
v0.4.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 18, 2018 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 20 Imported by: 0


Go API client for swagger

No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)


This API client was generated by the swagger-codegen project. By using the swagger-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 1.0.0
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen


Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://localhost

Class Method HTTP request Description
AmazonInfrastructureControllerApi InstanceTypesUsingGET Get /instanceTypes Get instance types
AmazonInfrastructureControllerApi SubnetsUsingGET Get /subnets Get subnets
AmazonInfrastructureControllerApi VpcsUsingGET Get /vpcs Get VPCs
ApplicationControllerApi CancelPipelineUsingPUT Put /applications/{application}/pipelines/{id}/cancel Cancel pipeline
ApplicationControllerApi CancelTaskUsingPUT Put /applications/{application}/tasks/{id}/cancel Cancel task
ApplicationControllerApi GetAllApplicationsUsingGET Get /applications Retrieve a list of applications
ApplicationControllerApi GetApplicationHistoryUsingGET Get /applications/{application}/history Retrieve a list of an application's configuration revision history
ApplicationControllerApi GetApplicationUsingGET Get /applications/{application} Retrieve an application's details
ApplicationControllerApi GetPipelineConfigUsingGET Get /applications/{application}/pipelineConfigs/{pipelineName} Retrieve a pipeline configuration
ApplicationControllerApi GetPipelineConfigsForApplicationUsingGET Get /applications/{application}/pipelineConfigs Retrieve a list of an application's pipeline configurations
ApplicationControllerApi GetPipelinesUsingGET Get /applications/{application}/pipelines Retrieve a list of an application's pipeline executions
ApplicationControllerApi GetStrategyConfigUsingGET Get /applications/{application}/strategyConfigs/{strategyName} Retrieve a pipeline strategy configuration
ApplicationControllerApi GetStrategyConfigsForApplicationUsingGET Get /applications/{application}/strategyConfigs Retrieve a list of an application's pipeline strategy configurations
ApplicationControllerApi GetTaskDetailsUsingGET Get /applications/{application}/tasks/{id}/details/{taskDetailsId} Get task details
ApplicationControllerApi GetTaskUsingGET Get /applications/{application}/tasks/{id} Get task
ApplicationControllerApi GetTasksUsingGET Get /applications/{application}/tasks Retrieve a list of an application's tasks
ApplicationControllerApi InvokePipelineConfigUsingPOST Post /applications/{application}/pipelineConfigs/{pipelineName} Invoke pipeline config
ApplicationControllerApi TaskUsingPOST Post /applications/{application}/tasks Create task
ArtifactControllerApi AllUsingGET Get /artifacts/credentials Retrieve the list of artifact accounts configured in Clouddriver.
AuditEventsMvcEndpointApi FindByPrincipalAndAfterAndTypeUsingGET Get /auditevents findByPrincipalAndAfterAndType
AuditEventsMvcEndpointApi FindByPrincipalAndAfterAndTypeUsingGET1 Get /auditevents.json findByPrincipalAndAfterAndType
AuthControllerApi GetServiceAccountsUsingGET Get /auth/user/serviceAccounts Get service accounts
AuthControllerApi LoggedOutUsingGET Get /auth/loggedOut Get logged out message
AuthControllerApi RedirectUsingGET Get /auth/redirect Redirect to Deck
AuthControllerApi SyncUsingPOST Post /auth/roles/sync Sync user roles
AuthControllerApi UserUsingGET Get /auth/user Get user
BakeControllerApi BakeOptionsUsingGET Get /bakery/options/{cloudProvider} Retrieve a list of available bakery base images for a given cloud provider
BakeControllerApi BakeOptionsUsingGET1 Get /bakery/options Retrieve a list of available bakery base images, grouped by cloud provider
BakeControllerApi LookupLogsUsingGET Get /bakery/logs/{region}/{statusId} Retrieve the logs for a given bake
BuildControllerApi GetBuildMastersUsingGET Get /v2/builds Get build masters
BuildControllerApi GetBuildUsingGET Get /v2/builds/{buildMaster}/build/{number}/** Get build for build master
BuildControllerApi GetBuildsUsingGET Get /v2/builds/{buildMaster}/builds/** Get builds for build master
BuildControllerApi GetJobConfigUsingGET Get /v2/builds/{buildMaster}/jobs/** Get job config
BuildControllerApi GetJobsForBuildMasterUsingGET Get /v2/builds/{buildMaster}/jobs Get jobs for build master
BuildControllerApi V3GetBuildMastersUsingGET Get /v3/builds Get build masters
BuildControllerApi V3GetBuildUsingGET Get /v3/builds/{buildMaster}/build/{number} Get build for build master
BuildControllerApi V3GetBuildsUsingGET Get /v3/builds/{buildMaster}/builds Get builds for build master
BuildControllerApi V3GetJobConfigUsingGET Get /v3/builds/{buildMaster}/job Get job config
BuildControllerApi V3GetJobsForBuildMasterUsingGET Get /v3/builds/{buildMaster}/jobs Get jobs for build master
ClusterControllerApi GetClusterLoadBalancersUsingGET Get /applications/{application}/clusters/{account}/{clusterName}/{type}/loadBalancers Retrieve a cluster's loadbalancers
ClusterControllerApi GetClustersUsingGET Get /applications/{application}/clusters/{account}/{clusterName} Retrieve a cluster's details
ClusterControllerApi GetClustersUsingGET1 Get /applications/{application}/clusters/{account} Retrieve a list of clusters for an account
ClusterControllerApi GetClustersUsingGET2 Get /applications/{application}/clusters Retrieve a list of cluster names for an application, grouped by account
ClusterControllerApi GetScalingActivitiesUsingGET Get /applications/{application}/clusters/{account}/{clusterName}/serverGroups/{serverGroupName}/scalingActivities Retrieve a list of scaling activities for a server group
ClusterControllerApi GetServerGroupsUsingGET Get /applications/{application}/clusters/{account}/{clusterName}/serverGroups/{serverGroupName} Retrieve a server group's details
ClusterControllerApi GetServerGroupsUsingGET1 Get /applications/{application}/clusters/{account}/{clusterName}/serverGroups Retrieve a list of server groups for a cluster
ClusterControllerApi GetTargetServerGroupUsingGET Get /applications/{application}/clusters/{account}/{clusterName}/{cloudProvider}/{scope}/serverGroups/target/{target} Retrieve a server group that matches a target coordinate (e.g., newest, ancestor) relative to a cluster
CredentialsControllerApi GetAccountUsingGET Get /credentials/{account} Retrieve an account's details
CredentialsControllerApi GetAccountsUsingGET Get /credentials Retrieve a list of accounts
EcsServerGroupEventsControllerApi GetEventsUsingGET Get /applications/{application}/serverGroups/{account}/{serverGroupName}/events Retrieves a list of events for a server group
ExecutionsControllerApi GetLatestExecutionsByConfigIdsUsingGET Get /executions Retrieves an ad-hoc collection of executions based on a number of user-supplied parameters. Either executionIds or pipelineConfigIds must be supplied in order to return any results. If both are supplied, an exception will be thrown.
ExecutionsControllerApi SearchForPipelineExecutionsByTriggerUsingGET Get /applications/{application}/executions/search Search for pipeline executions using a combination of criteria. The returned list is sorted by buildTime (trigger time) in reverse order so that newer executions are first in the list.
FirewallControllerApi AllByAccountUsingGET Get /firewalls/{account} Retrieve a list of firewalls for a given account, grouped by region
FirewallControllerApi AllUsingGET1 Get /firewalls Retrieve a list of firewalls, grouped by account, cloud provider, and region
FirewallControllerApi GetSecurityGroupUsingGET Get /firewalls/{account}/{region}/{name} Retrieve a firewall's details
ImageControllerApi FindImagesUsingGET Get /images/find Retrieve a list of images, filtered by cloud provider, region, and account
ImageControllerApi FindTagsUsingGET Get /images/tags Find tags
ImageControllerApi GetImageDetailsUsingGET Get /images/{account}/{region}/{imageId} Get image details
InstanceControllerApi GetConsoleOutputUsingGET Get /instances/{account}/{region}/{instanceId}/console Retrieve an instance's console output
InstanceControllerApi GetInstanceDetailsUsingGET Get /instances/{account}/{region}/{instanceId} Retrieve an instance's details
JobControllerApi GetJobUsingGET Get /applications/{applicationName}/jobs/{account}/{region}/{name} Get job
JobControllerApi GetJobsUsingGET Get /applications/{applicationName}/jobs Get jobs
