CF Product Plugin
This is a product plugin for Elastic Runtime (CF)
The compiled version of this will
be runnable (like a tile) from the omg-cli
as a plugin.
Once executed it will spin up a cloud foundry
on whatever iaas your target bosh is
configured for.
store ips in vault
$> # example to demonstrate how we would load up the vault with data
$> #set where your vault lives
$> #set which hash your writing to
$> VAULT_HASH=secret/pcf-np-1-ips
$> cat vault-ip.json
"nfs-ip": "",
"mysql-proxy-ip": "",
"mysql-ip": "",
"haproxy-ip": "",
"consul-ip": "",
"nats-machine-ip": "",
"etcd-machine-ip": "",
"diego-brain-ip": "",
"doppler-ip": "",
"loggregator-traffic-controller-ip": "",
"router-ip": ",,",
"diego-cell-ip": ",,",
"diego-db-ip": "",
"mysql-proxy-external-host": "",
$> ./vault write ${VAULT_HASH} @vault-ip.json
$> ./vault read ${VAULT_HASH}
everything else
typically one would want to just use the cloudfoundry plugin flag to rotate
passwords and certs rather than populating those fields manually
##deploy cloud foundry
remove the --print-manifest
flag to actually deploy it to your target bosh
$> omg deploy-product \
--print-manifest \
--bosh-url --bosh-port 25555 --bosh-user admin --bosh-pass pass --ssl-ignore \
cloudfoundry-plugin-osx \
--system-domain "" \
--app-domain "" \
--vault-domain "" \
--vault-hash-password "secret/pcf-np-1-password" \
--vault-hash-keycert "secret/pcf-np-1-keycert" \
--vault-hash-host "secret/pcf-np-1-hostname" \
--vault-hash-ip "secret/pcf-np-1-ips" \
--vault-token "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx" \
--vault-rotate \
--stemcell-name ubuntu-trusty \
--infer-from-cloud \
--nfs-share-path /var/vcap/store \
--doppler-drain-buffer-size 256 \