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Published: Jun 29, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 3 Imported by: 0


Interview Questions



Online Resources


Interview Tips

  • Start writing on the board.
  • Loud thinking, talk it through.
  • Think data structures.
    • Array
    • Hashset / Hashmap / Hashtable / Dictionary
    • Heap
    • Stack / Queue
    • Tree / binary tree
    • Graph
  • Think algorithms.
    • Sorting (plus searching / binary search)
    • Divide-and-conquer
    • Dynamic programming / memoization
    • Greediness
    • Recursion
  • Think about similar problems and solutions
    • dynamic programming
    • divide and conquer
    • composition
  • Breaking down to smaller problems
  • See blogs
    • here

    • ace the coding interview

    • Facebook interview

    • Google interview

    • Google interview preparation

    • Big-O

      Data Structure Read (Avg/Worst) Write Space
      Array 1 / n n n
      Stack / Queue n 1 n
      Linked List n 1 n
      Skip List log(n) / n log(n) / n n log(n)
      Hash Table 1 / n 1 / n n
      BST / Tree log(n) / n log(n) / n n
      Algorithm Best Average Worst Space
      Bubble-sort n n^2 n^2 1
      Bucket-sort n+k n+k n^2 n
      Cube-sort n n log(n) n log(n) n
      Heap-sort n log(n) n log(n) n log(n) 1
      Insertion-sort n n^2 n^2 1
      Merge-sort n log(n) n log(n) n log(n) n
      Quick-sort n log(n) n log(n) n^2 log(n)
      Radix-sort n*k n*k n*k n+k
      Selection-sort n^2 n^2 n^2 1
      Shell-sort n log(n) n log(n)^2 n log(n)^2 1
      Tree-sort n log(n) n log(n) n^2 n


  • data team: DSA and data science questions; algorithms and data structures questions with attention to complexity and possible optimizations.

  • describe the principles of object-oriented programming

  • design an API for an elevator.

  • design a cache

  • design question for some hypothetical Task object. write the algorithm and design all the classes required to complete all the tasks, subtasks, and their dependent tasks.

  • describe a particularly difficult concurrency problem you have faced and you solved it?

  • difference between cloud (computing) and virtualization. (virtualization is a virtualized simulation of a device or resource, e.g. storage, network, memory; cloud is shared computing resources, software, or data are delivered as a service and on-demand through the Internet.)

  • explain server caching/sessions

  • given a log of pages clicked on website by users (sorted by timestamp), find the top ten most clicked 3 page sequence. A 3 page sequence, is a sequence of 3 pages clicked by the same user in successive order.

  • how does garbage collection work in .NET?

  • implement a LRU cache

  • implement an infinite/large sized Tic Tac Toe game? how to check for win conditions?

  • optimize a memory situation, e.g. millions lines of data needs to be read into a server.

  • parse json and store the result in a csv file

  • string and array manipulations, minesweeper game, LRU Cache, Blackjack game, trees

  • scale of numbers

    Number Name Symbol Description
    1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 yotta Y Septillion
    1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 zetta Z Sextillion
    1,000,000,000,000,000,000 exa E Quintillion
    1,000,000,000,000,000 peta P Quadrillion
    1,000,000,000,000 tera T Trillion
    1,000,000,000 giga G Billion
    1,000,000 mega M Million
    1,000 kilo k Thousand
    100 hecto h Hundred
    10 deca da Ten
  • what are the four pillars of Object Oriented Programming? (Inheritance, Abstraction, Polymorphism, Encapsulation)

  • what is difference between null and undefined ?

