMLByFrameName(frameName string)
func (*TCEFChromium) RetrieveTextByFrame ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) RetrieveTextByFrame(frame *ICefFrame)
func (*TCEFChromium) RetrieveTextByFrameIdentifier ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) RetrieveTextByFrameIdentifier(frameIdentifier int64)
func (*TCEFChromium) RetrieveTextByFrameName ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) RetrieveTextByFrameName(frameName string)
func (*TCEFChromium) SafeSearch ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SafeSearch() bool
func (*TCEFChromium) SelectAll ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SelectAll()
func (*TCEFChromium) SendCaptureLostEvent ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SendCaptureLostEvent()
func (*TCEFChromium) SendExternalBeginFrame ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFChromium) SendExternalBeginFrame()
func (*TCEFChromium) SendKeyEvent ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFChromium) SendKeyEvent(event *TCefKeyEvent)
func (*TCEFChromium) SendMouseClickEvent ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFChromium) SendMouseClickEvent(event *TCefMouseEvent, type_ TCefMouseButtonType, mouseUp bool, clickCount int32)
func (*TCEFChromium) SendMouseMoveEvent ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFChromium) SendMouseMoveEvent(event *TCefMouseEvent, mouseLeave bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) SendMouseWheelEvent ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFChromium) SendMouseWheelEvent(event *TCefMouseEvent, deltaX, deltaY int32)
func (*TCEFChromium) SendProcessMessage ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SendProcessMessage(targetProcess CefProcessId, message *ICefProcessMessage)
SendProcessMessage 发送进程消息
func (*TCEFChromium) SendProcessMessageForJSONBytes ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SendProcessMessageForJSONBytes(name string, targetProcess CefProcessId, data []byte)
SendProcessMessageForJSONBytes 发送进程消息
func (*TCEFChromium) SendProcessMessageForV8Value ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SendProcessMessageForV8Value(messageName string, targetProcess CefProcessId, arguments *ICefV8Value)
SendProcessMessageForV8Value 发送进程消息
func (*TCEFChromium) SendReferrer ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SendReferrer() bool
func (*TCEFChromium) SendTouchEvent ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFChromium) SendTouchEvent(event *TCefTouchEvent)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetAcceptCookies ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetAcceptCookies(cp TCefCookiePref)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetAcceptLanguageList ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetAcceptLanguageList(languageList string)
SetAcceptLanguageList Remove CEF 118
func (*TCEFChromium) SetAllowOutdatedPlugins ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetAllowOutdatedPlugins(value bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetAlwaysAuthorizePlugins ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetAlwaysAuthorizePlugins(value bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetAlwaysOpenPDFExternally ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetAlwaysOpenPDFExternally(value bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetAudioMuted ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetAudioMuted(value bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetBatterySaverModeState ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetBatterySaverModeState(value TCefBatterySaverModeState)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetBlock3rdPartyCookies ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetBlock3rdPartyCookies(value bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetCustomHeader ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetCustomHeader(customHeader *TCustomHeader)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetDefaultEncoding ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetDefaultEncoding(value string)
SetDefaultEncoding 设置默认编码
func (*TCEFChromium) SetDefaultURL ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetDefaultURL(defaultURL string)
SetDefaultURL 设置默认地址
func (*TCEFChromium) SetDefaultWindowInfoExStyle ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetDefaultWindowInfoExStyle(exStyle types.DWORD)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetDoNotTrack ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetDoNotTrack(value bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetDragOperations ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetDragOperations(value TCefDragOperations)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetEnableMultiBrowserMode ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetEnableMultiBrowserMode(enableMultiBrowserMode bool)
SetEnableMultiBrowserMode 设置启用多浏览器模式
func (*TCEFChromium) SetFocus ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetFocus(value bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetHighEfficiencyMode ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetHighEfficiencyMode(value TCefState)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetJavascriptEnabled ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetJavascriptEnabled(value bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetLoadImagesAutomatically ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetLoadImagesAutomatically(value bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOffline ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOffline(value bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnAcceleratedPaint ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnAcceleratedPaint(fn chromiumEventOnAcceleratedPaint)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnAddressChange ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnAddressChange(fn chromiumEventOnAddressChange)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnAfterCreated ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnAfterCreated(fn chromiumEventOnAfterCreated)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnAllConnectionsClosed ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnAllConnectionsClosed(fn chromiumEventOnAllConnectionsClosed)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnAudioStreamError ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnAudioStreamError(fn chromiumEventOnAudioStreamError)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnAudioStreamPacket ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnAudioStreamPacket(fn chromiumEventOnAudioStreamPacket)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnAudioStreamStarted ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnAudioStreamStarted(fn chromiumEventOnAudioStreamStarted)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnAudioStreamStopped ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnAudioStreamStopped(fn chromiumEventOnAudioStreamStopped)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnAutoResize ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnAutoResize(fn chromiumEventOnAutoResize)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforeBrowser ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforeBrowser(fn chromiumEventOnBeforeBrowser)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforeClose ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforeClose(fn chromiumEventOnBeforeClose)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforeContextMenu ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforeContextMenu(fn chromiumEventOnBeforeContextMenu)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforeDownload ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforeDownload(fn chromiumEventOnBeforeDownload)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforePopup ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforePopup(fn chromiumEventOnBeforePopup)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforeResourceLoad ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforeResourceLoad(fn chromiumEventOnBeforeResourceLoad)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforeUnloadDialog ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnBeforeUnloadDialog(fn chromiumEventOnBeforeUnloadDialog)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnBrowserCompMsg ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnBrowserCompMsg(fn chromiumEventOnCompMsg)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnCanDownload ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCanDownload(fn chromiumEventOnCanDownload)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnCanSaveCookie ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCanSaveCookie(fn chromiumEventOnCanSaveCookie)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnCanSendCookie ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCanSendCookie(fn chromiumEventOnCanSendCookie)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnCertificateError ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCertificateError(fn chromiumEventOnCertificateError)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnCertificateExceptionsCleared ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCertificateExceptionsCleared(fn chromiumEventOnCertificateExceptionsCleared)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnChromeCommand ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnChromeCommand(fn chromiumEventOnChromeCommand)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnClose ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnClose(fn chromiumEventOnClose)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnConsoleMessage ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnConsoleMessage(fn chromiumEventOnConsoleMessage)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnContextMenuCommand ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnContextMenuCommand(fn chromiumEventOnContextMenuCommand)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnContextMenuDismissed ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnContextMenuDismissed(fn chromiumEventOnContextMenuDismissed)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnCookieSet ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCookieSet(fn chromiumEventOnCookieSet)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnCookieVisitorDestroyed ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCookieVisitorDestroyed(fn chromiumEventOnCookieVisitorDestroyed)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnCookiesDeleted ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCookiesDeleted(fn chromiumEventOnCookiesDeleted)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnCookiesFlushed ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCookiesFlushed(fn chromiumEventOnCookiesFlushed)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnCookiesVisited ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCookiesVisited(fn chromiumEventOnCookiesVisited)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnCursorChange ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnCursorChange(fn chromiumEventOnCursorChange)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsAgentAttached ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsAgentAttached(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsAgentAttached)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsAgentDetached ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsAgentDetached(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsAgentDetached)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsEvent ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsEvent(fn chromiumEventOnDevTools)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsMessage ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsMessage(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsMessage)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsMethodRawResult ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsMethodRawResult(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsMethodRawResult)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsMethodResult ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsMethodResult(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsMethodResult)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsRawEvent ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsRawEvent(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsRaw)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsRawMessage ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDevToolsRawMessage(fn chromiumEventOnDevToolsRawMessage)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnDialogClosed ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDialogClosed(fn chromiumEventOnDialogClosed)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnDismissPermissionPrompt ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDismissPermissionPrompt(fn chromiumEventOnDismissPermissionPrompt)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnDocumentAvailableInMainFrame ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDocumentAvailableInMainFrame(fn chromiumEventOnDocumentAvailableInMainFrame)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnDownloadImageFinished ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDownloadImageFinished(fn chromiumEventOnDownloadImageFinished)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnDownloadUpdated ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDownloadUpdated(fn chromiumEventOnDownloadUpdated)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnDragEnter ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDragEnter(fn chromiumEventOnDragEnter)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnDraggableRegionsChanged ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnDraggableRegionsChanged(fn chromiumEventOnDraggableRegionsChanged)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnExecuteTaskOnCefThread ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnExecuteTaskOnCefThread(fn chromiumEventOnExecuteTaskOnCefThread)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionBeforeBackgroundBrowser ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionBeforeBackgroundBrowser(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionBeforeBackgroundBrowser)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionBeforeBrowser ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionBeforeBrowser(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionBeforeBrowser)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionCanAccessBrowser ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionCanAccessBrowser(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionCanAccessBrowser)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionGetActiveBrowser ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionGetActiveBrowser(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionGetActiveBrowser)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionGetExtensionResource ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionGetExtensionResource(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionGetExtensionResource)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionLoadFailed ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionLoadFailed(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionLoadFailed)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionLoaded ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionLoaded(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionLoaded)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionUnloaded ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnExtensionUnloaded(fn chromiumEventOnExtensionUnloaded)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnFavIconUrlChange ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnFavIconUrlChange(fn chromiumEventOnFavIconUrlChange)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnFileDialog ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnFileDialog(fn chromiumEventOnFileDialog)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnFindResult ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnFindResult(fn chromiumEventOnFindResult)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnFrameAttached ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnFrameAttached(fn chromiumEventOnFrameAttached)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnFrameCreated ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnFrameCreated(fn chromiumEventOnFrameCreated)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnFrameDetached ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnFrameDetached(fn chromiumEventOnFrameDetached)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnFullScreenModeChange ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnFullScreenModeChange(fn chromiumEventOnFullScreenModeChange)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnGetAccessibilityHandler ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetAccessibilityHandler(fn chromiumEventOnGetAccessibilityHandler)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnGetAudioParameters ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetAudioParameters(fn chromiumEventOnGetAudioParameters)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnGetAuthCredentials ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetAuthCredentials(fn chromiumEventOnGetAuthCredentials)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnGetPDFPaperSize ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetPDFPaperSize(fn chromiumEventOnGetPDFPaperSize)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnGetResourceHandler ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetResourceHandler(fn chromiumEventOnGetResourceHandler)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnGetResourceRequestHandlerReqCtxHdlr ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetResourceRequestHandlerReqCtxHdlr(fn chromiumEventOnGetResourceRequestHandlerReqCtxHdlr)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnGetResourceRequestHandlerReqHdlr ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetResourceRequestHandlerReqHdlr(fn chromiumEventOnGetResourceRequestHandlerReqHdlr)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnGetResourceResponseFilter ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetResourceResponseFilter(fn chromiumEventOnGetResourceResponseFilter)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnGetRootScreenRect ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetRootScreenRect(fn chromiumEventOnGetRootScreenRect)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnGetScreenInfo ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetScreenInfo(fn chromiumEventOnGetScreenInfo)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnGetScreenPoint ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetScreenPoint(fn chromiumEventOnGetScreenPoint)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnGetTouchHandleSize ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetTouchHandleSize(fn chromiumEventOnGetTouchHandleSize)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnGetViewRect ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGetViewRect(fn chromiumEventOnGetViewRect)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnGotFocus ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnGotFocus(fn chromiumEventOnGotFocus)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnHttpAuthCredentialsCleared ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnHttpAuthCredentialsCleared(fn chromiumEventOnHttpAuthCredentialsCleared)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnIMECompositionRangeChanged ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnIMECompositionRangeChanged(fn chromiumEventOnIMECompositionRangeChanged)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnIsChromeAppMenuItemEnabled ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnIsChromeAppMenuItemEnabled(fn chromiumEventOnIsChromeAppMenuItemEnabled)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnIsChromeAppMenuItemVisible ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnIsChromeAppMenuItemVisible(fn chromiumEventOnIsChromeAppMenuItemVisible)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnIsChromePageActionIconVisible ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnIsChromePageActionIconVisible(fn chromiumEventOnIsChromePageActionIconVisible)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnIsChromeToolbarButtonVisible ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnIsChromeToolbarButtonVisible(fn chromiumEventOnIsChromeToolbarButtonVisible)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnJsDialog ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnJsDialog(fn chromiumEventOnJsDialog)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnKeyEvent ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnKeyEvent(fn chromiumEventOnKey)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnLoadEnd ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnLoadEnd(fn chromiumEventOnLoadEnd)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnLoadError ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnLoadError(fn chromiumEventOnLoadError)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnLoadStart ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnLoadStart(fn chromiumEventOnLoadStart)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnLoadingProgressChange ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnLoadingProgressChange(fn chromiumEventOnLoadingProgressChange)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnLoadingStateChange ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnLoadingStateChange(fn chromiumEventOnLoadingStateChange)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnMainFrameChanged ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnMainFrameChanged(fn chromiumEventOnMainFrameChanged)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnMediaAccessChange ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnMediaAccessChange(fn chromiumEventOnMediaAccessChange)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnMediaRouteCreateFinished ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnMediaRouteCreateFinished(fn chromiumEventOnMediaRouteCreateFinished)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnMediaSinkDeviceInfo ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnMediaSinkDeviceInfo(fn chromiumEventOnMediaSinkDeviceInfo)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnNavigationVisitorResultAvailable ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnNavigationVisitorResultAvailable(fn chromiumEventOnNavigationVisitorResultAvailable)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnOpenUrlFromTab ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnOpenUrlFromTab(fn chromiumEventOnOpenUrlFromTab)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnPaint ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPaint(fn chromiumEventOnPaint)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnPdfPrintFinished ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPdfPrintFinished(fn chromiumEventOnPdfPrintFinished)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnPopupShow ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPopupShow(fn chromiumEventOnPopupShow)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnPopupSize ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPopupSize(fn chromiumEventOnPopupSize)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnPreKeyEvent ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPreKeyEvent(fn chromiumEventOnPreKey)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnPrefsAvailable ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPrefsAvailable(fn chromiumEventOnPrefsAvailable)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnPrefsUpdated ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPrefsUpdated(fn chromiumEventOnPrefsUpdated)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnPrintDialog ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPrintDialog(fn chromiumEventOnPrintDialog)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnPrintJob ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPrintJob(fn chromiumEventOnPrintJob)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnPrintReset ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPrintReset(fn chromiumEventOnPrintReset)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnPrintSettings ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPrintSettings(fn chromiumEventOnPrintSettings)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnPrintStart ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnPrintStart(fn chromiumEventOnPrintStart)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnProcessMessageReceived ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnProcessMessageReceived(fn BrowseProcessMessageReceived)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnProtocolExecution ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnProtocolExecution(fn chromiumEventOnProtocolExecution)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnQuickMenuCommand ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnQuickMenuCommand(fn chromiumEventOnQuickMenuCommand)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnQuickMenuDismissed ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnQuickMenuDismissed(fn chromiumEventOnQuickMenuDismissed)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnRenderCompMsg ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnRenderCompMsg(fn chromiumEventOnCompMsg)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnRenderProcessTerminated ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnRenderProcessTerminated(fn chromiumEventOnRenderProcessTerminated)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnRenderViewReady ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnRenderViewReady(fn chromiumEventOnRenderViewReady)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnRequestContextInitialized ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnRequestContextInitialized(fn chromiumEventOnRequestContextInitialized)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnRequestMediaAccessPermission ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnRequestMediaAccessPermission(fn chromiumEventOnRequestMediaAccessPermission)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnResetDialogState ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnResetDialogState(fn chromiumEventOnResetDialogState)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnResolvedHostAvailable ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnResolvedHostAvailable(fn chromiumEventOnResolvedHostAvailable)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnResourceLoadComplete ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnResourceLoadComplete(fn chromiumEventOnResourceLoadComplete)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnResourceRedirect ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnResourceRedirect(fn chromiumEventOnResourceRedirect)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnResourceResponse ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnResourceResponse(fn chromiumEventOnResourceResponse)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnRouteMessageReceived ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnRouteMessageReceived(fn chromiumEventOnRouteMessageReceived)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnRouteStateChanged ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnRouteStateChanged(fn chromiumEventOnRouteStateChanged)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnRoutes ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnRoutes(fn chromiumEventOnRoutes)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnRunContextMenu ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnRunContextMenu(fn chromiumEventOnRunContextMenu)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnRunQuickMenu ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnRunQuickMenu(fn chromiumEventOnRunQuickMenu)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnScrollOffsetChanged ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnScrollOffsetChanged(fn chromiumEventOnScrollOffsetChanged)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnSelectClientCertificate ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnSelectClientCertificate(fn chromiumEventOnSelectClientCertificate)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnSetFocus ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnSetFocus(fn chromiumEventOnSetFocus)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnShowPermissionPrompt ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnShowPermissionPrompt(fn chromiumEventOnShowPermissionPrompt)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnSinks ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnSinks(fn chromiumEventOnSinks)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnStartDragging ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnStartDragging(fn chromiumEventOnStartDragging)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnStatusMessage ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnStatusMessage(fn chromiumEventOnStatusMessage)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnTakeFocus ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnTakeFocus(fn chromiumEventOnTakeFocus)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnTextResultAvailable ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnTextResultAvailable(fn chromiumEventOnTextResultAvailable)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnTextSelectionChanged ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnTextSelectionChanged(fn chromiumEventOnTextSelectionChanged)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnTitleChange ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnTitleChange(fn chromiumEventOnTitleChange)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnTooltip ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnTooltip(fn chromiumEventOnTooltip)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnTouchHandleStateChanged ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnTouchHandleStateChanged(fn chromiumEventOnTouchHandleStateChanged)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnUpdateDragCursor ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnUpdateDragCursor(fn chromiumEventOnUpdateDragCursor)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnVirtualKeyboardRequested ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnVirtualKeyboardRequested(fn chromiumEventOnVirtualKeyboardRequested)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnWidgetCompMsg ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnWidgetCompMsg(fn chromiumEventOnCompMsg)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetOnZoomPctAvailable ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetOnZoomPctAvailable(fn chromiumEventOnResultFloat)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetPrintingEnabled ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetPrintingEnabled(value bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetProxy ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetProxy(cefProxy *TCefProxy)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetQuicAllowed ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetQuicAllowed(value bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetSafeSearch ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetSafeSearch(value bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetSendReferrer ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetSendReferrer(value bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetSpellCheckerDicts ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetSpellCheckerDicts(value string)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetSpellChecking ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetSpellChecking(value bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetUserAgentOverride ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetUserAgentOverride(userAgent, acceptLanguage, platform string)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetWebRTCIPHandlingPolicy(value TCefWebRTCHandlingPolicy)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetWebRTCMultipleRoutes ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetWebRTCMultipleRoutes(value TCefState)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetWebRTCNonproxiedUDP ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetWebRTCNonproxiedUDP(value TCefState)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetYouTubeRestrict ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetYouTubeRestrict(value bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) SetZoomLevel ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetZoomLevel(value float64)
SetZoomLevel 设置缩放级别
func (*TCEFChromium) SetZoomPct ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetZoomPct(value float64)
SetZoomPct 设置缩放百分比
func (*TCEFChromium) SetZoomStep ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SetZoomStep(value int8)
SetZoomStep 设置缩放步 0~255
func (*TCEFChromium) ShowDevTools ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ShowDevTools(window ICEFWindowParent)
func (*TCEFChromium) SimulateMouseWheel ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SimulateMouseWheel(deltaX, deltaY int32)
func (*TCEFChromium) SpellCheckerDicts ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SpellCheckerDicts() string
func (*TCEFChromium) SpellChecking ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) SpellChecking() bool
func (*TCEFChromium) StartDownload ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) StartDownload(url string)
StartDownload 开始下载
func (*TCEFChromium) StopLoad ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) StopLoad()
func (*TCEFChromium) ToString ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ToString() string
func (*TCEFChromium) ToggleAudioMuted ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ToggleAudioMuted()
func (*TCEFChromium) TryCloseBrowser ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) TryCloseBrowser() bool
func (*TCEFChromium) UnsafeAddr ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) UnsafeAddr() unsafe.Pointer
UnsafeAddr 实例指针
func (*TCEFChromium) UpdatePreferences ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) UpdatePreferences()
func (*TCEFChromium) VisitAllCookies ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) VisitAllCookies(id int32)
VisitAllCookies 查看所有cookie,该函数触发 OnCookiesVisited 事件返回结果
func (*TCEFChromium) VisitURLCookies ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) VisitURLCookies(url string, includeHttpOnly bool, id int32)
VisitURLCookies 查看URL cookie,该函数触发 OnCookiesVisited 事件返回结果 url
func (*TCEFChromium) WasHidden ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) WasHidden(hidden bool)
func (*TCEFChromium) WasResized ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) WasResized()
func (*TCEFChromium) WebRTCIPHandlingPolicy ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) WebRTCIPHandlingPolicy() TCefWebRTCHandlingPolicy
func (*TCEFChromium) WebRTCMultipleRoutes ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) WebRTCMultipleRoutes() TCefState
func (*TCEFChromium) WebRTCNonproxiedUDP ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) WebRTCNonproxiedUDP() TCefState
func (*TCEFChromium) WidgetHandle ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) WidgetHandle() types.HWND
func (*TCEFChromium) YouTubeRestrict ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) YouTubeRestrict() bool
func (*TCEFChromium) ZoomLevel ¶
func (m *TCEFChromium) ZoomLevel() (result float64)
ZoomLevel 获取缩放级别
type TCEFChromiumBrowser ¶
type TCEFChromiumBrowser struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TCEFChromiumBrowser) Chromium ¶
func (m *TCEFChromiumBrowser) Chromium() IChromium
返回 chromium
func (*TCEFChromiumBrowser) CreateBrowser ¶
func (m *TCEFChromiumBrowser) CreateBrowser()
创建浏览器 创建时如果未创建成功, 使用定时任务创建直到成功
func (*TCEFChromiumBrowser) IsCreated ¶
func (m *TCEFChromiumBrowser) IsCreated() bool
func (*TCEFChromiumBrowser) SetCreateBrowserExtraInfo ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFChromiumBrowser) SetCreateBrowserExtraInfo(windowName string, context *ICefRequestContext, extraInfo *ICefDictionaryValue)
func (*TCEFChromiumBrowser) WindowParent ¶
func (m *TCEFChromiumBrowser) WindowParent() ICEFWindowParent
返回 chromium window 组件
type TCEFLabelButtonComponent ¶ added in v2.2.1
type TCEFLabelButtonComponent struct {
func (*TCEFLabelButtonComponent) AsMenuButton ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) AsMenuButton() *ICefMenuButton
func (*TCEFLabelButtonComponent) CreateLabelButton ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) CreateLabelButton(text string)
func (*TCEFLabelButtonComponent) GetImage ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) GetImage(buttonState consts.TCefButtonState) *ICefImage
func (*TCEFLabelButtonComponent) GetText ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) GetText() string
func (*TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetEnabledTextColors ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetEnabledTextColors(color types.TCefColor)
func (*TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetFontList ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetFontList(fontList string)
func (*TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetHorizontalAlignment ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetHorizontalAlignment(alignment consts.TCefHorizontalAlignment)
func (*TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetImage ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetImage(buttonState consts.TCefButtonState, image *ICefImage)
func (*TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetMaximumSize ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetMaximumSize(size *TCefSize)
func (*TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetMinimumSize ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetMinimumSize(size *TCefSize)
func (*TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetText ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetText(text string)
func (*TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetTextColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFLabelButtonComponent) SetTextColor(forState consts.TCefButtonState, color types.TCefColor)
type TCEFLinkedWindowParent ¶
type TCEFLinkedWindowParent struct { BaseWinControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TCEFLinkedWindowParent 组件
func NewCEFWindowParent ¶
func NewCEFWindowParent(owner lcl.IComponent) *TCEFLinkedWindowParent
NewCEFWindowParent 创建一个新的 TCEFLinkedWindowParent 组件
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Align ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Align() types.TAlign
Align Align 获取控件自动调整
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Anchors ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Anchors() types.TAnchors
Anchors 获取四个角位置的锚点
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) BoundsRect ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) BoundsRect() (result types.TRect)
BoundsRect 获取矩形边界
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) CanFocus ¶ added in v2.2.4
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) CanFocus() bool
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) CreateHandle ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) CreateHandle()
CreateHandle 创建句柄
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) DefaultAnchors ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) DefaultAnchors()
DefaultAnchors 恢复到默认四角锚点定位
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) DestroyChildWindow ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) DestroyChildWindow() bool
DestroyChildWindow 销毁子窗口
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Enabled ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Enabled() bool
Enabled 获取是否启用
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Handle ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Handle() types.HWND
Handle 组件句柄
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) HandleAllocated ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) HandleAllocated() bool
HandleAllocated 处理所有
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Instance ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Instance() uintptr
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Repaint ¶ added in v2.3.3
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Repaint()
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) RevertCustomAnchors ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) RevertCustomAnchors()
RevertCustomAnchors 恢复到自定义四角锚点定位
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetAlign ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetAlign(value types.TAlign)
SetAlign 设置控件自动调整
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetAnchors ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetAnchors(value types.TAnchors)
SetAnchors 设置四个角位置的锚点
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetBoundsRect ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetBoundsRect(value types.TRect)
SetBoundsRect 设置矩形边界
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetChromium ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetChromium(chromium IChromium, tag int32)
SetChromium 设置 IChromium, 只 TCEFLinkedWindowParent 有效
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetEnabled ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetEnabled(value bool)
SetEnabled 设置是否启用
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetFocus ¶ added in v2.2.4
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetFocus()
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetHeight ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetHeight(value int32)
SetHeight 设置高度
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetLeft ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetLeft(value int32)
SetLeft 设置左边距
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetName ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetName(value string)
SetName 设置组件名称
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetOnEnter ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetOnEnter(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
SetOnEnter 进入事件
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetOnExit ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetOnExit(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent)
SetOnExit 退出事件
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetParent ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetParent(value lcl.IWinControl)
SetParent 设置控件父容器
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetTag ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetTag(tag int)
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetTop ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetTop(value int32)
SetTop 设置上边距
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetVisible ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetVisible(value bool)
SetVisible 设置控件可视
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetWidth ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) SetWidth(value int32)
SetWidth 设置宽度
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Tag ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Tag() int
