Conduit API Proto files
This folder contains protobuf files that define the Conduit gRPC API and
consequently also the HTTP API via
the grpc-gateway.
Client code
The client code for Conduit's API is available as a Buf remote package.
Proto files are pushed to the Buf Schema Registry via a GitHub workflow defined here.
To use the client code, firstly run:
go get
Here's an example usage of Conduit's client code:
package main
import (
apiv1 ""
func main() {
var cc grpc.ClientConnInterface = ...
ps := apiv1grpc.NewPipelineServiceClient(cc)
pipeline, err := ps.GetPipeline(
&apiv1.GetPipelineRequest{Id: "pipeline-id-here"},
We use Buf to generate the Go code. The code is locally generated,
and can be found in /proto/api/v1. The generated code needs to be committed.
The code needs to be generated after changes to the .proto
files have been made. To do
so run make proto-generate
from the root of this repository.