  • what is JSON ? how to read and write ? (key-value pair; use stream/text reader/writer to deserialize/serialize)

  • write an elevator controller

Data Structure

  • big-O questions, hash map vs binary tree, heap data structure.
  • compare min-heap, max-heap, and priority queue
  • describe a hash table in as much detail as possible
  • describe different types of sorting methods, eval time complexity from best to worst.
  • design and implement a hash map

Design and Scrum

  • design:

    • a card game, with Card, Hand, Deck, and interfaces
    • a chess game, or a borad game
    • a database model for movie ticketing system
    • a parking lot, e.g. with FindBestSpot()
    • a scalable twitter feed filter system which builds a public sentiment every minute.
    • an elevator system
  • design patterns

    • creational patterns
      • abstract factory
      • builder
      • factory method
      • prototype
    • behaviorial patterns
      • command
      • strategy
      • state
    • structural patterns
      • adapter
      • bridge
      • decorator
      • facade
    • concurrency patterns
  • explain SOLID, KISS, and DRY (principles of software development)

    • DRY=Don't Repeat Yourself;
    • KISS=Keep It Simple, S*****;
    • SOLID
      • Single responsibility: only one potential change to affect the spec;
      • Open-closed: a well-encapsulated and highly-cohesive system open for extension but closed for modification;
      • Liskov substitution: every subclass/derived class should be substitutable for their base/parent class
      • Interface segregation: many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface;
      • Dependency inversion: entities must depend on abstractions not on concretions;
      • see
  • dependency inversion (IoC)

    • a special form of decoupling
    • high-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
    • abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.
    • implementations:
      • factory pattern
      • service locator pattern
      • dependency injection:
        • interface (type 1)
        • constructor (type 3)
        • setter (type 3)
  • compare mvp vs mvc vs mvvm

    • MVP: view <=> presenter <=> model (inputs begin with view)
    • MVC: views <= controller => model [=> view] (starts with controller)
    • MVVM: view <= viewmodel <=> model (inputs begin with view)
  • compare mutex vs semaphore

  • describe properties of RESTful

    • Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style
    • Uniform interface: a fixed set of CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations: POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE
    • Resource identification: data and functionality are considered resources and accessible through URI
    • Self-descriptive messages: Resources are decoupled from representation so that the content can be accessed in a variety of formats, e.g. HTML/text, XML, JSON, JPEG, PDF
    • Stateless to stateful interactions: use stateless communication protocol, e.g. HTTP, (with stateless resource and self-contained request messages) to transfer states (e.g. embedded in response message)
  • explain Responsive Web Design (RWD). how it comares to adaptive design ?

    • a design approach which prioritizes on giving the user an optimal viewing/reading and navigational experience across multiple devices and screen resolutions by utilizing many design concepts.
    • the goal is to have one content base with multiple 'disconnected' views. The word responsive signifies that your content responds to the user's current view (i.e. resolution, capabilities etc.) and the design process is all about optimizing and creating views.
    • Bootstrap is the most popular CSS, HTML and JS framework used for developing responsive web design
    • see
    • adaptive web design essentially utilizes many of the components of progressive enhancement (PE) as a way to define the set of design methods that focus on the user and not the browser. Using a predefined set of layout sizes based on device screen size along with CSS and JavaScript, the AWD approach adapts to the detected device. The three layers of Progressive Enhancement:
      • Content layer = rich semantic HTML markup
      • Presentation layer = CSS and styling
      • Client-side scripting layer = JavaScript or jQuery behaviors
  • discuss NP-complete problems

  • how to balance conflicting, urgent priorities from different teams ?

  • gainlo system design questions


  • books
  • boxing vs unboxing
  • class vs struct (reference vs value type, on heap vs stack, inheritance vs no)
  • compare abstract, virtual, and concrete methods; override vs overloading
  • compare const vs readonly vs sealed
  • compare ref vs out parameters
  • compare Dispose() and Finalize() (protected for GC only, unmanaged resource vs IDesposable)
  • compare System.Array.CopyTo() and System.Array.Clone(): which shallow?
  • compare System.String vs System.Text.StringBuilder
  • compare default value of String vs DateTime (class vs value type)
  • compare .Any and .Where in LINQ extension methods
  • explain the purpose of LINQ (Language Integrated Query) and Enterprise Framework
  • LINQ and lambda
// public delegate TResult Func<T1, T2, TResult>(T1 a1, T2 a2);
Func<int, int, bool> compare = (a, b) => a > b
// bool compare(int a, int b) { return a > b; }
u = users.Where(u => u.Age > 20).First();  
  • how to use using statement ?

