Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- type Device
- func (d *Device) Calibrate(calibParam uint8)
- func (d *Device) CalibrateImage(freq uint32)
- func (d *Device) CheckDeviceReady() error
- func (d *Device) ClearDeviceErrors()
- func (d *Device) ClearIrqStatus(clearIrqParams uint16)
- func (d *Device) DetectDevice() bool
- func (d *Device) ExecGetCommand(cmd uint8, size uint8) []uint8
- func (d *Device) ExecSetCommand(cmd uint8, buf []uint8)
- func (d *Device) GetDeviceErrors() uint16
- func (d *Device) GetIrqStatus() (irqStatus uint16)
- func (d *Device) GetLoraStats() (nbPktReceived, nbPktCrcError, nbPktHeaderErr uint16)
- func (d *Device) GetPacketType() (packetType uint8)
- func (d *Device) GetRadioEventChan() chan lora.RadioEvent
- func (d *Device) GetRxBufferStatus() (payloadLengthRx uint8, rxStartBufferPointer uint8)
- func (d *Device) GetStatus() (radioStatus uint8)
- func (d *Device) GetSyncWord() uint16
- func (d *Device) HandleInterrupt()
- func (d *Device) LoraConfig(cnf lora.Config)
- func (d *Device) ReadBuffer(size uint8) []uint8
- func (d *Device) ReadRegister(addr, size uint16) ([]uint8, error)
- func (d *Device) Reset()
- func (d *Device) Rx(timeoutMs uint32) ([]uint8, error)
- func (d *Device) SetBandwidth(bw uint8)
- func (d *Device) SetBufferBaseAddress(txBaseAddress, rxBaseAddress uint8)
- func (d *Device) SetCodingRate(cr uint8)
- func (d *Device) SetCrc(enable bool)
- func (d *Device) SetCurrentLimit(limit uint8)
- func (d *Device) SetDeviceType(devType int)
- func (d *Device) SetDioIrqParams(irqMask, dio1Mask, dio2Mask, dio3Mask uint16)
- func (d *Device) SetFrequency(freq uint32)
- func (d *Device) SetFs()
- func (d *Device) SetHeaderType(headerType uint8)
- func (d *Device) SetIqMode(mode uint8)
- func (d *Device) SetModulationParams(spreadingFactor, bandwidth, codingRate, lowDataRateOptimize uint8)
- func (d *Device) SetPaConfig(paDutyCycle, hpMax, deviceSel, paLut uint8)
- func (d *Device) SetPacketParam(preambleLength uint16, headerType, crcType, payloadLength, invertIQ uint8)
- func (d *Device) SetPacketType(packetType uint8)
- func (d *Device) SetPreambleLength(pl uint16)
- func (d *Device) SetPublicNetwork(enable bool)
- func (d *Device) SetRadioController(rc RadioController) error
- func (d *Device) SetRegulatorMode(mode uint8)
- func (d *Device) SetRfFrequency(frequency uint32)
- func (d *Device) SetRx(timeoutRtcStep uint32)
- func (d *Device) SetRxTxFallbackMode(fallbackMode uint8)
- func (d *Device) SetSleep()
- func (d *Device) SetSpreadingFactor(sf uint8)
- func (d *Device) SetStandby()
- func (d *Device) SetSyncWord(sw uint16)
- func (d *Device) SetTx(timeoutRtcStep uint32)
- func (d *Device) SetTxContinuousPreamble()
- func (d *Device) SetTxContinuousWave()
- func (d *Device) SetTxParams(power int8, rampTime uint8)
- func (d *Device) SetTxPower(txpow int8)
- func (d *Device) StopTimerOnPreamble(enable bool)
- func (d *Device) Tx(pkt []uint8, timeoutMs uint32) error
- func (d *Device) WriteBuffer(data []uint8)