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Type ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Type() consts.TCefWindowHandleType
Type 组件类型, 这里返回 TCEFLinkedWindowParent 类型
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) UpdateSize ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) UpdateSize()
UpdateSize 更新组件大小
func (*TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Visible ¶
func (m *TCEFLinkedWindowParent) Visible() bool
Visible 获取控件可视
type TCEFMenuButtonComponent ¶ added in v2.2.1
type TCEFMenuButtonComponent struct {
func (*TCEFMenuButtonComponent) CreateMenuButton ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFMenuButtonComponent) CreateMenuButton(text string)
func (*TCEFMenuButtonComponent) SetOnMenuButtonPressed ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFMenuButtonComponent) SetOnMenuButtonPressed(fn onMenuButtonPressed)
func (*TCEFMenuButtonComponent) ShowMenu ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFMenuButtonComponent) ShowMenu(menuModel *ICefMenuModel, screenPoint TCefPoint, anchorPosition consts.TCefMenuAnchorPosition)
func (*TCEFMenuButtonComponent) TriggerMenu ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFMenuButtonComponent) TriggerMenu()
type TCEFPanelComponent ¶ added in v2.2.1
type TCEFPanelComponent struct {
func (*TCEFPanelComponent) AddChildView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) AddChildView(view *ICefView)
func (*TCEFPanelComponent) AddChildViewAt ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) AddChildViewAt(view *ICefView, index int32)
func (*TCEFPanelComponent) AsWindow ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) AsWindow() *ICefWindow
func (*TCEFPanelComponent) CreatePanel ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) CreatePanel()
func (*TCEFPanelComponent) GetChildViewAt ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) GetChildViewAt(index int32) *ICefView
func (*TCEFPanelComponent) GetChildViewCount ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) GetChildViewCount() uint32
func (*TCEFPanelComponent) GetLayout ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) GetLayout() *ICefLayout
func (*TCEFPanelComponent) Layout ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) Layout()
func (*TCEFPanelComponent) RemoveAllChildViews ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) RemoveAllChildViews()
func (*TCEFPanelComponent) RemoveChildView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) RemoveChildView(view *ICefView)
func (*TCEFPanelComponent) ReorderChildView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) ReorderChildView(view *ICefView, index int32)
func (*TCEFPanelComponent) SetToBoxLayout ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) SetToBoxLayout(settings TCefBoxLayoutSettings) *ICefBoxLayout
func (*TCEFPanelComponent) SetToFillLayout ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFPanelComponent) SetToFillLayout() *ICefFillLayout
type TCEFScrollViewComponent ¶ added in v2.2.1
type TCEFScrollViewComponent struct {
func (*TCEFScrollViewComponent) CreateScrollView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFScrollViewComponent) CreateScrollView()
func (*TCEFScrollViewComponent) GetContentView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFScrollViewComponent) GetContentView() *ICefView
func (*TCEFScrollViewComponent) HasHorizontalScrollbar ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFScrollViewComponent) HasHorizontalScrollbar() bool
func (*TCEFScrollViewComponent) HasVerticalScrollbar ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFScrollViewComponent) HasVerticalScrollbar() bool
func (*TCEFScrollViewComponent) HorizontalScrollbarHeight ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFScrollViewComponent) HorizontalScrollbarHeight() int32
func (*TCEFScrollViewComponent) SetContentView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFScrollViewComponent) SetContentView(view *ICefView)
func (*TCEFScrollViewComponent) VerticalScrollbarWidth ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFScrollViewComponent) VerticalScrollbarWidth() int32
func (*TCEFScrollViewComponent) VisibleContentRect ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFScrollViewComponent) VisibleContentRect() (result TCefRect)
type TCEFTextFieldComponent ¶ added in v2.2.1
type TCEFTextFieldComponent struct {
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) AppendText ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) AppendText(text string)
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) ApplyTextColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) ApplyTextColor(color types.TCefColor, range_ TCefRange)
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) ApplyTextStyle ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) ApplyTextStyle(style consts.TCefTextStyle, add bool, range_ TCefRange)
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) ClearEditHistory ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) ClearEditHistory()
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) ClearSelection ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) ClearSelection()
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) CreateTextField ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) CreateTextField()
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) CursorPosition ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) CursorPosition() uint32
CEF 117 ~
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) ExecuteCommand ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) ExecuteCommand(commandId consts.TCefTextFieldCommands)
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetPlaceholderText ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetPlaceholderText() string
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetSelectRange ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetSelectRange() (result TCefRange)
CEF 117 ~
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetSelectedText ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetSelectedText() string
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetSelectionBackgroundColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetSelectionBackgroundColor() (color types.TCefColor)
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetSelectionTextColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetSelectionTextColor() (color types.TCefColor)
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetText ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetText() string
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetTextColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) GetTextColor() (color types.TCefColor)
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) HasSelection ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) HasSelection() bool
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) InsertOrReplaceText ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) InsertOrReplaceText(text string)
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) IsCommandEnabled ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) IsCommandEnabled(commandId consts.TCefTextFieldCommands) bool
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) IsPasswordInput ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) IsPasswordInput() bool
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) IsReadOnly ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) IsReadOnly() bool
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) SelectAll ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SelectAll(reversed bool)
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) SelectRange ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SelectRange(range_ TCefRange)
CEF 117 Remove
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetAccessibleName ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetAccessibleName(name string)
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetFontList ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetFontList(fontList string)
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetOnAfterUserAction ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetOnAfterUserAction(fn onAfterUserAction)
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetOnTextFieldKeyEvent ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetOnTextFieldKeyEvent(fn onTextFieldKeyEvent)
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetPasswordInput ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetPasswordInput(passwordInput bool)
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetPlaceholderText ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetPlaceholderText(text string)
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetPlaceholderTextColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetPlaceholderTextColor(color types.TCefColor)
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetReadOnly ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetReadOnly(readOnly bool)
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetSelectRange ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetSelectRange(range_ TCefRange)
CEF 117 ~
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetSelectionBackgroundColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetSelectionBackgroundColor(color types.TCefColor)
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetSelectionTextColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetSelectionTextColor(color types.TCefColor)
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetText ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetText(text string)
func (*TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetTextColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFTextFieldComponent) SetTextColor(color types.TCefColor)
type TCEFViewComponent ¶ added in v2.2.1
type TCEFViewComponent struct { lcl.IComponent // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*TCEFViewComponent) ConvertPointFromScreen ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) ConvertPointFromScreen(point *TCefPoint) bool
func (*TCEFViewComponent) ConvertPointFromView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) ConvertPointFromView(view *ICefView, point *TCefPoint) bool
func (*TCEFViewComponent) ConvertPointFromWindow ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) ConvertPointFromWindow(point *TCefPoint) bool
func (*TCEFViewComponent) ConvertPointToScreen ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) ConvertPointToScreen(point *TCefPoint) bool
func (*TCEFViewComponent) ConvertPointToView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) ConvertPointToView(view *ICefView, point *TCefPoint) bool
func (*TCEFViewComponent) ConvertPointToWindow ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) ConvertPointToWindow(point *TCefPoint) bool
func (*TCEFViewComponent) Free ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) Free()
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetAccessibilityFocusable ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetAccessibilityFocusable() bool
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetAsBrowserView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetAsBrowserView() (result ICefBrowserView)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetAsButton ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetAsButton() (result ICefButton)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetAsPanel ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetAsPanel() (result ICefPanel)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetAsScrollView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetAsScrollView() (result ICefScrollView)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetAsTextfield ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetAsTextfield() (result ICefTextfield)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetAsView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetAsView() (result ICefView)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetAttached ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetAttached() bool
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetBackgroundColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetBackgroundColor() (result types.TCefColor)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetBounds ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetBounds() (result TCefRect)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetBoundsInScreen ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetBoundsInScreen() (result TCefRect)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetDelegate ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetDelegate() (result ICefViewDelegate)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetDrawn ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetDrawn() bool
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetEnabled ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetEnabled() bool
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetFocusable ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetFocusable() bool
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetGroupID ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetGroupID() int32
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetHeightForWidth ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetHeightForWidth(width int32) int32
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetID ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetID() int32
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetInitialized ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetInitialized() bool
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetMaximumSize ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetMaximumSize() (result TCefSize)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetMinimumSize ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetMinimumSize() (result TCefSize)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetParentView ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetParentView() (result ICefView)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetPosition ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetPosition() (result TCefPoint)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetPreferredSize ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetPreferredSize() (result TCefSize)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetSize ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetSize() (result TCefSize)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetTypeString ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetTypeString() string
