Index ¶
- type BaseJob
- func (a BaseJob) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *BaseJob) GetSettings(ctx context.Context) (JobSettings, bool)
- func (o *BaseJob) SetSettings(ctx context.Context, v JobSettings)
- func (newState *BaseJob) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan BaseJob)
- func (newState *BaseJob) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState BaseJob)
- func (o BaseJob) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o BaseJob) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type BaseRun
- func (o *BaseRun) GetClusterInstance(ctx context.Context) (ClusterInstance, bool)
- func (o *BaseRun) GetClusterSpec(ctx context.Context) (ClusterSpec, bool)
- func (a BaseRun) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *BaseRun) GetGitSource(ctx context.Context) (GitSource, bool)
- func (o *BaseRun) GetJobClusters(ctx context.Context) ([]JobCluster, bool)
- func (o *BaseRun) GetJobParameters(ctx context.Context) ([]JobParameter, bool)
- func (o *BaseRun) GetOverridingParameters(ctx context.Context) (RunParameters, bool)
- func (o *BaseRun) GetRepairHistory(ctx context.Context) ([]RepairHistoryItem, bool)
- func (o *BaseRun) GetSchedule(ctx context.Context) (CronSchedule, bool)
- func (o *BaseRun) GetState(ctx context.Context) (RunState, bool)
- func (o *BaseRun) GetStatus(ctx context.Context) (RunStatus, bool)
- func (o *BaseRun) GetTasks(ctx context.Context) ([]RunTask, bool)
- func (o *BaseRun) GetTriggerInfo(ctx context.Context) (TriggerInfo, bool)
- func (o *BaseRun) SetClusterInstance(ctx context.Context, v ClusterInstance)
- func (o *BaseRun) SetClusterSpec(ctx context.Context, v ClusterSpec)
- func (o *BaseRun) SetGitSource(ctx context.Context, v GitSource)
- func (o *BaseRun) SetJobClusters(ctx context.Context, v []JobCluster)
- func (o *BaseRun) SetJobParameters(ctx context.Context, v []JobParameter)
- func (o *BaseRun) SetOverridingParameters(ctx context.Context, v RunParameters)
- func (o *BaseRun) SetRepairHistory(ctx context.Context, v []RepairHistoryItem)
- func (o *BaseRun) SetSchedule(ctx context.Context, v CronSchedule)
- func (o *BaseRun) SetState(ctx context.Context, v RunState)
- func (o *BaseRun) SetStatus(ctx context.Context, v RunStatus)
- func (o *BaseRun) SetTasks(ctx context.Context, v []RunTask)
- func (o *BaseRun) SetTriggerInfo(ctx context.Context, v TriggerInfo)
- func (newState *BaseRun) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan BaseRun)
- func (newState *BaseRun) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState BaseRun)
- func (o BaseRun) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o BaseRun) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type CancelAllRuns
- func (a CancelAllRuns) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *CancelAllRuns) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan CancelAllRuns)
- func (newState *CancelAllRuns) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState CancelAllRuns)
- func (o CancelAllRuns) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o CancelAllRuns) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type CancelAllRunsResponse
- func (a CancelAllRunsResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *CancelAllRunsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan CancelAllRunsResponse)
- func (newState *CancelAllRunsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState CancelAllRunsResponse)
- func (o CancelAllRunsResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o CancelAllRunsResponse) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type CancelRun
- func (a CancelRun) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *CancelRun) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan CancelRun)
- func (newState *CancelRun) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState CancelRun)
- func (o CancelRun) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o CancelRun) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type CancelRunResponse
- func (a CancelRunResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *CancelRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan CancelRunResponse)
- func (newState *CancelRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState CancelRunResponse)
- func (o CancelRunResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o CancelRunResponse) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type CleanRoomTaskRunState
- func (a CleanRoomTaskRunState) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *CleanRoomTaskRunState) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan CleanRoomTaskRunState)
- func (newState *CleanRoomTaskRunState) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState CleanRoomTaskRunState)
- func (o CleanRoomTaskRunState) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o CleanRoomTaskRunState) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type CleanRoomsNotebookTask
- func (a CleanRoomsNotebookTask) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *CleanRoomsNotebookTask) GetNotebookBaseParameters(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *CleanRoomsNotebookTask) SetNotebookBaseParameters(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (newState *CleanRoomsNotebookTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan CleanRoomsNotebookTask)
- func (newState *CleanRoomsNotebookTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState CleanRoomsNotebookTask)
- func (o CleanRoomsNotebookTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o CleanRoomsNotebookTask) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ClusterInstance
- func (a ClusterInstance) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *ClusterInstance) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ClusterInstance)
- func (newState *ClusterInstance) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ClusterInstance)
- func (o ClusterInstance) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ClusterInstance) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ClusterSpec
- func (a ClusterSpec) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *ClusterSpec) GetLibraries(ctx context.Context) ([]compute_tf.Library, bool)
- func (o *ClusterSpec) GetNewCluster(ctx context.Context) (compute_tf.ClusterSpec, bool)
- func (o *ClusterSpec) SetLibraries(ctx context.Context, v []compute_tf.Library)
- func (o *ClusterSpec) SetNewCluster(ctx context.Context, v compute_tf.ClusterSpec)
- func (newState *ClusterSpec) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ClusterSpec)
- func (newState *ClusterSpec) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ClusterSpec)
- func (o ClusterSpec) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ClusterSpec) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ConditionTask
- func (a ConditionTask) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *ConditionTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ConditionTask)
- func (newState *ConditionTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ConditionTask)
- func (o ConditionTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ConditionTask) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type Continuous
- func (a Continuous) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *Continuous) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan Continuous)
- func (newState *Continuous) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState Continuous)
- func (o Continuous) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o Continuous) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type CreateJob
- func (o *CreateJob) GetAccessControlList(ctx context.Context) ([]JobAccessControlRequest, bool)
- func (a CreateJob) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *CreateJob) GetContinuous(ctx context.Context) (Continuous, bool)
- func (o *CreateJob) GetDeployment(ctx context.Context) (JobDeployment, bool)
- func (o *CreateJob) GetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context) (JobEmailNotifications, bool)
- func (o *CreateJob) GetEnvironments(ctx context.Context) ([]JobEnvironment, bool)
- func (o *CreateJob) GetGitSource(ctx context.Context) (GitSource, bool)
- func (o *CreateJob) GetHealth(ctx context.Context) (JobsHealthRules, bool)
- func (o *CreateJob) GetJobClusters(ctx context.Context) ([]JobCluster, bool)
- func (o *CreateJob) GetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context) (JobNotificationSettings, bool)
- func (o *CreateJob) GetParameters(ctx context.Context) ([]JobParameterDefinition, bool)
- func (o *CreateJob) GetQueue(ctx context.Context) (QueueSettings, bool)
- func (o *CreateJob) GetRunAs(ctx context.Context) (JobRunAs, bool)
- func (o *CreateJob) GetSchedule(ctx context.Context) (CronSchedule, bool)
- func (o *CreateJob) GetTags(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *CreateJob) GetTasks(ctx context.Context) ([]Task, bool)
- func (o *CreateJob) GetTrigger(ctx context.Context) (TriggerSettings, bool)
- func (o *CreateJob) GetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context) (WebhookNotifications, bool)
- func (o *CreateJob) SetAccessControlList(ctx context.Context, v []JobAccessControlRequest)
- func (o *CreateJob) SetContinuous(ctx context.Context, v Continuous)
- func (o *CreateJob) SetDeployment(ctx context.Context, v JobDeployment)
- func (o *CreateJob) SetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context, v JobEmailNotifications)
- func (o *CreateJob) SetEnvironments(ctx context.Context, v []JobEnvironment)
- func (o *CreateJob) SetGitSource(ctx context.Context, v GitSource)
- func (o *CreateJob) SetHealth(ctx context.Context, v JobsHealthRules)
- func (o *CreateJob) SetJobClusters(ctx context.Context, v []JobCluster)
- func (o *CreateJob) SetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context, v JobNotificationSettings)
- func (o *CreateJob) SetParameters(ctx context.Context, v []JobParameterDefinition)
- func (o *CreateJob) SetQueue(ctx context.Context, v QueueSettings)
- func (o *CreateJob) SetRunAs(ctx context.Context, v JobRunAs)
- func (o *CreateJob) SetSchedule(ctx context.Context, v CronSchedule)
- func (o *CreateJob) SetTags(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (o *CreateJob) SetTasks(ctx context.Context, v []Task)
- func (o *CreateJob) SetTrigger(ctx context.Context, v TriggerSettings)
- func (o *CreateJob) SetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context, v WebhookNotifications)
- func (newState *CreateJob) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan CreateJob)
- func (newState *CreateJob) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState CreateJob)
- func (o CreateJob) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o CreateJob) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type CreateResponse
- func (a CreateResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *CreateResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan CreateResponse)
- func (newState *CreateResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState CreateResponse)
- func (o CreateResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o CreateResponse) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type CronSchedule
- func (a CronSchedule) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *CronSchedule) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan CronSchedule)
- func (newState *CronSchedule) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState CronSchedule)
- func (o CronSchedule) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o CronSchedule) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type DbtOutput
- func (o *DbtOutput) GetArtifactsHeaders(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (a DbtOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *DbtOutput) SetArtifactsHeaders(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (newState *DbtOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan DbtOutput)
- func (newState *DbtOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState DbtOutput)
- func (o DbtOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o DbtOutput) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type DbtTask
- func (o *DbtTask) GetCommands(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (a DbtTask) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *DbtTask) SetCommands(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (newState *DbtTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan DbtTask)
- func (newState *DbtTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState DbtTask)
- func (o DbtTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o DbtTask) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type DeleteJob
- func (a DeleteJob) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *DeleteJob) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan DeleteJob)
- func (newState *DeleteJob) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState DeleteJob)
- func (o DeleteJob) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o DeleteJob) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type DeleteResponse
- func (a DeleteResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *DeleteResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan DeleteResponse)
- func (newState *DeleteResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState DeleteResponse)
- func (o DeleteResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o DeleteResponse) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type DeleteRun
- func (a DeleteRun) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *DeleteRun) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan DeleteRun)
- func (newState *DeleteRun) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState DeleteRun)
- func (o DeleteRun) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o DeleteRun) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type DeleteRunResponse
- func (a DeleteRunResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *DeleteRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan DeleteRunResponse)
- func (newState *DeleteRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState DeleteRunResponse)
- func (o DeleteRunResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o DeleteRunResponse) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange
- func (a EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange)
- func (newState *EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange)
- func (o EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest
- func (a EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest)
- func (newState *EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest)
- func (o EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse
- func (a EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) GetJobClusterChanges(ctx context.Context) ([]EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange, bool)
- func (o *EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) GetSettings(ctx context.Context) (JobSettings, bool)
- func (o *EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) SetJobClusterChanges(ctx context.Context, ...)
- func (o *EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) SetSettings(ctx context.Context, v JobSettings)
- func (newState *EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse)
- func (newState *EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse)
- func (o EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ExportRunOutput
- func (a ExportRunOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *ExportRunOutput) GetViews(ctx context.Context) ([]ViewItem, bool)
- func (o *ExportRunOutput) SetViews(ctx context.Context, v []ViewItem)
- func (newState *ExportRunOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ExportRunOutput)
- func (newState *ExportRunOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ExportRunOutput)
- func (o ExportRunOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ExportRunOutput) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ExportRunRequest
- func (a ExportRunRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *ExportRunRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ExportRunRequest)
- func (newState *ExportRunRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ExportRunRequest)
- func (o ExportRunRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ExportRunRequest) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration
- func (a FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration)
- func (newState *FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration)
- func (o FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ForEachStats
- func (a ForEachStats) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *ForEachStats) GetErrorMessageStats(ctx context.Context) ([]ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats, bool)
- func (o *ForEachStats) GetTaskRunStats(ctx context.Context) (ForEachTaskTaskRunStats, bool)
- func (o *ForEachStats) SetErrorMessageStats(ctx context.Context, v []ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats)
- func (o *ForEachStats) SetTaskRunStats(ctx context.Context, v ForEachTaskTaskRunStats)
- func (newState *ForEachStats) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ForEachStats)
- func (newState *ForEachStats) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ForEachStats)
- func (o ForEachStats) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ForEachStats) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ForEachTask
- func (a ForEachTask) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *ForEachTask) GetTask(ctx context.Context) (Task, bool)
- func (o *ForEachTask) SetTask(ctx context.Context, v Task)
- func (newState *ForEachTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ForEachTask)
- func (newState *ForEachTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ForEachTask)
- func (o ForEachTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ForEachTask) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats
- func (a ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats)
- func (newState *ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats)
- func (o ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ForEachTaskTaskRunStats
- func (a ForEachTaskTaskRunStats) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *ForEachTaskTaskRunStats) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ForEachTaskTaskRunStats)
- func (newState *ForEachTaskTaskRunStats) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ForEachTaskTaskRunStats)
- func (o ForEachTaskTaskRunStats) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ForEachTaskTaskRunStats) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest
- func (a GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest)
- func (newState *GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest)
- func (o GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse
- func (a GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse) GetPermissionLevels(ctx context.Context) ([]JobPermissionsDescription, bool)
- func (o *GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse) SetPermissionLevels(ctx context.Context, v []JobPermissionsDescription)
- func (newState *GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse)
- func (newState *GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse)
- func (o GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type GetJobPermissionsRequest
- func (a GetJobPermissionsRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *GetJobPermissionsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan GetJobPermissionsRequest)
- func (newState *GetJobPermissionsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState GetJobPermissionsRequest)
- func (o GetJobPermissionsRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o GetJobPermissionsRequest) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type GetJobRequest
- func (a GetJobRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *GetJobRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan GetJobRequest)
- func (newState *GetJobRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState GetJobRequest)
- func (o GetJobRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o GetJobRequest) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type GetPolicyComplianceRequest
- func (a GetPolicyComplianceRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *GetPolicyComplianceRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan GetPolicyComplianceRequest)
- func (newState *GetPolicyComplianceRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState GetPolicyComplianceRequest)
- func (o GetPolicyComplianceRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o GetPolicyComplianceRequest) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type GetPolicyComplianceResponse
- func (a GetPolicyComplianceResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *GetPolicyComplianceResponse) GetViolations(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *GetPolicyComplianceResponse) SetViolations(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (newState *GetPolicyComplianceResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan GetPolicyComplianceResponse)
- func (newState *GetPolicyComplianceResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState GetPolicyComplianceResponse)
- func (o GetPolicyComplianceResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o GetPolicyComplianceResponse) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type GetRunOutputRequest
- func (a GetRunOutputRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *GetRunOutputRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan GetRunOutputRequest)
- func (newState *GetRunOutputRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState GetRunOutputRequest)
- func (o GetRunOutputRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o GetRunOutputRequest) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type GetRunRequest
- func (a GetRunRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *GetRunRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan GetRunRequest)
- func (newState *GetRunRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState GetRunRequest)
- func (o GetRunRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o GetRunRequest) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type GitSnapshot
- func (a GitSnapshot) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *GitSnapshot) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan GitSnapshot)
- func (newState *GitSnapshot) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState GitSnapshot)
- func (o GitSnapshot) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o GitSnapshot) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type GitSource
- func (a GitSource) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *GitSource) GetGitSnapshot(ctx context.Context) (GitSnapshot, bool)
- func (o *GitSource) GetJobSource(ctx context.Context) (JobSource, bool)
- func (o *GitSource) SetGitSnapshot(ctx context.Context, v GitSnapshot)
- func (o *GitSource) SetJobSource(ctx context.Context, v JobSource)
- func (newState *GitSource) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan GitSource)
- func (newState *GitSource) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState GitSource)
- func (o GitSource) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o GitSource) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type Job
- func (a Job) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *Job) GetSettings(ctx context.Context) (JobSettings, bool)
- func (o *Job) SetSettings(ctx context.Context, v JobSettings)
- func (newState *Job) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan Job)
- func (newState *Job) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState Job)
- func (o Job) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o Job) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type JobAccessControlRequest
- func (a JobAccessControlRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *JobAccessControlRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobAccessControlRequest)
- func (newState *JobAccessControlRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobAccessControlRequest)
- func (o JobAccessControlRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o JobAccessControlRequest) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type JobAccessControlResponse
- func (o *JobAccessControlResponse) GetAllPermissions(ctx context.Context) ([]JobPermission, bool)
- func (a JobAccessControlResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *JobAccessControlResponse) SetAllPermissions(ctx context.Context, v []JobPermission)
- func (newState *JobAccessControlResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobAccessControlResponse)
- func (newState *JobAccessControlResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobAccessControlResponse)
- func (o JobAccessControlResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o JobAccessControlResponse) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type JobCluster
- func (a JobCluster) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *JobCluster) GetNewCluster(ctx context.Context) (compute_tf.ClusterSpec, bool)
- func (o *JobCluster) SetNewCluster(ctx context.Context, v compute_tf.ClusterSpec)
- func (newState *JobCluster) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobCluster)
- func (newState *JobCluster) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobCluster)
- func (o JobCluster) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o JobCluster) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type JobCompliance
- func (a JobCompliance) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *JobCompliance) GetViolations(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *JobCompliance) SetViolations(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (newState *JobCompliance) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobCompliance)
- func (newState *JobCompliance) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobCompliance)
- func (o JobCompliance) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o JobCompliance) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type JobDeployment
- func (a JobDeployment) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *JobDeployment) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobDeployment)
- func (newState *JobDeployment) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobDeployment)
- func (o JobDeployment) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o JobDeployment) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type JobEmailNotifications
- func (a JobEmailNotifications) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *JobEmailNotifications) GetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *JobEmailNotifications) GetOnFailure(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *JobEmailNotifications) GetOnStart(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *JobEmailNotifications) GetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *JobEmailNotifications) GetOnSuccess(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *JobEmailNotifications) SetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *JobEmailNotifications) SetOnFailure(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *JobEmailNotifications) SetOnStart(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *JobEmailNotifications) SetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *JobEmailNotifications) SetOnSuccess(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (newState *JobEmailNotifications) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobEmailNotifications)
- func (newState *JobEmailNotifications) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobEmailNotifications)
- func (o JobEmailNotifications) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o JobEmailNotifications) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type JobEnvironment
- func (a JobEnvironment) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *JobEnvironment) GetSpec(ctx context.Context) (compute_tf.Environment, bool)
- func (o *JobEnvironment) SetSpec(ctx context.Context, v compute_tf.Environment)
- func (newState *JobEnvironment) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobEnvironment)
- func (newState *JobEnvironment) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobEnvironment)
- func (o JobEnvironment) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o JobEnvironment) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type JobNotificationSettings
- func (a JobNotificationSettings) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *JobNotificationSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobNotificationSettings)
- func (newState *JobNotificationSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobNotificationSettings)
- func (o JobNotificationSettings) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o JobNotificationSettings) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type JobParameter
- func (a JobParameter) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *JobParameter) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobParameter)
- func (newState *JobParameter) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobParameter)
- func (o JobParameter) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o JobParameter) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type JobParameterDefinition
- func (a JobParameterDefinition) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *JobParameterDefinition) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobParameterDefinition)
- func (newState *JobParameterDefinition) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobParameterDefinition)
- func (o JobParameterDefinition) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o JobParameterDefinition) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type JobPermission
- func (a JobPermission) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *JobPermission) GetInheritedFromObject(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *JobPermission) SetInheritedFromObject(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (newState *JobPermission) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobPermission)
- func (newState *JobPermission) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobPermission)
- func (o JobPermission) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o JobPermission) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type JobPermissions
- func (o *JobPermissions) GetAccessControlList(ctx context.Context) ([]JobAccessControlResponse, bool)
- func (a JobPermissions) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *JobPermissions) SetAccessControlList(ctx context.Context, v []JobAccessControlResponse)
- func (newState *JobPermissions) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobPermissions)
- func (newState *JobPermissions) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobPermissions)
- func (o JobPermissions) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o JobPermissions) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type JobPermissionsDescription
- func (a JobPermissionsDescription) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *JobPermissionsDescription) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobPermissionsDescription)
- func (newState *JobPermissionsDescription) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobPermissionsDescription)
- func (o JobPermissionsDescription) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o JobPermissionsDescription) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type JobPermissionsRequest
- func (o *JobPermissionsRequest) GetAccessControlList(ctx context.Context) ([]JobAccessControlRequest, bool)
- func (a JobPermissionsRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *JobPermissionsRequest) SetAccessControlList(ctx context.Context, v []JobAccessControlRequest)
- func (newState *JobPermissionsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobPermissionsRequest)
- func (newState *JobPermissionsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobPermissionsRequest)
- func (o JobPermissionsRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o JobPermissionsRequest) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type JobRunAs
- func (a JobRunAs) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *JobRunAs) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobRunAs)
- func (newState *JobRunAs) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobRunAs)
- func (o JobRunAs) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o JobRunAs) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type JobSettings
- func (a JobSettings) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *JobSettings) GetContinuous(ctx context.Context) (Continuous, bool)
- func (o *JobSettings) GetDeployment(ctx context.Context) (JobDeployment, bool)
- func (o *JobSettings) GetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context) (JobEmailNotifications, bool)
- func (o *JobSettings) GetEnvironments(ctx context.Context) ([]JobEnvironment, bool)
- func (o *JobSettings) GetGitSource(ctx context.Context) (GitSource, bool)
- func (o *JobSettings) GetHealth(ctx context.Context) (JobsHealthRules, bool)
- func (o *JobSettings) GetJobClusters(ctx context.Context) ([]JobCluster, bool)
- func (o *JobSettings) GetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context) (JobNotificationSettings, bool)
- func (o *JobSettings) GetParameters(ctx context.Context) ([]JobParameterDefinition, bool)
- func (o *JobSettings) GetQueue(ctx context.Context) (QueueSettings, bool)
- func (o *JobSettings) GetRunAs(ctx context.Context) (JobRunAs, bool)
- func (o *JobSettings) GetSchedule(ctx context.Context) (CronSchedule, bool)
- func (o *JobSettings) GetTags(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *JobSettings) GetTasks(ctx context.Context) ([]Task, bool)
- func (o *JobSettings) GetTrigger(ctx context.Context) (TriggerSettings, bool)
- func (o *JobSettings) GetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context) (WebhookNotifications, bool)
- func (o *JobSettings) SetContinuous(ctx context.Context, v Continuous)
- func (o *JobSettings) SetDeployment(ctx context.Context, v JobDeployment)
- func (o *JobSettings) SetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context, v JobEmailNotifications)
- func (o *JobSettings) SetEnvironments(ctx context.Context, v []JobEnvironment)
- func (o *JobSettings) SetGitSource(ctx context.Context, v GitSource)
- func (o *JobSettings) SetHealth(ctx context.Context, v JobsHealthRules)
- func (o *JobSettings) SetJobClusters(ctx context.Context, v []JobCluster)
- func (o *JobSettings) SetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context, v JobNotificationSettings)
- func (o *JobSettings) SetParameters(ctx context.Context, v []JobParameterDefinition)
- func (o *JobSettings) SetQueue(ctx context.Context, v QueueSettings)
- func (o *JobSettings) SetRunAs(ctx context.Context, v JobRunAs)
- func (o *JobSettings) SetSchedule(ctx context.Context, v CronSchedule)
- func (o *JobSettings) SetTags(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (o *JobSettings) SetTasks(ctx context.Context, v []Task)
- func (o *JobSettings) SetTrigger(ctx context.Context, v TriggerSettings)
- func (o *JobSettings) SetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context, v WebhookNotifications)
- func (newState *JobSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobSettings)
- func (newState *JobSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobSettings)
- func (o JobSettings) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o JobSettings) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type JobSource
- func (a JobSource) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *JobSource) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobSource)
- func (newState *JobSource) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobSource)
- func (o JobSource) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o JobSource) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type JobsHealthRule
- func (a JobsHealthRule) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *JobsHealthRule) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobsHealthRule)
- func (newState *JobsHealthRule) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobsHealthRule)
- func (o JobsHealthRule) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o JobsHealthRule) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type JobsHealthRules
- func (a JobsHealthRules) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *JobsHealthRules) GetRules(ctx context.Context) ([]JobsHealthRule, bool)
- func (o *JobsHealthRules) SetRules(ctx context.Context, v []JobsHealthRule)
- func (newState *JobsHealthRules) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobsHealthRules)
- func (newState *JobsHealthRules) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobsHealthRules)
- func (o JobsHealthRules) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o JobsHealthRules) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse
- func (a ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse) GetJobs(ctx context.Context) ([]JobCompliance, bool)
- func (o *ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse) SetJobs(ctx context.Context, v []JobCompliance)
- func (newState *ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse)
- func (newState *ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse)
- func (o ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ListJobComplianceRequest
- func (a ListJobComplianceRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *ListJobComplianceRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ListJobComplianceRequest)
- func (newState *ListJobComplianceRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ListJobComplianceRequest)
- func (o ListJobComplianceRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ListJobComplianceRequest) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ListJobsRequest
- func (a ListJobsRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *ListJobsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ListJobsRequest)
- func (newState *ListJobsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ListJobsRequest)
- func (o ListJobsRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ListJobsRequest) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ListJobsResponse
- func (a ListJobsResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *ListJobsResponse) GetJobs(ctx context.Context) ([]BaseJob, bool)
- func (o *ListJobsResponse) SetJobs(ctx context.Context, v []BaseJob)
- func (newState *ListJobsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ListJobsResponse)
- func (newState *ListJobsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ListJobsResponse)
- func (o ListJobsResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ListJobsResponse) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ListRunsRequest
- func (a ListRunsRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *ListRunsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ListRunsRequest)
- func (newState *ListRunsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ListRunsRequest)
- func (o ListRunsRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ListRunsRequest) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ListRunsResponse
- func (a ListRunsResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *ListRunsResponse) GetRuns(ctx context.Context) ([]BaseRun, bool)
- func (o *ListRunsResponse) SetRuns(ctx context.Context, v []BaseRun)
- func (newState *ListRunsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ListRunsResponse)
- func (newState *ListRunsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ListRunsResponse)
- func (o ListRunsResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ListRunsResponse) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type NotebookOutput
- func (a NotebookOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *NotebookOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan NotebookOutput)
- func (newState *NotebookOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState NotebookOutput)
- func (o NotebookOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o NotebookOutput) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type NotebookTask
- func (o *NotebookTask) GetBaseParameters(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (a NotebookTask) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *NotebookTask) SetBaseParameters(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (newState *NotebookTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan NotebookTask)
- func (newState *NotebookTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState NotebookTask)
- func (o NotebookTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o NotebookTask) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type PeriodicTriggerConfiguration
- func (a PeriodicTriggerConfiguration) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *PeriodicTriggerConfiguration) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan PeriodicTriggerConfiguration)
- func (newState *PeriodicTriggerConfiguration) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState PeriodicTriggerConfiguration)
- func (o PeriodicTriggerConfiguration) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o PeriodicTriggerConfiguration) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type PipelineParams
- func (a PipelineParams) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *PipelineParams) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan PipelineParams)
- func (newState *PipelineParams) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState PipelineParams)
- func (o PipelineParams) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o PipelineParams) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type PipelineTask
- func (a PipelineTask) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *PipelineTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan PipelineTask)
- func (newState *PipelineTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState PipelineTask)
- func (o PipelineTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o PipelineTask) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type PythonWheelTask
- func (a PythonWheelTask) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *PythonWheelTask) GetNamedParameters(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *PythonWheelTask) GetParameters(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *PythonWheelTask) SetNamedParameters(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (o *PythonWheelTask) SetParameters(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (newState *PythonWheelTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan PythonWheelTask)
- func (newState *PythonWheelTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState PythonWheelTask)
- func (o PythonWheelTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o PythonWheelTask) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type QueueDetails
- func (a QueueDetails) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *QueueDetails) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan QueueDetails)
- func (newState *QueueDetails) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState QueueDetails)
- func (o QueueDetails) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o QueueDetails) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type QueueSettings
- func (a QueueSettings) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *QueueSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan QueueSettings)
- func (newState *QueueSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState QueueSettings)
- func (o QueueSettings) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o QueueSettings) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type RepairHistoryItem
- func (a RepairHistoryItem) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *RepairHistoryItem) GetState(ctx context.Context) (RunState, bool)
- func (o *RepairHistoryItem) GetStatus(ctx context.Context) (RunStatus, bool)
- func (o *RepairHistoryItem) GetTaskRunIds(ctx context.Context) ([]types.Int64, bool)
- func (o *RepairHistoryItem) SetState(ctx context.Context, v RunState)
- func (o *RepairHistoryItem) SetStatus(ctx context.Context, v RunStatus)
- func (o *RepairHistoryItem) SetTaskRunIds(ctx context.Context, v []types.Int64)
- func (newState *RepairHistoryItem) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RepairHistoryItem)
- func (newState *RepairHistoryItem) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RepairHistoryItem)
- func (o RepairHistoryItem) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o RepairHistoryItem) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type RepairRun
- func (a RepairRun) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *RepairRun) GetDbtCommands(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RepairRun) GetJarParams(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RepairRun) GetJobParameters(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RepairRun) GetNotebookParams(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RepairRun) GetPipelineParams(ctx context.Context) (PipelineParams, bool)
- func (o *RepairRun) GetPythonNamedParams(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RepairRun) GetPythonParams(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RepairRun) GetRerunTasks(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RepairRun) GetSparkSubmitParams(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RepairRun) GetSqlParams(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RepairRun) SetDbtCommands(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *RepairRun) SetJarParams(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *RepairRun) SetJobParameters(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (o *RepairRun) SetNotebookParams(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (o *RepairRun) SetPipelineParams(ctx context.Context, v PipelineParams)
- func (o *RepairRun) SetPythonNamedParams(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (o *RepairRun) SetPythonParams(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *RepairRun) SetRerunTasks(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *RepairRun) SetSparkSubmitParams(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *RepairRun) SetSqlParams(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (newState *RepairRun) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RepairRun)
- func (newState *RepairRun) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RepairRun)
- func (o RepairRun) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o RepairRun) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type RepairRunResponse
- func (a RepairRunResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *RepairRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RepairRunResponse)
- func (newState *RepairRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RepairRunResponse)
- func (o RepairRunResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o RepairRunResponse) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ResetJob
- func (a ResetJob) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *ResetJob) GetNewSettings(ctx context.Context) (JobSettings, bool)
- func (o *ResetJob) SetNewSettings(ctx context.Context, v JobSettings)
- func (newState *ResetJob) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ResetJob)
- func (newState *ResetJob) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ResetJob)
- func (o ResetJob) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ResetJob) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ResetResponse
- func (a ResetResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *ResetResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ResetResponse)
- func (newState *ResetResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ResetResponse)
- func (o ResetResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ResetResponse) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ResolvedConditionTaskValues
- func (a ResolvedConditionTaskValues) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *ResolvedConditionTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ResolvedConditionTaskValues)
- func (newState *ResolvedConditionTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ResolvedConditionTaskValues)
- func (o ResolvedConditionTaskValues) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ResolvedConditionTaskValues) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ResolvedDbtTaskValues
- func (o *ResolvedDbtTaskValues) GetCommands(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (a ResolvedDbtTaskValues) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *ResolvedDbtTaskValues) SetCommands(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (newState *ResolvedDbtTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ResolvedDbtTaskValues)
- func (newState *ResolvedDbtTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ResolvedDbtTaskValues)
- func (o ResolvedDbtTaskValues) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ResolvedDbtTaskValues) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ResolvedNotebookTaskValues
- func (o *ResolvedNotebookTaskValues) GetBaseParameters(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (a ResolvedNotebookTaskValues) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *ResolvedNotebookTaskValues) SetBaseParameters(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (newState *ResolvedNotebookTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ResolvedNotebookTaskValues)
- func (newState *ResolvedNotebookTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ResolvedNotebookTaskValues)
- func (o ResolvedNotebookTaskValues) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ResolvedNotebookTaskValues) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ResolvedParamPairValues
- func (a ResolvedParamPairValues) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *ResolvedParamPairValues) GetParameters(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *ResolvedParamPairValues) SetParameters(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (newState *ResolvedParamPairValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ResolvedParamPairValues)
- func (newState *ResolvedParamPairValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ResolvedParamPairValues)
- func (o ResolvedParamPairValues) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ResolvedParamPairValues) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues
- func (a ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) GetNamedParameters(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) GetParameters(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) SetNamedParameters(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (o *ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) SetParameters(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (newState *ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues)
- func (newState *ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues)
- func (o ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ResolvedRunJobTaskValues
- func (a ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) GetJobParameters(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) GetParameters(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) SetJobParameters(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (o *ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) SetParameters(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (newState *ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ResolvedRunJobTaskValues)
- func (newState *ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ResolvedRunJobTaskValues)
- func (o ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ResolvedStringParamsValues
- func (a ResolvedStringParamsValues) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *ResolvedStringParamsValues) GetParameters(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *ResolvedStringParamsValues) SetParameters(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (newState *ResolvedStringParamsValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ResolvedStringParamsValues)
- func (newState *ResolvedStringParamsValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ResolvedStringParamsValues)
- func (o ResolvedStringParamsValues) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ResolvedStringParamsValues) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ResolvedValues
- func (a ResolvedValues) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *ResolvedValues) GetConditionTask(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedConditionTaskValues, bool)
- func (o *ResolvedValues) GetDbtTask(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedDbtTaskValues, bool)
- func (o *ResolvedValues) GetNotebookTask(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedNotebookTaskValues, bool)
- func (o *ResolvedValues) GetPythonWheelTask(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues, bool)
- func (o *ResolvedValues) GetRunJobTask(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedRunJobTaskValues, bool)
- func (o *ResolvedValues) GetSimulationTask(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedParamPairValues, bool)
- func (o *ResolvedValues) GetSparkJarTask(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedStringParamsValues, bool)
- func (o *ResolvedValues) GetSparkPythonTask(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedStringParamsValues, bool)
- func (o *ResolvedValues) GetSparkSubmitTask(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedStringParamsValues, bool)
- func (o *ResolvedValues) GetSqlTask(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedParamPairValues, bool)
- func (o *ResolvedValues) SetConditionTask(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedConditionTaskValues)
- func (o *ResolvedValues) SetDbtTask(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedDbtTaskValues)
- func (o *ResolvedValues) SetNotebookTask(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedNotebookTaskValues)
- func (o *ResolvedValues) SetPythonWheelTask(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues)
- func (o *ResolvedValues) SetRunJobTask(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedRunJobTaskValues)
- func (o *ResolvedValues) SetSimulationTask(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedParamPairValues)
- func (o *ResolvedValues) SetSparkJarTask(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedStringParamsValues)
- func (o *ResolvedValues) SetSparkPythonTask(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedStringParamsValues)
- func (o *ResolvedValues) SetSparkSubmitTask(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedStringParamsValues)
- func (o *ResolvedValues) SetSqlTask(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedParamPairValues)
- func (newState *ResolvedValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ResolvedValues)
- func (newState *ResolvedValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ResolvedValues)
- func (o ResolvedValues) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ResolvedValues) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type Run
- func (o *Run) GetClusterInstance(ctx context.Context) (ClusterInstance, bool)
- func (o *Run) GetClusterSpec(ctx context.Context) (ClusterSpec, bool)
- func (a Run) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *Run) GetGitSource(ctx context.Context) (GitSource, bool)
- func (o *Run) GetIterations(ctx context.Context) ([]RunTask, bool)
- func (o *Run) GetJobClusters(ctx context.Context) ([]JobCluster, bool)
- func (o *Run) GetJobParameters(ctx context.Context) ([]JobParameter, bool)
- func (o *Run) GetOverridingParameters(ctx context.Context) (RunParameters, bool)
- func (o *Run) GetRepairHistory(ctx context.Context) ([]RepairHistoryItem, bool)
- func (o *Run) GetSchedule(ctx context.Context) (CronSchedule, bool)
- func (o *Run) GetState(ctx context.Context) (RunState, bool)
- func (o *Run) GetStatus(ctx context.Context) (RunStatus, bool)
- func (o *Run) GetTasks(ctx context.Context) ([]RunTask, bool)
- func (o *Run) GetTriggerInfo(ctx context.Context) (TriggerInfo, bool)
- func (o *Run) SetClusterInstance(ctx context.Context, v ClusterInstance)
- func (o *Run) SetClusterSpec(ctx context.Context, v ClusterSpec)
- func (o *Run) SetGitSource(ctx context.Context, v GitSource)
- func (o *Run) SetIterations(ctx context.Context, v []RunTask)
- func (o *Run) SetJobClusters(ctx context.Context, v []JobCluster)
- func (o *Run) SetJobParameters(ctx context.Context, v []JobParameter)
- func (o *Run) SetOverridingParameters(ctx context.Context, v RunParameters)
- func (o *Run) SetRepairHistory(ctx context.Context, v []RepairHistoryItem)
- func (o *Run) SetSchedule(ctx context.Context, v CronSchedule)