- func (d *Device) WriteRegister(addr uint16, data []uint8)
- type RadioControl
- type RadioController
Constants ¶
const ( // SX126X physical layer properties SX126X_FREQUENCY_STEP_SIZE = 0.9536743164 SX126X_MAX_PACKET_LENGTH = 255 SX126X_CRYSTAL_FREQ = 32.0 SX126X_DIV_EXPONENT = 25 // SX126X SPI commands // operational modes commands SX126X_CMD_NOP = 0x00 SX126X_CMD_SET_SLEEP = 0x84 SX126X_CMD_SET_STANDBY = 0x80 SX126X_CMD_SET_FS = 0xC1 SX126X_CMD_SET_TX = 0x83 SX126X_CMD_SET_RX = 0x82 SX126X_CMD_STOP_TIMER_ON_PREAMBLE = 0x9F SX126X_CMD_SET_RX_DUTY_CYCLE = 0x94 SX126X_CMD_SET_CAD = 0xC5 SX126X_CMD_SET_TX_CONTINUOUS_WAVE = 0xD1 SX126X_CMD_SET_TX_INFINITE_PREAMBLE = 0xD2 SX126X_CMD_SET_REGULATOR_MODE = 0x96 SX126X_CMD_CALIBRATE = 0x89 SX126X_CMD_CALIBRATE_IMAGE = 0x98 SX126X_CMD_SET_PA_CONFIG = 0x95 SX126X_CMD_SET_RX_TX_FALLBACK_MODE = 0x93 // register and buffer access commands SX126X_CMD_WRITE_REGISTER = 0x0D SX126X_CMD_READ_REGISTER = 0x1D SX126X_CMD_WRITE_BUFFER = 0x0E SX126X_CMD_READ_BUFFER = 0x1E // DIO and IRQ control SX126X_CMD_SET_DIO_IRQ_PARAMS = 0x08 SX126X_CMD_GET_IRQ_STATUS = 0x12 SX126X_CMD_CLEAR_IRQ_STATUS = 0x02 SX126X_CMD_SET_DIO2_AS_RF_SWITCH_CTRL = 0x9D SX126X_CMD_SET_DIO3_AS_TCXO_CTRL = 0x97 // RF, modulation and packet commands SX126X_CMD_SET_RF_FREQUENCY = 0x86 SX126X_CMD_SET_PACKET_TYPE = 0x8A SX126X_CMD_GET_PACKET_TYPE = 0x11 SX126X_CMD_SET_TX_PARAMS = 0x8E SX126X_CMD_SET_MODULATION_PARAMS = 0x8B SX126X_CMD_SET_PACKET_PARAMS = 0x8C SX126X_CMD_SET_CAD_PARAMS = 0x88 SX126X_CMD_SET_BUFFER_BASE_ADDRESS = 0x8F SX126X_CMD_SET_LORA_SYMB_NUM_TIMEOUT = 0x0A // status commands SX126X_CMD_GET_STATUS = 0xC0 SX126X_CMD_GET_RSSI_INST = 0x15 SX126X_CMD_GET_RX_BUFFER_STATUS = 0x13 SX126X_CMD_GET_PACKET_STATUS = 0x14 SX126X_CMD_GET_DEVICE_ERRORS = 0x17 SX126X_CMD_CLEAR_DEVICE_ERRORS = 0x07 SX126X_CMD_GET_STATS = 0x10 SX126X_CMD_RESET_STATS = 0x00 // SX126X register map SX126X_REG_WHITENING_INITIAL_MSB = 0x06B8 SX126X_REG_WHITENING_INITIAL_LSB = 0x06B9 SX126X_REG_CRC_INITIAL_MSB = 0x06BC SX126X_REG_CRC_INITIAL_LSB = 0x06BD SX126X_REG_CRC_POLYNOMIAL_MSB = 0x06BE SX126X_REG_CRC_POLYNOMIAL_LSB = 0x06BF SX126X_REG_SYNC_WORD_0 = 0x06C0 SX126X_REG_SYNC_WORD_1 = 0x06C1 SX126X_REG_SYNC_WORD_2 = 0x06C2 SX126X_REG_SYNC_WORD_3 = 0x06C3 SX126X_REG_SYNC_WORD_4 = 0x06C4 SX126X_REG_SYNC_WORD_5 = 0x06C5 SX126X_REG_SYNC_WORD_6 = 0x06C6 SX126X_REG_SYNC_WORD_7 = 0x06C7 SX126X_REG_NODE_ADDRESS = 0x06CD SX126X_REG_BROADCAST_ADDRESS = 0x06CE SX126X_REG_LORA_SYNC_WORD_MSB = 0x0740 SX126X_REG_LORA_SYNC_WORD_LSB = 0x0741 SX126X_REG_RANDOM_NUMBER_0 = 0x0819 SX126X_REG_RANDOM_NUMBER_1 = 0x081A SX126X_REG_RANDOM_NUMBER_2 = 0x081B SX126X_REG_RANDOM_NUMBER_3 = 0x081C SX126X_REG_RX_GAIN = 0x08AC SX126X_REG_OCP_CONFIGURATION = 0x08E7 SX126X_REG_XTA_TRIM = 0x0911 SX126X_REG_XTB_TRIM = 0x0912 // undocumented registers SX126X_REG_SENSITIVITY_CONFIG = 0x0889 // SX1268 datasheet v1.1, section 15.1 SX126X_REG_TX_CLAMP_CONFIG = 0x08D8 // SX1268 datasheet v1.1, section 15.2 SX126X_REG_RTC_STOP = 0x0920 // SX1268 datasheet v1.1, section 15.3 SX126X_REG_RTC_EVENT = 0x0944 // SX1268 datasheet v1.1, section 15.3 SX126X_REG_IQ_CONFIG = 0x0736 // SX1268 datasheet v1.1, section 15.4 SX126X_REG_RX_GAIN_RETENTION_0 = 0x029F // SX1268 datasheet v1.1, section 9.6 SX126X_REG_RX_GAIN_RETENTION_1 = 0x02A0 // SX1268 datasheet v1.1, section 9.6 SX126X_REG_RX_GAIN_RETENTION_2 = 0x02A1 // SX1268 datasheet v1.1, section 9.6 // SX126X SPI command variables //SX126X_CMD_SET_SLEEP MSB LSB DESCRIPTION SX126X_SLEEP_START_COLD = 0b00000000 // 2 2 sleep mode: cold start, configuration is lost (default) SX126X_SLEEP_START_WARM = 0b00000100 // 2 2 warm start, configuration is retained SX126X_SLEEP_RTC_OFF = 0b00000000 // 0 0 wake on RTC timeout: disabled SX126X_SLEEP_RTC_ON = 0b00000001 // 0 0 enabled //SX126X_CMD_SET_STANDBY SX126X_STANDBY_RC = 0x00 // 7 0 standby mode: 13 MHz RC oscillator SX126X_STANDBY_XOSC = 0x01 // 7 0 32 MHz crystal oscillator //SX126X_CMD_SET_RX SX126X_RX_TIMEOUT_NONE = 0x000000 // 23 0 Rx timeout duration: no timeout (Rx single mode) SX126X_RX_TIMEOUT_INF = 0xFFFFFF // 23 0 infinite (Rx continuous mode) //SX126X_CMD_SET_TX SX126X_TX_TIMEOUT_NONE = 0x000000 // 23 0 Tx timeout duration: no timeout (Tx single mode) //SX126X_CMD_STOP_TIMER_ON_PREAMBLE SX126X_STOP_ON_PREAMBLE_OFF = 0x00 // 7 0 stop timer on: sync word or header (default) SX126X_STOP_ON_PREAMBLE_ON = 0x01 // 7 0 preamble detection //SX126X_CMD_SET_REGULATOR_MODE SX126X_REGULATOR_LDO = 0x00 // 7 0 set regulator mode: LDO (default) SX126X_REGULATOR_DC_DC = 0x01 // 7 0 DC-DC //SX126X_CMD_CALIBRATE SX126X_CALIBRATE_IMAGE_OFF = 0b00000000 // 6 6 image calibration: disabled SX126X_CALIBRATE_IMAGE_ON = 0b01000000 // 6 6 enabled SX126X_CALIBRATE_ADC_BULK_P_OFF = 0b00000000 // 5 5 ADC bulk P calibration: disabled SX126X_CALIBRATE_ADC_BULK_P_ON = 0b00100000 // 5 5 enabled SX126X_CALIBRATE_ADC_BULK_N_OFF = 0b00000000 // 4 4 ADC bulk N calibration: disabled SX126X_CALIBRATE_ADC_BULK_N_ON = 0b00010000 // 4 4 enabled SX126X_CALIBRATE_ADC_PULSE_OFF = 0b00000000 // 3 3 ADC pulse calibration: disabled SX126X_CALIBRATE_ADC_PULSE_ON = 0b00001000 // 3 3 enabled SX126X_CALIBRATE_PLL_OFF = 0b00000000 // 2 2 PLL calibration: disabled SX126X_CALIBRATE_PLL_ON = 0b00000100 // 2 2 enabled SX126X_CALIBRATE_RC13M_OFF = 0b00000000 // 1 1 13 MHz RC osc. calibration: disabled SX126X_CALIBRATE_RC13M_ON = 0b00000010 // 1 1 enabled SX126X_CALIBRATE_RC64K_OFF = 0b00000000 // 0 0 64 kHz RC osc. calibration: disabled SX126X_CALIBRATE_RC64K_ON = 0b00000001 // 0 0 enabled SX126X_CALIBRATE_ALL = 0b01111111 // 6 0 calibrate all blocks //SX126X_CMD_CALIBRATE_IMAGE SX126X_CAL_IMG_430_MHZ_1 = 0x6B SX126X_CAL_IMG_430_MHZ_2 = 0x6F SX126X_CAL_IMG_470_MHZ_1 = 0x75 SX126X_CAL_IMG_470_MHZ_2 = 0x81 SX126X_CAL_IMG_779_MHZ_1 = 0xC1 SX126X_CAL_IMG_779_MHZ_2 = 0xC5 SX126X_CAL_IMG_863_MHZ_1 = 0xD7 SX126X_CAL_IMG_863_MHZ_2 = 0xDB SX126X_CAL_IMG_902_MHZ_1 = 0xE1 SX126X_CAL_IMG_902_MHZ_2 = 0xE9 //SX126X_CMD_SET_PA_CONFIG SX126X_PA_CONFIG_HP_MAX = 0x07 SX126X_PA_CONFIG_PA_LUT = 0x01 SX126X_PA_CONFIG_SX1262_8 = 0x00 //SX126X_CMD_SET_RX_TX_FALLBACK_MODE SX126X_RX_TX_FALLBACK_MODE_FS = 0x40 // 7 0 after Rx/Tx go to: FS mode SX126X_RX_TX_FALLBACK_MODE_STDBY_XOSC = 0x30 // 7 0 standby with crystal oscillator SX126X_RX_TX_FALLBACK_MODE_STDBY_RC = 0x20 // 7 0 standby with RC oscillator (default) //SX126X_CMD_SET_DIO_IRQ_PARAMS SX126X_IRQ_TIMEOUT = 0b1000000000 // 9 9 Rx or Tx timeout SX126X_IRQ_CAD_DETECTED = 0b0100000000 // 8 8 channel activity detected SX126X_IRQ_CAD_DONE = 0b0010000000 // 7 7 channel activity detection finished SX126X_IRQ_CRC_ERR = 0b0001000000 // 6 6 wrong CRC received SX126X_IRQ_HEADER_ERR = 0b0000100000 // 5 5 LoRa header CRC error SX126X_IRQ_HEADER_VALID = 0b0000010000 // 4 4 valid LoRa header received SX126X_IRQ_SYNC_WORD_VALID = 0b0000001000 // 3 3 valid sync word detected SX126X_IRQ_PREAMBLE_DETECTED = 0b0000000100 // 2 2 preamble detected SX126X_IRQ_RX_DONE = 0b0000000010 // 1 1 packet received SX126X_IRQ_TX_DONE = 0b0000000001 // 0 0 packet transmission completed SX126X_IRQ_ALL = 0b1111111111 // 9 0 all interrupts SX126X_IRQ_NONE = 0b0000000000 // 9 0 no interrupts //SX126X_CMD_SET_DIO2_AS_RF_SWITCH_CTRL SX126X_DIO2_AS_IRQ = 0x00 // 7 0 DIO2 configuration: IRQ SX126X_DIO2_AS_RF_SWITCH = 0x01 // 7 0 RF switch control //SX126X_CMD_SET_DIO3_AS_TCXO_CTRL SX126X_DIO3_OUTPUT_1_6 = 0x00 // 7 0 DIO3 voltage output for TCXO: 1.6 V SX126X_DIO3_OUTPUT_1_7 = 0x01 // 7 0 1.7 V SX126X_DIO3_OUTPUT_1_8 = 0x02 // 7 0 1.8 V SX126X_DIO3_OUTPUT_2_2 = 0x03 // 7 0 2.2 V SX126X_DIO3_OUTPUT_2_4 = 0x04 // 7 0 2.4 V SX126X_DIO3_OUTPUT_2_7 = 0x05 // 7 0 2.7 V SX126X_DIO3_OUTPUT_3_0 = 0x06 // 7 0 3.0 V SX126X_DIO3_OUTPUT_3_3 = 0x07 // 7 0 3.3 V //SX126X_CMD_SET_PACKET_TYPE SX126X_PACKET_TYPE_GFSK = 0x00 // 7 0 packet type: GFSK SX126X_PACKET_TYPE_LORA = 0x01 // 7 0 LoRa //SX126X_CMD_SET_TX_PARAMS SX126X_PA_RAMP_10U = 0x00 // 7 0 ramp time: 10 us SX126X_PA_RAMP_20U = 0x01 // 7 0 20 us SX126X_PA_RAMP_40U = 0x02 // 7 0 40 us SX126X_PA_RAMP_80U = 0x03 // 7 0 80 us SX126X_PA_RAMP_200U = 0x04 // 7 0 200 us SX126X_PA_RAMP_800U = 0x05 // 7 0 800 us SX126X_PA_RAMP_1700U = 0x06 // 7 0 1700 us SX126X_PA_RAMP_3400U = 0x07 // 7 0 3400 us //SX126X_CMD_SET_MODULATION_PARAMS SX126X_GFSK_FILTER_NONE = 0x00 // 7 0 GFSK filter: none SX126X_GFSK_FILTER_GAUSS_0_3 = 0x08 // 7 0 Gaussian, BT = 0.3 SX126X_GFSK_FILTER_GAUSS_0_5 = 0x09 // 7 0 Gaussian, BT = 0.5 SX126X_GFSK_FILTER_GAUSS_0_7 = 0x0A // 7 0 Gaussian, BT = 0.7 SX126X_GFSK_FILTER_GAUSS_1 = 0x0B // 7 0 Gaussian, BT = 1 SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_4_8 = 0x1F // 7 0 GFSK Rx bandwidth: 4.8 kHz SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_5_8 = 0x17 // 7 0 5.8 kHz SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_7_3 = 0x0F // 7 0 7.3 kHz SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_9_7 = 0x1E // 7 0 9.7 kHz SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_11_7 = 0x16 // 7 0 11.7 kHz SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_14_6 = 0x0E // 