  • how to configure a service or web site for SSL/TLS or https? (using ABC, address-binding-contract, configuration in web.config)

  • null-conditional operator (for nullable)

    int? v = objInstance?.Property // null if objInstance is null
  • what is delegate, Delegate, MulticastDelege, handler, event ?

    public delegate FooTypeDelegateOrHandler Func<int, bool>;
    public event FooTypeDelegateOrHandler FooEvent; // class property
  • what is good and bad about try catch ?

  • what is nullable type ?

Go (Golang)

  • advantages and disadvantages of golang ?
    • simpler (as interpreted lang), strongly typed, fast (compiling), portable
    • no generics (yet)
  • compare type conversion vs type assertion
  • compare v.(type) vs v.(string) (v.(SomeTypeName)), where v is interface{}
  • use reflection


  • Does Java support multiple inheritance?
  • Given 2 arrays of integers, how do you find out their intersection in O(n) efficiency?
  • How does Java implement polymorphism?
  • How many bits do you need to hold a number that is between 0 and 100,000?
  • Is Java pass by reference or pass by value?
  • What are the 2 kind of exceptions in java?
  • What does it mean to have memory leak in Java? How do you detect and resolve memory leaks?
  • What is multi-threading? How does it work? Explain the "synchronized" keyword. Think of a situation where multiple threads would cause a “deadlock”?
  • What is polymorphism?
  • What is the difference between == and "equals"?
  • What's a hash table? how do you implement it?
  • What's a singleton? How do you implement one?
  • What's the difference between interface and abstract class?
  • What's the pros and cons between SQL and NoSQL?
  • What's your experience with multi-threading?
  • What's hashcode, hastable, equals methods, checked exception, volatile, finalize, GC etc ?
  • Why string is immutable?


  • async/promise (Node.js)
  • explain about the various modules you used in the Node.js app
  • explain box model (html/css)
  • explain closure
  • how prototype works, comparing to e.g. inheritance in C++/C#/Java
  • javascript method overloading - see here
  • LESS/Bootstrap


  • collation is defined to specify the sort order in a table. 3 types (case in/sensitive, binary)

  • common table expression (CTE), as a temp query/view

    WITH foo_cte AS (
      SELECT a, b FROM [foo_table]
    ) --, bar_cte AS (
      --  SELECT c, d FROM [bar_table]
    SELECT * FROM [foo_cte] -- JOIN [bar_cte] ON ...
  • find largest/smallest

    • standard query in the book

      SELECT * FROM employee
       WHERE (department, salary) IN (
          SELECT department, MAX(salary)
            FROM employee
           GROUP BY department
       ORDER BY department;
    • using WITH (analytic and window functions)

      WITH ranked_employees AS (
                 PARTITION BY department ORDER BY salary DESC
                 ) AS rn, *
            FROM employee
      SELECT * FROM ranked_employees
      WHERE rn = 1
      ORDER BY department;
    • postgreSQL specific

      SELECT DISTINCT ON (department) *
        FROM employee
       ORDER BY department, salary DESC;
  • find duplicate rows

    SELECT col_name, COUNT(*) count FROM table GROUP BY col_name HAVING count > 1
    SELECT DISTINCT col_name, count(col_name) FROM table GROUP BY col_name
  • delete duplicate rows

    WITH cte_rows AS (
        FROM #MyTable)
    DELETE FROM cte_rows
    WHERE  RN > 1;

    or on MySQL (without CTE or PARTITION BY clause)

    -- to keep highest id
    DELETE t1 FROM table t1, table t2
     WHERE < AND t1.col_name == t2.col_name


    -- to keep lowest id
    DELETE t1 FROM table t1, table t2
     WHERE < AND t1.col_name == t2.col_name