LoadBalancerControllerApi GetAllUsingGET Get /loadBalancers Retrieve a list of load balancers for a given cloud provider
LoadBalancerControllerApi GetApplicationLoadBalancersUsingGET Get /applications/{application}/loadBalancers Retrieve a list of load balancers for a given application
LoadBalancerControllerApi GetLoadBalancerDetailsUsingGET Get /loadBalancers/{account}/{region}/{name} Retrieve a load balancer's details as a single element list for a given account, region, cloud provider and load balancer name
LoadBalancerControllerApi GetLoadBalancerUsingGET Get /loadBalancers/{name} Retrieve a load balancer for a given cloud provider
NetworkControllerApi AllByCloudProviderUsingGET Get /networks/{cloudProvider} Retrieve a list of networks for a given cloud provider
NetworkControllerApi AllUsingGET2 Get /networks Retrieve a list of networks, grouped by cloud provider
PipelineConfigControllerApi ConvertPipelineConfigToPipelineTemplateUsingGET Get /pipelineConfigs/{pipelineConfigId}/convertToTemplate Convert a pipeline config to a pipeline template.
PipelineConfigControllerApi GetAllPipelineConfigsUsingGET Get /pipelineConfigs Get all pipeline configs.
PipelineConfigControllerApi GetPipelineConfigHistoryUsingGET Get /pipelineConfigs/{pipelineConfigId}/history Get pipeline config history.
PipelineControllerApi CancelPipelineUsingPUT1 Put /pipelines/{id}/cancel Cancel a pipeline execution
PipelineControllerApi DeletePipelineUsingDELETE Delete /pipelines/{application}/{pipelineName} Delete a pipeline definition
PipelineControllerApi DeletePipelineUsingDELETE1 Delete /pipelines/{id} Delete a pipeline execution
PipelineControllerApi EvaluateExpressionForExecutionUsingDELETE Delete /pipelines/{id}/evaluateExpression Evaluate a pipeline expression using the provided execution as context
PipelineControllerApi EvaluateExpressionForExecutionUsingGET Get /pipelines/{id}/evaluateExpression Evaluate a pipeline expression using the provided execution as context
PipelineControllerApi EvaluateExpressionForExecutionUsingHEAD Head /pipelines/{id}/evaluateExpression Evaluate a pipeline expression using the provided execution as context
PipelineControllerApi EvaluateExpressionForExecutionUsingOPTIONS Options /pipelines/{id}/evaluateExpression Evaluate a pipeline expression using the provided execution as context
PipelineControllerApi EvaluateExpressionForExecutionUsingPATCH Patch /pipelines/{id}/evaluateExpression Evaluate a pipeline expression using the provided execution as context
PipelineControllerApi EvaluateExpressionForExecutionUsingPUT Put /pipelines/{id}/evaluateExpression Evaluate a pipeline expression using the provided execution as context
PipelineControllerApi EvaluateExpressionForExecutionViaPOSTUsingPOST1 Post /pipelines/{id}/evaluateExpression Evaluate a pipeline expression using the provided execution as context
PipelineControllerApi GetPipelineLogsUsingGET Get /pipelines/{id}/logs Retrieve pipeline execution logs
PipelineControllerApi GetPipelineUsingGET Get /pipelines/{id} Retrieve a pipeline execution
PipelineControllerApi InvokePipelineConfigUsingPOST1 Post /pipelines/{application}/{pipelineNameOrId} Trigger a pipeline execution
PipelineControllerApi InvokePipelineConfigViaEchoUsingPOST Post /pipelines/v2/{application}/{pipelineNameOrId} Trigger a pipeline execution
PipelineControllerApi PausePipelineUsingPUT Put /pipelines/{id}/pause Pause a pipeline execution
PipelineControllerApi RenamePipelineUsingPOST Post /pipelines/move Rename a pipeline definition
PipelineControllerApi RestartStageUsingPUT Put /pipelines/{id}/stages/{stageId}/restart Restart a stage execution
PipelineControllerApi ResumePipelineUsingPUT Put /pipelines/{id}/resume Resume a pipeline execution
PipelineControllerApi SavePipelineUsingPOST Post /pipelines Save a pipeline definition
PipelineControllerApi StartUsingPOST Post /pipelines/start Initiate a pipeline execution
PipelineControllerApi UpdatePipelineUsingPUT Put /pipelines/{id} Update a pipeline definition
PipelineControllerApi UpdateStageUsingPATCH Patch /pipelines/{id}/stages/{stageId} Update a stage execution
PipelineTemplatesControllerApi CreateUsingPOST Post /pipelineTemplates Create a pipeline template.
PipelineTemplatesControllerApi DeleteUsingDELETE Delete /pipelineTemplates/{id} Delete a pipeline template.
PipelineTemplatesControllerApi GetUsingGET Get /pipelineTemplates/{id} Get a pipeline template.
PipelineTemplatesControllerApi ListPipelineTemplateDependentsUsingGET Get /pipelineTemplates/{id}/dependents List all pipelines that implement a pipeline template
PipelineTemplatesControllerApi ListUsingGET Get /pipelineTemplates List pipeline templates.
PipelineTemplatesControllerApi ResolveTemplatesUsingGET Get /pipelineTemplates/resolve Resolve a pipeline template.
PipelineTemplatesControllerApi UpdateUsingPOST Post /pipelineTemplates/{id} Update a pipeline template.
ProjectControllerApi AllPipelinesForProjectUsingGET Get /projects/{id}/pipelines Get all pipelines for project
PubsubSubscriptionControllerApi AllUsingGET3 Get /pubsub/subscriptions Retrieve the list of pub/sub subscriptions configured in Echo.
SearchControllerApi SearchUsingGET Get /search Search infrastructure
SecurityGroupControllerApi AllByAccountUsingGET1 Get /securityGroups/{account} Retrieve a list of security groups for a given account, grouped by region
SecurityGroupControllerApi AllUsingGET4 Get /securityGroups Retrieve a list of security groups, grouped by account, cloud provider, and region
SecurityGroupControllerApi GetSecurityGroupUsingGET1 Get /securityGroups/{account}/{region}/{name} Retrieve a security group's details
ServerGroupControllerApi GetServerGroupDetailsUsingGET Get /applications/{applicationName}/serverGroups/{account}/{region}/{serverGroupName} Retrieve a server group's details
ServerGroupControllerApi GetServerGroupsForApplicationUsingGET Get /applications/{applicationName}/serverGroups Retrieve a list of server groups for a given application
ServerGroupManagerControllerApi GetServerGroupManagersForApplicationUsingGET Get /applications/{application}/serverGroupManagers Retrieve a list of server group managers for an application
SnapshotControllerApi GetCurrentSnapshotUsingGET Get /applications/{application}/snapshots/{account} Get current snapshot
SnapshotControllerApi GetSnapshotHistoryUsingGET Get /applications/{application}/snapshots/{account}/history Get snapshot history
SubnetControllerApi AllByCloudProviderUsingGET1 Get /subnets/{cloudProvider} Retrieve a list of subnets for a given cloud provider
TaskControllerApi CancelTaskUsingPUT1 Put /tasks/{id}/cancel Cancel task
TaskControllerApi CancelTasksUsingPUT Put /tasks/cancel Cancel tasks
TaskControllerApi DeleteTaskUsingDELETE Delete /tasks/{id} Delete task
TaskControllerApi GetTaskDetailsUsingGET1 Get /tasks/{id}/details/{taskDetailsId} Get task details
TaskControllerApi GetTaskUsingGET1 Get /tasks/{id} Get task
TaskControllerApi TaskUsingPOST1 Post /tasks Create task
V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApi CreateUsingPOST1 Post /v2/pipelineTemplates Create a pipeline template.
V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApi DeleteUsingDELETE1 Delete /v2/pipelineTemplates/{id} Delete a pipeline template.
V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApi GetUsingGET1 Get /v2/pipelineTemplates/{id} Get a pipeline template.
V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApi ListPipelineTemplateDependentsUsingGET1 Get /v2/pipelineTemplates/{id}/dependents List all pipelines that implement a pipeline template
V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApi ListUsingGET1 Get /v2/pipelineTemplates List pipeline templates.
V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApi PlanUsingPOST Post /v2/pipelineTemplates/plan Plan a pipeline template configuration.
V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApi UpdateUsingPOST1 Post /v2/pipelineTemplates/{id} Update a pipeline template.
VersionControllerApi GetVersionUsingGET Get /version Fetch Gate's current version
WebhookControllerApi PreconfiguredWebhooksUsingGET Get /webhooks/preconfigured Retrieve a list of preconfigured webhooks in Orca
WebhookControllerApi WebhooksUsingPOST Post /webhooks/{type}/{source} Endpoint for posting webhooks to Spinnaker's webhook service

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Endpoints do not require authorization.





