Last.Backend OpenSource
API server
TODO Describe runtime workflow
Controller workflow:
Cluster observer
- TODO: Cluster observer runtime:
[ ] TODO: Cluster observer struct with methods:
- [ ] TODO: Restore cluster state:
- TODO: [x] start cluster IPAM
- TODO: [x] get cluster information
- TODO: [x] get all nodes in cluster
- TODO: [ ] for each node - run node observer
- TODO: [ ] sync current cluster state
- TODO: [ ] get network information
- TODO: [ ] get all endpoints
- TODO: [ ] get all cluster manifests
- [ ] Runtime:
- [ ] Watch node stats changes
- [ ] Watch requests for node lease
- [ ] Watch requests for node release
- [ ] Lease node:
- [ ] Find node matches scheduling type
- [ ] Calculate new cluster state
- [ ] Return node
- [ ] Release node:
- [ ] Release node state
- [ ] Calculate new cluster state
- [ ] Endpoint:
- [ ] Provision: check endpoint spec and network spec
- [ ] create new endpoint and save it to state storage
- [ ] update endpoint spec if previous condition is true
- [ ] remove endpoint if network spec is empty
[ ] Node observer:
[ ] Node observer struct
[ ] Restore: restore current node state:
- [ ] get all manifests for node
- [ ] calculate memory usage
- [ ] calculate storage usage
- [ ] check network is ready
- [ ] calculate node global state:
Node state conditions:
- CNI state: [Ready, Error] - [ Warning ] state
- CPI state: [Ready, Error] - [ Warning ] state
- CRI state: [Ready, Error] - [ Not Ready ] state
- CSI state: [Ready, Error] - [ Warning ] state
[ ] Update: update current node state
[ ] Remove: clean up node and remove
[ ] Manifest: add manifest to node
[ ] Manifest: set manifest to node
[ ] Manifest: del manifest from node
[ ] Namespaces observer
[ ] Namespace observer
[ ] Namespace observer struct
[ ] Restore namespaces observer:
- [ ] Get all namespaces
- [ ] Loop over namespaces and get services for each
- [ ] Loop over services and create service controller
- [ ] Start service controller loop
[ ] Create watcher for service
- [ ] if service state is initialized -> pass service for update
- [ ] if service is not initialized -> initialize
[ ] Create watcher for pods
- [ ] if service for this pod is initialized > pass pod for service update
- [ ] if service is not initialized > skip
[ ] Runtime loop:
- [ ] Start service watching changes
[ ] Services observer
Service observer should watch service state and manage service runtime
Restore: service controller state
- [x] get all pods
- [x] get all deployments
- [x] get endpoint for service
- [x] loop over pods and pass pod to service update
- [x] loop over deployment and pass deployment to service update
- [x] check current service spec and provision service if needed
Handle changes:
Runtime loop:
[ ] Pod package:
Pod status states:
created > provision > ready > destroy > destroyed
> error
[x] Create: Create new pod
[x] Destroy: Mark Pod for destroy
[x] Provision: Provision pod
[x] Remove: Remove pod if previous state was destroy
[x] Deployment package:
Deployment status states:
crated > provision > ready > destroy > destroyed
> error
[x] Create: Create new deployment based on service spec
[x] Scale: Scale deployment for replicas, it should work as increment pods and decrement
[x] Destroy: Mark all pods for destroy
[x] Remove: Remove deployment if service is marked as removed
[x] Cancel: Cancel deployment if not need anymore
[x] Service package:
[x] Remove: Remove service
[x] Sync: Service sync state
[x] Provision: Provision service
[x] Destroy: destroy service
[x] Endpoint package:
[x] Create: create new endpoint
[x] Update: update endpoint spec
[x] Destroy: destroy endpoint