    CREATE TABLE tmp_table LIKE src_table;
    INSERT INTO tmp_table(id) SELECT MAX(id) as id
      FROM src_table
      GROUP BY field1, field2
      HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
    DELETE FROM src_table
      WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM tmp_table)
    DROP TABLE tmp_table

    or on other system allows deleting from the same table

    DELETE FROM src_table src
      WHERE IN (
        SELECT MAX(
        FROM src_table as dup
        GROUP BY dup.field1, dup.field2
        HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 )
  • remove enum value (postgreSQL)

    • Rename existing type

      ALTER TYPE some_enum_type RENAME TO some_enum_type_old;
    • Create a new type (without the enum value to be removed)

    • Change all existing columns which use the old type to use the new one.

      DO $$
          column_data record;
          table_name varchar(255);
          column_name varchar(255);
          FOR column_data IN
              SELECT cols.table_name, cols.column_name
                  FROM information_schema.columns cols
                  WHERE udt_name = 'some_enum_type_old'
              table_name := column_data.table_name;
              column_name := column_data.column_name;
              EXECUTE format(
                      ALTER TABLE %s
                      ALTER COLUMN %s
                      TYPE some_enum_type
                      USING %s::text::some_enum_type;
                  table_name, column_name, column_name
          END LOOP;
      END $$;
    • Delete the old type.

      DROP TYPE some_enum_type_old;

      See this blog

  • data types

    Type B Minimum Value Maximum Value Notes
    TINYINT 1 -128 127
    SMALLINT 2 -32,768 32,767 32 K
    MEDIUMINT 3 -8,388,608 8,388,607 8+ millions
    INT 4 -2,147,483,648 2,147,483,647 2+ billions
    BIGINT 8 -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 9+ quintillion
  • difference between clustered and a non-clustered index? (clustered index reorder the row as physically stored, the leaf nodes contain the data pages)

  • difference between primary key and unique key? (PR constraint is a unique identifier for each row, it creates clustered index and does not allow NULL)

  • difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE commands?

  • difference between HAVING clause and WHERE clause? (HAVING used only with the GROUP BY)

  • explain ACID: 4 properties to qualify a transaction (which is a sequence of operations performed as a single logical unit of work)

    • Atomicity: as atomic unit of work, either all or none of modifications are perform.

    • Consistency: all data in a consistent state; all rules must be applied to maintain all data integrity.

    • Isolation: modifications must be isolated from modifications made by any other concurrent transaction.

    • Durability: modifications persist permanently in the system, even in the event of system failure.

    • Lock modes: Intent shared (IS), Intent exclusive (IX), Shared with intent exclusive (SIX), Intent update (IU), Shared intent update (SIU), Update intent exclusive (UIX)

    • see

      Isolation level Dirty read Nonrepeatable read Phantom
      Read uncommitted Yes Yes Yes
      Read committed No Yes Yes
      Repeatable read No No Yes
      Snapshot No No No
      Serializable No No No
  • explain inner vs outer joins

  • explain normalization vs. de-nomarlization

  • explain NOLOCK hint, when to or not to use. (READ UNCOMMITTED/dirty data by engine faster, applicable to SELECT only)

  • how to check locks in database ? (sp_lock)

  • how to get a list of triggers ? types of triggers ? (INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, INSTEAD OF)

    select * from sys.objects where type=’tr’
  • use nested SQL select statements to determine a value in table A from information in table B

  • use SQL Server ROW_NUMBER()

    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY city ORDER BY age) AS rank, city, age
    FROM People
  • use COALESCE to return first non-null expression within the arguments.