This section is empty.


View Source
var (
	// ContextOAuth2 takes a oauth2.TokenSource as authentication for the request.
	ContextOAuth2 = contextKey("token")

	// ContextBasicAuth takes BasicAuth as authentication for the request.
	ContextBasicAuth = contextKey("basic")

	// ContextAccessToken takes a string oauth2 access token as authentication for the request.
	ContextAccessToken = contextKey("accesstoken")

	// ContextAPIKey takes an APIKey as authentication for the request
	ContextAPIKey = contextKey("apikey")


func CacheExpires

func CacheExpires(r *http.Response) time.Time

CacheExpires helper function to determine remaining time before repeating a request.


type APIClient

type APIClient struct {

	// API Services
	AmazonInfrastructureControllerApi *AmazonInfrastructureControllerApiService
	ApplicationControllerApi          *ApplicationControllerApiService
	ArtifactControllerApi             *ArtifactControllerApiService
	AuditEventsMvcEndpointApi         *AuditEventsMvcEndpointApiService
	AuthControllerApi                 *AuthControllerApiService
	BakeControllerApi                 *BakeControllerApiService
	BuildControllerApi                *BuildControllerApiService
	ClusterControllerApi              *ClusterControllerApiService
	CredentialsControllerApi          *CredentialsControllerApiService
	EcsServerGroupEventsControllerApi *EcsServerGroupEventsControllerApiService
	ExecutionsControllerApi           *ExecutionsControllerApiService
	FirewallControllerApi             *FirewallControllerApiService
	ImageControllerApi                *ImageControllerApiService
	InstanceControllerApi             *InstanceControllerApiService
	JobControllerApi                  *JobControllerApiService
	LoadBalancerControllerApi         *LoadBalancerControllerApiService
	NetworkControllerApi              *NetworkControllerApiService
	PipelineConfigControllerApi       *PipelineConfigControllerApiService
	PipelineControllerApi             *PipelineControllerApiService
	PipelineTemplatesControllerApi    *PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService
	ProjectControllerApi              *ProjectControllerApiService
	PubsubSubscriptionControllerApi   *PubsubSubscriptionControllerApiService
	SearchControllerApi               *SearchControllerApiService
	SecurityGroupControllerApi        *SecurityGroupControllerApiService
	ServerGroupControllerApi          *ServerGroupControllerApiService
	ServerGroupManagerControllerApi   *ServerGroupManagerControllerApiService
	SnapshotControllerApi             *SnapshotControllerApiService
	SubnetControllerApi               *SubnetControllerApiService
	TaskControllerApi                 *TaskControllerApiService
	V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApi  *V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService
	VersionControllerApi              *VersionControllerApiService
	WebhookControllerApi              *WebhookControllerApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

APIClient manages communication with the Spinnaker API API v1.0.0 In most cases there should be only one, shared, APIClient.

func NewAPIClient

func NewAPIClient(cfg *Configuration) *APIClient

NewAPIClient creates a new API client. Requires a userAgent string describing your application. optionally a custom http.Client to allow for advanced features such as caching.

func (*APIClient) ChangeBasePath

func (c *APIClient) ChangeBasePath(path string)

Change base path to allow switching to mocks

type APIKey

type APIKey struct {
	Key    string
	Prefix string

APIKey provides API key based authentication to a request passed via context using ContextAPIKey

type APIResponse

type APIResponse struct {
	*http.Response `json:"-"`
	Message        string `json:"message,omitempty"`
	// Operation is the name of the swagger operation.
	Operation string `json:"operation,omitempty"`
	// RequestURL is the request URL. This value is always available, even if the
	// embedded *http.Response is nil.
	RequestURL string `json:"url,omitempty"`
	// Method is the HTTP method used for the request.  This value is always
	// available, even if the embedded *http.Response is nil.
	Method string `json:"method,omitempty"`
	// Payload holds the contents of the response body (which may be nil or empty).
	// This is provided here as the raw response.Body() reader will have already
	// been drained.
	Payload []byte `json:"-"`

func NewAPIResponse

func NewAPIResponse(r *http.Response) *APIResponse

func NewAPIResponseWithError

func NewAPIResponseWithError(errorMessage string) *APIResponse

type Account

type Account struct {
	Permissions map[string][]string `json:"permissions,omitempty"`

	ProviderVersion string `json:"providerVersion,omitempty"`

	Skin string `json:"skin,omitempty"`

	RequiredGroupMembership []string `json:"requiredGroupMembership,omitempty"`

	AccountId string `json:"accountId,omitempty"`

	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	Type_ string `json:"type,omitempty"`

type AccountDetails

type AccountDetails struct {
	PrimaryAccount bool `json:"primaryAccount,omitempty"`

	Permissions map[string][]string `json:"permissions,omitempty"`

	ProviderVersion string `json:"providerVersion,omitempty"`

	Skin string `json:"skin,omitempty"`

	CloudProvider string `json:"cloudProvider,omitempty"`

	AccountId string `json:"accountId,omitempty"`

	RequiredGroupMembership []string `json:"requiredGroupMembership,omitempty"`

	Type_ string `json:"type,omitempty"`

	ChallengeDestructiveActions bool `json:"challengeDestructiveActions,omitempty"`

	Environment string `json:"environment,omitempty"`

	AccountType string `json:"accountType,omitempty"`

	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

type AmazonInfrastructureControllerApiService

type AmazonInfrastructureControllerApiService service

func (*AmazonInfrastructureControllerApiService) InstanceTypesUsingGET

func (a *AmazonInfrastructureControllerApiService) InstanceTypesUsingGET(ctx context.Context) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

AmazonInfrastructureControllerApiService Get instance types * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return []interface{}

func (*AmazonInfrastructureControllerApiService) SubnetsUsingGET

func (a *AmazonInfrastructureControllerApiService) SubnetsUsingGET(ctx context.Context) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

AmazonInfrastructureControllerApiService Get subnets * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return []interface{}

func (*AmazonInfrastructureControllerApiService) VpcsUsingGET

func (a *AmazonInfrastructureControllerApiService) VpcsUsingGET(ctx context.Context) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

AmazonInfrastructureControllerApiService Get VPCs * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return []interface{}

type ApplicationControllerApiService

type ApplicationControllerApiService service

func (*ApplicationControllerApiService) CancelPipelineUsingPUT

func (a *ApplicationControllerApiService) CancelPipelineUsingPUT(ctx context.Context, id string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ApplicationControllerApiService Cancel pipeline * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "reason" (string) reason

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*ApplicationControllerApiService) CancelTaskUsingPUT

func (a *ApplicationControllerApiService) CancelTaskUsingPUT(ctx context.Context, id string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ApplicationControllerApiService Cancel task * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @return map[string]interface{}

func (*ApplicationControllerApiService) GetAllApplicationsUsingGET

func (a *ApplicationControllerApiService) GetAllApplicationsUsingGET(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ApplicationControllerApiService Retrieve a list of applications * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "account" (string) filters results to only include applications deployed in the specified account
@param "owner" (string) filteres results to only include applications owned by the specified email

@return []interface{}

func (*ApplicationControllerApiService) GetApplicationHistoryUsingGET

func (a *ApplicationControllerApiService) GetApplicationHistoryUsingGET(ctx context.Context, application string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ApplicationControllerApiService Retrieve a list of an application's configuration revision history * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "limit" (int32) limit

@return []interface{}

func (*ApplicationControllerApiService) GetApplicationUsingGET

func (a *ApplicationControllerApiService) GetApplicationUsingGET(ctx context.Context, application string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ApplicationControllerApiService Retrieve an application's details * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "expand" (bool) expand

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*ApplicationControllerApiService) GetPipelineConfigUsingGET

func (a *ApplicationControllerApiService) GetPipelineConfigUsingGET(ctx context.Context, application string, pipelineName string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ApplicationControllerApiService Retrieve a pipeline configuration * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param pipelineName pipelineName @return map[string]interface{}

func (*ApplicationControllerApiService) GetPipelineConfigsForApplicationUsingGET

func (a *ApplicationControllerApiService) GetPipelineConfigsForApplicationUsingGET(ctx context.Context, application string) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ApplicationControllerApiService Retrieve a list of an application's pipeline configurations * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @return []interface{}

func (*ApplicationControllerApiService) GetPipelinesUsingGET

func (a *ApplicationControllerApiService) GetPipelinesUsingGET(ctx context.Context, application string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ApplicationControllerApiService Retrieve a list of an application's pipeline executions * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "limit" (int32) limit
@param "statuses" (string) statuses
@param "expand" (bool) expand