- func (o *Run) SetState(ctx context.Context, v RunState)
- func (o *Run) SetStatus(ctx context.Context, v RunStatus)
- func (o *Run) SetTasks(ctx context.Context, v []RunTask)
- func (o *Run) SetTriggerInfo(ctx context.Context, v TriggerInfo)
- func (newState *Run) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan Run)
- func (newState *Run) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState Run)
- func (o Run) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o Run) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type RunConditionTask
- func (a RunConditionTask) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *RunConditionTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RunConditionTask)
- func (newState *RunConditionTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RunConditionTask)
- func (o RunConditionTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o RunConditionTask) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type RunForEachTask
- func (a RunForEachTask) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *RunForEachTask) GetStats(ctx context.Context) (ForEachStats, bool)
- func (o *RunForEachTask) GetTask(ctx context.Context) (Task, bool)
- func (o *RunForEachTask) SetStats(ctx context.Context, v ForEachStats)
- func (o *RunForEachTask) SetTask(ctx context.Context, v Task)
- func (newState *RunForEachTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RunForEachTask)
- func (newState *RunForEachTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RunForEachTask)
- func (o RunForEachTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o RunForEachTask) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type RunJobOutput
- func (a RunJobOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *RunJobOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RunJobOutput)
- func (newState *RunJobOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RunJobOutput)
- func (o RunJobOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o RunJobOutput) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type RunJobTask
- func (a RunJobTask) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *RunJobTask) GetDbtCommands(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunJobTask) GetJarParams(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunJobTask) GetJobParameters(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunJobTask) GetNotebookParams(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunJobTask) GetPipelineParams(ctx context.Context) (PipelineParams, bool)
- func (o *RunJobTask) GetPythonNamedParams(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunJobTask) GetPythonParams(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunJobTask) GetSparkSubmitParams(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunJobTask) GetSqlParams(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunJobTask) SetDbtCommands(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *RunJobTask) SetJarParams(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *RunJobTask) SetJobParameters(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (o *RunJobTask) SetNotebookParams(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (o *RunJobTask) SetPipelineParams(ctx context.Context, v PipelineParams)
- func (o *RunJobTask) SetPythonNamedParams(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (o *RunJobTask) SetPythonParams(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *RunJobTask) SetSparkSubmitParams(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *RunJobTask) SetSqlParams(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (newState *RunJobTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RunJobTask)
- func (newState *RunJobTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RunJobTask)
- func (o RunJobTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o RunJobTask) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type RunNow
- func (a RunNow) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *RunNow) GetDbtCommands(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunNow) GetJarParams(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunNow) GetJobParameters(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunNow) GetNotebookParams(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunNow) GetOnly(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunNow) GetPipelineParams(ctx context.Context) (PipelineParams, bool)
- func (o *RunNow) GetPythonNamedParams(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunNow) GetPythonParams(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunNow) GetQueue(ctx context.Context) (QueueSettings, bool)
- func (o *RunNow) GetSparkSubmitParams(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunNow) GetSqlParams(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunNow) SetDbtCommands(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *RunNow) SetJarParams(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *RunNow) SetJobParameters(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (o *RunNow) SetNotebookParams(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (o *RunNow) SetOnly(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *RunNow) SetPipelineParams(ctx context.Context, v PipelineParams)
- func (o *RunNow) SetPythonNamedParams(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (o *RunNow) SetPythonParams(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *RunNow) SetQueue(ctx context.Context, v QueueSettings)
- func (o *RunNow) SetSparkSubmitParams(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *RunNow) SetSqlParams(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (newState *RunNow) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RunNow)
- func (newState *RunNow) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RunNow)
- func (o RunNow) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o RunNow) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type RunNowResponse
- func (a RunNowResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *RunNowResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RunNowResponse)
- func (newState *RunNowResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RunNowResponse)
- func (o RunNowResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o RunNowResponse) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type RunOutput
- func (a RunOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *RunOutput) GetDbtOutput(ctx context.Context) (DbtOutput, bool)
- func (o *RunOutput) GetMetadata(ctx context.Context) (Run, bool)
- func (o *RunOutput) GetNotebookOutput(ctx context.Context) (NotebookOutput, bool)
- func (o *RunOutput) GetRunJobOutput(ctx context.Context) (RunJobOutput, bool)
- func (o *RunOutput) GetSqlOutput(ctx context.Context) (SqlOutput, bool)
- func (o *RunOutput) SetDbtOutput(ctx context.Context, v DbtOutput)
- func (o *RunOutput) SetMetadata(ctx context.Context, v Run)
- func (o *RunOutput) SetNotebookOutput(ctx context.Context, v NotebookOutput)
- func (o *RunOutput) SetRunJobOutput(ctx context.Context, v RunJobOutput)
- func (o *RunOutput) SetSqlOutput(ctx context.Context, v SqlOutput)
- func (newState *RunOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RunOutput)
- func (newState *RunOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RunOutput)
- func (o RunOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o RunOutput) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type RunParameters
- func (a RunParameters) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *RunParameters) GetDbtCommands(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunParameters) GetJarParams(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunParameters) GetNotebookParams(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunParameters) GetPipelineParams(ctx context.Context) (PipelineParams, bool)
- func (o *RunParameters) GetPythonNamedParams(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunParameters) GetPythonParams(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunParameters) GetSparkSubmitParams(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunParameters) GetSqlParams(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *RunParameters) SetDbtCommands(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *RunParameters) SetJarParams(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *RunParameters) SetNotebookParams(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (o *RunParameters) SetPipelineParams(ctx context.Context, v PipelineParams)
- func (o *RunParameters) SetPythonNamedParams(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (o *RunParameters) SetPythonParams(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *RunParameters) SetSparkSubmitParams(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *RunParameters) SetSqlParams(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (newState *RunParameters) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RunParameters)
- func (newState *RunParameters) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RunParameters)
- func (o RunParameters) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o RunParameters) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type RunState
- func (a RunState) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *RunState) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RunState)
- func (newState *RunState) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RunState)
- func (o RunState) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o RunState) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type RunStatus
- func (a RunStatus) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *RunStatus) GetQueueDetails(ctx context.Context) (QueueDetails, bool)
- func (o *RunStatus) GetTerminationDetails(ctx context.Context) (TerminationDetails, bool)
- func (o *RunStatus) SetQueueDetails(ctx context.Context, v QueueDetails)
- func (o *RunStatus) SetTerminationDetails(ctx context.Context, v TerminationDetails)
- func (newState *RunStatus) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RunStatus)
- func (newState *RunStatus) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RunStatus)
- func (o RunStatus) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o RunStatus) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type RunTask
- func (o *RunTask) GetCleanRoomsNotebookTask(ctx context.Context) (CleanRoomsNotebookTask, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetClusterInstance(ctx context.Context) (ClusterInstance, bool)
- func (a RunTask) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *RunTask) GetConditionTask(ctx context.Context) (RunConditionTask, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetDbtTask(ctx context.Context) (DbtTask, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetDependsOn(ctx context.Context) ([]TaskDependency, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context) (JobEmailNotifications, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetForEachTask(ctx context.Context) (RunForEachTask, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetGitSource(ctx context.Context) (GitSource, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetLibraries(ctx context.Context) ([]compute_tf.Library, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetNewCluster(ctx context.Context) (compute_tf.ClusterSpec, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetNotebookTask(ctx context.Context) (NotebookTask, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context) (TaskNotificationSettings, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetPipelineTask(ctx context.Context) (PipelineTask, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetPythonWheelTask(ctx context.Context) (PythonWheelTask, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetResolvedValues(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedValues, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetRunJobTask(ctx context.Context) (RunJobTask, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetSparkJarTask(ctx context.Context) (SparkJarTask, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetSparkPythonTask(ctx context.Context) (SparkPythonTask, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetSparkSubmitTask(ctx context.Context) (SparkSubmitTask, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetSqlTask(ctx context.Context) (SqlTask, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetState(ctx context.Context) (RunState, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetStatus(ctx context.Context) (RunStatus, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) GetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context) (WebhookNotifications, bool)
- func (o *RunTask) SetCleanRoomsNotebookTask(ctx context.Context, v CleanRoomsNotebookTask)
- func (o *RunTask) SetClusterInstance(ctx context.Context, v ClusterInstance)
- func (o *RunTask) SetConditionTask(ctx context.Context, v RunConditionTask)
- func (o *RunTask) SetDbtTask(ctx context.Context, v DbtTask)
- func (o *RunTask) SetDependsOn(ctx context.Context, v []TaskDependency)
- func (o *RunTask) SetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context, v JobEmailNotifications)
- func (o *RunTask) SetForEachTask(ctx context.Context, v RunForEachTask)
- func (o *RunTask) SetGitSource(ctx context.Context, v GitSource)
- func (o *RunTask) SetLibraries(ctx context.Context, v []compute_tf.Library)
- func (o *RunTask) SetNewCluster(ctx context.Context, v compute_tf.ClusterSpec)
- func (o *RunTask) SetNotebookTask(ctx context.Context, v NotebookTask)
- func (o *RunTask) SetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context, v TaskNotificationSettings)
- func (o *RunTask) SetPipelineTask(ctx context.Context, v PipelineTask)
- func (o *RunTask) SetPythonWheelTask(ctx context.Context, v PythonWheelTask)
- func (o *RunTask) SetResolvedValues(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedValues)
- func (o *RunTask) SetRunJobTask(ctx context.Context, v RunJobTask)
- func (o *RunTask) SetSparkJarTask(ctx context.Context, v SparkJarTask)
- func (o *RunTask) SetSparkPythonTask(ctx context.Context, v SparkPythonTask)
- func (o *RunTask) SetSparkSubmitTask(ctx context.Context, v SparkSubmitTask)
- func (o *RunTask) SetSqlTask(ctx context.Context, v SqlTask)
- func (o *RunTask) SetState(ctx context.Context, v RunState)
- func (o *RunTask) SetStatus(ctx context.Context, v RunStatus)
- func (o *RunTask) SetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context, v WebhookNotifications)
- func (newState *RunTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RunTask)
- func (newState *RunTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RunTask)
- func (o RunTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o RunTask) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type SparkJarTask
- func (a SparkJarTask) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *SparkJarTask) GetParameters(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *SparkJarTask) SetParameters(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (newState *SparkJarTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SparkJarTask)
- func (newState *SparkJarTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SparkJarTask)
- func (o SparkJarTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o SparkJarTask) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type SparkPythonTask
- func (a SparkPythonTask) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *SparkPythonTask) GetParameters(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *SparkPythonTask) SetParameters(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (newState *SparkPythonTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SparkPythonTask)
- func (newState *SparkPythonTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SparkPythonTask)
- func (o SparkPythonTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o SparkPythonTask) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type SparkSubmitTask
- func (a SparkSubmitTask) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *SparkSubmitTask) GetParameters(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *SparkSubmitTask) SetParameters(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (newState *SparkSubmitTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SparkSubmitTask)
- func (newState *SparkSubmitTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SparkSubmitTask)
- func (o SparkSubmitTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o SparkSubmitTask) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type SqlAlertOutput
- func (a SqlAlertOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *SqlAlertOutput) GetSqlStatements(ctx context.Context) ([]SqlStatementOutput, bool)
- func (o *SqlAlertOutput) SetSqlStatements(ctx context.Context, v []SqlStatementOutput)
- func (newState *SqlAlertOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlAlertOutput)
- func (newState *SqlAlertOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlAlertOutput)
- func (o SqlAlertOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o SqlAlertOutput) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type SqlDashboardOutput
- func (a SqlDashboardOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *SqlDashboardOutput) GetWidgets(ctx context.Context) ([]SqlDashboardWidgetOutput, bool)
- func (o *SqlDashboardOutput) SetWidgets(ctx context.Context, v []SqlDashboardWidgetOutput)
- func (newState *SqlDashboardOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlDashboardOutput)
- func (newState *SqlDashboardOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlDashboardOutput)
- func (o SqlDashboardOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o SqlDashboardOutput) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type SqlDashboardWidgetOutput
- func (a SqlDashboardWidgetOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *SqlDashboardWidgetOutput) GetError(ctx context.Context) (SqlOutputError, bool)
- func (o *SqlDashboardWidgetOutput) SetError(ctx context.Context, v SqlOutputError)
- func (newState *SqlDashboardWidgetOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlDashboardWidgetOutput)
- func (newState *SqlDashboardWidgetOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlDashboardWidgetOutput)
- func (o SqlDashboardWidgetOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o SqlDashboardWidgetOutput) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type SqlOutput
- func (o *SqlOutput) GetAlertOutput(ctx context.Context) (SqlAlertOutput, bool)
- func (a SqlOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *SqlOutput) GetDashboardOutput(ctx context.Context) (SqlDashboardOutput, bool)
- func (o *SqlOutput) GetQueryOutput(ctx context.Context) (SqlQueryOutput, bool)
- func (o *SqlOutput) SetAlertOutput(ctx context.Context, v SqlAlertOutput)
- func (o *SqlOutput) SetDashboardOutput(ctx context.Context, v SqlDashboardOutput)
- func (o *SqlOutput) SetQueryOutput(ctx context.Context, v SqlQueryOutput)
- func (newState *SqlOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlOutput)
- func (newState *SqlOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlOutput)
- func (o SqlOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o SqlOutput) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type SqlOutputError
- func (a SqlOutputError) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *SqlOutputError) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlOutputError)
- func (newState *SqlOutputError) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlOutputError)
- func (o SqlOutputError) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o SqlOutputError) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type SqlQueryOutput
- func (a SqlQueryOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *SqlQueryOutput) GetSqlStatements(ctx context.Context) ([]SqlStatementOutput, bool)
- func (o *SqlQueryOutput) SetSqlStatements(ctx context.Context, v []SqlStatementOutput)
- func (newState *SqlQueryOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlQueryOutput)
- func (newState *SqlQueryOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlQueryOutput)
- func (o SqlQueryOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o SqlQueryOutput) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type SqlStatementOutput
- func (a SqlStatementOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *SqlStatementOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlStatementOutput)
- func (newState *SqlStatementOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlStatementOutput)
- func (o SqlStatementOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o SqlStatementOutput) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type SqlTask
- func (o *SqlTask) GetAlert(ctx context.Context) (SqlTaskAlert, bool)
- func (a SqlTask) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *SqlTask) GetDashboard(ctx context.Context) (SqlTaskDashboard, bool)
- func (o *SqlTask) GetFile(ctx context.Context) (SqlTaskFile, bool)
- func (o *SqlTask) GetParameters(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
- func (o *SqlTask) GetQuery(ctx context.Context) (SqlTaskQuery, bool)
- func (o *SqlTask) SetAlert(ctx context.Context, v SqlTaskAlert)
- func (o *SqlTask) SetDashboard(ctx context.Context, v SqlTaskDashboard)
- func (o *SqlTask) SetFile(ctx context.Context, v SqlTaskFile)
- func (o *SqlTask) SetParameters(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
- func (o *SqlTask) SetQuery(ctx context.Context, v SqlTaskQuery)
- func (newState *SqlTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlTask)
- func (newState *SqlTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlTask)
- func (o SqlTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o SqlTask) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type SqlTaskAlert
- func (a SqlTaskAlert) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *SqlTaskAlert) GetSubscriptions(ctx context.Context) ([]SqlTaskSubscription, bool)
- func (o *SqlTaskAlert) SetSubscriptions(ctx context.Context, v []SqlTaskSubscription)
- func (newState *SqlTaskAlert) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlTaskAlert)
- func (newState *SqlTaskAlert) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlTaskAlert)
- func (o SqlTaskAlert) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o SqlTaskAlert) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type SqlTaskDashboard
- func (a SqlTaskDashboard) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *SqlTaskDashboard) GetSubscriptions(ctx context.Context) ([]SqlTaskSubscription, bool)
- func (o *SqlTaskDashboard) SetSubscriptions(ctx context.Context, v []SqlTaskSubscription)
- func (newState *SqlTaskDashboard) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlTaskDashboard)
- func (newState *SqlTaskDashboard) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlTaskDashboard)
- func (o SqlTaskDashboard) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o SqlTaskDashboard) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type SqlTaskFile
- func (a SqlTaskFile) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *SqlTaskFile) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlTaskFile)
- func (newState *SqlTaskFile) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlTaskFile)
- func (o SqlTaskFile) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o SqlTaskFile) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type SqlTaskQuery
- func (a SqlTaskQuery) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *SqlTaskQuery) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlTaskQuery)
- func (newState *SqlTaskQuery) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlTaskQuery)
- func (o SqlTaskQuery) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o SqlTaskQuery) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type SqlTaskSubscription
- func (a SqlTaskSubscription) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *SqlTaskSubscription) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlTaskSubscription)
- func (newState *SqlTaskSubscription) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlTaskSubscription)
- func (o SqlTaskSubscription) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o SqlTaskSubscription) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type SubmitRun
- func (o *SubmitRun) GetAccessControlList(ctx context.Context) ([]JobAccessControlRequest, bool)
- func (a SubmitRun) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *SubmitRun) GetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context) (JobEmailNotifications, bool)
- func (o *SubmitRun) GetEnvironments(ctx context.Context) ([]JobEnvironment, bool)
- func (o *SubmitRun) GetGitSource(ctx context.Context) (GitSource, bool)
- func (o *SubmitRun) GetHealth(ctx context.Context) (JobsHealthRules, bool)
- func (o *SubmitRun) GetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context) (JobNotificationSettings, bool)
- func (o *SubmitRun) GetQueue(ctx context.Context) (QueueSettings, bool)
- func (o *SubmitRun) GetRunAs(ctx context.Context) (JobRunAs, bool)
- func (o *SubmitRun) GetTasks(ctx context.Context) ([]SubmitTask, bool)
- func (o *SubmitRun) GetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context) (WebhookNotifications, bool)
- func (o *SubmitRun) SetAccessControlList(ctx context.Context, v []JobAccessControlRequest)
- func (o *SubmitRun) SetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context, v JobEmailNotifications)
- func (o *SubmitRun) SetEnvironments(ctx context.Context, v []JobEnvironment)
- func (o *SubmitRun) SetGitSource(ctx context.Context, v GitSource)
- func (o *SubmitRun) SetHealth(ctx context.Context, v JobsHealthRules)
- func (o *SubmitRun) SetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context, v JobNotificationSettings)
- func (o *SubmitRun) SetQueue(ctx context.Context, v QueueSettings)
- func (o *SubmitRun) SetRunAs(ctx context.Context, v JobRunAs)
- func (o *SubmitRun) SetTasks(ctx context.Context, v []SubmitTask)
- func (o *SubmitRun) SetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context, v WebhookNotifications)
- func (newState *SubmitRun) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SubmitRun)
- func (newState *SubmitRun) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SubmitRun)
- func (o SubmitRun) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o SubmitRun) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type SubmitRunResponse
- func (a SubmitRunResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *SubmitRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SubmitRunResponse)
- func (newState *SubmitRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SubmitRunResponse)
- func (o SubmitRunResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o SubmitRunResponse) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type SubmitTask
- func (o *SubmitTask) GetCleanRoomsNotebookTask(ctx context.Context) (CleanRoomsNotebookTask, bool)
- func (a SubmitTask) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *SubmitTask) GetConditionTask(ctx context.Context) (ConditionTask, bool)
- func (o *SubmitTask) GetDbtTask(ctx context.Context) (DbtTask, bool)
- func (o *SubmitTask) GetDependsOn(ctx context.Context) ([]TaskDependency, bool)
- func (o *SubmitTask) GetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context) (JobEmailNotifications, bool)
- func (o *SubmitTask) GetForEachTask(ctx context.Context) (ForEachTask, bool)
- func (o *SubmitTask) GetHealth(ctx context.Context) (JobsHealthRules, bool)
- func (o *SubmitTask) GetLibraries(ctx context.Context) ([]compute_tf.Library, bool)
- func (o *SubmitTask) GetNewCluster(ctx context.Context) (compute_tf.ClusterSpec, bool)
- func (o *SubmitTask) GetNotebookTask(ctx context.Context) (NotebookTask, bool)
- func (o *SubmitTask) GetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context) (TaskNotificationSettings, bool)
- func (o *SubmitTask) GetPipelineTask(ctx context.Context) (PipelineTask, bool)
- func (o *SubmitTask) GetPythonWheelTask(ctx context.Context) (PythonWheelTask, bool)
- func (o *SubmitTask) GetRunJobTask(ctx context.Context) (RunJobTask, bool)
- func (o *SubmitTask) GetSparkJarTask(ctx context.Context) (SparkJarTask, bool)
- func (o *SubmitTask) GetSparkPythonTask(ctx context.Context) (SparkPythonTask, bool)
- func (o *SubmitTask) GetSparkSubmitTask(ctx context.Context) (SparkSubmitTask, bool)
- func (o *SubmitTask) GetSqlTask(ctx context.Context) (SqlTask, bool)
- func (o *SubmitTask) GetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context) (WebhookNotifications, bool)
- func (o *SubmitTask) SetCleanRoomsNotebookTask(ctx context.Context, v CleanRoomsNotebookTask)
- func (o *SubmitTask) SetConditionTask(ctx context.Context, v ConditionTask)
- func (o *SubmitTask) SetDbtTask(ctx context.Context, v DbtTask)
- func (o *SubmitTask) SetDependsOn(ctx context.Context, v []TaskDependency)
- func (o *SubmitTask) SetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context, v JobEmailNotifications)
- func (o *SubmitTask) SetForEachTask(ctx context.Context, v ForEachTask)
- func (o *SubmitTask) SetHealth(ctx context.Context, v JobsHealthRules)
- func (o *SubmitTask) SetLibraries(ctx context.Context, v []compute_tf.Library)
- func (o *SubmitTask) SetNewCluster(ctx context.Context, v compute_tf.ClusterSpec)
- func (o *SubmitTask) SetNotebookTask(ctx context.Context, v NotebookTask)
- func (o *SubmitTask) SetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context, v TaskNotificationSettings)
- func (o *SubmitTask) SetPipelineTask(ctx context.Context, v PipelineTask)
- func (o *SubmitTask) SetPythonWheelTask(ctx context.Context, v PythonWheelTask)
- func (o *SubmitTask) SetRunJobTask(ctx context.Context, v RunJobTask)
- func (o *SubmitTask) SetSparkJarTask(ctx context.Context, v SparkJarTask)
- func (o *SubmitTask) SetSparkPythonTask(ctx context.Context, v SparkPythonTask)
- func (o *SubmitTask) SetSparkSubmitTask(ctx context.Context, v SparkSubmitTask)
- func (o *SubmitTask) SetSqlTask(ctx context.Context, v SqlTask)
- func (o *SubmitTask) SetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context, v WebhookNotifications)
- func (newState *SubmitTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SubmitTask)
- func (newState *SubmitTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SubmitTask)
- func (o SubmitTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o SubmitTask) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration
- func (a TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration) GetTableNames(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration) SetTableNames(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (newState *TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration)
- func (newState *TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration)
- func (o TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type Task
- func (o *Task) GetCleanRoomsNotebookTask(ctx context.Context) (CleanRoomsNotebookTask, bool)
- func (a Task) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *Task) GetConditionTask(ctx context.Context) (ConditionTask, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetDbtTask(ctx context.Context) (DbtTask, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetDependsOn(ctx context.Context) ([]TaskDependency, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context) (TaskEmailNotifications, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetForEachTask(ctx context.Context) (ForEachTask, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetHealth(ctx context.Context) (JobsHealthRules, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetLibraries(ctx context.Context) ([]compute_tf.Library, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetNewCluster(ctx context.Context) (compute_tf.ClusterSpec, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetNotebookTask(ctx context.Context) (NotebookTask, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context) (TaskNotificationSettings, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetPipelineTask(ctx context.Context) (PipelineTask, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetPythonWheelTask(ctx context.Context) (PythonWheelTask, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetRunJobTask(ctx context.Context) (RunJobTask, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetSparkJarTask(ctx context.Context) (SparkJarTask, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetSparkPythonTask(ctx context.Context) (SparkPythonTask, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetSparkSubmitTask(ctx context.Context) (SparkSubmitTask, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetSqlTask(ctx context.Context) (SqlTask, bool)
- func (o *Task) GetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context) (WebhookNotifications, bool)
- func (o *Task) SetCleanRoomsNotebookTask(ctx context.Context, v CleanRoomsNotebookTask)
- func (o *Task) SetConditionTask(ctx context.Context, v ConditionTask)
- func (o *Task) SetDbtTask(ctx context.Context, v DbtTask)
- func (o *Task) SetDependsOn(ctx context.Context, v []TaskDependency)
- func (o *Task) SetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context, v TaskEmailNotifications)
- func (o *Task) SetForEachTask(ctx context.Context, v ForEachTask)
- func (o *Task) SetHealth(ctx context.Context, v JobsHealthRules)
- func (o *Task) SetLibraries(ctx context.Context, v []compute_tf.Library)
- func (o *Task) SetNewCluster(ctx context.Context, v compute_tf.ClusterSpec)
- func (o *Task) SetNotebookTask(ctx context.Context, v NotebookTask)
- func (o *Task) SetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context, v TaskNotificationSettings)
- func (o *Task) SetPipelineTask(ctx context.Context, v PipelineTask)
- func (o *Task) SetPythonWheelTask(ctx context.Context, v PythonWheelTask)
- func (o *Task) SetRunJobTask(ctx context.Context, v RunJobTask)
- func (o *Task) SetSparkJarTask(ctx context.Context, v SparkJarTask)
- func (o *Task) SetSparkPythonTask(ctx context.Context, v SparkPythonTask)
- func (o *Task) SetSparkSubmitTask(ctx context.Context, v SparkSubmitTask)
- func (o *Task) SetSqlTask(ctx context.Context, v SqlTask)
- func (o *Task) SetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context, v WebhookNotifications)
- func (newState *Task) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan Task)
- func (newState *Task) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState Task)
- func (o Task) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o Task) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type TaskDependency
- func (a TaskDependency) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *TaskDependency) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan TaskDependency)
- func (newState *TaskDependency) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState TaskDependency)
- func (o TaskDependency) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o TaskDependency) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type TaskEmailNotifications
- func (a TaskEmailNotifications) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *TaskEmailNotifications) GetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *TaskEmailNotifications) GetOnFailure(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *TaskEmailNotifications) GetOnStart(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *TaskEmailNotifications) GetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *TaskEmailNotifications) GetOnSuccess(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *TaskEmailNotifications) SetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *TaskEmailNotifications) SetOnFailure(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *TaskEmailNotifications) SetOnStart(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *TaskEmailNotifications) SetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *TaskEmailNotifications) SetOnSuccess(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (newState *TaskEmailNotifications) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan TaskEmailNotifications)
- func (newState *TaskEmailNotifications) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState TaskEmailNotifications)
- func (o TaskEmailNotifications) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o TaskEmailNotifications) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type TaskNotificationSettings
- func (a TaskNotificationSettings) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *TaskNotificationSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan TaskNotificationSettings)
- func (newState *TaskNotificationSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState TaskNotificationSettings)
- func (o TaskNotificationSettings) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o TaskNotificationSettings) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type TerminationDetails
- func (a TerminationDetails) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *TerminationDetails) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan TerminationDetails)
- func (newState *TerminationDetails) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState TerminationDetails)
- func (o TerminationDetails) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o TerminationDetails) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type TriggerInfo
- func (a TriggerInfo) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *TriggerInfo) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan TriggerInfo)
- func (newState *TriggerInfo) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState TriggerInfo)
- func (o TriggerInfo) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o TriggerInfo) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type TriggerSettings
- func (a TriggerSettings) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *TriggerSettings) GetFileArrival(ctx context.Context) (FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration, bool)
- func (o *TriggerSettings) GetPeriodic(ctx context.Context) (PeriodicTriggerConfiguration, bool)
- func (o *TriggerSettings) GetTable(ctx context.Context) (TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration, bool)
- func (o *TriggerSettings) GetTableUpdate(ctx context.Context) (TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration, bool)
- func (o *TriggerSettings) SetFileArrival(ctx context.Context, v FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration)
- func (o *TriggerSettings) SetPeriodic(ctx context.Context, v PeriodicTriggerConfiguration)
- func (o *TriggerSettings) SetTable(ctx context.Context, v TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration)
- func (o *TriggerSettings) SetTableUpdate(ctx context.Context, v TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration)
- func (newState *TriggerSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan TriggerSettings)
- func (newState *TriggerSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState TriggerSettings)
- func (o TriggerSettings) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o TriggerSettings) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type UpdateJob
- func (a UpdateJob) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *UpdateJob) GetFieldsToRemove(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
- func (o *UpdateJob) GetNewSettings(ctx context.Context) (JobSettings, bool)
- func (o *UpdateJob) SetFieldsToRemove(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
- func (o *UpdateJob) SetNewSettings(ctx context.Context, v JobSettings)
- func (newState *UpdateJob) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan UpdateJob)
- func (newState *UpdateJob) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState UpdateJob)
- func (o UpdateJob) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o UpdateJob) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type UpdateResponse
- func (a UpdateResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *UpdateResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan UpdateResponse)
- func (newState *UpdateResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState UpdateResponse)
- func (o UpdateResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o UpdateResponse) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type ViewItem
- func (a ViewItem) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *ViewItem) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ViewItem)
- func (newState *ViewItem) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ViewItem)
- func (o ViewItem) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o ViewItem) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type Webhook
- func (a Webhook) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (newState *Webhook) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan Webhook)
- func (newState *Webhook) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState Webhook)
- func (o Webhook) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o Webhook) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
- type WebhookNotifications
- func (a WebhookNotifications) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
- func (o *WebhookNotifications) GetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded(ctx context.Context) ([]Webhook, bool)
- func (o *WebhookNotifications) GetOnFailure(ctx context.Context) ([]Webhook, bool)
- func (o *WebhookNotifications) GetOnStart(ctx context.Context) ([]Webhook, bool)
- func (o *WebhookNotifications) GetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded(ctx context.Context) ([]Webhook, bool)
- func (o *WebhookNotifications) GetOnSuccess(ctx context.Context) ([]Webhook, bool)
- func (o *WebhookNotifications) SetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded(ctx context.Context, v []Webhook)
- func (o *WebhookNotifications) SetOnFailure(ctx context.Context, v []Webhook)
- func (o *WebhookNotifications) SetOnStart(ctx context.Context, v []Webhook)
- func (o *WebhookNotifications) SetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded(ctx context.Context, v []Webhook)
- func (o *WebhookNotifications) SetOnSuccess(ctx context.Context, v []Webhook)
- func (newState *WebhookNotifications) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan WebhookNotifications)
- func (newState *WebhookNotifications) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState WebhookNotifications)
- func (o WebhookNotifications) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
- func (o WebhookNotifications) Type(ctx context.Context) attr.Type
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type BaseJob ¶
type BaseJob struct { // The time at which this job was created in epoch milliseconds // (milliseconds since 1/1/1970 UTC). CreatedTime types.Int64 `tfsdk:"created_time" tf:"optional"` // The creator user name. This field won’t be included in the response if // the user has already been deleted. CreatorUserName types.String `tfsdk:"creator_user_name" tf:"optional"` // The id of the budget policy used by this job for cost attribution // purposes. This may be set through (in order of precedence): 1. Budget // admins through the account or workspace console 2. Jobs UI in the job // details page and Jobs API using `budget_policy_id` 3. Inferred default // based on accessible budget policies of the run_as identity on job // creation or modification. EffectiveBudgetPolicyId types.String `tfsdk:"effective_budget_policy_id" tf:"computed"` // The canonical identifier for this job. JobId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"job_id" tf:"optional"` // Settings for this job and all of its runs. These settings can be updated // using the `resetJob` method. Settings types.List `tfsdk:"settings" tf:"optional,object"` }
func (BaseJob) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in BaseJob. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*BaseJob) GetSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *BaseJob) GetSettings(ctx context.Context) (JobSettings, bool)
GetSettings returns the value of the Settings field in BaseJob as a JobSettings value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*BaseJob) SetSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *BaseJob) SetSettings(ctx context.Context, v JobSettings)
SetSettings sets the value of the Settings field in BaseJob.
func (*BaseJob) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*BaseJob) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (BaseJob) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o BaseJob) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, BaseJob only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type BaseRun ¶
type BaseRun struct { // The sequence number of this run attempt for a triggered job run. The // initial attempt of a run has an attempt_number of 0. If the initial run // attempt fails, and the job has a retry policy (`max_retries` > 0), // subsequent runs are created with an `original_attempt_run_id` of the // original attempt’s ID and an incrementing `attempt_number`. Runs are // retried only until they succeed, and the maximum `attempt_number` is the // same as the `max_retries` value for the job. AttemptNumber types.Int64 `tfsdk:"attempt_number" tf:"optional"` // The time in milliseconds it took to terminate the cluster and clean up // any associated artifacts. The duration of a task run is the sum of the // `setup_duration`, `execution_duration`, and the `cleanup_duration`. The // `cleanup_duration` field is set to 0 for multitask job runs. The total // duration of a multitask job run is the value of the `run_duration` field. CleanupDuration types.Int64 `tfsdk:"cleanup_duration" tf:"optional"` // The cluster used for this run. If the run is specified to use a new // cluster, this field is set once the Jobs service has requested a cluster // for the run. ClusterInstance types.List `tfsdk:"cluster_instance" tf:"optional,object"` // A snapshot of the job’s cluster specification when this run was // created. ClusterSpec types.List `tfsdk:"cluster_spec" tf:"optional,object"` // The creator user name. This field won’t be included in the response if // the user has already been deleted. CreatorUserName types.String `tfsdk:"creator_user_name" tf:"optional"` // Description of the run Description types.String `tfsdk:"description" tf:"optional"` // The time at which this run ended in epoch milliseconds (milliseconds // since 1/1/1970 UTC). This field is set to 0 if the job is still running. EndTime types.Int64 `tfsdk:"end_time" tf:"optional"` // The time in milliseconds it took to execute the commands in the JAR or // notebook until they completed, failed, timed out, were cancelled, or // encountered an unexpected error. The duration of a task run is the sum of // the `setup_duration`, `execution_duration`, and the `cleanup_duration`. // The `execution_duration` field is set to 0 for multitask job runs. The // total duration of a multitask job run is the value of the `run_duration` // field. ExecutionDuration types.Int64 `tfsdk:"execution_duration" tf:"optional"` // An optional specification for a remote Git repository containing the // source code used by tasks. Version-controlled source code is supported by // notebook, dbt, Python script, and SQL File tasks. // // If `git_source` is set, these tasks retrieve the file from the remote // repository by default. However, this behavior can be overridden by // setting `source` to `WORKSPACE` on the task. // // Note: dbt and SQL File tasks support only version-controlled sources. If // dbt or SQL File tasks are used, `git_source` must be defined on the job. GitSource types.List `tfsdk:"git_source" tf:"optional,object"` // A list of job cluster specifications that can be shared and reused by // tasks of this job. Libraries cannot be declared in a shared job cluster. // You must declare dependent libraries in task settings. JobClusters types.List `tfsdk:"job_clusters" tf:"optional"` // The canonical identifier of the job that contains this run. JobId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"job_id" tf:"optional"` // Job-level parameters used in the run JobParameters types.List `tfsdk:"job_parameters" tf:"optional"` // ID of the job run that this run belongs to. For legacy and single-task // job runs the field is populated with the job run ID. For task runs, the // field is populated with the ID of the job run that the task run belongs // to. JobRunId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"job_run_id" tf:"optional"` // A unique identifier for this job run. This is set to the same value as // `run_id`. NumberInJob types.Int64 `tfsdk:"number_in_job" tf:"optional"` // If this run is a retry of a prior run attempt, this field contains the // run_id of the original attempt; otherwise, it is the same as the run_id. OriginalAttemptRunId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"original_attempt_run_id" tf:"optional"` // The parameters used for this run. OverridingParameters types.List `tfsdk:"overriding_parameters" tf:"optional,object"` // The time in milliseconds that the run has spent in the queue. QueueDuration types.Int64 `tfsdk:"queue_duration" tf:"optional"` // The repair history of the run. RepairHistory types.List `tfsdk:"repair_history" tf:"optional"` // The time in milliseconds it took the job run and all of its repairs to // finish. RunDuration types.Int64 `tfsdk:"run_duration" tf:"optional"` // The canonical identifier of the run. This ID is unique across all runs of // all jobs. RunId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"run_id" tf:"optional"` // An optional name for the run. The maximum length is 4096 bytes in UTF-8 // encoding. RunName types.String `tfsdk:"run_name" tf:"optional"` // The URL to the detail page of the run. RunPageUrl types.String `tfsdk:"run_page_url" tf:"optional"` // The type of a run. * `JOB_RUN`: Normal job run. A run created with // :method:jobs/runNow. * `WORKFLOW_RUN`: Workflow run. A run created with // []. * `SUBMIT_RUN`: Submit run. A run created with // :method:jobs/submit. // // []: RunType types.String `tfsdk:"run_type" tf:"optional"` // The cron schedule that triggered this run if it was triggered by the // periodic scheduler. Schedule types.List `tfsdk:"schedule" tf:"optional,object"` // The time in milliseconds it took to set up the cluster. For runs that run // on new clusters this is the cluster creation time, for runs that run on // existing clusters this time should be very short. The duration of a task // run is the sum of the `setup_duration`, `execution_duration`, and the // `cleanup_duration`. The `setup_duration` field is set to 0 for multitask // job runs. The total duration of a multitask job run is the value of the // `run_duration` field. SetupDuration types.Int64 `tfsdk:"setup_duration" tf:"optional"` // The time at which this run was started in epoch milliseconds // (milliseconds since 1/1/1970 UTC). This may not be the time when the job // task starts executing, for example, if the job is scheduled to run on a // new cluster, this is the time the cluster creation call is issued. StartTime types.Int64 `tfsdk:"start_time" tf:"optional"` // Deprecated. Please use the `status` field instead. State types.List `tfsdk:"state" tf:"optional,object"` // The current status of the run Status types.List `tfsdk:"status" tf:"optional,object"` // The list of tasks performed by the run. Each task has its own `run_id` // which you can use to call `JobsGetOutput` to retrieve the run resutls. Tasks types.List `tfsdk:"tasks" tf:"optional"` // The type of trigger that fired this run. // // * `PERIODIC`: Schedules that periodically trigger runs, such as a cron // scheduler. * `ONE_TIME`: One time triggers that fire a single run. This // occurs you triggered a single run on demand through the UI or the API. * // `RETRY`: Indicates a run that is triggered as a retry of a previously // failed run. This occurs when you request to re-run the job in case of // failures. * `RUN_JOB_TASK`: Indicates a run that is triggered using a Run // Job task. * `FILE_ARRIVAL`: Indicates a run that is triggered by a file // arrival. * `TABLE`: Indicates a run that is triggered by a table update. // * `CONTINUOUS_RESTART`: Indicates a run created by user to manually // restart a continuous job run. Trigger types.String `tfsdk:"trigger" tf:"optional"` // Additional details about what triggered the run TriggerInfo types.List `tfsdk:"trigger_info" tf:"optional,object"` }
func (*BaseRun) GetClusterInstance ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *BaseRun) GetClusterInstance(ctx context.Context) (ClusterInstance, bool)
GetClusterInstance returns the value of the ClusterInstance field in BaseRun as a ClusterInstance value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*BaseRun) GetClusterSpec ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *BaseRun) GetClusterSpec(ctx context.Context) (ClusterSpec, bool)
GetClusterSpec returns the value of the ClusterSpec field in BaseRun as a ClusterSpec value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (BaseRun) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in BaseRun. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*BaseRun) GetGitSource ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetGitSource returns the value of the GitSource field in BaseRun as a GitSource value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*BaseRun) GetJobClusters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *BaseRun) GetJobClusters(ctx context.Context) ([]JobCluster, bool)
GetJobClusters returns the value of the JobClusters field in BaseRun as a slice of JobCluster values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*BaseRun) GetJobParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *BaseRun) GetJobParameters(ctx context.Context) ([]JobParameter, bool)
GetJobParameters returns the value of the JobParameters field in BaseRun as a slice of JobParameter values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*BaseRun) GetOverridingParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *BaseRun) GetOverridingParameters(ctx context.Context) (RunParameters, bool)
GetOverridingParameters returns the value of the OverridingParameters field in BaseRun as a RunParameters value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*BaseRun) GetRepairHistory ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *BaseRun) GetRepairHistory(ctx context.Context) ([]RepairHistoryItem, bool)
GetRepairHistory returns the value of the RepairHistory field in BaseRun as a slice of RepairHistoryItem values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*BaseRun) GetSchedule ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *BaseRun) GetSchedule(ctx context.Context) (CronSchedule, bool)
GetSchedule returns the value of the Schedule field in BaseRun as a CronSchedule value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*BaseRun) GetState ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetState returns the value of the State field in BaseRun as a RunState value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*BaseRun) GetStatus ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetStatus returns the value of the Status field in BaseRun as a RunStatus value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*BaseRun) GetTasks ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetTasks returns the value of the Tasks field in BaseRun as a slice of RunTask values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*BaseRun) GetTriggerInfo ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *BaseRun) GetTriggerInfo(ctx context.Context) (TriggerInfo, bool)
GetTriggerInfo returns the value of the TriggerInfo field in BaseRun as a TriggerInfo value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*BaseRun) SetClusterInstance ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *BaseRun) SetClusterInstance(ctx context.Context, v ClusterInstance)
SetClusterInstance sets the value of the ClusterInstance field in BaseRun.
func (*BaseRun) SetClusterSpec ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *BaseRun) SetClusterSpec(ctx context.Context, v ClusterSpec)
SetClusterSpec sets the value of the ClusterSpec field in BaseRun.
func (*BaseRun) SetGitSource ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetGitSource sets the value of the GitSource field in BaseRun.
func (*BaseRun) SetJobClusters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *BaseRun) SetJobClusters(ctx context.Context, v []JobCluster)
SetJobClusters sets the value of the JobClusters field in BaseRun.
func (*BaseRun) SetJobParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *BaseRun) SetJobParameters(ctx context.Context, v []JobParameter)
SetJobParameters sets the value of the JobParameters field in BaseRun.
func (*BaseRun) SetOverridingParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *BaseRun) SetOverridingParameters(ctx context.Context, v RunParameters)
SetOverridingParameters sets the value of the OverridingParameters field in BaseRun.
func (*BaseRun) SetRepairHistory ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *BaseRun) SetRepairHistory(ctx context.Context, v []RepairHistoryItem)
SetRepairHistory sets the value of the RepairHistory field in BaseRun.