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetViewForID ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetViewForID(id int32) (result ICefView)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetVisible ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetVisible() bool
func (*TCEFViewComponent) GetWindow ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) GetWindow() (result ICefWindow)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) Instance ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*TCEFViewComponent) InvalidateLayout ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) InvalidateLayout()
func (*TCEFViewComponent) IsSame ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) IsSame(that *ICefView) bool
func (*TCEFViewComponent) IsValid ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) IsValid() bool
func (*TCEFViewComponent) RequestFocus ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) RequestFocus()
func (*TCEFViewComponent) SetBackgroundColor ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetBackgroundColor(color types.TCefColor)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) SetBounds ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetBounds(bounds TCefRect)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) SetEnabled ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetEnabled(enabled bool)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) SetFocusable ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetFocusable(focusable bool)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) SetGroupID ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetGroupID(groupId int32)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) SetID ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetID(id int32)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) SetOnBlur ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetOnBlur(fn onBlur)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) SetOnChildViewChanged ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetOnChildViewChanged(fn onChildViewChanged)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) SetOnFocus ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetOnFocus(fn onFocus)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) SetOnGetHeightForWidth ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetOnGetHeightForWidth(fn onGetHeightForWidth)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) SetOnGetMaximumSize ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetOnGetMaximumSize(fn onGetMaximumSize)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) SetOnGetMinimumSize ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetOnGetMinimumSize(fn onGetMinimumSize)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) SetOnGetPreferredSize ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetOnGetPreferredSize(fn onGetPreferredSize)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) SetOnLayoutChanged ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetOnLayoutChanged(fn onLayoutChanged)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) SetOnParentViewChanged ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetOnParentViewChanged(fn onParentViewChanged)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) SetOnWindowChanged ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetOnWindowChanged(fn onWindowChanged)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) SetPosition ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetPosition(position TCefPoint)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) SetSize ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetSize(size TCefSize)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) SetVisible ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SetVisible(visible bool)
func (*TCEFViewComponent) SizeToPreferredSize ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) SizeToPreferredSize()
func (*TCEFViewComponent) ToStringEx ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCEFViewComponent) ToStringEx(includeChildren bool) string
type TCEFWindowComponent ¶
type TCEFWindowComponent struct {
TCEFWindowComponent 窗口组件
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) AddChildView ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) AddChildView(browserViewComponent *TCEFBrowserViewComponent)
AddChildView 添加浏览器显示组件
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) Bounds ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) Bounds() (result *TCefRect)
Bounds 获取窗口边界
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) BringToTop ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) BringToTop()
BringToTop 将窗口移至最上层
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) CenterWindow ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) CenterWindow(size *TCefSize)
CenterWindow 根据大小窗口居中
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) ClientAreaBoundsInScreen ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) ClientAreaBoundsInScreen() (result TCefRect)
ClientAreaBoundsInScreen 获取客户端所在指定屏幕位置
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) CreateTopLevelWindow ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) CreateTopLevelWindow()
CreateTopLevelWindow 创建顶层窗口
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) Deactivate ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) Deactivate()
Deactivate 停止激活窗口
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) IsAlwaysOnTop ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) IsAlwaysOnTop() bool
IsAlwaysOnTop 窗口是否置顶
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) IsFullscreen ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) IsFullscreen() bool
IsFullscreen 是否全屏
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) IsMaximized ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) IsMaximized() bool
IsMaximized 是否最大化
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) IsMinimized ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) IsMinimized() bool
IsMinimized 是否最小化
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) Position ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) Position() (result *TCefPoint)
Position 获取窗口位置
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) RemoveAccelerator ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) RemoveAccelerator(commandId int32)
RemoveAccelerator 移除指定快捷键
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) RemoveAllAccelerators ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) RemoveAllAccelerators()
RemoveAllAccelerators 移除所有快捷键
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SendKeyPress ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SendKeyPress(keyCode int32, eventFlags uint32)
SendKeyPress 发送键盘事件
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SendMouseEvents ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SendMouseEvents(button consts.TCefMouseButtonType, mouseDown, mouseUp bool)
SendMouseEvents 发送鼠标事件
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SendMouseMove ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SendMouseMove(screenX, screenY int32)
SendMouseMove 发送鼠标移动事件
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetAccelerator ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetAccelerator(commandId, keyCode int32, shiftPressed, ctrlPressed, altPressed bool)
SetAccelerator 设置快捷键
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetAlwaysOnTop ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetAlwaysOnTop(onTop bool)
SetAlwaysOnTop 设置窗口是否置顶
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetBackgroundColor ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetBackgroundColor(rect types.TCefColor)
SetBackgroundColor 设置背景色
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetBounds ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetBounds(rect *TCefRect)
SetBounds 设置窗口边界
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetDraggableRegions ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetDraggableRegions(regions []TCefDraggableRegion)
SetDraggableRegions 设置拖拽区域
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetFullscreen ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetFullscreen(fullscreen bool)
SetFullscreen 设置窗口全屏
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnAccelerator ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnAccelerator(fn WindowComponentOnAccelerator)
SetOnAccelerator 设置快捷键回调事件
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnCanClose ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnCanClose(fn WindowComponentOnCanClose)
SetOnCanClose 设置窗口是否允许关闭回调事件
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnCanMaximize ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnCanMaximize(fn WindowComponentOnCanMaximize)
SetOnCanMaximize 设置窗口是否允许最大化回调事件
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnCanMinimize ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnCanMinimize(fn WindowComponentOnCanMinimize)
SetOnCanMinimize 设置窗口是否允许最小化回调事件
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnCanResize ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnCanResize(fn WindowComponentOnCanResize)
SetOnCanResize 设置窗口是否允许调整大小回调事件
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnGetInitialBounds ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnGetInitialBounds(fn WindowComponentOnGetInitialBounds)
SetOnGetInitialBounds 窗口初始窗口边界回调事件
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnGetInitialShowState ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnGetInitialShowState(fn WindowComponentOnGetInitialShowState)
SetOnGetInitialShowState 窗口初始显示状态回调事件
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnGetParentWindow ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnGetParentWindow(fn WindowComponentOnGetParentWindow)
SetOnGetParentWindow 获取父组件回调事件
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnGetTitleBarHeight ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnGetTitleBarHeight(fn WindowComponentOnGetTitleBarHeight)
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnIsFrameless ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnIsFrameless(fn WindowComponentOnIsFrameless)
SetOnIsFrameless 窗口无边框回调事件
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnIsWindowModalDialog ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnIsWindowModalDialog(fn WindowComponentOnIsWindowModalDialog)
SetOnIsWindowModalDialog 窗口是否为模态弹窗
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnKeyEvent ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnKeyEvent(fn WindowComponentOnKey)
SetOnKeyEvent 设置键盘事件回调事件
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnWindowActivationChanged ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnWindowActivationChanged(fn WindowComponentOnWindowActivationChanged)
SetOnWindowActivationChanged 窗口激活改变回调事件
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnWindowCreated ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnWindowCreated(fn WindowComponentOnWindowCreated)
SetOnWindowCreated 窗口创建回调事件
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnWindowDestroyed ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnWindowDestroyed(fn WindowComponentOnWindowDestroyed)
SetOnWindowDestroyed 窗口销毁回调事件
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnWindowFullscreenTransition ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnWindowFullscreenTransition(fn WindowComponentOnKey)
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnWithStandardWindowButtons ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetOnWithStandardWindowButtons(fn WindowComponentOnWithStandardWindowButtons)
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetPosition ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetPosition(point *TCefPoint)
SetPosition 设置窗口位置
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetSize ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetSize(size *TCefSize)
SetSize 设置窗口宽高
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetTitle ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetTitle(title string)
SetTitle 设置窗口标题
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetWindowAppIcon ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetWindowAppIcon(icon *ICefImage)
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetWindowAppIconByFSFile ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetWindowAppIconByFSFile(scaleFactor float32, filename string) error
SetWindowAppIconByFSFile 设置窗口应用图标
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetWindowAppIconByFile ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetWindowAppIconByFile(scaleFactor float32, filename string) error
SetWindowAppIconByFile 设置窗口应用图标
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetWindowIcon ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetWindowIcon(icon *ICefImage)
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetWindowIconByFSFile ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetWindowIconByFSFile(scaleFactor float32, filename string) error
SetWindowIconByFSFile 设置窗口图标
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) SetWindowIconByFile ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) SetWindowIconByFile(scaleFactor float32, filename string) error
SetWindowIconByFile 设置窗口图标
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) ShowAsBrowserModalDialog ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) ShowAsBrowserModalDialog(browserView *ICefBrowserView)
ShowAsBrowserModalDialog 显示窗口 浏览器模式对话框
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) ShowMenu ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) ShowMenu(menuModel *ICefMenuModel, point TCefPoint, anchorPosition consts.TCefMenuAnchorPosition)
ShowMenu 显示菜单
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) Size ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) Size() (result *TCefSize)
Size 获取窗口宽高
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) WindowAppIcon ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) WindowAppIcon() *ICefImage
WindowAppIcon 获取窗口应用图标
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) WindowHandle ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) WindowHandle() consts.TCefWindowHandle
WindowHandle 获取窗口句柄
func (*TCEFWindowComponent) WindowIcon ¶
func (m *TCEFWindowComponent) WindowIcon() *ICefImage
WindowIcon 获取窗口图标
type TCEFWorkScheduler ¶ added in v2.1.0
type TCEFWorkScheduler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
var GlobalWorkScheduler *TCEFWorkScheduler
