Buffalo POC
Buffalo is a go web framework that will build the majority of your code for you. Unlike goa, it assumes you will be adding more code.
Install buffalo go get -u -v github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo/buffalo
go get -u github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo-goth
Some benefits:
- It will generate the DB tables and all CRUD operations for you.
- Literally 5 minutes to working api with DB
- buffalo dev runs the web app locally and you can test input - recompiles on save
- Supports TONS of auth methods, and can write your own
Please see https://gobuffalo.io/docs for more information
Auth can be tied in with many different providers, for example buffalo g goth-auth digitalocean discord
will setup DO and discord auth
Auth video: https://gobuffalo.io/docs/generators#goth
Auth with username and password example (Custom auth example): https://github.com/gobuffalo/authrecipe/blob/master/actions/auth.go
Database Setup
Run docker run -d --name pgsql --net=host -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password postgres:alpine
get the md5 sum of password echo "password" | md5sum
edit the database.yml
To add a new resource besides the ones defined in the design/002-data-server.md type the following: buffalo g resource newResource name id:int email address
This will create a new resource and a new migration in the migrations folder. Once all resources are defined run the below command to create the db.
Run buffalo db create -a
Then run buffalo db migrate
to create all of the tables
CreRun the app locally
buffalo dev
Visit 127.0.01:3000 there you can test endpoints
Starting the Application
Buffalo ships with a command that will watch your application and automatically rebuild the Go binary and any assets for you. To do that run the "buffalo dev" command:
$ buffalo dev
If you point your browser to you should see a "Welcome to Buffalo!" page.
Congratulations! You now have your Buffalo application up and running.
What Next?
We recommend you heading over to http://gobuffalo.io and reviewing all of the great documentation there.
Good luck!
Powered by Buffalo