@return []interface{}

func (*ApplicationControllerApiService) GetStrategyConfigUsingGET

func (a *ApplicationControllerApiService) GetStrategyConfigUsingGET(ctx context.Context, application string, strategyName string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ApplicationControllerApiService Retrieve a pipeline strategy configuration * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param strategyName strategyName @return map[string]interface{}

func (*ApplicationControllerApiService) GetStrategyConfigsForApplicationUsingGET

func (a *ApplicationControllerApiService) GetStrategyConfigsForApplicationUsingGET(ctx context.Context, application string) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ApplicationControllerApiService Retrieve a list of an application's pipeline strategy configurations * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @return []interface{}

func (*ApplicationControllerApiService) GetTaskDetailsUsingGET

func (a *ApplicationControllerApiService) GetTaskDetailsUsingGET(ctx context.Context, id string, taskDetailsId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ApplicationControllerApiService Get task details * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @param taskDetailsId taskDetailsId @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*ApplicationControllerApiService) GetTaskUsingGET

func (a *ApplicationControllerApiService) GetTaskUsingGET(ctx context.Context, id string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ApplicationControllerApiService Get task * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @return map[string]interface{}

func (*ApplicationControllerApiService) GetTasksUsingGET

func (a *ApplicationControllerApiService) GetTasksUsingGET(ctx context.Context, application string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ApplicationControllerApiService Retrieve a list of an application's tasks * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "page" (int32) page
@param "limit" (int32) limit
@param "statuses" (string) statuses

@return []interface{}

func (*ApplicationControllerApiService) InvokePipelineConfigUsingPOST

func (a *ApplicationControllerApiService) InvokePipelineConfigUsingPOST(ctx context.Context, application string, pipelineName string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (HttpEntity, *http.Response, error)

ApplicationControllerApiService Invoke pipeline config * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param pipelineName pipelineName @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "trigger" (interface{}) trigger
@param "user" (string) user

@return HttpEntity

func (*ApplicationControllerApiService) TaskUsingPOST

func (a *ApplicationControllerApiService) TaskUsingPOST(ctx context.Context, application string, map_ interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ApplicationControllerApiService Create task * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param map_ map @return map[string]interface{}

type ArtifactControllerApiService

type ArtifactControllerApiService service

func (*ArtifactControllerApiService) AllUsingGET

func (a *ArtifactControllerApiService) AllUsingGET(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ArtifactControllerApiService Retrieve the list of artifact accounts configured in Clouddriver. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return []interface{}

type AuditEventsMvcEndpointApiService

type AuditEventsMvcEndpointApiService service

func (*AuditEventsMvcEndpointApiService) FindByPrincipalAndAfterAndTypeUsingGET

func (a *AuditEventsMvcEndpointApiService) FindByPrincipalAndAfterAndTypeUsingGET(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, *http.Response, error)

AuditEventsMvcEndpointApiService findByPrincipalAndAfterAndType * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "principal" (string) principal
@param "after" (time.Time) after
@param "type_" (string) type

@return interface{}

func (*AuditEventsMvcEndpointApiService) FindByPrincipalAndAfterAndTypeUsingGET1

func (a *AuditEventsMvcEndpointApiService) FindByPrincipalAndAfterAndTypeUsingGET1(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, *http.Response, error)

AuditEventsMvcEndpointApiService findByPrincipalAndAfterAndType * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "principal" (string) principal
@param "after" (time.Time) after
@param "type_" (string) type

@return interface{}

type AuthControllerApiService

type AuthControllerApiService service

func (*AuthControllerApiService) GetServiceAccountsUsingGET

func (a *AuthControllerApiService) GetServiceAccountsUsingGET(ctx context.Context) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

AuthControllerApiService Get service accounts * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return []interface{}

func (*AuthControllerApiService) LoggedOutUsingGET

func (a *AuthControllerApiService) LoggedOutUsingGET(ctx context.Context) (string, *http.Response, error)

AuthControllerApiService Get logged out message * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return string

func (*AuthControllerApiService) RedirectUsingGET

func (a *AuthControllerApiService) RedirectUsingGET(ctx context.Context, to string) (*http.Response, error)

AuthControllerApiService Redirect to Deck * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param to to @return

func (*AuthControllerApiService) SyncUsingPOST

func (a *AuthControllerApiService) SyncUsingPOST(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

AuthControllerApiService Sync user roles * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return

func (*AuthControllerApiService) UserUsingGET

func (a *AuthControllerApiService) UserUsingGET(ctx context.Context) (User, *http.Response, error)

AuthControllerApiService Get user * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return User

type BakeControllerApiService

type BakeControllerApiService service

func (*BakeControllerApiService) BakeOptionsUsingGET

func (a *BakeControllerApiService) BakeOptionsUsingGET(ctx context.Context, cloudProvider string) (interface{}, *http.Response, error)

BakeControllerApiService Retrieve a list of available bakery base images for a given cloud provider * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param cloudProvider cloudProvider @return interface{}

func (*BakeControllerApiService) BakeOptionsUsingGET1

func (a *BakeControllerApiService) BakeOptionsUsingGET1(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, *http.Response, error)

BakeControllerApiService Retrieve a list of available bakery base images, grouped by cloud provider * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return interface{}

func (*BakeControllerApiService) LookupLogsUsingGET

func (a *BakeControllerApiService) LookupLogsUsingGET(ctx context.Context, region string, statusId string) (interface{}, *http.Response, error)

BakeControllerApiService Retrieve the logs for a given bake * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param region region @param statusId statusId @return interface{}

type BasicAuth

type BasicAuth struct {
	UserName string `json:"userName,omitempty"`
	Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`

BasicAuth provides basic http authentication to a request passed via context using ContextBasicAuth

type BuildControllerApiService

type BuildControllerApiService service

func (*BuildControllerApiService) GetBuildMastersUsingGET

func (a *BuildControllerApiService) GetBuildMastersUsingGET(ctx context.Context, type_ string) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

BuildControllerApiService Get build masters Deprecated, use the v3 endpoint instead * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param type_ type @return []interface{}

func (*BuildControllerApiService) GetBuildUsingGET

func (a *BuildControllerApiService) GetBuildUsingGET(ctx context.Context, buildMaster string, number string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

BuildControllerApiService Get build for build master Deprecated, use the v3 endpoint instead * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param buildMaster buildMaster @param number number @return map[string]interface{}

func (*BuildControllerApiService) GetBuildsUsingGET

func (a *BuildControllerApiService) GetBuildsUsingGET(ctx context.Context, buildMaster string) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

BuildControllerApiService Get builds for build master Deprecated, use the v3 endpoint instead * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param buildMaster buildMaster @return []interface{}

func (*BuildControllerApiService) GetJobConfigUsingGET

func (a *BuildControllerApiService) GetJobConfigUsingGET(ctx context.Context, buildMaster string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

BuildControllerApiService Get job config Deprecated, use the v3 endpoint instead * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param buildMaster buildMaster @return map[string]interface{}

func (*BuildControllerApiService) GetJobsForBuildMasterUsingGET

func (a *BuildControllerApiService) GetJobsForBuildMasterUsingGET(ctx context.Context, buildMaster string) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

BuildControllerApiService Get jobs for build master Deprecated, use the v3 endpoint instead * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param buildMaster buildMaster @return []interface{}

func (*BuildControllerApiService) V3GetBuildMastersUsingGET added in v0.4.0

func (a *BuildControllerApiService) V3GetBuildMastersUsingGET(ctx context.Context, type_ string) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

BuildControllerApiService Get build masters * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param type_ type @return []interface{}

func (*BuildControllerApiService) V3GetBuildUsingGET added in v0.4.0

func (a *BuildControllerApiService) V3GetBuildUsingGET(ctx context.Context, buildMaster string, number string, job string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

BuildControllerApiService Get build for build master * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param buildMaster buildMaster @param number number @param job job @return map[string]interface{}

func (*BuildControllerApiService) V3GetBuildsUsingGET added in v0.4.0

func (a *BuildControllerApiService) V3GetBuildsUsingGET(ctx context.Context, buildMaster string, job string) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

BuildControllerApiService Get builds for build master * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param buildMaster buildMaster @param job job @return []interface{}

func (*BuildControllerApiService) V3GetJobConfigUsingGET added in v0.4.0

func (a *BuildControllerApiService) V3GetJobConfigUsingGET(ctx context.Context, buildMaster string, job string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