  • use methods to protect against SQL injection attack:

  • Use Parameters for Stored Procedures

  • Use Parameter collection with Dynamic SQL

  • In like clause, user escape characters

  • Filtering input parameters

Client/Server and Network

  • describe the OSI layers and give an example of each
    • Application
    • Presentation
    • Session
    • Transport
    • Network
    • Data Link
    • Physical (CAT5, Topology, )
  • network topology
    • bus
    • star
    • ring, token ring
    • mesh: full mesh or partial mesh
    • tree, daisy chain (one connected to 2 other nodes but no closed loop)
    • hybrid
  • describe internet protocol suite
    • application (dhcp, ftp, http, imap, socks, ssh),
    • transport (tcp, udp, rip),
    • internet (ip, icmp, ipsec),
    • network (arp, ndp, ppp, )
  • how to fix a slow 3-tier application ?
  • troubleshoot a network connection from your workstation to a server inside the company? and from your workstation to a client in another time zone?
  • what is idempotent ? apply for which HTTP method ?
HTTP Method Idempotent Safe
HEAD yes yes
OPTIONS yes yes
GET yes yes
PUT yes no
DELETE yes no
PATCH no no
POST no no


  • calculate modular exponentiation: (x ^ y) % p
  • cumulative sum of fibonacci series. fib(n) = addition of all the fibonacci numbers up to n-1
  • design a recursive method that calculates a fibonacci sequence, rewrite it to remove the recursion and reduce its time complexity.
  • find if an array of numbers that satisfy the fibonacci sequence.
  • find prime numbers within 0..N
  • find the sum of the fibonacci numbers up to the n-th one
  • how to figure out if an integer is out of range
  • giving a 2D grid with pixels valued 0 or 1. How to check if pixels A and B are connected through a path of 0-valued pixels
  • give a deck of card, calculate total number of point that is closes to 21. e.g. A,A,J = 12; J,J,A,2 = 23; A,2 = 13
    • game of blackjack, implement a function for blackjack that returns the score of your hand - write code for getScore():

      class Hand {
        List<Card> cards;
        int getScore( ) { }
  • print out Fibonacci series in MATLAB
  • reverse a number
type minimum maximum scale description
int8 -128 127 2^7 - 1
int16 -32,768 32,767 2^15 - 1 K (Thousand)
int32/int -2,147,483,648 2,147,483,647 2^31 -1 G (Billion)
int64 -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 2^63 - 1 E (Quintillion)
uint8 0 255 2^8 - 1
uint16 0 65,535 2^16 - 1 K (Thousand)
uint32/uint 0 4,294,967,295 4G - 1 G (Billion)
uint64 0 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 18E - 1 E (Quintillion)

Linked List

  • find the loop starting node (if any) in a linked list
  • find the middle of a linked list with only one pass and 2 pointers (references)
  • merge two sorted linked lists. Questions on time and space complexity.
  • reverse a linked list


  • traverse the map


  • check if an expression has proper openings and closings of (), [], and {}.
  • find all anagrams of a given word. A array including all English words is provided.
  • find first unique char in a string, find least greatest value with given target in a BST.
  • find the length of string recursively.
  • detects the first non-repeating character in a char array, and do so with only a single pass over the array.
  • given a dollar amount, output a textual representation (i.e. $123.43 -> "One hundred twenty three dollars and forty three cents”).
  • inverts the case of each character in a string.
  • parse a string into a double, where the string could be anything like "1 1/2" or "2/5" or "-3”.


  • adding and removing nodes from a ternary tree

  • binary search tree vs balanced BST vs heap (binary heap, min-/max-heap)

  • check if a binary tree a BST (binary search tree)

  • check if a tree is not a graph (similar data structure but have cyclic path)

  • check if one tree contains another tree

  • compare the node in an unsorted d-tree

  • create a tree, e.g. insert and delete in a trinary tree

  • find the common ancestor of two nodes

  • find the Least Common Ancestor given two nodes of a binary tree. The nodes each have a reference to their parent node and you do not have the root node of the tree.

  • find LCA of a Binary Tree and making it efficient.

  • given a binary tree and a sum, determine if the tree has a root-to-leaf path such that adding up all the values along the path equals the given sum. Follow-up: find all the paths

  • lowest common ancestor in a BT

  • questions about trees with unconventional structures

  • search through a binary search tree, what is the worst-case big-O complexity?