func GlobalWorkSchedulerCreate ¶ added in v2.1.0
func GlobalWorkSchedulerCreate(owner lcl.IComponent) *TCEFWorkScheduler
func GlobalWorkSchedulerCreateDelayed ¶ added in v2.1.0
func GlobalWorkSchedulerCreateDelayed() *TCEFWorkScheduler
func (*TCEFWorkScheduler) CreateThread ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) CreateThread()
func (*TCEFWorkScheduler) Destroy ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) Destroy()
func (*TCEFWorkScheduler) GetDefaultInterval ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) GetDefaultInterval() int32
func (*TCEFWorkScheduler) GetDepleteWorkCycles ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) GetDepleteWorkCycles() uint32
func (*TCEFWorkScheduler) GetDepleteWorkDelay ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) GetDepleteWorkDelay() uint32
func (*TCEFWorkScheduler) GetPriority ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) GetPriority() consts.TThreadPriority
GetPriority Windows
func (*TCEFWorkScheduler) GetUseQueueThread ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) GetUseQueueThread() bool
func (*TCEFWorkScheduler) Instance ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*TCEFWorkScheduler) IsValid ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) IsValid() bool
func (*TCEFWorkScheduler) SetDefaultInterval ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) SetDefaultInterval(value int32)
func (*TCEFWorkScheduler) SetDepleteWorkCycles ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) SetDepleteWorkCycles(value uint32)
func (*TCEFWorkScheduler) SetDepleteWorkDelay ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) SetDepleteWorkDelay(value uint32)
func (*TCEFWorkScheduler) SetPriority ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) SetPriority(value consts.TThreadPriority)
GetPriority Windows
func (*TCEFWorkScheduler) SetUseQueueThread ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) SetUseQueueThread(value bool)
func (*TCEFWorkScheduler) StopScheduler ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCEFWorkScheduler) StopScheduler()
type TCefAudioParameters ¶
type TCefAudioParameters struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TCefAudioParameters /include/internal/cef_types.h (cef_audio_parameters_t)
type TCefBaseRefCounted ¶
type TCefBaseRefCounted struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBaseRefCounted ¶
func NewBaseRefCounted(instance uintptr) *TCefBaseRefCounted
func (*TCefBaseRefCounted) BaseRefCounted ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCefBaseRefCounted) BaseRefCounted(instance uintptr) *TCefBaseRefCounted
BaseRefCounted 将实例转换为 TCefBaseRefCounted
func (*TCefBaseRefCounted) DestroyOtherRefs ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCefBaseRefCounted) DestroyOtherRefs()
DestroyOtherRefs 释放所有其他实例。
func (*TCefBaseRefCounted) HasAtLeastOneRef ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCefBaseRefCounted) HasAtLeastOneRef() bool
HasAtLeastOneRef 如果当前引用计数至少为1,则返回true(1)。
func (*TCefBaseRefCounted) HasOneRef ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCefBaseRefCounted) HasOneRef() bool
HasOneRef 如果当前引用计数为1,则返回true(1)。
func (*TCefBaseRefCounted) IsValid ¶
func (m *TCefBaseRefCounted) IsValid() bool
func (*TCefBaseRefCounted) SameAs ¶ added in v2.3.1
func (m *TCefBaseRefCounted) SameAs(data uintptr) bool
SameAs 将aData指针与当前实例的FData字段进行比较。
type TCefBinaryValueArray ¶
type TCefBinaryValueArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TCefBinaryValueArray) Count ¶
func (m *TCefBinaryValueArray) Count() uint32
func (*TCefBinaryValueArray) Free ¶
func (m *TCefBinaryValueArray) Free()
func (*TCefBinaryValueArray) Get ¶
func (m *TCefBinaryValueArray) Get(index uint32) *ICefBinaryValue
type TCefBoxLayoutSettings ¶ added in v2.2.1
type TCefBoxLayoutSettings struct { Horizontal Integer InsideBorderHorizontalSpacing Integer InsideBorderVerticalSpacing Integer InsideBorderInsets TCefInsets BetweenChildSpacing Integer MainAxisAlignment consts.TCefMainAxisAlignment CrossAxisAlignment consts.TCefCrossAxisAlignment MinimumCrossAxisSize Integer DefaultFlex Integer }
/include/internal/cef_types.h (cef_box_layout_settings_t)
type TCefBrowserSettings ¶
type TCefBrowserSettings struct { WindowlessFrameRate Integer StandardFontFamily TCefString FixedFontFamily TCefString SerifFontFamily TCefString SansSerifFontFamily TCefString CursiveFontFamily TCefString FantasyFontFamily TCefString DefaultFontSize Integer DefaultFixedFontSize Integer MinimumFontSize Integer MinimumLogicalFontSize Integer DefaultEncoding TCefString RemoteFonts consts.TCefState Javascript consts.TCefState JavascriptCloseWindows consts.TCefState JavascriptAccessClipboard consts.TCefState JavascriptDomPaste consts.TCefState ImageLoading consts.TCefState ImageShrinkStandaLonetoFit consts.TCefState TextAreaResize consts.TCefState TabToLinks consts.TCefState LocalStorage consts.TCefState Databases consts.TCefState Webgl consts.TCefState BackgroundColor TCefColor AcceptLanguageList TCefString // Remove CEF 118 ChromeStatusBubble consts.TCefState ChromeZoomBubble consts.TCefState // Use[118] // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TCefBrowserSettings CEF Browser配置
func (*TCefBrowserSettings) ToPtr ¶
func (m *TCefBrowserSettings) ToPtr() *tCefBrowserSettingsPtr
ToPtr 转换为指针
type TCefChromiumConfig ¶ added in v2.1.0
type TCefChromiumConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TCefChromiumConfig Chromium的基础配置
func (*TCefChromiumConfig) EnableDevTools ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) EnableDevTools() bool
func (*TCefChromiumConfig) EnableMenu ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) EnableMenu() bool
func (*TCefChromiumConfig) EnableOpenUrlTab ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) EnableOpenUrlTab() bool
func (*TCefChromiumConfig) EnableViewSource ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) EnableViewSource() bool
func (*TCefChromiumConfig) EnableWindowPopup ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) EnableWindowPopup() bool
func (*TCefChromiumConfig) EnabledJavascript ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) EnabledJavascript() bool
func (*TCefChromiumConfig) SetEnableDevTools ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) SetEnableDevTools(value bool) *TCefChromiumConfig
SetEnableDevTools 设置启用开发者工具
func (*TCefChromiumConfig) SetEnableMenu ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) SetEnableMenu(value bool) *TCefChromiumConfig
SetEnableMenu 设置启用右键菜单
func (*TCefChromiumConfig) SetEnableOpenUrlTab ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) SetEnableOpenUrlTab(value bool) *TCefChromiumConfig
SetEnableOpenUrlTab 设置启用打开新tab
func (*TCefChromiumConfig) SetEnableViewSource ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) SetEnableViewSource(value bool) *TCefChromiumConfig
SetEnableViewSource 设置启用查看源文件
func (*TCefChromiumConfig) SetEnableWindowPopup ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) SetEnableWindowPopup(value bool) *TCefChromiumConfig
SetEnableWindowPopup 设置启用弹出新窗口
func (*TCefChromiumConfig) SetEnabledJavascript ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCefChromiumConfig) SetEnabledJavascript(value bool) *TCefChromiumConfig
SetEnabledJavascript 设置启用Javascript
type TCefCommandLine ¶
type TCefCommandLine struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TCefCommandLine 进程启动命令行参数设置
func (*TCefCommandLine) AppendArgument ¶
func (m *TCefCommandLine) AppendArgument(argument string)
func (*TCefCommandLine) AppendSwitch ¶
func (m *TCefCommandLine) AppendSwitch(name, value string)
type TCefCompositionUnderline ¶
type TCefCompositionUnderline struct { Range TCefRange Color TCefColor BackgroundColor TCefColor Thick int32 Style consts.TCefCompositionUnderlineStyle }
/include/internal/cef_types.h (cef_composition_underline_t)
type TCefCompositionUnderlineArray ¶ added in v2.2.1
type TCefCompositionUnderlineArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TCefCompositionUnderlineArray) Count ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCefCompositionUnderlineArray) Count() int
func (*TCefCompositionUnderlineArray) Get ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCefCompositionUnderlineArray) Get(index int) *TCefCompositionUnderline
type TCefCursorInfo ¶
type TCefCursorInfo struct { Hotspot TCefPoint ImageScaleFactor Single Buffer uintptr Size TCefSize }
/include/internal/cef_types.h (cef_cursor_info_t)
type TCefDraggableRegion ¶
TCefDraggableRegion 拖拽区域集
func NewCefDraggableRegion ¶
func NewCefDraggableRegion(rect *TCefRect, draggable bool) TCefDraggableRegion
NewCefDraggableRegion 创建一个拖拽区域
type TCefDraggableRegions ¶
type TCefDraggableRegions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TCefDraggableRegions 拖拽区域集合
func NewCefDraggableRegions ¶
func NewCefDraggableRegions() *TCefDraggableRegions
NewCefDraggableRegions 创建拖拽区域
func (*TCefDraggableRegions) Append ¶
func (m *TCefDraggableRegions) Append(region TCefDraggableRegion)
Append 添加拖拽区域
func (*TCefDraggableRegions) Region ¶
func (m *TCefDraggableRegions) Region(i int) *TCefDraggableRegion
Region 获取指定的拖拽区域
func (*TCefDraggableRegions) Regions ¶
func (m *TCefDraggableRegions) Regions() []TCefDraggableRegion
Regions 获取拖拽区域
func (*TCefDraggableRegions) RegionsCount ¶
func (m *TCefDraggableRegions) RegionsCount() int
RegionsCount 拖拽区域数量
type TCefInsets ¶ added in v2.2.1
/include/internal/cef_types_geometry.h (cef_insets_t)
type TCefKeyEvent ¶
type TCefKeyEvent struct { Kind consts.TCefKeyEventType // called 'type' in the original CEF source code Modifiers consts.TCefEventFlags WindowsKeyCode Int32 NativeKeyCode Int32 IsSystemKey Int32 Character UInt16 UnmodifiedCharacter UInt16 FocusOnEditableField Int32 }
TCefKeyEvent CEF 键盘事件
func (*TCefKeyEvent) KeyDown ¶
func (m *TCefKeyEvent) KeyDown() bool
func (*TCefKeyEvent) KeyUp ¶
func (m *TCefKeyEvent) KeyUp() bool
type TCefMediaRouteArray ¶
type TCefMediaRouteArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type TCefMediaSinkArray ¶
type TCefMediaSinkArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type TCefMouseEvent ¶
type TCefMouseEvent struct { X int32 Y int32 Modifiers consts.TCefEventFlags }
TCefMouseEvent 鼠标事件
type TCefPopupFeatures ¶
type TCefPopupFeatures struct { X Integer XSet Integer Y Integer YSet Integer Width Integer WidthSet Integer Height Integer HeightSet Integer MenuBarVisible Integer // Use-CEF:[49] StatusBarVisible Integer // Use-CEF:[49] ToolBarVisible Integer // Use-CEF:[49] LocationBarVisible Integer ScrollbarsVisible Integer // Use-CEF:[49] IsPopup Integer // CEF 110 ~ Current :True (1) if browser interface elements should be hidden. Resizable Integer Fullscreen Integer Dialog Integer AdditionalFeatures TCefStringList // Use-CEF:[49] }
/include/internal/cef_types.h (cef_popup_features_t)
type TCefPostDataElementArray ¶
type TCefPostDataElementArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TCefPostDataElementArray) Get ¶
func (m *TCefPostDataElementArray) Get(index uint32) *ICefPostDataElement
func (*TCefPostDataElementArray) Size ¶
func (m *TCefPostDataElementArray) Size() uint32
type TCefPreferenceRegistrarRef ¶
type TCefPreferenceRegistrarRef struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type TCefProxy ¶
type TCefProxy struct { ProxyType consts.TCefProxyType ProxyScheme consts.TCefProxyScheme ProxyServer string ProxyPort int32 ProxyUsername string ProxyPassword string ProxyScriptURL string ProxyByPassList string MaxConnectionsPerProxy int32 }
TCefProxy 代理配置
type TCefRectArray ¶ added in v2.1.0
type TCefRectArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTCefRectArray ¶ added in v2.1.0
func NewTCefRectArray(ptr uintptr, count uint32) *TCefRectArray
TCefRect 动态数组结构, 通过指针引用取值
func (*TCefRectArray) Count ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCefRectArray) Count() int
func (*TCefRectArray) Get ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TCefRectArray) Get(index int) *TCefRect
type TCefRequestContextSettings ¶
type TCefRequestContextSettings struct { CachePath TCefString PersistSessionCookies Int32 PersistUserPreferences Int32 AcceptLanguageList TCefString // Remove CEF 118 CookieableSchemesList TCefString CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults Int32 }
TCefRequestContextSettings CEF 请求上下文配置
func (*TCefRequestContextSettings) ToPtr ¶
func (m *TCefRequestContextSettings) ToPtr() *tCefRequestContextSettingsPtr
type TCefSchemeRegistrarRef ¶
type TCefSchemeRegistrarRef struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TCefSchemeRegistrarRef) AddCustomScheme ¶
func (m *TCefSchemeRegistrarRef) AddCustomScheme(schemeName string, options consts.CefSchemeOption) bool
AddCustomScheme 注册自定义方案。不应为内置的HTTP、HTTPS、FILE、FTP、ABOUT和DATA方案调用此函数。
func (*TCefSchemeRegistrarRef) Free ¶
func (m *TCefSchemeRegistrarRef) Free()
func (*TCefSchemeRegistrarRef) Instance ¶
func (m *TCefSchemeRegistrarRef) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*TCefSchemeRegistrarRef) IsValid ¶
func (m *TCefSchemeRegistrarRef) IsValid() bool
type TCefScreenInfo ¶
type TCefScreenInfo struct { DeviceScaleFactor Single Depth int32 DepthPerComponent int32 IsMonochrome int32 Rect TCefRect AvailableRect TCefRect }
/include/internal/cef_types.h (cef_screen_info_t)
type TCefTouchEvent ¶
type TCefTouchEvent struct { Id int32 X float32 Y float32 RadiusX float32 RadiusY float32 RotationAngle float32 Pressure float32 Type consts.TCefTouchEeventType Modifiers consts.TCefEventFlags PointerType consts.TCefPointerType }
TCefTouchEvent 触摸事件
type TCefTouchHandleState ¶
type TCefTouchHandleState struct { TouchHandleId int32 Flags uint32 Enabled int32 Orientation consts.TCefHorizontalAlignment MirrorVertical int32 MirrorHorizontal int32 Origin TCefPoint Alpha float32 }
/include/internal/cef_types.h (cef_touch_handle_state_t)
type TCefV8ValueArray ¶
type TCefV8ValueArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TCefV8ValueArray ICefV8Value 数组的替代结构
func (*TCefV8ValueArray) Add ¶
func (m *TCefV8ValueArray) Add(value *ICefV8Value)
func (*TCefV8ValueArray) Free ¶
func (m *TCefV8ValueArray) Free()
func (*TCefV8ValueArray) Get ¶
func (m *TCefV8ValueArray) Get(index int) *ICefV8Value
Get 根据下标获取 ICefV8Value
func (*TCefV8ValueArray) Instance ¶
func (m *TCefV8ValueArray) Instance() uintptr
func (*TCefV8ValueArray) Set ¶
func (m *TCefV8ValueArray) Set(value []*ICefV8Value)
type TCefWindowInfo ¶ added in v2.3.6
type TCefWindowInfo struct { WindowName TCefString X Integer Y Integer Width Integer Height Integer Hidden Integer ParentWindow TCefWindowHandle WindowlessRenderingEnabled Integer ExternalBeginFrameEnabled Integer Window TCefWindowHandle // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TCefWindowInfo /include/internal/cef_types_win.h (cef_window_info_t)