BuildControllerApiService Get job config * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param buildMaster buildMaster @param job job @return map[string]interface{}

func (*BuildControllerApiService) V3GetJobsForBuildMasterUsingGET added in v0.4.0

func (a *BuildControllerApiService) V3GetJobsForBuildMasterUsingGET(ctx context.Context, buildMaster string) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

BuildControllerApiService Get jobs for build master * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param buildMaster buildMaster @return []interface{}

type ClusterControllerApiService

type ClusterControllerApiService service

func (*ClusterControllerApiService) GetClusterLoadBalancersUsingGET

func (a *ClusterControllerApiService) GetClusterLoadBalancersUsingGET(ctx context.Context, applicationName string, account string, clusterName string, type_ string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ClusterControllerApiService Retrieve a cluster's loadbalancers * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param applicationName applicationName @param account account @param clusterName clusterName @param type_ type @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return []interface{}

func (*ClusterControllerApiService) GetClustersUsingGET

func (a *ClusterControllerApiService) GetClustersUsingGET(ctx context.Context, application string, account string, clusterName string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ClusterControllerApiService Retrieve a cluster's details * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param account account @param clusterName clusterName @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*ClusterControllerApiService) GetClustersUsingGET1

func (a *ClusterControllerApiService) GetClustersUsingGET1(ctx context.Context, application string, account string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ClusterControllerApiService Retrieve a list of clusters for an account * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param account account @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return []interface{}

func (*ClusterControllerApiService) GetClustersUsingGET2

func (a *ClusterControllerApiService) GetClustersUsingGET2(ctx context.Context, application string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ClusterControllerApiService Retrieve a list of cluster names for an application, grouped by account * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*ClusterControllerApiService) GetScalingActivitiesUsingGET

func (a *ClusterControllerApiService) GetScalingActivitiesUsingGET(ctx context.Context, application string, account string, clusterName string, serverGroupName string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ClusterControllerApiService Retrieve a list of scaling activities for a server group * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param account account @param clusterName clusterName @param serverGroupName serverGroupName @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "provider" (string) provider
@param "region" (string) region
@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return []interface{}

func (*ClusterControllerApiService) GetServerGroupsUsingGET

func (a *ClusterControllerApiService) GetServerGroupsUsingGET(ctx context.Context, application string, account string, clusterName string, serverGroupName string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ClusterControllerApiService Retrieve a server group's details * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param account account @param clusterName clusterName @param serverGroupName serverGroupName @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return []interface{}

func (*ClusterControllerApiService) GetServerGroupsUsingGET1

func (a *ClusterControllerApiService) GetServerGroupsUsingGET1(ctx context.Context, application string, account string, clusterName string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ClusterControllerApiService Retrieve a list of server groups for a cluster * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param account account @param clusterName clusterName @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return []interface{}

func (*ClusterControllerApiService) GetTargetServerGroupUsingGET

func (a *ClusterControllerApiService) GetTargetServerGroupUsingGET(ctx context.Context, application string, account string, clusterName string, cloudProvider string, scope string, target string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ClusterControllerApiService Retrieve a server group that matches a target coordinate (e.g., newest, ancestor) relative to a cluster `scope` is either a zone or a region * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param account account @param clusterName clusterName @param cloudProvider cloudProvider @param scope scope @param target target @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "onlyEnabled" (bool) onlyEnabled
@param "validateOldest" (bool) validateOldest
@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return map[string]interface{}

type Configuration

type Configuration struct {
	BasePath      string            `json:"basePath,omitempty"`
	Host          string            `json:"host,omitempty"`
	Scheme        string            `json:"scheme,omitempty"`
	DefaultHeader map[string]string `json:"defaultHeader,omitempty"`
	UserAgent     string            `json:"userAgent,omitempty"`
	HTTPClient    *http.Client

func NewConfiguration

func NewConfiguration() *Configuration

func (*Configuration) AddDefaultHeader

func (c *Configuration) AddDefaultHeader(key string, value string)

type CredentialsControllerApiService

type CredentialsControllerApiService service

func (*CredentialsControllerApiService) GetAccountUsingGET

func (a *CredentialsControllerApiService) GetAccountUsingGET(ctx context.Context, account string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (AccountDetails, *http.Response, error)

CredentialsControllerApiService Retrieve an account's details * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param account account @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "roles" ([]string)
@param "allowedAccounts" ([]string)
@param "email" (string)
@param "username" (string)
@param "firstName" (string)
@param "lastName" (string)
@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return AccountDetails

func (*CredentialsControllerApiService) GetAccountsUsingGET

func (a *CredentialsControllerApiService) GetAccountsUsingGET(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]Account, *http.Response, error)

CredentialsControllerApiService Retrieve a list of accounts * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "roles" ([]string)
@param "allowedAccounts" ([]string)
@param "email" (string)
@param "username" (string)
@param "firstName" (string)
@param "lastName" (string)
@param "expand" (bool) expand

@return []Account

type EcsServerGroupEventsControllerApiService added in v0.4.0

type EcsServerGroupEventsControllerApiService service

func (*EcsServerGroupEventsControllerApiService) GetEventsUsingGET added in v0.4.0

func (a *EcsServerGroupEventsControllerApiService) GetEventsUsingGET(ctx context.Context, application string, account string, serverGroupName string, region string, provider string) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

EcsServerGroupEventsControllerApiService Retrieves a list of events for a server group * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param account account @param serverGroupName serverGroupName @param region region @param provider provider @return []interface{}

type ExecutionsControllerApiService

type ExecutionsControllerApiService service

func (*ExecutionsControllerApiService) GetLatestExecutionsByConfigIdsUsingGET

func (a *ExecutionsControllerApiService) GetLatestExecutionsByConfigIdsUsingGET(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ExecutionsControllerApiService Retrieves an ad-hoc collection of executions based on a number of user-supplied parameters. Either executionIds or pipelineConfigIds must be supplied in order to return any results. If both are supplied, an exception will be thrown. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "pipelineConfigIds" (string) A comma-separated list of pipeline configuration IDs to retrieve recent executions for. Either this OR pipelineConfigIds must be supplied, but not both.
@param "executionIds" (string) A comma-separated list of executions to retrieve. Either this OR pipelineConfigIds must be supplied, but not both.
@param "limit" (int32) The number of executions to return per pipeline configuration. Ignored if executionIds parameter is supplied. If this value is missing, it is defaulted to 1.
@param "statuses" (string) A comma-separated list of execution statuses to filter by. Ignored if executionIds parameter is supplied. If this value is missing, it is defaulted to all statuses.
@param "expand" (bool) Expands each execution object in the resulting list. If this value is missing, it is defaulted to true.

@return []interface{}

func (*ExecutionsControllerApiService) SearchForPipelineExecutionsByTriggerUsingGET added in v0.3.0

func (a *ExecutionsControllerApiService) SearchForPipelineExecutionsByTriggerUsingGET(ctx context.Context, application string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ExecutionsControllerApiService Search for pipeline executions using a combination of criteria. The returned list is sorted by buildTime (trigger time) in reverse order so that newer executions are first in the list. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application Only includes executions that are part of this application. If this value is \"*\", results will include executions of all applications. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "triggerTypes" (string) Only includes executions that were triggered by a trigger with a type that is equal to a type provided in this field. The list of trigger types should be a comma-delimited string. If this value is missing, results will includes executions of all trigger types.
@param "pipelineName" (string) Only includes executions that with this pipeline name.
@param "eventId" (string) Only includes executions that were triggered by a trigger with this eventId.
@param "trigger" (string) Only includes executions that were triggered by a trigger that matches the subset of fields provided by this value. This value should be a base64-encoded string of a JSON representation of a trigger object. The comparison succeeds if the execution trigger contains all the fields of the input trigger, the fields are of the same type, and each value of the field \"matches\". The term \"matches\" is specific for each field's type: - For Strings: A String value in the execution's trigger matches the input trigger's String value if the former equals the latter (case-insensitive) OR if the former matches the latter as a regular expression. - For Maps: A Map value in the execution's trigger matches the input trigger's Map value if the former contains all keys of the latter and their values match. - For Collections: A Collection value in the execution's trigger matches the input trigger's Collection value if the former has a unique element that matches each element of the latter. - Every other value is compared using the Java \"equals\" method (Groovy \"==\" operator)
@param "triggerTimeStartBoundary" (int64) Only includes executions that were built at or after the given time, represented as a Unix timestamp in ms (UTC). This value must be >= 0 and <= the value of [triggerTimeEndBoundary], if provided. If this value is missing, it is defaulted to 0.
@param "triggerTimeEndBoundary" (int64) Only includes executions that were built at or before the given time, represented as a Unix timestamp in ms (UTC). This value must be <= 9223372036854775807 (Long.MAX_VALUE) and >= the value of [triggerTimeStartBoundary], if provided. If this value is missing, it is defaulted to 9223372036854775807.
@param "statuses" (string) Only includes executions with a status that is equal to a status provided in this field. The list of statuses should be given as a comma-delimited string. If this value is missing, includes executions of all statuses. Allowed statuses are: NOT_STARTED, RUNNING, PAUSED, SUSPENDED, SUCCEEDED, FAILED_CONTINUE, TERMINAL, CANCELED, REDIRECT, STOPPED, SKIPPED, BUFFERED.
@param "startIndex" (int32) Sets the first item of the resulting list for pagination. The list is 0-indexed. This value must be >= 0. If this value is missing, it is defaulted to 0.
@param "size" (int32) Sets the size of the resulting list for pagination. This value must be > 0. If this value is missing, it is defaulted to 10.
@param "reverse" (bool) Reverses the resulting list before it is paginated. If this value is missing, it is defaulted to false.
@param "expand" (bool) Expands each execution object in the resulting list. If this value is missing, it is defaulted to false.