func (*BaseRun) SetSchedule ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *BaseRun) SetSchedule(ctx context.Context, v CronSchedule)
SetSchedule sets the value of the Schedule field in BaseRun.
func (*BaseRun) SetStatus ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetStatus sets the value of the Status field in BaseRun.
func (*BaseRun) SetTriggerInfo ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *BaseRun) SetTriggerInfo(ctx context.Context, v TriggerInfo)
SetTriggerInfo sets the value of the TriggerInfo field in BaseRun.
func (*BaseRun) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*BaseRun) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (BaseRun) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o BaseRun) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, BaseRun only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type CancelAllRuns ¶
type CancelAllRuns struct { // Optional boolean parameter to cancel all queued runs. If no job_id is // provided, all queued runs in the workspace are canceled. AllQueuedRuns types.Bool `tfsdk:"all_queued_runs" tf:"optional"` // The canonical identifier of the job to cancel all runs of. JobId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"job_id" tf:"optional"` }
func (CancelAllRuns) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in CancelAllRuns. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*CancelAllRuns) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *CancelAllRuns) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan CancelAllRuns)
func (*CancelAllRuns) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *CancelAllRuns) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState CancelAllRuns)
func (CancelAllRuns) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o CancelAllRuns) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, CancelAllRuns only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type CancelAllRunsResponse ¶
type CancelAllRunsResponse struct { }
func (CancelAllRunsResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in CancelAllRunsResponse. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*CancelAllRunsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *CancelAllRunsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan CancelAllRunsResponse)
func (*CancelAllRunsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *CancelAllRunsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState CancelAllRunsResponse)
func (CancelAllRunsResponse) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o CancelAllRunsResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, CancelAllRunsResponse only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type CancelRun ¶
func (CancelRun) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in CancelRun. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*CancelRun) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*CancelRun) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (CancelRun) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o CancelRun) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, CancelRun only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type CancelRunResponse ¶
type CancelRunResponse struct { }
func (CancelRunResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in CancelRunResponse. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*CancelRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *CancelRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan CancelRunResponse)
func (*CancelRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *CancelRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState CancelRunResponse)
func (CancelRunResponse) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o CancelRunResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, CancelRunResponse only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type CleanRoomTaskRunState ¶ added in v1.60.0
type CleanRoomTaskRunState struct { // A value indicating the run's current lifecycle state. This field is // always available in the response. LifeCycleState types.String `tfsdk:"life_cycle_state" tf:"optional"` // A value indicating the run's result. This field is only available for // terminal lifecycle states. ResultState types.String `tfsdk:"result_state" tf:"optional"` }
Stores the run state of the clean rooms notebook task.
func (CleanRoomTaskRunState) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in CleanRoomTaskRunState. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*CleanRoomTaskRunState) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.60.0
func (newState *CleanRoomTaskRunState) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan CleanRoomTaskRunState)
func (*CleanRoomTaskRunState) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.60.0
func (newState *CleanRoomTaskRunState) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState CleanRoomTaskRunState)
func (CleanRoomTaskRunState) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o CleanRoomTaskRunState) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, CleanRoomTaskRunState only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type CleanRoomsNotebookTask ¶ added in v1.62.0
type CleanRoomsNotebookTask struct { // The clean room that the notebook belongs to. CleanRoomName types.String `tfsdk:"clean_room_name" tf:""` // Checksum to validate the freshness of the notebook resource (i.e. the // notebook being run is the latest version). It can be fetched by calling // the :method:cleanroomassets/get API. Etag types.String `tfsdk:"etag" tf:"optional"` // Base parameters to be used for the clean room notebook job. NotebookBaseParameters types.Map `tfsdk:"notebook_base_parameters" tf:"optional"` // Name of the notebook being run. NotebookName types.String `tfsdk:"notebook_name" tf:""` }
func (CleanRoomsNotebookTask) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.62.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in CleanRoomsNotebookTask. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*CleanRoomsNotebookTask) GetNotebookBaseParameters ¶ added in v1.62.0
func (o *CleanRoomsNotebookTask) GetNotebookBaseParameters(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
GetNotebookBaseParameters returns the value of the NotebookBaseParameters field in CleanRoomsNotebookTask as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*CleanRoomsNotebookTask) SetNotebookBaseParameters ¶ added in v1.62.0
func (o *CleanRoomsNotebookTask) SetNotebookBaseParameters(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
SetNotebookBaseParameters sets the value of the NotebookBaseParameters field in CleanRoomsNotebookTask.
func (*CleanRoomsNotebookTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.62.0
func (newState *CleanRoomsNotebookTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan CleanRoomsNotebookTask)
func (*CleanRoomsNotebookTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.62.0
func (newState *CleanRoomsNotebookTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState CleanRoomsNotebookTask)
func (CleanRoomsNotebookTask) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.62.0
func (o CleanRoomsNotebookTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, CleanRoomsNotebookTask only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ClusterInstance ¶
type ClusterInstance struct { // The canonical identifier for the cluster used by a run. This field is // always available for runs on existing clusters. For runs on new clusters, // it becomes available once the cluster is created. This value can be used // to view logs by browsing to `/#setting/sparkui/$cluster_id/driver-logs`. // The logs continue to be available after the run completes. // // The response won’t include this field if the identifier is not // available yet. ClusterId types.String `tfsdk:"cluster_id" tf:"optional"` // The canonical identifier for the Spark context used by a run. This field // is filled in once the run begins execution. This value can be used to // view the Spark UI by browsing to // `/#setting/sparkui/$cluster_id/$spark_context_id`. The Spark UI continues // to be available after the run has completed. // // The response won’t include this field if the identifier is not // available yet. SparkContextId types.String `tfsdk:"spark_context_id" tf:"optional"` }
func (ClusterInstance) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ClusterInstance. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ClusterInstance) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ClusterInstance) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ClusterInstance)
func (*ClusterInstance) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ClusterInstance) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ClusterInstance)
func (ClusterInstance) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ClusterInstance) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ClusterInstance only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ClusterSpec ¶
type ClusterSpec struct { // If existing_cluster_id, the ID of an existing cluster that is used for // all runs. When running jobs or tasks on an existing cluster, you may need // to manually restart the cluster if it stops responding. We suggest // running jobs and tasks on new clusters for greater reliability ExistingClusterId types.String `tfsdk:"existing_cluster_id" tf:"optional"` // If job_cluster_key, this task is executed reusing the cluster specified // in `job.settings.job_clusters`. JobClusterKey types.String `tfsdk:"job_cluster_key" tf:"optional"` // An optional list of libraries to be installed on the cluster. The default // value is an empty list. Libraries types.List `tfsdk:"library" tf:"optional"` // If new_cluster, a description of a new cluster that is created for each // run. NewCluster types.List `tfsdk:"new_cluster" tf:"optional,object"` }
func (ClusterSpec) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ClusterSpec. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ClusterSpec) GetLibraries ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ClusterSpec) GetLibraries(ctx context.Context) ([]compute_tf.Library, bool)
GetLibraries returns the value of the Libraries field in ClusterSpec as a slice of compute_tf.Library values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ClusterSpec) GetNewCluster ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ClusterSpec) GetNewCluster(ctx context.Context) (compute_tf.ClusterSpec, bool)
GetNewCluster returns the value of the NewCluster field in ClusterSpec as a compute_tf.ClusterSpec value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ClusterSpec) SetLibraries ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ClusterSpec) SetLibraries(ctx context.Context, v []compute_tf.Library)
SetLibraries sets the value of the Libraries field in ClusterSpec.
func (*ClusterSpec) SetNewCluster ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ClusterSpec) SetNewCluster(ctx context.Context, v compute_tf.ClusterSpec)
SetNewCluster sets the value of the NewCluster field in ClusterSpec.
func (*ClusterSpec) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ClusterSpec) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ClusterSpec)
func (*ClusterSpec) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ClusterSpec) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ClusterSpec)
func (ClusterSpec) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ClusterSpec) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ClusterSpec only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ConditionTask ¶
type ConditionTask struct { // The left operand of the condition task. Can be either a string value or a // job state or parameter reference. Left types.String `tfsdk:"left" tf:""` // * `EQUAL_TO`, `NOT_EQUAL` operators perform string comparison of their // operands. This means that `“12.0” == “12”` will evaluate to // `false`. * `GREATER_THAN`, `GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL`, `LESS_THAN`, // `LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL` operators perform numeric comparison of their // operands. `“12.0” >= “12”` will evaluate to `true`, `“10.0” // >= “12”` will evaluate to `false`. // // The boolean comparison to task values can be implemented with operators // `EQUAL_TO`, `NOT_EQUAL`. If a task value was set to a boolean value, it // will be serialized to `“true”` or `“false”` for the comparison. Op types.String `tfsdk:"op" tf:""` // The right operand of the condition task. Can be either a string value or // a job state or parameter reference. Right types.String `tfsdk:"right" tf:""` }
func (ConditionTask) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ConditionTask. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ConditionTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ConditionTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ConditionTask)
func (*ConditionTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ConditionTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ConditionTask)
func (ConditionTask) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ConditionTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ConditionTask only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type Continuous ¶
type Continuous struct { // Indicate whether the continuous execution of the job is paused or not. // Defaults to UNPAUSED. PauseStatus types.String `tfsdk:"pause_status" tf:"optional"` }
func (Continuous) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in Continuous. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*Continuous) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *Continuous) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan Continuous)
func (*Continuous) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *Continuous) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState Continuous)
func (Continuous) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o Continuous) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, Continuous only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type CreateJob ¶
type CreateJob struct { // List of permissions to set on the job. AccessControlList types.List `tfsdk:"access_control_list" tf:"optional"` // The id of the user specified budget policy to use for this job. If not // specified, a default budget policy may be applied when creating or // modifying the job. See `effective_budget_policy_id` for the budget policy // used by this workload. BudgetPolicyId types.String `tfsdk:"budget_policy_id" tf:"optional"` // An optional continuous property for this job. The continuous property // will ensure that there is always one run executing. Only one of // `schedule` and `continuous` can be used. Continuous types.List `tfsdk:"continuous" tf:"optional,object"` // Deployment information for jobs managed by external sources. Deployment types.List `tfsdk:"deployment" tf:"optional,object"` // An optional description for the job. The maximum length is 27700 // characters in UTF-8 encoding. Description types.String `tfsdk:"description" tf:"optional"` // Edit mode of the job. // // * `UI_LOCKED`: The job is in a locked UI state and cannot be modified. * // `EDITABLE`: The job is in an editable state and can be modified. EditMode types.String `tfsdk:"edit_mode" tf:"optional"` // An optional set of email addresses that is notified when runs of this job // begin or complete as well as when this job is deleted. EmailNotifications types.List `tfsdk:"email_notifications" tf:"optional,object"` // A list of task execution environment specifications that can be // referenced by serverless tasks of this job. An environment is required to // be present for serverless tasks. For serverless notebook tasks, the // environment is accessible in the notebook environment panel. For other // serverless tasks, the task environment is required to be specified using // environment_key in the task settings. Environments types.List `tfsdk:"environment" tf:"optional"` // Used to tell what is the format of the job. This field is ignored in // Create/Update/Reset calls. When using the Jobs API 2.1 this value is // always set to `"MULTI_TASK"`. Format types.String `tfsdk:"format" tf:"optional"` // An optional specification for a remote Git repository containing the // source code used by tasks. Version-controlled source code is supported by // notebook, dbt, Python script, and SQL File tasks. // // If `git_source` is set, these tasks retrieve the file from the remote // repository by default. However, this behavior can be overridden by // setting `source` to `WORKSPACE` on the task. // // Note: dbt and SQL File tasks support only version-controlled sources. If // dbt or SQL File tasks are used, `git_source` must be defined on the job. GitSource types.List `tfsdk:"git_source" tf:"optional,object"` // An optional set of health rules that can be defined for this job. Health types.List `tfsdk:"health" tf:"optional,object"` // A list of job cluster specifications that can be shared and reused by // tasks of this job. Libraries cannot be declared in a shared job cluster. // You must declare dependent libraries in task settings. JobClusters types.List `tfsdk:"job_cluster" tf:"optional"` // An optional maximum allowed number of concurrent runs of the job. Set // this value if you want to be able to execute multiple runs of the same // job concurrently. This is useful for example if you trigger your job on a // frequent schedule and want to allow consecutive runs to overlap with each // other, or if you want to trigger multiple runs which differ by their // input parameters. This setting affects only new runs. For example, // suppose the job’s concurrency is 4 and there are 4 concurrent active // runs. Then setting the concurrency to 3 won’t kill any of the active // runs. However, from then on, new runs are skipped unless there are fewer // than 3 active runs. This value cannot exceed 1000. Setting this value to // `0` causes all new runs to be skipped. MaxConcurrentRuns types.Int64 `tfsdk:"max_concurrent_runs" tf:"optional"` // An optional name for the job. The maximum length is 4096 bytes in UTF-8 // encoding. Name types.String `tfsdk:"name" tf:"optional"` // Optional notification settings that are used when sending notifications // to each of the `email_notifications` and `webhook_notifications` for this // job. NotificationSettings types.List `tfsdk:"notification_settings" tf:"optional,object"` // Job-level parameter definitions Parameters types.List `tfsdk:"parameter" tf:"optional"` // The queue settings of the job. Queue types.List `tfsdk:"queue" tf:"optional,object"` // Write-only setting. Specifies the user or service principal that the job // runs as. If not specified, the job runs as the user who created the job. // // Either `user_name` or `service_principal_name` should be specified. If // not, an error is thrown. RunAs types.List `tfsdk:"run_as" tf:"optional,object"` // An optional periodic schedule for this job. The default behavior is that // the job only runs when triggered by clicking “Run Now” in the Jobs UI // or sending an API request to `runNow`. Schedule types.List `tfsdk:"schedule" tf:"optional,object"` // A map of tags associated with the job. These are forwarded to the cluster // as cluster tags for jobs clusters, and are subject to the same // limitations as cluster tags. A maximum of 25 tags can be added to the // job. Tags types.Map `tfsdk:"tags" tf:"optional"` // A list of task specifications to be executed by this job. Tasks types.List `tfsdk:"task" tf:"optional"` // An optional timeout applied to each run of this job. A value of `0` means // no timeout. TimeoutSeconds types.Int64 `tfsdk:"timeout_seconds" tf:"optional"` // A configuration to trigger a run when certain conditions are met. The // default behavior is that the job runs only when triggered by clicking // “Run Now” in the Jobs UI or sending an API request to `runNow`. Trigger types.List `tfsdk:"trigger" tf:"optional,object"` // A collection of system notification IDs to notify when runs of this job // begin or complete. WebhookNotifications types.List `tfsdk:"webhook_notifications" tf:"optional,object"` }
func (*CreateJob) GetAccessControlList ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) GetAccessControlList(ctx context.Context) ([]JobAccessControlRequest, bool)
GetAccessControlList returns the value of the AccessControlList field in CreateJob as a slice of JobAccessControlRequest values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (CreateJob) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in CreateJob. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*CreateJob) GetContinuous ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) GetContinuous(ctx context.Context) (Continuous, bool)
GetContinuous returns the value of the Continuous field in CreateJob as a Continuous value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*CreateJob) GetDeployment ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) GetDeployment(ctx context.Context) (JobDeployment, bool)
GetDeployment returns the value of the Deployment field in CreateJob as a JobDeployment value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*CreateJob) GetEmailNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) GetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context) (JobEmailNotifications, bool)
GetEmailNotifications returns the value of the EmailNotifications field in CreateJob as a JobEmailNotifications value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*CreateJob) GetEnvironments ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) GetEnvironments(ctx context.Context) ([]JobEnvironment, bool)
GetEnvironments returns the value of the Environments field in CreateJob as a slice of JobEnvironment values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*CreateJob) GetGitSource ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetGitSource returns the value of the GitSource field in CreateJob as a GitSource value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*CreateJob) GetHealth ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) GetHealth(ctx context.Context) (JobsHealthRules, bool)
GetHealth returns the value of the Health field in CreateJob as a JobsHealthRules value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*CreateJob) GetJobClusters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) GetJobClusters(ctx context.Context) ([]JobCluster, bool)
GetJobClusters returns the value of the JobClusters field in CreateJob as a slice of JobCluster values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*CreateJob) GetNotificationSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) GetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context) (JobNotificationSettings, bool)
GetNotificationSettings returns the value of the NotificationSettings field in CreateJob as a JobNotificationSettings value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*CreateJob) GetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) GetParameters(ctx context.Context) ([]JobParameterDefinition, bool)
GetParameters returns the value of the Parameters field in CreateJob as a slice of JobParameterDefinition values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*CreateJob) GetQueue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) GetQueue(ctx context.Context) (QueueSettings, bool)
GetQueue returns the value of the Queue field in CreateJob as a QueueSettings value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*CreateJob) GetRunAs ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetRunAs returns the value of the RunAs field in CreateJob as a JobRunAs value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*CreateJob) GetSchedule ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) GetSchedule(ctx context.Context) (CronSchedule, bool)
GetSchedule returns the value of the Schedule field in CreateJob as a CronSchedule value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*CreateJob) GetTags ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetTags returns the value of the Tags field in CreateJob as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*CreateJob) GetTasks ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetTasks returns the value of the Tasks field in CreateJob as a slice of Task values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*CreateJob) GetTrigger ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) GetTrigger(ctx context.Context) (TriggerSettings, bool)
GetTrigger returns the value of the Trigger field in CreateJob as a TriggerSettings value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*CreateJob) GetWebhookNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) GetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context) (WebhookNotifications, bool)
GetWebhookNotifications returns the value of the WebhookNotifications field in CreateJob as a WebhookNotifications value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*CreateJob) SetAccessControlList ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) SetAccessControlList(ctx context.Context, v []JobAccessControlRequest)
SetAccessControlList sets the value of the AccessControlList field in CreateJob.
func (*CreateJob) SetContinuous ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) SetContinuous(ctx context.Context, v Continuous)
SetContinuous sets the value of the Continuous field in CreateJob.
func (*CreateJob) SetDeployment ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) SetDeployment(ctx context.Context, v JobDeployment)
SetDeployment sets the value of the Deployment field in CreateJob.
func (*CreateJob) SetEmailNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) SetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context, v JobEmailNotifications)
SetEmailNotifications sets the value of the EmailNotifications field in CreateJob.
func (*CreateJob) SetEnvironments ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) SetEnvironments(ctx context.Context, v []JobEnvironment)
SetEnvironments sets the value of the Environments field in CreateJob.
func (*CreateJob) SetGitSource ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetGitSource sets the value of the GitSource field in CreateJob.
func (*CreateJob) SetHealth ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) SetHealth(ctx context.Context, v JobsHealthRules)
SetHealth sets the value of the Health field in CreateJob.
func (*CreateJob) SetJobClusters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) SetJobClusters(ctx context.Context, v []JobCluster)
SetJobClusters sets the value of the JobClusters field in CreateJob.
func (*CreateJob) SetNotificationSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) SetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context, v JobNotificationSettings)
SetNotificationSettings sets the value of the NotificationSettings field in CreateJob.
func (*CreateJob) SetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) SetParameters(ctx context.Context, v []JobParameterDefinition)
SetParameters sets the value of the Parameters field in CreateJob.
func (*CreateJob) SetQueue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) SetQueue(ctx context.Context, v QueueSettings)
SetQueue sets the value of the Queue field in CreateJob.
func (*CreateJob) SetRunAs ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetRunAs sets the value of the RunAs field in CreateJob.
func (*CreateJob) SetSchedule ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) SetSchedule(ctx context.Context, v CronSchedule)
SetSchedule sets the value of the Schedule field in CreateJob.
func (*CreateJob) SetTasks ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetTasks sets the value of the Tasks field in CreateJob.
func (*CreateJob) SetTrigger ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) SetTrigger(ctx context.Context, v TriggerSettings)
SetTrigger sets the value of the Trigger field in CreateJob.
func (*CreateJob) SetWebhookNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *CreateJob) SetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context, v WebhookNotifications)
SetWebhookNotifications sets the value of the WebhookNotifications field in CreateJob.
func (*CreateJob) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*CreateJob) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (CreateJob) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o CreateJob) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, CreateJob only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type CreateResponse ¶
type CreateResponse struct { // The canonical identifier for the newly created job. JobId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"job_id" tf:"optional"` }
Job was created successfully
func (CreateResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in CreateResponse. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*CreateResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *CreateResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan CreateResponse)
func (*CreateResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *CreateResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState CreateResponse)
func (CreateResponse) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o CreateResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, CreateResponse only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type CronSchedule ¶
type CronSchedule struct { // Indicate whether this schedule is paused or not. PauseStatus types.String `tfsdk:"pause_status" tf:"optional"` // A Cron expression using Quartz syntax that describes the schedule for a // job. See [Cron Trigger] for details. This field is required. // // [Cron Trigger]: QuartzCronExpression types.String `tfsdk:"quartz_cron_expression" tf:""` // A Java timezone ID. The schedule for a job is resolved with respect to // this timezone. See [Java TimeZone] for details. This field is required. // // [Java TimeZone]: TimezoneId types.String `tfsdk:"timezone_id" tf:""` }
func (CronSchedule) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in CronSchedule. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*CronSchedule) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *CronSchedule) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan CronSchedule)
func (*CronSchedule) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *CronSchedule) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState CronSchedule)
func (CronSchedule) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o CronSchedule) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, CronSchedule only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type DbtOutput ¶
type DbtOutput struct { // An optional map of headers to send when retrieving the artifact from the // `artifacts_link`. ArtifactsHeaders types.Map `tfsdk:"artifacts_headers" tf:"optional"` // A pre-signed URL to download the (compressed) dbt artifacts. This link is // valid for a limited time (30 minutes). This information is only available // after the run has finished. ArtifactsLink types.String `tfsdk:"artifacts_link" tf:"optional"` }
func (*DbtOutput) GetArtifactsHeaders ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetArtifactsHeaders returns the value of the ArtifactsHeaders field in DbtOutput as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (DbtOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in DbtOutput. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*DbtOutput) SetArtifactsHeaders ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetArtifactsHeaders sets the value of the ArtifactsHeaders field in DbtOutput.
func (*DbtOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*DbtOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (DbtOutput) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o DbtOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, DbtOutput only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type DbtTask ¶
type DbtTask struct { // Optional name of the catalog to use. The value is the top level in the // 3-level namespace of Unity Catalog (catalog / schema / relation). The // catalog value can only be specified if a warehouse_id is specified. // Requires dbt-databricks >= 1.1.1. Catalog types.String `tfsdk:"catalog" tf:"optional"` // A list of dbt commands to execute. All commands must start with `dbt`. // This parameter must not be empty. A maximum of up to 10 commands can be // provided. Commands types.List `tfsdk:"commands" tf:""` // Optional (relative) path to the profiles directory. Can only be specified // if no warehouse_id is specified. If no warehouse_id is specified and this // folder is unset, the root directory is used. ProfilesDirectory types.String `tfsdk:"profiles_directory" tf:"optional"` // Path to the project directory. Optional for Git sourced tasks, in which // case if no value is provided, the root of the Git repository is used. ProjectDirectory types.String `tfsdk:"project_directory" tf:"optional"` // Optional schema to write to. This parameter is only used when a // warehouse_id is also provided. If not provided, the `default` schema is // used. Schema types.String `tfsdk:"schema" tf:"optional"` // Optional location type of the project directory. When set to `WORKSPACE`, // the project will be retrieved from the local Databricks workspace. When // set to `GIT`, the project will be retrieved from a Git repository defined // in `git_source`. If the value is empty, the task will use `GIT` if // `git_source` is defined and `WORKSPACE` otherwise. // // * `WORKSPACE`: Project is located in Databricks workspace. * `GIT`: // Project is located in cloud Git provider. Source types.String `tfsdk:"source" tf:"optional"` // ID of the SQL warehouse to connect to. If provided, we automatically // generate and provide the profile and connection details to dbt. It can be // overridden on a per-command basis by using the `--profiles-dir` command // line argument. WarehouseId types.String `tfsdk:"warehouse_id" tf:"optional"` }
func (*DbtTask) GetCommands ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetCommands returns the value of the Commands field in DbtTask as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (DbtTask) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in DbtTask. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*DbtTask) SetCommands ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetCommands sets the value of the Commands field in DbtTask.
func (*DbtTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*DbtTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (DbtTask) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o DbtTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, DbtTask only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type DeleteJob ¶
type DeleteJob struct { // The canonical identifier of the job to delete. This field is required. JobId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"job_id" tf:""` }
func (DeleteJob) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in DeleteJob. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*DeleteJob) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*DeleteJob) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (DeleteJob) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o DeleteJob) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, DeleteJob only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type DeleteResponse ¶
type DeleteResponse struct { }
func (DeleteResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in DeleteResponse. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*DeleteResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *DeleteResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan DeleteResponse)
func (*DeleteResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *DeleteResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState DeleteResponse)
func (DeleteResponse) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o DeleteResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, DeleteResponse only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type DeleteRun ¶
func (DeleteRun) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in DeleteRun. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*DeleteRun) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*DeleteRun) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (DeleteRun) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o DeleteRun) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, DeleteRun only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type DeleteRunResponse ¶
type DeleteRunResponse struct { }
func (DeleteRunResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in DeleteRunResponse. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*DeleteRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *DeleteRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan DeleteRunResponse)
func (*DeleteRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *DeleteRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState DeleteRunResponse)
func (DeleteRunResponse) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o DeleteRunResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, DeleteRunResponse only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange ¶
type EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange struct { // The field where this change would be made, prepended with the job cluster // key. Field types.String `tfsdk:"field" tf:"optional"` // The new value of this field after enforcing policy compliance (either a // number, a boolean, or a string) converted to a string. This is intended // to be read by a human. The typed new value of this field can be retrieved // by reading the settings field in the API response. NewValue types.String `tfsdk:"new_value" tf:"optional"` // The previous value of this field before enforcing policy compliance // (either a number, a boolean, or a string) converted to a string. This is // intended to be read by a human. The type of the field can be retrieved by // reading the settings field in the API response. PreviousValue types.String `tfsdk:"previous_value" tf:"optional"` }
Represents a change to the job cluster's settings that would be required for the job clusters to become compliant with their policies.
func (EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (a EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange)
func (*EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange)
func (EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest ¶
type EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest struct { // The ID of the job you want to enforce policy compliance on. JobId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"job_id" tf:""` // If set, previews changes made to the job to comply with its policy, but // does not update the job. ValidateOnly types.Bool `tfsdk:"validate_only" tf:"optional"` }
func (EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (a EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest)
func (*EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest)
func (EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, EnforcePolicyComplianceRequest only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse ¶
type EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse struct { // Whether any changes have been made to the job cluster settings for the // job to become compliant with its policies. HasChanges types.Bool `tfsdk:"has_changes" tf:"optional"` // A list of job cluster changes that have been made to the job’s cluster // settings in order for all job clusters to become compliant with their // policies. JobClusterChanges types.List `tfsdk:"job_cluster_changes" tf:"optional"` // Updated job settings after policy enforcement. Policy enforcement only // applies to job clusters that are created when running the job (which are // specified in new_cluster) and does not apply to existing all-purpose // clusters. Updated job settings are derived by applying policy default // values to the existing job clusters in order to satisfy policy // requirements. Settings types.List `tfsdk:"settings" tf:"optional,object"` }
func (EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (a EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) GetJobClusterChanges ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) GetJobClusterChanges(ctx context.Context) ([]EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange, bool)
GetJobClusterChanges returns the value of the JobClusterChanges field in EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse as a slice of EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) GetSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) GetSettings(ctx context.Context) (JobSettings, bool)
GetSettings returns the value of the Settings field in EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse as a JobSettings value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) SetJobClusterChanges ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) SetJobClusterChanges(ctx context.Context, v []EnforcePolicyComplianceForJobResponseJobClusterSettingsChange)
SetJobClusterChanges sets the value of the JobClusterChanges field in EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse.
func (*EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) SetSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) SetSettings(ctx context.Context, v JobSettings)
SetSettings sets the value of the Settings field in EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse.
func (*EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse)
func (*EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse)
func (EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, EnforcePolicyComplianceResponse only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ExportRunOutput ¶
type ExportRunOutput struct { // The exported content in HTML format (one for every view item). To extract // the HTML notebook from the JSON response, download and run this [Python // script]. // // [Python script]: Views types.List `tfsdk:"views" tf:"optional"` }
Run was exported successfully.
func (ExportRunOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ExportRunOutput. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ExportRunOutput) GetViews ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ExportRunOutput) GetViews(ctx context.Context) ([]ViewItem, bool)
GetViews returns the value of the Views field in ExportRunOutput as a slice of ViewItem values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ExportRunOutput) SetViews ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ExportRunOutput) SetViews(ctx context.Context, v []ViewItem)
SetViews sets the value of the Views field in ExportRunOutput.
func (*ExportRunOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ExportRunOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ExportRunOutput)
func (*ExportRunOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ExportRunOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ExportRunOutput)
func (ExportRunOutput) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ExportRunOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ExportRunOutput only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ExportRunRequest ¶
type ExportRunRequest struct { // The canonical identifier for the run. This field is required. RunId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"-"` // Which views to export (CODE, DASHBOARDS, or ALL). Defaults to CODE. ViewsToExport types.String `tfsdk:"-"` }
Export and retrieve a job run
func (ExportRunRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ExportRunRequest. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ExportRunRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ExportRunRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ExportRunRequest)
func (*ExportRunRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ExportRunRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ExportRunRequest)
func (ExportRunRequest) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ExportRunRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ExportRunRequest only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration ¶
type FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration struct { // If set, the trigger starts a run only after the specified amount of time // passed since the last time the trigger fired. The minimum allowed value // is 60 seconds MinTimeBetweenTriggersSeconds types.Int64 `tfsdk:"min_time_between_triggers_seconds" tf:"optional"` // URL to be monitored for file arrivals. The path must point to the root or // a subpath of the external location. Url types.String `tfsdk:"url" tf:""` // If set, the trigger starts a run only after no file activity has occurred // for the specified amount of time. This makes it possible to wait for a // batch of incoming files to arrive before triggering a run. The minimum // allowed value is 60 seconds. WaitAfterLastChangeSeconds types.Int64 `tfsdk:"wait_after_last_change_seconds" tf:"optional"` }
func (FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (a FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration)
func (*FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration)
func (FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ForEachStats ¶
type ForEachStats struct { // Sample of 3 most common error messages occurred during the iteration. ErrorMessageStats types.List `tfsdk:"error_message_stats" tf:"optional"` // Describes stats of the iteration. Only latest retries are considered. TaskRunStats types.List `tfsdk:"task_run_stats" tf:"optional,object"` }
func (ForEachStats) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ForEachStats. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ForEachStats) GetErrorMessageStats ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ForEachStats) GetErrorMessageStats(ctx context.Context) ([]ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats, bool)
GetErrorMessageStats returns the value of the ErrorMessageStats field in ForEachStats as a slice of ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ForEachStats) GetTaskRunStats ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ForEachStats) GetTaskRunStats(ctx context.Context) (ForEachTaskTaskRunStats, bool)
GetTaskRunStats returns the value of the TaskRunStats field in ForEachStats as a ForEachTaskTaskRunStats value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ForEachStats) SetErrorMessageStats ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ForEachStats) SetErrorMessageStats(ctx context.Context, v []ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats)
SetErrorMessageStats sets the value of the ErrorMessageStats field in ForEachStats.
func (*ForEachStats) SetTaskRunStats ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ForEachStats) SetTaskRunStats(ctx context.Context, v ForEachTaskTaskRunStats)
SetTaskRunStats sets the value of the TaskRunStats field in ForEachStats.
func (*ForEachStats) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ForEachStats) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ForEachStats)
func (*ForEachStats) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ForEachStats) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ForEachStats)
func (ForEachStats) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ForEachStats) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ForEachStats only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ForEachTask ¶
type ForEachTask struct { // An optional maximum allowed number of concurrent runs of the task. Set // this value if you want to be able to execute multiple runs of the task // concurrently. Concurrency types.Int64 `tfsdk:"concurrency" tf:"optional"` // Array for task to iterate on. This can be a JSON string or a reference to // an array parameter. Inputs types.String `tfsdk:"inputs" tf:""` // Configuration for the task that will be run for each element in the array Task types.List `tfsdk:"task" tf:"object"` }
func (ForEachTask) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ForEachTask. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ForEachTask) GetTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ForEachTask) GetTask(ctx context.Context) (Task, bool)
GetTask returns the value of the Task field in ForEachTask as a Task value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ForEachTask) SetTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ForEachTask) SetTask(ctx context.Context, v Task)
SetTask sets the value of the Task field in ForEachTask.
func (*ForEachTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ForEachTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ForEachTask)
func (*ForEachTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ForEachTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ForEachTask)
func (ForEachTask) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ForEachTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ForEachTask only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats ¶
type ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats struct { // Describes the count of such error message encountered during the // iterations. Count types.Int64 `tfsdk:"count" tf:"optional"` // Describes the error message occured during the iterations. ErrorMessage types.String `tfsdk:"error_message" tf:"optional"` // Describes the termination reason for the error message. TerminationCategory types.String `tfsdk:"termination_category" tf:"optional"` }
func (ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (a ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats)
func (*ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats)
func (ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ForEachTaskErrorMessageStats only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ForEachTaskTaskRunStats ¶
type ForEachTaskTaskRunStats struct { // Describes the iteration runs having an active lifecycle state or an // active run sub state. ActiveIterations types.Int64 `tfsdk:"active_iterations" tf:"optional"` // Describes the number of failed and succeeded iteration runs. CompletedIterations types.Int64 `tfsdk:"completed_iterations" tf:"optional"` // Describes the number of failed iteration runs. FailedIterations types.Int64 `tfsdk:"failed_iterations" tf:"optional"` // Describes the number of iteration runs that have been scheduled. ScheduledIterations types.Int64 `tfsdk:"scheduled_iterations" tf:"optional"` // Describes the number of succeeded iteration runs. SucceededIterations types.Int64 `tfsdk:"succeeded_iterations" tf:"optional"` // Describes the length of the list of items to iterate over. TotalIterations types.Int64 `tfsdk:"total_iterations" tf:"optional"` }
func (ForEachTaskTaskRunStats) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ForEachTaskTaskRunStats. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ForEachTaskTaskRunStats) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ForEachTaskTaskRunStats) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ForEachTaskTaskRunStats)
func (*ForEachTaskTaskRunStats) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ForEachTaskTaskRunStats) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ForEachTaskTaskRunStats)
func (ForEachTaskTaskRunStats) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ForEachTaskTaskRunStats) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ForEachTaskTaskRunStats only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest ¶
type GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest struct { // The job for which to get or manage permissions. JobId types.String `tfsdk:"-"` }
Get job permission levels
func (GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (a GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest)
func (*GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest)
func (GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, GetJobPermissionLevelsRequest only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse ¶
type GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse struct { // Specific permission levels PermissionLevels types.List `tfsdk:"permission_levels" tf:"optional"` }
func (GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (a GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse) GetPermissionLevels ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse) GetPermissionLevels(ctx context.Context) ([]JobPermissionsDescription, bool)
GetPermissionLevels returns the value of the PermissionLevels field in GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse as a slice of JobPermissionsDescription values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse) SetPermissionLevels ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse) SetPermissionLevels(ctx context.Context, v []JobPermissionsDescription)
SetPermissionLevels sets the value of the PermissionLevels field in GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse.
func (*GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse)
func (*GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse)
func (GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, GetJobPermissionLevelsResponse only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type GetJobPermissionsRequest ¶
type GetJobPermissionsRequest struct { // The job for which to get or manage permissions. JobId types.String `tfsdk:"-"` }
Get job permissions
func (GetJobPermissionsRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in GetJobPermissionsRequest. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*GetJobPermissionsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *GetJobPermissionsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan GetJobPermissionsRequest)
func (*GetJobPermissionsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *GetJobPermissionsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState GetJobPermissionsRequest)
func (GetJobPermissionsRequest) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o GetJobPermissionsRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, GetJobPermissionsRequest only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type GetJobRequest ¶
type GetJobRequest struct { // The canonical identifier of the job to retrieve information about. This // field is required. JobId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"-"` }
Get a single job
func (GetJobRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in GetJobRequest. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*GetJobRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *GetJobRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan GetJobRequest)
func (*GetJobRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *GetJobRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState GetJobRequest)
func (GetJobRequest) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o GetJobRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, GetJobRequest only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type GetPolicyComplianceRequest ¶
type GetPolicyComplianceRequest struct { // The ID of the job whose compliance status you are requesting. JobId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"-"` }
Get job policy compliance
func (GetPolicyComplianceRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (a GetPolicyComplianceRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in GetPolicyComplianceRequest. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*GetPolicyComplianceRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *GetPolicyComplianceRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan GetPolicyComplianceRequest)
func (*GetPolicyComplianceRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *GetPolicyComplianceRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState GetPolicyComplianceRequest)
func (GetPolicyComplianceRequest) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o GetPolicyComplianceRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, GetPolicyComplianceRequest only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type GetPolicyComplianceResponse ¶
type GetPolicyComplianceResponse struct { // Whether the job is compliant with its policies or not. Jobs could be out // of compliance if a policy they are using was updated after the job was // last edited and some of its job clusters no longer comply with their // updated policies. IsCompliant types.Bool `tfsdk:"is_compliant" tf:"optional"` // An object containing key-value mappings representing the first 200 policy // validation errors. The keys indicate the path where the policy validation // error is occurring. An identifier for the job cluster is prepended to the // path. The values indicate an error message describing the policy // validation error. Violations types.Map `tfsdk:"violations" tf:"optional"` }
func (GetPolicyComplianceResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (a GetPolicyComplianceResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in GetPolicyComplianceResponse. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*GetPolicyComplianceResponse) GetViolations ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *GetPolicyComplianceResponse) GetViolations(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
GetViolations returns the value of the Violations field in GetPolicyComplianceResponse as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*GetPolicyComplianceResponse) SetViolations ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetViolations sets the value of the Violations field in GetPolicyComplianceResponse.
func (*GetPolicyComplianceResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *GetPolicyComplianceResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan GetPolicyComplianceResponse)
func (*GetPolicyComplianceResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *GetPolicyComplianceResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState GetPolicyComplianceResponse)
func (GetPolicyComplianceResponse) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o GetPolicyComplianceResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, GetPolicyComplianceResponse only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type GetRunOutputRequest ¶
type GetRunOutputRequest struct { // The canonical identifier for the run. RunId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"-"` }
Get the output for a single run
func (GetRunOutputRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in GetRunOutputRequest. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*GetRunOutputRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *GetRunOutputRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan GetRunOutputRequest)
func (*GetRunOutputRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *GetRunOutputRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState GetRunOutputRequest)
func (GetRunOutputRequest) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o GetRunOutputRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, GetRunOutputRequest only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type GetRunRequest ¶
type GetRunRequest struct { // Whether to include the repair history in the response. IncludeHistory types.Bool `tfsdk:"-"` // Whether to include resolved parameter values in the response. IncludeResolvedValues types.Bool `tfsdk:"-"` // To list the next page of job tasks, set this field to the value of the // `next_page_token` returned in the GetJob response. PageToken types.String `tfsdk:"-"` // The canonical identifier of the run for which to retrieve the metadata. // This field is required. RunId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"-"` }
Get a single job run
func (GetRunRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in GetRunRequest. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*GetRunRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *GetRunRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan GetRunRequest)
func (*GetRunRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *GetRunRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState GetRunRequest)
func (GetRunRequest) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o GetRunRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, GetRunRequest only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type GitSnapshot ¶
type GitSnapshot struct { // Commit that was used to execute the run. If git_branch was specified, // this points to the HEAD of the branch at the time of the run; if git_tag // was specified, this points to the commit the tag points to. UsedCommit types.String `tfsdk:"used_commit" tf:"optional"` }
Read-only state of the remote repository at the time the job was run. This field is only included on job runs.
func (GitSnapshot) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in GitSnapshot. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*GitSnapshot) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *GitSnapshot) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan GitSnapshot)
func (*GitSnapshot) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *GitSnapshot) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState GitSnapshot)
func (GitSnapshot) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o GitSnapshot) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, GitSnapshot only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type GitSource ¶
type GitSource struct { // Name of the branch to be checked out and used by this job. This field // cannot be specified in conjunction with git_tag or git_commit. GitBranch types.String `tfsdk:"branch" tf:"optional"` // Commit to be checked out and used by this job. This field cannot be // specified in conjunction with git_branch or git_tag. GitCommit types.String `tfsdk:"commit" tf:"optional"` // Unique identifier of the service used to host the Git repository. The // value is case insensitive. GitProvider types.String `tfsdk:"git_provider" tf:""` // Read-only state of the remote repository at the time the job was run. // This field is only included on job runs. GitSnapshot types.List `tfsdk:"git_snapshot" tf:"optional,object"` // Name of the tag to be checked out and used by this job. This field cannot // be specified in conjunction with git_branch or git_commit. GitTag types.String `tfsdk:"tag" tf:"optional"` // URL of the repository to be cloned by this job. GitUrl types.String `tfsdk:"url" tf:""` // The source of the job specification in the remote repository when the job // is source controlled. JobSource types.List `tfsdk:"job_source" tf:"optional,object"` }
An optional specification for a remote Git repository containing the source code used by tasks. Version-controlled source code is supported by notebook, dbt, Python script, and SQL File tasks.