7 0 14.6 kHz SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_19_5 = 0x1D // 7 0 19.5 kHz SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_23_4 = 0x15 // 7 0 23.4 kHz SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_29_3 = 0x0D // 7 0 29.3 kHz SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_39_0 = 0x1C // 7 0 39.0 kHz SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_46_9 = 0x14 // 7 0 46.9 kHz SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_58_6 = 0x0C // 7 0 58.6 kHz SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_78_2 = 0x1B // 7 0 78.2 kHz SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_93_8 = 0x13 // 7 0 93.8 kHz SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_117_3 = 0x0B // 7 0 117.3 kHz SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_156_2 = 0x1A // 7 0 156.2 kHz SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_187_2 = 0x12 // 7 0 187.2 kHz SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_234_3 = 0x0A // 7 0 234.3 kHz SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_312_0 = 0x19 // 7 0 312.0 kHz SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_373_6 = 0x11 // 7 0 373.6 kHz SX126X_GFSK_RX_BW_467_0 = 0x09 // 7 0 467.0 kHz SX126X_LORA_BW_7_8 = 0x00 // 7 0 LoRa bandwidth: 7.8 kHz SX126X_LORA_BW_10_4 = 0x08 // 7 0 10.4 kHz SX126X_LORA_BW_15_6 = 0x01 // 7 0 15.6 kHz SX126X_LORA_BW_20_8 = 0x09 // 7 0 20.8 kHz SX126X_LORA_BW_31_25 = 0x02 // 7 0 31.25 kHz SX126X_LORA_BW_41_7 = 0x0A // 7 0 41.7 kHz SX126X_LORA_BW_62_5 = 0x03 // 7 0 62.5 kHz SX126X_LORA_BW_125_0 = 0x04 // 7 0 125.0 kHz SX126X_LORA_BW_250_0 = 0x05 // 7 0 250.0 kHz SX126X_LORA_BW_500_0 = 0x06 // 7 0 500.0 kHz //SX126X_CMD_SET_PACKET_PARAMS SX126X_GFSK_PREAMBLE_DETECT_OFF = 0x00 // 7 0 GFSK minimum preamble length before reception starts: detector disabled SX126X_GFSK_PREAMBLE_DETECT_8 = 0x04 // 7 0 8 bits SX126X_GFSK_PREAMBLE_DETECT_16 = 0x05 // 7 0 16 bits SX126X_GFSK_PREAMBLE_DETECT_24 = 0x06 // 7 0 24 bits SX126X_GFSK_PREAMBLE_DETECT_32 = 0x07 // 7 0 32 bits SX126X_GFSK_ADDRESS_FILT_OFF = 0x00 // 7 0 GFSK address filtering: disabled SX126X_GFSK_ADDRESS_FILT_NODE = 0x01 // 7 0 node only SX126X_GFSK_ADDRESS_FILT_NODE_BROADCAST = 0x02 // 7 0 node and broadcast SX126X_GFSK_PACKET_FIXED = 0x00 // 7 0 GFSK packet type: fixed (payload length known in advance to both sides) SX126X_GFSK_PACKET_VARIABLE = 0x01 // 7 0 variable (payload length added to packet) SX126X_GFSK_CRC_OFF = 0x01 // 7 0 GFSK packet CRC: disabled SX126X_GFSK_CRC_1_BYTE = 0x00 // 7 0 1 byte SX126X_GFSK_CRC_2_BYTE = 0x02 // 7 0 2 byte SX126X_GFSK_CRC_1_BYTE_INV = 0x04 // 7 0 1 byte, inverted SX126X_GFSK_CRC_2_BYTE_INV = 0x06 // 7 0 2 byte, inverted SX126X_GFSK_WHITENING_OFF = 0x00 // 7 0 GFSK data whitening: disabled SX126X_GFSK_WHITENING_ON = 0x01 // 7 0 enabled //SX126X_CMD_SET_CAD_PARAMS SX126X_CAD_ON_1_SYMB = 0x00 // 7 0 number of symbols used for CAD: 1 SX126X_CAD_ON_2_SYMB = 0x01 // 7 0 2 SX126X_CAD_ON_4_SYMB = 0x02 // 7 0 4 SX126X_CAD_ON_8_SYMB = 0x03 // 7 0 8 SX126X_CAD_ON_16_SYMB = 0x04 // 7 0 16 SX126X_CAD_GOTO_STDBY = 0x00 // 7 0 after CAD is done, always go to STDBY_RC mode SX126X_CAD_GOTO_RX = 0x01 // 7 0 after CAD is done, go to Rx mode if activity is detected //SX126X_CMD_GET_STATUS SX126X_STATUS_MODE_STDBY_RC = 0b00100000 // 6 4 current chip mode: STDBY_RC SX126X_STATUS_MODE_STDBY_XOSC = 0b00110000 // 6 4 STDBY_XOSC SX126X_STATUS_MODE_FS = 0b01000000 // 6 4 FS SX126X_STATUS_MODE_RX = 0b01010000 // 6 4 RX SX126X_STATUS_MODE_TX = 0b01100000 // 6 4 TX SX126X_STATUS_DATA_AVAILABLE = 0b00000100 // 3 1 command status: packet received and data can be retrieved SX126X_STATUS_CMD_TIMEOUT = 0b00000110 // 3 1 SPI command timed out SX126X_STATUS_CMD_INVALID = 0b00001000 // 3 1 invalid SPI command SX126X_STATUS_CMD_FAILED = 0b00001010 // 3 1 SPI command failed to execute SX126X_STATUS_TX_DONE = 0b00001100 // 3 1 packet transmission done SX126X_STATUS_SPI_FAILED = 0b11111111 // 7 0 SPI transaction failed //SX126X_CMD_GET_PACKET_STATUS SX126X_GFSK_RX_STATUS_PREAMBLE_ERR = 0b10000000 // 7 7 GFSK Rx status: preamble error SX126X_GFSK_RX_STATUS_SYNC_ERR = 0b01000000 // 6 6 sync word error SX126X_GFSK_RX_STATUS_ADRS_ERR = 0b00100000 // 5 5 address error SX126X_GFSK_RX_STATUS_CRC_ERR = 0b00010000 // 4 4 CRC error SX126X_GFSK_RX_STATUS_LENGTH_ERR = 0b00001000 // 3 3 length error SX126X_GFSK_RX_STATUS_ABORT_ERR = 0b00000100 // 2 2 abort error SX126X_GFSK_RX_STATUS_PACKET_RECEIVED = 0b00000010 // 2 2 packet received SX126X_GFSK_RX_STATUS_PACKET_SENT = 0b00000001 // 2 2 packet sent //SX126X_CMD_GET_DEVICE_ERRORS SX126X_PA_RAMP_ERR = 0b100000000 // 8 8 device errors: PA ramping failed SX126X_PLL_LOCK_ERR = 0b001000000 // 6 6 PLL failed to lock SX126X_XOSC_START_ERR = 0b000100000 // 5 5 crystal oscillator failed to start SX126X_IMG_CALIB_ERR = 0b000010000 // 4 4 image calibration failed SX126X_ADC_CALIB_ERR = 0b000001000 // 3 3 ADC calibration failed SX126X_PLL_CALIB_ERR = 0b000000100 // 2 2 PLL calibration failed SX126X_RC13M_CALIB_ERR = 0b000000010 // 1 1 RC13M calibration failed SX126X_RC64K_CALIB_ERR = 0b000000001 // 0 0 RC64K calibration failed // SX126X SPI register variables //SX126X_REG_LORA_SYNC_WORD_MSB + LSB SX126X_SYNC_WORD_PUBLIC = 0x34 // actually 0x3444 NOTE: The low nibbles in each byte (0x_4_4) are masked out since apparently, they're reserved. SX126X_SYNC_WORD_PRIVATE = 0x12 // actually 0x1424 You couldn't make this up if you tried. SX126X_LORA_MAC_PUBLIC_SYNCWORD = 0x3444 SX126X_LORA_MAC_PRIVATE_SYNCWORD = 0x1424 )
const ( DEVICE_TYPE_SX1261 = iota DEVICE_TYPE_SX1262 = iota DEVICE_TYPE_SX1268 = iota )
const ( RFSWITCH_RX = iota RFSWITCH_TX_LP = iota RFSWITCH_TX_HP = iota )
const ( PERIOD_PER_SEC = (uint32)(1000000 / 15.625) // SX1261 DS 13.1.4 SPI_BUFFER_SIZE = 256 RADIOEVENTCHAN_SIZE = 1 )
const (
SX126X_RTC_FREQ_IN_HZ uint32 = 64000
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Device ¶
type Device struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Device wraps an SPI connection to a SX126x device.