@return []interface{}

type FirewallControllerApiService

type FirewallControllerApiService service

func (*FirewallControllerApiService) AllByAccountUsingGET

func (a *FirewallControllerApiService) AllByAccountUsingGET(ctx context.Context, account string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, *http.Response, error)

FirewallControllerApiService Retrieve a list of firewalls for a given account, grouped by region * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param account account @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "provider" (string) provider
@param "region" (string) region
@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return interface{}

func (*FirewallControllerApiService) AllUsingGET1

func (a *FirewallControllerApiService) AllUsingGET1(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, *http.Response, error)

FirewallControllerApiService Retrieve a list of firewalls, grouped by account, cloud provider, and region * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "id" (string) id
@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return interface{}

func (*FirewallControllerApiService) GetSecurityGroupUsingGET

func (a *FirewallControllerApiService) GetSecurityGroupUsingGET(ctx context.Context, account string, region string, name string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, *http.Response, error)

FirewallControllerApiService Retrieve a firewall's details * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param account account @param region region @param name name @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "provider" (string) provider
@param "vpcId" (string) vpcId
@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return interface{}

type GrantedAuthority

type GrantedAuthority struct {
	Authority string `json:"authority,omitempty"`

type HashMap

type HashMap struct {

type HashMapstringobject

type HashMapstringobject struct {

type HttpEntity

type HttpEntity struct {
	Body *interface{} `json:"body,omitempty"`

type ImageControllerApiService

type ImageControllerApiService service

func (*ImageControllerApiService) FindImagesUsingGET

func (a *ImageControllerApiService) FindImagesUsingGET(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ImageControllerApiService Retrieve a list of images, filtered by cloud provider, region, and account The query parameter `q` filters the list of images by image name * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "provider" (string) provider
@param "q" (string) q
@param "region" (string) region
@param "account" (string) account
@param "count" (int32) count

@return []interface{}

func (*ImageControllerApiService) FindTagsUsingGET

func (a *ImageControllerApiService) FindTagsUsingGET(ctx context.Context, account string, repository string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ImageControllerApiService Find tags * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param account account @param repository repository @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "provider" (string) provider
@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return []interface{}

func (*ImageControllerApiService) GetImageDetailsUsingGET

func (a *ImageControllerApiService) GetImageDetailsUsingGET(ctx context.Context, account string, region string, imageId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ImageControllerApiService Get image details * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param account account @param region region @param imageId imageId @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "provider" (string) provider
@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return []interface{}

type InstanceControllerApiService

type InstanceControllerApiService service

func (*InstanceControllerApiService) GetConsoleOutputUsingGET

func (a *InstanceControllerApiService) GetConsoleOutputUsingGET(ctx context.Context, account string, region string, instanceId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, *http.Response, error)

InstanceControllerApiService Retrieve an instance's console output * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param account account @param region region @param instanceId instanceId @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "provider" (string) provider
@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return interface{}

func (*InstanceControllerApiService) GetInstanceDetailsUsingGET

func (a *InstanceControllerApiService) GetInstanceDetailsUsingGET(ctx context.Context, account string, region string, instanceId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, *http.Response, error)

InstanceControllerApiService Retrieve an instance's details * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param account account @param region region @param instanceId instanceId @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return interface{}

type JobControllerApiService

type JobControllerApiService service

func (*JobControllerApiService) GetJobUsingGET

func (a *JobControllerApiService) GetJobUsingGET(ctx context.Context, applicationName string, account string, region string, name string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

JobControllerApiService Get job * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param applicationName applicationName @param account account @param region region @param name name @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "expand" (string) expand
@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*JobControllerApiService) GetJobsUsingGET

func (a *JobControllerApiService) GetJobsUsingGET(ctx context.Context, applicationName string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

JobControllerApiService Get jobs * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param applicationName applicationName @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "expand" (string) expand
@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return []interface{}

type LoadBalancerControllerApiService

type LoadBalancerControllerApiService service

func (*LoadBalancerControllerApiService) GetAllUsingGET

func (a *LoadBalancerControllerApiService) GetAllUsingGET(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

LoadBalancerControllerApiService Retrieve a list of load balancers for a given cloud provider * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "provider" (string) provider
@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return []interface{}

func (*LoadBalancerControllerApiService) GetApplicationLoadBalancersUsingGET

func (a *LoadBalancerControllerApiService) GetApplicationLoadBalancersUsingGET(ctx context.Context, application string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

LoadBalancerControllerApiService Retrieve a list of load balancers for a given application * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return []interface{}

func (*LoadBalancerControllerApiService) GetLoadBalancerDetailsUsingGET

func (a *LoadBalancerControllerApiService) GetLoadBalancerDetailsUsingGET(ctx context.Context, account string, region string, name string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

LoadBalancerControllerApiService Retrieve a load balancer's details as a single element list for a given account, region, cloud provider and load balancer name * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param account account @param region region @param name name @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "provider" (string) provider
@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return []interface{}

func (*LoadBalancerControllerApiService) GetLoadBalancerUsingGET

func (a *LoadBalancerControllerApiService) GetLoadBalancerUsingGET(ctx context.Context, name string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

LoadBalancerControllerApiService Retrieve a load balancer for a given cloud provider * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param name name @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "provider" (string) provider
@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return map[string]interface{}

type Mapstringstring added in v0.4.0

type Mapstringstring struct {

type NetworkControllerApiService

type NetworkControllerApiService service

func (*NetworkControllerApiService) AllByCloudProviderUsingGET

func (a *NetworkControllerApiService) AllByCloudProviderUsingGET(ctx context.Context, cloudProvider string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

NetworkControllerApiService Retrieve a list of networks for a given cloud provider * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param cloudProvider cloudProvider @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return []interface{}

func (*NetworkControllerApiService) AllUsingGET2

func (a *NetworkControllerApiService) AllUsingGET2(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

NetworkControllerApiService Retrieve a list of networks, grouped by cloud provider * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return map[string]interface{}

type PipelineConfigControllerApiService added in v0.4.0

type PipelineConfigControllerApiService service

func (*PipelineConfigControllerApiService) ConvertPipelineConfigToPipelineTemplateUsingGET added in v0.4.0

func (a *PipelineConfigControllerApiService) ConvertPipelineConfigToPipelineTemplateUsingGET(ctx context.Context, pipelineConfigId string) (string, *http.Response, error)

PipelineConfigControllerApiService Convert a pipeline config to a pipeline template. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param pipelineConfigId pipelineConfigId @return string

func (*PipelineConfigControllerApiService) GetAllPipelineConfigsUsingGET added in v0.4.0

func (a *PipelineConfigControllerApiService) GetAllPipelineConfigsUsingGET(ctx context.Context) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineConfigControllerApiService Get all pipeline configs. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return []interface{}

func (*PipelineConfigControllerApiService) GetPipelineConfigHistoryUsingGET added in v0.4.0

func (a *PipelineConfigControllerApiService) GetPipelineConfigHistoryUsingGET(ctx context.Context, pipelineConfigId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineConfigControllerApiService Get pipeline config history. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param pipelineConfigId pipelineConfigId @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "limit" (int32) limit

