Directory Documentation
The api
directory contains all HTTP-related code including handlers, middleware, and routing. This layer translates HTTP requests into domain operations and domain responses back to HTTP responses.
Directory Structure
├── handlers/ # HTTP request handlers
│ ├── auth/ # Authentication handlers
│ │ ├── login.go
│ │ └── refresh.go
│ ├── shipment/ # Shipment-related handlers
│ │ ├── create.go
│ │ ├── update.go
│ │ └── types.go # Request/Response types
│ ├── vehicle/ # Vehicle-related handlers
│ └── driver/ # Driver-related handlers
├── middleware/ # HTTP middleware
│ ├── auth.go # Authentication middleware
│ ├── logging.go # Request logging
│ ├── metrics.go # Metrics collection
│ └── ratelimit.go # Rate limiting
├── routes/ # Route definitions
│ └── router.go # Main router setup
└── server/ # Server configuration
└── server.go # HTTP server setup
Guidelines & Rules
Handler Structure
// Handler type should encapsulate its dependencies
type ShipmentHandler struct {
shipmentService ports.ShipmentService
logger logger.Logger
validator validator.Validator
// Constructor follows dependency injection pattern
func NewShipmentHandler(
shipmentService ports.ShipmentService,
logger logger.Logger,
validator validator.Validator,
) *ShipmentHandler {
return &ShipmentHandler{
shipmentService: shipmentService,
logger: logger,
validator: validator,
Request/Response Types
// Types should be defined per handler
type CreateShipmentRequest struct {
Origin AddressDTO `json:"origin" validate:"required"`
Destination AddressDTO `json:"destination" validate:"required"`
Weight float64 `json:"weight" validate:"required,gt=0"`
type CreateShipmentResponse struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
TrackingCode string `json:"trackingCode"`
Status string `json:"status"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
Best Practices
Handler Organization
- Group handlers by domain concept
- Keep handlers focused and simple
- Handle one type of request per handler
- Separate request/response types
Error Handling
- Use consistent error responses
- Map domain errors to HTTP status codes
- Include appropriate error details
- Log errors with context
- Validate requests early
- Use structured validation (e.g., validator tags)
- Return clear validation errors
- Sanitize inputs
- Keep middleware focused
- Order middleware properly
- Handle middleware errors
- Document middleware effects
What Does NOT Belong Here
Business Logic
- Complex calculations
- Business rules
- Domain operations
- Data transformations
Infrastructure Concerns
- Direct database access
- External service calls
- Cache operations
- File system operations
Domain Logic
- Entity manipulation
- Business validations
- Domain events
- Complex state management
Example Implementations
Handler Implementation
// handlers/shipment/create.go
func (h *ShipmentHandler) Create(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
var req CreateShipmentRequest
// Parse and validate request
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&req); err != nil {
h.renderError(w, errors.NewBadRequestError("invalid request body"))
if err := h.validator.Validate(req); err != nil {
h.renderError(w, errors.NewValidationError(err))
// Map to domain model
shipment := mapToDomain(req)
// Call domain service
result, err := h.shipmentService.CreateShipment(ctx, shipment)
if err != nil {
h.handleError(w, err)
// Map to response
response := mapToResponse(result)
h.renderJSON(w, http.StatusCreated, response)
func (h *ShipmentHandler) handleError(w http.ResponseWriter, err error) {
switch {
case errors.IsNotFound(err):
h.renderError(w, errors.NewNotFoundError(err.Error()))
case errors.IsValidation(err):
h.renderError(w, errors.NewValidationError(err))
h.logger.Error("unexpected error", "error", err)
h.renderError(w, errors.NewInternalError())
Middleware Implementation
// middleware/logging.go
func RequestLogging(logger logger.Logger) func(http.Handler) http.Handler {
return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
start := time.Now()
// Create wrapped response writer to capture status
ww := middleware.NewWrapResponseWriter(w, r.ProtoMajor)
// Process request
next.ServeHTTP(ww, r)
// Log request details
logger.Info("http request completed",
"method", r.Method,
"path", r.URL.Path,
"status", ww.Status(),
"duration", time.Since(start),
"bytes", ww.BytesWritten(),
Router Setup
// routes/router.go
func NewRouter(
auth *AuthHandler,
shipments *ShipmentHandler,
middleware *Middleware,
) *chi.Mux {
r := chi.NewRouter()
// Global middleware
// Routes
r.Route("/api/v1", func(r chi.Router) {
// Public routes
r.Post("/auth/login", auth.Login)
r.Post("/auth/refresh", auth.Refresh)
// Protected routes
r.Group(func(r chi.Router) {
r.Route("/shipments", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Post("/", shipments.Create)
r.Get("/{id}", shipments.GetByID)
r.Put("/{id}", shipments.Update)
return r
Testing Guidelines
Handler Testing
- Test request validation
- Test response mapping
- Test error scenarios
- Use table-driven tests
Middleware Testing
- Test middleware chain
- Test error handling
- Test context modifications
- Test with various requests
Integration Testing
- Test complete request flow
- Test middleware integration
- Test error handling
- Test actual HTTP requests