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Published: Sep 7, 2016 License: Apache-2.0


BOSH Google Compute Engine CPI

This is an external BOSH CPI for Google Compute Engine that is jointly developed by Pivotal and Google.



This is the implemention of the CPI, and is part of the BOSH Google CPI release repository. See the README at the root of this repository for instructions on deploying the release with this CPI.


The source for this CPI is not intended to be deployed except as a BOSH deployment and is not go getable. To build or install the CPI locally for development or test purposes, you can symlink the repository into your Go workspace.

From the root of the bosh-google-cpi-boshrelease repository:

ln -s $(pwd)/src/bosh-google-cpi $GOPATH/src/

You can now go build or go install the "main" package.


Create a configuration file:

  "google": {
    "project": "my-gce-project",
    "json_key": "{\"private_key_id\": \"...\"}",
    "default_root_disk_size_gb": 20,
    "default_root_disk_type": ""
  "actions": {
    "agent": {
      "mbus": "https://mbus:mbus@",
      "ntp": [
      "blobstore": {
        "type": "local",
        "options": {}
    "registry": {
      "protocol": "http",
      "host": "",
      "port": 25777,
      "username": "admin",
      "password": "admin",
      "tls": {
        "_comment": "TLS options only apply when using HTTPS protocol",
        "insecure_skip_verify": true,
        "certfile": "/path/to/public.pem",
        "keyfile": "/path/to/private.pem",
        "cacertfile": "/path/to/ca.pem"
Option Required Type Description
google.project Y String Google Compute Engine Project
google.json_key N String Contents of the Google Compute Engine JSON file. Only required if you are not running the CPI inside a Google Compute Engine VM with compute and devstorage.full_control service scopes and/or the Google Cloud SDK has not been initialized
google.default_root_disk_size_gb N Integer The default size (in Gb) of the instance root disk (default is 10Gb)
google.default_root_disk_type N String The name of the default Google Compute Engine Disk Type the CPI will use when creating the instance root disk
actions.agent.mbus.endpoint Y String BOSH Message Bus URL used by deployed BOSH agents
actions.agent.ntp Y Array<String> List of NTP servers used by deployed BOSH agents
actions.agent.blobstore.type Y String Provider type for the BOSH Blobstore used by deployed BOSH agents (e.g. dav, s3)
actions.agent.blobstore.options Y Hash Options for the BOSH Blobstore used by deployed BOSH agents
actions.registry.protocol Y String BOSH Registry Protocol (http or https) Y String BOSH Registry Host
actions.registry.port Y Integer BOSH Registry port
actions.registry.username Y String BOSH Registry username
actions.registry.password Y String BOSH Registry password
actions.registry.tls.insecure_skip_verify When https Boolean Skip BOSH Registry server's certificate chain and host name verification
actions.registry.tls.certfile When https String BOSH Registry Client Certificate (PEM format) file location
actions.registry.tls.keyfile When https String BOSH Registry Client Key (PEM format) file location
actions.registry.tls.cacertfile When https String BOSH Registry Client Root CA certificates (PEM format) file location

Run the cpi using the previously created configuration file:

$ echo "{\"method\": \"method_name\", \"arguments\": []}" | cpi -configFile="/path/to/configuration_file.json"


BOSH Network options

The BOSH Google Compute Engine CPI supports these BOSH Networks Types:

Type Description
manual To use manually- or BOSH-assigned private IPs
dynamic To use DHCP-assigned private IPs from Google Compute Engine
vip To use previously allocated Google Compute Engine Static IPs

These options are specified under cloud_properties at the networks section of a BOSH deployment manifest and are only valid for manual or dynamic networks:

Option Required Type Description
network_name N String The name of the Google Compute Engine Network the CPI will use when creating the instance (if not set, by default it will use the default network)
subnetwork_name N String The name of the Google Compute Engine Subnet Network the CPI will use when creating the instance (if the network is in legacy mode, do not provide this property. If the network is in auto subnet mode, providing the subnetwork is optional. If the network is in custom subnet mode, then this field is required)
ephemeral_external_ip N Boolean If instances must have an ephemeral external IP (false by default). Can be overridden in resource_pools.
ip_forwarding N Boolean If instances must have IP forwarding enabled (false by default). Can be overridden in resource_pools.
tags N Array<String> A list of tags to apply to the instances, useful if you want to apply firewall or routes rules based on tags. Will be merged with tags in resource_pools.
BOSH Resource pool options

