OSS: A build-in distributed Object Storage Service for dockyard

Architecture of OSS
OSS=Object Storage Service ,which consists of three parts: APIServer , ChunkMaster and Chunkserver
APIServer is a stateless proxy service, which provides RESTful API to upload/download and manage image files and get Chunkserver info and file id from chunkmaster. APIServer choose a suitable chunkserver group to storage image according to Chunkserver information independently.
ChunkMaster is a master node designed to maintain chunkserver information and allocate the file id
Chunkserver is a storage node for performance and space efficiency. It appends single small image file into large files and maintain file index in memory keeping the IO overhead to a minimum. Normally, a Chunkserver group is consist of 3 Chunkservers and each image allocated to a Chunkserver group stored in all the Chunkservers.
besides, OSS needs the collaboration of a metadb, which stored metadata of images in key-value manner.
Example of backend driver configs setting in conf/runtime.conf
apiport= 80
partsizemb = 4
the config of OSS itself please see oss/oss.conf