If `git_source` is set, these tasks retrieve the file from the remote repository by default. However, this behavior can be overridden by setting `source` to `WORKSPACE` on the task.
Note: dbt and SQL File tasks support only version-controlled sources. If dbt or SQL File tasks are used, `git_source` must be defined on the job.
func (GitSource) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in GitSource. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*GitSource) GetGitSnapshot ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *GitSource) GetGitSnapshot(ctx context.Context) (GitSnapshot, bool)
GetGitSnapshot returns the value of the GitSnapshot field in GitSource as a GitSnapshot value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*GitSource) GetJobSource ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetJobSource returns the value of the JobSource field in GitSource as a JobSource value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*GitSource) SetGitSnapshot ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *GitSource) SetGitSnapshot(ctx context.Context, v GitSnapshot)
SetGitSnapshot sets the value of the GitSnapshot field in GitSource.
func (*GitSource) SetJobSource ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetJobSource sets the value of the JobSource field in GitSource.
func (*GitSource) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*GitSource) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (GitSource) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o GitSource) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, GitSource only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type Job ¶
type Job struct { // The time at which this job was created in epoch milliseconds // (milliseconds since 1/1/1970 UTC). CreatedTime types.Int64 `tfsdk:"created_time" tf:"optional"` // The creator user name. This field won’t be included in the response if // the user has already been deleted. CreatorUserName types.String `tfsdk:"creator_user_name" tf:"optional"` // The id of the budget policy used by this job for cost attribution // purposes. This may be set through (in order of precedence): 1. Budget // admins through the account or workspace console 2. Jobs UI in the job // details page and Jobs API using `budget_policy_id` 3. Inferred default // based on accessible budget policies of the run_as identity on job // creation or modification. EffectiveBudgetPolicyId types.String `tfsdk:"effective_budget_policy_id" tf:"computed"` // The canonical identifier for this job. JobId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"job_id" tf:"optional"` // The email of an active workspace user or the application ID of a service // principal that the job runs as. This value can be changed by setting the // `run_as` field when creating or updating a job. // // By default, `run_as_user_name` is based on the current job settings and // is set to the creator of the job if job access control is disabled or to // the user with the `is_owner` permission if job access control is enabled. RunAsUserName types.String `tfsdk:"run_as_user_name" tf:"optional"` // Settings for this job and all of its runs. These settings can be updated // using the `resetJob` method. Settings types.List `tfsdk:"settings" tf:"optional,object"` }
Job was retrieved successfully.
func (Job) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in Job. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*Job) GetSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Job) GetSettings(ctx context.Context) (JobSettings, bool)
GetSettings returns the value of the Settings field in Job as a JobSettings value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Job) SetSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Job) SetSettings(ctx context.Context, v JobSettings)
SetSettings sets the value of the Settings field in Job.
func (*Job) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*Job) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (Job) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o Job) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, Job only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type JobAccessControlRequest ¶
type JobAccessControlRequest struct { // name of the group GroupName types.String `tfsdk:"group_name" tf:"optional"` // Permission level PermissionLevel types.String `tfsdk:"permission_level" tf:"optional"` // application ID of a service principal ServicePrincipalName types.String `tfsdk:"service_principal_name" tf:"optional"` // name of the user UserName types.String `tfsdk:"user_name" tf:"optional"` }
func (JobAccessControlRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in JobAccessControlRequest. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*JobAccessControlRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobAccessControlRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobAccessControlRequest)
func (*JobAccessControlRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobAccessControlRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobAccessControlRequest)
func (JobAccessControlRequest) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o JobAccessControlRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, JobAccessControlRequest only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type JobAccessControlResponse ¶
type JobAccessControlResponse struct { // All permissions. AllPermissions types.List `tfsdk:"all_permissions" tf:"optional"` // Display name of the user or service principal. DisplayName types.String `tfsdk:"display_name" tf:"optional"` // name of the group GroupName types.String `tfsdk:"group_name" tf:"optional"` // Name of the service principal. ServicePrincipalName types.String `tfsdk:"service_principal_name" tf:"optional"` // name of the user UserName types.String `tfsdk:"user_name" tf:"optional"` }
func (*JobAccessControlResponse) GetAllPermissions ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobAccessControlResponse) GetAllPermissions(ctx context.Context) ([]JobPermission, bool)
GetAllPermissions returns the value of the AllPermissions field in JobAccessControlResponse as a slice of JobPermission values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (JobAccessControlResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in JobAccessControlResponse. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*JobAccessControlResponse) SetAllPermissions ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobAccessControlResponse) SetAllPermissions(ctx context.Context, v []JobPermission)
SetAllPermissions sets the value of the AllPermissions field in JobAccessControlResponse.
func (*JobAccessControlResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobAccessControlResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobAccessControlResponse)
func (*JobAccessControlResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobAccessControlResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobAccessControlResponse)
func (JobAccessControlResponse) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o JobAccessControlResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, JobAccessControlResponse only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type JobCluster ¶
type JobCluster struct { // A unique name for the job cluster. This field is required and must be // unique within the job. `JobTaskSettings` may refer to this field to // determine which cluster to launch for the task execution. JobClusterKey types.String `tfsdk:"job_cluster_key" tf:""` // If new_cluster, a description of a cluster that is created for each task. NewCluster types.List `tfsdk:"new_cluster" tf:"object"` }
func (JobCluster) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in JobCluster. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*JobCluster) GetNewCluster ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobCluster) GetNewCluster(ctx context.Context) (compute_tf.ClusterSpec, bool)
GetNewCluster returns the value of the NewCluster field in JobCluster as a compute_tf.ClusterSpec value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobCluster) SetNewCluster ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobCluster) SetNewCluster(ctx context.Context, v compute_tf.ClusterSpec)
SetNewCluster sets the value of the NewCluster field in JobCluster.
func (*JobCluster) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobCluster) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobCluster)
func (*JobCluster) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobCluster) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobCluster)
func (JobCluster) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o JobCluster) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, JobCluster only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type JobCompliance ¶
type JobCompliance struct { // Whether this job is in compliance with the latest version of its policy. IsCompliant types.Bool `tfsdk:"is_compliant" tf:"optional"` // Canonical unique identifier for a job. JobId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"job_id" tf:""` // An object containing key-value mappings representing the first 200 policy // validation errors. The keys indicate the path where the policy validation // error is occurring. An identifier for the job cluster is prepended to the // path. The values indicate an error message describing the policy // validation error. Violations types.Map `tfsdk:"violations" tf:"optional"` }
func (JobCompliance) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in JobCompliance. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*JobCompliance) GetViolations ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetViolations returns the value of the Violations field in JobCompliance as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobCompliance) SetViolations ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetViolations sets the value of the Violations field in JobCompliance.
func (*JobCompliance) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobCompliance) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobCompliance)
func (*JobCompliance) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobCompliance) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobCompliance)
func (JobCompliance) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o JobCompliance) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, JobCompliance only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type JobDeployment ¶
type JobDeployment struct { // The kind of deployment that manages the job. // // * `BUNDLE`: The job is managed by Databricks Asset Bundle. Kind types.String `tfsdk:"kind" tf:""` // Path of the file that contains deployment metadata. MetadataFilePath types.String `tfsdk:"metadata_file_path" tf:"optional"` }
func (JobDeployment) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in JobDeployment. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*JobDeployment) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobDeployment) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobDeployment)
func (*JobDeployment) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobDeployment) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobDeployment)
func (JobDeployment) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o JobDeployment) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, JobDeployment only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type JobEmailNotifications ¶
type JobEmailNotifications struct { // If true, do not send email to recipients specified in `on_failure` if the // run is skipped. This field is `deprecated`. Please use the // `notification_settings.no_alert_for_skipped_runs` field. NoAlertForSkippedRuns types.Bool `tfsdk:"no_alert_for_skipped_runs" tf:"optional"` // A list of email addresses to be notified when the duration of a run // exceeds the threshold specified for the `RUN_DURATION_SECONDS` metric in // the `health` field. If no rule for the `RUN_DURATION_SECONDS` metric is // specified in the `health` field for the job, notifications are not sent. OnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded types.List `tfsdk:"on_duration_warning_threshold_exceeded" tf:"optional"` // A list of email addresses to be notified when a run unsuccessfully // completes. A run is considered to have completed unsuccessfully if it // ends with an `INTERNAL_ERROR` `life_cycle_state` or a `FAILED`, or // `TIMED_OUT` result_state. If this is not specified on job creation, // reset, or update the list is empty, and notifications are not sent. OnFailure types.List `tfsdk:"on_failure" tf:"optional"` // A list of email addresses to be notified when a run begins. If not // specified on job creation, reset, or update, the list is empty, and // notifications are not sent. OnStart types.List `tfsdk:"on_start" tf:"optional"` // A list of email addresses to notify when any streaming backlog thresholds // are exceeded for any stream. Streaming backlog thresholds can be set in // the `health` field using the following metrics: // `STREAMING_BACKLOG_BYTES`, `STREAMING_BACKLOG_RECORDS`, // `STREAMING_BACKLOG_SECONDS`, or `STREAMING_BACKLOG_FILES`. Alerting is // based on the 10-minute average of these metrics. If the issue persists, // notifications are resent every 30 minutes. OnStreamingBacklogExceeded types.List `tfsdk:"on_streaming_backlog_exceeded" tf:"optional"` // A list of email addresses to be notified when a run successfully // completes. A run is considered to have completed successfully if it ends // with a `TERMINATED` `life_cycle_state` and a `SUCCESS` result_state. If // not specified on job creation, reset, or update, the list is empty, and // notifications are not sent. OnSuccess types.List `tfsdk:"on_success" tf:"optional"` }
func (JobEmailNotifications) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in JobEmailNotifications. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*JobEmailNotifications) GetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobEmailNotifications) GetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
GetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded returns the value of the OnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded field in JobEmailNotifications as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobEmailNotifications) GetOnFailure ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetOnFailure returns the value of the OnFailure field in JobEmailNotifications as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobEmailNotifications) GetOnStart ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetOnStart returns the value of the OnStart field in JobEmailNotifications as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobEmailNotifications) GetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobEmailNotifications) GetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
GetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded returns the value of the OnStreamingBacklogExceeded field in JobEmailNotifications as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobEmailNotifications) GetOnSuccess ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetOnSuccess returns the value of the OnSuccess field in JobEmailNotifications as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobEmailNotifications) SetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobEmailNotifications) SetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded sets the value of the OnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded field in JobEmailNotifications.
func (*JobEmailNotifications) SetOnFailure ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobEmailNotifications) SetOnFailure(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetOnFailure sets the value of the OnFailure field in JobEmailNotifications.
func (*JobEmailNotifications) SetOnStart ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobEmailNotifications) SetOnStart(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetOnStart sets the value of the OnStart field in JobEmailNotifications.
func (*JobEmailNotifications) SetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobEmailNotifications) SetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded sets the value of the OnStreamingBacklogExceeded field in JobEmailNotifications.
func (*JobEmailNotifications) SetOnSuccess ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobEmailNotifications) SetOnSuccess(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetOnSuccess sets the value of the OnSuccess field in JobEmailNotifications.
func (*JobEmailNotifications) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobEmailNotifications) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobEmailNotifications)
func (*JobEmailNotifications) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobEmailNotifications) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobEmailNotifications)
func (JobEmailNotifications) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o JobEmailNotifications) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, JobEmailNotifications only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type JobEnvironment ¶
type JobEnvironment struct { // The key of an environment. It has to be unique within a job. EnvironmentKey types.String `tfsdk:"environment_key" tf:""` // The environment entity used to preserve serverless environment side panel // and jobs' environment for non-notebook task. In this minimal environment // spec, only pip dependencies are supported. Spec types.List `tfsdk:"spec" tf:"optional,object"` }
func (JobEnvironment) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in JobEnvironment. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*JobEnvironment) GetSpec ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobEnvironment) GetSpec(ctx context.Context) (compute_tf.Environment, bool)
GetSpec returns the value of the Spec field in JobEnvironment as a compute_tf.Environment value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobEnvironment) SetSpec ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobEnvironment) SetSpec(ctx context.Context, v compute_tf.Environment)
SetSpec sets the value of the Spec field in JobEnvironment.
func (*JobEnvironment) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobEnvironment) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobEnvironment)
func (*JobEnvironment) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobEnvironment) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobEnvironment)
func (JobEnvironment) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o JobEnvironment) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, JobEnvironment only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type JobNotificationSettings ¶
type JobNotificationSettings struct { // If true, do not send notifications to recipients specified in // `on_failure` if the run is canceled. NoAlertForCanceledRuns types.Bool `tfsdk:"no_alert_for_canceled_runs" tf:"optional"` // If true, do not send notifications to recipients specified in // `on_failure` if the run is skipped. NoAlertForSkippedRuns types.Bool `tfsdk:"no_alert_for_skipped_runs" tf:"optional"` }
func (JobNotificationSettings) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in JobNotificationSettings. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*JobNotificationSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobNotificationSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobNotificationSettings)
func (*JobNotificationSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobNotificationSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobNotificationSettings)
func (JobNotificationSettings) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o JobNotificationSettings) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, JobNotificationSettings only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type JobParameter ¶
type JobParameter struct { // The optional default value of the parameter Default types.String `tfsdk:"default" tf:"optional"` // The name of the parameter Name types.String `tfsdk:"name" tf:"optional"` // The value used in the run Value types.String `tfsdk:"value" tf:"optional"` }
func (JobParameter) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in JobParameter. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*JobParameter) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobParameter) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobParameter)
func (*JobParameter) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobParameter) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobParameter)
func (JobParameter) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o JobParameter) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, JobParameter only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type JobParameterDefinition ¶
type JobParameterDefinition struct { // Default value of the parameter. Default types.String `tfsdk:"default" tf:""` // The name of the defined parameter. May only contain alphanumeric // characters, `_`, `-`, and `.` Name types.String `tfsdk:"name" tf:""` }
func (JobParameterDefinition) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in JobParameterDefinition. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*JobParameterDefinition) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobParameterDefinition) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobParameterDefinition)
func (*JobParameterDefinition) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobParameterDefinition) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobParameterDefinition)
func (JobParameterDefinition) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o JobParameterDefinition) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, JobParameterDefinition only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type JobPermission ¶
type JobPermission struct { Inherited types.Bool `tfsdk:"inherited" tf:"optional"` InheritedFromObject types.List `tfsdk:"inherited_from_object" tf:"optional"` // Permission level PermissionLevel types.String `tfsdk:"permission_level" tf:"optional"` }
func (JobPermission) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in JobPermission. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*JobPermission) GetInheritedFromObject ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetInheritedFromObject returns the value of the InheritedFromObject field in JobPermission as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobPermission) SetInheritedFromObject ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobPermission) SetInheritedFromObject(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetInheritedFromObject sets the value of the InheritedFromObject field in JobPermission.
func (*JobPermission) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobPermission) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobPermission)
func (*JobPermission) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobPermission) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobPermission)
func (JobPermission) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o JobPermission) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, JobPermission only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type JobPermissions ¶
type JobPermissions struct { AccessControlList types.List `tfsdk:"access_control_list" tf:"optional"` ObjectId types.String `tfsdk:"object_id" tf:"optional"` ObjectType types.String `tfsdk:"object_type" tf:"optional"` }
func (*JobPermissions) GetAccessControlList ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobPermissions) GetAccessControlList(ctx context.Context) ([]JobAccessControlResponse, bool)
GetAccessControlList returns the value of the AccessControlList field in JobPermissions as a slice of JobAccessControlResponse values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (JobPermissions) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in JobPermissions. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*JobPermissions) SetAccessControlList ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobPermissions) SetAccessControlList(ctx context.Context, v []JobAccessControlResponse)
SetAccessControlList sets the value of the AccessControlList field in JobPermissions.
func (*JobPermissions) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobPermissions) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobPermissions)
func (*JobPermissions) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobPermissions) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobPermissions)
func (JobPermissions) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o JobPermissions) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, JobPermissions only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type JobPermissionsDescription ¶
type JobPermissionsDescription struct { Description types.String `tfsdk:"description" tf:"optional"` // Permission level PermissionLevel types.String `tfsdk:"permission_level" tf:"optional"` }
func (JobPermissionsDescription) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (a JobPermissionsDescription) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in JobPermissionsDescription. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*JobPermissionsDescription) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobPermissionsDescription) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobPermissionsDescription)
func (*JobPermissionsDescription) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobPermissionsDescription) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobPermissionsDescription)
func (JobPermissionsDescription) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o JobPermissionsDescription) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, JobPermissionsDescription only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type JobPermissionsRequest ¶
type JobPermissionsRequest struct { AccessControlList types.List `tfsdk:"access_control_list" tf:"optional"` // The job for which to get or manage permissions. JobId types.String `tfsdk:"-"` }
func (*JobPermissionsRequest) GetAccessControlList ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobPermissionsRequest) GetAccessControlList(ctx context.Context) ([]JobAccessControlRequest, bool)
GetAccessControlList returns the value of the AccessControlList field in JobPermissionsRequest as a slice of JobAccessControlRequest values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (JobPermissionsRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in JobPermissionsRequest. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*JobPermissionsRequest) SetAccessControlList ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobPermissionsRequest) SetAccessControlList(ctx context.Context, v []JobAccessControlRequest)
SetAccessControlList sets the value of the AccessControlList field in JobPermissionsRequest.
func (*JobPermissionsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobPermissionsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobPermissionsRequest)
func (*JobPermissionsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobPermissionsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobPermissionsRequest)
func (JobPermissionsRequest) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o JobPermissionsRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, JobPermissionsRequest only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type JobRunAs ¶
type JobRunAs struct { // Application ID of an active service principal. Setting this field // requires the `servicePrincipal/user` role. ServicePrincipalName types.String `tfsdk:"service_principal_name" tf:"optional"` // The email of an active workspace user. Non-admin users can only set this // field to their own email. UserName types.String `tfsdk:"user_name" tf:"optional"` }
Write-only setting. Specifies the user or service principal that the job runs as. If not specified, the job runs as the user who created the job.
Either `user_name` or `service_principal_name` should be specified. If not, an error is thrown.
func (JobRunAs) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in JobRunAs. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*JobRunAs) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*JobRunAs) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (JobRunAs) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o JobRunAs) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, JobRunAs only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type JobSettings ¶
type JobSettings struct { // The id of the user specified budget policy to use for this job. If not // specified, a default budget policy may be applied when creating or // modifying the job. See `effective_budget_policy_id` for the budget policy // used by this workload. BudgetPolicyId types.String `tfsdk:"budget_policy_id" tf:"optional"` // An optional continuous property for this job. The continuous property // will ensure that there is always one run executing. Only one of // `schedule` and `continuous` can be used. Continuous types.List `tfsdk:"continuous" tf:"optional,object"` // Deployment information for jobs managed by external sources. Deployment types.List `tfsdk:"deployment" tf:"optional,object"` // An optional description for the job. The maximum length is 27700 // characters in UTF-8 encoding. Description types.String `tfsdk:"description" tf:"optional"` // Edit mode of the job. // // * `UI_LOCKED`: The job is in a locked UI state and cannot be modified. * // `EDITABLE`: The job is in an editable state and can be modified. EditMode types.String `tfsdk:"edit_mode" tf:"optional"` // An optional set of email addresses that is notified when runs of this job // begin or complete as well as when this job is deleted. EmailNotifications types.List `tfsdk:"email_notifications" tf:"optional,object"` // A list of task execution environment specifications that can be // referenced by serverless tasks of this job. An environment is required to // be present for serverless tasks. For serverless notebook tasks, the // environment is accessible in the notebook environment panel. For other // serverless tasks, the task environment is required to be specified using // environment_key in the task settings. Environments types.List `tfsdk:"environment" tf:"optional"` // Used to tell what is the format of the job. This field is ignored in // Create/Update/Reset calls. When using the Jobs API 2.1 this value is // always set to `"MULTI_TASK"`. Format types.String `tfsdk:"format" tf:"optional"` // An optional specification for a remote Git repository containing the // source code used by tasks. Version-controlled source code is supported by // notebook, dbt, Python script, and SQL File tasks. // // If `git_source` is set, these tasks retrieve the file from the remote // repository by default. However, this behavior can be overridden by // setting `source` to `WORKSPACE` on the task. // // Note: dbt and SQL File tasks support only version-controlled sources. If // dbt or SQL File tasks are used, `git_source` must be defined on the job. GitSource types.List `tfsdk:"git_source" tf:"optional,object"` // An optional set of health rules that can be defined for this job. Health types.List `tfsdk:"health" tf:"optional,object"` // A list of job cluster specifications that can be shared and reused by // tasks of this job. Libraries cannot be declared in a shared job cluster. // You must declare dependent libraries in task settings. JobClusters types.List `tfsdk:"job_cluster" tf:"optional"` // An optional maximum allowed number of concurrent runs of the job. Set // this value if you want to be able to execute multiple runs of the same // job concurrently. This is useful for example if you trigger your job on a // frequent schedule and want to allow consecutive runs to overlap with each // other, or if you want to trigger multiple runs which differ by their // input parameters. This setting affects only new runs. For example, // suppose the job’s concurrency is 4 and there are 4 concurrent active // runs. Then setting the concurrency to 3 won’t kill any of the active // runs. However, from then on, new runs are skipped unless there are fewer // than 3 active runs. This value cannot exceed 1000. Setting this value to // `0` causes all new runs to be skipped. MaxConcurrentRuns types.Int64 `tfsdk:"max_concurrent_runs" tf:"optional"` // An optional name for the job. The maximum length is 4096 bytes in UTF-8 // encoding. Name types.String `tfsdk:"name" tf:"optional"` // Optional notification settings that are used when sending notifications // to each of the `email_notifications` and `webhook_notifications` for this // job. NotificationSettings types.List `tfsdk:"notification_settings" tf:"optional,object"` // Job-level parameter definitions Parameters types.List `tfsdk:"parameter" tf:"optional"` // The queue settings of the job. Queue types.List `tfsdk:"queue" tf:"optional,object"` // Write-only setting. Specifies the user or service principal that the job // runs as. If not specified, the job runs as the user who created the job. // // Either `user_name` or `service_principal_name` should be specified. If // not, an error is thrown. RunAs types.List `tfsdk:"run_as" tf:"optional,object"` // An optional periodic schedule for this job. The default behavior is that // the job only runs when triggered by clicking “Run Now” in the Jobs UI // or sending an API request to `runNow`. Schedule types.List `tfsdk:"schedule" tf:"optional,object"` // A map of tags associated with the job. These are forwarded to the cluster // as cluster tags for jobs clusters, and are subject to the same // limitations as cluster tags. A maximum of 25 tags can be added to the // job. Tags types.Map `tfsdk:"tags" tf:"optional"` // A list of task specifications to be executed by this job. Tasks types.List `tfsdk:"task" tf:"optional"` // An optional timeout applied to each run of this job. A value of `0` means // no timeout. TimeoutSeconds types.Int64 `tfsdk:"timeout_seconds" tf:"optional"` // A configuration to trigger a run when certain conditions are met. The // default behavior is that the job runs only when triggered by clicking // “Run Now” in the Jobs UI or sending an API request to `runNow`. Trigger types.List `tfsdk:"trigger" tf:"optional,object"` // A collection of system notification IDs to notify when runs of this job // begin or complete. WebhookNotifications types.List `tfsdk:"webhook_notifications" tf:"optional,object"` }
func (JobSettings) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in JobSettings. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*JobSettings) GetContinuous ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) GetContinuous(ctx context.Context) (Continuous, bool)
GetContinuous returns the value of the Continuous field in JobSettings as a Continuous value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobSettings) GetDeployment ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) GetDeployment(ctx context.Context) (JobDeployment, bool)
GetDeployment returns the value of the Deployment field in JobSettings as a JobDeployment value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobSettings) GetEmailNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) GetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context) (JobEmailNotifications, bool)
GetEmailNotifications returns the value of the EmailNotifications field in JobSettings as a JobEmailNotifications value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobSettings) GetEnvironments ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) GetEnvironments(ctx context.Context) ([]JobEnvironment, bool)
GetEnvironments returns the value of the Environments field in JobSettings as a slice of JobEnvironment values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobSettings) GetGitSource ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) GetGitSource(ctx context.Context) (GitSource, bool)
GetGitSource returns the value of the GitSource field in JobSettings as a GitSource value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobSettings) GetHealth ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) GetHealth(ctx context.Context) (JobsHealthRules, bool)
GetHealth returns the value of the Health field in JobSettings as a JobsHealthRules value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobSettings) GetJobClusters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) GetJobClusters(ctx context.Context) ([]JobCluster, bool)
GetJobClusters returns the value of the JobClusters field in JobSettings as a slice of JobCluster values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobSettings) GetNotificationSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) GetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context) (JobNotificationSettings, bool)
GetNotificationSettings returns the value of the NotificationSettings field in JobSettings as a JobNotificationSettings value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobSettings) GetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) GetParameters(ctx context.Context) ([]JobParameterDefinition, bool)
GetParameters returns the value of the Parameters field in JobSettings as a slice of JobParameterDefinition values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobSettings) GetQueue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) GetQueue(ctx context.Context) (QueueSettings, bool)
GetQueue returns the value of the Queue field in JobSettings as a QueueSettings value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobSettings) GetRunAs ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) GetRunAs(ctx context.Context) (JobRunAs, bool)
GetRunAs returns the value of the RunAs field in JobSettings as a JobRunAs value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobSettings) GetSchedule ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) GetSchedule(ctx context.Context) (CronSchedule, bool)
GetSchedule returns the value of the Schedule field in JobSettings as a CronSchedule value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobSettings) GetTags ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetTags returns the value of the Tags field in JobSettings as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobSettings) GetTasks ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) GetTasks(ctx context.Context) ([]Task, bool)
GetTasks returns the value of the Tasks field in JobSettings as a slice of Task values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobSettings) GetTrigger ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) GetTrigger(ctx context.Context) (TriggerSettings, bool)
GetTrigger returns the value of the Trigger field in JobSettings as a TriggerSettings value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobSettings) GetWebhookNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) GetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context) (WebhookNotifications, bool)
GetWebhookNotifications returns the value of the WebhookNotifications field in JobSettings as a WebhookNotifications value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobSettings) SetContinuous ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) SetContinuous(ctx context.Context, v Continuous)
SetContinuous sets the value of the Continuous field in JobSettings.
func (*JobSettings) SetDeployment ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) SetDeployment(ctx context.Context, v JobDeployment)
SetDeployment sets the value of the Deployment field in JobSettings.
func (*JobSettings) SetEmailNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) SetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context, v JobEmailNotifications)
SetEmailNotifications sets the value of the EmailNotifications field in JobSettings.
func (*JobSettings) SetEnvironments ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) SetEnvironments(ctx context.Context, v []JobEnvironment)
SetEnvironments sets the value of the Environments field in JobSettings.
func (*JobSettings) SetGitSource ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) SetGitSource(ctx context.Context, v GitSource)
SetGitSource sets the value of the GitSource field in JobSettings.
func (*JobSettings) SetHealth ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) SetHealth(ctx context.Context, v JobsHealthRules)
SetHealth sets the value of the Health field in JobSettings.
func (*JobSettings) SetJobClusters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) SetJobClusters(ctx context.Context, v []JobCluster)
SetJobClusters sets the value of the JobClusters field in JobSettings.
func (*JobSettings) SetNotificationSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) SetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context, v JobNotificationSettings)
SetNotificationSettings sets the value of the NotificationSettings field in JobSettings.
func (*JobSettings) SetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) SetParameters(ctx context.Context, v []JobParameterDefinition)
SetParameters sets the value of the Parameters field in JobSettings.
func (*JobSettings) SetQueue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) SetQueue(ctx context.Context, v QueueSettings)
SetQueue sets the value of the Queue field in JobSettings.
func (*JobSettings) SetRunAs ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) SetRunAs(ctx context.Context, v JobRunAs)
SetRunAs sets the value of the RunAs field in JobSettings.
func (*JobSettings) SetSchedule ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) SetSchedule(ctx context.Context, v CronSchedule)
SetSchedule sets the value of the Schedule field in JobSettings.
func (*JobSettings) SetTags ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetTags sets the value of the Tags field in JobSettings.
func (*JobSettings) SetTasks ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) SetTasks(ctx context.Context, v []Task)
SetTasks sets the value of the Tasks field in JobSettings.
func (*JobSettings) SetTrigger ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) SetTrigger(ctx context.Context, v TriggerSettings)
SetTrigger sets the value of the Trigger field in JobSettings.
func (*JobSettings) SetWebhookNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobSettings) SetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context, v WebhookNotifications)
SetWebhookNotifications sets the value of the WebhookNotifications field in JobSettings.
func (*JobSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobSettings)
func (*JobSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobSettings)
func (JobSettings) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o JobSettings) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, JobSettings only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type JobSource ¶
type JobSource struct { // Dirty state indicates the job is not fully synced with the job // specification in the remote repository. // // Possible values are: * `NOT_SYNCED`: The job is not yet synced with the // remote job specification. Import the remote job specification from UI to // make the job fully synced. * `DISCONNECTED`: The job is temporary // disconnected from the remote job specification and is allowed for live // edit. Import the remote job specification again from UI to make the job // fully synced. DirtyState types.String `tfsdk:"dirty_state" tf:"optional"` // Name of the branch which the job is imported from. ImportFromGitBranch types.String `tfsdk:"import_from_git_branch" tf:""` // Path of the job YAML file that contains the job specification. JobConfigPath types.String `tfsdk:"job_config_path" tf:""` }
The source of the job specification in the remote repository when the job is source controlled.
func (JobSource) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in JobSource. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*JobSource) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*JobSource) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (JobSource) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o JobSource) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, JobSource only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type JobsHealthRule ¶
type JobsHealthRule struct { // Specifies the health metric that is being evaluated for a particular // health rule. // // * `RUN_DURATION_SECONDS`: Expected total time for a run in seconds. * // `STREAMING_BACKLOG_BYTES`: An estimate of the maximum bytes of data // waiting to be consumed across all streams. This metric is in Public // Preview. * `STREAMING_BACKLOG_RECORDS`: An estimate of the maximum offset // lag across all streams. This metric is in Public Preview. * // `STREAMING_BACKLOG_SECONDS`: An estimate of the maximum consumer delay // across all streams. This metric is in Public Preview. * // `STREAMING_BACKLOG_FILES`: An estimate of the maximum number of // outstanding files across all streams. This metric is in Public Preview. Metric types.String `tfsdk:"metric" tf:""` // Specifies the operator used to compare the health metric value with the // specified threshold. Op types.String `tfsdk:"op" tf:""` // Specifies the threshold value that the health metric should obey to // satisfy the health rule. Value types.Int64 `tfsdk:"value" tf:""` }
func (JobsHealthRule) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in JobsHealthRule. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*JobsHealthRule) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobsHealthRule) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobsHealthRule)
func (*JobsHealthRule) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobsHealthRule) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobsHealthRule)
func (JobsHealthRule) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o JobsHealthRule) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, JobsHealthRule only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type JobsHealthRules ¶
An optional set of health rules that can be defined for this job.
func (JobsHealthRules) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in JobsHealthRules. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*JobsHealthRules) GetRules ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobsHealthRules) GetRules(ctx context.Context) ([]JobsHealthRule, bool)
GetRules returns the value of the Rules field in JobsHealthRules as a slice of JobsHealthRule values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*JobsHealthRules) SetRules ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *JobsHealthRules) SetRules(ctx context.Context, v []JobsHealthRule)
SetRules sets the value of the Rules field in JobsHealthRules.
func (*JobsHealthRules) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobsHealthRules) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan JobsHealthRules)
func (*JobsHealthRules) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *JobsHealthRules) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState JobsHealthRules)
func (JobsHealthRules) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o JobsHealthRules) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, JobsHealthRules only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse ¶
type ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse struct { // A list of jobs and their policy compliance statuses. Jobs types.List `tfsdk:"jobs" tf:"optional"` // This field represents the pagination token to retrieve the next page of // results. If this field is not in the response, it means no further // results for the request. NextPageToken types.String `tfsdk:"next_page_token" tf:"optional"` // This field represents the pagination token to retrieve the previous page // of results. If this field is not in the response, it means no further // results for the request. PrevPageToken types.String `tfsdk:"prev_page_token" tf:"optional"` }
func (ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (a ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse) GetJobs ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse) GetJobs(ctx context.Context) ([]JobCompliance, bool)
GetJobs returns the value of the Jobs field in ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse as a slice of JobCompliance values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse) SetJobs ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse) SetJobs(ctx context.Context, v []JobCompliance)
SetJobs sets the value of the Jobs field in ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse.
func (*ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse)
func (*ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse)
func (ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ListJobComplianceForPolicyResponse only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ListJobComplianceRequest ¶
type ListJobComplianceRequest struct { // Use this field to specify the maximum number of results to be returned by // the server. The server may further constrain the maximum number of // results returned in a single page. PageSize types.Int64 `tfsdk:"-"` // A page token that can be used to navigate to the next page or previous // page as returned by `next_page_token` or `prev_page_token`. PageToken types.String `tfsdk:"-"` // Canonical unique identifier for the cluster policy. PolicyId types.String `tfsdk:"-"` }
List job policy compliance
func (ListJobComplianceRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ListJobComplianceRequest. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ListJobComplianceRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ListJobComplianceRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ListJobComplianceRequest)
func (*ListJobComplianceRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ListJobComplianceRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ListJobComplianceRequest)
func (ListJobComplianceRequest) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ListJobComplianceRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ListJobComplianceRequest only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ListJobsRequest ¶
type ListJobsRequest struct { // Whether to include task and cluster details in the response. ExpandTasks types.Bool `tfsdk:"-"` // The number of jobs to return. This value must be greater than 0 and less // or equal to 100. The default value is 20. Limit types.Int64 `tfsdk:"-"` // A filter on the list based on the exact (case insensitive) job name. Name types.String `tfsdk:"-"` // The offset of the first job to return, relative to the most recently // created job. Deprecated since June 2023. Use `page_token` to iterate // through the pages instead. Offset types.Int64 `tfsdk:"-"` // Use `next_page_token` or `prev_page_token` returned from the previous // request to list the next or previous page of jobs respectively. PageToken types.String `tfsdk:"-"` }
List jobs
func (ListJobsRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ListJobsRequest. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ListJobsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ListJobsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ListJobsRequest)
func (*ListJobsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ListJobsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ListJobsRequest)
func (ListJobsRequest) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ListJobsRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ListJobsRequest only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ListJobsResponse ¶
type ListJobsResponse struct { // If true, additional jobs matching the provided filter are available for // listing. HasMore types.Bool `tfsdk:"has_more" tf:"optional"` // The list of jobs. Only included in the response if there are jobs to // list. Jobs types.List `tfsdk:"jobs" tf:"optional"` // A token that can be used to list the next page of jobs (if applicable). NextPageToken types.String `tfsdk:"next_page_token" tf:"optional"` // A token that can be used to list the previous page of jobs (if // applicable). PrevPageToken types.String `tfsdk:"prev_page_token" tf:"optional"` }
List of jobs was retrieved successfully.
func (ListJobsResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ListJobsResponse. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ListJobsResponse) GetJobs ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ListJobsResponse) GetJobs(ctx context.Context) ([]BaseJob, bool)
GetJobs returns the value of the Jobs field in ListJobsResponse as a slice of BaseJob values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ListJobsResponse) SetJobs ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ListJobsResponse) SetJobs(ctx context.Context, v []BaseJob)
SetJobs sets the value of the Jobs field in ListJobsResponse.
func (*ListJobsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ListJobsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ListJobsResponse)
func (*ListJobsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ListJobsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ListJobsResponse)
func (ListJobsResponse) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ListJobsResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ListJobsResponse only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ListRunsRequest ¶
type ListRunsRequest struct { // If active_only is `true`, only active runs are included in the results; // otherwise, lists both active and completed runs. An active run is a run // in the `QUEUED`, `PENDING`, `RUNNING`, or `TERMINATING`. This field // cannot be `true` when completed_only is `true`. ActiveOnly types.Bool `tfsdk:"-"` // If completed_only is `true`, only completed runs are included in the // results; otherwise, lists both active and completed runs. This field // cannot be `true` when active_only is `true`. CompletedOnly types.Bool `tfsdk:"-"` // Whether to include task and cluster details in the response. ExpandTasks types.Bool `tfsdk:"-"` // The job for which to list runs. If omitted, the Jobs service lists runs // from all jobs. JobId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"-"` // The number of runs to return. This value must be greater than 0 and less // than 25. The default value is 20. If a request specifies a limit of 0, // the service instead uses the maximum limit. Limit types.Int64 `tfsdk:"-"` // The offset of the first run to return, relative to the most recent run. // Deprecated since June 2023. Use `page_token` to iterate through the pages // instead. Offset types.Int64 `tfsdk:"-"` // Use `next_page_token` or `prev_page_token` returned from the previous // request to list the next or previous page of runs respectively. PageToken types.String `tfsdk:"-"` // The type of runs to return. For a description of run types, see // :method:jobs/getRun. RunType types.String `tfsdk:"-"` // Show runs that started _at or after_ this value. The value must be a UTC // timestamp in milliseconds. Can be combined with _start_time_to_ to filter // by a time range. StartTimeFrom types.Int64 `tfsdk:"-"` // Show runs that started _at or before_ this value. The value must be a UTC // timestamp in milliseconds. Can be combined with _start_time_from_ to // filter by a time range. StartTimeTo types.Int64 `tfsdk:"-"` }
List job runs
func (ListRunsRequest) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ListRunsRequest. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ListRunsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ListRunsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ListRunsRequest)
func (*ListRunsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ListRunsRequest) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ListRunsRequest)
func (ListRunsRequest) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ListRunsRequest) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ListRunsRequest only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ListRunsResponse ¶
type ListRunsResponse struct { // If true, additional runs matching the provided filter are available for // listing. HasMore types.Bool `tfsdk:"has_more" tf:"optional"` // A token that can be used to list the next page of runs (if applicable). NextPageToken types.String `tfsdk:"next_page_token" tf:"optional"` // A token that can be used to list the previous page of runs (if // applicable). PrevPageToken types.String `tfsdk:"prev_page_token" tf:"optional"` // A list of runs, from most recently started to least. Only included in the // response if there are runs to list. Runs types.List `tfsdk:"runs" tf:"optional"` }
List of runs was retrieved successfully.
