Versions in this module Expand all Collapse all v1 v1.4.0 May 21, 2021 Changes in this version + const Namespace + var ActivePattern = DefaultPattern + var DefaultPattern = ` %{time:2006/01/02 - 15:04:05.000} %{color}▶ %{level:.6s}%{color:reset} %{message}` + var ErrWrongConfig = fmt.Errorf("getting the extra config for the krakend-gologging module") + var LogstashPattern = `{"@timestamp":"%{time:2006-01-02T15:04:05.000+00:00}", "@version": 1, "level": "%{level}", "message": "%{message}", "module": "%{module}"}` + func ConfigGetter(e config.ExtraConfig) interface + func NewLogger(cfg config.ExtraConfig, ws (logging.Logger, error) + func SetFormatterSelector(f func(io.Writer) string) + type Config struct + CustomFormat string + Format string + Level string + Prefix string + StdOut bool + Syslog bool + type Logger struct + func (l Logger) Critical(v ...interface{}) + func (l Logger) Debug(v ...interface{}) + func (l Logger) Error(v ...interface{}) + func (l Logger) Fatal(v ...interface{}) + func (l Logger) Info(v ...interface{}) + func (l Logger) Warning(v ...interface{}) Other modules containing this package