type TCefX509CertificateArray ¶
type TCefX509CertificateArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TCefX509CertificateArray []ICefX509Certificate
func (*TCefX509CertificateArray) Count ¶
func (m *TCefX509CertificateArray) Count() uint32
func (*TCefX509CertificateArray) Free ¶
func (m *TCefX509CertificateArray) Free()
func (*TCefX509CertificateArray) Get ¶
func (m *TCefX509CertificateArray) Get(index uint32) *ICefX509Certificate
type TChromiumOptions ¶ added in v2.1.0
type TChromiumOptions struct { Chromium IChromium // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*TChromiumOptions) AcceptLanguageList ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) AcceptLanguageList() types.String
AcceptLanguageList Remove CEF 118
func (*TChromiumOptions) BackgroundColor ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) BackgroundColor() types.TCefColor
func (*TChromiumOptions) ChromeStatusBubble ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) ChromeStatusBubble() consts.TCefState
func (*TChromiumOptions) ChromeZoomBubble ¶ added in v2.3.4
func (m *TChromiumOptions) ChromeZoomBubble() consts.TCefState
func (*TChromiumOptions) Databases ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) Databases() consts.TCefState
func (*TChromiumOptions) ImageLoading ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) ImageLoading() consts.TCefState
func (*TChromiumOptions) ImageShrinkStandaloneToFit ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) ImageShrinkStandaloneToFit() consts.TCefState
func (*TChromiumOptions) Javascript ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) Javascript() consts.TCefState
func (*TChromiumOptions) JavascriptAccessClipboard ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) JavascriptAccessClipboard() consts.TCefState
func (*TChromiumOptions) JavascriptCloseWindows ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) JavascriptCloseWindows() consts.TCefState
func (*TChromiumOptions) JavascriptDomPaste ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) JavascriptDomPaste() consts.TCefState
func (*TChromiumOptions) LocalStorage ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) LocalStorage() consts.TCefState
func (*TChromiumOptions) SetAcceptLanguageList ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetAcceptLanguageList(value types.String)
SetAcceptLanguageList Remove CEF 118
func (*TChromiumOptions) SetBackgroundColor ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetBackgroundColor(value types.TCefColor)
func (*TChromiumOptions) SetChromeStatusBubble ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetChromeStatusBubble(value consts.TCefState)
func (*TChromiumOptions) SetChromeZoomBubble ¶ added in v2.3.4
func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetChromeZoomBubble(value consts.TCefState)
func (*TChromiumOptions) SetDatabases ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetDatabases(value consts.TCefState)
func (*TChromiumOptions) SetImageLoading ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetImageLoading(value consts.TCefState)
func (*TChromiumOptions) SetImageShrinkStandaloneToFit ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetImageShrinkStandaloneToFit(value consts.TCefState)
func (*TChromiumOptions) SetJavascript ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetJavascript(value consts.TCefState)
func (*TChromiumOptions) SetJavascriptAccessClipboard ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetJavascriptAccessClipboard(value consts.TCefState)
func (*TChromiumOptions) SetJavascriptCloseWindows ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetJavascriptCloseWindows(value consts.TCefState)
func (*TChromiumOptions) SetJavascriptDomPaste ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetJavascriptDomPaste(value consts.TCefState)
func (*TChromiumOptions) SetLocalStorage ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetLocalStorage(value consts.TCefState)
func (*TChromiumOptions) SetTabToLinks ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetTabToLinks(value consts.TCefState)
func (*TChromiumOptions) SetTextAreaResize ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetTextAreaResize(value consts.TCefState)
func (*TChromiumOptions) SetWebgl ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetWebgl(value consts.TCefState)
func (*TChromiumOptions) SetWindowlessFrameRate ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) SetWindowlessFrameRate(value types.Integer)
func (*TChromiumOptions) TabToLinks ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) TabToLinks() consts.TCefState
func (*TChromiumOptions) TextAreaResize ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) TextAreaResize() consts.TCefState
func (*TChromiumOptions) Webgl ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) Webgl() consts.TCefState
func (*TChromiumOptions) WindowlessFrameRate ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (m *TChromiumOptions) WindowlessFrameRate() types.Integer
type TCloseEvent ¶
type TCloseEvent func(sender lcl.IObject, action *types.TCloseAction) bool
type TCustomExtensionHandler ¶
type TCustomExtensionHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TCustomExtensionHandler) Free ¶
func (m *TCustomExtensionHandler) Free()
func (*TCustomExtensionHandler) Instance ¶
func (m *TCustomExtensionHandler) Instance() uintptr
Instance 实例
func (*TCustomExtensionHandler) IsOtherEvent ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCustomExtensionHandler) IsOtherEvent() bool
func (*TCustomExtensionHandler) IsSelfOwnEvent ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *TCustomExtensionHandler) IsSelfOwnEvent() bool
func (*TCustomExtensionHandler) IsValid ¶
func (m *TCustomExtensionHandler) IsValid() bool
type TCustomHeader ¶
TCustomHeader 自定义请求头
type TMouseEvent ¶
type TMouseEvent func(sender lcl.IObject, button types.TMouseButton, shift types.TShiftState, x, y int32) bool
TMouseEvent 鼠标事件
type TNotifyEvent ¶
type TString ¶ added in v2.1.0
type TString struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TString Pointer reference
func NewTString ¶ added in v2.1.0
func NewTString() *TString
Create TString pointer reference
type V8AccessorGet ¶
type V8AccessorGet func(name string, object *ICefV8Value, retVal *ResultV8Value, exception *ResultString) bool
V8AccessorGet 读取时函数 name 字段或对象名 retVal 读取返回的值 exception 返回的异常信息 return true 读取成功-返回值有效
type V8AccessorSet ¶
type V8AccessorSet func(name string, object *ICefV8Value, value *ICefV8Value, exception *ResultString) bool
V8AccessorSet 写入时函数 name 字段或对象名 value 将要写入的新值 exception 返回的异常信息 return true 写入成功
type V8ArrayBufferReleaseCallback ¶
V8ArrayBufferReleaseCallback 释放时回调函数 array buffer 缓存 返回 true:释放buffer, false:不释放
type V8HandlerExecute ¶
type V8HandlerExecute func(name string, object *ICefV8Value, arguments *TCefV8ValueArray, retVal *ResultV8Value, exception *ResultString) bool
V8HandlerExecute 执行函数处理执行 name 函数名 object 当前对象 arguments 函数传入的参数 retVal 函数执行完返回结果 exception 返回的异常信息 return true 执行成功-返回值有效
type V8InterceptorGetByIndex ¶
type V8InterceptorGetByIndex func(index int32, object, retVal *ICefV8Value, exception *ResultString)
V8InterceptorGetByIndex 拦截函数 根据index获取一个值
type V8InterceptorGetByName ¶
type V8InterceptorGetByName func(name string, object, retVal *ICefV8Value, exception *ResultString)
V8InterceptorGetByName 拦截函数 根据name获取一个值
type V8InterceptorSetByIndex ¶
type V8InterceptorSetByIndex func(index int32, object, value *ICefV8Value, exception *ResultString)
V8InterceptorSetByIndex 拦截函数 根据index设置一个值
type V8InterceptorSetByName ¶
type V8InterceptorSetByName func(name string, object, value *ICefV8Value, exception *ResultString)
V8InterceptorSetByName 拦截函数 根据name设置一个值
type ViewsFrameTray ¶
type ViewsFrameTray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ViewsFrameTray VF(views framework)组件+html 托盘
type ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow ¶
type ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow 基于CEF views framework 窗口组件
当创建应用配置时 MultiThreadedMessageLoop 和 ExternalMessagePump 属性同时为false(linux系统默认强制false)时启用ViewsFramework窗口
func NewViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow ¶
func NewViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow(config *TCefChromiumConfig, windowProperty WindowProperty, owner lcl.IComponent) *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow
NewViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow 创建 ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow 窗口
config: Chromium配置, 提供快捷chromium配置 windowProperty: 窗口属性 owner: 被创建组件拥有者
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) AsLCLBrowserWindow ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) AsLCLBrowserWindow() ILCLBrowserWindow
AsLCLBrowserWindow 转换为LCL窗口组件,这里返回nil
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) AsTargetWindow ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) AsTargetWindow() target.IWindow
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) AsViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) AsViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow() IViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow
AsViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow 转换为VF窗口组件,这里返回VF窗口组件
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Bounds ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Bounds() *TCefRect
Bounds 返回窗口坐标和宽高
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Browser ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Browser() *ICefBrowser
Browser 返回browser
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) BrowserViewComponent ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) BrowserViewComponent() *TCEFBrowserViewComponent
BrowserViewComponent 返回浏览器显示组件
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) BrowserWindow ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) BrowserWindow() *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow
BrowserWindow 返回VF窗口组件实现
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) CenterWindow ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) CenterWindow(size *TCefSize)
CenterWindow 设置窗口居中,同时指定窗口大小
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Chromium ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Chromium() IChromium
Chromium 返回 chromium
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Close ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Close()
Close 关闭窗口,一搬不使用
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) CloseBrowserWindow ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) CloseBrowserWindow()
CloseBrowserWindow 关闭浏览器窗口
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Component ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Component() lcl.IComponent
Component 返回窗口父组件
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) CreateTopLevelWindow ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) CreateTopLevelWindow()
CreateTopLevelWindow 创建顶层窗口
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Created ¶ added in v2.3.0
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Created() bool
Created 窗口是否创建完, m.CreateTopLevelWindow() 之后
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) DisableMaximize ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) DisableMaximize()
DisableMaximize 禁用最大化按钮
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) DisableMinimize ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) DisableMinimize()
DisableMinimize 禁用最小化按钮
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) DisableResize ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) DisableResize()
DisableResize 禁用调整窗口大小
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) EnableAllDefaultEvent ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) EnableAllDefaultEvent()
EnableAllDefaultEvent 启用所有默认事件行为
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) EnableMaximize ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) EnableMaximize()
EnableMaximize 启用最大化按钮
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) EnableMinimize ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) EnableMinimize()
EnableMinimize 启用最小化按钮
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) EnableResize ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) EnableResize()
EnableResize 启用允许调整窗口大小
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) ExitFullScreen ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) ExitFullScreen()
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) FullScreen ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) FullScreen()
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Handle ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Handle() types.HWND
Handle 返回窗口句柄
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) HideTitle ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) HideTitle()
HideTitle 隐藏标题栏
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) IsClosing ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) IsClosing() bool
IsClosing 返回窗口是否正在关闭/或已关闭 true正在或已关闭
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) IsFullScreen ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) IsFullScreen() bool
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) IsLCL ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) IsLCL() bool
IsLCL 返回是否LCL窗口组件,这里返回false
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) IsViewsFramework ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) IsViewsFramework() bool
IsViewsFramework 返回是否VF窗口组件,这里返回true
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Maximize ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Maximize()
Maximize 窗口最大化/还原
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Minimize ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Minimize()
Minimize 窗口最小化
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) NewCefTray ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) NewCefTray(width, height int32, url string) ITray
NewCefTray VF窗口组件 非windows系统不支持CefTray
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) NewSysTray ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) NewSysTray() ITray
NewSysTray VF窗口组件,只适用于windows的无菜单托盘
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Point ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Point() *TCefPoint
Point 返回窗口坐标
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) ProcessMessage ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) ProcessMessage() target.IProcessMessage
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) ResetWindowPropertyForEvent ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) ResetWindowPropertyForEvent()