func (ListRunsResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ListRunsResponse. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ListRunsResponse) GetRuns ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ListRunsResponse) GetRuns(ctx context.Context) ([]BaseRun, bool)
GetRuns returns the value of the Runs field in ListRunsResponse as a slice of BaseRun values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ListRunsResponse) SetRuns ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ListRunsResponse) SetRuns(ctx context.Context, v []BaseRun)
SetRuns sets the value of the Runs field in ListRunsResponse.
func (*ListRunsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ListRunsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ListRunsResponse)
func (*ListRunsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ListRunsResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ListRunsResponse)
func (ListRunsResponse) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ListRunsResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ListRunsResponse only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type NotebookOutput ¶
type NotebookOutput struct { // The value passed to // [dbutils.notebook.exit()](/notebooks/notebook-workflows.html#notebook-workflows-exit). // Databricks restricts this API to return the first 5 MB of the value. For // a larger result, your job can store the results in a cloud storage // service. This field is absent if `dbutils.notebook.exit()` was never // called. Result types.String `tfsdk:"result" tf:"optional"` // Whether or not the result was truncated. Truncated types.Bool `tfsdk:"truncated" tf:"optional"` }
func (NotebookOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in NotebookOutput. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*NotebookOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *NotebookOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan NotebookOutput)
func (*NotebookOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *NotebookOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState NotebookOutput)
func (NotebookOutput) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o NotebookOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, NotebookOutput only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type NotebookTask ¶
type NotebookTask struct { // Base parameters to be used for each run of this job. If the run is // initiated by a call to :method:jobs/run Now with parameters specified, // the two parameters maps are merged. If the same key is specified in // `base_parameters` and in `run-now`, the value from `run-now` is used. Use // [Task parameter variables] to set parameters containing information about // job runs. // // If the notebook takes a parameter that is not specified in the job’s // `base_parameters` or the `run-now` override parameters, the default value // from the notebook is used. // // Retrieve these parameters in a notebook using [dbutils.widgets.get]. // // The JSON representation of this field cannot exceed 1MB. // // [Task parameter variables]: // [dbutils.widgets.get]: BaseParameters types.Map `tfsdk:"base_parameters" tf:"optional"` // The path of the notebook to be run in the Databricks workspace or remote // repository. For notebooks stored in the Databricks workspace, the path // must be absolute and begin with a slash. For notebooks stored in a remote // repository, the path must be relative. This field is required. NotebookPath types.String `tfsdk:"notebook_path" tf:""` // Optional location type of the notebook. When set to `WORKSPACE`, the // notebook will be retrieved from the local Databricks workspace. When set // to `GIT`, the notebook will be retrieved from a Git repository defined in // `git_source`. If the value is empty, the task will use `GIT` if // `git_source` is defined and `WORKSPACE` otherwise. * `WORKSPACE`: // Notebook is located in Databricks workspace. * `GIT`: Notebook is located // in cloud Git provider. Source types.String `tfsdk:"source" tf:"optional"` // Optional `warehouse_id` to run the notebook on a SQL warehouse. Classic // SQL warehouses are NOT supported, please use serverless or pro SQL // warehouses. // // Note that SQL warehouses only support SQL cells; if the notebook contains // non-SQL cells, the run will fail. WarehouseId types.String `tfsdk:"warehouse_id" tf:"optional"` }
func (*NotebookTask) GetBaseParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetBaseParameters returns the value of the BaseParameters field in NotebookTask as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (NotebookTask) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in NotebookTask. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*NotebookTask) SetBaseParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetBaseParameters sets the value of the BaseParameters field in NotebookTask.
func (*NotebookTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *NotebookTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan NotebookTask)
func (*NotebookTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *NotebookTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState NotebookTask)
func (NotebookTask) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o NotebookTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, NotebookTask only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type PeriodicTriggerConfiguration ¶
type PeriodicTriggerConfiguration struct { // The interval at which the trigger should run. Interval types.Int64 `tfsdk:"interval" tf:""` // The unit of time for the interval. Unit types.String `tfsdk:"unit" tf:""` }
func (PeriodicTriggerConfiguration) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (a PeriodicTriggerConfiguration) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in PeriodicTriggerConfiguration. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*PeriodicTriggerConfiguration) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *PeriodicTriggerConfiguration) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan PeriodicTriggerConfiguration)
func (*PeriodicTriggerConfiguration) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *PeriodicTriggerConfiguration) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState PeriodicTriggerConfiguration)
func (PeriodicTriggerConfiguration) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o PeriodicTriggerConfiguration) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, PeriodicTriggerConfiguration only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type PipelineParams ¶
type PipelineParams struct { // If true, triggers a full refresh on the delta live table. FullRefresh types.Bool `tfsdk:"full_refresh" tf:"optional"` }
func (PipelineParams) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in PipelineParams. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*PipelineParams) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *PipelineParams) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan PipelineParams)
func (*PipelineParams) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *PipelineParams) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState PipelineParams)
func (PipelineParams) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o PipelineParams) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, PipelineParams only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type PipelineTask ¶
type PipelineTask struct { // If true, triggers a full refresh on the delta live table. FullRefresh types.Bool `tfsdk:"full_refresh" tf:"optional"` // The full name of the pipeline task to execute. PipelineId types.String `tfsdk:"pipeline_id" tf:""` }
func (PipelineTask) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in PipelineTask. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*PipelineTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *PipelineTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan PipelineTask)
func (*PipelineTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *PipelineTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState PipelineTask)
func (PipelineTask) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o PipelineTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, PipelineTask only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type PythonWheelTask ¶
type PythonWheelTask struct { // Named entry point to use, if it does not exist in the metadata of the // package it executes the function from the package directly using // `$packageName.$entryPoint()` EntryPoint types.String `tfsdk:"entry_point" tf:""` // Command-line parameters passed to Python wheel task in the form of // `["--name=task", "--data=dbfs:/path/to/data.json"]`. Leave it empty if // `parameters` is not null. NamedParameters types.Map `tfsdk:"named_parameters" tf:"optional"` // Name of the package to execute PackageName types.String `tfsdk:"package_name" tf:""` // Command-line parameters passed to Python wheel task. Leave it empty if // `named_parameters` is not null. Parameters types.List `tfsdk:"parameters" tf:"optional"` }
func (PythonWheelTask) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in PythonWheelTask. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*PythonWheelTask) GetNamedParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetNamedParameters returns the value of the NamedParameters field in PythonWheelTask as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*PythonWheelTask) GetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetParameters returns the value of the Parameters field in PythonWheelTask as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*PythonWheelTask) SetNamedParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetNamedParameters sets the value of the NamedParameters field in PythonWheelTask.
func (*PythonWheelTask) SetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *PythonWheelTask) SetParameters(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetParameters sets the value of the Parameters field in PythonWheelTask.
func (*PythonWheelTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *PythonWheelTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan PythonWheelTask)
func (*PythonWheelTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *PythonWheelTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState PythonWheelTask)
func (PythonWheelTask) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o PythonWheelTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, PythonWheelTask only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type QueueDetails ¶ added in v1.52.0
type QueueDetails struct { // The reason for queuing the run. * `ACTIVE_RUNS_LIMIT_REACHED`: The run // was queued due to reaching the workspace limit of active task runs. * // `MAX_CONCURRENT_RUNS_REACHED`: The run was queued due to reaching the // per-job limit of concurrent job runs. * // `ACTIVE_RUN_JOB_TASKS_LIMIT_REACHED`: The run was queued due to reaching // the workspace limit of active run job tasks. Code types.String `tfsdk:"code" tf:"optional"` // A descriptive message with the queuing details. This field is // unstructured, and its exact format is subject to change. Message types.String `tfsdk:"message" tf:"optional"` }
func (QueueDetails) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in QueueDetails. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*QueueDetails) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *QueueDetails) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan QueueDetails)
func (*QueueDetails) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *QueueDetails) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState QueueDetails)
func (QueueDetails) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o QueueDetails) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, QueueDetails only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type QueueSettings ¶
type QueueSettings struct { // If true, enable queueing for the job. This is a required field. Enabled types.Bool `tfsdk:"enabled" tf:""` }
func (QueueSettings) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in QueueSettings. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*QueueSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *QueueSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan QueueSettings)
func (*QueueSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *QueueSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState QueueSettings)
func (QueueSettings) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o QueueSettings) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, QueueSettings only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type RepairHistoryItem ¶
type RepairHistoryItem struct { // The end time of the (repaired) run. EndTime types.Int64 `tfsdk:"end_time" tf:"optional"` // The ID of the repair. Only returned for the items that represent a repair // in `repair_history`. Id types.Int64 `tfsdk:"id" tf:"optional"` // The start time of the (repaired) run. StartTime types.Int64 `tfsdk:"start_time" tf:"optional"` // Deprecated. Please use the `status` field instead. State types.List `tfsdk:"state" tf:"optional,object"` // The current status of the run Status types.List `tfsdk:"status" tf:"optional,object"` // The run IDs of the task runs that ran as part of this repair history // item. TaskRunIds types.List `tfsdk:"task_run_ids" tf:"optional"` // The repair history item type. Indicates whether a run is the original run // or a repair run. Type_ types.String `tfsdk:"type" tf:"optional"` }
func (RepairHistoryItem) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in RepairHistoryItem. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*RepairHistoryItem) GetState ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RepairHistoryItem) GetState(ctx context.Context) (RunState, bool)
GetState returns the value of the State field in RepairHistoryItem as a RunState value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RepairHistoryItem) GetStatus ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RepairHistoryItem) GetStatus(ctx context.Context) (RunStatus, bool)
GetStatus returns the value of the Status field in RepairHistoryItem as a RunStatus value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RepairHistoryItem) GetTaskRunIds ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetTaskRunIds returns the value of the TaskRunIds field in RepairHistoryItem as a slice of types.Int64 values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RepairHistoryItem) SetState ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RepairHistoryItem) SetState(ctx context.Context, v RunState)
SetState sets the value of the State field in RepairHistoryItem.
func (*RepairHistoryItem) SetStatus ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RepairHistoryItem) SetStatus(ctx context.Context, v RunStatus)
SetStatus sets the value of the Status field in RepairHistoryItem.
func (*RepairHistoryItem) SetTaskRunIds ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RepairHistoryItem) SetTaskRunIds(ctx context.Context, v []types.Int64)
SetTaskRunIds sets the value of the TaskRunIds field in RepairHistoryItem.
func (*RepairHistoryItem) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *RepairHistoryItem) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RepairHistoryItem)
func (*RepairHistoryItem) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *RepairHistoryItem) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RepairHistoryItem)
func (RepairHistoryItem) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o RepairHistoryItem) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, RepairHistoryItem only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type RepairRun ¶
type RepairRun struct { // An array of commands to execute for jobs with the dbt task, for example // `"dbt_commands": ["dbt deps", "dbt seed", "dbt deps", "dbt seed", "dbt // run"]` DbtCommands types.List `tfsdk:"dbt_commands" tf:"optional"` // A list of parameters for jobs with Spark JAR tasks, for example // `"jar_params": ["john doe", "35"]`. The parameters are used to invoke the // main function of the main class specified in the Spark JAR task. If not // specified upon `run-now`, it defaults to an empty list. jar_params cannot // be specified in conjunction with notebook_params. The JSON representation // of this field (for example `{"jar_params":["john doe","35"]}`) cannot // exceed 10,000 bytes. // // Use [Task parameter variables] to set parameters containing information // about job runs. // // [Task parameter variables]: JarParams types.List `tfsdk:"jar_params" tf:"optional"` // Job-level parameters used in the run. for example `"param": // "overriding_val"` JobParameters types.Map `tfsdk:"job_parameters" tf:"optional"` // The ID of the latest repair. This parameter is not required when // repairing a run for the first time, but must be provided on subsequent // requests to repair the same run. LatestRepairId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"latest_repair_id" tf:"optional"` // A map from keys to values for jobs with notebook task, for example // `"notebook_params": {"name": "john doe", "age": "35"}`. The map is passed // to the notebook and is accessible through the [dbutils.widgets.get] // function. // // If not specified upon `run-now`, the triggered run uses the job’s base // parameters. // // notebook_params cannot be specified in conjunction with jar_params. // // Use [Task parameter variables] to set parameters containing information // about job runs. // // The JSON representation of this field (for example // `{"notebook_params":{"name":"john doe","age":"35"}}`) cannot exceed // 10,000 bytes. // // [Task parameter variables]: // [dbutils.widgets.get]: NotebookParams types.Map `tfsdk:"notebook_params" tf:"optional"` // Controls whether the pipeline should perform a full refresh PipelineParams types.List `tfsdk:"pipeline_params" tf:"optional,object"` PythonNamedParams types.Map `tfsdk:"python_named_params" tf:"optional"` // A list of parameters for jobs with Python tasks, for example // `"python_params": ["john doe", "35"]`. The parameters are passed to // Python file as command-line parameters. If specified upon `run-now`, it // would overwrite the parameters specified in job setting. The JSON // representation of this field (for example `{"python_params":["john // doe","35"]}`) cannot exceed 10,000 bytes. // // Use [Task parameter variables] to set parameters containing information // about job runs. // // Important // // These parameters accept only Latin characters (ASCII character set). // Using non-ASCII characters returns an error. Examples of invalid, // non-ASCII characters are Chinese, Japanese kanjis, and emojis. // // [Task parameter variables]: PythonParams types.List `tfsdk:"python_params" tf:"optional"` // If true, repair all failed tasks. Only one of `rerun_tasks` or // `rerun_all_failed_tasks` can be used. RerunAllFailedTasks types.Bool `tfsdk:"rerun_all_failed_tasks" tf:"optional"` // If true, repair all tasks that depend on the tasks in `rerun_tasks`, even // if they were previously successful. Can be also used in combination with // `rerun_all_failed_tasks`. RerunDependentTasks types.Bool `tfsdk:"rerun_dependent_tasks" tf:"optional"` // The task keys of the task runs to repair. RerunTasks types.List `tfsdk:"rerun_tasks" tf:"optional"` // The job run ID of the run to repair. The run must not be in progress. RunId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"run_id" tf:""` // A list of parameters for jobs with spark submit task, for example // `"spark_submit_params": ["--class", // "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi"]`. The parameters are passed to // spark-submit script as command-line parameters. If specified upon // `run-now`, it would overwrite the parameters specified in job setting. // The JSON representation of this field (for example // `{"python_params":["john doe","35"]}`) cannot exceed 10,000 bytes. // // Use [Task parameter variables] to set parameters containing information // about job runs // // Important // // These parameters accept only Latin characters (ASCII character set). // Using non-ASCII characters returns an error. Examples of invalid, // non-ASCII characters are Chinese, Japanese kanjis, and emojis. // // [Task parameter variables]: SparkSubmitParams types.List `tfsdk:"spark_submit_params" tf:"optional"` // A map from keys to values for jobs with SQL task, for example // `"sql_params": {"name": "john doe", "age": "35"}`. The SQL alert task // does not support custom parameters. SqlParams types.Map `tfsdk:"sql_params" tf:"optional"` }
func (RepairRun) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in RepairRun. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*RepairRun) GetDbtCommands ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetDbtCommands returns the value of the DbtCommands field in RepairRun as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RepairRun) GetJarParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetJarParams returns the value of the JarParams field in RepairRun as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RepairRun) GetJobParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetJobParameters returns the value of the JobParameters field in RepairRun as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RepairRun) GetNotebookParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetNotebookParams returns the value of the NotebookParams field in RepairRun as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RepairRun) GetPipelineParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RepairRun) GetPipelineParams(ctx context.Context) (PipelineParams, bool)
GetPipelineParams returns the value of the PipelineParams field in RepairRun as a PipelineParams value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RepairRun) GetPythonNamedParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetPythonNamedParams returns the value of the PythonNamedParams field in RepairRun as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RepairRun) GetPythonParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetPythonParams returns the value of the PythonParams field in RepairRun as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RepairRun) GetRerunTasks ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetRerunTasks returns the value of the RerunTasks field in RepairRun as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RepairRun) GetSparkSubmitParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetSparkSubmitParams returns the value of the SparkSubmitParams field in RepairRun as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RepairRun) GetSqlParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetSqlParams returns the value of the SqlParams field in RepairRun as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RepairRun) SetDbtCommands ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetDbtCommands sets the value of the DbtCommands field in RepairRun.
func (*RepairRun) SetJarParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetJarParams sets the value of the JarParams field in RepairRun.
func (*RepairRun) SetJobParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetJobParameters sets the value of the JobParameters field in RepairRun.
func (*RepairRun) SetNotebookParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetNotebookParams sets the value of the NotebookParams field in RepairRun.
func (*RepairRun) SetPipelineParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RepairRun) SetPipelineParams(ctx context.Context, v PipelineParams)
SetPipelineParams sets the value of the PipelineParams field in RepairRun.
func (*RepairRun) SetPythonNamedParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetPythonNamedParams sets the value of the PythonNamedParams field in RepairRun.
func (*RepairRun) SetPythonParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetPythonParams sets the value of the PythonParams field in RepairRun.
func (*RepairRun) SetRerunTasks ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetRerunTasks sets the value of the RerunTasks field in RepairRun.
func (*RepairRun) SetSparkSubmitParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetSparkSubmitParams sets the value of the SparkSubmitParams field in RepairRun.
func (*RepairRun) SetSqlParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetSqlParams sets the value of the SqlParams field in RepairRun.
func (*RepairRun) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*RepairRun) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (RepairRun) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o RepairRun) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, RepairRun only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type RepairRunResponse ¶
type RepairRunResponse struct { // The ID of the repair. Must be provided in subsequent repairs using the // `latest_repair_id` field to ensure sequential repairs. RepairId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"repair_id" tf:"optional"` }
Run repair was initiated.
func (RepairRunResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in RepairRunResponse. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*RepairRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *RepairRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RepairRunResponse)
func (*RepairRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *RepairRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RepairRunResponse)
func (RepairRunResponse) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o RepairRunResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, RepairRunResponse only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ResetJob ¶
type ResetJob struct { // The canonical identifier of the job to reset. This field is required. JobId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"job_id" tf:""` // The new settings of the job. These settings completely replace the old // settings. // // Changes to the field `JobBaseSettings.timeout_seconds` are applied to // active runs. Changes to other fields are applied to future runs only. NewSettings types.List `tfsdk:"new_settings" tf:"object"` }
func (ResetJob) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ResetJob. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ResetJob) GetNewSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResetJob) GetNewSettings(ctx context.Context) (JobSettings, bool)
GetNewSettings returns the value of the NewSettings field in ResetJob as a JobSettings value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ResetJob) SetNewSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResetJob) SetNewSettings(ctx context.Context, v JobSettings)
SetNewSettings sets the value of the NewSettings field in ResetJob.
func (*ResetJob) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*ResetJob) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (ResetJob) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ResetJob) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ResetJob only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ResetResponse ¶
type ResetResponse struct { }
func (ResetResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ResetResponse. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ResetResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ResetResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ResetResponse)
func (*ResetResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ResetResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ResetResponse)
func (ResetResponse) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ResetResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ResetResponse only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ResolvedConditionTaskValues ¶
type ResolvedConditionTaskValues struct { Left types.String `tfsdk:"left" tf:"optional"` Right types.String `tfsdk:"right" tf:"optional"` }
func (ResolvedConditionTaskValues) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (a ResolvedConditionTaskValues) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ResolvedConditionTaskValues. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ResolvedConditionTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ResolvedConditionTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ResolvedConditionTaskValues)
func (*ResolvedConditionTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ResolvedConditionTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ResolvedConditionTaskValues)
func (ResolvedConditionTaskValues) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ResolvedConditionTaskValues) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ResolvedConditionTaskValues only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ResolvedDbtTaskValues ¶
func (*ResolvedDbtTaskValues) GetCommands ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetCommands returns the value of the Commands field in ResolvedDbtTaskValues as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (ResolvedDbtTaskValues) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ResolvedDbtTaskValues. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ResolvedDbtTaskValues) SetCommands ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedDbtTaskValues) SetCommands(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetCommands sets the value of the Commands field in ResolvedDbtTaskValues.
func (*ResolvedDbtTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ResolvedDbtTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ResolvedDbtTaskValues)
func (*ResolvedDbtTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ResolvedDbtTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ResolvedDbtTaskValues)
func (ResolvedDbtTaskValues) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ResolvedDbtTaskValues) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ResolvedDbtTaskValues only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ResolvedNotebookTaskValues ¶
type ResolvedNotebookTaskValues struct {
BaseParameters types.Map `tfsdk:"base_parameters" tf:"optional"`
func (*ResolvedNotebookTaskValues) GetBaseParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedNotebookTaskValues) GetBaseParameters(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
GetBaseParameters returns the value of the BaseParameters field in ResolvedNotebookTaskValues as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (ResolvedNotebookTaskValues) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (a ResolvedNotebookTaskValues) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ResolvedNotebookTaskValues. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ResolvedNotebookTaskValues) SetBaseParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedNotebookTaskValues) SetBaseParameters(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
SetBaseParameters sets the value of the BaseParameters field in ResolvedNotebookTaskValues.
func (*ResolvedNotebookTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ResolvedNotebookTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ResolvedNotebookTaskValues)
func (*ResolvedNotebookTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ResolvedNotebookTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ResolvedNotebookTaskValues)
func (ResolvedNotebookTaskValues) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ResolvedNotebookTaskValues) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ResolvedNotebookTaskValues only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ResolvedParamPairValues ¶
func (ResolvedParamPairValues) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ResolvedParamPairValues. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ResolvedParamPairValues) GetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedParamPairValues) GetParameters(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
GetParameters returns the value of the Parameters field in ResolvedParamPairValues as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ResolvedParamPairValues) SetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetParameters sets the value of the Parameters field in ResolvedParamPairValues.
func (*ResolvedParamPairValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ResolvedParamPairValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ResolvedParamPairValues)
func (*ResolvedParamPairValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ResolvedParamPairValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ResolvedParamPairValues)
func (ResolvedParamPairValues) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ResolvedParamPairValues) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ResolvedParamPairValues only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues ¶
type ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues struct { NamedParameters types.Map `tfsdk:"named_parameters" tf:"optional"` Parameters types.List `tfsdk:"parameters" tf:"optional"` }
func (ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (a ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) GetNamedParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) GetNamedParameters(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
GetNamedParameters returns the value of the NamedParameters field in ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) GetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetParameters returns the value of the Parameters field in ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) SetNamedParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) SetNamedParameters(ctx context.Context, v map[string]types.String)
SetNamedParameters sets the value of the NamedParameters field in ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues.
func (*ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) SetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) SetParameters(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetParameters sets the value of the Parameters field in ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues.
func (*ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues)
func (*ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues)
func (ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ResolvedRunJobTaskValues ¶
type ResolvedRunJobTaskValues struct { JobParameters types.Map `tfsdk:"job_parameters" tf:"optional"` Parameters types.Map `tfsdk:"parameters" tf:"optional"` }
func (ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ResolvedRunJobTaskValues. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) GetJobParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) GetJobParameters(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
GetJobParameters returns the value of the JobParameters field in ResolvedRunJobTaskValues as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) GetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) GetParameters(ctx context.Context) (map[string]types.String, bool)
GetParameters returns the value of the Parameters field in ResolvedRunJobTaskValues as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) SetJobParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetJobParameters sets the value of the JobParameters field in ResolvedRunJobTaskValues.
func (*ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) SetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetParameters sets the value of the Parameters field in ResolvedRunJobTaskValues.
func (*ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ResolvedRunJobTaskValues)
func (*ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ResolvedRunJobTaskValues)
func (ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ResolvedRunJobTaskValues) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ResolvedRunJobTaskValues only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ResolvedStringParamsValues ¶
func (ResolvedStringParamsValues) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (a ResolvedStringParamsValues) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ResolvedStringParamsValues. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ResolvedStringParamsValues) GetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetParameters returns the value of the Parameters field in ResolvedStringParamsValues as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ResolvedStringParamsValues) SetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedStringParamsValues) SetParameters(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetParameters sets the value of the Parameters field in ResolvedStringParamsValues.
func (*ResolvedStringParamsValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ResolvedStringParamsValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ResolvedStringParamsValues)
func (*ResolvedStringParamsValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ResolvedStringParamsValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ResolvedStringParamsValues)
func (ResolvedStringParamsValues) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ResolvedStringParamsValues) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ResolvedStringParamsValues only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ResolvedValues ¶
type ResolvedValues struct { ConditionTask types.List `tfsdk:"condition_task" tf:"optional,object"` DbtTask types.List `tfsdk:"dbt_task" tf:"optional,object"` NotebookTask types.List `tfsdk:"notebook_task" tf:"optional,object"` PythonWheelTask types.List `tfsdk:"python_wheel_task" tf:"optional,object"` RunJobTask types.List `tfsdk:"run_job_task" tf:"optional,object"` SimulationTask types.List `tfsdk:"simulation_task" tf:"optional,object"` SparkJarTask types.List `tfsdk:"spark_jar_task" tf:"optional,object"` SparkPythonTask types.List `tfsdk:"spark_python_task" tf:"optional,object"` SparkSubmitTask types.List `tfsdk:"spark_submit_task" tf:"optional,object"` SqlTask types.List `tfsdk:"sql_task" tf:"optional,object"` }
func (ResolvedValues) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ResolvedValues. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ResolvedValues) GetConditionTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedValues) GetConditionTask(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedConditionTaskValues, bool)
GetConditionTask returns the value of the ConditionTask field in ResolvedValues as a ResolvedConditionTaskValues value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ResolvedValues) GetDbtTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedValues) GetDbtTask(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedDbtTaskValues, bool)
GetDbtTask returns the value of the DbtTask field in ResolvedValues as a ResolvedDbtTaskValues value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ResolvedValues) GetNotebookTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedValues) GetNotebookTask(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedNotebookTaskValues, bool)
GetNotebookTask returns the value of the NotebookTask field in ResolvedValues as a ResolvedNotebookTaskValues value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ResolvedValues) GetPythonWheelTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedValues) GetPythonWheelTask(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues, bool)
GetPythonWheelTask returns the value of the PythonWheelTask field in ResolvedValues as a ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ResolvedValues) GetRunJobTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedValues) GetRunJobTask(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedRunJobTaskValues, bool)
GetRunJobTask returns the value of the RunJobTask field in ResolvedValues as a ResolvedRunJobTaskValues value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ResolvedValues) GetSimulationTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedValues) GetSimulationTask(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedParamPairValues, bool)
GetSimulationTask returns the value of the SimulationTask field in ResolvedValues as a ResolvedParamPairValues value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ResolvedValues) GetSparkJarTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedValues) GetSparkJarTask(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedStringParamsValues, bool)
GetSparkJarTask returns the value of the SparkJarTask field in ResolvedValues as a ResolvedStringParamsValues value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ResolvedValues) GetSparkPythonTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedValues) GetSparkPythonTask(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedStringParamsValues, bool)
GetSparkPythonTask returns the value of the SparkPythonTask field in ResolvedValues as a ResolvedStringParamsValues value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ResolvedValues) GetSparkSubmitTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedValues) GetSparkSubmitTask(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedStringParamsValues, bool)
GetSparkSubmitTask returns the value of the SparkSubmitTask field in ResolvedValues as a ResolvedStringParamsValues value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ResolvedValues) GetSqlTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedValues) GetSqlTask(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedParamPairValues, bool)
GetSqlTask returns the value of the SqlTask field in ResolvedValues as a ResolvedParamPairValues value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*ResolvedValues) SetConditionTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedValues) SetConditionTask(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedConditionTaskValues)
SetConditionTask sets the value of the ConditionTask field in ResolvedValues.
func (*ResolvedValues) SetDbtTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedValues) SetDbtTask(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedDbtTaskValues)
SetDbtTask sets the value of the DbtTask field in ResolvedValues.
func (*ResolvedValues) SetNotebookTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedValues) SetNotebookTask(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedNotebookTaskValues)
SetNotebookTask sets the value of the NotebookTask field in ResolvedValues.
func (*ResolvedValues) SetPythonWheelTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedValues) SetPythonWheelTask(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedPythonWheelTaskValues)
SetPythonWheelTask sets the value of the PythonWheelTask field in ResolvedValues.
func (*ResolvedValues) SetRunJobTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedValues) SetRunJobTask(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedRunJobTaskValues)
SetRunJobTask sets the value of the RunJobTask field in ResolvedValues.
func (*ResolvedValues) SetSimulationTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedValues) SetSimulationTask(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedParamPairValues)
SetSimulationTask sets the value of the SimulationTask field in ResolvedValues.
func (*ResolvedValues) SetSparkJarTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedValues) SetSparkJarTask(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedStringParamsValues)
SetSparkJarTask sets the value of the SparkJarTask field in ResolvedValues.
func (*ResolvedValues) SetSparkPythonTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedValues) SetSparkPythonTask(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedStringParamsValues)
SetSparkPythonTask sets the value of the SparkPythonTask field in ResolvedValues.
func (*ResolvedValues) SetSparkSubmitTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedValues) SetSparkSubmitTask(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedStringParamsValues)
SetSparkSubmitTask sets the value of the SparkSubmitTask field in ResolvedValues.
func (*ResolvedValues) SetSqlTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *ResolvedValues) SetSqlTask(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedParamPairValues)
SetSqlTask sets the value of the SqlTask field in ResolvedValues.
func (*ResolvedValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ResolvedValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan ResolvedValues)
func (*ResolvedValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *ResolvedValues) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState ResolvedValues)
func (ResolvedValues) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ResolvedValues) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ResolvedValues only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type Run ¶
type Run struct { // The sequence number of this run attempt for a triggered job run. The // initial attempt of a run has an attempt_number of 0. If the initial run // attempt fails, and the job has a retry policy (`max_retries` > 0), // subsequent runs are created with an `original_attempt_run_id` of the // original attempt’s ID and an incrementing `attempt_number`. Runs are // retried only until they succeed, and the maximum `attempt_number` is the // same as the `max_retries` value for the job. AttemptNumber types.Int64 `tfsdk:"attempt_number" tf:"optional"` // The time in milliseconds it took to terminate the cluster and clean up // any associated artifacts. The duration of a task run is the sum of the // `setup_duration`, `execution_duration`, and the `cleanup_duration`. The // `cleanup_duration` field is set to 0 for multitask job runs. The total // duration of a multitask job run is the value of the `run_duration` field. CleanupDuration types.Int64 `tfsdk:"cleanup_duration" tf:"optional"` // The cluster used for this run. If the run is specified to use a new // cluster, this field is set once the Jobs service has requested a cluster // for the run. ClusterInstance types.List `tfsdk:"cluster_instance" tf:"optional,object"` // A snapshot of the job’s cluster specification when this run was // created. ClusterSpec types.List `tfsdk:"cluster_spec" tf:"optional,object"` // The creator user name. This field won’t be included in the response if // the user has already been deleted. CreatorUserName types.String `tfsdk:"creator_user_name" tf:"optional"` // Description of the run Description types.String `tfsdk:"description" tf:"optional"` // The time at which this run ended in epoch milliseconds (milliseconds // since 1/1/1970 UTC). This field is set to 0 if the job is still running. EndTime types.Int64 `tfsdk:"end_time" tf:"optional"` // The time in milliseconds it took to execute the commands in the JAR or // notebook until they completed, failed, timed out, were cancelled, or // encountered an unexpected error. The duration of a task run is the sum of // the `setup_duration`, `execution_duration`, and the `cleanup_duration`. // The `execution_duration` field is set to 0 for multitask job runs. The // total duration of a multitask job run is the value of the `run_duration` // field. ExecutionDuration types.Int64 `tfsdk:"execution_duration" tf:"optional"` // An optional specification for a remote Git repository containing the // source code used by tasks. Version-controlled source code is supported by // notebook, dbt, Python script, and SQL File tasks. // // If `git_source` is set, these tasks retrieve the file from the remote // repository by default. However, this behavior can be overridden by // setting `source` to `WORKSPACE` on the task. // // Note: dbt and SQL File tasks support only version-controlled sources. If // dbt or SQL File tasks are used, `git_source` must be defined on the job. GitSource types.List `tfsdk:"git_source" tf:"optional,object"` // Only populated by for-each iterations. The parent for-each task is // located in tasks array. Iterations types.List `tfsdk:"iterations" tf:"optional"` // A list of job cluster specifications that can be shared and reused by // tasks of this job. Libraries cannot be declared in a shared job cluster. // You must declare dependent libraries in task settings. JobClusters types.List `tfsdk:"job_clusters" tf:"optional"` // The canonical identifier of the job that contains this run. JobId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"job_id" tf:"optional"` // Job-level parameters used in the run JobParameters types.List `tfsdk:"job_parameters" tf:"optional"` // ID of the job run that this run belongs to. For legacy and single-task // job runs the field is populated with the job run ID. For task runs, the // field is populated with the ID of the job run that the task run belongs // to. JobRunId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"job_run_id" tf:"optional"` // A token that can be used to list the next page of sub-resources. NextPageToken types.String `tfsdk:"next_page_token" tf:"optional"` // A unique identifier for this job run. This is set to the same value as // `run_id`. NumberInJob types.Int64 `tfsdk:"number_in_job" tf:"optional"` // If this run is a retry of a prior run attempt, this field contains the // run_id of the original attempt; otherwise, it is the same as the run_id. OriginalAttemptRunId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"original_attempt_run_id" tf:"optional"` // The parameters used for this run. OverridingParameters types.List `tfsdk:"overriding_parameters" tf:"optional,object"` // The time in milliseconds that the run has spent in the queue. QueueDuration types.Int64 `tfsdk:"queue_duration" tf:"optional"` // The repair history of the run. RepairHistory types.List `tfsdk:"repair_history" tf:"optional"` // The time in milliseconds it took the job run and all of its repairs to // finish. RunDuration types.Int64 `tfsdk:"run_duration" tf:"optional"` // The canonical identifier of the run. This ID is unique across all runs of // all jobs. RunId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"run_id" tf:"optional"` // An optional name for the run. The maximum length is 4096 bytes in UTF-8 // encoding. RunName types.String `tfsdk:"run_name" tf:"optional"` // The URL to the detail page of the run. RunPageUrl types.String `tfsdk:"run_page_url" tf:"optional"` // The type of a run. * `JOB_RUN`: Normal job run. A run created with // :method:jobs/runNow. * `WORKFLOW_RUN`: Workflow run. A run created with // []. * `SUBMIT_RUN`: Submit run. A run created with // :method:jobs/submit. // // []: RunType types.String `tfsdk:"run_type" tf:"optional"` // The cron schedule that triggered this run if it was triggered by the // periodic scheduler. Schedule types.List `tfsdk:"schedule" tf:"optional,object"` // The time in milliseconds it took to set up the cluster. For runs that run // on new clusters this is the cluster creation time, for runs that run on // existing clusters this time should be very short. The duration of a task // run is the sum of the `setup_duration`, `execution_duration`, and the // `cleanup_duration`. The `setup_duration` field is set to 0 for multitask // job runs. The total duration of a multitask job run is the value of the // `run_duration` field. SetupDuration types.Int64 `tfsdk:"setup_duration" tf:"optional"` // The time at which this run was started in epoch milliseconds // (milliseconds since 1/1/1970 UTC). This may not be the time when the job // task starts executing, for example, if the job is scheduled to run on a // new cluster, this is the time the cluster creation call is issued. StartTime types.Int64 `tfsdk:"start_time" tf:"optional"` // Deprecated. Please use the `status` field instead. State types.List `tfsdk:"state" tf:"optional,object"` // The current status of the run Status types.List `tfsdk:"status" tf:"optional,object"` // The list of tasks performed by the run. Each task has its own `run_id` // which you can use to call `JobsGetOutput` to retrieve the run resutls. Tasks types.List `tfsdk:"tasks" tf:"optional"` // The type of trigger that fired this run. // // * `PERIODIC`: Schedules that periodically trigger runs, such as a cron // scheduler. * `ONE_TIME`: One time triggers that fire a single run. This // occurs you triggered a single run on demand through the UI or the API. * // `RETRY`: Indicates a run that is triggered as a retry of a previously // failed run. This occurs when you request to re-run the job in case of // failures. * `RUN_JOB_TASK`: Indicates a run that is triggered using a Run // Job task. * `FILE_ARRIVAL`: Indicates a run that is triggered by a file // arrival. * `TABLE`: Indicates a run that is triggered by a table update. // * `CONTINUOUS_RESTART`: Indicates a run created by user to manually // restart a continuous job run. Trigger types.String `tfsdk:"trigger" tf:"optional"` // Additional details about what triggered the run TriggerInfo types.List `tfsdk:"trigger_info" tf:"optional,object"` }
Run was retrieved successfully
func (*Run) GetClusterInstance ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Run) GetClusterInstance(ctx context.Context) (ClusterInstance, bool)
GetClusterInstance returns the value of the ClusterInstance field in Run as a ClusterInstance value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Run) GetClusterSpec ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Run) GetClusterSpec(ctx context.Context) (ClusterSpec, bool)
GetClusterSpec returns the value of the ClusterSpec field in Run as a ClusterSpec value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (Run) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in Run. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*Run) GetGitSource ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetGitSource returns the value of the GitSource field in Run as a GitSource value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Run) GetIterations ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetIterations returns the value of the Iterations field in Run as a slice of RunTask values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Run) GetJobClusters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Run) GetJobClusters(ctx context.Context) ([]JobCluster, bool)
GetJobClusters returns the value of the JobClusters field in Run as a slice of JobCluster values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Run) GetJobParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Run) GetJobParameters(ctx context.Context) ([]JobParameter, bool)
GetJobParameters returns the value of the JobParameters field in Run as a slice of JobParameter values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Run) GetOverridingParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Run) GetOverridingParameters(ctx context.Context) (RunParameters, bool)
GetOverridingParameters returns the value of the OverridingParameters field in Run as a RunParameters value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Run) GetRepairHistory ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Run) GetRepairHistory(ctx context.Context) ([]RepairHistoryItem, bool)
GetRepairHistory returns the value of the RepairHistory field in Run as a slice of RepairHistoryItem values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Run) GetSchedule ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Run) GetSchedule(ctx context.Context) (CronSchedule, bool)
GetSchedule returns the value of the Schedule field in Run as a CronSchedule value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Run) GetState ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetState returns the value of the State field in Run as a RunState value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Run) GetStatus ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetStatus returns the value of the Status field in Run as a RunStatus value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Run) GetTasks ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetTasks returns the value of the Tasks field in Run as a slice of RunTask values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Run) GetTriggerInfo ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Run) GetTriggerInfo(ctx context.Context) (TriggerInfo, bool)
GetTriggerInfo returns the value of the TriggerInfo field in Run as a TriggerInfo value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Run) SetClusterInstance ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Run) SetClusterInstance(ctx context.Context, v ClusterInstance)
SetClusterInstance sets the value of the ClusterInstance field in Run.
func (*Run) SetClusterSpec ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Run) SetClusterSpec(ctx context.Context, v ClusterSpec)
SetClusterSpec sets the value of the ClusterSpec field in Run.
func (*Run) SetGitSource ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetGitSource sets the value of the GitSource field in Run.
func (*Run) SetIterations ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetIterations sets the value of the Iterations field in Run.