func (*Device) CalibrateImage ¶
CalibrateImage calibrates the image rejection of the device for the device operating
func (*Device) CheckDeviceReady ¶
CheckDeviceReady sleep until all busy flags clears
func (*Device) ClearDeviceErrors ¶
func (d *Device) ClearDeviceErrors()
ClearDeviceErrors clears device Errors
func (*Device) ClearIrqStatus ¶
ClearIrqStatus clears IRQ flags
func (*Device) DetectDevice ¶
DetectDevice() tries to detect the radio module by changing SyncWord value
func (*Device) ExecGetCommand ¶
ExecGetCommand queries the peripheral the peripheral
func (*Device) ExecSetCommand ¶
ExecSetCommand send a command to configure the peripheral
func (*Device) GetDeviceErrors ¶
GetDeviceErrors returns current Device Errors
func (*Device) GetIrqStatus ¶
GetIrqStatus returns IRQ status
func (*Device) GetLoraStats ¶
GetStats returns the number of informations received on a few last packets Lora: NbPktReceived, NbPktCrcError, NbPktHeaderErr
func (*Device) GetPacketType ¶
GetPackeType returns current Packet Type (13.4.3)
func (*Device) GetRadioEventChan ¶
func (d *Device) GetRadioEventChan() chan lora.RadioEvent
Channel and events
-------------------------------------------------- Get the RadioEvent channel of the device
func (*Device) GetRxBufferStatus ¶
GetRxBufferStatus returns the length of the last received packet (PayloadLengthRx) and the address of the first byte received (RxStartBufferPointer). (13.5.2)
func (*Device) GetSyncWord ¶
GetSyncWord gets the Sync Word to use
func (*Device) HandleInterrupt ¶
func (d *Device) HandleInterrupt()
HandleInterrupt must be called by main code on DIO state change.
func (*Device) LoraConfig ¶
LoraConfig() defines Lora configuration for next Lora operations
func (*Device) ReadBuffer ¶
ReadBuffer Reads size bytes from current buffer position
func (*Device) ReadRegister ¶
ReadRegister reads register value
func (*Device) SetBandwidth ¶
SetBandwidth() sets current Lora Bandwidth NB: Change will be applied at next RX / TX
func (*Device) SetBufferBaseAddress ¶
SetBufferBaseAddress sets base address for buffer
func (*Device) SetCodingRate ¶
SetCodingRate() sets current Lora Coding Rate NB: Change will be applied at next RX / TX
func (*Device) SetCrc ¶
SetCrc() sets current CRC mode (ON/OFF) NB: Change will be applied at next RX / TX
func (*Device) SetCurrentLimit ¶
SetCurrentLimit sets max current in the module
func (*Device) SetDeviceType ¶
Specify device type (SX1261/2/8)
func (*Device) SetDioIrqParams ¶
SetDioIrqParams configures DIO Irq
func (*Device) SetFrequency ¶
SetFrequency() Sets current Lora Frequency NB: Change will be applied at next RX / TX
func (*Device) SetFs ¶
func (d *Device) SetFs()
SetFs sets the device in frequency synthesis mode where the PLL is locked to the carrier frequency.