@return []interface{}

type PipelineControllerApiService

type PipelineControllerApiService service

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) CancelPipelineUsingPUT1

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) CancelPipelineUsingPUT1(ctx context.Context, id string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Cancel a pipeline execution * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "reason" (string) reason
@param "force" (bool) force

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) DeletePipelineUsingDELETE

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) DeletePipelineUsingDELETE(ctx context.Context, application string, pipelineName string) (*http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Delete a pipeline definition * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param pipelineName pipelineName @return

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) DeletePipelineUsingDELETE1

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) DeletePipelineUsingDELETE1(ctx context.Context, id string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Delete a pipeline execution * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @return map[string]interface{}

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) EvaluateExpressionForExecutionUsingDELETE

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) EvaluateExpressionForExecutionUsingDELETE(ctx context.Context, id string, expression string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Evaluate a pipeline expression using the provided execution as context * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @param expression expression @return map[string]interface{}

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) EvaluateExpressionForExecutionUsingGET

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) EvaluateExpressionForExecutionUsingGET(ctx context.Context, id string, expression string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Evaluate a pipeline expression using the provided execution as context * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @param expression expression @return map[string]interface{}

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) EvaluateExpressionForExecutionUsingHEAD

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) EvaluateExpressionForExecutionUsingHEAD(ctx context.Context, id string, expression string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Evaluate a pipeline expression using the provided execution as context * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @param expression expression @return map[string]interface{}

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) EvaluateExpressionForExecutionUsingOPTIONS

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) EvaluateExpressionForExecutionUsingOPTIONS(ctx context.Context, id string, expression string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Evaluate a pipeline expression using the provided execution as context * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @param expression expression @return map[string]interface{}

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) EvaluateExpressionForExecutionUsingPATCH

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) EvaluateExpressionForExecutionUsingPATCH(ctx context.Context, id string, expression string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Evaluate a pipeline expression using the provided execution as context * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @param expression expression @return map[string]interface{}

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) EvaluateExpressionForExecutionUsingPUT

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) EvaluateExpressionForExecutionUsingPUT(ctx context.Context, id string, expression string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Evaluate a pipeline expression using the provided execution as context * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @param expression expression @return map[string]interface{}

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) EvaluateExpressionForExecutionViaPOSTUsingPOST1 added in v0.4.0

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) EvaluateExpressionForExecutionViaPOSTUsingPOST1(ctx context.Context, id string, pipelineExpression interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Evaluate a pipeline expression using the provided execution as context * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @param pipelineExpression pipelineExpression @return map[string]interface{}

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) GetPipelineLogsUsingGET

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) GetPipelineLogsUsingGET(ctx context.Context, id string) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Retrieve pipeline execution logs * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @return []interface{}

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) GetPipelineUsingGET

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) GetPipelineUsingGET(ctx context.Context, id string) (interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Retrieve a pipeline execution * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @return interface{}

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) InvokePipelineConfigUsingPOST1

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) InvokePipelineConfigUsingPOST1(ctx context.Context, application string, pipelineNameOrId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (HttpEntity, *http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Trigger a pipeline execution * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param pipelineNameOrId pipelineNameOrId @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "trigger" (interface{}) trigger

@return HttpEntity

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) InvokePipelineConfigViaEchoUsingPOST added in v0.4.0

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) InvokePipelineConfigViaEchoUsingPOST(ctx context.Context, application string, pipelineNameOrId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (HttpEntity, *http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Trigger a pipeline execution * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param pipelineNameOrId pipelineNameOrId @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "trigger" (interface{}) trigger

@return HttpEntity

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) PausePipelineUsingPUT

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) PausePipelineUsingPUT(ctx context.Context, id string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Pause a pipeline execution * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @return map[string]interface{}

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) RenamePipelineUsingPOST

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) RenamePipelineUsingPOST(ctx context.Context, renameCommand interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Rename a pipeline definition * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param renameCommand renameCommand @return

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) RestartStageUsingPUT

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) RestartStageUsingPUT(ctx context.Context, id string, stageId string, context interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Restart a stage execution * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @param stageId stageId @param context context @return map[string]interface{}

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) ResumePipelineUsingPUT

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) ResumePipelineUsingPUT(ctx context.Context, id string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Resume a pipeline execution * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @return map[string]interface{}

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) SavePipelineUsingPOST

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) SavePipelineUsingPOST(ctx context.Context, pipeline interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Save a pipeline definition * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param pipeline pipeline @return

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) StartUsingPOST

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) StartUsingPOST(ctx context.Context, map_ interface{}) (ResponseEntity, *http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Initiate a pipeline execution * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param map_ map @return ResponseEntity

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) UpdatePipelineUsingPUT

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) UpdatePipelineUsingPUT(ctx context.Context, id string, pipeline interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Update a pipeline definition * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @param pipeline pipeline @return map[string]interface{}

func (*PipelineControllerApiService) UpdateStageUsingPATCH

func (a *PipelineControllerApiService) UpdateStageUsingPATCH(ctx context.Context, id string, stageId string, context interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineControllerApiService Update a stage execution * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @param stageId stageId @param context context @return map[string]interface{}

type PipelineTemplateDependent added in v0.4.0

type PipelineTemplateDependent struct {
	PipelineName string `json:"pipelineName,omitempty"`

	Application string `json:"application,omitempty"`

	PipelineConfigId string `json:"pipelineConfigId,omitempty"`

type PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService added in v0.4.0

type PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService service

func (*PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) CreateUsingPOST added in v0.4.0

func (a *PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) CreateUsingPOST(ctx context.Context, pipelineTemplate interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService Create a pipeline template. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param pipelineTemplate pipelineTemplate @return

func (*PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) DeleteUsingDELETE added in v0.4.0

func (a *PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) DeleteUsingDELETE(ctx context.Context, id string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService Delete a pipeline template. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "application" (string) application

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) GetUsingGET added in v0.4.0

func (a *PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) GetUsingGET(ctx context.Context, id string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService Get a pipeline template. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @return map[string]interface{}

func (*PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) ListPipelineTemplateDependentsUsingGET added in v0.4.0

func (a *PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) ListPipelineTemplateDependentsUsingGET(ctx context.Context, id string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService List all pipelines that implement a pipeline template * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "recursive" (bool) recursive

@return []interface{}

func (*PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) ListUsingGET added in v0.4.0

func (a *PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) ListUsingGET(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService List pipeline templates. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "scopes" ([]string) scopes

@return []interface{}

func (*PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) ResolveTemplatesUsingGET added in v0.4.0

func (a *PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) ResolveTemplatesUsingGET(ctx context.Context, source string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService Resolve a pipeline template. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param source source @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "executionId" (string) executionId
@param "pipelineConfigId" (string) pipelineConfigId

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) UpdateUsingPOST added in v0.4.0

func (a *PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) UpdateUsingPOST(ctx context.Context, id string, pipelineTemplate interface{}, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService Update a pipeline template. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @param pipelineTemplate pipelineTemplate @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "skipPlanDependents" (bool) skipPlanDependents


type ProjectControllerApiService

type ProjectControllerApiService service

func (*ProjectControllerApiService) AllPipelinesForProjectUsingGET

func (a *ProjectControllerApiService) AllPipelinesForProjectUsingGET(ctx context.Context, id string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ProjectControllerApiService Get all pipelines for project * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "limit" (int32) limit
@param "statuses" (string) statuses

@return []interface{}

type PubsubSubscriptionControllerApiService added in v0.4.0

type PubsubSubscriptionControllerApiService service

func (*PubsubSubscriptionControllerApiService) AllUsingGET3 added in v0.4.0

PubsubSubscriptionControllerApiService Retrieve the list of pub/sub subscriptions configured in Echo. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return []Mapstringstring

type ResponseEntity

type ResponseEntity struct {
	StatusCode string `json:"statusCode,omitempty"`

	StatusCodeValue int32 `json:"statusCodeValue,omitempty"`

	Body *interface{} `json:"body,omitempty"`

type SearchControllerApiService

type SearchControllerApiService service

func (*SearchControllerApiService) SearchUsingGET

func (a *SearchControllerApiService) SearchUsingGET(ctx context.Context, type_ string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

SearchControllerApiService Search infrastructure * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param type_ type @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "q" (string) q
@param "platform" (string) platform
@param "pageSize" (int32) pageSize
@param "page" (int32) page
@param "allowShortQuery" (bool) allowShortQuery
@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return []interface{}

type SecurityGroupControllerApiService

type SecurityGroupControllerApiService service

func (*SecurityGroupControllerApiService) AllByAccountUsingGET1

func (a *SecurityGroupControllerApiService) AllByAccountUsingGET1(ctx context.Context, account string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, *http.Response, error)