func (*Run) SetJobClusters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Run) SetJobClusters(ctx context.Context, v []JobCluster)
SetJobClusters sets the value of the JobClusters field in Run.
func (*Run) SetJobParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Run) SetJobParameters(ctx context.Context, v []JobParameter)
SetJobParameters sets the value of the JobParameters field in Run.
func (*Run) SetOverridingParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Run) SetOverridingParameters(ctx context.Context, v RunParameters)
SetOverridingParameters sets the value of the OverridingParameters field in Run.
func (*Run) SetRepairHistory ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Run) SetRepairHistory(ctx context.Context, v []RepairHistoryItem)
SetRepairHistory sets the value of the RepairHistory field in Run.
func (*Run) SetSchedule ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Run) SetSchedule(ctx context.Context, v CronSchedule)
SetSchedule sets the value of the Schedule field in Run.
func (*Run) SetTriggerInfo ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Run) SetTriggerInfo(ctx context.Context, v TriggerInfo)
SetTriggerInfo sets the value of the TriggerInfo field in Run.
func (*Run) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*Run) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (Run) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o Run) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, Run only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type RunConditionTask ¶
type RunConditionTask struct { // The left operand of the condition task. Can be either a string value or a // job state or parameter reference. Left types.String `tfsdk:"left" tf:""` // * `EQUAL_TO`, `NOT_EQUAL` operators perform string comparison of their // operands. This means that `“12.0” == “12”` will evaluate to // `false`. * `GREATER_THAN`, `GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL`, `LESS_THAN`, // `LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL` operators perform numeric comparison of their // operands. `“12.0” >= “12”` will evaluate to `true`, `“10.0” // >= “12”` will evaluate to `false`. // // The boolean comparison to task values can be implemented with operators // `EQUAL_TO`, `NOT_EQUAL`. If a task value was set to a boolean value, it // will be serialized to `“true”` or `“false”` for the comparison. Op types.String `tfsdk:"op" tf:""` // The condition expression evaluation result. Filled in if the task was // successfully completed. Can be `"true"` or `"false"` Outcome types.String `tfsdk:"outcome" tf:"optional"` // The right operand of the condition task. Can be either a string value or // a job state or parameter reference. Right types.String `tfsdk:"right" tf:""` }
func (RunConditionTask) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in RunConditionTask. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*RunConditionTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *RunConditionTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RunConditionTask)
func (*RunConditionTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *RunConditionTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RunConditionTask)
func (RunConditionTask) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o RunConditionTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, RunConditionTask only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type RunForEachTask ¶
type RunForEachTask struct { // An optional maximum allowed number of concurrent runs of the task. Set // this value if you want to be able to execute multiple runs of the task // concurrently. Concurrency types.Int64 `tfsdk:"concurrency" tf:"optional"` // Array for task to iterate on. This can be a JSON string or a reference to // an array parameter. Inputs types.String `tfsdk:"inputs" tf:""` // Read only field. Populated for GetRun and ListRuns RPC calls and stores // the execution stats of an For each task Stats types.List `tfsdk:"stats" tf:"optional,object"` // Configuration for the task that will be run for each element in the array Task types.List `tfsdk:"task" tf:"object"` }
func (RunForEachTask) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in RunForEachTask. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*RunForEachTask) GetStats ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunForEachTask) GetStats(ctx context.Context) (ForEachStats, bool)
GetStats returns the value of the Stats field in RunForEachTask as a ForEachStats value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunForEachTask) GetTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunForEachTask) GetTask(ctx context.Context) (Task, bool)
GetTask returns the value of the Task field in RunForEachTask as a Task value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunForEachTask) SetStats ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunForEachTask) SetStats(ctx context.Context, v ForEachStats)
SetStats sets the value of the Stats field in RunForEachTask.
func (*RunForEachTask) SetTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunForEachTask) SetTask(ctx context.Context, v Task)
SetTask sets the value of the Task field in RunForEachTask.
func (*RunForEachTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *RunForEachTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RunForEachTask)
func (*RunForEachTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *RunForEachTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RunForEachTask)
func (RunForEachTask) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o RunForEachTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, RunForEachTask only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type RunJobOutput ¶
type RunJobOutput struct { // The run id of the triggered job run RunId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"run_id" tf:"optional"` }
func (RunJobOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in RunJobOutput. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*RunJobOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *RunJobOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RunJobOutput)
func (*RunJobOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *RunJobOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RunJobOutput)
func (RunJobOutput) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o RunJobOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, RunJobOutput only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type RunJobTask ¶
type RunJobTask struct { // An array of commands to execute for jobs with the dbt task, for example // `"dbt_commands": ["dbt deps", "dbt seed", "dbt deps", "dbt seed", "dbt // run"]` DbtCommands types.List `tfsdk:"dbt_commands" tf:"optional"` // A list of parameters for jobs with Spark JAR tasks, for example // `"jar_params": ["john doe", "35"]`. The parameters are used to invoke the // main function of the main class specified in the Spark JAR task. If not // specified upon `run-now`, it defaults to an empty list. jar_params cannot // be specified in conjunction with notebook_params. The JSON representation // of this field (for example `{"jar_params":["john doe","35"]}`) cannot // exceed 10,000 bytes. // // Use [Task parameter variables] to set parameters containing information // about job runs. // // [Task parameter variables]: JarParams types.List `tfsdk:"jar_params" tf:"optional"` // ID of the job to trigger. JobId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"job_id" tf:""` // Job-level parameters used to trigger the job. JobParameters types.Map `tfsdk:"job_parameters" tf:"optional"` // A map from keys to values for jobs with notebook task, for example // `"notebook_params": {"name": "john doe", "age": "35"}`. The map is passed // to the notebook and is accessible through the [dbutils.widgets.get] // function. // // If not specified upon `run-now`, the triggered run uses the job’s base // parameters. // // notebook_params cannot be specified in conjunction with jar_params. // // Use [Task parameter variables] to set parameters containing information // about job runs. // // The JSON representation of this field (for example // `{"notebook_params":{"name":"john doe","age":"35"}}`) cannot exceed // 10,000 bytes. // // [Task parameter variables]: // [dbutils.widgets.get]: NotebookParams types.Map `tfsdk:"notebook_params" tf:"optional"` // Controls whether the pipeline should perform a full refresh PipelineParams types.List `tfsdk:"pipeline_params" tf:"optional,object"` PythonNamedParams types.Map `tfsdk:"python_named_params" tf:"optional"` // A list of parameters for jobs with Python tasks, for example // `"python_params": ["john doe", "35"]`. The parameters are passed to // Python file as command-line parameters. If specified upon `run-now`, it // would overwrite the parameters specified in job setting. The JSON // representation of this field (for example `{"python_params":["john // doe","35"]}`) cannot exceed 10,000 bytes. // // Use [Task parameter variables] to set parameters containing information // about job runs. // // Important // // These parameters accept only Latin characters (ASCII character set). // Using non-ASCII characters returns an error. Examples of invalid, // non-ASCII characters are Chinese, Japanese kanjis, and emojis. // // [Task parameter variables]: PythonParams types.List `tfsdk:"python_params" tf:"optional"` // A list of parameters for jobs with spark submit task, for example // `"spark_submit_params": ["--class", // "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi"]`. The parameters are passed to // spark-submit script as command-line parameters. If specified upon // `run-now`, it would overwrite the parameters specified in job setting. // The JSON representation of this field (for example // `{"python_params":["john doe","35"]}`) cannot exceed 10,000 bytes. // // Use [Task parameter variables] to set parameters containing information // about job runs // // Important // // These parameters accept only Latin characters (ASCII character set). // Using non-ASCII characters returns an error. Examples of invalid, // non-ASCII characters are Chinese, Japanese kanjis, and emojis. // // [Task parameter variables]: SparkSubmitParams types.List `tfsdk:"spark_submit_params" tf:"optional"` // A map from keys to values for jobs with SQL task, for example // `"sql_params": {"name": "john doe", "age": "35"}`. The SQL alert task // does not support custom parameters. SqlParams types.Map `tfsdk:"sql_params" tf:"optional"` }
func (RunJobTask) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in RunJobTask. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*RunJobTask) GetDbtCommands ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetDbtCommands returns the value of the DbtCommands field in RunJobTask as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunJobTask) GetJarParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetJarParams returns the value of the JarParams field in RunJobTask as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunJobTask) GetJobParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetJobParameters returns the value of the JobParameters field in RunJobTask as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunJobTask) GetNotebookParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetNotebookParams returns the value of the NotebookParams field in RunJobTask as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunJobTask) GetPipelineParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunJobTask) GetPipelineParams(ctx context.Context) (PipelineParams, bool)
GetPipelineParams returns the value of the PipelineParams field in RunJobTask as a PipelineParams value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunJobTask) GetPythonNamedParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetPythonNamedParams returns the value of the PythonNamedParams field in RunJobTask as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunJobTask) GetPythonParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetPythonParams returns the value of the PythonParams field in RunJobTask as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunJobTask) GetSparkSubmitParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetSparkSubmitParams returns the value of the SparkSubmitParams field in RunJobTask as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunJobTask) GetSqlParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetSqlParams returns the value of the SqlParams field in RunJobTask as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunJobTask) SetDbtCommands ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunJobTask) SetDbtCommands(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetDbtCommands sets the value of the DbtCommands field in RunJobTask.
func (*RunJobTask) SetJarParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunJobTask) SetJarParams(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetJarParams sets the value of the JarParams field in RunJobTask.
func (*RunJobTask) SetJobParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetJobParameters sets the value of the JobParameters field in RunJobTask.
func (*RunJobTask) SetNotebookParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetNotebookParams sets the value of the NotebookParams field in RunJobTask.
func (*RunJobTask) SetPipelineParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunJobTask) SetPipelineParams(ctx context.Context, v PipelineParams)
SetPipelineParams sets the value of the PipelineParams field in RunJobTask.
func (*RunJobTask) SetPythonNamedParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetPythonNamedParams sets the value of the PythonNamedParams field in RunJobTask.
func (*RunJobTask) SetPythonParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunJobTask) SetPythonParams(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetPythonParams sets the value of the PythonParams field in RunJobTask.
func (*RunJobTask) SetSparkSubmitParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunJobTask) SetSparkSubmitParams(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetSparkSubmitParams sets the value of the SparkSubmitParams field in RunJobTask.
func (*RunJobTask) SetSqlParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetSqlParams sets the value of the SqlParams field in RunJobTask.
func (*RunJobTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *RunJobTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RunJobTask)
func (*RunJobTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *RunJobTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RunJobTask)
func (RunJobTask) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o RunJobTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, RunJobTask only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type RunNow ¶
type RunNow struct { // An array of commands to execute for jobs with the dbt task, for example // `"dbt_commands": ["dbt deps", "dbt seed", "dbt deps", "dbt seed", "dbt // run"]` DbtCommands types.List `tfsdk:"dbt_commands" tf:"optional"` // An optional token to guarantee the idempotency of job run requests. If a // run with the provided token already exists, the request does not create a // new run but returns the ID of the existing run instead. If a run with the // provided token is deleted, an error is returned. // // If you specify the idempotency token, upon failure you can retry until // the request succeeds. Databricks guarantees that exactly one run is // launched with that idempotency token. // // This token must have at most 64 characters. // // For more information, see [How to ensure idempotency for jobs]. // // [How to ensure idempotency for jobs]: IdempotencyToken types.String `tfsdk:"idempotency_token" tf:"optional"` // A list of parameters for jobs with Spark JAR tasks, for example // `"jar_params": ["john doe", "35"]`. The parameters are used to invoke the // main function of the main class specified in the Spark JAR task. If not // specified upon `run-now`, it defaults to an empty list. jar_params cannot // be specified in conjunction with notebook_params. The JSON representation // of this field (for example `{"jar_params":["john doe","35"]}`) cannot // exceed 10,000 bytes. // // Use [Task parameter variables] to set parameters containing information // about job runs. // // [Task parameter variables]: JarParams types.List `tfsdk:"jar_params" tf:"optional"` // The ID of the job to be executed JobId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"job_id" tf:""` // Job-level parameters used in the run. for example `"param": // "overriding_val"` JobParameters types.Map `tfsdk:"job_parameters" tf:"optional"` // A map from keys to values for jobs with notebook task, for example // `"notebook_params": {"name": "john doe", "age": "35"}`. The map is passed // to the notebook and is accessible through the [dbutils.widgets.get] // function. // // If not specified upon `run-now`, the triggered run uses the job’s base // parameters. // // notebook_params cannot be specified in conjunction with jar_params. // // Use [Task parameter variables] to set parameters containing information // about job runs. // // The JSON representation of this field (for example // `{"notebook_params":{"name":"john doe","age":"35"}}`) cannot exceed // 10,000 bytes. // // [Task parameter variables]: // [dbutils.widgets.get]: NotebookParams types.Map `tfsdk:"notebook_params" tf:"optional"` // A list of task keys to run inside of the job. If this field is not // provided, all tasks in the job will be run. Only types.List `tfsdk:"only" tf:"optional"` // Controls whether the pipeline should perform a full refresh PipelineParams types.List `tfsdk:"pipeline_params" tf:"optional,object"` PythonNamedParams types.Map `tfsdk:"python_named_params" tf:"optional"` // A list of parameters for jobs with Python tasks, for example // `"python_params": ["john doe", "35"]`. The parameters are passed to // Python file as command-line parameters. If specified upon `run-now`, it // would overwrite the parameters specified in job setting. The JSON // representation of this field (for example `{"python_params":["john // doe","35"]}`) cannot exceed 10,000 bytes. // // Use [Task parameter variables] to set parameters containing information // about job runs. // // Important // // These parameters accept only Latin characters (ASCII character set). // Using non-ASCII characters returns an error. Examples of invalid, // non-ASCII characters are Chinese, Japanese kanjis, and emojis. // // [Task parameter variables]: PythonParams types.List `tfsdk:"python_params" tf:"optional"` // The queue settings of the run. Queue types.List `tfsdk:"queue" tf:"optional,object"` // A list of parameters for jobs with spark submit task, for example // `"spark_submit_params": ["--class", // "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi"]`. The parameters are passed to // spark-submit script as command-line parameters. If specified upon // `run-now`, it would overwrite the parameters specified in job setting. // The JSON representation of this field (for example // `{"python_params":["john doe","35"]}`) cannot exceed 10,000 bytes. // // Use [Task parameter variables] to set parameters containing information // about job runs // // Important // // These parameters accept only Latin characters (ASCII character set). // Using non-ASCII characters returns an error. Examples of invalid, // non-ASCII characters are Chinese, Japanese kanjis, and emojis. // // [Task parameter variables]: SparkSubmitParams types.List `tfsdk:"spark_submit_params" tf:"optional"` // A map from keys to values for jobs with SQL task, for example // `"sql_params": {"name": "john doe", "age": "35"}`. The SQL alert task // does not support custom parameters. SqlParams types.Map `tfsdk:"sql_params" tf:"optional"` }
func (RunNow) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in RunNow. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*RunNow) GetDbtCommands ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetDbtCommands returns the value of the DbtCommands field in RunNow as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunNow) GetJarParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetJarParams returns the value of the JarParams field in RunNow as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunNow) GetJobParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetJobParameters returns the value of the JobParameters field in RunNow as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunNow) GetNotebookParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetNotebookParams returns the value of the NotebookParams field in RunNow as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunNow) GetOnly ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetOnly returns the value of the Only field in RunNow as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunNow) GetPipelineParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunNow) GetPipelineParams(ctx context.Context) (PipelineParams, bool)
GetPipelineParams returns the value of the PipelineParams field in RunNow as a PipelineParams value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunNow) GetPythonNamedParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetPythonNamedParams returns the value of the PythonNamedParams field in RunNow as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunNow) GetPythonParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetPythonParams returns the value of the PythonParams field in RunNow as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunNow) GetQueue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunNow) GetQueue(ctx context.Context) (QueueSettings, bool)
GetQueue returns the value of the Queue field in RunNow as a QueueSettings value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunNow) GetSparkSubmitParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetSparkSubmitParams returns the value of the SparkSubmitParams field in RunNow as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunNow) GetSqlParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetSqlParams returns the value of the SqlParams field in RunNow as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunNow) SetDbtCommands ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetDbtCommands sets the value of the DbtCommands field in RunNow.
func (*RunNow) SetJarParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetJarParams sets the value of the JarParams field in RunNow.
func (*RunNow) SetJobParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetJobParameters sets the value of the JobParameters field in RunNow.
func (*RunNow) SetNotebookParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetNotebookParams sets the value of the NotebookParams field in RunNow.
func (*RunNow) SetPipelineParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunNow) SetPipelineParams(ctx context.Context, v PipelineParams)
SetPipelineParams sets the value of the PipelineParams field in RunNow.
func (*RunNow) SetPythonNamedParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetPythonNamedParams sets the value of the PythonNamedParams field in RunNow.
func (*RunNow) SetPythonParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetPythonParams sets the value of the PythonParams field in RunNow.
func (*RunNow) SetQueue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunNow) SetQueue(ctx context.Context, v QueueSettings)
SetQueue sets the value of the Queue field in RunNow.
func (*RunNow) SetSparkSubmitParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetSparkSubmitParams sets the value of the SparkSubmitParams field in RunNow.
func (*RunNow) SetSqlParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetSqlParams sets the value of the SqlParams field in RunNow.
func (*RunNow) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*RunNow) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (RunNow) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o RunNow) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, RunNow only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type RunNowResponse ¶
type RunNowResponse struct { // A unique identifier for this job run. This is set to the same value as // `run_id`. NumberInJob types.Int64 `tfsdk:"number_in_job" tf:"optional"` // The globally unique ID of the newly triggered run. RunId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"run_id" tf:"optional"` }
Run was started successfully.
func (RunNowResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in RunNowResponse. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*RunNowResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *RunNowResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RunNowResponse)
func (*RunNowResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *RunNowResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RunNowResponse)
func (RunNowResponse) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o RunNowResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, RunNowResponse only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type RunOutput ¶
type RunOutput struct { // The output of a dbt task, if available. DbtOutput types.List `tfsdk:"dbt_output" tf:"optional,object"` // An error message indicating why a task failed or why output is not // available. The message is unstructured, and its exact format is subject // to change. Error types.String `tfsdk:"error" tf:"optional"` // If there was an error executing the run, this field contains any // available stack traces. ErrorTrace types.String `tfsdk:"error_trace" tf:"optional"` Info types.String `tfsdk:"info" tf:"optional"` // The output from tasks that write to standard streams (stdout/stderr) such // as spark_jar_task, spark_python_task, python_wheel_task. // // It's not supported for the notebook_task, pipeline_task or // spark_submit_task. // // Databricks restricts this API to return the last 5 MB of these logs. Logs types.String `tfsdk:"logs" tf:"optional"` // Whether the logs are truncated. LogsTruncated types.Bool `tfsdk:"logs_truncated" tf:"optional"` // All details of the run except for its output. Metadata types.List `tfsdk:"metadata" tf:"optional,object"` // The output of a notebook task, if available. A notebook task that // terminates (either successfully or with a failure) without calling // `dbutils.notebook.exit()` is considered to have an empty output. This // field is set but its result value is empty. Databricks restricts this API // to return the first 5 MB of the output. To return a larger result, use // the [ClusterLogConf] field to configure log storage for the job cluster. // // [ClusterLogConf]: NotebookOutput types.List `tfsdk:"notebook_output" tf:"optional,object"` // The output of a run job task, if available RunJobOutput types.List `tfsdk:"run_job_output" tf:"optional,object"` // The output of a SQL task, if available. SqlOutput types.List `tfsdk:"sql_output" tf:"optional,object"` }
Run output was retrieved successfully.
func (RunOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in RunOutput. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*RunOutput) GetDbtOutput ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetDbtOutput returns the value of the DbtOutput field in RunOutput as a DbtOutput value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunOutput) GetMetadata ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetMetadata returns the value of the Metadata field in RunOutput as a Run value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunOutput) GetNotebookOutput ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunOutput) GetNotebookOutput(ctx context.Context) (NotebookOutput, bool)
GetNotebookOutput returns the value of the NotebookOutput field in RunOutput as a NotebookOutput value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunOutput) GetRunJobOutput ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunOutput) GetRunJobOutput(ctx context.Context) (RunJobOutput, bool)
GetRunJobOutput returns the value of the RunJobOutput field in RunOutput as a RunJobOutput value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunOutput) GetSqlOutput ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetSqlOutput returns the value of the SqlOutput field in RunOutput as a SqlOutput value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunOutput) SetDbtOutput ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetDbtOutput sets the value of the DbtOutput field in RunOutput.
func (*RunOutput) SetMetadata ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetMetadata sets the value of the Metadata field in RunOutput.
func (*RunOutput) SetNotebookOutput ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunOutput) SetNotebookOutput(ctx context.Context, v NotebookOutput)
SetNotebookOutput sets the value of the NotebookOutput field in RunOutput.
func (*RunOutput) SetRunJobOutput ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunOutput) SetRunJobOutput(ctx context.Context, v RunJobOutput)
SetRunJobOutput sets the value of the RunJobOutput field in RunOutput.
func (*RunOutput) SetSqlOutput ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetSqlOutput sets the value of the SqlOutput field in RunOutput.
func (*RunOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*RunOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (RunOutput) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o RunOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, RunOutput only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type RunParameters ¶
type RunParameters struct { // An array of commands to execute for jobs with the dbt task, for example // `"dbt_commands": ["dbt deps", "dbt seed", "dbt deps", "dbt seed", "dbt // run"]` DbtCommands types.List `tfsdk:"dbt_commands" tf:"optional"` // A list of parameters for jobs with Spark JAR tasks, for example // `"jar_params": ["john doe", "35"]`. The parameters are used to invoke the // main function of the main class specified in the Spark JAR task. If not // specified upon `run-now`, it defaults to an empty list. jar_params cannot // be specified in conjunction with notebook_params. The JSON representation // of this field (for example `{"jar_params":["john doe","35"]}`) cannot // exceed 10,000 bytes. // // Use [Task parameter variables] to set parameters containing information // about job runs. // // [Task parameter variables]: JarParams types.List `tfsdk:"jar_params" tf:"optional"` // A map from keys to values for jobs with notebook task, for example // `"notebook_params": {"name": "john doe", "age": "35"}`. The map is passed // to the notebook and is accessible through the [dbutils.widgets.get] // function. // // If not specified upon `run-now`, the triggered run uses the job’s base // parameters. // // notebook_params cannot be specified in conjunction with jar_params. // // Use [Task parameter variables] to set parameters containing information // about job runs. // // The JSON representation of this field (for example // `{"notebook_params":{"name":"john doe","age":"35"}}`) cannot exceed // 10,000 bytes. // // [Task parameter variables]: // [dbutils.widgets.get]: NotebookParams types.Map `tfsdk:"notebook_params" tf:"optional"` // Controls whether the pipeline should perform a full refresh PipelineParams types.List `tfsdk:"pipeline_params" tf:"optional,object"` PythonNamedParams types.Map `tfsdk:"python_named_params" tf:"optional"` // A list of parameters for jobs with Python tasks, for example // `"python_params": ["john doe", "35"]`. The parameters are passed to // Python file as command-line parameters. If specified upon `run-now`, it // would overwrite the parameters specified in job setting. The JSON // representation of this field (for example `{"python_params":["john // doe","35"]}`) cannot exceed 10,000 bytes. // // Use [Task parameter variables] to set parameters containing information // about job runs. // // Important // // These parameters accept only Latin characters (ASCII character set). // Using non-ASCII characters returns an error. Examples of invalid, // non-ASCII characters are Chinese, Japanese kanjis, and emojis. // // [Task parameter variables]: PythonParams types.List `tfsdk:"python_params" tf:"optional"` // A list of parameters for jobs with spark submit task, for example // `"spark_submit_params": ["--class", // "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi"]`. The parameters are passed to // spark-submit script as command-line parameters. If specified upon // `run-now`, it would overwrite the parameters specified in job setting. // The JSON representation of this field (for example // `{"python_params":["john doe","35"]}`) cannot exceed 10,000 bytes. // // Use [Task parameter variables] to set parameters containing information // about job runs // // Important // // These parameters accept only Latin characters (ASCII character set). // Using non-ASCII characters returns an error. Examples of invalid, // non-ASCII characters are Chinese, Japanese kanjis, and emojis. // // [Task parameter variables]: SparkSubmitParams types.List `tfsdk:"spark_submit_params" tf:"optional"` // A map from keys to values for jobs with SQL task, for example // `"sql_params": {"name": "john doe", "age": "35"}`. The SQL alert task // does not support custom parameters. SqlParams types.Map `tfsdk:"sql_params" tf:"optional"` }
func (RunParameters) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in RunParameters. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*RunParameters) GetDbtCommands ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetDbtCommands returns the value of the DbtCommands field in RunParameters as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunParameters) GetJarParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetJarParams returns the value of the JarParams field in RunParameters as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunParameters) GetNotebookParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetNotebookParams returns the value of the NotebookParams field in RunParameters as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunParameters) GetPipelineParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunParameters) GetPipelineParams(ctx context.Context) (PipelineParams, bool)
GetPipelineParams returns the value of the PipelineParams field in RunParameters as a PipelineParams value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunParameters) GetPythonNamedParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetPythonNamedParams returns the value of the PythonNamedParams field in RunParameters as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunParameters) GetPythonParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetPythonParams returns the value of the PythonParams field in RunParameters as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunParameters) GetSparkSubmitParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetSparkSubmitParams returns the value of the SparkSubmitParams field in RunParameters as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunParameters) GetSqlParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetSqlParams returns the value of the SqlParams field in RunParameters as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunParameters) SetDbtCommands ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunParameters) SetDbtCommands(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetDbtCommands sets the value of the DbtCommands field in RunParameters.
func (*RunParameters) SetJarParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunParameters) SetJarParams(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetJarParams sets the value of the JarParams field in RunParameters.
func (*RunParameters) SetNotebookParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetNotebookParams sets the value of the NotebookParams field in RunParameters.
func (*RunParameters) SetPipelineParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunParameters) SetPipelineParams(ctx context.Context, v PipelineParams)
SetPipelineParams sets the value of the PipelineParams field in RunParameters.
func (*RunParameters) SetPythonNamedParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetPythonNamedParams sets the value of the PythonNamedParams field in RunParameters.
func (*RunParameters) SetPythonParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunParameters) SetPythonParams(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetPythonParams sets the value of the PythonParams field in RunParameters.
func (*RunParameters) SetSparkSubmitParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunParameters) SetSparkSubmitParams(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetSparkSubmitParams sets the value of the SparkSubmitParams field in RunParameters.
func (*RunParameters) SetSqlParams ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetSqlParams sets the value of the SqlParams field in RunParameters.
func (*RunParameters) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *RunParameters) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan RunParameters)
func (*RunParameters) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *RunParameters) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState RunParameters)
func (RunParameters) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o RunParameters) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, RunParameters only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type RunState ¶
type RunState struct { // A value indicating the run's current lifecycle state. This field is // always available in the response. LifeCycleState types.String `tfsdk:"life_cycle_state" tf:"optional"` // The reason indicating why the run was queued. QueueReason types.String `tfsdk:"queue_reason" tf:"optional"` // A value indicating the run's result. This field is only available for // terminal lifecycle states. ResultState types.String `tfsdk:"result_state" tf:"optional"` // A descriptive message for the current state. This field is unstructured, // and its exact format is subject to change. StateMessage types.String `tfsdk:"state_message" tf:"optional"` // A value indicating whether a run was canceled manually by a user or by // the scheduler because the run timed out. UserCancelledOrTimedout types.Bool `tfsdk:"user_cancelled_or_timedout" tf:"optional"` }
The current state of the run.
func (RunState) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in RunState. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*RunState) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*RunState) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (RunState) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o RunState) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, RunState only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type RunStatus ¶ added in v1.52.0
type RunStatus struct { // If the run was queued, details about the reason for queuing the run. QueueDetails types.List `tfsdk:"queue_details" tf:"optional,object"` // The current state of the run. State types.String `tfsdk:"state" tf:"optional"` // If the run is in a TERMINATING or TERMINATED state, details about the // reason for terminating the run. TerminationDetails types.List `tfsdk:"termination_details" tf:"optional,object"` }
The current status of the run
func (RunStatus) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in RunStatus. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*RunStatus) GetQueueDetails ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunStatus) GetQueueDetails(ctx context.Context) (QueueDetails, bool)
GetQueueDetails returns the value of the QueueDetails field in RunStatus as a QueueDetails value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunStatus) GetTerminationDetails ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunStatus) GetTerminationDetails(ctx context.Context) (TerminationDetails, bool)
GetTerminationDetails returns the value of the TerminationDetails field in RunStatus as a TerminationDetails value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunStatus) SetQueueDetails ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunStatus) SetQueueDetails(ctx context.Context, v QueueDetails)
SetQueueDetails sets the value of the QueueDetails field in RunStatus.
func (*RunStatus) SetTerminationDetails ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunStatus) SetTerminationDetails(ctx context.Context, v TerminationDetails)
SetTerminationDetails sets the value of the TerminationDetails field in RunStatus.
func (*RunStatus) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*RunStatus) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (RunStatus) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o RunStatus) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, RunStatus only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type RunTask ¶
type RunTask struct { // The sequence number of this run attempt for a triggered job run. The // initial attempt of a run has an attempt_number of 0. If the initial run // attempt fails, and the job has a retry policy (`max_retries` > 0), // subsequent runs are created with an `original_attempt_run_id` of the // original attempt’s ID and an incrementing `attempt_number`. Runs are // retried only until they succeed, and the maximum `attempt_number` is the // same as the `max_retries` value for the job. AttemptNumber types.Int64 `tfsdk:"attempt_number" tf:"optional"` // The task runs a [clean rooms] notebook when the // `clean_rooms_notebook_task` field is present. // // [clean rooms]: CleanRoomsNotebookTask types.List `tfsdk:"clean_rooms_notebook_task" tf:"optional,object"` // The time in milliseconds it took to terminate the cluster and clean up // any associated artifacts. The duration of a task run is the sum of the // `setup_duration`, `execution_duration`, and the `cleanup_duration`. The // `cleanup_duration` field is set to 0 for multitask job runs. The total // duration of a multitask job run is the value of the `run_duration` field. CleanupDuration types.Int64 `tfsdk:"cleanup_duration" tf:"optional"` // The cluster used for this run. If the run is specified to use a new // cluster, this field is set once the Jobs service has requested a cluster // for the run. ClusterInstance types.List `tfsdk:"cluster_instance" tf:"optional,object"` // The task evaluates a condition that can be used to control the execution // of other tasks when the `condition_task` field is present. The condition // task does not require a cluster to execute and does not support retries // or notifications. ConditionTask types.List `tfsdk:"condition_task" tf:"optional,object"` // The task runs one or more dbt commands when the `dbt_task` field is // present. The dbt task requires both Databricks SQL and the ability to use // a serverless or a pro SQL warehouse. DbtTask types.List `tfsdk:"dbt_task" tf:"optional,object"` // An optional array of objects specifying the dependency graph of the task. // All tasks specified in this field must complete successfully before // executing this task. The key is `task_key`, and the value is the name // assigned to the dependent task. DependsOn types.List `tfsdk:"depends_on" tf:"optional"` // An optional description for this task. Description types.String `tfsdk:"description" tf:"optional"` // An optional set of email addresses notified when the task run begins or // completes. The default behavior is to not send any emails. EmailNotifications types.List `tfsdk:"email_notifications" tf:"optional,object"` // The time at which this run ended in epoch milliseconds (milliseconds // since 1/1/1970 UTC). This field is set to 0 if the job is still running. EndTime types.Int64 `tfsdk:"end_time" tf:"optional"` // The key that references an environment spec in a job. This field is // required for Python script, Python wheel and dbt tasks when using // serverless compute. EnvironmentKey types.String `tfsdk:"environment_key" tf:"optional"` // The time in milliseconds it took to execute the commands in the JAR or // notebook until they completed, failed, timed out, were cancelled, or // encountered an unexpected error. The duration of a task run is the sum of // the `setup_duration`, `execution_duration`, and the `cleanup_duration`. // The `execution_duration` field is set to 0 for multitask job runs. The // total duration of a multitask job run is the value of the `run_duration` // field. ExecutionDuration types.Int64 `tfsdk:"execution_duration" tf:"optional"` // If existing_cluster_id, the ID of an existing cluster that is used for // all runs. When running jobs or tasks on an existing cluster, you may need // to manually restart the cluster if it stops responding. We suggest // running jobs and tasks on new clusters for greater reliability ExistingClusterId types.String `tfsdk:"existing_cluster_id" tf:"optional"` // The task executes a nested task for every input provided when the // `for_each_task` field is present. ForEachTask types.List `tfsdk:"for_each_task" tf:"optional,object"` // An optional specification for a remote Git repository containing the // source code used by tasks. Version-controlled source code is supported by // notebook, dbt, Python script, and SQL File tasks. If `git_source` is set, // these tasks retrieve the file from the remote repository by default. // However, this behavior can be overridden by setting `source` to // `WORKSPACE` on the task. Note: dbt and SQL File tasks support only // version-controlled sources. If dbt or SQL File tasks are used, // `git_source` must be defined on the job. GitSource types.List `tfsdk:"git_source" tf:"optional,object"` // If job_cluster_key, this task is executed reusing the cluster specified // in `job.settings.job_clusters`. JobClusterKey types.String `tfsdk:"job_cluster_key" tf:"optional"` // An optional list of libraries to be installed on the cluster. The default // value is an empty list. Libraries types.List `tfsdk:"library" tf:"optional"` // If new_cluster, a description of a new cluster that is created for each // run. NewCluster types.List `tfsdk:"new_cluster" tf:"optional,object"` // The task runs a notebook when the `notebook_task` field is present. NotebookTask types.List `tfsdk:"notebook_task" tf:"optional,object"` // Optional notification settings that are used when sending notifications // to each of the `email_notifications` and `webhook_notifications` for this // task run. NotificationSettings types.List `tfsdk:"notification_settings" tf:"optional,object"` // The task triggers a pipeline update when the `pipeline_task` field is // present. Only pipelines configured to use triggered more are supported. PipelineTask types.List `tfsdk:"pipeline_task" tf:"optional,object"` // The task runs a Python wheel when the `python_wheel_task` field is // present. PythonWheelTask types.List `tfsdk:"python_wheel_task" tf:"optional,object"` // The time in milliseconds that the run has spent in the queue. QueueDuration types.Int64 `tfsdk:"queue_duration" tf:"optional"` // Parameter values including resolved references ResolvedValues types.List `tfsdk:"resolved_values" tf:"optional,object"` // The time in milliseconds it took the job run and all of its repairs to // finish. RunDuration types.Int64 `tfsdk:"run_duration" tf:"optional"` // The ID of the task run. RunId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"run_id" tf:"optional"` // An optional value indicating the condition that determines whether the // task should be run once its dependencies have been completed. When // omitted, defaults to `ALL_SUCCESS`. See :method:jobs/create for a list of // possible values. RunIf types.String `tfsdk:"run_if" tf:"optional"` // The task triggers another job when the `run_job_task` field is present. RunJobTask types.List `tfsdk:"run_job_task" tf:"optional,object"` RunPageUrl types.String `tfsdk:"run_page_url" tf:"optional"` // The time in milliseconds it took to set up the cluster. For runs that run // on new clusters this is the cluster creation time, for runs that run on // existing clusters this time should be very short. The duration of a task // run is the sum of the `setup_duration`, `execution_duration`, and the // `cleanup_duration`. The `setup_duration` field is set to 0 for multitask // job runs. The total duration of a multitask job run is the value of the // `run_duration` field. SetupDuration types.Int64 `tfsdk:"setup_duration" tf:"optional"` // The task runs a JAR when the `spark_jar_task` field is present. SparkJarTask types.List `tfsdk:"spark_jar_task" tf:"optional,object"` // The task runs a Python file when the `spark_python_task` field is // present. SparkPythonTask types.List `tfsdk:"spark_python_task" tf:"optional,object"` // (Legacy) The task runs the spark-submit script when the // `spark_submit_task` field is present. This task can run only on new // clusters and is not compatible with serverless compute. // // In the `new_cluster` specification, `libraries` and `spark_conf` are not // supported. Instead, use `--jars` and `--py-files` to add Java and Python // libraries and `--conf` to set the Spark configurations. // // `master`, `deploy-mode`, and `executor-cores` are automatically // configured by Databricks; you _cannot_ specify them in parameters. // // By default, the Spark submit job uses all available memory (excluding // reserved memory for Databricks services). You can set `--driver-memory`, // and `--executor-memory` to a smaller value to leave some room for // off-heap usage. // // The `--jars`, `--py-files`, `--files` arguments support DBFS and S3 // paths. SparkSubmitTask types.List `tfsdk:"spark_submit_task" tf:"optional,object"` // The task runs a SQL query or file, or it refreshes a SQL alert or a // legacy SQL dashboard when the `sql_task` field is present. SqlTask types.List `tfsdk:"sql_task" tf:"optional,object"` // The time at which this run was started in epoch milliseconds // (milliseconds since 1/1/1970 UTC). This may not be the time when the job // task starts executing, for example, if the job is scheduled to run on a // new cluster, this is the time the cluster creation call is issued. StartTime types.Int64 `tfsdk:"start_time" tf:"optional"` // Deprecated. Please use the `status` field instead. State types.List `tfsdk:"state" tf:"optional,object"` // The current status of the run Status types.List `tfsdk:"status" tf:"optional,object"` // A unique name for the task. This field is used to refer to this task from // other tasks. This field is required and must be unique within its parent // job. On Update or Reset, this field is used to reference the tasks to be // updated or reset. TaskKey types.String `tfsdk:"task_key" tf:""` // An optional timeout applied to each run of this job task. A value of `0` // means no timeout. TimeoutSeconds types.Int64 `tfsdk:"timeout_seconds" tf:"optional"` // A collection of system notification IDs to notify when the run begins or // completes. The default behavior is to not send any system notifications. // Task webhooks respect the task notification settings. WebhookNotifications types.List `tfsdk:"webhook_notifications" tf:"optional,object"` }
Used when outputting a child run, in GetRun or ListRuns.