These options are specified under cloud_properties at the resource_pools section of a BOSH deployment manifest:

Option Required Type Description
machine_type Y String The name of the Google Compute Engine Machine Type the CPI will use when creating the instance (required if not using cpu and ram)
cpu Y Integer Number of vCPUs (Google Compute Engine Custom Machine Types) the CPI will use when creating the instance (required if not using machine_type)
ram Y Integer Amount of memory (Google Compute Engine Custom Machine Types) the CPI will use when creating the instance (required if not using machine_type)
zone N String The name of the Google Compute Engine Zone where the instance must be created
root_disk_size_gb N Integer The size (in Gb) of the instance root disk (default is 10Gb)
root_disk_type N String The name of the Google Compute Engine Disk Type the CPI will use when creating the instance root disk
automatic_restart N Boolean If the instances should be restarted automatically if they are terminated for non-user-initiated reasons (false by default)
on_host_maintenance N String Instance behavior on infrastructure maintenance that may temporarily impact instance performance (supported values are MIGRATE (default) or TERMINATE)
preemptible N Boolean If the instances should be preemptible (false by default)
service_account N String The full service account address (e.g., of the service account to launch the VM with. If a value is provided, at least one service_scopes must be set, and it should likely be the scope. See service account permissions for more details. To use the default service account, leave this field empty and specify service_scopes.
service_scopes N Array<String> Required if service_account is specified. Authorization scope names for your service account that determine the level of access your instance has to other Google services (no scope is assigned to the instance by default)
target_pool N String The name of the Google Compute Engine Target Pool the instances should be added to
backend_service N String The name of the Google Compute Engine Backend Service the instances should be added to. The backend service must already be configured with an Instance Groupin the same zone as this instance
ephemeral_external_ip N Boolean Overrides the equivalent option in the networks section
ip_forwarding N Boolean Overrides the equivalent option in the networks section
tags N Array<String> Merged with tags from the networks section
BOSH Persistent Disks options

These options are specified under cloud_properties at the disk_pools section of a BOSH deployment manifest:

Option Required Type Description
type N String The name of the Google Compute Engine Disk Type

Deployment Manifest Example - Dynamic Networking

This is an example of how Google Compute Engine CPI specific properties are used in a BOSH deployment manifest with dynamic networking:

name: example
director_uuid: 38ce80c3-e9e9-4aac-ba61-97c676631b91


  - name: private
    type: dynamic
      network_name: default
      subnetwork_name: my-subnetwork
      ephemeral_external_ip: false
      ip_forwarding: false
      target_pool: my-load-balancer
        - bosh

  - name: public
    type: vip
    cloud_properties: {}

  - name: vms
    network: private
      name: bosh-google-kvm-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent
      version: latest
      instance_type: n1-standard-2
      zone: us-central1-a
      root_disk_size_gb: 20
      root_disk_type: pd-ssd
      automatic_restart: false
      on_host_maintenance: MIGRATE
        - compute.readonly
        - devstorage.read_write

  - name: disks
    disk_size: 32_768
      type: pd-ssd

Deployment Manifest Example - Manual Networking

This is an example of how Google Compute Engine CPI specific properties are used in a BOSH deployment manifest with manual networking. This assumes you've created a networked named custom-network and a subnetwork named custom-subnetwork with a CIDR of

name: example
director_uuid: 38ce80c3-e9e9-4aac-ba61-97c676631b91


  - name: private
      type: manual
      - range:
        static: []
          network_name: custom-network
          subnetwork_name: custom-subnetwork
          ephemeral_external_ip: true
            - bosh

  - name: public
    type: vip
    cloud_properties: {}

  - name: vms
    network: private
      name: bosh-google-kvm-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent
      version: latest
      instance_type: n1-standard-2
      zone: us-central1-a
      root_disk_size_gb: 20
      root_disk_type: pd-ssd
      automatic_restart: false
      on_host_maintenance: MIGRATE
        - compute.readonly
        - devstorage.read_write

  - name: disks
    disk_size: 32_768
      type: pd-ssd

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