ResetWindowPropertyForEvent 重置窗口属性-通过事件函数
VF窗口初始化时通过回调事件设置一些默认行为,而不像LCL窗口直接通过属性设置 在初始化之后部分属性可直接设置
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Restore ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Restore()
Restore 窗口还原
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) RunOnMainThread ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) RunOnMainThread(fn func())
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Screen ¶ added in v2.2.3
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Screen() IScreen
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetBounds ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetBounds(x, y, width, height int32)
SetBounds 设置窗口坐标和宽高
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetCenterWindow ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetCenterWindow(value bool)
SetCenterWindow 设置窗口居中显示
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetCreateBrowserExtraInfo ¶ added in v2.2.1
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetCreateBrowserExtraInfo(_ string, context *ICefRequestContext, extraInfo *ICefDictionaryValue)
设置 Chromium 创建浏览器时设置的扩展信息
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetDefaultInTaskBar ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetDefaultInTaskBar()
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetHeight ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetHeight(value int32)
SetHeight 设置窗口高
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetNotInTaskBar ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetNotInTaskBar()
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetOnCloseQuery ¶ added in v2.3.0
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetOnCloseQuery(fn WindowComponentOnCanCloseEx)
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetOnGetInitialBounds ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetOnGetInitialBounds(onGetInitialBounds WindowComponentOnGetInitialBounds)
SetOnGetInitialBounds 窗口初始坐标和大小
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetOnWindowCreated ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetOnWindowCreated(onWindowCreated WindowComponentOnWindowCreated)
SetOnWindowCreated 窗口创建
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetPoint ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetPoint(x, y int32)
SetPoint 设置窗口坐标
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetShowInTaskBar ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetShowInTaskBar()
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetSize ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetSize(width, height int32)
SetSize 设置窗口宽高
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetTitle ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetTitle(title string)
SetTitle 设置窗口标题
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetWidth ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetWidth(value int32)
SetWidth 设置窗口宽
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetWindowType ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) SetWindowType(windowType consts.WINDOW_TYPE)
SetWindowType 设置窗口类型
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) ShowTitle ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) ShowTitle()
ShowTitle 显示标题栏
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Size ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Size() *TCefSize
Size 返回窗口宽高
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Target ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) Target(targetType target.ITarget
IPC消息接收目标, 当前窗口chromium发送 参数: targetType 可选, 接收类型
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) TryCloseWindowAndTerminate ¶ added in v2.3.6
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) TryCloseWindowAndTerminate()
TryCloseWindowAndTerminate 尝试关闭窗口并退出应用, EnableMainWindow
如果禁用主窗口, 存在多窗口时只在最后一个窗口关闭时才退出整个应用进程 如果启用主窗口, 关闭主窗口时退出整个应用进程
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) WindowComponent ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) WindowComponent() *TCEFWindowComponent
WindowComponent 返回窗口组件
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) WindowProperty ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) WindowProperty() *WindowProperty
WindowProperty 部分提供部分窗口属性设置
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) WindowState ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) WindowState() types.TWindowState
WindowState 返回窗口最小化、最大化、全屏状态
func (*ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) WindowType ¶
func (m *ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow) WindowType() consts.WINDOW_TYPE
WindowType 返回窗口类型
type WindowComponentOnAccelerator ¶
type WindowComponentOnAccelerator func(window *ICefWindow, commandId int32, aResult *bool)
type WindowComponentOnCanClose ¶
type WindowComponentOnCanClose func(window *ICefWindow, aResult *bool)
type WindowComponentOnCanCloseEx ¶ added in v2.3.0
type WindowComponentOnCanCloseEx func(cefWindow *ICefWindow, window IBrowserWindow, canClose *bool) bool
type WindowComponentOnCanMaximize ¶
type WindowComponentOnCanMaximize func(window *ICefWindow, aResult *bool)
type WindowComponentOnCanMinimize ¶
type WindowComponentOnCanMinimize func(window *ICefWindow, aResult *bool)
type WindowComponentOnCanResize ¶
type WindowComponentOnCanResize func(window *ICefWindow, aResult *bool)
type WindowComponentOnGetInitialBounds ¶
type WindowComponentOnGetInitialBounds func(window *ICefWindow, aResult *TCefRect)
type WindowComponentOnGetInitialShowState ¶
type WindowComponentOnGetInitialShowState func(window *ICefWindow, aResult *consts.TCefShowState)
type WindowComponentOnGetParentWindow ¶
type WindowComponentOnGetParentWindow func(window *ICefWindow, isMenu, canActivateMenu *bool, aResult *ICefWindow)
type WindowComponentOnGetTitleBarHeight ¶ added in v2.3.1
type WindowComponentOnGetTitleBarHeight func(window *ICefWindow, titleBarHeight float32, aResult *bool)
type WindowComponentOnIsFrameless ¶
type WindowComponentOnIsFrameless func(window *ICefWindow, aResult *bool)
type WindowComponentOnIsWindowModalDialog ¶ added in v2.3.1
type WindowComponentOnIsWindowModalDialog func(window *ICefWindow, aResult *bool)
type WindowComponentOnKey ¶ added in v2.3.6
type WindowComponentOnKey func(window *ICefWindow, event *TCefKeyEvent, aResult *bool)
type WindowComponentOnWindowActivationChanged ¶
type WindowComponentOnWindowActivationChanged func(window *ICefWindow, active bool)
type WindowComponentOnWindowCreated ¶
type WindowComponentOnWindowCreated func(window *ICefWindow)
type WindowComponentOnWindowDestroyed ¶
type WindowComponentOnWindowDestroyed func(window *ICefWindow)
type WindowComponentOnWindowFullscreenTransition ¶ added in v2.3.1
type WindowComponentOnWindowFullscreenTransition func(window *ICefWindow, isCompleted bool)
type WindowComponentOnWithStandardWindowButtons ¶ added in v2.3.1
type WindowComponentOnWithStandardWindowButtons func(window *ICefWindow, aResult *bool)
type WindowOnWindowBoundsChanged ¶ added in v2.3.6
type WindowOnWindowBoundsChanged func(window *ICefWindow, newBounds *TCefRect)
type WindowOnWindowClosing ¶ added in v2.3.6
type WindowOnWindowClosing func(window *ICefWindow)
type WindowProperty ¶
type WindowProperty struct { IsShowModel bool // 是否以模态窗口显示 WindowInitState types.TWindowState // 窗口 初始状态: 最小化、最大化、全屏, 全屏时隐藏标题栏生效 WindowType consts.WINDOW_TYPE // 窗口 类型 WINDOW_TYPE default: WT_MAIN_BROWSER Title string // 窗口 标题 //Url 默认打开URL, 支持http和LocalLoad(本地资源)加载方式 // web服务方式: http's://, LocalLoad方式: fs://energy/index.html // LocalLoad: 不需要web服务支持, 如果浏览器调用数据接口需要配置代理转发 // LocalLoad: 通过 Config.LocalResource 配置实现 // LocalLoad: 地址必须与配置的自定义协议和域相同, 格式 [scheme]://[custom domain] Url string Icon string // 窗口图标 加载本地图标 local > /app/resources/icon.ico, VF窗口linux使用png IconFS string // 窗口图标 加载emfs内置图标 emfs > resources/icon.ico, VF窗口linux使用png EnableWebkitAppRegion bool // EnableWebkitAppRegionDClk bool // MainFormOnTaskBar bool // 窗口 仅windows, 主窗口是否显示在任务栏上 default: true. false时可能有额外的问题需要自己控制 EnableHideCaption bool // 窗口 是否隐藏标题栏, VF窗口组件Linux下不能动态控制 EnableMinimize bool // 窗口 是否启用最小化 default: true EnableMaximize bool // 窗口 是否启用最大化 default: true EnableResize bool // 窗口 是否允许调整大小 default: true EnableClose bool // 窗口 关闭时是否关闭窗口 default: true EnableCenterWindow bool // 窗口 居中显示 default: true EnableDragFile bool // 窗口 是否允许向窗口内拖拽文件 EnableMainWindow bool // 窗口 是否启用主窗口 default: true, 值为false时不再有主子窗口区分 AlwaysOnTop bool // 窗口 窗口置顶 X int32 // 窗口 EnableCenterWindow=false X坐标 default: 100 Y int32 // 窗口 EnableCenterWindow=false Y坐标 default: 100 Width int32 // 窗口 宽 default: 1024 Height int32 // 窗口 高 default: 768 MinWidth types.TConstraintSize // 窗口 最小宽, EnableResize = true 与 MinHeight > 0 生效 MinHeight types.TConstraintSize // 窗口 最小高, EnableResize = true 与 MinWidth > 0 生效 MaxWidth types.TConstraintSize // 窗口 最大宽, EnableResize = true 与 MaxHeight > 0 生效 MaxHeight types.TConstraintSize // 窗口 最大高, EnableResize = true 与 MaxWidth > 0 生效 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
提供部分窗口属性配置,初始化时生效 如需更多属性配置或自定义窗口行为请在`SetBrowserInit`回调函数中使用
func NewWindowProperty ¶
func NewWindowProperty() WindowProperty
NewWindowProperty 创建一个属性配置器,带有窗口默认属性值
type XHRProxy ¶ added in v2.3.0
type XHRProxy struct { Scheme LocalProxyScheme // http/https/tcp default: http IP string // default: localhost Port int // default: 80 SSL XHRProxySSL // https 安全证书配置 HttpClient *HttpClient // http/https 客户端, 可自定义配置 }
func (*XHRProxy) Send ¶ added in v2.3.0
func (m *XHRProxy) Send(request *ICefRequest) (*XHRProxyResponse, error)
type XHRProxyResponse ¶ added in v2.3.0
type XHRProxyResponse struct { Data []byte // 响应数据 DataSize int // 响应数据大小 StatusCode int32 // 响应状态码 Status string // Header map[string][]string // 响应头 }
type XHRProxySSL ¶ added in v2.3.0
type XHRProxySSL struct { FS emfs.IEmbedFS // 证书到内置执行文件时需要设置 RootDir string // 根目录 如果使用 FS 时目录名 root/path, 否则本地目录/to/root/path Cert string // RootDir/to/path/cert.crt Key string // RootDir/to/path/key.key CARoots []string // RootDir/to/path/ca.crt }
https证书配置,如果其中某一配置为空,则跳过ssl检查, 如果证书配置错误则请求失败
Source Files ¶
- application.go
- application_callback.go
- application_config.go
- application_event.go
- application_queue_async_call.go
- application_queue_async_call_posix.go
- application_run.go
- aux_devtools.go
- aux_devtools_other.go
- aux_viewsource.go
- base_ref_counted.go
- base_win_control.go
- bitmap_bit_buffer.go
- browser_config.go
- browser_main_window.go
- browser_main_window_other.go
- browser_window.go
- browser_window_drag.go
- browser_window_drag_linux.go
- browser_window_lcl.go
- browser_window_lcl_other.go
- browser_window_views_framework.go
- browser_window_views_framework_other.go
- buffer_panel.go
- chromium.go
- chromium_browser.go
- chromium_callback.go
- chromium_config.go
- chromium_event.go
- chromium_event_def.go
- chromium_options.go
- chromium_proc.go
- command_line.go
- component.go
- component_other.go
- def.go
- draggable_regions.go
- events_def.go
- global_work_scheduler.go
- init.go
- ipc.go
- ipc_browser.go
- ipc_render.go
- ipc_value_convert.go
- key_event.go
- local_load_resource.go
- local_load_xhr_proxy.go
- misc_functions.go
- process.go
- screen.go
- sys_menu.go
- t_string.go
- tray_commponent.go
- tray_lcl_commponent.go
- tray_sys_commponent.go
- types_accessibility_handler.go
- types_audio_handler.go
- types_auth_callback.go
- types_binary_value.go
- types_box_layout.go
- types_browser.go
- types_browser_view.go
- types_browser_view_component.go
- types_browser_view_delegate.go
- types_button.go
- types_button_component.go
- types_button_delegate.go
- types_callback.go
- types_cef.go
- types_cef_linux.go
- types_cef_ptr.go
- types_cef_ptr_linux.go
- types_client.go
- types_command_handler.go
- types_command_line.go
- types_completion_callback.go
- types_contextmenu_handler.go
- types_contextmenu_params.go
- types_cookie_access_filter.go
- types_cookie_callbacks.go
- types_cookie_manager.go
- types_cookie_visitor.go
- types_dialog_handler.go
- types_dictionary_value.go
- types_display.go
- types_display_handler.go
- types_dom_document.go
- types_dom_node.go
- types_dom_visitor.go
- types_download_handler.go
- types_download_item.go
- types_downloadimage_callback.go
- types_drag_data.go
- types_drag_handler.go
- types_extension.go
- types_extension_handler.go
- types_extension_resource_callback.go
- types_filedialog_callback.go
- types_fill_layout.go
- types_find_handler.go
- types_focus_handler.go
- types_frame.go
- types_frame_handler.go
- types_image.go
- types_jsdialog_callback.go
- types_jsdialog_handler.go
- types_keyboard_handler.go
- types_labelbutton.go
- types_labelbutton_component.go
- types_layout.go
- types_lifespan_handler.go
- types_list_value.go
- types_load_handler.go
- types_mediaaccess_callback.go
- types_menubutton.go
- types_menubutton_component.go
- types_menubutton_delegate.go
- types_menumodel.go
- types_menumodel_delegate.go
- types_panel.go
- types_panel_component.go
- types_panel_delegate.go
- types_pdfprint_callback.go
- types_permission_handler.go
- types_permissionprompt_callback.go
- types_post_data.go
- types_post_data_element.go
- types_print_handler.go
- types_print_settings.go
- types_printdialog_callback.go
- types_printjob_callback.go
- types_process_message.go
- types_render_handler.go
- types_request.go
- types_request_context.go
- types_request_context_handler.go
- types_request_handler.go
- types_resource_callbacks.go
- types_resource_handler.go
- types_resourcerequest_handler.go
- types_response.go
- types_response_filter.go
- types_runcontextmenu_callback.go
- types_runfiledialog_callback.go
- types_runquickmenu_callback.go
- types_scheme_registrar.go
- types_schemehandler_factory.go
- types_scrollview.go
- types_scrollview_component.go
- types_stream_reader.go
- types_stream_writer.go
- types_string_multi_map.go
- types_textfield.go
- types_textfield_component.go
- types_textfield_delegate.go
- types_v8_accessor.go
- types_v8_array_buf_release_callback.go
- types_v8_context.go
- types_v8_exception.go
- types_v8_handler.go
- types_v8_interceptor.go
- types_v8_value.go
- types_value.go
- types_view.go
- types_view_component.go
- types_view_delegate.go
- types_window.go
- types_window_component.go
- types_window_delegate.go
- types_window_parent.go
- types_window_parent_other.go
- types_x509_certificate.go
Directories ¶
Path | Synopsis |
Package exception
Package exception |
Package i18n Multilingual resources
Package i18n Multilingual resources |
Package assets energy internal assets
Package assets energy internal assets |
Package exception
Package exception |
GO render IPC通道
GO render IPC通道 |
Package process Current process
Package process Current process |
Package winapi energy - lcl window api
Package winapi energy - lcl window api |