func (*RunTask) GetCleanRoomsNotebookTask ¶ added in v1.62.0
func (o *RunTask) GetCleanRoomsNotebookTask(ctx context.Context) (CleanRoomsNotebookTask, bool)
GetCleanRoomsNotebookTask returns the value of the CleanRoomsNotebookTask field in RunTask as a CleanRoomsNotebookTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetClusterInstance ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) GetClusterInstance(ctx context.Context) (ClusterInstance, bool)
GetClusterInstance returns the value of the ClusterInstance field in RunTask as a ClusterInstance value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (RunTask) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in RunTask. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*RunTask) GetConditionTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) GetConditionTask(ctx context.Context) (RunConditionTask, bool)
GetConditionTask returns the value of the ConditionTask field in RunTask as a RunConditionTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetDbtTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetDbtTask returns the value of the DbtTask field in RunTask as a DbtTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetDependsOn ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) GetDependsOn(ctx context.Context) ([]TaskDependency, bool)
GetDependsOn returns the value of the DependsOn field in RunTask as a slice of TaskDependency values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetEmailNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) GetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context) (JobEmailNotifications, bool)
GetEmailNotifications returns the value of the EmailNotifications field in RunTask as a JobEmailNotifications value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetForEachTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) GetForEachTask(ctx context.Context) (RunForEachTask, bool)
GetForEachTask returns the value of the ForEachTask field in RunTask as a RunForEachTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetGitSource ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetGitSource returns the value of the GitSource field in RunTask as a GitSource value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetLibraries ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetLibraries returns the value of the Libraries field in RunTask as a slice of compute_tf.Library values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetNewCluster ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) GetNewCluster(ctx context.Context) (compute_tf.ClusterSpec, bool)
GetNewCluster returns the value of the NewCluster field in RunTask as a compute_tf.ClusterSpec value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetNotebookTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) GetNotebookTask(ctx context.Context) (NotebookTask, bool)
GetNotebookTask returns the value of the NotebookTask field in RunTask as a NotebookTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetNotificationSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) GetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context) (TaskNotificationSettings, bool)
GetNotificationSettings returns the value of the NotificationSettings field in RunTask as a TaskNotificationSettings value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetPipelineTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) GetPipelineTask(ctx context.Context) (PipelineTask, bool)
GetPipelineTask returns the value of the PipelineTask field in RunTask as a PipelineTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetPythonWheelTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) GetPythonWheelTask(ctx context.Context) (PythonWheelTask, bool)
GetPythonWheelTask returns the value of the PythonWheelTask field in RunTask as a PythonWheelTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetResolvedValues ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) GetResolvedValues(ctx context.Context) (ResolvedValues, bool)
GetResolvedValues returns the value of the ResolvedValues field in RunTask as a ResolvedValues value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetRunJobTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) GetRunJobTask(ctx context.Context) (RunJobTask, bool)
GetRunJobTask returns the value of the RunJobTask field in RunTask as a RunJobTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetSparkJarTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) GetSparkJarTask(ctx context.Context) (SparkJarTask, bool)
GetSparkJarTask returns the value of the SparkJarTask field in RunTask as a SparkJarTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetSparkPythonTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) GetSparkPythonTask(ctx context.Context) (SparkPythonTask, bool)
GetSparkPythonTask returns the value of the SparkPythonTask field in RunTask as a SparkPythonTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetSparkSubmitTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) GetSparkSubmitTask(ctx context.Context) (SparkSubmitTask, bool)
GetSparkSubmitTask returns the value of the SparkSubmitTask field in RunTask as a SparkSubmitTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetSqlTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetSqlTask returns the value of the SqlTask field in RunTask as a SqlTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetState ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetState returns the value of the State field in RunTask as a RunState value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetStatus ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetStatus returns the value of the Status field in RunTask as a RunStatus value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) GetWebhookNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) GetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context) (WebhookNotifications, bool)
GetWebhookNotifications returns the value of the WebhookNotifications field in RunTask as a WebhookNotifications value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*RunTask) SetCleanRoomsNotebookTask ¶ added in v1.62.0
func (o *RunTask) SetCleanRoomsNotebookTask(ctx context.Context, v CleanRoomsNotebookTask)
SetCleanRoomsNotebookTask sets the value of the CleanRoomsNotebookTask field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetClusterInstance ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) SetClusterInstance(ctx context.Context, v ClusterInstance)
SetClusterInstance sets the value of the ClusterInstance field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetConditionTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) SetConditionTask(ctx context.Context, v RunConditionTask)
SetConditionTask sets the value of the ConditionTask field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetDbtTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetDbtTask sets the value of the DbtTask field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetDependsOn ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) SetDependsOn(ctx context.Context, v []TaskDependency)
SetDependsOn sets the value of the DependsOn field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetEmailNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) SetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context, v JobEmailNotifications)
SetEmailNotifications sets the value of the EmailNotifications field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetForEachTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) SetForEachTask(ctx context.Context, v RunForEachTask)
SetForEachTask sets the value of the ForEachTask field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetGitSource ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetGitSource sets the value of the GitSource field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetLibraries ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) SetLibraries(ctx context.Context, v []compute_tf.Library)
SetLibraries sets the value of the Libraries field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetNewCluster ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) SetNewCluster(ctx context.Context, v compute_tf.ClusterSpec)
SetNewCluster sets the value of the NewCluster field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetNotebookTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) SetNotebookTask(ctx context.Context, v NotebookTask)
SetNotebookTask sets the value of the NotebookTask field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetNotificationSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) SetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context, v TaskNotificationSettings)
SetNotificationSettings sets the value of the NotificationSettings field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetPipelineTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) SetPipelineTask(ctx context.Context, v PipelineTask)
SetPipelineTask sets the value of the PipelineTask field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetPythonWheelTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) SetPythonWheelTask(ctx context.Context, v PythonWheelTask)
SetPythonWheelTask sets the value of the PythonWheelTask field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetResolvedValues ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) SetResolvedValues(ctx context.Context, v ResolvedValues)
SetResolvedValues sets the value of the ResolvedValues field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetRunJobTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) SetRunJobTask(ctx context.Context, v RunJobTask)
SetRunJobTask sets the value of the RunJobTask field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetSparkJarTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) SetSparkJarTask(ctx context.Context, v SparkJarTask)
SetSparkJarTask sets the value of the SparkJarTask field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetSparkPythonTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) SetSparkPythonTask(ctx context.Context, v SparkPythonTask)
SetSparkPythonTask sets the value of the SparkPythonTask field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetSparkSubmitTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) SetSparkSubmitTask(ctx context.Context, v SparkSubmitTask)
SetSparkSubmitTask sets the value of the SparkSubmitTask field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetSqlTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetSqlTask sets the value of the SqlTask field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetStatus ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetStatus sets the value of the Status field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SetWebhookNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *RunTask) SetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context, v WebhookNotifications)
SetWebhookNotifications sets the value of the WebhookNotifications field in RunTask.
func (*RunTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*RunTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (RunTask) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o RunTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, RunTask only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type SparkJarTask ¶
type SparkJarTask struct { // Deprecated since 04/2016. Provide a `jar` through the `libraries` field // instead. For an example, see :method:jobs/create. JarUri types.String `tfsdk:"jar_uri" tf:"optional"` // The full name of the class containing the main method to be executed. // This class must be contained in a JAR provided as a library. // // The code must use `SparkContext.getOrCreate` to obtain a Spark context; // otherwise, runs of the job fail. MainClassName types.String `tfsdk:"main_class_name" tf:"optional"` // Parameters passed to the main method. // // Use [Task parameter variables] to set parameters containing information // about job runs. // // [Task parameter variables]: Parameters types.List `tfsdk:"parameters" tf:"optional"` }
func (SparkJarTask) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in SparkJarTask. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*SparkJarTask) GetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetParameters returns the value of the Parameters field in SparkJarTask as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SparkJarTask) SetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SparkJarTask) SetParameters(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetParameters sets the value of the Parameters field in SparkJarTask.
func (*SparkJarTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SparkJarTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SparkJarTask)
func (*SparkJarTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SparkJarTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SparkJarTask)
func (SparkJarTask) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o SparkJarTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, SparkJarTask only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type SparkPythonTask ¶
type SparkPythonTask struct { // Command line parameters passed to the Python file. // // Use [Task parameter variables] to set parameters containing information // about job runs. // // [Task parameter variables]: Parameters types.List `tfsdk:"parameters" tf:"optional"` // The Python file to be executed. Cloud file URIs (such as dbfs:/, s3:/, // adls:/, gcs:/) and workspace paths are supported. For python files stored // in the Databricks workspace, the path must be absolute and begin with // `/`. For files stored in a remote repository, the path must be relative. // This field is required. PythonFile types.String `tfsdk:"python_file" tf:""` // Optional location type of the Python file. When set to `WORKSPACE` or not // specified, the file will be retrieved from the local Databricks workspace // or cloud location (if the `python_file` has a URI format). When set to // `GIT`, the Python file will be retrieved from a Git repository defined in // `git_source`. // // * `WORKSPACE`: The Python file is located in a Databricks workspace or at // a cloud filesystem URI. * `GIT`: The Python file is located in a remote // Git repository. Source types.String `tfsdk:"source" tf:"optional"` }
func (SparkPythonTask) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in SparkPythonTask. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*SparkPythonTask) GetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetParameters returns the value of the Parameters field in SparkPythonTask as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SparkPythonTask) SetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SparkPythonTask) SetParameters(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetParameters sets the value of the Parameters field in SparkPythonTask.
func (*SparkPythonTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SparkPythonTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SparkPythonTask)
func (*SparkPythonTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SparkPythonTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SparkPythonTask)
func (SparkPythonTask) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o SparkPythonTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, SparkPythonTask only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type SparkSubmitTask ¶
type SparkSubmitTask struct { // Command-line parameters passed to spark submit. // // Use [Task parameter variables] to set parameters containing information // about job runs. // // [Task parameter variables]: Parameters types.List `tfsdk:"parameters" tf:"optional"` }
func (SparkSubmitTask) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in SparkSubmitTask. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*SparkSubmitTask) GetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetParameters returns the value of the Parameters field in SparkSubmitTask as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SparkSubmitTask) SetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SparkSubmitTask) SetParameters(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetParameters sets the value of the Parameters field in SparkSubmitTask.
func (*SparkSubmitTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SparkSubmitTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SparkSubmitTask)
func (*SparkSubmitTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SparkSubmitTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SparkSubmitTask)
func (SparkSubmitTask) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o SparkSubmitTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, SparkSubmitTask only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type SqlAlertOutput ¶
type SqlAlertOutput struct { // The state of the SQL alert. // // * UNKNOWN: alert yet to be evaluated * OK: alert evaluated and did not // fulfill trigger conditions * TRIGGERED: alert evaluated and fulfilled // trigger conditions AlertState types.String `tfsdk:"alert_state" tf:"optional"` // The link to find the output results. OutputLink types.String `tfsdk:"output_link" tf:"optional"` // The text of the SQL query. Can Run permission of the SQL query associated // with the SQL alert is required to view this field. QueryText types.String `tfsdk:"query_text" tf:"optional"` // Information about SQL statements executed in the run. SqlStatements types.List `tfsdk:"sql_statements" tf:"optional"` // The canonical identifier of the SQL warehouse. WarehouseId types.String `tfsdk:"warehouse_id" tf:"optional"` }
func (SqlAlertOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in SqlAlertOutput. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*SqlAlertOutput) GetSqlStatements ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlAlertOutput) GetSqlStatements(ctx context.Context) ([]SqlStatementOutput, bool)
GetSqlStatements returns the value of the SqlStatements field in SqlAlertOutput as a slice of SqlStatementOutput values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SqlAlertOutput) SetSqlStatements ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlAlertOutput) SetSqlStatements(ctx context.Context, v []SqlStatementOutput)
SetSqlStatements sets the value of the SqlStatements field in SqlAlertOutput.
func (*SqlAlertOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlAlertOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlAlertOutput)
func (*SqlAlertOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlAlertOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlAlertOutput)
func (SqlAlertOutput) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o SqlAlertOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, SqlAlertOutput only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type SqlDashboardOutput ¶
type SqlDashboardOutput struct { // The canonical identifier of the SQL warehouse. WarehouseId types.String `tfsdk:"warehouse_id" tf:"optional"` // Widgets executed in the run. Only SQL query based widgets are listed. Widgets types.List `tfsdk:"widgets" tf:"optional"` }
func (SqlDashboardOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in SqlDashboardOutput. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*SqlDashboardOutput) GetWidgets ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlDashboardOutput) GetWidgets(ctx context.Context) ([]SqlDashboardWidgetOutput, bool)
GetWidgets returns the value of the Widgets field in SqlDashboardOutput as a slice of SqlDashboardWidgetOutput values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SqlDashboardOutput) SetWidgets ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlDashboardOutput) SetWidgets(ctx context.Context, v []SqlDashboardWidgetOutput)
SetWidgets sets the value of the Widgets field in SqlDashboardOutput.
func (*SqlDashboardOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlDashboardOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlDashboardOutput)
func (*SqlDashboardOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlDashboardOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlDashboardOutput)
func (SqlDashboardOutput) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o SqlDashboardOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, SqlDashboardOutput only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type SqlDashboardWidgetOutput ¶
type SqlDashboardWidgetOutput struct { // Time (in epoch milliseconds) when execution of the SQL widget ends. EndTime types.Int64 `tfsdk:"end_time" tf:"optional"` // The information about the error when execution fails. Error types.List `tfsdk:"error" tf:"optional,object"` // The link to find the output results. OutputLink types.String `tfsdk:"output_link" tf:"optional"` // Time (in epoch milliseconds) when execution of the SQL widget starts. StartTime types.Int64 `tfsdk:"start_time" tf:"optional"` // The execution status of the SQL widget. Status types.String `tfsdk:"status" tf:"optional"` // The canonical identifier of the SQL widget. WidgetId types.String `tfsdk:"widget_id" tf:"optional"` // The title of the SQL widget. WidgetTitle types.String `tfsdk:"widget_title" tf:"optional"` }
func (SqlDashboardWidgetOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in SqlDashboardWidgetOutput. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*SqlDashboardWidgetOutput) GetError ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlDashboardWidgetOutput) GetError(ctx context.Context) (SqlOutputError, bool)
GetError returns the value of the Error field in SqlDashboardWidgetOutput as a SqlOutputError value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SqlDashboardWidgetOutput) SetError ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlDashboardWidgetOutput) SetError(ctx context.Context, v SqlOutputError)
SetError sets the value of the Error field in SqlDashboardWidgetOutput.
func (*SqlDashboardWidgetOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlDashboardWidgetOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlDashboardWidgetOutput)
func (*SqlDashboardWidgetOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlDashboardWidgetOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlDashboardWidgetOutput)
func (SqlDashboardWidgetOutput) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o SqlDashboardWidgetOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, SqlDashboardWidgetOutput only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type SqlOutput ¶
type SqlOutput struct { // The output of a SQL alert task, if available. AlertOutput types.List `tfsdk:"alert_output" tf:"optional,object"` // The output of a SQL dashboard task, if available. DashboardOutput types.List `tfsdk:"dashboard_output" tf:"optional,object"` // The output of a SQL query task, if available. QueryOutput types.List `tfsdk:"query_output" tf:"optional,object"` }
func (*SqlOutput) GetAlertOutput ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlOutput) GetAlertOutput(ctx context.Context) (SqlAlertOutput, bool)
GetAlertOutput returns the value of the AlertOutput field in SqlOutput as a SqlAlertOutput value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (SqlOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in SqlOutput. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*SqlOutput) GetDashboardOutput ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlOutput) GetDashboardOutput(ctx context.Context) (SqlDashboardOutput, bool)
GetDashboardOutput returns the value of the DashboardOutput field in SqlOutput as a SqlDashboardOutput value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SqlOutput) GetQueryOutput ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlOutput) GetQueryOutput(ctx context.Context) (SqlQueryOutput, bool)
GetQueryOutput returns the value of the QueryOutput field in SqlOutput as a SqlQueryOutput value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SqlOutput) SetAlertOutput ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlOutput) SetAlertOutput(ctx context.Context, v SqlAlertOutput)
SetAlertOutput sets the value of the AlertOutput field in SqlOutput.
func (*SqlOutput) SetDashboardOutput ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlOutput) SetDashboardOutput(ctx context.Context, v SqlDashboardOutput)
SetDashboardOutput sets the value of the DashboardOutput field in SqlOutput.
func (*SqlOutput) SetQueryOutput ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlOutput) SetQueryOutput(ctx context.Context, v SqlQueryOutput)
SetQueryOutput sets the value of the QueryOutput field in SqlOutput.
func (*SqlOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*SqlOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (SqlOutput) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o SqlOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, SqlOutput only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type SqlOutputError ¶
type SqlOutputError struct { // The error message when execution fails. Message types.String `tfsdk:"message" tf:"optional"` }
func (SqlOutputError) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in SqlOutputError. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*SqlOutputError) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlOutputError) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlOutputError)
func (*SqlOutputError) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlOutputError) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlOutputError)
func (SqlOutputError) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o SqlOutputError) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, SqlOutputError only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type SqlQueryOutput ¶
type SqlQueryOutput struct { EndpointId types.String `tfsdk:"endpoint_id" tf:"optional"` // The link to find the output results. OutputLink types.String `tfsdk:"output_link" tf:"optional"` // The text of the SQL query. Can Run permission of the SQL query is // required to view this field. QueryText types.String `tfsdk:"query_text" tf:"optional"` // Information about SQL statements executed in the run. SqlStatements types.List `tfsdk:"sql_statements" tf:"optional"` // The canonical identifier of the SQL warehouse. WarehouseId types.String `tfsdk:"warehouse_id" tf:"optional"` }
func (SqlQueryOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in SqlQueryOutput. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*SqlQueryOutput) GetSqlStatements ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlQueryOutput) GetSqlStatements(ctx context.Context) ([]SqlStatementOutput, bool)
GetSqlStatements returns the value of the SqlStatements field in SqlQueryOutput as a slice of SqlStatementOutput values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SqlQueryOutput) SetSqlStatements ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlQueryOutput) SetSqlStatements(ctx context.Context, v []SqlStatementOutput)
SetSqlStatements sets the value of the SqlStatements field in SqlQueryOutput.
func (*SqlQueryOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlQueryOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlQueryOutput)
func (*SqlQueryOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlQueryOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlQueryOutput)
func (SqlQueryOutput) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o SqlQueryOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, SqlQueryOutput only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type SqlStatementOutput ¶
type SqlStatementOutput struct { // A key that can be used to look up query details. LookupKey types.String `tfsdk:"lookup_key" tf:"optional"` }
func (SqlStatementOutput) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in SqlStatementOutput. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*SqlStatementOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlStatementOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlStatementOutput)
func (*SqlStatementOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlStatementOutput) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlStatementOutput)
func (SqlStatementOutput) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o SqlStatementOutput) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, SqlStatementOutput only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type SqlTask ¶
type SqlTask struct { // If alert, indicates that this job must refresh a SQL alert. Alert types.List `tfsdk:"alert" tf:"optional,object"` // If dashboard, indicates that this job must refresh a SQL dashboard. Dashboard types.List `tfsdk:"dashboard" tf:"optional,object"` // If file, indicates that this job runs a SQL file in a remote Git // repository. File types.List `tfsdk:"file" tf:"optional,object"` // Parameters to be used for each run of this job. The SQL alert task does // not support custom parameters. Parameters types.Map `tfsdk:"parameters" tf:"optional"` // If query, indicates that this job must execute a SQL query. Query types.List `tfsdk:"query" tf:"optional,object"` // The canonical identifier of the SQL warehouse. Recommended to use with // serverless or pro SQL warehouses. Classic SQL warehouses are only // supported for SQL alert, dashboard and query tasks and are limited to // scheduled single-task jobs. WarehouseId types.String `tfsdk:"warehouse_id" tf:""` }
func (*SqlTask) GetAlert ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlTask) GetAlert(ctx context.Context) (SqlTaskAlert, bool)
GetAlert returns the value of the Alert field in SqlTask as a SqlTaskAlert value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (SqlTask) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in SqlTask. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*SqlTask) GetDashboard ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlTask) GetDashboard(ctx context.Context) (SqlTaskDashboard, bool)
GetDashboard returns the value of the Dashboard field in SqlTask as a SqlTaskDashboard value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SqlTask) GetFile ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlTask) GetFile(ctx context.Context) (SqlTaskFile, bool)
GetFile returns the value of the File field in SqlTask as a SqlTaskFile value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SqlTask) GetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetParameters returns the value of the Parameters field in SqlTask as a map of string to types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SqlTask) GetQuery ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlTask) GetQuery(ctx context.Context) (SqlTaskQuery, bool)
GetQuery returns the value of the Query field in SqlTask as a SqlTaskQuery value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SqlTask) SetAlert ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlTask) SetAlert(ctx context.Context, v SqlTaskAlert)
SetAlert sets the value of the Alert field in SqlTask.
func (*SqlTask) SetDashboard ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlTask) SetDashboard(ctx context.Context, v SqlTaskDashboard)
SetDashboard sets the value of the Dashboard field in SqlTask.
func (*SqlTask) SetFile ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlTask) SetFile(ctx context.Context, v SqlTaskFile)
SetFile sets the value of the File field in SqlTask.
func (*SqlTask) SetParameters ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetParameters sets the value of the Parameters field in SqlTask.
func (*SqlTask) SetQuery ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlTask) SetQuery(ctx context.Context, v SqlTaskQuery)
SetQuery sets the value of the Query field in SqlTask.
func (*SqlTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*SqlTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (SqlTask) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o SqlTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, SqlTask only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type SqlTaskAlert ¶
type SqlTaskAlert struct { // The canonical identifier of the SQL alert. AlertId types.String `tfsdk:"alert_id" tf:""` // If true, the alert notifications are not sent to subscribers. PauseSubscriptions types.Bool `tfsdk:"pause_subscriptions" tf:"optional"` // If specified, alert notifications are sent to subscribers. Subscriptions types.List `tfsdk:"subscriptions" tf:"optional"` }
func (SqlTaskAlert) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in SqlTaskAlert. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*SqlTaskAlert) GetSubscriptions ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlTaskAlert) GetSubscriptions(ctx context.Context) ([]SqlTaskSubscription, bool)
GetSubscriptions returns the value of the Subscriptions field in SqlTaskAlert as a slice of SqlTaskSubscription values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SqlTaskAlert) SetSubscriptions ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlTaskAlert) SetSubscriptions(ctx context.Context, v []SqlTaskSubscription)
SetSubscriptions sets the value of the Subscriptions field in SqlTaskAlert.
func (*SqlTaskAlert) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlTaskAlert) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlTaskAlert)
func (*SqlTaskAlert) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlTaskAlert) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlTaskAlert)
func (SqlTaskAlert) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o SqlTaskAlert) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, SqlTaskAlert only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type SqlTaskDashboard ¶
type SqlTaskDashboard struct { // Subject of the email sent to subscribers of this task. CustomSubject types.String `tfsdk:"custom_subject" tf:"optional"` // The canonical identifier of the SQL dashboard. DashboardId types.String `tfsdk:"dashboard_id" tf:""` // If true, the dashboard snapshot is not taken, and emails are not sent to // subscribers. PauseSubscriptions types.Bool `tfsdk:"pause_subscriptions" tf:"optional"` // If specified, dashboard snapshots are sent to subscriptions. Subscriptions types.List `tfsdk:"subscriptions" tf:"optional"` }
func (SqlTaskDashboard) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in SqlTaskDashboard. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*SqlTaskDashboard) GetSubscriptions ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlTaskDashboard) GetSubscriptions(ctx context.Context) ([]SqlTaskSubscription, bool)
GetSubscriptions returns the value of the Subscriptions field in SqlTaskDashboard as a slice of SqlTaskSubscription values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SqlTaskDashboard) SetSubscriptions ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SqlTaskDashboard) SetSubscriptions(ctx context.Context, v []SqlTaskSubscription)
SetSubscriptions sets the value of the Subscriptions field in SqlTaskDashboard.
func (*SqlTaskDashboard) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlTaskDashboard) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlTaskDashboard)
func (*SqlTaskDashboard) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlTaskDashboard) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlTaskDashboard)
func (SqlTaskDashboard) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o SqlTaskDashboard) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, SqlTaskDashboard only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type SqlTaskFile ¶
type SqlTaskFile struct { // Path of the SQL file. Must be relative if the source is a remote Git // repository and absolute for workspace paths. Path types.String `tfsdk:"path" tf:""` // Optional location type of the SQL file. When set to `WORKSPACE`, the SQL // file will be retrieved from the local Databricks workspace. When set to // `GIT`, the SQL file will be retrieved from a Git repository defined in // `git_source`. If the value is empty, the task will use `GIT` if // `git_source` is defined and `WORKSPACE` otherwise. // // * `WORKSPACE`: SQL file is located in Databricks workspace. * `GIT`: SQL // file is located in cloud Git provider. Source types.String `tfsdk:"source" tf:"optional"` }
func (SqlTaskFile) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in SqlTaskFile. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*SqlTaskFile) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlTaskFile) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlTaskFile)
func (*SqlTaskFile) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlTaskFile) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlTaskFile)
func (SqlTaskFile) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o SqlTaskFile) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, SqlTaskFile only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type SqlTaskQuery ¶
type SqlTaskQuery struct { // The canonical identifier of the SQL query. QueryId types.String `tfsdk:"query_id" tf:""` }
func (SqlTaskQuery) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in SqlTaskQuery. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*SqlTaskQuery) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlTaskQuery) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlTaskQuery)
func (*SqlTaskQuery) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlTaskQuery) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlTaskQuery)
func (SqlTaskQuery) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o SqlTaskQuery) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, SqlTaskQuery only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type SqlTaskSubscription ¶
type SqlTaskSubscription struct { // The canonical identifier of the destination to receive email // notification. This parameter is mutually exclusive with user_name. You // cannot set both destination_id and user_name for subscription // notifications. DestinationId types.String `tfsdk:"destination_id" tf:"optional"` // The user name to receive the subscription email. This parameter is // mutually exclusive with destination_id. You cannot set both // destination_id and user_name for subscription notifications. UserName types.String `tfsdk:"user_name" tf:"optional"` }
func (SqlTaskSubscription) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in SqlTaskSubscription. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*SqlTaskSubscription) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlTaskSubscription) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SqlTaskSubscription)
func (*SqlTaskSubscription) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SqlTaskSubscription) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SqlTaskSubscription)
func (SqlTaskSubscription) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o SqlTaskSubscription) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, SqlTaskSubscription only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type SubmitRun ¶
type SubmitRun struct { // List of permissions to set on the job. AccessControlList types.List `tfsdk:"access_control_list" tf:"optional"` // The user specified id of the budget policy to use for this one-time run. // If not specified, the run will be not be attributed to any budget policy. BudgetPolicyId types.String `tfsdk:"budget_policy_id" tf:"optional"` // An optional set of email addresses notified when the run begins or // completes. EmailNotifications types.List `tfsdk:"email_notifications" tf:"optional,object"` // A list of task execution environment specifications that can be // referenced by tasks of this run. Environments types.List `tfsdk:"environments" tf:"optional"` // An optional specification for a remote Git repository containing the // source code used by tasks. Version-controlled source code is supported by // notebook, dbt, Python script, and SQL File tasks. // // If `git_source` is set, these tasks retrieve the file from the remote // repository by default. However, this behavior can be overridden by // setting `source` to `WORKSPACE` on the task. // // Note: dbt and SQL File tasks support only version-controlled sources. If // dbt or SQL File tasks are used, `git_source` must be defined on the job. GitSource types.List `tfsdk:"git_source" tf:"optional,object"` // An optional set of health rules that can be defined for this job. Health types.List `tfsdk:"health" tf:"optional,object"` // An optional token that can be used to guarantee the idempotency of job // run requests. If a run with the provided token already exists, the // request does not create a new run but returns the ID of the existing run // instead. If a run with the provided token is deleted, an error is // returned. // // If you specify the idempotency token, upon failure you can retry until // the request succeeds. Databricks guarantees that exactly one run is // launched with that idempotency token. // // This token must have at most 64 characters. // // For more information, see [How to ensure idempotency for jobs]. // // [How to ensure idempotency for jobs]: IdempotencyToken types.String `tfsdk:"idempotency_token" tf:"optional"` // Optional notification settings that are used when sending notifications // to each of the `email_notifications` and `webhook_notifications` for this // run. NotificationSettings types.List `tfsdk:"notification_settings" tf:"optional,object"` // The queue settings of the one-time run. Queue types.List `tfsdk:"queue" tf:"optional,object"` // Specifies the user or service principal that the job runs as. If not // specified, the job runs as the user who submits the request. RunAs types.List `tfsdk:"run_as" tf:"optional,object"` // An optional name for the run. The default value is `Untitled`. RunName types.String `tfsdk:"run_name" tf:"optional"` Tasks types.List `tfsdk:"tasks" tf:"optional"` // An optional timeout applied to each run of this job. A value of `0` means // no timeout. TimeoutSeconds types.Int64 `tfsdk:"timeout_seconds" tf:"optional"` // A collection of system notification IDs to notify when the run begins or // completes. WebhookNotifications types.List `tfsdk:"webhook_notifications" tf:"optional,object"` }
func (*SubmitRun) GetAccessControlList ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitRun) GetAccessControlList(ctx context.Context) ([]JobAccessControlRequest, bool)
GetAccessControlList returns the value of the AccessControlList field in SubmitRun as a slice of JobAccessControlRequest values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (SubmitRun) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in SubmitRun. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*SubmitRun) GetEmailNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitRun) GetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context) (JobEmailNotifications, bool)
GetEmailNotifications returns the value of the EmailNotifications field in SubmitRun as a JobEmailNotifications value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitRun) GetEnvironments ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitRun) GetEnvironments(ctx context.Context) ([]JobEnvironment, bool)
GetEnvironments returns the value of the Environments field in SubmitRun as a slice of JobEnvironment values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitRun) GetGitSource ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetGitSource returns the value of the GitSource field in SubmitRun as a GitSource value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitRun) GetHealth ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitRun) GetHealth(ctx context.Context) (JobsHealthRules, bool)
GetHealth returns the value of the Health field in SubmitRun as a JobsHealthRules value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitRun) GetNotificationSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitRun) GetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context) (JobNotificationSettings, bool)
GetNotificationSettings returns the value of the NotificationSettings field in SubmitRun as a JobNotificationSettings value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitRun) GetQueue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitRun) GetQueue(ctx context.Context) (QueueSettings, bool)
GetQueue returns the value of the Queue field in SubmitRun as a QueueSettings value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitRun) GetRunAs ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetRunAs returns the value of the RunAs field in SubmitRun as a JobRunAs value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitRun) GetTasks ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitRun) GetTasks(ctx context.Context) ([]SubmitTask, bool)
GetTasks returns the value of the Tasks field in SubmitRun as a slice of SubmitTask values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitRun) GetWebhookNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitRun) GetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context) (WebhookNotifications, bool)
GetWebhookNotifications returns the value of the WebhookNotifications field in SubmitRun as a WebhookNotifications value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitRun) SetAccessControlList ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitRun) SetAccessControlList(ctx context.Context, v []JobAccessControlRequest)
SetAccessControlList sets the value of the AccessControlList field in SubmitRun.
func (*SubmitRun) SetEmailNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitRun) SetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context, v JobEmailNotifications)
SetEmailNotifications sets the value of the EmailNotifications field in SubmitRun.
func (*SubmitRun) SetEnvironments ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitRun) SetEnvironments(ctx context.Context, v []JobEnvironment)
SetEnvironments sets the value of the Environments field in SubmitRun.
func (*SubmitRun) SetGitSource ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetGitSource sets the value of the GitSource field in SubmitRun.
func (*SubmitRun) SetHealth ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitRun) SetHealth(ctx context.Context, v JobsHealthRules)
SetHealth sets the value of the Health field in SubmitRun.
func (*SubmitRun) SetNotificationSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitRun) SetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context, v JobNotificationSettings)
SetNotificationSettings sets the value of the NotificationSettings field in SubmitRun.
func (*SubmitRun) SetQueue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitRun) SetQueue(ctx context.Context, v QueueSettings)
SetQueue sets the value of the Queue field in SubmitRun.
func (*SubmitRun) SetRunAs ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetRunAs sets the value of the RunAs field in SubmitRun.
func (*SubmitRun) SetTasks ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitRun) SetTasks(ctx context.Context, v []SubmitTask)
SetTasks sets the value of the Tasks field in SubmitRun.
func (*SubmitRun) SetWebhookNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitRun) SetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context, v WebhookNotifications)
SetWebhookNotifications sets the value of the WebhookNotifications field in SubmitRun.
func (*SubmitRun) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*SubmitRun) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (SubmitRun) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o SubmitRun) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, SubmitRun only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type SubmitRunResponse ¶
type SubmitRunResponse struct { // The canonical identifier for the newly submitted run. RunId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"run_id" tf:"optional"` }
Run was created and started successfully.
func (SubmitRunResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in SubmitRunResponse. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*SubmitRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SubmitRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SubmitRunResponse)
func (*SubmitRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SubmitRunResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SubmitRunResponse)
func (SubmitRunResponse) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o SubmitRunResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, SubmitRunResponse only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type SubmitTask ¶
type SubmitTask struct { // The task runs a [clean rooms] notebook when the // `clean_rooms_notebook_task` field is present. // // [clean rooms]: CleanRoomsNotebookTask types.List `tfsdk:"clean_rooms_notebook_task" tf:"optional,object"` // The task evaluates a condition that can be used to control the execution // of other tasks when the `condition_task` field is present. The condition // task does not require a cluster to execute and does not support retries // or notifications. ConditionTask types.List `tfsdk:"condition_task" tf:"optional,object"` // The task runs one or more dbt commands when the `dbt_task` field is // present. The dbt task requires both Databricks SQL and the ability to use // a serverless or a pro SQL warehouse. DbtTask types.List `tfsdk:"dbt_task" tf:"optional,object"` // An optional array of objects specifying the dependency graph of the task. // All tasks specified in this field must complete successfully before // executing this task. The key is `task_key`, and the value is the name // assigned to the dependent task. DependsOn types.List `tfsdk:"depends_on" tf:"optional"` // An optional description for this task. Description types.String `tfsdk:"description" tf:"optional"` // An optional set of email addresses notified when the task run begins or // completes. The default behavior is to not send any emails. EmailNotifications types.List `tfsdk:"email_notifications" tf:"optional,object"` // The key that references an environment spec in a job. This field is // required for Python script, Python wheel and dbt tasks when using // serverless compute. EnvironmentKey types.String `tfsdk:"environment_key" tf:"optional"` // If existing_cluster_id, the ID of an existing cluster that is used for // all runs. When running jobs or tasks on an existing cluster, you may need // to manually restart the cluster if it stops responding. We suggest // running jobs and tasks on new clusters for greater reliability ExistingClusterId types.String `tfsdk:"existing_cluster_id" tf:"optional"` // The task executes a nested task for every input provided when the // `for_each_task` field is present. ForEachTask types.List `tfsdk:"for_each_task" tf:"optional,object"` // An optional set of health rules that can be defined for this job. Health types.List `tfsdk:"health" tf:"optional,object"` // An optional list of libraries to be installed on the cluster. The default // value is an empty list. Libraries types.List `tfsdk:"library" tf:"optional"` // If new_cluster, a description of a new cluster that is created for each // run. NewCluster types.List `tfsdk:"new_cluster" tf:"optional,object"` // The task runs a notebook when the `notebook_task` field is present. NotebookTask types.List `tfsdk:"notebook_task" tf:"optional,object"` // Optional notification settings that are used when sending notifications // to each of the `email_notifications` and `webhook_notifications` for this // task run. NotificationSettings types.List `tfsdk:"notification_settings" tf:"optional,object"` // The task triggers a pipeline update when the `pipeline_task` field is // present. Only pipelines configured to use triggered more are supported. PipelineTask types.List `tfsdk:"pipeline_task" tf:"optional,object"` // The task runs a Python wheel when the `python_wheel_task` field is // present. PythonWheelTask types.List `tfsdk:"python_wheel_task" tf:"optional,object"` // An optional value indicating the condition that determines whether the // task should be run once its dependencies have been completed. When // omitted, defaults to `ALL_SUCCESS`. See :method:jobs/create for a list of // possible values. RunIf types.String `tfsdk:"run_if" tf:"optional"` // The task triggers another job when the `run_job_task` field is present. RunJobTask types.List `tfsdk:"run_job_task" tf:"optional,object"` // The task runs a JAR when the `spark_jar_task` field is present. SparkJarTask types.List `tfsdk:"spark_jar_task" tf:"optional,object"` // The task runs a Python file when the `spark_python_task` field is // present. SparkPythonTask types.List `tfsdk:"spark_python_task" tf:"optional,object"` // (Legacy) The task runs the spark-submit script when the // `spark_submit_task` field is present. This task can run only on new // clusters and is not compatible with serverless compute. // // In the `new_cluster` specification, `libraries` and `spark_conf` are not // supported. Instead, use `--jars` and `--py-files` to add Java and Python // libraries and `--conf` to set the Spark configurations. // // `master`, `deploy-mode`, and `executor-cores` are automatically // configured by Databricks; you _cannot_ specify them in parameters. // // By default, the Spark submit job uses all available memory (excluding // reserved memory for Databricks services). You can set `--driver-memory`, // and `--executor-memory` to a smaller value to leave some room for // off-heap usage. // // The `--jars`, `--py-files`, `--files` arguments support DBFS and S3 // paths. SparkSubmitTask types.List `tfsdk:"spark_submit_task" tf:"optional,object"` // The task runs a SQL query or file, or it refreshes a SQL alert or a // legacy SQL dashboard when the `sql_task` field is present. SqlTask types.List `tfsdk:"sql_task" tf:"optional,object"` // A unique name for the task. This field is used to refer to this task from // other tasks. This field is required and must be unique within its parent // job. On Update or Reset, this field is used to reference the tasks to be // updated or reset. TaskKey types.String `tfsdk:"task_key" tf:""` // An optional timeout applied to each run of this job task. A value of `0` // means no timeout. TimeoutSeconds types.Int64 `tfsdk:"timeout_seconds" tf:"optional"` // A collection of system notification IDs to notify when the run begins or // completes. The default behavior is to not send any system notifications. // Task webhooks respect the task notification settings. WebhookNotifications types.List `tfsdk:"webhook_notifications" tf:"optional,object"` }
func (*SubmitTask) GetCleanRoomsNotebookTask ¶ added in v1.62.0
func (o *SubmitTask) GetCleanRoomsNotebookTask(ctx context.Context) (CleanRoomsNotebookTask, bool)
GetCleanRoomsNotebookTask returns the value of the CleanRoomsNotebookTask field in SubmitTask as a CleanRoomsNotebookTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (SubmitTask) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in SubmitTask. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*SubmitTask) GetConditionTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) GetConditionTask(ctx context.Context) (ConditionTask, bool)
GetConditionTask returns the value of the ConditionTask field in SubmitTask as a ConditionTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitTask) GetDbtTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) GetDbtTask(ctx context.Context) (DbtTask, bool)
GetDbtTask returns the value of the DbtTask field in SubmitTask as a DbtTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitTask) GetDependsOn ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) GetDependsOn(ctx context.Context) ([]TaskDependency, bool)
GetDependsOn returns the value of the DependsOn field in SubmitTask as a slice of TaskDependency values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitTask) GetEmailNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) GetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context) (JobEmailNotifications, bool)
GetEmailNotifications returns the value of the EmailNotifications field in SubmitTask as a JobEmailNotifications value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitTask) GetForEachTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) GetForEachTask(ctx context.Context) (ForEachTask, bool)
GetForEachTask returns the value of the ForEachTask field in SubmitTask as a ForEachTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitTask) GetHealth ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) GetHealth(ctx context.Context) (JobsHealthRules, bool)
GetHealth returns the value of the Health field in SubmitTask as a JobsHealthRules value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitTask) GetLibraries ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) GetLibraries(ctx context.Context) ([]compute_tf.Library, bool)
GetLibraries returns the value of the Libraries field in SubmitTask as a slice of compute_tf.Library values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitTask) GetNewCluster ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) GetNewCluster(ctx context.Context) (compute_tf.ClusterSpec, bool)
GetNewCluster returns the value of the NewCluster field in SubmitTask as a compute_tf.ClusterSpec value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitTask) GetNotebookTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) GetNotebookTask(ctx context.Context) (NotebookTask, bool)
GetNotebookTask returns the value of the NotebookTask field in SubmitTask as a NotebookTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitTask) GetNotificationSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) GetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context) (TaskNotificationSettings, bool)
GetNotificationSettings returns the value of the NotificationSettings field in SubmitTask as a TaskNotificationSettings value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitTask) GetPipelineTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) GetPipelineTask(ctx context.Context) (PipelineTask, bool)
GetPipelineTask returns the value of the PipelineTask field in SubmitTask as a PipelineTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitTask) GetPythonWheelTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) GetPythonWheelTask(ctx context.Context) (PythonWheelTask, bool)
GetPythonWheelTask returns the value of the PythonWheelTask field in SubmitTask as a PythonWheelTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitTask) GetRunJobTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) GetRunJobTask(ctx context.Context) (RunJobTask, bool)
GetRunJobTask returns the value of the RunJobTask field in SubmitTask as a RunJobTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitTask) GetSparkJarTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) GetSparkJarTask(ctx context.Context) (SparkJarTask, bool)
GetSparkJarTask returns the value of the SparkJarTask field in SubmitTask as a SparkJarTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitTask) GetSparkPythonTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) GetSparkPythonTask(ctx context.Context) (SparkPythonTask, bool)
GetSparkPythonTask returns the value of the SparkPythonTask field in SubmitTask as a SparkPythonTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitTask) GetSparkSubmitTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) GetSparkSubmitTask(ctx context.Context) (SparkSubmitTask, bool)
GetSparkSubmitTask returns the value of the SparkSubmitTask field in SubmitTask as a SparkSubmitTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitTask) GetSqlTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) GetSqlTask(ctx context.Context) (SqlTask, bool)
GetSqlTask returns the value of the SqlTask field in SubmitTask as a SqlTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitTask) GetWebhookNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) GetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context) (WebhookNotifications, bool)
GetWebhookNotifications returns the value of the WebhookNotifications field in SubmitTask as a WebhookNotifications value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*SubmitTask) SetCleanRoomsNotebookTask ¶ added in v1.62.0
func (o *SubmitTask) SetCleanRoomsNotebookTask(ctx context.Context, v CleanRoomsNotebookTask)
SetCleanRoomsNotebookTask sets the value of the CleanRoomsNotebookTask field in SubmitTask.