  • traversal methods

    • breadth-first

      //        A(root)
      //       /      \
      //      B        C
      //     /  \       \
      //    D    E       F
      //        / \     /
      //       G   H   I
      breadthFirst(root) {
        let node = root;
        let nodeList = []; // node list
        let queue = [];
        queue.push(node); // push root into queue
        while (queue.length > 0) {
          node = queue.shift(); // dequeue the node
          nodeList.push(node);  // append node to the list
          if (node.left) queue.push(node.left);
          if (node.right) queue.push(node.right);
        return nodeList;
    • depth-first (pre-order):

      • top-down order
      • e.g. reading hierarchical document in natural oder (chapters/sections/... in a book)
      • e.g. prefix expression tree "(a+b)*c" => * + a b c (Polish Notation) in arithmetic parser
      //        A(root)
      //       /      \
      //      B        G
      //     /  \       \
      //    C    D       H
      //        / \     /
      //       E   F   I
      depthFirstPreOrder(node, nodeList) {
        if (node) {
          depthFirstPreOrder(node.left, nodeList);
          depthFirstPreOrder(node.right, nodeList);
      depthFirstPreOrderIterative(root) {
        let node = root;
        let nodeList = [];
        let stack = [];
        while (stack.length > 0) {
          node = stack.pop(); // pop the node from stack
          if (node.right) stack.push(node.right);
          if (node.left) stack.push(node.left);
        return nodeList;
    • depth-first (in-order)

      • e.g. binary search tree, or infix (a+b)*c
      //        F(root)
      //       /      \
      //      B        G
      //     /  \       \
      //    A    D       I
      //        / \     /
      //       C   E   H
      depthFirstInOrder(node, nodeList) {
        if (node) {
          depthFirstInOrder(node.left, nodeList);
          depthFirstInOrder(node.right, nodeList);
      depthFirstInOrderIterative(root) {
        let node = root
        let nodeList = []
        let stack = []
        while (node || stack.length > 0) {
          if (node) {
            node = node.left
          } else {
            node = stack.pop() // pop top node from the stack
            node = node.right
        return nodeList
    • depth-first (post-order)

      • bottom-up order, visiting all leaves before their parent
      • e.g. postfix expression tree "(a+b)*c" => a b + c * (Reverse Polish Notation) in arithmetic parser
      //        I(root)
      //       /      \
      //      E        H
      //     /  \       \
      //    A    D       G
      //        / \     /
      //       B   C   F
      depthFirstPostOrder(node, nodeList) {
        if (node) {
          depthFirstPostOrder(node.left, nodeList);
          depthFirstPostOrder(node.right, nodeList);
      depthFirstPostOrderIterative(root) {
        let nodeList = []
        let stack = []
        while (stack.length > 0) {
          let node = stack.pop()
          nodeList.unshift() // insert the node in reversed order
          if (node.left) stack.push(node.left)
          if (node.right) stack.push(node.right)
        return nodeList
  • tree construction

    • create from pre-order

      fromPreOrder(inputs) {
         var node = null;
         var size = inputs.length;
         var half = parseInt(size / 2) + 1;
         if (size > 0) {
           node = {}
           node.value = inputs[0]; // first item is the root node
           if (half > 1) {
             node.left = fromPreOrder(inputs.slice(1, half));
           if (half < size) {
             node.right = fromPreOrder(inputs.slice(half, size));
         return node;
    • create from post-order

      fromPostOrder(inputs) {
         var node = null;
         var size = inputs.length;
         var half = parseInt(size / 2);
         if (size > 0) {
           node = {}
           node.value = inputs[size-1]; // last item is the root node
           if (half > 0) {
             node.left = fromPostOrder(inputs.slice(0, half));
           if (half < size-1) {
             node.right = fromPostOrder(inputs.slice(half, size-1));
         return node;
    • create from in-order

      fromInOrder(inputs) {
         var node = null;
         var size = inputs.length;
         var half = parseInt(size / 2);
         if (size > 0) {
           node = {}
           node.value = inputs[half]; // middle item is the root node
           if (half > 0) {
             node.left = fromInOrder(inputs.slice(0, half));
           if (half < size-1) {
             node.right = fromInOrder(inputs.slice(half+1, size));
         return node;