func (*Device) SetHeaderType ¶
SetHeaderType sets implicit or explicit header mode NB: Change will be applied at next RX / TX
func (*Device) SetIqMode ¶
SetIqMode() defines the current IQ Mode (Standard/Inverted) NB: Change will be applied at next RX / TX
func (*Device) SetModulationParams ¶
func (d *Device) SetModulationParams(spreadingFactor, bandwidth, codingRate, lowDataRateOptimize uint8)
SetModulationParams sets the Lora modulation frequency
func (*Device) SetPaConfig ¶
SetPaConfig sets the Power Amplifier configuration deviceSel: 0 for SX1262, 1 for SX1261
func (*Device) SetPacketParam ¶
func (d *Device) SetPacketParam(preambleLength uint16, headerType, crcType, payloadLength, invertIQ uint8)
SetPacketParam sets various packet-related params
func (*Device) SetPacketType ¶
SetPacketType sets the packet type
func (*Device) SetPreambleLength ¶
SetPreambleLength sets current Lora Preamble Length NB: Change will be applied at next RX / TX
func (*Device) SetPublicNetwork ¶
SetPublicNetwork sets Sync Word to 0x3444 (Public) or 0x1424 (Private)
func (*Device) SetRadioController ¶
func (d *Device) SetRadioController(rc RadioController) error
SetRadioControl let you define the RadioController
func (*Device) SetRegulatorMode ¶
SetRegulatorMode sets the regulator more (depends on hardware implementation)
func (*Device) SetRfFrequency ¶
SetRfFrequency sets the radio frequency
func (*Device) SetRx ¶
SetRx() sets the device in RX mode timeout is expressed in RTC Step unit (15uS) Value of 0x000000 => No timeout. Rx Single mode. Value of 0xffffff => Rx Continuous mode Other values => Timeout active. The device remains in RX until countdown or packet received
func (*Device) SetRxTxFallbackMode ¶
SetRxTxFallbackMode defines into which mode the chip goes after a successful transmission or after a packet reception.
func (*Device) SetSleep ¶
func (d *Device) SetSleep()
SetSleep sets the device in SLEEP mode with the lowest current consumption possible.
func (*Device) SetSpreadingFactor ¶
SetSpreadingFactor sets current Lora Spreading Factor NB: Change will be applied at next RX / TX
func (*Device) SetStandby ¶
func (d *Device) SetStandby()
SetStandby sets the device in a configuration mode which is at an intermediate level of consumption
func (*Device) SetSyncWord ¶
SetSyncWord defines the Sync Word to yse
func (*Device) SetTx ¶
SetTx() sets the device in TX mode timeout is expressed in RTC Step unit (15uS) The device will stay in Tx until countdown or packet transmitted Value of 0x000000 will disable timer and device will stay TX
func (*Device) SetTxContinuousPreamble ¶
func (d *Device) SetTxContinuousPreamble()
SetTxContinuousPreamble set device in test mode to constantly modulate LoRa preamble symbols. Take care to initialize all Lora settings like it's done in Tx before calling this function If you don't init properly all the settings, it'll fail
func (*Device) SetTxContinuousWave ¶
func (d *Device) SetTxContinuousWave()
SetTxContinuousWave set device in test mode to generate a continuous wave (RF tone)
func (*Device) SetTxParams ¶
SetTxConfig sets power and rampup time
func (*Device) SetTxPower ¶
SetTxPowerDbm sets current Lora TX Power in DBm NB: Change will be applied at next RX / TX
func (*Device) StopTimerOnPreamble ¶
StopTimerOnPreamble allows the user to select if the timer is stopped upon preamble detection of SyncWord / header detection.
func (*Device) WriteBuffer ¶
WriteBuffer write data from current buffer position
func (*Device) WriteRegister ¶
WriteRegister writes value to register
type RadioControl ¶
type RadioControl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RadioControl for boards that are connected using normal pins.
func NewRadioControl ¶
func NewRadioControl(nssPin, busyPin, dio1Pin, rxPin, txLowPin, txHighPin machine.Pin) *RadioControl
func (*RadioControl) Init ¶
func (rc *RadioControl) Init() error
Init() configures whatever needed for sx126x radio control
func (*RadioControl) SetNss ¶
func (rc *RadioControl) SetNss(state bool) error
SetNss sets the NSS line aka chip select for SPI.
func (*RadioControl) SetRfSwitchMode ¶
func (rc *RadioControl) SetRfSwitchMode(mode int) error
func (*RadioControl) SetupInterrupts ¶
func (rc *RadioControl) SetupInterrupts(handler func()) error
add interrupt handler for Radio IRQs for pins
func (*RadioControl) WaitWhileBusy ¶
func (rc *RadioControl) WaitWhileBusy() error
WaitWhileBusy wait until the radio is no longer busy
type RadioController ¶
type RadioController interface { Init() error SetRfSwitchMode(mode int) error SetNss(state bool) error WaitWhileBusy() error SetupInterrupts(handler func()) error }
SX126X radio transceiver has several pins that control RF_IN, RF_OUT, NSS, and BUSY. This interface allows the creation of struct that can drive the RF Switch (Used in Lora RX and Lora Tx)