func (*SubmitTask) SetConditionTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) SetConditionTask(ctx context.Context, v ConditionTask)
SetConditionTask sets the value of the ConditionTask field in SubmitTask.
func (*SubmitTask) SetDbtTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) SetDbtTask(ctx context.Context, v DbtTask)
SetDbtTask sets the value of the DbtTask field in SubmitTask.
func (*SubmitTask) SetDependsOn ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) SetDependsOn(ctx context.Context, v []TaskDependency)
SetDependsOn sets the value of the DependsOn field in SubmitTask.
func (*SubmitTask) SetEmailNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) SetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context, v JobEmailNotifications)
SetEmailNotifications sets the value of the EmailNotifications field in SubmitTask.
func (*SubmitTask) SetForEachTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) SetForEachTask(ctx context.Context, v ForEachTask)
SetForEachTask sets the value of the ForEachTask field in SubmitTask.
func (*SubmitTask) SetHealth ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) SetHealth(ctx context.Context, v JobsHealthRules)
SetHealth sets the value of the Health field in SubmitTask.
func (*SubmitTask) SetLibraries ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) SetLibraries(ctx context.Context, v []compute_tf.Library)
SetLibraries sets the value of the Libraries field in SubmitTask.
func (*SubmitTask) SetNewCluster ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) SetNewCluster(ctx context.Context, v compute_tf.ClusterSpec)
SetNewCluster sets the value of the NewCluster field in SubmitTask.
func (*SubmitTask) SetNotebookTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) SetNotebookTask(ctx context.Context, v NotebookTask)
SetNotebookTask sets the value of the NotebookTask field in SubmitTask.
func (*SubmitTask) SetNotificationSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) SetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context, v TaskNotificationSettings)
SetNotificationSettings sets the value of the NotificationSettings field in SubmitTask.
func (*SubmitTask) SetPipelineTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) SetPipelineTask(ctx context.Context, v PipelineTask)
SetPipelineTask sets the value of the PipelineTask field in SubmitTask.
func (*SubmitTask) SetPythonWheelTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) SetPythonWheelTask(ctx context.Context, v PythonWheelTask)
SetPythonWheelTask sets the value of the PythonWheelTask field in SubmitTask.
func (*SubmitTask) SetRunJobTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) SetRunJobTask(ctx context.Context, v RunJobTask)
SetRunJobTask sets the value of the RunJobTask field in SubmitTask.
func (*SubmitTask) SetSparkJarTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) SetSparkJarTask(ctx context.Context, v SparkJarTask)
SetSparkJarTask sets the value of the SparkJarTask field in SubmitTask.
func (*SubmitTask) SetSparkPythonTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) SetSparkPythonTask(ctx context.Context, v SparkPythonTask)
SetSparkPythonTask sets the value of the SparkPythonTask field in SubmitTask.
func (*SubmitTask) SetSparkSubmitTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) SetSparkSubmitTask(ctx context.Context, v SparkSubmitTask)
SetSparkSubmitTask sets the value of the SparkSubmitTask field in SubmitTask.
func (*SubmitTask) SetSqlTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) SetSqlTask(ctx context.Context, v SqlTask)
SetSqlTask sets the value of the SqlTask field in SubmitTask.
func (*SubmitTask) SetWebhookNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *SubmitTask) SetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context, v WebhookNotifications)
SetWebhookNotifications sets the value of the WebhookNotifications field in SubmitTask.
func (*SubmitTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SubmitTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan SubmitTask)
func (*SubmitTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *SubmitTask) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState SubmitTask)
func (SubmitTask) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o SubmitTask) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, SubmitTask only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration ¶
type TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration struct { // The table(s) condition based on which to trigger a job run. Condition types.String `tfsdk:"condition" tf:"optional"` // If set, the trigger starts a run only after the specified amount of time // has passed since the last time the trigger fired. The minimum allowed // value is 60 seconds. MinTimeBetweenTriggersSeconds types.Int64 `tfsdk:"min_time_between_triggers_seconds" tf:"optional"` // A list of Delta tables to monitor for changes. The table name must be in // the format `catalog_name.schema_name.table_name`. TableNames types.List `tfsdk:"table_names" tf:"optional"` // If set, the trigger starts a run only after no table updates have // occurred for the specified time and can be used to wait for a series of // table updates before triggering a run. The minimum allowed value is 60 // seconds. WaitAfterLastChangeSeconds types.Int64 `tfsdk:"wait_after_last_change_seconds" tf:"optional"` }
func (TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (a TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration) GetComplexFieldTypes(ctx context.Context) map[string]reflect.Type
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration) GetTableNames ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetTableNames returns the value of the TableNames field in TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration) SetTableNames ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration) SetTableNames(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetTableNames sets the value of the TableNames field in TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration.
func (*TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration)
func (*TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration)
func (TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type Task ¶
type Task struct { // The task runs a [clean rooms] notebook when the // `clean_rooms_notebook_task` field is present. // // [clean rooms]: CleanRoomsNotebookTask types.List `tfsdk:"clean_rooms_notebook_task" tf:"optional,object"` // The task evaluates a condition that can be used to control the execution // of other tasks when the `condition_task` field is present. The condition // task does not require a cluster to execute and does not support retries // or notifications. ConditionTask types.List `tfsdk:"condition_task" tf:"optional,object"` // The task runs one or more dbt commands when the `dbt_task` field is // present. The dbt task requires both Databricks SQL and the ability to use // a serverless or a pro SQL warehouse. DbtTask types.List `tfsdk:"dbt_task" tf:"optional,object"` // An optional array of objects specifying the dependency graph of the task. // All tasks specified in this field must complete before executing this // task. The task will run only if the `run_if` condition is true. The key // is `task_key`, and the value is the name assigned to the dependent task. DependsOn types.List `tfsdk:"depends_on" tf:"optional"` // An optional description for this task. Description types.String `tfsdk:"description" tf:"optional"` // An option to disable auto optimization in serverless DisableAutoOptimization types.Bool `tfsdk:"disable_auto_optimization" tf:"optional"` // An optional set of email addresses that is notified when runs of this // task begin or complete as well as when this task is deleted. The default // behavior is to not send any emails. EmailNotifications types.List `tfsdk:"email_notifications" tf:"optional,object"` // The key that references an environment spec in a job. This field is // required for Python script, Python wheel and dbt tasks when using // serverless compute. EnvironmentKey types.String `tfsdk:"environment_key" tf:"optional"` // If existing_cluster_id, the ID of an existing cluster that is used for // all runs. When running jobs or tasks on an existing cluster, you may need // to manually restart the cluster if it stops responding. We suggest // running jobs and tasks on new clusters for greater reliability ExistingClusterId types.String `tfsdk:"existing_cluster_id" tf:"optional"` // The task executes a nested task for every input provided when the // `for_each_task` field is present. ForEachTask types.List `tfsdk:"for_each_task" tf:"optional,object"` // An optional set of health rules that can be defined for this job. Health types.List `tfsdk:"health" tf:"optional,object"` // If job_cluster_key, this task is executed reusing the cluster specified // in `job.settings.job_clusters`. JobClusterKey types.String `tfsdk:"job_cluster_key" tf:"optional"` // An optional list of libraries to be installed on the cluster. The default // value is an empty list. Libraries types.List `tfsdk:"library" tf:"optional"` // An optional maximum number of times to retry an unsuccessful run. A run // is considered to be unsuccessful if it completes with the `FAILED` // result_state or `INTERNAL_ERROR` `life_cycle_state`. The value `-1` means // to retry indefinitely and the value `0` means to never retry. MaxRetries types.Int64 `tfsdk:"max_retries" tf:"optional"` // An optional minimal interval in milliseconds between the start of the // failed run and the subsequent retry run. The default behavior is that // unsuccessful runs are immediately retried. MinRetryIntervalMillis types.Int64 `tfsdk:"min_retry_interval_millis" tf:"optional"` // If new_cluster, a description of a new cluster that is created for each // run. NewCluster types.List `tfsdk:"new_cluster" tf:"optional,object"` // The task runs a notebook when the `notebook_task` field is present. NotebookTask types.List `tfsdk:"notebook_task" tf:"optional,object"` // Optional notification settings that are used when sending notifications // to each of the `email_notifications` and `webhook_notifications` for this // task. NotificationSettings types.List `tfsdk:"notification_settings" tf:"optional,object"` // The task triggers a pipeline update when the `pipeline_task` field is // present. Only pipelines configured to use triggered more are supported. PipelineTask types.List `tfsdk:"pipeline_task" tf:"optional,object"` // The task runs a Python wheel when the `python_wheel_task` field is // present. PythonWheelTask types.List `tfsdk:"python_wheel_task" tf:"optional,object"` // An optional policy to specify whether to retry a job when it times out. // The default behavior is to not retry on timeout. RetryOnTimeout types.Bool `tfsdk:"retry_on_timeout" tf:"optional"` // An optional value specifying the condition determining whether the task // is run once its dependencies have been completed. // // * `ALL_SUCCESS`: All dependencies have executed and succeeded * // `AT_LEAST_ONE_SUCCESS`: At least one dependency has succeeded * // `NONE_FAILED`: None of the dependencies have failed and at least one was // executed * `ALL_DONE`: All dependencies have been completed * // `AT_LEAST_ONE_FAILED`: At least one dependency failed * `ALL_FAILED`: ALl // dependencies have failed RunIf types.String `tfsdk:"run_if" tf:"optional"` // The task triggers another job when the `run_job_task` field is present. RunJobTask types.List `tfsdk:"run_job_task" tf:"optional,object"` // The task runs a JAR when the `spark_jar_task` field is present. SparkJarTask types.List `tfsdk:"spark_jar_task" tf:"optional,object"` // The task runs a Python file when the `spark_python_task` field is // present. SparkPythonTask types.List `tfsdk:"spark_python_task" tf:"optional,object"` // (Legacy) The task runs the spark-submit script when the // `spark_submit_task` field is present. This task can run only on new // clusters and is not compatible with serverless compute. // // In the `new_cluster` specification, `libraries` and `spark_conf` are not // supported. Instead, use `--jars` and `--py-files` to add Java and Python // libraries and `--conf` to set the Spark configurations. // // `master`, `deploy-mode`, and `executor-cores` are automatically // configured by Databricks; you _cannot_ specify them in parameters. // // By default, the Spark submit job uses all available memory (excluding // reserved memory for Databricks services). You can set `--driver-memory`, // and `--executor-memory` to a smaller value to leave some room for // off-heap usage. // // The `--jars`, `--py-files`, `--files` arguments support DBFS and S3 // paths. SparkSubmitTask types.List `tfsdk:"spark_submit_task" tf:"optional,object"` // The task runs a SQL query or file, or it refreshes a SQL alert or a // legacy SQL dashboard when the `sql_task` field is present. SqlTask types.List `tfsdk:"sql_task" tf:"optional,object"` // A unique name for the task. This field is used to refer to this task from // other tasks. This field is required and must be unique within its parent // job. On Update or Reset, this field is used to reference the tasks to be // updated or reset. TaskKey types.String `tfsdk:"task_key" tf:""` // An optional timeout applied to each run of this job task. A value of `0` // means no timeout. TimeoutSeconds types.Int64 `tfsdk:"timeout_seconds" tf:"optional"` // A collection of system notification IDs to notify when runs of this task // begin or complete. The default behavior is to not send any system // notifications. WebhookNotifications types.List `tfsdk:"webhook_notifications" tf:"optional,object"` }
func (*Task) GetCleanRoomsNotebookTask ¶ added in v1.62.0
func (o *Task) GetCleanRoomsNotebookTask(ctx context.Context) (CleanRoomsNotebookTask, bool)
GetCleanRoomsNotebookTask returns the value of the CleanRoomsNotebookTask field in Task as a CleanRoomsNotebookTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (Task) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in Task. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*Task) GetConditionTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) GetConditionTask(ctx context.Context) (ConditionTask, bool)
GetConditionTask returns the value of the ConditionTask field in Task as a ConditionTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Task) GetDbtTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetDbtTask returns the value of the DbtTask field in Task as a DbtTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Task) GetDependsOn ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) GetDependsOn(ctx context.Context) ([]TaskDependency, bool)
GetDependsOn returns the value of the DependsOn field in Task as a slice of TaskDependency values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Task) GetEmailNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) GetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context) (TaskEmailNotifications, bool)
GetEmailNotifications returns the value of the EmailNotifications field in Task as a TaskEmailNotifications value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Task) GetForEachTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) GetForEachTask(ctx context.Context) (ForEachTask, bool)
GetForEachTask returns the value of the ForEachTask field in Task as a ForEachTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Task) GetHealth ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) GetHealth(ctx context.Context) (JobsHealthRules, bool)
GetHealth returns the value of the Health field in Task as a JobsHealthRules value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Task) GetLibraries ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetLibraries returns the value of the Libraries field in Task as a slice of compute_tf.Library values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Task) GetNewCluster ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) GetNewCluster(ctx context.Context) (compute_tf.ClusterSpec, bool)
GetNewCluster returns the value of the NewCluster field in Task as a compute_tf.ClusterSpec value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Task) GetNotebookTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) GetNotebookTask(ctx context.Context) (NotebookTask, bool)
GetNotebookTask returns the value of the NotebookTask field in Task as a NotebookTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Task) GetNotificationSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) GetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context) (TaskNotificationSettings, bool)
GetNotificationSettings returns the value of the NotificationSettings field in Task as a TaskNotificationSettings value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Task) GetPipelineTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) GetPipelineTask(ctx context.Context) (PipelineTask, bool)
GetPipelineTask returns the value of the PipelineTask field in Task as a PipelineTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Task) GetPythonWheelTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) GetPythonWheelTask(ctx context.Context) (PythonWheelTask, bool)
GetPythonWheelTask returns the value of the PythonWheelTask field in Task as a PythonWheelTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Task) GetRunJobTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) GetRunJobTask(ctx context.Context) (RunJobTask, bool)
GetRunJobTask returns the value of the RunJobTask field in Task as a RunJobTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Task) GetSparkJarTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) GetSparkJarTask(ctx context.Context) (SparkJarTask, bool)
GetSparkJarTask returns the value of the SparkJarTask field in Task as a SparkJarTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Task) GetSparkPythonTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) GetSparkPythonTask(ctx context.Context) (SparkPythonTask, bool)
GetSparkPythonTask returns the value of the SparkPythonTask field in Task as a SparkPythonTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Task) GetSparkSubmitTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) GetSparkSubmitTask(ctx context.Context) (SparkSubmitTask, bool)
GetSparkSubmitTask returns the value of the SparkSubmitTask field in Task as a SparkSubmitTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Task) GetSqlTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetSqlTask returns the value of the SqlTask field in Task as a SqlTask value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Task) GetWebhookNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) GetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context) (WebhookNotifications, bool)
GetWebhookNotifications returns the value of the WebhookNotifications field in Task as a WebhookNotifications value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*Task) SetCleanRoomsNotebookTask ¶ added in v1.62.0
func (o *Task) SetCleanRoomsNotebookTask(ctx context.Context, v CleanRoomsNotebookTask)
SetCleanRoomsNotebookTask sets the value of the CleanRoomsNotebookTask field in Task.
func (*Task) SetConditionTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) SetConditionTask(ctx context.Context, v ConditionTask)
SetConditionTask sets the value of the ConditionTask field in Task.
func (*Task) SetDbtTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetDbtTask sets the value of the DbtTask field in Task.
func (*Task) SetDependsOn ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) SetDependsOn(ctx context.Context, v []TaskDependency)
SetDependsOn sets the value of the DependsOn field in Task.
func (*Task) SetEmailNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) SetEmailNotifications(ctx context.Context, v TaskEmailNotifications)
SetEmailNotifications sets the value of the EmailNotifications field in Task.
func (*Task) SetForEachTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) SetForEachTask(ctx context.Context, v ForEachTask)
SetForEachTask sets the value of the ForEachTask field in Task.
func (*Task) SetHealth ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) SetHealth(ctx context.Context, v JobsHealthRules)
SetHealth sets the value of the Health field in Task.
func (*Task) SetLibraries ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) SetLibraries(ctx context.Context, v []compute_tf.Library)
SetLibraries sets the value of the Libraries field in Task.
func (*Task) SetNewCluster ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) SetNewCluster(ctx context.Context, v compute_tf.ClusterSpec)
SetNewCluster sets the value of the NewCluster field in Task.
func (*Task) SetNotebookTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) SetNotebookTask(ctx context.Context, v NotebookTask)
SetNotebookTask sets the value of the NotebookTask field in Task.
func (*Task) SetNotificationSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) SetNotificationSettings(ctx context.Context, v TaskNotificationSettings)
SetNotificationSettings sets the value of the NotificationSettings field in Task.
func (*Task) SetPipelineTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) SetPipelineTask(ctx context.Context, v PipelineTask)
SetPipelineTask sets the value of the PipelineTask field in Task.
func (*Task) SetPythonWheelTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) SetPythonWheelTask(ctx context.Context, v PythonWheelTask)
SetPythonWheelTask sets the value of the PythonWheelTask field in Task.
func (*Task) SetRunJobTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) SetRunJobTask(ctx context.Context, v RunJobTask)
SetRunJobTask sets the value of the RunJobTask field in Task.
func (*Task) SetSparkJarTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) SetSparkJarTask(ctx context.Context, v SparkJarTask)
SetSparkJarTask sets the value of the SparkJarTask field in Task.
func (*Task) SetSparkPythonTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) SetSparkPythonTask(ctx context.Context, v SparkPythonTask)
SetSparkPythonTask sets the value of the SparkPythonTask field in Task.
func (*Task) SetSparkSubmitTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) SetSparkSubmitTask(ctx context.Context, v SparkSubmitTask)
SetSparkSubmitTask sets the value of the SparkSubmitTask field in Task.
func (*Task) SetSqlTask ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetSqlTask sets the value of the SqlTask field in Task.
func (*Task) SetWebhookNotifications ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *Task) SetWebhookNotifications(ctx context.Context, v WebhookNotifications)
SetWebhookNotifications sets the value of the WebhookNotifications field in Task.
func (*Task) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*Task) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (Task) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o Task) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, Task only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type TaskDependency ¶
type TaskDependency struct { // Can only be specified on condition task dependencies. The outcome of the // dependent task that must be met for this task to run. Outcome types.String `tfsdk:"outcome" tf:"optional"` // The name of the task this task depends on. TaskKey types.String `tfsdk:"task_key" tf:""` }
func (TaskDependency) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in TaskDependency. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*TaskDependency) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *TaskDependency) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan TaskDependency)
func (*TaskDependency) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *TaskDependency) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState TaskDependency)
func (TaskDependency) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o TaskDependency) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, TaskDependency only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type TaskEmailNotifications ¶
type TaskEmailNotifications struct { // If true, do not send email to recipients specified in `on_failure` if the // run is skipped. This field is `deprecated`. Please use the // `notification_settings.no_alert_for_skipped_runs` field. NoAlertForSkippedRuns types.Bool `tfsdk:"no_alert_for_skipped_runs" tf:"optional"` // A list of email addresses to be notified when the duration of a run // exceeds the threshold specified for the `RUN_DURATION_SECONDS` metric in // the `health` field. If no rule for the `RUN_DURATION_SECONDS` metric is // specified in the `health` field for the job, notifications are not sent. OnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded types.List `tfsdk:"on_duration_warning_threshold_exceeded" tf:"optional"` // A list of email addresses to be notified when a run unsuccessfully // completes. A run is considered to have completed unsuccessfully if it // ends with an `INTERNAL_ERROR` `life_cycle_state` or a `FAILED`, or // `TIMED_OUT` result_state. If this is not specified on job creation, // reset, or update the list is empty, and notifications are not sent. OnFailure types.List `tfsdk:"on_failure" tf:"optional"` // A list of email addresses to be notified when a run begins. If not // specified on job creation, reset, or update, the list is empty, and // notifications are not sent. OnStart types.List `tfsdk:"on_start" tf:"optional"` // A list of email addresses to notify when any streaming backlog thresholds // are exceeded for any stream. Streaming backlog thresholds can be set in // the `health` field using the following metrics: // `STREAMING_BACKLOG_BYTES`, `STREAMING_BACKLOG_RECORDS`, // `STREAMING_BACKLOG_SECONDS`, or `STREAMING_BACKLOG_FILES`. Alerting is // based on the 10-minute average of these metrics. If the issue persists, // notifications are resent every 30 minutes. OnStreamingBacklogExceeded types.List `tfsdk:"on_streaming_backlog_exceeded" tf:"optional"` // A list of email addresses to be notified when a run successfully // completes. A run is considered to have completed successfully if it ends // with a `TERMINATED` `life_cycle_state` and a `SUCCESS` result_state. If // not specified on job creation, reset, or update, the list is empty, and // notifications are not sent. OnSuccess types.List `tfsdk:"on_success" tf:"optional"` }
func (TaskEmailNotifications) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in TaskEmailNotifications. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*TaskEmailNotifications) GetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *TaskEmailNotifications) GetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
GetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded returns the value of the OnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded field in TaskEmailNotifications as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*TaskEmailNotifications) GetOnFailure ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetOnFailure returns the value of the OnFailure field in TaskEmailNotifications as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*TaskEmailNotifications) GetOnStart ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetOnStart returns the value of the OnStart field in TaskEmailNotifications as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*TaskEmailNotifications) GetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *TaskEmailNotifications) GetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded(ctx context.Context) ([]types.String, bool)
GetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded returns the value of the OnStreamingBacklogExceeded field in TaskEmailNotifications as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*TaskEmailNotifications) GetOnSuccess ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetOnSuccess returns the value of the OnSuccess field in TaskEmailNotifications as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*TaskEmailNotifications) SetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *TaskEmailNotifications) SetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded sets the value of the OnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded field in TaskEmailNotifications.
func (*TaskEmailNotifications) SetOnFailure ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *TaskEmailNotifications) SetOnFailure(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetOnFailure sets the value of the OnFailure field in TaskEmailNotifications.
func (*TaskEmailNotifications) SetOnStart ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *TaskEmailNotifications) SetOnStart(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetOnStart sets the value of the OnStart field in TaskEmailNotifications.
func (*TaskEmailNotifications) SetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *TaskEmailNotifications) SetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded sets the value of the OnStreamingBacklogExceeded field in TaskEmailNotifications.
func (*TaskEmailNotifications) SetOnSuccess ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *TaskEmailNotifications) SetOnSuccess(ctx context.Context, v []types.String)
SetOnSuccess sets the value of the OnSuccess field in TaskEmailNotifications.
func (*TaskEmailNotifications) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *TaskEmailNotifications) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan TaskEmailNotifications)
func (*TaskEmailNotifications) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *TaskEmailNotifications) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState TaskEmailNotifications)
func (TaskEmailNotifications) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o TaskEmailNotifications) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, TaskEmailNotifications only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type TaskNotificationSettings ¶
type TaskNotificationSettings struct { // If true, do not send notifications to recipients specified in `on_start` // for the retried runs and do not send notifications to recipients // specified in `on_failure` until the last retry of the run. AlertOnLastAttempt types.Bool `tfsdk:"alert_on_last_attempt" tf:"optional"` // If true, do not send notifications to recipients specified in // `on_failure` if the run is canceled. NoAlertForCanceledRuns types.Bool `tfsdk:"no_alert_for_canceled_runs" tf:"optional"` // If true, do not send notifications to recipients specified in // `on_failure` if the run is skipped. NoAlertForSkippedRuns types.Bool `tfsdk:"no_alert_for_skipped_runs" tf:"optional"` }
func (TaskNotificationSettings) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in TaskNotificationSettings. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*TaskNotificationSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *TaskNotificationSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan TaskNotificationSettings)
func (*TaskNotificationSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *TaskNotificationSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState TaskNotificationSettings)
func (TaskNotificationSettings) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o TaskNotificationSettings) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, TaskNotificationSettings only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type TerminationDetails ¶ added in v1.52.0
type TerminationDetails struct { // The code indicates why the run was terminated. Additional codes might be // introduced in future releases. * `SUCCESS`: The run was completed // successfully. * `USER_CANCELED`: The run was successfully canceled during // execution by a user. * `CANCELED`: The run was canceled during execution // by the Databricks platform; for example, if the maximum run duration was // exceeded. * `SKIPPED`: Run was never executed, for example, if the // upstream task run failed, the dependency type condition was not met, or // there were no material tasks to execute. * `INTERNAL_ERROR`: The run // encountered an unexpected error. Refer to the state message for further // details. * `DRIVER_ERROR`: The run encountered an error while // communicating with the Spark Driver. * `CLUSTER_ERROR`: The run failed // due to a cluster error. Refer to the state message for further details. * // `REPOSITORY_CHECKOUT_FAILED`: Failed to complete the checkout due to an // error when communicating with the third party service. * // `INVALID_CLUSTER_REQUEST`: The run failed because it issued an invalid // request to start the cluster. * `WORKSPACE_RUN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED`: The // workspace has reached the quota for the maximum number of concurrent // active runs. Consider scheduling the runs over a larger time frame. * // `FEATURE_DISABLED`: The run failed because it tried to access a feature // unavailable for the workspace. * `CLUSTER_REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED`: The // number of cluster creation, start, and upsize requests have exceeded the // allotted rate limit. Consider spreading the run execution over a larger // time frame. * `STORAGE_ACCESS_ERROR`: The run failed due to an error when // accessing the customer blob storage. Refer to the state message for // further details. * `RUN_EXECUTION_ERROR`: The run was completed with task // failures. For more details, refer to the state message or run output. * // `UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR`: The run failed due to a permission issue while // accessing a resource. Refer to the state message for further details. * // `LIBRARY_INSTALLATION_ERROR`: The run failed while installing the // user-requested library. Refer to the state message for further details. // The causes might include, but are not limited to: The provided library is // invalid, there are insufficient permissions to install the library, and // so forth. * `MAX_CONCURRENT_RUNS_EXCEEDED`: The scheduled run exceeds the // limit of maximum concurrent runs set for the job. * // `MAX_SPARK_CONTEXTS_EXCEEDED`: The run is scheduled on a cluster that has // already reached the maximum number of contexts it is configured to // create. See: [Link]. * `RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND`: A resource necessary for run // execution does not exist. Refer to the state message for further details. // * `INVALID_RUN_CONFIGURATION`: The run failed due to an invalid // configuration. Refer to the state message for further details. * // `CLOUD_FAILURE`: The run failed due to a cloud provider issue. Refer to // the state message for further details. * `MAX_JOB_QUEUE_SIZE_EXCEEDED`: // The run was skipped due to reaching the job level queue size limit. // // [Link]: Code types.String `tfsdk:"code" tf:"optional"` // A descriptive message with the termination details. This field is // unstructured and the format might change. Message types.String `tfsdk:"message" tf:"optional"` // * `SUCCESS`: The run terminated without any issues * `INTERNAL_ERROR`: An // error occurred in the Databricks platform. Please look at the [status // page] or contact support if the issue persists. * `CLIENT_ERROR`: The run // was terminated because of an error caused by user input or the job // configuration. * `CLOUD_FAILURE`: The run was terminated because of an // issue with your cloud provider. // // [status page]: Type_ types.String `tfsdk:"type" tf:"optional"` }
func (TerminationDetails) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in TerminationDetails. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*TerminationDetails) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *TerminationDetails) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan TerminationDetails)
func (*TerminationDetails) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *TerminationDetails) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState TerminationDetails)
func (TerminationDetails) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o TerminationDetails) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, TerminationDetails only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type TriggerInfo ¶
type TriggerInfo struct { // The run id of the Run Job task run RunId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"run_id" tf:"optional"` }
Additional details about what triggered the run
func (TriggerInfo) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in TriggerInfo. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*TriggerInfo) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *TriggerInfo) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan TriggerInfo)
func (*TriggerInfo) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *TriggerInfo) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState TriggerInfo)
func (TriggerInfo) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o TriggerInfo) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, TriggerInfo only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type TriggerSettings ¶
type TriggerSettings struct { // File arrival trigger settings. FileArrival types.List `tfsdk:"file_arrival" tf:"optional,object"` // Whether this trigger is paused or not. PauseStatus types.String `tfsdk:"pause_status" tf:"optional"` // Periodic trigger settings. Periodic types.List `tfsdk:"periodic" tf:"optional,object"` // Old table trigger settings name. Deprecated in favor of `table_update`. Table types.List `tfsdk:"table" tf:"optional,object"` TableUpdate types.List `tfsdk:"table_update" tf:"optional,object"` }
func (TriggerSettings) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in TriggerSettings. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*TriggerSettings) GetFileArrival ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *TriggerSettings) GetFileArrival(ctx context.Context) (FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration, bool)
GetFileArrival returns the value of the FileArrival field in TriggerSettings as a FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*TriggerSettings) GetPeriodic ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *TriggerSettings) GetPeriodic(ctx context.Context) (PeriodicTriggerConfiguration, bool)
GetPeriodic returns the value of the Periodic field in TriggerSettings as a PeriodicTriggerConfiguration value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*TriggerSettings) GetTable ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *TriggerSettings) GetTable(ctx context.Context) (TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration, bool)
GetTable returns the value of the Table field in TriggerSettings as a TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*TriggerSettings) GetTableUpdate ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *TriggerSettings) GetTableUpdate(ctx context.Context) (TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration, bool)
GetTableUpdate returns the value of the TableUpdate field in TriggerSettings as a TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*TriggerSettings) SetFileArrival ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *TriggerSettings) SetFileArrival(ctx context.Context, v FileArrivalTriggerConfiguration)
SetFileArrival sets the value of the FileArrival field in TriggerSettings.
func (*TriggerSettings) SetPeriodic ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *TriggerSettings) SetPeriodic(ctx context.Context, v PeriodicTriggerConfiguration)
SetPeriodic sets the value of the Periodic field in TriggerSettings.
func (*TriggerSettings) SetTable ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *TriggerSettings) SetTable(ctx context.Context, v TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration)
SetTable sets the value of the Table field in TriggerSettings.
func (*TriggerSettings) SetTableUpdate ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *TriggerSettings) SetTableUpdate(ctx context.Context, v TableUpdateTriggerConfiguration)
SetTableUpdate sets the value of the TableUpdate field in TriggerSettings.
func (*TriggerSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *TriggerSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan TriggerSettings)
func (*TriggerSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *TriggerSettings) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState TriggerSettings)
func (TriggerSettings) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o TriggerSettings) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, TriggerSettings only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type UpdateJob ¶
type UpdateJob struct { // Remove top-level fields in the job settings. Removing nested fields is // not supported, except for tasks and job clusters (`tasks/task_1`). This // field is optional. FieldsToRemove types.List `tfsdk:"fields_to_remove" tf:"optional"` // The canonical identifier of the job to update. This field is required. JobId types.Int64 `tfsdk:"job_id" tf:""` // The new settings for the job. // // Top-level fields specified in `new_settings` are completely replaced, // except for arrays which are merged. That is, new and existing entries are // completely replaced based on the respective key fields, i.e. `task_key` // or `job_cluster_key`, while previous entries are kept. // // Partially updating nested fields is not supported. // // Changes to the field `JobSettings.timeout_seconds` are applied to active // runs. Changes to other fields are applied to future runs only. NewSettings types.List `tfsdk:"new_settings" tf:"optional,object"` }
func (UpdateJob) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in UpdateJob. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*UpdateJob) GetFieldsToRemove ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetFieldsToRemove returns the value of the FieldsToRemove field in UpdateJob as a slice of types.String values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*UpdateJob) GetNewSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *UpdateJob) GetNewSettings(ctx context.Context) (JobSettings, bool)
GetNewSettings returns the value of the NewSettings field in UpdateJob as a JobSettings value. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*UpdateJob) SetFieldsToRemove ¶ added in v1.61.0
SetFieldsToRemove sets the value of the FieldsToRemove field in UpdateJob.
func (*UpdateJob) SetNewSettings ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *UpdateJob) SetNewSettings(ctx context.Context, v JobSettings)
SetNewSettings sets the value of the NewSettings field in UpdateJob.
func (*UpdateJob) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*UpdateJob) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (UpdateJob) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o UpdateJob) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, UpdateJob only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type UpdateResponse ¶
type UpdateResponse struct { }
func (UpdateResponse) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in UpdateResponse. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*UpdateResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *UpdateResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan UpdateResponse)
func (*UpdateResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *UpdateResponse) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState UpdateResponse)
func (UpdateResponse) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o UpdateResponse) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, UpdateResponse only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type ViewItem ¶
type ViewItem struct { // Content of the view. Content types.String `tfsdk:"content" tf:"optional"` // Name of the view item. In the case of code view, it would be the // notebook’s name. In the case of dashboard view, it would be the // dashboard’s name. Name types.String `tfsdk:"name" tf:"optional"` // Type of the view item. Type_ types.String `tfsdk:"type" tf:"optional"` }
func (ViewItem) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in ViewItem. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*ViewItem) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*ViewItem) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (ViewItem) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o ViewItem) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, ViewItem only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type Webhook ¶
func (Webhook) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in Webhook. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*Webhook) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (*Webhook) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (Webhook) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o Webhook) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, Webhook only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().
type WebhookNotifications ¶
type WebhookNotifications struct { // An optional list of system notification IDs to call when the duration of // a run exceeds the threshold specified for the `RUN_DURATION_SECONDS` // metric in the `health` field. A maximum of 3 destinations can be // specified for the `on_duration_warning_threshold_exceeded` property. OnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded types.List `tfsdk:"on_duration_warning_threshold_exceeded" tf:"optional"` // An optional list of system notification IDs to call when the run fails. A // maximum of 3 destinations can be specified for the `on_failure` property. OnFailure types.List `tfsdk:"on_failure" tf:"optional"` // An optional list of system notification IDs to call when the run starts. // A maximum of 3 destinations can be specified for the `on_start` property. OnStart types.List `tfsdk:"on_start" tf:"optional"` // An optional list of system notification IDs to call when any streaming // backlog thresholds are exceeded for any stream. Streaming backlog // thresholds can be set in the `health` field using the following metrics: // `STREAMING_BACKLOG_BYTES`, `STREAMING_BACKLOG_RECORDS`, // `STREAMING_BACKLOG_SECONDS`, or `STREAMING_BACKLOG_FILES`. Alerting is // based on the 10-minute average of these metrics. If the issue persists, // notifications are resent every 30 minutes. A maximum of 3 destinations // can be specified for the `on_streaming_backlog_exceeded` property. OnStreamingBacklogExceeded types.List `tfsdk:"on_streaming_backlog_exceeded" tf:"optional"` // An optional list of system notification IDs to call when the run // completes successfully. A maximum of 3 destinations can be specified for // the `on_success` property. OnSuccess types.List `tfsdk:"on_success" tf:"optional"` }
func (WebhookNotifications) GetComplexFieldTypes ¶ added in v1.61.0
GetComplexFieldTypes returns a map of the types of elements in complex fields in WebhookNotifications. Container types (types.Map, types.List, types.Set) and object types (types.Object) do not carry the type information of their elements in the Go type system. This function provides a way to retrieve the type information of the elements in complex fields at runtime. The values of the map are the reflected types of the contained elements. They must be either primitive values from the plugin framework type system (types.String{}, types.Bool{}, types.Int64{}, types.Float64{}) or TF SDK values.
func (*WebhookNotifications) GetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *WebhookNotifications) GetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded(ctx context.Context) ([]Webhook, bool)
GetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded returns the value of the OnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded field in WebhookNotifications as a slice of Webhook values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*WebhookNotifications) GetOnFailure ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *WebhookNotifications) GetOnFailure(ctx context.Context) ([]Webhook, bool)
GetOnFailure returns the value of the OnFailure field in WebhookNotifications as a slice of Webhook values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*WebhookNotifications) GetOnStart ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *WebhookNotifications) GetOnStart(ctx context.Context) ([]Webhook, bool)
GetOnStart returns the value of the OnStart field in WebhookNotifications as a slice of Webhook values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*WebhookNotifications) GetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *WebhookNotifications) GetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded(ctx context.Context) ([]Webhook, bool)
GetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded returns the value of the OnStreamingBacklogExceeded field in WebhookNotifications as a slice of Webhook values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*WebhookNotifications) GetOnSuccess ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *WebhookNotifications) GetOnSuccess(ctx context.Context) ([]Webhook, bool)
GetOnSuccess returns the value of the OnSuccess field in WebhookNotifications as a slice of Webhook values. If the field is unknown or null, the boolean return value is false.
func (*WebhookNotifications) SetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *WebhookNotifications) SetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded(ctx context.Context, v []Webhook)
SetOnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded sets the value of the OnDurationWarningThresholdExceeded field in WebhookNotifications.
func (*WebhookNotifications) SetOnFailure ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *WebhookNotifications) SetOnFailure(ctx context.Context, v []Webhook)
SetOnFailure sets the value of the OnFailure field in WebhookNotifications.
func (*WebhookNotifications) SetOnStart ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *WebhookNotifications) SetOnStart(ctx context.Context, v []Webhook)
SetOnStart sets the value of the OnStart field in WebhookNotifications.
func (*WebhookNotifications) SetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *WebhookNotifications) SetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded(ctx context.Context, v []Webhook)
SetOnStreamingBacklogExceeded sets the value of the OnStreamingBacklogExceeded field in WebhookNotifications.
func (*WebhookNotifications) SetOnSuccess ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o *WebhookNotifications) SetOnSuccess(ctx context.Context, v []Webhook)
SetOnSuccess sets the value of the OnSuccess field in WebhookNotifications.
func (*WebhookNotifications) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *WebhookNotifications) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringCreateOrUpdate(plan WebhookNotifications)
func (*WebhookNotifications) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead ¶ added in v1.54.0
func (newState *WebhookNotifications) SyncEffectiveFieldsDuringRead(existingState WebhookNotifications)
func (WebhookNotifications) ToObjectValue ¶ added in v1.61.0
func (o WebhookNotifications) ToObjectValue(ctx context.Context) basetypes.ObjectValue
TFSDK types cannot implement the ObjectValuable interface directly, as it would otherwise interfere with how the plugin framework retrieves and sets values in state. Thus, WebhookNotifications only implements ToObjectValue() and Type().