Package interview :: meetup.go

Package interview :: sequence.go

Package interview :: string.go



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func FindMostOccurrences

func FindMostOccurrences(s string, substrLen int) (string, int)

FindMostOccurrences func For a string of length N, figure out the number of occurrences of the most frequent substring of length L in this string. Assuming:

2 <= N && N <= 100000
2 <= K && K <= L
the number of distinct characters must not exceed M <= 26
the string contains only lower-case letters (a-z)

func FindShortest

func FindShortest(matrix [][]int, start, end int) []int

FindShortest returns shortest paths between start and end, in a matrix NxN array [][]int, with each row i as distance from i to other [0..N) value -1 indicates no path

func GetLongestConsecutiveIncrease

func GetLongestConsecutiveIncrease(arr []int) (int, []int)

GetLongestConsecutiveIncrease returns the length of the longest increasing consecutive subsequence, and the slice, for example:

3 from [10, 9, 2, 5,  3, 7, 101,  18]
4 from [1, 2, 3, 4,  3, 5]
3 from [-1, 2, 3,  0]
2 from [-1, 0,  0, 3,  -10, 11]
0 from [9, 9, 9]

func GetLongestIncrease

func GetLongestIncrease(arr []int) (int, []int)

GetLongestIncrease returns the length of the longest increasing subsequence (no need to be consecutive), and the slice, for example:

4 from [10, 9, 2, 5, 3, 7, 101, 18]
4 from [1, 2, 3, 4]
5 from [1, 2, 3, 0, 9, 99]
9 from [-11, -10, 0, -15, -14, -12, -17, -11, 0, -9, -1, 0, 3, -10, 11]
0 from [-7, -7, -7]

func GetLongestSequence

func GetLongestSequence(str string, byDecending bool) string

GetLongestSequence returns the longest subsequence in a string

func GetMaxSumSequence

func GetMaxSumSequence(inputs []int, maxLen int) ([]int, int64)

GetMaxSumSequence returns maximum sum of a continuous subsequence/subarray in an array of integers input; the maximum length of sequence is specified by maxLen no limit on maximum length if maxLen <= 0


type ClosestPoints

type ClosestPoints []*PointDistance

ClosestPoints is a max heap see

func (ClosestPoints) Len

func (cp ClosestPoints) Len() int

Len implements sort.Interface in heap.Interface

func (ClosestPoints) Less

func (cp ClosestPoints) Less(i, j int) bool

Less implements sort.Interface in heap.Interface

func (*ClosestPoints) Peek

func (cp *ClosestPoints) Peek() interface{}

Peek returns the top item on the heap

func (*ClosestPoints) Pop

func (cp *ClosestPoints) Pop() interface{}

Pop implements help.Interface

func (*ClosestPoints) Push

func (cp *ClosestPoints) Push(x interface{})

Push implements help.Interface

func (ClosestPoints) Swap

func (cp ClosestPoints) Swap(i, j int)

Swap implements sort.Interface in heap.Interface

type Point

type Point struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Point struct represents a location on the map

func FindMeetupPoint

func FindMeetupPoint(points []*Point) *Point

FindMeetupPoint returns the best meetup point for all given points

func (*Point) DistanceTo

func (p *Point) DistanceTo(other *Point) float64

DistanceTo returns distance to other point

func (*Point) GetClosest

func (p *Point) GetClosest(others []*Point, k int) []*Point

GetClosest returns closest k points Give a point/location p and a list of many many other locations calculate K locations that are closest to the point p

func (*Point) String

func (p *Point) String() string

String func for Point

type PointDistance

type PointDistance struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PointDistance struct

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