SecurityGroupControllerApiService Retrieve a list of security groups for a given account, grouped by region * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param account account @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "provider" (string) provider
@param "region" (string) region
@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return interface{}

func (*SecurityGroupControllerApiService) AllUsingGET4 added in v0.4.0

func (a *SecurityGroupControllerApiService) AllUsingGET4(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, *http.Response, error)

SecurityGroupControllerApiService Retrieve a list of security groups, grouped by account, cloud provider, and region * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "id" (string) id
@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return interface{}

func (*SecurityGroupControllerApiService) GetSecurityGroupUsingGET1

func (a *SecurityGroupControllerApiService) GetSecurityGroupUsingGET1(ctx context.Context, account string, region string, name string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, *http.Response, error)

SecurityGroupControllerApiService Retrieve a security group's details * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param account account @param region region @param name name @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "provider" (string) provider
@param "vpcId" (string) vpcId
@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return interface{}

type ServerGroupControllerApiService

type ServerGroupControllerApiService service

func (*ServerGroupControllerApiService) GetServerGroupDetailsUsingGET

func (a *ServerGroupControllerApiService) GetServerGroupDetailsUsingGET(ctx context.Context, applicationName string, account string, region string, serverGroupName string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ServerGroupControllerApiService Retrieve a server group's details * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param applicationName applicationName @param account account @param region region @param serverGroupName serverGroupName @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App
@param "includeDetails" (string) includeDetails

@return interface{}

func (*ServerGroupControllerApiService) GetServerGroupsForApplicationUsingGET

func (a *ServerGroupControllerApiService) GetServerGroupsForApplicationUsingGET(ctx context.Context, applicationName string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ServerGroupControllerApiService Retrieve a list of server groups for a given application * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param applicationName applicationName @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "expand" (string) expand
@param "cloudProvider" (string) cloudProvider
@param "clusters" (string) clusters
@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return []interface{}

type ServerGroupManagerControllerApiService

type ServerGroupManagerControllerApiService service

func (*ServerGroupManagerControllerApiService) GetServerGroupManagersForApplicationUsingGET

func (a *ServerGroupManagerControllerApiService) GetServerGroupManagersForApplicationUsingGET(ctx context.Context, application string) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

ServerGroupManagerControllerApiService Retrieve a list of server group managers for an application * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @return []interface{}

type SnapshotControllerApiService

type SnapshotControllerApiService service

func (*SnapshotControllerApiService) GetCurrentSnapshotUsingGET

func (a *SnapshotControllerApiService) GetCurrentSnapshotUsingGET(ctx context.Context, application string, account string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

SnapshotControllerApiService Get current snapshot * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param account account @return map[string]interface{}

func (*SnapshotControllerApiService) GetSnapshotHistoryUsingGET

func (a *SnapshotControllerApiService) GetSnapshotHistoryUsingGET(ctx context.Context, application string, account string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

SnapshotControllerApiService Get snapshot history * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param application application @param account account @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "limit" (int32) limit

@return []interface{}

type SubnetControllerApiService

type SubnetControllerApiService service

func (*SubnetControllerApiService) AllByCloudProviderUsingGET1

func (a *SubnetControllerApiService) AllByCloudProviderUsingGET1(ctx context.Context, cloudProvider string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

SubnetControllerApiService Retrieve a list of subnets for a given cloud provider * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param cloudProvider cloudProvider @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return []interface{}

type TaskControllerApiService

type TaskControllerApiService service

func (*TaskControllerApiService) CancelTaskUsingPUT1

func (a *TaskControllerApiService) CancelTaskUsingPUT1(ctx context.Context, id string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

TaskControllerApiService Cancel task * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @return map[string]interface{}

func (*TaskControllerApiService) CancelTasksUsingPUT

func (a *TaskControllerApiService) CancelTasksUsingPUT(ctx context.Context, ids []string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

TaskControllerApiService Cancel tasks * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param ids ids @return map[string]interface{}

func (*TaskControllerApiService) DeleteTaskUsingDELETE

func (a *TaskControllerApiService) DeleteTaskUsingDELETE(ctx context.Context, id string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

TaskControllerApiService Delete task * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @return map[string]interface{}

func (*TaskControllerApiService) GetTaskDetailsUsingGET1

func (a *TaskControllerApiService) GetTaskDetailsUsingGET1(ctx context.Context, id string, taskDetailsId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

TaskControllerApiService Get task details * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @param taskDetailsId taskDetailsId @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "xRateLimitApp" (string) X-RateLimit-App

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*TaskControllerApiService) GetTaskUsingGET1

func (a *TaskControllerApiService) GetTaskUsingGET1(ctx context.Context, id string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

TaskControllerApiService Get task * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @return map[string]interface{}

func (*TaskControllerApiService) TaskUsingPOST1

func (a *TaskControllerApiService) TaskUsingPOST1(ctx context.Context, map_ interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

TaskControllerApiService Create task * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param map_ map @return map[string]interface{}

type User

type User struct {
	Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`

	Roles []string `json:"roles,omitempty"`

	Email string `json:"email,omitempty"`

	AllowedAccounts []string `json:"allowedAccounts,omitempty"`

	FirstName string `json:"firstName,omitempty"`

	CredentialsNonExpired bool `json:"credentialsNonExpired,omitempty"`

	AccountNonExpired bool `json:"accountNonExpired,omitempty"`

	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`

	Authorities []GrantedAuthority `json:"authorities,omitempty"`

	LastName string `json:"lastName,omitempty"`

	AccountNonLocked bool `json:"accountNonLocked,omitempty"`

type V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService added in v0.4.0

type V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService service

func (*V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) CreateUsingPOST1 added in v0.4.0

func (a *V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) CreateUsingPOST1(ctx context.Context, pipelineTemplate interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService Create a pipeline template. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param pipelineTemplate pipelineTemplate @return

func (*V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) DeleteUsingDELETE1 added in v0.4.0

func (a *V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) DeleteUsingDELETE1(ctx context.Context, id string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService Delete a pipeline template. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "application" (string) application

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) GetUsingGET1 added in v0.4.0

func (a *V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) GetUsingGET1(ctx context.Context, id string) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService Get a pipeline template. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @return map[string]interface{}

func (*V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) ListPipelineTemplateDependentsUsingGET1 added in v0.4.0

func (a *V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) ListPipelineTemplateDependentsUsingGET1(ctx context.Context, id string) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService List all pipelines that implement a pipeline template * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @return []interface{}

func (*V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) ListUsingGET1 added in v0.4.0

func (a *V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) ListUsingGET1(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService List pipeline templates. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "scopes" ([]string) scopes

@return []interface{}

func (*V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) PlanUsingPOST added in v0.4.0

func (a *V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) PlanUsingPOST(ctx context.Context, pipeline interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService Plan a pipeline template configuration. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param pipeline pipeline @return map[string]interface{}

func (*V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) UpdateUsingPOST1 added in v0.4.0

func (a *V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService) UpdateUsingPOST1(ctx context.Context, id string, pipelineTemplate interface{}, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

V2PipelineTemplatesControllerApiService Update a pipeline template. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id id @param pipelineTemplate pipelineTemplate @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "skipPlanDependents" (bool) skipPlanDependents


type Version added in v0.4.0

type Version struct {
	Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`

type VersionControllerApiService added in v0.4.0

type VersionControllerApiService service

func (*VersionControllerApiService) GetVersionUsingGET added in v0.4.0

func (a *VersionControllerApiService) GetVersionUsingGET(ctx context.Context) (Version, *http.Response, error)

VersionControllerApiService Fetch Gate's current version * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return Version

type WebhookControllerApiService

type WebhookControllerApiService service

func (*WebhookControllerApiService) PreconfiguredWebhooksUsingGET

func (a *WebhookControllerApiService) PreconfiguredWebhooksUsingGET(ctx context.Context) ([]interface{}, *http.Response, error)

WebhookControllerApiService Retrieve a list of preconfigured webhooks in Orca * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return []interface{}

func (*WebhookControllerApiService) WebhooksUsingPOST

func (a *WebhookControllerApiService) WebhooksUsingPOST(ctx context.Context, type_ string, source string, event interface{}, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, *http.Response, error)

WebhookControllerApiService Endpoint for posting webhooks to Spinnaker's webhook service * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param type_ type @param source source @param event event @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "xHubSignature" (string) X-Hub-Signature
@param "xEventKey" (string) X-Event-Key

@return interface{}

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL